#henry winston
chaotic-starlight24 · 1 month
Dally's Siblings
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Here they are! Back in New York a couple months before their mother died. From oldest to youngest there's-
Ghenrih or "Henry" which is what he goes by, at age 17 Elizaveta or "Elizabeth", at age 16 Dallas at age 9 Finn at age 7 Laila at age 4
If you want all his siblings stories and what happened to them after he left, look under here :) TRIGGER WARNINGS: S**cide, Abuse Mentions
Henry squinted in most photos he's been in since he was a kid because he desperately needs glasses. He got them once he got out of the house and got a job.
He's quite handsome now, he works as a reporter and kinda gives Milo Thatch vibes. He also has a very loving wife named Lucy May.
He's always had real big ears and when he was young kids would make fun of him for them.
His actual name is Russian but there was a lot of prejudice against immigrants at the time so he mainly goes by Henry. Same case with Elizaveta.
He and Elizabeth were the only ones for a solid 7 years so they were really close. They went through a lot together. They both protected each other a lot from gangs and their father. At the time, their mom was ok enough. So they spent a lot of time around her side of the family. 
He taught Dally how to play cards and how to play marbles. He really loved him but Henry was honestly not around too often since he was trying to make a living. It made him extremely nervous to leave his siblings at home and to leave Elizabeth alone as well. He didn’t trust either of his parents. Especially once the gunshot was fired.
When Dally bolted after their mother was shot, Henry grabbed his coat immediately and bolted after him. But he wasn’t able to catch him. He just stood in the streetlight with shock. He knew just how broken his brother was. Why didn’t he do anything about it?! Now he was gone and there was nothing he could do about it.
He helped Elizabeth a lot more after that and took Laila and Finn to his apartment quite often. But he was slowly becoming more busy though it broke his heart to leave Elizabeth to be with them all the time.
Their father ended up in jail for killing their mother and he went to visit him. Henry had to be restrained by officers after he lunged for his father, screaming at him. His father had said things like “She didn’t deserve to be here anyways” and “You think you and your sister didn’t deserve those bruises?!”
They never really had a lot of money so nowadays he still is a bit sensitive about money and food. Even though he’s got a really successful job and lives comfortably.
When he found out Elizabeth died he sobbed and wailed for hours upon hours, days upon days.  He’s still not over her death and can’t even hear her name without tearing up.
Elizabeth always wears giant, clunky boots. She just likes how they look.
She was the one Dally was closest too. She loved him a whole lot and always told him he was extra special (in a loving way, don’t be weird) he felt kinda bad about joining the gang cause he knew she would be worried, but it was what he had to do.
She was always worried about Dally getting caught up in gangs. She never wanted to have to go down to the police to get any of her siblings out! And she never had to…
She sang all the siblings lullabies at night. They all shared a room and she was the one who knew all the lullabies in their parents’ native tongues. Henry would join in with the ones he remembered, but she was mainly the one singing. The rest of them still hum some of the tunes to this day.
She had such a soft smile. It was beautiful and breathtaking. 
She had a boyfriend that she liked, his name was Teddy. But she became too stressed out about everything and started to shut out everything else. So she broke it off. 
She was honestly the most depressed sibling. She was the main caretaker of them all since their mom was an addict and their dad was barely around except to yell at them all and be violent. It took quite the toll on her but she pretended to be happy for her siblings.
When Dallas ran off after their mother was shot, she was worried sick. She couldn’t find him anywhere and didn’t even know what to do with herself with all that went down.
She worked several jobs while being the main parental figure for all the kids. But it was too much for her.
She felt incredibly guilty for what she was about to do. But life was becoming too much for her. This was her only way out in her eyes. So when she turned 23 she went to the Brooklyn Bridge, and jumped.
Laila was 11, Finn was 14. They got the news from the police. They sobbed as the news was delivered and they were hauled off to an orphanage.
Laila and Finn
Laila is the only one with brown eyes. They’re real big too. 
She used to carry around a beat-up wolf stuffed animal everywhere she went. It used to be Henry’s but he got too old for it. She still has him to this day. His name is “Terry” if you care.
Whenever she and Finn ended up in the orphanage, she was extremely sad. She barely had a clue what was going on and was just terrified. She became a lot more shy and anxious.
Dallas was always Finn’s hero when he was older. He thought he was so cool and tough because of little brother stuff. He was honestly the spitting image of Dallas as he got older. Except Finn has always stayed positive. So he looks like Dallas, if Dallas was happy and not hardened by the world. He also has shorter hair and dimples.
He loved his raincoat so much as a kid. He wore it all the time because he thought it made him look bigger and tougher.
