#hell bring in the baras
hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Maria Montez (Cobra Woman, Arabian Nights)—maria montez was a dominican actress who rose to fame starring in a series of technicolor adventure movies in the 1940s hollywood, becoming popularly known as "the queen of technicolor”. her dramatic persona and elaborate bejeweled attire in these films subsequently lead to her becoming an early camp icon to underground queer filmmakers like jack smith and andy warhol. maria was fiercely determined to become a Movie Star from early on and tirelessly promoted herself (she would be killing it as an influencer today probably) - she deliberately cultivated an outré star persona in the tradition of old school screen vamps like theda bara and alla nazimova and she was always serving no matter where she was or what she was doing.
Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
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Dominican actress dubbed the Queen of Technicolor. Starred in colourful action adventure movies and was Universal Studios “glamour girl” of the 1940s. She starred in 26 movies before her untimely death in 1951. Shot to stardom with Arabian Nights in 1942. Fought with universal over roles she was cast in and managed to negotiate better pay for herself before going freelance and starring in European movies.
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
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Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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naggingatlas · 2 years
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* - the great and noble nation of solvent tumblr users
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IF YOU FIND A BETTER DEAL, SHOVE IT UP my dms i'll drop the price even further YOU HEARD US RIGHT SHOVE IT UP YOUR plumpy! ASS!!!!!!
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BRING YOUR SONIC SONA, BRING YOUR EMBARASSING PRESTIGE TV CRUSH, BRING YOUR FAVORITE RPG MILF WAIFU WE'LL FUCK HER! THAT'S RRRRRRIGHT -- WE'LL FUCK YOUR WAIFU!!! BECAUSE AT 5'4 im not growing any taller bc i didnt sleep at night in my most formative teen years thus not producing enough growth hormones YASHA'S HELL YOU'RE softcore is ready sir <3 SIX WAYS TO SUNDAY!!!
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hi im finally opening comms. thas it. 👍 lov u. dm me here!
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sppacedoutman · 7 months
Velvet von Ragnar fanfic snippets!
She looked nothing like Theda Bara. Hell, she should’ve been standing in the driveway of a gilded mansion, not some dumpy gas station bathroom.
This fanfic is going to be me trying to work my burnt out brain to bring some flesh to the plot of Never too young to die (and also draw some cute images for each chapter he he he) but also make a cute little funny oc x Velvet fanfic following Helena He or Leni, a top-secret agent who works with (that scumbag) Drew Stargrove.
Trust me, Things are going to go nuclear when Leni risks her career and entire life to (secretly) love Velvet.
The moonlight clung to the neatly placed pool chairs, reflecting off the silver grills and shining through the umbrellas that shielded the spotless glass tables. Lush rose bushes watched behind the white picket fences. She breathed deeply, swearing she could smell them from here.
Penny would smile. Why was she still thinking about Penny-
Penny Taylor--who is that? Penny was not only Helena's former lover, but also... Velvet?? I've changed some things up for the fanfic and will be happily touching up on Velvet's back story!
Married. That word sent a slew of happy memories through Leni’s head. Like, running her hands through Penny’s hair even when it grayed, or taking her sweet little honeysuckle to any city she even mentioned. Penny blinked long and slow. Leni couldn’t wipe away her grin.
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toyhouse-code-hell · 7 months
Screw it- Ask #2 because I'm bored. Can you tell me about your OCs? I like hearing about random people's OCs because alot of people like to rant about them and the excitement and pure effort put into making them makes me feel profuctive too!
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There's so much. There's so so so so much. Nobody that I didn't already know has ever asked me about my ocs. They're all mostly D&D characters, or are in a D&D-esque setting I'll talk about some of my favorites, but there needs to be context.
None of the LORE is on any of their fucking toyhouse pages because I literally work on toyhouse stuff, get so motivated, I work on things for three days. Then I stop everything for six months. This is a continuous cycle. I suffer daily. I also over-explain and over-share A LOT. This is the first time anyone has asked about my ocs on a public platform. IT'S GOING TO BE A LOT. I'M SORRY. (And hell this might be a masterpost for all the little blurbs about my Little Guys?? idk!!) And ofc the art is old-ish.
Hamond :)
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He's an aasimar fiend warlock (1)/ champion fighter (11), son of duke of a small homebrewed country, warlock of Graz'zt. Was sent to handle an owlbear in the woods due to it fucking with locals livestock. Was ambushed by said owlbear, it almost killed him, and this very kind demon lord took the opportunity to offer this young son of a duke a second chance to not be killed. Hamond agreed, got a nice new necklace, and killed the owlbear. He does the little things his patron wants in secret, which are thankfully just small things. His father sent him away due to his country going to war (contingency so royalty stays alive), where he met an astral elf twink who is now his fucked up little boyfriend.
Used him in a Heliana's oneshot before where this happened.
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Next is Vihan! I'll keep it short with him because there is. A lot. (Glitch & Worm idk if you will ever see this, but this is spoilers)
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They're a sentient sword, from a set of 8 weapons that embody schools of magic. Vihan is a shortsword that lets their wielder cast evocation spells for free, given to priest-kings of a long-lots city (of Mezro, the chosen of Ub'Tao are called barae). I gave him to my part at 12th level, since one in the party had made contact with his stupid fuckup son (Ras Nsi, not canon to actual FR lore), but Ub'tao chatted with the wizard like "hey. help me?" and our wizard went "K". I was thinking they would have him be a sword for a majority of the time but nooooo they fell in love with him. >:/ He was also broken when they met, to which I gave wild magic rolls when he cast things iirc (this was in 2021 its hazy). They fixed him up though.
His former wielder was killed in a coup by another one of the chosen, in a plan to kill them all, usurp their god, and bring about an end to the world, but LORD that's another story.
But back to Vihan.
He's a real living person, kidnapped about 4oo years prior to the party getting them, had a bunch of experiments done on him, core implanted, renamed, all that. And given to a firbolg native to Chult who worked hard to be a barae, Epoch, leaving his 2 sons to be raised by his hometown. (and bc he was murdered and nobody was giving them answers, they became closed off from the bigger holy cities) And those kids got older, had communal kids, too, and one of those kids was the barbarian pc. The new barae of evocation was the wizard that said "K" to helping a god.
His name is actually Viktor, had an identical brother named Vacek (both changelings), and he robbed tourists in order for his brother to stay in a care home (their country of origin is corrupted capitalist hellscape island where if you can't produce for society, you have no use aside from being fertilizer, unless you can afford otherwise). When Viktor was kidnapped, Vacek was thrown onto the streets 10 minutes after payment was due, and he managed to climb on a boat as a stowaway during a storm and get the fuck out of there. While he was still chronically ill, getting off of pollution island was very beneficial for his health. He made it to another country and managed to live out his days and even had a family. He never went back to find his brother, assuming his thieving finally got him killed. (Their single mother was also murdered, and retrieving her body cost the two twelve year olds money they didn't have. She was meant to leave the country while pregnant with them, to be with their father who had already left, but port guards robbed her and kicked her back into the city. When her husband came back to make a stink, he was silenced permanently.)
Yes I was VERY into xenoblade 2 when I had this idea.
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Vihan is a little bit fucked up.
I think I'll be done for now. I'll rb with more if I want to later.
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petition to bring back the Mike Zacharias Appreciation Squad?? I’m so deep in ur blog rn 😭
I know! I've been seeing your tags, and let me tell you this one made me laugh like a drain 😂
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trashforthetrashblog was our Dear Leader of the Mike Zacharias Appreciation Squad and 100% responsible for talking me into writing all that MikeEruri smut all those years ago. Not that I took much persuading! Look at this glorious rec she wrote for Finding It.
The long-awaited sequel to ‘LOOSING IT’ by fandom-favorite and literal angel @lostcauses-noregrets and the DEFINITIVE fic for all your Mikeruri OT3 needs. We’ve got drugs, we’ve got sex, we’ve got the Torren Foots remix of Bugatti by Tiga. We’ve got your boot fetishes, your obvious sexual innuendos, and your daily recommended dose of tsundere as heck! Levi. Beat your meat to the sounds of Psychic TV’s ‘Wicked’ and spend an eternity rotting in blonde bara hell with me, your host, the asshole who (apparently) prompted this dark n’ dirty chemical-fueled dream boy mash-up. Don’t forget to have a trusted adult sign off on your permission slip for the feels trip, and make sure to pack an extra pair of underoos cause you’re gonna fuckin’ need 'em.  :)
Trashy rode off into the sunset in 2017 and I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since. But what a glorious legacy she left behind!
I haven't written any Mikeruri fics for years but please enjoy these gems from the archive.
Mike / Erwin / Levi
Pillow Talk 
The Price You Pay 
Proving the Point 
Loosing It 
Finding It 
Mike / Levi
A Temporary Respite 
Mike / Erwin Trainee Days
Working On It 
Desperate Measures 
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cassiefisherdrake · 4 months
tell us about overclocked, what is it? you said 'a visual novel with tactical combat'?
EHEHE, thank you so much for asking!!!
Overclocked! is my idea for a strategy roleplaying game (combining a visual novel with tactical/strategy combat throughout) - sort of like Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, or Into the Breach, if you've ever played any of those games. If you haven't, you can imagine each combat as a chessboard, if a chessboard sometimes interrupted movement with difficult terrain. Usually the goal is to move your characters across the chessboard, eliminating all enemies or a leader enemy to win the match and advance the story. Outside of combat, you can wander around your 'camp' to talk to your NPC companions, build rapport, and learn more about the story at large!
This story would follow 7 AI who find themselves on a spaceship, the Independent Variable, headed toward an extinct alien planet:
Tex (he/him), the Trapper -- and the player character!
Peaches (she/her), the Bomber
Merit (he/him), the Utility
Nova (she/her), the Dynamo
Prime (he/xe), the Pyro
Gali (they/them), the Floe
Democritus (he/him), the onboard AI - unlike the other characters, he doesn't have a mobile platform body and is housed literally inside the ship itself, controlling and piloting it.
The player, as Tex, is awoken by Democritus during a missile alert and instructed to wake the other bots. Turns out the extinct alien planet they're going to isn't so extinct after all... well, the aliens themselves are long dead, but they've left behind defensive robots to guard their ancient ruins. With the other bots awake and the missile robots defeated, Democritus explains that they were built to retrieve an ancient artifact from this dead world, one that could potentially bring about world peace: an alien AI whose purpose was to govern politics, the economy, and prevent war. To get it though, they will first have to fight through the planet's remaining defenses to collect parts of the artifact that have been scattered across the globe.
As they travel across the dead world, however, they start to realize that things aren't quite adding up. Some horrible truths are revealed about the aliens, the world, and the crew of the Independent Variable itself. Choices have to be made, which can lead to one of three different endings I have planned: the happy ending, the scattered ending, and... the worst ending.
More under the cut because I got really excited answering and this might be a bit long. Oops.
Each of the six 'Power' bots has unique capabilities split into two categories: Mechanical (Trapper, Bomber, Utility) and Thermodynamic (Dynamo, Pyro, Floe). Mechanical Powers focus on your 'typical' kinetic forces: hitting stuff really hard or tripping things up. Thermodynamic Powers are more like magic!
First up: team Mechanical! As the Trapper, Tex is fast, maneuverable, and great at battle field control, capable of leading enemies into well-laid traps like trip mines. Peaches, the Bomber, is... well. A bomber. Her main weapon is a grenade launcher that launches wire pods to deal damage and entangle enemies. What more could you want in a Bomber? Then Merit, as the Utility, is your strongest healer and buff support guy (pun intended on 'buff' - the guy is bara as hell). He's the one most capable of causing the other Power bots to overclock (i.e., land critical hits)!
And Team Thermodynamic! Nova, the Dynamo, is your go-to gal for a rocket-powered punch that leaves enemies quaking in their boots with dangerous electric currents. Prime, the Pyro, of course has a flamethrower, but is also capable of overheating enemy units such that they can just fall apart in a gust of wind. Gali, the Floe, is a sniper with pinpoint accuracy for freezing enemies out of their abilities, movement, or life itself. Probably the term Thermodynamic makes a bit more sense here now: electricity, hot, and cold "magic!"
While each Power bot starts off in their own niche of tactics, as the course of the game progresses and each bot levels up, they all learn new abilities that are more aligned with different strategies - DPS, healing, battlefield control, etc., - so that even if you lose one bot in the course of a battle, the others can fill in that niche a little bit.
Luckily, even if you do lose a bot, you can bring them back after the fight is over! After all, they're robots, they can be rebuilt! Luckily, no memories are lost in the course of a rebuild, so they can all keep on trucking until they acquire the treasure: the alien AI that can bring about world peace!
Thanks again for asking, I really love this story and the characters I have going and can't wait to share more about it! :'] Right now, I'm mostly working on dialogue (after all, RPGs in this style are MOSTLY dialogue!) since I have a majority of the plot line built up and slowly but surely working on each of the Power bots' character designs. I'm having a LOT of fun doing both!
