#her character design could have been a bit better btw
iris-nonsense · 9 months
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She saved zoro's stupid ass i love her
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nukanobody · 4 months
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Funny Familiarity
For context: I posted a head-canon a few days ago, on how Danse actually ended up in the brotherhood of steel as a synth despite not being sent as a spy but instead is listed as "missing". It's probable he ran away from the institute where the railroad helped him escape, with Deacon knowing about the case.
I'm so obsessed with this idea now so read below for any thoughts or further hc's i had when making this. Or ask me anything about this hc i am going cray cray. sorry if this is ooc i'm bad at characters.
ty to @ericadrawsstuff for your addon btw!! it fueled me to draw this haha
For Danse, I don't believe he was a courser but maybe a failed experimental synth/synth meant for manual labor? The institute would probably be in a panic if a courser with a courser chip went awol, they'd probably take notice if the same missing courser became the poster boy of the people whose trying to destroy them.
Danse stayed in the railroad for a bit, like maybe 5 months? Formed a somewhat close bond with Deacon who was "Debbie" at the time.
Deacon loves collecting sunglasses, was toying with the idea of being a woman when he found novelty heart sunglasses. I see him as identifying as male but really flexible when it comes to presenting himself.
Obsessed with the idea that despite being reset/memories wiped synths may carry flaws or mannerisms. In Danse's case his fierce loyalty and self sacrifice are his major flaws, pre-wipe he didn't want to be a danger to the railroad and felt he needed to be wiped, post-blind betrayal he felt like he was a danger to the brotherhood and needed to be killed.
Deacon's a good liar sometimes, but in the cases where Danse says something against synths his hands clench and has to lean on a wall to catch his breath while the sides of him fight in his head. The first side is the railroad agent who has huge empathy for M7-97 and knows that if his identity is revealed it'll absolutely ruin him and get maimed by the brotherhood, the other side of him is absolutely disgusted by Danse and wants to put him in his place, the 3rd just thinks it'll be funny.
I depicted Nora as how I'd imagine she'd be. A woman from a pre-war era being dropped in a wasteland, it's kind of a culture shock for her and she has a savior complex, she assumes that everyone just needs to sit down and talk. Her main goal is to somehow "unite" the commonwealth, she's joined all the factions and some of her companions are kind of peeved about it. In the comic she introduced Deacon to Danse thinking they could have a civil conversation where Deacon could steer him to a better mindset (she sees Danse as a kid who got into the wrong crowd, despite being a fully grown man)
okay jesus, this took like 3 days of non stop drawing for me to do. Whoever designed power Armour i pray for your downfall what the hell. Sorry if it looks bad i study software so I haven't gotten the chance to draw in like, 7 months. Can you tell which pose I was able to find refs for and not the rest? lol
I ship them now too, i've been researching them and I love their dynamic and damn if the plot "Person A knew Person B before Person B forgot them and became a different person" doesn't hit like a ton of bricks.
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roxtron · 1 month
OK YAYY I FINALLY FINISHED THIS- it's been a WIP for a while now i'm happy to finally be able to post it!
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I liked keeping little logs of my progress so here's a.. few more stages of WIP for it :D
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ok yayy i'm happy i can finally post these you have no idea how long i've been waiting to- I've been wanting to draw @dykevanny 's design for AGES and finally got around to it, and i managed to fully finish shading it too, yay! I usually try to keep most art I post using as little reference as possible but I feel it's better for me to be transparent, I tend to draw more average/skinnier characters and really wanted to make sure I got her body type right so I ended up using a reference with proportions that were easier to fit until it felt right, hopefully I did a good job with that, but yeah, here's the original pose by @mellon-soup I did alter it quite a bit but I felt like it was still important to give credit.
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(also btw since I posted multiple versions of it through stages of WIP, please lmk which versions you might prefer! While I typically draw in the style of the one first posted I've been experimenting a bit more so if you prefer the one second-to-last or any features that might work better if different, please let me know! whether it's positive compliments or criticism I appreciate it, I wanna improve wherever I can and I appreciate hearing other people's opinions on what I could change or what may not need to change <3)
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driftsart · 8 months
craving info about you AU's robo-ladies 👁️👁️
Sure ;D ⬇️
One of the main characters in my au, Hot Rod!
She's one of the younger autobots, and one of the only ones that isn't afraid to stand up to Sentinel. When she was "born," she was assigned to Ultra Magnus, taking care of her was supposed to help him have patience and calm the terrible temper he had. She's currently learning how to steer The Ark (and she's not doing so well), as well as having to deal with Sentinel wanting her to be Prime (so that he can keep her under his control). She's curious, and may be the key to stopping the war... Who knows... :)
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Next one is Elita-One!
Elita-One, as awesome as she is, she can be the most annoying autobot out there. Depends who you ask. She's a skilled fighter and loyal to the autobot cause, she's saved Optimus in battle countless times, but she's always had an obsession with Optimus, even back when Optimus was still called Orion Pax.
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Next up (and one of my favorite), Megaempress!
She's actually Megatron's sister! She and Megatron were created at slightly different times yet they're related! She had a way better life than him though (Her parental figure was Termagax btw), and she never met him until she headed to Earth for a "pit stop" to refill her ship with a supply of energon and other things and stumbled across The Nemesis. She's way more outgoing and energetic than Megatron, and she's tough but friendly. She's leader of a small group of bots who left Cybertron during the war, her second in command being Slipstream!
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Next one is Slipstream! (Not official design, I'm changing it up a bit)
Slipstream is actually Starscream's sister! Born at different times though just like Megaempress. She's second in command to Megaenmpress and she's a tough cookie. She and Windblade had some past together but she's moved on. She may be small but she can put up a fight!
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Next up is Arachnid! (I made this design a long time ago, I may tweak it around a bit)
(I may combine arachnid and arachnia into one), she's a decepticon since she had no choice but to follow them when she was rescued. She was actually a scientist, but not a good one. She experimented on other cybertronians, to see how future generations could be upgraded. One of her subjects was Blitzwing, where she was trying to upgrade the t-cogs and other parts needed for a transformation so that Cybertronians could change into more than one thing. Blitzwing was her first test for this, and it didn't end so well, he couldn't control the transformations and he was just suffering in general. But after a few more tests on other cybertronians, she was successful. Now most of the young bots can transform into more than one thing because of her.
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Next up is Arcee!
A smart bot, she was destined to do great things before the war, but she followed her "heart" instead. She and Skywarp were together for a while and she was happy, but their first official date, was also the day she could've been been accepted into the academy of her dreams. She loved Skywarp so much that she let go of her dream for him, but he never showed up. After that night, she promised that she would never love anyone again.
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Next up is Thrust!
Underestimated by her brothers, Ramjet and Dirge, she was abandoned inside an abandoned factory when she was just created. Luckily, Shockwave found her in time before the whole building burned down. She always works her hardest to prove to her brothers that she's just as strong as them.
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Next up is Smokescreen!
She's a smart bot! She's one of Hot Rod's closest friends and very close to Optimus. Optimus wanted to give the matrix to her after him, but the matrix didn't choose her, it chose Hot Rod instead. (She goes by any pronouns technically)
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Next up is Termagax! (I made this design a while ago, I may change it up a bit)
She was Megaempress's mentor and mother figure!
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There's some more, like Cyrak, Windblade, Red Alert, Flamewar, Chromia, Shadow striker, Miko, Nova Storm, Nacelle, etc.
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
Beifong babies appreciation post
This is gonna be a more self indulgent post. But if you spend any time on my blog, you know how much I adore the Beifong family, particularly Suyin and her children. And you know what I don't see enough appreciation for Suyin's babies, which makes sense, since they're side characters, but here's a lil ramble about them and some reasons why I love them.
Baatar Jr
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Actually, I think Baatar is actually a very underutilised character for being Kuvira's supposed right hand man, as well as her fiancé.
He's technically the brains behind Kuvira's collosus, and probably much more.
