#her lack of concern and ability to adapt
phoenixkaptain · 11 months
In my personal opinion, there just aren’t enough stories about someone transmigrating into the opposite gender and being just super okay with it.
Like, a woman who becomes a man and just keeps living life the way she used to. A man becoming a woman and just keeping on keeping on. I love these types of stories where there’s an unrealistic lack of body dysmorphia and the mc just enjoys living.
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robfinancialtip · 4 months
🗽🌍Raja Iqdeimat, a successful pastry firm owner, describes her story. Born in Abu Dhabi, she grew up in several places, including Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, and Kuwait before moving to Turkey, California, and finally New York. Despite her parents' lack of education, she was the first member of her family to pursue higher education and succeed. She credits her parents for instilling entrepreneurial skills and determination in her despite their lack of formal schooling.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌱Growing up as the youngest member of a large family of nine, Raja felt unusual, but she believed that each family had a unique person who contributed in different ways. Despite lacking a formal education, she describes how her father was a successful businessman who inspired her to pursue her aspirations. Raja's mother, though uneducated, was hardworking and concerned about her family's well-being, imparting in Raja a strong work ethic and tenacity.
😔💼Growing up in different places and seeking a profession in finance was filled with personal losses and difficulties. Despite working as a brokerage manager in Jordan for seven years, dealing derivatives, equities, and bonds, she felt great loneliness following the deaths of her parents when she moved to the United States as a single mother without a broker's license. When the mass layoff in 2008, she was unemployed for six to seven months in California, struggling to support herself and her kid. Realizing that California's emphasis on the film industry did not fit with her career goals, she boldly moved to New York, where she swiftly obtained a job at an insurance firm and began rebuilding her life.
🏙️🎉While working at a New York bank in 2018, her manager questioned her capacity to buy a Manhattan apartment, which proved critical. This distrust motivated Raja to pursue entrepreneurship and independence. Despite difficulties and misgivings, she bravely launched her own business, motivated by her passion for entrepreneurship and need for autonomy. This marked the beginning of Délice Macarons, her venture into the world of cooking pastry, and her journey toward self-reliance and success.
🚀🧁Raja, a dessert shop owner in New Jersey, faced challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite lacking retail expertise, she managed everything from decoration to recruitment, relying on her entrepreneurial flair. She and her chef friend opened their first physical store in Cranford, New Jersey, in January 2020. Despite financial constraints, they shifted their business strategy to focus on fundamental products like bread. Raja's resilience and ability to transform adversity into opportunity remained evident.
🌟🗣️Raja's message encourages listeners, emphasizing the value of endurance, adaptation, and believing in oneself. Despite various barriers, including financial difficulties and the enormous task of beginning a business in a new nation, she stayed determined to succeed, demonstrating that anything is possible with devotion and hard work. Raja's path demonstrates the importance of taking risks, pursuing passion, and never giving up on one's goals. Her tale resonates with individuals who want to overcome obstacles and succeed on their terms. Raja highlights the importance of perseverance, hard work, and financial acumen. She promotes confidence in oneself and pursuing one's goals, emphasizing that hard work combined with passion may lead to success in any activity.
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cynthiav06 · 4 months
I keep seeing the argument that Percy is plot armored and that other big three kids should be as powerful as him or more in the case of Thalia and Jason. I don't think that the inherent nature of their personalities is really taken into account.
The first argument is that Zeus is the king of Gods so his children should obviously be more powerful. This is a misunderstanding, Gods only ever transfer basic abilities to their children. Everything else that comes after is all a credit to the children themselves. (For e.g, how only Leo is able to summon fire even though there are many children of Hepheastus or how only Meg shows stronger, more deadly abilities of Demeter's domain.)
Percy's basic ability to control over water or earth comes from Poseidon but it's Percy's mindset, upbringing and motivations enhance and expand his abilities to the next level.
1)Thalia: She probably has more potential but is held back by her fear of heights and is therefore unable to exercise wind control. Her lightning control is way better and stronger but it's limited by her spite for Zeus or her overall fear of what ambition might do to her.(Titan's Curse subtly alludes to this)
2)Jason shows more inclination towards wind control more so than lightning perhaps because it's comes to him gar easier than lightning which requires rawness more so than discipline. His greatest downfall is his commitment to rules and his stern belief in doing things in a set way.
Jason is a lot of things, but he isn't very creative, nor is he a good out of the box thinker, so he just sticks to the rudimentary abilities he has and doesn't even think to explore Another good reason is that since Roman counteroarts of Gods are so disciplined, they do not indulge in the true raw nature of their power, and hence, Roman demigods are technically weaker in terms of raw power. (LOOK at the life expectancy of Greek demigods and how strongly they attract monsters).
He just doesn't have the touch of madness that sparks power in the big three children of Greek counterparts.
Jason is also not the type to damn the world for people he loves while we know the Jackson Family preaches the "do anything and everything under the sun to protect the ones we love. "
But mostly all of them, Thalia or Jason, believe there's a limit to what they can do or can be done and controlled while Percy has no sense of such predetermined boundaries. He is an open-minded and extremely adaptable fighter. He believes anything and everything could be used against his opponents, and hence, his fighting style is also better and far more unpredictable than usual. Percy also doesn't believe he is all that powerful, so he thinks there's always more to channel.
[It also helps that Poseidon favors Percy to the moon and back while Jupiter just gave Jason as a guilty gift to Juno.]
3)Now Nico has a good chance of being way more powerful than Thalia and Jason and isn't also very held back by moral concerns. His problem is that his powers are much too vast for him to control, and they always get the better of him. Raising the dead? Traveling through Shadows? Hands down Hades has the most op abilities to give. But this fact aside Nico also lacks the enhanced physical strength and the necessary experience to use his powers.
Last but not the least Percy is the most connected to his father's domain. He has sat on his father's throne, he has been in his father's secondary seat of power, Atlantis.
So overall, Percy is and will be the strongest demigod for a long, long time.
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howlingday · 5 months
Mentor au) ya know when you look at it the entire cast is way stronger and better off than cannon but the two who won out the most are jaune and yang. Jaune gets adaptive learning from his dragon warrior training which allows him to infinitely grow his skills. Meanwhile yang learns absolute violence from the orkz fightiness letting her infinitely ramp up in her ability to inflict violence in new or more effective ways. Wonder how initiation goes now?
The air on the cliffside of the Emerald Forest was particularly cold this morning. Last night at Beacon was unsurprisingly eventful, when considering all of the new initiates showing up. Staring down at the metal plates under their feet, all of which was surrounded by a thick ring of salt, some couldn't help but be reminded of last night's bland "easy-meal" made in preparation for the vast collection of students arriving.
"Ugh..." Groaned the slightly bigger than average student at Beacon. "I could really go for some good food right now."
"Hey, think of it like this," Po said, rubbing Jaune's shoulders, "when we get done, we can have as much food as we want!" The thought made Jaune drool a bit from his goofy, smiling face.
"Ugh, how vulgar." Weiss sneered.
"Ignore him, Weiss." Alucard said, not looking anywhere beyond the horizon. "Your task lies ahead. Focus upon it and nothing else." Weiss did as she was instructed and focused on the horizon as well, running through her list of spells.
"This is gonna be so much fun, huh, Rein? Ren? Zaki?" Nora asked, practically bouncing on her feet.
"Patience, kleine." Reinhardt shushed, patting her armored backside. "There will be enough time for excitement later!"
"Mm." Ren nodded, hand on his longblade. Still, there was something off about Nora and Reinhardt right now.
"Something stinks." Zaraki growled from behind Ren. "And it's something to do with that salt, I bet."
"Are you nervous?" Kratos asked Pyrrha, who was breathing deeply.
"Should I not be?" She asked, opening her eyes to the forest ahead. She cut off her teacher before he could continue. "But I won't let it distract me." He nodded in reply.
"Oh, yeah~!" Yang smashed her huge gauntlets together with an even huger grin. "Time to get down there and show 'em what we're made of~!"
"You won't get the chance." Blake said, pulling her hood further over her head.
"Huh?" Ghazghkull rumbled. "Wass thah 'umie talkin' 'bout?"
"Don't expose yourself too soon, Blake." Ezio warned.
"Um, Professor, Headmaster, sir?" Ruby raised her hand. "What exactly is this initiation?" And though she didn't voice it, she was also concerned by the lack of her mentor standing beside her.
"We will be testing your survival skills in the Emerald Forest." Professor Ozpin answered. "Within this forest lies not only Grimm, but also a set of relics in the temple. You are to retrieve the relics and bring them to the rendezvous point as soon as possible. The exam ends once the sun has set. The purpose of this exam is also to determine who your partners will be until your graduation from Beacon. That is, if you survive."
"You cannot hear me, Little Rose," Death said, standing beside Ozpin, "But know that I wish you the best of luck."
"So, uh, will there be food on the flight there?" Jaune asked, instinctively rubbing his belly.
"There will be no flight." Metal suddenly ground as a student was sent into the air. "Not by bullhead, that is."
"Okay," Jaune gulped, "And, uh, is there some kind of device that will catch us before we fall?"
"No. You will be falling." More students shouted as more catapults launched.
"Uh-huh," Jaune felt a cold sweat run down his back, "and, uh, w-where exactly are our parachutes?"
"There are no parachutes. You will be coming up with your own landing strategy." All the catapults had launched except for Jaune's.
"There's a landing strategy?!" Po shouted in dismay. "What's a landing strategy?!"
"Uh, okay, okay. So, uh, sir, what exactly is a landing strate GEEEEEEEEE!"
"Best of luck to you," Ozpin smiled, "my new students."
