#fred x healer!reader
p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
I saw your requests are open for Harry Potter, was wondering if you’d do one with Fred Weasley 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 I’m like super obsessed w him rn
Plot can be whatever you’d like !
a/n: hi!! i love Fred too!! thank you so much for the request, I hope I did alright 😁
prompt: fred didn't die during the war - was only seriously injured. upon waking up at saint mungos, the obvious reaction is to flirt with the cute healer tending to him.
warning(s): it's been a while since i've read the books and I wasn't exactly paying attention to the lore while watching the movies. I made up some spells and plot lmao
word count: 1,073
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Waking up felt like dying, Fred thought as his eyes lifted open feeling like lead. His joints felt like stone, weighing him down onto the slightly cushioned bed. At first, the red headed twin thought he was in a muggle hospital, with the bright white walls and fluorescent lights disorienting him even more. But then he saw owls fly through the air, delivering messages and potion bottles flying into the hands of healers, standing at beds identical to Fred's. Speaking of...
"Hello there.." Fred attempted his best flirting tone, his consciousness desperate to impress the healer doing magic next to him. But all that came out was a croak akin to one of a dying frog. Mortified, Fred's face went red, wanting to hide under his blanket as you stifled your laugh under your hand, trying to keep the air of professionalism.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Weasley," your voice soothed the headache building behind his eyes, you raised your wand, assessing him as you continued speaking, "you gave everyone quite a scare you know. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're banned from fighting anymore dark lords and his army."
Fred tried to laugh at your humor tinted words before reality crashed into him. Sitting up quickly, Fred felt pain shoot through his body. You shot forward, your hands steadying him as his eyes went wide with worry.
"Did we- Is my family okay? George? Ron? Ginny? Mum and Da-"
The comforting pressure of your hand on his shoulder cut him off. He looked up at you, his body relaxing at the answer in your eyes. Wincing, he leaned back, still sitting up but now in a more relaxed position. 
“You won. He’s gone.” 
You didn’t need to say the Dark Lord’s name, you didn’t want to. Even thinking of the man sent shivers down your spine, making you aware of every dark corner in the room. Fred watched as you walked over to your station, grabbing a potion bottle and twirling it around until the blue liquid turned clear. When you returned to the bedside, you poured some of the liquid into a spoon. The red head watched as the clear potion levitated above the metal utensil, only spilling down like water at a whispered spell that passed your lips. 
You raised the spoon up to Fred’s lips, who took the potion with slight struggle. It spilled down his throat, tasting slightly of hazelnut. He raised an eyebrow at you, question in his eyes. You winced slightly, setting the spoon down before turning back to face him. 
“The explosion you were caught in caused severe internal damage. The Confervious spell along with the knitting potion will heal whatever injuries our efforts haven’t been able to completely heal,” watching as Fred’s eyes widened, you were quick to console him, “But it’s okay! Because the duo has a 97% success rate and, not to brag, but I happen to be one of the best casters of the spell.” 
Fred chuckled a bit at your attempt, his body starting to realize the trauma it had been through. You sat on the stool next to his bed, fiddling with your wand as you watched a pocket watch in your hand with intensity. Later Fred would find out that watch is how you saw the healing of his internal organs. Fred poked your arm playfully, getting your attention. 
“So, what’s the damage?” 
He wiggled his eyebrows but you just stared at him, waiting for an explanation. He used his eyes to ‘point’ at the area between his legs. 
“Am I all still here?” 
You sighed, folding your hands on your lap.
“Unfortunately, we couldn’t save it.” 
Your serious face completely fooled Fred, who for a moment let complete terror take over his features. After a minute or two, you burst into laughter, causing Fred to groan and cover his face with his hands. 
“You should’ve seen your face!” 
You laughed between words, clutching your side. Fred nodded, recognizing he had been played. 
“You got me, you got me. But you must mean this means war.”
You faux gasped, placing your hand on your chest sarcastically. 
“Oh no, a battle with a man stuck in a hospital bed, I’m shaking in my boots.” 
Fred full on laughed at that before groaning in pain and glaring lightly at you. 
“Don’t make me laugh, my insides are still knitting back together!”
You smirked at him, checking the pocket watch to see that the healing was almost complete. You heard a ruckus outside Fred’s room and soon the door burst open, a frazzled fellow Healer sending you an apology with their eyes. 
“The Weasley Family plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are here for F. Weasley.” 
Your coworker said with an exhausted tone before pushing through the crowd back to their station. You smiled at the family as they piled in, answering Molly’s frantic questions and Arthur’s insistence his son was getting the best care. Fred’s siblings, plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, stood at his bedside, doting on him. You turned away, letting the family have a moment, organizing your tools and putting back the potion and pocket watch. When you turned back around, you saw George look at you and nudge his twin with waggling eyebrows. Fred turned and winked, causing your face to heat up as you held back a smile. 
You joined in the conversation after a few moments, once more answering the questions and consoling the worried thoughts of Fred’s parents. After a few hours, visiting hours were over, and you gently excused the family from the room. You got Fred’s room set up for night, fluffing his pillow and blushing when he craned his neck so his face was close to yours. As you were getting ready to leave, you felt Fred’s finger brush against your wrist, lightly but effectively holding you back. 
“You know, I’m not so fond of being blown up but I am really glad it brought me to meet you. When I get out of here, if you’re available, do you want to catch a movie? It’s a muggle thing my pop has been obsessed with recently, I’m just glad he got past his rubber duck phase becau-”
You answered quickly, cutting off Fred’s uncharacteristic nervous rambling. 
The two of you smiled softly at each other before you left the room, mentally compiling a list of quick healing spells.
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leascorner · 2 months
f.g.w. | Trouble
Summary:  After the war, Fred met Y/N at St Mungo's Hospital. At that time, they both thought the other was trouble. In the end, they both discovered all the meanings of that word.
Pairing:  Fred Weasley x f!healer!reader
Warnings: Mention of death and near death experience, injuries, blood, probably incorrect medical notions, some swearing, happy ending
Word Count: 5.1k
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“Uh-oh”, George said, practically running from the front of the store up to the cashier counter. “Trouble.”
His twin brother had no time to ask what was going on; the doorbell rang, indicating a new customer had entered the shop. Fred blinked and suddenly, George was somehow nowhere to be seen. Steady steps coming up to the register resonated in the boutique that was as usual quite empty on this Tuesday morning. No need for him to look to the front door, he knew he was indeed up for trouble.
Turning to face his worst nightmare - a woman named Y/N, furiously making her way to him - Fred put his best customer face on. Her face was wearing the same frown as the day he met her at Saint Mungo's Hospital. He, that day, had been called in after some kid had used one of his products out of its original purpose and nobody there could work out how to reverse back the spell.
Holding his breath, Fred watched her walking toward him until she made it to the counter and laid on it what seemed to have been one of these kid magic wands they sold at the store. From the state of it, Fred knew he was in for a lecture… Again.
“This was up someone’s arse.”
“Godric!” Fred immediately shouted. He had seen a lot of things - their customers were somehow as inventive as they were - but he had never expected such things. With a swift move of his wrist, he made it disappear. “How did it even get there?”
“I did not ask!” she shouted back.
Y/N had been an official graduated healer for nearly a year now. She had started her curriculum the year before the war started, just after graduating from Hogwarts, and sometimes after a twenty-four-hours shifts like the one she just had, she was regretting the black magic spells injuries. Nothing compared to the lot of injuries she was dealing with from the twins jokes shop products.
“Seriously, please just-” she sighed, passing a hand on her face out of frustration. “It’s all I deal with all day, I can’t anymore.”
In that last year, Fred and she had become some kinds of acquaintances - Y/N was regularly paying the twins a visit at the end of her shifts. Though he acted annoyed most of the time, he was actually quite fond of her. His favourite thing about her was how she would respond to anything he would throw at her. He did not even know her that long, yet he already knew just how to push her buttons.
So, of course, he couldn’t resist doing it again today.
“You should see what we have in the works, then.”
Frown quite not leaving the lines of her face yet, she followed him in the back shop where he meticulously explained her all about this very new product he had thought about that same morning – a new invention that not even George knew about it.
Biting his inner cheek, he watched impatiently the line between her eyebrows grew even deeper as she read the parchment with the ingredients for the product: a potion. This was not the first time he had pitched a new product idea to her. In the past, George had even insisted they presented her with some of their riskier ideas. She had never turned down any of them, even encouraging them to work on them further - though she had them promise to send a patronus to her if they were testing anything she thought would be deadly. Fred was convinced that, despite her grumpy attitude, she actually quite enjoyed being asked for help.
“You can’t mix this quantity of octopus powder and erumpent horn together,” she finally spoke.
“Why not?”
Y/N looked back at Fred, her eyes scanning his face to know if he was being serious. As if he ever had been serious. “Have you seriously never listened to anything Snape ever taught you?” Quite frankly, he had listened to it much more than he would admit, but he wouldn’t tell her that. “I am serious, Fred,” she scowled.
“Alright, alright!” Fred rose his hands in defence. He knew from the way Y/N sighed that her concern for his own physical integrity was genuine. Just like probably everyone else, she was aware of what had happened to him during the battle of Hogwarts – he had a severe brain injury that left him in the hospital for months and from which he was still recovering. Unlike anyone else, she didn’t remind him constantly what a little fragile thing he was and how he must be taking it easy. Though he probably wouldn’t admit it to her face, he was grateful to her.
Fred was rather interested on what she was thinking of his new idea, so he knew better than to continue annoying her. She made him nervous taking her sweet time to examine the parchment. He couldn’t tell if it was a bad thing or not. She had been more enthusiastic when George and he pitched her other ideas. Perhaps he had just gotten himself overexcited about this new product; perhaps it was just bad.
“So, what do you think?” Fred asked when he couldn’t take it anymore.
“It sounds good,” she reassured him, without looking at him. “It’s the ingredients I am not sure about. I’m not sure it would work,” she mumbled, still focus on the parchment, and Fred could nearly see the cogs of her brain working behind her eyes.
“I’ll work on this,” he assured.
Y/N only nodded in answer. Fred could see something was bugging her, but she couldn’t quite tell what. He studied the expression of her face; how her frown had changed – from the grumpy one to one of             concentration. He noticed how she would scrunch her nose ever so slightly as she focused as well.
He thought she looked cute like that and immediately slapped himself internally for having such thoughts. Y/N was not cute, she was the pain in his ass that would show up every other day at the shop to lecture him. She was simply annoying and way smarter than him though she was not one to rub it in everybody’s face – he was pretty sure she had been that person to cry after a test as she supposedly failed, but still got an ‘A’.
They stayed in silence a couple more minutes, Y/N still trying to figure out what was missing in the potion recipe, Fred watching her every move, before the doorbell rang again. A new customer had come in, breaking the spell.
“I have to go,” Y/N stated, after checking the time. She gave the parchment back to Fred and watched as he abandoned him on top of his messy desks – it was so messy she wasn’t sure he would be able to find it again. “Just put some kinds of warning for the other thing.”
“External use only, got it.”
She rolled her eyes, but still smiled softly before bidding goodbye and leaving him alone in the back shop.
A few weeks later, on one of the last days of January, Fred had just finished the grant post-holidays inventory when he found the parchment again. With the rush of the end of the year, he had totally forgotten about it.
Diagon Alley was covered in snow at that time of the year and the weather was so bad that no soul would have dared to put even a toe outside in the cold. He knew he wouldn’t have any customers today, so he decided to put his time to a better use and test out this new product.
He gathered all of the ingredients from the reserve and got to work. Everything went well until it was down to the last ingredient: Octopus Powder. Taking the bag and measuring the exact amount he needed, he suddenly recalled the conversation he had with Y/N and how she insisted this amount of Octopus Powder would be too dangerous. He had heard her concern, yet he was still sure it was going to be fine.
Just before adding it to the mix, he finally had second thoughts; just in case, it wouldn't hurt to have a patronus ready. So, he reached out for his wand and materialized a patronus, requesting for it to find Y/N if anything was to happen to him. With his patronus magpie on his shoulder, he didn’t even think twice this time and poured the entire amount of powder in his cauldron. The mixture started boiling quite aggressively and Fred braced himself for it to explode, but nothing happened.
When the boiling stopped, his only thought was that he just couldn’t wait to tell Y/N how wrong she had been– though he wouldn’t admit it to her, but he still had sighed out of relief everything went fine. He turned to his patronus, ready to dismiss it as everything was fine.
He had barely taken his eyes off the potion that it suddenly exploded; his body was thrown into the air as if he was a paper doll.
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“Can you tell me your name?”, Y/N asked as she made Fred follow the light coming out of her wand. He had been awake from the coma following his accident for a good thirty minutes now.
“Fredrick Gideon Weasley.”
Y/N nodded, watching him as she made another back-and-forth movement with her hand. Pupillary response to light, checked. Pupillary response to the dark, checked. Equal pupils’ size, checked. She was mentally ticking every part of the post-concussion protocol she knew by heart; everything so far seemed to be normal.
Yet, she could still feel her heart beating furiously in her chest. She had experienced utter panic when his patronus found her, something she had never felt before – even during the darkest time of the war. She had been one of the first to apparate within the shop and found him in what was left of their workshop. She had heard his troubled breathing under the bits of stones, wood and plasterboard, and for one split second, she had thought she would never hear him tease her ever again. She still could feel how his mother, Molly, grabbed at her once she got to Saint Mungo's Hospital, as if she was a lifebuoy. How would she have liked to let her know everything would be alright at that time, but she herself couldn’t even trust her words.
It had been a long couple of days before Fred finally woke up. She had stayed with him during all of her breaks. She had made sure his family was alright and that they had all the food they needed without leaving his side. All while she, on the other side, ate very little – her stomach was in knots from the worry. Even if she tried, Y/N couldn’t shake the memories out of her head. The image of a very blank unconscious Fred covered in blood was there, printed on the back of her eyelids, every single time she closed her eyes, so she didn’t sleep either.
That night, his family had finally left his side after a lot of convincing from Y/N that everybody would feel better after a good night of sleeps in their own bed. As she was just coming in to check his vitals yet again, she had found him there, eyes wild open. She knew she shouldn’t be treating one of her acquaintances, but she was one of the few healers on call that night and she only couldn’t care less anyway. He was alive. That was all that matters.
Putting away her wand, she thought of what was next on the protocol and continued: “When were you born?”
“First of April, nineteen-seventy-eight.”
“What were-”
“I know the deal,” Fred sighed, he had already been there after all. He knew she was just going to ask him stupid questions to make sure he had no memory lost; he could at least save them the trouble. “I’ve got four brothers, a twin brother, a sister. I left Hogwarts before even graduating to open a joke shop with my brother. ‘Been doing that twenty-four seven ‘til now. I’ve mixed Octopus Powder and Erumpent horn, hence I ended up here.”
Y/N eyed him, a stern look on her face as she realised what caused his accident. After they had found Fred, they tried understanding what happened. If they had gathered that he was preparing a potion, they weren’t sure what really had caused an explosion. Never had she thought about their earlier conversation a couple of months ago.
“And you can go ahead and tell me I told you so.”
She kept silent, not knowing what to say. She was angry with him still doing what she had explicitly warned him about – mixing this quantity of those two ingredients. She – and probably everyone he knew – had had the scare of their life. But lecturing him now wouldn’t change the outcome. The good thing was that he had been clever enough to send a patronus, so he had been found in time. It could have been way – way – worse.
Not trusting her words, she made him tilt his head so she could have a proper look at the bandage wrapped around his head. His wound had not bled since the last time the dressing was changed, which was also good thing. He had woken up and was talking. He didn’t have any memory loss and was responsive to all neurological exams. He was going to be alright, she tried to reassure herself. Everything was going to be alright.
“I don’t think I need to tell you that,” she spoke softly as she helped him to settle back comfortably in the bed and tucking him in under the covers. He grimaced when one of her hands brushed his side, but immediately gave her a reassuring smile when he saw the way her body stiffen. If he was not in any pain, he was definitively uncomfortable. His condition was much worse than he thought it was.
“How bad is it?”
“You hit your head pretty badly, broke a couple of bones and were unconscious for a more than two days now.” She explained quickly. “Considering your history, they want to keep you a couple of days to monitor any brain injuries.”
