#heartslabyul rules
valy-gc · 1 month
Heartslabyul rules
Soooo... we only knows a bunch of rules from Heartslabyul... and I decided to try create some.
I didn't actually finished yet because... well that's a LOT!! O_O
But I want to make the full list! It can help peoples who are writing fanfics ;)
So here is the list. Thoses officially from the games have the indication of where we have the info
Have fun imagining yours and I'll add them to the list! :D
001 | You must knows all 810 rules by heart.
002 | Every Monday, you must wear red and black striped socks
003 | You must walk backwards through your home on the 9th day of every month.
004 | You must greet each other with a curtsy or a bow
005 | Every Friday, you must wear a crown made of flowers if you’re out of your house after 9pm.
006 | It is forbidden to eat anything purple on Thursdays.
007 | It is forbidden to eat any dessert on friday evening without first reciting a rhyme about it
008 | If you see a blue caterpillar you must recite him a poem
009 | It is forbidden to eat carrots without singing a carrot-themed song.
010 | Every resident must have a collection of top hats.
011 | It is mandatory to sign names with a heart instead of a dot
012 | It is mandatory to wear a tutu while doing laundry.
013 | It is forbidden to step on cracks in the pavement
014 | It is forbidden to eat anything with a square shape on Mondays.
015 | It is forbidden to eat anything with a triangular shape on Sundays.
016 | On Tuesdays, you must wear mismatched shoes.
017 | It is forbidden to eat anything with a round shape on Fridays.
018 | You must wear a crown made of seashells at the beach.
019 | It is forbidden to wear the color yellow on Wednesdays.
020 | You must have a collection of playing cards and display them in tyour rooms
021 | On the first day of spring, you must hop everywhere you go.
022 | The use of ordinary playing cards as coasters is strictly prohibited
023 | You must not bring cats into areas of festivity (0-3)
024 | You must only speak in rhymes on the second Wednesday of each month.
025 | There must always be a tea party on the 5th day of every month (Prerelease Comic)
026 | It is forbidden to open an umbrella indoors, unless it is raining outside.
027 | You must wear mismatched gloves whenever it snows.
028 | It is mandatory to have a tea party with at least one stuffed animal present.
029 | You must only use quill and ink to write on Sundays.
030 | It is forbidden to say the word ‘rabbit’ on the first day of the month.
031 | It is forbidden to say the word ‘mouse’ in the presence of a cat.
032 | It is mandatory to paint one fingernail green every Friday.
033 | You must always wear a pocket watch, but it must never tell the correct time.
034 | It is forbidden to whistle indoors on Saturdays.
035 | It is forbidden to read a book without first reading the last page.
036 | It is forbidden to use a door when a window is available on the third Thursday of every month.
037 | You must not step on any shadows during a full moon.
038 | It is forbidden to use a spoon when a fork will do.
039 | You must always carry a key that not open any door.
040 | It is forbidden to eat bread without first toasting it and letting it cool.
041 | It is forbidden to eat an apple without first peeling it and cutting it into slices.
042 | It is forbidden to wear socks with sandals.
043 | You must always stir your tea counter-clockwise.
044 | All persons more than a mile high must leave the court immediately. (Rule from Alice in Wonderland)
045 | Coffee is forbbiden
046 | It is forbidden to eat cheese unless it’s presented on a miniature silver platter.
047 | You must carry a pebble in your pocket at all times; it’s to be named and introduced to new acquaintances.
048 | It is forbidden to open a book without first announcing its title aloud.
049 | You must wear a scarf with exactly seven stripes on the first windy day of the month.
050 | You must not enter a closed room without first knocking three times, even if it’s empty.
051 | It is forbidden to drink water without first toasting to someone’s health.
052 | You must not eat spaghetti without twirling it on a fork exactly four times.
053 | You must wear a piece of jewelry that jingles when you walk, for a week, once a year.
054 | It is mandatory to have a secret handshake with at least three other persons.
055 | You must not use the color pink in any artwork during the month of May
056 | You must only write in cursive on the last day of each month.
057 | It is forbidden to wear hats indoors unless it’s a Sunday.
058 | It is forbidden to eat soup without a garnish of edible flowers.
059 | You must wear a cloak with at least three different colors on rainy days.
060 | It is forbidden to use the same teacup more than once in a week.
