#healthy diet for teeth
mygentledentistau · 6 months
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clevelanddentalcare · 7 months
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sinha-ri · 5 months
kinda wild and funny suddenly ppl care about my weight and eating habits when I'm not like, underweight.
I used to eat twice a day and not even big dinners. That's it. Sometimes once a day which would normally have been breakfast. I STILL had acid reflux and stomach issues if not worse because I couldn't handle any food without feeling like throwing up
but now that I'm eating more and gained weight, now ppl actually pay attention to how much I'm eating and if it's healthy...
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Molldrem Family Dentistry is dedicated to providing you and your family with the highest quality dental care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Choose us as your dental care provider in 2024 and experience the difference firsthand.
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a-linearis · 1 year
anyone got any ideas for meals for when your entire mouth is hurting? My wisdom teeth are growing and it's just so hard to eat! I know I don't eat enough already (2 meals a day) but this is making it harder ;-;
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watchful-ornaments · 19 days
I don’t think most of the people who talk about culling primarily ethically source their meat because I’ve never seen anyone chow down on that grey squirrel actually
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wellnessbloom · 29 days
"Meet ProDentim: The Game-Changer for Your Oral Health"
First and foremost, it is worthy of note that the market of dental care is actively developing. Until recently people have used traditional goods such as toothpaste and mouthwash hoping for perfect dental hygiene. However, this is not the case, as even when people usually brush and rinse their teeth in the most appropriate ways possible, dental problems always seem to find a way of manifesting themselves. The truth is emerging: the status of dental health depends on the presence of certain bacteria in your oral cavity. Say hello to the latest innovative solution called ProDentim made to revolutionize your oral health by promoting the health of your mouth’s myriad organisms.
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The Science Behind ProDentim
Society has in the recent past gained a deeper understanding of the oral microbiome; this is regarded as the bacterial microflora that resides in our mouth. I say these microorganisms are not just hitchhikers but they are participants and contributors to the health of our teeth and gums. Traditionally probiotics were used for gut health only but now there is evidence that these are good for oral health. Taking advantage of this discovery, ProDentim presents a powerful combination of 3. Five billion probiotics, the finest types that can be used to replace the good bacteria in your mouth. This is something more than an addition; this is an effective method proven by science to maintain and improve the conditions of the oral ecosystem.
You can get the prodentim here
Why Common Dental Products Might Be Harming Your Teeth
Traditional oral hygiene products, despite their good intentions, are loaded with compounds that are destructive to your oral micro cosmetic environment. As we have seen, Fluoride, though it helps in preventing cavities, also has the ability to throw off the balance of the beneficial bacteria in our body. Also, the alcoholic mouth rinses are damaging to the mouth, eliminating all types of organisms, useful as well as dangerous ones. This uncontrolled sloughing exposes your mouth to pathogens and removes the barrier your oral microflora otherwise affords. The irony is stark: all the efforts that we are making to protect the dentition may actually be shooting the process more harm. Enter ProDentim as the safer and more efficient option that lets you clean your mouth without putting at risk your mouth’s friendly bacteria.
The Unique Composition of ProDentim
Some factors that set it apart from the other teeth and gum health boosting products include; The formulation of ProDentim is unique and it has 3. Of all the unique species of probiotic bacteria, it can produce 5 billion live probiotic strains per serving size. Among these, three stand out for their proven efficacy in supporting oral health:Among these, three stand out for their proven efficacy in supporting oral health:
Lactobacillus Paracasei: As is well known in its preventive role of gum diseases, this strain is also useful in keeping the sinuses clear and unblocked, a factor that is often overlooked in dental health.
 This powerful probiotic simultaneously regulates the bacterium population within the mouth and strengthens the respiratory system and immunity, benefits other than oral would be impossible without this supplement.
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Lactobacillus Reuteri: Essential in lowering inflammation risk, it allows the right conditions within the mouth moist environment and prevents periodontal problems.
These probiotics are provided along with a blend of plant extracts which have been added for their specific effects to the oral health. Inulin was said to assist the development of good bacteria, malic acid from strawberries helps retain teeth whiteness while tricalcium phosphate enhances the firmness of the teeth and peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties.
Real-Life Success Stories
This goes way beyond the mouth; it seems ProDentim has an effect on almost every aspect of the human body. In another sense it does this by maintaining the oral microbial ecology and thus overall health indirectly. Maintenance of healthy gums and teeth has the potential of decreasing general inflammation that is associated with various diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. This kind of an approach towards the health which starts from the mouth makes ProDentim one of the most unique products present in the wellness supplements market.
Comparing ProDentim with Other Oral Health Products
The question, therefore, arises as to why ProDentim is unique in an environment that is, for the most part, flooded with similar brands of oral Probiotics? It is in the formula; this is not the full meaning of the word in furtherance of its registration but a way through which it is formulated. In contrast with other dental goods which may pose various health risks by incorporating toxic chemicals in their formulations, ProDentim is made from all natural ingredients whose functions are compatible with the natural human body. This product is GMO free, contains no gluten and it has no stimulants hence safe for use in each day. Additionally, setting up the product from most other supplements is that it contains probiotics that focus only on the oral health needs of the mouth’s microbiome .