“Just great,” he sank into his pillows. When he had thought he had seen the hospital enough for his entire lifetime, here he was again. It had taken him months to learn again to do anything by himself and he did fell as if he wasted a lot of his life in the hospital getting treatment. His whole family dynamic had shifted around him and though he liked them all very much, he had just become fed up with them all eventually. And now, it was like going back to square one and starting all over. He couldn’t let that happen.
Y/N eyed him sternly, clearly judging his attitude. Whatever lucky star he was born under, he should rather be thanking it. Not everybody would survive two major head injuries. Not everyone had a family willing to keep watch over him for two days straight…
Checking the time, Y/N realized it was already time to get back to work. She was much more relieved to go and leave him knowing he was awake, talking and had a good chance of being out of the woods. She tucked him in the bed a little more tightly, making sure he couldn’t escape the sheets before starting to leave.
“You scared the hell out of your mom,” she stated, eyeing him and his grumpy expression. “I’m going to send her an owl. You better get some sleep; they’ll be here first thing in the morning.”
“Y/N?” Fred called after her. She stopped at the door, hand on the handle, only turning her head to him. “Thank you.”
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“Did my mom make you check on me?” Fred asked Y/N, who was currently checking out the shelves of their love potions. He was glad she finally decided to be an actual customer for once, but she should have chosen any other section; this one was only ever visited by fourteen-years-old teenagers.
“What? No!” She nearly shouted, face growing hot. Fred eyed her with a knowing look and a smirk, she was definitively a bad liar. “Maybe a little. But in my defence, she is a very persuasive woman.”
Fred laughed softly; that he would know. The last time he saw her – and it was less than forty-hours ago, she had made him eat two servings of her pasta gratin as, according to her own words, he was skinnier than ever. Fred was pretty sure his weight was stable, but he still happily obliged. He knew when to choose his battle now and this wasn’t one.
“You don’t have to, you know,” he spoke as he leant against the shelf, crossing his arms, as Y/N continued to pretend she was interested in those shiny purple vials. “Promise I’ll listen now when you say not to mix up stuff.”
“I bet you would,” she snorted lightly. She had seen him in the hospital in the next days after he was out of the coma, and she had seen him those last few weeks when he was obliged to rest. It hadn’t been easy, and Y/N would lie if she didn’t say she had found him so miserable every time she had visited. She knew he had learned his lesson this time. “I don’t mind anyway. Unless… you know? You do mind…”
“No!” He cried out and cleared his throat after he realized how loud – and a bit desperate – he had been. “No, I don’t mind,” he repeated again, his voice much softer this time.
“Cool, cool,” Y/N answered, not daring to meet his eyes.
“It would be hm… That would make…”
Y/N frowned as she took her eyes off the WonderWitch products shelves she was still investigating while Fred had gone to help a customer - whatever moment they just had was long gone.
She observed Fred struggled to perform a simple addition for the customer that was buying two packs of fireworks. He was stuttering and couldn’t put together a full sentence; it was clear something was wrong. And with his history, it could be very bad.
She decided to step in to help him. Fred let her push him ever so slightly on his left so she could take his place behind the counter and handle the customer as if nothing was happening.
“That would make 10 galleons, Sir,” She accepted his coins and put them in the cash register with a swift movement of her wrist just like she had seen Fred do a hundred times before. “And for the pretty lady, we’ve always got lollipops under the counter. No funny business, they are cherry flavoured. What do you say?”
The little girl gave a look at her father before accepting the lollipops Y/N was handing her. She thanked her in the cutest way and Y/N would have liked to interact with her more if she wasn’t pressed by time.
“Thank you for shopping with us, have a lovely afternoon,” she smiled at them. She watched them turn to leave and immediately reached out to Fred to lead him into the back shop. “Alright, sit down.”
She helped him sit down on his office chair before having a full look at him. His eyes were groggy, and he was as white as a sheet - at least even more so than he usually was.
“How is the head?” Y/N inquired; her infamous frown had made its way back on her forehead.
“It hurts,” he mumbled; he seemed to be ashamed of it – as if he could do anything about it.
Y/N’s mind was running through all the medical explanations.
This could be the symptom of a brain swelling, but the trauma was weeks ago so it wasn’t most likely, and they would have caught up on it already.
It could be the beginning of a stroke, a part of his brain that stopped working for no reason. His mouth didn’t warp, and he seemed to be able to move his body correctly. He was still able to speak as well and had no facial paralysis. So, she crossed that option out.
He could also just be tired, which would make sense since he was already fully back to work only weeks after he had been cleared and despites his healers order to keep it low. Magic or not, bodies still needed time to heal. “I think it’s time for a little break, yes?”
Y/N went to fetch Lee to cover for Fred. She then managed to get the redhead up the tiny stairs and to the flat he shared with his twin brother just above the shop. He crashed on his couch, eyes sleepy, and Y/N went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water and something to eat. The fridge was empty, but she managed to find some biscuits in the cupboard and make them tea.
“I don’t even know why I am surprised there is no food in this fridge,” she told him as she handed him a cup.
“Don’t even need it when everybody is showing up at my door with dinner. They are just passing by, they say. With a plate of lasagna or a pie. You folks need to start lying better than that.”
“They care about you,” Y/N spoke softly as she brought her cup to her lips.
“I would do the same if that was one of them. I know.” He sighed, passing a hand on his face. “Godric, if it was George, I wouldn’t leave him alone one second. I just wish they would leave me alone for once, you know?”
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A couple of days later, Y/N found herself back to the small flat above the joke shop. She was meeting Fred and George before going to The Burrow. The whole family was gathering to celebrate the twins’ birthday and Molly had insisted for Y/N to come as well. Fred was still banned from apparating on his own and they never were too much of two to do it with him.
George and she each positioned themselves on one side of Fred. She wrapped her arms around his waist, her tote bag with their gifts well secured on her other shoulder. Fred hesitantly wrapped his own arm around her shoulders, sending her a troubled look as if he was a teenager boy seeing a girl for the first time. That was probably the closest they had ever been and even if it was nothing, it still made Fred’s heart race in his chest. Y/N interpreted this as his nervousness of apparating and gave him a warm smile before focusing to do it at George’s order.
At The Burrow she met familiar faces, all wearing a much less worry than the last time she had seen them when Fred was still in a coma at the hospital. As soon as she stepped in the house, she was caught in a whirlwind of embraces, most of them muttering in her ears small thank-you’s for looking after their brother as they hugged. Fred got the same treatment even though, from the look on his face, he was less than thrilled. It was all overwhelming so many people, in such a small place, all ever so happy to be here altogether – and especially happy for him to be with them.
After his mother released him from a good five-minutes hug, Y/N gave him a thumbs-up for support to which he rolled his eyes to answer. Thankfully, his niece and nephew were soon to beg him and George to play with them and the whole family focus turned to the children.
“Godric, would you leave me live in peace for once? I am not made of glass; I won’t break. I’m not dead. I am not dying. I am fine.”
Lunch had gone well until after the main course. Molly had gone to the kitchen to get the birthday cake she made, and Fred had insisted he’d go to help her – after all this was his birthday celebration and as always, she had done a tremendous work all by herself. One of his siblings had brought up that he should rather stay and that they would do it for him. It had been only a short sentence that had Fred literally exploded. He was up from his chair, yelling; anger had turned his face as red as a tomato.
Molly stopped on her track, a few meters from the table, cake in her hands, clearly mortified. The silence that followed his cries left everyone uncomfortable. The air was tensed. Y/N, sat at his side, tried reaching out to this arm. She wanted him to realize he had gone too far; he needed to take a step back and ease the tension a bit. But he just pushed her hand away quite harshly, directing his anger to her. “And you! Don’t you have anything better to do than try to fix and save people? I am not dying now, am I? So just find some stray orphan kittens to take care of and leave me the fuck alone.”
Y/N watched Fred storm out of the room. Her cheeks were hot from the embarrassment and her eyes were wide open from what Fred had just yelled at her. She knew it was just too much for him; the war had left its mark and his accident had just made him live it all other again. He didn’t want to be thinking about it every day. He didn’t want everybody to fear he would just disappear. He just wanted to be alive, and happy. And he wanted them to be alive and happy… and not to worry about him.
She knew why he said what he did. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel her heart stang by his words. Behind his anger, there was still a little bit of truth.
Perhaps she was also just too much; she had imposed her presence to him even though they were merely acquaintance. She had acted as if they were great friends, a friend with a medical degree that scrutinized his every little move to make sure he was alright. Perhaps, she had not given him any air to breathe, acting exactly just like every other member of his family though he had specifically voiced he didn’t want that. Perhaps she also had a saviour complex, after enduring so many patients’ loss during the war and being traumatized by it, that she just wanted to fix him because she knew she could.
“I, uh-” Y/N started, gazing around the table, “I think that’s my clue.”
“Y/N, darling…”
“That’s fine, Mrs Weasley. He needed to get this out of his chest, I guess.” She went to grab her coat by the door, as Molly and everybody else tried to stop her from leaving. She was too upset by what had happened to even bother to put her coat on, even if it was still freezing outside, despite it being already April. She was so disturbed she almost went through the door without saying goodbye, but stopped on the doorstep to turn to the table she couldn’t even see from the tears building up in her eyes. “Thank you again for the food. I’ll see you all.”
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Two days after that, Y/N found Fred at her door, waiting for her to come home.
After crying all night about what happened at lunch, she had kept herself busy with a 24-hours shift. It was the first time since then she was coming home and she found him, leaned back against the corridor wall in front of her door.
She gave him a dirty look when she reached his level. She was exhausted from her shift - a shift during which everything that could go wrong actually did - and also from the very little sleep she had got in those two days after Fred’s outburst. This was the first time they were seeing each other. She hadn’t reached out to him, willing to give him space as he so needy apparently. One part of her had hoped he’d send an owl to apologize, but she didn’t get anything.
From the apologetic look on his face, he wanted to have this discussion now. Unfortunately for him, she just wasn’t in the mood, so she just ignored him and went to unlock her door. He still stepped closer and called after her.
“Look, I don’t have time for this,” she stated as she wiped her foot on the doormat.
“My heart hurts a little, can you have a look at it?”
Y/N turned to him to scan his face; she didn’t know if he was serious or not. She searched into his eyes to try and find his well-known playful sparkle. When she didn’t find any, she sighed and opened the door, instructing him to get in. Following him in, she let her coat and bags by the door and made him seat on one of her kitchen chairs.
She listened to his heart with the help of her wand, making sure to listen to multiple heartbeat sounds and see if anything was wrong. When she was done, she put her wand away, still refusing to look at him.
“So, what’s your diagnosis?”
Y/N could hear the smile in his voice; of course, there was most likely nothing wrong with him. He wouldn’t have gone to hers if he was truly believing something wasn’t right, he would have gone to the hospital. She sighed, passing a hand on her face from the frustration. “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?”
“I am sorry.” He grabbed her hand and Y/N finally looked at him. She could tell from his tight smile and the way his eyes desperately searched for hers that he was indeed sorry. “I didn’t mean anything I said back there. You never treated me like I was made of glass or like I would just breakdown any minutes. You went through your own stuff, and this was unfair of me to tell you any of those things.”
Y/N nodded slowly as a way of accepting his apology. Fred smiled, relieved she was no longer mad about him, and she smiled weakly in return.
“Does your heart really hurt?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged, a sly smile on his face. “Would you kiss it better if it did?”
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magicbystarlight · 27 days
Before I Knew You - Part Eleven
Bill Weasley x Reader
Masterlist, Part One
Summary: You’ve spent years training under Madam Pomfrey in the hopes that you would join the Healers at St. Mungo’s at graduation. But in the aftermath of the death of Albus Dumbledore, you chose to join the Order instead. When you’re forced into hiding, you find yourself alone with Bill Weasley and his new wolfish tendencies.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: 18+, typical canon warnings, smut, age gap, oral sex (fem recieving), delayed orgasm, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, rough sex, cum eating (kinda?), allusions to knotting, angst. Minors DNI.
A/N: This would not have been written without you, Lovely 💛
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There was a lot of arguing. The younger siblings demanded answers. Their parents tried to give none. Bill countered that they should know. That it was in everyone’s best interest to be prepared in case they too were interrogated. Fred suggested moving you. He flinched at the growling disagreement from Bill. Molly tried to argue he may be right, but George said Yaxley could be hoping for that. Fear causes people to make mistakes, he argued. 
“What exactly did he ask?” The table fell silent, looking towards you. But you were only looking at Arthur.
“Much the same as his father had asked at the wedding. Why you’d been there, where you’d been before, where you went after. He asked that if I heard anything about or from you, to tell him. Only him. And if I saw you," he looked at Bill who nodded for him to continue, "to tell you that he has someplace safe.”
The table erupted again with words like delusion and trap thrown around. 
"He's going to the twins next." The commotion died once more, all eyes on you.
"How do you know?"
"Because I know Cillian." No. That wasn't right. The Cillian you knew wasn't a murderer. "At least, I know he was jealous of them back in school. Thought one of them had a thing for me." You'd nearly forgotten that. You looked between Fred and George. "He'll be more aggressive with you because of it."
Fred winked. "Don't worry 'bout us, love—
—we can handle him," George finished.
Bill's fist slammed on the table, making Ginny flinch. "This isn't a fucking joke!"
"But they need to act like it is," you countered. You kept your eyes on the twins. They needed to be prepared. They needed to know. "You've got to be as combative with him as he will be with you. Make it clear you have no intention to cooperate with him. If you act any differently it'll look suspicious to him."
Molly tapped her wand against the table, all the dishes lifting from the table. They flew to the kitchen, scraping themselves into the trash before settling into the sink. She followed them, waving her wand. Water and soap filled the sink. You’d forgotten magic could be used for something as mundane as dishes.
“That’s good to know,” George said, trying to ignore the uncertainty that had settled over the table with Molly’s abrupt end to dinner. Half the plates still had food.
“What if he brings his father?” Ginny asked.
“He won’t. Cillian has to be going behind his back trying to find me. Corbin wants me dead.”
Plates clattered in the kitchen. The Weasleys shared looks with each other.
Molly stood clutching the counter, staring out the window. "We should have all gone into hiding when we had a chance." Arthur came to her side and she allowed herself to be brought into his arms, burying her face in his chest. It hurt to see.
Ginny’s final day had been ruined. At least she’d be safe from Cillian’s questioning at Hogwarts. It would be too risky for him to go there. Even with Fred and George he’d have to be careful. Eyes would be everywhere in Diagon Alley with someone reporting back to someone who could report back to his father of his activities. That was if he wasn’t already being followed.
They left shortly after. Molly’s hug was a bit tighter than comfortable when she promised everything would be alright. Fred said he’d stop by again soon. Ginny said nothing, but squeezed your hand with watery eyes. You didn’t go outside to see them off, but as you looked at the clean kitchen you wish you had. There was nothing there to keep your hands busy. Magic had cleaned the dishes and put them in their place. It had wiped the counters. Swept the floors. Even the chairs had been pushed in. 
One pop. Then another. And then the door, steps, a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier."
"Ginny got to enjoy most of her day. I wouldn't have been much fun if you'd told me before.” His hand fell off as you shrugged. “Besides, it’s better that they all know. So they’re prepared.”
“You really think he’s gonna go after them?”
“Cillian was jealous a lot.” Another thing you’d nearly forgotten. “I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t try to track down every guy that’s ever spoken to me.” Not the women though. He didn’t think Cho had counted. You turned and rested your head against his chest, his embrace welcome. The tension eased in your body.
“It’ll be okay,” he promises, “they’ll be okay.”
Bill left early the next morning to see Ginny off, reluctantly leaving you in bed with a kiss and a promise to not to be gone long. You stayed in bed for a bit, but sleep never returned. 
The sun rose higher in the sky as you worked out in the garden. Molly had brought the wolfsbane stored in the Burrow’s shed, miscellaneous potion ingredients that had been collected from various Order members, and any seeds she could spare the day before. Professor Sprout’s lectures echoed through your mind as you planted new seeds and replanted old plants into neat lines. You’d have to figure out how to build a greenhouse for some of the more difficult plants. There was plenty of sand to make glass.
When all that could be done in the small garden was done, it was still a quarter till ten. How you missed the hours it would take on the farm.
