#help idk where this came from
flowers-for-em · 3 months
my parents and i were talking the other night about how my dad treats people how he wants to be treated and my sister brought up how he's not treated how he treats people and it made me think of legit nearly all of my friendships from school and how they were the same.
i was there for them in every way and only very few of them were actually there for me. so i do suppose in a way maybe its good that i dont have irl friends
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jinuaei · 6 months
yall dont understand how much I wanna be railed by a yautja holy FUCK
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choccy-milky · 25 days
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clora with @lamieboo's dahlia💛🩵 i had to draw them together as soon as i saw dahlia was yellow and blue, bc their colour schemes are kinda the same, just inverted (and u all know how i love my opposites LMAO)
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Part 2
He has no right to be here.
He knows that.
He does.
Eddie watches as people pile into the church, all of them dressed to the nines. It's a Harrington affair through and through, and the sight of all these people that he knows Steve hates makes him feel sicker than he already is.
If he wasn't on the edge of crying he would have laughed at himself, like he had any right to judge anyone here. He's the one who dumped Steve. Perfect, wonderful, lovely Steve who just needed a few more years. He just needed to make sure the kids were safe until they graduated. But Eddie couldn't do it. He needed to leave, and Steve needed to stay.
So he ended it. Just like that. He ended it.
He hasn't seen him for three years. By all appearances, it was a good choice, the best thing he could have done for himself. Because against all fucking odds Eddie Munson ends up as a success. He's a star, a famous musician discovered in a shitty little bar. He somehow managed to actually live the dream he used to fantasize about.
He lives it up. He parties, he drinks, he fucks, he spends his early twenties being young and dumb like he always wanted.
And it's horrible. It's so horrible that it becomes hilarious to him. Because he knows why it's so bad. Of course he knows. But it's better this way, really. Because Steve deserved better than him anyway. He deserved someone he didn't run away, full of flimsy excuses of wanting to be out of the shitty town that made him. When the truth was he was scared. He was terrified about how much he loved him. Because what was he going to do when the day came when Steve realized he could do better?
Eddie wouldn't have been able to surivie it. So he left instead. Like the coward he was. He left so he could be miserable and famous but at least Steve could finally find someone who deserved him.
So it really was all for the best. That's what he tells himself, because if he doesn't he'd go insane wondering about what could have been. He has himself convinced that he made the right choice. Maybe not for himself, but at least for Steve.
He doesn't realize how bullshit all of that was until Dustin lets it slip. They're doing the normal routine. Dustin visits, Eddie spoils the shit out of him, and on the last day he asks about Steve. He always tries to keep it casual. Tries to never let his desperation to know what's happening shine through. But it always does, bad enough that Dustin can't help the pity in his eyes when he tells him.
Steve's getting married.
Eddie wasn't aware just how much words could hurt him until that moment. He'd been called every bad name under the sun, a queer, a freak, a fag, you name it and it's been said. But this is the first time someone else's words make him feel like he's dying.
He wasn't invited to the wedding. Why would he be? But he still found it. Because he's a glutton for self-punishment. He hadn't seen Steve for three fucking years, and he chooses to wait till his wedding day?
But it's too late for regret, he's already here. His eyes keep scanning the room, just waiting for him to show up. He probably looks like a creep, dressed in all black and fucking sunglasses, sitting right by the door. He's basically in a fucking disguise, mostly to stop Robin from finding him and kicking his ass.
Speaking of, his eyes widen at the sight of her. She's slipping out of a door to the side, quickly wiping at her eyes before joining the crowd of people. His eyes drift back to the door.
Eddie's on his feet before he knows what he's doing. It's stupid, maybe the stupidest thing he's ever done, but where Robin is, Steve is sure to follow.
And he's right. It leads to a small dressing room. And there he is. Just like that Eddie's in front of the only man he'll ever love. Or at least, behind him. They were alone, and Steve hadn't even noticed him yet, too busy adjusting his hair in the mirror.
He still has time to leave. Besides, he didn't come here to ruin everything. He didn't, really.
But he doesn't turn around. Instead, Eddie locks the door behind him. He takes off his stupid sunglasses and clears his throat to speak, but is immediately rendered speechless when Steve turns to look at him.
He's just as gorgeous as he remembered.
His eyes widened at the sight of him, mouth opening and closing like he can't quite believe what he's seeing. Why would he? Eddie never reached out. He ignored the times that Steve did, always too ashamed of himself to face his own mistakes.