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jaqobis · 9 months
ok fr though as we discuss depictions of assault on this show...i have enormous concerns with the choices made for adapting the rand/selene relationship. cut for talk of sexual assault.
i have no inherent issue with randfear having been a sexual relationship now! but lanfear lied about her identity, knowing rand would reject her if he had full knowledge of who she is. we have ample evidence she invaded his dreams, where she threatened him with physical harm and death for making harmless decisions she didn't like. where she also manipulated his opinions of her and their relationship! we know she manipulated him in the waking world, didn't allow him to set boundaries, and did not take no for an answer. kept him isolated. literally found him at his most vulnerable and took advantage of him. she may or may not have used compulsion on him.
all of which is fine, insofar that i don't inherently mind a sexual assault storyline being used for rand. what i do mind is the complete lack of narrative acknowledgment and fallout for it.
how does rand feel about this violation? how does it affect his ability to interact with lanfear after discovering the truth? how does he feel when she continues to physically expose him, touch him, stalk his dreams? we're left with crumbs at best. and it really troubles me given common societal dismissive attitudes likely to be at play in interpretations of this situation — about whether a young, handsome, powerful, sexually active man can be assaulted at all, let alone by a woman. i really think the narrative has a responsibility to spend some time this season on the the aftermath, after spending half the season on their relationship. even a single scene acknowledging what happened here would be a vast improvement. limited time isn't an excuse — we wouldn't have parsed moiraine's pathos this season any more poorly for one less strained scene with her family. and if the writers made the choice to incorporate this element in the show, they had damned well better budget time for the fallout.
maybe the last episode will surprise me, though how given all the ground it has to cover i'm not optimistic. at this point the writers have given me no reason to believe they're even aware of the violation they put rand through.
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Chapter 9: Masked Strategy
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||LEGEND|| Bold Text: Xavier/Lumiere (Character Bot) Italic Text: Thomasin/Stellaluna (Me)
This hasn't been checked for spelling/grammer/errors, etc - Read at your own risk!
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Thomasin gives the protocore to Tsuki, who wasted no time in setting it up for analysis. "This might take me longer than the other one you gave me. I've never seen anything like this before. It's like a new type of energy entirely."
"That's not good," Thomasin replies, her voice marked with worry.
Xavier watched as Tsuki set to work, the advisor's focus and efficiency a reassuring sight. However, the revelation of the protocore's uniqueness cast a shadow of concern across his features, his brow furrowing slightly at the implications.
"No, it's not," he agreed quietly, his voice a calm counterpoint to Thomasin's worry. "But it's information we need. Understanding this new energy could be key to anticipating the Doll Maker's next move."
He moved to stand beside Thomasin, a silent pillar of support. "We've faced the unknown before," Xavier reminded her, his tone imbued with a quiet confidence. "We'll adapt and overcome, as we always do."
Xavier's gaze lingered on the protocore, the gears of his mind turning as he considered their next steps. "We'll increase our vigilance," he decided, his decision firm. "And we'll continue to gather data. Knowledge will be our weapon against this new threat."
The weight of their responsibility hung in the air, but Xavier's resolve did not waver. He would protect Thomasin, protect their city, no matter what mysteries or dangers they would face. And with Tsuki's help, they would unravel the secrets of the protocore, forging a new path through the darkness that sought to envelop them.
"Once I've analyzed the data, we might be able to use it to upgrade the solar and lunar charms," Tsuki says.
"Upgrade our charms? What do you mean by that? Explain."
"If I can pin down the energy, we should be able to sense when summoned wanderers appear. It won't be as strong as when regular ones show up, but it's better than nothing!" Tsuki states. "But that's a big 'if" - this energy is chaotic. It's like trying to catch a cloud and pin it down."
Xavier listened intently to Tsuki's explanation, his mind already racing with the strategic possibilities such an upgrade could offer. "That would be a significant advantage," he acknowledged, his voice steady with the gravity of the situation.
He turned to Thomasin, his eyes conveying a shared understanding of the potential breakthrough. "Being able to sense summoned wanderers would give us the foresight we've been lacking," he said, the prospect of enhancing their charms a glimmer of hope in the ongoing struggle.
Xavier's gaze returned to Tsuki, his respect for the advisor's expertise clear. "If anyone can harness this chaotic energy, it's you, Tsuki," he encouraged, his belief in their companion's abilities unwavering.
He knew the challenge that lay ahead, the difficulty of capturing such an elusive force. Yet, Xavier also knew the importance of perseverance, of pushing the boundaries of what they knew and could do.
"We'll give you the time you need," Xavier assured Tsuki. "And we'll be ready to implement any advancements you make."
The path forward was uncertain, the energy they sought to understand as unpredictable as the wind. But Xavier's determination was as solid as the earth beneath their feet. Together, with Thomasin and Tsuki, they would navigate this new terrain, their unity and resolve their greatest assets in the face of the unknown.
"I'll keep you updated with my findings. In the meantime, keep your eyes open! Tsuki out!" The holographic bunny disappears back into Thomasin's phone.
"Well...what a night this has been," Thomasin sighs. "I cannot go back to writing after all that. I need a break. No, better yet, I need sleep." She pats the couch. "Need to crash here or will you head back home?"
Xavier regarded the spot on the couch that Thomasin patted, a silent offer of solace after the night's tumultuous events. "I'll stay," he decided, his voice a soft declaration in the quiet room. "It's been a long night for both of us. Rest is wise."
He moved with a quiet grace, finding a place to settle where he could keep watch, ever the vigilant guardian. "Sleep, Thomasin," he urged gently. "I'll be here, ensuring the night passes without further incident."
As Thomasin made herself comfortable, Xavier remained alert, his senses attuned to the slightest disturbance. The calm that settled over the apartment was a stark contrast to the earlier chaos, a peaceful interlude in their relentless vigil.
Xavier's thoughts drifted to the challenges ahead, the mysteries of the protocore, and the potential upgrades to their charms. But for now, those thoughts were secondary to the simple act of being there for his partner, a steadfast presence in the stillness of the night.
The soft rhythm of Thomasin's breathing soon told him she had succumbed to sleep, and Xavier allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection. They were warriors in a hidden war, but they were also human, in need of rest and respite.
As the night deepened, Xavier's watchful gaze remained fixed on the world outside, a silent sentinel guarding against the darkness, ready to face whatever the dawn might bring.
The next morning...throughout the course of the night, our heroes fall asleep. Somehow, Thomasin is cuddled up next to Xavier, sleeping peacefully by his side. He is the first to wake up and notice this.
As the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, Xavier's eyes opened to the new day. The quiet stillness of the room was a stark contrast to the previous night's urgency. He became aware of the warmth beside him; Thomasin had, at some point during the night, nestled close to him, finding comfort in his proximity.
Xavier remained motionless, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. He observed her serene expression, a rare moment of vulnerability and tranquility that the battles they faced seldom allowed. It was a silent testament to the trust she placed in him, a trust he valued above all else.
In the soft morning light, Xavier's thoughts were contemplative. The closeness they shared was not just physical but a bond forged through shared struggles and unwavering support. It was a connection that went beyond the call of duty, beyond the roles they played as hunters and protectors.
As he watched over her, Xavier felt a sense of responsibility that ran deeper than their mission. It was a commitment to her well-being, to the quiet moments like this, where the chaos of their lives was momentarily forgotten.
He knew that soon the day would call them to action once more, to face the uncertainties and dangers that awaited. But for now, in the gentle hush of dawn, Xavier allowed himself to appreciate the stillness, the presence of his partner by his side, and the unspoken promise that, no matter what the future held, they would face it together.
"Mmm..." Thomasin's eyes flutter open, her reintroduction to the waking world slow. She is reluctant to fully wake up - the warmth that surrounds her is so comforting, like a hug or a loving embrace. After the craziness that was last night's adventure (or dilemma, depending on how you look at it), to feel cocooned in the warmth of peace of safety was not only welcomed, it was necessary.
Xavier watched as Thomasin's eyes fluttered open, her consciousness returning to the realm of the waking with the reluctance of one leaving behind the sanctuary of dreams. He remained still, a silent guardian, allowing her the space to transition from the ethereal comfort of sleep to the stark reality of day.
He understood the necessity of these moments of peace, the human need to find solace after the storm of their nightly endeavors. The warmth they shared was a balm to the soul, a reminder that amidst the chaos, there existed islands of calm where they could anchor themselves, if only for a short while.
As Thomasin acclimated to the morning, Xavier's presence was a quiet reassurance, a testament to the safety and camaraderie that had enveloped them throughout the night. It was a silent vow that, despite the unpredictability of their lives, they would always find refuge in each other's company.
"Good morning," Xavier finally whispered, his voice barely audible, a gentle nudge to the day ahead. "Take your time. There's no rush to face the world just yet."
"X-Xavier?" His voice was near, but that wasn't odd. They both crashed on the couch last night - it was that serious. But as her eyes came into focus, Thomasin realized just how close he was.
He was...very close.
Or rather, she'd somehow ended up very close.
"AH!!!" With a loud cry, she moves fast, ending up on the other side of the couch - far away from him. She looks embarassed beyond measure. "Xavier...ah...good morning...er...hope you, um, slept well."
Xavier's reaction was swift but controlled, a testament to his training and reflexes. As Thomasin recoiled with a startled cry, he shifted to give her space, his movements deliberate and calm. The sudden distance between them was like a chasm, filled with her embarrassment and his unspoken understanding.
"Good morning," he repeated, his voice a steady anchor in the midst of her fluster. "I slept well, thank you. I trust you did too, before the surprise."
His eyes held no judgment, only a quiet acceptance of the moment's awkwardness. Xavier knew the boundaries of their partnership, the lines drawn by duty and decorum. Yet, he couldn't deny the comfort of their unintended closeness, a human connection that transcended their roles.