As damaging as living in his father's shadow was for him, I do find it extremely adorable how he engineered all Baatar Sr's projects, it's really cute!
His loyalty to Kuvira and his love for her is admirable. It's honestly adorable, how much she means to him.
Btw mans stared into Korra's eyes while she threatened him im the Avatar state and laughed. Say what you want about him but he has balls.
The angst surrounding his involvement with Kuvira is absolutely delicious.
Like imagine turning your back on everyone you know and love for one person, only for then to turn on you and try to kill you with upur own creation?
And then everything you've worked for for 3 years is null and void? Gnarly
Also him being under house arrest with the family he betrayed? You could argue he got off really easy, which he did... but goodness gracious the angst.
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I'm like 75% sure that he's a reference to The Dark One, one of Toph's metalbending students, which is actually really fun I love you emo metalbenders.
I always found non combative benders very interesting, especially when they use their bending for things like art, it's very cool.
While I think a Huan's character is made to mock "tortured abstract artists" a bit, he actually isn't terribly caricaturised?
Like... he has a pretty clear ideology and moral compass, and he sticks to his guns, even when threatened. He clearly values personal freedom and freedom of expression, and is willing to stand up for it.
I also love headcanoning that he had a close relationship with Aiwei. Since some of Huan's ideals match up more or less with Red Lotus ideology, which makes me wonder if Aiwei did subtly indoctrinate Suyin's children.
Huan and Ikki's friendship is really cute too lol.
His design is also really cool ngl
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MY BABY AHHH 🧡 honestly my fave female tlok character.
Free her from the heterosexual love interest dimension she deserves so much better lol.
Like, I really dislike Bopal as a ship, and part of it is because of how much of a disservice it does to both characters. But most anti Bopal takes I see are also horrifically anti Opal.
Honestly, Opal just gets a surprisingly large amount of hate in genral? Like why? People call her annoying and a brat/ a knockoff Korra and she's barely done anything lmao
Opal's is very interesting, her journey to independence, her unseen development between B3 and B4, her firece loyalty to her family despite her separation from them
A lot of people criticise her attitude towards Kuvira, but honestly, she was quite rational in her anger? I also think she should have been allowed to hold a grudge against Bolin for longer, like yes he redeemed himswlf somewhat when rescuing her family, but it does feel really shallow and a fast way of tying up a pretty complex storyline.
Her arc reminds me very much of Toph's in atla, which is bittersweet since we see how that ended for Toph.
I love her lil pouty face ahh.
Wei and Wing
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Genuinely. Might be my fave underdeveloped side characters.
Avatar has a habit of making very interesting twin duos and these two are no exception.
I really like their strong bond with their mother, they really are the most mamma's boys to ever mamma's boy.
Similarly to Opal, the twins' firece loyalty to their family and city is really sweet, but also there's a lot of potential for angst here. Like, Opal gets to see the world and adventure, but the twins are probably stuck in Zaofu forever.
The twins also are the only ones of their siblings upholding that "Beifong metalbender" archetype that Toph started. I think there is a bit of pressure on them, ad they are the "golden boys" of the family
I'm also a sucker for when benders work together/combine their skills so seeing the twins work together is really sweet.
Also. Gay™️. [Insert longass ramble about weilin lol]
I actually find the small differences in personality between them that we are shown. Where Wei is a bit more snooty and competitive, Wing is very playful and outward with himself. I like picking their differences apart.
Okk.. that's it my ramble for today us over 😭 I love the Beifong babies so much and wish there was more appreciation of them lol
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
With the deliberate, controversial OOC horrors of 1×05 do you think show needs David Talbot too?
1) Show has no intention of putting Louis aside which is why Anne hastily created a bland, icky as hell(even for AR standarts) character for Lestat to indulge. No one liked it and afterwards she did a 180 degree when she is mentally in a better place finally let Loustat their individual and couple growth. Also in Amc universe design there is a seperate show so introduce DT as member of the order in Iwtv then sending him to seperate show makes more sense to me.
2) DT's understanding and forgiveness of Lestat's violent act emotionally helped Lestat. Guilt was choking him and he got the one thing he desperately needs.But for show he is already wrecked w guilt and self hate for hurting his only one. Failing Claudia remains but the forgiveness,acceptance he needs are Louis's. Only Louis can bring light to Lestat's darkness. It surely will be addressed bw Loustat too. Earning Louis's trust
I would like to add to Louis's comments about Lestat to Claudia.
"Give us a hundred more years for this.Taking everything we want, killing everyone we want. No one says a shit.I can see us just like him. "
"Cause he is all sorts of fucked up. Cause he would kill her in a second if i were to take him as he is. And i probably will."
Fundamentally Louis understands Lestat. Their problems came from rejection, withholding and not communicating.
3) I know everyone is like oops Sam almost spoiled DT arrival but Sam also hinted Louis will get arcs from other characters as well as Daniel which is confirmed w Rolin & Mark Johnson hinting Louis's position will be iniative and center unlike books.
4) It feels like Merrick arc is hugely gone, Memnoch is practically unadaptable so what is even point of DT storyline wise? Once AR makes peace w Louis she throws DT away anyway.
I don't think the show needs David outside being the Talamasca head general, no.
I think Daniel will do most of the chronicling, and Louis should definitely be more involved in TtotBT.
I ... could see them bring in David then, but I do not think they will do so the way Anne did in the books, and I also don't really see much story for him left in the books, then.
I mean, in later books he and Lestat have a bit of an interesting dynamic stemming from the turning, but... I don't need that.
And I really, really would prefer Louis getting certain (extended) arcs.
I agree that Merrick is likely done, Memnoch will only be picked for parts. Which, btw, I'm a bit disappointed they didn't even mention losing some of their luggage in Berlin, which would have been all that was needed to tie into the canon "book of hours" *sighs* Ah well. And if they do anything from Memnoch, then Louis can just as well do it, it's not important it would need to be David... in fact, it could take on a very desperate twist with Louis.
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mangosaurus · 2 months
Ceratosaurus, Dilophosaurus, and Compy for the ask game! Btw I’m so happy you get to finally participate in it 🧘‍♀️
HEHE same here! kind of wish i was around while it was still getting passed around by my mutuals so i could have sent in my own asks, but better late than never >:)
1. Ceratosaurus - Favorite character design from both series? (Also who in your personal opinion, had the best glow up from CC to CT)
AW MAN THIS IS SUPER HARD. of the nublar 6 my favorite designs in camp cretaceous are tied between yasmina and brooklynn from s3 onward, mostly because i love the way they both wore their hair. in chaos theory darius totally wins over everyone else though, the team really nailed his design there (but i am really fond of some of the concepts the artists came up with during pre-production! same goes for the other campers, especially brooklynn. that bleach blonde pixie cut is my roman empire tbh)
as for biggest glow up ... i feel obligated to give that one to ben, if just because of the growth spurt. also gonna take this opportunity to go on the record and say LEAVE KENJI ALONE I GET THAT HE'S SUPPOSED TO LOOK A BIT ROUGH BUT HIS HAIRCUT ISN'T THAT BAD 😭😭😭
2. Dilophosaurus - How did you discover Camp Cretaceous?
so, i didn't actually start watching camp cretaceous until a few months after the final season wrapped up—i think sometime around september 2022? but i had some close friends who had been keeping up with it for a while, and after hearing them talk about it so much i was like, hey, i want in! which is funny, because i was never really into jurassic park/world before then? i was more of a marine biology kid than a dino kid growing up. but even without knowing the ~lore~ of the franchise, CC and its characters still managed to reel me in, and now i'm here nearly two years later and my hyperfixation is still going strong!
