#headcanons: the count of monte cristo
iinexorabile · 10 months
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smth smth, this blogs muses have a main connected universe via their fandomless au's
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thebusylilbee · 1 month
Uh... Why are there people claiming that Edmond and Mercédès end up together in the new movie ? He literally sails away alone and sends her a farewell letter to tell her that the new generation is going to be able to live the love story they couldn't live. Yes, there is one part of the letter that's cute and says something close to "if destiny ever puts us again on each others pathes I'll be grateful" but he's basically saying he has no plan of seeing her again but does not hate her and still keeps a fond memory of her, it's absolutely not the equivalent of them "getting together" ? It's still a farewell letter, although poetic and gentle.
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kxotikat · 10 months
So we all agree that King Magnifico learned sorcery and then proceeded to use his powers to hunt down the thieves that destroyed his home, torture/psychologically torment them before killing them with his bare hands, right? Just me?
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wonkasz · 7 days
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She can't accept her feelings for him. He can't either. She wants to tear this feelings apart with betrayal. And he's been betrayed so many times already. His life has been stolen. And she knows it.
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Fernand Mondego/De Morcerf from Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo- Bisexual with a male preference
Requested by @too-odd-for-ordinary
Status: Alive
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kenobers · 23 days
✨Jason Todd's Bookshelf✨
i think it's so interesting to see what books Jason Todd would read/own, so here's my own contribution! some of these are canon* (hence the *), some are popular headcanons and some are my own speculation. i'll probably continue to add to this.
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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas*
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen*
1984 by George (Wh)Orwell*
The Prince by Machiavelli*
The Complete Works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle*
The Art of War by Sun Tzu*
An additional complete works of William Shakespeare
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka
Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion
Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger
i think Holden Caulfield secretly reminds him of Bruce
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Metamorphosis and The Trial by Franz Kafka
specifically owns a copy that has both of them in there
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
this may be a bit on the nose, but Jason would love a good satire
The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
i don't see Jason as being a big fantasy/sci-fi guy unless it falls under the magical realism or gothic categories (i.e, Beloved, Frankenstein), however i do think he would jive with Ray Bradbury, Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and (unfortunately) Harlan Ellison
i can also see him jiving with R.F Kuang and i think The Poppy War specifically would be an exception to his usual disinterest in fantasy
i think he maybe also has a stash of paperback Star Wars novels stashed away somewhere
being the hater that he is, he's also hate read at least one Collen Hoover book (and promptly left it in the Batcave to frame Bruce for the crime)
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mintartem · 1 month
I promise I’m working on fanarts. For now, have voice claims for my Hazbin OCs.
I am open for more voice suggestion for Michael and Abel. Also, Mark Seibert played as Villefort in the Count of Monte Cristo Musical. Listen to “A Story Told” to know the voice I really headcanon for Gabriel.
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artofchira · 2 months
Chira can you share all your Hamlet thoughts/feelings/hot takes/headcanons because it's also my favourite and I love hearing what people have to say about it. It's one of the things I can't shut up about. Could talk for hours!!!!!
Here I will copy/paste straight out of discord the last time I went off about my opinions on Hamlet to a friend:
I have no idea how Hamlet makes sense to people if he wasn't young (16-17, 21 tops), because everything he's about is this kid who is incredibly overwhelmed with the knowledge that his father has been murdered but he also has literally fucking no one to grieve that with, because he can't trust anyone. And it's not as simple as accusing his uncle, no one would believe it, least of all his mother.
So of course he gets it in his head that the only real vindication and closure he can get is to somehow force people to see the truth for themselves and believe it as a way of finding some kind of freedom from his burden. And he's a little too smart for his own good because he manages to get by with being completely irony poisoned and making sure no one gets a clear read on him, but at the same time he gets so irony poisoned that people either credit him with being a 9D chess master or losing insincerity to himself.
like, I remember early on that love letter he sends Ophelia that everyone remembers -- Doubt that the stars are fire, etc etc
That one.
