#her name is Lepus
shadykazama · 4 months
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My baby is finally done 🥲 I love her your honor.
My beautiful overwatch oc, done by the lovely Remonmellow on IG, Twitter, and Fiverr! (check her out she's the best!!)
She matches with venture 🤭 the matching jackets literally have me gushing. She's the Wayfinder medic and does her own research on the side.
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loojii · 1 month
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Constellations as blue aliens! I made these last year, only uploaded them on Patreon Aquila, Cygnus, Pavo, Canis Minor, Canis Major, Boötos, Minor Leo, Lepus, Lupus, Cetus, Centaurus, Orion
For more info about them see the lore dump under the line ~
Aquila the eagle constellation. A myth tied to the constellation tells about Zeus, who transformed himself into an eagle, and kidnaps a pretty boy to be the cup bearer of the Gods. This boy was of course Aquarius. So the characters are friends! Or well, Aquila pressures Aquarius into doing dumb stuff and Aquarius can't say no (in a way kidnapping him for a good time). Aquila's outfit is based on an eagle as well, with white on top and dark on the bottom. He, and other bird constellations, have feather like hair! He is the younger brother of Cygnus and Pavo, and the older brother of Columba and Corvus (they're a big bird family!)
Cygnus the swan constellation. A myth tied to the constellation is that about Zeus, who again transformed. He got a woman pregnant and from that a set of twins were born, one mortal and one immortal. The twin being Gemini, of course. So the character here is best friends with Gemini (she seems to be the only one that is able to handle him). Since Gemini's alpha and beta star are actually the twins, she often visits them and favors Pollux, the immortal twin from the myth. She's like a fun aunt! Another myth tells about a lover being lost or something, drowned in the river depicted by the constellation Eridanus. So she probably doesn't like her that much.
Pavo the peacock constellation. One of the myths tied to the constellation tells about a monster with many eyes that was able to act as a spy for Hera. As a thank you she put his eyes on the peacock feather and the monster himself in the sky. The constellation also depicts the captain of a ship, who are also depicted by several constellations. I don't know what to do with that part yet for this character, maybe those constellations admire Pavo as a teacher? But as for the spy part; this guy obviously loves gossip and always knows everything about everyone. He is the oldest of the bird siblings!
Canis Minor the lesser dog constellation. In the sky the dog is seen hunting Lepus, together with Canis Major and Orion. So all three of them, the characters, dislike her of course! He is always seen hanging out with Orion, following him around and being his yes-man. He's the younger brother of Canis Major naturally
Canis Major the dog constellation. Another yes-man of Orion. I like to take inspiration from myths and science when it comes to their personality / relationships but sometimes I just go by vibes too. And what I feel is that Canis Major gets awfully flustered when Ursa Major is around (yes its solely based on the fact that both of them are the only ones with Major in their name). He does not know how to deal with her overly friendly demeaner and gets kinda angry
Boötos the herdsman constellation. In the myth tied to this constellation a herdsman was killed due to his bad whinemaking skills and his daugther and dog moarned him so much that they died too. The daughter was seen as Virgo and the dog as Canis Major. So the characters are friends! Boötos also has Canes Venatici (the hunting dogs constellation, no design yet) next to him, but the reason that constellation doesn't take on the role of the dog in the myth is because it was first known as Bo's staff. So that character would also be friends with him of course! Maybe part of the dog family? But I'm not sure yet. Boötes has multiple friends but he especially adores Virgo, in his eyes he can do nothing wrong and is the depiction of perfection. Many see Virgo that way but Bo is just a bit more extreme about it. The constellation is also seen hunting Ursa Major in the sky, so maybe they don't have a good relationship?
Minor Leo the lesser lion constellation. I was actually unaware this constellation excisted until I did this project. He is Leo's biggest fan and follows him around. Despite the name they are not related, they're just great buddies! The constellation at one point was planned to be changed into the lioness constellation, but eventually this didn't catch on. So this guy here is sometimes mistaken for a girl!
