#hence all the quotes on both my blogs
ashtrayfloors · 1 year
I’d never felt comfortable in my own skin, not because of the skin itself, but because of what the world said it signified. When I looked at myself, I saw one thing – I was a dragon, I had snakes for hair! – but when the world looked back, it insisted that it saw another, something that was supposed to be docile, pretty, manageable. You’re a girl, it said. A what? I said.
—Johanna Hedva, from “‘They’re Really Close to My Body’: A Hagiography of Nine Inch Nails and Their Resident Mystic Robin Finck” (The White Review, March 2020)
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mythrilthread · 2 months
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My magnum opus, the jewel of my Binderary round-up, the result of four months of hard work (that is to say, a lot of force applied over distance), the project affectionately known as The Motherfuckers (because it was rather unclear if I was going to finish these books or if they were going to be the end of me).
Force over Distance by cleanwhiteroom. It is currently also on AO3.
I was first introduced to this incredible story by a dear friend, who first sold me on actually watching SGU, and then said that they remember this fic since like 2011, which is always a promising sign. I went digging and found out I was in luck - the story was being rewritten and reuploaded on the author's blog. The next two weeks are described by the same friend as "one of the scariest moments in our cohabitation" as I'd spent literally every waking moment injecting the story directly into my eyeballs, and let me tell you, I'd not been doing a lot of sleeping at that time.
Then I gathered up my courage and reached out to CWR re: my burning desire to bind this story. And the rest, well. Let's dig into it, shall we?
This was my first time typesetting 540k words. Considering I tend to prefer larger font sizes for increased legibility, it was immediately obvious that this was going to be a multivolume project. I settled on three, as it's the relationship between three individuals that forms the core of the story.
I also knew I wanted to keep the typeset in black and white, but play around with light and dark a lot. So I did. One of the first design idea I actually had was the way I wanted to handle projected speech. Mental link between Young, Rush and Destiny is THE most vital part of the story, and I wanted to make it immediatly obvious. I also wanted to be able to take one glance at the page and tell how much of the action is actually just two guys staring each other down :) Hence the blackout effect of thoughts being represented as light over darkness.
I also wanted to preserve as much of my reading experience as possible. So I saved all the chapter quotes/summaries in the TOC, and hid the chapter content warnings in the frame of the gate that marks the beginning of each chapter. For most of the chapter the warnings stay the same, so after a while you stop really noticing them, but then you open a new chapter and see that the familiar shape of the words has changed, and get this UH-OH feeling. Which, I think is very much how it works in my design, because when the warnings change there's usually another line of text added.
For flashbacks and dream sequences I switched from italics to a lighter shade of gray. I woudn't say it's more legible per say, but it's in keeping with the overall light/dark theme.
There are instances of people using handwritten notes in the story. I collected more than a dozen of assorted handwriting fonts, with each character having their own "handwriting". So when, for example, someone begins writing in someone else's hand, you immediately know it.
The most insane, labor-intensive part of the typeset, however, was the way I decided to handle the Ancient translations. CWR's gone through the trouble of setting up hover-to-discover for it, which gives you a very different reading experience than, say, having the translations in the endnotes. So, naturally, I said to myself that I want to replicate that, and footnotes just won't do the trick. So. Every instance of Ancient in the text has an underlay of light gray Ancient script. And an OVERLAY of paper vellum with the translation printed in blue. Now, not to toot my own horn too much, but if looks SICK AS FUCK. You also MAYBE SHOULD NOT LIVE LIKE THIS. For the two copies of this work I had to cut up 10 sheets of vellum into strips, and then spent from 20 minutes to an hour per volume tipping the strips in their proper places. I then had to wear kinetic tape on both my hands to help with the joint pain. (It was worth it.)
Now for the title spread. It is also paper vellum that you see as soon as you turn the first page (the half-title), and see it covering the title of the book and author's name. And then you turn it. And the shields sing the matter wave of Destiny through the black. And yeah, I think that's very, very clever of me, actually.
Then, of course, were the endpapers. All 12 of them are unique abstract paintings done on black cardstock by hand with brush pens and correction tape, I scanned a sample of each set for posterity. All of them are my interpretations of characters' midscapes. For volume 1 I went with the fire wind of Rush's thoughts. Volume 2 was for Young, and I went for the reverse blackout poetry effect (because for all the mental talking they do, the unprojected thoughts are opaque to their counterparts) and all the loops, hairpins and blocks he does. Volume 3 is for the combination - Rush's fire wind, changing its color to match the circuitry pattern of Destiny's AI.
The rest, in comparison, is easy. All volumes are stitched with 3 strands of embroidery floss, a combination of black, blue and silvery-gray. The French double-core endbands are sewn in the same color scheme (though with a different shade of blue and gray switched for white for added contrast). The edges are painted and splattered to look like space.
The covers feature my (signature at this point, I guess) half-cloth river pattern, with the base being dark blue linen and the printed parts being Spitzer telescope images of the W51 star forge, Jack-O'-Lantern Nebula and the Eagle Nebula (courtesy of NASA), waxed by hand for added sheen. The spines are foiled in silver with a foil quill.
Each set is 5 pound of solid hand-crafted book, with one set being my personal copy, and the other sent as a gift to the author.
And that's it, folks! This has been an incredible project to work on, and I'm very proud of what I achieved with it.
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wellmetmat · 16 days
There's a post from a couple of years ago which I was reminded of and wanted to add to today, about nobody wanting to take the supplicant role in courtship, but it's unrebloggable due to some constraint the OP put on it, so I'll just quote my bit:
Being attracted to someone is distressing. I think the largest part of it is hunger to know someone (?); but when you can’t get to know them well, it ends up a stunted obsession: all that drive-to-know - enough to build a deep, detailed model of another personality - chewing over scraps of phrases and trivial actions, until you’re snappishly bored with your own mind. Your skin feels hungry and there’s nothing you can do about it: “touch starvation” is a phrase that comes to mind. The person’s absence and their presence both hurt: absence obviously, presence because once you’re there you find that there’s still distance, you still miss them. It’s rather like homesickness. Courting someone is wretched. It’s frightening and humiliating and full of agonising waiting periods and jarring mood switchbacks. It feels something like being dragged along on a fishhook, with the line attached to another person’s little finger. Liking someone more than they like you is a position of low power. The incentives are to be servile. You have nothing to bargain with: whatever they decide, you agree to with a smile. You always try to sound happy, because that’s what’s most appealing. You give up on areas of confusion instead of trying to understand, because asking questions annoys people and any annoying act pushes you closer to the cliff-edge of losing them. Any small disagreement feels like a large risk, so you distort your own opinions a bit. You can’t be spontaneous; your inner voice is always tallying accounts: how many days since the last message, too few, you mustn’t bother them yet / how many days since you came up with something interesting, too many, they may forget; don’t intrude so much, but simultaneously what have you done for them lately, how can you provide value to justify remaining in their life. It seems bad that we’re like this. I don’t imagine humans are especially badly formed or anything, it’s probably just as subjectively rotten for every animal that does courtship displays. But if anyone eventually makes robots with emotion-like motivational systems, they shouldn’t include anything like attraction. It’s so silly.
I feel like resurrecting this today to celebrate being out of it. In the last two weeks, somebody has given me the double gifts of liking me and of having the generosity to say so, and show so. All I want to do is be glad and be grateful, and try never to cause this person to experience anything described above.
But I stand by the description, it is a correct description, and we are so badly made it is infuriating. @nohoperadio's good post on the tragic stupidity of pain incidentally also works as a discourse on eros: if there'd been any intelligence involved in the design process, distress signals would come with an off-switch! (Hence my blog tagline.) But instead, evolution is a pitiless idiot, love is humiliation, nonviable attachments take years to starve to death, and there is no moral of the story. Absurd. A baboon could design a better emotional constitution.
Delightfully, this week ACX introduced David Pearce ("For centuries, philosophers have praised suffering as a necessary part of the human condition. For decades, David Pearce has told those other philosophers that they are bad and wrong"), who is doing his best to make a better emotional constitution available, and I approve of such a project so highly that it's been necessary to stack new levels of approval above my previous maximum to encompass how right he is. It's really exciting that any intelligent and active person considers progress of this sort possible and is working on it.
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ohgaylor · 1 year
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Hi. Taylor’s the problem. And she knows it. (affectionate)
All right friends. It’s time to dive into an analysis again. I’ve been reflecting on a lot of Midnights and Taylor’s ever-present self-deprecation this era and in my regular fashion, I had to make an extremely long-winded analysis post about a certain motif of hers that I���ve noticed has only grown more apparent this time around. and essentially that is her self-awareness toward her ever-ambiguous signaling in regard to her identity, and where she is positioned in the complicated and delicate journey of coming out, as well as the plethora of emotions that surround that for both herself and her fans and those of us who pick up on the queer coded subtext of her music and art.
to kick off this analysis, may I remind you of this beauty of a quote from Taylor’s 2018 reputation tour pride speech that prefaced Delicate?