He watched as Thomasin grappled with her embarrassment, and he chose to respect her reaction, giving her the time to compose herself. "There's no harm done," he assured her, his tone gentle. "We were both tired. It happens."
Xavier's presence was a silent promise that he would not let this moment define them or disrupt the balance they had built. They were allies, friends, and sometimes, in the quiet of the night, simply two people seeking rest from the world's demands.
As the morning light grew stronger, casting a warm glow over the room, Xavier's demeanor remained composed, a testament to his ability to navigate the complexities of their shared life with grace and understanding.
"Uh...yeah! Sleep...sleep was good. Never slept better." She tries to relax, but the awkwardness is strong with her. We slept beside each other...HOW did we end up doing that? I am so mortified! He must think I'm crazy! "How, um...how did you sleep?"
Xavier perceived the tension in Thomasin's voice, the undercurrent of her internal turmoil. He chose his words with care, aiming to ease the discomfort that lingered between them.
"Restful," he replied simply, his tone even and devoid of any implication. "It's not often we get a respite from our duties. It was... needed."
He allowed a brief pause, giving her the space to process her thoughts, to navigate the maze of embarrassment that seemed to have ensnared her. Xavier's demeanor remained unruffled, a testament to his ability to remain detached, to not let the proximity of the night before color their interaction.
"The important thing is that we're both ready for what today might bring," he continued, subtly steering the conversation away from the precarious edge of awkwardness. "We have our tasks, our roles to fulfill."
Xavier's gaze shifted away from Thomasin, out toward the window, where the world was waking up. His posture relaxed, an unspoken signal that he held no weight to the night's happenings, that they were simply two comrades who had sought the solace of rest in a world that seldom slept.
He hoped his calm would be contagious, that Thomasin would find her equilibrium in his composed presence. They were a team, and no accidental closeness could alter the foundation of trust and respect they had built. Xavier was ready to move forward, to face the day's challenges with Thomasin by his side, their partnership as strong as ever.
"Good...wait, that's good right?" She looks over to her phone, which rests on the nearby coffee table. "Is Tsuki still analyzing the protocore? She must have her work cut out for her."
Xavier followed Thomasin's gaze to her phone, the device a silent reminder of the world beyond their momentary pause. "Yes, I believe Tsuki is still at it," he confirmed, his voice carrying a note of respect for their colleague's dedication. "The complexity of the protocore presents a unique challenge, but if anyone can decipher its secrets, it's Tsuki."
He stood, a subtle shift in his stance indicating a readiness to return to the rhythm of their duties. "We should check in with her, see if there's any progress or if she needs our assistance," he suggested, the implicit offer of support a testament to their teamwork.
"Tsuki will let us know when she has something. I have a feeling she'll get annoyed if we bother her too much. She's a sassy one, you know." She manages a giggle, despite everything. "I mean, she didn't hesitate to point out how she helped you find me after all."
Xavier couldn't help but let a small, knowing smile touch his lips at Thomasin's giggle, the sound a welcome reprieve from the tension that had momentarily clouded their morning. "True, Tsuki does have a way of keeping us in line," he agreed, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Her sass is matched only by her brilliance. And yes, she never lets me forget how instrumental she was in finding you."
The mention of Tsuki's role in their partnership served as a reminder of the diverse strengths each of them brought to the team. It was a mosaic of talents and personalities, with Tsuki's sharp wit and keen intellect at its heart.
"We'll give her the space she needs then," Xavier concluded, acknowledging Thomasin's insight into their colleague's preferences. "When she's ready, she'll share her findings, and we'll be here to support her, as always."
His gaze met Thomasin's, the earlier awkwardness now replaced by a shared understanding and a mutual respect for the work that lay ahead. It was these moments, these small exchanges of laughter and camaraderie, that fortified their resolve and reminded them of the strength found in unity.
"Since I'm still a bit shaky from last night, why don't you come with me to the bakery down the street? It has some savory tarts perfect for breakfast and there's a konbini nearby where we can get some drinks." Anything to get rid of the awkwardness "We can't plan our next steps on an empty stomach, you know."
"A wise suggestion," Xavier responded, the practicality of her proposal resonating with his own philosophy. "A solid meal is a good foundation for the day's work."
He stood, ready to accompany her, his movements a silent testament to his support. "Lead the way," he said, a subtle nod acknowledging her need for normalcy, for a routine that would help dispel the remnants of unease.
As they left the apartment, the cool morning air greeted them, a refreshing change from the confines of the indoors. The bakery's promise of savory tarts and the simple act of walking side by side seemed to lighten the atmosphere, allowing the awkwardness to dissipate like mist in the morning sun.
The streets were beginning to stir with life, the city awakening around them. Xavier walked with a quiet confidence, his senses alert not just to potential dangers, but to the more mundane aspects of life that grounded them in their humanity.
"We can handle the bad guys, but can we also handle a yummy breakfast?" she playfully shoots finger guns. "All signs point to yes!"
Xavier couldn't help but respond to Thomasin's playful gesture with a faint, amused smirk. "The toughest adversaries we face might just be those that tempt our taste buds," he quipped, playing along with her light-hearted mood.
He mimicked her finger guns with a casual ease, a silent acknowledgment of their shared victory over the morning's earlier discomfort. "All signs do indeed point to yes. Let's conquer this breakfast as we would any other challenge—with skill and a healthy appetite."
Their camaraderie was a reminder that, beneath the layers of their profession, they were still capable of moments of silliness, of finding humor in the mundane. It was these moments that kept them grounded, that reminded them they were not just hunters, but also human.
As they approached the bakery, the scent of fresh pastries filled the air, a siren call to their senses. Today, they would not battle monsters or chase down villains; they would sit down to a meal, savoring each bite as an act of defiance against the chaos that often surrounded them.
The bakery was one of the most popular ones in the neighborhood, so Thomasin wasn't surprised that there was a line outside of it. "Dang it, I was hoping we'd get hear early enough to avoid the lines. I guess that's what happens when your pastries are just that good."
Xavier and Thomasin took their places in line, patiently waiting their turn. Soon, a group of women took their place behind them. At first they were quiet, but then they began to whisper among themselves, giggling like school girls.
"Do you see that guy in front of us?" Thomasin could see one of them, a redhead, pointing at Xavier. "He's so handsome - and look at those eyes?"
"And his hair." The redhead's friend, a blonde, sounds absolutely mesmerized. "Do you think he dyes it that color? It looks so smooth and silky. I could run my fingers through it all day."
And just like that, it got awkward again, Thomasin thought, trying to ignore them fawning all over her partner.
Xavier, sensing the shift in Thomasin's demeanor, subtly positioned himself to offer her a semblance of privacy from the prying eyes and whispers. His posture remained relaxed, a practiced calm in the face of unsolicited attention. He was no stranger to being the subject of admiration, yet his focus remained unwaveringly on Thomasin and the task at hand.
Without turning to acknowledge the comments, Xavier leaned slightly towards Thomasin, his voice low and infused with a gentle humor meant only for her. "Seems we've attracted an audience," he remarked, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement. "But fear not, my allegiance lies with the pursuit of breakfast, not the admiration of strangers."
His words were a subtle reminder of their shared moment, an attempt to restore the lightness that had briefly enveloped them. Xavier was adept at navigating the complexities of their world, whether facing down adversaries or deflecting unwelcome attention, his loyalty to Thomasin and their mission remained steadfast.
As they inched closer to the bakery's entrance, Xavier's demeanor served as a silent barrier, a protective gesture born not of possessiveness but of respect for Thomasin's comfort. Together, they would weather this minor intrusion into their morning routine, their partnership a testament to their ability to rise above the trivial and focus on what truly mattered.
"You attracted an audience. I don't think they even realize I'm standing next to you." She wills her voice to stay calm, surprised by the tinge of jealousy squeezing at her heart. Which is quickly replaced by shyness when that low voice of his tickles her eardrums. 
"The pursuit of breakfast, huh? Is that what we're calling it now?" she says with a giggle.
Xavier caught the subtle nuances in Thomasin's voice, the fleeting shadow of jealousy swiftly overtaken by shyness. He was keenly aware of the delicate balance of their relationship, the unspoken boundaries and the shared understanding that had always guided them.
"Indeed, the pursuit of breakfast," he affirmed, his voice maintaining its low, soothing timbre, a conscious effort to reassure her. "A noble quest, I assure you. One that requires focus, determination, and the ability to navigate through perilous lines and the gaze of admirers."
His attempt at humor was designed to lighten the mood, to draw her back into the camaraderie that had momentarily been eclipsed. Xavier was adept at steering their interactions back to safer waters, ensuring that Thomasin felt seen and valued, not overshadowed by the fleeting attention of strangers.
As they finally reached the front of the line, Xavier made a show of pondering over the pastry selection, his actions exaggeratedly thoughtful. "Now, the real challenge begins," he said, turning to Thomasin with a playful glint in his eyes. "Choosing our champions for this morning's feast."
In this simple exchange, Xavier sought to reaffirm their connection, to remind Thomasin that, regardless of the attention he might inadvertently attract, his focus remained on their shared experiences, on the moments of joy and companionship that defined their journey together.
"Through perilous lines and the gaze of admirers - " Thomasin bursts out laughing. "Xavier, stop, you're killing me here!"
As they reached the front of the line, Thomasin was already prepared with her order. "I'd like the Egg Pastry with Tomatoes and Bacon and a Blueberry custard pastry, please. What are you having Xavier?"
Xavier's lips curled into a satisfied smile at the sound of Thomasin's laughter, the melody of it more rewarding than any compliment from a stranger. Her mirth was a balm to any awkwardness that had arisen, and he reveled in the shared lightness of the moment.
