#healthcare education industry report
tbrcresearchreport · 1 year
The Business Research Company offers healthcare education market research report 2023 with industry size, share, segments and market growth
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“The women leaders in our study were considered too young or too old. They were too short or too tall, too pretty or too unattractive or too heavy. They had too much education or not enough or their degrees were not from the “right” schools. They suffered from disrespect and misperceptions due to race, color, or ethnicity. Whether they had children or were childless, the women were expected to work harder than men to prove their worth. Women were held back from leadership opportunities due to being single, married, or divorced. There was no personality trait sweet spot, as introverted women were not seen as leaders and extraverted women were viewed as aggressive. The effect, then, means women leaders are “never quite right.””
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A recent study of the 33 biggest multilateral institutions found that of 382 leaders in their history only 47 have been women. And the percentage of women running Fortune 500 companies has only just recently crested a meager 10%.
As researchers we wondered why institutions consistently fail to promote women to top jobs. Our recent study of 913 women leaders from four female-dominated industries in the U.S. (higher education, faith-based nonprofits, law, and healthcare) sheds light on this pernicious problem. As we found, there’s always a reason why women are “never quite right” for leadership roles.
Women are criticized so often and on so many things that they are acculturated to receiving such disparagement, taking it seriously, and working to make improvements. And any individual woman may take it personally, believing the criticism directed at her to be warranted.
But our research reveals that the problem lies elsewhere. Virtually any characteristic can be leveraged against a woman in a discriminatory fashion. Such criticisms often relate to facets of women’s identity in an overt or subtle way, such as race, age, parental status, attractiveness, and physical ability.
Effectively, the surface-level critique functions as a “red herring,” distracting from the inherent gender bias driving the encounter. This type of treatment is so common that we have called it “we want what you aren’t” discrimination.
More specifically, our research revealed 30 different characteristics and qualities of a woman’s identity that emerged as points of criticism creating barriers to women’s success. The clear message to women is that—whatever they are—they are “never quite right.”
Age was a consistent challenge for women leaders in our study. Some of our respondents reported being considered too young to lead, while others indicated being too old hindered them from advancing.
However, being middle-aged didn’t help women’s career prospects either. A physician shared: “I am middle-aged, and men my age are seen as mature leaders and women my age as old.”
Parental status—having children or being childless—emerged as another point of criticism. A higher-education leader described how people assume she “can’t take on a bigger role ‘because of the kids,’” which made her feel that she needed “to work extra hard” to show that she could be both a dedicated mother and a leader.
On the other hand, a childless physician was expected to “work harder/more, accomplish more” than other female colleagues. Mothers were also bypassed for career opportunities, as happened to a single divorced lawyer who was the mother of preschoolers, “due to a perception by my male bosses that I cannot or should not handle [larger matters].”
Likewise, pregnancy was problematic, particularly for lawyers in our study. There was doubt that women would come back to work after maternity leave. Some were no longer given good assignments, while others were forced to quit private practice or work part time. One lawyer described the loss of confidence from bosses:
“Once you are pregnant or trying to have kids, the way management views you deteriorates. The opposite thing happens for male coworkers. I’ve seen it in so many law firms it’s impossible to argue it was just coincidence or based on merit.”
Simply planning on having kids was enough to invoke bias. A woman in higher education reported being denied promotion because she would need maternity leave for hypothetical future children.
Women of color were targets of subtle bias. An African American faith-based leader described being “invisible” and regularly “talked over” by white men. A Native American higher-education executive described being misperceived as weak, “when in fact we are practicing ‘respect’ for ourselves and others.” And a Filipina physician described facing role incredulity, as people assumed that she was “a nurse, and not a doctor and a division chief at that.”
Even physical ability and health played into the women’s experiences. Physical disabilities led to assumptions of not being capable. One higher-education leader who uses a crutch was questioned by men about the way she walks and has been told “to hide my cane, especially for photographs,” as she said.