Eddie always expected Steve to lash out when he saw him, if he saw him. Lord knows he deserved it. But he doesn't. He just looks...sad. And those basset hound eyes are almost enough to bring Eddie to tears himself.
"What are you doing here?" Steve asked, voice quiet.
Eddie hadn't actually prepared anything to say. His plan was to watch the love of his life marry someone else than drink himself into a stupor at his hotel. He...he hadn't expected to end up here. But there are a million things he wants to say to him.
I'm here to tell you I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was a coward. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough and I made it your problem. I haven't stopped thinking about you. Ever. There hasn't been a day that goes by when I don't regret leaving. And I thought, maybe, just maybe if I saw you move on with my own eyes I could let you go.
But none of that is what comes out of his mouth.
"Run away with me."
If Steve didn't look shocked to see him before he sure did now, "W-What?"
"Run away with me," He repeats. Because it's what he wants. It's what he needs. It's been three years of hell without him and Eddie can't do it anymore. He can't.
He hates that he's the cause of the tears springing up in Steve's eyes, but he can't take it back. He won't.
Steve looks away, eyes trained on the floor, "You can't do this to me Eddie. You can't."
But he is.
Eddie's made his choice. He was a fool to think he was capable of coming here without trying to steal him away. Of course this is where he'd end up. And he'll say anything to get him back. He doesn't care that he's too late. He doesn't care that this whole thing makes him a bigger piece of shit than he already was.
He'll be underhanded, he'll be dirty, he'll do anything to get Steve to leave with him, he doesn't fucking care. Because Steve Harrington is not going to get married today.
He waltzes right up to him. He grabs his chin and forces him to meet his eyes. He probably looks crazy, he feels crazy, "You don't love her like you love me."
He's never met her. He doesn't need to. The way Steve freezes up is all he needs to know that he's right.
He doesn't deny it, but he deflects, "Why are you doing this? You left me. Did you forget that part? I didn't end it. You did! A-And now what? We're just going to ride off into the sunset together? Like you weren't the one to just cut me out of your life-"
"Yes," Eddie interrupts. He feels calm, eerily so as he speaks, "We're riding off into the sunset together. Even though I don't deserve it. I never deserved you. And I was so fucking scared of when you would realize that. I let it eat away at me. So I left. Before you could do it to me. And I was wrong."
"Stop," Steve tries to step back, but Eddie won't let him. He wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him close.
He can't stop talking, even if he wanted to, "I was so wrong Steve. And I've been miserable ever since. Because I couldn't stop thinking about you. I'll never stop thinking about you. Even if you tell me to go to hell and get hitched I'll just wait for a divorce. Because you are the only one for me. And it took me too long to say that out loud. And I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry Stevie."
Steve weakly tried to push him away, but his heart wasn't in it, "Please stop."
But he can't, "I love you."
Steve's eyes are closed, a futile attempt to keep the tears at bay, but his voice comes out strong, "Eddie, I-I can't do this again. I can't. If you left me again I...I just can't."
Eddie can't help but wipe a few of the tears away for him, "Angel, look at me."
He waits for Steve to open his eyes. He looks so fucking beautiful that it hurts, especially since this may really be the last time he sees him again.
But he has one more trick up his sleeve, "Tell me you're not mine and I'll leave."
"Tell me you're not mine. Say the words out loud and I'll let you go."
Steve stares at him. He's mad, beyond pissed that Eddie has the audacity to throw that in his face, but he's desperate. It was the last thing he said to him, murmured through the driver's side window of the van, seconds before he drove away.
I'm still yours, even if you don't want me anymore.
Eddie had cried the entire ride there after hearing that. And then a few days after for good measure. And here he is, completely ruthless at what he's willing to pull out, "You're mine Steve. You know you're mine."
It's such a fucked up thing to say, but it's true. But it's not the whole truth, "And I'm yours. I've always been yours. Tell me that's not true and I'll leave."
But Steve can't. He can't do it, just like Eddie had known he wouldn't. But what he hadn't expected was for him to surge up and kiss him.
It feels like he fell in love all over again, just from one simple kiss. Because it felt like magic was real and it decided to take on the form of Steve Harrington's lips. It was everything he had missed. Everything he had dreamed about. Eddie tangled a hand into his hair, helpless to do anything but kiss him back, harder and deeper. He wanted to be burned into Steve's memory for all eternity. He wanted him to always remember the moment that they came back to each other.
