#heavy metal jingle bells
steveshairychest · 2 years
Corroded Coffin would 100% do a Christmas album. The cover would be the 3 other members in elf costumes standing around Eddie, who's sitting on a red throne in a Santa costume. The back of the album has a picture of all their instruments wrapped in Christmas paper.
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multifandomsish · 4 months
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A/N: an au where Buckys a mechanic, requested by anon 🫶🏻
pls don’t hate me for how short this is but i wanted to get it out 😭
i wanted to leave this one kind of open and not a lot of detail! i feel like with how i decided to end this one, there’s definitely options for it to keep going if this is popular enough 👀
MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! please send me a request for any Marvel character! or vikings characters too! i’m open to just about any request!
TW: flirting, shyness, embarrassment, kissing.
A warm summer day seemed like the perfect time to go for a drive, but that was proving to be a bad idea as your car rumbled angrily rolling into the parking lot of a small town mechanics shop an hour and a half from where you live. “This has to be just my luck..” you grumble to yourself as you step one foot at a time out of your car, pushing the door closed and walking around, heading towards the shop.
You definitely stood out here with your tight fitting gym leggings and sports bra top, your typical gym attire that felt normal to wear in a gym of strangers working out just like you. But now that you were the only person dressed like this, you felt a small bit of insecurity boiling in your stomach at the thought of eyes on you. If you hadn’t needed help with your car to get back home, you wouldn’t have even made the stop but you felt you had no choice but to have it quickly checked out.
All of the car bay doors are open but not a soul is in sight, the assumption passing through your mind that everyone may be in the office of the shop hidden behind darkly tinted windows. A bell jingles just above your head as you push the slightly heavy metal and glass door open, the smell of oil and something hitting your nose. It takes a quick sweep of your eyes to see there’s three men behind the long desk in the center of the room, another man standing in the doorway leading to the garage where they work. It seems as though your presence makes the atmosphere go quiet.
The man standing in the doorway to the garage catches your eye, almost makes your heart skip a beat at the sight of him. He has beautifully messy brown hair and striking blue eyes, gorgeously muscled arms that are crossed over his tight broad chest. You’ve never seen anyone like him and you really wish you could get a better look at the name patch on his black button down work shirt that’s completely opened, exposing a white tank underneath. The only letters on the patch you can see are a B and Y, your brain wracking for names.
As your brain is trying to piece together a name, you offer a quick and soft friendly smile to the men, clearing your throat gently. “Hi uh- I was.. I was having some issues with my car while on a drive and this was the closest shop I could get to. I was afraid it may breakdown, is there anyone that might be able to take a look at it?” You get out, shyness taking over your senses as your cheeks begin to feel warm, knowing they’re slowly beginning to glow red.
Out of the corner of your eye you can see the man in the doorway shift his weight on his feet as you maintain eye contact with the man right behind the desk. “Why of course ma’am, Buck, you mind going with her and seeing if we can’t help her out?” The man politely asks, clean blonde hair slicked back and just as piercing blue eyes as, who you assume is Buck, has. He’s the one to make a move, pushing himself off the doorway he’s leaned against and taking a step forward, unfolding his arms.
“Of course, not a problem.” Buck offers you a friendly smile as your eyes meet his and it feels as though your stomach does a thousand flips in just seconds. You already know with as awkward as you are, this may not end very well.
You follow behind Buck, just a few steps away, back out of the shop door and towards your car in the small parking lot. “So, what’s going on with it?” He speaks up, the sound of his deep warm voice making your bones tingle.
“I uh.. I was driving down the highway when it started to shake and it kind of smelt like something was burning. Then the check engine light came on the further I drove so I decided it was best to try and find a shop somewhere as close as I could.” You explain, unlocking your car and handing Bucky the keys. You watch as he gets in the driver seat, flipping the key in the ignition just enough to turn the dash on.
After the check engine light comes on, he gets out and motions for you to wait just a second before heading towards one of the open bay doors. He grabs a little handheld machine from what you presume is his area of work before heading back towards you to plug in this machine to your car in hopes it’ll tell him exactly what the check engine light is for.
As he’s waiting for the machine to load you have a second to watch his features and look him over, admiring the way the sun glistens off his skin and makes his hair shine too. You can see the peak of pale white skin under the sleeve of his work t shirt he’s wearing, a line where his tan starts and ends, making a smile form on your lips.
He glances up just seconds before the machine loads, to catch your eyes on him before you quickly look away in embarrassment, wondering if you’d just been caught being a creep. Though in Bucky’s mind, he’s dying to get a good look at you just as you have him.
“Hmm, this isn’t good..” Bucky says once he’s looked down at the handheld, reading what it’s telling him. “You’re having transmission problems.” He explains, glancing back up at you for a second. Your eyes widen then lower as you listen to him, nodding your head.
“That’s expensive isn’t it?” You ask with a soft laugh, pushing your stray hairs out of your face as you glance your car over. “Is it possible for me to make it home? I’m about an hour and a half away.” You ask, chewing on your bottom lip afraid of the answer.
Bucky makes a soft noise with your second question, eyes meeting yours and he shakes his head with a soft chuckle. “You might be lucky to make it another thirty to forty five minutes, but not the whole way home.” He says, unplugging the machine and standing up, eyes drifting down your body as you’re not paying attention to him.
“Let me go talk to my boss, Steve, and see if we can’t work something out to where we can fix your car and get you home for the night, okay?” Bucky offers, sensing a feeling of stress coming from you though it seems to ease with his offer.
“Oh you don’t have to do that! I wouldn’t expect for you to have to worry about getting me home, that’s sweet though, thank you.” You tell Bucky, a giddy smile on your lips at the thought of him going as far as to getting you home safe.
Bucky chuckles and he shakes his head, rough hand running through his hair as the two of you make your way back towards the shop. “Steve might actually write me up if I just let you be to figure it out yourself.” He grins, looking to you. “And anyways, helping a pretty girl like yourself is no weight on my shoulders.” He offers a playful wink that makes your cheeks heat again.
With the nerves that Buckys wink has sent through your body, you stumble over your own two feet stepping back into the shop, nearly face planting onto the stained tile flooring but a strong hand catches you from behind, pulling you into his broad body to bring you back into a standing position. Even more nerves run through you, but the good kind of nerves. The kind that make you yearn for the feeling again and again.
“Watch your step darlin, don’t need you takin a trip to the hospital too.” His breath fans across your ear but you steady your feet to take a step away from him to maybe calm the pounding of your heart in your chest, trying to feign a prideful smile.
“I’m okay, I got it.” You laugh, Bucky hesitating a second before he steps around you and towards the desk where Steve is watching the two of you intently, a knowing smirk on his lips.
Bucky leans half across the desk so there’s little space between him and Steve, keeping his voice fairly low. “Listen, her cars having transmission issues. It’s gonna need a decent fix and she’s an hour and a half from home, let me give her a ride and I’ll work on the car for the night.” Bucky whispers, watching the way Steve’s expression grows even more knowing.
Steve slightly glances around Bucky at you, standing there glancing around the shop waiting room like a lost duck. He gives a soft little laugh and he nods his head at Bucky. “Go ahead, just, hurry back. You do have work to do. No dilly dallying.” Steve says, raising his brows at Bucky and Bucky grins wide at his friend and boss. “You’re the fucking best, man.” He nods, patting Steve’s shoulder and turning around back to you with a smile.
“You okay with me giving you a lift? Of course as small as this town is, a taxi won’t come all the way out and take you back.” Bucky says and you shrug your shoulders. “Id really appreciate a ride back.” You nod, smiling at him and he pulls keys from his pocket.
“You can grab whatever you need from your car, we should be done with it in a day or two depending on everything wrong.” Bucky states and you head back to your car as he heads around the building to pull his old model Chevy around to the front. With your purse and gym bag from the trunk, you climb in the passenger seat of Buckys truck, him patiently waiting for you to settle and get buckled before pulling onto the highway and back towards your town.
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ramayantika · 1 year
Nataraja (mystery academia)
You accidentally stumbled into an old temple located deep within a forest. There is a large bronze idol of a dancing god shrouded in darkness except a single diya illuminating the face of the idol. Did his eyes just gleam at you?
It's 4.30 in the morning. The whole world is asleep, but you are on the terrace dancing in darkness. For anybody else, it would be scary seeing how the giant trees sway their branches in sync with the rhythm of your ghungroos until you sit on the floor in exhaustion. Eyes closes, chest too heavy to breathe in, sweat drips down from your forehead until you hear a distant jingle of ankle bells from the staircase.
You are the last one to leave the dance class. Your guru has left the premises, leaving you the keys because you wanted extra time to practice the new piece you are to perform on Mahashivratri. The speakers were working just fine until out of the blue they screech horribly and emit the sound of a damru (a small two headed drum)
Your class is going to start in a while. You were among the early comers so you decided to offer the pranam and sit until the others come on time. Your touch the floor and a strange sensation runs along your fingers. The floor definitely wasn't metallic. When you open your eyes, you see a man holding large flames in his hand. You blink and he disappears.
The old grandmother in your neighbourhood is narrating the story of Nataraja, the God of Dance by whom every Indian dance form has been inspired. Her body is old, but her eyes sparkle as if she were young. You see her finger movements, they move with a skillful precision as if she were dancing the story out. You were heading towards your tution when her gaze lands upon you, and she blesses you with her hand upraised. "Shivoham shivoham"
"Look far, look within..." The sound fills your ears until you feel a soft touch on your forehead. You look up and see a man's face effused with peace and serenity. A large fiery circle moves around him. The fire enchants your eyes. Could flames appear this beautiful? The radiant colour of yellow blue flames dances across your face and you see them glow even more yet the flames don't hurt your eyes. As a small child who is attracted to colourful flames, you stretch your hand to touch them. A voice brings you away from the man and the fiery circle. "Beta, are you okay? You fainted midway through the song."
"No, beta I am not able to see Shiva in you. I want you to portray his stillness, his divinity, him as the overseer of all. Your stance has to match of a God. Take a break and we'll get back to it." You are tired. Your clothes are drenched in sweat and your limbs are about to surrender if you even move an inch. You close your eyes. The sound of your heartbeat deafens your ears. The sound of your heart starts sounding similar to a drum. It doesn't cause yout breath however to accelerate any further. It calms you down and a breeze of cool air brushes your face providing you a moment of respite.