Regarding health, there were double standards around the way men and women with illnesses were treated. A physician developed ovarian cancer while serving as an officer in the public health service. She explained, “The plan was to discharge me . . . even though men with prostate cancer didn’t have to go through that.”
The women leaders in our study were considered too young or too old. They were too short or too tall, too pretty or too unattractive or too heavy. They had too much education or not enough or their degrees were not from the “right” schools. They suffered from disrespect and misperceptions due to race, color, or ethnicity. Whether they had children or were childless, the women were expected to work harder than men to prove their worth. Women were held back from leadership opportunities due to being single, married, or divorced. There was no personality trait sweet spot, as introverted women were not seen as leaders and extraverted women were viewed as aggressive. The effect, then, means women leaders are “never quite right.”
Organizations that fail to promote and support women in their top roles miss out on performance gains. Fortunately, there are concrete steps that organizational leaders, allies, and individual women can take to mitigate this “never quite right” bias, aiding women’s workplace advancement.
“Flip it to test it”
Leaders can be particularly effective in thwarting sexist criticisms toward women. It’s not about changing the behavior of women—who are the recipients of the unfair treatment—but it is about changing the behaviors of those who justify their actions as somehow merited. Many criticisms fail the “flip it to test it” method miserably. Ask yourself, would the following statements ever be said about a man?
He needs to smile more.
Men are going to have kids and not want to work.
Since Larry has prostate cancer, he can no longer fulfill his job duties.
The clear answer is no. Leaders can infuse awareness of this simple, yet effective, tool to reduce such bias-laden criticisms. And workplace allies can help stop unfair criticism of women by calling it out.
Constructive career-enhancing feedback
Women are almost one and a half times more likely to receive negative feedback that is subjective rather than constructive and objective feedback. Men are often given a clearer idea of where they excel and opportunities for improvement whereas women are given vague feedback that often focuses on qualities like communication style. Even when using formal performance evaluation rubrics, a disparity remains.
Developmental feedback to women focuses on operational tasks, coping with politics, developing resilience, being cooperative, and building confidence. Developmental feedback to men focuses on setting a vision, leveraging power and politics, being assertive, and displaying confidence. Leaders can reduce the gender-biased framing by encouraging all employees to develop both sets of skills.
Do not take it personally
For individual women, hear us when we say, “It’s not you.” We women are conditioned to accept feedback and internalize it as something to “fix” about ourselves. If you are criticized, consider whether it is objective, constructive, and warranted. Disregard identity-based criticisms that are part of a larger pattern of bias against women.
Our research demonstrates that practically any characteristic can be proclaimed problematic for a woman leader to question her competence and suitability for leadership. It takes deliberate effort, but we can turn the message to women from “We want what you aren’t” into “We want what you are.” Doing so will advance women in the workplace and profit the entire organization.
Amy Diehl, PhD, is chief information officer at Wilson College and a gender equity researcher, speaker, and consultant. She is coauthor of Glass Walls: Shattering the Six Gender Bias Barriers Still Holding Women Back at Work.
Leanne M. Dzubinski, PhD, is acting dean of the Cook School of Intercultural Studies and associate professor of intercultural education at Biola University, and a prominent researcher on women in leadership. She is coauthor of Glass Walls: Shattering the Six Gender Bias Barriers Still Holding Women Back at Work.
Amber L. Stephenson, PhD, is an associate professor of management and director of healthcare management programs in the David D. Reh School of Business at Clarkson University. Her research focuses on how professional identity influences attitudes and behaviors and how women leaders experience gender bias.
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thenuclearmallard · 1 year
There have been reports of falsification of Indigenous children's records in Russia. In recent years, there has been increasing concern about the treatment of Indigenous Peoples in Russia, including the forced removal of Indigenous children from their families and communities. According to some sources, this removal is often done under false pretenses, with government officials claiming that the children are being taken to receive education and medical care when in fact they are being placed in state institutions or adopted by non-Indigenous families.