Because that's what this is. Eddie's certain, Steve was his, and he would never let him go again.
They only stop when there is a knock at the door, a muffled question asked that they can't hear over the sounds of their own breathing. It's enough to have them pulling away from each other, but they ignore it nonetheless.
Steve searches his face, one last test. Eddie can only guess how he looks right now, probably just as desperate and terribly hopeful as he felt. Whatever he's looking for, he finds it eventually.
Steve sighs, glancing toward the back of the room, "There's a window we can probably fit through. Because I'm sure as hell not going out there."
Now it's Eddie's turn to cry. Despite all of his confidence, the certainty that they were supposed to be together, he hadn't really expected it to work. But here they were, giggling with each other as they scurried out of a first-floor window, making a run for Eddie's car.
Eddie can't help but kiss him again before they get in, muttering against his mouth, "I love you so fucking much Stevie. I'm not going to fuck this up again. You won't regret it, I'll spend the rest of my life making sure you don't."
Steve grinned into the kiss, "You better."
There was still so much to talk about. Too much. And they'll fight and they'll scream and everything will get worse before it gets better. And Eddie's so fucking grateful to get the chance.
And for the first time in three years, he feels alive again.
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theloveinc · 9 months
There's a lot of validity in the idea that older Bakugo is a traumatized pro-hero with major PTSD... but you know what's kinda fucked up to think about? The fact that Bakugo is also a 22-year-old pro-hero with major PTSD even before that, too.
It's almost easy to imagine that things are actually better when he's older (the therapy finally a routine, the trauma long set and on the path to being healed)... and that it's his whole 20s that are spent as a pool of disaster trying to recover from the war(s).
He looks back and barely even remembers being twenty, much less twenty-five or twenty-seven. Barely remembers how little he slept, not at the hands of trying to balance hero work and getting a degree at the same time, but just out of the pure insomnia that came from trying to move on and every nightmare attached.
Hardly ever showering, never shaving (not that he ever grew much of a beard, but the facial hair was definitely there. There's pictures of him on the news with an awkward, grown out haircut and patches on facial hair that make him look positively... immature), barely even eating more than a few protein bars or an energy jelly drink-a day. It's a blur, and his friends are hardly there to pick him up out of it because they're all going through it, too. Somewhat.
It's definitely weird if you meet him during this period. He's not all there, at least, not all of the time. He doesn't really register your interactions, the friendship you extend to him (a younger, or ever older, version of him would've shown you that deep seeded ferocity in response, tried to bite the hand that fed him, even if it were love... but 20s Bakugo... doesn't seem to notice). Even though only one of his eyes is clouded over, the good one never seems to brighten up.
There's definitely moments when the old him shines through: when he's with Deku, when he's in the midst of battle, when he finds out that Todoroki still does a shitty job at chopping scallions. But it's a long time before he's even close to the same, able to step out from underneath the fog of simply surviving and into the sunshine of recovering.
But I think sticking through it with him is worth it.
(It's a weird moment, a happy moment, the first time you realize that Bakugo has changed. That the pouring rain outside hasn't bothered him since he showed up at your apartment. He forgot his umbrella, he's been quite careless ever since the war—wet and shaggy hair frizzed up, cheeks red from cold—but he doesn't seem to mind, with his bare feet up on your coffee table, his eyes gazing out the window. You hand his tea, and instead of gulping it down in one go, letting it burn in his throat, he winces at the heat.
"Tastes like shit," he says, and you laugh because it always does. Just this time, he noticed.)
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brekitten · 3 months
Bruce doesn't dream.
He never has, really - at least, not that he can remember. He never even had nightmares from the night his parents died. Maybe that's why; maybe he just subconsciously trained himself to not dream after that night, in fear of the nightmares that were sure to come. But the point is that he does not dream.
And yet.
The dream always starts out the same, every night, every time he closes his eyes and slips into the embrace of sleep. He's in a pitch-black room, one so dark that he can't see his hands even when he raises them right in front of his face. He knows, somehow, that he can walk for hours without coming into contact with anything - walls, furniture, anything at all to indicate that he was even in a room. Yet he knows that he is, although he's not sure why, as there really is no reason for him to know that.
