fatal-fart-attack · 1 year
listen listen listen i love them
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imagionary · 1 year
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The Managers in Ye Olde Toontowne are fighting again
Reference under cut
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punsmaster69 · 10 months
Just a random silly little question, what’s your favorite genre of music?
bluesy classic rock is where it's at. post-rock is good too.
frisk has gotten me into a surprising amount of pop lately. paps also probably had some influence on this change.
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mybrainisalibrary · 1 year
Okay I've started Lockwood and Co! Really enjoying it so far
All the posts I've seen call him Lockwood (which makes sense since yeah that's how he's usually referred to in the book)
So I was NOT prepared for his name to be ANTHONY
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prism-empurress · 8 months
okay so i'm learning how to draw horses. last year I was bullied but this year anon is off so...whatever you wanna say, say it to my face. even if you don't have a tumblr, go through the hassle of setting up a tumblr for one sole purpose then go in a downward spiral because you realized you made an account on a blogging website just to say something mean then reflect on your life that drove you to this point.
so. try me.
i can probably figure out who you are if you do it.
with that out of the way. do you, the nice people on here...want to see the goofy horse shit I've been making? maybe one of these days I'll draw ponies.
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dyingnerdyprude · 6 months
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heeyahs thuh thing about uh bahbecew
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lesbopallascat · 1 year
skizzisms list bc i felt like making a list (still adding on regularly so make sure to check og post if youre using this as a reference or something)
boat -> butt
okay? -> mmguh
flak -> static
DNR -> dinner roll
super dupe pooper scoop
get out of here you piece of JUNK!!!!!
[movie/song/tv show reference] whats that from 😏☺️
singing randomly
nooch. snoogins.
hup + bop (note that bop is mostly an impulseism but skizz has picked it up too)
you can bop if you so choose
saying single words/short sentences in a very abrupt way sometimes
nicknames! eg: dipple dop, (tango) top, etc
mister doctor professor [name]
yeah babyy!
(high pitched voice effect) kevin bubbles malone refrigerator jimmy madeye dugan mug
messing with his poker chips while he talks
you’re amazing!
hungy dungy wungy chunky monkey
not an -ism but definitely a skizz thing: skompass (skizzleman compass) aka single blocks with torches on them that act like a breadcrumb trail
do/say x with my/your face
come on cletus
that’s what i’m talking about or that’s what i’m talking aboot
that’s for true
ah poopy :(
stop messing around (after messing around himself)
not really as common i think but sometimes he’ll put something in basic terms, and then say some variation of “but let me explain”/“what I mean by that is”/etc. (e.g. “Tango…you are such a perfectionist, but let me expand on this:…” in this stream)
there’s your thumbnail!
do you Need to take a Poopy. (phasmo)
(to the tune of “when the moon hits your eye…”) THAT’s moroiii (phasmo)
prreow. brrow (meowing. kind of.)
hi. how you doin'.
calling wardens "warden g"
you're amazing!
what's up!!
Ghoulie ghosty come out to play
(mimicking grian using the spirit box) are you heeyah
___ for a tick
you're not watching
im gonna leave that/leave it! (when he holds back on the opportunity to make a dirty joke)
___ is top shelf
combining two sentences into one longer sentence by just removing the pause for a period and continuing in the same cadence
sometimes will interject "oh" in a fully different tone at the end of a sentence. i have yet to figure out the pattern for it if there is one
Additions from notes:
random sounds while thinking (ex: lethr lethr lethr lethr)
What’s that gonna do?
great question newman!
in addition to “what’s that from”, Name it!
homie buddeh
“The Skizz”
HUYEAYUH/making faces along with that and other stream sfx
thats the first time in human history anyone has said that
in addition to you can bop if you so choose, singing the actual you can bop if you want to safety dance parody
(fns) you’re legit/are you legit?