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Stranger Things and QSMP Crossovers
I had this idea for some reason about Steve being Tubbo from QSMP. Don't know why just do and I found a post where Steve is a year younger a Senior when The Party is on their Freshmen year and confused the hell out off the Hellfire Club about them interacting with Steve, or maybe a Age Swap AU where the adults are the same instead the kids are the teenagers and the babysitter club including Argyle are the kids.
This happened when the Eggs are still missing so, maybe it goes like Cucurucho and the other Admins sees Tubbo as threat even though they blackmailed him many times, he stills trying to break the rule of the Server, maybe they create like a way to permeant kill/kick Tubbo out of the Server and he can't come back to the Server. But Fit or any member of the QSMP heard this plan and warn the others, so they hatched a plan to protect Tubbo, while the said child is just minding his own business making a machines from the create mod to build a mechanic for mining since it's a need off fixing. They tried the teleport waypoint but, it doesn't work because the Federation shut it down and because they are in the edge from where Tubbo is, they quickly running to his house.
Tubbo who in discord hear their frantic screaming getting closer to him stop at what he is doing and see the whole server using their handglides and with the help of the Kapi bara's from the wall to him and Cucurucho did a Dr. Strange move and divide Tubbo souls from his body and the QSMP member watch in horror as Tubbo's body flop to the ground in Cucurucho arm, they immediately tries to get his body back and succeed and put him in bed to be keep watch the Federation hand and try to bring him back.
Enter Tubbo then wakes in a hospital with a bandage on his head and two people he doesn't know and realizes he is a 6 years old?! and was given the name Steve Harrington and apparently the year is 1972, he was in the hospital because he slips and hit his head hard on the concreate floor when he and his presentably best friend Tommy and Carol we're playing chase Steve then get into sports and secretly mechanic as much as he can since it's the only thing that remind him of his family back at the QSMP hopping to find a way to get out of here into his own year and out of this person body soon, as time pass on Steve slowly forgets about the QSMP members and his loved for mechanic because of his parents keep reprehended him at 'a Harrington is into business' not this honk of junk!' and keeps piling him with to do list, and leave him alone in the house while they are somewhere doing business' so he teaches himself on how to house chorus and taking care of himself.
So then everything went as the canon Stranger Things till S4 with Steve remembering who he was and slowly gets back at loving mechanic and machinery, while trying to get back home, but is torn apart between being here with the new family he had found or just going back to his waiting family and are his family in the QSMP still waiting for him or did they lose faith in him waking up?
And the Party group finds out about Steve past as Tubbo and asking questions about what is like there and so on so forth.
Oh and maybe Steve can see into his inventory and the bag he carries around is the bag that he uses in QSMP so he can stuff as much as stuff as he wants and only him no one else, he can just make things appeared out of nowhere and just making anyone thinks he is just like El/Jane. And maybe The some of the QSMP members manage to get to him and a fight for his custody ensue.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 years
To clarify: I've seen artists draw 17 year olds looking like adults, with six-packs and thick biceps and a height no one would associate with an adult. Especially if you're unfamiliar with a character, mistakes happen. The Gundam franchise in Japan had such a problem with teenage characters being mistaken for adults that the franchise had to overall its' art style, for instance, because buff child soldiers in a 15+ age range = look like adults, are in a cast full of adults in their 20's, get mistaken for adults of the same age, which led to doujin artists sexualizing the underage cast members without realizing they were kids/doing AU comics where the kids were adults because the audience genuinely thought they were. (Casting adult voice actors didn't help, though this was done to avoid working underage voice actors too hard on long projects.) The only way to fix this problem was to bring in artists known for animating and drawing people to look younger than they are, just to make the "child" part of "this organization has child soldiers" read clearly.
This is not what happened with Lily. The only macho guy of indeterminate age in her Sankaku faves was the bara piece of the Nazi being raped into submission. Everything else is unmistakably underage.
I can forgive people for favoriting a muscular young adult who they think isn't a minor. It happens. That's all I was trying to say.
All of this. This isn't a situation of "Oh they're technically underage but you wouldn't know that by looking at them". This is artwork explicitly drawn to look and act like children.
Hell this was the comment that lead to me finding her e621 account, on a blacklisted pic of Kid Icarus:
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Legend of Lightning Chapter 34: I can’t think of a title for this interlude
Council Chambers, Tython
Since the Temple was in the tropical zone, its inhabitants rarely felt a glacial chill quite like what the Council did right now. Vajra’s report, relayed by Archivist Jasme, was among the most sobering briefings that had ever been discussed in quite a while.
“‘The procedures were so painful that even anesthetics failed to keep them under,’” the young woman read out. Her voice and expression were carefully neutral, but for someone as emotive as herself, a lack of expression was a worrying red flag. “‘A troubling number woke up on the table, screaming their lungs out from the pain and shock. Even if they hadn’t, the changes wrought by the operations are irreversible. None of the Power Guard can go back to leading a normal life. They are weapons now. Even the Marks One through Four, whose cybernetic modifications are the least extensive. The Mark Five are all but machines. Unsurprising, perhaps, as they were conceived in the mind of Angral’s son. According to the tests, they are expected to trade well with Sith Lords. If their designs get back to the Empire, the Jedi will be far more beleaguered than we were in the previous war. After all, I do not doubt that the Empire might resort to pressgang rather than recruitment. And since we cannot allow our side to continue these horrible experiments, I feel it is imperative for us to plug the leak. I have been told that the Sith Lord in charge of hijacking the Power Guard project is Lord Sadic. According to his files, he’s a gifted engineer. I fear that, given time, he will… ‘perfect’ the Power Guard. I mean to stop him first. In addition, we need to hold our people accountable, and to ensure that the rescued Guards are rehabilitated. I imagine they’ll all be in for the rudest of awakenings. In addition, the droid in command had heard about a Mark Six, but I’ve found no signs that there’s such model down here. I dread to think what it might be. I think the Council might want to look into it. That concludes my report.’”
“Thank you, Jasme. You may have a seat.”
Satele’s daughter bowed and took a seat wordlessly, fetching herself a glass of water on the way.
“This was troubling,” Tol Braga said.
“Ya think?” Jaric snorted. “Which part in particular? That makeover from hell? Or the fact that Sadic, of all people, has two hundred of these Guards? Vajra was right about his engineering skills; he can reverse engineer the process by dissecting those poor souls in months. And those that survive will be mindwiped.”
“Equally disturbing, I think, is how our people felt compelled to take this drastic measure,” Gnost rubbed his face. “Var Suthra should have known better than to give the green light to this one.”
“But now the genie’s out of the bottle,” Nikil grumbled.
“Not quite all the way out,” Satele reminded everyone. “Not yet. We still have a chance to nip this in the bud. Sadic must not be allowed to rediscover the process of creating Power Guards. We need to put more Jedi on this. Whom can we spare right now?”
“Master Nomen Karr is right there on Nar Shaddaa, is he not?” Tol asked.
“You know Nomen,” Kaedan grumbled. “Even a Council order can’t make him abandon his quest.
“Besides,” Tol added. “We can’t expect a Master to take orders from a fledgling Knight, but after what he’s already accomplished, we can’t take Vajra off the helm either. It would be like telling him we don’t have confidence in him.”
“If I may, Master Braga,” Jasme put in. “He wouldn’t really care. In fact, he might be relieved.”
“But my point stands,” Kaedan growled. “Master Karr will not abandon his foolish quest to ferret out Darth Baras’ supposed spy network. Nothing we say can make him. I think we’re approaching that time when we must bring him to heel. And his associates too.”
“There are few Knights to spare,” Satele began.
“What about Devel Nirol?” Syo asked. “He should be on Nar Shaddaa right now.”
“He’s got his own mission,” Satele reminded him. “The plague is an even greater danger to us, in its own way. I think I should go out there myself. Not only to support him, but also to see him at work. While he’s not the youngest Knight we’ve ever promoted, he was never on a probatory period like the others. Even his apprenticeship was largely unsupervised. While I have every confidence in him, we need to keep an eye on him, just in case.”
“You do remember the reason for his circumstances, right?” Jaric countered. “We cannot spare anyone on this Council for all but the most critical tasks.”
“Then whom can we send?” Gnost asked before that old argument began again. “Bengel is remorseful, and wants to atone for his sins. He has also requested to be assigned to Vajra.”
“I don’t trust Bengel,” Jaric shook his head firmly. “I am opposed.”
“Trust aside, he does have to work through his issues before we burden him with any responsibilities,” Satele said.
“I’m… I’m afraid I’m out of ideas,” Tol said, after a dozen other candidates were considered and discarded.
“I’m not,” Gnost put in. “I think we need to consider dispatching Padawans in situations like this. We can send Kana to help them.”
The Falleen did not look too pleased, but stood and bowed.
The Council thought on it for a while. “What do you say, Kana?” Satele asked.
“I can help your pipsqueak,” she used the word without hint of malice. “I mean, I saw him during that Trial in Keleth, so I know he’s got skill. But he’s clearly in over his head in this one. I could lighten his burdens considerably.”
“Well then, perhaps we should vote on it,” Satele looked around the room.
The motion failed, but only by a slim margin. Satele fought the impulse to react. In the end, they weren’t able to scrounge up a single Jedi to aid Vajra.
She could feel Jasme’s disapproval.
Later that day
For the first time, Satele’s daughter did not ask her for a hug. “I suppose you’re angry with me,” Satele sighed.
“The Power Guard project, Mom? I asked you to take it slow with him, and you assign him to a cleanup job that has ‘mad science’ written all over it?”
Satele supposed she should be relieved that Jasme didn’t know about the Rakghouls. Yet.
She led the young woman to a seat and sat her down. “You have every right to be mad at me.”
“More than angry... I’m scared for my friend. Vajra may have passed the Trials, but this is the sort of thing you give a more hardened Jedi. At this rate, the ‘Storm of the Jedi’ will blow itself out by the year’s end.”
“I’m surprised Vajra let you hear about this,” Satele commented. “I thought he’d want to protect you.”
“Maybe he thinks I am strong enough,” Jasme replied. “Maybe he wanted to share his burdens with me. He gave me the option to say ‘no,’ by the way. Made it clear what I was about to hear. I don’t regret my choice.”
“It’s nice to not be coddled,” Satele patted her head, but she pulled away.
“I’m serious, Mom. I’m not happy. Can you at least move him to easier duty after this one?”
“It’s not my decision alone.”
“Then tell me this,” Jasme’s expression turned pleading. “Who is it that’s most eager to put Vajra on top of your most difficult assignments? Maybe I can talk to them. Is it Master Kaedan?”
“No. Jaric is neutral on this. The one most enthusiastic about his potential are actually Tol and Syo.”
“You heard me right. Both think that Vajra is the strongest weapon the Light has forged in years. And others are convinced of that too.”
“There’s no weapon forged that doesn’t break when overused,” Jasme cried. “Or when used wrongly. Like a sword used to chop wood.”
“You don’t have to tell me.” Satele recalled the abject fear in the youth’s voice when he told the Council about his encounter with the Rakghouls. She had tried to recall him, but the others had accused her of being affected by her feelings. Then and now, Satele knew that while it was true, it didn’t make her wrong. As good as he was, Vajra could have been killed. Or worse, turned into a Rakghoul.
She wondered how her daughter would react when she found out that Satele had risked such a cruel fate befalling her best friend.
“It… I’ve already tried to pull him off the difficult missions. I was… they told me not to let my feelings interfere with my judgement.” Anger flickered for a moment; an outrage born of the memory of all her sacrifices for the Jedi Order. No one had any right to lecture her on judgement.
“They accused you?” Jasme looked at her disbelievingly. “YOU!?”
Jasme snorted angrily.
“I’m sorry, Jasme.”
“Mom… Those people, those poor people… and to think, that Anomid called them ‘heroes!’”
“I know,” Satele frowned. “They lost everything to the Empire. Lives, families, homes… The idea of revenge was enough to make them give up the scant little they had left. It’s rare for the Ungifted to be this affected by blind hatreds.”
“What if it wasn’t hatred?” Jasme asked. “What if they were just tired of being… well. Weak? Most of them were beggars and vagrants, from what we can tell. People who can’t hold down a job because they’re too traumatized. Maybe what they want isn’t revenge, it’s strength?”
Satele was surprised by the perspective. “That… that’s something to consider.”
“There’s a lot of broken people out there, Mom. Many of them just want a chance to be whole again.”
“Enough to sign up for such a scheme?” Satele exclaimed. “They may not have known the full extent of what was in store for them, but they must have known—”
“Knowing and experiencing are two different things,” Jasme said. From her sudden frown, Satele thought she was considering her own words.
“A kiss for your thoughts?” Satele tried, but the young woman was clearly over her ill temper, going by the radiant smile she gave her.
“It was something Tarsten told me,” Jasme answered.
Satele had to think on who that was. “Ah, the envoy at Raudraksha?”