I want to send my love and respect to everybody who in their journey and in their life hasn't yet felt comfortable enough to come out ... and may you do that on your own time and may we end up with a world where everyone can live and love equally and no one has to be afraid to say how they feel. When it comes to feelings and when it comes to love and searching for someone to spend your whole life with, it’s all just really really delicate.
That is quite possibly my favorite thing she’s ever said. and what inspired this tag.
Now I need to clarify up front — I am never insinuating a need or even desire for Taylor to come out. Because that’s not our place to say. If you’ve been around my blog long enough, I would hope that nuance would be apparent. I simply point out regular motifs and patterns within her art and how it correlates with queer-coded themes of closets, of almost coming out, of outright queer coding, of rainbows, of keeping a love secret and safe, and on and on and on. The signs are there if you know what to look for (re: “I gave so many signs”) and that’s what I explore on my blog. The point is, I will never demand she come out. But I will stand with her in this complex journey she appears to be on. It’s entirely her journey and however she wishes to navigate that is hers to decide.
but that doesn’t detract from the reality that for those of us who see this beautiful queer subtext of her art and music and visuals and work and self, the ambiguity and constant back-and-forth when it comes to her identity (and the idea of coming out) can in fact be a lot to try and process and understand and ultimately to reconcile as we root for her. Trying to understand where she stands is much like chasing a moving target. (not that she owes any explanation to us, because again, she doesn’t.) her art and creativity are her place of expression and catharsis. however, watching her navigate these complexities and trying to root for her in this sometimes messy space is also, dare I say, exhausting.
hence, the title and general theme of this analysis.
so let’s begin.
First, we have this verse in Anti-Hero which is the perfect setup to illustrate this specific motif,
I should not be left to my own devices They come with prices and vices I end up in crises Tale as old as time
This is essentially the thesis of Taylor’s message, the feeling that her own judgement and actions might be the very cause for certain crises she finds herself in, however enticing those vices and choices may be. In choosing to straddle a glass-closeted lifestyle as an artist at her status and level of fame, all the while heavily queer-coding to her (receptive) audiences, only to be seen by most others as the hallmark of straight women as per her highly publicized bearding, juggling this all can be overwhelming. But it’s also a space that she has essentially curated and perpetuated herself.
An anti-hero is a central character in a narrative who conspicuously lacks heroic, moral qualities:
Although antiheroes may sometimes perform actions that are morally correct, it is not always for the right reasons, often acting primarily out of self-interest or in ways that defy conventional ethical codes.
Identifying herself as the anti-hero in this sense comes as a candid confession, as though she is admitting that maybe she is driven by self-interest. (which again, she is entitled to as we all are in our own lives.) (re: the jokes weren’t funny, I took the money, my friends at home don’t know what to say) Alternatively, and perhaps additionally, acting out of self-interest in this context may mean concealment of parts of her identity for the sake of self-preservation. The nuances behind why she hasn’t chosen to come out are at play here and I doubt any of us can fully comprehend what that is exactly.
I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger is near
Pouring out my heart to a stranger but I didn’t pour the whiskey
Combat, I'm ready for combat. I say I don't want that, but what if I do? 'Cause cruelty wins in the movies. I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you … Dark side, I search for your dark side. But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here?
You can easily grasp the intense oscillation as she goes back and forth between these decisions while juggling a myriad of reasons and factors, all of which are incredibly weighted. She knows it’s exhausting for us because it’s that much more exhausting for herself.
So, she elects to pursue a route all too familiar to closeted individuals in the public eye, one of bearding and concealing their identity.
I had some tricks up my sleeve … Perched in the dark, telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear, like it could be love, I could be the way forward, only if they pay for it … the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up
I took the money. My friends from home don't know what to say.
The cost at which this lifestyle comes is worthy of an analysis all on its own. But Taylor seems to be indicating that she has found safety and security in her self-made cages and closets of sorts.
I prefer hiding in plain sight
‘Cause shade never made anybody less gay
If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break
My town was a wasteland, full of cages, full of fences*, pageant queens and big pretenders. But for some, it was paradise.
In the darkest little paradise
(also, note the *fences. I’ll come back to that later.)
She brings focus to the fact that her town was full of cages and fences, which initially may carry a negative connotation. But here’s where she turns it around and says that for some, it was place of paradise, that the self-made cages brought security and freedom. That the idea of “forever” is in fact the sweetest con. That the good life she was hustling for through the tricks she had up her sleeve is within grasp. That this could be the way forward. Tell me that doesn’t scream a queer-coded experience?
But knowing Taylor and the complicated nature of this deeply personal topic, there is also a level of remorse regarding the said-cages and choices that had put her in crisis.
I cut off my nose just to spite my face, then hate my reflection for years and years
I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you
I’d pay if you’d just know me
Now, despite the way she has managed to remain glass-closeted, a large subset of her fans and the general public completely miss what she is signaling in regard to her queerness. (re: “I gave so many signs / you didn’t even see the signs”) but it appears she is feeling some remorse for the devices she’s used and the way she’s navigated things because she knows that she’ll be the one paying for it.
So again, Taylor fully acknowledges she’s the problem. She endlessly dances around the topic, sometimes to an extreme (re: “bent the truth too far tonight,” Bettygate and specifying a male perspective despite widespread interpretation of the alternative; similar thing with Lavendergate, etc etc) She writes from “male perspectives” so as to have a way to write female pronouns. She uses pseudonyms for similar motives. She equates herself with gay pride and places herself adjacent to the community repeatedly, and dances in Gaylor Park and rainbow kaleidoscopes. She dresses in rainbow attire and gives speeches emphasizing the delicacy of coming out and on and on, all while also remaining straight-passing. It’s complicated and messy and indeed exhausting.
sending signals to be double-crossed
I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
no doubt these devices and choices have come at a cost. first, the personal cost of remaining closeted (or in the very least, glass closeted) by her own making. The nature by which she has driven her career, of “taking the money” and pursuing a career (and by extension, following heteronormative cultural standards of remaining closeted), all point to the self-made cages she twists in.
recall the Delicate pride speech…
I want to send my love and respect to everybody who in their journey and in their life hasn't yet felt comfortable enough to come out ... and may you do that on your own time
That is a major theme for her. The idea that through a closeted state, certain freedoms can coexist.
We know Taylor has made a point to emphasize the comfort she has found in keeping elements of her life to herself post her apocalyptic summer. And the way she has largely receded her personal life from the public eye is telling. In an effort to protect the “real stuff”, she is withholding from others and has found safety in that.
Privacy sign on the door and on my page and on the whole world, romance is not dead if you keep it just yours.
She knows it’s not always a world that some would choose to be a part of. She describes it as a wasteland, likely desolate, harkening back to cowboy like me. A place where hustling for the good life, perching in the dark as con artists (or pageant queens and big pretenders) and telling all the rich folks anything they want to hear like “it could be love” is all too familiar.
It’s a painful dichotomy she fully explores in The Archer, recognizing that maybe it’s her lot in life to straddle these lines of staying where she is, perched in the dark, while wanting to step into the daylight and let it go.
and that’s where the second cost comes in — in how those of us who see her for what she is signaling herself to be, are ultimately left to ourselves to make sense of it.
It’s the same kind of essence of this fantastic analysis regarding coney island and her apology of not making us certain subsets of her fans and communities her centerfold.
Being left to her own devices, she has ultimately crafted a duplicitous persona, of which she has spoken about specifically when discussing mirrorball…
Everybody else feels like they have to be on for certain people. You have to be different versions of yourself for different people. Different versions at work, different versions around friends, different versions of yourself around different friends. Different version of yourself around family. Everybody has to be duplicitous, or feels that they have to in some ways, be duplicitous. And that’s part of the human experience, but it’s also exhausting. You kind of learn that every one of us has the ability to become a shape-shifter. But what does that do to us?
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Is it self-preservation? Or self-made self-destruction? (re: “they told me all of my cages were mental” “what a shame she’s fucked in the head” “lost in the labyrinth of my mind”)
Among the various anxieties that plague her in regard to this subject, Taylor makes one fear very clear. And that is for some inevitable day where we will leave her after we’ve had enough of “her scheming”.
'Cause they see right through me, they see right through me, they see right through. Can you see right through me?
I wake up screaming from dreaming One day I'll watch as you're leaving 'Cause you got tired of my scheming For the last time
These desperate prayers of a cursed man spilling out to you for free, but darling, darling, please, you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking if you knew where I was walking
Will you forgive my soul when you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?
