#hello here i am to deliver all of the feels and let me tell you
alotofpockets · 4 days
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The Tooney and Russo Show | Alessia Russo x Williamson!Reader, Leah Williamson x Sister!Reader & Ella Toone x Platonic!Reader
Where you take over hosting The Tooney & Russo show when Vick is sick.
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
“Tooney, you’ve made it!” Alessia stood up and hugged her best friend. You were meeting Ella for breakfast before heading to the studio to film their last podcast episode for the season. “How was the trip?” You asked after you gave her a hug as well.
Ella sat down with a sigh, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the tube is not my friend.” You shared a knowing look with your girlfriend before you both chuckled, Ella and tubes didn’t go together, and she would complain about them every single time. Alessia and Vick had offered to get a studio in Manchester and make the trip over, but Ella insisted that it was more practical if only one person would have to travel. Yet, she often brought her boyfriend with her, so the one person only rule rarely applied. Either way, it was always great when Ella was in town.
“Is Leah not here yet?” You shake your head, “You know my sister, always a busy schedule.” The two Lionesses nodded in agreement, “She said she’d join us when her meeting was done though.”
Just when your food was delivered to the table, Leah made her way through the door. “Sorry I’m late.” You all greet her with a hug and wave off her apologies. The four of you were having a great time chatting over breakfast, when both Alessia’s and Ella’s phones buzzed at the same time. It was a message from Vick, letting them know that she’s sick to the point where she has lost her voice, so she won’t be able to make it to the shoot.
While Alessia and Ella started discussing their options, you were thinking. “I can host it.” Three pairs of eyes met you in question. “Come on, it will be fun! I know all of you, and the fans know me as well.” It didn’t take much to convince them of your idea.
“Hello and welcome to this very special episode of The Tooney and Russo Show with me not Vick Hope.” Alessia and Ella cheered excitedly and Alessia announced “It’s the season finale!” 
“As you can hear and see, I am not Vick. Sadly Vick had to miss out because she’s sick, but I am here to step in. My name is Y/n Williamson, and yes the last name should tell you all you need to know. Speaking of Williamson’s, I am not the only one of them here today. My sister, Captain of the Lionesses, Leah Williamson is our guest for this episode.”
The four of you chat for a bit about the relationship with Leah on and off the pitch. It was an easy environment and it felt like it was just a chat between friends, which of course really it was. 
“Oh and before any of you start saying Tooney is the third wheel because Y/n is my girlfriend and Leah’s sister.” She looked between the two of you with a chuckle, “Let me tell you that those two are like the same person.”
“They really are.” Leah chimes in. “Sometimes when I see Y/n with Ella and Alessia, I think she might be dating Ella instead.” 
“In another life.” You joke, getting a laugh out of the Lionesses trio. “Yeah, we are pretty similar. We have the same sense of humour, and have a lot of the same opinions on things. When Less started dating her, I was afraid that maybe my bond with Less would be affected, but I think Y/n made us even closer.”
“Yeah, sometimes I even feel like the third wheel with them.” Alessia laughs. “But you love it.” Ella says in defence. “Yeah I do, I’m glad the two of you get along so well.”
“At this point, I think we annoy Leah and Alessia equally.” You say proudly, and Ella agrees with you. ”You two are a nightmare when you team up against us.” Leah says teasingly. “But we love you.” Alessia follows up quickly.
When everyone was done laughing you moved onto the next topic. You asked about them winning the Euros and how football changed in England after, and how Alessia’s move from United to Arsenal was through the perspective of her former and new club teammate.
“I actually had a question for you, Y/n.” Ella put out into the group. “What’s it like having the England captain, the woman that is the face of English football, as your sister?”
“That is an interesting question actually. I admire her for everything she has done and is doing, and I am so proud of her and to be her sister, but at home she’s just my sister. We still argue about who gets the last ham sandwich, and who took the last cookie from the jar.” You joke.”
“Oh yeah,” Alessia hooks on, “The love for ham sandwiches runs in the family, it’s not just Leah.”
“I’ve got another question!” Ella perks up. You chuckle, “If you wanted to host, you could’ve just said so.” She sends you a challenging look, before biting back. “Wouldn’t have to if you did your job right.” You chuckle, “Okay fine, you win this one. What’s your question?”
“Well, I know the story, but I’ve seen some comments from fans wanting to hear how Less and Y/n got together, with Leah being Less her captain and all.” You glance at Alessia, letting her speak for the both of you.
“Oh that is an interesting one. Many people think Leah wouldn’t have liked us getting together, but she actually told me to ask Y/n out.” Leah nodded, “Yeah, they kept looking at each other with heart eyes, and I couldn’t take their pining any longer. Every time I was trying to eat my ham sandwich in peace, they would just be all gross.”
You raised your shoulders, “Even I was shocked when Less told me that Leah approved. Now it makes sense though. Leah has always protected me and Jacob, and wants us to be happy. She knows Less and knew that she would treat me right.”
“Alright alright, we get it love birds, don’t ruin my appetite for lunch with your sappiness.” Leah jokes. “Speaking of lunch, I think we’re about ready to go have some. Thank you everyone who has stuck with the Tooney and Russo Show all season, personally I cannot wait for them to start on another season. As always, send in your questions and it could be featured in one of the next episodes!”
As you finished your sentence, the three girls waved to the camera and said bye. The cameras and microphones got turned off, and that concluded the first season of the podcast. “That was so fun!” Leah agreed, “Yeah, thank you so much for letting me be a part of this.”
After the four finished lunch, you went your separate ways again. You and Alessia made your way home, her hand in yours as you strolled the streets. “You were a natural, darling.” You smiled, “Yeah? It was a lot of fun, thank you for allowing me to join you.”
“Mhm! Vick might fear for her job when she sees the episode.” Your girlfriend jokes with a little nudge to your shoulder. “Hmm, as much as I loved hosting, Vick is a much better host. Plus that way I can just sit behind the scenes and look at you with heart eyes all episode.
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thoughtsforsoob · 8 months
asking them to buy you pads :( - nct dream
a/n: period season has unfortunately come for me (is it really unfortunate or does that just mean I’m not pregnant 😁 lmao probably not even possible bc I have no bf nor many male friends). Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! I am going to try to do some more writing formats instead of texts but let me know which of you two you guys like best. Thank you and remember that requests are always open :D
To me he seems like a very caring boyfriend. This scenario doesn’t take place very often because he keeps you stocked up all the time if you forget. For the sake of this post, let’s say that you’re at home and he’s on tour. You’re stuck at home, crying to him on the phone about how you forgot to stock up on pads. He’s being the most sympathetic person ever and comforting you while ordering you pads to be delivered. He also throws in some groceries and sweets because you probably weren’t up to going shopping. When it arrives, you groan when he tells you to go to the door but immediately your eyes light up as you see the large delivery. “Anything for my girl. So sorry I can’t be there to make it better :(“
He didn’t even need to be asked to get more. He either has more or he noticed and went to the store before coming home. So, you get your period that evening and when he’s on the drive home, you call him crying like never before and he’s worried. You tell him your situation and how silly you feel. “I’ll stop by the store. I should be home soon okay? Don’t even worry about it. I’ll also make you something warm to eat and drink for dinner.” He was tired, sure, but you needed him and he loved that.
jeno is the cutest bf on earth hello???!!! Keeps a period tracker on your phone and one morning, he got the notification that your period should be coming on that day. He trusted it and slipped out of bed, running to the pharmacy and the convenience store to get what he needed for a period care pack. He decided to make one for you ever since you two have been together as a sweet little tradition. You woke up when he was gone and panicked. You called him and cried to him about him leaving, “see you leaving me forever?? I miss you Jen, please come back to me I’ll do anything!” He laughs, “silly girl, I’m just getting your care pack. Your period should be here today.” He comes back home asap and comforts you all day.
This guy is so silly that he tells you no!! what a silly guy hahaha *my eye is twitching as I type this* You ask him to pick up some pads for you and his way home from schedule and he’s like “nah I don’t wanna. You go do it.” You immediately start to fight back and tell him in a serious tone, “unless you want me to trail blood all over our apartment and then faint in the way to the store, please go get me some pads.” BLOOD? Haechan immediately reconsiders and asks to stop at the store when being driven home.
Such a gentleman! Jaemin will never ever say no to you when it comes to asking him to buy you personal care items. He makes sure you get the best quality brand and that you have everything else you might need. Want a ice cream that only is made at a creamery 20 miles away? Done. Want noodles from your favorite spot in the next town over? Don’t even have to ask. He makes sure you’re comfortable the whole time and even tells the kitties to be gentle with their mommy.
Doesn’t want to show it but he’s so nervous. He might try to tell you no by saying something along the lines of, “you’re so irresponsible why did you not buy more if you knew it was coming soon? plus, this isn’t manly at all.” you threw the hardest pillow you own at his head and start to sob so he takes his ass to the store. he starts to feel bad so he grabs what you need and picks up your comfort take out on the way home. don’t worry, he’ll even cuddle you and feed you if you so wish when he arrives home.
He’s so nervous. The only reason he goes is because he knows you absolutely need them and he doesn’t wanna get in your bad side when your hormones are all out of wack. When he realizes he forgot to ask you for a picture of the box you need and then you don’t answer calls or texts, he panics. He’s hesitates but ends up asking a store clerk what to get :( he’s so embarrassed but the clerk, noticing how shy he was, commended him for his bravery and helped him select the pads. he buys them plus some candy :)
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Imagine King catching feelings for you
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Kaido: ah, there he is, King this is the new navigator for the main ship
King: [eyes you in disinterest] I see
You: hello, I look forward to working with you.
King: I'm sure you do.
You: [ignores his rude comment]
Kaido: would you show them around the ship for me?
King: I suppose
You: [opens the door and gestures to it] Lead the way handsome.
King: [looks at you in surprise]
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During a dinner
King: [sees you're not touching your sashimi plate]
You: [notices him looking] Do you like sashimi?
King: ... Yes
You: I'm a tad full at the moment to eat mine, could I get your help with it?
King: [wastes no time taking the platter from you] I take it you don't like sashimi?
You: it's not that, I'm just not in the mood for it.
King: [can't tell if you're lying] Good, because I don't know if I can work with someone who doesn't like sashimi.
You: but it would mean more for you.
King: [pauses because he didn't think of it that way before] ... So you're going to give me all your sashimi from now on?
You: [smiles at him] Maybe, if you've been a good boy.
King: [feels unfamiliar emotions stir within him]
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After that dinner
You: [goes to King's rooms] King?... King, Kaido wanted me to deliver this course log to you to review for tomorrow... Huh, I'll just leave it on his desk with a note.
King: [exits the shower with just a towel and sees you kneeling on his desk chair and scribbling something down]
You: [turns around to see him trying to duck into another room] King? Is that you?
King: [freezes, knowing he's been seen]
You: wow, I've never seen you without your mask, [realizes this is a breach of his privacy, so you should your eyes] Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to look, I promise I won't say anything to anyone.
King: [grabs his sword and stands over you]
You: [looks up when you hear the blade slide out of the sheath]
King: [feels dread and guilt fill his chest when he sees the look of terror in your eyes]
You: why?
King: I can't let you leave now that you know what I am, the government can't know that I'm still alive. I won't ever go back to being someone else's lab rat.
You: I understand. [Lowers your head in acceptance]
King: [can't bring himself to kill you, so he throws it down] damn it all, get out of my chair.
You: [scrabbles out, and silently watches him sit down and make a call using his den den mushi]
King: Kaido, the new navigator knows
Kaido: ehh? I just got them, do you know how hard it is to find a decent navigator and you're telling me you already killed the brand-new one!
King: I haven't killed them.
Kaido: They escaped you, are they at least wounded?
King: [gets comfortable in his chair] No, they're standing right before me.
You: [had a perfect view of his thighs and the v of his hips peaking out of the towel, and now you can see up his towel, so you look away]
Kaido: what's the hold-up?
King: [sees you looking away, so he leans forward, takes your jaw in his hand, and makes you look at him] We can't afford to lose our only navigator while out at sea. I want to keep them by my side in the meantime.
Kaido: [can tell he's not hearing the full truth] ... As long as it doesn't interfere with their duties, you can do whatever you want with them.
King: thank you
Kaido: now good night [hangs up]
King: [puts down the receiver, and runs his thumb over your lips] ... If you try to leave my sight, I will kill you without hesitation. You will stay by my side, and do everything I say. I do not tolerate disobedience, do you understand me? [Gently shakes you to get his point across]
You: [feels tears well up in your eyes]
King: [feels guilty] I'll have servants bring your things, you'll sleep here, with me, from now on... I'm not doing this to punish you, I'm doing this for my own safety, and because I don't want to kill you.
You: [sniffles] I understand
King: [can hear your distress in your voice and it makes him feel sick] Through that door is the bathroom, go bathe while I make a few calls.
You: [slinks into the other room]
King: [calls the kitchens to deliver your favorite desserts, and calls the servant quarters to have them bring your stuff to his quarters]
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After your shower
You: [exits the bathroom wearing a clean kimono]
King: [lounging on the couch, in front of a rather impressive spread of sweets] Your things have been moved into your new room.
You: I'm getting a room all to myself?
King: no, you'll be sleeping with me, I need to know where you are at all times
You: we'll be sharing a bed?!
King: yes, now please help yourself to these sweets, I did order them for you.
You: you did, why? [Goes directly for your favorite dessert]
King: You were distressed, and this was the only way I could think of to help you feel better... Your distress is understandable, I know this isn't ideal for you, being practically chained to my side... And while I can't let you go, I just wanted you to know that... I don't want you to worry or be afraid of me, because I'm not going to hurt you. I can't risk going back to what I was before Kaido, I won't go back to it.
You: ... You mentioned the government earlier, I take it you were held captive by them.
King: yes, it's why I wear the mask.
You: [can see him practically squirming in his seat] Really? And here I was thinking you wore it because it was a fetish.
King: well it is, but it's not the sole reason I wear it.
You: Sasaki owes me 800 Berry then.
King: you people were betting on me?
You: to be fair we bet on everything, there's not a lot to do on a boat in the middle of the ocean.
King: [sighs dramatically] That's true, but back to the topic at hand, I usually kill people for finding out what I am.
You: but not me, what makes me so special?
King: I don't know.
You: [ruminates for a moment] How did seeing me distressed make you feel?
King: uncomfortable, guilty, I dunno? I just didn't like it.
You: hmm I see, so you don't want to kill me, seeing me upset disturbs you, and you have anxiety if I am out of your sight.
King: believe whatever you want about my reasoning, it changes nothing.
You: ... One final question
King: [rolls his eyes, and crosses his arms] Fine, final question.
You: when you were on the call with Kaido, why did you make me look at you?
King: I didn't like that you were looking away.
You: I see.
King: ... Why did you look away?
You: I could see up your towel.
King: How much did you see?
You: some of your balls, and most of your shaft.
King: [feels arousal and embarrassment well up in him] Are you finished with your food?
You: I believe so.
King: come, I'll show you the bedroom.
You: [follows him and takes it in] Why are there no lights?
King: because it's time for bed [gets settled in bed when he notices you haven't moved] are you coming or are you sleeping on the floor?
You: that bed doesn't look like it'll fit both of us?
King: [rolls his eyes, grabs your arm, and pulls you into the bed up on his chest.] It's just fine, relax and go to sleep, I won't do anything.
You: [rests your weight on him and struggles to get comfortable]
King: [agitated because you're so close to him and he's experiencing new emotions he didn't know he had] Would you stop fidgetingñ
You: I'm trying to get comfortable and avoid kicking you in your dick!
King: [realizes how aroused he is by having you so close] tsk, do it quickly.
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The next morning
King:[wakes up empty-handed, panics, and looks around until he sees you]
You: [asleep on his wing, face nuzzled into his down feathers, and has handfuls of his flight feathers.]
King: [mental cogs slide into place and he realizes he's in love with you] Oh fuck [sits up]
You:[awakens with a shriek when the surface below is yanked out from under you]
King: [sits up on the side of the bed with his hands covering his face]
You: [pushes your upper half up onto your palms as you twist to look over at him] What's going on?
King: [ looks over to see you half asleep, messy-haired, and your kimono had loosened in your sleep and was now only closed over your lap and under the obi belt, giving him an eyeful of your shoulders, the center of your chest, and from mid-thigh down]
You: it's like five in the morning, what's going on? [Reaches out and pulls on his feathers]
King: nothing, go back to sleep.
You: [doesn't need to be told twice, and plops back down and wiggles back into a comfortable position]
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Bout a week later
King: [has so much pent-up tension he's basically a walking time bomb that everyone avoids]
Kaido: what have you been doing to him to make him so cranky?
You: I have absolutely no clue.
Kaido: well you better do something about it before he snaps and burns down my ship.