“That’s him,” Jasme nodded. “We were talking about everything I read, and how it didn’t come close to reality. At some point, I gave him the impression that I thought I knew everything, so he looked at me all funny and said, ‘The world is not in your books and maps. It’s out there.’”
“Sage counsel,” Satele smiled inwardly, recognizing the quote.
“I thought so too!” she cried, head nodding vigorously. “I’ve been rethinking my career.”
“I’ll still be with the Archives of course. But I want to get trained as an Archaeologist. I want to go out there. See new places. And old ones too.”
“Let me know if Gnost has any problem with your decision,” Satele suggested. “I’ll cut off his second breakfast privileges.”
Jasme laughed out loud and took the kiss Satele had offered.
On her way out, she stopped and turned with a conflicted look on her face. “Mom, I’ve got something I’ve been dying to know for years now.”
“Do you have any real friends? All I ever see you with are colleagues. And me, I suppose.”
Satele rearranged her features into mock outrage. “What are you talking about?” she asked tartly. “Of course, I have friends. Like… like—” She struggled to name a single one. She had lost touch with her final friend nearly three years ago. Most of them were estranged now, or soured.
Jasme picked up on her inner discomfort. “I said something troubling, didn’t I?”
“No, you didn’t,” Satele assured her. “I gave my life to being a Jedi. To being the Grand Master. This is the price I didn’t realize I’d paid.”
“I don’t like it,” Jasme grumbled. “I know that you’re more than just ‘Grand Master’ of the Order. I’ve seen you try to be my mom. I’ve seen these little snatches of loneliness and sorrow on your face. I can see you have a world of problems bothering you, and you’re taking them all on alone.”
“I don’t want to put my burdens on you.”
“That’s sweet,” Jasme gave her a wide, tilt-headed smile and blinked twice. She did things like that sometimes; to try making moments cute. It was a trait Satele found endearing. “Look, I’m not asking you to share with me. You need a comrade. An equal, if possible. Not anyone from the Council, obviously, coz most of them are such stuffy old men and women. Please just… find someone? Do it for me. One of my biggest fears is that when the war starts again, you’ll be crushed under all the weight you’re keeping to yourself.”
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dailytafsirofquran · 2 years
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-A’raf Ayah 8-9
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
7:8 And the weighing on that Day will be the true (weighing). So, as for those whose scale (of good deeds) will be heavy, they will be the successful (by entering Paradise).
7:9 And as for those whose scale will be light, they are those who will lose themselves for their wrongful behavior with Our Ayat.
The Meaning of weighing the Deeds
Allah said,
And the weighing on that Day will be the true (weighing). So, as for those whose scale (of good deeds) will be heavy, they will be the successful (by entering Paradise). And as for those whose scale will be light, they are those who will lose themselves for their wrongful behavior with Our Ayat.
)And the weighing( of deeds on the Day of Resurrection,
will be the true (weighing(for Allah will not wrong anyone. ))Allah said in other Ayat,
And We shall set up the Balances of justice on the Day of Resurrection, then none will be dealt with unjustly in anything. And if there be the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it. And Sufficient are We to take account. (21:47)
Surely, Allah wrongs not even the weight of a speck of dust, but if there is any good (done), He doubles it, and gives from Him a great reward. )4:40(
Then as for him whose scale (of good deeds) will be heavy. He will live a pleasant life (in Paradise). But as for him whose scale (of good deeds) will be light. He will have his home in Hawiyah (pit, Hell). And what will make you know what it is (It is) a fiercely blazing Fire! (101:6-11)
Then, when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship among them that Day, nor will they ask of one another. Then, those whose scales (of good deeds) are heavy, they are the successful. And those whose scales (of good deeds) are light, they are those who lose themselves, in Hell will they abide. (23:101-103)
As for what will be placed on the Balance on the Day of Resurrection, it has been said that;
the deeds will be placed on it, even though they are not material objects. Allah will give these deeds physical weight on the Day of Resurrection.
Al-Baghawi said that this was reported from Ibn Abbas.
It is recorded in the Sahih that;
Al-Baqarah (Surah 2) and Al Imran (Surah 3) will come on the Day of Resurrection in the shape of two clouds, or two objects that provide shade, or two lined groups of birds.
It is also recorded in the Sahih that;
the Qur'an will come to its companion (who used to recite and preserve it) in the shape of a pale- faced young man. He will ask (the young man), "Who are you?''
He will reply, "I am the Qur'an, who made you stay up sleeplessly at night and caused you thirst in the day.''
The Hadith that Al-Bara' narrated about the questioning in the grave states,
A young man with fair color and good scent will come to the believer, who will ask, `Who are you?'
He will reply, `I am your good deeds'.
The Prophet mentioned the opposite in the case of the disbeliever and the hypocrite.
It was also said that;
the Book of Records that contains the deeds will be weighed.
A Hadith states that;
a man will be brought forth and ninety-nine scrolls containing errors and sins will be placed on one side of the balance each as long as the sight can reach. He will then be brought a card on which `La ilaha illallah' will be written. He will say, "O Lord! What would this card weigh against these scrolls?''
Allah will say, "You will not be wronged.''
So the card will be placed on the other side of the Balance, and as the Messenger of Allah said,
Behold! The (ninety-nine) scrolls will go up, as the card becomes heavier.
At-Tirmidhi recorded similar wording for this Hadith and said that it is authentic.
It was also said that the person who performed the deed will be weighed.
A Hadith states,
On the Day of Resurrection, a fat man will be brought forth, but he will not weigh with Allah equal to the wing of a mosquito.
He then recited the Ayah,
And on the Day of Resurrection, We shall assign no weight for them. (18:105)
Also, the Prophet said about Abdullah bin Mas`ud,
Do you wonder at the thinness of his legs? By He in Whose Hand is my soul! They are heavier on the Balance than (Mount) Uhud.
It is also possible to combine the meanings of these Ayat and Hadiths by stating that all this will truly occur, for sometimes the deeds will be weighed, sometimes the scrolls where they are recorded will be weighed, and sometimes those who performed the deeds will be weighed.
Allah knows best.
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
Lana and Darth Nul. Um.
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I saw some argument on Reddit today about Lana being Darth Nul, and FFS, when I had it in that post it was a joke. I was fucking around.
Given the poor writing the game has had for the last four or five years, I threw it out there because I fully anticipate they could do this no matter how outlandish it is. They've certainly had nothing but inconsistencies up until now. I also unfortunately would not put it past them to take the one wlw character with an actual substantial romance arc and send her down in flames.
Logically, though: I don't think there's anything there, unless she's a past apprentice of Darth Nul or otherwise had some association. In my own headcanon Lana's got a pretty garden variety past. But if we're going to speculate about Lana's past, my strongest guess would be that she was one of Darth Malgus's apprentices. She may have even been involved in the New Empire's development on some level, even if she didn't know what it was. It would make sense. Lana is clearly open to change and working with a lot of different groups, she's pragmatic and she's smart.
We also know that the Sith that were associated with Malgus did not all die or go to jail, but were placed in positions of some power afterward - because we worked with one, Lord Cytharat, on Makeb. If you were a Sith looking to shake up the entire Empire from the inside and effect massive change with cross-faction cooperation, would a former Malgus associate be attractive for that goal? Oh yes. We're told Darth Arkous brings her on board as an advisor because he thinks she will make a good Revanite.
In the most recent story beat (which I will not call an expac because that is a complete joke), Lana's clearly tense when she is confronting Darth Malgus. I feel it's entirely plausible that she and Darth Krovos are on the same page as to how Malgus should be handled, and it's not keeping him in a Silence of the Lambs cage. In the end, wasn't the Alliance more or less what Darth Malgus wanted to achieve? A third faction, with a very diverse population, a base outside the Empire or Republic and some power.
So yeah. If they are going to do anything, that would sound the most reasonable to me. Making her suddenly turn out to be Darth Nul or a Child of the Emperor in hiding would be bizarre. And:
We know nothing about Lana's family.
Well…isn't that the case for most of the characters? We don't know anything about Aric Jorgan's family, or Koth Vortena's, or Darth Marr's. We don't see parents or spouses or kids for the vast majority of characters in the game. When we do, like Vette's sister and mother or Elara Dorne's brother, it's a big deal in the narrative because it's unusual.
What we have for Lana's parents is actually more than we have for most of those other characters: we have their first names, their surname, what they did for a living and the fact that they're deceased. She knew Darth Nul is female. Yes, she did. We know Lana's got a very strong background in Sith history, and of course she's digging around on her own with this. She's the Alliance advisor. Ten to one she's doing research she's not necessarily sharing with Darth Rivix or the Empire, for one reason or another. She hides her power. Dude, she's Sith. In an Old Republic Sith world. Do you think anyone who knows how this game is played EVER shares their full hand? Hell, our own Sith characters in the game can pretend to be clueless with Darth Baras and Darth Zash and also can hide all manner of associations and power acquisitions. They're no fools. We also know that the Sith who stand there bragging about their power are usually the ones our characters can annihilate. All talk, no action, and such. When Darth Rivix tries to needle Lana by accusing her of hiding her full abilities, I feel like the uncensored answer would have been 'no shit, Sherlock. Are you new here?'
We don't know what her Sith experience is.
We know she trained with Harkun, which would imply she was at the Sith Academy within the last, let's say, thirty years. Training with Harkun also suggests she didn't have any cushy connections at the Academy, because the acolytes who had patrons or supporters with any pull were not going to be sent to that butcher. We know it wasn't, say, fifty years ago, because one of the acolytes who was there at the same time who had gone mad in the tombs was Zabrak, and long ago aliens were not allowed in the Academy at all.
We also know she was assigned to Hoth before she was with Arkous, and that she did a thesis on Jedi and Sith on the battlefield. We're told she hates titles, which could suggest she's been offered something higher than Lord and refused it.
But she's cagey about her background.
Yes, she is. If the PC asks her about it, the first time they meet in the cantina, she's clearly uncomfortable talking about herself. But she was also in an environment where trust was thin on the ground, and she was there to talk to the PC about distrusting Arkous - would she really have told the PC her life story? Also, if she did come from background with Darth Malgus, she may not have wanted to say so. In the Makeb storyline, Cytharat doesn't say it either unless you prompt him.
The fact that someone doesn't share their background doesn't mean they have something to hide, necessarily. Especially when they live in a galaxy where it can be used against you.
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kemendin · 2 years
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“It’s true. I have… set the stage, my lord.”
MALAVAI QUINN accompanies LORD KHEL SUTEK to a strangely deserted Imperial starship, in order to obtain the ‘necessary’ signal emitter that will  allow them passage to Corellia. With his true plan well in place, Quinn thinks he’s accounted for every contingency. Unfortunately for Malavai, he’s not the only one with a sense of melodramatic timing. Bringing down  the Emperor’s Wrath will be a far more complicated act than Quinn has  anticipated, as he finds himself caught between his duty to follow orders and the loyalties that lie in his heart.
Malavai Quinn x Light Side Sith Warrior
Words: 7810
MAJOR SPOILERS for the Sith Warrior story. Warnings for canon-typical violence/injury.
Third and final part now posted! Thank you to everyone who’s read, liked, kudo’d and commented, I appreciate you all. This fic was an unexpected delight to write and I definitely need to scribble more with Khel and Quinn.
Read on AO3 (short excerpt below cut)
He is alive.
This is, understandably, the first coherent thought that slogs its way out of Malavai Quinn’s unconsciousness and into the light of day.
Unfortunately, in its wake comes a tumble of confused terror. If he is alive, it’s only because he’s in for something worse than death. After all, Lord Khel studied under Darth Baras, a man infamous for his cruelty and the torments he delighted in inflicting upon his enemies. And Quinn has become an enemy of both, so naturally -
No. No. Khel Sutek isn’t like blasted Baras.
Forcing his groggy mind back to reason, Quinn tries to get his bearings. His entire body feels like it’s been used for a practise artillery bombardment, his right arm in particular. The slightest twitch sends a jolt of pain through the limb. How much time has passed? He groans, rolls over - bloody hell, that hurts - and drags his eyes open. He’s not cuffed, but he expects to find himself in the ship’s brig at the very least, more likely a high security holding cell on some -
No. He’s still on the starship. Still in the same red-drenched room.
Feeling the wall nearby, he pushes aside his bewilderment and concentrates on hauling himself into a sitting position. Maybe then he can get a better look at his arm. But halfway up, he freezes.
Lord Khel is kneeling only feet away, looking twice as bad as Quinn feels. The Sith’s gaze is trained on the other man, watching him with rapt attention.
“Ahh. You’re awake,” he says evenly.
Quinn tries to focus as the room threatens to spin around him. “A bit of a cliché opener, isn’t it?” he responds hoarsely, before he can stop himself.
Almost immediately he regrets his flippant remark. He’s only digging himself deeper here. This is not going to be pleasant.
But Khel merely arches a brow at him. “And ‘I have set the stage, my lord’ wasn’t?” he returns.
Quinn blinks. “…Touché,” he concedes weakly.