The dream changes, after a while of walking. He knows that he won't find anything, no matter how far or how long he walks. This place is empty, desolate even. It fills him with dread every time. The change is never consistent, always bringing him to a different place each night.
(Once, it was a dusty old bedroom, one that made his heart ache, although he didn't know why. He had taken notice of the various space-themed decorations, the model rockets and NASA posters and stars on the ceiling. It was clearly a child's bedroom, but it hadn't been used in a long time. Another time, it was a darkened lab, illuminated only by the strange vials of green liquid lined along the many, many shelves. Bruce had wondered, after he had awoken, if it was Lazarus Water, but that felt wrong. It was something else. Something more. It had made him uneasy, and he got the feeling that something terrible had happened there. He didn't get a chance to investigate the gaping hole in the wall before he had been whisked away to another part of the dream.)
This time, he is in a brightly-lit white lab, and he has to blink stars out of his eyes at the abrupt change in lighting and color. He looks around; it seems like a typical lab, but everything is pure white, except for a green stain on the table. He can feel bile rising in his throat at the sight of the cuffs on the table, and though he still doesn't know what the green substance is, he gets the horrible feeling that it's blood. A lot of it.
He uses what little time he has to investigate the lab. There is an abundance of medical supplies, but many look unused, with the exception of the scalpels. The pit in his stomach continues to grow. Why were there so many? He reaches toward a vial of red liquid, wrong wrong wrong this is wrong, when the dream changes again.
Now he's in what is clearly a cell, except even the cells in Arkham aren't this bare. The only thing it contains is a familiar white-haired teenager, who is chained to the floor with cuffs that glow the same green as the vials of Lazarus Water that he's seen before.
Though Bruce has never learned his name, he has been in every dream, the one constant (besides the empty room, of course) in each one. The kid has never spoken, never done more than watch, but Bruce has always gotten the feeling that he was the reason for these strange dreams.
He knows that he should be more worried. If some kind of meta has managed to get inside his head, there's no telling what could happen. But he can't bring himself to be. Something is wrong, and it's not the teenager.
He can't help but think of his own children.
Something feels . . . off this time. The kid isn't looking up, isn't even moving - he seems limp, almost, as he kneels on the ground, weighed down by the chains keeping him there. Green blood - Bruce knows it's blood now, it has to be - drips from his still figure, pooling on the ground underneath him.
Bruce can't move. He desperately wants to, what could he even do? but it's like he's frozen in place. He can only watch as the teenager slowly, agonizingly, looks up at him, his bright green eyes dull and filled with fear and desperation and hope and -
Bruce wakes.
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raiiny-bay · 3 months
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the kids released a new album
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vcrnons · 8 months
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JUN [INSIDE SEVENTEEN] 'Rock With You' Special Video BEHIND.
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rush-the-stars · 9 months
i !!!! would like to hear the unhinged megumi thoughts cielo!!
vic you are the little devil on my shoulder!!!!
first things first. megumi likes eating it from the back. this has been on my mind all week.
my other thoughts all have to do with….how i think he has rather depraved fantasies of you that he never wants to come to light because he feels so much shame about them. how you have to coax him into it all.
thinking about how…..he’d wanna be rough with you but is scared he’ll hurt you…..so you’ve gotta praise him into it…,,..
also thinking ab. barely controlled werewolf or wolf hybrid megumi. and even the slightest move triggers his predator response to prey…..wrestling you still. warning you. trying to be careful w you……..,..,whining when you praise him..,,…praising him with his teeth at your throat.,,….
i’m. gonna. leave this here. nobody perceive me.
cw: werewolf!megumi, smut, biting, slight prey/predator, maybe dub con if you squint? megumi is sorta undergoing a transformation of some sort/his control is thin and his lust is high. running on instincts alone almost. praise? use of “good boy” to megumi but i wouldn’t say reader is the one in control/the dominant one lol.