Your hair was your next task. That would take time. Washing, brushing, using your favorite hair potion Ginny had been thoughtful enough to bring. You considered styling it without the aid of magic to pass the time, but decided against it.
As your hair righted itself, your thoughts drifted back to the wolfsbane. Maybe if you could get in contact with Charlie, he could get some dragon blood. And maybe Hagrid could get some Occamy eggs. The rest would be easy enough to get your hands on. Then you could finally get a real attempt at the Wolfsbane Potion for Remus. 
Until then, you had other things you needed to start working on. Potions and salves to make now that you had the ingredients. 
That was how Bill found you a while later. Bent over a cauldron on the stove, hair covered to protect it from the steam of the Murtlap Essence. “Mum made treacle tart,” he said, sliding a pastry box on the counter. “And brownies.” Another box. “And some biscuits.” A third box. “She bakes a lot when she’s worried. I don’t think she slept at all.”
Your shoulders deflated. She’d have been worried anyway, with Ginny off to Hogwarts, but with the threat of Cillian hanging over her sons it must be so much worse.
“She wanted to know if she can drop by a couple times a week while I’m at work.”
“She wants to make sure you're doing alright. Thinks you have to be lonely here. She won’t say it, but she’s gonna be lonely too now that Ginny’s gone.” His arm slid around your waist. “I told Fred and George they should come by sometimes too.”
Your gaze snapped to his face, surprised. “Why?”
“Because you need a life outside of me. And I know my family isn’t really that, but I’ll see if I can get the other Order members to come by. Get them checked up and all that.”
“Do you really think that’s the greatest idea? You could barely stand having Kingsley here. Thought you were gonna tear Fred’s head off yesterday.”
“I’ll still get you to myself at night, right?”
“Yeah but,” you tried to explain, “are you sure you’re up for that? If it could make your symptoms worse, especially with the full moon coming, then mayb—“
His kiss cut you off.
“Like I said,” he breathed against your lips, “I’ll have you to myself at night. That’s enough.”
“But everything with Cillian, is it really safe?”
“It’s safer, I think, than you being here alone all the time. And we’ll come up with a plan in case something goes wrong. Practice some defensive spells, figure out a place to go.”
You kissed him softly. “Thank you.” 
“Oh don’t thank me,” he said, his teasing tone setting in, “it’s about time you started pulling your weight. Can’t have you lounge on the beach all day in some provocative little swimsuit, can we?”
You scoffed. “It was not provocative!”
“Have to disagree with you there, love.” His nose brushed against your cheek. “Everything you wear is provocative.”
“Guess I’ll stop wearing anything then.”
His groan had you smiling. “Please tell me you’re nearly done,” he begged.
“It’s gotta simmer for another couple hours,” he groaned again, “but it’ll be fine on its own fo—OH! Bill!”
It seemed he was determined to make it a habit of throwing you over his shoulder. Only this time he bypassed the couch and kicked the door to the bedroom open. You bounced against the mattress, giggling as you removed the hair covering. He was eager, giddy even, as he pulled off his clothes. He crawled up the bed, smiling into a messy kiss before helping to remove your own. 
His lips trailed down your neck. Teeth and tongue teased your collarbone. Your fingers tangled in his hair as his mouth found your breasts. A soft moan slipped out. He alternated between them, nipping and licking until you were squirming. When you asked him to stop teasing, he nuzzled into your neck and laughed. "I've got the patience today, love."
It clicked what he meant a moment before he slid down. Your groan turned high and breathless as his tongue glided between your folds. "Oh fuck," you gasped, hips jumping. His hand held you in place. You whimpered. This wasn't fair. His tongue traced a lazy pattern that had your legs shaking. You wanted to grab him and pull him closer. But he was unmoving. The pleasure was agonizing. He would go faster then slower. Fast, then slow. You felt the edge creeping closer and then he'd pull back and nip at the softness of your thighs.
He was merciless. He was enjoying himself. His groans were sinful, his hands greedy as the touched every part of you but the place you needed them most, his pace never slowing.
"Please," you begged, voice cracking.
Bill chuckled. "Please, what, love?" he asked, the vibrations shooting up your spine.
"Please stop teasing me. Please, let me cum. Please."
"So desperate for me, eh?" His fingers pushed into you. Rubbing and searching until they curled against a spot that had you seeing white. He hummed in delight, letting his tongue flick over your clit. The knot in your stomach snapped, his name falling from your lips over and over.
He didn't stop or slow as the high faded.  
"Bill," you cried. It was too much. You pushed at his head, trying to get away from the touch. You were too sensitive. His arm wrapped around your thigh and pulled you closer.
"One more, love."
"No, no, I can't. Bill, I can't."
"One more, love. Just one more," he promised. His hand was relentless. Fingers working that same spot. Your muscles tensed. His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked. Your vision blurred. The pleasure too intense, body locked and trembling. It was euphoric. When the spasming finally subsided you gulped down air.
Bill crawled back up, smiling proudly. "Beautiful," he said. The taste of you clung to his lips as he kissed you again. Your arms looped around his neck. You wanted more. Needed more. You pulled him closer. He settled between your legs. The head of his cock teased your entrance, making you jolt. Still sensitive. You whimpered into his mouth.
"Too much?" he asked, concerned.
Your legs wrapped around his and encouraged his hips forward. "Not enough."
His nose bumped against yours. "Godric, I love you."
He slid inside, inch by inch. Slowly. Your bodies pressed flush together. A gasp escaped when his hips finally met yours. His head fell to the crook of your neck, and he stilled for a moment, taking deep breaths. Then his hips pulled back and he began a slow pace. It was gentle. His lips caressing every part of your skin they could reach. Your hands trailed down his back. The pleasure built slowly until your climax hit again. 
He kissed your jaw. "More?" he whispered.
The pace picked up. Slow became steady. You whimpered as he continued to fill you.
"So perfect," he groaned.
His hips stuttered and picked up speed. You could feel another orgasm approaching. You dug your nails into his skin, holding on tight. His breathing grew heavy, his kisses messy and wet. His hips slammed against yours and you tumbled over the edge crying his name. He followed, burying his face in your neck as his hips slowed and came to a stop.
Bill collapsed beside you and pulled you close. "Think you could go for five?" he panted. You swatted his chest. He laughed and kissed your hair. You didn't want to move. Your eyes were drooping in exhaustion when you realized you had to.
"The dittany," you sighed, reluctantly pulling away from him. You went to stand, but your legs wobbled.
"I'll get it," Bill laughed, guiding you back down. He left with a kiss, not bothering to slip anything on. He's not gone long and he didn't come back empty handed. He was gentle with the warm washcloth as he wiped up his spend that had seeped out of you. But you were still sensitive. And vocal. A wicked gleam in his eyes warned you it wasn't over.
"What are you—" your words cut off in a sharp cry as his tongue dragged across your cunt again.
"Cleaning up my mess" he said before diving back in. He was thorough, tongue sliding inside you and swirling around. You were exhausted and sure you couldn't give him what he wanted, but he wasn't deterred.
He licked and nipped and sucked. His name fell from your lips.
"Please," you sobbed.
He pulled back, wiping his chin. "Please what?"
"I can't. Please."
He hummed, considering, and dove back in. You gripped the sheets, withering under him. He was relentless. It was overwhelming. Every muscle tensed, the knot in your stomach coiling tight. You cried out. It was blissful torture. Your toes curled. Your legs shook. The orgasm hit like a tidal wave. You whimpered as his tongue eased you down.
When he was satisfied, he pulled back. "Six?"
"Don't you fucking dare." There was no ire in your tone.
"Need me to grab you anything?" he offered with a sly grin. "Since you can't walk?"
"Shut up." You threw a pillow at him. He laughed, dodging the assault.
"Be back in a minute."
He was true to his word, returning with two glasses of water, the box of treacle tart, and a fork. He handed you a glass and climbed in bed next to you. He left another kiss against your forehead. It felt normal. As if you'd been together for years. As if you were together. He offered you the first bite of the tart. A part of you ached. 
Molly came the next morning after Bill had left for work. She was so different from your mother, yet so much the same. They both had to keep busy when things were stressful. Something to do to keep their mind clear. Your father wasn’t like that. He liked to sit and think and plan. 
She left not long after Bill returned home. You worried she’d noticed the way Bill nearly greeted you with a kiss. But she said nothing about it. You’re not sure if that made you feel better or worse.
Tonks popped in for only an hour the day after. Her conversation stayed far from werewolves or the upcoming full moon. It’s only as she was preparing to leave she asked, “Think we’ll see Bill anytime soon?”
“I don’t think so.”
She didn’t comment more on it. She knew. You felt a prickle of annoyance after her departure. She knew and said nothing. Not before, not when Bill was struggling, not now. Next time you’d ask for—no, demand answers. It was only fair. For Bill’s health.
You’re alone the two days leading up to the full moon. Bill was insatiable. You woke up the morning of with Bill’s rushed pleas in your ear.
“Need you, love. Please.”
It’s different. Less controlled. Like he’d been starved and presented a buffet. He’s desperate. “Cum for me, please. Need to, fuck love, need to feel you squeeze me, please, please, please.” You complied happily. 
You paced the living room. He was supposed to be home an hour before. You didn’t question him when he finally appeared. With the way he kissed you, it couldn’t have been anyone else.
He was rough. His hands bruising, possessive.
You don't remember making it to the bed or removing your clothes, but your there under him. His mouth is on your skin, biting and sucking. There would be bruises tomorrow. He buried himself inside you without resistance. The sound you let out was embarrassing. It only encouraged him. He fucked into you harder, his hand sliding between your bodies.
It's verging on painful. "Bill," you moaned, clawing at his shoulders. You don't want him to stop. His fingers circled your clit.
"Need you to cum," he groaned. His lips found yours again. His fingers worked faster. "I can't" he cut himself off with a growl, "can't hold back. Fuck, please cum." Your back arched and nails dug into his skin. He cursed. You cried, clenching around him. His hips slammed against yours once more, and then he stilled.
But something was wrong.
There was more pressure than there should be. You can't focus on it. Your eyes were too heavy. "Bill?" It came out groggy. His weight crashed into you. You were barely able to adjust him to allow yourself to breathe before you slipped into unconsciousness.
Author's Note: He said "I love you" and our girl assumed he meant in the friendly "Wow, you're so awesome and cool!" kinda way and not in the "In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." kinda way. He's definitely having his own internal freakout about her nonresponse to it.
Before I Knew You Tag List: @believinghurts @frozenwisteria @maralisa124 @voiddylanobrosey @kyla-hale-blog @pearlsofme @minstens @sofriane @sheeple @alldaysdreamers @hotleaf-juice @elnmop @sweetphantomofyournoodler @itshardbeingamultistan @remuslupinscumslutt @thesecretwriter @cali-girl-in-heart @thxtmarvelchick @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @bitch-biblioklept @unstableyetloveable @psamathegoesrawr @camelliaflow3r @undeniablyyou @luciferismybabe @luvrsbian @pink-hufflepuff f @queen-of-elves @bountydroid @solkee @m-rae23 @queenofbeingdepressed @smolmexicangirl @manzanosstuff @hungrhay @mae-foster @seb-buckybarnes @idga-fudgeicle
HP Tag List: @bamboozledflamplant @charmingandfantasticfics @discogrrl @squishytomatoes @benonlinear @byelannie @itsccc @bluegiraffeplushie @pancakefancake
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nancy-reads · 9 months
am I the one you think about?
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pairing: fred weasley x reader
summary: you're struggling to move all the boxes into your new shop in diagon alley. good thing that you have such a lovely redhead neighbor to help you....after you nearly kill him, of course.
warnings: slight angst and a cliffhanger
authors note: there will be a part two! i promise this has a happy ending i love these two too much. also this is mostly unedited because i really want to post it like right now
As soon as you apparated to your new shop, you knew you should have taken your friends up on their offers to help you move in. The bricks were uneven, the stairs were steep, and you had what felt like a million boxes to move into the shop and the flat above it. Magic would speed up the process, but you could only lift so many at a time. 
You’d dropped your third box when you tripped on the stairs and nearly broke your arm. Rubbing your arm and cursing yourself for your stupidity, you weren’t paying attention as you walked outside to retrieve more boxes.
“Wingardium Leviosa!” you cast, anger coloring your tone. Two boxes shot up into the air, and before you could stop them, they hit the man walking past right in the face.
You clapped your hand to your face and lowered your wand, immediately causing the heavy boxes to fall right on top of him. 
“Shit!” you cursed as you ran over and squatted next to him. “I’m so sorry! Are you alright?”
You cursed yourself. Of course he’s not alright. You just hit him in the face with a heavy box. Twice. 
“Christ,” he said, rubbing his forehead. “You really know how to make an impression.”
Heat flooded your cheeks. Of course, he was attractive too. Fiery red hair, a strong jawline, and freckles all around his face. It looked like he was tall too. You couldn’t really tell since he was mostly on the ground, but he looked strong. 
“I am so sorry,” you repeated. “I have some bruising salves and if anything hurts more I can probably fix it, I mean I am a healer-” you cut yourself off. “Are you okay?”
“I’m alright, I think it's just my pride that’s bruised,” he said, smirking as he moved into a seated position. You cringed as you saw the blue and purple mark that was already developing on his forehead. 
“Are you sure you don’t want anything to fix that bruise? It looks pretty nasty.”
“Just your pretty face should be fine.”
You felt like your face was on fire as you grabbed the salve. Still, he was cute…
“I don’t know,” you teased as you began applying the ointment to his face. “Delusions like that might indicate some sort of brain damage.”
His smile widened. “Does that mean you’re a hallucination? Because that would be cruel.”
You rolled your eyes as you finished. “Seriously though, I am so sorry,”
“Seriously though, it’s fine,” he mocked with a deadpan expression. “I’m Fred, by the way. My brother and I run that shop over there.” 
Fred stood as he pointed to the massive orange shop labeled Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. 
“Really, I couldn’t tell from the massive statue of your face on the front.”
He smirked. “Can’t miss it,” he paused for a second. “And you never told me your name.”
You introduced yourself, and Fred smiled. “Pretty name.”
“Uh…thanks,” you stuttered. It felt like the flush on your face would never go away. 
It was silent for a moment before Fred asked, “Do you need any help bringing those boxes up?”
You immediately shook your head. “No, no I’ve got it. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Are you sure?” he smirked. “It seemed like you were struggling a little bit before.”
You glared at him. “I was perfectly fine until you got in the way.”
“Got in the way!” He gasped in mock-anger. “I was simply walking the pavement when someone hit me with like ten flying boxes!”
“It was not ten, you liar,” you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face as you continued to banter with him. It was just so fun. 
“Wow,” he tutted. “Barely known me five minutes and you’re already calling me a liar.”
“I’ve always been a good judge of character.”
Unbeknownst to you, Fred had already taken his wand out of his pocket and was beginning to edge toward the boxes. He waved his wand, and two boxes rose into the air as if they were feathers. 
Of course, he has to be good at magic too.
“No. You are gonna go home and make sure that you don’t get hit by any more stray boxes,” you demanded, trying to sound as authoritative as possible. 
Fred’s smile grew as he lowered the boxes (much more gracefully than you ever have) and placed his hands up in surrender. “How about we make a deal?”
You cocked your head. “What kind of deal?”
He clasped his hands and stepped closer to you. “How about I help you with these boxes-”
“Let me finish, I swear did no one teach you that patience is a virtue?” There’s a smiling lilt to his voice that makes you want to melt into a puddle.
“Fortune favors the bold.”
“Anyway,” he continues, smiling still as he rolls his eyes. “I’ll help you with these boxes, and in return, you’ll come and visit me in my shop tomorrow.”
You paused, pretending to think for a moment. Of course, you were going to do it. More time with cute ginger shop boy who was definitely taller than you and looked like he had some very strong arms? How could you say no?
“I suppose I could fit it into my schedule,” you said, daring to elbow him in the side as you both walked toward the boxes. 
The rest of the afternoon was filled with more laughs than you thought possible. Fred was so funny, you supposed it made sense that he ran a joke shop. It felt like both of you were laughing every single second. 
And the best part was when you found out how strong his arms really were. 
Fred had just been telling you about one of his Hogwarts escapades when he and his brother used an age potion to try and enter the Triwizard Tournament. 