A tense silence falls. Khel continues to stare. Though dizzy with pain and a healthy dose of ongoing dread, Quinn doesn’t dare find a more comfortable position; he’s rather like a small animal that’s found itself cornered by its pursuer, and keeping still is the only way to preserve his fleeting existence. But he’s also feeling more nonplussed by the moment. Khel hasn’t made a move to punish him (unless breaking his arm and rendering him unconscious counts as punishment, Quinn isn’t entirely sure). In fact, the Sith seems remarkably restored to his usual calm, controlled self.
It’s more than a bit unsettling.
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soupbabe · 4 years
Stardust Crusaders w a Chubby s/o!
Gender neutral reader babey!! Also added Iggy (platonic) to replace Old Joseph because the most I got was sugar daddy Joseph. He has that Speedwagon Foundation money, that's it.
Also this really do be showing who my favorites are out of them skdndkkd
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~ Jotaro Kujo ~
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He doesn't care what you look like, but that doesn't stop him from checking you out occasionally. You look different compared to a lot of students he's seen at his school and he highkey low-key likes what he's seeing
Looks just aren't that important to Jotaro in my opinion, he knows what it feels like to be given unwanted attention or people only wanting him just for his looks and nothing else. Why would he act the same way to you?
That being said, if you are in a relationship with him he's surprisingly sweet.
When y'all are alone he likes to give you little complements while you're cuddled up beside him or on top of him, playing with his hair.
Not the biggest on pda because he knows that the rest of the group *cough cough* Joseph and Polnareff *cough cough* would tease him to hell and back, but sometimes Star Platinum would be sneaky and give you surprise hugs from the back while he rubs his cheek against your chubby ones
It never fails to make you let out a little chuckle and you kiss him on the cheek to show appreciation to both Joot and Star <3
I fully believe that his favorite part of your body are your big arms. Like they're so soft omg and when the group can rest for a bit he likes to rest his head on them and silently enjoy how soft they are
You like to tease him about how soft he can be and you'll get one out of three reactions: Him pulling his hat down to hide a flustered Jotaro, a playful (but still scaring looking) glare, or a flick to the forehead
~ Noriaki Kakyoin ~
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I feel like he wouldn't be too shy about his attraction to you, complimenting you at random times but it wouldn't be overbearing. It's mostly just to see how cute your face looks when your face heats up and you try to quicky push away the flustered feelings
How couldn't he not find you attractive? I like to think that he's a huge art nerd and your figure reminds him of those people in paintings who radiated beauty and gracefulness
Uh yea doesn't matter if you literally go feral in fighting, that's all that comes to his mind when he sees you sjsnsjsk
Somewhat shy when it comes to pda, but he is touched starved so he'll always link his slim fingers with your soft and chubby ones while you guys travel
Loves to lay his head on your fluffy stomach, twirl his lil hair noodle and he'll fall asleep within 5 minutes
This is a very good thing to exploit when he's up late playing on his Game Boy that sneaked in while preparing for the trip to Egypt
Just fuckin uh y a n k him into cuddle time and he'd probably won't complain too much. You're warm and it's very nice.
His favorite body part is your thick thighs, he likes to lay between them while he plays his game. You're his favorite gaming chair technically.
Eh don't worry though he gives lil celebratory kisses to them everytime he wins a game
~ Jean-Pierre Polnareff ~
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Absolutely adores plus sized bodies! There's more to love and hold onto, you know?
Your biggest supporter, supplier of confidence, and the booster of your ego
"Oh Mon cheri/Ma Cherie! You look so amazing in those new clothes! Your curves look wonderful as always!~"
He's beefy as all hell and he will lift you up. Literally doesn't matter how heavy you think you are you are getting treated like royalty
Squeezes your soft frame like a teddy bear sometimes.
Enjoys pda, but like it's mostly having his arm around your squishy waist and if you aren't comfortable with it he'll respect it 1000%!
Will absolutely show you off to anyone and everyone! He almost got decked by Star once for annoying Jotaro because he kept going on and on about you and you just laughed at it
Enjoys having you lay on top of him, ngl it's like his own weighted blanket and you get to be able to bury your face in his big bara tiddies
He likes to touch you a lot and enjoys holding you close at night. I just think it's because he wants to double check to see if you're actually real. He's lost a lot of loved ones and has been learning to cherish them more before they're gone and having you here with him and staying for as long as you have makes him fear that he'll lose you for a tiny bit so he takes any opportunity to get to be with you.
I think he'd just admire your stretch marks! It makes you unique and he loves the way you laugh when he places lil smooches all over them
~ Muhammad Avdol~
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Absolute sweetheart the love I have for this man is immeasurable ajdjsksjsn he's so gentle with you it doesn't matter how you look he would love you regardless your size
He seems like a man who is proud of his knowledge and appreciation of other cultures, his favorite thing is to feed you his favorite foods, watching your eyes light up while he tells you interesting facts about how they make it and where it comes from
Really not one to go wild on pda, hand holding or draping an arm around you around you to keep you close is what he's comfortable with
He seems like he'd know how to bake omg he'd absolutely lose it if you baked with him because he can just sneak up behind you, wrap his arms around your tummy, while just acting like the close proximity between your faces isn't making your face show visible signs of your mind going 'y/n.exe has stopped working'
His robe is absolutely huge on you and it's your favorite blanket when the group has to sleep in the desert.
I can imagine it smelling so nice like what comes to mind is white sage?? Anyways, his coat is definitely a comfort item you wear on those days where you do feel a bit insecure. It's big, soft, and smells like the man that brings you the most comfort.
His chickens adore you so much!! Literally they would have to or else Muhammad would not be in a relationship with you lmao, he believes they have good judgement and they're like his kids.
They love to be by your side and they love to be in your lap, you're just so soft it's like heaven to them
Yea his favorite body part is your plush tummy! He just finds it cute and it's his favorite thing to either rest his head on or grab onto while cuddling! If you wear a crop top (or shirtless if you're a masc person and crop tops aren't your thing :) ) and his face just burns up omg you're so handsome/beautiful how did he ever get so lucky
~Iggy (Platonic. Of course.)~
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You're his owner, the only one who can pet and dote on him like the little feral baby he is <3
He lets you take a piece of his coffee gum and occasionally steals treats for the both of you to share sometimes
Although the majority of it goes to Iggy because it's all covered in dog drool
When it's car ride time he loves to lay in your lap or sometimes he forces has you carry him around because he enjoys being able to relax in your big arms
If people start staring at you inappropriately, including any of the Crusaders, expect them to get barked and growled at
If anyone decides to make rude comments surrounding your weight, enemy or not, they're getting their hair ripped out and their left shoe shit in <3
You make sure to buy him extra gum and call him a good boy
He's like your furry little bodyguard, if anyone does or talks some shit, they're going to get hit
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teaganmyrick · 2 years
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TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @teaganmyrick​ @eyes-in-the-night​
SUMMARY: Teagan brings treats to Marina, but finds Correy instead.
WARNINGS: Sibling Death, Parental Death
Summer was in short, hellish. Far too hot, even if Correy had (god forbid) been human. The Isle of Man was a dreary cold and wet place. His people built for winters that lasted the majority of the year and maybe three weeks of sun dappled between months of overcast skies and drizzling clouds. Lampade liked the dark. The cooler places. There were stories that his kin came from the greek underworld of Hades. Which was almost never described as one of brimstone and fire like the christian hell. So the nymph could only imagine that it felt very much like… this. It was just after dusk, but the temperature was still well into the 80’s. The fucking 80’s. And the shadowed man was still wearing his protective long sleeves. Covering himself from the last rays of sunlight that were too stubborn to sink below the horizon.
Normally he would have just waited to go out, but his crows needed attending to. A few of them had gotten into some sort of mess and needed a little help with preening and cleaning their feathers. Amongst the flock, the tall gangly man sat calmly. Chaos erupting any time a new sound or sight caught the birds’ collective attention. Correy looked a bit like a kindergarten teacher. Gently cooing and coercing the hyped up little creatures to gather in line, so he could quickly and carefully get the majority of the goo off of them. He was far too preoccupied with his corvid cleaning service to notice someone approaching the lighthouse.
When it came to baked goods, Teagan typically made one too many. Or rather, a dozen too many. It helped that she had friends, and while it ached to visit the lighthouse, she chose Marina to be her first delivery of bara brith. As she knocked on the door, anxiety pricked at her skin at the possibility that Levi would be the one to open the door. She really should have called first, but she was motivated by her love for Marina and her need to be fearless. She didn’t want to let the demon win
So, Teagan waited, foot tapping uncontrollably and her grip tightening around the basket after her first set  of knocks. Everything would be okay, she told herself. If Levi opened the door, she would just skirt past it, and move on. Other than that, she would be fine. She wanted to be fine. It would not have control over her just because of its stupid mark on her chest.
There was an unceremonious knocking coming from the door. In a way that was far too polite for any of the company the lighthouse crew usually pulled in. Beyond that, there was another sense. One more on the ethereal, vague sorta side. Another fae was around. Intrigue piqued, Correy finally plucked himself from his seated position. Long limbs carried him towards the front of the building. Toward the sound. And a vaguely familiar face. If only from descriptions and online profiles. A sleight young thing, fair of hair and eyes. Didn’t take a detective to put together who this visitor was.
“Miss Teagan, I presume?” The lampade loomed, but not enough to be intimidating. One of his crows had bobbled along with him, perching on his head and observing along with the nymph. He was always ready to welcome another fae unto his home. Correy liked to think he was a gracious host. Ready to cater to the needs of anyone who popped in. Well. As long as they weren’t trespassers, casters, or hunters. He had a different way of welcoming those sorts.
The chimes that rang beneath Teagan’s skin sent a smile to her face, which only grew when her eyes landed on Correy. She gasped softly, delighted that Marina’s friend had opened the door. Finally, they could meet, finally, she could hug him. Without a second thought, she surged forward and wrapped her arms around the lanky man. “Yes! And you must be Correy!” She exclaimed gleefully, relishing in the way her body buzzed, recognizing the lampade as her people. “I was looking for Marina, but this is a great surprise! Waw!” She finished her statement with a flare of her native tongue, elation filling her too much to remember to continue in English.
“Ni allaf ei gredu!” Teagan was in awe of Correy, and she wished more than ever that she would have brought an extra basket. Letting go of him, she took a step back, still grinning. “You’re even more magnificent than Marina described. My apologies for being so excitable, but it’s always so lovely to come across our kind.” Her smile fell only minutely, a pang of sorrow tugging at her chest at how she missed her old Aos Sí. “Please, take this as a gesture of goodwill. It’s bara brith. Best with afternoon tea on a day like this.” Eyes shined brightly as Teagan looked up at Correy, hoping he’d accept her gift, even hoping she’d be invited inside. Before she could ask though, she needed more information. “I could have some with you if you’d like, but uh…is it home? Levi?”
It was customary amongst the gentry, for welcomes to be warm and filled with laughter. Even when the other was nearly a stranger. But it’d been so long since Correy had been able to properly feel his way through one of these meetings that he’d almost forgotten how much it felt like starlight. How the smiles and barks of mirth simply bursted out of him. Before he could think she was hugging him, and he was hugging back. Allowing himself to lean into it. Wrap his long arms around the tiny Nix. Even lift her up a little as he squeezed. It felt good to let loose. To be present in the moment and free to express everything he felt.
“Le gach teas i mo chroí. Tá fáilte romhat anseo, a bhean óg” Welsh and Gaelige weren’t incredibly similar. But the sentiment behind each of their native tongues was one well understood. Even without a universal translator. Pale eyes drifted down towards the basket, and filled with a separate, but equally as delighted, joy. “Oh I wouldn’t have it any o’ter way. I’ve an assortment of teas ‘n such inside. Could get the kettle on from here.” He winked and let his shadows start the work in the other room. A few gentle clicks and the flame beneath the old tea kettle roared to life. A few mugs made their way from the cabinet and down to the counter. Seemingly moving on their own if not for the snakey tendrils that wisped underneath as they moved. Correy was a bit too proud at that. Now that he had his shadows back, he would use them to the fullest.
“Nah, heard you have a spot of bother with it, shouldn’t be home all day. C’mon in, iasc milis.”
The acceptance from a stranger wouldn’t normally ignite such strong emotion in Teagan, but Correy wasn’t ever really a stranger. Fates had connected them from birth, cutting them from the same cloth with delicate precision. He was a home for her, and she was a home for him. That love she held deep inside may have been a vulnerability, but never was it a weakness. Especially when fae gathered. Especially when they spoke a tongue so similar that it brought tears to Teagan’s eyes. Eons before the two met, they loved one another, and she could feel that connection in every fiber of her being. Feel it in the words of warmth and welcome. “Rydych chi mor brydferth, dyn melys. Hyd yn oed yn fwy prydferth nag y gallwn fod wedi dychmygu.” While their languages differed, she hoped he’d understand as she did.