There have also been reports of falsification of records to justify these removals. In some cases, parents have reported that documents alleging neglect or abuse were fabricated by officials as a pretext for taking their children. Additionally, there have been allegations that officials change birth dates and other information on children's documents in order to make them adoptable by non-Indigenous families.
The situation is particularly concerning for Indigenous Peoples in the Russian Far East, where many communities are facing pressure from development projects and resource extraction industries. These communities often lack access to basic services like healthcare and education, making them vulnerable to interventions by the state.
However, due to limited media coverage and restrictions on freedom of speech in Russia, it can be difficult to obtain reliable information about the situation facing Indigenous Peoples. Therefore, it is crucial that advocacy groups continue to raise awareness about these issues and work towards ensuring that Indigenous rights are respected and protected in Russia.
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wajjs · 7 months
How can I not cry when on the day we celebrate our sovereignty as country the newly elected president has already confirmed he's going to destroy the national industry?
He's going to sell everything to the private sector. We are careening straight into a crisis comparable to the one from 2001 and the younger generation is celebrating because they think they'll be able to buy their games on Steam.
They're celebrating because they're happy the minorities and low classes will get punished.
They're celebrating because they don't think they will suffer.
They're celebrating because they're just full of hate.
These politicians are already threatening reporters on live TV. They have doxxed civilians, threatening to make them disappear, leaking their personal details so their followers can attack them. They want to get rid of unions, worker's rights, accessible healthcare, free and public education.
They support the last military dictatorship. They side with the military men that made thousands of people disappear, tortured, raped and murdered high school students. Military men that turned schools into torture camps.
How can I not feel sad? How am I supposed to not feel terrified of what's going to happen next?
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workersolidarity · 2 months
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🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥 🚨
✍️ A Report published today by the United Nations and the World Bank assessed to total dollar amount of damage the Zionist entity has inflicted on the homes, buildings and infrastructure belonging to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip at over $18.5b.
The report mentions that this is equivalent to 97% of the combined GDP of the West Bank and Gaza in 2022, with 72% of the cost coming from residential housing, while healthcare and education accounts for 19% of damages. Commercial and industrial buildings accounted for 9% of damages.
According to the U.N. report, the Israeli occupation army has created an estimated 26 million tons of debris and rubble covering nearly every corner of the Gaza Strip.
Over 1 million Palestinians are now without homes, with 75% of the population of Gaza displaced by Zionist aggression, the U.N. says.
The report also states that 84% of all health facilities in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed, while the water and sewage systems have "nearly collapsed," and are now delivering less than 5% of their pre-war output.
Among the most insidious harm inflicted on the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip has been the complete and utter destruction of the education system, with 100% of children out of school. This inflicts harm, not only on parents who must care for their children full-time, but also deeply harms the future of Gaza, typically lowering economic and healthcare indicators.
The report also points out that 92% of primary roads have been destroyed, making delivery of humanitarian aid incredibly difficult, even without the occupation bombing aid workers.
As a result of Israel's ongoing war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among Palestinians now exceeds over 32'916 citizens killed, mostly women and children, while another 75'494 others have been wounded since the start of the latest round of Zionist aggression beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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sataniccapitalist · 3 months
How private equity conquered America | The Chris Hedges Report
Private equity firms are buying up the US economy and stripping it for parts. From healthcare to education, utilities, and more, massive firms like Blackstone and the Carlyle Group have acquired vast holdings across critical industries essential to the health and well-being of everyday people. Instead of seeking to make these ventures more profitable, private equity firms are more likely to orchestrate to bleed their assets for short-term gains—even if those assets are univerisites, hospitals, or nursing homes. Gretchen Morgenson, author of These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs—and Wrecks—America, returns to The Chris Hedges Report to discuss how private equity came to hold America hostage. This is the second part of an earlier interview, you can watch the first part here: https://therealnews.com/the-collapse-...