You: [ goes to King's room to find him tensed up and hunched over his desk] Kaido wants me to do something.
King: what now?
You: he wants me to fix whatever I've been doing to make you so cranky.
King: [scoffs] You haven't done anything.
You: [climbs into his lap, straddles his thighs, and cups his cheeks] And that might be what I'm doing wrong.
King: [relaxes at the softness in your voice, but pulls your hands away from his mask] This is my problem to deal with.
You: can I please help, I'll do anything.
King: anything?
You: [nods] anything
King: [wraps his hands around your hips, and pushes you down so you're seated on his lap]
You: [feels the heat rolling off the erection trapped in his pants] Oh my
King: [guides your body to gently rock against him] You said you'd do anything, and it's your fault it's like this. Don't you think you should take responsibility?
You: [huffs, but puts your back into grinding down on him] It's been days since I moved in, why didn't you tell me sooner?
King: I was already keeping you captive, [Grunts and starts to pant as he tilts his hips up to get more friction] It felt like I would've been pressuring you into something non-consensual.
You: I see [slows your movements to a halt]
King: [huffs and bucks his hips in frustration, pulling on your hips to get you to move again] Don't fucking stop, please.
You: [goes slow] Tell me, is this just lust?
King: [desperate] It can be anything you want it to be, please I just want you.
You: is this all you want? My body?
King: I'll take whatever you give me, but I'll always want more. I'm so fucking greedy for you. I want it all, I want the sashimi you don't like. I want fun evenings out, and restless nights in with you, only to be followed by quiet passionate mornings with you. I want you to look at only me, smile at only me, to fuck only me. I'll take whatever you give, just please give me this, [Presses his thumbs into the softness on your belly] even if it's only this once.
You: you're in love with me?
King: [slumps pathetically into his chair in defeat, and looks at the ceiling] Fuck ... Yes, I am. I am in love with you, and spending every night with you pressed against me has made me insatiable.
You: [giggles]
King: [flips you off]
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taeraeszn · 1 year
hi!! i absolutely adore your blog, im always so happy when you post ☹️ it makes me smile sm 🫡 would you mind doing a zb1 when they’re jealous reaction ?? it’s okay if not though !!!
when zb1 are jealous
hi anon, tysm for requesting!! here is yet again another table turn reaction post with zb1 being jealous instead of the reader!! this was also quite fun to write <3
i am aware that other writers have written this exact scenario for zb1, these are all completely my ideas and thoughts. any similarities are purely coincidental.
btw these are pretty long my bad
warnings: mentions of food, jealousy?, lmk if there is any more!!!
kim jiwoong
when he sees your friend casually putting their hand on your shoulder and getting closer to you, it makes him freak out even more on the inside.
and seeing you not mind it one single bit also makes his brows furrow
for some backstory, you two had been out and stopped at a local diner when one of your old friends that you haven't seen in a long time recognized you and asked how you'd been. but this friend wouldn't bother talking to jiwoong, only giving you the full attention and asking you a bunch of questions, mostly about your whereabouts
you being the kind person you are began conversing with them and sharing everything that you have been up to, such as meeting jiwoong
even then, you noticed that your boyfriend's facial expression had become more sour as he was either looking around or glaring at your friend directly
jiwoong then reached a breaking point when it had been an hour of your friend being there, along with the fact that you had barely spoken to him, he got up from his seat causing you to divert your attention to jiwoong
"jiwoong, is everything okay?" you asked, he nodded but seemed upset from the look on his face.
"yeah i just got a call from our manager, i have to go." but you noticed that his home screen didn't have a kakaotalk notification, was he lying?
he said goodbye to your friend and walked away, you heard him sigh as he walked off
you then excused yourself, "just wait." then rushing to see your boyfriend walking to the sidewalk. your footsteps quickly catched up to him and you softly grabbed his wrist
"babe, please tell me honestly. did i do something?" you asked. he then turned to face you, obviously looking disappointed at what occurred.
"i was really excited to go on a date with you, but i didn't expect for you to ignore me completely." it was then that you realized that you fucked up
"i'm sorry jiwoong, please know that i love you. i would never purposely hurt your feelings. i have no feelings for that friend, it's all you."
"i know that, i just don't want to be ignored on our dates." 
you pulled him into your arms, "i'm sorry my love, please let me repay you. let's go somewhere else, hmm? just the two of us?"
it was then that you saw his smile (yk the one where he lowkey is smirking), "i would love that."
rest of the members are under the cut!
zhang hao
you and hao were both cuddling in bed, excited to devour the food you had just placed an order on
"ugh when is the food coming?!" hao exclaimed, pouting while stretching his legs. you giggled and just as you were about to reply to him, the front doorbell rang. hao sprung up but you offered to get it, he decided to stay in bed and continue watching the film without you
but a few minutes passed and hao was wondering why you weren't coming back to bed, as he slowly rises up from his position, he heard you laughing
"wow that feels just like yesterday! i was wondering where you went after graduation." you said to the delivery worker who happened to be an old classmate from school that you hadn't heard from in a while
"well i had to move to another city for a while but decided to come back here and now i deliver food to people!"
"i'm glad your doing well!" hao's curiosity got the best of him, he followed your voice and saw you conversing with your former classmate
"oh, hello." your classmate greeted hao, he did the same and casually wrapped his arm around your shoulder
"you've been talking for a while so i decided to come out and see what's happening." he grinned, you leaned into his touch
"hao this is (name), we were classmates in high school and i just got to catch up with them! it's crazy how fast time flies by!"
"right?" your friend replied, just then they looked at their phone, "i got another delivery to go do...hey (your name), text me, i gave you my number right?" you nodded, "for sure, see you!" they then left and you shut the door.
you then faced hao was seemed like the most happiest man alive. you crossed your arms, "you're happy that they left, aren't you?" he shrugged, "i have no clue what your talking about." he walked back to your room. 
"oh please, i saw the way you were glaring, we're just friends. nothing else. why would i want to be with anyone else that isn't you?" a smile tugged at hao's lips
"you mean that?" you nodded and kissed his cheek, "a hundred percent." 
sung hanbin
"and it's just a group project?" hanbin asked for the billion time, you nodded
for the last five minutes you had been standing by the front door with hanbin, you were supposed to be out the house by now but hanbin kept asking you that same question
"yes hanbin, it's just a group project. we're just going to work on it then i'm heading home." he still seemed unsure and crossed his arms
this all began when you informed hanbin that you were heading out to work on a group project with some university classmates, though he was unsure of how to feel about it
the main reason being that one of those members in your group had confessed to liking you and still having some feelings for you, though you still ensured hanbin about it, he had mixed feelings
one of his biggest fears was you leaving him for that friend if they tried to persuade you further about going out with them
"okay...i mean, i'm totally fine with you hanging out with classmates!" he randomly said, you raised your brow, "are you sure?"
it was then that his smile faded and he became a bit more serious
"maybe i am a little bit jealous...i know that one of your group mates have confessed to liking you and it makes me wonder if their going to try and ask you out."
you sighed, placing your bag down and wrapping your hands around hanbin
"i promise that nothing is going to happen. i know that they like me but i only have feelings for you and only you hanbin. ever since that day we met, i know who i want to be with and i choose you everyday."
you could finally see his cat whiskers form after he smiled at your words, "well that makes me feel much better."
you gently kissed him, "i'm heading out now okay?" he nodded, "have fun my love."
now hanbin was certain that nobody would steal you from him
when the door shut, he grinned, he knew you were all his and only his to love
seok matthew
(yeah i'm going to make you guys really unbearable in this one LMAO i'm sorry!!)
matthew was thrilled to hear that you landed a job with a great pay, location, and hours. he knew how much you wanted to get a full time job and now that you were working, he was more proud than ever
but as you began sharing stories about your workplace and the people there, he realized that you were often mentioning one specific co-worker
this co-worker was someone who had their office right next to yours and a person you found yourself conversing with often due to your similar interests
at first he didn't seem too bothered by it as he thought that you were just getting to know them, but it later came to the point where you were bringing them up a lot at home and outside such as dates
for instance, when you were out shopping, sometimes you'd bring out the "oh (co-worker's name) likes this drink a lot!" or "i bet (co-workers name) would love this!" 
that's when matthew reached a breaking point and decided to have a chat with you about it
"(name), i understand that your getting along with your new co-worker but i'm seeing that your continuously bringing them up in every conversation. i don't have a problem with your friendships but i can't help but feel a bit..." he looked away, "jealous."
you understood and realized that it must've made matthew feel uneasy and were now regretting continuously speaking about them
"matt i'm sorry for making you feel that way, please know that it was never my intention." you said sincerely, he could only look down
"i'm not mad that your close with them, i just want you to think of how i feel when you constantly keep bringing them up." 
"i completely understand matthew. their just a coworker and that's all. i'll stop bringing them up constantly. i'm really sorry for that, what can i do to make it up to you?" 
he smirked, "i just want a day of us together, no mentions of anybody, just us as a couple. after all, your work has stolen hours that we could've been together."
you giggled and rested your head on his shoulder, "what about that new restaurant that opened nearby?" you suggested
he pecked your forehead, "i would love that."
kim taerae
you were watching one of your favourite groups perform on tv with your lightstick in hand, shouting their names for the fanchat
it had been a while since they had came back but their comeback was definitely worth the wait as the song had been on repeat everyday since it's release
taerae finally returned from practice and the first thing he saw was you screaming at your tv
"please not them, please not them." he repeated in a mantra. as he got closer to the tv, that's when he saw that group performing
he had been hearing this song all day whenever he returned home and he had already memorized the lyrics thanks to you putting it on loop
but to be fair the group performing had great stage presence and even taerae couldn't help but get sucked into their watching their performance 
"oh babe your back home?" you said, snapping him out of his focus
"yeah we just wrapped up practice. what are you doing?"
you giggled, "oh, you know that group i really like? they just had a comeback and i'm SO in love with their new song! they just performed on inkigayo!"
taerae knew about your obsession with this group, but he knew that you loved zb1 equally as much as them, you had just been into this one group longer since zb1 had just recently debuted
he then nervously glanced at you, "well babe...have you been listening to our debut? y'know in bloom is a really good song." 
seeing taerae like this was a bit cute, you knew he had mixed feelings over you saving this groups photos, watching their lives, and consuming ever content of theirs
and seeing how this group had a comeback, he knew you'd fall back into this habit and make him even more jealous
"kim taerae, don't tell me your jealous." you joked, his dimples showed as he looked away, clearly smiling in defeat
"okay yeah yeah i am." you got up and cupped his cheeks
"you know that you're the only person i love romantically taerae. they don't stand a chance against you." 
"thank you my love, i love you."
just then the performance wrapped up and now another group began performing, taerae looked at the screen and back at you, "well i guess it's me time now right?" he giggled
"yup, you have me all to yourself." you reassured
shen ricky
you and ricky were on a date at a fancy restaurant to celebrate your anniversary, ricky went all out by making sure the place had great reviews, good service and delicious food
you were enjoying it as well, devouring in the delicious food quickly not wanting to waste any more time
but just then, a server came over to get your check. ricky being the tall and handsome guy he is, handed the server his card without hesitation
“babe you don’t have to, here i’ll pay.” you offered, pulling out your card as well. ricky chuckled, ��babe it’s ok, tonight is all for you.”
your cheeks began heating up at his words but then the server spoke up
“excuse me?” you looked up, “yes?”
“i just wanted to say that you look absolutely breathtaking.” your eyes widened at the server’s kind words
“oh my...thank you.” ricky smiled as well, “they're not wrong.”
“oh you stop it!” you exclaimed, “but seriously, thank you for your kind words.” 
the server shook their head, “it’s nothing. i couldn’t help but stare at you from afar. you really catched my eye.”
despite you enjoying the continuous compliments, ricky couldn’t help but feel some type of way about them, especially seeing how the server completely ignored his presence
as the night wore on, the server continuously approached you to say things to you. ricky noticed how you were living for the praises but was a bit frustrated at the server ruining your alone time with him 
(also because he was jealous that someone else’s words could swoon you)
at the end of the date, you were driving home and ricky couldn’t help but sigh in the car
you noticed his sour expression as well, “babe is everything okay?” 
he shrugged, “i don’t know, maybe you should go talk to that server since you were giggling at their compliments.”
you then put the pieces together, ricky was jealous, and you loved it. it was a rare sight to see ricky jealous but you were living for it
“ricky…that server isn’t my partner. you are. even if someone does flatter me, you are the one who makes my heart beat the most. you are the one who i’m with.”
you could see a smile begin to form on his lips, “really?”
“for sure.” he then softly held your hand while his other was on the steering wheel
“looks like i’ll need to find a new restaurant next time.”
kim gyuvin
one thing you absolutely loved was pranking your boyfriend since gyuvin gave the best reactions to almost everything
you saw the tiktok trend of where people call their partners by different name and so you decided to prank him with that exact idea
the setting was perfect! gyuvin was at your house and you two were home alone. you were now waiting for the right moment to strike
he was on his phone, seeming unbothered and scrolling through twitter. it was now time! you positioned yourself up properly to begin the shenanigans
you got your phone out and opened tiktok to go to your likes, “gyumin! look at this video!” you shoved your phone in his face
it was then that gyuvin-or gyumin paused and looked straight at you with a blank expression
“what?” his eyes looking completely puzzled
“look at this video, it’s so funny!” he then pushed your phone away lightly, eyes daggering at you
“who’s gyumin?” he said. you pretend to act laid back
“oh sorry? did i say something else?” now his mouth was wide open with his eyes popping out, you almost burst out laughing but concealed your laugh
“uh, yeah! Who’s gyumin?!” he exclaimed, “are you close with someone else named gyumin? since when did you know someone named gyumin? give me their number, i want to have a talk with them.” he suddenly said in one breath.
“calm down! It was just a mistake.” gyuvin still seemed unsure, his brows furrowed
“y’know, i should be the only gyu that you know.” he pouted
you cupped his cheeks, “gyu it was just a prank. obviously i don’t know anyone named gyumin!”
his facial expression suddenly changed as he began laughing and pulled you into his arms
“how dare you!” he yelled, then kissing you gently on the forehead
you giggled, “what was that for?”
“just to remind you that i love you.” he murmured, “i love you too, gyumin.” you blurted out
park gunwook
“noooooo!” your boyfriend yelled, refusing to let go of you. You sighed while playfully rolling your eyes 
“gunwook, i have to go.” you said for the thousandth time
“why don’t you just get tutoring from me?” he suggested. 
“are you sure about that? You struggled on conjugating ‘to eat’”. you then attempted to grab your bag that was lying on the floor
“hey! that was a one time thing.” he whined, “and anyways, I’m not letting you leave.”
to put it short, gunwook was jealous of your new tutor as they were incredibly attractive
gunwook also knew them personally and the last thing he wanted was for you to fall for them
he didn’t want you to leave and tried everything to prevent you from leaving, but in the end, he knew you would have to leave for the lessons
“gunwook, i promise that nothing will happen between us. they're just teaching me japanese, that’s it!” his facial expression thought otherwise
“yeah sure and then what happens? maybe they’ll confess!” you sighed
“do you actually not want me to go?” gunwook then freed you from his arms and seemed more relaxed than before
“i don’t know, it’s just…i liked you for so long before confessing and i don’t want to think of someone else taking you away from me.”
you giggled, “yeah i remember when you chased after me for months so that we could become close."
gunwook’s hand gently held yours, the silence was calming as it showed your love with your boyfriend
“i’m sorry i overreacted, if you want to go for your lesson now then i won’t stop you.”
you smiled, “it’s okay gunwook, i’ll be sure to show you everything i learned!”
you finally saw his grin return, “okay, have fun!” he waved
It was then that you could finally grab your bag and say goodbye to your boyfriend, then leaving the house to head to your tutor’s place
han yujin
in class you were sitting at your desk that was situated at the corner of the class, just scrolling on your phone out of boredom
you had a small break in between your classes and yujin had just left the class
as you looked up from your screen, you saw your classmate minseo standing in front of you
“hi (name)!” they greeted. minseo was the class president and someone who was very well liked among your classmates
“hi!” you put your phone away to give your full attention to him
“i was wondering if you wanted to head to the convenience store nearby at lunch since all my friends are gone today.” you knew minseo was someone who liked having someone tag along with them rather than being alone, and you two had recently began getting close with one another
“sure why not?” you grinned. just then yujin walked in with his earphones in, he noticed you and minseo having a conversation and slowly took them out to hear your conversation clearer
“great! want to meet up at the front door when the bell rings?” they suggested, “sounds good!”