Teagan’s eyes sparkled further at how the tea began behind Correy, and then they shined at knowing Levi would be nowhere to be found. The sting at her chest, over the mark, quelled. With a relieved sigh, she let out a chuckle, earning a sniffle. “Not just a spot of bother. The bloody bastard killed me and laughs at what it did to me. Would have killed it if I had the chance, but I wouldn’t do that to Marina. I love her far more than I hate it.” As Teagan spoke, she watched with pure admiration as everything was set in place by Correy. His abilities were stunning, and she couldn’t wait to see more, to speak and learn about such a beautiful fae.
“You are magnificent, lad.” Hands cupped Correy’s cheeks, hues of blue meeting his with a delight fae beyond comprehension. “I wish to delve into you. Tell me everything about you.” Bouncing her her tiptoes, Teagan traced over Correy’s features, making sure to memorize them. She never wanted to forget him.
Teagan’s enthusiasm was infectious. Even if it was so foreign to the older nymph at this point. Correy had spent far too long putting up walls. Three decades of it, with the three centuries of involuntary isolation behind to really drive home the point. This, this feeling right there, was the whole reason he’d secured the lighthouse in the first place. To make space, to share space. Form the Aos si the lampade never actually got to have. “Ní ró-olc tú féin. Ná buail le Nix cosúil leatsa riamh roimhe seo.” He allowed the other nymph to inspect him. Like they were long lost family. Or someone catching the first glimpses of the full moon in all its glistening glory. Like Correy was a work of art to behold. He was certainly old enough to belong in a museum.
“Oh aye. Heard as such. It’s a right bastard sometimes, but it’s better to have that on your side than against ye.” Correy was pragmatic. He could separate the idea of his friend being awful to some, and nice enough to him. After all, at the end of the day, that’s what mattered right? He liked having the Leviathan around. It was entertaining. The sort of entertainment that’d have him laughing at the ‘misfortune’ of someone he didn’t know. Though he liked to think he might think twice if it were another fae. If he were there when it happened. “Beat death t’ough then didn’cha?” He offered, not that it would make up for the wound. “I cannae say I blame yer grudge, though. You have every right to yer anger. If it pleases ye I’ll just make sure it’s well and away if ye ever wanna visit.”
Correy led Tegan in, a gentle hand on her upper back as he guided her towards the magic happening in the kitchen. Just as the kettle was set to scream at a boil, the shadows rose again, lifting the thing and pouring out two equal servings. Another cabinet opened from within (at this point the lampade was in fact just showing off) and a few varieties of tea joined the party on the counter. “Tea first, stories second. Pick yer poison lass.”
“No other nix like me. One of a kind.” Teagan spoke proudly, always finding the fae part of herself to be the most beautiful. She lacked confidence in herself, but never when it came to that beauty. But just as quickly as that smile formed, it fell, a frown taking its place at the mention of Levi. It was inescapable, but Teagan was grateful that Correy understood her ire for the demon. “Don’t want something so disrespectful on my side. Killed me and didn’t even have the decency top the deal off correctly. Now I’m stuck with the mark.” Her eyes rolled away tears and she was eager to move on, the pit in her stomach growing much too big. It was almost as if she could fall in, but she opted to land in Correy’s warm presence, and the even warmer kettle. It helped that the lampade was providing a sort of entertainment with his abilities. The kind  that came with a flair of drama that put the nix at ease as she entered the lighthouse.
Teagan made her way to the cabinet and browsed the assortment of teas and found herself almost unable to decide. Considering what the food would be, she thought Earl grey would be a safe bet for the spices in the bara brith. That was until Teagan saw her favorite lavender tea. She immediately reached for the box and pulled out a teabag to place it carefully into her cup. “Lavender is my favorite, and it’ll go great with the spices in the bread.” The elation Teagan felt at the prospect of someone new trying her baking made her grin. Light gleamed in her eyes and the joy rattled the chimes even further beneath her skin. To settle her excitement, she sat, propping her head on her hands and smiling up at Correy. “Shall I cut you a piece, love? Made it fresh not an hour ago.”
“Aye, right you are there, aye.” Correy’s eyes had a spark to them. Brighter than they’d been in ages. The closest they’d come to such pure joy was perhaps when he met Marina, but he’d been under the effect of his wish with Baz at the time. The collared leash on his emotions was useful, but it did have its downsides. The lampade couldn’t exactly say he wasn’t glad for it to be off. In fact, because of its absence he was fully able to feel just how glad it made him. And right now, he was downright giddy. Even if Teagan didn’t share his enthusiasm for the Leviathan, at least she was willing to share space that it sometimes occupied.
“D’you really expect any ot’er creature out there to honor deals and promises the way our kin do?” It was a gentle prodding question, more out of amusement than any actual expectations or wish to change her mind. More of a joke at the demon’s expense. Correy held fae in the highest regard. Well. Most of them. He wasn’t above helping a warden if the price was right. If it was amusing enough. Something nice about having so many folks in and out of the lighthouse lately, the nymph hadn’t felt the need to seek out those types of… interactions. Boredom came so infrequently now he’d all but forgotten his side hustle. “Could do somethin’ bout the mark though. Maybe make it so the beastie wears it for ye. Wouldn’t that be a sight. If ye like.” He shrugged, knowing things like this were often a tight line to tread. People got so offended by such little things, sometimes the old lampade lacked the energy to keep up.
“Oooah, Good choice. Cannae say I’ve tried these particular treats before. But love a good sweet, me.”  In truth, he was a glutton for anything with enough sugar to melt a molar. And after his little stint of ‘healing’ leaving him with little taste for anything, He was all too eager to stuff his gob. In a darkened flash, Correy was sitting in his favorite chair. Transported effortlessly through the shadows. The crow he had with him was fairly used to this trick, and it only hopped off his head after the shift had settled, then bobbled around in his lap as if waiting for its treat too.
“Aye. A slice for me n’ a crumb for the little one. Fresh butter in the icebox.” Perhaps the very best thing about meeting new fae, is how easily one could fall into a routine of acting like they’d known each other forever. Correy expected Teagan to treat this place like it was already her home, after all, in a way, it was. Home to those who needed it. For any fae lost without their own community. White Crest was far too full of them.
Correy brought up a reasonable point, one that the nix hadn’t really taken into account in the midst of her distaste for Levi. Shrugging a little disheartened, Teagan let out a dry chuckle and bit her lip. “I know you’re right. I guess I just hoped that if anyone were to honor deals similar to us, it’d be a demon. I was clearly…wrong.” Fact was, Teagan didn’t have much time to ponder deeper on the deal, not when she was in the middle of a crisis. Faced with death that caused a fear so powerful that it created a blockade between her and sense. She knew better now, but the cost was almost too great, and she had a lifetime to traverse through the intricacies of her actions and how she took advances too often. As if she wouldn’t be held accountable eventually.
But what luck that Teagan could be transported to a little getaway with one of the most beautiful creatures Fate had created. She leaned into it, taking that near-impossible leap to reach out and capture that moment with Correy. Hold it close and turn into multiple moments that they could get lost in. Become the glue that held each other together just as their deeply ingrained connection did. At the thought, a smile formed, slowly, turning into a giant grin on Teagan’s face. She forgot about the cost she paid. Believed there was nothing more precious or more worthy of spending her time on than her blinks of time with fae—with Correy, his beautiful shadows, and the lovely little getaway he’d managed to create just for people like them.
With a kiss to Correy’s cheek, Teagan plopped herself down onto a chair with a radiant smile, shaking her head. “No need for icebox butter. I made some of my own. The load is still a little warm still, so the butter should spread nicely.” Slicing a few pieces, she placed two on her plate and two on Correy’s. Like any fae, she was sure he loved his sugar and spices, and it seemed like his little friend was no different. “Hopefully that’s enough to start you both. Of course, have as much as you like. Oh! And I brought fresh honey from the market. For your tea” She poured her own helping in her cup, passing the jar to Correy thereafter. “Please dig in. I’d love to know your thoughts on my treat from home.”
“Ehh, I think demons are like our cosmic opposites.” The older nymph wobbled his hand between them, as if it were a scale tipping with the extra weight of something unseen. “They try to make every deal by the minimum. Intentionally try to skirt the edge of it.” Correy shrugged. “Least that’s what I understand from previous experience. S’why ye gotta be so specific and wordy with ‘em.” As if fae never had a tendency to do things by the letter and not the spirit, specifically to introduce some mischief. As if Correy himself hadn’t done essentially the same thing from time to time. He held himself and his kind in far too high esteem to actually see those faults though. If someone was making a deal with the fae, they should just know better.
The lampade accepted the kiss, leaned into it even. An observer might mistake them for old friends so used to each other's mannerisms that they rose to meet them before they really even started to show. Correy’s smile made no secrets on how he felt. For once a new person in his home wasn’t met with the careful calculations, the cold assumptions and deceptions he’d normally grace them with.
“Bread and butter, next ye’ll be tellin’ me ye’ve gotta circus in there too.” A toothy grin spread as easily across his features as the freshly made butter surely would across the warm confection his new companion brought to share. “Ahh, Miss Teagan yer makin’ me feel like a king here. This is far too decadent.” Without thank yous and the like, the courtly pleasantries one had to make were often mistakable for dismissive compliments. Even if the opposite was true. But to speak so plainly was not polite. They needed a bit of a shroud, the delicate social lace their kin were known for. “This bread belongs in the heavens. Melts like a cloud made of pure joy. Tell me, do you spoil all yer new companions as such?”
“Never will be able to compare, will they? We have honor in our endeavors. A respect. Is why Fate grants us such beautiful positions in the world. We speak for her, especially those beautiful Banshees.” Teagan settled into the warmth Correy created easily, already forgetting that Levi often spent its time in the lampade’s dwelling. That was the effect being around fae, her kin, had. No one was ever truly alone in their world, and the joyful humming beneath her skin was a reminder of that. No touching was required, no utterance was either. It was simply faith in Fate.
Teagan giggled at Correy’s way of complimenting her, seeing his way of dancing around words and showing his gratitude. She admired it and wondered how long he had lived to develop such a beautiful art form through words. “Nonsense. You’re much too kind, deary. I’d do this for any of my family. We’re hardly new to each other, not really. You and I have always been part of the same cloth, woven together by our maker.” It’d been a long while since Teagan was able to connect with a new fae, and she was grateful it was someone as welcoming as Correy. “You’re a breath of fresh air. It’s like we were meant to meet today, colliding on the path so suddenly and beautifully recklessly. Can already tell this is only the first of many sweet treats we will enjoy.” She took a greedy bite of her slice and paired it with her tea in the next motion, humming happily. Happier than ever.
“Oh aye, know a few o’ those meself. One’s just a kit, the other a distant beauty.” Correy thought fondly of the pair of banshee, how different they were from each other and how wonderful that was. That fate had such curious designs for all its instruments. A symphony suite, all to play their parts. “Gotta shoot them each a message. Been too long.” He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he mused a little more on the subject. Maybe he’d been reminded of them right now for a reason. It was easy to run down that rabbit hole though, when you trusted fate with everything in your life. There had to be some chaos to it. Just a little. That or fate had some pretty mean ideas every once in a while.
“Well I’m glad the weave folded in such a way that our threads may share the same space.” Correy had been brushing up on his prose lately. Baz really brought it out of him. A little creative competitive streak, though he wasn’t really about to compete in something he couldn’t immediately win. The lampade agreed heartily, taking a massive bite out of his own piece of bread, perhaps a bit too much. More than the face his glamour sported should have allowed. Revealing just a hint of the bony skull that sat within the darkness of his true form. “Sláinte!” A laugh rumbled throughout his body, too big for his current form.
“So. How’d ye end up in these parts?”
Teagan loved the way Correy spoke. Both his choice of words and the way it sounded like they were just old friends catching up. It made her feel free and at home, like she had always belonged in his presence. The way every fae should feel around each other. It was like she was back in her old Aos Sí. “In White Crest? Well…” The nix tilted her head from side to side, as memories flooded in, forcing her brows to furrow in mild distress. Tears threatened to form as well, but Teagan used the bread and tea to distract in the midst of gathering her spiraling thoughts.
“I was born in Wales. My siblings and I. Got—had twelve of ‘em. There’s nine of us left.” She sipped her tea some more and then continued, “My mum and a few of my siblings were murdered by a hunter when I was five. Sister got taken by the hunter. And none of our fathers were ‘round so we got everything in order and lived on our own ‘til someone noticed we weren’t comin ‘round in our Aos Sí.” At that point, Teagan’s tears couldn’t be helped, but she was a persistent one, and was ultimately determined to get through the story. “My brother—the eldest—he thought it’d be best to find our blood. They were in the states, so we moved and were raised there.”