Lepus the hare constellation. In the sky the hare is seen being hunted by Orion and his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course hates them. She's very quick on her feet and tries to outdone Orion every time she can.
Lupus the wolf constellation. The wolf is also being hunted in the sky, this time by Centaurus. So he dislikes him as well. But he's almost always silent and hangs out with Lepus a lot. It has nothing to do with their myths or anything. They just have similar names and are both being hunted, so I declared them buddies. Lepus always knows what Lupus means, without saying a word, and they are often spotted hanging out (Lupus following Lepus around)
Cetus the whale constellation. Cetus is the unofficial 14th zodiac sign, having the sun in its constellation for just one day. To represent this Cetus (the character) is engaged to Sagittarius, to one day become part of the Zodiac family (but he said yes when they were children and doesn't want to anymore, because who in thei right mind regocnizes Cetus as a Zodiac sign). The myth tied to Cetus is that of a sea monster who only came out of the sea to eat a beautiful maiden. Cetus (the character) is very insecure and never leaves her house. She's the big sis of Ophiuchus, the 13th Zodiac sign
Centaurus the centaur constellation. No, it's not Sagittarius. Both Sagittarius and Centaurus are depicted as centaurs in the sky and because of that their myths are sometimes mistaken for one another. So this guy here is very often mistaken for Sagittarius. But he's taller, better looking, stronger, more mature, etc. The myths of Centaurus go crazy and he's literly tied to everyone. In the discord server theres the ongoing joke that Centaurus is actually the main character. So this guy is just a very popular guy that everyone (excepts Sagittarius, who hates him with the might of 30 suns) likes! He is actually nice and unaware of Sagittarius hatred. Lupus, the wolf constellation, also doesn't like him but he's not as vocal about it as Sagittarius.
Orion the hunter constellation. Orion's myth he was a great hero who was defeated by a little scorpion. He and the scorpion were put in the sky but he's still avoiding the scorpion till this day (they are never seen in the same sky). The scorpion in question is of course Scorpio. Orion (the character) absolutely hates Scorpio and avoids him at all costs. He is seen hunting a hare (Lepus) in the sky together with his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course is buddies with the two dogs and they all hate Lepus.
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a-998h · 2 months
Hey! It’s 🍉-Anon! I’ve been gone for a while, so I was wondering if I could request a SAGAU?? If I’ve already requested that’s fine, I can wait 🙂
Basically Teen!Reader was hanging out with whichever character, and in the spur of the moment they call the character Mom/Uncle/Dad/Auntie/Cuz(short of cousin) instead of by their name
Like for example, with Itto they were cheering for his bug, and in this case he won, so they yelled while hugging “You always win Uncle!” And after realizing they called him that, they pause before trying to escape- but Itto’s already put them in a bone-crushing hug
another Example, Reader is training with Ei when they say “Mom I’m so exhausted, can we stop yet?”
And a last example is Reader hanging out with Wanderer when they insult him, but call him Cuz in the same sentence
And like a bunch of other characters, and you can pick what title Reader accidentally calls them 🫠
Anyways, I hope you can do my request, take your time, and thank you!
Author's note: sorry I've been inactive for a bit. Life has been busy. This fic does connect with Teen God! Reader.
Characters: Ei, Itto, Wanderer, Neuvillette, Ningguang
______________________ Ei
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The archons had shared custody of you, and they each taught you different things that would be useful as a god. Venti taught you the arts, Zhongli taught you history , Nahida taught you science, and Ei taught you about weapons and battle tatics. It was her turn for custody, and she had started you on polearm training. She, of course, was a tough trainer. Your routine with her had you training for hours, and you didn't like it at all. You have to use a weapon you've never used before, this training lasts hours, you are sort of lazy, and wanted to explore Inazuma all day, damn it! But, Ei doesn't relent Ei "Today, will be a sparring match between you and I." Reader *sarcasm* "That's totally a fair fight." Ei "Child, I do not appreciate your sarcasm."