“thanks (name), i really appreciate it.” you waved goodbye and minseo returned back to their desk at the front
yujin approached you, “what did minseo say to you?”
you shrugged, “they asked if i wanted to hang out with them at lunch since their friends are all absent today.”
knowing how nice you were to nearly everyone, yujin assumed that you said yes to minseo’s offer, but deep inside he was wishing you’d hang out with him at lunch instead
“oh…so did you say yes?” you nodded
“oh, okay..” he walked back to his desk but you noticed that yujin grew much quieter afterwards, not speaking much to his peers and only when the teacher called on him
when the bell for lunch rang, everyone rushed out and you were the last to leave. but as you were about to head for the staircase, you felt someone softly grip your wrist
you turned to see yujin, “are you actually going with minseo?” you nodded, “yeah, i’ll see you later okay?”
“wait!” he exclaimed, “can we spend time today after school? I want to also hang out with you.” he shyly looked down
you chuckled, “don’t tell me you're jealous han yujin.” he looked up, “how did you know?”
“it’s quite obvious since you kept glaring at minseo the entire class, and now your saying you want to hang out this afternoon when you usually head to the academy.”
he looked away in embarrassment, “okay you got me.” he then softly held your hand, “have fun okay?” 
“i will, and i’ll see you after school.” you waved goodbye and went your different ways
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Hello my sweet angel loves, my little gremlins, the little monsters in my ears, here is another chapter because I cannot resist and I also am so excited and eager to keep writing ! So without further blah blah blah from me, here is the next chapter <3 P.S can you tell I have a blood kink?
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Chapter 78: The Prospect of Change 
Grief, grief, and more grief. 
It was what you felt. It was what you delivered. It was who you were now to your very core. Its grip dug sharp claws into your flesh, ripping you apart so that it may make a home inside of you. Inside the cavity of your chest, where your heart had once sat, now replaced with the blackened pit of despair which continued to pulse, and open, and consume you with every waking moment.
And in this very moment, with Aemond atop you, his hard length lining itself up with your still bruised and torn core, you felt it. 
Grief that you wanted it. Grief that in some ways you didn’t. Grief in knowing that he had taken everything from you. Grief in knowing that he would continue to do so. Aemond took, and took and took. Your dignity. Your sanity. Your girlhood. And he would continue to take, and take, and take. And all that you could do was let him. 
And take in return. 
And so in the darkened chambers, upon the bed with your gown stripped from your body, you let him take, and you took back.
What surprised you most about grief, is the way you sought out comfort. 
Comfort in the form of company from someone who caused you said grief. 
Comfort in the form of your justified rage.
Comfort in the form of wine, ale. Star fruit. 
Aemond was careful. Cautious even. As though he feared he might be the last to pull the fraught and fraying strings that were continuing to be tugged apart inside of you. As though he feared that he would burn the strings away with his fire, with no possible chance of tying those threads back together. 
Knotted to hold the lines of your sanity, damaged in a way that it could not come back. 
And he treated you as damaged.
And it made the grief all the more encompassing. 
Broken, he had called you. 
And as he looked down at you from above with an eye that screamed caution, an eye that waited for confirmation, a face of his own grief as he knew you had endured his own tortures from him brother, it made you feel as broken as he called you. 
Raising your hips upwards, you chased after his length, wishing for it to be over. Wishing for Aegon to not be the last person who had been inside of you. To metaphorically wash your hands of him. To cleanse yourself of him. To rid yourself of his smell, his touch, the feeling of him inside of you. 
For it is better to be with the evil you know, than the one that you didn’t.
Though, you supposed you knew Aegon now.
You wondered if Helaena found comfort in the evil of Aegon, and feared the one in Aemond she did not know. Or perhaps she did know. Or perhaps, she too sought solace in Aemond herself from the abuse of her brother and husband, seeking loving and soft hands, kind words and protection from her younger brother. 
But Helaena was gone, and even when she was here, you could not find it in yourself to ask.
Aemond had been clinical about the way he entered you, watching the way your face screwed up in pain, slowing down and pausing, letting you adjust to him, through the bruising and wounds that had not yet healed.
The pain was familiar. 
The stretch was familiar. 
Aemond’s ache was familiar, and so with your legs wrapped around his back, you impatiently pulled him inside of you. To be over with it. To become accustomed to his pain again.
A low groan melted through him as he moved his whole length inside of you, and you grit your teeth to get through the agony. To move through the motions. To not break again. To not cry. To deal with it. 
It’s Aemond.
It’s him. 
He has done this before. 
It is only him.
The Prince drew himself out of you slowly, to then push back in, looking down between your bodies to watch his shaft sink into your heat repeatedly. Methodically. Softly. Looking down to ensure that he was not breaking his prize further than already done. To ensure that his spoils of war were not too spoiled. To ensure that his niece, his wife, his blood, his love was enduring as she always did. 
It was like a bruise being pushed. A cut being pulled. 
But you wanted it. 
You needed it. 
And despite Aemond beginning to thrust into you at an even pace, and his face flitting from between you and then back up to you won, to watch as you whimpered and grit your teeth, and the betrayal of tears began to pool in your eyes, he still continued, knowing that you would stop him if you wanted. Knowing that you needed it, just as much as him. 
And it showed.
For all his restraint, his reverence, and fleeting kindness, his shoulders were tensed and shook with anger. 
Anger that you had been hurt. 
Anger that you had been touched. 
Anger that he had done nothing to stop it. 
Two pieces on a board moved by those above you.
Two pieces on a board who despite the illusion, had no power. 
Two pieces on a board who had been moved at the whims of their parents, family, and sides of the war.
Two pieces that had been melted down, and reformed. Crooked, and bent, and scarred.
Anger. Rage. Grief.
It seemed that was all the two of you were anymore. 
Anger. Rage. Grief. 
Curled into the bodies of two.
Anger. Rage. Grief. 
Two of the same, with the refusal to see.
Aemond shifted, using one hand to pull your hips upwards, angling his thrusts to rub against the sensitive spongey spot inside of you and you mewled. 
You wanted to feel good. 
You needed to feel good. 
And Aemond could give that to you. 
Aemond held your hips up and continued to thrust, spurred on by your reaction. 
“Fuck.” He moaned, clenching his eye shut as he struggled to keep his thrusts slow, and his dwindling composure there.
“Harder.” You commanded, voice hoarse. 
His eye shot open as he looked down at you, stilling half thrust. 
“Harder.” You told him again, shifting your hips upwards as you used your hands to grab onto his arms, fingernails digging into the flesh of his skin. 
Aemond kept his gaze on you for a moment, thinking over your command. Wondering if he should. Wondering if he could let himself go. Wondering if it would make it worse. But as you tilted your hips up once again, a sigh falling from your lips as the tip of his cock slid through your folds, he gave in.
Thrusting into you with a new vigour, he held you close against him, one arm holding you against his pelvis, the other propped above your head to give him leverage. Every thrust caused pain to spark up within you, the soft tinges of terror hiding in your throat.
But the pain was soon mixed with pleasure as his hand moved to your pearl, and began to swirl gently over it. You moaned, arching your back as his pace got quicker, and his fingers more unrelenting. 
“You’re mine.” He groaned, fingers wet with your slick as he began to pull shaky pleasure through you. 
“Only mine. Always mine.” He puffed, hips beginning to clap against you as he poured his own anger and grief into you. 
“Yours.” You replied, back arching as tears welled in your eyes. 
Always his. 
In one way or another, he had left his mark on you. 
Shifting backwards, Aemond sat on his heels, pulling your hips into his lap, the new angle causing his tip to bully your spot within and brush against your cervix. You whined, throwing your head back as he began to pump into you sharply. 
“I love you.” He grunted, still fucking into your warm and wet heat. 
Your breath caught in your throat as you looked at him, his pupil blow wide as he looked down at your face. He looked sincere. He looked passionate. Silver hair messed atop his head, scar raw and red through his missing eye, lips half open as he lost himself to pleasure.
“Give in.” Aemond purred, seeing the way your eyes widened at his confession, “Admit it. You love me. Just as I love you.” His thrusts became sharper, and one fo his hands moved to press against your lower belly, feeling himself move through your walls.
You moaned, feeling him move deeply within you, the hand on your stomach pushing pressure down into your core, before his hand travelled back to your bud and swirled with new vigour.
Memories swirled in your mind.
Aemond sitting atop Aegon in the dungeons. His fists pummelling into the face of his older brother. The way he had growled. The way he had shook with anger. With rage. With grief.
“Your mine. No one will touch you again. No one. I promise.” The Prince rambled, thrusts becoming sloppier as his shaft throbbed within you. 
You arched into his touch, feeling pleasure begin to bloom in your core, the tell tale signs of your release getting close.
Aemond atop Aegon in the Dining Hall, pretty hands wrapped around the pale throat of the King, squeezing.
“My beautiful wife,” He moaned, fingers gently swiping through your folds and back to your pearl. “My beautiful zaldrīstos. Always been yours. Always.” 
“Fuck.” You puffed, feeling your release begin to rise inside.
Aemond in black. Black robes to match yours. Hand in hand. One.
“Can feel you gripping me. You’re close. Such a good wife.” You mewled, feeling your core clench around his cock, “Sȳz riña.” Good girl.
Blinding white pleasure burst through you, spreading up through your body as you cried out, tears leaking down your cheeks as you squeezed your eyes shut, relishing in the pleasure that he brought you. 
“Konīr, ñuha gevie ābrazȳrys.” There, my beautiful wife, He cooed, swiping your bud gently as he fucked you through your release.
”Ñuha ābrazȳrys.” My wife, Aemond’s thrusts became sloppier, hips clapping into yours as you laid limply beneath him, legs going numb, “Ñuha jorrāelagon.  Avy jorrāelan.  Eman va moriot jorrāelatan ao.” 
My love. 
I love you. 
I have always loved you. 
Aemond shuddered, thrusting into you deeply as he came, his seed spurting deep inside of you, filling your womb. He held still above you as he moaned, pressing his forehead to yours as his cock throbbed inside of you. 
Eman va moriot jorrāelatan ao. I have always loved you. 
You laid beneath him as you caught your breath, limbs tingling with pleasure. But as the pleasure subsided, the pain returned, and you shifted beneath him as sharp throbs pulled up from your core. 
Another tear fell from your cheek. 
Avy jorrāelan. My love. 
You sniffed, shifting beneath him, pulling your hips backwards, his softening cock pulling out from within you. You hissed, shifting again to lay limply back on the bed. Aemond leant back to look at you, a hand moving to cradle your cheek as he looked at you. 
“Iksā ñuhon.” You are mine. 
Since the day you were born. Till the day you would die. 
Another tear slid down your face, and Aemond’s hand quickly swiped it away. 
“Iksā ȳgha. Issa sepār nyke.” You’re safe. It’s just me.
Another tear. 
“Y/n…” Aemond murmured, laying down on to the bed beside you, pulling you against him and the sheets over the top of you both. He tucked your head beneath his, and pulled you close to his bare chest. 
He was warm, and smelt of him. 
“Nyke kivigon naejot ao, ossēninna mirre mēre qilōni renigon ao arlī.” I swear to you, I will kill anyone who touches you again.
And you believed him.
That night you slept beside each other, pressed against him, inhaling deeply as you shuddered through the pain that ebbed inside of you. Though soon enough from exhaustion, from grief, from rage, or the comfort of false safety, you fell to sleep in his arms and dreamt of nothing. 
No nightmares of serpents. No dreams of whispering vipers, or the calling voices of your aunt and brother. No dreams of falling. No dreams of Godswood’s which spoke to you. Or Aegon’s grin in the dark.
When you woke, you were still in Aemond’s arms, his fingers on your hip tracing lazy runes across the skin. Aemond sensed that you had woken and gripped you tighter to him, placing a kiss atop the crown of your head. 
“Did you sleep?” He asked, sleep in his voice. 
“I did.” You murmured, “Did you?”
Aemond did not answer.
And soon the maids arrived, as they always did, to ready you for the day, and provided the two of you with breakfast. Aemond helped you to stand, and wrapped you tightly in the gown beside your bed, your bruised neck bare to the room.
When he led you to sit at the table, he pulled out your seat and helped to push you in, pausing beside you as you looked up at him. It looked as though he wished to say something. But he didn’t. 
As the two of you sat opposite of each other, eating your breakfast in a terse tension and environment. Unsure of how to move forward. Unsure of how to go back. Unsure of how to talk to him without mentioning the day prior, or the days before that.
But Aemond had changed. And you were changing too. And his usual greens had turned to black, and his entire demeanour had shifted. Aemond could be an ally. And you needed to work him to it.
Reaching across the table you helped yourself to a large star fruit, relishing in the way Aemond followed your hand.
Star fruit.
Always the star fruit. 
You feared that you were growing to hate your favourite fruit, and the secrets that it held. 
Another thing taken from you. 
But, you digressed, and ate at it with sticky and unsteady hands, tearing it to pieces upon your plate, barely containing the visible anger that shook you to your core. The visible anger that just simmered beneath the surface of you. 
Where is your fire?
It had never gone.
Not truly.
It was always there.
But fire needed to be tended to. Fire needed to be kept safe. Fire could burn out quicker than when needed if it burnt everything in its path. If there was nothing for it to burn or hold onto. But Aemond loved your fire. He encouraged it. He provoked it, and prodded it, and disturbed it, and added to the flames. 
And you did the same for him. 
How long until you burn each other?
How long until the both of your flames sizzle out?
Small talk was exchanged as you ate.
“What is to happen to us?” You asked quietly, unsure of how to broach the conversation. Unsure of how to bring attention to the three Kings guards who could still possibly be outside your chambers waiting. 
“I will go back to performing my duties as I always have.”
“Are you sure the King wants you to?”
“He could not rule without me.” Aemond’s tone was clipped.
Poorly hidden rage.
You hummed, licking the nectar of the fruit form your fingers, Aemond’s eye watching the way your tongue darted out to gather the juice. 
The way your tongue had gathered his blood.
You cleared your throat, pushing away the insecurities and fear that began to rise again.
“And what of me?”
Aemond looked at you intently as he put his cutlery down on the table.
“He will not touch you again.” His voice held conviction. 
You believed him.
“Yes, but what am I to do?”
“Do as you were. Keep up appearances. Go to the Gardens that you love so dearly, and read. Go to the Godswood and pray. Seek haven in the Library as we did as children. Do as you please as a Princess of the realm.”
“Anything but leave.” You pointed out.
Aemond did not respond.
“But what if-“ You began.
“Aegon will be in my sight at all times. And if he is not, I will come straight to you.”
You stared at him. 
Straight to you. 
Always you.
“Promise me.”
Aemond leant back in his chair, “I think I have broken far too many promises to you. But I will give you my word instead. My word as the Prince, and my word as the unnamed Prince Regent.” He spoke softly, “My word as your husband. Kesan tepagon ao tolvie run.” 
I will give you everything.
“And if you break your word?” You asked, tilting your head. 
“Then you may bring fire as you always have.”
Days go past, and you and Aemond keep a routine together, creating a new one from the broken pieces of the last. You eat, you sleep, and you fuck. You have breakfast together, and he goes to the King to fulfil his duties. You read together by the fire in your chambers. You speak to one another more about the books you read. About memories past. About anything, and everything, but what haunts you both. 
You return to the gardens like you had once before, book in hand, though not reading. 
How to win the war.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
Hello, hello! Congrats on making the 500 follower milestone!🥳🎉🎆 For the masquerade event, may I request prompt no. 12 with Leona, Riddle and Azul, please? Thank you!
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12. You had a wonderful time dancing and flirting with someone at the ball, only to find out from your friends the next day that was your crush. And you have no idea if they knew it was you they were dancing with.
Hi hi friend!!! I am very happy to see you, in both my inbox and my notifications. I really hope you like what I came up with here, and look forward to any future requests you may have.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, SUGGESTIVE WARNING FOR LEONA (he gives Yuu a hickey) Leona? Self-destructing? It's more likely than you think, Riddle is a fragile Victorian maiden, and Azul is himself, a reference is made to his chat with Jade. This got a bit angsty but everything is ok in the end. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist here.
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Just one night. That's what Leona told himself, one night with you in his arms, all your attention focused on him; your smiles, your laughter, the heat of your breath against his lips as he steals all of your air and pockets the sound of your gasps in the back of your mind right by all those times he got the last word in an argument with Kifaji. You were going to be his for one night and one night only, with a mask, hat, and cape to shield him from all your typical banter and sweep you up in the allure of the Masquerade. And it had worked, like the predictable herbivore you were you let him sweep you off your feet and monopolize all of your time for the entire night.
Your eyes had been drawn away by a particularly loud shout from the lizard's annoying retainer, that pointless concern drawing you away from him once again. He touches just under your chin and moves your head back towards him, trying not to let his smirk grow any further when you melt into his touch and completely ignore the commotion.
"Sorry," you do sound like it "where were we?"