Henry didn’t have the stability to take them in after Elizabeth’s death so he and Laila were taken to an orphanage. In turn Finn became extremely protective of Laila and had very little trust in everyone. He still managed to stay positive for the most part.
They did get adopted though, an older couple named Jeremiah and Kira. They were from North Carolina and came to visit family in New York. Kira wasn’t able to have kids so they gave up on having them a while ago. But then somebody in their family mentioned adoption and they decided to look into the process. Which led to them meeting Finn and Laila.
They now live happily in North Carolina, Finn is slowly adjusting and Laila is coming out of her shell. 
In the Survival AU, Finn and Laila were visiting Oklahoma and while stopping in Tulsa at Cynthia’s soda fountain, they saw him. Talking to his girl, laughing at something his friend said. Finn couldn’t believe his eyes. Laila didn’t even recognize him but was the one to point him out. Cynthia noticed the kids staring at them and brought Dally’s attention to them. Dally’s jaw dropped as soon as he saw the two of them. (I may draw this later) They didn’t even know how to react.
After they met again they told him about Elizabeth which he was not really in the state to take it, it was literally a year after everything went down with Johnny and such. But Henry found out and immediately roadtripped down to see them all.
Dally always thought if he ever saw his family again they would hate him and he would hate seeing them as well. He thought it would remind him too much of the day he ran off. But he honestly started crying with joy when he met eyes with Henry. He tried to keep up the tough guy attitude but when they all hugged he actually started crying. It felt nice to see his family again, the good ones.
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Henry Winston! (April 2, 1911)
Chairman of the Communist Party of the United States from 1966 to 1986, Henry Winston was born to a poor Black family in Mississippi, growing up there and in Kansas City. Coming of age as the Great Depression began, Winston began his involvement with the CPUSA through its Unemployed Council in Kansas City. By 1936, he sat on the national board of the party as one of its leaders. As a result, Winston was targeted along with the rest of the CPUSA party leadership in the Second Red Scare, convicted of insurrection in the Smith Act trials. He spent some time in hiding after his conviction before surrendering himself to authorities and serving time in federal prison until his release in 1961 due to the Supreme Court's ruling in Noto v. United States. Winston wrote several theoretical works which connected the contemporary struggle of Black Americans for their rights with the socialist cause, and he was also active in efforts to pressure the American government to end support for Apartheid South Africa. He died in 1986.
"The giant industrial monopolies, the big banks and insurance companies, the financiers and landowners, all spawn racism and use it as one of their chief class weapons to maintain and defend their regime of exploitation and oppression, of enmity among peoples, of imperialist wars of aggression."
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“grease got a hold” performed by daryl tofa!!
with jason schmidt (soda), henry julián gendron (two-bit), brent comer (darrel)
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asexual-juliet · 2 months
saw the outsiders musical last night (7/20/24) and thought i would make a little post about some of my favorite parts!! brody, sky & daryl were out so i saw trevor wayne as pony, josh strobl as johnny & henry julián gendron as two-bit!
there’s a bit after pony gets jumped by the socs where darry and soda are cleaning the blood off his face and when they’re done and have gotten up johnny comes and sits next to him and takes out a rag and starts also cleaning pony’s face <3 it’s so so sweet
henry does a couple little opt-ups as two-bit in both grease got a hold and hoods turned heroes where i was like “ooh!” i adore daryl tofa so i was a little disappointed when i found out i wouldn’t be able to see him but henry was SO fantastic!! such a talented dancer and you could tell he was having so much fun with the character! such a standout for me.
was deeply impressed by how many items were successfully thrown and caught in grease got a hold like holy shit dude
the LIGHTING in great expectations has pony pointing his flashlight at darrel on “darrel was on his way up in the world” & johnny on “johnny has no kind of chance in this world” and then as the verse goes on he points it at all of the greasers standing all over the stage and the light lingers on them for the rest of the song it’s so fucking cool-looking! and during the chorus the stage starts to look like a starry sky which is a choice they bring back for the little great expectations reprise at the end of far away from tulsa. 
