#hello hello new followers
tinystepsforward · 7 months
idk how many of you remember this but a few years ago tumblr ran a universally panned ad campaign for (us american) pride month that went "the gayest place on the internet".
well someone planning that campaign dropped in to ask the queer automatticians for advice on that and universally me and the other trans people involved were like "don't do it. i am so serious. don't do it. people on tumblr won't understand that it wasn't automattic who instituted the porn ban, or they will, but they'll recognize that automattic hasn't done anything, hands tied or not, to reverse it. nobody will like this. it will be a disaster." and they thanked us for our thoughts and went ahead with it anyway and then had to do retrospectives about how badly it went and were like "we just didn't know" and [gestures] yeah [edit: i think the person who rbed saying it was queerest place on the internet was right, my brain is fried, sorry! and that's... even worse lmao]
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evenlyevi · 1 year
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allgremlinart · 1 month
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anyway.-> full pic <3
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araguaneys · 1 month
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their entire cocktail conversation about spencer ended me
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the--nightcrawler · 10 months
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Kirk's communicator 💫
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obsob · 2 years
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making and weaving and loving! like we have done for millennia!!
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territorial-utopia · 28 days
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Oh hey look another wip from like, 2022 that I never shared 8,D So here's the next one in my animation study series where I try to copy a piece of animation I like (but use my own characters as the models instead)
Anyway, they're dumb, they're idiots, they're in love.
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kebbybites · 4 months
in light of the new hyperfixation, here's an ms paint canvas i dug up from november of 2022 holy SHIT
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it's funny to think i used to hate the new designs, they're so skrungle
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tiffanyachings · 1 year
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it would have been very beautiful. camilla would have had to cook (horrible bone soup)
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isbergillustration · 5 months
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Totally Alone In This Place, Unobserved, At Peace
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seawaveleo · 1 year
the way they say “that’s illegal” and “that’s against the law” so deadpanned is hilarious to me i needed these clipped
transcript under read more
Mumbo: What, you want it to go into the yellow section so you actually get diamonds?
Impulse: Yes!
Pearl: Yes, exactly!
Impulse: Yes.
Mumbo: That's illegal. That is illegal, and I'm gonna have to arrest you right now.
Impulse: ...oh.
Scar: I was inspecting your mattress! I am a mattress inspector, and I will say; you cut your tags off and that is against the law.
Cleo: (laughing in the background)
Scar: So that bed is* been condemned by the Mattress Authority of Hermitcraft.
*probably meant "has been condemned" lol
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post-it-notes7 · 16 days
Please tell me this will be a happy ending
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dearest anon, only time will tell
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runefells · 2 months
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Icon I made for Jonelias Week 2024 :)
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
btw yes, I'm also still stuck thinking about how in the cutscene at the start of the attack of Astarion's siblings, Astarion himself is standing right next to your bed.
Every time that scene is mentioned or brought up on my dash, I just keep thinking about how the bed the PC is shown using in the long rests (which seems to me like the top left one as you enter that side-room), and the one in which he's presumably been resting, are basically on the very opposite ends of the room.
like... sure, it already has me scratching at the walls to think about how, when unromanced, he probably felt something was wrong and went immediately to wake you and let you know (trust!!! friendship!!!), but it has me extra feral to think that he had abandoned the bed he had originally claimed in favor of yours, and was sprung from his lover's embrace by the arrival of his siblings. (Because you can't talk about cuddling, and cuddliness, and call yourself "cuddly Astarion" in the same scene, without actually cuddling sometimes lol.)
I kind of like to imagine that even on top of it being self-defense, springing to his feet so fast, there could also be something instinctively protective in the fact that he so quickly puts his own body between you and danger.
I mean,
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right before the camera would focus on him, he's bent forward, snarling at them to get away, coiled to strike even unarmed (well. as unarmed as a vampire can be), and only relaxes into the conversation-pose when you stir, and Aurelia speaks.
And like, that doesn't feel like a conscious action, or even much of a purposeful decision from a mechanic standpoint (most likely the devs needed him to stand there-ish for there to be enough room for the PC to get up, and stand next to him for the conversation's camera angles to make sense), but I do like to imagine that at this point in the relationship, he just... acts without thinking, and puts himself into the more dangerous position on instinct. It lines up very nicely with that sweet, rather earnest line he says in the Wyrm's Lookout scene. (PC: "All that matters to me is that you're safe." Astarion: "I know you do. It matters to me, as well. I want to be able to protect you, too.")
... The rest of his "this is for us, this is to protect you, we're a team" lines are of course calculated, manipulative bullshit, and taking them at face value would be a mistake even if there is a kernel of truth at their core, but I think that one is genuine, and it's corroborated by this unthinking jump to your defense.
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kockatriceking · 6 months
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how Courier Six be looking at Jeannie-May Crawford just before putting on the red beret (her head is about to spontaneously explode)
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arsonforcharlie · 4 months
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btw. in case you were worried that I'm not still the cutest guy you know.
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