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happigreens · 2 months
Fair Trade
By going beyond accreditation practices, consumers and companies can reach those at the bottom of the global social production ladder. Nonetheless, these efforts require purchasers to take personal responsibility for their impact, rather than relying solely on certifications. Simply by being more thoughtful and ethical in our sourcing practices, we have a huge opportunity to create brighter futures for all people and their families throughout the supply chain.
Despite many well-intentioned consumer attitudes, fair trade product markets frequently feature marketing strategies that conjure up imperialistic images [...]
[...] In products marked as fair trade, the certification might only apply to the product’s raw materials, rather than the full process of production. [...] A 2014 study theorizes that these practices are somewhat effective, “although on a comparatively modest scale relative to the size of national economies"
Social Media conversations about Fair Trade Practices:
[From user seriousxdelirium] - Like almost all other labels for coffee, it's absolutely useless. It only applies to growers large enough to afford the fees, and is not regulated well enough to make meaningful impact on the industry. If you really care about this sort of thing, do some research and develop an understanding of what you think a fair price is for farmers, and ask roasters what they paid for that coffee. Most good roasters are willing to be transparent about that sort of thing, and even publish transparency reports where you get a breakdown of the entire transaction.
From user Ramakrishna Surathu:
[...] Here are some reasons why fair trade may not always be as fair as it seems [...]
1. Market Access and Power Imbalances: Fair trade initiatives often focus on small-scale producers in developing countries, who may face challenges in accessing global markets and negotiating fair prices. Power imbalances within supply chains, influenced by factors such as geography, politics, and market dynamics, can limit the ability of producers to fully benefit from fair trade practices.
2. Certification Costs and Barriers: Obtaining fair trade certification can be costly and time-consuming for producers, particularly small-scale farmers and artisans with limited resources. Certification fees, auditing expenses, and compliance with standards may pose financial barriers and administrative burdens, leading some producers to forego certification altogether.
3. Limited Impact on Poverty Alleviation: While fair trade aims to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods, its impact may be limited by systemic barriers and structural inequalities. Addressing poverty requires broader social, economic, and political interventions beyond the scope of fair trade alone, such as access to education, healthcare, land rights, and infrastructure.
4. Market Volatility and Price Instability: Fair trade prices are often based on predetermined minimums, which may not fully reflect fluctuations in global market prices. Producers may be exposed to market volatility and fluctuations in demand, which can impact their income and livelihoods, particularly in commodity markets subject to price instability.
5. Complexity of Supply Chains: Fair trade supply chains can be complex and challenging to navigate, especially in regions with limited infrastructure and logistical challenges. Ensuring compliance with fair trade standards, maintaining transparency, and traceability throughout the supply chain can require significant investment in monitoring and management systems.
[...] Some manufacturers also use tricks. For example, some products do not explain exactly which part of a product was produced fairly. Another trick is to increase the percentage of "fair" ingredients by subtracting out the water content. The credibility is of course "fair watered".
[...] The statement here should not be that fair trade is useless, but one should always question things or understand them better and not just be blindly guided by seals in the purchase decision. Since this works so well, manufacturers like to use such seals or make one up themselves.
[...] rather than cutting out the middle man, and offering farmers a more direct compensation for their work, Fair Trade still facilitates a level of bureaucracy that supports an uneven distribution of revenue.
[...] The price point that separates Fair Trade produce from the rest of the market is often significant enough that lower-income households cannot afford to budget for it. This means that Fair Trade cannot reach mass markets in a way that would really effect wide-scale change, and instead serves as a token gesture to alleviate the guilt of middle-class consumers.
[...] [premium pricing coffee] is a worthy move if the coffee is of a high quality, but if it is not of sufficient quality to merit this price tag, then it risks turning consumers away from Fair Trade produce, and further impeding its reach to mass markets [...]
Fair Trade is a concept worth embracing, but first it must prioritize effective and transparent processes of production and distribution. What Fair Trade aims to achieve is admirable, but what it could potentially achieve is far greater [...]