“So you really grew long white beards?” you couldn’t stop giggling as you followed Fred down the stairs. 
Fred threw a smile your way as he reached the bottom of the steps. “Yup. We nearly started fighting each other too. Would have if not for- woah!”
In your incessant laughter, you hadn’t been paying much attention to your very steep stairs and found yourself falling…
…straight into Fred’s very strong arms. 
It was silent for a second as you stared into each other’s eyes. His arms held you tightly as if you weighed nothing at all. You could feel heat creeping up your neck.
Fred paused, looking like he was thinking hard about something. 
“You know, I guess you could say that you fell for me,” he said, his eyes twinkling.
You smacked his (heavily muscled) arm. “That was disgusting.”
“Sorry darling, I couldn’t resist.”
Was it possible to die from joy and embarrassment at the same time? It had to be. 
You told him more about your shop as you floated the last few boxes upstairs. You were opening an apothecary with potions, ointments, and other helpful tools for healing so that people didn’t have to go to St. Mungos every time they had a problem. You were also thinking about offering small healing services once you had more staff. 
“Thats so cool!” Fred grinned. “I think we’ll probably end up with some similar customers.”
You snorted. “Yeah, I’ll get all the victims of your schemes.”
“I just sell the stuff,” he objected. “What my customers do is their own business.”
You gave him an unimpressed look. “Sure Fred. You tell yourself that.”
He gave you an innocent smile as both of you looked outside to realize that you had just brought the last boxes in. You stood there awkwardly for a moment. 
“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” you said. “I did make a promise to see your shop.”
“That you did,” Fred replied. “I better see you. I didn’t carry all these boxes for nothing.”
“That excited to see me, huh?”
“Yes, actually,” his smile was genuine. “I can’t wait to see your reaction to all my ‘schemes’ as you call them.”
Heat spread through your cheeks. “I’m excited to see you too.”
The next day was torture. Showing up at Fred’s shop at eight in the morning would have been the definition of creepy, so you forced yourself to set up your shop and unpack most of your boxes. 
You were quite proud of the work you had done for the last few hours. Twinkling lights were strewn around your shop, and magical plants wrapped around the shelves. All in all, the glass potion bottles and herbs would fit right in. 
You finally allowed yourself to head upstairs and choose an outfit. It took far longer than it should have, considering that Fred saw you yesterday in what was quite possibly the ugliest outfit you owned. 
Then you messed with your hair and your makeup. You knew it was kind of stupid, considering how flirty he had been yesterday, but you wanted to feel confident. And looking good was probably the only way you were going to get there.
Finally, after spending far too long on your appearance, you stepped out the door of your shop. Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes was the brightest thing on the street, and your eye was immediately drawn to the massive statue of Fred at the front, the orange coloring, and the smiles and laughter that surrounded the building. Even just looking at it made you want to smile. 
As you walked briskly toward the building, you could feel your heart beginning to race. You bit your lip, trying to hide the smile that was emerging, because really, you should not have a crush this big. You'd met the man once, for Merlin’s sake. 
Your smile immediately dropped when you actually got to the shop. 
Because Fred was standing there, his smile wide but different than yesterday. It wasn’t filled with the same laughter and joy. He wasn’t looking at you. He was looking at someone else. He was looking at another girl. Another girl who leaned in a kissed him. And he kissed back. 
And you turned on your heel and fled back to your shop.
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thewulf · 1 year
Works and Requests
Oh man I knew this day would come, I finally have to make seprate masterlists for some fandoms, this main post is too massive now! Masterlist's below the cut <3
If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up
Fluff: ✿‎ ‎
Angst: ✦‎
Hurt/Comfort: ‎♡
Top Gun Masterlist
Criminal Minds Masterlist
The Lord of the Rings Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
Accidentally in Love ‎♡✿‎ ‎
Always & Forever Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎ ‎
Here For You ‎♡✿‎
Tides of Comfort✿‎
Rafe Cameron
Who Did This To You? Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Big Blue World✿✦‎
Terrible Liar✿✦‎
Whatever The Hell This Is✿✦‎
The Outsiders
Darrel "Darry" Curtis
I Want To✿✦
By Your Side♡✿
Sunflowers and Second Chances♡✿
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Don't Cry✿✦
A Safe Place♡✿
Second Sunrise♡✿
Love Strikes♡✿
Steve Randle
Peachy Girl♡✿
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Adorably Clueless ✿‎
That Was the Moment ♡✿
Treat You Better✿✦
Paul Lahote
Forever Yours♡✿‎
Trust in the Tide✿‎
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe
Bound by Shadows✿✦
The Quiet Between✿✦
Teaching Trails✿
Beneath the Healer's Touch♡✿‎
Frosted Steel✿✦
Hidden Away✿✦
Eris Vanserra
A Realm Reborn✿✦
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain John Price
The Price of Protection♡✿‎
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Breaking Point♡✿‎
Through Your Eyes✿
Avatar Way of Water
Neteyam Sully
Different | Part 1 | Part 2 ✿‎ ‎
James "Bucky" Barnes
At Odds ✿✦‎
Miles Teller
Thank You Kind Stranger ✿‎
Works In Progress (WIP's)!
Aaron Hotchner x Reader - Request!
Jake Seresin x Reader - Request!
Spencer Reid x Reader - Request!
Steve Randle x Reader - Request!
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Who I Write For:
Top Gun: Maverick & 1986
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Bob Floyd
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Any other pilot upon request!
Harry Potter
The Marauders Era
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Paul Lahote
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Quill Ateara
Edward Cullen
Emmet Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis
Sodapop "Soda" Curtis
Ponyboy "Pony" Curtis
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Steve Randall
Keith “Two-Bit” Matthews
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Outer Banks
JJ Myabank
John B Routledge
Pope Heyward
Topper Thorton
Rafe Cameron
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Neteyam Sully
Lo'ak Sully
Jake Sully
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Ellie Williams
The Lord of the Rings
King Thranduil
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain Price
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe (ACOTAR)
Any High Lord really
Any other upon request!
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georgie-weasley · 1 year
Spontaneous pt. 2 G.W. x reader
Warnings: One swear word, talk of self loathing, Fred and Lee Jordan shenanigans
Word Count: 2.8k
Pairing: George Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: George finally pulled it together and asked you on a date but it had some bumps along the way.
Masterlist Part 1
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The week passed by painfully slowly. On Sunday, the day after George plucked up the courage to ask you out, he woke up thinking it was Saturday. He was very disappointed to learn he was wrong. Monday was slow but they usually are. Tuesday felt like Monday. Wednesday was only good because George spent his free period pranking Filch which happened to be one of his favorite ways to pass the time. He thought Thursday was Friday and he spent the whole day pouting every time he was reminded it wasn’t Friday. When it finally was Friday, George couldn’t sit still. He was sweaty and jumpy and got on every one of Fred’s nerves.
Now that it was Saturday, George paced around the courtyard, checking his watch just about every minute. 7:58. Everyone would be leaving in just two minutes and he couldn’t see you anywhere. You couldn’t have gotten lost. He knew for a fact your parents made sure you were always on time so you couldn’t have been late. You were standing him up. His heart dropped and tears pricked in the corner of his eyes. You said you wanted to come with him, in fact you said that you would love to join him but maybe it was all an act. You couldn’t tell him no to his face so you let him believe he had a shot with you only to leave him alone and embarrassed. With his head down, George started walking back to the castle when someone rammed into him.
George and the human bludger toppled to the ground, George landing harshly on his rear end. The attacker fell onto him, breaking their fall. Lucky them. With a glare and a flurry of curses ready to spring out, George looked up at the person who sent him crashing to the ground only for his anger to die immediately as he saw you. “George, I’m so sorry. I was so worried you’d leave without me or think I had forgotten you that I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
George blushed and snorted. “Why would you think that?” He smiled and once you got to your feet, he stood up as well. He offered his arm out to you and as you linked arms, he led you to join the crowd of students who had just begun their walk to Hogsmeade. “Why were you running late?” He was curious and maybe you would have brought it up on your own later but he had to know.
“I was reading a letter from my parents. I just received their response about me becoming a healer.” Your face fell for a split second before your smile came back. Part of you hoped George wouldn’t notice but another part of you wanted him to see. As fate would have it, George is very aware of anything concerning you. He saw your brief frown and when you smiled to cover it up, he didn’t see the spark in your eyes. They were not happy.
“They didn’t like it, did they?” He whispered, watching his feet as you walked.
“No, they didn’t. I was going to tell you later so I didn’t bring the mood down.” You pulled your arm away from his; after that rather disappointing topic, linking arms felt too intimate.
George felt the warmth leave his arm and he almost grabbed you, tempted to put it back. “I’m sorry. Let’s go to Honeydukes and get your mind off of it.” While he wanted you to focus on something else for a while, George was going to need the distraction as well. It was very possible your relationship with your parents could have been ruined all because of him. If that was true, he would never forgive himself.
The walk to Honeydukes was far too quiet. You didn’t say much and George wasn’t sure what to say. He already messed up when he asked you about the letter from your parents and he feared anything else would ruin the date completely. The store itself was the exact opposite of your walk with George. It was full of bright and colorful candies and people all talking excitedly about the unlimited sweets they planned to buy. Two men walked in not long after the two of you did and one of them looked shockingly similar to George. He was about the same height and covered in freckles. George would have bet money that he also had brown eyes but they were covered by sunglasses. He was a ginger as well but he had a mustache that looked like it was falling off. His friend also had sunglasses and a mustache but George could have sworn it was upside down. He looked a lot like Lee Jordan. He turned away from them and smiled a little at you. The environment seemed to neutralize the awkwardness between you and George, thankfully.
As you both wandered the aisles, George pointed out some of the candies that he preferred over the others. Of course he would eat just about anything there. “Can I buy you something?” He asked as he stood next to you. You had been looking at your favorite candy when he came up to you. If he was being honest, he shouldn’t buy you candy. Him and Fred were trying to save as much money as they could to try and save up for their products and eventually a store. It also was common knowledge that the Weasley family did not have much spending money so really, George should not have offered. That didn’t stop him though. He wanted to be the perfect date and that meant getting you some candy.
“That’s alright. You don’t have to.” You shook your head, trying to convince him not to buy you anything. It wasn’t like your parents didn’t have money. They were important people in the ministry and you never struggled for money. You could get your own candy and really, you could get George some as well.
“I insist.” Without waiting for you, George gathered a handful of packages and moved on to a different part of the store. After more time, George had his arms full of candy and his heart full of fear that he wouldn’t be able to pay for it all. As you both approached the counter, George set down the snacks and rummaged through his pockets. He counted up the coins and his heart dropped when he saw he was a Sickle short. His face burned bright red as he tried to do some quick mental math to get the total down when you slipped the silver coin into his hand. He only turned a darker shade of red at that. He didn’t want to use your money but he didn’t want to fight with you while the bored man behind the counter stared at him.
With the candy paid for, George gathered it back into his arms and just about sprinted out of the store. He kept walking, leaving you to run after him. He felt like the biggest idiot on the planet. He should have counted his money before they came into the store so he knew just how much he could buy you. He should have only got some for you and none for him. His eyes widened as a thought seemed to smack him right in the face. He wanted to take you for a butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks before the day was over but now he would have no money to do so.
“George!” You yelled, grabbing his arm. Lost in thought and self hate, George had begun walking toward the Shrieking Shack and almost moved past the fence blocking it from the public. He skidded to a stop. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for at least five minutes. What’s wrong?”
Did you really not know? How could you not have figured this out on your own? He didn’t answer and instead he turned back to look at the haunted building. What was he supposed to say? I’m mad because I spent all of my money getting you some sweets and now I can’t afford to get you anything else because my family is broke. Not to even mention you had to give me some of your money you no doubt got from your super rich parents.
“I didn’t mean to George. You insisted on buying me the candy.” He said all that out loud didn’t he?
He slowly turned back to you with a sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you, it's just embarrassing to have to use your money.”
You moved to stand next to him, leaning against the fence. “I don’t think you should be embarrassed. Your father gets to spend his days doing what he loves. It’s not great that it doesn’t make him much money but he’s happy. Happiness is what matters most right?”
“Yeah but being happy versus being able to afford books and clothes for your kids is very different.” George loved his parents and he knew they spent a lot of money taking care of them but that didn’t make it hurt any less when he saw Ron wearing ratty old uniforms or Ginny using books that had been used so many times they were hardly holding together. It never got easier to see his friends have everything he wanted. It would never get easier.
You carefully took the candy out of his arms and shoved it into your bag before taking his hand in yours. “I’m sorry your family struggles and I’m sorry it affects you like this but please know, I am more than happy to spend my money on you. You’re right when you said my parents are ‘super rich’. They make more than enough money at the ministry which is why I don’t mind spending some of it, or a lot of it, on you.”
He opened his mouth to argue but the words died in his throat when he saw the pleading look on your face. It was your money and you would spend it how you wanted and he would just have to live with the fact that you want to spend it on him.
“Now, how about you let me spend some of this money on you and treat you to that butterbeer you planned on getting me?”
George laughed and nodded. “Only if you let me get you one next time.”
The two of you laughed loudly at George’s story while you were tucked away into a corner booth. Something about promising that you like to spend money on him made George relax and you were finding out he’s even more fun when relaxed, if that was possible. You crammed yourself into the spot next to him and he had his arm thrown around your shoulders. He was perfect in every way.
“So you guys turned Ron’s teddy bear into a spider and that’s why he’s so scared of them? That’s horrible.” You laughed.
“Only a little. It was our job as older brothers to mess with him, we just didn’t know it would scar him for life. Oh well, it builds character.”
You only rolled your eyes and laid your head on his shoulder, pretending to ignore the way his body stiffened and his breathing stopped as you did. Despite the rocky start to the date, it easily became the best date of your life. George was funny and cute and probably the sweetest guy you ever spent time with. He was the kind of guy that would break his back if it would make you smile. You never wanted the day to end. Of course, it had to and with the warm glow coming in from the windows, it was time to head back to the castle. That didn’t make you move however. You were planning on staying here until the absolute last second.
“George,” you whispered, “thank you for asking me out. I’ve had a really great time.”
“Me too. I should have asked you out years ago.” His heart pounded in his chest as you moved to look at him, your face inching closer to his. He glanced down at your lips hoping he would get to learn if they really were as soft as he imagined. When you were just a centimeter away, a loud crash caused you both to spring apart. Across the way, the two men from before sat; the ginger was clutching onto his mug that had toppled over and now laid on its side, liquid steadily spilling out. Both of them quickly looked away from the two of you.
Moment officially ruined, you separated yourself from him and sighed. “We should probably get back to the castle.”
The walk back to the castle couldn’t have been more different than the walk to Hogsmeade. You two were laughing and holding hands and George seemed to have a permanent blush on his face. It was wonderful but the letter from your parents was in the back of your mind. He needed to know what it said but you were so worried it would ruin everything. In the courtyard, you stopped George even though all you wanted was to ignore the letter. “George, there’s something I should tell you.”
He stood in front of you and clung to your hand. You looked so serious and afraid of whatever it was you needed to talk to him about. He was getting scared now. George nodded, not trusting his voice.
“When I told my parents about what you said, that I should chase my happiness and all of that, they were not happy at all. They were disappointed and told me I was throwing away everything we had been working towards since I was born.” You took a deep breath and looked at your feet. “They said you were a bad influence and that I need to stay away from you. You were brainwashing me into thinking I wanted something that I didn’t want.”
Well shit. George told himself that he would never forgive himself if you ruined your relationship with your parents because of him. Let eternal self hatred begin. “I never meant to make them disappointed in you or mess this up for you.” He swallowed thickly as his heart broke. He was sure this was you telling him that whatever you had together needed to end. It would only make sense that it needed to. They were your parents, the people that brought you into the world and raised you and loved you. George was just… George. He was no one to throw away a good relationship with your parents for. There would be other guys that made you happy that your parents would approve of. Someone better and more deserving of you than George. He pulled his hand away from you but he didn’t get far.
Your grip on his hand only tightened as he tried to take it away. “I know you didn’t mean to. I don’t blame you, at all.” You stepped closer to him and put your other hand on his cheek. “You aren’t brainwashing me, you just helped me see that I would never be happy doing what they want me to do. So maybe they’re right and you are a bad influence but I happen to enjoy it.”
