#healing with the moon
harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
The Enchanting Process of Making and Utilizing Moon Water
Shaina Tranquilino
August 12, 2023
Moon water, also known as lunar water or moon-infused water, is a fascinating and mystical practice that has been used by many cultures for centuries. The idea behind it is to harness the energy of the moon and infuse it into water, creating a potent elixir that can be used for various purposes. In this blog post, we will explore the process of making and using moon water.
To begin with, let's understand why the moon is believed to possess such powerful energy. The moon has long been associated with cycles, transformation, and feminine energy. Its phases are seen as symbolic representations of personal growth and change. By aligning ourselves with these lunar energies, we can tap into their power to manifest our desires and intentions.
Now, onto the process of making moon water. Firstly, you will need a clean glass jar or container that can hold water. It's important to use glass as it doesn't interact with the energetic properties of the water like plastic does. Fill your container with filtered or spring water - never use tap water as it may contain impurities or chemicals.
Next comes the crucial step: charging your water under the light of the moon. Different phases of the moon have different energies associated with them, so choose which phase aligns best with your intention for using the moon water. Here are some common associations:
1. New Moon: Represents new beginnings and setting intentions.
2. Waxing Moon: Symbolizes growth, abundance, and manifestation.
3. Full Moon: Signifies completion, heightened intuition, and releasing negative energy.
4. Waning Moon: Ideal for banishing negativity or bad habits.
Place your jar outside in a location where it will receive direct moonlight throughout the night. If you're concerned about debris or bugs getting into your water, cover it with a breathable cloth or lid.
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In the morning after exposure to moonlight, retrieve your jar of charged water. You now have moon water! It's important to note that the energy of the moon is subtle, so don't expect your water to taste or look any different from regular water. Its power lies in its energetic properties.
Now that you have your moon water, how can you use it? The possibilities are endless! Here are a few ideas:
1. Drinking: Moon water can be consumed as a way to imbibe lunar energy and enhance spiritual practices like meditation or ritual work.
2. Cleansing: Use moon water as a sacred tool for cleansing crystals, altar tools, or even your own aura by sprinkling or lightly misting them.
3. Bathing: Add moon water to your bath for a soothing and purifying experience. This can help release negative energies and promote relaxation.
4. Plant care: Watering your plants with moon-infused water can nourish their growth and bring positive energy into your gardening practice.
5. Rituals and spells: Incorporate moon water into rituals or spellwork related to manifesting intentions, releasing negativity, or connecting with higher realms.
Remember, when using moon water, it's essential to set clear intentions and visualize the desired outcome while working with this potent elixir. Treat it with reverence and respect, acknowledging the ancient knowledge and wisdom associated with lunar energies.
Making and using moon water is a beautiful way to connect with nature's cycles and tap into the mysterious powers of the moon. Whether you're seeking personal transformation, spiritual growth, or simply looking for a little extra magic in your life, incorporating moon water into your daily routine can be a powerful practice that brings intentionality and mindfulness into every sip or sprinkle.
So go ahead – embrace the cosmic dance of the moon, create your own moon water, and let its enchantment infuse every aspect of your being!
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inabigworld · 1 year
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
It has come to my attention that I haven't drawn sun and moon as chibis yet
I have rectified the situation:
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all is right with the world
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mycrystalearth · 7 months
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theevenusianwitch · 1 year
a gentle reminder:
eat something. take your medicine. you are not a burden to others. your emotions are just as real as theirs and deserve to be listened to. relax your jaw and shoulders. it’s okay to take a break sometimes you deserve rest. it’s okay to be yourself. you’re not hard to love and anyone who opposes that does not deserve your time. you’re going to be okay.
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zeewipark · 11 months
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© Jee Won Park (ig: zeewipark)
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mugwot · 5 months
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some more funni cats
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euphorictruths · 6 months
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Stars In The Sky- Evgeniya Roslik; 2021
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mikuyuuss · 1 year
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Ok, not only did Moon Dong Eun avenge the villains of this story. She found love afterwards and was able to pursue architecture like she always wanted to. She now dresses freely with her tattoo, proudly showing her scars. She's no longer confined to her trauma. Dong Eun got her revenge AND her happy ending!
Even though she was so convinced that she's a terrible person for wanting revenge, she actually managed to touch the lives of the people around her through simple acts of kindness (empathizing with them for being victims) and those same people came back to support her as well.
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It's usually "revenge is bad" this "you got revenge but at what cost" that, but no, she got her revenge AND her and other people's happy ending. Even though it's a dark story about how victims suffer, there's always the underlying message of hope, where they also understand and help eachother. Even if they had to bend the rules to get it, The. Victims. Won. Oh. My. Goodness.
In the end, it wasn't exactly just "revenge," it was also about bringing justice to the victims.
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sadghostgirl14 · 8 months
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
Part 2 🌻🌻
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Copywrites reserved ©️GeminiMoonMadness
• 5th house Suns LOVE sex!! They are pleasure seekers. This can also be the case with any personal planet in the 5th house.
• Sagittarius placements (especially in the big 3) laugh alot and are loud, not surprisingly either, they also laugh loud.
• Cardinals (Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer) carry their pain and don’t often share it.
• Someone with the same sun sign as your rising sign is bestie material. They are the people who will make you feel alive and confident. For example: Libra sun people will find most Libra risings to be the light of their life.
• Neptune in the 11th house people experience peer pressure and may find it hard to say no.
• People who have the same signs in their big 3 as you are quite possibly your soul friends and are here to hype you up in life and help you reach your destiny. (Check your synastry aspects with these individuals!!)
• Leo risings tend to be pimple conscious and will check their skin daily, sometimes without even realising they’re doing it.
• People with Scorpio in the 7th house are private when it comes to what goes on in their one on one relationships. They will keep secrets, like “what is said in here stays in here” vibe. (Depending on other placements in the chart, these individuals are actually quite loyal, so don’t worry too much!)
• People with Uranus conjunct their Moon have an unstable bond with their mother. She was either unstable or absent in your childhood/life.
• To get your attention a Leo Venus will be a show off, then once they’ve got you, they’ll be showing you off!
I really enjoyed making this!
Let me know if you have any of these or know anyone with these placements!
I appreciate all interactions and feedback. 🫶🏼
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wandoffire · 4 months
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moonhedgegarden · 4 months
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mycrystalearth · 5 months
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theevenusianwitch · 8 months
a needed reminder:
it is okay to say no. it is okay to rest. do not feel guilty for it. it is not selfish to put your needs first. relax your shoulders. take your medicine. eat something. big or small and it will help your meds go down easier. breathe in slowly and exhale. it is going to be okay. drink water or something you have. wash your hands if taking a shower is too much right now. you are not defined by what other people say. you do belong here and you are loved. do not feel guilty for choosing yourself. your own happiness matters the most.
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