She will get as close as she can to the topic, (“Gay pride… everything that makes me me!” to name just one) only to pull back or leave it ambiguous and devoid of clarity…
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
And I cut off my nose just to spite my face Then I hate my reflection for years and years
…only to feel guilt for skirting around the topic…
You said I was freeloading … I bent the truth too far tonight, I was dancing around, dancing around it … Your picket fence is sharp as knives, I was dancing around, dancing around it
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This to me is the a significant price that comes from her being left to her own devices. Yes, there is freedom that comes from closeting/bearding. But glass closeting brings a more painful mess of emotions for both the closet-er and those seeing it for what it is. This is what she addresses in Anti-Hero with painful clarity.
And sometimes this can come at a painful cost. Take YNTCD for example. In this video, she positions herself within the queer community, dancing in Gaylor Park, and boldly declares herself an advocate for LGBTQIA rights.
But as we know, the video was met by many as out-of-touch (re: “freeloading”), performative and whatever else critics were spewing.
motion capture put me in a bad light. I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong. writing letters addressed to the fire
Now for a detour.
I want to talk about the purple / blue / lavender glitter for a minute. Here, in the Directors on Directors interview, Taylor describes the glitter as being a metaphor for herself...
It’s supposed to be a metaphor for like, I bleed glitter, I’m not normal, there’s something wrong with me, I’m not a person, I don’t belong, I don’t fit in anywhere.
Recall how I said chasing a moving target?
Let’s talk about the significance of this scene and a handful of others in terms of the lavender glitter.
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[For some queer context regarding glitter]
I’d first like to point out Hayley Kiyoko’s purple glitter jacket above, from the YNTCD video. This is Hayley Kiyoko we’re talking about. The proclaimed Lesbian Jesus. And in this moment, while she is wearing the purple glitter jacket, she is aiming an arrow at a target, signifying The Archer. This moment is key.
And then you have the Miss Americana documentary, wherein Taylor explicitly equates herself with gay pride, while talking about the Me! music video.
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It’s a line of dialogue that screams at me with such intensity. Irrefutable. As a film editor, I know that every line in a film is deliberately placed and thought out and meticulously addressed. And therefore we can trust that Taylor intended for this line to make it into the film. I can tell that surrounding dialogue is seemingly trimmed and crafted in a delicate way. And part of that is the very direct statement that “Gay pride…everything that makes me, me!”
And it’s within this music video that we again witness a massive “ME!” literally jumping out at us on screen, in none other than purple glitter.
A handful of others could sense that the conclusion of Miss Americana felt as thought it was headed in a different direction than the one it ultimately took. And that for whatever reason, Taylor’s political advocacy took center stage while a deeper analysis regarding her LGBTQIA advocacy did not.
Cut back to the Anti-Hero music video where we get The Archer aiming right for Taylor, and striking her, causing her to bleed, yet again, purple glitter.
Pierced through the heart but never killed… did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism, like some kind of congressman
My covert (secret) narcissism (ME!) I disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman (the political turn and advocacy present in Miss Americana)
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In other words, covering up who she is (“gay pride… everything that makes me me!”) under the guise of a film almost exclusively focused on her journey of discovering her political (“Vote for me for everything” pin) activist voice. And what scene depicts this with near precision???
this one.
motion capture put me in a bad light. I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong. writing letters addressed to the fire
'cause cruelty wins in the movies, I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you
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The subsequent look on her face of absentminded agony says it all. She knows the confusion that comes from rooting for her as (especially if she is seen as an ally who maybe crosses one too many lines if presumably as straight.)
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The inner-turmoil on display for us in The Archer has transformed into a tone all too exhausted in its own right within Anti-Hero. She knows we’re tired. She’s tired too. In a self-deprecating jab, she admits that she is the problem and she knows that everybody ultimately agrees with her on this. Shielded within a pop anthem, her vulnerability is on display. And so, in Dear Reader, with equal parts desperation as well as wit, she concludes…
You should find another guiding light, guiding light. But I shine so bright.
And so it is ultimately within this utterly messy, exhausting, complicated, ever-changing and nuanced journey that Taylor reaches out to those of us who do in fact see through her and who ultimately simply see her, that she asks us in all sincerity…
Who could stay? Who could stay? Who could stay? You could stay.
And I, for one, will stay.
[enjoy my other analyses here]
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year
🚨 A harasser calling the Police on a trans artist over Warhammer 40k BDSM porn art and genshin impact 🚨
The harasser seems to be on Tumblr as well so be careful. Situation is very new and currently still ongoing and people is talking about this
TW and CW for the contents below:
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Okay so someone on Twitter is harassing, stalking and doxxing, making false bigotry accusations and calling the cops on an artist over Warhammer 40k art and stuff about genshin impact that person seems to be very upset that the artist is drawing bdsm porn gore Warhammer 40k and they don't like art about Childe x Xiao?...
And they don't like art about Childe getting fucked by the tentacle monster or tortured or shipped with "the wrong person and not their fave"
This is the harasser Twitter account and Tumblr sock puppet account btw. I have no idea if the harasser might have a main Tumblr blog but could be hence why I'm posting this here because the harasser can be anywhere on Tumblr especially on Genshin
Edit: *sighing roll my eyes. Of course it's the people like this always. I had to update the tag now to include pro vs antis stuff... lord...*
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As you can see the harasser is making these unhinged accusations about the artist and calling them racist slave owner Nazi (yeah probably the harasser is one of those people who believes that if you like Warhammer 40k then you are a Nazi)
I haven't seen any evidence of the artist doxxing a poc so far while the harasser literally calling the cops on other people over shipping and fan art
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MissingOldRose has been harassing the artist for MONTHS both on Tumblr and Twitter, made concerning and threatening comments about the artist pets and also countless false accusations.
Also accused an SA survivor (the artist) as a rapist over personal vent and fan art. I can't do it anymore with modern fandom. Especially with the fact that cops was called to arrest a TRANS PERSON over fan art. LGBTQA+ people are often the target of police brutality and unfair treatment both from the legal system and that's happening in the western world that supposed to be progressive countries.
In my country LGBT people have no protection
Another important detail
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Yeah fyi for some people who wanting to call the cops or swatting other people over ship/art/ stupid ass shipping discourse, as quoted:
"Anyone has free artistic expression and they (the cops) don't find anything wrong at all with my art"
Thats a false report and you won't go to jail over Genshin Impact shipping and art.
The situation today still ongoing
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Remember the harasser is on Tumblr, last time i check the soc account is still exists and they MIGHT have main blog on Tumblr as well especially on Tumblr Genshin (but who knows just careful)
If you know MissingOldRose on Tumblr and Twitter or you know if they have main Tumblr account please be careful. @abusiveartistsfuckoff account as listed above is used for harassing and stalking on people Tumblr. Even if this situation doesn't impact you directly. What if that person (especially if you are on Genshin Impact fandom) doesn't like your ship or you art then threaten to do the same to you?
Also have some compassion for the artist please
Sorry for tagging this with genshin, doesn't mean to polluted the fandom but it's just an awareness since the harasser is on Tumblr and also a part of the Genshin community. It's really sucks because the game itself is really fun but by god some people in the Genshin fandom often went too far...
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lostdrarryfics · 7 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 2
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 2 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
2.1 I’m not confident if it was in portuguese or english. Harry was an auror and Draco was an unspeakable and they were together on a mission were eventually they were captured into a sex traffic scheme. It was HEAVILY angsty and I think they were rescued by Rabastan Lestrange (i’m pretty sure it was him, but I think that it may be Rodolphus instead). It’s been YEARS since Iast read it but it made an impression.
2.2 Fairly sure that the fic was on ao3 and a wip but could be completely off the mark. The only thing I remember is that at Gringotts: the Potters’ will is read and specifically both Lucius Malfoy and Snape’s presence is requested; which is questioned by others present at the time of the reading. The Potters are aware that there is a connection between Harry and Draco - I’m guessing soulmate, mate if creature fic hence the request of Lucius. Possibly anti-Dumbledore but again not positive. fic is not ‘And The Forest Met The Sky’ by Silverhood, The Black Star by Aileen Dickinson, or Lord Thanatos by wonderfulWonderful 505
2.3 veela!Draco fic. Harry is draco’s mate and is extremely unhappy about it. Draco keeps his distance and nearly die because of it (veelas, in this universe, die if they are rejected), and Harry makes a unbreakable vow (i think that it is with narcisa) that he will at least try to be around. They eventually develop a relationship and Harry starts to search a new house for them, but Draco thinks that he is been cheated and die because of the perceived rejection. Harry eventually dies because of the vow he made and they meet again in a kind of heaven, where they also meet Lily, James, Sirius, Severus, Remus and other canon dead characters.