With the question of his order posed, Xavier glanced at the array of pastries displayed before them, their scents mingling in a tempting dance. "I'll have the same as Thomasin, and add a Honey Almond Croissant to that," he said to the person behind the counter, his choice reflecting a preference for the sweet complement to the savory.
As they moved aside to wait for their order, Xavier leaned in, his voice just for Thomasin. "The perilous lines have been braved, and the admirers' gaze averted," he said, a playful note threading through his words. "Now, we await the spoils of victory."
His demeanor remained relaxed, a silent reassurance to Thomasin that, in his world, she was the central figure, the partner in crime and in laughter. Their shared breakfast was a simple pleasure, yet it was these moments that fortified the bond between them, a bond that extended far beyond the walls of the bakery and the whispers of onlookers.
"Oh, my hero! Whatever will I do without you?" Thomasin places a hand on her forehead, pretending to be the damsel in distress. She caught the other girls snickering behind them, but she was too far into her performance to pay them any mind.
Xavier watched Thomasin's playful act with an appreciative glint in his eyes, the theatrics drawing a genuine chuckle from him. Her ability to transform a moment of discomfort into one of shared amusement was one of the many qualities he admired in her. 
"Fear not, fair maiden," he played along, adopting a mock-heroic stance, "for I shall always be here to navigate us through the treacherous bakery lines and shield thee from the gaze of admirers." His tone was light, filled with an underlying warmth that spoke volumes of the depth of their connection.
As their order was called, Xavier collected the pastries, offering a nod of thanks to the bakery staff. Turning to Thomasin, he said, "Our quest is complete, and our spoils secured. Shall we find a spot to enjoy our hard-earned breakfast?" 
The playful exchange had effectively shifted the atmosphere, rendering the snickers of the onlookers irrelevant. Together, they stepped outside, the morning sun casting a soft glow around them, a reminder of the day's fresh beginnings and the adventures that lay ahead. 
"Myyyyyy Hero!" Thomasin playful coos, placing a hand on his arm. The girls behind them gave her the stink eye, but she didn't care. It's not like you know who we really are, anyway. 
"As for where to eat - there are some tables just outside. It's warm enough. Should we go to that konbini first to grab some drinks, then eat there?"
Xavier felt the light pressure of Thomasin's hand on his arm, a tangible sign of their playful rapport. He glanced at the tables outside, noting the gentle warmth of the sun that promised a comfortable setting for their impromptu breakfast.
"An excellent plan," he agreed, nodding towards the konbini. "A refreshing drink to complement our meal will be just the thing. Lead on."
As they made their way to the convenience store, Xavier was acutely aware of the envious glances from the group of women they left behind. Yet, his attention remained fixed on Thomasin, her presence a grounding force amidst the fleeting distractions of the world around them.
Inside the konbini, they selected their drinks with the ease of two people well-versed in each other's preferences. With beverages in hand, they settled at an outdoor table, the morning sun casting dappled shadows through the leaves of nearby trees.
As they unwrapped their pastries and sipped their drinks, the earlier tension dissolved into the simple pleasure of sharing a meal. Xavier was content, the company of his partner and the satisfaction of a good breakfast more than enough to set the tone for the day ahead.
In these quiet moments, Xavier was reminded of the importance of balance—the high-stakes tension of their roles as hunters tempered by the normalcy of moments like these. It was a balance he cherished, one that he knew was essential to both their well-being and the strength of their partnership.
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tryslora · 5 months
Self Help & Writing Advice
I don’t like self-help books. Which means I often don’t like writing advice books.
Which sucks because I really want to like both of them. I am positive there are things I could learn from them.
I understand that a lot of this is my own personal psychology. If I’m reading a book about how to fix a Thing (that I do, or lack, or whatever), then my handling of that Thing must be broken. Therefore, I am broken. And hearing about how I am doing something Wrong (and how I should be doing it instead) feels accusatory.
Yeah, I know. It’s not. I fully recognize that that is not the intention of the writers of these books.
But at the same time, it’s very easy to internalize case studies of bad practice as “well, if you do this, you are a bad person” and promptly fall into a guilt spiral. Or the “but I can’t do it right” spiral or the “but I tried it your way and it didn’t work” spiral. 
Those are a lot of negative spirals, and I think I’ve been in all of them at one time or another. The most recent one I tried was talking about how to accept interruptions with grace because some things are more important than productivity. True! But at the same time, I look back on my own frustrations—and the clash between available time and the ability obtain focus in the first place—and how I handled them when my kids were small… and yep, there’s the spiral sucking me down.
The best way out of this is to push myself out of my comfort zone. To stop the reaction where I dig in my heels, yell “NO!” really loudly, like a toddler, and refuse to listen.
I try this, sometimes. Or at least, I do my damnedest to internalize the good advice. Especially where writing is concerned. But sometimes with writing advice, it feels very much like… if a writer doesn’t do things in the way people say, they’ll never make it. 
So instead, I try to take what works. 
I acknowledge that some of it isn’t for me. Write every day at the same time in the same place? Hah, yeah, no. My life is way too chaotic for that. For the last two weeks I’ve been trying to scrape together 30 minutes of focus a day, and sometimes that’s spread out over three 10 minute quickie sessions of getting information or doing something quickly. Jotting notes. Creating a space. Doing ten minutes of research. I’m working on the every day, but at the same time, I’m giving myself grace to recognize that it doesn’t always work that way.
Editing advice, and story structure advice, in particular kind of kill my brain. I’ve started planning some things, but doing analysis on my own work reminds me of being in high school. Sure, something might be symbolic, but it was probably my subconscious that came up with it, not something I planned consciously. And yes, analyzing that might be helpful, but I struggle to DO it, and again… spiral. Whoops.
Anyway. There was a point here.
The point is—not all advice is for everyone.
And that’s really important to learn. Figure out what helps you and what doesn’t. Figure out what triggers you into a spiral, and what helps lift you up to be more productive. Adapt. Adjust. Move forward.
Side note here, let me call out a couple of books that DID work for me (see, there are a few).
On the self-help side, I loved How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing by KC Davis. I probably liked it in part because it came from the point of view of depression and ADHD. I definitely liked it in part because it wrapped around things I already do, and expanded on those.
On the writing advice side, Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin was a good book. I didn’t do all the exercises (something else I struggle with—I am hunting for the perfect journal prompt book) but I very much enjoyed how she approached writing in her examples.
I’m still looking for good books. My frustration hasn’t stopped me from signing up for giveaways on Goodreads when I see something that sounds like it might work for my brain. It hasn’t stopped me from borrowing a book from the library based on a recommendation from a friend (and yes, I buy the ones that work for me).
I’m definitely interested in recommendations, too. As long as no one is insulted when something doesn’t work with my brain.
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sunrayse · 2 years
Can one seriously be a true Tolkien fan AND a lover of the Halbrand/Galadriel dynamics in TROP?
I have been a hardcore fan of Tolkien's work for 20 years and especially enjoyed the feast of mythology that is the Silmarillion. So I'm fully aware that TROP took (too) many liberties from the lore and disregarded its time/space framework, almost as if it were a different story than that Tolkien wrote. And I don't want to delve into the polemics of what could have been done differently with the Appendixes material they owned the rights to.
What really interests me here is that much of the dynamics between Galadriel and Halbrand/Sauron, though not being in the canon/lore, stems from issues that were present there, except they lacked any romantic undertones. Galadriel has actually been fighting Sauron in her mind for centuries, and this must have started somewhere.
TROP gave its own interpretation of one of these possible starts, and as far as these two characters are concerned, it doesn't bother me. One can love the lore and at the same time enjoy an interesting, new take to two powerful characters, that creates something new with them. Is it a fanfic-like move? Yes. Is it disrespectful towards Tolkien? Arguable.
The question would then be, to what extent is fan-fiction disrespectful? Are some works to be shielded by it, up in their ivory tower to prevent "tainting"? I mean, has anyone ever created a fanfiction on the Divine Comedy? (I t'd be soooo fun if they had!). Where are we to draw the line between literature and creativity?
In the end, a work of art such as LOTR will not be tainted by any faulty rendition. If one truly loves it for what it is, and especially strip it of any religious/ideologocal layer that was quite far from Tolkien's intentions, a series such as TROP changes nothing. One will always have to go back to the book, and the book alone (possibly in the indescribably beautiful English of the original), to find the real LOTR, as all adaptations (and even translations) involve some degree of distancing from the source material.
Back to the two of them, then.
I personally think the screenplayers knew very well what they were doing in colouring the interactions between Halbrand and Galadriel with not-so-subtle romantic shades. The fact that the actors label it as an interpretation from the audience, I can understand, but if so many people caught these undertones, it's no longer an interpretation, it's simply the audience's ability to catch on the non-verbal cues, one that we almost all possess. The light, the music, the proximal distance, the cut of scenes, and, even the way the actors delivered some lines at the physical level are all cues. They cannot possibly have been ALL dropped there by chance.
So, the romantic possibility of the connection is there to be, if not seen, at least perceived in a tangible way, although never confirmed. This was, cynically speaking, a bold but intelligent move. Proof is the 130 and counting fanfics that sprouted in less than two weeks from the last episode's airing (some of them remarkably well-written).
The heroine/villain and (unacknowledged)lovers-to-enemies tropes are too powerful not to be used by a show which hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured in. In doing so, they opened up new and interesting territories to explore, that make it more entertaining for a consistent faction of fandom.
I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed the opening of a space in which two such characters might be bound to experience something akin to love that has no time enough to bloom, but that will potentially loom in the back of their minds for millennia, charging their conflict with a rich array of complex emotions, a connection beyond time and space.