Out of context it sounds extremely romantic, but in context the scene is Ophelia's dad is reading out the entirety of Hamlet's letter to Ophelia to his uncle and like half the court, and they're all bagging on him for being so bad at poetry. And hell Hamlet drops the rhapsodizing halfway through the letter to go "yeah yeah I know I'm bad at it but don't think for a second I don't love you all right? you're the most important person to me"
and if I remember correctly he slips in a line where's like, no matter what happens don't ever think I don't
So later on when Ophelia's dead and Hamlet's told about it and all his friends are like "come on why are you pretending you care, you were never there and you bullied her" and Hamlet loses his shit in this big monologue about how he loved her with the strength of a thousand suns and whatnot
But by then it's supposed to be like, who are you trying to convince, them or yourself?
And I think that on its own is pretty dense interpretation, but I personally would go so far to say leaving it there still assumes that Hamlet was insincere to begin with, or lost his sincerity because people look back on that letter to Ophelia like
he was writing it to Ophelia
so her dad would read it
so then his uncle would hear it
and they'd all believe some other bait trap on how to fool them
like some master chess move
when, like, no one actually considers the more obvious option:
That he was perfectly sincere in that letter, that he not at all expected Ophelia to give it to her father, and that he actually was just that bad at poetry (not fake being bad, actually bad) and trying to tell her to trust him through what's gonna be a real rough time and to not believe what he says to her when he's acting all weird to people
Which makes Ophelia failing to trust him and kill herself even sadder because Hamlet's rage monologue in response to it would kind of then look more like... Count of Monte Cristo's moment of realizing he fucking went too far and 'what have I done' thing in chasing his ambitions
Like, it involved a casualty of someone who wasn't supposed to be in the crossfire, but furthermore it happens to be the girl he adores and he's the one that kind of gaslit her into it.
That's more of a kid that's way in over his head and realized he fucked up, and makes more emotional sense than some guy trying to act like a whacky mastermind to me
that's basically it. Everyone looks at that letter being like "aha he was fake being bad at poetry to make everyone just think he's a morose teen with a crush" kind of thing but like…. being a teen with a crush is what he would be
I don't understand people treating hamlet like he doesn't have emotional consequences for himself instead of just being a depressive vengeance obsessive teenager spiralling out of control
that he's trying for something and fucking failing at it despite how smart he is at it
because he's a kid who feels alone and can't trust anyone with why he feels alone, and this is the best way he knows to get people to actually understand what he's dealing with
since everyone's like "what's wrong hamlet!!!" acting really worried and fussy over him being depressed and he won't fucking say
it just makes like… more reasonable sense as a human person to view it that way honestly, at least to me personally
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mako-neexu · 3 months
forever hilarious widely accepted headcanon to me is jalter beating up dantes' ass bc his other spirit origin gets to stay with guda while the rest of them leaves lmao. this is how you know the Count of Monte Cristo is an unfair man and that jalter is stronger than him wwwwww
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notmoreflippingelves · 4 months
Krisnix and cykesquill?
Krisnix (I Ship it)
What made you ship it?
Projecting onto Kristoph. I first started to be curious about the ship at about the same time that I got into the fandom a few years ago. Discovering the k*nk meme was pretty groundbreaking for me in terms of introducing me to a lot of ships that I might not otherwise have considered. (As I believe I've mentioned, I'm pretty indifferent to both narumayo and narumitsu so I was definitely looking for other pairings to get into besides the obvious slash option and obvious het option). Krisnix started appealing to me pretty quickly due to the inherent tragedy and drama of such a ship. However, it took me finding fanworks that leaned more into Kristoph as a comedic and/or tragic character (as opposed to just him as the designated evil villain in endgame narumitsu) and emphasized his vulnerabilities that really got me into the pairing. I really credit the Count of Monte Cristo AU, the Frozen AU, and these two pieces of fan art for really getting me to latch onto a more nuanced, emotional Kristoph and to the ship.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
As a former English major, I tend to get feral over ships that utilize some of my favorite literary devices. And there is so much to work with for krisnix. The "doomed by the narrative" trope, particularly given that the fact that Kristoph's actions even before they met inevitably doomed any relationship (romantic or otherwise) that they might have had before it even began. Not to mention Phoenix's savior complex vs. the man who it is too late to save.