Dark patterns swirl around you and you feel yourself getting lost in them. You hear the juniors chattering about the new movie and the sound of the nattuvangam in another class. You are aware of the present -- this isn't a dream. The dark swirling patterns start clearing like a mist and you see a strange yet bewitching sight. There is a large stage in front, but no audience. There is no roof but the endless night sky filled with countless stars. You see yourself dance. There's no music, no nattuvangam or any instrument playing around. Your body yet moves to some unknown rhythm played by nature. The same man with pleasant looks joins you. He wears the fiery circle as a garland around him. His large feet sports ghungroos same as yours and a beautiful smile graces his lips.
He dances around you, beside you. When you strike a pose, he takes up the same. When you pause and gaze afar at the darkness, he stops and acts the same. You don't feel fear or anything unusual about him. You dance as if he were your dancemate from class. Your head feels a sharp pain and you clutch it to catch one last look at the elegantly dancing man before you lose you consciousness again. You strike the famous Nataraja pose, and the man joins you too, but stands behind. You look at your dancing self from front and the sight is astounding. He appears as if he has merged into you. The space where he stands glows and the same whispers circulate around your being. 'Look far, look within..'
The stage lights are on. The chief guest are bus with their speeches while you blast Nirvana Shatakam in your headphones. You can't understand the loud noise in your head. There is a strange restlessness in your heart. You are anticipating an event, with no idea of what could it be. Worried, if you would give justice to the dance piece, you sink back and close your eyes. 'Neither am I the sky, nor the earth, neither the fire nor the air, I am Shiva.'
It feels as if an ocean of bliss surrounds you. You can't see the audience nor the musicians. You don't even hear the music nor the chime of ghungrus. Darkness surrounds you which isn't unsettling. You are aware that you are dancing and then a voice rings from somewhere above or is it your heart? Have you known this truth from so long?
Everything dances. The universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets and the living. There's a silent music everywhere. It never stops not even when you stop dancing. With the birth of creation to its death, the dance of Creation and Destructions keeps going on. The stage is infinite. Look far! The great void stares back at you. It holds answer to your questions and you. Who are you? What do you seek? Who are you in this ever continuous dancing circle? How many births did you take to understand this simple truth? You are limitless -- you are me. I am you. We are one.
The audience burst into an applause. The sound deafens your ears. Some of the old people are in tears as they stand up and bow down to you. You realize that the dance music is still playing. 'Shivoham Shivoham' You bow down at the audience when your eyes catch sight at a silver gleam amongst the crowd. Matted hair, a crescent moon on the head, skin as white as camphor, rudraksha beads around his neck and arms. He raises his hands with a smile in blessing. Your eyes tear up, as you chant, "Shivoham"
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briarberrythornedhart · 2 months
I like writing meet cutes. Here is one of my favorite meet cutes. Close up magic fake eating worms Eddie:
In movies when you see THE ONE - time slows down and the object of your desire moves in slow motion. The beautiful ones shake out their hair in the wind that’s come from nowhere, and they smile or lick their lips and look divine, and there is a glow, lens flare, or sparkle around them.
THAT didn’t happen.
What happened was the (really exceptionally hot) metal-head guy moved normal speed in your direction. He looked at you like you were a complete freak and said “Why are you walking like that?”
“Worms.” You said.
You said.
...you couldn’t wait to go somewhere and cry for a million years.
Just shut it all down.
Project: fit in and be normal was a bust.
Gorgeous blinked his hot chocolate eyes and looked down at the sidewalk then back up at you. You were ready to die - spontaneous combustion would be preferred if you would be given options.
“Yeah, I don’t guess they deserve to be smashed into worm Valhalla just because it rained.” He said seriously.
“You don’t get into worm valhalla if you don’t die in Worm Battle doing worm heroics.” You stated, like facts, before your brain could tell your mouth to cool it.
He bent down and picked one up. A good 4 inches of pink earthworm wriggled in his fingers and then he palmed it - did some of the worst close up magic you’d ever seen - to try and convince you he eaten the thing. You snorted at the act.
“If you are *that* hungry, I’ve got a poptart in my bag?” You suggested.
He smiled slowly at you - and gently placed the worm down on the grass near the sidewalk.
Then the Patron Saint of Heavy Metal Sex reached up for your hand. He tilted his head and asked you silently to help him up. You did.
His hand was warm but his rings were cold. The chains on his leather jacket jingled like quiet bells - He had some blue ink on his long fingers. His neck was perfection. He licked his upper lip and your knees wanted to collapse. The line of his jaw was honestly pure Art… Maybe time *was* slowing down....did you just see lens flare??
“You really gonna give me your poptart, Princess?” He asked, as if you were full of tricks and mischief.
“Yeah??” No question, just hesitant because you were certain HE was full of tricks and mischief. You pulled out the shiny wrapper and handed it over. Gave him both tarts.
“You’re gonna be late for class, sweetheart.” he said. And he ran for the front doors of Hawkins High. He vaulted over the bike racks as if gravity was only a suggestion and slipped past some male authority figure at the door - giving that guy the finger.
The bell rang.
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dollygirl808 · 7 months
Ch. 4 of A Helping Paw
Obsessive! Werewolf/Weredog 141(+extra) x Chubby! OC Freya
The drive into town didn't take long, and when she parked just a little ways away from the front door, she could spot the dark outline of a dog laying off in a corner, likely chewing on something. He was too far away to really get a good look at him, but she'd get to meet him soon enough.
Soap behaved well enough as she clipped his leash on, getting her things as she stepped out of the car, the brown fluffy dog following after her, nose twitching as he scented the air.
"Is that your friend?" She asked, smiling when his tail started wagging faster, likely smelling someone familiar.
The doorbell jingled as she approached, Nikolai standing just inside his shop and holding the door for her, thick, hairy arms on display as he wore just a dark t-shirt that clung to his form, his soft stomach and pronounced pecs.
"Come in," He ushered, hand low against her back as he guided her past him into the shop, the bell chiming as it closed. She let go of Soap's leash, and he wasted no time racing over to the pretty, black gray and brown dog laying in the corner, barreling into him and making him yelp in surprise.
"Soap, be gentle!" Freya chastised, although it was no use right now.
Gaz, an absolutely stunning black gray and brown dog that sort of resembled a doberman to her, didn't seem to mind the roughhousing much, rolling over onto his feet and popping up on his paws in a play bow, the bone forgotten.
The two hopped back and forth for a second, then Soap enticed a game of play by dashing away, headed directly for her.
"Ah- no!" She yelled when Soap bumped into her leg, then Gaz ran underfoot just a few seconds later. Luckily, Nikolai caught her as they circled around the pair then ran back to the other side of the shop, Gaz tackling the fluffier dog where they then engaged in a fun game of bitey face on the floor, sharp canines on display as they rumbled and huffed at each other playfully.
"Thanks," She said, looking up into Nikolai's eyes as he looked down at her, thick fingers splayed over her waist.
"Of course, detka," He told her smoothly, lifting her back up to stand up straight. How embarrassing! Knocked over by a dog into the Russians thick, strong arms. If she didn't know any better she'd almost think that the dogs did it on purpose. When she realized she was still holding onto his plush bicep, she hastily let go and took a half-step out of his personal space, face feeling heated.
They both stood there for a moment, watching the two dogs play together. They're both very happy to be reunited, even though it's only presumably been a few days.
Soap play growled at the other dog, nipping at his triangular cropped ear, hopping over him from one side to the other, and Gaz opened his muzzle, chasing him with his teeth. Before he can get in a nip, Soap runs away and he gives chase.
The two zip around the open floor space, staying in the front area of the shop. At one point, Soap attempted to barrel into him again, but Gaz darted out of the way and the brown dog ran face-first into a shelf instead, knocking a heavy looking metal pan off, and getting hit in the head with it.
Nikolai clicked his tongue to his teeth and sighed out, shaking his head. "All brawn and no brains, that one," He told her.
Soap let out a small yelp and pinned his ears, nails skittering across the tile floor as he ran away from the shelf and back to her, nearly knocking her over with how he bullied his way between her thighs.
Gaz did a thorough shake off on the other side of the shop before padding his way over to the three just as Nikolai headed to pick the pan pack up.
"D'aww, poor baby, did you get bonked good?" Freya cooed out in a slightly teasing tone, scritching his flank.
In response, Soap whined in a drawn out, complaining 'aarrraruu!' At her backside, long muzzle tilted upwards against her ass. She chuckled, giving his fluffy butt a little dad pat before walking forward so he was no longer between her legs.
"He will live, I'm sure," Nikolai mused, watching from next to the shelf.
Gaz took this time to properly introduce himself, pushing into her space, chest and neck pressed against her thigh as he looked up at her, beautiful hazel brown eyes staring into her soul.
She scritched between his ears, "Why hello handsome, aren't you a pretty boy?"
Suddenly, Soap gave the other dog a not-so friendly growl, body language tense and mouth closed. She retracted her hand, taking a sideways step away from both dogs.
Gaz mimicked the other, posturing with his chest out and tail high, a deeper growl ruminating in his throat. The two had a tense stare down until Nikolai spoke up, accent thick with his annoyance as he called out, "Boys!" That made Soap finally give in, pinning his ears and ducking his head with a low whine, looking down as he flicked his tongue in an appeasing gesture.
Proudly, the beauceron trotted over to her, tail giving big, sweeping happy wags side to side as he pressed close for pets. Apprehensively, she scratched under his chin while throwing sideways glances at the shepherd who just sat off to the side, watching with big, begging puppy eyes.
"Sorry about them. Soap gets jealous easily and forgets that he is under Gaz in the pack, even if only by a little."
Freya nodded, still petting Gaz as she looked up at him. She isn't entirely sure what he meant by the pack, but he knew these dogs for longer than her, so surely he must know what he's talking about.
"If you agree to watch them both, they'll behave better, promise." He said suddenly, walking closer with cash folded between his fingers as he held it out.
"Oh, no- I couldn't," She shook her head, intending to push his offering hand away, but he just pushed it further into her palm.
"John insists. It was payment for the sitter, and they've now bailed, and you're watching Soap already. If you don't want to take Gaz too, you can take half and I will watch him." Gaz whined at that, like he knew he was about to be left behind by the pretty lady that scratched just right against his skin with her nails, and poked her in the stomach with his nose.
"I- " She looked down at the pup licking at her wrist, pretty hazel brown eyes flicking back and forth between her and Nikolai standing over him, "Ok, I'll watch Gaz too. And accept the money, even though I don't need it." She conceded not too long after, taking the cash from his hand and quickly tucking it away in her wallet.