*hours of sparring later*
Reader *heavy breathing and sweaty* “Mom I’m so exhausted, can we stop yet?”
Ei freezes. She has been called many titles over her long life, sister, Baal,Beelzebub, Raiden,Kagemusha, but never mom. It made her feel warm, and fuzzy... so naturally this emotional closed off woman doesn't know what to do. After Yae explain Ei is not dying, and gives advice, Ei has a better grasp of the situation.
Meanwhile, you're embarrassed as all hell. She takes her new role seriously, and gets stricter, somewhat. Training is toned down, limiting the number of desserts, no hanging out with that werido Itto, stick by her or Sara in public, etc. While you want to be swallowed by the ground, she is trying to be a good mom. She will now only respond to mom, unless she has to look like the strong archon she is for the public. She will ignore you if you call her Ei, and she will be unintentionally petty about it.
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Yeah, Furina only has archon custody rights, on a technical level. She's more fun sister than responsible guardian, that's what Neuvillette is for. Most of the draw, you're hanging out with the Melusine, drawing, reading, walking tea times, or whatever keeps you busy while he's working. Today, Furina forced him to take a day off. His eye bags were darker than Collei's backstory, sleepier than Sayu, and Furina thought he really needed to see the sun and fees air again. Now, he's taking you on a day trip around the city. You two spent the day in a botanical garden, eating a nice lunch, and exploring the city, and now you're both stargazing.
Neuvillette *sitting on the blanket and pointing to a constatation* "That is Leo Minor, the sister to Leo Major." Reader *looking in awe*
Neuvillette *pointing to another constatation* "That is Lepus, the rabbit."
Reader *still looking at the stars* Neuvillette *smiling* Reader"Thanks for spending today with me, dad."
Neuvillette freezes. He is not good with emotions, but Furina has helped a bit. The feeling of being called dad is nice, he thought you would call him grandpa due to him being centuries old. Now, he tries to be a good dad for you, being a good mix of strict and fun. Furina helps him with the emotional stuff, and he smiles as you two interact, feeling warm agian. Like Ei, he will now only respond to dad in private, it's still Monsieur Neuvillette. He does notice how embarrassed you were, but it still makes him feel warm on the inside.
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She has rich auntie vibes, like the stereotypical rich auntie, minus the shit talk and comparisons. How you ended up in her care, you have no idea. You just want to hang out with Xingqiu & Chongyun, but instead your being taken around Liyue Harbor on a shopping spree. She is going to take you to the Liyue Opera, but you need a nice outfit to wear. You're being taken around to different shops, and you're getting tired. Ningguang "This fabric is nice, but the colors don't compliment your skin tone." Reader *Tired and staring into the middle distance out of boredom*
Ningguang *going on a fashion tangent while looking for the best outfits for you*
Reader "Auntie, I'm tired and bored. Cab we just pick an outfit and go?"
Ningguang finds the perfect outfit, and buys it. She pretends not to hear you, but she does smirk at your bright red face. She has been called many thing, but never auntie. She knowns you're probably blushing, and worried you just embarrassed her. She leads you out of the shop, and gives you reassurance that you didn't embarrass her in public. From now on, she will fill her role as rich auntie. Buying you gifts, trying to match make you, slipping you some mora, and stuff like that. She will respond to her name, but she will incourage you to call her auntie. She shares good advice with you, and is making sure you find a good partner. Her current choices are Xingqiu, Yun Jin, Gaming, and Xianging.
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You had escaped Sara and ran to Itto so you could have so real fun. It was a wonderful sunny day, and you two were being menaces. It started off with you two buying and eating snacks, playing with Ushi and other kids, trading card games, and avoiding being caught by Sara or Thoma. As you both ran away from the blonde housekeeper of the Kamisato estate, with you on Itto's back of course, you somehow ended up in a beetle fighting tournement with a bunch of 10 years.