2.4 could have been on Ao3 or Hexfiles. It’s Draco’s birthday. Harry’s pov. Draco is in love with him. They have been friends for some years (and secretly in love, even though it’s only revealed in the end that Harry fell in love too). Draco always dances with everybody at his birthday except Harry. Tonight they dance. At some point Blaise says to Harry something like he should let Draco go so he could be with someone. There are plenty of people interested in Draco. Harry is surprised someone has noticed something is going on between them. Harry is married to Ginny and has kids with her. He can’t leave her. His thing with Draco started many years ago at his birthday party, when they talked about the war in a rose garden. They suddenly kissed. My memory might be failing me here, but I think they started eating lunch together maybe every week. They became friends, but also coudn’t help falling in love. At the time of one Draco’s birthday party (in the past) Ginny was giving birth or just birthed her and Harry’s twins. Harry was at the party without her. The need between him and Draco got too strong and Harry gave him a blowjob in the bathroom. That was the only sexual encounter between them. In the end Harry maybe dashes out of the party and Draco follow and confronts him. Harry admits he didn’t fall in love alone. I’m not sure if it was a wip or oneshot. It was all angst and hurt with strong chemistry and longing.
2.5 Ron is toasting the happy couple, maybe at their engagement party or wedding. He’s giving affectionate anecdotes about Draco’s bad behavior at school. Like, “remember the time he challenged Harry to a duel in the forbidden forest and then didn’t show?” (Not the exact quote.)
2.6 probably (like 90% sure) on ao3, but I read it a long time ago so I can’t remember. The plot was basically Harry forced to be with Draco in marriage or partnership. Initially Draco was very abusive, but slowly warms up to Harry. Harry gets to know the reason behind Draco’s behaviours is Lucius’ child abuse. Draco has secret bondage dungeon. He also has a shrine of Harry. Harry gets pregnant. Lucius is the main villain here. Narcissa & Snape are also here, along with the Weasleys though the later don’t make much of an appearance. Snape is the one who supplied the pregnancy potion to Harry. In one scene Draco admires Ginny’s attitude thinking she would’ve been good for Harry. In another scene, Draco & Harry are having sex, and Draco is clutching Harry by his throat but Harry loving runs his fingers through Draco’s hair. When their child is born Lucius wants to take it away but the healer who helped deliver stands in the way. Earlier in the fic Draco forces Harry to take poly juice so he could fuck a girl. Lucius dies in a fire at the end. The fire is at Malfoy manor. Though I’m not sure, but I think they spent their Christmas at the Weasleys where Draco promises to gift something to Molly. The fic also had an Author’s note on how they’ve forgiven someone for doing something similar in real life, replying to comments on how Draco is abusive to Harry.
2.7 drarry little mermaid AU. It was a dark fic, based on the original little mermaid not the Disney version and it was dark and didn’t have a happy ending. I think Draco was an elf/fae rather than a mermaid
2.8 All I remember is that it was Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny. Before it becomes Drarry, it was 50 chapters, and complete, I clearly remember a tag that said everyone gets a happy ending except astoria in all lowercase letters.
2.9 What I remember of the fic is only one scene so bear with me, Draco and Harry are in relationship I think and Draco is also there when order members come to take him from privet drive. And he also attends Bill’s wedding but during the death eaters attack he gets caught and they take him away to the manor, Harry cries alot after that. I this is multi chaptered. In this fic Draco defected I guess and he attends the marriage and disguises like how Harry does, but he is revealed and he is taken to the manor. Harry is devastated and then he keeps seeing him through his connection with voldermort being tortured or something. They are already in relationship at this point. fic is not The Wrong Sort by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
2.10 harry is getting married to Ginny and he’s sorting out all of the things for the wedding and one of them is the cake. Draco works or owns the bakery that Harry is getting the cake from and they both start to talk and get closer. That’s when Harry realises that he’s not ready to marry Ginny because a certain blonde has his heart. I’m sure Harry, when ever he’s in doubt or just bored he apparates to the bakery and dracos always holding the daily prophet to see what the saviour of the wizarding world is up to.
2.11 it was on ao3 and i read it a long time ago (i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t exist any more) but what i remember from it was pretty intense bdsm experimentation (between harry and draco) and they both started developing feelings but weren’t saying anything and i recall them fkin around in an abandoned class room? one scene i remember vividly is harry getting triggered by something draco says or did but it had something to do with his trauma with the dursleys and he calls out the safe word for the first time (which was snitch).
2.12 I’m looking for this specific drarry texting story I read on YouTube over 3 years ago. I think that it’s no longer on YouTube, but I wanted to know if it was ever posted on any other social media. The story goes like - Ron gives Harry the password to use the prefect bathroom where Harry stumbles upon Draco. Draco ends up doing some spells with the water (like a water snake like thing) and it fascinated Harry but Draco doesn’t really indulge in the conversation. When Harry tries to leave, Draco cages him and they end up having sex.
2.13 fic on ao3 where its set in 8th year and harry and draco are still fucked up meet up to (or just end up) fight(ing) a lot and one time harry takes it a bit too far and punches draco in the stomach, and draco throws up blood? And harry has to call madame pomphrey i believe. I dont think it was a particularly long fic but thats all i can remember.
2.14 harry and draco are twins but (i think) they were separated and then they got together like finding out they are twins and also dating lmao and okay then?? they became like rulers of the wizard world by making treaties and stuff w creatures and all that
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ad-hawkeye · 3 months
(not the past anon/s but i made this whole analysis on artem's summer splash card + compared it to wings of exhilaration and i wanted to share hehe this got really long and i hope it makes sense 😭)
SPOILERS AHEAD‼️‼️‼️ they're pretty minor bc i won't be spoiling the overall plots of the cards but,, still spoilers 😭
when i think of fanservice in terms of artem cards, the cards that come to mind are his summer splash card and "wings of exhilaration" but i will always pick the latter over the former any day under any circumstance‼️ they both center on the theme of possessiveness but while wings acknowledges it as smth that is natural in a relationship, summer splash makes it feel like it's a requirement
artem is def a lot more comfortable relationship-wise in wings but there's clearly still some uncertainty 🥹 after not seeing each other for a week he gets super clingy and pretty much does everything he can so he can have rosa all to himself for a while. he lets her choose between having dinner in the hotel room or at the hotel restaurant but rosa sees right through him, noticing that he's hoping she'll pick the former, so she does but it was of her own accord.
at the end, he's surprised she noticed this and reveals that it was bc he knew that a lot of racers would also be dining at the restaurant and he didn't want anyone to share his or her attention but he still wanted to give her the freedom of choice, hence him still giving her the option to dine out. he also adds that he's not sure whether he's had this possessiveness from the start and it only manifested now and he didn't want rosa to "accomodate" his wants BUT rosa immediately assures him that possessiveness is normal in relationships and that even she feels toward him too!!
wings is supposed be released before summer splash so i'm pretty sure what the writers wanted to do with summer splash is show artem in his most confident and comfortable stage in the relationship as a continuation of wings but they forgot to stay true to his actual personality 😭 at the end when the two of them were lighting the sparklers, rosa was reminiscing about what her high school classmates would do with the sparklers and artem straight up tells her that he doesn't want her to remember them when she sees sparklers and think of ONLY him instead?? and imo it just doesn't seem like smth artem would say 😭
i imagine he'd be sentimental and say "while i missed out on experiencing playing with sparklers as a kid, this experience with you alone makes up for all of it" 🥲 and even if they rlly wanted to keep his original quote, there are so many other ways to reword it so artem isn't basically saying he wants to override her memories until they're all of him (i refuse to acknowledge summer splash as canon and made up my own plot for it LMFAO)
all i can say is that artem in wings of exhilaration was written with the character in mind but artem in summer splash was written for the plot‼️
this is literally the most clear and concise explanation of these cards ever. and how each one handles a similar topic, but differently?? wow, okay yeah i can. definitely see where this card went very very wrong.
the funny thing is i have never liked possessiveness or jealousy plots in otomes/dating sims because more often than not it's treated exactly how you said it was in the summer splash card. it's. the. WOORRRST and it's even more awful here because of how ooc it is.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! yeah! the wings card does seem in character and handles the topic like. so normally. !!?? when this stuff is handled well it's so much better and anyways this is required reading for this blog thank you for my life anon this was utterly fantastic, well written, and concise!!!!!!!!!!
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bi-kisses · 1 year
“Imagine thinking that "bone density" of a twelve year old boy vs girl is going to be significantly different enough for an unfair sporting advantage,”
It… literally is. The difference between male and female bones isn’t slight and 12 year olds are actually right at the point where that difference becomes even more pronounced. Beyond having much stronger bones, natal males also have more muscle mass (which HRT can only reduce by up to 5%), larger hearts, larger lungs, and more efficient oxygen transport during exercise—All of these are pretty relevant to athletic performance.
This transwomen-in-women’s-sports hill that so many of you are willing to die on is beyond unscientific and it comes across as both deluded and incredibly selfish to anyone with a functional understanding of sexual dimorphism. Women losing the right to relatively fair competition is not acceptable collateral for making trans people feel more affirmed.