Gaz let out a happy yip, play bowing at her before turning and initiating a much lower energy, friendly play fight with Soap, who happily engaged with the other.
"I will put his food in your trunk, watch them for me, detka?" He told her, even though it was posed as a question as he quickly disappointed behind a doorway, only to quickly re-appear and walk out the door, heavy red cooler held in one hand.
She watched from behind the glass door as he loaded the cooler into her trunk, and the dogs danced around her, actually being careful to not knock her over now, only bumping her with their tails occasionally.
After he came back inside, Freya called the dogs to her and leashed up Soap, then stood up and looked down at Gaz, not sure what to do.
"Well.. I have to go get another set of bowls anyways, so I guess I'll leave one of you in the car while I buy another leash," She told the dogs, mostly just speaking her thoughts out loud.
"Ah, don't be silly kukolka, here," Nikolai walked around the counter and grabbed something from underneath, and held out a nice, brown and gray biothane leash with a gold clasp, "For Gaz," He told her, and she took the leash. He then bent down and picked up two stainless steel bowls, setting them on the counter.
"Those are his as well. Take them for now," he told her, nudging them closer to the edge. She nodded, and hooked Gaz's leash to him before grabbing their bowls.
"Ok, well I guess I'll see you in a few days. By Nikolai!" He held the door for her, and the two dogs walked outside first as she followed, waving bye to him as the bell chimed a second time when it closed.
They both hopped into the passenger seat, Gaz sitting half on top of Soap and half on the seat as the brown dog lay partially in her lap. Gaz seemed really interested in the view outside the window as they drove back to her house, so she rolled it down and let him stick his head out. He really enjoyed it, as evident by his black-spotted tongue lolling out to the side.
By the time they got back, it was 2pm and her car, and her boyfriend by association, were finally back, parked somewhat hastily in the gravel parking space despite not having anything to rush to.
After pulling up to the side of her car farthest from the house, she tied both dogs to the passenger seat headrest so they couldn't escape and possibly maul Jake, then left the car running as she stepped out and locked it.
She forgot to ask how Gaz was with men and strangers.. she'll have to call Nikolai back and ask.
"Hey babe," Freya smiled at the man as he got out of her silver car. He only frowned at her, crossing his arms.
"I've been waiting in the car for the past thirty minutes," Jake told her in a condescending tone, staring down his nose at her despite only being a few inches taller than her.
"Well, if you had been here at 10 like you said, you wouldn't have had to wait," She told him, barely restraining herself from rolling her eyes.
"Well, I overslept!" He huffed, getting unusually defensive.
"Do you expect me to wait for you all day? I had things to do," She told him, motioning to her car where both dogs were staring intently at them, "If you had bothered to check your phone you would have seen that I found a dog and he'll be staying with us until we leave."
The man looked over at the dogs, one of them already mean-mugging him through the windows of both cars, and the other just tilting his head as he watched them curiously.
"That's two dogs," Jake pointed out unhelpfully, narrowing his eyes at her.
"Yes... congratulations you can count," Freya deadpanned, putting her hand on her hip and cocking it to the side.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up as he went to storm off. "Wait! Wait, I'm sorry. I just got annoyed with you for being late. Will you get the cooler in the trunk and put it in the big box freezer for me?" She asked with a sigh, motioning to the car.
"Yeah, sure," He agreed, not particularly happy but still doing it. As he got closer to the red truck, Soap started barking at him, brown paws up on the center console as he growled, making Jake hesitate for more than just a few moments at the truck bed covering before rolling it back and picking up the cooler.
While he was putting that away, she got the two out of her dad's car and let them sniff and smell her boyfriend's scent by her car. Gaz stuck his nose to the gravel driveway, and Soap peed on the front tire.
Just as he was coming back outside, Soap found something interesting and hot pink stuck in the driver's side door and began tugging at it with his front teeth. Gaz became curious and started sniffing at the thin lacy fabric as well.
"What the fuck?" She spat out indignantly, snatching up the fabric from the door, only tearing them a little as she held them up to the sun.
Jake's face went white as he saw what she was holding, a hot pink, lacey pair of crotchless panties that clearly didn't belong to his girlfriend, considering they were way too small to fit over her ass or even on her thighs. "I-I can explain!" He stuttered out quickly, stumbling down the stairs in his rush to get to her.
Freya threw the offending fabric down on the gravel, and before it hit the ground Gaz snapped it up in his maw and gave it an aggressive shake, whipping it back and forth. Soap sank his fangs into the panties as well, snarling as they quickly ripped it into lacy pieces.
"Babe, wait, look- she was flirting with me, like she was a total whore and-"
"And- and- do you ever shut up?" She snapped, mocking him, "And if she was a whore what does that make you, hm? Just get the fuck out of my face. I'm breaking up with you." She sighed, her anger dissipating almost immediately as she realized.. she really wasn't in love with him. And this vacation had really proved to her what kind of person he was.
"Babe please, we can still make this work, yeah? Where- where would I even go?" He asked in a pathetic voice.
"Just- take my car and get a hotel for all I care. Or drive back to our apartment. I don't care, but you can't stay here. Go pack your stuff, Jake."
Thankfully, the man conceded without much more fanfare, solemnly packing up all his clothes and hauling his suitcase to her silver car. The three of them watched as he drove away, the only evidence of his cheating laying in tatters in the gravel.
Freya didn't even cry as she picked up the hot pink scraps, only throwing them away in the trash with a heavy sigh. Soap and Gaz hovered around her the entire time as she absent-mindedly cut up their lunch and served it to them, curling up on the couch with a bowl of cereal when she was done.
Gaz approached her slowly, still licking the up juices from his maw as he stepped forward. He stared at her with his pretty hazel eyes as he set his head on the edge of the couch, tail giving full, slow wags side to side.
"Hi pretty boy," She reached out from her spot lying on her side, petting between his ears, "Do you wanna join me on the couch?"
Carefully, he climbed onto the couch next to her and curled up, just barely fitting all of him onto the space left between her torso and the edge of the couch, brown paws tucked between his body and her soft tummy. His gray-tipped black tail thumped calmly against the couch cushion next to them
"Your fur pattern is beautiful," She thought aloud, smoothing her palm over his side, and the pretty mix of black and gray, the short coat like pebbled stone against a black silky void. He had two brown dotted rottweiler eyebrows and the upper half of his top jaw and his wet nose are black, but the lower half of his top jaw, along with his bottom jaw is brown, outlined by black down the side of his neck.
Her fingers brushed over his ear, causing it to flick. The inside is completely brown while the edge and outside is black. There are a couple of gray spots above his left eyebrow, but other than that his forehead is mostly black.
Soap whined, fluffy ears lowered slightly as he begged to be let up on the couch too, with his striking blue eyes.
"Ok, c'mere you big baby," She called, patting the cushion next to her legs.
He hopped up, letting out a happy little vocalization as he did so, turning in tight circles between the back of the couch and her bent calves before settling with his chin resting over her plush hip. The slightly smaller dog let out a long, exasperated sigh from his nose as if the other's presence was a massive inconvenience for him, but settled his head over the armrest nonetheless, like he was settling in for a nap.
Soap huffed, tucking his front paws tighter against the back of her thighs as his eyes closed. Apparently, she was now having dog-mandated group cuddles and nap time.
Taglist: @cringeycookies @sleepydang
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strawurberries · 1 year
🍓7, 9 and 🍒8 Wolfwood
Wolfwood: "What? You don't like the collar?"
Authors Note: So. . . I haven't written in like a month. I'm so sorry guys ASDFGHJH but please accept this <3
Warnings: Mild sexual content, nicknames (Pretty girl, Doll, etc).
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“What are you doing? Wolfwood, I swear if you’re about to give me another—”
“Shhh,” he pressed a finger to his lover’s lips, grinning as they started to pout, “it’s a surprise.” He patted their head and stepped back, watching as they sat idly in the center of the hotel bed, blinded. The room was cold, damp, and oddly cramped with all sorts of things that the hotel staff had decorated it with: one large bed with old, ratty blankets, an empty bookshelf, a nightstand, and a crooked lamp that bent over the edge of the bed menacingly. Earlier he had nearly hit his head on the damn lightbulb. 
“You said that last time,” they mumbled dryly, adjusting the cover over their eyes, “and I still feel the bruises on my back.” As if to prove their point, they whined and rubbed their lower back. “You’re a rough bastard.”
“And you’re an ungrateful brat,” he dug through his bag before pulling out the item he wanted, looking at it before smiling coyly. He had bought it on a whim, some deep, primal part of him rearing its head the moment he imagined his lover wearing it. “Maybe I’ll just leave you here all night, alone.” It was heavy enough to feel nice to hold, but light enough to not cause serious damage. A small bell rested on the front, attached to a metal hoop, where a leash was supposed to attach. 
“Like you have the will-power to do that. You and I both know you can’t resist this,” they gestured to their body lazily and laughed, grinning at their own little joke. 
“You’re awfully smug.” He came to stand before them, leaning over the bed, one hand trailing along the bare flesh of his partners thigh, and the other gripping the collar he had spent a fair amount of money on (don’t ask him how much it was, he’s slightly ashamed that he was willing to buy it for that price). 
His love, his pretty little doll, shivered and leaned into his touch. “So?” they mumbled, “what’s the surprise?”
“So impatient,” he chided. He grabbed their jaw and raised it up, making a show of how much power he had over them. Though, they didn’t complain, tilting their head slightly; as if presenting their neck as a delicacy few could ever obtain. “If I wasn’t so excited, I’d make you wait longer.” His eyes trailed along their veins, stopping once he reached their barely covered chest. He’d have to deal with the clothing later.
“That means you’re impatient too, idiot.”
He ignored them and gripped their jaw tighter. He couldn’t wait anymore. “Keep your head up.”
They hummed in response and listened, neck straining to stay in the same position he had left them in. Curiosity bit at them, overpowering their usually sass and brat-like behavior. Despite trying not to appear to be affected by this mystery—his mystery—, their heart beat faster and faster, chest rising and falling like the great sand dunes that rested outside the dusty hotel walls.
“Good girl.” He loosened the collar and gently set it around her neck, the leather-like material decorating them in such beauty that no jewels or gold could even hope to compare. He hooked one finger around the metal loop, listening to the soft jingle of the bell. “A little tighter, I think.” He pulled on it and let it constrict around their neck, savoring the strangled gasp.