the moment where pony & johnny do their little cool guy walks over to cherry and marcia at the drive-in with their popped collars was so precious to me
i ADORE cherry valance and i ADORE emma’s take on her!! her little convo with pony at the drive-in was really sweet and i loved that they chose not to make the dynamic feel like a crush on ponyboy’s part it was such a nice moment of two people finding and genuinely understanding each other so deeply <3
lighting sound & everything was so next-level during the fountain scene-bob’s death like i don’t even think i can describe it it was so much and so crisp and so visceral in the absolute best way
staging for run run brother was SO cool — there’s a part at the end where they use the tires and boards from the set to make two platforms that the other actors can roll them back and forth while johnny is on one and pony on the other and they roll them away from each other and they are both reaching out so desperately towards each other its so fantastic
i also really liked the part in run run brother where dally gives pony his jacket like he just wordlessly put it on for him it’s so nice
lighting & subsequent blackout at the end of run run brother as pb&j are in the air after jumping off the “train” was ELITE
pony is holding johnny’s switchblade during death’s at my door and at the end of the song johnny reaches out to take it from him but he doesn’t pull away so he’s just holding pony’s hand and then he puts his other hand over pony’s too and they sit there like that until the lights go down <3
LOVED what they’ve done with darry’s character here!! i know people have some nitpicky things with it but he is such a fascinating character and i’m so glad that the musical theater medium was able to do so much with him that the limited pov of the novel couldn’t — brent comer plays darry so so well and my heart aches for him like fuck dude he cares about his brothers so fucking much and he’s doing his best and he’s so so tired :((( give him a break!!
jason schmidt’s voice is SO fantastic holy fuck throwing in the towel was GORGEOUS!! and the little bit at the end where soda hugs darry and it looks like he maybe kisses him on the head a little is so darling <3
the entire “do i look like julie andrews?” scene is so fucking good… genuinely made me laugh out loud. “fine, paul newman, then!” “…no shit?” is so fantastic and johnny’s little “she is pretty as hell :)” about cherry is adorable. and ofc the “goldilocks and her ugly sister” line is fucking great
the way that johnny perks up when he hears “say hey to johnny for us :)” in soda’s letter is so cute
the church fire scene is perhaps the coolest shit i have ever seen onstage
ponyboy is crying so hard after johnny dies that has to sit down on the floor of the hospital room and soda sits behind him and just holds him <3
ponyboy is like actively crying as he narrates dally’s death its so fucking heartbreaking. i liked that they drew the parallels between the train crashes in order to make dally’s death meaningful despite its departure from the book. and the detail about the train derailing when it hit him was wonderfully written. 
there is a scene where ponyboy is like inconsolable sitting on the living room floor with his head in his arms after johnny and dally die and cherry comes by the house because she has been volunteering at the hospital and no one came to pick up johnny’s clothes after he died and she thought ponyboy should have them and she tells him there’s a letter in the pocket addressed to him and after she leaves he just sits there for a while and when he finally moves he picks up johnny’s jean jacket and fucking like hugs it and buries his face in it and it’s so so so heartbreaking and soda has to come over and start reading the letter to him before johnny appears and starts singing stay gold <3
johnny starts SR at the beginning of stay gold while pony is sitting on the car at SL but he is slowly moving closer to pony as the song goes on and right before they start singing in harmony johnny sits down next to him <3 <3 <3
josh’s stay gold made me CRY!! especially him and trevor singing “i have known a love that many never know / and that love lives on no matter where i go” holy shit. their voices blend together so beautifully
overall i fucking ADORED trevor’s ponyboy!! he embodies the role so so well and has such a fourteen-year-old boy vibe when he’s onstage that i definitely did not expect from an actor in his twenties! i’ve heard that his pony is a little more emotional than brody’s & josh’s and that was a choice i really really vibed with!! and his voice was like jaw-dropping, what a talent!!
stagedoor afterwards was so so wonderful! i made drawings for the entire cast and everyone was so so nice and seemed to really like them! the ensemble & understudies especially seemed really thrilled that i had made something for them
henry in particular was so so sweet and seemed like he couldn’t believe that i had drawn him! he was like “is this me for real?” and someone (i think it was trevor) told him to look at the back where i had written his name and a little note and he was really excited about it!! he actually was like “this is awesome i have to go inside and give this to my mom right now so i don’t lose it” and his family was right inside the stagedoor and he pointed me out to them and they were so excited! he gave me a hug too it was really nice :)
trevor was also really excited and was like “this is a drawing of me for real? not brody?” and he was so happy when he turned it around and saw his name <3
i gave melody and sarahgrace copies of the same drawing of both of them and as soon as i gave it to melody she immediately looked around to find sarahgrace and show it to her (she was still inside but it was very cute) and then she told me they were going to put it on the wall in their dressing room!!
sarahgrace was like “omg you even drew my bracelet!” and was excited when i pointed out the detail i put in for the pattern on her dress!
trevor yelled across the sidewalk to tell josh to stop talking to his (trevor’s) mom as a joke lmfao
everyone except jason & kevin c came out to stagedoor and they were all so so sweet!! got photos with most of them and they all signed my copy of the book!! overall such a fucking fantastic experience! the drawings were a lot of work but it was so nice to see the looks on the cast’s faces when they saw them!!