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chaoticstabby · 9 months
I think what most people fail to understand is the sheer scale of not only the horrors but also the consequences of the dictatorship.
In 17 years of dictatorship, the official human rights reports count at least 40.000 victims of repression in all its forms, almost 3.000 of which were forced disappearances, and of those disappearances, several hundred victims were minors. There are still 1162 people whose fates and whereabouts are completely unknown, fifty years later. There were around 200.000 people who fled into exile, and there's probably countless more whose suffering we just don't know about. There are hundreds of people who were never born because their mothers were purposefuly tortured to the point of abortion. Schools, stadiums, hospitals, houses, all turned into concentration camps and torture centers. The Chilean dictatorship was one of the bloodiest in all of Latin America.
And the same dictatorship was the one who created the structures we live under to this day: they privatized the mining industry, the education system, the healthcare system, they set the precedent for the later privatization of water, they installed the current pension system at literal gunpoint, they completely redid every aspect of daily life in Chile and fifty years later we're still trying to undo the damage.
It's hard to convey how much the dictatorship still affects our life, it's hard to put into words how deep the wounds go, but it's there. It's everywhere. Wherever I look, wherever I turn, whoever I talk to, it's in the little coincidences that made the difference between life and death, and in all the unspoken family histories, it's in the endless wait lists for doctors' appointments, it's in the fucking wealth inequality that makes it so that the 1% of the population is sitting on over 50% (if not more) of the country's wealth and still have the fucking gall to tell us we live in one of the best economies in the world, that we're fucking lucky.
This is our reality, this is what we live with every day, and I wish I didn't have to give an entire dissertation whenever I want to discuss it. We don't deserve to be relegated to "the other 9/11". We deserve a way forward.
Ni perdón ni olvido
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waji8571 · 19 days
Duty Manager NMC Bareen International Hospital 
NMC Healthcare is presently in need of qualified candidates for the role of a Duty Manager. The successful candidate will work at NMC Bareen International Hospital, MBZC, Abu Dhabi. This is a mid level full time role. For this position salary ranges from 12000 AED to 25000 AED, which may be slightly negotiatable during the interview process. Job ID for this vacancy is 4411.
Responsibilities of A Duty Manager
Helping the department in the absence of the Patient Care Manager to manage the day-to-day routine inside the hospital.
Ensures patients are admitted in accordance with hospital policies and procedures.
Develops and achieves departmental goals and objectives by gathering patient, demographic, insurance and financial information.
Reduces admissions conflicts and discrepancies by collaborating with physicians and assigns beds according to priority
Performs regular audits to ensure proper handling and accuracy of all patient data to ensure revenue for hospital.
Improves delivery of patient care by integrating admissions procedures with other care staff, including working with various hospital departments
Continuously works to achieve hospital goals. Accepts ownership for actions and decisions, accomplishments and actively explores new opportunities on the job to enhance skills and knowledge.
Communicates with patients, their families, proxies and admitting staff to ensure rules, regulations and procedures are followed.
Analyses statistics or other data to determine the level of hospital’s customer service.
Prepares reports and analyses highlighting progress, adverse trends and suggesting appropriate recommendations or conclusions.
Responds to customer requests and questions regarding services, products and account information. Analyzes and rectifies customer concerns using established procedures.
Perceives and interprets patient needs and translates them into effective solutions.
Supports employee involvement in decision making and problem solving and facilitates dialogue between patients, physicians, nurses and administrative managers to resolve patient complaints and problems.
Enhances professional growth, training and development through participation in educational programs, current literature, in service meetings and workshops.
Eligibility Requirements
The eligibility requirements for role of a Duty Manager are as under:
Bachelor degree / Masters Degree.
Must have experience in Hospital Industry with more than 5 years.
Proficiency with MS Office applications.
English and Arabic language proficiency is a must.
Apply Here https://bitly.cx/ZFkyj
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ajayblog12 · 2 months
B.com vs BBA
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Certainly! Let's delve deeper into the comparison between B.Com and BBA:
1. Core Subjects:
  B.Com: The curriculum typically revolves around core subjects like accounting, economics, finance, and business law. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of financial principles, taxation, auditing, and commercial laws.