Itto is battling a 10 year old girl, while you cheer for him. Normally, he loses his beetle fights. But, your cheering and platoic love fuels him, and he wins. He cheers and brags, happy he finally won. Itto "Oh yeah! I won! I am the onikabuto tournemeant king!" Reader “You always win Uncle!” And after realizing you called him that, you took pause, then your face goes red. You both know what just happened, and you're now trying to escape from Itto's reach. But, you still get stuck in a bone crushing bear hug. Now, he demands to be called Uncle Itto in eeyr context. He takes his role as fun uncle seriously. Remeber when grunkle Stan said, "this seems like the kind of thing a responsible parent wouldn't want you doing, good thing I'm an uncle!" Yeah, that is uncle Itto's motto now and forever so long as you're his nibling. You get to eat and do many things that Ei, Thoma, and Sara woul say no to. Stuff like, eating sweets in the morning, playing games and no tiring training. You get to wild and free, until one of the people you're both avoiding finds you and drags you back. ____________________________________________________
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Oh god, you two are meneces to each other. Nahida loves you both as family, yet she is 🤏 close to having Cyno murder the pair of you. When Nahida and Alhaitham leave you two in a room for a short as 2 minutes, you'll both somehow look like you wrestled a hilichurl. It drives every authority figure nuts, be cause you two have no care for social settings. Now, at this point you're left alone with each other to try and become more civil. Only because you both had an insult battle in the streets of Sumeru City.
Wanderer *Glares at Reader*
Reader *Glares at Wanderer*
Wanderer "Cry baby!" Reader "Goblin man!"
Wanderer "Deranged god!"
Reader "Tiny choas man!" Wanderer "At least my fashion makes sense!" Reader "Aww, tiny goblin mad, Cuz?" You both pause, realize what happened and both want to be swallowed by the ground. Then, you both start cackling like a pair of lunatics. Now, you two get along like a house fire. You both now call each other "Cuz" when playfully insulting each other. The adults in your lives are happy you get along, but they're now mad you two act even more menece like. You both only do it when you're alone, having Alhaitham scold you both was not fun. All an all, you two cause problems are love it.
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minkyungseokie · 5 months
𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕌𝕤​ | Alex Albon + Lily Muni He
status; ongoing
warnings; gxg, throuple, polyamorous love, random pet names in Thai, Korean, and Chinese, Random untranslated lines of Korean and Chinese, face claimed,
fc; Jung Ho-Yeon
note; no one asked for this, but I'm going to give it to you anyway and I'm so proud of how this turned out, I made this pretty aesthetic
Alex Masterlist​ | Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist ​​
​Series/Full Fic Masterlist ​| Talk to me​
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
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synopsis; youtuber, actress, model, and video game enthusiast. what can she not do? realize just how captivating she is, that's what. during the lockdown, lily gets into a new show and becomes enamored with one of the actresses, so alex convinces his team to invite her to a gp
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✦Aries | The Beginning ✧Lepus | Dreaming of Space ✦Lynx | ✧Taurus | ✦Chamaeleon | ✧Gemini | ��Crater ✧Canes Venatici ✦Coma Berenices ✧Leo ✦Andromeda
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kamotecue · 1 year
Katie mccabe fluff ???
her favorite constellation ★ k. mccabe
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
summary: in which katie mccabe is listening to the love of her life ramble about her favorite constellation, having a soft smile on her face as she listens.
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you were one of the smartest people your girlfriend has ever known, and one of the things she loves about you is when you ramble about things you love. the way you’d get so excited talking about the stars and the constellations, it always made a soft smile appear on her face.