"You were about to stop telling me how nice my costume is and do something more productive." The hears the heart rate increase before he feels it, tastes Yuu before he kisses them, and knows long before he pulls away that this was a mistake. He was supposed to tie off his feelings by proving to himself that attending one of these shitty formal events with you would suck.
And it sort of had, but only because he had to hear your strangled disappointment when he left you alone instead of ditching the soirée to come home with him.
Home. As if either of you would be welcome there. ~~~~ "So you wanted me to be sitting down for this conversation?" You have a feeling you know why Ruggie is here. It has something to do with the extremely inhuman teeth marks that would have been your death warrant if looks could kill.
"You already know you were sucking Leona's face last night right?" You aren't quite sure who Ruggie is trying to be polite to with keeping his descriptions to that already vivid medium.
"Yes," you look off just past Ruggie as if it will save you any embarrassment "I found out when Vil started slapping foundation on my neck and demanding I call my therapist."
"You should still do that." So it's you Ruggie is trying to be polite to, sweet that makes eye contact a little bit easier. "But- no after you do that would you mind talking to Leona? I'd say call him but he's just going to ignore you and I am sick of it."
"Oh come on," you try to lighten the mood with a laugh "it's only been one day right?"
"Try since you met." Ruggie mutters and your mood falls back to the stressful buzz of nonsensical energy that you had been stitched in all day. He probably didn't mean for you to hear that, just like Leona didn't mean for you to see him as vulnerable in anyway at all.
"Did he send you to pick something up?" It's not a question Ruggie jumps to answer, but he doesn't have to. "Mind letting me deliver it?" ~~~~ "You've got some nerve showing your face here." Leona knows it's you, and you wish you could say you're surprised he is able to tell with his eyes closed, you wish you could say the deep breath he takes before he opens his eyes is ugly or terrifying in some way so you have an excuse to run.
But for some ungodly reason you don't want to. Seeing him makes things less embarrassing, in a complete defiance of logic and good sense you feel nothing but confidence as you stride across the room and set the skewers Ruggie made on his room's coffee table. "Figured you wouldn't answer your phone so I just let myself in." You don't move any closer to his bed, not because you are afraid of him, something you know he knows as he makes a show of opening his mouth to taste the air and show off his teeth. No if Leona wants you-
"Here to say you regret it?" He means it as a taunt, but like so many of those it's a bit too truthful for you to really be insulted. "I just wanted a taste, you had to have known a herbivore like you would never be able to keep up with me."
"And you have to know that acting like a coward is unbecoming for anyone," the strength of your voice only surprises him, you know damn well Leona isn't the only one who is capable of being petty "let alone you." He closes the distance between for you, eyes narrow and a growl shaking you to your core but he doesn't dare lay a hand on you.
"Are completely right and will not take any criticism." And now you are interrupting him, oooh you can piratically see the fire in his eyes. "Look, if you don't want me that's fine. I'm a big herbivore, not a little cub trying to cling to your warmth. But if you do-" You really wish Leona had a tie, it would make this nicer but he doesn't so you satisfy yourself with yanking him down to you with a fistful of his hair "then I want to hear it. And I won't yield until I do."
For a brief second, you wonder if any of what you've just done is smart. If you should have told Vil, Ace, Trey, anyone other than just Ruggie and Grim where it was you were going so they knew who to blame for your mangled corpse. But that would just complicate the excited flicker in Leona's eyes when he fully understands that you are serious. When he breaks free of your grasp with a simple shake of his head and-
Laughs. Freely and purely in a way you don't think you've ever heard before as he reaches out to that specific spot on your neck and wipes away the makeup with a simple, self satisfied spell.
"Oh I want to tell you," Leona is back in all his annoying smug glory, you should have expected this from someone who refused to apologize for overblotting "you have no idea just how much I want to say, but I wanna hear you beg just as bad, so indulge me a little yeah?"
I know you want to.
"Hey congrats!" Cater almost knocks you off your couch with how hard he claps you on the back. "I was staring to think you and Riddle would never-"
"Wait, wait, wait, slow down." You make sure to put your mug down on a coaster and out of either of your reach so your precious morning brew didn't get knocked over by anyone's antics. "How did you get into my dorm and what's this about me and Riddle?" Cater gives you his best peeved look and you give him your best infuriated stare. Both of you know the answer to both of those questions; he let himself in, and you are in love with Riddle. But you do fail to see what that last bit has to do with anythi-
"Didn't you kiss him last night?" Cater is really glad you set that mug down because the wheezing cough you hack up would have been truly dangerous if any liquids involved. "He's been totally out of it all day, it's super cute you want to see some pics?"
"NO!" You manage an impressive volume for someone so low on air. "I just- ididntknowitwashimand-"
"You what?" Cater is only half paying attention, already moving to show you some admittedly extremely cute pictures of Riddle sitting in the Heartslabyul lounge with a cup of tea staring out the bay window, an unusual shade of pink decorating his cheeks with a strangely serene look on his face. You want to touch his chubby cheeks but Cater keeps his phone just out of your reach.
"I didn't know it was him." You say, quietly almost to yourself and though Cater does suck in a pretty deep breath he doesn't overwhelm you with his reaction. "I mean it was just on the cheek! I thought..."
Sweet. Your dance partner was so sleepy, and trying so very hard to stay awake. But it was clearly unbelievably far past his bed time, he can't stop yawning.
"I'm sorry, I'm being extremely impolite." He falls onto your shoulder anyway, and you feel compelled to protect him from the crowd, gently guiding him away from the lights and wrapping your cloak around his shoulders.
"It's ok, you shouldn't be sorry for feeling sleepy." He hums happily as you look around for one of the professors to take him back to his dorm. "I had a really fun time dancing with you already, I didn't know anything about formal dances before I came here so it was really nice to have such a helpful partner. You don't need to keep yourself awake for me."
"But I want to." He murmurs. "I want you to see me as reliable." Poor kid, he must really be out of it to be relying on a stranger for validation. Thankfully you finally manage to find Crewel and give your new friend a quick thank you kiss on the cheek before you pass him off.
"You're plenty useful, you don't need my approval." And you are gone before he can shout again about just how badly he wants it.
"I thought he was just some guy." You say. "And it wasn't like a kiss kiss, it was just a peck on the cheek." Something you never would have done if you knew it was Riddle, something he had seethed with jealousy over you giving out to everyone else and conveniently neglected to disclose to Cater as the type of kiss he had gotten. Cater had been under the impression it was a bit more... dramatic but then he supposes as he looks at you and then the picture of a pining Riddle on his phone, that this scenario does make a bit more sense.
Maybe the little teapot had an inappropriate dream where you held hands in the rose garden on the way back to Heartslabyul and gotten that mixed up with reality. A sharp knock at Ramshackle's door snaps you both away from your thoughts as Cater quickly excuses himself though one of the lounge's windows and you move to answer it, little doubt about who it could be. ~~~~ Riddle's entry to Ramshackle is much more formal than Cater's. He says nothing as you walk back to the lounge, you say nothing as you sit down on your couch, and he politely coughs when he settles into a recliner but still offers nothing in the way of an explanation.
"Thank you for letting me in." He does say that, because to do otherwise would be rude.
"You're always welcome over." And you can't exactly help but say that because anything else would be a lie. The silence stretches out as you stare at your poor mug in distress.
"Your tea's cold." Not the line you expected from Riddle, less so the genuine distress. "I'm sorry if I interrupted you."
"Oh it's ok, I wasn't really making much progress on it anyway." You had just made it when Cater showed up, and you had quite forgotten about it until you needed a distraction. "Did you have a good night's slee-"
"I love you." Riddle doesn't blurt anything ever, the words are as blunt and firm as a deceleration of the Queen's rules. Once again, you are very glad that no liquids are involved in the breath you are required to take. "I love you and would very much like to know if you love me too. It's alright if you don't, I'm content with our friendship, treasure it even, but I need to say something to avoid further miscommunications on my part like last night's." He moves, not quite to his knees, but deferring to you all the same. "Please." Riddle doesn't know what he is asking for, and you barely know how you answer. "What do you have to say?"
"I think." You gently take his hands in yours. "That I would like to make two cups of tea. And I would like you to sit a little closer to me."
He knew. There was no way in the deep blue sea that conniving, scheming, bastard hadn't known it was you for one second. So what was it that Azul wanted from you so badly that he pretended to be attracted to you for an entire night? You shuffle around under your blankets and flip the pillow you had been sobbing into just a few moments prior trying to convince yourself to go back to sleep, that this revelation (even if it felt more like a train wreck with how loud Ace and Deuce had yelled at you this morning) would be better digested after a night's sleep.
Closed eyes take you back to the dim lights of the ballroom, the perfect way the supposed stranger holds himself, poised yet somehow relaxed. Like he was always meant to be held in your arms, the way he removes his glove before he takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers as you dance doesn't even strike you as slightly performative.
"Your hands seem cold." He says, plush lips curving into a smile as his thumb runs over your knuckles in time with the shiver his words send through your spine. "May I hold you closer? It might help with that chill you seem to be suffering." And though you say nothing you still move further into his embrace, overwhelmed with the beauty of his affection.
You take a deep, shuddering breath and scream again into your pillow as Grim rolls over next to you mumbling something inaudible to your foggy mind.
This is pure torture. ~~~~ You knew it was him. That was the conclusion Azul had drawn because there was no way, with how deep your affections ran for him, you would have ever allowed someone else to sweep you up into their arms when you had his gift tied so delicately around your throat.
"I was right," he remembers saying that with such loaded intent he almost cringed at the sound of his own voice "it does look quite attractive on you." The spiral conch was a bit out of place in your costume, but you had still thought to wear it. The delicate silver string he had spent so much time agonizing over glittered in the magical lights of the ball. There was no reason in his mind, no reason until approximately 8:45 AM this morning anyway, to consider last night as anything other than a complete success. Now though...
Roses are too Heartslabyul, it's a bit too late to go looking for coral or seashells even if that was something he knew he needed to give to you at some point. Courtship traditions were ingrained in cultures for a reason, and he knew- well until he saw Ace shaking you in Ramshackle's courtyard he thought he had noticed that you were receptive to merfolk ones.
"Looking to make an apology little imp?" He does not startle to Sam's question, though he does make a disgruntled sigh.
"It appears I need to." Because no one on this campus likes to admit they have ever done anything wrong, and Azul does not think he was wrong to approach you but he knows you're mad. He had been waiting for your usual weekend visit to the lounge, anxious but excited, already having worked his way through the misunderstanding in his own mind. To be jealous of himself had never crossed his mind. You had never once asked to leave him as soon as he had asked for your hand, mask or no that was all Azul really wanted, out of that night anyway. But he had been making plans for this one he still wishes to see fulfilled, ones precious enough to swallow a little pride and say the words. And with that in mind... "Do you have peonies? Light pink, almost white." He doesn't really have to ask, the flowers are bought and paid for as almost an afterthought as Azul tries to plan something, even though he knows with each step he takes towards Ramshackle that the instant he sees you it will all fall apart. But he knocks on the door anyway, and tries not to half cry himself when he sees the stressed face that greets him.
"I am told," Azul says carefully, purposefully not forcing himself into your space no matter how much he wants to reacquaint himself with the warmth of your embrace "that this is the way land dwellers apologize for romantic indiscretions." Between partners goes unsaid as you, against the advice of all your friend group and the monster asleep in your bed, let him into your lounge and excuse yourself to find a vase. It's not strange to see him so relaxed, Azul's self confidence was one of the many things that attracted you to him, but it feels strangely homey to see him settled into your couch not even remotely phased by the flowers he holds. And when he looks up to see you, you can watch the breath catch in his chest before his smile shines through. It's almost enough to make you drop the vase, but not even that is enough to shatter his reverie.
"Thank you." The whisper is hoarse from your previous tears, Azul settles the flowers in the vase before pulling the glove free from his hand to allow you to seek reassurance from the coolness of his touch. There are no tears now, but the gentle curl of his hand around your cheek still has a slight tremble.
"I am sorry." He means that, even if he did nothing wrong he can still regret hurting you he decides. "Would you allow me to show you something?" Something he says, like the embrace you share and the kiss he finally gets to savor is a thing he is giving you and not a treasure he has longed to take.
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Pairing : poly!Han Jisung x F!Reader x poly!Lee Minho TW : poly relationship ; obvious angst because ya know ; another famous Nana cliffhanger (but I actually want to write a part 2 for it after making a poll because I want to know what you all think) ; straight to the point angst, no dillydallying here ; Word Count : 4.0k Request : Anonny : Can we have poly minsung plus reader but with angst? I am a sucker for angst. AN : first time writing for poly skz... lemme know how I do... please... I hope you enjoy this, I hope I did this right.
Things had started off fine, and that in itself should have gone to show that things surely wouldn’t stay that way. The relationship in itself wasn’t normal, not to say that it wasn’t perfect, but you knew that if it weren’t for the fact that you had to hide your relationship, fans would be judging you, the entire world would be judging you. Those thoughts used to plague you in the beginning, but you had been so happy… Maybe you should have just listened to your head… Maybe that would have saved you from the ending that you received. To get to the end, we have to start from the beginning… It’ll be short though… It’s not like things had lasted very long anyway. 
You were a secretary at the JYPE office, the job in itself was boring, but you also got to see a lot of stars during your walks through the hallways. There was always one that caught your attention, and he had always been so kind to you, giving you a beautiful smile and bowing his head just slightly to say hello. Your heart would throb and you’d get the most wonderful fuzzy feeling in your stomach whenever you saw him, but you were under a contract, much like he was… Those 1 second interactions in passing were all you were ever going to get… Or so you thought. 
Roses had been left on your desk one day, a secret admirer, the card had read. You weren’t sure where they came from, but they were gorgeous, and you placed them at the corner of your desk, looking at them every so often, and that warm fuzzy feeling would return. You thought that it was just your hopefulness that had you wishing that it was the man in the hallway that had those flowers delivered to you, the back of your mind telling you that it was foolish to hope for such things when he was famous and you were just a 9-5 office worker. 
That is until you were heading out of the office for the day, your bag held close under your arm and your folder of paperwork clutched against your chest. You were the last one out of the office that evening, you had stayed a little past your scheduled time and you assumed that everyone had already gone home for the evening. When you stepped out into the hallway though… There he was. 
“Did you get the flowers?” He asked, leaning against the wall and giving you that beautiful smile that you had so foolishly already fallen in love with. “You’re not going to take them home with you?” He mused, noticing your flowerless hands, and you looked between him and the door to the office that was now shut. You could have gone back in and gotten them, but you were taking the subway home and you didn’t want them to get damaged. 
“I like them on my desk… I think they brighten up the room a little bit more.” You explained, and while it wasn’t exactly the real reason… It was still one of the reasons. “Do you know who sent them? I really want to thank them… Seeing the flowers made me so happy.” You mused, and it felt strange to be talking to him so casually… Maybe it was the fact that you were running on little sleep and 3 cans of energy drinks. You were exhausted, and maybe your mind just let it slip who exactly you were talking to. 
“Of course I know who sent them.” He pushed himself away from the wall and walked over to you, causing you to stumble back a little as the words that had been printed in the darkest bold letters on your contract flashed in your mind's eye like a bright neon sign. “I sent them… And you don’t know how hard it was to get them to your office without anyone knowing. I’m glad you like them though. Do you… Know who I am?” He quizzed, and you slowly, almost robotically nodded your head. 
“Y-You’re… You’re Lee Know… Lee Minho… Best dancer…” You rambled, and with every word that left your mouth you got more and more embarrassed, but you couldn’t stop yourself from going on and on. “I’ve seen you… In the hallway… You’re… I didn’t think… Why did you send me flowers?” 
Now his answer is probably quite obvious considering after only a month of the two of you talking he ended up asking you out. That month can be a story for another day though, because right now, this is the story of how your seemingly perfect little world got turned upside down in what felt like a matter of seconds. 
You and Minho had been dating for 2 months, and in those months there was no one that you got more close to than Jisung. You had heard about their friendship, how close they were, how they almost did everything together… You heard just about everything… But you didn’t really expect the proposition that would be brought to you one night over dinner. 
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Jisung had asked, and the question coming from his lips sounded so much softer, so much shier than it had when Minho had asked. Of course, you were thrown for a loop and it took you a couple seconds to fully process what he had asked. The craziest part was that he had asked right in front of Minho… And Minho didn’t seem to mind it, he actually seemed a little bit too calm. 
“W-Well… I’m… Me and Minho are together…” You stammered, looking between your boyfriend and the man who had asked you the question. Your expectations were probably a little bit too normal for the situation, considering you expected Jisung to apologize and backtrack and you expected Minho to maybe go off a little bit on Jisung for asking something so silly, but none of those things happened, instead, Jisung looked up at Minho as if asking for help. 