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How to Incorporate ProDentim into Your Daily Routine
The use of the ProDentim is quite easy and straightforward as follows. You will find the supplement in chewable form, thus making it easy to incorporate in your regular dosage plan. To get the best of this supplement, chew one ProDentim per day preferably in the morning. Frequency is deemed crucially important since a mouth must always remain a friendly flora for the bacteria that finally yield healthier teeth and gums. When used together with a healthy diet and proper dental care, the beneficial impact of ProDentim would be optimized, with your smile remaining in the best condition.
You can get the prodentim here
Conclusion: Transforming Oral Health with ProDentim
ProDentim is not just a common supplement but it is a step change in how people can look at taking care of their teeth. Due to this, ProDentim is a safe solution to most dental problems since it seeks to improve the overall health of the teeth’s microbiome. For those campaigns which focus on gum health, teeth whitening and overall healthy balance of the oral cavity, ProDentim is the definitive solution here you have been waiting for. Welcome this new era in oral health and feel the difference with ProDentim which uses the science of probiotics.
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sweettoothdentalcare · 2 months
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colibay · 2 months
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DentiCore: Transform Your Oral Health Now
DentiCore is an advanced dental health supplement featuring a unique blend of 3.5 billion probiotics and essential nutrients, clinically proven to support healthy teeth and gums. For a natural approach to enhancing your dental health, DentiCore might be the perfect solution.
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capturelifedental · 5 months
Nourish Your Smile: How Food Choices Impact Your Teeth
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When it comes to maintaining a healthy smile, oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing are essential. 
However, what many people overlook is the significant role that nutrition plays in oral health. The foods and beverages we consume have a direct impact on the health of our teeth and gums, influencing everything from cavity prevention to gum disease. 
In this blog, we'll explore the intricate relationship between oral health and nutrition, and how making smart dietary choices can contribute to a radiant smile.
So, ready to nourish your smile from the inside out? Schedule your appointment at Capture Life Dental Care today and discover how proper nutrition can enhance your dental wellness journey.
The Importance of a Balanced Diet
Just as a balanced diet is crucial for overall health and well-being, it is equally important for maintaining optimal oral health. 
Consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods provides essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy teeth and gums. Foods high in calcium, such as dairy products and leafy greens, strengthen tooth enamel, while vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables promote gum health and collagen production.
Sugar and Oral Health
Sugary snacks and beverages are the primary culprits behind tooth decay and cavities. 
When bacteria in the mouth feed on sugars from food and drinks, they produce acids that erode tooth enamel, leading to decay. 
Limiting the consumption of sugary treats and opting for healthier alternatives can significantly reduce the risk of cavities and protect the long-term health of your smile.
Acidic Foods and Tooth Erosion:
In addition to sugar, acidic foods and beverages can also contribute to tooth erosion and enamel wear. 
Acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar-based dressings, weaken tooth enamel over time, making teeth more susceptible to damage and decay. 
Moderating the intake of acidic foods and balancing them with alkaline foods can help mitigate the effects of acid erosion on oral health.
The Role of Water
Water is essential for overall health, and its benefits extend to oral health as well. Drinking water helps rinse away food particles and bacteria, preventing plaque buildup and reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. 
Additionally, water helps maintain optimal saliva production, which is crucial for neutralizing acids in the mouth and remineralizing tooth enamel. 
Opting for fluoridated water can provide extra protection against tooth decay.
Nutritional Deficiencies and Oral Health
Poor nutrition can have detrimental effects on oral health, leading to a variety of dental problems. 
Nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin D deficiency, can weaken tooth enamel and increase the risk of gum disease and tooth loss. 
Incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet and considering supplements when necessary can help prevent deficiencies and promote oral health from the inside out.
Healthy Eating Habits for a Radiant Smile:
Making mindful food choices and adopting healthy eating habits can go a long way in maintaining a radiant smile. 
Focus on incorporating whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet, while limiting processed foods and sugary snacks. 
Snack on crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots, which help stimulate saliva production and clean teeth naturally.
The connection between oral health and nutrition is undeniable, highlighting the importance of making smart dietary choices for a radiant smile. 
By consuming a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients and limiting the intake of sugary and acidic foods, you can support the long-term health of your teeth and gums.
Remember, what you eat matters not only for your overall health but also for your smile's 
Ready to prioritize your oral health through proper nutrition? Schedule a consultation with Capture Life Dental Care today and discover personalized dental services tailored to your needs. 
Our experienced team is committed to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile through comprehensive care and innovative treatments. 