George’s eyes widened at your words, his heart mending itself. “I enjoy being your bad influence.”
“Good because I’m not letting you get away from me that fast.” You grabbed his face in your hands and surged forward, planting your lips on his. George didn’t move and for a moment you feared he had a heart attack or stopped breathing but he quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your lips melded together perfectly and you were certain he was the one you were destined to be with.
“Hell yeah Georgie!” A shout from across the courtyard forced George to pull away from you. Standing not far from you two stood the two men he had seen everywhere all day. The redheaded was jumping and cheering while his friend did the worst dance George had ever seen. As the one jumped, his mustache and sunglasses fell to the floor. Fred.
For a short moment, everyone stood frozen before George spoke. “Five…”
“What are you doing?” You questioned.
“Giving them a head start. Four…”
Fred and Lee took off running, glasses and mustaches left behind. George smiled and turned back to you, planting a quick and soft kiss on your lips. “I have to go beat up my brother and best friend but I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow and the rest of your life George. You’re stuck with me.”
“Oh my, whatever shall I do.”
Tags: @elijahslover
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blackbat05 · 4 months
At my side
Fred Weasley x Reader
Plot: When you start to show cracks, a concerned Fred wants to intervene.
Genre: Angst/Comfort, PG-13
A/N: Haven’t been writing as much but when I do the trauma really shows?🤡 But in all seriousness, if you’re going through a tough time, I hope this piece can comfort you slightly. May there be better days.
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Fred hears the door unlock, followed by the sound of you removing your shoes and coat. A loud groan emits from that rickety old chair at the dining table and Fred finds you slumped on the furniture, hand clasping a bottle of Butterbeer.
“Tough day?”
You give a wan smile and take a swig of the drink. Your head was still buzzing from the day’s events and you didn’t want to bring any troubles back.
“Dinner?” You asked, hoping to deflect the question. Fred tells you that Molly had sent over basil rice with tomato soup earlier in the day and had saved some for you. You notice that he’s still looking at you. Not wanting to crack under his gaze, you excuse yourself to wash up.
Alone in the bathroom, you find yourself heaving a sigh of relief. You go through the motion quietly and despite being clean, all you want to do is to curl up in bed and sleep the weekend away.
“Hullo love.” Fred appears at the doorway and you already dread where this is going. You have to act normal so you nod nonchalantly. Fred gets beside you.
“Everything okay? You seem sad.” Fred makes an astute observation.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just tired that’s all.” Your voice is a little too high pitched. You don’t want to tell him how you overheard malicious gossip at your temporary job as a healer assistant. Somewhere along the lines of how Fred was a successful, self-made entrepreneur and you were just there for the ride. It hurt even more because it was true.
“Sorry, Fred.” You interrupt. “I’m rather beat, I’ll go to sleep first.”
Before Fred can get another word in, you slip under the sheets and turn away from him. You’ve cried enough. You don’t want to make yourself weak in front of him.
Fred stops in front of the closed shop and leans naturally on the glass panel. Arriving at St Mungo’s, he’s greeted by staff and families buzzing around the reception area.
Holding a bag of food from your favorite Chinese restaurant, Fred sets off to find you. He gets off the third floor, and makes his way to the staff room where he’s sure to find you.
“She’s not going to move anywhere else! Not when she has that gorgeous ginger to provide for her.” A nasty voice emits from the room. Fred halts in his tracks and inches a little closer.
“I wish I could have her life,” another voice whines. “I would never have to worry about bills and have tea after passing time.”
Fred could smell the sarcasm from a mile away. The chorus of laughter only made his blood boil because he was no idiot, he knew that they were talking about you. So that’s why you were so gloomy yesterday. Fred has the urge to burst in there and give them a piece of his mind when-
He turns around and you’re standing there holding a clipboard looking pale and shell-shocked. How much did he overhear from your nasty colleagues?
You manage to snap out of it and grab him by the wrist, pulling Fred to the lobby and out of earshot from curious eyes and ears.
“What was that? Was that why you were so sad?” Fred interrogates. “Tell me!”
You flinch at his accusatory tone. No. You will not be spoken to this way. The past couple of months had been hard on you. The passing of your grandmother coupled with the inability to get a stable job had took a toll on you. You were trying so hard to keep it together but sometimes, all you need is just a spark to start an inferno.
“Will you stop harassing me!” You snarl and Fred genuinely looks shocked at your sudden outburst. This wasn’t you. You were always bright and sunny despite whatever challenges that were thrown your way. The person that was in front of him was… downtrodden and beaten.
“I can’t deal with this right now.” Your hands are tightly balled into fist. “I’m trying so hard to feel some sort of worth at a job where my colleagues think I’m a rich skank mooching off her boyfriend and that I’m doing this job to simply pass time.” You find your shoes very interesting at this point in time. “So if you have nothing useful to say, please leave.”
As the words tumble out of your mouth, a part of you cannot believe what you’ve just said. You’re a horrible bastard. You can’t bear to look at the expression on Fred’s face so you turn and stalk back to the ward where your “beloved” colleagues were probably wondering where you ran off to.
You apparated a few feet outside of your shared apartment, letting out a sigh. You weren’t looking forward to the conversation to be honest.
Be a big girl.
You open the door to silence and for a moment you think that Fred is still at the shop.
You turn around to see Fred at the kitchen, holding two mugs. “Can we talk?” He asks gently. You nod and wordlessly make your way to the dining table.
“Thanks.” You accept the mug of hot chocolate and are pleasantly comforted by the warmth gushing down your throat.
“About just now,” Fred starts. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have turned up unannounced.” He fiddles with his hands, a sign that he still has more to say. “And I shouldn’t have been that hard on you.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it’s me.” You blurt out. “I know you were concerned. I didn’t want to tell you because you’ve been really busy with the shop and honestly, I thought I could handle it on my own. Those nosy witches, they’re more bark than bite.” Your insult brings a small smile on your face and this humors Fred as well.
As you let your guard down, suddenly the weight of the world falls off your shoulders and your cheeks start to feel wet.
“Oh,” you summon a handkerchief, “I’m being ridiculous.”
“You’ve been too hard on yourself.” Fred frowns. “You’ve been through a lot. I wished I could have carried some of it for you.”
“You already have.” You hold his hand, thinking about how he insisted to be there for you when your grandmother passed away and never left your side once. As the tears rolled down your face, you realize one thing.
“You were there and I always want you to be by my side.”
You think about how if Fred was never there, you would have fought everything on your own. It wasn’t any easier now, but at least it wasn’t rock bottom.
Fred gives you a tight hug.
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kawaiiwritingcomputer · 2 months
Hey hey idk if you're doing requests at the moment but can I have yandere poly (if you're comfy doing poly) scooby gang with a gentle giant female s/o? Like she towers over the whole gang but doesn't like violence unless necessary.
She's like that one meme
"Normaly I'm the healer but... not today" *pulls out a gun*
Thanks if you do this!!
🍄: i don’t write poly,,, but i cannot not write this. i love poly scooby gang in general! thank YOU for this request :3 im writing this as reader is willing as well 😭 i cannot imagine gentle giant resisting nor can i imagine the gang being tooo dubious
Poly!yandere!Scoobygang x giant!Reader:
let’s start with all of them are enamored with how tall you are !!!
you’re always sitting in the back with shaggy and scooby, sometimes making freddy jealous
they all argue over how they’re going to split up and find clues with you
You sit there chilling like ☺️ guys we take turns
sometimes Shaggy wins bc if the particular mystery is super scary, Scooby refuses to go without you
sometimes Velma will come with you and shaggy and scooby to tag along
Normally daphne and fred would be like :( without velma or you but they sometimes don’t mind the alone time either
and vice versa as well when its just shaggy and velma (and scooby ofc but yk dog)
shaggy gets shy around your tall nature and will sometimes pretend to be brave with scooby to protect you but he always ends up jumping in your arms
speaking of jumping into your arms lol 😭 the cut scenes of when you guys are running around trying to run away from the ghoul you guys are trying to debunk: at some point you do end up carrying all five of them in your arms
they all swoon
you help Fred make his traps when he needs to reach certain places.
you and daphne listen to his ramblings while helping him with it
Daphne is your personal stylist ofc
She cannot have one of her cuties being raggedy! Shaggy has the shaggy look down and it’s cute in him, but anyone else? puh-lease!
ofc her daddy’s and mommy’s money pays for your customized clothes bc of your height. sometimes it’s hard to shop lol
Velma is the shyest around you
whether you’re lanky like shaggy or muscular johnny bravo
girl swoons over you literally. she loves going to libraries with you and watching you grab her books for her
Shaggy can too tbh but he likes eating more than reading so you’re taken to the library instead
Shaggy cooks for everyone (canon, sometimes fred joins) but he makes your food portions just like his 😭
big sandwiches and ridiculous toppings and all! unless you have preferences, then scooby will be like “ruh-uh (Y/N) doesn’t like that!”
Scooby stays near you and shaggy as a given
love the personal headcanon that he’ll give you and shaggy warnings if you guys don’t see something that can hurt you guys
so quite literally the look out dog for you
kinda funny how you’re seen as the intimidating one bc your height but it’s literally the whole gang everyone has to worry about 😭
god forbid anyone makes you tear up
the whole gang is pulling up with their personal weapon of choice
Daphne doesn’t even need a weapon 🙏🏽 she just karate kicks them in the throat and then hands you her handkerchief (she keeps it)
sometimes with daphne or velma being taken as hostage, that’s when you put on the brave face to find them by yourself
much to the boys dismay when they realize you disappear too leaving it to shaggy to find the ghoul with you chasing you
“Found them Freddy!”
“Where’d you put Daphne/Velma monster!” is your shout as you continue to chase
“I’ll build trap!”
You hear Freddy and shaggy and set trap up
sometimes it changes but it goes something like that every now and then
with how willing you with the gang and the adventures, you almost forget they’re yandere for you
until it’s time to split up again or it’s time to figure out who gets to sleep next to you (they’re all jealous of scooby for being a dog and being able to sleep on your legs)
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mycenalucentipes · 1 year
You Won't Understand || Draco Malfoy x GN!Reader
Summary: Where, you stumble upon Draco mid breakdown in a secluded part of the library. Draco hisses for you to go away, believing that you’ll never understand his problems. You scoff, saying, “try me”, thus starts a newfound companion. 
Word count: ~2.5k
Warnings: Swearing, angst, some comfort towards the end?
a/n: Hi, I just wanted to write a fic in where, the reader also struggles with not being good enough, and finally, maybe, someone will understand what they’re going through. I might’ve self projected all of my worries and trauma from my high school days lol. There's a longer explanation for that at the end if anyone wants to read xD
But anyways, please enjoy
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A deep sigh escaped your lips as you made your way to the library. It was lunchtime, and you were supposed to be in the Great Hall with your friends. However, earlier that day, you received a Howler from your mother. 
Thankfully you were in the privacy of your dorm room when you received this. Everyone had already left for the day. Your mother, a proud Ravenclaw, was deeply ashamed that you were sorted into the Slytherin house instead of hers. So to compensate, she relentlessly tortured you to always achieve the highest marks possible. After graduating Hogwarts, she attended the University of Oxford and ended up working for a different prestigious university as a researcher in neurology. 
Your father on the other hand was not a wizard. He was a muggle that your mother had fallen in love with while she attended regular university. He was also a neurologist, a man of science. He despised the magic part of you. It was a rude awakening when you got your letter from Hogwarts and your mother had to explain everything about her world. She fought him hard and long to send you to Hogwarts, so you couldn’t completely despise her. However, since they both wanted the best of their worlds for you, their expectations were too high in the sky for a mere sixteen-year old. Your father wanted you to attend the most prestigious university for med school while your mother just wanted you to be the top of your class. She figured you could become a healer at St. Mungo's or gain a high position in the Ministry of Magi. (She might be trying to live vicariously through you, as she gave up any jobs involving magic.)
As a result, you weren’t sure what you wanted anymore. For now, since you and your father weren’t exactly on speaking terms, your mother was the only one who even seemed to care. Thus, you focused all of your attention on your studies within the past month. Often skipping meals or falling asleep during them. Your friends began noticing the toll it took on you–your face grew paler and more tired, your hands shook, and dark circles formed under your eyes from countless all-nighters. Needless to say, you were incredibly freaked out for your next exam.
 If you didn’t receive an Outstanding, you would not have anywhere to go for the summer. Maybe you could spend it with the Weasleys? You managed to befriend Ginny, Fred, and George. Ron was a little harder to get him to come around, just because you were a Slytherin. 
On your way to the library, you nearly ran head first into Ginny. Oh, how coincidental. Before you even had a chance to apologise, she started rambling. 
“Oh hey, Y/n! I was just looking for you, I haven’t seen you at any meals today,” She said with worry evident on her face, “Are you alright? Please, come back to  lunch with me. I miss you, Y/n. We're all worried about you.” You cast her a guilt-ridden look. 
“I’m just heading to the library. I need to perfect my knowledge for the next exam,” You sighed defeatedly with a small chuckle. 
“But, Y/n–” Ginny began, concern lacing her voice. This time, you wore an apologetic expression. 
“I’m sorry Ginny, I just can’t. I–uhm, can I ask a favour from you though?” Avoiding eye contact out of shame, you looked away, unable to hold her gaze any longer.
“Of course Y/n, anything.” Ginny reached out and rubbed your arm in an attempt to comfort you.
You let out a heavy sigh. “Could I possibly stay at your place over the summer?” You hung your head down, eyes filled with unshed tears. You couldn’t bring yourself to meet Ginny’s gaze. “My mother owled me to say: If you don’t get O’s on the rest of your exams, don’t even think about coming home, child!” Ginny gasped softly, eyes widening at the words that stammered out of your mouth. 
“Oh, Y/n, of course you can stay with us. I'm sure you'll be alright, but you're always welcome to stay with us,” She replied, her voice brimming with sympathy. You gave a short nod of thanks, unable to speak or your tears would escape your eyes. “I suppose I’ll see you later then? Please, come to dinner at least.” You once again nodded, giving her a small smile. She smiled back as well, then turned and left you once again. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The exhaustion and tiredness from it all was creeping in, eating away at you slowly. 
You were so tired. When would it get better? When would it end?
As you entered the library, your eyes scanned the endless rows of books, searching for a quiet place to study. That’s when you noticed a figure hunch in a cushioned chair by a window, their shoulders shaking and trembling.
It was Draco Malfoy. A boy that you weren’t really on any terms with. Occasional waves from you and small nods from him were the extent of your communication. 
Forgetting about your own woes for a moment, you cautiously approached him, uncertain if he would react kindly to your presence. Once you were about five feet away from him, his head snapped up. Then you saw his face. Tears pooled out of his eyes every few seconds, his lips trembled, then his brows narrowed. 
“What are you doing here?” Draco spat out, his voice a little hoarse. 
You hesitated for a moment, taking in the situation you just landed yourself in. Despite the venomous sounding tone, you could detect that he really hadn’t meant it that way. Ignoring his question, you stepped closer, concern etched on your own features.
“Are you alright?” You asked softly, your voice filled with genuine worry, “I–Is there anything I can do?”
Draco averted his gaze, trying to hide the pain and tears in his eyes. “It’s nothing. Just go away, please. You wouldn’t understand,” he muttered, his voice laced with frustration. You narrowed your eyes at this. 
“Oh, I wouldn’t? Why, because I’m not a pureblood? Because I 'don’t have any expectations placed onto me'? Hmm?” You retorted back, unsure why you spat back such a defensive response. He looked slightly taken aback at your words. 
“Yes, precisely. Wow, you're so smart,” his voice dripping with sarcasm, he rolled his eyes, then slumped back in the chair.
You folded your arms. “Try me, then. I won’t tell anyone, I swear it," you challenged him, not budging.  
He narrowed his eyes at you once again, unsure if he should open up. After a moment of internal struggle, he sighed with defeat. “If you really must know, There’s just–just so many expectations weighing on me. If I’m not good enough, it will be a disaster for my parents and me. I don’t want to risk anything, and the pressure is so... suffocating. I feel like I’m losing my mind,” he reluctantly started, but soon couldn’t stop, he didn’t know why he was sharing all of this with some random classmate.