3. Compy - Favorite duo/trio/friendship and why?
favorite purely platonic duo goes to ben and yasmina EASILLYYYY. they just get each other on such a personal level, and i love seeing ben go from this kid yasmina begrudgingly tolerates to someone she trusts enough to confide in, both in JWCC s5 when she realizes she might harbor romantic feelings for sammy, and then again in JWCT s1 when her relationship with sammy has hit a rough patch. shout out to yasmina and darius though, their interactions in JWCC s2 were really sweet, they don't get enough love imo. i've said this at least three billion times before but if kenji is darius's shitty older brother then yasmina is darius's cooler older cousin
as for my favorite trio, i feel like most people would probably say either yasammy + ben or the original three (darius kenji and brooklynn) but for me it's darius brooklynn and ben 🥹 their individual dynamics all mean so much to me, and it doesn't hurt that i also lowkey highkey ship them as an OTV with darius in the middle (although if i had to seriously ship ben with any of the girls, it'd be brooklynn, lol)
🦖✨ JWCC/CT ask game!
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dailyblorboposting · 8 months
IM BACK GANG!! been working on this for a few days and didnt wanna post it during the strike
@ectobio made some sprites the other day of if jade and rose's god tier outfits matched their colors schemes, and then @gay-frog-search-history asked about the beta kids.... so voila! my personal designs for the characters in their Color-matched God Tiers
and their regular god tiers below the cut :3 (also I did switch Jade from Mind to Life, because the Mind colors fit Jane a bit better, hope that's ok)
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im really happy with how these turned out
also june egbert wins forever
have some thoughts on these:
Jade as Witch of Life is pretty fine I think... No Space Player basically guarantees a failed game but we dont worry about the actual mechanics of the game this is just for funsies. besides, life should be able to find a frog anyways, frogs are living!
Rose Seer of Rage is actually so interesting to me. Light relates to her motifs a lot, but I can brute force some rage symbolism relatively easily. She is very angry inside, her whole "destroying her session" showed that... inch resting...
Jane Maid of Mind mightve kept a lot of the dramatic pre-retcon shit from happening- she'd be "meant" to keep her friends minds taken care of, she probably couldve prevented lots of relationship issues with this. But Brain Ghost Dirk likely wouldnt exist lol.
Dirk Prince of Light is very similar to Eridan Prince of Hope. And i got confused in the comments of the og post leave me alone theyre both yellow. But still, Light is basically Fortune. Lack of Fortune? Too Much Fortune? VERY fun to think about!!!
Roxy Rogue of Heart! That's Nepeta's! Her role in the group already fits a Heart player well (though maybe a Blood player better) but she would gain a lot more individuality and agency that I think she could benefit from as a character. Void players have it rough :pensive:
Jake Page of Doom is pretty based actually. Page is one of the most powerful classes iirc and Hope and Doom are opposites so, functionally he'd be very similar. Again, Brain Ghost Dirk wouldn't exist but maybe there'd be a doomed timeline Dirk to take his place...
Anyway that's all! Normal daily posting begins again btw!!
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doetic · 1 year
Baby, it's cold outside - Ex Bf!Jschlatt x F!Reader
1/3 -> next part (coming soon)
Plot: Y/n had only planned to quickly grab the things she left at her newly-ex-boyfriend's house and leave, but an unforeseen snowstorm leaves her with no choice but to wait it out indoors with a very persistent Schlatt who's determined to piece back together their relationship. Warnings: Prior breakup, heated argument with yelling, characters are trapped inside during a dangerous snowstorm (but are safe), mention of possible death, quite a bit of swearing. Allusions to Schlatt being a functional alcoholic. Word Count: 4137
A/N: Finally it's done! This was so fun to write! Thank you for the positive response on the teaser, I appreciate it a lot! I really feel as if I could have added more but it was getting long and I was in a hell of writing an additional scene then deleting it and rewriting it, it was an endless cycle and I would have been working on this forever. I also am rusty when it comes to writing and keep changing tenses, sorry if there's anything I missed in editing. Changed Schlatt from Jason to Jacob mid fic so if he's referred to as Jason, you didn't see that. Requests are open btw!!
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The house, although obviously lacking any ability to have emotions of its own, felt strangely sorrowful as Y/n gingerly stepped inside, stomping the snow off her boots and onto the mat. Rationally she knew it was likely her own shoved down emotions being projected onto the relatively blank canvas, although she wouldn't willingly delve too far into that concept. She desperately wanted to believe she was completely over her now ex-boyfriend Jacob Schlatt, especially as she was the one who had initiated and insisted on breaking up. Unfortunately, Y/n was smart enough to know that no matter how much she insisted to herself that she no longer needed or wanted her former boyfriend of five years, the truth of the matter would still continue to nag at her whenever she thought of him. It was better to avoid both Schlatt and any related introspection altogether, an impossible task when she stood inside their once shared house to collect her things.
The soft mrow of Jambo's call sounded through the entryway, the little orange cat quickly padding over to Y/n and rubbing himself against her feet as she removed her boots and other winter gear. She bent down to pet the small creature on his head, the softness of his fur against her hand was a calming sensation that brought a bit of ease to her sorrowful feelings. Y/n had missed the little guy deeply, but with Schlatt’s exorbitant income as a popular youtuber/streamer/businessman she knew Jambo would have a better life staying with Schlatt, as painful as it was to part ways. The orange tabby, who was now licking her index finger, had felt like her only companion at times while Schlatt was consistently busy with streaming, editing, or managing the businesses he helped run.
As if her thoughts had been a siren's song to lure him close, heavy, hesitant footsteps approached the entryway after a few purr-filled minutes passed by. Y/n tried to act calm and collected for her own dignity, not moving from her crouched position besides tilting her head up to meet the pained red eyes of her former lover.
Schlatt looked dishevelled. His hair was a mess and the headband that usually sat atop his head to keep the wild brown locks from falling into his face was shockingly missing. From the looks of his hair, and his mutton chops too, he was neglecting a much needed small trim. Usually it was her designated job to do so, solely because she insisted on it as sweet bonding time, something their relationship began to lack greatly as the years went on. He wore his green Polizei sweatshirt, the one Y/n had praised as her favourite many times for the way it made him look irresistibly amazing to cuddle with. Uncharacteristically, the sweater looked like it hadn’t left his body in a while, an odd thing for the usually clean and organised man. 
Most people would delight in seeing their ex-partner in such a state without them, and although Y/n couldn’t lie and say Schlatt’s miserable appearance didn’t give her a miniscule bit of satisfaction. Clearly he was now realising how important she was to his life after he had made less and less time for her in the end years of her relationship, the feelings of pity and remorse that washed over her as the nearly empty bottle of Jack held in his hand, and the smell of alcohol that wafted off of him became more glaringly obvious and concerning the more she inspected him. 
"I thought you were coming tomorrow," He stated simply, his voice carrying a bit of strain within.
"I texted you that I would be coming on the 25th, that's today. But if there's an issue I can come back another time," Y/n replied, the house’s entryway where they stood feeling suffocatingly uncomfortable as a result of their former relationship. It had felt like months since the last time they saw each other, the night Y/n stormed out for good, but in reality it was at most two weeks.
"No!" Schlatt's voice was filled with desperation, his eyes began to water as a sudden panicked shout escaped him at the mention of Y/n leaving "...No. It's fine. Today is fine." He cleared his throat and recollected himself to the best of his ability. "I'm sure you remember where everything is. There's boxes for you in the kitchen, I'll be editing in the bedroom." 
As always, Y/n wanted to bitterly add. Instead she bit her tongue, wanting to keep the peace so she could be in and out quickly.
"Thank you, Jacob," Y/n replied quietly, lacking the confidence to say the name much louder. She had never called him Jacob. Sure it was his first name, but it was something everyone else called him, never ever her. Up until this point she had only ever called him Jay. She had to fight back the urge to correct herself, wanting to set boundaries to create space and ensure she wouldn’t run back to him.
Schlatt picked up on this, his breathing picking up slightly in alarm, a stifled whimper just barely escaping from his throat.
"Y-yeah," His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Well, you're welcome," His sadness turned to anger, as did most of his emotions when they became too much for him to handle. He spat the words out like they were venom before turning around and lurking back to the–
His bedroom.