I know exactly who is sending this and dude I'm embarrassed for you because you're so obsessed with this bullshit. Like it's children playing sports. For fuck's sake can YOU choose another hill to die on? Am I the one actually digging through blogs to cry about the slightly denser hip bones of prepubescent boys and how it's unfair to let them play soccer with the girls? I post on this blog, like, every other day. Usually just to reblog something I thought was interesting. I am of the opinion that sports as a whole shouldn't be such a big fucking deal and YOU deciding to read more into that isn't my problem.
Don't tell me, a woman, how you, a man who loves to shit on trans people, how women are "losing the right to (relatively*) fair competition". You had to add that little caveat because it's already a well known fact that sports aren't actually "fair" at all, hence the banning of (mostly black) women who have more testosterone than others through no fault of their own. Christ.
But forget all that! Since I genuinely wanted to learn more on the subject, mostly out of spite for you specifically, I decided to do some digging. Here are the actual facts about muscle mass and bone density between the sexes, as well as the effects of HRT.
Here's a quote from a Canadian study on bone density, which I hope you find particularly interesting: (source)
There was no gender difference in TB BMC until age 14 or in TB BMD until age 16, when male values were significantly greater. Females had significantly greater LS BMC at ages 12 and 13, but by age 17 the male values were significantly greater.
It's not a "boys strong girls weak" situation, actually, because bodies are complicated and full of moving bits. Girls have stronger spines in their preteens (on average) whereas boys have tougher hips. This shifts and changes. At age 12, specifically, it's not AT ALL significant enough to impact playing at a preteen-capacity sporting event, especially a team-based one. You think having one kid with slightly stronger bones on one of the teams is ruining the playing field??? K
In some countries, the disparities are different between sexes, and there's a growing issue with girls entering puberty far earlier than boys (probably microplastics, who knows). To try and paint it as this black-and-white "boys play with boys, girls play with girls" as if that actually makes things significantly fairer when I, a girl who stood a good half foot taller than my male classmates at age twelve and did martial arts since I was able to walk, was considered weaker competition than the two-heart-transplants boy who was at serious risk of death if someone came to school with a cough? No one ACTUALLY gives a single flying fuck about these sports being balanced.
Alright, muscle mass time.
Here's a Danish study (source) that actually bothered to distinguish between levels and variations in physical activity. And, unsurprisingly, from ages 10-12 there aren't significant differences muscle-wise between girls and boys who engage in the same sports.
For the specifics, check table 3 and the averages it gives for each sex, especially with the standard deviation being much higher than the difference between those averages.
That was all well and good, and again, you WILL find significant differences between different cultures because bones and muscles are heavily reliant on what you eat, your genetics BESIDES sex, and the activities you're participating in. So to reiterate, why is sex the thing we're using as a mark of "fairness" given the variables that ACTUALLY make a notable difference at these younger ages?
I think I've made my stance pretty fucking clear at this point, which is "this whole idea that sex is the arbiter of balanced competition is stupid". But we're not done with the original ask, which also claims that HRT can only reduce muscle mass by up to 5%.
God, okay, so this one was fucking annoying to look into because it's not as simple as a flat muscle-mass-change-percentage. There are different muscle groups that are affected differently by hormones and whatnot, but I couldn't find any evidence that it was a maximum of 5% change?? Here's a review of the last twenty years of studies in the area of trans women undergoing HRT (source). If you're trying to find a conclusive range of possible change in muscle mass, you're going to come up short, because that's not what people are studying here.
Let me explain a few things. The average reported change in muscle mass after about a year of HRT was ~3-6%. There's no accounting for how much of an actual change that was in relation to their lifestyles, because trans women don't actually tend to be professional athletes. These are just girlies who go about their lives.
What am I getting at here? Well, let's say, sure, that average muscle mass decrease was 5% ish. That's from that individual's initial muscle mass to their current. The difference between cis men and trans women, however, could be anywhere from 6% to 20%. The data you're comparing actually matters and the variables at play matter, too. Trans women who hadn't undergone ANY HRT still tended to have ~10% less muscle mass than cis men!
There are a lot of theories surrounding what makes someone trans to begin with, and several studies have confirmed androgen insensitivity to be prevalent in trans women, so you can imagine how that would change their physical development. Just food for thought.
I kinda rambled and got pissy here but honestly I'm so sick of the nitpicking bullshit because no one pretending to give a shit about trans women in sports actually cares about the numbers or the balance or whatever have you, they just obsess over this idea that "failed men" are stealing from "poor, weak women", which I shouldn't have to explain is a stupid and sexist position.
In conclusion: professional-level sports aren't fucking fair no matter how strictly sexed they are, this whole argument is meaningless because transphobic assholes don't actually care about any of these talking points, and general exercise is good for you.
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rangarlamamicado · 2 years
Deltarune Chapter 5 & Skies Forever Blue: THE MISSING LINK
Okay, so for the longest time I've been pulling my hairs in all of my previous theories regarding just what Chapter 5 would be. I know Chess Theory makes everything easy when it comes to determining that the boss of Chapter 3 will be a Rook (with the TV world already confirmed) and Chapter 4 a Bishop (which can easily be determined to likely be housed by the Church)... but since Chapter 5 supposedly has The Knight, I'd been a little confused. Especially since it could be ANYWHERE since The Knight clearly isn't restricted to one dark world, let alone any area in town.
However, recently, I saw a VERY GOOD Theory video by JaruJaruJ on Youtube about what several bridging pieces regarding Toby's newest independent piece of media is, as well as how it could easily be connected to Deltarune and December Holiday, the missing links, and potentially The Knight.
SO. With that basis in mind, I will heavily quote and paraphrase details from his video here to weave together why I think Chapter 5's Dark World will be...! DRAGON BLAZERS 2.
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Look, let's face it, there's literally a Dragon within the first minute of the music video. In addition to this, there's also reason to believe that the version of Dragon Blazers being played here is the same because of the following:
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In other media, such as Noelle's blog post at https://deltarune.com/icepalace_glaceir/ it's indicated that there's also a home-console version of Dragon Blazers. However, suppose this version of Dragon Blazers is meant to resemble being on the Gameboy. In that case, it's possible that the console version was on the Gamecube, since the Gameboy and Gamecube have cross-compatibility (this helps in the theory later, I promise).
The person in the music video looks to be a human, so it's possible that Kris at one point got to play Dragon Blazers 2, and is responsible for whatever happened in the music video instead of Noelle... whoops. Maybe that'll play into what happens during Chapter 5?
However, there's more - specifically, more to tie in the fact that the grander dark world (the darker world/dark world network? basically whatever allows things like Ralsei to move between dark worlds) exists with these details.
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This sequence of events hints at the possibility that whatever grander darkness there may be - including the kind Ralsei uses to navigate Dark Worlds in addition to wherever the girl, who may be "Dess." Noelle literally remarks saying that the bow is familiar - whether with her sister or the character or both, it isn't known.
As for how I can ask or even question whether these places are even connected, I have an idea.
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Noelle openly discusses that in Dragon Blazers, there is a Glacier Palace. The page leading up to this has very rudimentary spritework, yet the crude colors remind me very much of the music video, and I believe this location may be important - whether for the main boss or the secret boss.
There's also more evidence to support that, in some way, Dess herself may be directly related to whoever owned the game, hence connections in the music video.
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A guitar case that could easily fit a guitar the likes of which appeared in the sweepstakes hidden site. To me I feel Toby was slowly trying to spread the crumbs of details, and it has led me to this ultimate theory thanks to the theorization of JaruJaruJ those who he also cites.
SO THEN! It's time for me to predict just what's happening here using the information we already have. Where do I even start though? Why doesn't Dess look like... well, Dess? Why does the grander dark world even come into relevance here? What do Noelle and Kris have to do with all this?
Well, to start, I'd like to use some relevant information to postulate how all of this is even possible.
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While not directly stated, it's illustrated in the 'chair' hidden page during the sweepstakes that there exists the possibility of "darker darkness." To me, this begs the question: What does this mean for the dark world?
Well, for starters, JaruJaruJ postulates in the video that it might have to do with the dark fountain in Castle Town being made of pure darkness. He goes on to postulate how Dess might be related to that, but while I feel that might be important, to me, I think the possibility of a "darker world" is entertaining.
A meta-world of an already metaphorical thing such as a game - even Dark world have concrete items, places, and things, regardless of what it's based on. Also, clearly, the dark world has many things that the light world doesn't.