“then, out of all of the stars or constellations you’ve mentioned love, which one is your favorite?” katie asked, you gave her a soft smile. you were in the middle of your backyard, a blanket was placed on the floor, with a picnic basket that contained a few snacks.
you looked through the telescope as you tried to locate orion, when you did you gestured katie to come closer which she did. she saw the outline of a person, who had a sword or a bow?
“that is the orion constellation, love.” you said, as katie hummed paying attention to you.
“tell me more about it?” katie asked, as she grabbed your hand playing with your fingers as you chuckled at her actions.
“the constellation that you saw is orion, it’s named after a hunter in greek mythology. it’s located on the celestial equator and is made up of bright young blue giants and supergiants, if i’m not mistaken.” you said, as katie looked at your eyes, and she saw you it sparked making her soft fondly at you.
“it is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations in the sky and can be seen throughout the world, unlike some constellations that can be seen in a certain place.” you continued, as she intertwined your hands together, her thumb caressing your hand.
“are you listening?” you asked, just to confirm as she gave you a nod, looking into your eyes.
“according to one of the greek myths, he led a tragic life that ended when he stepped on a scorpion.” you heard katie chuckled as you looked at her with a confused but yet you understood why she laughed.
“don’t blame me, love it’s just what’s been told. continuing, the gods felt sorry for him, so they put him and his faithful dogs, canis major and canis minor, into the sky as constellations. the gods surrounded orion with celestial animals for him to hunt, like lepus, the rabbit and etc.” you gave katie a soft smile as she returned it.
“he was said to be in love with merope, one of the seven sisters known as pleiades, however she didn’t want anything to do with orion. the gods placed him into the sky forever chasing the pleiades, but never reaching them.” you said, as she scoffed at the ending.
“so he’s just going to keep chasing her, and never actually get the girl? what a load of bull-“ you placed a hand to her mouth as you felt her smile.
“that’s one of the stories, however we should head inside. it’s a bit chilly and i want some of your cuddles.” katie laughed, as she got up giving you a hand to which you accepted.
you spent the whole night watching one of her favorite movies, cuddling on the sofa.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Sirius, The God/Dog Star Talon Abraxas
Sirius was an object of wonder and veneration to all ancient peoples throughout human history. In the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain's star; in other Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star. The Dog Star is also described as, "he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain."
By the ancient Egyptians, Sirius was revered as the Nile Star, or Star of Isis. Its annual appearance just before dawn at the June 21 solstice, heralded the coming rise of the Nile, upon which Egyptian agriculture depended. This particular helical rising is referred to in many temple inscriptions, wherein the star is known as the Divine Sepat, identified as the soul of Isis.
For example, in the temple of Isis-Hathor at Dedendrah, Egypt, appears the inscription, "Her majesty Isis shines into the temple on New Year's Day, and she mingles her light with that of her father on the horizon." The Arabic word Al Shi'ra resembles the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian names suggesting a common origin in Sanskrit, in which the name Surya, the Sun God, simply means the "shining one."
For up to 35 days before and 35 days after our sun conjuncts the star Sirius ~ close to July 4 ~ it is hidden by the sun’s glare. The ancient Egyptians refused to bury their dead during the 70 days Sirius was hidden from view because it was believed Sirius was the doorway to the afterlife, and the doorway was thought to be closed during this yearly period.
In mythology the dog Sirius is one of the watchmen of the Heavens, fixed in one place at the bridge of the Milky Way, keeping guard over the abyss into incarnation. Its namesake the Dog Star is a symbol of power, will and steadfastness of purpose, exemplifying the initiate who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness.
Located just below the Dog Star is the constellation called Argo, the Ship. Astrologically this region in the sky has been known as the River of Stars, gateway to the ocean of higher consciousness.
The Chinese recognized this area as the bridge between heaven and hell ~ the bridge of the gatherer, the judge. In the higher mind are gathered the results of the experiences of the personality.