Y/n let out a shaky breath she hadn't noticed she was holding, giving a weak smile to Jambo. “Men. Am I right, bud?” She tried to make light of the situation with her comment, giving the cat a scritch behind the ears before getting up and heading to grab the boxes, wanting to leave as soon as possible.
The kitchen had been taken over by ghosts.
“Jayyyy! Stop it!” Y/n giggled, putting her arms up to defend herself from the second handful of soap bubbles Schlatt scooped up from the sink and prepared to blow into her face.
She should have known better than to accept his help with the dishes. Although he certainly had, and often exercised, the capability to be calm and introspective, once something got him going he became a major troublemaker. All in good fun, of course. Y/n didn’t mind it all too much though. Sure, he was a menace, but he was her menace.
 Besides, the dishes could wait. Moments where Schlatt was both sober and free of any work related obligations were increasingly few and far between these days. Y/n always tried to be understanding and supportive, but she couldn’t help but feel rejected, especially when his work related obligations often involved wildly charismatic female friends of his who could easily pass for models. 
Y/n knew jealousy wasn’t a good look, but it was hard not to feel such a way when she had to sit on the sidelines as a secret only Schlatt and his closest friends knew of, and watch helplessly as people online fawned over him or shipped him with women she felt like she could never possibly compare to. Y/n knew that talking to Schlatt about her concerns before they grew into a deep resentment was the right thing to do, but each time she tried to get him alone to discuss it she was brushed off. Then, on the rare occasion he was alone, sober, and not preoccupied, Y/n couldn’t bring herself to ruin the only time she had to truly feel like a couple again.
Sure, she was living in her own personal hell, but at least she had these moments of domestic bliss. For now, they were enough.
“Come on babe, I’m not gonna blow it at you!” Schlatt promised, moving the handful of soap away from his mouth. “Don’t you trust your boyfriend?” He couldn’t fully hide the catlike grin that pulled at his lips, a smile Y/n had learned to never trust.
“No! You’re despicable!” Y/n dipped her hand into the warm, soapy water and flicked it at him. “Begone foul demon!” 
“Demon?” Schlatt tsk’d at her, taking a step closer and looking down at her mischievously. “You’ve got it all wrong, toots. I’m a man of the lord. You’re the demonic one here with how tempting you are. My very own succubus…” His words flowed from his mouth like honey, the husky tone along with his hand tucking a stray clump of hair behind her ear making Y/n blush.
“Tempting? Well, why don’t you show me exactly what I tempt you to do?” Y/n breathed the words out, placing a hand on his cheek.
Y/n closed her eyes as he leaned down to kiss her, his arm wrapping around her waist and holding her firmly against his body. Just when she felt his warm breath tickle her face, the anticipation for the kiss beginning to gnaw hungrily at her, a soft pressure hit her head and was quickly followed by a small trickle of water and bubbles beginning at her scalp and running down the bridge of her nose.
“You asshole!” She playfully hit his chest, unable to contain her grin as he continued to hold her tight against his body with his superior strength.
Schlatt chuckled, kissing the top of her head despite the bubbles that remained there.
“You know you love me.”
Y/n roughly wiped her teary eyes against the back of her sleeve. Quickly, she grabbed the four boxes that sat on the island and rushed out of the room to gather her stuff, but not before sending a pained glare to the kitchen sink.
It was an irrefutable fact in Y/n’s mind that in recent years her luck had been waning. But, when the lightbulbs began flicker and promptly lose all power along with the rest of the house as soon as she placed down her last box, Y/n was happy at least the god of timing was smiling down upon her, even if Lady Luck wasn’t.
Y/n glanced out the window, seeing nothing but a sea of white. The already thick flurries from earlier had grown into a full-on blizzard in the hour she was collecting her things. Luckily the bits of light that managed to make it through the heavy snow and flow through the large front window illuminated the entryway in lieu of the now non-functional lights, allowing Y/n to see what she was doing as she gathered one of the boxes into her arms for her first trip to her car. With the storm getting so bad that the power went out, Y/n knew her window of opportunity to leave was rapidly fading away. Waiting it out with Schlatt was not an option. it would be too painful, a harsh reminder of what they once had. Shifting the box's weight to one arm, Y/n used her other one to open the front door.
"Are you insane?" Schlatt shouted from the doorway into his office. He quickly rushed over, his hand darting out to quickly shut the front door before Y/n could exit through it and head into the thick, opaque wall of white that laid outside. "It's snowing so hard you wouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face! You'd get killed trying to drive out there!" Despite his angry demeanor, Y/n knew Schlatt well enough to see through it as a cover up for his concern.
She couldn't help but scoff in response to his worry, even though she knew he was right about the danger. Reluctantly relenting, Y/n placed her things down. "Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't drive." She glanced out of the house's front window. "But don't you dare act like you'd care if I got hurt."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Schlatt's hand darted out to grab Y/n's arm and turn her to face him, the softness of his grip a stark contrast to the harsh desperation of his movements.  "I'm not the bad guy here. I'm not the one who ended things, I'm the one who's fighting for us!"
"Yeah, I know. You won't stop blowing up my phone and acting like you're such a fucking martyr for it." Y/n pulled her arm out from his grasp, glaring up at the larger man. "Don't act like you're some innocent, blameless party who I oh so greatly wronged. Neither of us were perfect in our relationship, neither of us could give the other what they needed."
Schlatt looked appalled at her statement. "Don't speak for me! You gave me everything I needed, everything I could have possibly wanted!"
"Don't delude yourself, Jacob, I could never be good enough for you. I could never be good enough for your life." Y/n's eyes were full of resentment. "But even if so, what did I get in return? A boyfriend who's always too busy to spend time with me, and when he does find time, he's drunk? A partner I can't even talk about to anyone? A five-fucking-year relationship with a man who refuses to pop the question while he builds his brand by flirting with other people to an audience of millions?" Y/n's face contorted in sorrow as she desperately held back her tears.
"Why didn't you tell me this before? Why did you let this grow worse until you broke?"
"When could I have sat you down to tell you? You hardly even had time in your schedule to eat the meals I made." Y/n snapped. Schlatt stayed silent, unable to refute. She sighed. "Face it, Jacob. You can't love me in the way I need you to without giving up everything you've built."
Tension thickened the air into cement as the two stared silently at each other, daring the other to say something first. Hesitantly, Schlatt opened his mouth to speak. "I would have given it all up for you in an instant." His voice was gentle and meek.
Y/n turned away from him to hide the tears that finally overflowed and spilled down her cheeks. Oh how her heart soared at those words, but Y/n knew taking up his offer would mean cruelly ripping his passion and a lifetime of hard work away from him. Y/n couldn't possibly entertain the idea of doing that to someone she loved.
"I'm going to check on Jambo. Just let me go."
Hours later the light faded from the outside, the room only illuminated with the many candles Y/n had lit. Y/n shivered with slightly chattering teeth as she sat on top of Schlatt’s bed, a throw blanket pulled tightly around her body by her hands that were beginning to bear blue-tinted fingernails. She was alone in the room with her stubborn pride, Jambo abandoning her minutes ago. 
It would be so incredibly easy for her to crawl under the covers, to be embraced by the warm, plush duvet she had insisted Schlatt purchase as a housewarming gift for themselves after they were wishing they had one during the last snowstorm they endured. Part of Y/n longed to just say fuck it to everything and crawl under, but a louder part of herself insisted it would be giving in. To what? She wasn’t sure. However, her resolve was quickly fading as her body grew more cold.
The bedroom door creaked open and the light of a flashlight lit up the room.. Y/n looked up from the bed, her eyes meeting Schlatt’s.
“It’s freezing.”
With Y/n shivering so much she didn’t have the energy for negativity, nor the energy to respond at all, instead she pulled the blanket tighter around herself.