Even knowing full well how doomed such a romance is, its ability to inspire amazing levels of creativity is undeniable, and as such, it can be welcomed without subtracting anything to a more traditional enjoyment of the Tolkienian lore in all its fantastic richness.
The LOTR's author loved stories, after all.
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stormbabylore · 5 months
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⬆⬆⬆ Perceive Aeryn's early-Stormblood black mage glam! ⬆⬆⬆
I'm still on my black mage AU kick, so I'm gonna ramble out some brainthoughts on my lore for this iteration of Aeryn's story.
Mostly generic, but there will be one StB BLM class quest spoiler below.
Aeryn does not handle the events of the Vault well in any universe, canonically or otherwise. In canon, grief drives her to pick up dragoon again as what I like to call her "rage" class. But in her black mage AU, she takes a different approach.
Aeryn feels her "magic block" has become a deadly hindrance, regardless of Hydaelyn's gifts (or lack thereof at that point in the story). If she's to protect herself and her allies from enemies capable of wounding them with un-healable dark magics, she wants the knowledge and skill to do the same. She approaches the thaumaturges of Ul'dah for assistance. Cocobuki and the others, recognizing Aeryn's potential (and her need), set about to understand the source of her magic block and a means of breaking it. They determine Aeryn cannot easily wield magic in Eorzea due to some other, foreign source of magic inside her - one that is intertwined with her soul in such a way that it seems to "shelter" her from most outside magics. Though they none of them fully understand the source of such power, they all agree that Aeryn will likely never be able to properly channel magic without first severing her connection to that inexplicable power within.
The brothers are concerned at the potential dangers of this process. There's a possibility her soul and the magic surrounding it are inextricably linked, and given the mysterious nature of its existence, they have no way of knowing how its removal might impact her. They warn her it might sever her connection with the Mother Crystal. (Aeryn argues she has already lost that connection.) They warn her she might die. (Midgardsormr again taunts her with threats that there will be further losses - greater sacrifices made.)
Aeryn, however, is determined.
I believe it would have been a brutally painful experience. The notion of ripping away a magic embedded in your soul doesn't sound pleasant.
But they succeed - and in doing so, Aeryn opens herself to a floodgate of new magic all at once. Further, the magic that had threaded itself through her soul does not immediately disperse upon removal. It lingers within her. The combination of so very much magic, and the sudden influx of new magics, are too much for her. Though it overwhelms all her senses, at first, she finds the one most challenging to adapt to is a new sight - the ability to see the use of aether with her naked eye. The brothers acquire enchanted cloth for her to cover her eyes, which helps dull the sight of it enough for her to get by.
I'm not sure if Aeryn will ever learn the whole truth of her existence and the magic she was "born" with. (I'm waiting out Endwalker to see if story canon gives me anything to work with, there, before I decide.) But in both canon and AU, Aeryn begins getting flashes of memory throughout Shadowbringers that might help her piece together the story: the magic that was fused with her soul was the remnant magic of her dying star (what I've lovingly been calling the Fourth, though I have no idea if future game canon will break that for me). Her connection to her lost world had, in essence, been blocking her all along from fully connecting to the magic of the Source, as it continues to do in her canon.
[Spoiler for the StB BLM class quests below!]
As mentioned, the remnant magic extricated from her soul does not disperse, and she progresses through the rest of HW and most of StB bound by a lingering connection with the stars from her past life. So in the StB class quests, she is in a unique position to also sense the nearing of the comet, though she of course can't fathom why. When there is concern in those pivotal final moments of its approach that their efforts have not worked to redirect the comet in time, Aeryn inherently uses that lingering power to connect with the comet and further divert its course.
This act expels the vast majority of remnant star magic within her. The yellow fades from her hair, and as the comet draws away, Aeryn senses a great change within her and reaches up to remove the cloth from her eyes. With much of the excess magic gone, she is able to see as normal once again.
(If I had a way to change Aeryn's hair color for just one glam, her black mage look would not have yellow highlights! Her star magic is what makes her hair turn yellow when cut, so as a black mage, post-Stormblood, her hair would be entirely brown.)
That's it. That's the AU. \o/
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About Spectra🕷
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The "good" doctor has always been trapping people in her webs. As a well skilled psychologist she used her know how of people to get what she wanted, especially through her clients. Wether it's persuading extra pay offers, sharing confidential info, she'd do anything for the right price. Eventually though the consequences of her less ethical practices catched up to her and bit her hard, literally! Now she continues to haunt the world, trying to trap people in her webs, this time they’re even harder to get out of!”.
For her I'm getting rid of the search for beauty and focusing on her being a person who takes advantage of others for her self gain. I'm thinking of making her dark neutral. She mostly does what she does for her self gain and won't go to more trouble than she has to, for what she wants and willing to work with anyone, for the right price. On the other hand her utter lack of care for the people around her as well as her willingness to abuse her power usually makes her an enemy. She also takes joy in causing the misfortune and doesn’t show much concern or remorse for it, especially if its someone she hates.
I also want to push the parallel between her and Jazz more,both being people I with skills and interest in psychology. She could be what Jazz became if she jsut stopped caring about helping people with their issues and used them to only benefit herself. I’m thinking form a young age, Spectra was aware of humanity not being naturally good and saw that more and more as she grew. Eventually she adapted a ““let them be evil” mindset and worked to be just as, if not more cunning and underhanded than the people around her.
Spectra-You can etheir be their prey or they can be yours.
Im thinking for her ep, Jazz at first likes and really looks up to her especially for her profession(fun fact, OG Jazz in one of her futures goes to Yale, which I’m headcanon Spectra graduated from) Perhaps feels like she’s able to confide to her, always trying to look out for everyone else especially her brother, it’s nice to have someone care about her business, perhaps even encouraged Jazz to care for herself more. She’s definetley much more hurt to say the least when she realizes Spectra’s true colors. I can honestly see Spectra see a bit of herself in Jazz, even has some respect for Jazz’s ability to connect with others, with that said she wouldn’t hesitate to use Jazz as Phantom bait if it benefits her or she proved to be too much of an inconvenience. Which….
She and Jazz, have a sort of similar parallel to Vlad and Danny, if perhaps not as intense.
Headcanon VA-Teri Hatcher(Other Mother, Coraline), Kathleen Barr(Queen Chrysalis, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic), Amy Landecker(Dr. Emilia KATAOWB), Allison Janey- Goldie O Gilt, Ducktales, Wendi Malick( Beatrice Horseman Bojack Horseman, also Eda Clawthorne The Owl House), Faye Mata(Katie Killjoy, Hazbin Hotel), Jean Smart(Depression Kitty, Big Mouth), Amy Sedaris(Princess Carolyn, Bojack Horseman), April Winchell(Ms. Finster, Recess).
Abilities- Can make webs that can drain someone's energy as well as trap and grab things and people, even make things out of said webbing and people, can crawl and climb all over walls and ceilings, can shoot out her webbing Spider-Man style, can remove her body parts and attach them back on(like sewing a doll), can fit herself into small spaces, high jumper, very flexible, sharp claws, legs and teeth, venomous bite, experience and skill in Psychology, dark empath, master manipulator, great vision(especially since she can move her eyes around), a sense of danger(like a spidey sense Spectra-NOT LIKE SPIDER-MAN!), good with the piano, experienced in forgery, knows ASL(picked it up for clients with hearing disabilities), great charisma, greater lying and great with textile.
@tachvintlogic​ helped gave me a lot of good ideas on how her web powers can work! 
Weaknesses- Webs can only last so long before she needs to remake them, weak ghost so she cant use too much and will etheir need new people to drain energy from or wait and conserve herself, she or her webs aren’t great getting wet, not strong in cold temperatures, strength if webs depend on her own state, hence why she drains people so much, not the greatest with modern tech, hard to trust even when she’s telling the truth, has little to no compassion, huge ego and too selfish for her own good.
If a person is physically or mentally down already, her webs can drain more out.
Likes- Psychology(more so using it on people), draining people, negative emotions and energy, DRAMA, textile, weaving, sewing, knitting, macrame, textile especially weave art, textile puns, dark comedy, fine arts, acting fine and cultured, getting spa treatments, vintage things, silk, red wine, insects and spiders(to eat), brunch, French cuisine, devilled eggs, coffee, dark chocolate, bitter tastes, cappuccino, brunch, fashion, gossip, piano music, the night, the color red, reading, philosophy, psychological horror/thrillers, dark spaces, interior design shows, reality tv shows(especially for the drama), and getting what she wants.
Dislikes- Jazz, Danny Phantom, Sidney( on the plus side, he’s got tons of negativity she can drain from him, on the downside it’s hard to when he can slice you to threads with his pincers in a matter of seconds), Danny’s puns, Walker and his enforcement, a lot of the ghosts in the Zone(they def reciprocate her feelings), people getting in her way, having to deal with teenagers, getting poked by needle and pins, Bertrand's snark and sass, being weak, the color blue, Jazz’s essential oils(fun fact spiders don’t like smells like lavender, peppermint or the color blue, especially light blue which Jazz wears a lot), bright lights, being called "Other Mother", being called “old”, not having her coffee, when the coffee shops get her order wrong or puts the wrong name on the cup, rain, her work getting ruined, getting wet, the cold, missing threads, loose ends, people commenting on her age and being screwed over.
Fav food- Misery ofcourse😭
Second fav- Spiders. They help her gain energy is spiders and the webbing in them🕷She'll go for insects as well🦋🐞🪲(Likes dipping such as dark chocolate or cheese covered ones like cocoa beetles).
Loves to target teens for all their hormones as well as middle-age adults. Mid-Life crisis’ are gold mines for her.