 BBA: This program covers a wider spectrum of subjects including management principles, marketing, human resource management, organizational behavior, operations management, and business ethics. It offers a holistic view of various aspects of business administration.
2. Skill Development:
   B.Com: Emphasizes on analytical and numerical skills required for roles such as financial analysts, accountants, auditors, and tax consultants. It enhances proficiency in areas like financial reporting, analysis, and auditing techniques.
   BBA: Focuses on developing managerial and leadership skills necessary for supervisory and executive roles. Students learn strategic decision-making, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and project management skills which are essential for managerial positions.
3. Career Trajectory:
   BCom: Graduates often pursue careers in accounting firms, financial institutions, banking sector, taxation departments, and corporate finance departments. They may work as accountants, auditors, tax consultants, financial analysts, or investment bankers.
   BBA: Opens up opportunities in various sectors including marketing, sales, human resources, operations, consulting, and entrepreneurship. Graduates can work as marketing managers, HR specialists, operations managers, business consultants, or start their own ventures.
4. Industry Focus:
   B.Com: Primarily caters to industries related to finance, accounting, banking, insurance, and taxation. It prepares students for roles in financial management, auditing, taxation, and corporate finance.
  BBA: Offers a broader perspective and is applicable across industries including retail, manufacturing, IT, healthcare, hospitality, and consulting. It equips students with versatile skills needed to navigate diverse business environments.
5. Further Education:
   B.Com: Provides a strong foundation for pursuing advanced degrees such as Master of Commerce (MCom), Chartered Accountancy (CA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in finance or accounting.
  BBA: Acts as a stepping stone for postgraduate studies like MBA or specialized master's programs in areas such as marketing, human resources, operations management, or international business.
In summary, while B.Com focuses more on finance and commerce-related disciplines, BBA offers a broader understanding of business administration and management principles. Your choice should align with your interests, career aspirations, and the specific skills you aim to develop.
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If you are over the age of 15 and you do not understand that collective bargaining unions are the sole protection any worker has from exploitation in a corporate capitalist economic system, and that legal support for and high membership in unions is the sole reason that the 20th century saw a large stable middle class with access to education and healthcare and capable of building some small security, and that the only way to stop the obscene income and quality of life inequality of the 21st century is for everybody to get off the complacent asses and work to BUILD BACK THE UNIONS, then I am so sorry that you have been lied to and oppressed into a state of ignorance. But now it's time to
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GIF by thegiftedoneishere
Your beloved shows and characters only exist because of the writers who write the tv shows and films. The studioCorp bosses are making a Goddamn Mint exploiting entertainment industry workers for the tools to vacuum up the profit out of *your* pocket. 
The combined profits of the giant studioCorps represented by AMPTP like Warner Bros, Netflix, Disney, Comcast, and Paramount have increased in the streaming era, now totaling close to $30 billion a year. Wealthy stockholders have reaped millions, and just the 12 people who are the highest salaried entertainment CEOs collectively pocketed about $1 billion in pay in 2021 alone.
NO share of the skyrocketing profits has been paid out fairly to the workers who actually created the movies and television. When adjusted for inflation, screenwriter pay declined 14% in the last five years, and the median weekly pay for writer-producers has declined 23% over the last decade. They are just one example of how bad it's gotten.
Entertainment industry workers are in crisis. They overwhelmingly stand in solidarity and are desperate to see the writers union strike succeed and get contracts that prevent exploitation and provide fair renumeration and working conditions because a win is the *only* chance that *their* unions will also be able to negotiate decent contracts.
The necessity to strike means that tens of thousands of workers who normally earn money for housing and for food and for medicine in and adjacent to film sets are losing their paychecks every day the wealthy bosses at AMPTP continue to refuse the screenwriters fair contracts. Help financially if you can. Help by providing emotional support. Help by speaking up, tell everyone that AMPTP are in the wrong and that you want them to pull their heads out of their asses immediately and give screenwriters their decent contract with fair pay and conditions.