That’s when Minho cleared his throat, grabbing his seat across the table from you and holding your gaze with his twinkling eyes that almost seemed a little bit mischievous. “Well you know, Jisung is my friend, my best friend and… He’s been on almost all of our dates with us.” And that was true… It was something that you thought was strange in the beginning, but Jisung had become such a key part of all of your and Minhos dates that it almost felt strange when he wasn’t there. “He really likes you, and I gave him the okay, I wouldn’t mind sharing you with him… But I told him that it was up to you whether you were okay with it.” 
It was up to you? It was a strange decision to make, and it almost felt like a test… You were worried that that was what it was. Minho was testing you to see if you’d really take him up on his offer, and you were nervous, you were scared about what his reaction would be, what he’d do if you took him up on the offer. “We can give you time to think about it… I know that it’s not the easiest choice to make…” Jisung mumbled, his thumbs twirling as he sheepishly looked down at the table. 
“I just… I need to think about it…” You murmured, and you waited, waited for Minho to call you out for even thinking about potentially saying yes… But he didn’t. He patted Jisung on the shoulder, and then he got up from his chair and walked around the table to stand beside you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“Take all the time you need, kitten. We won’t rush you.” He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. It wasn’t a test… They were both serious about this… And you didn’t know how to feel about that. You had never been in a situation like this, you had never been in a relationship like this before… But would it really be any different from how things already were? You just needed to think.. You needed to think about it… 
And think about it you did… You thought about it for quite a while, and, well… It’s quite obvious what you chose. 
Being with both of them was something that took a little bit to get used to… But all in all, it was generally simple at first. It was more like the guys having shared custody of you, which, in itself, was a funny way to look at it, but it also made things easier for you. One week was Minhos week to have you, and the next week was Jisungs. It went back and forth like that for a couple months. 
Sometimes the two of them would want to take you out together, and that’s really when the weird looks would come from bystanders who didn’t understand the relationship. They’d tell you to ignore it, finding something else to capture your attention so you didn’t think too much about what people might be thinking. To them it didn’t matter, as long as you were happy being with the both of them, they were happy. 
You never felt the tension, you never thought there was any. If you even thought for a second that being with the both of them would cause any problems, you wouldn’t have agreed to it, but they both were adamant that things would be okay. It truly felt like things were okay. After your week with either of the guys was over, they would drop you off at the other's house and they always looked so happy. Sometimes they’d even stay for dinner, or have you sit on the middle cushion of the couch as the three of you watched a movie together. Things felt perfect. 
There wasn’t any sign that things were going downhill, to be honest, it didn’t even seem like there was a hill. The falling of the relationship was more like a drop tower, you had been shot up so fast that your heart was still hammering in your chest and that adrenaline from excitement was still coursing through your veins, you didn’t even have a second to think before that loud click and then you were falling, your stomach being lurched up into your throat and when you reached the bottom you didn’t really know what to do, it was like your brain was jumbled and you couldn’t think straight and everything was just… It felt off. 
“Why are you packing up your bags already?” Minho asked as you walked out of the bedroom. Even though Jisung had made a room for you at his own place, your dresser was filled with clothes that he had bought you and you had all the stuff you needed in the bathroom, you had everything you needed in general… You still liked to take a few things from Minhos with you when you went over to Jisungs and vice versa. “You want to leave?” 
For a second you were confused, double checking your calendar to make sure you hadn’t just lost track of the days, but you were right. It was Sunday, and Sundays were when Minho would usually take you over to Jisungs. “It’s Jis day… Remember? Today starts his week.” You reminded your boyfriend who probably had the days mixed up as well considering they were working on a new album. 
He rolled his eyes, letting out a noise that sounded a little bit like disgust as he leaned back on the couch. “I already talked to him. I get to have you for another week. I miss you too much and… I just want to spend a little extra time with you.” He explained, and you nodded your head along with his reasoning. He had been in the office a little bit more this week which meant that he couldn’t spend as much time with you as he probably would have liked to, and considering he told you he had already talking to Jisung about it, you were more than happy to cozy up on the couch next to him and enjoy the rest of the evening. 
“He’s okay with you keeping me for another week though? He said that?” You asked, just to be sure. Jisung was… Well, you wouldn’t say possessive… But he didn’t really like the idea of missing a week with you. He took great pride in the relationship and making sure you felt loved by him. He loved his weeks with you, and on many occasions, he’d get a little choked up whenever he had to give you back to Minho. 
“Of course he’s okay with it. I don’t know why he wouldn’t be.” Minho seemed to brush it off, and you silently thought of a million reasons why Jisung wouldn’t be okay with not seeing you. “You were my girlfriend first. He’s lucky that I even share you with him… I think it’s only fair that I get to spend more time with you anyway.” That was the first sign, although you weren’t exactly sure what that sign entailed, but your gut was telling you that it wouldn’t be good. 
You didn’t push it though, you allowed yourself to lean against Minho as he looked through the movies on tv, trying to find one that you could watch together. It was always so cute to you that he took your opinion into consideration when picking a movie considering the fact that you almost always fell asleep before the halfway mark. That’s exactly what happened, the sun beginning to set, and the golden hue that painted the room mixed with the sound of Minhos light breathing as you laid against his chest, it was the perfect setting to rest, you always found it easier to fall asleep next to him. 
The rapid knocking against the door stirred you enough to have you slightly conscious, lifting your head from Minhos chest that you found yourself laying across fully now, completely on top of him as you both laid on the couch. “Shh… It’s alright, go back to sleep, honey. I’ll get it.” Minho whispered, brushing his fingers over your hair to lull you back into your slumber before shimmying out from underneath you and running to the door. 
Even though you were still out of it, your mind was awake, your ears fully tuned in to what was happening around you. You heard the door being opened, and then the sound of Jisungs voice, just far enough away to know he wasn’t in the house yet, but loud enough for you to know he was irritated. “Why didn’t you drop her off? I was waiting! Do you know how worried I was!? Where is she?” He ranted almost immediately, and you heard Minho shushing him, and it sounded like he was trying to push him out of the house. “No… No, where is she?” Jisung continued, and then Minho sighed heavily, the breath followed by a loud groan. 
“She’s sleeping. She’s not feeling well and I just wanted to keep her here to make sure she’s taken care of.” It was a blatant lie, you had been more than ready to go over to Jisungs this evening, and while you wanted to call Minho out on it, a part of you was scared to. You loved Minho… You loved both of them… And you didn’t want either of them to get hurt. “I’ll just spend the rest of this week with her and then I’ll drop her off at your place. Sorry for worrying you.” 
You thought that it would end there, that Jisung would believe the lie, but you were sorely mistaken. “The rest of this week?! So you’re saying I don’t get to see her for two weeks straight!?” Jisung screeched, and you could tell from the intermittent cracking of his voice that he was already worked up. “I can take care of her just as well as you can. I’ve taken care of her when she has her period, I’ve helped her when she was sick. I love her and I can take care of her too.” And that wasn’t a lie. Jisung was probably the best caregiver you’ve had. He always made sure that you had what you needed, and he’d do his best to take your mind off of whatever was hurting you or making you feel sick. Even when you felt like you were going through hell itself, he managed to make you smile and make you laugh. 
“She’s my girlfriend!” Minho snapped, and you heard his hand slap against the door, something that he did often when he was trying to make his point or when he felt like his words were being threatened. He didn’t like being wrong, and he surely didn’t like when anyone other than him said anything slightly valid. “I had her first, so how about you just accept what I’m saying and you can see her next week.” 
There was a silence… And for the first time, silence scared you. Your eyes peaked open and you pushed yourself up just enough to see over the back of the couch. Jisung was standing right in the center of the doorway, making sure that Minho couldn’t shut the door on him, but not pushing the boundaries. “Oh! I see… I see what’s going on here. You’re jealous…” Jisung stated, and you heard Minho scoff, and you could see his head fall back as if he were silently laughing at the accusation. “You are. You know I treat Y/N better, you know that I love her better… You’re jealous and you’re scared that she’ll end up just choosing me at the end.” 
You weren’t sure when this turned into a competition, that’s never what it felt like to you, but maybe deep down that’s what they both thought it was. “Why would I ever be jealous of you? If I was so scared I wouldn’t have let you start dating her in the first place.” Minho retorted, his words vibrating with his silent laughter. “I felt bad for you because you were always the awkward lonely third wheel. I let you be with her… But you’re really pushing it thinking that you can just come over here and try to take her from me when it’s my week. I make the decisions… She’s my girlfriend, she’ll always be mine first.” 
You hated that… You hated that he felt like he could make the decisions for you, that he should be the one making all the choices. It had been your decision to date the both of them, so it should rightfully be your choice as to who you wanted to spend the week with. Those words had you getting up from the couch and making your way over to the door. “Hey, sweetie!” Jisung cooed, and Minhos head whipped in your direction, his eyes going wide as he looked at you and then back to Jisung. 
“Honey… You’re not feeling well. You should be laying down. Maybe you should go to the bedroom so you won’t be woken up by him.” Minho urged, or… Moreso pleaded with you, motioning to the bedroom door with a forced smile. You couldn’t believe that he was still trying to ride with that lie, and you weren’t going to allow it. As much as you loved Minho, you loved Jisung too, and you didn’t want him to think that you chose to not see him. 
“You know… I’m actually feeling better now.” You said, shooting a smile in Jisungs direction, and you saw his own smile spread across his face as his eyes sparkled brightly with excitement. Minho on the other hand, looked pissed. “I think I should spend the week with Jisung, I haven’t seen him in a whole week… That’s a long time to not see my boyfriend.” 
Jisungs hands clapped giddily, but Minho was growing more and more furious with each passing second. “I’m your boyfriend!” He growled, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you back when you tried to move closer to Jisung. “I’m done sharing… You’re breaking up with him. It’s done. I’m over this.” 
It was a shock, especially considering he was the one who wanted this. The only person more shocked than you was Jisung, but his emotions were more of a flurry, he was desperate, he was pissed, he was devastated. “N-No, you can’t choose that! It’s her choice to make, not yours!” Jisung shouted between heavy breaths, it almost looked like he was on the verge of hyperventilating. “Y/N… Sweetie… Tell him…” His eyes widened with panic as he looked at you, and you were panicking too. 
“Yeah… Tell me, honey… Because I’m done sharing you… And if you want to be with him, then you’ll have to just be with him. I’m done doing this weekly bullshit, I’m done having to be away from you. You’re mine… I shouldn’t have let this go on for so long… I shouldn’t have let it start to begin with.” Minho said, biting the inside of his cheeks as his eyes turned ice cold, although you weren’t sure if the look was all for you, or if he was just so pissed off that he couldn’t look at you any other way. 
“That’s not fair…” Jisungs nostrils flared as his own eyes became sharp, his glare directly pointed at Minho. “You waited… You waited long enough for me to get attached to her, for her to get attached to me… You waited for us to love each other and then you try to give her an ultimatum… It’s bullshit and you know it.” While they both seemed to have so much to say to each other, you were speechless. Jisung was right though, it wasn’t fair. Why did he take so long to figure shit out? “Sweetie… Look at me… Y/N…” Jisungs voice softened, and you saw that he wanted to reach out for you, but Minho was like a guard, doing his best to keep Jisung from being able to even breathe too close to you. “I’m not going to hate you for whatever choice you make… But I hope you make the right one. What he’s doing… It’s not right… It’s not okay. I know that whatever choice you do make… It’s going to hurt you. But I’ll still be there for you… No matter what, I’ll always be here for you because I love you. That will never change.” 
It shouldn’t be so hard to choose, Minho was there first… He should be your choice… But Jisung… He was so sweet, he was so loving… He made you feel loved in a completely different way than Minho. It was all so confusing, and you already felt your heart breaking for both of the men that you loved so deeply, you’d lose a piece of yourself no matter who you chose. “I…” You started, tears spilling over your bottom lashes as you looked between both of the guys that held your heart. “I don’t know… I… I need time to think…” It wasn’t easy, it would never be easy… And you knew that it would only be made harder since they both were always together, they were in the same group, whether you chose Minho or Jisung, you’d always have to see the both of them… You’d always be faced with the thought of what could have been if your choice had been different. You’d need a lot of time to think… And you’d need a couple weeks, weeks to yourself to think about who you’d choose… If any of them… Because you didn’t just have to protect your own feelings and your own heart… You had to protect theirs too.
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yourbestprincess · 2 months
omg please tag me in the next part
A Dark Kind of Love ~ Pt 2
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Too many warnings, so…Ghostface is your warning 🤗🤗🤗
It’s been exactly a week that you haven’t seen ghostface, or “D.J”. The thought of him not being around has more than pissed you off.
That motherfucker. He can just take my virginity and leave?? The thought lingers in your mind way longer than you think it should.
You’ve been getting weird “No Caller ID” calls almost all week, you’ve been declining them, but today, you decide to answer, just to tell whoever it is to fuck off.
You get comfortable on your couch, taking a sip of your hot chocolate, which had been spontaneously delivered to your house. You’ve felt watched ever since ghostface had left your house, you even felt watched at work too. Before you can fully settle down, the call you’ve been waiting for comes.
Your arm hesitantly reaches out to pick up your ringing phone from the coffee table by your couch. As soon as you press the answer button and put the phone to your ear, you hear breathing on the other line.
“Hello??” You snap, feeling a little pissed off.
Whoever you’re talking to, chuckles before taking in a low, sugarcoated voice, “Looks like you can finally answer your phone now, can’t you?”
Goddamnit. You think to yourself before speaking.
“If i knew it was you, I would’ve answered sooner.” You bite back, a bit harsher than he was. You stand up from the couch to look out the window for him.
“No need to get up, baby. I know where you’re at.” He sneers behind the mask, letting out a quiet giggle before moving even closer to you.
You sigh and and walk to the window facing your front yard. Your eyes looking for a suspicious looking man. “Well, at least tell me where you’re”your words get cut off by him holding your waist.
“How’d you get-“ you ask in shock before he interrupts a second time, his gloved hand, cold against your bare waist.
“Someone left their window open again.” He giggles as he lifts up your loose black t-shirt to reveal his initials on your back. He caressed your healing cuts with his gloved hand, making it hurt a little more than it already does.
“What does It mean?? I have letters on my body and I don’t even know what they mean.” You snarl at him, pulling away from his touch to face him.
“Listen, princess. You’ll find out eventually, but you’ll need to stop being a little bitch about it first.” He tilts your chin up, forcing you to look at him, but before you can even speak, he pulls your hips to meet his.
“You wanna be a bitch? Might just have ta’ kill ya.” He chuckles just a little.
You try to speak and you furrow your eyebrows, but before anything comes out, he puts his hand around your neck. It wasn’t with a tremendous amount of pressure, but more gently, as a warning. He removes his hand once he sees tears form in your eyes. You gasp from the relief and fall on him. He was much bigger than you.
“I’ll be good, I promise.” You say, gently crying into his cloak. He sighs and pets your hair as he swiftly picks you up and carry’s you to your bed.
“Ya better be a fuckin’ angel for me tonight, doll.” You know already by the tone of his voice and the grip he has on you, that he isn’t going to be gentle tonight at all.
As soon as he reaches your bedroom door his foot swings, and in one harsh kick the door swings wide open.
He practically throws you on the bed, making you huff from the force. He’s looking at you, you can’t see what’s under his mask…but god, you know he’s smirking at you.
He shoves his gloved fingers into your mouth, coating them in your thick saliva. He grunts out a ‘Fuck’ and something else incoherent. His words, breathy and broken from you being such a tease for him. You let out a weak whimper from feeling so eager to take him.
“Are you just gonna sit here and cry? Better take it like a good whore.” As soon as his words end, he drops your body on the bed. It’s almost as if you’re weightless to him. He takes out his Polaroid camera from his back pocket and plays with the settings as he towers over your limp, weak body.
Your body limply lays on the bed as he snaps a quick picture of you. Seeing you like this, under his mercy really gets him going. He reaches into his side pocket to grab his knife, already stained in blood, god knows who’s. You squint your eyes and brace yourself as much as possible, whimpering under him.
“Oh, Angel, I’ll keep you alive. Don’tcha’ remember?” you loosen up your body up a bit from its braced state, looking up at the ghastly mask above you. Instead of driving the knife into you, he slices your camisole down the middle.
“Jesus.” You catch him whispering under his breath. You’re pretty sure he’s losing self control as he’s literally stripping you with his knife. He takes off his leathery gloves, his hand look so rough, calloused, and damaged. But when he touches you, he’s so warm. His warm hands come up to play and kneed on your breast, and he just sits there, watching them bounce and jiggle.
He’s so starved for you. He waited as long as he could. Yes, he was busy, but fuck, he needed his muse. He needed you to let some steam off, to fuck the anger out, to use you as his fucking toy.
“Use me.”