“I’m not good enough for him. I don’t even feel that I’m good enough for my parents. My father always says: Malfoys do this, Malfoys don’t do that. Then my mother is already trying to arrange a marriage for me. I wish everyone’s expectations of me would just disappear.”
“But how would you ever understand that type of pressure?” He sighed in frustration as you just nodded along. muttered quietly, but you still heard him.
You didn't know who 'he' was, but you sure as fuck knew about pressure from parents.
“Sorry to interrupt your little pity party, Malfoy,” you sighed, meeting his glare with a calm gaze. “But let me tell you, I do understand the feelings of pressure and not being good enough for someone. I’m going to get kicked out of my home by my mother if I don’t get Outstandings on every single last assignment. She's dead serious about that. My father and I aren’t on speaking terms because he thinks being magical is stupid. He wants me to attend muggle medicine university. My mother shames me everyday for being in Slytherin and not her perfect little Ravenclaw house. They both expect me to do what they want without giving me a choice. If I’m not their perfect little daughter, I’ll just get shunned and kicked out. Disowned. I'm just their disappointment,” you rambled out, “but I suppose this little talk shouldn’t be about me. Sorry, didn't mean to spin it like that. Just forget it.” 
Maybe your family's reputation wasn't as important as the Malfoys, but nonetheless, you were sure you would become disowned by them. They had set unrealistic expectations out of you. Your mental health was rapidly declining, if it hadn’t already hit rock bottom, your feelings were valid and you won’t let anyone tell you otherwise. However, your parents didn’t seem to care about your feelings. 
"I definitely know how it feels. Like someone is drowning or suffocating you. There's no breaks. And it's all ridiculous because we are just teenagers. So what the fuck, life?" You angrily whisper out.
Draco stared at you, momentarily speechless. “I… I had no idea,” he murmured out, “it seems you are capable of understanding this more than I thought.” You mirrored the speechlessness, unsure if you should be insulted or relieved by his admission. He looked away from you, staring out the window for a brief moment. 
“It’s alright, Draco. No one really notices anyways,” you laugh awkwardly, trying to brush your feelings away again. Even though you pushed for Draco to share his feelings, you felt like a burden doing the same thing. 
You went to approach him, stepping into the rays of sunlight that beamed in from the windows. It wasn’t until now that Draco took in your full appearance. He never paid you much mind, as you weren’t a pureblood or in his friend group, but friends with the Weasleys. You truly were a beauty. You had godly features that rivalled any of the most attractive students. Your hair cascaded softly around your face, accentuating your facial features. It was also then, he realised just how malnourished and exhausted you were looking. The sunken eyes, pale face, bloodshot eyes and slightly trembling form. He was sure a gust of wind would knock you over. 
“You look like shit, L/n.” Draco said flatly, instantly realising the bluntness of his comment. Your eyes widened at his comment.
 “I–I’m sorry, that was uncalled for.” He apologised? Who was this imposter and what did he do with Draco Malfoy? 
“Gee, thanks. It’s nothing I can’t handle though.” You rolled your eyes, a small laugh escaped your lips. Attempting to brush his concern off and divert the attention away from yourself, you shot back, “Have you seen yourself though? I could say the same.” Draco just shook his head with amusement on his face.
“Yeah, yeah. But, it’s clearly not ‘nothing’. A gust of wind could knock you over,” he retorted back, though his gaze softened. You scoffed at him. He couldn’t explain why he suddenly cared, why he wanted to reach out to you. Maybe it was because you made him feel calmer? The gentle aura you carried around when others were there was relaxing and a good change of pace. Maybe it was the fact that you also shared the same feelings of struggle as him. Not being accepted or feeling good enough for everyone. You tried to help him (in your own challenging way), now he wanted to help you, at least just a little. 
You hummed a little, shying away a little for the first time. “Well, perhaps we could both use a break from trying to meet everyone’s expectations. Maybe we can help each other out,” you suggest, “though I don’t know how to help out with the whole pureblood traditions thing, I’ll be around for you if you need some support. Or just a friend to hangout with or vent to.” Draco nodded along with your plan, not feeling too opposed to this.
“And I can help you with your studies,” he offered with a soft tone. You nodded as well, giving a genuine smile this time. 
Over the next few weeks, you and Draco spent more and more time together. Sometimes it would be hardcore study sessions. Where it felt like the questions he quizzed you on were never ending. Other times, it would be ranting about everything and nothing. It helped both of you get some weight off your chests. A couple times, you took trips to Hogsmeade to chat over a butterbeer or three. 
You could say it was a friendship. You weren’t sure how he felt, but you could feel yourself falling for the Slytherin boy. Though you knew it might not end well, with him being a ‘pureblood’ and all. Such bullshit that is. You often told him that was your opinion on the pureblood traditions, he would just chuckle, sadness laced in it occasionally. 
“Y/n, how do you feel about your grades?” Draco asked casually as you both walked down an empty hallway. Your face paled and your body froze in your steps. The feeling always haunted you, no matter how much you talked it over, it would still haunt you. Draco came to a halt and turned towards you, voice laced with genuine worry, “Y/n?” He could see the inner turmoil your brain shoved you into, and it pained him more than it should have to see you like this. 
You tried to shake yourself out of anxiety’s grip. “I’m not too sure to be honest. I’m waiting on three exams and two homework grades still…,” you trailed off, drowning in your worries again. 
“Hey, hey, you’ll be ok, alright?” He said with a much softer tone while placing his hands on your arms. Over the weeks, you both became immaculate at reading each other’s signs of worry or anxiety, knowing exactly what to do. 
“You don’t know that, Draco,” you sighed, “although, maybe staying with the Weasleys would be better for my mental health anyways.” At this thought, you felt a little more relieved, but no matter how much you tried not to care, these feelings would forever haunt you.
“A–anyways, how about you? How’s your whole… family thing?” You asked, deflecting any more concern that came your way.
“It’s uh… still not great. Mother called off any preset engagements, however she still wants me to at least try going on the dates.” He grumbled. It was a little progress. You encouraged him to express his feelings with his mother, maybe it would change her mind. You knew it was a long shot to be able to change the traditions of hundreds of years, but why not try now? 
“Oh! Well, I suppose that’s… a little good then?” You tilted your head a little, becoming lost in thoughts again. You wondered if her mind would ever change enough to let you potentially date Draco. No, you haven’t confessed anything to Draco, but your feelings weren’t dying. 
Draco scrunched his nose and gave a slight nod. “Yes, I suppose so. Maybe, someday, she’ll let me date whoever I want, without worrying about blood status…” Your eyes widened, a blush spreading across your cheeks and to your ears. 
“That would be nice, wouldn’t it?” You stammered out. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but you could’ve sworn that was implying he wanted to date you. Little did you know, you were correct. Maybe someday it would work out, but for now, both of you were content with your ever growing friendship. Though, can you really call this a friendship? You were sure it dug deeper than just that. 
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looong a/n: So, I might’ve self projected all of my worries and trauma from my highschool days. I went to a public hs, but good god, the standards were high. Anything less than an A was a failure. I had friends crying over 94%’s… I had a couple friends that would get locked out of their houses for the day if they brought home C’s. I, myself, never felt smart enough either. My friends always scored higher than me.
I maintained a solid 3.8 GPA, but it just wasn’t as high as my friends’ with their 3.9’s and 4.0’s :’). So I spent my whole grade school career, never feeling smart enough. I cried myself to sleep most nights from the stress of it all. My parents would get onto me and had really high expectations for me as well. It took my dad forever to realise I'm going to sometimes get C's because some subjects just don't click and I crumble under pressure. No matter how hard I study, I cannot always get A's. That should be okay, but my parents....hhhhh. It’s taken me a little bit of time to start undoing the feeling that if I don't get A’s, I’m a failure.
Though, I’m finally realising that grades aren’t everything in life, and it’s ok. I’ll still aim for the top, but I’m not sacrificing my mental health for it again. (I still have a 3.8GPA at uni, but now I’m studying smarter ;) and uni has been slightly easier than high school, wtf.) I’m not trying to sound stuck up or snobby, I promise and I apologise. That was just the school mindset I was raised in. In which, I’m trying to undo some of those more painful mindsets. 
I’m trying to learn that my efforts are enough. I’m putting my best work in while not sacrificing my sanity this time. I’m enough, you’re enough, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 
Thanks for reading if you did!
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lumosandnoxwriting · 3 months
i wanted that pain || George Weasley
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Title: i wanted that pain Pairing: George x Reader, but also mentions of George x OC and Reader x OC Summary: he wanted a bride, i was making my own name A/N: the next part of the anthology is here! When i originally planned this out it had a different vibe but im actually really happy with how this turned out! As always feedback is welcome! <3
She only does it when she’s had a few glasses of wine and is feeling loose, but not sleepy enough to crawl into bed. 
Some people might call her a masochist, looking at what could have been had she made a different choice that day. Others might call her pathetic, that’s she’s pining over something that she gave up long ago. Only Y/N knows the truth. 
She knows that she doesn’t look up George on Wizstagram because she’s jealous of the life he lives and wants to inflict pain on herself. And she also knows that she doesn’t regret any second of the life she’s lived and she’s sitting there agonizing over what her life could have been. Because Y/N knows that she’s happy, and that the path she took in life was the right one for her. She knows that just because her life doesn’t look like George’s doesn’t mean she’s not content and satisfied with where she ended up. 
Looking up her ex-boyfriend on Wizstagram is not a form of self-torture. It’s a form of reassurance. 
Y/N has been feeling nostalgic lately after hearing the news that McGonagall has decided to finally retire, which is probably why she’s curled up under her favorite blanket, second glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other. It’s probably been over a year since she looked George up on Wizstagram, and unsurprisingly when she types in @MischiefManager2 to the search bar, an account with George’s face as the profile pic pops up immediately. 
The most recent photo is one she knows well, since she was the one who took it. Fred and George have a frowning McGonagall sandwiched between them, the smiles on their faces brighter than the sun. It’s from their graduation, well her and Lee’s graduation, since the Twins didn’t technically finish the year and could only attend as guests. They had insisted on getting a photo with their favorite Professor, and Y/N had been happy to oblige them. McGonagall not so much. 
Graduation day is often the day Y/N thinks back on as the day that changed her life forever. Not only had she graduated from Hogwarts, the culmination of seven years of hard work. But before the ceremony McGonagall had pulled her aside to let her know that St. Mungos had accepted her into Specialized Healer Training. 
And of course, that was the day she ended things with George, catapulting her life in a totally different direction. 
“Baby,” George murmurs as Y/N catapults herself into his arms. He grips her tightly, lifting her feet off the ground as he hugs her. He brushes his lips against the shell of her ear, inhaling against her hair. “I’m so fucking proud of you.”
His words light her up inside, and Y/N wraps her legs around George’s hips so she can cling to him even tighter. It’s been a lonely few months since he and Fred made their departure from Hogwarts, and it feels so good to be back in his arms. 
They stand there amidst everyone else celebrating for a few more moments, just content with holding each other. When George finally puts Y/N back down he leans in, capturing her lips with his. “You’re finally free,” he murmurs against her mouth when their kiss breaks, before pressing their mouths together again. 
A pang of sadness rips through her chest at George’s words. Because while her time at Hogwarts is coming to an end, she’s not quite done with school. Just before the ceremony started McGonagall had pulled Y/N aside, letting her know that she was one of four other students who had been accepted into the Specialized Healer training program at St. Mungos. This is the culmination of all her hard work, every hour in the library, extra credit assignment and summer spent volunteering at St. Mungos has led to this. Y/N has always wanted to be a Healer, and this program is the only thing that stands in her way of completing her lifelong dream. 
But it also means more time away from George. While St. Mungos is located in Central London, the program requires participants to spend time at smaller Wizard clinics and hospitals all over the world, to expose them to all different kinds of ailments and treatments. For the next four years she’ll be traveling and studying nonstop, and Y/N had been overjoyed when McGonagall shared the news. 
Except she’d forgotten one major thing. George.
“There’s something I need to tell you about.” Y/N says solemnly, breaking their kiss. 
“What’s wrong?” George responds immediately. He cups Y/N’s face, his thumb gently caressing his jaw. “Whatever it is, baby we’ll get through it together.”
“I got into the Healer Training Program.”
George’s eyes light up with excitement. “Baby! That’s amazing! I’m so fucking proud of you.” Except the smile on his face turns into a frown when Y/N doesn’t share his joy. “Why aren’t you excited? Isn’t this what you wanted?”
“Yes, of course it is,” Y/N starts, her voice apprehensive. “But the program, it’s really intense and it’s four more years of training.”
“Oh,” George murmurs. “Well that’s not too bad. Fred and I are so busy at the shop that we’re barely ever in the flat so it’ll be plenty quiet for you to study in. And in a year or two, once we’re really making money we can get a place just for us with room for you to have a proper office. And it doesn’t even have to be in Diagon Alley, we can rent somewhere closer to St. Mungos and-.”
“George,” Y/N interrupts, pressing a finger to his lips to keep him from continuing. “The program doesn’t take place at St. Mungos. The first few weeks do, but after that the Cohort travels all over the world, spending time in different places and at different hospitals.”
“For how long?” he asks once Y/N lets him speak, but she can tell by the tone of his voice that he already knows the answer to that question. 
“The whole four years, George.”
“Oh,” George repeats, a sullen look taking over his face. “But there’s other programs, right? Other ways to become a Healer?”
Y/N nods slowly, not liking the train of thought George is heading down. “Well, yes. I could become an apprentice, working under a current Healer and then in ten years I’ll be eligible to take the examinations to be a general Healer.”
”And that will keep you in London?”
”Yes,” Y/N answers, frowning when a smile lights up George’s face. Clearly he thinks he’s just found the solution to all of their problems. “But George, this program is my dream. I’ll get to learn from the best Healers in the world, and when I graduate I’ll be in a higher position and I’ll get to enter any department I want.”
A frown takes over his face once again. “But what about our dreams, Y/N? The things we’ve been talking about and planning for the last three years?”
Of course she knows exactly what George is talking about. Ever since they got together in their fourth year, both Y/N and George knew they were in it for the long haul. Even though they were young and people, mainly Fred, found it foolish that they were thinking in terms of forever, they were firm in their assertion that they’d found their person and nothing anyone could say would change their mind. 
So they talked. About Y/N’s career plans, and George’s. Fred and George would open their dream store after graduation, and Y/N would start the journey to becoming a Healer. They’d move in together in the summer, and by the following fall they would be engaged. A small wedding would be held at The Burrow in the spring, and the following winter they’d try for their first baby. 
Back then Y/N never imagined that she’d get into the Specialized Healer Training program at St. Mungos, since it’s so competitive. So she and George never talked about what their future would look like if Y/N had to be away for a few years. In all their daydreaming, Y/N was always an apprentice at St. Mungos, slowly working her way up to being a full Healer while they grew their family.  As an apprentice she would have the luxury of taking time off and being a hands on Mum, and by the time she was a full Healer their kids would be older and George would be settled enough in his career to take over most of the child minding. 
And Y/N had been content with that reality. She would have the husband, the kids and the career she always wanted. But all of that flew out the window the second McGonagall gave her the good news. This program is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and Y/N will never forgive herself if she walks away from it. 
“We can still have those dreams, Georgie. We just need to adjust our timeline a little bit.” She speaks softly, dragging her fingertips across George’s cheek. “We can still have all of those things someday, when I’m finished with my program and back in London full time.”
”But I don’t want those things someday, Y/N,” George responds, his tone harsh. “I want that all now, like we’ve always talked about. There’s space for your things in my closet and there’s an engagement ring tucked away in my sock drawer waiting for the perfect moment. I’m ready for our future together to start now, and I thought you were too.”
George’s grip on her loosens, and Y/N’s heart aches as she steps out of his embrace. “I was, George. But this changes everything. This program is what I’ve worked my ass off for, it’s what I’ve had my sights set on long before I ever even knew you. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t go.”
“And I don't know if I’ll ever be able to forgive you if you do go.”
His words hurt, jabbing her in the chest as if he’s stabbed her with a knife. Tears pool in Y/N’s eyes, and she shakes her head. “Don’t make me choose between you and this program, George. Please. We can do this, it’s only four years.”