There's this sense of Kristoph as a dark mirror/foil of Phoenix, and given that Kristoph's influence canonically brings out a very dark side ( hidden cameras, forgeries, manipulation) of the otherwise "heroic" Phoenix, I like to contemplate that the reverse may have been true as well--that Phoenix's "light" might have penetrated Kristoph's darkness even if only a little and if it was already too late. The yin-yang potential fascinates me. I also love the fire and ice imagery motif that surrounds them.
I also love the intriguing possibilities of the 7-year gap--the opportunities for closeness, catching feelings in spite of one's self in a way that is all but inevitable when you spend so much time together, the idea of Kristoph at least somewhat co-parenting Trucy with Phoenix, wondering exactly how much of their "dinners" were genuinely for mutual surveillance and how much was because they grew to enjoy each other's company, speculating as to when Phoenix realized Kristoph was involved in his disbarment (my headcanon is less than a year) and if Kristoph ever realized Phoenix was on to him.
They're also so weird about each other in a way that's so interesting to me. The solitary cell scene is frankly bizarre in a lot of ways, but I am always taken aback by how quickly the two of them fall into their old rapport. Kristoph is literally in a jail cell because of Phoenix, and yet they are super polite and friendly to each other. Honestly, Kristoph in this scene seems far more upset about the idea that Phoenix's "friendship" might have had ulterior motives from the start than he is about the fact that said false "friendship" resulted in Kristoph's incarceration. (Phoenix's bringing up their friendship, trying to snoop in Kristoph's mail, and questioning why Kristoph killed Zak are the only times in this scene that Kristoph's facade slips. Otherwise, they're just bantering like old times. Why are they this weird? I don't get it but I love it anyway).
I also love a lot of the relationship tropes that the ship plays into: uptight loves impulsive; repressed loves outspoken; contrasting visual aesthetics; fake relationship/becoming the mask; foe yay; things we left unsaid; the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers-and-not-necessarily-in that-order pipeline. It's all so good.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The unpopularity of this opinion has fluctuated over time, but when I first started shipping krisnix, there were really strong fanon for all of the following: 1. Top and/or Dom Kristoph who liked subjecting poor poor Phoenix to times that were neither fully safe, fully sane, and/or fully consensual. 2. Helpless cinnamon roll woobie Phoenix who has NO IDEA about Kristoph's various crimes until a Savior™ (usually Miles, occasionally Apollo, Trucy, or Maya) comes and explains the plot to him even though canon implies he puts this together on his own and pretty quickly. 3. Kristoph is a generic sociopath incapable of any real feeling and diabolically clever who gets off solely on POWAH and does evil for evil's sake.
None of these headcanons/interpretations had any appeal or rang true for me, so it was hard for me to interact even with some of the people who shipped it because they shipped in in the opposite way/ for opposite reasons that I did. I even had someone tell me in no uncertain terms that I was shipping it "wrong" for headcanoning a more vulnerable, conflicted, nuanced Kristoph who wasn't a pure one-dimensional generic villain, who had real and genuine feelings (both for Phoenix and in general) , and who was overall more likely to be submissive and/or a bottom than dominant and/or a top.
As I have said, fanon de jour has fluctuated significantly overtime and more and more people who headcanon/prefer a Kristoph more similar to the version that I enjoy have come out of the woodworks and shared their fanworks/head canons/meta with the world. (*Waves affectionately to all my beloved krisnix frens and mutuals. You know who you are. *) That being said, with the release of the AA 4-6 Trilogy port, I have noticed another shift within the larger fandom towards the "Hello Naughty Phoenix, It's Murder Time" Kristoph interpretation again, which makes me rather sad/anxious. I just wanna be able to project onto and shamelessly woobify the pathetic blond blorbo without worrying about people telling me I'm not allowed in the krisnix sandbox anymore. And like I think I'm probably safe enough but there's still a little fear.