He steps back, his breath hitched and his heart racing. His calloused fingers tug at the elastic waistband of your shorts, pulling them down as fast as he can. He looks deprived for you as he aggressively rips them off, tearing your pink panties next. Say bye to how cute they were, because he’s taking them, and you’re not getting them back.
His thick finger dips into your dripping wetness, sliding up your folds and wetting your throbbing clit.
“Is this want you’ve been wanting? Hm? Making me go batshit crazy? Like a horny fucking bastard?” He snaps, shoving his middle and ring finger into you, pumping and curling in just the right spot. You can’t even form words from how good he feels. You can’t help it when he makes your back arch.
“mmm, fuck!” Is the only thing you can make out, and it’s all slurred together.
“Yeah? Can’t fuckin’ talk now can ya?” You look down to see him unzipping his painfully hard erection, only wanting inside of you.
“Goddamit look what you fuckin’ do to me, dollface.” He says as he pumps his cock before sliding it up and down your wet, throbbing slit, practically clenching around nothing.
You whine and whimper waiting for him to finally put it in your drenching, throbbing little pussy.
Before you can think anything else, he shoves his thick cock in with some force.
“Fuuuckkk. Jesus Christ.” He can only say under his breath.
All you can do is moan and whine. His cock fills you all the way up.
“M’ Sorry, s’ only my second time!” you cry out to him even though he knows this. He already took your virginity and he wouldn’t let anyone else inside you but him.
“goddamnit, so fuckin’ tight-“ His voice was shaky, you didn’t even know it but you were driving him over the edge. He attempts to pick his camera back up but gives up because anytime he moves inside of you it just gets him closer.
When he does start to slowly thrust into you, it feels like you’ll never need anything else in life besides to fulfill his needs.
“Fuck! Ghostf-“
“Danny. Goddamnit.” He swears under his breath as if you weren’t supposed to know that.
“Danny? Oh my god, Danny please! Just keep going!” It’s barely registered that that was his real name and not ‘Ghostface’. But, by how fast his thrusts are getting, you’re starting to catch on.
“Say it again.” His breath hitches every time that you say his name, it sends him farther and farther over the edge.
“Oh my- Fuck, Danny!” He finally gets the will power to grab his Polaroid and snaps a photo of you so open and vulnerable.
“Gonna cum! Im so close, please!!” You sob and whimper as he fucks you with a vigorous passion. Your walls are so tight around him, basically sucking him back in every time he thrusts backwards.
“Say my name. S’ fuckin’ slutty, can’t fuckin’ take it anymore.” You can see him coming apart at the seems now.
“Mm-fuck! Danny!” You finally release your tight walls all over his thick shaft. Your orgasm triggers his. He lets out an almost pornographic whimper as he comes as deep into your pulsating pussy as physically possible.
After cleaning up a little bit and getting back in bed, you feel like you should go back and ask him what’s been on your mind. Even if he didn’t care, at least you could get it out.
“Danny, huh?” You chuckle, pointing to the ‘D’ on your back.
He sighs deeply, “Yep, that’s the name, don’t wear it out, princess.” You wish you could see his face right now.
“Then what’s the J?!” You furrow your brows and cross your arms. You really wanted to know but didn’t want to push.
“You’ll find out, I promise ya.” He giggles and turns the light off before comes to sit next to you.
“Come see me sooner next time, please. I missed you.” You frown and reach out to hold onto him.
“Well, can’t stand to see myself get so close so soon, so I think I’ll have to doll face.” He scoffs jokingly and slips just a tiny bit of his mask. He sits next to you and lets you crawl up onto his lap.
You lean into him, letting him kiss you deep. Tongues touching and lips getting bit. He can barely hold himself back from doing you again.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 6)
The silly is goofing lets go.
TW: Stalking, Obsessive Behavior, Idol Worshipping, Scopophobia/Eye Imagery, Mentions of Threats
🎥 It's your first day off, though, that doesn't mean you don't need to work! You have been taking care of your 3 year old nephew, Henry, for a few years now alongside your sister. You live with your stepsister, Angela, who takes care of him while you are at work. Then, you take care of him while she is at work.
🎥 You smile as you look over to Henry, who is sitting in front of the television as he watches Welcome Home. It truly is becoming a popular show! Angela has tried to ruin the magic for him by telling him that you work on the show, but you always stop her. Henry thinks that Wally, Julie, Sally, and all the others are real. You aren't going to let Angela or yourself ruin the childhood wonder for him.
🎥 It is late at night when you get the call. Walking over to the phone, you answer it, letting out a soft "Hello?" as you do so. To your surprise, Eddie's puppeteer replies to you, their voice shaking and quiet as they do so. "This... This is (Y/N), right? I got your number from the boss's phone book... I need to know something. Please..."
🎥 You, needless to say, are extremely concerned. They don't sound too good. You can also hear a muffled voice on the other end of the line, but you can't make out who it is or what they are saying. "Sure thing. What is it that you need to know?"
🎥"This is going to sound weird... But I need your address. There are more letters for you and-" they stop, their breath hitching as the muffled voice says something, again. They continue after a few moments, their voice sounding more hoarse, like they are holding back tears "I mean... there is a package and a few letters for you. Also, a drawing. I-I am scared. I got more threats, saying that if I don't deliver them, I will be hurt. Please, I need your address."
🎥 You hesitate. You have no idea what is in that package. You can make an educated guess that the letters and the drawing will just be more of the same old, adoring writings and creepy eyes watching a drawing of you. But the package could really be anything. However, considering the fact that you haven't gotten any threats against you, you feel like it is safe to assume that whatever is in that package won't be an immediate danger to you. Meanwhile, the person on the other end of the line has been threatened, and just so happens to possibly be in the building with the culprit.
🎥 You decide to give your address to them. You don't want them to be hurt, even if it does put you in the disturbing situation of having to witness whatever that package beholds. Within two hours, you hear a car pull up in your driveway and see Eddie's puppeteer walk up to your doorstep, a large cardboard box in their arms with a few envelopes stacked on top. Their face is pale, like they have seen something they really shouldn't have, and their leg is shaking. You also notice how, as they walk, they look like they have a slight limp.
🎥"Here you go, (Y/N). I hope you have a nice day. I'm sorry... for bothering you." You take the package and envelopes from them, but before you could thank them, they have already gotten into their car and sped off. Taking the mail inside, you open the drawing and letters, first. The drawing is, as you expected, yet another drawing of you being watched. The letters, though, seem a bit different.
🎥"I heard you talking. They said you are leaving for a few days! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! What if you don't come back? Don't abandon me! I need you to be me! Actions speak louder than words! I need you to decide what I do!" "Why haven't you come back? You are the as above to my so below! I don't know what that means, but I think it means you complete me. It's true! You complete me! Without you, I am just... there. No movement, no life besides my thoughts. Just a body that is trapped. Kind of like being stuck in an old, empty home, with no friends... Unable to leave but unable to really live. Do you WANT me to be like that? As much as it hurts, if you want that I will bear the pain of living like that. Just visit from time to time. Tell me what you want..." "I can't take it! It has only been a day and they are all so loud! They are trying to find someone. I don't know who. They aren't treating me well. They aren't holding me and making sure I am safe. They just messily shoved me into a tote alongside the others. I am coming to visit. I am scared. Help me."
🎥You feel sick. This person is visiting you? You look around, trying to see if the person behind these notes is watching you. You don't see anyone, but it doesn't do anything to relieve your anxiety. Their eyes could be anywhere. Opening the cardboard box, you expect the worst. Maybe they took a bunch of photos of you without you looking and decided to show you? Maybe journals filled with a detailed description of your schedule? You don't want to know what it is, but you have to. Maybe it could be used as evidence if you decide to call the police. Then again, you have heard that they aren't very helpful with stalkers...
🎥 You open it. Inside is a bunch of packing peanuts. Through the white and pink packing peanuts, you see a bit of blue popping through. You reach inside, pulling out the cargo that was delivered.
🎥 It's Wally. Whoever this stalker is wanted you to have Wally, for some reason. He is in a bit of a rough condition. You can see some parts that need fluffing up, and his outfit is a little wrinkled here and there. You check him over, like you normally do, to see if there are any other blemishes on him. You see a little bit of red paint on the plastic sole of his shoes. It's a bit darker than the normal red paint that the studio uses, though. A lot more watery, too. At least the paint should come of easily, since the studio uses the cheap stuff.
🎥 You set him down, fluffing him up a bit. It isn't often that you need to fluff up the puppets, since they are usually very well cared for and don't get deformed while in storage, but you know how to do it. You just put your hands on his blue pompadour, then gently press inwards to try to reshape it. Then, you continue to do so with the rest of the parts that need fluffing. It could be a trick of the eye, but sometimes you feel like Wally's eyes move around, almost like he is observing you and your home. You shake it off, though, thinking that it is just your paranoia getting to you. Soon enough, he is back in tip top shape! When you clean his shoes, you are almost shocked by how quickly the paint comes off. The boss must've really lowered their standards... Or it could be water coloring. You honestly can't tell.
🎥 After you finish cleaning him up, you decide to surprise Henry. If whoever wanted you to have Wally decided to send him to you, you should have the right to do whatever you want with the puppet before you have to go back to work. So, you want to brighten Henry's night by having Wally visit him. You find Henry sitting at the kitchen table, eating a sandwich that you made him as a snack. He looks a bit downtrodden, probably because Angela went to work early, before they could play their nightly board game. You decide that it is the perfect time to cheer him up!
🎥"Henry, look who came to visit! It's your friendly neighbor, Wally Darling! He wants to have a sleepover for the next few nights! Isn't that great?" His eyes practically light up, bringing a smile to your face. Probably the first smile ever since this stalker situation started getting worse. Seeing your nephew grin is all that matters at the moment, though, as you do your best to put on a show for him while not blowing your cover. If he finds out that Wally isn't real, you know he would be devastated.
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azu1as · 4 months
i was wondering if youre still open for prompts… and if u are can you write about pbss somehow tranported to current mount hua, and everyone is confused af and just watches pbss and divine dragon interact (and maybe argue) with each other
PITTY HELLO ♥✨♥✨♥ yes i'm always open to prompts !!! im literally rotating rotmhs in my head 24/7
this first half was actually born from another prompt by mei on discord but I want to build on it, so dumping it here 👍 HAHAHA
The Plum Blossom Sword Saint lets out a ragged breath, his vision rapidly fading. His sword falls from his hand and soon after his body follows.
"...Mount Hua..." he mumbles, aware that the only thing left that awaited him was the cold claim of death.
He dies. And in the next second, he blinks up to a clear sky, the dead bodies that surrounded him gone.
Dawn had barely broken when an incessant banging against Mount Hua's gates and shouting started and broke the tranquil silence, rousing several disciples.
"OPEN UP!" Someone barks out from the other side. "Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Open this gate right now!!"
Un Am frowns at the lack of manners and respect being shown by the source of the shouting. He reaches the gate and pulls it open. It takes Un Am a bit of effort to ensure that his voice sounded cordial, "Hello, we aren't accepting any visitors this ear—"
Un Am cuts himself off as he takes note of the state of the man in front of him. The man's robes and face were crusted with dried blood despite a lack of any visible injury. That is, if one ignore his lack of an arm.
It still didn't explain the amount of blood he had on his body that was free from any wounds and visible scars.
The man's eyes were bloodshot and trembling. Un Am, even from afar, could tell that there was something deeply wrong with this man. He seemed unconscious of the way he emanated a manic aura; there was a charged sort of energy surrounded him that made an instinctive part of Un Am grip his sword handle in response.
The most notable and unexplainable part of the man, however, was the blood-stained plum blossom embroidered on his chest.
"Who...?" Un Am finds himself unable to react to the man's speed and freezes in place as the man grabs him by the lapels of his robe. He pulls Un Am towards himself and grits out,
"What. Happened. To. My Sect."
Baek Cheon was quickly ushered into the Sect Leader's residence the moment he returned with a few others from their last excursion to Xi'an.
"What's going on?" He asks.
Elder Un Geom, for a lack of a better word, looked harried. His face twists into a grimace. "It's a bit complicated..."
Baek Cheon doesn't know how he should feel about that response.
Surely, it couldn't be too terrible. After all, their sect was still standing and they did leave Chung Myung behind to stay on Mount Hua as he and the other chosen second-class disciples only had to deliver some goods and tokens to their subsect. Their youngest wouldn't let anything dangerous happen on his watch.
Baek Cheon tries to probe more information. "Before you pulled me away, Baek Sang mentioned something about a guest...?"
"We aren't quite sure of the specifics either, I'm afraid. But the man claims to be one of our ancestors from over a hundred years ago."
"An ancestor? Was he able to verify the claims?"
Un Geom nods. "I've never seen someone weild our plum blossom technique with as much power as he did."
If that was the case, then maybe their supposed ancestor could help them develop and improve their sword techniques even further by teaching them more about the skills that have been lost through time.
"Isn't that a good thing then?"
"It should be, but Chung Myung..."
Ah. Hearing those last three trailing words did not promise anything good.
When they finally opened the door to the Sect Leader's residence, they were greeted to the sight of a soulless Hyun Jong slumped against the wall, a freaked-out Yoon Jong who seemed to be torn between jumping into the fray and throwing himself out the window, and—
Their ancestor and Chung Myung pause in their positions as they both turned eerily similar pink gazes towards the two new entrants.
Chung Myung had the end of their ancestor's ponytail pulled towards him and scrunched up in his fists. His knee pressed against the older man's chest and neck while his jaw was unhinged as he was clearly attempting to bite the man's single arm.
Their ancestor in turn had his one hand closed around half of Chung Myung's face, trying to push him away. His legs were wrapped around Chung Myung's lower half in an inescapable hold and he seemed to have been gearing up for a headbutt before Baek Cheon and Un Geom interrupted them.
"You want me to call this brat my ancestor?!" Chung Myung shouts out as he renewed his attempts to bite the man by roughly grabbing onto the base of his ponytail.
"I'm one hundred years older than you!" Their ancestor grits out as he unashamedly bites Chung Myung's arm. "You disrespectful descendant! Back in my time—"
"'Back in my time', my ass!"
Off to the side, their current sect leader lets out a pitiful moan of mental pain. Baek Cheon would comfort him if he didn't feel the same amount of psychic damage as he watches his youngest sajil and ancestor continue their childish scuffle, rolling on the floor and uncaringly biting into each other like they were both five-year olds.
Later on, after tempers have cooled and everyone (read: Chung Myung and their ancestor) had managed to settle down into a tenuous truce, Hyun Jong turns a tired, but respectful nod towards the bruised man, "May we know this ancestor's identity?"
"Hm?" Said man absently rubs against the embroidered plum blossom on his new uniform. "Ah, I supposed you would know me as the Plum Blossom Sword Saint."
They would have expressed their shock and surpise, but they get easily distracted by Chung Myung's mocking scoff as he rolls his eyes in response.
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hello!! ive been scrolling thru ur work and i am instantly obsessed. can i request a meet cute of peter? :( maybe they meet post nwh and she’s like wanda and she’s doing lessons w strange like america chavez 🥹 something like that :D thank u!
do u also happen to have a masterlist? i’d love to read more of ur work ure really amazing! ❤️‍🔥
you’re so sweet!! i just published my masterlist and pinned it :)
but here’s the link too !!
this is just a quick lil blurb :,) i hope you like it !!
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The chill of winter rushed down your spine, causing a subtle shiver to follow along your goosebumps. You should’ve known that the old ass windows of the Sanctum would be drafty, but the view of New York covered in snow was somehow a sight you couldn’t pull your focus from. It was breathtaking.
Strange trusted you to house–sit the Sanctum Sanctorum while he and Wong went out to visit Kamar–Taj. It was a little day trip for them, so you didn’t mind the task. Besides, it was the least you could do to make it up to Dr. Strange for letting you stay there. You couldn’t exactly remember how you’d lost your family, but alas, it brought you here anyways. You were left lonesome, with powers you could barely summon on command.
He was training you on your telekinesis abilities, and giving you sanctuary from the blistering wind–chill outside. Watching the Sanctum for a few hours felt like a reasonable task for you to take on. You were more than capable of protecting it.
The sound of the doorbell stirred you from your people watching, immediately grounding you from your thoughts while you trekked down the steps. The doorbell rang again just before you got to the large door, opening it with a slight twinge of irritation. All your annoyance melted away when you realized who had disrupted the peaceful afternoon.
A boy, roughly your age, stood on the steps in front of you. He looked at you doe–eyed. Stunned. It seemed like you both anticipated a greeting from different people. His brown eyes pierced your soul, making a mental note to remind you that you had to see them again. His hands dug into the pockets of his winter coat, hesitant to break the silence.
“Is, uh- Is Dr. Strange here?” He asked, voice on the verge of breaking. It almost seemed like he was too scared to hear the answer.