“easy, boy,” your voice is soft, fingers running tentatively through unruly strands of dark hair at the nape of his neck.
the low, dark growl that rumbles from him should frighten you.
his body is pressed atop yours, digging down into you, forcing you down into the bed. the moon hangs like a masked face in the sky, heavy, and full.
his control is thin.
you can feel his breath at your throat, the slight press of an incisor, just the shape of his tooth against your pulse. you run your hands soothingly over his trembling shoulders.
his hips, nestled into the crux of your own, reveal it isn’t aggression he has for you—but lust. you can feel the hard, hot press of him against your center. you can feel the way he ruts a little, flexing his hips.
you’re already bare—he’d accidentally torn the t-shirt you’d been wearing. you’d had nothing else on underneath.
you stroke up his flank gently. soothingly.
you coo to him as his growl presses into the side of your neck, reverberating through you. rattling around inside you.
you twist a little, arch your hips and move your hand down between your bodies—
the movement is a little too sudden and he opens his mouth against your throat.
you freeze.
he freezes.
teeth; thick and large and sharp, hover over your pulsing throat.
he snarls low, somewhere deep from his gut.
“it’s okay,” you try to soothe, returning to your movement but infinitely slower, filled with caution. your fingers creep beneath his own shirt, along his stomach and through the trail of dark hair there, “it’s alright, megumi.”
you feel the press of his teeth. just barely.
slowly, ever so slowly, you unfasten the button of his pants.
his nose nudges your jaw. you feel the scrape of his teeth, almost rubbing against you.
the sound of his zipper slowly undoing is drowned out by the sound of his ever present growl. still so low and hot; charged in a way that has your heart quickening. you wonder if he can hear it. you wonder if it sounds like a rabbits’ or a fox’s. you wonder if you sound more prey to him, or predator.
you pull his cock out slowly, feel the weight of it in your hand. you swallow hard, but know what he wants—what he needs.
you guide him along your folds. it’s an embarrassingly slick pass of his head against where you’re molten and slippery.
you’re almost thankful he’s nearly blinded by his own lust—his own instincts.
you wiggle your hips.
his growl deepens, “don’t move—“
you press just so and—
your gasp tears out of you as the head of his cock pops inside.
megumi‘a jaws snap down against your throat.
pressure so bad that you could just burst.
you yelp in pain, body tensing, throbbing beneath his own, grabbing for him. fingernails sink deeper than they should into his skin. he struggles with you a little, wrestling you down into the bed, down into submission.
he forces himself deeper. your lashes flutter hard and quick against your cheek. you curse.
megumi holds perfectly, horribly still. he’s making a guttural sound against your neck, he’s gripping the sheets beside your head so tightly, you fear he’s going to tear them right up. you can tell already by the different pitch in the sound against your throat, some small, human part of him is sorry—like he’s saying i’m sorry, i just can’t stop. i’m sorry, i can’t help it. i’m sorry please help me.
“it’s alright—“ you manage to gasp, voice breathless, already so gone—“that’s alright.”
his hips rut suddenly, a deep drag of his cock out and then back in. you’re so full that you’re aching with it, somewhere in the deep pits of you. pleasure and pain spark sharp and quick, like flames set to dry wood. it burns fast. burns hot. burns bright.
he snaps his hips—
you mewl, fist tightening in his hair. you think you’ve started to bleed beneath his teeth. your throat will bear that mark proudly.
“that’s it—“ you get out, hitching your hips up so that the next deep thrust of his cock makes you whimper, “that’s it, good boy—good boy.”
he groans against your throat, raw.
and entirely defeated.
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navnae · 1 year
Paring Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Warning: blowjobs
“You really don’t have to do this.” Steve said in a shaky voice as he watched Eddie in between his legs undoing his belt. The only reason why Steve was in this situation was because he helped Eddie fix something that was broken in his trailer and Eddie wouldn’t let him leave without paying him back. Steve expected cash or a glass of lemonade, innocent things that Eddie could give him. Not the scene of him sitting on Eddie’s couch and letting the other man suck him off.
“Don’t be silly, your generosity needed to be rewarded,” Eddie explained while taking his time with the button on Steve’s jeans. He smirked as he slowly unzipped the pants and Steve groaned at the feeling of Eddie’s hand rubbing his erection through his pants. Steve tried to hide the extreme arousal that Eddie gave him but his body failed him in many ways. “Since you helped me let me help you.”
Eddie slid Steve’s shirt up to reveal his entire stomach and chest. Steve gasped when Eddie licked one of his nipples then sucking it softly. The whines that escaped Steve’s lips made him feel embarrassed by enjoying this so much. Eddie swirled his tongue over the sensitive bud and dragged his tongue down over Steve’s stomach then stopping above the waistband of his boxers. He pulled down his pants revealing the aching cock that had precum coming out of the tip, Eddie’s eyes lit up like he’s just discovered something magnificent, in this case it actually was.