Schlatt sighed, crossing the room and coming to a seat beside her. He placed the flashlight on the end table, keeping it on for more lighting. In his hands he held a different bottle of Jack than the one from earlier, this one appearing freshly opened, save for a few missing swigs.
“Apparently drinking will warm you up. I don’t think it actually does to be honest, but surely waiting out a snowstorm with some alcohol in your system is better than waiting it out completely sober,” He explained, gingerly holding the bottle out to Y/n.
After a few seconds of debating, Y/n reached out and accepted his offer, wincing as her nearly numb hands came in contact with the ice cold glass. Quickly she took a large gulp before handing the bottle back to Schlatt.
“It doesn’t work,” Y/n confirmed quietly.
Schlatt exhaled a small chuckle. “Thank you for peer reviewing my theory.” He examined the bottle in his hands before taking a sip of his own. “It’s always impressed me how you could drink liquor so easily from the first time you tried it.” He offered the bottle to her once again.
Y/n accepted the bottle and stared down the neck of it for a few moments in embarrassment. “It wasn’t actually easy until recently, I just didn’t want to be the girl in that Carrie Underwood song.” This time she took a smaller sip before handing it back.
The hint of a grin tugged at Schlatt’s lips. “That checks out…”
He brought the bottle to his lips but paused before he drank any, seemingly lost in thought. He screwed on the cap and placed the bottle on the end table. Y/n couldn't stop the small, proud smile that forced itself onto her face, an action that hurt with the stiff coldness of her cheeks. Despite the happiness that seeing Schlatt stop himself from drinking had brought her, the action showing he truly listened to her words from earlier, Y/n didn't draw attention to it to avoid any possible embarrassment on his behalf.
Y/n looked away quickly when Schlatt turned his head to glance at her, jumping when the back of his hand made gentle contact with her cheek. 
“God, you don’t just look like you’re freezing. You feel it too,” He muttered. 
Y/n moved her head away from his delightfully warm touch. “It’s fine.”
With a sigh, Schlatt stood up from his seated position on the bed, pulling out a corner of the blanket and gesturing for her to get in. “You’re going to get sick.”
“No, Jacob, It’s fine,” She insisted, although the prospect was growing more tempting by the second.
“I don’t know why you need to make this so difficult, Y/n. It’s cold, you’re cold, just get in the damn warm bed. You don’t need to be so prideful!”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she mumbled, trying to seem angry as she quickly scrambled under the covers, hoping he didn’t notice how she melted into the mattress contentedly.
Schlatt followed her in.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” She protested, shocked.
“It’s cold as fuck, are you really going to make me freeze just because we broke up?” Schlatt asked. “Besides, I’m not going to try anything. I’m a gentleman.”
“You’re a schlentleman, there’s a difference,” She huffed and looked away from him, instead she chose to gaze up at the white popcorn ceiling. 
“And what’s the difference? It just sounds funnier?”
“No, the difference is that you’re Jacob Schlatt. You’re always up to something. Usually it’s funny, but I’m not in the mood right now. I just want to go home.”
Schlatt was silent for a few moments, but didn’t move. Y/n could feel his warm leg ever so slightly touching hers, a small connection that seemed to warm her body in more ways than just temperature.
“How’s your new place treating you?” He asked.
“Good…” She thought about it for a few moments. “Good. It’s just a studio apartment. Huge windows.”
“You’ve always loved those,” Y/n swore that she could hear a bittersweet smile in his voice. “You got that window seat you’ve always wanted?”
“No, not yet. Maybe one day,” She sighed hopefully, the picture of reading or doing her work while seated on one dancing into her mind. “Any issues with the house?”
“No, shockingly,” He laughed. “It’s a relief after all the housing issues we’ve been through.”
“Yeah…” Y/n agreed, reminiscing on all the problems they’d been through together. They were the only stable thing in each other's lives in a time of seemingly impossible to get through instability, and now that was over. Her chest tightened. “I’m glad things are going good for you, Jacob.” She turned her head to look at him, a small smile on her lips.
His brown eyes met her own, staring into her. “You and I both know that things are not going good.”
She gulped, looking back up at the ceiling, unable to handle the intensity of his stare and words.
“Things just wouldn’t work out between us,” Y/n tried to explain.
“Why? Why not?” Schlatt begged, making her face him again. “I told you, I’d give up my career for you!” 
“I don’t want you to! You’ve spent so long on it, it makes you so happy. And…” She swallowed, trying to keep the words from coming out. “I’m not special or important enough for that.”
Schlatt’s eyes widened. “Where’d you get that idea? Y/n, I was with you for five years, you’re the most amazing person I know!” His hands cupped her cheeks and Y/n had to stop herself from dissolving into his comforting, warm touch.
“You never showed it! You were always busy, I always had to hide our relationship. I’ve just always felt unwanted…” Her vision grew blurry with the forming of tears. “It’s no matter now, it’s over.”
They stayed like that for what felt like hours, Schlatt looking guiltily into Y/n’s eyes as he tenderly held her face. Realistically it was only a few minutes until the larger man hesitantly moved closer to Y/n, his slightly chapped lips pressing against hers. Y/n’s brain screamed at her, not for her sinking into the action and accepting it, but for pushing him away in the first place. She had been fighting with her true feelings for too long, and now she didn’t have the strength to continue.
“Tell me, tell me if you don’t want this and I’ll stop for good. I’m not going to force you to love me if you don’t want to.” His face was nervous and hopeful as he pulled away. “But if you have any doubts about that at all, I’ll keep fighting for you. For us. I’ll do whatever I can to make things right.”
Y/n opened and closed her mouth slightly a few times, she found herself unable and unwilling to form a protest. She wanted this, she wanted him. She didn’t want to keep running. With his touch, everything suddenly felt fixable. No longer did everything seem like a large, unclimbable mountain. All their problems sunk into the shape of hills.
“Please, do that again.” She whispered.
Schlatt grinned.
The sunlight flowed through the window, illuminating Schlatt in its rays of gold. Y/n pulled herself into a sitting position and watched him for a few moments before she slowly crawled over him in an attempt to get out of the bed without waking him. Still dressed in the clothes she had arrived in, Y/n quietly moved to the door on the tips of her toes.
“Y/n?” Schlatt’s tired and anxious voice sounded from the bed.
“Go back to sleep,” She urged.
“Are you leaving?” 
“I can’t stay in bed all day.”
“Please, don’t go,” He begged, sitting up.
“Get back in bed, go back to sleep,” She rushed over, gently placing a hand on his chest and pushing him back into the mattress. 
His hand grabbed her wrist, keeping her from leaving. “I thought we worked this out last night, we promised to communicate. Y/n, talk to me. What’s going on?” His brow furrowed.
She huffed. “I was trying to make you breakfast in bed, but I wasn’t sneaky enough.”
Schlatt’s face softened as he pulled her onto his body, hugging her close. “Don’t scare me like that!”
“I’m sorry, please let me up. Even if it’s no longer a surprise I need to make breakfast” Y/n tried to get away but his strong arms kept her still.
“Baby, it’s cold outside. Come lay with me where it’s warm. Just for a few minutes?” He pleaded.
She relented, his begging making her body warm with the feeling of being loved. “Of course Jay, just for a few minutes.”
Schlatt tags: @d444zed
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Danganronpa Manga Rant- Leon and Sayaka:
@yukiteruakari told me about a Danganronpa Manga edition, and OH MY GOD!!! Thankyou so much for this bro omg.
I'm only up to "Junkos" impaling, but it's so much better than the one I have.
I'll put some screenshots below, and the link too because so far it's translated to English.
Why the Manga is better, what it could do for the fandom:
It gives Sayaka and Leon so much more development as characters and seeing as Mondos case is next we might get to see what they talked about in the sauna. (<- there are so many fan theories for that one, and I'm excited to finally get more lore.)
It's hard to be a Danganronpa fan in 2024 because it all happened 14, 12, and 7 years ago. So like... Spike aren't going to just start explaining more lore on twitter randomly because they feel like it, Danganronpa is done, but this manga helps us understand the killers motive.