Your head turned into the building, about to call out for the doctor before you realized how much of an idiot you were for forgetting. “Um, no. Sorry, he’s out today.” Your brows creased, feeling a little sympathetic. You weren’t sure why your powers were picking up his energy so adamantly, but his energy was something that drew you in. “Do you want me to deliver a message?”
It seemed like your words carried a weight that only he knew the gravity of. He suddenly seemed lighter. Hopeful. “I, umm.. No, that’s okay.” He turned on his heel, stepping down the steps again. “Thanks anyways–”
“Wait.” You cut him off. You couldn’t figure out why, but you didn’t want him to go. Part of you knew he was more significant than he was leading on. A part of him lived in the barren sanctum walls, and you knew it. “What’s your name?” A small smile touched your lips, “I’ll let him know you stopped by.”
The boy froze dead in his tracks. It was almost like you’d said something wrong. Shit. Doe eyes turned into the stare of a deer in headlights. He didn’t seem to know what to do.
Your brows creased a little more, concernment sewn in the crevasse this time. “Are you okay?” He didn’t reply. He didn’t even move. You weren’t sure why he started malfunctioning, but you knew you had to do something.
“Maybe it’ll help if I tell you my name first?” Even you didn’t sound too sure, but this was better than nothing. You leaned into the doorframe more, trying to present yourself in less of an intimidating way. “I’m Y/N.”
You watched him mimicking the deep breath you took, easing into his posture. He gained some color back, and found his way back to his body. A nervous smile tickled the corners of his mouth with a breathy laugh, awkwardly glancing down at his boots.
“Sorry..” He spoke amid the anxious laugh, scratching the back of his neck. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” His smile grew at the way your name fit with his voice. “I’m, uh.. Peter Parker.” It was like his name was some forbidden tongue. Getting it out seemed to lift the weight stuck on his shoulders though. “My name’s Peter Parker.”
Smiling back at him, you stood upright. “Well, Peter Parker, it’s nice to meet you too.” You sent a reassuring nod in his direction. “I’ll be sure to let the doctor know you stopped by.” Your brow arched at him, unable to shake the grin off your face. “Alright?”
Peter took steps away from the door, but kept his eyes on yours. “Thank you!” He beamed a little. It seemed to be the first light to hit the boy’s eyes in a while. “Happy holidays, Y/N.” He chimed, walking off into the street.
You hollered the same thing back in his direction before shutting the sanctum doors. You couldn’t quite dismiss the odd energy that your powers sensed from Peter, but it wasn’t a negative feeling. In fact, it was fascinating to you. And walking back to the drafty old window you’d been stuck at all day, you realized you wouldn’t be forgetting about Peter Parker anytime soon.
You hoped you’d be lucky enough to see him soon.
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rougepancake · 1 year
Dream Girl Evil
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Yoshikage Kira x F!Reader
If you get the title reference I love you. Florence + The Machine just makes me think of him in ways I can’t really explain. NOT PROOFREAD!!!
Warnings: Delusional Kira (what’s new), masturbation, age gap (you’re 20 and he’s 33). Yandere tendencies from Kira, stalking, Kira’s wonderful little hand fetish (and yes it comes up frequently), minor character death, mentions of killing, sexxxx. MDNI.
Summary: You’re the new intern at his office, a new hire-on so that you can take care of the extra paperwork as well as run errands. It’s not like he’s bothered by you, but wow, you’re way too hot to be working in an office like this.
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“H-Hello?” You stammered, pushing into the office with a nervous smile, your arms overflowing with paperwork that the person training you told you to deliver. “Kira Yoshikage-?” You peeked around the corner and your eyes met Kira’s, and he looked less than impressed to have you in his presence.
“Yes, that is me.” He would have stood up, but his eyes fluttered to your hands and he was paralyzed. “Just. Uhm.” He cleared his throat and ran a hand through his blonde hair. “Leave those papers over there.” He pointed over to the shelves that were in the corner of his office and watched as you obeyed him.
Your hands. They were unlike any other he’d fallen for. Yet they were still a work of art. With your bitten fingernails and your slightly calloused fingertips, you were a heavenly sight to him.
“Right.” You nodded and set them down with an audible huff. Reluctantly, you walked over to his desk and extended your hand to him, a smile on your lips.
It took everything he had to not kill you right then and there. But then his cover would be blown, and he couldn’t afford to be troubled by such things as of right now.
“My name is Y/n. I’m the new intern here and wanted to introduce myself.” You had said, but it totally went over his head. He was too fascinated by your hands.
And how there was a beautiful engagement ring on one of your elegant fingers.
Oh that would be fine. He’s killed a variety of women, so taking out someone’s fiancé wouldn’t be that much of a deal.
But he would have to be patient. He couldn’t just kill a coworker at random, it was too risky for his quiet life.
“Oh my. May I ask who the lucky guy is?” He smiled, feigning kindness as he spoke to you.
“Hm?” You looked down at your left hand and let out a surprised gasp as you realized what he was asking. “Oh! Right!” You chuckled nervously and blushed. “He’s a mangaka.” You shrugged it off with a smile, and he felt immense jealousy wash over him.
No matter. He’d just have to shove those feelings down and deal with it later.
“I won’t tell you who since he doesn’t want me to release that just yet, but I am quite happy.” You grinned and spun on your heel, giving him a friendly wave. “Anyways, I’ll see you around Yoshikage.”
As soon as you left he got up and went to the restroom, his boner being too much of a problem to just simply ignore.
God damn your hands.
They were so elegant and for what?
Shutting himself in a stall, he quickly undid his belt and freed himself, groaning at the feeling of the cold air on his cock. He cursed you as he ran his hand over it, closing his eyes and imagining that it was your hand that was pleasing him.
He bit the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from getting loud, but it was so hard. He wanted you to know how you made him feel, he wanted to tell you all the sweet things he wanted to do to you and your hands. He wanted to rail you until you couldn’t walk anymore, then use Killer Queen so he could have your hands to himself.
All to himself…
Yeah that would be nice.
He threw his head back with a pained groan, feeling his orgasm grow closer and closer as he fantasized about you and your hands.
But he couldn’t.
You were engaged.
His breathing grew labored, his chest heaving under his dress shirt and his hair falling into his face as he stopped, looking down at himself with a frustrated whine. He wanted to so badly, but it would result in these feelings of his only intensifying.
And he just couldn’t risk going after a coworker like that.
With a huff, he sucked it up and pulled up his pants, fumbling to get his belt buckled once again. He walked out of the stall and caught a glimpse of his flushed face in the mirror, frowning at the sight.
He washed his hands as well as his face, trying to tidy up before he was asked about his appearance by someone else.
Yoshikage Kira was not going to get caught.
Not now, not ever.
But this little office crush of his was going to make things harder for him.
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He followed you home that night, careful not to be caught and careful not to arouse suspicion by onlookers. To his surprise, your special fiancé wasn’t home to greet you, to hold you after your long and tiring day at work.
If it were him things would have been different.
He watched as you walked around your house, your figure occasionally moving past the large windows of your home, beautifully illuminated by the light that came from it.
Yoshikage let out a groan as he watched you disappear from view, heading upstairs to your bedroom. He could only imagine what it looked like, probably beautifully decorated to suit your tastes, which were probably just as heavenly as your hands.
He imagined that you were showering right now, and wanted nothing more than to break in and join you, but stopped upon seeing a car pull into your driveway.
Your fiancé got out and walked up to the house, sending violent waves of jealousy washing over him as he hid behind the bushes.
That should be him. Not that stupid man. He should be the one to wrap his arms around you every night, to kiss your hands and worship them as they should be, not him.
Not him…
There was always the chance he could kill off your fiancé and comfort you, but that would be too risky…
He needed something, anything.
He needed to be yours.
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He began to lose sleep over you.
No other woman would be able to free him from his desires and it was starting to grate on his nerves.
But to his luck, someone had gotten to your fiancé before he could, leaving you all alone and heartbroken. He had gone missing a few days ago, and Yoshikage swore that he had never felt such joy before.
It was glorious.
You moped around the office, your cheery self seemingly gone as you worked out what to do with yourself. Every time you stopped by his office you forced a smile, the light no longer shining in your eyes.
It appeared that you had nothing left to live for.
“Y/n.” He spoke as you turned to leave, watching you stop in your place with a smirk. “May I ask what’s been troubling you?” He did his best to sound compassionate, but it was so hard for him. He loved seeing you like this. “You just seem so down as of late. I’m beginning to worry about you.”
You sighed and looked over your shoulder at him, tears in your eyes. He was the first one to ask you if you were okay and you were indeed not. The love of your life had gone missing and there was nothing the police could do about it.
Without a word, he rose from his desk and walked over to you, pulling you into a tight hug as you sobbed silently into his chest. He could feel your tears staining his suit coat, but decided he could forgive you for now.
He had you right where he wanted you, and now he was an important part of your life. There was no way you’d forget him after this. Hell- you might even be friends with him.
Either way, he’d find a way to make you his.
You pulled away and he handed you a handkerchief, offering you a soft smile as you wiped away your tears.
“I-I’m sorry…” You whispered, avoiding his gaze. “I-I’ve just been going through…” You swallowed thickly. “A lot…”
“That’s alright.” He comforted, placing a gentle hand atop your shoulder. He was so close to you, he thought he was going to die. “Just don’t forget to take care of yourself. I’m here if you need anything, alright?” He made sure to add that, planting the idea of returning to him in your mind while he could.
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Sure enough, you returned to him.
And you just kept on coming.
Which is what led the both of you to this moment.
Your hands were wrapped around his cock, teasing him as you stroked him slowly. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed, his suit a mess on his body, which is surprising given how much he hates it when his clothes get ruined.
He whined and moaned underneath your touch, falling apart when you picked up your pace.
It was heavenly, and it was everything he dreamed of.
His cum painted your hands, and the sight alone caused him to get hard once more. He shed his clothes and tossed them to the side carelessly, picking you up and tossing you onto the bed so he could finally ravish you.
He spread your legs and lined himself up with your entrance, thrusting into you without any form of warning and setting a brutal pace just so he could hear your beautiful voice.
You cried out in pleasure, closing your eyes as your head rolled back into the pillow. Your legs wrapped around him and your hands squeezed the sheets beside you.
He thought you were beautiful.
Slowly, he pried one of your hands away from the sheets and brought it to his lips, shoving two of your fingers in his mouth and moaning shamelessly loud as he tasted himself on your delicate skin.
He was worried that once he got ahold of you that you wouldn’t be anywhere near as good as what he dreamt about, but he had nothing to worry about.
The real problem was deciding what to do with you now that he had you.
Maybe he’d finally take over for your fiancé.
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
fic rec friday 54
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
all i want for christmas by tusslee
“Listen,” Lance squeezes Keith’s fingers in his hands, “I’m as bad at this as you probably are and this is going to be really cheesy, but that’s the way I was raised and I know I act like an idiot around pretty girls, but I’m an even bigger idiot around you. Go ahead and try to guess why that is. No, actually don't do that."
this one is gonna be an xmas special!! even though im writing this before halloween lol. anyways. this was so cute!! lance being all stressed about what he should get keith bc he's all in love w him any everything. so real.
2. You're Here (Where You Should Be) by @blue-wanderer
"And if you’re worried about the cameras just take care of them.” “Take care—! Take care of them? With what, Keith?” “I don’t know?” Keith asks, busily testing his foothold in the gate and generally ignoring the rising storm cloud of ire behind him. “With a gun?” “A gun? This isn’t some sort of black ops storming an enemy base thing! This is a Christmas tree thing!” “I don’t see a difference? You’re the sharpshooter. Shoot out the cameras.” “Let me just pull a gun out of my ass, Keith!” “OK, problem solved,” Keith agrees, taking another step up the gate. “Nothing is solved you dumb country space redneck!”
Or Keith and Lance may be disasters at decorating, but Christmas still manages to work its magic on them.
i bookmarked this like a year ago and let me tell you all i needed to hear was dumb country space redneck and i was hooked 😭😭 and it lived up to the name fr. hate the canon ending? want lance to not be a farmer while still acknowledging his struggles with homesickness? want some whipped keith and meddlesome kosmo? want some cheesy xmas feels? click ahead!
3. make my wish come true by angelbolt
“A world where one has to fight for custody of one’s boyfriend is a godless one,” Lance muttered, slumping so he was leaning against Hunk. Shiro exchanged some final words with Kolivan before the screen blipped out. Ah yes, the ideal Christmas Eve: long boring talks and war meetings. Wonderful. ❆❅❆ keith comes home for christmas.
fun game idea: take a shot every time you see a klance xmas fic with a mariah carey lyric. lol. ANYWAYS yall know me and established relationship + early season dynamics!! i am obsessed!! and this fic delivers!! grumpy lance pov who just wants the rest of the world to fuck off for a couple days so he can have his bf around. he's such a voice of the people
4. i'll be home for christmas by @thespacenico
A severe bout of winter weather threatens to stop Shiro from making it home for his first Christmas with Keith. Shiro is ready to do whatever it takes to keep his promise.
okay this one is from darcy's i've got you brother, which i am obsessed with and have cried over several times, and which just recently updated! this fic is so cute and a adashi with young keith always fucking gets to me, man. they're just so. shiro being so desperately determined to keep his promise to young keith who has had so many promises broken that he doesnt even expect shiro to try. but is happy that he does. sobbing.
5. the greatest gift of all by dumpsterdiva
Keith’s mouth hung open for a few seconds before he stammered, “D-do you really mean that?” Lance looked a bit sheepish as he said, “I… It’s crazy, right? I mean, it’s way too soon. You know I was kidding.” Keith straightened up. “Well, I’m not. Marry me.” “What?!” “You heard me, you coward. Marry me.” “That’s the worst proposal ever!” “Worse than you threatening me with marriage so I would stop talking about how amazing you are?”
YOU GUYS KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT PROPOSAL FICS. i feel ksjbskdbqjdbqwlwd about them. okay. and throw in a christmas setting??? and banter?? and a MODERN AU?? i am doing my best, people. this fic had me shoving a pillow into my face and screaming.
that’s it for today!! happy holidays! merry christmas!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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tavyliasin · 10 months
Call this one an experiment in a little something different, darlings~
We all have hard days, and some harder than most. So, perhaps a few words of comfort from some of our most beloved characters.
I may expand on these later to be fuller pieces of comfort, but only if that's something people feel they'd wish to see. So do let me know if it should go on my list, for more with these characters and additions of other favourites too~ I can probably so a short piece from anyone, given a little time to get under their skin and find their motivation/voice.
There's going to be some mild tw/cw for mental health, mention of scars, and subtle implications of pain/hurt/etc.
Astarion: "Darling, look into my eyes. That's right, keep your focus right here. Listen to my voice, breathe slowly. No more tears alone, love, you are a light in my endless night and I shall not let your flame burn low. You and I, we are more than the scars we never should have earned, and we are certainly far stronger than any blade or bow that has ever tried to take us down. You still do not believe it? You are here, living and breathing, despite all of your worst days.  Now, one day at a time, darling, one foot in front of the other. No stumble can erase how far you have come." 
Halsin: "I am here, my heart, what do you need? No shadow curse or vile beast can reach you from within my arms, no force of nature can tear you from them either. Take all the time you need, my love, I will not leave. Your tears are your strength, not your shame. Let me teach you of all I see within you, your boundless potential proving the acorn can become the oak. I see how you shelter others with your leaves, so let us - let me - hold you through the storm. Your boughs may bend but they will not break." 
Abdirak: "You endure your pain so well Dear One, but you must stop believing you deserve it. Pain is a gift, it can be loving, and deliver that love to Loviatar. But it must never break, it must not be delivered without purpose. Do not be so foolish as to believe your own hand is purpose enough. Let me show you the right pains, Dear One, the pain that can heal you. No others shall be permitted to taint the art that is you with sullied brushes." 
Raphael: "Little Mouse, you have set quite the trap for yourself, haven't you? Need I remind you exactly who you made a deal with? No. I shall not permit our agreement to be tainted, not by any insignificant insect that would dare to sting my prey. Do not look so forlorn, Little Mouse, your nickname is not an insult. You might be in the presence of a cat, and you would do well to remember that little fact, but a mouse can be swift, cunning, and survive against impossible odds. That is why I trust you, and no other, to bring me what I want most. It is why I offer you a deal that is almost entirely in your favour - no other could expect such generosity, Little Mouse, so keep that in mind. You are my favourite client, and I shall let none break you. Not even yourself."
Haarlep: "Ah my Little Thief, you wish to steal yourself away? No, I shall not have that. How bold you were to look me in the eye and to broker your own deal! I could have killed you the moment you stepped into my abode uninvited, but that, Little Thief, would have been such a terrible waste. You noticed, did you not? When I saw you, when I truly saw you, that I did not see just a body stood brazenly staring me down without a scrap of cloth to cover you. I saw potential, so very much delicious potential. Come now, lie back, tell your dear Haarlep what troubles you, and I shall erase every last one from your mind."