“Jesus, Harrington. Where have you been hiding this pretty thing?” Eddie said excitedly. He took Steve’s cock into his hands and continued to be in complete awe as he took in the size of Steve. It made Steve blush harder than before the compliment was unexpected but it wasn’t his first time hearing that. He thought back on the times when girls struggled with pleasing him because he simply was just too big.
“I-is it a problem?” Steve asked quietly. Eddie laughed as he pressed Steve’s cock against his face and rubbed against it. He tilted his head slightly to kiss every vein that could be seen. Steve shuddered at the gentleness of Eddie’s mouth against his cock and licking it teasingly.
“Not at all.” Eddie replied. Within a second Eddie took all of Steve into his mouth. Steve threw his head back as Eddie bobbed his head and twisted his hands to match the pace. Eddie pressed his lips together tightly making Steve thrust his hip upwards letting the tip hit the back of Eddie’s throat. The noises that filled the room was filthy to say the least and Eddie didn’t hesitate to be sloppy with his movements and all the build up of precum mixed with spit dripped down his face.
“Ah, fuck.” Steve moaned. He let his hands end up in Eddie’s hair and tugged it lightly. Eddie moaned around his cock sending vibrations through his body. Steve liked Eddie’s reaction to him tugging at his hair, he tugged at his hair again earning another moan from Eddie. He tightened his grip and pushed Eddie down forcefully and thrusted harder.
“Just like that, Harrington.” Eddie grunted against the base of his cock. He stroked Steve’s cock at a fast pace and took all of him back into his mouth. Steve felt his body burning up as Eddie skillfully handled his cock with ease making Steve become weak underneath his touch. With a few more thrusts the pleasure started to build up in his stomach and he knew that he was going to cum.
“Eddie I’m about to cum.” Steve warned hoping that Eddie would pull away. Eddie only went faster with his movements and pushed the tip further down his throat muffling his moans. Steve closed his eyes when he felt himself releasing all the cum from his body and everything went white for him. With uneven breaths coming from him he sat on the couch trying to process what just happened. Steve opened his eyes and he was met with Eddie smiling from ear to ear, cum on the side of his mouth. He looked like he was from a scene in a porno that Steve watched when he wasn’t supposed to.
“Not so bad, big boy.” Eddie said while taking his finger and wiped the cum off the side of his mouth then proceeded to suck on it letting the flavor melt onto his tastebuds. Steve could feel his cock getting hard again just by watching Eddie become a complete slut for his cum and he didn’t miss not a single drop of it. To hide his erection he quickly tucked himself back into his pants but Eddie stopped him. “Do you want me to handle this too?”
“Honestly if I stay any longer. You’re going to be doing this for awhile.” Steve joked as he went back to adjusting himself. Eddie chuckled while stopping Steve again and he pulled out Steve’s throbbing cock that had precum already coming out even though he just came. He gave it a long lick before kissing the tip with such care and wrapped his hands around it. Steve didn’t think Eddie was a real person most of the girls he’s been has never been this eager to make him cum and he wasn’t complaining.
“Between you and me Harrington,” Eddie whispered letting his hot breath tickle Steve’s cock. Steve sighed deeply at the sight in front of him all of it was too much for him to handle.
“I got nothing but time.” Eddie smirked before putting his lips around Steve’s cock. Steve relaxed back into the couch and let Eddie take control. He closed his eyes thinking about all the ways he could help Eddie out in the future, Steve wanted this forever.