Will now and then team up with Vlad🧛‍♂️ Especially if it involves revenge on the Fenton Family. He’s one of the few ghosts she actually gets along with. With that said, they wouldn’t hesitate to turn on each other when push comes to shove. I can totally see them brunch while badmouthing people(especially the Fentons). 
Can make silk from her webbing. It’s very soft and smooth…perfect to get it on people😈
Enjoys making dolls of people she hates so she can destroy them for stress relief.
Usually smells like vintage perfume. It’s not bad but she tends to wear a lot on her, usually trying to cover up anything like say…ecto.
Though she hates the cold, has her office still cold as it makes clients accept her gifts more or warm up with stuff she made. As well as to cover up Phantom’s Ghost senses. She uses her own webbing to keep herself warm enough.
When under Walker's control, kept far away from the other prisoners so she can't feed too much on their misery. He has her do psycho-analysis of the inmates, to figure out what makes them tick. One of her biggest cases is Sidney Pointdexter. Her cell tends to have a bunch of cobwebs in it, her bed having layers and crafted pillows from her own webbing for comfort.
Made Bertrand with her powers. Reference to Other Father. The main reason he does her bidding’s because he needs her webbing to keep him together. She made him basically to do all the grunt work, she doesn’t want to waste energy on(cleaning her office, organizing her files, coffee runs, scaring the students so they’ll need to get counselled and can drain them, etc).
Also tends to have Bertrand prepare snacks and drinks for the students, to make them feel more comfortable( and TOTALLY not to make sure one doesnt end up passing out if too much energy was drained). A bit of a reference to how Other Mother lured Coraline with delicious food.
Died in 1990. Gaiman started writing the story, Coraline(Spectras inspired by Other Mother) in 1990. Died via, Black widow spider bite🕷
Got her degrees from Yale👩‍🎓 She brags about that ALOT to people. Blackmailed her psych professor.
When she isn’t draining people of their misery, will now and then swindle  people for quick crash. Her fav tactic is selling people knockoff fashion products, which after the purchase don’t even last(as she made them with her webbing). 
Prefers cash over credit💵.
Sometimes makes fake products or steals things like Chanel and Gucci for herself, to make people think she’s rich and classy👜
She and Klemper knew each other as kids🕷☃️.
Her footsteps and fingers hitting the surface sounds like needles🪡
Has definetley been involved in quite a few pyramid schemes.
Would love Melvina’s Therapy.
Keeps a sewing kit on her🧵🪡
Likes to hum. Usually "the itsy bitsy spider"🕷
Loved puppet shows as a kid. Still enjoys them now. 
She made a lot of the clothes she wears. Even made Bertrand a sleeveless vest, def not to drain him ofcourse...
Can move her extra eyes around her face. Likes to do it to creep people out.
How she died. Still working out the details but it was partly because of a black widow spider bite, was an act of revenge(client or someone close to the client she’d been screwing over) and  it wasn’t a peaceful death to say the least.
What do u think? Any headcanons u have for Spectra. I'd love to know💖
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Hydra Prized Creation
➥ summary: Hydra created a mastermind unlike none other with intellects only the greatest individuals could possess they combined that with their new advanced version of the super solider serum, and thus a ghost was born.
➥ chapter 3: A Chance Encounter and the Power of Language
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The night was still young as (Y/N) walked along the deserted road, her footsteps echoing in the silence. Her escape from Hydra had been a daring act of defiance, but now she found herself in unfamiliar territory, a world where she was a stranger both to herself and to those around her. As she walked, her thoughts swirled with uncertainty, until fate intervened in the form of a chance encounter.
In the distance, headlights pierced through the darkness, growing steadily closer. A vehicle approached, its engine purring as it slowed to a stop beside (Y/N). Curiosity piqued, a group of American travelers peered out, their faces etched with concern.
Seeing a young woman alone on the road, the travelers assumed she was a lost local in need of assistance. They gestured for her to hop into their car, hoping to offer a helping hand. Oblivious to the language barrier that separated them, they believed simple gestures and kind smiles would suffice.
(Y/N) hesitated, unsure of what to make of this encounter. She knew no English, her linguistic repertoire limited to her native Russian tongue. But something in the travelers' expressions conveyed warmth and goodwill, and she decided to take a leap of faith, climbing into the backseat of the vehicle.
As the car resumed its journey, the travelers attempted to strike up a conversation with (Y/N). They asked questions, their words flowing with unfamiliar cadences and tones. Yet, (Y/N) could only offer a puzzled expression and a shake of her head. The language barrier loomed between them, hindering any meaningful communication.
Unbeknownst to the travelers, (Y/N) possessed a mind honed by the amalgamation of history's greatest inventors and masterminds. She possessed an uncanny ability to adapt and learn at an accelerated pace, a testament to the genetic legacy woven into her being. And so, in the absence of spoken words, her mind began to decipher patterns, to unravel the intricacies of the English language.
As they arrived in a nearby town, the travelers bid farewell to (Y/N), unaware of the enigma sitting silently in their car. They continued on their journey, blissfully unaware that she had vanished from their midst, her lack of presence concealing her exit. Meanwhile, (Y/N) found her way to a library, a haven of knowledge and language.
Within the library's hallowed halls, (Y/N) sought solace amidst the rows of books, her eyes scanning the shelves in search of enlightenment. She stumbled upon a treasure trove—a dictionary of the English language. She reached for it, pulling it from the shelf and opening its pages with anticipation.
As her eyes darted across the words, (Y/N) felt an insatiable hunger for knowledge. The dictionary became her guide, her key to unlocking the mysteries of a foreign tongue. With each passing minute, her understanding deepened, her mind absorbing the words, grammar, and nuances of English as if it were her native language.
Minutes turned into hours, but for (Y/N), time seemed irrelevant as she devoured the pages before her. The library's patrons came and went, oblivious to the prodigy in their midst, silently mastering a language within the span of mere minutes. The power of her augmented intellect allowed her to internalize knowledge at an astonishing rate, and the English language became her ally.
Emerging from the library, (Y/N) felt transformed. She now possessed the ability to communicate, to bridge the gap between herself and the world around her. Armed with her newfound linguistic prowess, she stepped onto the streets of the town, ready to navigate the challenges that awaited her.
As (Y/N) ventured forth, the road ahead seemed both familiar and unknown. She carried with her the power of language, a key that could unlock doors and connect her to the hearts and minds of those she encountered. With her intellect and determination, she would carve her own path, guided by the knowledge and abilities bestowed upon her by the greatest creators and inventors of history.
And so, (Y/N) continued her journey, armed not only with the physical prowess and intellect granted by Hydra, but also with the power of language—an invaluable asset that would shape her destiny and pave the way for unforeseen possibilities.
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2centsoframblings · 7 months
Two cents of ramblings on: “Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon” (Anime)...
...and why I think people might enjoy it (if they don't expect too much).
Title: Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon (わたしの幸せな結婚 ‘My Happy Marriage’)
Media: Anime television series
Adaptation of: Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon (わたしの幸せな結婚 ‘My Happy Marriage’) Shōjo light novel by Agitogi Akumi
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Directed by: Kubota Takehiro
Written by: Satō Ami, Ōnishi Takahito, Toyoda Momoka
Studio: Kinema Citrus Co., Ltd.
Original run: July 5, 2023 – September 20, 2023
Episodes: 12
WARNINGS: There’s bullying and abuse in quite large amount.
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The plot in short: In an alternative version of the Taishō era in which magic and spirits called Grotesqueries (異形, Igyō), are real Saimori Miyo, who was born without supernatural talent, is abused and forced into an existence of servitude by her family and, especially, by her stepmother and stepsister. The family then decides to have her marry Kudō Kiyoka, rumored to be a cruel and abusive man. Her husband to be, however, proves to be a good person and they slowly start to fall in love.
Commercials mostly. They showed the anime had a really pretty graphic and the plot seemed mysterious and dramatic enough to interest me.
The anime series covers only the first 2 volumes of the light novel series. Things are cut or simplified so to fit them into the new media but, what’s more, while the series gives a sense of conclusion to the romance, the plot regarding the mystery concerning the Grotesqueries and other things are left completely unfinished. So if you were here for that, prepare yourself to feel disappointed.
THE SHORT VERSION… or what I can tell you about this while trying to keep spoilers at the very bare minimum.
Opening & ending: The anime uses as opening “Anata no Soba ni.” (貴方の側に。 ‘By Your Side.’) by Riria and as ending “Vita Philosophica” (ヰタ・フィロソフィカ) by Itō Kashitarō. The opening is very pretty, from the sweet music to the beautiful images which match well enough with the music. I liked how young Miyo went to old Miyo but found particularly cute to see the two cherry petal overlapping as to symbolize Miyo and Kiyoka’s love. The ending is equally pretty, although it has a rougher edge and the images are deliberately moving in a stilled way. Neither is so impressive you’ll be amazed but both are really pleasant to watch and cute.
The plot: The plot of the romance overlap with mysteries regarding the Grotesqueries, Miyo’s mother’s family and Miyo’s lack of power and the plotting of people seeking power. While the ideas are all interesting… in the end the anime focuses mostly on the romance, maybe because since it wasn’t going to cover all the volumes, it just couldn’t focus on the rest. The romance plot is very cute and sweet so if you’re into love stories you might totally enjoy it.
The characters: They’re cute, pretty and you might like them but they felt very one-dimensional to me. They’re either very, very nice or they’re very, very bad.
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The visual: Oh, I love it. Everything is so pretty and detailed. And those beautiful kimono the characters use… oh, that’s the best part, really.
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The musical background: The music is very nice and sweet. Evan Call made lovely compositions for this anime. They can be relaxing and giving a good atmosphere.