Between each life the Soul judges its past progress, and also the conditions needed to aid its future growth. As long as it is attached to desire, sensation, and needs experiences, the Soul continues to come into incarnation. Until it is perfected, the Soul cannot pass over, or through, the Bridge.
The association of Sirius as a celestial dog has been consistent throughout the classical world; even in remote China, the star was identified as a heavenly wolf. In ancient Chaldea (present day Iraq) the star was known as the "Dog Star that Leads," or it was called the "Star of the Dog." In Assyria, it was said to be the "Dog of the Sun." In still older Akkadia, it was named the "Dog Star of the Sun."
In Greek times Aratus referred to Canis Major as the guard dog of Orion, following on the heels of its master and standing on its hind legs with alpha star Sirius carried in its jaws. The concept of the mind slaying the real can be seen in the tales which relate the dog as the hunter and killer ~ the hound from hell.
Manilius called Canis Major the "dog with the blazing face." Also called the Large Dog, Sirius appears to cross the sky in pursuit of the Hare, represented by the constellation Lepus under Orion's feet.
Mythologists such as Eratosthenes said that the constellation represents Laelaps, a dog so swift that no prey could escape it. Laelaps had a long list of owners. One story says it is the dog given by Zeus to Europa, whose son Minos, King of Crete, passed it on to Procris, daughter of Cephalus. The dog was presented to Procris along with a javelin that could never miss. Ironically, Cephalus accidentally killed her while out hunting with Laelaps.
Cephalus inherited the dog and took it with him to Thebes, north of Athens, where a vicious fox was ravaging the countryside. The fox was so swift that it was destined never to be caught ~ yet Laelaps the hound was destined to catch whatever it pursued.
Off they went, almost faster than the eye could follow, the inescapable dog in pursuit of the uncatchable fox. At one moment the dog would seem to have its prey within grasp, but could only close its jaws on thin air as the fox raced ahead of it again. There could be no resolution of such a paradox, so Zeus turned them both to stone and placed the dog in the sky without the fox.
In the Chinese tradition, there is a remarkable analogy in the double meaning of the word Spirit and the word Sing (star). Shin and Sing, the Chinese words for soul and essence, are often interchangeable, as they are in the English language.
It is said that the fixed stars, and their domain, contain the essences or souls of matter ... a living soul is a higher essence of matter, and when evolved may also be called a star. These stars and essences become gods.
Like souls, stars are regarded as having divine attributes. Stars look down from regions of chaotic, violent, purity onto the world of humanity and influence the energies of humankind invisibly, yet most powerfully.
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As the greatest detective, I've decided to take this on first hand.
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The Balding Fetish Mod. Who are they? What are their motivations? Where did they come from? These are questions that myself and many others have been asking themselves in the past months. Well, you see, I have the answer.
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First off, typing quirk. TBFM (The Balding Fetish Mod) doesn't use capitalization and seldom use punctuation. Who else does this? It narrows the suspect list down to a few people: Mod Bernkastel, Mod Takano, Mod Kanon, Mod Kinzo.
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They also frequently make spelling mistakes, although that's not an attribute seen among the current suspect list. It's seen in some of Mod Satoko's earlier posts, though. However I don't find that to be the case currently. Mod Satoko is always very blatant in her posts and doesn't seem... malicious enough... for this. Another thing, Mod Satoko doesn't typically use such aggressive language. But you know who does? Everyone on the suspect list aside from Mod Kanon. This currently brings our list down to Mod Takano, Mod Kinzo, and Mod Bernkastel.
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Now. Who's been the only mod of our suspect list to acknowledge TBFM? Mod Takano. Even going as far as to use the name that Tumblr user @angel-lepus gave TBFM. The first Mod to call TBFM TBFM. None of our other suspects have spoken of TBFM. None of them seem to even be online during these events. Are you picking up what I'm putting down......?
I believe Mod Takano is the Balding Fetish Mod!