If ALL of the fandom read it I'd probably assume the "Mondo Brother Killer >:(" cliche that some of the fandom define him as would be gone, because it has his POV instead of a Monokuma flashback and a shitty animated clip of him doing it "for no reason" other than being "strong-strong-strong-strong-strong" (from the canon game and animation 2014.)
LeoXSaya Rant, Manga>>>Animation:
And yes, Sayaka was revealed to be a bit more of a "snake" (she isn't btw) but her motives were humane and we only thought she wasn't because Makoto is the protagonist and wouldn't think bad about any of his friends.
It also gives Leon haters a reason to stfu and enjoy his character design and small role while it lasts, and it's better than playing his FTEs because he's just gloating about picking up chicks and being better than everybody at Baseball despite hating in from what I've seen.
Also, the art is just BETTER.
The dialogue is just BETTER!
They gave Sayaka a reason to invite Leon over. Because in the anime and game yes it's "wow Sayaka is so hot" on Leons part, but wouldn't that mean Leon would've been the person to invite her to HIS room instead?
But in the Manga they explain her thought process, anybody who hasn't read it will probably just go "Sayaka's dumb for inviting a STAR ATHLETE to try and kill!" but she's smart because if she had killed him she already had an alibi. "We were friends! We bonded over music and drank tea together!" or something... saying that, Sayaka couldn't WIN because Makoto knew about the room swapping ofc. And she'd leave evidence and whatnot.
*Sighs* The Animation Butchered Our Boys...:
I hate the anime alot, but the thing that PISSED ME OFF THE MOST (about 1-1 of the animation) WAS LEON'S REACTION. He was having a mental breakdown, which was fine and accurate... probably good as well instead of him screaming "stupid" then losing it halfway through the word and realising his fate quietly.
They give him a moment of remorse.
"I didn't want to... I mean she... she was tring to... kill me... right? I just... didn't know what else to do... okay...?" (quote end)
but then he gets mad.
I don't know about you, but on first watch this ruined it for me. "He's just screaming now..." like... it makes me mad for almost no reason.
He was about to have a very humane moment of "I didn't have a choice..." he's looking down at the pedestal thingy in the court, he's defeated, he's sad, he's been caught. He's in despair.
Then he yells at the others "you would've done the same thing in my shoes!"
And you know what the writers did instead of making him cry after that? Anything... would've been better, but this is the dam animation we're talking about...
He did have a choice...
The manga gave him a choice, he tried to save Sayaka. Then he ended up killing her, ON ACCIDENT. That line alone contradicts the fact of any of that happening, he and Sayaka had just bonded hours earlier.
Like, this is my opinion and I've never heard anybody talk about this before, BUT THE WRITERS NEEDED TO WRITE LEON BETTER!!! The game wrote Leon fine, but the animation was a second chance at giving him development!
I liked him trying to escape the court room though. That was a nice touch that I don't think was in the game.
Like, the scene made me so mad on re-watch and I can't pinpoint why!
Like instead of this: https://youtu.be/CbQ6McYz7U0?t=59
(Good animation though imo, the closeup expressed his emotions nicely-)
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Anyway, that's my rant of the day because why not.
The game itself had issues, but compared to the animation it was just so much better, and makes me want to give it a 7/10 instead of a 6...
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Guess what I watched?!
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This was sooooooooo amazing! A beautiful story and a wonderful cinematic experience honestly! Not to sound like a movie reviewer 😅 I just want to gush.
I was totally not interested the first few times the trailer popped up on my ad feed on youtube but the first time I sat down to actually look at the trailer I was hit with the colors and the designs and suddenly I was six-years-old sitting with my dad while he showed me and my four-year-old brother our first piece of transformers media. It was an old cartoon with the bots on cybertron and I never really got something like that again with the other movies or shows that came out aside from the ones one find after digging.
So I instantly decided that even just for nostalgia's sake I would go see it and I was dragging my siblings with me. Even if the movie was a horrible cash grab that turned the characters into unrecognizable slapstick jokesters I would watch it because I wanted to be six-years-old again.
LO AND BEHOLD this was incredible! Right from the start when they showed and talked about Primus being the planet I felt hope rising in my chest (MY EXPECTATIONS WERE ON THE FLOOR OKAY) And it just KEPT GETTING BETTER!
Ik from the trailers it seems so silly and stupid but it's NOT! This movie (imo) knows exactly when to be funny and when to be serious. It is for kids - don't expect anything super grown-up - but don't expect something that's aimed for a three-year-old.
Orion Pax (Optimus) and D-16 (Megatron) were the beating heart of this film in my opinion. I was gut wretched watching their friendship deteriorate and seeing Megatron slowly be born. I told my brother as we sat in that theater (which was 98% empty btw😭) that I really thought that the creative team really seemed to love Megatron because there was so much care put into his character and his change wasn't mocked or incomprehensible - I understood him the whole time even as I hated watching the downfall.
And ORION! He was amazing! I loved watching him go from a cocky selfish little guy to this inspiring leader. Even before the main conflict pushes him into the forefront as a leader you can see these hints of that quick-thinking and desire to protect those around him. The aspects of a leader are there - they just needed the right circumstances to pull them out.
There were so many of my babies in it too! It was nice to hear Bumblebee talk!!!! And he was precious! Elita was nice even tho I will admit that I'm not super deep into Transformers so I wasn't truly familiar with her. But I just about jumped out of my seat seeing Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave on screen talking and just being soooooo cool! They could just stand there and I would have been in heaven (not really that would have been a disservice to them but besides the point!)
ARCEE WAS THERE!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!! Me and my brothers were scouring for Ironhide and Rachet and we were grinning like idiots when we saw Jazz oh my gosh! I'm pretty sure that we saw Cliffjumper too!
And Ariachnid was sooooooo scary my gosh I was so happy!
This just felt like a film that truly cared and loved and RESPECTED the source material!
Anyways I'm writing this because I think people need to watch it. It's good even if you don't know a thing about transformers too! My little sister came with and loved the movie even though she's probably seen 1/4 of a transformers movie. I know I'm no bigshot posters so it's not gonna reach a lot of people but if any little bit counts then ...
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antlered-angel · 3 months
TW: Gore, Disturbing Imagery, and mentions of violence
Disclaimer: this is for fun! I’m not doing this to “fix” the stories or designs, these are mostly headcanons of mine. Please don’t be racist in the comments because I make certain characters POC. I promise it’s just a headcanon, it won’t hurt you.
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Up next, it’s the second member of the Killer Trio, Jane! I imagine Jane being afrolatina, 19 years old, and a lesbian who goes by she/her.
her outfit was heavily inspired by Twilight, which I headcanon Jane to be an unironic fan of (she’s team Alice btw and has been a fan since the first book, lowkey hates Stephanie Meyer though). I wanted to keep her dress but also wanted to add details to differentiate her more from Jeff’s design with her outfit, so I gave her a red dress with a black blazer. Ofc everyone here is scene so she gets matching converse shoes with them. Demi Lovato voice: who says I can’t wear my CONVERSE JK Jane didn’t fall into the “I’m not like other girls” trap, she fully embraces her femininity but also knows better than to wear uncomfortable footwear to a revenge quest. I made her buff hehehe. Out of the adults in the group, shes the shortest. It puts her at a bit of a disadvantage but she compensates for that by building up her strength. Her workout goal is to be able to punt Jeff’s ass off a building.
I tried to make her burn scars look like Jeff’s in reference to her story as well as having her wield a knife as well, but that’s where the resemblance between the two. Due to her hatred of Jeff, Jane tries to do as much as possible to distance herself from him while also preparing for the day she kills him. While most of her hair was intact, she chose to cut it after leaving the hospital to try to take back control of her appearance. She still has the stitches from when Jeff sliced her face open, personally maintaining them on the off chance that it will heal right. Unfortunately Jane’s face was the most damaged by Jeff’s actions. She would regain full recovery of her hands and legs thanks to the doctors around her, but Jeff wanted to make sure she went through the same suffering she did. From the slits in her cheeks resembling a grin to the fire making her blind in one eye and lose an ear, the damage was done and there wasn’t much doctors could do. To protect what remains of her face, Jane uses the mask Jeff gave her. Other than his death, it’s the only think she’ll accept from him.