(fns) come on knock on our doooor we’ll be waitin’ for youuu (in vc to bug the imposter) (part of the random singing point)
(fns) ope! crewmate again!
(fns) make-sure-to-eat-fruit (doing simon says)
what im gonnna dooo….
well i Did/Am.
show me [item] salad!
the face he makes where his eyes go really wide and he tucks his chin in and stares
calling people he finds cool "cats"
referring to his face as his handsome mug
will sometimes not actually make his point yet before adding "you know what i mean?" as if there was a meaning to be had
claims he would never do something to someone that they did to him, despite the fact that he had or would do exactly that
lmk if i missed anything and i can add it Smile emoji
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sylvanian-cat · 8 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
PAIRING - Daniel Larusso x Reader
TAGS: Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn
SUMMARY: When A frazzled, and quite handsome boy from New Jersey slams a door in your face on the last day of summer vacation, you quickly take in interest in him after his magnanimous apology.
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The hot and glorious sun shone upon your skin and the tall pine trees swayed, dancing in the light California breeze. You could feel the uncomfortable pile of sweat that hanged in the back of your shirt due to the simmering heat and you became aware of the strain the trash bag was starting to cause on your muscles.
The trash can wasn’t far, only right after the apartments’ wooden entrance then finally, after this tedious task was finally done, the rest of your evening could be spent doing whatever your teenaged heart pleased-
“HEEYAH-“ a loud and quick noise, so sudden, came from the front of the entrance and almost at the exact same time, your body slammed into the rough solid pavement.
Before you could even properly acknowledge your scratched up arms and the abandoned trash bag laying on the pavement you quickly sat up on your elbows ready to body slam whoever thought it was okay in their crazy mind to karate kick an apartment entrance as such.
You registered the feeling of a solid object hitting the ground, like a suitcase, and suddenly, a rushed and panicked but soft voice came before you could let out a whine of pain “Are you okay? Let me help you up yah!?”
Just from his voice alone, you could tell he was not from around here. His accent was unfamiliar, almost New-Jersey like, it was soft but gruff.
His voice wasn’t the only thing that was attractive too, his skin was tan and his jet black hair was fashionably parted; reminding you of those boys you and your friend would squeal and gush over when flipping through those 99¢ teen magazines .
The boy’s large brown eyes darted worriedly over your face, as if wanting to check for any sign of injury he might’ve caused.
“Oh god that was stupid, I shouldn’t have kicked the door like that. Are you alright miss….” His voice trailed off and his face was still covered with an expression of worryness.
His hands grabbed the ends of your elbows and your hands instinctively held onto his shoulders. Softly, as if he was handling glass, lifted you back onto your feet.
Stunned from the boldness of his actions, your voice came out quick and splurged replying with a nervous “Oh sorry! I’m Y/N, I live in apartment 15. You must be the new residents right?”
He flashed a nice smile with his bright teeth and replied with a friendly “Oh yeah! I just got here. I was just about to head up with my stuff but ya know…” he trailed off again and this time, glanced at the ground nervously and almost so quickly it could be easily missed.
Suddenly, the pounding of feet came from behind you and the handsome boy turned his gaze to behind your shoulder. You turned your head around and saw that it was the neighborhood boy, Freddy, who was your age and went to the same school as you.
“Hey Y/N, you alright down here? I heard the commotion and wanted to check what was up”
The new boy quickly, so quickly it could almost be missed if you weren’t focusing so hard on his handsome face, glanced worriedly in your direction and you realized he must have thought that Freddy was probably more than just a neighbor who lived in the same apartment complex as you and probably was coming down in order to defend your honor. Once Freddy descended down the stairs, he greeted the handsome boy with a friendly handshake and contently said
“Hey, you must be the new people in apartment 20 right? Freddy Fernandez apartment 17.”
The tan boy in return, did a small nod to show respect and replied back contently, “Daniel Larusso”
Freddy offered to take his bike upstairs, however, Daniel seemed hostile and instead you offered to take his suitcase in which he agreed with a small, satisfactory smile.