George shakes his head, but doesn’t say anything. His face is firm, his eyes narrowed in determination. It’s clear to Y/N that he’s going to make her be the one to decide. She can either have her program, or she can have the life her and George have dreamed about, there is no world where both options can exist. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whispers after a few moments of silence. She slowly takes a few steps back from George, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Goodbye George.”
Seeing that picture doesn’t bring Y/N the pang of sadness she expected it to. It took her months to even talk about what happened that day, and it took well over a year before she would look at any of the pictures her friends and parents had taken. A day that was supposed to be full of joy and celebration quickly became one of agonizing pain and she never wanted to feel that way again. 
Taking that photo of George and Fred is the last happy memory she has from their relationship, but looking at it now all she feels is gratitude. Because while breaking up with George was the hardest, most painful thing she’s ever had to do, she doesn’t regret it for a second. 
Joining that training program was one of the best decisions she’s ever made, the places Y/N got to see and the things she experienced were life changing. When she returned back to England and joined St. Mungos she had her pick of placements, and Y/N has spent the last several years in the Janus Thickey Ward, working with their longtime patients and permanent spell damage. 
If she had chosen George all those years ago she’d barely be eligible for the exams to certify her as a general Healer, and she’d never have the opportunities she does now. 
Y/N scrolls through the next few photos, stopping briefly to admire the pictures of him and Fred, and the snapshot of the entire Weasley family taken during a recent family dinner. The Weasley family was always so tight knit, and it’s nice to see that time hasn’t changed that fact. Family was always George’s number one priority, and Y/N knows it would kill him not to be close with his siblings. 
The next photo she stops on is one of George and his wife. Melody is her name, and Y/N has heard from various channels that she was in the year below them at Hogwarts, and they met when Fred and George hired her as a potion master for the joke shop. 
The picture is from their wedding day, and the caption lets Y/N know that George had posted it in celebration of their anniversary. Posted only a few months ago to celebrate their seven year wedding anniversary, she does some quick mental math. It’s been ten years since graduation, meaning it’s been the same amount of time since the break up. George and Melody didn’t meet until a year after that, meaning they were together for around two years before tying the knot. 
It does hurt a little, knowing that it took George three years to meet and marry someone else, when if they had stayed together he wouldn’t have had to wait much longer to marry Y/N. But it would have hurt more if he had met and married someone way quicker than that, so she doesn’t dwell on it for too long. 
In the photo they’re smiling at each other, and the genuine joy on their faces makes Y/N smile too. George may have been someone she cared deeply for, and losing him hurt - but he wasn’t the man she was supposed to be with and she’s glad he found his person. 
She’d be a hypocrite if she ever thought otherwise, considering her person is upstairs right now getting ready for bed. 
Y/N met Ben during her Healer training. He had been a student at Beauxbatons, so their paths had never crossed until the first day of the program. Of course she had instantly found him attractive, but with her heart still so raw from the breakup with George they started off as just friends. Halfway through their second year, after scrolling on Wizstagram and seeing a picture of George for the first time since the breakup, Y/N realized she felt nothing for him anymore and the pain from the break up and fully ran its course.  
She asked Ben out on a date the next night and they’ve been together ever since. 
Y/N doesn’t doubt that what she and George had between them was love, but after being with Ben she knows now that it wasn’t true love. And when she looks at this photo of George and Melody, she knows he has that with her too. 
The sound of Ben’s footsteps coming down the stairs is a sign that her trip down memory lane is coming to an end, so she scrolls to the next photo for one last look. In it George is holding probably the tiniest baby she’s ever seen, surrounded by four kids of varying ages all rocking the same shock of ginger hair as their dad. The caption reveals that it’s a birth announcement, and Y/N can practically feel her uterus contract at the thought of having five kids in under seven years. 
But George always wanted a big family, and she used to think that was something she wanted too. Being an only child growing up was lonely, and when Y/N would go back home with George for the holidays she was envious at how close everyone was, and how The Burrow was always full of laughter and love. So when they talked about their future children it was obvious that they would have several, with them as close together as possible just like George and his siblings. 
Time and maturity helped Y/N realize that popping out baby after baby was only her dream because of her relationship with George. Healing can be a demanding career, and the Healers they trained with who had families always made sure to stress how difficult it can be to handle parenthood and their career. While many of them were able to balance the responsibilities that come with being a parent and their love for their career, for a lot of them it came with sacrifices. Several of them ended up divorcing their partners who couldn’t understand that their job wasn’t always predictable, and there would be times that they came home late or missed out on things. Others had ended up taking time off, or going into lesser positions in order to have a better work/life balance. 
With how much Y/N loved her program and knowing who she is as a person, she quickly found out that whatever plan she and George had worked out regarding children was built on the naïveté of two kids who thought they knew everything. Growing up she had two dreams, being a Healer and being a mother. With the amount of kids she and George always talked about having, also having the career she wanted would have never been a possibility. Something would have had to give, and Y/N knows she would have chosen her family over everything. 
She also knows that once her kids were grown and at Hogwarts and she had no career to fall back on she would have regretted that decision. And that’s not something she would ever want to put on her children. So she decided quite early on that while she definitely would have kids someday, it would not be the brood she always imagined. 
Her and Ben had married a month after graduating from their program, two weeks before a little pink plus sign appeared after Y/N peed on a stick. Having children wasn’t something they had discussed too much in detail. They both had agreed it was something they both wanted at some point, but weren’t too fussy about how many or when. 
After their son was born, Y/N and Ben quickly decided that if they chose to have more kids, it wouldn’t be for several more years. Being new to their careers and having a newborn was a challenge neither of them were prepared for, and Y/N can’t remember how many times she went to work with vomit dried in her hair or her clothes backward from exhaustion. 
And two months ago when their daughter came out, both of them knew their family was complete. 
Two kids in five years is plenty for Y/N, and she silently gives kudos to George’s wife for managing her brood. She’s exhausted just thinking about it.
When Ben plops down on the couch next to her Y/N tosses her phone aside, letting her husband pull her into his side. He takes the glass of wine from her hand, quickly draining the rest of the liquid.
”You’d think I’d be immune to all of the smells a baby has doing what we do. But Godric, the atrocities your daughter committed while I tried to put her pajamas on?” Ben shudders. “I’m scarred for life.”
Y/N just shakes her head in laughter at her husband’s dramatics, knowing full well he’ll be the first one out of bed tonight the second their daughter cries. 
Noticing her pensive mood, Ben places a finger under Y/N’s chin, lifting it up so they can make eye contact. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just being a bit nostalgic,” she reassures, giving her husband a small smile. “I was stalking George on Wizstagram.”
Ben rolls his eyes, returning his wife’s grin. “Ah, I see. Yearning for the life you gave away?” He teases.
She knows he’s joking, but she shakes her head. “Nope, I’ve got everything I ever wanted right here.”
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elfenbensord · 8 months
Can I request platonic George Weasley x reader remembering Fred based on the song so far away by A7X?
Maybe a month after the twins opened their shop, Fred proposed to Y/N, and she's been crying into one of his sweaters for at least two weeks after he died?
a/n: i legit forgot that fred died and was so sad when i remembered. could not find the song but listened to ‘far away’ by carole king instead. hope you like it!
pairing: george weasley x platonic!reader
summary: reader and george are managing life after losing fred just fine, until (y/n) finds a box which was meant for them. angst with fluff ending!
warnings: panic attack, grief, mentions of character death
so far away
It was a normal afternoon, really. The shop had been busy like always, and you’d been managing your day just fine. You and George were finding a way through life in this new, uncomfortable constellation. Trying your best to piece together what was left of your existence before.
After spilling invisible ink on your shirt – invisible, still wet – you’d gone up to the closet to find a replacement shirt.
Fred’s shirts. His knitted jumpers and corduroy pants, his fancy suit bought for a “future occasion” as he’d called it. A stray sock, a failed experiment hiding in the back. The ache that had settled into your body ever since that night became sharper, a stinging pain making it hard to breathe. To feel the smell of him, sense how his body had once filled them out with warmth and hugs. It was all too much. 
Sitting down on the floor of the closet, you try to breathe like your healer had taught you.
Out, in. Out, in. Out, in.
The ground – or rather, one of his old coats – was lumpy and uncomfortable. You try to smooth out the garment, but instead touch your fingers to something velvety, soft and delicate. Pulling the unknown object out, you drop a small, velvety black box into your lap.
Pang. There goes your heart. 
You didn’t have to open the box to know what it was. It was a promise of a future, of love, of children and house and dog and a happily ever after. All things that were now an impossible dream.
Your heart starts beating faster, launching you into a deepening spiral once again.
“Fuck”, you say between gritted teeth. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck-”
“Hey, you okay?” you hear George shout from the bottom of the stairs. “I’m just gonna close up the shop, then I’ll be up!”
Tears were streaming down your cheeks, unstoppable and wet. You were shaking, as you couldn’t take your eyes away from the box. Stupid, you thought. It’s so stupid. 
You hear George come into the hallway, closing the front door behind him. Hurrying to stand up, you wipe your face and do your best to compose yourself, before going to the hallway to greet him. 
Everything’s fine. I’m fine, you tell yourself. 
George looks tired, but there’s still the attempt of a smiling facade. “Sorry for disappearing on you, I– My shirt, it got inkstained–”
“No, no, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it!” He smiles softly at you. You feel as if your heart is being crushed inside your chest.
He keeps going, still not noticing your mood. “I just saw the cutest cat outside, I’m seriously considering adopting it into the shop. Wouldn’t that be cute, a cat in the shop?”
“I don’t want a cat!” You didn’t know why you suddenly got so angry. You didn’t try to hide your crying, your upsetness. “I don’t- I don’t want that.”
“Gees, it’s fine. It was just an idea.”
“Yeah, well, it was stupid”, you bite back. 
“Where is this coming from?” George’s voice is soft, his eyes glistening with concern.
You can’t hold back anymore. “I don’t want a cat, I want Fred. I want him to be here. He should be here.”
George looks back at you, eyes wide. 
You continue. “I found his stupid ring in that stupid box. And I hate it. I hate that he got a ring. I hate that it’s probably the perfect ring. I hate that I’ll probably love it. I hate that he never gave it to me. I hate that he probably had a stupid plan for proposing – don’t look so innocent, you were most definitely involved – and then he didn’t. Why didn’t he?”
After a beat of silence, George says without meeting your eyes, “He was gonna. That… That night. He was gonna do it that night.”
“Oh, God…” you sigh. 
Tears are glistening in his eyes now. He clears his throat. “For the record, I hate it too. I hate everyday without him. It’s like someone’s ripped off my arm, and my leg and a lung. Like, I don’t know how to move. How to breathe. Or to do anything.”
You look at him. “Can we just agree that this sucks?”
Like magnets, you’re pulled together in a tight hug. Grasping for each other, trying to find a comfort long gone. 
You let out a sigh. “It all just… sucks so much. Too much.”
“It’s the worst!” George agrees.
Taking a breath, you say, “You know what would suck even more?”
“If you weren’t here. Like, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to keep going without you. It would’ve sucked too hard to even try.”
George squeezes you tighter. “Yeah. I’m glad you’re here too.”
Pulling away, he smiles meekly. You smile back.
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Pearlification AU Ideas: Gem Types and Gem Colors, plus Headcanons!
The Adults and Older Teens:
Xavier: Green Nacre, a Caretaker and Maker of Pearls; partially in charge of the Reef, alongside Gray Nacre
Beast: Azurite, a Maker of Pearls and Doctor/Healer for them; makes their gems, and helps complete their change into pearls
Storm: Turquoise, a Guardian and Gardner of the Reef and its Pearls; she helps control the water and rain, amd helps provide the right climate for pearls' gems to grow
Wolverine: Morion Jasper, a Guard and Protector of the Reef and its Pearls; helped bring them there, and offers comfort when needed
Magneto: Gray Nacre, a Caretaker and Maker of Pearls; partially in charge of the Reef, alongside Green Nacre
Mystique: Color Change Blue Garnet, an Instructor and Enforcer of the Reef; she upholds the rules and keeps its gems from acting out
Sabretooth: Tiger's Eye Quartz, a Guard and Protector of the Reef and its Pearls; helped bring them there, and offers comfort when needed
Scott: Cherry Quartz, a Guard and Companion to the Pearls of the Reef; acts as a guide and older sibling to the Pearls; is strict, but not as strict as the older gems, and is sweet
Jean: Mookaite Jasper, a Guard and Companion to the Pearls of the Reef; acts as a guide and older sibling to the Pearls; is kind, and patient with the newly made Pearls
Rogue: Bloodstone, a Guard and Companion of the Pearls; she keeps the older gems in the loop, and guides the Pearls around the Reef; is secretly nicer than she let's on, and is a sibling-like figure to Indigo Pearl
Gambit: Smoky Quartz, a Guard and Spy of the Reef; watches for odd behavior of its gems, including the Pearls, and reports it to the Nacres or the older Quartzes; is friendly and laid-back, but is good at making plans
Lance: Flint, a Guard and Guide of the Reef; secretly likes the Pearls, and is friends with a few
Fred: Green Topaz, a Guard and Protector of the Reef; is gentle with the gems of the Reef, and has a soft spot for animals and organics
Pyro: Sunstone, a Spy and Surveillance Guard at the Reef; can summon fire, and makes small metal sculptures when he can
Colossus: Iron, a Builder and Engineer of the Reef; is soft, and cares deeply for all of the gems of the Reef
Then you have the Younger Teens:
Kurt: Indigo Pearl, a human-turned Pearl who was friends with Reader and Light Pink Pearl before they were converted; loves jokes and making others laugh; is a deep indigo blue, with a round pearl on his chest
Kitty: Light Pink Pearl, a human-turned Pearl who was friends with Indigo Pearl and Reader before they were converted; is bubbly and very clever; is a pale pink, with an ovular pearl on her navel
Evan: Cream Pearl, a pearl who is friends with Turquoise, and likes the X-Gem half of the Reef gems; loves doing pranks and playing around the Reef; is friends with Pale Blue Pearl and Scarlet Pearl; is a pale yellow, and has an ovular pearl on his back
Todd: Olive Pearl, a pearl who is friends with Pale Blue Pearl and Blue Topaz and Flint; likes to explore the water, and likes amphibious organics; is a good swimmer; is olive green, and has a round pearl on his right hand
Pietro: Pale Blue Pearl, is friends with Cream Pearl, Olive Pearl, Scarlet Pearl, and Flint and Blue Topaz; likes the B-Gems of the Reef; is a bit arrogant and speedy, but has a softer side; is twins with Scarlet Pearl; is an icy blue, has a round pearl on his right cheek
Wanda: Scarlet Pearl, twin of Pale Blue Pearl, and is friends with the B-Gems and Cream Pearl; is a vivid red color, with dark red hair; is cold and aloof at times, but slowly opens up to others; has a round pearl on her left cheek
Reader: ??? Pearl, a friend of Indigo Pearl and Light Pink Pearl before they were Pearls, and remembers being human; they're a bit scared and feel lonely, and want to escape the Reef; miss their friends, but won't speak about the truth to them; has a ??? pearl located on their ???
(The Reef has many saltwater pools for relaxation and community bonding. There are several rooms as well with aquariums, touch pools, and museums about gem history, the Reef, and Pearls, as well as some about marine animals of the galaxy, and one specifically for Earth marine life. There is a main bedroom/relaxing room for Pearls, with carved shell beds afield with soft cushions amd pillows and blankets, with lights that turn off when needed, and doors that open when the guards command it. The gems who maintain the Reef are nicer than they appear, but Reader is still scared of them because of what they did, yet Reader tries to act like nothing is wrong, in case anyone discovers they remember being human. There is a check-up/rejuvenating room, where the Pearls are inspected, and if needed, rejuvenated, so they won't remember being human or anything besides waking up at the Reef. There is art along different walls, murals of different gems and plenty of Pearls, all in different colors and gem shapes. And there are plenty of recreational rooms, for making art or fixing things or reading holo pads or gardening or whatever you could think of...)
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the american weasley | part 1.
Warnings for the Series: angst because it’s semi-enemies to lovers
Pairing: harry potter x black!reader, draco malfoy x black!reader
Word Count: 0.8k
A/N: I think I’m going to do something different with this series and the cedric series by making it a series of drabbles… I can’t promise I’ll stick to the drabbles, I just want to try something different.