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hope this hasn't been taken yet but can I request 16. Counting the constellations with Druig
A/N - Hawwuu! I would love to write and short but sweet prompt for you with this request! Thanks for the request, dear friend!
Summary - Your favorite past time with your favorite person
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Warnings - Just some good ol' fashion fluff
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"Okay....that one there?"
"Ursa Major. Too easy,"
"Fine......that one here?"
"Lepus! Come on, you're not even trying at this point,"
Druig laughed next to you as you were looking up at the night sky, seeing the scattering of stars. The cool night with no moon was the perfect opportunity to go star gazing, one of your favorite things to do ever since you came to Earth. From the very first time you looked up at the night sky, right after the first Deviant fight against the fragile humans, you were amazed at the stars that were high above you. So bright, so new in an image, and gorgeous in power and majesty. You were out all night watching the stars move along the sky, almost entranced and memorized by it. Ajak thought of it as adorable, calling you her "Star Gazer" as soon as you came in the following day with so much to tell her about the stars.
Thankfully, she wasn't the only one who admired your love for the stars.
Even after all the centuries, seeing the constellations change over time and the night shift and morph just like the evolution of humans, you never lost your interest in those stars. When you had enough energy you would spend your nights on top of the Domo, on your back, counting some of the constellations you saw, and wondering what it would be like to touch a star. To see one right in front of you with a touch of your fingers. But then again, being there on Earth was enough for you for the time being. Maybe one day you'd be up there again amongst the stars, exploring all and more that you have already known and yet to know.
"You amaze me, you know," Druig said next to you as you looked at him with fondness, "You always seemed to be drawn to the stars even others aren't. Why?"
"Don't know," You replied in a shrug, looking up at the stars again, "They are beautiful to me, and they are so many of them. Not one is the same, which I think is the best part. Kind of like the humans: not one of them is the same,"
Druig grinned next to you, wrapped an arm around you from behind you pull you in, to have your head rest on his chest. You were thankful Druig never saw your fascination with stars as weird or usual, he was more intrigued by it actually. He would listen to you talk about constellations for hours and the names of them, at least the names that the humans made up for them. To see the joy on your face when you would rush into the Domo and tell the others about the humans naming a new set of stars.
So after you two together, you would take Druig with you to the top of the Domo on a clear night to see the stars. Sometimes you two would chat all night about everything and anything you wanted to talk about, other times you were simply laying there in silence and holdings hands between your bodies. Druig felt honored that you were letting him into your own little world, your own curiosity and wonder, and having him a part of it in return.
"Love ya, my Star Gazer," Druig hummed against your hair as you saw a shooter star go by.
The End
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June Spring Prompts
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saturnine-saturneight · 3 months
OC origins name tag!
Hopping on an open tag by @paeliae-occasionally!
I want to know how you came up with your original character’s names and personalities. Are they based on people in your real life? Are they straight from your brain? Are they a mix of several people?
I've put a lot of thought into this, and made some more adjustments yesterday, so I'm excited to talk about it, haha.
Nat: Full name Natalie King
I was playing around with names that could mean 'born under a bad star' for them, but landed on Natalie, which means born on Jesus' birthday aka Christmas. Nat grew up Christian and has a bizarre relationship with it - this isn't even their legal name, they picked this out themself.
It's also nice that it starts with an N. Nat is themed after one of the seven wonders of the antique world, the hanging gardens of Babylon, built by Nebuchadnezzar II. King follows from this as well, plus lends itself well to their general character.
Ron: Full name Aarón Odo
Meaning 'high mountain' or 'exalted', playing into a very vague sky theme. In the bible, Aaron's rod produced miracles, a nod to Ron's street magic. The accent is on there because he's Afro-Brazilian. I also think the name Ron has kind of a mischievous, youthful vibe.
Jeanne Odo was a Haitian abolitionist. Ron doesn't consider himself someone who can make any kind of change, but he has his opinions.