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wenellyb · 2 years
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The Hottest Men of the MCU
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papsiguesss · 4 months
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Look who I saw at the pride parade today!!
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coppertophomegurl · 10 months
RWRB as New Girl
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Alex seeing Henry in his polo outfit
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Alex jacking off another boy in high school
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Alex at the Royal Wedding
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Nora emerging from her cave after 3 days after tracking down the leak
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Alex and Henry
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sammypog · 10 months
lol imagine if classic lit characters had tumblr haha (inspired by @strangestcase)
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⚡️ alchemy-slut Follow
just successfully escaped the consequences of my own actions gonna go kiss my boyfriend to celebrate. with tongue
⚡️ alchemy-slut Follow
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🧪 is-the-science-video-cute Follow
I just had to pay $13k to this lady bc i trampled her bitch ass kid who literally RAN INTO ME FIRST wtf
🧪 is-the-science-video-cute Follow
I sincerely apologize everyone!! my account was hacked and that was not me. Please ignore any posts like that in the future as I am working on getting my account secure again haha
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🌊 athenasfav Follow
This war is gonna be so easy we’ve got this fruity blond guy who’s like crazy good at spearfighting hector is fucked
🌊 athenasfav Follow
🌊 athenasfav Follow
Well now he’s dead but at least he took like the entire trojan army down with him lol
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👓 rightful-conch-owner Follow
Call me piggy the way i reveal the truth through hallucinations of my severed head on a stick
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🐀 winston-deactivated19840609
She doublethink on my big brother til i eurasia
🐀 winston-deactivated19840609
#HE LPME #the consequebces #they got me
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King Henry VIII, Henry VIII (2003) VS. Lord Tywin Lannister, Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
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King Henry VIII, Henry VIII (2003) Portrayed by: Ray Winstone
No Text Propaganda Submitted
Lord Tywin Lannister, Game of Thrones (2011-2019) Portrayed by: Charles Dance
“Well, to quote my best friend: “he just makes my inner peasant want to kneel.” He commands every room he’s in through sheer force of will, is one of very few people in Westeros who makes a good ruler (which is different than a good man), and Charles Dance is of the generation of English actors who have Those Cheekbones”
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
Additional Propaganda
For Henry VIII:
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For Tywin Lannister:
“Have you ever seen a man so powerful that you give up your own willpower to follow him into death? Here is that man. Once glance from his steely gaze will set you on fire and get you pregnant even if you don't have a uterus. Good luck”
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“Oof… Just look at him… Tall, regal, with piercing eyes, a commanding presence, and an equally commanding voice.”
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hayleythesugarbowl · 13 days
fictional men that have my whole heart ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
kenji kishimoto 
nikolai lantsov
remus lupin 
barney stinson
kazzle dazzle 
winston pratt 
chandler bing
carswell thorne 
thomas barrow 
joey tribbiani
grayson hawthorne 
michael townsend 
henry montague 
jacques snicket 
tim bradford  
fitwilliam darcy
credence barebone
colonel brandon
trystan maverine
nash hawthorne
aiden from alexa and katie
feel free to add to this list ‼️ or, you know, question my taste
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tjisntnice · 6 months
fuck it we balling (I'm one minor inconvenience away from killing myself)
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i-didnt-hate-it · 5 months
I didn't hate The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, I thought it was a lot of fun!
There are some movies that make a point to humanize the Nazi soldiers to add a bit more depth to the story. This movie isn't like that, and it's better for it. This isn't a war movie, it's a heist/spy thriller that is set in World War II, and it's got some good war stuff thrown in there.
The action kicks off splendidly, and the building of tension is probably the story's biggest strength. The pacing got thrown off a little toward the end, but it got back on track quickly for a fantastic payoff.
Now about the cast, with what may be slight spoilers.
I'll be honest I don't remember many of the names, there were too many accents to try and understand and remember everyone.
Henry Cavill was great as the main guy, even though he didn't really feel like the main character, and I don't mean that as a bad thing. The ensemble was very strong here. If it didn't feel so annoying, I would love to style my mustache like him. And I don't like guns, but if I had to have one I'd pick the big tube gun thing with the silencer that he uses.
Like I said, the ensemble is very strong, but I think a lot of people are going to be talking about Alan Ritchson's performance as Lassen. He's got this crazy berserker Norse energy that's a lot of fun to watch.