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self-care-tips-free · 6 months
Beyond Brushing: The Ultimate Guide to Food Choices for Strong Teeth
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medicosutra · 7 months
केला और चूना से 10 चमत्कारी लाभ
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1. कैल्शियम की वजह से हमारे शरीर में मौजूद हड्डियां और दांत मजबूत तथा स्वस्थ होते हैं यह हड्डियों के बीच का ढांचा बहुत मजबूत बनाता है जिससे हड्डियों के जल्दी टूट जाने जैसी शिकायत नहीं होती है
2. शरीर में कैल्शियम की प्रचुर मात्रा होने से मांसपेशियों को ताकत मिलती है कैल्शियम न्यूरोमस्कुलर सिग्नल को ही तेजी से भेजने का कार्य करता है जिससे हमारा शरीर फुर्तीला बना रहता है।
3. पोटेशियम हमारे शरीर में न्यूरोमस्कुलर ट्रांसमिशन अर्थात न्यूरॉन्स के विद्युत प्रवाह के लिए उपयोगी माना जाता है जिसकी वजह से हमें संवेग का आभास होता है।
4. पोटेशियम का इस्तेमाल हमारे शरीर की मांसपेशियों को काम करने के दौरान फिलामेंटों में होने वाले रासायनिक क्रिया में किया जाता है जो मांसपेशियों को हिलाने-डुलाने में मदद करता है  Read more..
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 8 months
I don’t know shit about overwatch. I am not in the over watch fandom I’m in the Junkrat fandom. Which is to say that I have an idea and k really want to write it!!! But I don’t know how. I want to write about Junkrat and Roadhog getting out of junkertown and the outskirts, getting safe and like getting better. Healthy diets, less explodey, no more radiation.
Do you really think Junkrat treats his wounds properly? Do you really think they have the stuff to treat them?
I would love to write it, but I don’t know exactly how it would happen? Why would the two even leave? Why would they ever agree to anything like that? I mean I feel like it would have something to do with Overwatch but idk, I don’t know anything about this fandom.
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At Molldrem Family Dentistry, we pride ourselves on offering a full spectrum of dental services for patients of all ages. Our welcoming, family-friendly atmosphere and dedication to patient care set us apart, making us the ideal choice for your family’s dental needs.
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kkotda · 9 months
maybe it's because i'm a little sick but do y'all ever feel the need to sneeze like it's on the tip of your nose (i swear it's the same feeling as having a word on the tip of your tongue) and it just won't come no matter what you do (saying achoo first to jinx it, looking up because some person said your sneeze comes out faster that way, looking at a brighter space because apparently that helps you sneeze, literally everything you know) and you don't sneeze so you have your face in the weirdest contortion known to man (i feel bad for the fbi agent who has to see you through your front camera) and then you're like bruh and then like after a while you sneeze and it rips your throat raw?? is this something sick people experience?? because holy crap...
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mindpower150 · 1 year
The Dental Diet: 10 Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums
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A healthy smile is not just a sign of good dental hygiene; it's also an indicator of overall well-being. While brushing and flossing are vital, your diet also plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. In this blog, we'll explore the top 10 foods you should include in your healthy teeth and gums diet to promote optimal oral health.
1. Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and celery are nature's toothbrushes. Their crisp texture helps clean teeth by removing plaque and food particles while stimulating saliva production, which neutralizes acids and fights bacteria.
2. Dairy Products: Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are rich in calcium and phosphates, which help strengthen tooth enamel and protect against decay. Cheese, in particular, stimulates saliva and balances the mouth's pH level.
3. Lean Proteins: Protein-rich foods like lean meats, poultry, fish, and eggs provide phosphorus, another essential mineral for tooth health. Together with calcium, phosphorus helps to strengthen bones and teeth.
4. Leafy Greens: Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are packed with vitamins and minerals, including calcium and folic acid. They promote gum health and reduce inflammation.
5. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, peanuts, and seeds like chia and sesame are excellent sources of calcium and protein. They also help scrub teeth and remove plaque when chewed.
6. Green and Black Tea: Both green and black teas contain compounds called polyphenols that can help suppress the growth of bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
7. Water: Water is essential for overall health, including oral health. Drinking water helps wash away food particles, bacteria, and acids, reducing the risk of tooth decay.
8. Cranberries: Cranberries contain compounds that can help prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, reducing the risk of plaque formation and gum disease. But because they might be acidic, only eat them in moderation.
9. Sugar-Free Gum with Xylitol: Chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol stimulates saliva production and helps clean the mouth. It has been demonstrated that xylitol lowers the risk of cavities.
10. Garlic and Onions: Although these foods may not be known for their fresh breath benefits, they contain sulfur compounds that can help combat harmful bacteria in the mouth.
Incorporating these foods into your daily diet can go a long way in promoting healthy teeth and gums. However, it's important to remember that while these foods are beneficial, they should complement your regular oral hygiene routine, which includes brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups.
In conclusion, a healthy teeth and gums diet is not only good for your smile but also for your overall health. By including these tooth-friendly foods in your daily meals and maintaining good oral hygiene practices, you can enjoy a radiant smile and a healthier you.
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