“What?” he laughed, “you don’t like the collar?” He pulled them forward, their body bending to accommodate for his grip. “I think you look stunning in it.” He flicked the bell. 
“Seriously?” they whined, “a collar?”
He hummed, “you’re mine, aren’t you? Pretty girl?”
“I—” before they could respond he tugged the collar up, making their entire body stretch.
“So, so pretty.”
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geekygee01 · 1 year
Won’t you be (mine) Chapter 2- Boobs and Bitch Boyfriends
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Series Masterlist
Pairing/s: Steve Harrington x Reader
Chapter Summary: As your visits to Family Video become weekly Steve finds his feelings for you only grow. As the weeks go on, he gets the chance to really know you (and meet your daughter), but now not only is there a fiancée in the way but he may have some more competition for your heart.
Steve can't seem to get you off his mind no matter how hard he tries. He's met and dated many beautiful and unique women but there's just something special about you. It's like a switch has been flipped inside his heart, that's set his whole world on fire and he doesn't ever want it to burn out. You consume his thoughts, he looks forward to every visit. He's even volunteered for my shifts, any extra chance to see you he will jump at it.
Robin tries desperately to lower his expectations and bring him back to reality, mentioning your fiancée and child over and over but its like it goes in one ear and out the other. He just cannot seem to let you go, all Robin manages to do is make his daydreams and infatuation painful. It hurts knowing how much he wants you but can't have you, he has nowhere to put his buckets of emotions.
It's another Friday afternoon when he next sees you. A van blasting heavy metal music peels into the carpark, parking in a messy way that has Steve rolling his eyes. What kind of miscreant is about to come in and ruin his peace and quiet. But instead of some drunk, tatted up emo he expecting its you that slips out of the passenger seat of the van. He takes in your flattering jeans, and admires the way they hug your hips as you lean through the van window to yell something.
When you turn around he almost dies that the low cut of your shirt, it's like you came right out of one of his dreams. You pull open the side sliding door and climb back into the van, for a minute he worries you're about to leave without coming in. But just as fast as you jumped in you're climbing back out. One arm has some films in it, the other is clutching a child.  Your child.
The bell on the door jingles as you walk through, and maybe he's just being extra delusional but he swears your eyes light up when you see him.
"Well hello there," Steve grins "did you enjoy the muppets?" he teases.
Instead of some funny sarcastic answer from you he's come to expect it's the little child in your arms that perks up "Yeah!" she cheers excitedly.
Steve grins at her near contagious joy. She's a cute kid (she must get that from you), though she doesn't really bear much of a resemblance to you looks-wise, she must take after the fiancée. Steve tries not to dwell on him too much.
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it little miss..." Steve pauses as he realises he doesn't actually know your daughters name.
"Introduce yourself sweetie," you smile so sweetly at both Steve and your child.
"I'm Cynthia, I'm four," she tells Steve before hiding in her mothers neck.
"Don't be shy sunshine, this is mummy's friend Steve," you tickle your daughter softly in the ribs and she lets out cute squeals of laughter. Steve smiles fondly at the scene, you make a great mum, and the sight of that is really not helping his infatuation.
You walk up to the counter and Steve's hit with this odd mix of smoke, weed and... flowers? He must show some kind of reaction because you're quick to try and apologise "I'm sorry about the smell, Luce can't seem to go five minutes without a smoke. I though the perfume would kind of cover it but I think I just made myself smell worse."
"No! Don't be sorry, I didn't mean to imply you smell or anything. I guess I just got used to the stale air and the bland scent of mothballs and dust, you smell good." Steve freezes as soon as the words fall out of his mouth, he can't bring himself to make eye contact with you and is quick to try and change the subject, "so your returns"
You place the films down on the counter and Steve goes to collect them, but the second Cynthia sees Steve try to pick up the muppets she starts fussing "No! My movie!" she whines.
"It's not your movie sweetheart, we just borrowed it. And now we get to pick out a new movie while we're here," you placate her, she perks up a bit but continues to glare at Steve.
He finds it kind of adorable, the little furrowed brow and pursed lip, he can tell she definitely got that from you.
"Okay your returns are all sorted, you can just go ahead and pick your next movies," and if Steve waived your late fees again that's nobody's business but his own.
"Okay sweet girl, do you wanna go pick a new movie?" you place a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaning to put her down, the little girl in turn just clings harder to you and points at the counter.
"No thankyou, I want that one," she wriggles in your arms and points harder at the muppets film they just returned.
"We've had that one a lot honey, don't you want to watch a different movie?"
Cynthia resolutely shakes her head and points again. You let out a weary sigh "I guess we'll be taking that one again."
"Gremlins!" Cynthia pokes at your cheek and your eyes light up with recognition.
"Oh that's right, Luce wants me to get gremlins. Thank you sweetheart," you duck into the aisles to hunt down the movie. Steve's about to go offer you some help, try to spend more time with you when you reappear clutching two films.
Gremlins and Elvira. "Is Elvira for your friend too?" Steve asks as he scans them.
"Hm?" you hum "oh no that ones for me, there's just something about her, ya know?"
Steve doesn't quite know what to make of that but before he can say anything else you're looking down at your watch and cursing, before looking guiltily at your daughter and telling her 'do not repeat that'.
"Sorry I've gotta run, Richie comes home tonight and I need to finish cleaning the house and making dinner before he arrives," you grab the three films from Steve and he can't help but notice the shift in attitude, you seem a bit sadder and little Cynthia looks... worried? "Thank you so much." With a wave from both you and Cynthia you're out the door and Steve's left already missing you.
This Richie guy sounds like kind of a dick, maybe Steve actually has a chance, he could treat you so much better then any guy that demands this weird kind of housewife obedience from such a kind busy woman and seems to scare his own kid.
Maybe he could just give you his number, even as friends, you're the one who called him a friend, it couldn't hurt to try...
But as he's heading to the door he notices you yelling something into the van and suddenly the drivers side door opens and Eddie Munson spills out, sauntering over to a bin to throw away a cigarette before ambling back over to the van and taking Cynthia from your arms. Cynthia lights up and begins giggling when he tosses her up in the air and spins her around.
Steve glances over to you and notices the love in your eyes and the fond smile on your lips and he can't help but wonder about your relationship with this guy.
Even if you were to leave this Richie, would you just be running into Eddie's arms?
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biancadjarin · 2 years
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Head Over (Chanel) Heels pt. 2
chapter one chapter two chapter three
EM x spoiled!reader (self insert y/n)
It’s been a few days since Eddie’s private guitar lesson in your room became… something else. Of course you didn’t let it go very far because well you’re you and you don’t let just anyone have you that easily. You had made an excuse to leave the privacy of your room, saying something like “a hostess can’t disappear from her own party.” Eddie laughed and followed you back downstairs, “ok princess, but just so you know-” he turned you to face him at the top of the stairs, before everyone’s eyes would be back on you, “this isn’t over.” He’d said softly, his pointer finger gesturing to the space between you two.
You’ve been thinking about Eddie everyday since. Absentmindedly humming the songs he played on your dad’s guitar. You stare down at your plate of fries and push them around as you sit in the booth of the local 50’s themed diner with your three brainless friends. You haven’t contributed to the conversation for a few minutes, distracted instead replaying in your mind the moment in your room when Eddie pulled you to sit in his lap. His heavy rings nipping coldly as they skimmed across your skin. The way his chest felt against your back when he laughed, the way his lips latched to your neck in that spot that makes your eyes roll back. The way he didn’t rush or pressure you into anything, just explored and got familiar with your body like he was committing it all to memory.
“Y/n? Hellooo? Are you even listening?” “Yeah.. m’just thinking about school.” you say, popping a fry in your mouth. Your excuse works and they move on to some other pointless topic. You are worried about senior year starting, a few days away. But then you remember the thought you’ve been trying to push away for the last couple days: Eddie goes to Hawkins High. I go to St. Catherine’s private school outside of town. He probably has plenty of girls to distract him at his school. He probably hasn’t even thought about me since my party. Why would he?
“I swear dude, we went up to her room and…” “And what?” Steve asks Eddie, a bit agitated but trying to hide it in his voice, hand gripping the steering wheel tighter as his eyes narrow. Eddie’s eyes soften as he stares ahead, remembering you that night, his mouth curving into a crooked grin. “We were talking and… she kissed me.” Steve couldn’t believe his ears. You, his best friend, the princess who lives next door kissed Eddie?? You barely let guys even hug you and after one night you’re having a secret rendez vous with Hawkin’s number one freak? Why hadn’t you told him? You’ve hung out everyday since your party. “There’s no way man. Y/n is like a total prissy prude.” Steve laughed, hand waving around for emphasis. Eddie shrugged. “I don’t know man, she seemed pretty into me.” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at Steve. “I’ve never seen her go out with a guy with.. your style.” Eddie looked at Steve with a grin “Well maybe you don’t know her as well as you think you do, big boy.” he says, giving Steve’s shoulder a playful soft punch as they pull into the gravel parking lot.
The jingle of the bells above the diner door pulls your attention up from your fries. The world felt like it went into slow motion while your heart began to beat faster than you think it ever has. Eddie and Steve walked in, standing at the podium waiting to be sat. You slump down in the booth on reflex and push your plate away from you, knocking over your friends shake. “Shit y/n!” She yells. You ignore her and watch as they’re led by the hostess to sit on the shiny red vinyl covered stools at the counter. “What is going on with you?” Your friend snaps. You shush her and waive your hand, motioning for them all to shut up. They roll their eyes and do as they’re told. Sitting up, you grab the shiny metal napkin holder from the end of the table and use it as a mirror to apply fresh lipgloss. You take a deep breath, smooth down your hair and pull the tank top under your matching cardigan down to reveal more cleavage. Thank God I wore a cute outfit today. “How do I look?” You ask your three friends as their eyes stare at you in confusion. “Hot.” they all say in unison. You nod and say “Stay here.” as you stand and approach the two boys.