(Series Masterlist)
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“Hey, losers! Miss me?”
The entire Great Hall turned when the doors opened. A girl came in wearing a gray uniform skirt that seemed to go higher than the Hogwarts skirts because the waist was still going underneath her cropped navy blazer. A peek of a cranberry tie could be seen under the blazer that matched her cranberry socks tucked into clean oxford shoes. Her entire outfit was accompanied with a stylish wizard cape that clasped at the side near the shoulder in navy with cranberry lining. A brown hand pushed up the brim of her large witches’ hat. 
Immediately, Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron left their table. They ran up to the girl, giving her a giant hug. Harry and Hermione— along with everyone else— had no clue what was happening. But they did know that despite having never seen her before and her brown skin matching none of the pale ones around her, the red hair was undeniable. They were staring at yet another Weasley. You walked over to Gryffindor table with your family. 
“What are you doing here?” Fred asked. 
“Mom and Dad haven’t been recovering very well from the Cruciatus Curse. Healers are starting to think it’s been modified somehow. They transferred them to St. Mungo’s so your favorite cousin is here to st— y’all like to eat this?”
You put the food back on Ginny’s plate. Ginny looked at you. 
“Wait, are you coming here? You’re coming to Hogwarts?”
You nodded. “Either until they get better and we go back or... let’s just say I’m here for now. Aunt Molly and Uncle Arthur signed for temporary guardianship.” 
“This is the best day ever! What house do you think you’re going to be?”
They watched the Ilvermorny colors change to Hogwarts’ grey. All the accents were in white, waiting to receive their new colors. “Don’t know yet, I’m supposed to get sorted with all the tiny ones... where are the first years?”
“Coming by boat. Can we have these uniforms instead?” Angelina asked to no one in particular. Hermione, Alicia, and Ginny echoed sentiments. 
You laughed. “They said I could wear these until next semester since transfer was so last minute.” 
“No, we’re requesting we get these instead.” 
You just smiled and took the food that seemed edible off of Ginny’s plate as your family started introducing you to their friends. Coming to Hogwarts wasn’t under the best circumstances but this year— and unfortunately maybe other school years— seemed like it was going to at least be a good one. The tiny ones entered the Great Hall, following an old woman who gave you a nod at your witch’s hat. You had noticed that nobody else seemed to wear them. 
McGonagall pulled out a scroll. “Before we start the proper sorting, we have a transfer student. Miss Y/N Weasley.” 
You easily parted through the first years to sit on the stool with a talking hat. This was so different from Ilvermorny’s sorting. You remembered when Thunderbird, Wampus, and Horned Serpents’ statutes came to life when you entered the middle of the room. There was a bit of dejection on your part because you thought that Pukwudgie would light up and you’d be one of those special students that got all four statues. In the end, you got over it and picked Thunderbird. But this sorting ceremony had no statues, just a cute little hat. 
“I’m glad you think I’m cute, dear. You’re a lot like the other Weasleys aren’t you, a bit different though. Thunderbird— well you certainly aren’t a Slytherin, not very cunning.”
“Hmm. I’d say Gryffindor!” 
You shrugged, figuring as much. A Weasley was a Weasley and one thing you all had was some nerve. Four redheads cheered louder than anyone else in the room as you bounded back over to Gryffindor table. The white accents of your old Ilvermorny uniform turned into red and gold to show off your new house. Sticking to your family, you let them show you everything about Hogwarts. It didn’t take long for you to fit in and get along with everyone. Naturally, you slipped into the friend group that was the famous golden trio. It seemed almost like you had been a Hogwarts’ student your entire life. You really felt as much when you sat down with your new friends at the breakfast table. Dumbledore stood up to make his usual round of morning announcements. 
“And captains, don’t forget to sign up for the pitch in order to host quidditch tryouts. Teams must be decided before the first of next month.” 
You turned to look at Harry sitting next to you. “How different from quodpot is quidditch?”
“What the hell is quodpot?” 
You slumped in your seat. It seemed like the two sports were actually very different which meant you had no chance in joining the Gryffindor team. While Harry was dense with a lot of things, he did manage to pick up on your feelings. You did mention last week or the week before that you used to do sports back at Ilvermorny. 
“I can help you with quidditch if you want? Wood doesn’t hold tryouts till the very last day.” 
You gave Harry a smile, excited to get to work.
@venomsvl​ @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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verybadatwriting · 1 year
Last updated 5/25/2024
About Me and Request Guidelines
So far: Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, Avatar the Last Airbender, and The World of Mister Plant
Requests: OPEN!! :D
Angst - 😢
Fluff - ☁️
Violence/injuries - 🔪
Argos the Crossing Guard (and some art)
Warnings: Implied murder
Argos x Mr. Plant
Star Wars: TCW & TBB
Medic -😢 🔪
Warnings: Injuries, General Krell, angst
Rex x reader, gn!reader
The Cyborg's Apprentice, one point five, Part 2 🔪😢
Warnings: self harm, injuries, in-world slur (for droids)
Sith!reader x Obiwan, Ahsoka, Kix, Grievous (NON romantic for all of them) gn!reader
Blood and Marrow 🔪😢
Warnings: Needles, improper conditions for prisoners, bone marrow stealing, surgery without anesthetic, torture essentially, kidnapping, in-world curse word, parental death, iv’s
Gn!reader, teen!reader, Rex x reader, Kix x reader (both platonic)
To Be Held 🔪😢
Warnings: Angst, blood, and wounds
Gn!reader, Tech x reader
The Winged One 🔪 (injuries) Part 2 😢🔪Part 3
Warnings: a fall from a great height, descriptions of fever, sickness, and infection
Bucky x teen!reader (platonic ofc), gn!reader
A Vigilante's Guide to Saving Spiders🔪😢
Warnings: Injuries, electricity, cursing
Peter x teen!reader (not romantic (yet?)), gn!reader
Runaway -😢
Warnings: Creepy fans, Steve and Tony being jerks, running away
Avengers x reader (platonic), Daisy Johnson x reader (platonic), gn!reader
White Fang - ☁️ & a little 😢
Warnings: Food scarcity, severely underweight reader
Avengers x teen!reader (platonic), Peter Parker x reader, gn!reader
The Healer: Series Masterlist, Part 1,(🔪😢)
Warnings: Injuries, trauma, bad sleep schedules, and bad eating habits, medical stuff
Avengers x teen!reader (platonic), gn!reader
Pre-Dog Tags, 😢☁️🔪 Dog Tags 😢('Dead' dad) 🔪
Warnings: Reader beats up some people, mentions of a dead parent.
Steve x daughter!reader, Nat x child!reader (platonic ofc), fem!reader
Just a Little Stab Wound🔪&☁️
Warnings: Stab wound.
Peter Parker x gn!reader (Aunt May also shows up)
Harry Potter
A Strange Pair 🔪😢&☁️, Part 2 ☁️
Warnings: Description of reader (hair), abusive & unsupportive parents, food insecurity, loneliness, nightmares
Fred Weasley x reader, gn!reader
The Herbologist and the Forest Spirit ☁️& a lil 😢
Warnings: Cuddles, fem reader, mentions of Cedric's death.
Neville Longbottom x Half-forest-spirit reader, gn!reader
Have a lovely day!
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itstopplingdomino · 4 months
tolerance | react drabble pt. 2
pairing: hermione granger x gn!reader (Can be read as platonic and/or romantic sense) summary: how would certain Harry Potter characters react when they find out you are injured but doesn't seem so from the outside...
tags: mentions/details of injuries (blood, cuts, etc..), implied physical abuse, generally fluffs, no use of y/n (usage of you/nicknames instead), gender-neutral reader, no-war alternate universe.
other parts : part 1 (harry potter x reader), ron weasley x reader, draco malfoy x reader, fred weasley x reader, george weasley x reader.
⟢ Hermione Granger ⟢
To say you are academic rivals with Granger is an overstatement. Sure, the two of you are often toe-to-toe for the highest grade in all the classes you shared together but the two of you aren't exactly competing with each other. No, you are not studying together either.
Merlin, the extent of your exchange with her are within the vicinity of a classroom. In other words, you are not friends with her; simply a classmate.
However, it seems that everyone else sees it differently - to them, you two are friends.
And that's affecting the current status of your relationship with her.
Instead of the usual nod, Granger started to actually greet you whenever she passes by you in the hallways. Other times she'd even wave with a big smile.
It's weird, this sudden change though you accept it nonetheless.
So when she choose to sit next to you in History of Magic one random afternoon, you didn't mind it.
Despite teaching the subject for hundreds of years, Professor Binns has no desire to make the class interesting. Students are failing to stay focused, a few just straight up sleeping or have a full on conversation, and you... well, you are distracted for an entirely different reason.
Your wrist hurts.
A single glance, you are sure it's actually swelling. A second glance, you could see it's turning purple.
An unfortunate accident involving hyperactive third years who were throwing jinxes at each other in which a stray leg-locking jinx hit you had occurred just an hour ago.
The jinx didn't cause the swelling. You suspect the impact from falling on the hard ground where your hand twisted in the way it shouldn't is the primary reason for the swelling now. It didn't hurt as much at first, just a little sore paired with an off feeling when you bend it. Nothing that warrants immediate care, at least for you it isn't urgent-
"My goodness, are you alright?" Hermione spoke, cutting your train of thoughts.
You offer her a stiff nod and a vague explanation of what happened.
She looks around at first, focusing a few moments more on Binns as he float through the student at the back. She turns back to you, a wand ready at hand and whisper a quick spell with a flick of foreign movements. Clearly a spell above your year.
The strange feeling starts to decrease considerably, you look at your wrist and see that the swell reduced to a simple - almost unnoticeable - bump, and the colour returns to your normal skin tone.
"I'm sorry it's not perfect yet." She says. "I'm still practicing it but one only could practice so much when injury does not come by often."
When you suggest helping out in the Hospital Wing to her, she shrugs saying that healer career isn't what she aims at the moment - only increasing her spells arsenal.
Interesting, you think. But before you could follow up, Professor Binns returns to the front, still droning about the International Confederation of Wizards.
Well, to say you are academic rivals with Granger is an overstatement... but maybe, just maybe, becoming a friend is the first step.
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evelestrange · 2 years
┊spoilers: deathly hallows part two
┊pairing: platonic harry x fem!reader - light george x fem!reader
┊warnings: graphic depictions of pain and/or injury, blood and injury
┊word count: 1.2k
┊genre: angst
┊summary: this is just hurtful.
┊notes: first harry potter fic :D
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The dark clouds hung heavy over the rubble of what was once Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Clear and faint cries could be heard at every turn as Chase made her way through the castle. Her feet kicked at rubble and boulders, her shoes had been lost hours ago when a werewolf was clawing at her feet. The socks on her feet were now worn and doused with blood, not a fiber spared from the wrath of crimson. Her feet ached and burned with every step she took. Yet, she continued on through every buckle of her knees to arrive into the great hall. The joint at her legs shook vigorously as she gazed down the corridor leading to the grand, open doors of the great hall. 
But, no matter how hard she tried to stay up, the side-effects of the Cruciatus curse caught up to her body and her legs gave out beneath her. The girl landed onto the floor with a cry of pain and a loud thud. Her head spun slightly as it rested above the stone. There was a steady flow of liquid coming from her head and her eyes grew heavy with exhaustion. She fought every drop of her eyelids with everything she had, and when that fight ran out she saw a girl with wavy blonde hair kneel next to her. Before the dark engulfed her she was met with blue eyes and a mystical, and sympathetic smile. 
Then, it was gone. 
Pale hands gripped at red hair as Ron held onto Fred Weasley.
The body of Fred Weasley. 
His fingers were entangled into the man's hair, he was rocked back in fourth in steady motions. Sobs tore their way through the entire Weasley family. 
All but one. 
Yet, no one had the emotional stability to notice the dark haired Slytherin’s absence in the midst of the chaos, nor her sudden appearance. 
The sound of Luna’s calm voice calling “I need some help over here, would you please? She’s injured and her spirit feels weak. I suspect the nargles were angry with her.” barely rang in George’s ears. Tears dripped from his eyes and scream-like cries were ripped from his throat. Hermione shifted her gaze away from the body on the floor and over to the hustle and bustle of madame pomfrey as she tended to a split in a girl’s head, she’d assume. A panic washed over her as she saw the violent tremors that shook the girl's frame, time after time. “Harry,” she mumbled. The pads of her fingers dug into his arm as she turned him to face her. Harry’s eyebrows lifted in annoyance with exasperation coating his features, before they softened and the eyebrows that were lifted by annoyance became creased with worry. “Who is that, ‘Mione?” his voice was tired, and cracked towards the end. 
But when Draco Malfoy came rushing through the door shouting “Where is she? Where’s my cousin?” A sudden puzzle piece fell into place and the girl’s head lolled to the side as her body shook with its own fury. “Bloody hell, Chase,” The blonde rushed over to her with need and pressed his hand to her forehead. “What’s happening to her?” His demands were encased with need as he pleaded to the healer. 
“Aftermath of th- the Cruciatus curse.”
Harry wasn’t sure when his feet had planted themselves, rooted themselves, into the ground beside her writhing form. Chase sputtered on the hospital bed, a small trail of blood trickling down her chin. The liquid dropped to the floor and she let out a blood-curdling scream that drowned out any hope of hearing the small drop patter down. 
Her screams were guttural, feral. Her voice cut out, vocal cords straining and stretching themselves so much that they just snapped. A sob fell as she screamed and Draco pressed his hands deep into her hips, keeping her locked into the hospital bed. Harry climbed up and held down her shoulders with her head in his lap ; the boy had no idea when his tears started falling but he just couldn't seem to care. “Do something, please! She’s all I have left,” Harry sobbed. Sweat dripped down his temple and across the plane of his cheek as he looked down at his sister with unwarranted and unnatural, but genuine need. 
His heart clenched at the look of confusion and panic on Madam Pomfrey’s face. His sister's face was twisted and contorted in pain. As Harry held her he could feel the spike in temperature in her body. Blinding, white hot pain was consuming her, the veins under her skin filling with the stinging liquid metal. 
Percy sniffled, wiping the snot from his nose with the back of his grime coated hand. His heart fell at the sound of the sob-like screams coming from her. At first it didn’t seem as though it was such a serious situation. 
Everyone was screaming at the moment. 
But when he heard the excruciating, agony filled screams even George lifted his head to look towards the sound. “Why are you just standing there? Help her!” Draco was desperate for relief as he yelled over the screams. Chase’s chest stuttered as she screamed and they stopped. They just stopped. The silence was roaring at everyone as they waited for the next. 
It never came. 
Her wheezing breaths were quiet in volume, but the silence spoke for her. Harry's lips turned up, not in a smile. Never a smile. A cry tumbled from his lips as he looked into the emerald eyes of his sister. “You’re going to be okay, I won’t let anything happen to you, alright?” The brunette spoke and Draco’s grip of her hips loosened as they supported his full weight outside her legs on the hospital bed. The slight nod of her head made everyone physically slacken. A lean boy with red hair cautiously made his way over to the trio, Madam Pomfrey leaving to gather more medical supplies. The fire-haired boy’s eyes had been consumed by sadness and no one thought the eyes of the Weasley could get any darker in his mahogany aura. 
Oh, but they had. 
George Weasley sat powerless once more as he watched the love of his life sob out of physical pain. The guilt took him by the collar, slammed him against the wall and jammed its fist into his abdomen, gutting him from the inside out. His heart hurt so much as the two people he loved most suffered, one of which didn’t come out the other side. 
“My-” her words stuttered with her breath at her pain. “My arm, Harry. It hurts so bad. Ple-Please make it- make it stop.” The sob that broke through her was filled with agony and it flowed onto the ground and through their feet to their hearts. “Okay, okay, I’ll make it stop Chase, I promise.” His promises were hollow and they all knew it. George rolled up what was left of her white button up shirt, revealing a blurred blotch of black and a bubbling red rash. Her flesh burned and fumed with each passing second. 
Madam Pomfrey gasped and dropped the glass, thoroughly shattering the object she was carrying as she caught sight of the scarred, burning, inky mess.
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