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antiv3nom · 5 months
asuka ask game? pick your favorite one
ok so i do enjoy asuka guiltygear but i have been thinking REALLY hard about asuka tekken as of late so we're talking about her today
also this took me WAY too long to post i apologize but it Is out here so yaaaay
favorite thing about them:
ok so legally i have to mention asuka's tekken 8 design because motherfucker WHAT were they thinking with that one. what the fuck was the inspiration. but i love it so much i cannot lie
other than that, i really enjoy her rivalry with lili and how moderately insane that bit has gotten, and i like how they've kept her a character who is a) defensively focused in her gameplay even among the generally aggressive play of t8, and b) has a generally down-to-earth feel to her despite. Everything. happening in tekken
least favorite thing about them:
so i was actually talking to a friend about this recently and she explained my feelings really well, its like. asuka feels like the protagonist of another story that isnt being told.
it feels like she has so much stuff that COULD be a really interesting plot focus for her but it just. hasnt been? like everything between her and feng COULD be so neat but its just been sort of...by the wayside for the past few games in favor of keeping up with the mishimas (new sitcom there btw)
favorite line:
asuka's quotes are fun but most arent super noteworthy unfortunately? its mostly pretty standard fare for fighting game open and win quotes unforch :( i will say though, i do really enjoy this win line in t8 from her:
It's not good to fight all the time. Well, see ya!
bc like. girl. what do you think youre out here doing rn. girl please
(note: i dont speak japanese so i couldnt say anything towards this, but i wonder if asuka speaks with a kansai accent/dialect in game? her being from osaka and all, itd be a cool little addition)
omg actually ive seen stuff between leo and asuka that's been fun before i really enjoy that, iirc theyre not super close in the main canon but i wanna say in the non-canon webcomic theyre friends? i think thats right? either way its a fun concept
fellas is it gay to buy your rival's dojo and fill it entirely with roses to get their attention? certainly not. certainly.
i do wish we saw some amount more narrative tension between them since most of it has sort of dissolved by t8 but i do think theyre really cute and as mentioned before i really do enjoy their whole bit its awesome
i do not think i have been around long enough to see another pairing for asuka, let alone one i dislike, so i cannot answer this question LMAO
random headcanon:
spun my mental wheel of headcanon topics and it wouldnt stop spinning for like half an hour unfortunately so im just telling you that i think asuka would play baiken or may in strive
unpopular opinion:
i still havent been here long enough to know whats unpopular regarding her :,) although i think in terms of gameplay i think she's cooler than most people believe, though i do agree that her current iteraiton in t8 isnt very strong within the meta unforch :(
song i associate with them:
i can nigh on guarantee that it's because ive been listening to this song while thinking about her really hard recently but absolute zero by natori (banger btw go watch the music video it goes unbelievably hard), i think the lyrics arent entirely unfitting though!!!
favorite picture of them:
i really like this profile art option for her, the posing is fun and the textures on the clothing are really impressive
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and then also i have to mention her preset 3 outfit which i LOVE SO SO MUCH
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(apologies as i cant find a better example pic and do not feel like opening t8 at 2 in the morning on this day)
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dipplinduo · 9 months
I love your writing style so much!! Do you have any tips for new fic writers?
Awww, thank you so much!! <3
I feel like there's a ton of things I could say, but I'll boil down what has helped me most to keep in mind, and I'll throw in some examples from the fic to better illustrate what I'm trying to say:
Remember that you're essentially helping the reader paint an image in their head - especially with action and scenery. If you have something specific you want to convey, assume your reader has no idea what the image in your head is and put that detail in. I do that a lot with Kieran/Juliana physical interactions.
If you're writing in a character's POV, remember that you're writing in their perspective. Their perceptions and thoughts are going to be limited and colored by their own judgement (all narrators are unreliable in their own ways!!) Sometimes another way to bring a deeper connection to your character's POV is to describe things the audience already knows if it's new to the character (e.g. a recent example I have done of this in S&S D is by spending time describing Chargestone Cavern. I know the readers are familiar with it, but it was Juliana's first time experiencing it. It also showed how beaten down she was from her sickness because her scenery utterly floored her once she did register where she was. Meanwhile, Kieran is unfazed since it's more of a familiar environment & he's more numb to what's around him in general, so we don't get any of that romanticized language or much acknowledgement about the scenery at all from his POV.)
On a similar note in the unreliable narrator category: if there's something you want to convey to the audience only from a character's limited POV, make the detail suggestive enough for the character to note, but not suggestive enough to the character for them to give it much thought (i.e., maybe it happened to quickly, maybe the character doesn't know something important that is already established, maybe the character makes an incorrect judgement call, etc.) Recent examples I've done of this include Drayton kicking Crispin under the table to go along with his setup of getting Juliana to call Kieran "Kiki" (Juliana was somewhat skeptical, but didn't give it too much thought) and the end scene of Chapter 6 when Kieran encountered Ms. Briar (since Kieran was literally compromised, we only get the snippets he was mentally present for. Kieran has already been established as having a debatable visual perception given what's going on with him, and the specific detail about Ms. Briar not being around when he awoke on a Saturday in an empty office hallway was deliberately designed to rile up the audience and call for speculation. Was she really there, and left? Was she never there at all? Giving your readers the chance to theorize and make sense of breadcrumbs can give your fic more momentum and make it more enticing. Your audience will have a reason to want to continue to the next chapter because they want to know what happens! And this can also apply to fluff, btw.)
On a related, personal bias and perhaps somewhat diabolical note: I also think some of the best storytelling is a bit of a give and take. Give your audiences the expected satisfying wins at times, but also don't be afraid to cop them out and take them somewhere else than they're expecting to make a stronger or more impactful point. I love doing this (sorry not sorry ;D) - whether to make a moment more cute than you'd expect or to pull at heartstrings and create more emotional investment for a character (e.g. there was a reason we got the Kieran/Sweet Applin moment right before...welp, rather than at any other part of thus far). Mostly because I think it's a more fun emotional journey as a reader!
If your character is experiencing an emotion, don't just tell the reader that they are. Describe how that emotion manifests in them to the degree of its intensity, and remember that emotional experiences are often somatic and can look different from character to character. One technique I use to further emphasize this is to use certain diction depending on the narrator (i.e. the language used to depict Kieran's experiences of embarrassment has some differences compared to how Juliana's is described when she feels it; that being said there is deliberate overlap I put in from time to time in the way they think to show some of their likeness.)
Make sure you're having fun and writing things you're feeling passionate about! I, for one, have enjoyed doing this via interactions with readers & the community. Receiving feedback and hearing about what my audience is thinking is very helpful in both constructive and brainstorming kind of ways, and some of my favorite moments have been built around learning more about my audience/having a sense of what should be improved or expanded on. That being said, it's also important to stick to what you know you want to stick to if it's something you're confident about - even if it's different than what people might be expecting or hoping for. At the end of the day you are the writer and this is your story. You always get the final say-so. I also tend to keep this integrity in tack by limiting my awareness of what other fic writers are doing with related ideas so I don't feel unconsciously influenced in any way when I'm actively writing (I very much dislike doing this, but feel it helps me).