RPG Mechanics, "saving", darkners, fountains... you name it. All of these things are important, because to me, I think each of these represent basic structure for a dark world - and if a darker world were to exist, it seems to me that these traits may be blown even further into flanderization, perhaps even harmfully affecting those who venture into it. The one lifeline seems to be saving, as well as its connection to "heaven." JaruJaruJ makes this point in his video:
That said, if somehow it was possible that Dess got trapped
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Save points. There seems to be what resembles a save point in the music video, but it's pink. Further, he says that, because being with determination seem to be able to save, (yellow for humans, white for non-human non-monster beings like Flowey (and Kris for some reason, do with that what you will) he says that we haven't seen what a monster with Determination seems to have a save look like - pink.
Save points seem to be the anchors in dark worlds to reality, whether from the angel or otherwise (he says in another theory that the world is an endless loop and supports it with saves and the angel as well as Ralsei having some stake in an endless reality).
Even Spamton, whose palette is literally mainly composed of white, yellow, and pink (the three colors) says he has a fascination with salvation, heaven, and darkness, as if some kind of symbol that found the interest of the darker beings (Gaster? Dess? Ralsei? The Angel?) whether it was an accident or not on his part. This, to me, is a sign by Toby. Nothing with his is a coincidence, and this music video having so many signs is the key.
Furthermore, even in the darkest of worlds, save points can help one out of darkness. However, for the girl, this isn't enough. She abuses saves to restart reality in this darker world to the point that she sinks further deeper, as if having used too much dark power, having lost her power.
But why did Dess do all of this? And what does it mean for the real world, as well as Chapter 5?
Well, to me, while JaruJaruJ might say there have been reasons otherwise, I find it interesting that, if Dess is stuck in this world as this girl, that perhaps she took this form for a reason? Was it the powers of Darkness that let her change her image? Is it metaphorically her, but not literally? Well, I believe that it may be one of two things.
If everything in the music video is truly Deltarune (the first possibility), that may mean a specific list of things. It means that Dess literally became the girl in the game. It means that only a human could've played the game, meaning it had to be Kris. It means that Dess was capable of saving, and according to the lyrics, loved Kris.
To me, if this line of logic is true, it means that Dess maybe wanted to take the form of a human princess because, like Kris, she loved humans. In addition, she claims that she was named the same as the one Kris loved, which may secretly have been Dess. (Hence, that's probably why Kris is probably so weird with Noelle in the weird route, since he sees her sister in her - albeit, these are all influence by the player and not Kris directly, it's just that not all the choices are the player either, which make me ask questions. But this isn't a Kris theory, it's a Dess theory.) I find it a far more compelling narrative for Toby to have weaved, especially if this all comes to manifest in Chapter 5, though I'll get to that.
The second possibility, to me, is that the video metaphorically represents Deltarune with some real details, but not completely. For example, this may negate that Dess took the form of a human, and Kris was the one playing the game. It may be that Noelle played this version of the game, and Dess' words in the song actually represent familial love, hence why Dess is familiar, albeit not completely remembering who she is or what she was/is. The love she may be singing of as well as the one the player loved may actually represent familial love, and in a way makes the scenes where Noelle and Rudy playing the game sadder to me. Because Dess may be trapped in the game, they may miss her and wonder where she is, but she may actually be right in front of them without knowing it.
This is why I brought up the details of NPCs, Darkners, and RPG-mechanics as well as a darker world taking a toll on those who may be trapped there, for whatever the reason. Dess may have forgotten about the life she had outside and only began to remember her role in the game - which she may have been afraid to break from.
If this is true, rather than the way it is in the other theory, it opens up a can of worms that also make sense along the lines of Spamton. There seems to be an "order" in the world. An order that, if broken, through causality and fate somehow bring ruin to those who stray from it. Spamton attempted to stray from fate by asking for assistance from someone with control over the dark domain, but causality assured ruin for him in the form of Kris. This may have to do with the theory about the loop that JaruJaruJ made (which I quite like), but I feel the Soul is just as important in the loop as the Angel is.
Anyways, if all of this were true as I said, Dess, having achieved her wish of becoming a human, may have been bound to the roll of her character in the game - hence order breaks. Dess likely wanted to tell Noelle or Kris that it's them and that they love them, but it would cause ruin, and the loops/saves in the game would come to an end. This perfectly follows the themes of "choices not mattering," but in the end it seems that Dess regardless confessed their love and sacrificed the world by breaking her role to tell the player who she really is in exchange for the world breaking and herself being banished into darkness.
So! If all that's the backstory, it's time to talk about Chapter 5 once and for all, and what it may mean.
Now then. Based on everything I've theorized so far, I will rapidly cover what I believe will happen in Chapters 3 and 4, as well as what the secret bosses may be based on what we know and how this will apply to the future.
The TV world is the world we know most about. The characters, to antagonist (to some degree), the setting... However, even Toby knows that we want to know who we fight and why - Spamton A. Spamton toys with that in the Sweepstakes video, even if it isn't canon.
Personally, I believe that the secret boss will be the Green Crayon. Too many things line up for it to NOT be relevant to this world. First, it's green, which may tie in with the green soul color. Second, it's discarded similar to Jevil and Spamton, in addition to having relevance to Kris in a way. They may be important in that they might have information about Asriel and his whereabouts, which would make for interesting secret boss information. The crayon also is already most likely within the home, albeit nobody knows where which would lead naturally to a good secret location. While I believe it's all interesting, as well as the potential of Toriel as the party member, I don't see relevance aside from the detail one person gleaned somewhere that has relevance to Dragon Blazers.
I don't recall who, but I remember reading something in the comments section that may have relevance here. I won't paraphrase. I will simply post it and move on to Chapter 4. Do with this what you will.
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This is where I have the most faith in my answers, theory wise and literally. As for the setting, aligning with Chess Theory, I can easily see this being the church and the boss as the Bishop. The locations including the church proper and the graveyard means there are ample opportunities for lore regarding the Angel, as well as with Alvin potentially as the antagonist/ "Bishop", attempting to revive Gerson and The Hammer Of Justice.
As for the secret boss, I can see it taking place in the Graveyard. There's very vague hinting at this during the Sweepstakes regarding information regarding the realness of ICE-E, but with the Pizza Box that supposedly winked at Noelle being burnt in the graveyard and left, I can see it coming back for revenge. Specifically, I cite a theory video by HalfBreadChaos regarding JUST what ICE-E might be, and how he might be an extraplanar monstrosity not too dissimilar from Everyman and even Gaster.
It would make sense since, in the soul order theory according to the strangely convenient order in this background in Deltarune that supposedly predicts the soul colors of each chapter...
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... it would totally make sense if ICE-E's color was cyan. He may have connections to Gaster! He may have connections to Noelle! Hell, he may even have connections to Dess! I dunno! But either way, I totally look forward to this if it's real.
I've TOTALLY had the hardest time predicting this chapter, as stated earlier. For the longest time, for some reason, I thought it would be in ICE-E's P"E"ZZA, but I don't think that'd make any sense aside from elements of horror for a chapter. I also thought, for some reason, that the antagonist would be Papyrus, because he's a knight, and it'd make the most sense.
HOWEVER, with this new information at hand and a seemingly perfect set-up, I can now say with confidence that the next dark world after the church is DRAGON BLAZERS 2. The antagonist, the Knight, could easily be a fake-out on the game's part - Specifically, I would find it very funny if the antagonist this chapter was The Knight from DRAGON BLAZERS, specifically the main character in the music video. It would be very funny if he was the stereotypical hero-type who sees the main characters as antagonists or dark-lords, and I would find it very interesting if, for this chapter only, everything was pixelated and downscaled like DRAGON BLAZERS. It'd make sense if the female character was there, albeit not Dess - a soulless replacement if you will, perhaps the real boss who turns on the hero and reveals the nature of things? Maybe it's the Everyman? The information that could be dropped has crazy potential here.
That said, as for the secret boss, I think the most relevant route would be something involving the labrynth that Noelle discussed in the secret post about the Glacier Palace that I discussed above. Seeing as it's greatly related to glitches and hidden areas like the door The Roaring Knight uses that's hinted to exist here (as hinted by Toby's unused intro using The Roaring Knight by The Door), it would only make sense to me if the boss was Dess Holiday. The blue soul color is related to ice, as Papyrus, who once bore it, resided in Snowdin, and is also related in the literal sense to being a "cold" color, similar to how Sans was cold during the Genocide battle in Undertale. To me, this is the only logical conclusion, and as for whether it hits the mark or not, I can't say.