061 | It is mandatory to carry a hand fan decorated with ribbons during the summer.
062 | It is forbidden to read poetry aloud unless you’re standing on one foot.
063 | It is forbidden to wear laced shoes on the first Monday of the month.
064 | It is forbidden to use pencils; only pens with purple ink are allowed.
065 | You must wear a ring that glows in the dark every Wednesday.
066 | It is mandatory to leave a small treat for the dormouse every evening.
067 | You must not pass a bookshelf without selecting a book and reading one sentence aloud.
068 | It is mandatory to have a riddle contest with a friend once a week.
069 | It is forbidden to walk; you must skip or hop everywhere on the second Tuesday of the month.
070 | You must serve cookies shaped like stars during a new moon
071 | You must not play checkers with anyone wearing green
072 | You must dance with a broom if the clock strikes exactly 1pm at the moment you watch it
073 | You must not look into a mirror while eating jam
074 | If you wake-up between 2am and 3am you must get up and go outside to compliment the moon ; If there is no moon, bow to the stars before going back to bed.
075 | You must not hum while holding a red apple
076 | You must not pass a salt shaker directly to another person
077 | You must only write with green ink during a thunderstorm
078 | You must not cross your arms while standing on one leg
079 | You must only eat soup with a fork on the third Thursday of the month
080 | You must wear a feather behind your ear when the wind blows east
081 | You must not play hopscotch unless you've seen a cloud shaped like a teapot
082 | You must not catch butterflies unless you promise to tell them a story
083 | You must not use the stairs on days when you've seen a rainbow
084 | You must wear a necklace made of candy on your half-birthday
085 | You must not use bookmarks made of paper on windy days
086 | You must wear a ribbon in your hair when the first snow falls
087 | You must not eat cake with a fork on odd days
088 | You must only drink milk from a glass with a red straw
089 | You must not eat the Queen’s tarts without her permission (1-2)
090 | You must not play the flute unless the moon is visible
091 | You must not pick up pennies found on the ground
092 | You must not play marbles unless there's a rainbow
093 | You must wear a necklace of daisies when the first leaf falls
094 | You must not drink orange juice after you've seen a squirrel
095 | You must carry a lantern if you walk in the forest at dusk
096 | If you spill your tea, you must apologize to each droplet before cleaning it up
097 | If a butterfly lands on your nose, you must balance a spoon on your head for an hour
098 | If you find a four-leaf clover, you must wear it in your hair until it wilts
099 | When you hear an owl hoot, you must recite your favorite poem upside down
100 | If a falling leaf land on your head, you must keep it safe in a book until the next full moon
102 | You must not pass under a bridge if you've eaten cheese that day
103 | If you lose a sock, you must wear a teacup on your head until it reappears
104 | When you hear thunder, you must swap a secret with the nearest tree
105 | If you laugh three times before noon, you must walk backwards for the rest of the day
106 | When a frog croaks, you must reply with a poem about rain
107 | You must not open windows if you've sung in the shower
108 | You must not say your own name out loud on days with a double rainbow
109 | You must not wear green on days when you've seen a lizard (does Malleus count?)
110 | If you spill salt, you must throw it over your left shoulder while hopping on one foot
111 | If you catch a spider, you must recite a riddle to it before setting it free
112 | If you find a lost button, you must sew it onto your sleeve, regardless of its color
113 | When you see a cloud shaped like a fish, you must sing a sea shanty
114 | If you spill ink, you must write a letter of apology to the inkwell
115 | If you step on a crack, you must immediately spin around three times
116 | You must not eat peas unless you've counted them first
117 | If you accidentally sneeze on a Tuesday, you must immediately find a clover and present it to the nearest tree
118 | You must wear a ring on your thumb if you've heard a dog bark before dawn
119 | You must not use a fork if you've seen a rainbow before breakfast
120 | When you see a cloud shaped like a heart, you must send a love letter to the sky
121 | You must not wear blue shoes on days when you've eaten chocolate
122 | You must never cross your legs while sitting
123 | If you accidentally step on an ant, you must sing a lullaby at the next sunset to apologize
124 | When you get soaking wet, you must dry off with a run in the ocean (Endless Halloween night 4-8)
125 | When you hear a woodpecker, you must tap your feet in rhythm until it stops
126 | If you see a worm, you must draw a map in the dirt with a stick
127 | If you see a cloud that looks like a dragon, you must immediately find a stone to guard
128 | When you see a butterfly, you must follow it until it lands
153 | The only tea you may drink in the evenings is herbal tea (1-14)
168 | If you stutter more than three times in a sentence, you must hop on one foot while reciting the alphabet backwards.