A bonus, from Tavylia Sin, to one and all.
Tavylia: "Hello, darling. I see you, I really do. I can see how tightly you hold on, how easily the little hope you cling to can slip through your fingers. I know you may never read this, I know you may never hear it, but perhaps someone else like you will read this instead and that will be enough. You are too unkind to yourself, even as you show endless understanding and patience to those around you. They love you, darling, they cherish you even when you don't hear it. I know you need to hear it , though, and I don't begrudge you the comfort of soft words. Just...remember them, love. Remember every moment you were heard, every time you were adored just the way you are, and know those feelings are still there. A heart of love is not emptied by a single moment of you not believing in yourself, your worth is not measured by what you provide. Your worth is within yourself. I see it, others do too. Take comfort, darling, you are never ever alone. I am with you, near or far, and my love for you will not fade. If you cannot believe in yourself for now, trust that we believe in you. Rest, love, the dawn brings a new day and you are always a pleasant part of mine."
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hellowblush · 1 year
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Curious with your leadership traits? Pick a picture to provide you with the details about you as a leader!
note: this is for fun only ・♡・pls be gentle with the errors.
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꒰ྀི pile one: the shoes Hi Pile one! I am channeling that you could be a pisces, scorpio or a cancer. Pile one, the reading is suggesting to me that you may be a nurturing leader. You actively listen to people, and you take time to understand them. You strongly believe that a great leader must take good care of his or her people. When others make mistakes, I think you are the type of leader that would not embarrass them. You will correct their behavior properly and without hurting their dignity. As a result of this good behavior of yours, you get the adoration of your co-workers. You are truly proving that nurturing individuals can also lead! You take your people under your wings and people let you guide them like a guru! What’s more about you is you also give incredibly solid advice, which is another great quality. Because of this, people come to you. They understand that they are well guided when they are under your care! Moving on with coping with stressful events as a leader, you maintain your composure and your presence of mind. You are aware that issues are common and that worrying would not help you solve them. 
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That is all, Pile one. Thank you for reading my messages. If you feel called to get a personal reading from yours truly, please click here.
ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ꒰ྀི pile two: the dress Hello my Pile two! Right off the bat you emit the energy of a charismatic leader! In managing things, you show confidence and graciousness. No doubt people love to follow your commands without hesitation. However, there are instances that you dwell on other people’s judgment, and this makes you think that you are unqualified to be a leader. Universe is telling you to be open to constructive criticism but do not let it cloud your vision or destroy your self-esteem. You also have a creative eye and a curious nature. I get the impression that you are not the kind of person who would display all of their abilities right away. You are a strong leader with many hidden abilities. Some of them are purposefully concealed for later use. I am sensing that few individuals are intimidated by your charm and how you could make others fall in love with you. Pile two, I just want to remind you, it is not your fault. They are just insecure that they do not have a magnetic personality like yours. Do not ever dim your light. Behind this charming appearance and energy of you, I can sense that you are really creative on how you plan and strategize! You deliver unique output and this surprises the people you manage and work with. Besides this, when given a new project, you are always on the go to accept it. You welcome opportunities with vigor! You always say yes because why not right? Everything can be learned afterwards. Also, people appreciate your ability to be giving when you are in a leadership position. You share your achievements and success with others. As a leader, you also like to provide others with meals and presents! 
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That is all, Pile two. Thank you for reading my messages. If you feel called to get a personal reading from yours truly, please click here. ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ ♡ ꔫ
꒰ྀི pile three: the tiara Hello Pile three! You chose the crown, nice pick! It took so long for a card to show up for your reading my group three. After I interpreted your cards, that long wait makes sense because you are a leader who truly values long hours of hard work. You are the one who would always check every single detail of a certain output. An example of this is that people come to you so you could proofread their resume or their essay because they know how observant and detail oriented you are. You seem like Glen, the manager in Superstore. He will always check everything seven times. Pile three, you know that in order for you to have a powerful performance or output, you must concentrate your attention on building a strong foundation. I think that is the reason why you put so much attention to small details. Every detail is important, that is what you believe! Additionally, I sense that you are vigilant as a leader. You exercise extreme caution when taking action and when deciding who to put your trust in. That is a good trait, my pile three. Being careless is not in your dictionary, I believe. Despite these very strong traits of yours, I am channeling that people still view you as a humble leader. You are very respectful to everyone you work with. You treat everyone with kindness and respect. Another amazing download about you is that I think you also know how to have fun while leading other people or a project!  People know you really exhibit this “strong with his/her boundaries” leader but you know what? They still want to work with you because you make work fun and they are so clueless how you could pull that off. I think you have a libra placement on your big three because there is this big emphasis on collaboration and balance about your leadership. You value the phrase “No man is an island” You believe that you need assistance to make things work and the result will be more pleasant if someone is helping you. While you are leading, others notice that you exude an energy of a royalty. I think this assumption is based on how you wear your clothes. I have a strong feeling that you wear professional clothes and that could resemble a royal individual. Maybe you like to wear gold jewelry while working as well.  Having faith in the divine is as important as putting hard work in leadership to you. After long hours of work, you rest and surrender everything to the divine. You have this strong connection with your spirituality.  In a situation where you struggle as a leader, you are not afraid to ask the universe for insight or clarity. The universe is also willing to listen to your struggles and desires. Judging your traits pile three, I think you are born to be a leader! 
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That is all, Pile three. Thank you for reading my messages. If you feel called to get a personal reading from yours truly, please click here.
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hello [walks in here holding four balls] two of it is for 🟡🟢 hope it makes things a little better (p.s I write what I need the most on balls while I'm having them) it took me a while to write back because(writing doesn't come easy these days). I went and watched all the videos Ron was reading lyrics (I'm glad it was recorded b&w, it's more soothing to watch), through those videos he made me realize I don't need to own singer energy/voice to read my fav lyrics or song( by that i don't mean he doesn't have good voice, personally I love his voice) as a person who never finds their voice good I always shy away to sing anything feeling I embrace myself so it helped me a lot to focus on what I like there rather ponder on what I hate. I owe this Ron Mael, he is cool and has sensei vibe (thank you sir)
can I go further and say one more thing I learned from him? it was his birthday recently so I let myself a go. we all know how Ron has this aloof face and unshifting glare(I never met Ron in person, so I take this is his face), first time I heard about sparks and searched first thing that got me was his face, I didn't say 'why he is so serious? why he isn't smiling' instead my reaction was 'so cool!' before it changes to deep sadness because once I owned a face like this. when I was younger people always would tell me cheer up, to not look serious or glare at them. I didn't know what they meant, I wasn't unhappy or angry it was just my face(I didn't know I have autism then, later realized how some autistic people struggling to show emotions) but eventually their words got me. I thought I have to change it or I'm wrong then without I know I was smiling because that's what I supposed to or mimicking others facial expressions to know how to react. I became good at it tbh, people liked me more but I felt a big lie inside, when pandemic happened I noticed even away from others I couldn't have 'my face', this shattered me. till I saw photos of Ron, and thought if he can live his life fully and be successful by being who he is and everything turn fine then why can't I? there is no wrong in him or me. (insert not that well defined here :) (if this got personal, or irrelevant I apologize. I tried to not mention yet I wanted to share how they helped me in certain way)
Russell workout videos are such mood booster, it makes me feel when I get to that age I can still live good life, I won't be as old as society tells me I will be, by sparks measure we never are too old for anything, are we? there will be still time to live, to do things I love and have more. it always amazes me how they doing what they love when they almost 80 and there is still a lot for them to go(as it should). this reminded me of 'beat the clock' actually. no one should get PhD by afternoon.
I low-key know about sparkstember but not enough, would love to know more about it. maybe I take part as well. where will they share prompt? on their official page? (loved the music video. nice work)
THE RON ESSAY IS HERE AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT!! You get it. 💖 Woo! Two balls! Thank you!
(This will get long. Very long. A million tangents. I saw this ask before going to sleep last night and so I laid awake smiling thinking about Sparks to 3am. (Don't worry, it's a common occurrence among Sparks fans.) Btw you may find the "secret password" among Sparks fans is sensing another person gets it. It's a shortcut to immediate adoption into the family because we know we understand each other, we're wired in similar ways.)
I am thoroughly impressed you already watched all of the lyric reads! Ron *is* cool and has sensei vibes and his voice is amazing! *nods to all of that*! I can't sing for shit myself and Ron is critical of his singing voice as well (maybe because his brother is the best singer in the universe) but yeah I love it on the rare occasion he does sing. I love it when he speaks, he delivers his words very well. (My favourite word for Ron to say is "sensibility".) Every once in a while someone tries to compile a list of all the tracks Ron has vocals on (and then it gets lost again haha). Some honourable mentions though: he's got some backing vocals on Pineapple (they may be hard to notice), he sings on the songs Limo Driver and En Route To The Beverly Hills Hotel (from The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, he's done more vocals on it but those I love the utmost), there's a version of Suburban Homeboy that features a spoken word section by Ron (they performed the song live that way in 2022), The Shopping Mall Of Love is mostly all Ron (which they also performed live in 2022 and 2023), there's a song called "What Was That?" from the unreleased soundtrack for Mai The Psychic Girl (in the late 80's and early 90's they worked really hard for this to become a film but despite all their efforts, it didn't happen). What I think you'll *really* like as well though is the promotional video for Strange Animal, which keeps disappearing from the internet. (I guess I'm going to have to put it on Tumblr because a lot of people these days may not have seen it???)
Look at me go "blablablablabla" haha. Well, you asked for it, and Sparks fans have zero chill 😂 Anyway I'm mentioning all of these because I love that he's making you think differently about your own voice, so that's some more stuff that may be really nice :)
...Btw, don't think Russell minds if we can't sing well, he just loves it when we do. He will affectionately roast us for not reaching the notes though (performance of Equator in 2014 you will always be famous) but the only really disappointing thing would be if we *didn't* sing along. Proof:
(Quick note: great song critiquing American imperialism, while also being a metaphor for Something Else.) I love how Ron at some point is trying to talk, but you know, Russell exists, so... Good luck with that 😂
If you want to see the roasting though, start around 5:55 in the next video (though the whole thing is tremendously beautiful):
Before that time Russell keeps waiting for the audience to start singing and they just... Don't seem to want to start?? And then once he's outright said it out loud, "sing it from here!", and we start singing he soon realises why we didn't start earlier, poor man is *so* disappointed - you can see it in his entire body language, just deflated. (It must suck at times to have a voice no one can match 😅💕) But we keep at it in full force, and he's smiling that big smile of his again! Continuing to tell us off for not singing it right though, which had everyone in stitches 😂 I was at this show and it was the best! (There's more videos of it out there where you may be able to see his face better, this show was performed only a handful of times but to experience the roast from different viewpoints you want Equator from the Barbican show in London from 19 December 2014.)
Okay back to Ron (see, I got so sidetracked 😂). Everything you've said about facial expressions and the effect Ron's face has on you is so relatable. Ron being who he is gave me permission to also go back to being myself again. I've always felt that I was forced to be a certain way, and it meant I was never good enough because I'm just... Not like that. I don't want to smile if I don't mean it and at the same time if I don't smile it doesn't mean I'm not happy. Also I love that he found what he liked and just... Stuck with it. Suit, tie, moustache. And Ron went, okay that's me sorted for my entire life. It's just who he is. And it's so inspiring. It's like seeing him exist made me relax for the first time in my life. (Going to my first Sparks show was the first time in my life I ever felt at home. I'm not going on this tangent but I feel it's important to point out I learned about Sparks before I knew I was autistic and that kind of saved my life.) Back to the face thing though. The pandemic actually helped me to get my own face back. Wearing a mask all the time meant I didn't have to do all the expected facial emotions, no one was going to see them! So in putting on a mask, I dropped the autistic masking. It was a real struggle for me with my face when people expected me to take the mask of again because suddenly my face "existed" again to the outside world. It's been a struggle but I chose to try to let my face just be and my life is so much better now because of that. (It turns out that apart from my family, no one actually comments or minds my face. It's fine:)) (It's not that I never smile, it's just that when I do smile it's because it just happens and I really just feel happy. When I'm among the people who I feel really at ease with and happy around, it turns out I'm actually a lot like Russell and I'm smiling all the time!)
I love that Ron has this set in stone image, and that at the same time he can be "unexpected" - his love for air Jordan shoes, sports, snow globes, rap music, his shuffle, ...I Predict. Just because he's the Boss Accountant (badass term coined by @/archeolatry that I love SO MUCH) doesn't mean he's defined in only one dimension. (I mean we know that, he writes most of the songs and all these albums and songs are different and there's so much humour in it all. Also, see Not That Well Defined.) It's just nice as hell and so freeing.
And indeed we never are too old for anything! Russell is like the real life Peter Pan, and he's also sunshine personified - having a bad day? Not anymore, Russell exists! But anyway, back to what you said about never being too old for anything. Society is so set on telling us we need to have it all figured out at a certain age. Or that our live is over at a certain age. And it's just such a lie! (It Doesn't Have To Be That Way :)) When I was younger I felt so shitty all the time, everything about me seemed wrong and I know I'd never be what society deemed successful. What helped me so much is the constant reminder that at my age, Sparks hadn't even made so many of my favourite albums yet! Nothing is bound to age. And I have every intention to be a late bloomer, continuing to bloom throughout life. I think I'm going to be really happy when I'm 55. (Though I'm not going to be as fit as Russell is haha, it's like he eats batteries for breakfast. (He doesn't. He may have a lot of energy but also he works really hard to keep it that way and to keep his voice in shape, they don't want to perform their songs in a different key. He wants to reach the notes, and he does! I think his voice only has gotten better and better with the years, which is really not the case for any other band that's been around as long as they have.))
... It's just all so beautiful, isn't it? :) They both inspire me so much.
Which brings us to: Sparkstember :)
Sparkstember was created by our very own fellow fan @/newwaveworm (new-wave-worm on Instagram). (I'm not tagging people directly in this post because I don't want to be invasive, but they're all really nice people :)) The first Sparkstember was in 2021, and in 2022 it seemed to have caught on on a bigger scale. Sparks shared the prompts list and shared so much of everyone's stuff! They were loving it. Same in 2023. (If you've seen what Instagram and tumblr looked like on Ron's birthday - that's a preview of how it gets on there during Sparkstember, but then it goes on for the full month!) Sparks have at some point sent newwaveworm a parcel with gifts and signed stuff to say thank you for coming up with Sparkstember, it's really sweet. They've even spoken about Sparkstember in an interview last year! You can read it here. (Both of the art pieces Russell and Ron mentioned in the article were made by @/nedison, who's day was obviously made when they saw this - it was so cool!)
I don't know the prompts list yet for this year as so far they usually get posted close to the last week of August, but here's the one for 2022 and the one for 2023 to give you an idea. I'm personally assuming it'll be similar this year (I don't really know that for sure though!) so I've started working on the early albums.
Sparkstember to me is just a really lovely time and people interact with each other a lot, I've shared almost all the pieces people made in 2023 and 2022 on my Instagram page (pineapplefulfillseveryneed) and put them in highlights so if you want, you can see what Sparkstember is like. (Don't worry, I can't see who looks at my Instagram story highlights, so your anonymous cover won't be blown :)) Honestly, to me Sparkstember is near the same level of exciting as a Sparks tour or the release of new material. The entire fandom comes together to tell Sparks how much we love them and it's just a joy to feel so connected to everyone, see so much cool art and make new friends. In a lot of ways it truly feels similar to when there's a tour and people travel from all over the world just to see Sparks. (Sometimes art made by fans ends up in the fanclub newsletter later on as well so that's another exciting thing! I've never made it in though, and it would be a huge honour if at some point I did. So if you do end up making stuff, there's always a small chance that that may happen :))
Don't feel pressured to create something for every day if you partake though, any and all participation is super cool and super appreciated! Picking the days you like best is what I'd recommend because it's supposed to be fun and not stressful :) I consistently truly have a lot more time than most people (because I've been unable to function in society in a normal way) and it's still incredibly challenging to the point it almost makes me ill at times. (I don't sleep well at all for the entire month, both because I'm so excited and because I'm very audhd which means I suck at planning and end up not having anything ready for the next day so then I still have to come up with something. It takes up literally all my time and my brain can't catch a break 😅) ... You've had a little taste of what Sparks fans are like though, so yeah we're just a little bit mad like that because we love them so much. (Sparks is a little bit mad as well though, in 2008 they played 21 concerts over 21 days, playing a different full album every day. I didn't get to witness that but it's one of my favourite things they've ever done, there's quite a bit of footage of it on YouTube and they're some of my favourite concerts! I always think about that during Sparkstember, because who but Sparks and who but Sparks fans would do something like that.)
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