#healer harry
emsuemsu · 7 months
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Constellations on your skin by @orange-peony
Words: 56,439
“I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon.
“Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks.
“The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.”
This was soooo good. I absolutely love that they're friends already in this fic and the pining and the tension was making me rip my hair out. They were so in love. And Regulus' portrtait???? A little jegulus AND wolfstar action on the side???????? Even though it absolutely broke my heart. I'm not strong enough for the marauder era, even in these small bits. I love Harry being all crafty and creative in this fic.
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findingtomarrymort · 1 year
Okay, so my boy Tom breaks up with Harry for some reason, I think it's because he wants to do dark lordy stuff and Harry is just like okay! Then he opens a clinic for magical animals? I'm not sure about this but he's a healer here. Then after the break up there's some sort of ball or party and Tom's date insults Harry's work and he just smiles and replies calmly. Tom's not amused. A year later they meet at another ball and this time Harry's date is luna because he thinks that's exactly what he needs. Then they go sit somewhere and Luna and Harry just kiss and TOM SEES!!! My boy shatters his glass when he sees that 😒😒 the audacity, anyway Luna goes away and Harry heals his hand. I remember Tom saying something like you should go with your girlfriend and Harry says that Luna's not his girlfriend and I know that boy has sparkly eyes here. Tom invites Harry over to his place and eventually, they get back together.
hello! (tysm to the people who helped! )
can't remeber to forget you by bloodylipsz
Summary: Harry knew Tom was going to break things off with him before Tom did.
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The Death Eaters Healer - Snarry5evr - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
How did being kidnapped by the wizarding world's biggest mob end up with Harry falling in love?
Can't go wrong with a Snarry5evr story.
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longdaytogo · 7 months
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this is his third injury this week alone...
healer x auror
also I know it's unconventional but I like the idea of healers also using certain muggle tools but the ✨magic✨ version of it
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kk1smet · 6 months
Meeting each other for the first time in St. Mungo’s, years after the bloody war.
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“Fucking hell.” Harry tries, and then fails, not to stare at Malfoy’s ass as he heads out of the ward. The robe is just so flattering. “What is Malfoy doing in med school?”
“I can’t do this with you again,” Ron says. “I won’t. I refuse, on moral grounds.” - No Harm by @tessacrowley
Read here.
Starting the year with an art inspired by a fic I feel not so normal about. It’s on its second chapter, and it has me on a perpetual chokehold since the first. The pacing, setting, and their voices completely took my breath away. It started strong, and only gets stronger, like the world just pulls you in and you can’t help but to immerse yourself in it. Tessa has done it again. My heart.
xo, kismet
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sowoyp · 6 months
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a reminder to do your skincare routine!! 🫶
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 year
Draco: Stay still, Harry, you lost a lot of blood
Harry: I didn’t “lose” my blood, Draco, I know exactly where it is
Harry, pointing to the large puddle of blood: Right there
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catgriller · 6 months
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Draco drags Harry back to Grimmauld Place after drinking too much at a pureblood ball. Though Harry jus passes out and Draco stares a little too long at his Auror ..friend…
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
I saw your requests are open for Harry Potter, was wondering if you’d do one with Fred Weasley 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 I’m like super obsessed w him rn
Plot can be whatever you’d like !
a/n: hi!! i love Fred too!! thank you so much for the request, I hope I did alright 😁
prompt: fred didn't die during the war - was only seriously injured. upon waking up at saint mungos, the obvious reaction is to flirt with the cute healer tending to him.
warning(s): it's been a while since i've read the books and I wasn't exactly paying attention to the lore while watching the movies. I made up some spells and plot lmao
word count: 1,073
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Waking up felt like dying, Fred thought as his eyes lifted open feeling like lead. His joints felt like stone, weighing him down onto the slightly cushioned bed. At first, the red headed twin thought he was in a muggle hospital, with the bright white walls and fluorescent lights disorienting him even more. But then he saw owls fly through the air, delivering messages and potion bottles flying into the hands of healers, standing at beds identical to Fred's. Speaking of...
"Hello there.." Fred attempted his best flirting tone, his consciousness desperate to impress the healer doing magic next to him. But all that came out was a croak akin to one of a dying frog. Mortified, Fred's face went red, wanting to hide under his blanket as you stifled your laugh under your hand, trying to keep the air of professionalism.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Weasley," your voice soothed the headache building behind his eyes, you raised your wand, assessing him as you continued speaking, "you gave everyone quite a scare you know. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're banned from fighting anymore dark lords and his army."
Fred tried to laugh at your humor tinted words before reality crashed into him. Sitting up quickly, Fred felt pain shoot through his body. You shot forward, your hands steadying him as his eyes went wide with worry.
"Did we- Is my family okay? George? Ron? Ginny? Mum and Da-"
The comforting pressure of your hand on his shoulder cut him off. He looked up at you, his body relaxing at the answer in your eyes. Wincing, he leaned back, still sitting up but now in a more relaxed position. 
“You won. He’s gone.” 
You didn’t need to say the Dark Lord’s name, you didn’t want to. Even thinking of the man sent shivers down your spine, making you aware of every dark corner in the room. Fred watched as you walked over to your station, grabbing a potion bottle and twirling it around until the blue liquid turned clear. When you returned to the bedside, you poured some of the liquid into a spoon. The red head watched as the clear potion levitated above the metal utensil, only spilling down like water at a whispered spell that passed your lips. 