Steve and Eddie are staring into their menus as you walk up behind them and let out a soft “Hi.” They both spin around in their seats, “oh hey you!” Steve smiles as he leans forward and pulls you into a hug. Your eyes meet Eddie’s and that familiar tingley feeling returns to your tummy. “You uh.. remember Eddie.” Steve says dryly as he releases you, one hand still on your lower back. “Of course! Hi Eddie.” You say, stepping away from Steve to stand in between Eddie’s spread thighs, snaking your arms around his neck to pull him into a tight hug. You hug him longer than you hugged Steve and Eddie’s eyes go wide as he looks at Steve, one hand leaving your waist to point in the air at you as he mouths “see?”. Steve rolls his eyes with a nod. “How are you doing princess?” Eddie asks you with a wide smile. You stand close to him, his hands rest on your waist, thumbs finding the sliver of skin between your top and your jeans. “So good.. actually do you think I could talk to you?” Your eyes flit to Steve’s. “In private?” Eddie begins to nod but Steve cuts him off. “Actually can we talk for a second in private?” He asks you. You furrow your brow at him, but he grabs your wrist and leads you to an empty booth.
“What the hell y/n? You and Eddie? Why didn’t you tell me?” “I don’t know.. I don’t tell you everything that happens in my life Steve.” He scoffs “Uh yeah I know but this feels kind of important. I mean I introduced you guys.” “Well actually no you didn’t. You brought him to my party without asking and I met him by myself.” “Well clearly that worked out.” You sneak a look over Steve’s shoulder back at Eddie, just as he’s taking a big bite of cheeseburger. “Why do you care?” You ask Steve. “I don’t! I just… I don’t know, I thought we were close. Me and you. And… I just didn’t think you kept secrets from me.” Steve sounded genuinely hurt and normally his puppy dog eyes looking at you like this would make you melt but you’re too distracted. You just want to get back to Eddie. “Look, I’m sorry that you feel like I kept it from you but I figured Eddie would tell you anyway. And he did so no big deal right?” Steve shook his head, giving you a tight lipped fake smile. “Right.” “Good” you smiled. “Now do me a big favor and sit here while I talk to Eddie. I’ll tell the waitress to bring your burger over here.” You get up without waiting for a response and walk back over to Eddie, sitting down softly on the stool next to him.
“Is everything ok?” Eddie asks you, eyes soft with worry as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, burger already gone. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Steve’s just a little dramatic sometimes.” you say with a laugh. Eddie nods in agreement glancing over at his friend. “I’m glad I came to this silly diner.” he says reaching a hand out to rest on your knee. “Me too. How’ve you been since..?” Eddie smiles wide, “I’ve been good I’ve been… thinking about you a lot.” he says, big brown eyes focusing on yours so intensely you feel lightheaded. “Was going to ask Steve for your number so I could call you and take you out. But now I can do that in person.” He slides forward on the spinny stool, gliding his hands up your thighs to turn your body towards his. Goosebumps erupt under your jeans and you feel your face warm at his familiar touch. “Where does the princess of Hawkins want to go?” Anywhere. As long as I’m with you. All your favorite restaurants fly around your mind. White tablecloths, napkins that match your pants, wine sommeliers and black pepper grinders, tiny candles and long stemmed flowers on the tables. But as you look at the cute metal head in front of you, you know he’d be out of place there. And he probably couldn’t afford a $250 dinner. And for the first time, that doesn’t matter to you. “Why don’t we go see a movie?” you say as you grab the waitress’s notepad and pen she left on the counter. You scribble your number down and bring the paper up to leave a pink sticky kiss mark on it. Eddie watches you, grip on your thighs tightening. “Y-yeah. Whatever you want baby. My treat. All the candy and popcorn you can eat too!” He says smiling wide. You slide the note over to him.
“Y/n! We’re done here, Steve’s already tried to ask each of us out and it’s getting kind of sad.” Your friends voice growing louder as they all click their heels on the tile towards you. One of them pulls your sleeve as she gives Eddie a disgusted look. He smiles politely back at her. “Yeah yeah we’re going.” you say as they head to the door, bell jingling again. “Tomorrow night?” Eddie nods, a hand coming up to hold your cheek. His eyes drop to your lips and he pulls you into a gentle yet deep kiss, his tongue moving between your parted lips and massaging yours. His lips are so soft and his tongue is even softer, even if he tastes like cheeseburger and cherry coke, this is the best kiss you’ve ever had. He leans back, eyes still closed for a second before looking back to yours, “Until tomorrow princess.”
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swiftlance · 4 months
[ Mint Candy ] - For when your breath isn’t as fresh as newly-fallen snow.
The evening proceeded slowly while the red-haired princess moved along the several tables, trying each drink and doing her best to stay sober and confident:  it wasn’t easy, but the harshness of the war definitely got her armour heavy and untouchable.
Yet, after several drinks, she thought it might be a good idea to refreshen her throat with something more appealing and regenerative, since if she wanted to establish some conversations, she needed to be at least presentable in some way.
Due to that, she eventually ended up in a table rich in candies, all perfectly placed inside some bowls and finely separated by colour: which would be good enough to refresh her breath? She began to try one of them, then, finding out it was more delicious than she thought, she got another one and another one, until she eventually felt the touch of a unfamiliar hand.
“Oh, do you want some too?” she genuinely smiled, picking up some candies from the bowl. “They are delicious, trust me!”
Half these things she ain't never heard of before. Who knew they could bake so many different kinds of pastries? 'Nd have so many kinds of candies? Her brothers would go crazy for all this!
She promised 'em she'd write a detailed description of everythin' in her next letter. No way can she eat more than two or three of the treats; she'll hafta choose wisely.
But those little mints look promisin'. Hopefully not too terribly sweet, neither. The red haired girl has the same idea--she's fixin' to eat the entire bowl!
Nephenee waits quietly fer a few moments, then attempts dartin' her own hand in. Instead of a wrappin', her fingers brush skin, 'n she jolts. "....Uh, beggin' your pardon. If'n--if--ya don't mind, I'd love to try one."
She accepts one of the mints, unwrappin' the tiny candy and poppin' it in her mouth.
Huh. Not terrible. Different. Almost like an actual fresh sprig o'mint, but not. "These ain't half bad. Thank ya, ma'am." She rolls the mint 'round her mouth a second more. "Right, we're appo--supposed--to exchange these things."
She's mindful of her dress as she unpins her brooch. The tiny bell jingles softly, the metal cool in her palm when she hands it over.
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blorbologist · 1 year
if you're still doing them: how about some antipathy/sympathy for kynan and cassandra?
36. Antipathy/Sympathy
"This spell attracts or repels creatures of your choice. You target something within range, either a Huge or smaller object or creature or an area that is no larger than a 200-foot cube. Then specify a kind of intelligent creature, such as red dragons, goblins, or vampires. You invest the target with an aura that either attracts or repels the specified creatures for the duration. Choose antipathy or sympathy as the aura's effect."
[This is a really fuckin hard spell to work with yet, so apologies that my muse took me in a bit of a different direction!]
[Set in my Cat’s Cradle AU - and a few months in the future of where the story currently is. So has a couple spoilers for what I have planned there!]
His last stop looks rich as all hells. It’s a relief, a big one, because Kynan can hide from the rain under the eaves without soaking his back and ring the doorbell. And wait. The downpour smothers any sound of approaching footsteps, but he does see the shadow of movement through the fancy frosted glass. 
“Hey - er, hi! Special delivery,” says Kynan as soon as the door opens. He forgot to get the pen handy, so he fumbles around for one to offer along with the clipboard. “Sign here.”
Holy shit, she’s cute. And looks exhausted as hell, which makes sense immediately because it’s the end of the term. But also not, because what student would order this much stupidly specific metal. Or maybe she’s an engineer? Engineering majors are always weird. 
His arms are getting tired - again, big box full of panels and parts - as she squints at the pen, at him, at the clipboard, at him, at the box. 
“I have got to get Percival to double check his address when he orders his gadgets online,” she sighs. “I’m sorry - this was my brother’s work. Could I still -”
“Oh yeah, definitely.” 
Probably not, but it’s all pros from where Kynan’s standing. A few more seconds out of the rain, for one. Not needing to carry this box back to the truck. And maybe, just maybe, he can get his head together to say something smart. 
“I, uh-”
Kynan jumps, almost drops probably ten pounds of robot guts on his foot, and yelps when something black and - jingling? - definitely jingling zips by, each bound down the steps punctuated by a cheery little bell.
Kynan’s halfway down the stairs already. “Rapper? You - sorry, you named your cat Rapper?!”
“Rapier,” she corrects. “Like a fencing sword.”
Okay, sure, that works. His eyes widen as the girl brushes past him and onto the stone pathway leading to her house. “What are you doing?! It’s pouring rain - get a coat on, the kitty can’t get far in this weather.”
She narrows her eyes - only barely, because they’re blown wide with distress.  “Only if you saw where she went.”
“Under my - the work truck.”
Kynan steels himself and, while she’s ducking back inside, kneels on the wet driveway concrete to peer between the wheels. And get on his hands, too, because she’s all the way back there, huh? 
“Here kitty kitty,” he chitters. Wide yellow eyes stare back at him, quite startled by the situation. Well, yeah, you got us into this mess. “Come on - uh - Rapier? Rapier, come on!”
She does not come on. Though she does chirp, which he thinks is a reassuring sign. Stretching his arm out to try and scratch her chin or scruff her ends up being a bad idea, though - she skitters farther back. Fuck. He can feel the rainwater bleeding through his pants. It’s freezing.
He makes his second embarrassing trill of the day when a heavy weight drops on his back. Turns his head to see the young woman, now securely wrapped in a raincoat. And something thrown over him, too.
“You’re soaked. It’s one of my brother’s that he’s forgotten here one too many times - at least it will keep you dry.”
“Oh.” Kynan realizes he’s still on his hands and knees, with a very fancy if worn coat hanging awkwardly off his back, in front of a very cute girl. In the middle of a storm. “Thank you?”
There’s a painfully awkward pause. “Cassandra. Cass. Pleasure to meet you.” She looks about to hold out her hand for a shake before she grins a bit sheepishly and stuffs it in her pocket. 
“I - thank you,” she says. “For helping.” 
“Well - I’m Kynan. Leore. Kynan Leore,” he stammers. “And - it’s nothing”
It’s not, actually, nothing.
The fugitive isn’t under the work truck long. She actually leads them on quite the chase until she actually runs into something that gets her to turn around.
Kynan has just a second to cow in triumph, cat bundled in his soaked coat (he stripped it to put on the dry one when Rapier got under the hedge) before he immediately regrets opening his big stupid mouth. 
“Fuck! You - fucking gross! Sorry,” he adds a bit sheepishly, even though Cassandra just looks amused by the sudden outburst. “She reeks - I think from the garbage bins? Fuck.”