She gripped her teacup impossibly tight and kept her eyes down, not wanting Correy to see her tears. She’d brought down the energy enough with her story, but Teagan felt like she couldn’t stop and she didn’t know why. Maybe it was because he’d asked or maybe it was because she’d never really gotten a chance to process due to her inability to let herself. Whatever the reason, she kept telling her story. “Went to uni and then used those skills to find my sister. Lo and behold, she was here in White Crest. We’ve reconnected and I still talk to her daily, but she’s since moved with her fiancé so they can travel and be free.” Taking a deep breath, Teagan sighed heavily and felt a weight lift, noticing how tears no longer wanted to fall. She was…happy? Yes, she was happy. Despite the odds, she made it to a place where she felt like she had everything. “Stayed ‘round because I like it here. Feels like home. Even got a partner. A werewolf. Lovely lass.”
With the pair of nymphs both being from similar spots geographically, their conversation sure had a lot more lilt to it than the average one you might happen upon in Maine. It was nice. Reminded Correy of talking with Eilidh. Of course none of them were exactly from the same spot, but it was enough to make him feel even more at home with them. Even more at ease. Allowed the old codger to soothe the bitter parts of himself and present as sweetly as he took his tea. Which, with the added honey from Miss Teagan’s basket of treats, was delectable. Like the nectar of the gods, ambrosia. Added a light floral note to the drink. One that served to give it the depth and complexity it deserved.
He listened carefully, and watched with softened eyes as her own emotions threatened to flood over. “Twelve?” Correy let out a low whistle. That had to be a lot to contend with. Worse to lose some to hunters. “Like havin’ your heart taken out while you still live.” It was quiet. Barely an audible response, barely intentional. He never had siblings, but he’d had long enough to imagine what something like that might do to a person. How he might feel if someone took one of the few folks he found himself enjoying the company of. Like Metzli, or Cass. After the rage subsided all that’d be left would be an empty hole. One that’d never really get filled. So he sympathized with the girl. It was his turn to offer a hand. Cupping her cheek to wipe away some of the tears. “Ain’t no shame in feelin’ awful ‘bout such things.”
Teagan seemed to bounce back, and Correy was all the more glad for it. It’d barely been a half an hour and he already felt a tinge of responsibility for this nix. Of camaraderie and hope for her happiness. As he did with most fae. “Oh aye?” He quipped after the mention of the ladywolf. “Good on ye there. Hard to find someone worthy of the love you give.”
Teagan let out a strained sigh, the breath dancing toward a chuckle that had little life. She leaned into Correy’s hand, the warmth of which grew with every moment they shared with one another. Tears wiped away and were no longer replaced thanks to the lampade’s affection, and Teagan couldn’t help but place her hand over his. “No. Never felt shameful for mourning. Such a thing is natural. What I did feel shameful for was…” For a few moments, she struggled to find the right words, opening and closing her mouth but never quite latching onto the right flow. She shrugged, and tried her best to make sense of her thoughts. “I couldn’t protect them. I mourned them, of course I did, but it didn’t feel right to be comforted or be helped through the pain. Always felt like such…such a weak and pitiful nix. Unworthy.”
Taking Correy’s hand in hers, Teagan guided them both to the table, and she held firmly onto him. Focused on the ripples of buzzing that hummed at its strongest where they touched. It helped, if only a little, to keep the nix centered and holding onto what she had. “I think it’s getting better now. I’m learning better. She’s…teaching me better.” And Patricia didn’t even know it. Likewise, Teagan didn’t know what her partner was learning, if anything. She hoped she was. The best partnerships were give and take, even the one she shared. “So, ‘nough ‘bout me, mister. Please tell me about you. Tell me stories. I want to hear it all and we’ve got plenty of treats to discuss as many as we can.”
Something even rarer than a smile flitted across the lampade’s face. Sincere concern. His brows knit close together and those icy almost white blue eyes scanned over Teagan’s features as her declaration of inadequacy caused her to retreat, if only just a little. “Ain’t nothin’ bout you that’s unworthy. Shite things happen, but it don’t make it our fault, luv.” Correy’s hand squeezed tightly where her’s met his. Sending those gentle buzzes of familial warmth wash through them both. “The trees that stand after an avalanche don’t stop givin’ shade cause their kin were felled. You don’t look at the remains of a forest after the fire and think ‘aren’t they the weak ones’. You survived somethin’ terrible. And it hurts. But you are strong. I can see it, right here.” He moved his hand, only for a moment to point right at the scar left by the Leviathan. “Your marks don’t define you, but they show the world what you're capable of endurin’.”
The nymph snorted a breathy laugh through his nose as she asked for his story. “M’ from Éire. Grew up in the days just before electricity got real popular. Though it wouldn’t make it out to the haunts I roamed probably’d stick it out a few years longer just to spite the feckers what invented it.” A fond smile curled at the cusp of his lips, even if his eyes were somewhere far away. “Actually met Macleod o’re there, though that wasn’t her name back t’en. You two know each other fairly well, yeah?” Correy wasn’t really ever told directly, but he was perceptive. Picked up on things. It was how he knew of the darling little nix in the first place.
“Couple’a spots of bother n’ I ended up here. But the lighthouse is my greatest project. Want it to be a place for our folk. One they can stop and rest at. A real beacon of hope.”
Teagan nodded, taking Correy’s words to heart so they could wrap protectively around it. No one knew words like a fae, and for the first time ever, the nix was at a loss for them. A small whimper escaped the confines of her throat as the chimes rang and Correy made his gesture. She had lost so much and kept to herself for so long that she was saddened to see what she really did. Hiding and running away before she gave anyone, even herself, the chance to correct the wrongs. She made the grave mistake of letting the hunter win many battles; some he wasn’t even a part of. But no more. His mark was left on her family, but Correy was right. That only showed just how capable they were, as a whole. And it was at that moment that Teagan made a silent promise to herself to never lose again. She would love and reach out unapologetically, even more so than she already was, and never let anyone take that from her again.
Eyes lit up with wonder, knowing a lampade’s lifecycle was long, but still finding the time that Correy had lived to spark awe. Teagan was beside herself and began to grow teary for something much happier than before. Correy had seen the beginning of many things, had even met Macleod in a past life. Fates had planned for all of them to meet after all, and Teagan couldn’t help but feel so grateful for both her and Correy. He was creating a sanctuary for people that were just like her not even six months ago. What a wonderful thing, and what a wonderful fae. She wanted to consume everything he said and she needed him to continue to speak. Still listening, the nix rounded the table quickly and wrapped her arms around the lampase and uttered the most powerful and vulnerable words a fae could.
“Thank you.” Teagan began, slowly making her way to settle onto Correy’s lap so she could be close while he spoke, careful to not hurt his sweet crow. “Please, continue.” Her hand laid gently on his face and she felt so happy there, like a child she never got to be. “I just want to be close.”
For a moment he thought he was off the hook. Metaphorically of course. Teagan was being sweet, coming to sit with him like a grandchild listening to old stories by the fire. She spoke those most revered words, and all Correy could do was let the subtle wave of pressure wash over him before “And I release you.” He settled his jaw atop her head, a lilting laugh making them both bobble. The crow seemed to like this arrangement as well. It nestled into Teagan’s lap until she was in a spooky old bird sandwich. He thought he was off the hook, that she’d be sated for stories, until she asked him to continue.
A sigh rippled through the lampade, guess it was inevitable. For all the man talked, and for how full of himself he was, he never really talked about himself. He tried with Crow. He mentioned the basics to Marina and Levi. Always as little as he could get away with. Somehow, he mused, he didn’t think there’d be much the young nix would miss. Seemed like the kind who could tell when a story was supposed to start and stop.
“Ahh well. Bit more complicated than that I ‘spose.” Correy was happy for their shared position. Meant he didn’t have to look her in the eye for the next part. Meant she couldn’t see the way his face bent to the time and bounties it’d paid. “My kin, lampade. Never knew another one. Never came across one.” Should’ve been a much bigger clue into his past, not for her but him. Too much of the time before the lantern was a blur. He had bits and pieces, not a cohesive narrative. Maybe that’s why he strayed so far from telling any of it. Stories were meant to have structure. Stories were meant to have meaning. And maybe in lacking for one, he meant nothing.
“But our kind are sought after, powerful. ‘Specially by casters.”
A tidal wave of emotions crashed through Teagan, and she reveled in the way she was released. Each moment creating a new crack into the sky of her heart. Thundering and roaring through every chamber of her soul, consuming every bitter word despite how they overwhelmed her palette. Yes, lampades were beautiful, but their power, their very essence was the center of what made them. For people like spellcasters, they didn’t much care to learn the intricacies of what truly mattered, but people with hearts did. People who saw them for more than just their powers saw the beauty of who and what they were, and most of the time, it was only fae who could. Others couldn’t, and sometimes wouldn’t understand, but Teagan could and did. She could hear the empty spaces in the stories, and she knew that was intentional, so she tread carefully, never once expecting Correy to delve further than he wanted to.
“I’m sorry,” She muttered, swallowing and giving Correy gentle affections over his cheek as he spoke, making sure to include the little crow. To never meet another of one’s own kind was a sort of pain Teagan had never experienced, but she felt for Correy. While she couldn’t match the beauty of a lampade, of giving him what he deserved, she wanted to at least give him the complement of the buzzing of her presence. “Wicked are those who seek you like you are simple ingredients. You’re more than that.” She continued to trace patterns and dote on her two friends, smiling up at Correy, “And my sweet lad, please don’t overextend yourself. If you wish to speak of sweet nothings instead, I’d be more than happy to. Perhaps we can go on a walk? I know a very good pastry shop we can treat ourselves to.”
Without mention of thanks or bonds, she released him too, in a way. Saw his uncomfortable state and reckoned it would be better to allow him space to choose. Correy huffed a single laugh, more of a delighted exasperation if anything. Teagan seemed to feel things so freely, so openly. It was welcome but held the man hostage for his own fear of expressing himself. It emboldened him to try. He was able to now, wasn’t he? Freed from the wish, from the bindings he placed upon himself after explosive outbursts drove him to the fury, to the leash. The only chains left were mental. Hard won conditioning. Better to feel nothing than to only be fueled by rage and fire….right?
“I’ll take you up on the treats. Maybe I’ll have the energy to tell more one day. Cause there’s gonna be more of these trips. Now that I know you I don’t know if I could bear to keep ye out of me life.” His smile was sweeter now. A weight having been pulled from his shoulders, a feathery lightness took its place. “Oh dear all this talk n’ I’m still missin’ the important bits. Did I tell you bout the werewolf I secured for ye?”
Teagan’s pupils dilated like an excited cat at the mention of a gift Correy had secured, but she tilted her head in confusion. Her wavy locks curtained around her face and she was driven with curiosity. “How do you mean? I’ve already secured myself a werewolf in my own right.” She giggled, slipping out of Correy’s lap to ready herself for their departure, swaying her arms in a half circle back and forth. “Let’s go though. Want to make sure we can secure those delicious treats. You can tell me everything on the way there!”
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obsessedwvampbois · 3 years
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐋 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬
Oh boy so this is gonna make people really mad. I have listened to a total of 52 songs from the Diabolik Lovers franchise (that I could find) and ranked them for the hell of it. For this ranking I will be including all character songs, openings (both anime and game) along with the remixes. I will not be counting solo versions of songs (eg. Gin no bara), soundtrack bgm or the endings themes.
My ranking is based on these things:
how well does the song fit the character/s or game, both in lyrics and aesthetic
the overall production and performance of the song
is the song a bop? would I willingly listen to it again?
Couple of disclaimers: I do not speak Japanese so I will be crediting the translations of each song as I go through them along with any think pieces / essays that I come across. If there is any song I missed, please let me know and I’ll slot it into the rankings, its hard to find one source that has all the songs recorded. Finally, just a reminder because I know I'm gonna make someone mad, this is my list! If you don't like it make your own or ignore mine, I'm only one person and my opinion is not final!
With that in mind, my rankings are below the cut
*Least Best*
These are the songs I will probably never listen to again. I have a few gripes with them that I'll talk about in my explanation.
52. 誓いのカンパネラ (Chikai no Campanella)
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
This song is just super underwhelming overall. The guitar is my favourite thing about the song but that's it. There is so much build up for a boring chorus. The lyrics don't have much for me either.
51. 血戦のDies irae (Kessen no Dies irae)
Tsukinami Brothers
On the opposite end, this song is so overwhelming. There are so many elements to follow and its hard to keep up. This is the first time I'll bring it up but the volume of the voices is so quiet compared to the backing track, its frustrating. The lyrics is what brings it up a notch as it talks about the day of wrath (dies irae) as the day the founders take over. I was also low key hoping to hear some version of the dies irae song hidden in the background but I couldn't hear any.
50. S.O.S-ΑtoΩ-
Tsukinami Brothers
This song just feels so forgettable, I just feel like there isn't much to comment on. There are some interesting lyrics sprinkled out like comparing literal self mutilation to abstinence. Also the actual delivery of 'S ah O ah S ah', I can't take it seriously.
49. Dystopia
This had an interesting start because I hadn't heard anything similar for DL but then after a few lines the tone change was just a nope for me. Again, Kino's voice is super quiet and the constant barrage of all these instruments that don't really gel together its confusing. Overall, it didn't leave much of an impression and I couldn't really visualised DL in the song.