186 | Do not eat hamburger steak on Tuesdays (1-9)
228 | You must not pick flowers from the garden on Wednesdays (SM 2-2)
249 | You must wear pink while feeding the flamingos (1-19)
256 | You must not drink lemonade with honey past 8 PM (1-14)
271 | You must get up from the table within 15 minutes after eating (1-9)
304 | On days when a hedgehog sneezes, all card soldiers must sing a song together. (Comic Ch.4)
339 | Your after-meal tea must be lemon tea with 2 sugar cubes (1-9)
346 | You must not play croquet in the gardens past 5 PM (2-12)
412 | If you see a pair of moving eye-glasses in the forest, you must not go back the way you came (Happy Beans Day 2021 - Ch.31)
469 | Flowers must be both red and white when you invite over a new acquaintance (Trey Ceremony PS)
529 | If you eat steak on a night with a full moon, a cat must play the violin. (Happy Beans Day 2021 - Ch.2)
562 | Do not bring marron tarts to an Unbirthday Tea Party (1-16)
648 | You must brush your teeth 2 times on nights when you eat turkey (Trey School PS)
703 | Whoever comes in 2nd place during a croquet match must serve tea to the Queen the next day (Ghost Marriage 14)
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twstinginthewind · 1 month
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.... okay am I losing my mind a little or is there a McDonald's in the Heartslabyul gardens?
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allioaro · 7 months
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this is my silly elephant fae, Meng Heffridge🍯 twisted from the heffalumps from Winnie the Pooh!
The entire group is introduced now WOOOOOOO🎉🎉🎉
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sleepyorchidmonster · 5 months
A thing I've never understood in TWST is how the Heartslabyul students learn the Queen's rules.
Is there a pdf file in the dorm group chat? Do they receive a copy of the rulebook alongside their uniforms? Does Riddle have an slide presentation ready?
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joonie-berry · 6 months
The Crimson Tyrant and Rose Maze
Intro | Lion's Den | Witch's Lakehouse | Desert Manor | Poison Palace | Death’s Mansion | Dragon’s Castle
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This chapter is pretty similar to how it opens in Twisted Wonderland only difference is Yuu wakes up in a jail cell awaiting beheadment literally. They sit there for a while to see if anyone was coming before testing the gate to find that it was unlocked allowing them to escape into the Rose Garden/Maze. Now this is where the mechanics and tutorial come into play.
The first character Yuu encounters isn’t Ace nor Deuce but Cater as he is the Caretaker of the roses, which means he is mainly in the garden, the maze, or the greenhouse tending and painting the roses, under the Queen’s orders. Cater, and to an extent, Trey would both have unique mechanics to their “stalker” chase and gameplay in general. Since Heartslabyul has a strict schedule that everyone must follow, Cater and Trey, won’t bother Yuu even if Yuu just stands in the same room as them during the work hours, unless Yuu decides to fuck around and find out, when they were doing their work. Going back to Cater and Yuu’s encounter with him. They quite literally run into him. He turns to them and smiles, not fully realizing who they are until he takes a closer look at them. He then tries to deceive them, which doesn’t work and initiates a chase.Cater chases Yuu until the clock chimes to tell him it’s time to work.
Yuu meets Ace and Deuce after being chased. Deuce wanted to sound the alarm to warn Riddle and the other higher ups that they found Yuu, but Ace stopped him and helped Yuu get around and even hide from Trey and Cater. Both act as a safe room, like the ones from Resident Evil or Silent Hill, but good things never last, but we’ll get to that later.
You might be wondering, “Where does Grim play into all this?” Well my friend, Grim is the helpful animal companion that Yuu gets. He collects Items and helps defend Yuu from being chased, basically the dog from Haunting Grounds. So he has similar mechanics. Treat Grim well (Feed, praise, pet, etc) and he’ll do everything without too much of a fuss, but Mistreat him (Kick, scold, don’t feed, etc) and he’ll flat out ignore your commands, and even be the cause of Yuu’s pain.