Wishing you the best luck in writing!! And happy to talk one on one, too. I'm no expert by any means - writing is more of a hobby and this is just some things I've learned along the way. I always appreciate learning from others too and I guarantee you that you have your own natural instincts that will be great insight for me and many others!!! <3
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justlet-melive · 10 months
here’s a question :3 uh do you have like any favourite anatomy or reference books/texts. or any tips for doing study’s??
sorry if this is like annoying or weird idk i’ve just been a little obsessed with your art lately. the way you capture shape and movement is so fantastic. you have such a talent for capturing characters personality through visual quirks too. idk like the way you draw ellie tlou is so specific. it’s not exactly on model but it’s kind of better lol. i can instantly tell most of what you need to know about her. same with your recent astarions like idk you’ve just managed to capture a real physicality about him that i think can be hard. idk i’m maybe biased but i think without any exposure to the game you could probably guess how he moves and sounds from your art.
idk uh sorry if this is worded weird i feel like i always do that LOL okay though anyways i adore your art it’s just so distinct. i’d eat it if i could. i’d honestly do a lot to capture even a fraction of the magic you’re creating. okay hope this message finds you well BYE
no need to feel self conscious about doing me a kindness in the form of gratifying to read, thoughtful observations of my fanart!!!!
thank you. very late response because i wanted to respond with some equally thoughtful advice and also let my ego calm down a bit, but..
im 'lazy' and like to keep drawing for fun as easy as possible. So i dont have any reference books hm... You obviously look at art and are able to relay to yourself and others what you saw and felt. thats the skill you should always indulge. looking at all kinds of things youre drawn to and observing why. best ref! (thanks again btw, best feeling being on the receiving end of that. to be... astarion voice: Seen in the Eyes of Another)
I have studied (and continue to do so when i get the chance) figure drawing at my community college, which was a big leap. i ended up focusing a lot on the relationship between the ribcage/pelvis/flow of the spine at that time. still my favorite part of drawing lol. During my most recent artblock i started copying muscle anatomy pages from a Morpho book as a way to keep drawing without a proper fixation. which is great because i also love the weight of flesh :^D
if you'd like my 'woo-woo advice' it's to get lost in the process and less invested in the results. and never be embarrassed. it'll keep you drawing (behind every piece of successful fanart is a mountain of scrap drawings of Fictional Guy #2378 facing 3/4 left.) and its meditative!! cathartic? personally i like to have a song/playlist to keep up the emotion im trying to work out going throughout my drawing session. helps me tell if the expression im drawing feels 'right'
and on the topic of drawing off model--!! Anytime im onto a new character i do spend a few sessions tracing their proportions/copying their models. after i figure out more or less what about their original design makes that Character i like to lose the training wheels. artistic interpretation is more interesting for me to look at and create. and i think it frees you up to better convey a feeling. the more you draw something the more you settle into 'what works' but i never set out to draw the same way twice! usually never anyway
thank you again for taking time to observe my drawings, and relaying back what you saw and felt. it honestly makes my day(s) to the point i almost feel guilty about it
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
A little Sketchbook fluff fic for all the slappers out there. . .it had to be done, I don't make the rules. It's been a hot minute since I've written anything so apologies if this seems rough lmao.
This whole thing is building off what I said about Sly helping Scrap design a fersona for him to express himself. I accidentally projected onto Sly. Btw. I cannot promise that it won't happen again.
Scrap was laying on the floor of the Comet family's house, as he usually did on the weekends. But this time was quite different; it was the floor of Sly's room rather than Eve's. The bright green fox was sitting close to him, her drawing tablet in her gloved hands.
Scrap knew why Sly wore gloves, he had heard of it in fens mind multiple times. She picked at her nails out of nervous habit, and the gloves were something that she wore to "keep everyone from having something else to pick on me for" in fens own words. Well, thoughts was probably a better way to describe it.
The two had just been sitting in silence for a while, the only noise filling the room being the quiet scratching of Sly's stylist against her drawing tablet. But after a while, Scrap spoke.
". . .what are you drawing?"
That was probably a bit of a dumb question. Scrap already knew a rough idea of what the answer would be. He knew it was something about some sort of fersona thing, but he still wanted to know what it actually looked like; the way that Sly's mind buzzed with happiness anytime she was drawing told Scrap everything he needed to know about the contentment that the character brought her.
Sly's fur spiked a bit at the sudden words, though fen hesitantly looked down at Scrap's lying form. Nobody has ever asked to see her art besides her family, and well. . .that hadn't really gotten fen any nice remarks that really felt nice. Every compliment her family gave her felt so hollow, compared to all of the insults that were hurled at her. Those, fen felt whole and completely. Scrap could hear her mind swimming with negative thoughts, and he couldn't hide the frown under his paper mask.
"I'm not gonna- make fun of you or anything. You know I already know what you're drawing, kind of. I just want to see. If you're comfortable."
Sly exhaled slowly through her nose. Right. It was a bit weird, knowing someone who could read your thoughts. . .but it was also nice in a weird way. Sly had a hard time articulating all her negative feelings into words, but fen didn't even have to do that with Scrap. It was a relieving kind of weird. Besides, Scrap had never made fun of her for anything else before.
"uhm- yeah, okay. It's not that good though, so don't expect an actual work of art or anything-"
Sly nervously turned the drawing tablet towards Scrap, letting him see what she had been drawing. It was nothing fancy, just a few messy sketches of Stroke and some of her friends fersonas. They were a bit rushed, but clear for the most part.
Scrap could already hear Sly's mind going off in all sorts of directions. He almost winced at how loud it was in there.
"oh Tears, is he going to make fun of it? It's stupid, yeah- it's stupid. I'm going to be called something like coxgirl for the rest of my life- he's being quiet because he doesn't like it, isn't he? That was so stupid, so stu-"
Scrap abruptly cut off the flood of thoughts, his ears flicking as he sat up.
"Hey, those are pretty cool! What are their names?"
Good, a distraction was just what Sly needed. The ears of the fox flattened as they tilted back purely from surprise. Most of her family just said "cool" or "cute" in response to fens art. Nobody had ever asked her about it. Scrap kept his smile visible despite the sadness that creeped onto him hearing this in Sly's mind. Jeez, he really needed to get her out of this place someday.
"O-oh- well, the blue one is Stroke- she's my fersona. She's a cox and dragon hybrid, but it was honestly just because I wanted her to have wings- it's a pretty stupid reason, but yeah"
"it's not that stupid, I probably couldn't name a single person who doesn't think wings are cool"
Scrap laid his hands in his lap as Sly's eyes brightened. It was a nice change, hearing good things from fens head rather than just self hatred and dysphoria. Sly hesitated to speak, a smile forming on the corners of her mouth.
". . .yeah-! That was my thought process too! I've always wondered what it would be like to fly, or just have them to use as extra hands- imagine how cool that would be!"
Sly's smile became a bit more solemn as she looked down at her drawing tablet, her gloved hands resting on its corners.
"I could just fly away from all my problems. It's- kind of freeing to have Stroke. It's like I can live my life through her."
Scrap felt a bit bad for Sly for that last sentence- but the bad feeling was much, much worse in Sly's own head. It had already started to swarm with thoughts of all the things Eve has done to her, how it was hard to even live fens real life because of how bad she felt.
But Scrap could fix that. Not forever, but just for a moment. Sly needed- no, deserved even just a moment of content happiness.
". . .What do you think my fersona would be?"
Perfect distraction. Sly's ears perked up almost instantly, fens eyes drifting back towards Scrap instead of staring down at her drawing tablet.
". . .well, you seem like a drat to me- but like, maybe a cyclops drat. Since you have one eye and all-"
Scrap smiled under his mask. Maybe he wasn't able of fixing every problem in Sly's life, no matter how much he so desperately wanted to; but he could make life happier for her, if only for a few moments.
"Really? How would that work?"
Two hours later, Scrap is standing in the driveway of the Comet household, holding a piece of notebook paper with a few doodles of a bipedal drat drawn onto it in blue pen; with one eye, just like Scrap.
He stared at the paper for a moment, the same smile on his face that had been on Sly's own just a few minutes prior. He slowly slipped his backpack off his shoulder, unzipping it to grab the red folder he kept in its large pocket. He opened it, shuffling a few half drawn faces to one side to keep the left pocket empty.
Then, he put the paper inside.
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