You raised the spoon up to Fred’s lips, who took the potion with slight struggle. It spilled down his throat, tasting slightly of hazelnut. He raised an eyebrow at you, question in his eyes. You winced slightly, setting the spoon down before turning back to face him. 
“The explosion you were caught in caused severe internal damage. The Confervious spell along with the knitting potion will heal whatever injuries our efforts haven’t been able to completely heal,” watching as Fred’s eyes widened, you were quick to console him, “But it’s okay! Because the duo has a 97% success rate and, not to brag, but I happen to be one of the best casters of the spell.” 
Fred chuckled a bit at your attempt, his body starting to realize the trauma it had been through. You sat on the stool next to his bed, fiddling with your wand as you watched a pocket watch in your hand with intensity. Later Fred would find out that watch is how you saw the healing of his internal organs. Fred poked your arm playfully, getting your attention. 
“So, what’s the damage?” 
He wiggled his eyebrows but you just stared at him, waiting for an explanation. He used his eyes to ‘point’ at the area between his legs. 
“Am I all still here?” 
You sighed, folding your hands on your lap.
“Unfortunately, we couldn’t save it.” 
Your serious face completely fooled Fred, who for a moment let complete terror take over his features. After a minute or two, you burst into laughter, causing Fred to groan and cover his face with his hands. 
“You should’ve seen your face!” 
You laughed between words, clutching your side. Fred nodded, recognizing he had been played. 
“You got me, you got me. But you must mean this means war.”
You faux gasped, placing your hand on your chest sarcastically. 
“Oh no, a battle with a man stuck in a hospital bed, I’m shaking in my boots.” 
Fred full on laughed at that before groaning in pain and glaring lightly at you. 
“Don’t make me laugh, my insides are still knitting back together!”
You smirked at him, checking the pocket watch to see that the healing was almost complete. You heard a ruckus outside Fred’s room and soon the door burst open, a frazzled fellow Healer sending you an apology with their eyes. 
“The Weasley Family plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are here for F. Weasley.” 
Your coworker said with an exhausted tone before pushing through the crowd back to their station. You smiled at the family as they piled in, answering Molly’s frantic questions and Arthur’s insistence his son was getting the best care. Fred’s siblings, plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, stood at his bedside, doting on him. You turned away, letting the family have a moment, organizing your tools and putting back the potion and pocket watch. When you turned back around, you saw George look at you and nudge his twin with waggling eyebrows. Fred turned and winked, causing your face to heat up as you held back a smile. 
You joined in the conversation after a few moments, once more answering the questions and consoling the worried thoughts of Fred’s parents. After a few hours, visiting hours were over, and you gently excused the family from the room. You got Fred’s room set up for night, fluffing his pillow and blushing when he craned his neck so his face was close to yours. As you were getting ready to leave, you felt Fred’s finger brush against your wrist, lightly but effectively holding you back. 
“You know, I’m not so fond of being blown up but I am really glad it brought me to meet you. When I get out of here, if you’re available, do you want to catch a movie? It’s a muggle thing my pop has been obsessed with recently, I’m just glad he got past his rubber duck phase becau-”
You answered quickly, cutting off Fred’s uncharacteristic nervous rambling. 
The two of you smiled softly at each other before you left the room, mentally compiling a list of quick healing spells.
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rezal-art · 6 months
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Fanart Advent Calendar: Day 18!
For Heal Thyself, by @astolat. An amazing Draco-centric fic, in which he becomes a healer. I loved this story, Draco's characterization, his journey, how he changed and how he did not.
This piece is part of a personal challenge: an advent calendar featuring one fanart a day for some of my favourite fics, from the 1st of December to the 24th.
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Harry Edwards - A Guide To Spirit Healing - Spiritualist Press - 1965
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cluelesspigeons · 11 months
This is written for the prompt “careless” from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 197
Drarry microfic: poisonous
Cw: being poisoned
“I can’t believe you were that careless!” Draco exclaimed. He ran around the room, taking ingredients left and right and throwing them into his cauldron. “You know those plants are dangerous!”
Harry sighed from where he was sitting on the examination table. He had lost count of how many times he had been here. “I’ve been through worse.”
“You—” Draco turned around, his silver eyes ablaze. He pointed a long finger in Harry’s direction. “You are unbelievable.”
Harry huffed a laugh, a fond smile on his lips. He stood from the table and stumbled his way over to Draco. “I love you,” he said softly as he fell into Draco’s arms, ignoring the searing pain that shot up his back. “You’re amazing.”
“Oh, Merlin.” Draco sighed. “The poison must be spreading quicker than I thought when you’re spouting such nonsense.” He led Harry back to the examination table, making sure he was comfortable. “Hold on a little longer,” he continued. “The antidote is almost done.”
If Harry wasn’t currently fighting the side effects of the poison streaming through his veins, he would have thought he saw a deep blush on Draco cheeks when he turned back around.
Prompt from March 28th
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The Death Eaters Healer - Snarry5evr - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
How did being kidnapped by the wizarding world's biggest mob end up with Harry falling in love?
Can't go wrong with a Snarry5evr story.
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draco's first day as a healer ❤️‍🩹 for @bluebutter-art
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood Additional Tags: Healer Draco Malfoy, St. Mungo's, Medical School, Hospital, Medicine Series: Part 12 of Harry Potter works Summary:
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
“What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
“Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
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hawkmothdiemotte · 8 months
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Minnie and poppy in school idc about cannon they were dating!!!!!
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