Speaking of Trey, I mention in the first post that he’s the Ruler’s Caretaker, specifically. He tends to Riddle and actually wouldn’t be seen alot in this chapter, until his part of the story, but that’s not to say you can’t find him in early parts of the story. If he isn’t tending to Riddle, he’s in the kitchen baking.
Now Riddle is one of three special cases of Final Bosses. Yuu literally doesn’t even get to see him until his boss battle, which is similar to his Overblot, which Ace causes once again. Riddle is only really mentioned by every other character that Yuu encounters, which makes him sound like an actual demon, but when they finally meet him, they don’t understand what the others spoke about.
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icliangyu · 2 years
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housing market kinda tough these days
( @heartslabyulzine <---you should go follow for more heartslabyul action if you're interested)
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Rules of Roses AU concept art
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cerealmonster15 · 6 months
Btw u know how each union bday vignette interview had the “which dorm would you join that isn’t the one ur in now” question. Every character that dissed heartslabyul bc “the uniform/vibe is too bright” is a coward.
#ITS THE BEST UNIFORM BECAUSE ITS SO FUN AND WILD LOOKING‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭😭#idr who exactly said it but I rememebr it came up at least a few times#bc every time I was typing to my friend in chat like NOOOOOOO BAD TASTE BAD TAAAASTE😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️#but honestly what did I expect from hater school for hater boys really 😔#tbh did anyone even pick heartslabyul#I feel like just rook did#maybe Kalim also???#I feel like they’re the only ones that would appreciate heartslabyul’s FUN LOOK#idr if Kalim picked it tho. they’re the social party dorms but heastslabyuls crazy rules also scared ppl#actually. for real wait was that it#FELIX WHERE ARE YOU DO YOU HAVE CHART#I’d look them each up individually and write it out myself#but I am. at work LOL#maybe I’ll do it later if I haven’t been answered#hmmm but what can I rememebr rn#Leona picked pom. eppy tried to pick savana but Floyd didn’t let him but I forgot what he did pick after#I think mal picked igni. riddle picked dia. treycay picked octa. adeuce picked scarabia.#Jamil picked… ignihyde I think. azul picked scara. Jade picked pom I think ?#floyd picked savana? unless that was just my guess idr#same with Jade lol. vil… uhh.. diasomnia maybe? idr#rook I am p sure did heartslabyul <3 ortho…. shit idr his either. could he have picked hearts 🤔 or maybe diasomnia bc opposites idk…#I truly forget ortho I’m SORRYYYY… jack was uhhh. idr but I do know he was a hearts outfit hater lol#fuck I can’t remember what diasomnia in general did lol#I feel like idia picked dia bc it was closest in gloom vibe but maybe that’s my prediction again#hard to rememebr what the actual one was vs my initial guess lol#god I can only rememebr half of them for sure#oh maybe Epel picked igni bc of the blastcycles actually?? that sounds right#maybe. fuck idk I gotta go back to work LOL#point is rook hunt is valid ‼️‼️‼️‼️ if I remembered his pick wrong I’m gonna be upset Hshfnnffnfngndhfjfe
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justamegafan · 11 months
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #25
Report Card
Riddle (Angry): Why is your report cards on the ceiling?!
Deuce/Ace: You said to keep our grades up
Riddle: ….I did say that, let me see…
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I can see this happening…
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 7 months
Why are the rules in Fontain just like the ones in Heartslabyul. Its kind of silly to think about the similarity of how silly they are.
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snakes-and-fluff · 11 months
I like to think that all the Heartslabyul residents' face marks are makeup-only, except for Ace's. He arrived at the dorm to see Cater's perfect little red diamond on his cheek and breathed a sigh of relief - he'd never known somebody else to have a birthmark like his.
The first time he attended an event in his ceremonial robes, Riddle chewed him out for wearing bright red on his face. Confused at first, he then noticed Cater's diamond was black and came to the conclusion he must have covered it in makeup. After all, he used to do the same back home, applying layer after layer of foundation until the heart could no longer be seen.
It was only when he witnessed Deuce wipe his spade away after a particularly grueling track session that he realised his misunderstanding.