Cykesquill (I Ship It...albeit much more casually)
What made you ship it?
A combination of being somewhat indifferent about the fandom-preferred ships for them (Juniper or occasionally Apollo for Athena; Nahyuta for Blackquill) , the fact that I already actively shipped Athena in a similar-ish pairing that is just as (if not more) "problematic," and the fact that telling me I am not "allowed" to ship something/shouldn't ship is far more likely to encourage me to ship it than actively deter me. Also I project pretty heavily onto Athena so naturally I'd be drawn towards ships that are narratively and thematically interesting for her.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I tend to be especially drawn towards ships that are (or have the potential to be) agents of narrative/character development for the characters as individuals. And this is especially the case for Athena and Simon. They were quite literally created with and for each other.
You can't really think or talk about Simon Blackquill without first talking about Athena Cykes--about the fact he was willing to risk and even give up his life to protect a sensitive, frightened child from an experience (prison and/or execution) that would've destroyed everything about her. You can't really think or talk about Athena Cykes without talking about Simon Blackquill--about the brave, kind young man who comforted and protected her when no one else would but who wouldn't let her comfort and protect him back.
Everyone always talks about the impact that narumitsu have on each other, and I'll admit that they do. But the thing is...there are other people in Phoenix's and Miles' lives that have had as greater or greater an impact on each of them than they have on each other. (Mia, Maya, Dahlia, Trucy, debatably Larry, Apollo, or Kristoph for Phoenix; Gregory, von Karma, Gant, and debatably Kay, Gumshoe, and Ziska for Miles).
For Athena and Simon, there's really no contest, they are the single most important and impactful person in each other's life. Yes, Apollo, Phoenix, and Juniper also influenced Athena. Yes, Fullbright, Metis Aura, and the spoiler character also influenced Simon. But none of them did so to the level that Athena and Simon influenced each other. To quote Wicked, "Who can say if I've been changed for the better? (I do believe I have been changed for the better.) But because I knew you, I have been changed for good." That's it; that's them.
Additionally, they do have some other tropes that I enjoy: grump and sunshine (though Athena is so much more complex and complicated than just a "sunshine" and Simon can also be much more playful than the typical grump); the couple that saves each other; contrasting visual aesthetics; height difference; "we're both hella neurodivergent albeit in different ways,"
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The fact that it's a valid ship in the first place? I've legit seen the argument that you can't ship it because hypothetical future step-incest. Which is absurd in and of itself but especially cause it's presuming a reality that could not possibly exist. One where Metis not only lives (so we're starting off very canon-divergent) but also returns Aura's feelings, assumes that because they love each other that they would of course have to get married (which not every couple want) and therefore Simon now is hypothetically Athena's step-uncle in the future and this possible reality should be treated as such even if it doesn't exist. And just if you have to conceive of so many steps in order to justify why not to ship a pairing, maybe your case against isn't as strong as you think. Also very curious to hear what OP thinks of double-in-law marriages (ex: Person A marries Person B and then Person B's sibling marries A's sibling) because like those exist in real life???
send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
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radiaking · 4 months
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either this is an amish production of the count of monte cristo, or it's the weirdest circle jerk I've ever been invited to...
SELECTIVE and MUTUALS ONLY indie rp blog for COOPER HOWARD of amazon prime's FALLOUT tv show. show compliant and headcanon heavy. written by dani. NOT SPOILER FREE
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winter2468 · 5 months
The Count of Monte Cristo is often described, later in the narrative, as strangely pale, even when he's been out of prison for years and ought to be back to a healthy skin tone.
This could just be a metaphor for Dantes' trauma permanently marking his appearance, but given that Dumas was black and Dantes' imprisonment was based on the imprisonment of Dumas' father (also a black man), I'd like to put forward my headcanon: Edmond Dantes as a black man with vitilligo, developed while he was in prison and centred on his face.