If you like the theory, please remember to like, subscribe, and hit that be- *GETS HIT BY BRICK*
okay but for real. please share if you agree in some way. I feel very confident about this, and would love to see what comes of it. Thank you for listening to my lengthy wall of a post, and thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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But.... I suspect you can see what's in front of you, but you wouldn't care anyway, because so far everything you've written makes me think you're a Tae anti, and you've come on here to vent hoping to get a rise out people//
Tae anti? Why? Coz l asked about a translation which was translated
“i had no thoughts of doing a live but he turned the live on right before leaving.. and i was already all over the place because of my laundry! do you see the sharp corners (the way he folded his laundry)”
It says “he” so oblivious referring tae who said he switched on the live. Jk said he was busy. Hence the question and way l ask it since l remembered the same thing happened before. I can’t remember when and where but it was the only live jk asked tae to leave ( not in bad way) but it was after tae said “ we’re sharing room”. Now you may call me a jk anti too or tk hater My intention isn’t that. I wish l could use other names instead of tk that would be less triggering. Trying to understand how AB’s relationship work like this with miscommunication and push and pull happen on cam. Aren’t couples supposed to be work like team especially if they’re queer since it’s stronger when they both stand like one for their relationship, even without saying a word about the true nature of their relationship. Fans also involved in this which makes this even more complicated. Now you may say we/they can’t change how fans interpret. Imho this is where tactical strategies needed since one day if they come out they need fan’s support and respect for their bond. Hopefully you get what l am trying to put in to words. My concern isn’t about today or tomorrow but them as a queer couple in long term and fan’s support their career and them as pair ( even not dating)
“i had no thoughts of doing a live but he turned the live on right before leaving... and i was already all over the place because of my laundry! do you see the sharp corners (the way he folded his laundry)”
You're quoting an ARMY Translation but the Weverse translation is slightly different as I mentioned in my intial response... but that's not what you stated in your original ask, this is what you ACTUALLY said...
"Even tho tae tried to show he was there jk said he invited them all plus said “why did he on the live”."
This is inaccurate to what occurred you then compounded what you said by stating...
tk isn’t anything especial
jk was uncomfortable with tae going live
tae trying to insert himself with jk and jk doesn’t care
You say you're not an Anti, but all of the things you stated in your previous ask were negative toward Tae, so how else am I to interpret your words, because they WERE YOUR WORDS.
Now regarding what you've asked here...
"It says “he” so oblivious referring tae who said he switched on the live. "
As stated, you're using a fan translation, other translations don't state the "he", and that includes Weverse. Now fan translations can be more accurate, but this one has conflicting translations.
"Jk said he was busy."
Yes, busy doing laundry (obviously for his trip), but he also stated he was BORED and because of that he asked the members to come round, but only Tae and Hobi turned up.
"I can’t remember when and where but it was the only live jk asked tae to leave ( not in bad way) but it was after tae said “ we’re sharing room”."
You're obviously talking about this live:
Well, you're obviously interpreting it in a particular way, but most people I know think that Tae and JK were sharing that room, and the awkwardness comes from them trying not to reveal it. Also, if you think Tae left at the end then you're not very observant....
"I wish l could use other names instead of tk that would be less triggering."
Why would that be less triggering? That's their ship name and the one accounts like mine use. I use alternate names for other ships to help limit toxic fans coming onto my blog and spew hate.
It's not the names you need to change but how you write your thoughts down, just like you have in this new ask. Because in that first ask it came across as very critical of Tae, and to someone who supports Tae that didn't sit well with me, and that's why I gave the response I did.
"Aren’t couples supposed to be work like team..."
Yes, but in a 2 minute live where JK is busy doing something for most of it, it's hardly gonna be about making the dream work for that teamwork. His thoughts at that point were probably on the trip and getting ready.
"Fans also... makes this even more complicated... if they come out they need fan’s support..."
Fans always over complicate things that ain't gonna change any time soon. Taekook though has enough support to weather any storm.
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tanmitasu · 8 months
始め (An introduction to this blog)
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So now we come to the English part (I am very slow at typing on my Macbook - I really need to really work on it.) I am thinking of sharing my journey on getting better in Japanese- so in case why I named this handle in particular, so this is inspired by the special exhibition art from the anime Haikyuu which has a kanji to associate with the volleyball player’s style (Like seriously please guys watch Haikyuu as it is so inspiring)- so two of the characters which I loved- Kita and Osamu, which I will give the kanji of it
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北〜さん: 丹念 (tan'nen):Meticulous, careful, detailed, with great care (Fitting because his quote -'I am built upon the small things I do every day, and the end results are no more than a byproduct of that.' is my guiding light both personally and in my language journey)
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治〜さん:満たす (Mitasu) : To be full, to be satisfied; (I have a very very soft spot for Miya Osamu which I will talk about another time, but his philosophy of searching for something that is fulfilling always resonates with me, but he also adds that hunger is key to finding new things)
So this blog title I called it: 丹念を満たす, meaning to satisfy with great care I feel is the journey which I went through the highs and lows, and perhaps I can track my progress in actually excelling in Japanese
Hence my journey is simply starting per se 😅, I am not perfect in all means and I really really hope I will get better even if it is one small step.
So I hope you enjoy me rambling about my challenges and triumphs here.
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i-am-the-oyster · 8 months
Why do you call yourself I am the oyster? Awesomeee blog!
Oh thank you for the ask nonny!
I'm a little bit obsessed with the way John and Paul reference The Walrus and the Carpenter from Alice Through The Looking Glass (the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). Excerpt below, full poem here.
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'I weep for you,' the Walrus said: I deeply sympathize.' With sobs and tears he sorted out Those of the largest size, Holding his pocket-handkerchief Before his streaming eyes. 'O Oysters,' said the Carpenter, You've had a pleasant run! Shall we be trotting home again?' But answer came there none — And this was scarcely odd, because They'd eaten every one."
There's a great post here from @thecoleopterawithana with lots of quotes and references to "the walrus". (Almost all quotes from John, but the one quote from Paul is a direct denial that there's any meaning to it, which from Paul is almost a signpost saying "important thing here").
We know John was a huge fan of Alice, but Paul was too. He had figurines based on the original illustrations in his garden at Cavendish. And if there were any doubt that "the walrus" is a reference to this poem, John confirms it in this quote:
So then I – but I did look back at ‘Walrus’ and realize – oh. I said, “I am the walrus,” but the carpenter’s the good guy in that story, apparently. I should have said, “I am the carpenter,” but it doesn’t make sense. “I am the carpenter.”
-- John Lennon, interviewed by David Sheff for Playboy (August 1980).
That "the carpenter’s the good guy" really got my cogs turning one day. The carpenter isn't the good guy, Alice has a conversation about who the good guy is, right there in the text, and concludes "they were both very unpleasant characters". (Which makes that "apparently" in John's quote so so interesting. At first, Alice does think the Carpenter is the good guy).
So I developed this head-canon that John and Paul thought of themselves as the Walrus and the Carpenter, and the fans as the Oysters. The bad guy and the guy who seems nice and is actually just as bad. Leading these innocents along a merry path and (metaphorically) consuming them.
(I reckon the Carpenter/Jesus connection probably also appealed to them).
Hence "the Beatles have consumed me" in my bio.
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
I promise I won't disappear this time lmao 😂
5 and 24 for the writer ask game? :D
Ahaha, I'm so glad you got all your blogs straightened out!! And thank you for the ask <3
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I...don't know that I can say I do. Or some of what might look like superstition from the outside is simply part of routine - I like to write at night with a candle lit nearby for ambience, some nice classical or lo-fi music playing, and a cup of tea to sip.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I put way too much prep into things I write, which is perhaps why doing something spontaneous is so hard for me. Anachronisms throw me for a major loop as both a reader and a writer so I like trying to make sure that things referenced in my stories are accurate for their time and settings. I tend to do a lot of research in that way - hence ordering an out of print copy of translated Italian poetry from Dante's contemporaries (though in all honesty that was mostly because I wanted to read them and justifying buying it for 'research' made me feel better) For a longer piece I'll have a sort of slush document where I throw notes on facts I've researched and a rough outline, or perhaps a poem or quote or other inspiration. I also love making playlists for characters and I'll queue those up when writing sometimes too.
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baezdylan · 1 year
hi jo, i wanted to ask you a question
Have you ever read Wuthering Heights? If so, what did you think of the book?
OHHHH BOY I'VE READ IT MORE THAN ONCE!!!!! I built a (haunted)castle for it in my heart! Not entirely sure about this (time. doesn't work in my head. at least not chronologically djxjxklslx), but I think it was my introduction to classic literature, Wuthering Heights? It's an interesting book to experience because it is bound to surprise you in some way. Prior to delving into it yourself, the description/warning you're gonna encounter from others that have read it is either -> it's a story about revenge! not love! OR it's a story about love! not revenge! (I agree with the second statement, but that's not really the point I'm trying to make. In this paragraph so. Closing bracket time!) The thing is: if you walk into it expecting either of those things, you are NOT gonna get what you believed you were signing up for. I think that's the beauty of it!