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moltage · 2 months
so, Skipper. speaks English. We've seen him use Spanish because he "spent 8 years in the jungles of Mexico", wiki says he swore in Korean (this is the only one im unsure about), he probably knows Danish too-- having spent enough time there to get banned lmfao, also used Japanese words here and there (plus he once found himself in a hotel in Kyoto) so. We love a multilingual king
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haemosexuality · 5 months
i just heard someone on youtube (T B Skyen) say that silco loved jinx but didnt quite know how to love powder, while vi loves powder but doesnt know how to love jinx. and oooof oof ouch yeah
also it got me thinking and obviously jinx and powder arent two different people shes just going by a different name now but its also not baseless to analyze them as different "characters", or what traits of jinx are part of powder, etc. like the animators literally have a trick where they change her facial structure how they animate jinx to show when shes behaving more like powder. shes completely changed who she is, its jinx now powder fell down a well, sat on the jinx chair embraces who she is etc etc
#powder is like jinxs inner child#while jinx is- or was before the chair scene- the persona she puts on where she loves Violence and Chaos and shes Crazy HaHaHaHaHa#so when someone says like. ''jinx is being more powder in this scene'' it means shes regressing into being more childlike because of her#trauma or maybe shes so distressed and emotional that her persona fell apart for a second and the sad child underneath showed through#''silco loves jinx but doesnt know how to love powder'' means he loves and supports her being confident and smart in her inventions and#trying to accept and move on from her past. but hes teeeeerrible at that bc he doesnt want to let powder heal#he just wants her to bury that part of herself#and vi loves and cares for her baby sister so so much but shes terrified and doesnt want to accept the reality of what shes become#i do think vi had a point before tho. powder Was in there and while that doesnt negate jinx she could still reach her#and maybe help her out#idk how true that is after shimmer and silco dying tho. again. chair scene. the persona has fully become who jinx is theres no going back#powder fell down a well#arcane#jinx arcane#powder arcane#ignore me im just brainstorming ive been thinking about this show CONSTANTLY for the past few weeks i have so many thoughts on everyone#im sure this is a conclusion people reached years ago immediately after the show came out but im slow#theres a point between the child powder and the crazy terrorist jinx where the real true her lies#and that point has been getting closer and closer to the jinx side
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boxwinebaddie · 17 days
oh my god so i just saw this picture of froy guitterez with a bearded dragon and i fear i am going to have to give clyde a bearded dragon. i'm not sure how he got her, ( prolly by doing something extremely impulsive, dumb and unhinged ), but he snuck her into him and tolkien's dorm room and was like "okay! so don't get mad BUT--"
...he was Mad, btw. but rm!tolkien doesn't scream because he is a dignified british king ( the only one i respect ) and just speaks at a slightly louder volume and does things with his eyebrows like "Why. Do. You. Have. A. LIZARD. Clyde?" and he's like "okay, first of all, she's not JUST a lizard; she's a Bearded Dragon and her name is-" idk what her name is it's probably something insane like glizzy or salamanda or mary guana, i want to start crying, oh my god. clyde loves reptiles.
and tolkien is like "right...so does 'glizzy' have a cage? food?...water?" and clyde is just staring at him blankly like, "damn. i didn't think about that." KHSSDLKSDH HELP so they go to a lil pet store, i think they figure out a clever way to keep her warm and make her a strange makeshift enclosure. tldr, she gets all set up...except they have to Hide her ( also prolly in some elaborate way ) bc they're not supposed to have pets in the dorms and at first, tolkien was so Anti-Glizzy, like he made clyde put up lost lizard ads online/stuff on craigslist...
...buUUUUt accidentally got attached to her and secretly took the all listings down. anyways, happy pride month ft. rm!tyde co-parenting a lizard daughter together. the world is a beautiful place, in fact. <3
#nina speaks#sorry this made me laugh#too much#homoerotic activities smh#just two guys being dudes being lizard girl dads#i love rm clyde and rm tolkien theyre so funny#also clydes dinosaur hyperfixation was going off#he is just...the most distracted ever#not alert that king#tolkien was like go put that thing back where it came from rn#but im sure clyde cried so he was like#siiigh OKAY#the way i bet u in the begining tolkien was like oh my god#what a Foul and ODIOUS creature#and now she is his special lady ok she hangs out with him while he does art projects and when clyde is saying weird stuff#hes like *looks at glizzy* i kno darling it does sound like bullocks doesnt it KDHSDLSHDKDH GO TEAM GO#also idk what her name is i just wanted to laugh#it has to be insane i know clyde named her something weird#also its so funny to me in a weird way rm!tyde is like slightly ravesey coded in a diff font their double dates are iconic#we love the hottest baddest man in the universe#and his cute pathetic boyfriend w/ the pretty eyes#music to my ears lmaooo tolkien and jerseykyle everyday watching clyde and ravenstan interact like#oh god what are we doing what have we done#it is like taking ur boyfriend to the dog park help#also i know that ravenstan was like WOWZA SHES SO CUTE#and jersey was like aLRIGHT BOYS SHOWS OVER#STAN WERE NOT GETTING A CRAZY LIZARD THING#STOP GIVING HIM IDEAS DONOVAN U SHIDIOT#15 min loop of jerseykyle about to strangle rm!clyde#its ok he grew on jk like mold smh he is...fond of him
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kelpiemomma · 10 months
One person liked the au comment so here it is:
Concept: people from the rift aren't uncommon. Jubilife and the clans frequently find them and bring them in. In fact, they even fall with all their memories in tact. They know who they are, how they came to be where they went, and where they came from. They know what they were dropped in Hisui to do. The problem is that after some time, some sooner and some later, their memories begin to fade. They remember who they are but they start to think they've always lived in Hisui. They came across with the rest of the jubilife residents, or they were accepted into the clan when they were young and grew up with them. All their memories of where they came warp to suit were they are now. Ingo is one of very few that still knows he is not where he needs to be due to Emmet- he knows there is someone that looks like him that is supposed to be with him, but he is not here. He keeps a hold of his coat and hat because they help remind him to remember something.