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krenenbaker · 5 months
I also would LOVE to have a full list of each and every one of the 810 Rules!! I'm so, SO curious as to what they may consist of
I'm sure that most would be fairly standard sorts of rules: things to contribute to safety, rules regarding the structure and maintenance of the dorm/group, etc. Even if they may seem a bit strange, they would function to - hopefully - keep things running smoothly and with minimal issues
And I would be interested to learn the history of the other rules - why they were made, why the current rules are the ones still in place, if any amendments have been made since they were first written into existence, if there are any contradictions within the 810 rules...
I have so many questions, and I find it all fascinating
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 9 months
Twisted Wonderland: Beach Episode Intermission
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beneaththetangles · 1 month
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The breeze is blowing, birds are chirping, and it seems that all of nature of coming alive. Yes, spring has sprung, and with it, stories of love are in full bloom as well—at least if the manhwa, manga, and light novels we’re reviewing are any measure! We have plenty of romantic tales to tell you about—as well as a few that trend toward other directions a little more heavily, including gaming, mystery, survival game, and fantasy stories. So come join us and let us know, too, what you recommend!
Alice in Borderland (Vol. 9) • Dark Moon: The Blood Altar (Vol. 2) • Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga: Books of Heartslabyul (Vol. 3) • The Eminence in Shadow (Vol. 9) • The Ephemeral Scenes of Setsuna’s Journey (Vol. 2) • I’m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness (Vol. 4) • Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love (Vol. 9) • Insomniacs After School (Vol. 5) • Like a Butterfly (Vol. 5) • A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special (Vol. 3) • Sakura Saku (Vol. 2) • Sword Art Online Progressive: Canon of the Golden Rule (Vol. 1)
(Read More)
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twstchaos · 2 years
Heartslabyul, hands down, is my favorite dorm. I love Riddle. My favorite live action Disney movie is Alice in Wonderland. I always loved Alice in Wonderland media prior to learning about Twisted Wonderland. However, despite how strong my love for this dorm and the dormleader is, rule 186 can fuck right off!! Ain’t no one allowed to tell me when I can and cannot eat hamburg steak!!! Not even Riddle Rosehearts himself!!!
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(^^ Riddle after he hears me dissing the Queen’s rules.)
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heartsleybyul · 2 years
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→ strictly no lemons or nsfw. nsfw jokes or references are fine but not the actual thing.. and most of the characters I write for are minors so no .
→ my character limit is 4. and yes, you are able to use multiple fandoms in one request as long as you state which fandom and character
→ no incestous, pedophilic, racist, or just weird requests.
→ yanderes are and ehh for me so it depends if I will write your yan request or not.
→ if you do request yandere then please do not request anything too gruesome
→ aus are fine ! coffee shop , hanahaki , etc.
→ can write for gn , fem , and , male reader
→ can also write for platonic , familial , romantic , etc.
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fandoms I will write for and who ?
I sadly cannot write for all of the characters since some have personalities I cannot understand or grasp.. ;;
heartslabyul : riddle rosehearts, trey clover, ace trapolla, deuce spade
savanaclaw : leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, jack howl
octavinelle : azul ashengrotto, jade leech, floyd leech
scarabia : jamil viper , kalim al asim
pomefiore : vil shoenheit, epel felmier
ignihyde : idia shroud, ortho shroud (platonic only)
diasomnia : malleus draconia, silver, sebek ziegvolt
teru minamoto, akane aoi (m), hanako-kun, yashiro nene, shijima mei, kou minamoto, yugi amane, aoi akane (f), sakura nanamine, yako
poppin' party : kasumi toyama, arisa ichigaya
afterglow : moca aoba, ran mitake, tsugumi hazawa
pastel*palettes : hina hikawa, aya maruyama,
roselia : lisa imai, rinko shirokane, yukina minato, ako udagawa
hello happy world : kokoro tsurumaki, kaoru seta
morfonica : touko kirigaya
raise a suilen : chiyu tamade, rei wakana, masuki satou, reona nyubara, rokka asahi
mondstat : amber, albedo, jean, diluc, sucrose
liyue : ningguang, ganyu, xiangling, xiao, chongyun, beidou, shenhe
inazuma : ayaka, kazuha, yoimiya, fatui! scaramouche
leo/need : shiho hinomori, saki tenma
more more jump : airi momoi, shizuku hinomori
vivid bad squad : kohane azusawa, an shiraishi, akito shinonome
wonderland x showtime : nene kusanagi, emu otori, rui kamishiro
nightcord at 25:00 : kanade yoisaki, mizuki akiyama, mafuyu asahina
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