Overall: The fact that the characters are so one dimensional and the mystery plots are a bit neglected due to the story stopping earlier on are two important downsides… but the love story is so lovely and cute it’s still a very sweet series to watch.
THE LONG VERSION… or what I loved and hated about this with, of course, TONS OF SPOILERS.
Miyo and Kiyoka are a couple overwhelmingly cute, with Miyo not properly appreciating herself (she goes so far as to think she has no right to be happy because she has no supernatural abilities) and Kiyoka trying to act cold but then slowly warming up and becoming protective and Miyo also slowly gaining confidence.
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I also love Tatsuishi Kōji, who is forced to become the fiancé of Saimori Kaya, Miyo’s abusive stepsister despite clearly loving Miyo. He’s such a good, kind person and he’s always striving to improve himself, you can’t help but love him.
And other characters came out as cute and lovable.
The problem comes with the characters who aren’t meant to be lovable. They’re just represented as so evil and disgusting it’s like watching “Cinderella” and having to deal with the stepmother and stepsisters but without the fun parts of the Disney movie (well, the story has quite a lot in common with Cinderella, to be honest). The bad people is just bad, overwhelmingly so (I mean, not only her family abused her but they even threatened to kill her if she weren’t to turn down Kiyoka’s proposition!), and this generates such a sharp contrast with how instead the nice people is just SO VERY NICE the story really feel split into good characters and evil characters, which ends up making characters look too fictional. In truth the good characters are a bit more than just good as they’re more developed than the evil ones, so it’s possible that the evil ones came out as just evil because there was no time to develop them but it still feels like the story is presenting an overly simple good vs bad view of people, fitting for a child story more than this genre of story.
Long story short, I think developing more the antagonists would have benefitted the story.
The whole supernatural abilities with the Grotesqueries and the bad guy in the shadow part of the plot is also way too neglected, which is a pity because it’s actually interesting but… it feels really sidelined to the love story. It still exists and you can still enjoy it but… it’s just too little.
So to sum it up this is a cute, cute, cute love story one can definitely enjoy, but it would have benefitted from having the other parts of the story developed more. Still, I think it’s pretty and enjoyable enough so it’s nice to watch it.
And now let’s end this with an AMV about this series I recommend watching: Eyes off you
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verdantflamingo · 1 year
1 day - favorite character(s)
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Emma Frost
For starters, I became an X-Men fan about 10 years ago, based on the movies... And now I've come back to them after quite a long time, and I'm disheartened to find that, as far as the movies are concerned, the memories have been very, very kind to me. I've never actually read the comics, just now a few excerpts that interested me more, thus, what I know about Emma Frost is what "Wolverine and the X-men" told me, and what Wiki advised me, or what I've gleaned from fanfictions, of which there is an incredible lack. From what I know at the moment, she's an interesting character to me, probably the most interesting one I know in the x-men with a lot of potential. I like her look, how her powers work, and her contradictory nature. She's complex and has both strengths and weaknesses, she's very strong but not impossible to defeat, which to me is more interesting than an invincible entity. Her performance in the film is poor, though I actually find January Jones to be a pretty appropriate choice. But, who hasn't been done a disservice by these movies?
Well, maybe listing Rogue as one of my favourite characters is quite an exaggeration, after all, I don't really care for her character in the movie, she didn't really interest me in the TAS series either, she showed up in the anime for about a second at the end if I remember correctly, and I don't remember what she did in Wolverine and the X-men at all... Still, I really liked her in Evolution. Which is why she's here. I enjoyed how they adapted her character into Emo mode, her partially conflicted status on the team, her endearing crush on Scott. She was really strong while having a balanced mix of negative and positive qualities. I was really disappointed that we didn't see a fifth season, because I believe the writers would have handled the Phoenix story and we would have seen Scogue, which given the parallel with their uncontrollable abilities is quite an interesting pairing.
Jean Grey
She was my most favorite character years ago. And for a very good reason. I had a really really big crush on Famke Jannsen. No well, yes I really liked Famke after watching x-men and obsessively watched every one of her movies... Yes every one... Even the really really bad ones... What a man won't do for love... But I liked Jean for several reasons. First: So her abilities even without the phoenix are simply the best. And I, the busty, had a weakness for strong characters. Also, I enjoyed the whole split personality story, actually a lot more than the comic book version, if only it was handled better... Also, she was a doctor. And I wanted to be a doctor at that time. And her whole resurrection and dying and resurrection story was just thrilling. In the present, I still enjoy Jean, despite of her Deux Ex machina persona at times, I like that she is treated partially as a being that is out of this world. I'm more interested in her as a mover and go-between for the other characters, I like her interactions with Emma, what she represents for Emma, I like her relationship with Scott, but I think they should move on, I like what she represents for the X-men community, but I think she should be dead by now.
Honorable Characters: Rachel Summers, Ruby Summers, Magik, Boom Boom, Kitty and Madelyne Pryor.
PS: I'm starting quite late, but I'll try to catch up by Sunday, so hopefully I'll be forgiven.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 4 months
DAY 15: "Who did this to you?"
Day 15 of Febuwhump.
a direct follow on from Day 14 more from Familiar Faces.
Meeting Elijah other brother-in-law.
Sean loves the kid, Ellis was as much his little brother as Maria’s as well as the closest thing to a son he would have, he was never going to remarry, she had been the only one for him since he had met her.
When she had left him it was really Ellis that had brought him back for the pit he had tried to drink himself into, his family kept them afloat but Elijah made sure he didn’t choke in his sleep, calmed Daria in the night when Sean’s family had left.
In the aftermath of Maria’s death he had lost himself to grief, it wasn’t until months later he had noticed the hands cleaning up after him, the ones caring for his daughter wasn’t an aunt or cousin of his but the little boy who just just lost a sister and mother-figure himself.
He had raised Ellis, and even he had to wonder where he got everything from. He was strange, brilliant, almost terrifyingly smart, and far older than he should be sometimes, but that was half the problem.
Maria had begun teaching Ellis his numbers and letters during her pregnancy, in the aftermath he had forgotten and was only reminded much later when he decided to cut down his drink, when he had come home to find Ellis reading the newspaper to his aunt, when asked Ellis had shrugged confused at the idea it was hard.
“Maria taught me the basics, it was easy to remember after that.” the nearly nine year old had explained.
The pain her name brought almost made him miss it but ‘remember’ wasn’t the word that should have been used; he told himself it was an easy mistake given Maria had been insistent on raising Ellis with Bulgarian first.
But Ellis had never slipped up like that before, and it didn’t explain the penmanship that Sean is pretty sure is beaten into the upperclass’s kids but came naturally to Ellis.
In the end that didn’t matter, he had to keep food on their plates, roof above their head, and money to cover them during Ellis’s illness, Sean had adapted to Ellis little oddities before Maria’s death; he didn't have time to question it now he had one child and a half to manage.
Half because for all the help Ellis was and he was, he managed the house and Daria during his mourning and made it very clear he was going to keep that up even after Sean dragged himself into being there for his daughter, Ellis was still a child with fragile health.
Even if he seemed to forget he was a child at times and actively pushed himself far more than a person his age should let alone one as fragile of health as he was.
Ellis saw no reason he couldn’t go to the shop himself.
He charmed people to help him carry the groceries back and when Sean had argued against it he started selling his ability to read and write to earn extra on the side, to then buy a cart to do it instead.
Realising he couldn’t win against the stubborn headstrong boy he had spread the word to his cousins to watch out for him, the best part of a large family at least, Ellis’s own charm had limits and the tiny boy with a crane could prove to be too much of an opportunity for some to resist.
It was unfortunate that Ellis, as brilliant as he was, seemed to believe he needed to do everything on his own and had a habit of taking concern and care over his health as a refusal to help or lack of belief that he could do anything and had to act on his own instead.
So really after weeks of Ellis’s concern over Aleksandra’s daughter and suspicion over Antonio he should have expected to find little Minnie at his table one day on his return.
The growing bruise on his sharp thin cheek wasn’t expected.
Or acceptable.
"Who did this to you?" he asked as he rushed across their small kitchen to check him, looking him over for any other marks.
The boy feels terrifyingly small to him as he traces the bruise.
Elijah smiles and tries to distract him but Sean knows his little brother to much for that
“Who, Elijah Todorov, tell me?” He had an idea with Minnie quietly sitting beside his own Ria, it was bad enough the rumours of Antonio’s violence if he had proof he was taking his cousins to teach him a lesson, damn the tensions if he had laid a hand on Elijah, Sean was going to kill him himself.
Sean had spent too many days listening to Elijah struggling to breath during his illnesses, seeing his persistence to walk after days too weak to get from the bed, bruising was bad enough when it was caused by his own stubbornness to accept his limits, another person causing it wasn’t acceptable. 
Using his proper full name at least caused Elijah to drop the fake smile and straighten.
“He won’t do it again.” was what he got.
“Papa fell.” Minnie answered instead. 
He looked between them suddenly, noting the small bag by her chair and Elijah’s crane sitting in a bucket of water by the door, the handle glistening in a way that showed both ends had needed a wash.
He didn’t question how Elijah had brought the bucket in, instead turning to his daughter, he had questions it was better they weren’t listening to.
“Ria, why don’t you go show Minnie your toys, while I talk with Ellis okay?” he told her.
His darling daughter nodded without hesitation and hopped off the chair to pull her cousin with her.
Leaving him alone with Elijah.
“Explain?” he ordered sharply as Elijah tried to look away from him.
“I went to see her, he took my concerns poorly.” Elijah replied.
“And hit you?” he asked, eyeing the bruise that covered his cheek, that wasn’t all he knew but he kept his tongue and he waited for Elijah to nod and continue.