The rest of the team is great but of course my favorite has got to be Eiza González. If you don't already love her, you will after this. She's strikes a perfect (and I mean perfect) balance of intelligence, confidence, experience, and downright sexiness. But she's not just those things, that's something the movie does really well is show the characters falter. They aren't perfect, but when they make a mistake or a wrench is thrown in the plan, they might panic for a second, but then they recalibrate. Also, Eiza's costumes are just plain gorgeous, like you won't be able to take your eyes off of them, but not in a distracting from the story kind of way. It makes sense why she is dressed like Cleopatra, for example.
Babs Olusanmokun is also fantastic, he reminds me a lot of his character from Dune, just more sophisticated.
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare isn't perfect, the plot armor on the main characters is extremely thick, and I feel like silencers aren't really that silent, but most little details don't really make a difference. The movie is a ton of fun, especially if you want to watch attractive people kill Nazi's and mess with the British
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
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Story List
Deck the Hallways
Teacher!Bucky x Teacher!Reader  (Anon ask)
It’s Christmas time at Shield HS. Can you and Bucky keep your secret under wraps?
Santa, Daddy Chris Evans x Reader (Anon ask)
Thanks to a bet with Scott, you are Santa’s helper for the night.
Christmastime to Me Duke! Henry Cavill x Reader (req x @ysmmsy)
Henry is your best friend’s baby daddy. And a Duke!
Try a Little Tenderness Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader (req x @clawnotes​)
Steve can’t buy you with gifts. He needs to try a little tenderness.
Can You Stand the Rain Winston Duke x Reader (Anon Ask)
Winston wants a do over of that infamous IG post.
What’s This?  Henry Cavill x Reader x Sebastian Stan (req x @adoreyouusugar)
Halloween or Christmas? Why not both? 😉
I Still Have You Chris Evans x Reader
(How I Met Your Father AU) req x @maroonsunrise83​
It’s a very pregnant Christmas for the Evanses.
All I Want Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
(req x @clawnotes​) Pt. 2
Steve has left you alone for a week with no explanation. Will you let him back into your life?
My Favorite Things Ari Levinson x Plus Size!Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ari is your best friend in town. Could he be a little more?
Mistletoe by @elocinnicole
Daveed Diggs x Reader
Daveed offers his girlfriend some relief as she prepares for finals.
If The Fates Allow Andy Barber (Drew) x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Andy did you dirty and you are done. Can he convince you to give him your heart again?
All These Things And More Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ransom is a dad now, but you’re neglecting Daddy.
I’ve made the executive decision to be done with Christmas. Yay!
There will be time for Jake and for Chris, and probably for next Christmas. I want to THANK YOU for this gift of your response to this challenge.
I’ve pushed myself and grown so much, written 11 new fics, and have been in awe at the response. You’ve given me a new kink that I’m obsessed with, 👀 and I’ve earned new friends.
I’m going to chill for a bit, and revisit those WIPs that need attention. Requests are closed for a while, at least until Valentines Day 🥰
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And Love you all!
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emperorcandy · 2 months
Thinking about Ted McAdams and Winston Davis
The tragedy of it all.
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losergirlsoap · 3 months
why am i always attracted to toxic men.
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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One of the more interesting casting choices for Henry VIII (aside from Sid James), would have to be Ray Winstone for a 2003 Granada/WGBH mini-series. Winstone made the conscious decision to speak in his natural voice, and played Henry as a boisterous East-London crime-boss with a hint of fading mid-70s Elvis charisma.
He had some very strong support in terms of additional casting; Helena Bonham Carter as Anne Boleyn, David Suchet as Cardinal Wolsey, Mark Strong as the Duke of Norfolk, Assumpta Serna (Sharpe) as Katherine of Aragon, Emilia Fox as Jane Seymour, Emily Blunt as Catherine Howard, and Sean Bean as Robert Aske.
There were a few classic quotes and moments; Norfolk is not confident in portrait artist Hans Holbein’s ability to capture Anne of Cleves ('You know these artistic types, unreliable!'). During negotiations following the Pilgrimage of Grace, King Henry calls Robert Aske 'a cheeky sod', and when Thomas Cromwell (Danny Webb) turns up for his execution, the young, nervous axeman assures Cromwell that he had been practicing all night, then buries the axe twice in Cromwell’s back (complete with sound effects and audience reaction) before finally managing slice off his head, to a big cheer from the crowd.
It was originally to be written by Alan Bleasdale (Boys from the Blackstuff) but it appears that creative differences with the producers and early funding uncertainties led to him being replaced by Peter Morgan.
The series won an International Emmy for most outstanding television movie or mini-series.
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