It would account for Dantes being unusually pale even after years out of prison, and it would also account for Mercedes being the only one to still recognise him after his imprisonment.
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franollie · 4 months
are you up for stephcass song recs? its fine if not, im just brainrotting atm
YIPPPEE!! I actually have a stephcass playlist here if you're interested
In terms of song specifics:
The End by Novemeber Ultra
god this song just is them to me...like cass feeling safe in stephs arms is something that makes me SICK and them dancing together OUGH...ILL
2. Can't Take My Eyes Off of You by Frankie Valli
okok so quick headcanon time- i like to think one of steph's comfort movies is 10 things i hate about you. she has the whole movie memorized. she quotes it daily. its just a good ol source of comfort for her.
I like to think the first time she showed cass the movie she stood up and performedthe ICONIC scene where Patrick sings to Kat on the quad to cass.
cass was dying the whole time and playfully threw some popcorn at steph to "get her to stop" (she didn't really want her to stop). steph was soooo over the top and cheesy and also laughing the whole time. When the scene finally ended steph collapsed on top of cass, giggling like crazy. From then on out, it was their song.
3. Physical by Olivia Newton-John
this song is cass trying to seduce steph into silly playful sex next question
4. I Know Those Eyes from the Count of Monte Cristo Musical
LISTEN idk where you are in BG2000. but just wait. this song is Convergence: Batgirl...no spoilers...but omg
5. Small Hands by Keaton Henson
this song to me is cass thinking about steph post steph's death
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also valter for ask game…..
Favorite thing about them: cursed lance! Absolutely amazing character trait because there's so much potential for angst
Least favorite thing about them: canon sex offender :(
Favorite line: "He's just a corpse who doesn't know he's dead." in chapter 1 when talking about Seth, absolutely haunting line
BrOTP: not going to specify which au but I am going to say Narcian fe6
OTP: a few different options but my favorites are with Caellach and Selena
NOTP: Eirika :(
Random headcanon: asexual and somewhat sex repulsed but does think sex jokes are incredibly funny
Unpopular opinion: he's a likeable character
Song I associate with them: SO MANY. I made a playlist a while ago. Deleted it, but it should be known that it did once exist.
Songs! I expect you to listen to all of these btw /j
Community gardens by the scary jokes and Louie Zong
Bust your kneecaps by pomplamoose
Hell to your doorstep from the count of Monte Cristo musical
Dentist! from little shop of horrors
Favorite picture of them: not my favorite but I like it
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It's funny and has the bonus of reminding me of an old friend. The dialogue is texts, I think the first one was "Imagine if I died and I never got to tell you about the fic" followed by "Yeah that would be funny"
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Gerard de Villeforte from Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo-Asexual Biromantic Transgender Man
Species: Human
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive
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claraxbarton · 15 days
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Okay I'm gonna go HRPF. is this a headcanon or me thinking of fic ideas lol but Matthew Tkachuk/Sasha Barkov. I just really think. MT is SO media polished and Sasha is SO like, genuine and not about the shit that comes with the game that ISN'T the game and I think that MT is so CANONICALLY obsessed with Sasha's skill and how HE is the best player in the world and I think that I dunno, I really like the idea of very polished and put together but also you know, deeply feral MT pursuing absolutely bemused hockey god Sasha Barkov.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
IN 245 days I will be done with my job and ready to start some kind of new phase in my life.
My kid is healthy and happy.
It is , maybe, finally, not going to be 100 degrees again this season.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I mean, okay. I have many dreams.
I'd love to read @kangofu-cb do a winterhawk fic featuring medical professionals for the obvious reasons.
I'd love to read @coffeehound91 write like, a fake dating AU because I'm just grasping at my favorite tropes and let's be real will read any and all words she writes.
I'd love to read @dwisp write a like, surrogacy Ryker/Lars/Dunn fic for reasons.
I'd love to read @droumack write a like, Count of Monte Cristo NateJo fic.
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