Cassandra is cruel enough to laugh. He immediately wants more of it, and if the cat wasn’t so busy struggling to escape he’s pretty sure he’d get a look from the feline. 
“Let’s get you both inside,” she says, disturbing an array of mirrors as she skips through puddles. Gone is the exhaustion, just pure relief to have her cat safe, and - wow. With blue that pale, her pupils are obvious, honing in on the teeny fuzzy head. 
Rapier makes a really pathetic yowl, though, so. There was no look for him, there. Chill, Leore.
Cassandra opens the door for them both. “Never thought I’d be making this sort of delivery today,” Kynan says as he releases Rapier in the entrance. She takes the time to daintily shake her paws, about as miserably as Kynan feels. “I hope you’ve got towels for her - and you, too. You’ll catch a cold ”
“That’s an old wive’s tale.” Cassandra rolls her eyes. Rapier, sensing trouble, makes a jingling retreat further into the house, leaving a trail of damp pawprints in her wake. “It’s moreso the close proximity from staying inside to avoid the weather. It makes sharing colds easier.”
“Oh. That’s cool.” Kynan makes a face as he shucks that wonderfully warm coat. He’ll remember it fondly. And this whole evening, really, even if he’s sure he’s getting a cold out of it, no matter what Cassandra says. “Well. I’m glad I could help! And, uh, I hope your brother gets the package safe, and that -”
Something in Cassandra’s look stops him.
“How long of a drive do you have? Until you’ll be home and have a change of clothes?”
Kynan frowns. “I mean? Between getting back to work, clocking out, and the traffic this time of day? … Probably an hour.” 
She hums, glancing away. Her hair is only faintly damp, on account of the hood she’d had up. Dark brown, with streaks of - blond? Or white? It’s really pretty. 
“... Percy hasn’t been by in months,” she says, almost to herself. “I told him I’d get rid of his things if he didn’t -” There’s a very decided nod that makes Kynan stand a little straighter. “Right. You - Kynan? Mind staying there? I’ll get you a change of clothes. I think you’re roughly of height. And then I’m treating you to tea. For catching my little lady.”
He blanches. The coat alone, even a bit tattered, is probably a few day’s pay. Just loaning it to hunt for a cat in the rain felt decadent. “I - no, really, it’s fine -”
“It’s really not.”
“How about - what - dry up the kitty first?” he tries. “And I’ll throw my coat over a heater and leave when it’s dry. Fair?”
Cassandra sniffs through her nose. From anyone else - from someone else in particular - he’d call it disdainful, but it’s… actually really cute? And it feels affectionate. 
“Fair,” she agrees, swiping a towel from a nearby bathroom. He helpfully points out where Rapier’s pawprints lead as he works to unlace his running shoes (fuck he feels super poor, extra poor, wearing old no-name sneakers on this fancy tile). 
And then his phone rings.
“Oh - sorry. My boss. Gotta -” Kynan clears his throat. Cassandra actually smiles - really smiles! - and waves a go-ahead, padding off in pursuit of her cat.
“Hi! Sorry, sorry - something came up. A cat got out, and given it’s the end of my shift I figured -” he shuts up. Listens. Nods, dutifully, even if she can’t see it. Hears the scuffling of towel. “Yes. I understand, it’s very - very unprofessional. I know, but - yes, Ripley ma’am. It won’t happen again. Promptly - yeah. Goodbye.”
“Sorry,” he’s been repeating that a lot, lately, but it feels a lot better saying it to Cassandra. “She’s a real - er - hardass? About efficiency, and all -”
“Get out.”
Until it doesn’t. 
“Sorry?” squeaks Kynan.
She’s looking at him like - not like he’s beneath her, the way rich folk do. It’s worse, it’s the look his old man has when he’s fucked up, and pissed him off, and offended him. Even worse - it can always get worse - he sees the face in the mirror, bruised and scared that this’ll be it. 
“Get off my property,” Cassandra snarls, clutching the cat to her chest. It looks just as confused as he feels. “Leave, now, before I call the cops.”
… That last bit shook too much to be a real threat, but he’d not want to turn it into one. Kynan bites his tongue and gets out of there as soon as he can, hears the lock and deadbolt behind him. The rain hasn’t let up. He can’t stop and think, either, because she’s scared and angry and he doubts Ripley would back him up if he loitered. So it’s on autopilot that he gets the keys into the ignition and drives away, Google Maps reminding him cheerfully of the most efficient route back to work.
What did he do?
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Gotta say, DnDads season 2 episode 27’s music was fucking BANGING! I hope they release an official sound track or something because I will totally jam to heavy metal jingle bells in a heart beat.
Also happy to see Nick again its been SO LONG but also ✨Fear✨ I hope hes okay
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
Notre Dame AU Chapter 10: “Entering The Court”
Ruin really just said “here, have some extra lore to spice up your incredibly alternate universe :]” and I couldn’t be happier.
Anyway, here’s the next chapter to celebrate! :D
(Also, character spoilers are in the tags because I wanted to tag accurately. At least you’ll see them shortly?)
After a few quiet moments of navigating this twisted landscape, Vanessa and Agonia finally arrived at their destination. The kingdom and its forest, though charred and battered, still triggered reactions from both travelers. For Vanessa, an extra pang from the stab wound. For Agonia, a somber expression with a twinge of homesickness. “I hope that the bell tower is still standing,” he admitted as they wandered through the last rows of blackened trees. “I wanted to ring in the hour one more time.”
“Hey, looks like you’ll get that chance,” Vanessa replied, gesturing to a tall structure in the distance. “The bell’s intact and everything.”
Agonia hobbled ahead, processing the sight before him. The castle was still looming, yes, but patterned wires had ensnared the entire structure. Violet-colored patterns, from what he could tell.
Once they reached the courtyard, the rabbit approached a bundle of wires spreading up the tower like ivy. He cautiously neared them and put his hand out. Some energy pulsated through, but not enough to cause anything.
He got even closer. Surely, if he...?
Vanessa put a hand on his arm. “I don’t think you should be messing with those,” she advised gently, shaking her head. “What if they drain your battery?”
Agonia slowly lowered his arm. He let out a sigh through his voice box. “That.. is a good point,” he conceded sadly. “Perhaps we will find out what they do later?”
Vanessa only shrugged before pushing on the door. She shoved with all her might, but only a sliver of progress showed on the door. “It’s jammed shut,” she grumbled, resting on the doorframe. “Someone must’ve blocked it while we were traveling.”
“That is not the only door,” Agonia smiled, maneuvering around another large strand of wires. “There is another. Follow me.”
Vanessa carefully moved behind him as they circled around to the back part of the building. The blackened glass windows made her shudder. “Whatever’s lurking in there must be a nightmare to deal with,” she remarked, trying to keep a steady tone. “We’ll have to be ready for anything.”
“If this threat is electronic, I can handle it,” assured Agonia while he placed his hand on a plain metal door. “Part of my training required me to know about how to handle faulty programming.” As if to prove his point, he sent a surge of purple electricity through the door. The lock turned with a heavy thunk.
Vanessa reluctantly pushed the opened door. “I just feel like we might get ambushed,” she explained as they stepped inside. “And I don’t just mean by the judge.”
The door ominously shut behind them. Only two or three candles flickered in the darkness of the hallway. Vanessa led the way, using the faint LEDs on Agonia’s robotic form for extra light. She wandered into the slightly charred main foyer, then crept her way to a side door. Placing her ear against the fake stone, she listened closely. A distant jingle made her eyebrows raise.
Agonia would’ve asked her about what she found, but she had already swung open the door and hurried down the steps. He lingered behind, keeping his ears ready for anything. Aside from the echoing drips of water from the bottom of the staircase, nothing alerted him... yet.
Vanessa stopped, finally remembering to look to behind. She raised her finger to her mouth, then signaled her follower to come close. Her watch illuminated the narrow passage before them. Pure stonework made the walls and ceiling. A gravel path with a vague trail of human-like feet imprints. No other light to aid them as they trudged along. All signs clearly pointed to what Vanessa suggested, yet they continued on.
The jingling resumed, but now it was much closer. Vanessa turned off her watch. Agonia positioned himself like he was her living shield. Both braced for the inevitable.
Two bluish rectangles shone in the darkness. Then, a floating red circle joined in. Seconds later, a beam of orangish light revealed the source. “Well, look who it is!” Moon chortled hoarsely, twirling a flashlight in his hands. “The golden knight and her...” He leaned towards Agonia, examining him closely under the flashlight’s rays. “Spy for the judge!” the former jester exclaimed, veering back. “That wouldn’t do! That won’t do!”
Vanessa unsheathed a dagger from her pants pocket. “He’s not a spy!” she retorted angrily, her weapon-wielding arm stretching in front of the puzzled rabbit. “He’s just—“
Two hands nimbly tied a thick scarf around her mouth and neck. “Don’t interrupt me!” Moon hissed as he did the same for Agonia. “You’re very clever to have found our little hideaway. Too bad you naughty children won’t be able to tell the tale...”
Moon laughed again as he sprang past his two captors. With a floaty skip and a twirl, he bounded over to a certain section of the wall and pressed down on a loose brick. A rush of glockenspiel clangs gave way to thumping, ominous cellos. Light entered through the other end of the passageway, though Moon was sure to steer clear of it. His voice grew less shrill and raspy as he led an unseen choir that sounded like ghostly echoes of yesteryear.
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Where the spiders and monsters collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Called the Court of Miracles—
“Hello, you’re there!” Moon cried out from behind, making his captives jump. As his invisible helpmeets continued, he guided them down the lit part of the hallway.
Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see—
“But the ‘dead’ don’t talk!” Moon cut in again, before ramming the pair against a plain wooden door. “So you won't be around to reveal what you've found!” was the only warning that those two received for that.
As Vanessa and Agonia hobbled into this new area, Moon eagerly pulled them along— All while wrapping up the song, of course.
We have a method for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Here in the Court of Miracles,
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive!
Moon thrusted the two prisoners onto the ground. Agonia, being in a robotic body, managed to open his eyes first. He squinted as if that would help his servos recalibrate faster. He did, however, manage to spot two things: An old computer wired to a box and some sort of nightmarish contraption made up of mangled Daycare toys and endoskeleton parts. A contraption that, if he reverted to old habits, he could dismantle in seconds.
A hidden smile shone underneath his scarf. Yes. That sounded like a “fun” idea.