48. 吸愛ラビリンス (Kyūai Labyrinth)
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
Praise for the saxophone! Props to that because it shines here and is really the only memorable thing besides that final line of the chorus. The song does give the vibe of the Vandead Carnival with its more playful energy though. The lyrics feel really typical, like there are so many times I read lyrics about drinking blood before I get bored.
47. 極限(UNLIMITED) BLOOD -Remix ver.-
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
~translation w/ original ver.~
I don't think I really need to hear EDM/dubstep and Diabolik Lovers again thanks. It feels super dated and the vocoded singing is a little much for my taste. Good source material and the stripped back vocals at some points is quite nice.
46. 愛しきPain (Itoshiki Pein)
First off please never let me see Subaru near a fedora again thanks. Overall I felt bored with this song, like its nice, but that it. There are similar sounding songs that just hit home similar themes a lot stronger later on. The best part of this song is the spoken word but it feels weird for Subaru to be singing such a slow song.
45. Luv Apple Juice
Ruki & Azusa
Yes, I am counting Ruki's spoken word, its my list. Lyrics are a must read with references to Adam, Eve and Eden throughout. Again, the voices are super quiet and with how fast paced the instrumentals are its annoying. The tempo also backfires because these are two of the more 'chill' characters. The last complaint is that the speed of Ruki's speaking compared to Azusa's singing just isn't right.
Kou & Yuma
This has to be my least favourite opening to a song, the staccato is just really grating to me. The way I'd describe the chorus is loud, the same note over and over again isn't appealing. The lyrics are an interesting read but nothing feels super important. The highlight of the song is the pre-chorus, thanks production!
43. カレイドナイト (Kaleido Night)
Kanato & Subaru
This song is just generic, like overall. The sound, the lyrics, the production. There just wasn't must for me to listen to without zoning out.
These songs don't leave too much of a lasting impression on me, but I still enjoy them.
42. 苺の罪 (Ichigo no Tsumi) (strawberry sin)
First of the generic rock songs! I couldn't really find much in the lyrics of note I think the actual performance of the song is my favourite element here.
41. 真夜中の饗宴( MIDNIGHT PLEASURE) -Remix ver.
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
~translation w/ original~
One the best part of the original is that opening section with the steps, it creates some nice anticipation for the coming song. The chorus this time round feels a little low energy after the hype of the pre-chorus. After watching the actual opening with the remix, I kind of wish they had the voice over, the song is so chill the last chorus could have it to make it feel more grandiose.
40. ZERO
Second generic rock song, this time it actually suits Subaru's brand! The lyrics do have some hints to Subaru as a character which is better. My sustaining thought is that this sounds like an off brand Arcadia.
39. Bloody★Mayim★Mayim
Sakamaki Brothers
This has to have one of the strongest hooks for DL. For how many people sing in the song, it's easy to keep track of and the chemistry between them all is in sync. The main issue is that it feels like its missing some element to make it shine, the lyrics aren't in-depth too which brings it down another peg. The bridge/interlude is the best part though as I can visualise some mini story within the song here.
This song would be so much higher if I felt like it was more memorable cuz the lyrics here really shine. My interpretation is that this is Ayato questioning where his love stops and his sadistic nature to satiate his desires begin, can he separate the two? He both loves and despises the idea of draining his s/o dry. Another gripe with the song is that its not quite Ayato's aesthetic sonically.
37. Kindan no 666 (Three Six)
Kou & Azusa
What puts this song so low is the majority of the instrumental, it takes a backseat here when I feel there could be more added. Props to percussion, drums are great though. After watching the MB opening so many times its hard to not see DL. Lyrics match with this one line here describing Kou in a nutshell:
"Sin spread from mouth to mouth, saying 'I’ll be gentle' pulls the trigger on a casual disaster!"
36. Iolite (アイオライト )
I don't know why the producers associate electro-pop with Shu, I can't really see it much. I think they should have gone full glitch-pop instead considering how the song does a deep dive into his mind and thought process. Again, I think the voice is also quiet here but the instrumentals have some great moments, especially the strings.
Well this gives Sakamaki vibes, nice guitar! Again, I like how it isn't overwhelming despite the amount of people involved. Lyrics aren't super impactful but super catchy.
34. 冷たい血 (Tsumetai Chi)
You have to read the lyrics while reading this, please! Its surprisingly wholesome and emotional overall. Again, there is the issue of the voice being way to quiet as the instrumentals swallow him whole after the second clock tick. The delivery is really well timed and production does a great job adding elements that works with the lyrics. There is a subtle echo to the voice that feels super enchanting as he comes to terms with the fact that he has fallen in love. Biggest drawback obviously is that this is just spoken word.
This song delves into the more perverse side of Shu, but we haven't really reached the level of Laito (we'll get there). The phone feels a little out of character but it suits that narrative. The straight cut out of music for the intermission was a bit abrasive but the transition back to music makes me forget about that with how slick it is. At least its better than a generic rock song.
32. カモフラージュ (Camouflage)
Shu & Laito
What a great match up for subject matter, my interpretation is a denial and inability to accept oneself, ultimately using a mask to hide. So please look up the lyrics for some gems. However, after the 'against the blood' nothing really hit that same point sonically, furthermore its not the most aesthetically fitting for the two characters.
These songs I actively enjoy, think about and do listen to occasionally and would recommend you check it out too.
31. >REDRUM<-
Ayato & Subaru
This song is full of anagrams in the lyrics, I mean look at the song title. Its super catchy and is hard to forget about. The bridge is the weakest part of this song but it is made up by the distortion of vocals after the final chorus.
30. Fanatic of Night
Sakamaki Brothers
Well time to party, talk about a bop and a half! Its just so fun, even though its to exactly DL to me, but that's Lunatic Parade for you. Shout out to the guitarist and percussion once again.
29. Bad Howling
Shu, Ayato & Kou
This is super catchy, its nice to hear Kou in the opening song this time round, it spices things up. Theres some really nice elements played with the vocals as they sing over one another that is really well balanced. The biggest peg down is that I don't get super DL vibes and the lyrics aren't the deepest.
28. I.M.I.T.A.T.I.O.N. G.A.M.E
Overall this song is a little generic and doesn't sound like DL but! There is a lot to love here too. Starting off with the performance, I really like the vibrato in his voice and the decent of notes at the end of the chorus is just, yes. It a nice hook and the lyrics are pretty good too. My only other complaint is that the drums mask some smaller elements in the background of the song which would have been nice to hear more in the forefront.
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
This is where the rankings get pretty hard cuz I wish this was higher but oh well. the dramatic shift from the opening piano to the song is so abrupt but it gets you pumped. The intermission does a good job of changing things up without cutting tension. The lyrics themselves seem to be from the view of the Adam project during more blood and the unquenchable thirst they get in the story.
26. アルカディア (Arcadia)
Immediately I get Ayato vibes from this song and the rapping does help too with a nice flow that isn't too jarring from the rest of the song. These lyrics are basically Addicted2Phantom on steroids, I can't see anyone else other than Ayato in them.
25. Kekkyoku Night
Don't know why but the guitar melody just seems like I had heard it before but I can't put my finger on it. The bass is super slick here and I really enjoy it. The vocal distortion at the start of the verse sets a scene for him to hunt down this person and its a narrative choice. The main issue is that I wish there was a little more pizzaz to the chorus.
Spoilers but I have placed both a Kanato's songs pretty high up so this was a little bit of a let down after the other two. The main issues here is that I don't really get too much of Kanato in the song and the yelling before the chorus is a little much. This, to me, is a self reflection from Kanato which is a good switch up from his last two songs. Overall, the song is abrasive in a good way that isn't overwhelming and the 8-bit section is my fave.
23. 血濡れた密会 (BLOODY SABBATH)
Oh boy, look these lyrics up for a good time. This song is about his hook up with a women with the song getting progressively darker as it goes on. Nice psycho reference but I don't know if it does much in the end. Really catchy hook and the escalation of the final chorus is just so good. Also I'm just going to leave this line from the song here:
“You wend all out with the rodeo girl play? So then, let’s grind!!!”
22. 幻日理論-Parhelion Logic
This song is meant to be kind of an open letter to Cordelia and my word these lyrics are haunting. It fits the vibe of Haunted Dark Bridal so well, super strong overall. I just wish there was a stronger performance vocally.
21. 暴言シンドローム (Seiron Syndrome)
Yuma, to me has some pretty good observation skills and its really highlighted here. The first line just hits the nail on the head in terms of how rough he is both in and out of the bedroom. This song is the best of the 'generic rock' with production being really smooth despite the high energy, it matches him really well. First line:
The pain of your sprained neck won’t subside
20. 蠱惑のParade (Kowaku no Parade)
Reiji & Kanato
We got another catchy banger here! This song just screams 'the two of us are here to hunt you down and we won't stop till we get a taste.' I mean this song is super pleasing aesthetically and great lyrics to boot!
The strings are an immediate attention grabber and its hold it throughout the whole song. Super catchy, and these lyrics are Azusa, especially this chorus. Id be interested to hear what people think about the second verse in particular cuz there's a lot to read into:
"In a worn out state of mind, no matter how many nights we question it... We’ve idealised too much."
18. SQueeze…
Okay before anything else, the squeeze at the start is goofy, I can't take it seriously. Anyway, I can't help but tap my foot to this song. Third times the charm, finally hitting Subaru's aesthetic to a T. The voice is a little quiet on the track but what takes over just sounds so good. The contrast of the bell and the guitar is just, yes thank you. The pre-chorus is a nice mix up to the status quo and these lyrics are great too.
17. 愛の檻 (Ai no Ori)
Ayato & Laito
The opening is a nice tone setter for a haunting head bopper. These voices work together so well, just like how the sirens work with the strings. The singular violin during the bridge is great, praise to anyone who can do that my god. The string motif climaxes at the final chorus and it creates an awesome song!
16. 月蝕(Eclipse)
Kou, Yuma & Azusa
Well we have a nice build up ballad here. The opening is a little out of place but I forget about it as it builds to this final chorus with the tempo getting faster and faster. The stripped back production also ends up aiding the song in the end with its punches and message. Speaking of which; I get the idea this is about watching some either currently or in retrospective how their personality changes after turning into a vampire; a loss of innocence. How fitting for the Mukami's.
“Despising the sunlight that filters through the blinds is only inevitable, I suppose”
This is what I think the best of the best is. It reflects the themes, ideas and characters of Diabolik Lovers in the best way possible. When people ask me what music from the franchise to listen to, I point to these songs.
15. Count off
There is so much to talk about here, this is a mix of singing and spoken piece and it works so well for me. The delivery over this contagious beat I can't help but get hints of a k-pop vibe here. The movement to singing then vocoded voice are interesting and fun. The bridge switch up too is great, my only wish is that the choir hand a little more presence in the final chorus cuz its fun the first times round, it would be a nice call back.
14. A Certain Prophet's Fate [とある預言者の、運命 Toaru Yogensha no Unmei]
I can visualise a Nutella Kookie moodboard with this opening alone. To me, this is Reiji explain his views on women with allusions to Faust too, not the Ikemen version relax. there are some cool allusions to his mother in the lyrics too. The bass is so cool to listen out for and the guitar nodding to the chorus at the end is a nice way to end. I was just hoping for a little continuation to the opening like Reiji finding this person escaping on horseback.
Aaaaaand another innuendo song from Laito, what a surprise! The jazzy, circus-pop vibes are super fun and catchy, I love it. It's like an upgraded version of Bloody Sabbath to me. The distortion on the guitar is also great to listen out for.
"Don’t decide where’s the critical point, grind as you feel it,
Till the moon oh, mockingly"
12. Mr.ButterflyMask
The opening may be cliche but it works so well, this is such a deep dive into Reiji's psyche; his mother, inferiority complex and village burning to name a few. The actual song is easy to remember which makes it even better here, the descending notes at the end of the chorus is a highlight.
"Burnt black, that awful land mark"
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
The song to start it all, thank god it's such a highlight. I get so hyped from hearing the opening footsteps; mirroring the prologue with You stepping into the mansion for the first time. I feel so nostalgic for this and I'm hyped to play the game every time I hear this. The spoken section is the high point in terms of the HDB aesthetic but these lyrics maaaannn:
"With a scream that shatters the moon itself I’ll give you this extraordinary pain called “love”!"
10. Guilty×Guilty!!!
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
I'm gonna get crucified for putting this above midnight pleasure but my list and this is my fave game op. The only peg down is the lyrics but it makes up so much for the actual sound variation. The unnerving energy from this scifi-y noise, it screams danger with the Tsunami arrival. The variation between the two verses in robs what places it high and the bridge is excellent to boot.
9. Farewell Song
If I had to make one song recommendation outside of DL with this list it is this song here. The lyrics and melody match up the same way and both are strong in their own right. Onto the song, these lyrics really shine wrangling with ideas and the thought process of depression; something that hits close to home for me. With the inclusion of the destructive nature vampires its truely impactful. The sound of the song aids these lyrics too while all sounding like Shu.