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Pic © The Hollywood Reporter
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mishainfotech2011 · 3 months
Empowering Businesses with Ionic App Development Services
In the dynamic landscape of mobile app improvement, corporations are constantly in search of revolutionary solutions to interact with their target market efficaciously. With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, having a sturdy mobile presence has come to be imperative for staying competitive in the present-day market. This is wherein Ionic app development businesses step in, imparting flexible and green solutions to build cross-platform cellular packages that captivate customers and power business increase.
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Unveiling the Power of Ionic App Development
Ionic is an open-source framework that lets builders build fantastic, function-wealthy cellular packages using internet technology which includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Leveraging web technology permits Ionic app development companies to create go-platform programs that run seamlessly on diverse devices and working structures, consisting of iOS, Android, and the web.
1. Cross-Platform Compatibility:
One of the key advantages of Ionic app development is its potential to create cross-platform programs with a single codebase. This drastically reduces development time and costs, as developers can write as soon as possible and deploy throughout multiple systems, making sure of consistency in personal enjoyment throughout gadgets.
2. Native-Like Performance:
Despite being constructed with net technologies, Ionic packages offer native-like overall performance and responsiveness. Through technology like Capacitor or Cordova, Ionic apps can get the right of entry to device capabilities and APIs, turning in a continuing consumer experience with smooth animations, rapid loading instances, and fluid navigation.
3. Rapid Development Cycle:
Ionic's development environment is characterized by its simplicity and simplicity of use, facilitating a fast improvement cycle. With features like Ionic CLI (Command Line Interface) and Ionic DevApp, developers can streamline the development technique, iterate speedy, and take a look at their applications in actual time throughout multiple devices.
4. Extensive UI Component Library:
Ionic comes with a rich set of pre-designed UI additives and layouts, allowing builders to create visually attractive and intuitive personal interface results easily. From buttons and paperwork to navigation bars and modals, Ionic's UI thing library empowers builders to construct polished and expert-looking applications with minimal attempts.
5. Community Support and Ecosystem:
The Ionic framework boasts a colorful community of builders, designers, and lovers who actively contribute to its surroundings. From open-supply plugins and extensions to comprehensive documentation and tutorials, the Ionic network affords helpful resources and support, fostering collaboration and innovation in app development.
Industries Leveraging Ionic App Development Services
1. E-Commerce:
Ionic app improvement agencies cater to the growing desires of e-trade organizations through building characteristic-wealthy buying apps, inventory control structures, and customer engagement structures. These applications allow e-commerce manufacturers to supply seamless shopping reports, customized tips, and stable payment gateways to their clients.
2. Healthcare:
In the healthcare enterprise, Ionic apps are utilized to create telemedicine systems, patient portals, appointment scheduling structures, and health tracking programs. These apps enhance accessibility to healthcare services, facilitate remote consultations, and empower sufferers to manipulate their health correctly from their cell devices.
3. Education:
Educational establishments and e-gaining knowledge of structures leverage Ionic app improvement offerings to create interactive knowledge of apps, online course platforms, and educational video games. These applications guide far-off mastering, personalized education, and knowledge dissemination, catering to the numerous needs of college students and educators globally.
4. Finance:
Ionic apps are revolutionizing the finance zone by imparting answers together with cell banking apps, virtual wallets, and funding systems. With sturdy security features and seamless personal reports, Ionic-powered finance apps allow people to manage their budgets comfortably and securely on the go.
5. Travel and Hospitality:
Ionic app improvement businesses play an important position in growing travel reserving systems, inn reservation systems, and tour courses for the travel and hospitality industry. These programs provide intuitive interfaces, actual-time updates, and seamless booking reviews, enhancing the overall journey experience for users internationally.