So, as soon as Moon concluded some rambling prelude, Agonia “begrudgingly” marched behind his ‘executioner’. Vanessa followed suit, though to say that she was very confused and genuinely annoyed would be an understatement.
Both lined up at their stations. Moon hopped between them, his long fingers rapidly setting up each trap. He was humming the second verse rather than singing it now, but the pair was able to catch most of it. “Any last words?” he asked once he finished his preparations.
Vanessa tried to yell a counter-argument, but the scarf muffled every word. Agonia, meanwhile, expressed his sentiments with a more deadpan tone.
“That’s what they all say,” Moon sneered, skipping his way to the cubical computer. He flicked a switch on the side, readied some sort of program, then attempted to lead the tune into a crescendo.
“Wait, I object!” Moon’s hand puppet called, flailing its little yellow arms.
“Overruled!” Moon snarled back.
“I object!”
“Quiet!” Moon hissed, furiously whacking the doll on the head.
“Hey...” was all the puppet could stammer out before going limp.
Moon chortled. He resumed his business, now switching his singing protocols last minute. The orchestra instantly swung into a different key, as if it was expecting a grander finish.
You must be sad that your “life's” at its finish
Because of some rightness you want to display
But you must recall that it comes to me pard’ning
the worst crime of all...
...So you’re going to pay!
Though puzzled by the sudden shift in the lyrics, Agonia prepared for the worst. He shut his eyes. His hands clenched. All his ghostly energy was primed for transferring. It now was up to Moon to activate the computer.
Or it would’ve been if a third stranger didn’t creep up behind Moon and jammed an orange-handled prong into the back of his head. Moon struggled against it, but it was no use. His entire body slumped onto the floor.
Agonia and Vanessa looked behind. Vanessa’s look of relief turned into shock. There was her old mask, but a little girl was holding it. Vanessa tried to warn the newcomer, but her mouth was still covered.
“It’s okay,” the girl assured, putting the orange-plated tool in her pocket. “Moon should be resetting soon. All I did was plug the Faz-Wrench into his head. Guess all the stuff that happened here really got to him..”
Vanessa nodded in acknowledgment, then pointed to the mask with her foot.
“Oh, this?” the girl questioned, slipping the accessory back on with ease. “I found it somewhere a while back. It’s been making me see all kinds of crazy stuff—“ She cut off her own remark as soon as she noticed Agonia.
Agonia–who by this point had undone his restraints–carefully neared Vanessa. He said nothing, but it was clear that the girl was paying close attention. Even after he untangled Vanessa’s scarf, his attention was fixed on the newcomer.
The girl slowly bobbed her head, then removed her mask. “Sorry, Mr. Bellringer,” she said softly. “I’ll try to be more careful.”
Agonia smiled warmly, then loosed Vanessa from the contraption. Vanessa took a step forward, but the girl made it to them first. “What in the world did he say, Cassie?” Vanessa asked, getting down to the youth’s eye level.
“He told me that I shouldn’t be wearing your mask so much,” Cassie explained, handing it to Vanessa. “Something about ‘Judge Glitch’ using it to track me.”
Vanessa looked back at Agonia. Agonia gave a look of approval.
“He’s not wrong,” Vanessa added with an eye roll. “Back in the day, Glitch could use my mask as a way to track my... ‘progress”. Now that I’ve reprogrammed it, though, the worst that could happen is your head getting scrambled for the next few days.”
Agonia lowered an ear. Huh. He didn’t know about that.
“You should use it less, though,” Vanessa resumed, keeping her focus on Cassie. “Glitch has every opportunity to make sure your face gets glued to that thing. Literally.”
“Does... he have glitter glue?” a soft voice chimed in, alarming everyone else. Moon woke up, but his colors were now a strange mix between his two forms.
Agonia shook his head to the combined jester. He then mimed one potential way that malfunction could happen: A false signal to the mask’s system.
“Ohh,” ‘Moon’ said knowingly. “So he wouldn’t need glitter glue. It was just a figure of speech. Thank you, kind sir!”
Agonia grinned in satisfaction. He gave a low bow.
“Moon—Sun?—Whatever program you’re running,” Vanessa sputtered out, now returning to a more authoritative stance. “We need to leave and get Cassie out of here fast. Do you have any idea where we can exit without being noticed?”
The jester’s head whirred this way and that. “Maybe you can leave through the back door,” he suggested, mildly swinging an arm towards large tapestry nearby. “But I wouldn’t try it unless you know it’s safe.”
”Do you think you can scout the area while we get more acquainted?”
“Sure!” the jester exclaimed weakly, lightly bouncing from foot to foot. “It’d be my pleasure to help, Officer Vanessa! And you too, little girl and tall bunny!”
Vanessa refrained from correcting the now-casual robot and stepped aside. All three watched as their new scout hopped his way to the tapestry and slipped out. “Now that we’ve got ‘Eclipse’ out of the way,” Vanessa continued, turning to her new companions, “let’s just sit down and talk. We all need a break after that experience.”
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
AESTHETIC MEME List your muse’s aesthetic from tastes, smells, outfits & sceneries.
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TASTES: The saccharine sweetness of thick, creamy milkshakes. Bacon and eggs cooked to perfection but looking better than they taste. Fried chicken that almost tastes right but is always 'missing' something you can't remember what. A faded palate where nothing tastes as it should, tastebuds forced to rely on memory to perceive flavour. SMELLS: Sweet waffles and pancakes drizzled with syrup, fried food and strawberry milkshakes topped with whipped cream. Cheap shampoo and conditioner, fruity body mist and moisturizer all from the same dollar store. The stench of inner city pollution from buses and underground subways that never stop running no matter the time. Discount liquid detergent and petrichor, the lingering unpleasantness of mildew and rot. SIGHTS: Vintage posters and signs dating back from the 50's, neon lighting illuminating all but the darkest corners where questionable patrons lurk. Sparkly stickers that dazzle like rainbows upon catching the light. Dark city streets and alleyways where neon lights and shadows intertwine throughout the night. Faces in the crowd you vaguely remember but struggle to recall seeing where exactly. A dilapidated building that's seen better days. A cracked mirror reflecting an unholy fusion of scars and teeth, hosting countless eyes glittering in places where no eyes should ever be seen. SOUNDS: The clinking of metal cutlery against plates, of customers laughing and chattering amongst themselves as they enjoy their meal. A small bell chiming to indicate somebody arriving or leaving. The purring of stray cats waiting patiently for attention and treats. The jingle of a retro console playing even older games, drowned out by thunder in the distance as rain hits the sidewalk. The rickety ambience of a poorly-maintained apartment. The slither of wet flesh as cold water gushes from old pipes. SENSATIONS: Moving swiftly on your feet to keep up with a steady work flow. Feeling endlessly exhausted yet somehow always managing to find the energy to keep pushing on. Excessive warmth and brightness getting to be 'too much', making the dark and the cold more inviting. The relief that rain brings, feeling those first heavy drops pelting bare skin. The comforting presence of your one friend in a city neither of you belong. Uncontrollable eye movement squirming in places where no eyes should ever exist. The feeling that your body is no longer yours. OUTFITS: A traditional waitress outfit with pastel pink accents, bandage wraps and white work shoes. Sunglasses even at night, bootleg graphic t-shirts, hoodies and oversized sweaters obtained from thrift stores. Patched or ripped jeans with colourful socks and low-top converse shoes. Fake wallets diverting attention away from inside pockets.
Tagged by: @freak1ish and @halfghcst (♡) Tagging: Anyone who'd like to do it?
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darth-does-stuff · 1 year
Better Things Yet To Come
(but darling, misfortune always has to arrive first)
Four superheroes in the city of Cyrin, a gilded and fantastical city full of exalted and wondrous powers, according to any outsider you asked. To the locals, it’s a city with destruction around every corner, villains rearing their heads in an attempt at building a reputation, and fighting daily. And if you asked the heroes…they’d say that it’s a city that has been their home for years on end and, deep inside them, they feel a need to protect it. But if you were to take a closer look at them, you’d see the heavy burden on their shoulders, for, ultimately, Cyrin is not a city without its prices.
[First] [Previous] [Next] [AO3]
Chapter Two: Tick
Logan leaned onto the counter in the bookstore, idly reading a book and flipping the pages when needed, the silence of the empty store almost comforting, only broken up by the clock’s steady tick, tick, tick—
The bell rang as the door swung open, revealing a man who stood a little awkwardly in the doorway, looking around the store. He noticed Logan at the counter and his posture slumped slightly, walking over there. 
“Hi, sorry to interrupt you. I’m Trent and I was just looking for some fantasy books to read or maybe any kind of comics? I’m not really sure, some friends just said I would like that kind of stuff,” he let out an awkward laugh, his golden eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“It’s not a problem at all, over on the far left, you should be able to find the fantasy genre organized by author’s last name, and by the stand near the front of the store houses the comics and manga,” Logan replied simply, his book resting on an open page as his blue eyes dart back to it for only a second. 
“Great, great, thank you,” Trent ran a hand through his sandy brown hair before giving one last small smile to Logan, walking over to where the fantasy books were. 
A few minutes later, he handed Trent his bag of newly acquired books and comics, going back to reading his book soon after. However, upon not hearing the jingling of the bell over the door, he looked up with a raised eyebrow, finding Trent looking at him strangely. 
“Are you alright?” Logan asked, confused.
“Oh! Sorry, yes, yes, I’m alright. Just—lost in thought. Bye.”
Trent walked out, rounding the corner of the block sharply. 
Logan’s eyebrows furrowed together, but he went back to reading his book, the minutes passing by quickly as nobody else entered on one of the slower nights of the bookstore. 
After another hour or so, Logan looked up at the clock.
8:30 pm
He let out a sigh, shutting his book and tucking it into his bag before slinging the bag over his shoulder. He walked out of the bookstore after turning out all the lights and locked up the front door of The Writer’s Block.
Logan’s hand routinely tightened and loosened around his bag’s strap as he walked back to his apartment on autopilot, planning out his route for patrol already. He let out a quiet sigh, adjusting his glasses on his nose. 
The metal stairs clanged softly with each step Logan took, his apartment near the top of the building. The many flights of stairs blurred into one as Logan lost track of time, before he was suddenly standing in front of his door and he blinked rapidly, the grey of the building filling his vision. He fumbled with his keys, cursing under his breath, before he picked out the right one and unlocked it. He blindly reached out to flip on the lights and kicked off his shoes. 