Without pause, the drops of a drizzle had begun to weep...
...Comforting the screams of the things you’ve touched"
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
This is my favourite opening of all the games and anime and it is the most on theme with the DL franchise, not just the one game. The guitar rifts at the start are just sooooo iconic. The actual line "Mr Sadistic Night" is delivered so well too. I mean the song speaks for itself. I will make the observation though that this song is the epitome of kids unknowingly singing a song with dirty lyrics.
"If I’m so aroused by the snare of your enticing blood
Tonight, as I thrust deep into you, a lust for death awakens from within you!"
7. 悪魔的(Devil's)Spire!!!!
This song is just Kou at his best, I can imagine him singing this at a concert as a debut single. It has all the elements of a catchy pop song with some sinister elements that just reflects his personality. Production has my praise here too. The song seems to be a friends with benefits situation Kou has as he recounts the tale. Also, more innuendos:
"In the deep red velvet sheets, Do you want to taste my forbidden syrup?"
6. Operation X
Tsukinami Brothers
Haven't seen these guys in a while! You can tell production had fun adding all these medical sounds in the back like the sirens and heart monitor. The song itself is super catchy too, that bass just hits you at the core! The lyrics look like the Tsukinami's observation of You as she has become entangled with all these vampires and the situation just seems to spiral even more out of control.
"The risk spreads further the deeper you get involved...
...The more you give up, the more that guy mocks you"
Production had fun again, you can tell. It's more upbeat there is still a sinister vibe here. The constant switch ups within the song all flow so well. I feel genuine despair listening to this chorus, like Kanato is mocking or toying with me before going in for the kill. My only complaint is that the slowing down at the end is a bit of a mood killer.
In terms of character aesthetic, this is sheer perfection. There is a narrative within this song that you need to look at the lyrics for the best experience. The sound effects act as a good way to heighten the story as they match the lyrics. One moment to note it both the chorus and pre-chorus as they act as the extreme ends on Kanato's personality and it creates a great dichotomy when placed together.
3. Q.E.D.
My favourite solo song, and the one I constantly visit the most. Laito is a complex character and this song does a self reflection in the best way possible.I would also recommend reading this great analysis by everything laito because I can't do a proper analysis justice. For the song itself, the piano is a great mood setter as it acts as if we are approaching Laito as he plays the piano about to go into one of his many monologues to himself. The intercut from the piano to the guitar is abrupt but it works so well as if there are crack in his facade showing through. The change back to the piano is great too and isn't distracting in any way. I also think this is such an emotional performance, like I can feel the sadness and despair along with almost a self deprecating humour to the delivery. Top notch stuff
2. 罠-If You’re Diablo- (Wana -If You’re Diablo-)
Mukami Brothers
I want mention first off that the spoken word from Ruki is such an aid here, the pace is slower, more haunting and despair-inducing in tone. The speaking adds a nice break to the vocals. The chorus in particular packs such a punch its kind of nice to lie on the ground and just let the song envelop you. The lyrics give the impression that there is a mutually destructive relationship here with the Mukami's mentioning of betrayal yet they suck the blood of this person. There is also a feeling of hopelessness that the Mukami's know they can never achieve their goal of becoming Adam.
"I'd been resigned to become Adam since who-knows-when...
I continue to hate this fate, my prayers in zero"
1. Gin no Bara
Sakamaki Brothers
And we're finally at the end! This song encapsulates everything that Diabolik Lovers is. Vocally, it's really catchy with such a somber vibe, because that's what DL is. It's a dark series but you can see that darkness with each backstory, the actions these characters take and just the overall hopelessness in this one song. The Sakamaki's all singing together packs such a punch too. There are so many gems in these lyrics, to literally acknowledging the pain and suffering their mothers' caused and coming to terms with the actions they have committed as they fall in love.
"The proof remains on your neck while you sleep quietly Even if an eternal curse awaits me beyond those overflowing tears
I now hold this love and pain in my chest"
I want to give a huge shout out to the following people. They have helped immensely with translation and just overall accessibility to the songs because they would be 1000 times more harder to find without them.
Silvermoon249 (Live Journal)
Asyqin98 Creator (YouTube)
S I s o v o l i (Youtube)
Dialovers otaka (Tumblr)
Starlight voices (Tumblr)
Cannonette (Tumblr) @canonette
The Precious Sugar Chan (Tumblr)
One final note, I would recommend listening to these with headphones because the audio sometimes does that thing where it jumps from ear to ear and it creates the best effect to be more involved in the atmosphere.
64 notes · View notes
orangepurin45 · 3 years
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫!! - 𝐂𝐨𝐩! 𝐈𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐗 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏.𝐭 1
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WARNING: Guns, some Yanderish themes (Oikawa is protective of Bara-arms), Blood, Drug dealing delivery, 🔞triggering sexual content 🔞, Angst, Fluff?, Slight!IwaOi, Mentions of past humiliation & trauma (high-school bullying)
This is my first time writing btw. Happy Reading! if not the exit is over there 👉🚪.
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Papers sprawled all over the desk, strings attached each other to another. A loud sip from the bulky man and a paper flip to side then eyes rose up to the photo of you grinning like a mischievous fox with red lips and taunting eyes screaming "CATCH ME IF YOU DARE," vibe Hajime grit his teeth glaring at your dirty face.
L/n Y/n, also know as the dark phoenix, Japan's most notorious drug dealing, homicide, and man-woman torturer and murderer in the whole country.
Everyone fears you.
Everyone obey at you.
Everyone believes you are the end.
Everything they think, you were responsible of all of this.
"Iwa-chan! Chief wants you to-..." Tooru spokes but was stopped by the sound of Iwaizumi's chair screech. He stood up, shadow loom under his gaze as he walks out the door.
"Wait! Iwa-chan I was supposed to...!
Inform you, " he finished, his lips turned downwards at the cold room, his chocolate eyes scanned every detail of the room then stopped to your portrait of your scary taunting face.
"Thanks a lot, Y/n-chan... But I didn't know you were into kind of... mess, " he smiles sadly, tracing his fingers at your photo. Lips tighten softly at the flashback, of yourself and the other 3rd years. How ironic to see your sweet, sweet smile in the memories compare to your now scary one.
"But I'm not letting you hurt Iwa-chan...That's a promise!,"
He points at your portait, eyes of determination and protection to swearing to blood to bone of himself not want his childhood friend be hurt. He turned away as long he lives
He will never let Hajime's life on the line.
Blood splatter, and small packet of white powder in the sachet all over the floor. Blowing your gun, hot steam coming out of the hole. Soft red lips upturned wickedly, your loyal subordinates gathers the small plastic packets inside the black bag.
"Bring it on the trunk immediately," You grinned as they nodded, immediately running towards your car.
Although, all happiness and rainbows has to ended when your car exploded and a familiar gunfire break a loose killing at off your men in sight.
"Oh dear... here we go again," You giggled then smirked, eyes delighted to see the man, who is obsessed of you being arrested.
How cute! 💕
"DARK PHOENIX!!!," Hajime yelled, eyes filled with fury and justice glaring at your calm figure. His teeth angrily clench pointing his gun at you.
"What a pleasant surprise!... I never thought you were such a party pooper, Iwaizumi-san! I'm absolutely...hurt," you pouted furrowing your brows playfully at him, to which he just flinch remembering a memory, looking down at the thought.
But you took this opportunity to snatched the gun off of his Iron grip by sitting on his shoulder then do some acrobatics before jumping off his broad shoulders then before jumping back then throw him on the ground with a headlock.
"You know it was all good~ back in the day! My mom always taught me to take care of what mess it was...And that was me she was talking about, "
He grunt, trying to wiggling his way out of your grasped but no avail the tightness is stronger than he expected.  You giggled when you heard him yelped.
“Let ME go this is instant! I’m gonna make sure you’re gonna rot in prison!,”
He shouted, throwing his saliva right at your face at each sentence he threat for you. But you only grinned, eyes in mischief and raising a brow at him.
“Oh please~ Cry me a river! Your the cop here aren’t you gonna do it but instead you’re just laying under me...shame on you Iwaizumi-san,” 
Silence  ... You saw how he looks down and saw sorrow at his face, seemingly remembers something, you hummed a growing smile on your soft lips.                 
“Ne, Iwazumi-san Do you remember the day Oikawa-san humiliate me?,”  
He snaps out his trace, then looks at you eyes as larger as the china wares.
“You didn’t help me back then, instead you let him do what he did to me,”
Rains started to pour, as the steaming car slowly deflates it’s flame little by little by an hours. Hajime’s heart dropped at the statement.
Yes, It’s true he did only watched.
 He just...didn’t know
He didn’t know what to do If he did help you back then.
Because of a certains rumors that you seduce your father, your uncle, other male students in any campus. That’s what Oikawa made up, He thought realising it.
You rejected Tooru because you view him as a brother only and nothing more.
“Isn’t because of Oikawa...was it?,”
“All of that wasn’t true SHUT UP!!,”
Unrealising you let him go and back yourself away from him, giving Hajime to sit up then slowly stood. He saw suprising seeing you hitting your head, slapping and punching your head. Snot and tears and all, pulling your hair out, heavily breathing then whimper and cries. Hajime was about to approach you giving the comfort you deserve, you  deserve long time ago that he was going to give if he helped you.
But being a fucked out mentally ill you are, Throwing your head back flash of lightning. Red eyes and nose all bloodshot. Wet Hair stuck on your face.
“Y/n I-,”
All of the sudden a hooded man engulf you in an embrace then took  you, jumping in each delivering cubes. But before he left, he shot Iwaizumi by the calf making him grunt then kneel down to hold where the shot is.
Oikawa runs afront of him, and by anger he tried firing his bullet back at the hooded man but failed when he fired back to disarm him then fled at the scene.
“That bitch had company I see... Iwa-chan are you alright,”
After the rage diminished into concern laced tone, he pulled Iwaizumi up throwing his arm over his shoulder. Gazing in greater concern at him.
Or Love, so to speak.
“Everything will be all right, Iwa-chan I already called back-up,”
Hajime grunt, he unlatch himself off Oikawa suprise at the action he give, he stumbled and winced but he then glared at Oikawa.
His heart ache’d at the facial expression, shattering to him into pieces.
“Get off me I can take care of myself, I’m not some type of baby being taken care of,” He explains, he took a second to look where you feld and the hooded man went, A breath escape his lips and just stumble ahead.
when the back-up came, they help him guide back inside the ambulance.
“I told you I can take care of myself! Lay off!!,”
“Japan needed you Iwaizumi-san...So you’ll be needing our guidance for now,” The medic discipline and explains The Cop as he guided Hajime at the back of the ambulance.
He click his tongue before the paramedics lift him up in ease onto the ambulance.
Oikawa on the other hand, chocolate-colored eyes darkens at the moment of Hajime's pained expression when he taken the bullet that strike his calf.
And the sorrowfulness of his face when he was about to hug you.
His staring directly at your self-hate state as if he was that main guy at a certain love story, but a fucked up one.
He wanted to comfort you so badly that he might forget you'll stab him by the back. He grit his teeth, his knuckles turning white at point of view of your being.
But first he had to make sure you will be torture to hell where you belong.
"Oikawa-senpai! Is everything is going to be alright?"
A turnip head guy pops out, eye'ing in concern at the ambulance where Iwaizumi resides in, left the scene. Tooru took a deep breath, as he face his youngest colleague with that well-covered smile.
"It's alright! There's no need to worry! Cause' He will have the greatest care in the hospital... For awhile I think"
"Oikawa-senpai... Your palms are bleeding"
Kunimi pointed out, staring boredly at the fresh wound that have his blood run down his fingers to his knuckles.
He hadn't realise in mad anger, he clawed his palm so bad at the thought of you gonna ruining Iwaizumi's life.
"Ahhh! My hand slipped in the strawberry jam! My bad hehe"
(;^ 3^)✌️even though it was rather darker than the sweet jam itself, Kunimi could tell it was a lie. He could tell the deep nail marks on his palm and blood mixing under his nails too.
"Uh... Okay I guess..." He pretend to buy it, much of Oikawa's satisfaction.
"Okay back to work! We need to investigate this piece of shit of a burning car!" He grin happily as he skipped towards the steaming car, not caring about the rain pouring down.
Hope you rot in hell Y/n dearest or else one touch on Iwa-chan and you are gone he thought with a deep frown thinking about you makes Oikawa sick upon his stomach but hopefully that one day, you'll be captured and rot in jail.
Or maybe suffer in death sentence because of the multiple crimes you make.
Hope you suffer He thought with sadistic grin.
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-End P. T 1-
That was not I expected, but judge all you want all because of the grammar I've been working is still under- construction and I've been using writing stuff like this because of a certain mental stability I've got... Not all that set aside. Thank y'all for reading don't forget to leave a heart or not because due to my ungrateful grammar that make you sick... I'm sorry about that and I apologies for being born... Is all
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