The two boys continued conversing on random topics most boys their age would do. However, you noticed Daniel seemed more stiff with his shoulders tense and his eyebrows pulled into a small wrinkle that could be unnoticed by the normal eye.
As you reached the last staircase, the neighboring hostile old woman was sitting in her chair with her pup, as usual. It was quite sweet seeing the way Daniel shoulders pulled back into a relaxed position and how his lips pulled into a small smile when interacting with the usually grumpy old woman. As you three continued up the stairs, you noticed his apartment was coming near and the number 20 on the front blue door was coming into view. You felt a small pang of sadness but quickly washed it over and instead, handed Daniel his suitcase back in which he quietly thanked you for.
Freddy interrupted your thoughts of Daniel with an outgoing invite of, “Hey you know Daniel, we’re gonna be throwing a party at the beach later tonight if you wanna come? It’ll be a way to put yourself out there and see what Reseda is like.”
As if he was thinking, Daniel’s eye darted to the corner and his face went blank; his polished brows slightly deepened. His gaze flickered back to Freddy and he replied quite calmly “Yeah, sure why not?”
His eyes side eyed you for a brief second until he twisted his whole body to face you
“Hey Y/N, you going too? I’m not really sure I wanna go if you ain’t there with me.
Again, his bold actions towards you were definitely shocking. No boy in this California town treated you like this random new kid from New Jersey did. You felt a bit ashamed by the delusions you were feeding yourself. He’s only being friendly because he doesn’t want you to be mad about the whole karate kick thing. Or maybe, that’s how boys from Jersey were, cute and bold.
“Oh yeah, umm definitely I’ll be there” you gave him a small smile in return so he could be shyed away from the overthinking thought of you not showing up.
Daniel softly took the suitcase from your hands and began rolling his bike towards the entrance of the building 20 and as he stood beside the door, he looked behind his shoulder facing you two as he talked, “Okay cool, I’ll meet you both there then yeah?”
Freddy replied back nonchalantly“Yeah definitely man, see ya there” and as Freddy continued towards his doorway, you decided it was best to continue back to your apartment and forget the delusional thoughts of the cute New Jersey kid who was just a hallway down from you. Maybe these beach hangouts won’t be as boring as they usually are now that there is somewhere more interesting, and definitely much more cuter in town…
Next Chapter (1/2)
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jcryptid · 10 months
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probs gonna regret this but i really need to start putting more art up online, so here's the ref for the rottmnt oc I made with my friend @nuggdoesart
plus if you wanna see the comic i made for part of their shared backstory it's right over heeyah~
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voidsentprinces · 3 months
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hermitcraftx · 7 months
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holy shit!! thanks y’all. was not expecting to have to blog for more than five people. can i get a heeyah
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havockingboo · 10 months
heeYAH!!! *throws this at your head and knocks you unconscious*
It’s his turn for a voiceclaim video!! Ranging both from low and to high voices cause I cant pick what kind of tone he should have!! Yet! It changes depending on how serious the scenario is that I play out in my head. Quite honestly just flipping back and forth between “do I want him to be taken seriously or not” but you know! That’s the beauty of finding the perfect voice
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animentality · 2 years
slash fanfiction and indeed writing in general was changed forever once writers figured out men could have pussies. heeyah. yeehaw.
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elemous · 5 months
Peetah...the hoaws is heeyah....
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widespot · 8 months
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"S'nice, cuddling in front of the fireplace." "Yeah. Someday we should light a fire."
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"You light my fire just fine." "Wanna do it in the Mustang?" "Great idea!"
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"Was that the school bus?" "Who cares? Not Our Kid, remember?"
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cassi-adopts · 1 year
Stomp - $10 USD - OPEN
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Jock Donkey
Catch phrase: "Heeyah"
Payment through PayPal. No haggling, no holding.
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