Ionic app improvement organizations are at the leading edge of innovation within the cellular app improvement landscape, empowering organizations across diverse industries to construct compelling and function-rich packages that resonate with their target audience. With its cross-platform compatibility, native-like performance, and giant surroundings, Ionic offers a versatile and efficient framework for growing mobile applications that drive engagement, enhance the personal experience, and propel enterprise boom in the state-of-the-art virtual era.
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In the pursuit of restful nights and rejuvenating sleep, CBD Dr Oz Gummies Diabetes offer a compelling pathway. Through the infusion of exquisite CBD, herbal flavors, and a dedication to purity, these gummies encapsulate the promise of a tranquil and soothing bedtime enjoy. As individuals explore the capability advantages of CBD Dr Oz Gummies Diabetes , they embark on a journey towards a more harmonious dating with sleep—one in which the wonders of CBD converge with the pleasure of a sweet and soothing treat.
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argumate · 1 year
Australian industries remain gender-segregated
More than one in two workers was employed in an industry dominated by one gender, according to the report.
Nearly 80 per cent of workers in healthcare and the social assistance industry are women, and about two in three (65 per cent) of education and training workers are women.
More than three-quarters of workers in mining, public administration, and safety and construction are men.
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jenifersohowe · 8 months
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sanjeevmansotra · 9 months
Sanjeev Mansotra on Digital Revolution in Africa: Unveiling the Potential for Growth and Innovation
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Africa, sometimes called the "dark continent," is currently experiencing a digital revolution that is altering how people live, work, and interact. The African continent is embracing the digital era and unlocking its potential for prosperity and creativity because of technological advancements and improved internet connectivity. According to Sanjeev Mansotra digital technology, including computers, applications, and machine learning, presents new possibilities for individuals, companies, and occupations. This shows that having access to the Internet in African nations boosts employment and lowers poverty. 
The broad adoption of mobile technology has been one of the main forces behind this digital revolution. In Sub-Saharan Africa, smartphone use will rise to 87% by 2030 from 51% in 2022, predicts the Global System Operators and Manufacturers Association (GSMA) report "The Mobile Economy 2023," which was published on February 27, 2023. “By incorporating AI into banking, education, health care, and many other industries, Africa has a significant opportunity to make its mark on the digital revolution and advance the digital culture there”, asserts Sanjeev Gandhavraj Mansotra.
One such invention that is altering the financial environment in Africa is mobile money. Mobile money platforms have developed as a substitute for traditional banking services, making it possible for people to send and receive money, pay bills, and access financial services via their mobile phones. Traditional banking services are inaccessible to many Africans. Millions of formerly unbanked people now have access to financial services, boosting the economy and lowering poverty. 
In Africa, the digital revolution is changing entrepreneurship and education. The education gap is closed, and African youth are given more power thanks to e-learning platforms and online courses. In industries including fintech, e-commerce, health tech, and agritech, African tech startups are on the rise, utilizing technology to address regional issues and raise living standards. As per Sanjeev Mansotra’s core education analysis African government must adopt the growing digital culture, whether it is about AI in education, banking healthcare, or fintech, the continent must educate itself with digital literacy as today’s era is completely transforming into digital aspects.  
The digital revolution is also making it easier to access necessities like healthcare. To receive medical advice and consultations without having to travel, telemedicine platforms connect patients with doctors virtually. Bridging the gap between isolated people and healthcare experts is especially important in rural areas with few healthcare facilities. 
Africa's digital revolution is not without its difficulties. Obstacles including the digital gap, a lack of infrastructure, and cybersecurity issues must be addressed. However, there is a tremendous opportunity for growth and innovation if firms and governments invest in digital infrastructure and regulations. 
In Africa, the digital revolution is leveling the playing field, empowering people, and opening new avenues for social and economic advancement. As Africa uses technology to its advantage, it will soon dominate the digital economy and serve as a powerhouse for creativity and innovation. Africa's digital revolution is paving the way for a better future by creating a connected, thriving continent that is equipped to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.
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