Logan almost flopped onto the couch, before he abruptly remembered the last time he did so with a heavy bag on his back and slung it off, sitting down with a heavy sigh. 
The apartment was almost completely silent besides the tapping of his foot on the floor, causing it to creak slightly. He let himself rest for only a few minutes, sitting up rapidly as he almost dozed off. 
“Alright, let’s get to work,” Logan said quietly, running a hand through his brown hair. 
Logan stood atop a building, adjusting his full face mask as wind blew around him, hair not exposed to the elements. Gloved hands tapped against his sides as he took a deep breath before one hand motion had water gathering at his fingertips. 
He flung his arm out and the flow of water created a path to the next building and, clenching his fist, solidified it into ice and he jumped onto it, sliding to the next rooftop. 
He idly listened to his police scanner playing as he patrolled around the city, the water left behind him eventually sliding back into droplets in the air, their natural form unless meddled with. 
— 10-71, Newcliff Insurance building, Plentill Street.
Logan slid to a stop on top of a building after hearing the police scanner. That meant—
“Oh, shit,” Logan cursed quietly under his breath, quickly turning the other way to go to downtown Cyrin. 
He cut through alleys, fire escapes, and leaped small spaces as he ran to get there, using ice as a path to speed things up. His arms pumped at his sides as he sprinted, but he wasn’t even breathing that hard at the pace, more than used to it. 
As Logan got there, sirens wailed in the distance and he could hear the shrill cry of the fire alarms even on top of another building, as if the alarm was crying out for those inside who couldn’t. He dived off the side of the building, creating a makeshift ice slide as he rapidly approached the ground and arrived at the front of the flaming building. 
Without a second thought or any hesitation, (for what reason would there be to hesitate when you already have nothing to lose?) Logan sprinted into the building, ignoring the surprised yells of firefighters just arriving. 
He scooped up any person he saw, carefully dousing any flames on their body but being careful not to overextend himself as there was barely any water in the air for him to draw upon. 
His mask helped to prevent a lot of smoke inhalation, but upon seeing a person completely passed out on the third floor, he took one last deep breath before yanking off his mask and leaving only a domino mask underneath. Logan pulled the mask over their head and slung them over his shoulder, covering his own mouth with one arm. 
He ran out the building, his hair and any exposed skin practically turned grey with soot, dust, and ash. He handed them off to a firefighter, gently pulling the mask off their head before slipping it back on, sprinting back into the building without another word. 
Finally, after sweeping the building and spotting no other bodies, he exited the building wearily, the adrenaline having faded at last. He walked over to the firefighters putting out the last of the fires and helped things along.
 His body yelled at him to collapse, but he kept his head held high and his posture strong, belaying no tiredness in his stance. He wiped some dust off his suit, futile really as the entire thing was covered in it, and looked at the firefighter next to him.
“Thank you,” Logan said simply before he turned and walked away. He gathered a wall of water around him and let it wash over his suit, clearing it of any particles left, and then dried it by flinging all of the water droplets back into the air. 
He was resting against the side of a building in an alleyway, catching his breath, when he heard the police scanner go off again. 
10-31, Crown Bank, Glendal Street.
He let out a groan, running a hand down his face (mask), as he rolled his shoulders and stood up straight. 
“One more, while the night is young, I suppose,” Logan said, pointedly ignoring the fact that it had been hours since he first got off his shift. 
He cracked his neck and allowed himself the luxury of groaning one more time before he took off running again with weariness clawing at his bones and a deep ache settling in him, letting the wind blow upon him to wash it all away. 
He burst into Crown Bank and ran over to the vault, seeing the door already busted open, but hearing sounds of fighting inside. 
Logan looked in and saw a purple and black-clad figure dodging the punch of one robber and breaking the nose of another. 
“Ah, Tempest,” he said flatly, his voice modulator making it even more monotonous.
“Riptide, great to see you,” they snarked right back, twisting a robber’s arm and letting a burst of lightning shock them. “I got this covered, y’know.” 
“Yes, yes, of course, I’m sure, but at the same time…I doubt that,” Logan replied, kicking the legs out of a robber trying to sneak up on Tempest and causing a tendril of water to grab and toss their gun to the side. 
“Oh, haha, very funny. No need to interfere, I can handle a small robbery.”
“You would know quite a lot about interfering, yes?” 
Tempest punched a robber square in their jaw, sending them flying back into a wall. 
“That’s what I thought,” Logan remarked quietly, letting two arms of water grab a robber in a chokehold. 
Silence emanated throughout the vault, the robbers having all been subdued. 
“Guess you’re the one doing the interfering now,” Tempest finally said, reaching an arm out. Wispy shadow curled around a gun and snapped it in half with a loud noise.
“Except I know when to stop.”
“Then stop talking to me, and leave,” Tempest snapped. “Besides, you look…tired. Go, fucking, I don’t know, rest or something. Bad idea to fight people on low sleep, dumbass.”
“I am just fine, thank you. I do not need someone else to tell me what to do.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, can you just get out of here, robbers are all taken care of, police will be here soon, I’d like to leave, so we’re goddamn done here.”
Logan looked at Tempest, whose shoulders were tense and his hands kept clenching and unclenching. Logan set his jaw and nodded once, before turning around sharply. He left through the back door, walking far enough away from the fellow exalted that he could let his shoulders slump. He felt slightly bad for the acidic words exchanged back there, but he shook his head and cleared his mind, taking a deep breath. 
Regret is for those with no vision.
Logan stumbled as he walked, eyes wide behind the mask. No, forget that, that is something to not think about.
Snapping back to awareness, he suddenly realized how tense his shoulders had become and the water that had started to swirl around his feet. He took another deep breath, letting the tension drain out of him and the water to seep back into the air. 
Perhaps he should rest. 
That’s what Logan told himself as he punched a mugger, handing a purse back to a young woman. 
Perhaps he should rest. 
That’s what Logan let himself believe he would do as he shoved a knife away from his face by someone who thought it wise to jump him. 
Perhaps he should rest. 
That’s exactly what Logan did not do as he patrolled the city for yet another night in the city of Cyrin.
a/n: i posted this chapter like two weeks ago on ao3 and forgot to post it on tumblr im SORRY
taglist (ask to be added!): @star-crossed-shipper, @flowercrownsandtrauma, @lesbian-pattonsanders
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (18-24 Dec 2022)
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🥰👂‍ Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman (Lucy Worsley, author & narrator) - an excellent biography
😍 All That You Are to Me series (2bestfriends) - 87K, shrunkyclunks - holiday reread, 'the lumberjack steve/twink bucky fic of our hearts' - main fic 67K, sequel fic 20K
😍 It's the Best Time of the Year (chicklette) - 40K, shrunkyclunks, holiday time fic - reread of a fave with baker!Bucky & Cap!Steve - perfect blend of angst, fluff and action
😍 (if only in my dreams) (jehans) - 45K, stucky no powers AU - reread of holiday season friends2lovers/2nd chance with some QUALITY pining
💖💖 +323K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
SHOCKING! Spiderman's Alien Baby: Friendly Neighborhood Hero and His Hanukkah Blessing (AggressiveWhenStartled) - MCU: Peter Parker v the Geriatric Supersoldier Husbands, 4.8K - no one writes the adventures of a hapless Peter tangled up with the Geriatric Supersolider Husbands like AggressiveWhenStartled - pure hilarity throughout (and ZERO alien babies despite the title)
One Does Not Simply Walk Into JoAnn Fabrics (And other millennial lessons from The Winter Soldier) (attackofthezee (noxlunate)) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 11.9K - forever fave; holiday reread of a recovering WS who gets a job working at JoAnn's and falls hard for a customer
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and Other Lies He Tells Himself) (betts) - MCU: stucky no-powers AU, 14K - holiday reread of recovering vet Bucky & single dad baker Steve
Here Comes Santa Claus (AidaRonan) - MCU: stucky, 6.7K - holiday reread - hilarious and hot - Bucky meets Santa!Steve and this santa definitely fucks
then a small thing happened (BeaArthurPendragon) - MCU: stucky no-powers AU, 35K - new holiday fave about recovering photojournalist Bucky and astronaut Steve - LOVED LOVED LOVED
rockin' around (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: Steddie/Ronance/Fruity Four, 13K - an absolutely DELIGHTFUL advent collection of ficlets - every day was a pop of pure joy to read
Knit One, Purl Two (mollus) - MCU: stucky, 32K - holiday reread, forever fave - recovering WS/Cap with healing via crafting with a delightful knitting group
Taskmaster - s14, e1-10
Glass Onion
Single All The Way
Decoder Ring Plus - Encore: ‘You’ve Got Mail’ Got It Wrong
Switched on Pop - Anitta & Rosalía on the borders of Latin pop
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tumbleweed Christmas Tree
99% Invisible #519 - Balikbayan Boxes
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Priscilla’s Homecoming
It's Been a Minute - (Almost) 20 years of 'Love Actually'
Off Menu - Ep 41: Joe Lycett (Christmas Special)
Into It - Matt Rogers Has Heard of Christmas, But 'Do They Know It's Christmas?'
Off Menu - Ep 175: Alex Horne (Christmas Special)
Simply Christmas (Deluxe Edition) [Leslie Odom Jr]
Merry Christmas…Have A Nice Life [Cyndi Lauper]
Trans Siberian Orchestra playlist
Classical Christmas
A Sunny Brazilian Christmas
A Merry Little Christmas [Linda Ronstadt]
A Legendary Christmas [John Legend]
Jingle Bell Swing
It's a Holiday Soul Party [Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings]
Twelve Songs Of Christmas [Etta James]
Home for Christmas [Daryl Hall & John Oates]
A Very Too Many Zooz Xmas [Too Many Zooz]
A Heavy Metal Christmas [Christopher Lee]
A Heavy Metal Christmas Too [Christopher Lee]
Merry Flippin' Christmas Vol. 1 and 2 [Bowling For Soup]
Punk Rock Christmas
Classic Soul Christmas
my rockabilly christmas playlist
my xmas playlist
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princerevelucide · 1 year
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tell me about the bell
that’s the Ring-Ding Bell-ody! it works as a pretty good melee weapon (big smack with heavy metal thing on stick like a hammer) but the ring of the bell is also used to stun enemies or bring attention to Prince Rêve himself (like using Follow Me in pokemon)
there are also a lot of little jingle bells on the costume! he can leave more jingle bells wherever he wants just for the sake of a cute bell or to make it harder to tell which direction he’s really coming from
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