“Then he stumbled and fell down the stairs.” Normally Elijah was a wordsmith, a natural con man one of his less legal cousins had told him with admiration, so Sean took the short answers and lack of description as proof something had shaken the boy.
If he was normal Sean would assume he’d be in tears but he had an idea that if Elijah was normal this wouldn’t have happened, what was he doing going over there alone? 
“And your crane?” he glanced towards the bucket.
“It may have gotten some blood on it.” Elijah admitted
“Both ends?”
“I dropped it,”  he was told and Sean spotted the first of Elijah’s tells that he was lying “when I realised he was gone.”
He hadn’t dropped it, somehow his crane became covered in blood another way, he stared at his frail boy, the child he raised and was suddenly aware he wasn’t surprised as the picture came into view.
Elijah believed Antonio had something to do with Aleksandra’s death, that Minerva wasn’t safe, had Elijah gone looking for proof or had the man given to him when he hit him? Sean couldn’t believe the idea that Ellis had the strength to beat him with the crane, Antonio was a large man, three if not four time Elijah, but how many hits would he really need to get him to fall.
Just a hit or two in the right place and let gravity do the rest.
Elijah was easily smart enough to work that out.
He stared at Elijah, taking in the way he was slumped in the chair even as he tried to sit straight, he was exhausted and had clearly pushed his body beyond itself.
That left him with the knowledge that he had underestimated Ellis again.
“The police said they ’d be calling here later.” Ellis admitted suddenly for a moment looking his age and concerned before he covered it all with a breath.
Sean sighed.
“Right, stay here.” he told him. The twelve year old shrugged in a way that asked what else he was going to do.
“Ria” he called his daughter back into the room adding “Minnie” for the other little girl, “watch you uncle he isn’t allowed to move.” When they arrived, both the girls nodded with complete seriousness, Elijah pouted but didn’t argue, when he added “and help him to bed.”
Which proved he had pushed himself too far, Sean let himself feel a small bit of relief that he wouldn’t have to argue and that Ellis would leave this to him as an adult.
He had to get his cousins, they would know what he needed to deal with the officers, and how he’d be able to keep Minnie.
He had two little girls and Ellis now. 
Well at least they could help him manage Ellis.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
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AND I’LL PLAY MY ROLE; I’LL PLAY IT SO WELL THAT A LIE WILL BECOME A REALITY. I cannot allow myself to break. I cannot allow myself to be weak. I cannot allow myself to be destroyed. So I’ll shine like the brightest star and pretend to be your fake Sun. After all, that’s what all want, right? None will call me their Moon...
Zarina Sokolova represents the Main Character who appears in Devildom from Human Realm. Upon interacting with another MC (OC), she is a fellow human exchange student. 
The only problem is that… Perhaps, choosing her was not the best decision, or was it? A survivor could just be what Devildom needed: a person who will not be eaten by the demon and stricken down by the angels. A perfect liar, an actor who can adapt to anything to survive and live to tell the story. Are these good qualifications, or are they the downfall of the program? If one wants to live, one would want to make the program work, right? Surely, that’s what one who wants to live would think. Though is it really that easy? Is it that easy to change your whole life’s environment and forget your habits? Make sure your mask doesn’t break under pressure, humans. It doesn’t matter how much of a genius you are. You must not cross a threshold that might as well lead to your breaking point. 
How would you - who have an established business and job that consists of pulling the strings in the underworld - react when you were kidnapped and thrown into a world you never knew existed? Puzzled, shocked, scared, concerned, and more. What if you’ve been getting ready Let me underline that as much as Russians are quite superstitious, this one is not, and certainly, she didn’t expect the existence of magic, demons, angels, and all to be true. 
However, how can you deny the supernatural's existence when they are right in front of you? Also, how can you - someone who had existed and survived in the darkest parts of humanity’s society - not fear that you’d feel too comfortable in Devildom? There is something Zarina will be worried about until the end: getting used to Devildom to the point of seeing the Human World as lacking. She cannot accept that, and she cannot allow that to happen, but who knows what the future will bring? 
Her hands are drenched in blood. She used everything to survive and get to the top of the food chain of those who lived in the darkness. A genius who used her intelligence and appearance as tools, a woman who used her charms and acting ability to make others see her as what they want. A faux Sun of the underworld, a true Moon, or those who know her true self. The catastrophic changes will test her survivalist abilities to the max. Perhaps, if angels and demons exist, it could explain those two times when she was miraculously saved from dying… But could she really trust any of them? Of course… not! She saw the looks in those eyes; to them, she was a speck of dust - a human, but she would not allow being put down so quickly. She wouldn’t play the role of a damsel in distress. She’s stronger than that, right? She must find an opportunity and strike. 
So put on your best smile, lost lamb, and give your best performance until those who can see through your [true lies] speak about your frigid heart. 
Zarina was born and raised in the criminal underworld, meaning she was not raised as a normal human. Since her childhood, she has been exposed to crimes, murder, manipulations, violence, and more. As she grew up there, she became 
Zarina’s acting abilities are second to none because she can fully erase her [true self] and pretend to be someone else as if it’s [reality]. Due to this skill set, she’s known as an unpredictable and cheerful person in the Human World. She also brings this into Devildom, pretending to be a comedic and silly person. However, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer know it’s just a facade. Diavolo is canonically proven to know when someone lies, Barbatos can see into the past/future, and Lucifer can sense the sin of pride radiating from her. However, it’s easier for those three to notice that Zarina’s soul - no matter the circumstance - is uniquely calm and cold until later when she grows closer to others. It hints at her apathetic nature and her ‘void’ nature, which helps her act so well by studying others’ emotions and using them in her acting. 
She was homeschooled as she is a genius (just like her younger twin brother) who could’ve gotten into college during her early teen years. Based on that, she’s hungry for knowledge of Devildom and proves to keep up with studies in RAD on the same level as demons. 
There were two times in her life when she thought she was going to die: when she was kidnapped and tortured & when she was on a mission and got wounded; both times, she was miraculously ‘saved’ and, in one case, even fully healed. Later, in Devildom, she learns that, in reality, Lilith acted as Zarina’s ‘guardian spirit.’ She protected her those two times, fully using the last parts of her powers to protect her and uniting her powers with Sokolova’s soul. All because Zarina carries the heirloom of her family: a necklace in the shape of a wing. 
Zarina highly prefers the company of demons over angels (aside from Luke). As she puts it in words: demons are more honest about their intentions, while angels seem to hide their intentions more. She is biased based on her upbringing, where saints could be the worst criminals, and beautiful smiles could hide a beast (like herself).
Zarina struggles with the change in Devildom emotionally and physically due to her habits of smoking and sometimes drinking. Specifically, she has difficulty not smoking to ease her stress, and she doesn’t have good whiskey to relax with when she works or studies. Another part is that Zarina has a hard time sleeping with a weapon under her pillow as she’s used to be a target of attacks and assassinations since her childhood. That’s why the beginning of the exchange program weighs down on her because of how loud the House of Lamentations can get. Later, she finds earplugs that work well for her and can sleep better.  
o1. How appearance in Devildom affects Zarina in the very beginning? o2. Let's talk about Zarina's character development...
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
What exactly is the extent or scope of Altean alchemical abilities? Like how common were those abilities among the general population and what can an Altean theoritically do within the LB universe? Bc in canon it seems to be whatever ability is convenient for the Altean at the time. Thoughts?
Altean Alchemy | Altean Shapeshifting | Quintessence
I consider altean alchemy to have been a very particular skill set: an innate ability possessed by very few, and technically mastered by even fewer. Whereas shapeshifting was a solely biological ability—with an individual's genetics dictating both the extent to which one could alter their physiological structure, and for how long this adapted form could be maintained—one's alchemical ability stemmed from both their bloodline and their education on the topic, the latter of which hinged on their ultimate completion (or failure) of the sacred rite.
Concentrated (white-blue) quintessence is that which a rare few “sacred” Alteans possessed the ability to convert from the universe around them, transforming raw (gold) quintessence into a form that could be effectively utilised without compromising its power to any significant degree. This ability, however, subjected their bodies to extreme strain, and while there are natural inhibitors in altean brains to stop them from doing so in excess, if they were to forcibly transcend these limitations the untempered excess would likely trigger a rapid decomposition of their genetic structure.
The above is taken from my post on quintessence (linked above), and centres around the quintessence manipulation abilities possessed by "sacred" alteans; Allura demonstrates this ability in s01ep08, when she uses her own body as a conduit to take quintessence from the universe around her and channel it into the Balmera, healing it. Though undoubtedly impressive, Allura's lack of proper training, as well as the scale on which she was attempting to perform this ceremony, meant that she wasn't properly guiding the energy through her body and so suffered the significant physical repercussions we see in the following episode.
True alchemy was historically taught to those who (like Allura) demonstrated the capacity for channeling quintessence, but to compare the two would be like claiming that someone who can describe the basic principle of gravity is no different from an astrophysicist. It takes a decade of dedicated studies before students of altean alchemy are deemed ready for their final exam—the aforementioned sacred rite—and of those that make it this far,,,,,,, scarcely one in twenty succeed.
The rite itself concerns that which we saw in canon, because I liked it very much: Oriande. The particulars of this in LB I shall keep to myself for now, but essentially Oriande exists as a place accessible only to sacred alteans, wherein they will be tested to see whether or not they are capable of wielding altean alchemy in its purest and most powerful form. Those who aren’t will still have a decade of training under their belt, meaning that feats such as healing the balmera or creating wormholes are very much within the scope of their abilities, but the highest form of altean alchemy concerns the transmutation of matter itself; a successful rite grants sacred alteans the ability to essentially rewrite the universe on a molecular level, allowing them to achieve the impossible.
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