What's especially fascinating to me when it comes to Wuthering Heights is how incompatible these characters, Cathy and Heathcliff, are with the reality they were assigned to. Plenty of analysis I've read tend to tackle the morality of the characters, whether they are terrible people or not - but that wasn't particularly important to me as a reader. That subject, though significant and certainly worthy of discussion, didn't really strike me as the central point of the book. I think all of it is more related to what stands between physical reality and what goes beyond it, as well as the interaction between the two. Catherine's portrait, for example, was always interesting to me from this angle. There's a paragraph describing her that goes: "(her eyes) no longer gave the impression of looking at the objects around her" and yet in death, it's an object, her portrait, that draws something closely resembling a smile out of Heathcliff. It's because he too can see beyond it's physical presence. It's not ghosts that cross the lines between realities, it's love and I like how that isn't necessarily a positive thought in the context of the book nor a negative one, it's just something that is. Wuthering Heights is proof that no genre can survive if love isn't at the crux of the narrative, but it's also an excellent example of reshaping that main idea so that it can fit the genre you were going for. Not to quote Springsteen here, but I'm me and this is my blog so this is what you're getting -> it's literally:
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(from atlantic city)
And there's so many ways to read into that (it extends to the multi-generational themes of the novel as well, it fits perfectly!) I HAVE to highlight that this is not a book written to appease... (BIG FAN OF THAT!) the central love story is not selfless (quite the opposite actually), but that doesn't make it any less romantic (and this is coming from me lmao). I think the portrayal of love as selfishness is kind of what everything circles back to, but once again it's not what you expect it to be, that statement... Both Cathy and Heathcliff exist in this intermediate step between realities (a concept embodied in Wuthering Heights and occasionally reflected in objects such as aforementioned portrait), hence their incompatibility with all there is except for each other -> if one can even refer to them as compatible? They are of each other, almost like they were split into two by mistake. A failed attempt to make them of the world, to establish a sense of belonging to the earth, to heaven, ANYTHING... instead of splitting those qualities into sharp, but comfortable opposites such as reality and dreamland perhaps, a fundamental contrast in this book, they ended up with identical, equally odd natures, identical souls that have been forced into superficial contrast... IT'S HAUNTING!!!!! IT'S ROMANCE!
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windudemon · 1 year
socionics is full of arbitrary dichotomies and then incorrect ones too.
for example central and peripheral. central is se and periphral is ne users. in model g, gulenko says alpha and delta quadras are peripheral. hmmm, i wonder why?
merry quadras are just fe users.
judicious / decisive dichotomy is actually the same thing with central and peripheral. what makes a type decisive? being thing-centric. being se direct. what makes a type judicious? preference to see things from different perspectives.
just how many times you will rename the same thing?
farsighted and carefree dichotomy makes no sense whatsoever. you can say this dichotomy is dipshittery just from the introductin text here:
Carefree / Farsighted is one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. More research is needed to fully understand this dichotomy.
no matter how much research you put into this, it won’t make sense. entj is carefree with te and ni? esfp and estp is farsighted with ni inferior? intp (lii) and infp (eie) is farsighted (procrastination monsters) while istj and istp both carefree? pure bullshit.
negativist / positivist dichotomy is not that bad but whoever this “reinin” guy was, he didn’t have ti for sure. you can’t possibly find the underlying ti “law” why some types are negativists and others are positivists. enfp is a negativist but esfp is a positivist? okay… you think, so maybe ne makes a person negativist because after all these types share fi at the same slot? no. because entp is a positivist according to him and estp is a negativist.
strategic / tactical is the worst. most obviously, intj (ili) is a strategist, not a tactician. ni dominance (intuition of time) is a “dynamic” function with which you simulate the future and that IS strategizing, straight up. if ni dominant, ne ignoring, se inferior is not strategic then you know you are reading a dimwit.
socionists believes ti, te, se and si are external functions while all the rest internal. for example fe is VERRRRY internal as we all know, lol.
si is external? go to wikisocion your bible, click information elements. see what’s the first word describing si? let me help you: homeostasis. which of course we know external huh?
more quotes from main si page: Si is associated with the ability to “internalize” sensations and to experience them in full detail….. A strong ability to recognize internal physical states in themselves……… Individuals who possess Si as a base function are drawn to situations that satisfy their inner physical experience………. The avoidance of discomfort is one of the primary motivations of these types. (discomfort happens within hence internal. you focus on your inner world and you keep things nice and cozy with your endless subjective rules there).
AH OKAY THEN. you meaan si is sensing so that’s what makes it external? your bully smacks you and you feel inner discomfort thus its cause is external? i have big news for you: ne is external too then. i see a cloud, then i think aaah this cloud looks like a witch riding a broom.
and then ti is external? ti is logical analysis function and fi is ethical analysis function they are both internal. analysises made out of many inner steps and calculations. i mean you can make this external / internal dichotomy and show your left ear with your right hand going through your legs after fingering yourself while you are at it but it would just MUCK the typology and wouldn’t help anyhing.
visit my main blog @ demonwindu.wordpress.com
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I posted 743 times in 2022
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I tagged 741 of my posts in 2022
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#sylwia&carter - 50 posts
#quotes - 45 posts
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#character inspiration | danny brightside - 30 posts
#character inspiration | absinthe moon - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#[alex talks in his sleep a lot; so it's not unusual for him to wake up spouting nonsense]
My Top Posts in 2022:
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       For very nearly a decade now, legal agencies had been avoided, backgrounds repainted, and the general feeling that they, apart from from a small group of people were unknown, lay undisturbed. So what made the bastard tailing them so goddamn special? Absinthe had picked them up at that greasy Chinese restaurant Frank loved so dearly. And from there, they had let the other follow them across the city. Avoiding shortcuts, unlit alleys, anything that could throw them off from the abandoned office building .  .  . The view was perfect, and true to form, the curtains were open next door.
       Three, two one- The shot rang briefly as the body of a man they didn’t know but inevitably disliked fell onto the carpet. As far as they’d ever been able to tell, if someone was willing to pay a reasonable sum for your death, you had it coming.
       Smaller sums would have indicated a lack of .  .  . How should we put this, care? Commitment? Any exorbitant amount was sure to have political ties.
       Absinthe took a breath. Now they needed to leave.
       “If you’re going to be here anyway,” Absinthe said to the individual in the back. “you may as well ride shotgun. And put on your seat-belt.”
7 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
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       So .  .  . He was right. Alex tapped his fingers against his knee rapidly. He thought if you squinted, that you could tell him and Sarah were related. They were, weren’t they? He was in a rabbit hole now, and honestly? It wasn’t as much fun as he imagined. “I’m a nosy little shit who spends too much time stalking people online.” Hence a collection of people with his face who were all leading different lives. “But how did you find out?” In both senses he supposed.
       There were a lot of questions, and probably a limited number of answers. How different were they? How different was he? The thought of being one of a set didn’t sit well with him, even if a small, self-betraying part of him liked the idea of having a big family. It was too optimistic to be realistic. He should have known that by now. Things in his life did not have a habit of working out.
       “Uh, I’m not sure if you already know or I introduced myself and I forgot, because that happens sometimes, but I’m Alex.”
12 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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Pink hair fell in front of her face, dresses shifting between the racks until Carter came up beside her, holding up a rather distasteful thing. “Why did you even ask me to come if that’s what you want me to wear?” Carter could hire someone in that case! She was not interested! Sylwia shook her head. “Never mind. I’ll look on my own. If you still want me to come with you, you know where to find me.”
Why she extended an open invitation to Carter, she had no idea. The time and effort alone, that she’d put into getting ready did not make it worth it. Sylwia sighed, running her hands down the front of the dress. Supposedly Carter was coming to pick her up. He still needed a date .  .  . If he stood her up, there was always the bar close to the apartments. They had burgers and pool, and sometimes they had karaoke. So they advertised. Sylwia had never been in. “This is ridiculous!” Sylwia muttered to herself, touching up her hair so it looked just right. She barely knew what a gala was. It was a formal occasion, something out of a fairy tale. It was something to be suspicious of, since she didn’t know what to expect. Excited might have been a decent word for it a few minutes ago, but nerves were beginning to tie knots in her stomach.
Was it too late to back out? Just turn off all the lights and sit in her room like the old days? Sylwia leaned against the wall, picking at her lace sleeves as gently as she could. She was trying to branch out. Be a better person. But did this really count? Being Carter’s date? Was that better now?
A car horn honked outside. That was her!
Sylwia grabbed her phone and her apartment key, walking down and getting into the car without looking at Carter .  .  . She was holding her phone so tightly her knuckles were turning white. “Well?” She finally asked, looking up at the other. “What do you think?” Did she look alright, or was he going to drop her off to hire someone in a slutty dress?
25 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
I feel very small. I don't understand. I have so much courage, fire, energy, for many things, yet I get so hurt, so wounded by small things.
Anais Nin, Nearer the Moon: The Previously Unpublished Execpurgated Diary, 1937-1939
28 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“Love is dead.” She didn’t want it to die, but inevitably, the roses wilted and the fire burned. “Whatever people say love is now . . .” Sylwia shook her head.
43 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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