Rolling around in my head that, for some reason, Akari is the last to fall. They get a few people a month - one time twenty different people fell at the same time, as if Almighty Sinnoh was desperate that maybe many people would succeed where one couldn't - but their memories were the fastest to flee. They managed to get a lot done, but within the month they could barely recall where they came from.
Akari falls from the rift and after she does the color changes. She's there for a month- memories in tact, no new fallers. Two months- memories in tact, no new fallers. Everyone takes a breath, thinks maybe this is it. Maybe she's The One.
And the memory loss isn't something most people in jubilife bring up. It's depressing, because these people had homes and families and now they are lost in time and memory. Rei fumbles a couple times, mentions "before, when (name) was still helping" or "before (name) forgot." and Akari asks them about the things Rei mentioned but they don't remember. And that's weird but she doesn't think anything of it at first.
Except then things start getting fuzzy. It's after she takes care of Electrode, after she's met and befriended Ingo, after everyone thought she was in the clear. She starts forgetting things. Where she was going. Who she was supposed to meet. More than once Volo has found her and returned her to a campsite, because despite him wanting desperately to meet and defeat Arceus, to be noticed by the god, there is something uncanny and uncomfortable and frightening about people he knew and genuinely cared for forgetting themselves.
Akari struggles to hold on to her memory, lasting longer than the others, but it does fade. It falls to pieces. She stops leaving the village, helping care for the pokemon in the pastures. She doesn't understand why Rei and Laventon, who have always welcomed her so warmly and been so friendly since she first arrived and apprenticed with Marie, are suddenly so sad to see her. Why they don't discuss their research with her like they used to.
And Ingo arrives one day and Akari thinks he looks like a nice person, she may have to go and chat with him. Sure the frown is a little severe but something tells her he'd be comforting...
Except then he walks over to her, greets her, and asks why she hasn't been by for so long. And she's confused, because sure she has her Typhlosion (that she can't remember training) and a lot of the pokemon in the pasture are very affectionate towards her, but she's never been out of Jubilife village. It's scary out there! Wild pokemon are dangerous! (Even though her partner could easily one-shot many of them...)
And it's Ingo who realizes something is incredibly wrong. Because he remembers Akari, how excited she was to learn more about pokemon, how she loved getting rides from Sneasler and Wyrdeer over the highlands, how she delighted in making Melli feel bad for bullying her.
And Ingo realizes she's not the first to stop showing up in the highlands, he just wasn't as attached to anyone else. There are faces he recognizes in the village, faces of people who - at one point - were filling the Pokedex, were exploring the territory, were helping the nobles. Akari was not the first, he just wasn't close enough to any of the others to take notice that their disappearance from the Highlands wasn't retirement or injury, it was something worse.
And he excuses himself, heads back home, and stares at himself in the mirror, because something is off. Something has always been off but now he knows. now there is proof. And he tries to think about who he might be, why he knows something he is pretty certain he shouldn't. And decides the best vourse of action, to figure out what's going on, is to stop sitting around as a warden. He's going to calm the last noble. He's going to figure this out so whatever has happened will stop and people can go back home.
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
crack ideas i should shouldn’t write
modern day byler au where mike and will meet online because they’re both part of the same fandom. mike writes fanfics while will makes fanart, and they collab and stuff and just have an all around good time, but neither of them realize that their internet best friend is the cute irl guy that they’ve been crushing on this whole damn time
editing this post so the world knows lmao: i did write it!
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arieava · 9 months
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