Haru: Full name Luo Haru / Luó Guāng Fèng
Haru is of mixed Japanese and Chinese descent, so she has two names. Like the majority of Chinese people, she goes by her non-Chinese name in non-Chinese company because nobody can pronounce the other one right and she'd rather not hear it butchered.
Haru can mean spring, but also sun, playing into how she gets underestimated frequently by her looks and her height. She has a sun/fire theme going, which is also reflected in her chinese name (which my beta reader helped me massively with and which I have yet to run by someone fluent in Chinese to tell me if it sounds good, if this is you please hmu.) It uses the characters 光 (Guāng) meaning light, polish, shine, and one part of the word for 鳳凰 (Fènghuáng) for phoenix.
It's a very, very pompous name, given to her by her father with high hopes for her life.
There's not a lot to be said about Luó in contrast, it's just one of the most frequent family names in China.
Teo: Full name Mateo Aparecido
Teo used to have an accent on the e, but the Spanish version of his name doesn't actually have it, so he's lost his accent privileges.
From Matthaios, a Hebrew name meaning gift of God. I was looking for something meaning 'gift of the sea', but this is close enough. That's also why I abbreviate it to just 'gift'.
Aparecido, to manifest oneself, is one of the more common family names in Brazil. Teo is moon/water themed and I was playing with the idea of making his last name Rana (frog), but Aparecido flows better with his first name.
Matcha: Full name Malati Gupta
Matcha Ginny is a cover name she's given herself to obscure her identity, which is also close enough to her legal name to not get her confused.
Malati means Jasmine, which is also a kind of tea :)
Gupta means protector or guardian, a good motif for her character and aspirations. It's frequent among Brahmin, who have the cash to emigrate into the United States.
Rabbit: Full name Lydia Dotson
Rabbit is called Rabbit in the narrative because it's from Ron's and Nat's perspective. It's a mean nickname about her big front teeth and general prey animal demeanor that's just stuck around.
I picked out Lydia for the first letter it shares with Lepus, the latin name for the family of hares.
Dodgson was the legal name of Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland. I'm afraid she can't escape it, she's rabbit/hare themed.
Louis: Full name Dr. Louis Bishop
Louis/Ludwig is a name frequently given to kings meaning 'famous in battle'. I needed something authoritative for him, something belligerent. He's a very gentle man on the surface, so the name needed some weight. The same goes for Bishop - I picked out a Christian authority figure here as a nod to Nat.
This also reflects that he really doesn't get a lot of characterization outside of Nat and how much he inhabits his antagonist role in the story. He likes bees, but he's s not getting named after what he likes.
I'm making this an open tag!
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sweet-star-cookie · 7 months
heyooo tell me about the chamaeleon three!
Gladly! Luckily I've updated their designs already too ^_^
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The Chamaeleon Three are a group of “teenage hoodlum” types to challenge Cassie’s quest to restore order between Earth and the Astral Plane. As the story progresses, the imbalance of the spirit world gets stronger as Cassie’s powers do, so the spirits that appear on Earth become more tangible, meaning that more people other than Cassie can see and interact with them over time. The trade-off is they then pose a larger threat to regular people, and that’s where these three come in!
It occurred to me that some of the more troublesome spirits would relish the opportunity to mess with the living world, even withstanding corruption by Void magic, especially after hearing that the Starglass is Cassie, not some kind of iron-clad warrior or another type of powerful figure like they expected. They quickly start wreaking havoc on the town and frame her for it whenever they can. Circumstances aren't exactly great on the Astral Plane as it is, so many also see it as a manner of escape from it, no matter how temporary.
Though they didn't initially choose to be corrupted by Void magic (it happened accidentally for them), they quickly made the most of their situation with anarchy and mischief once they did arrive on Earth. These three learn pretty quickly not to underestimate our little star hero, but still pose a threat that Cassie can’t face on her own, at least not initially.
So in order to catch these three and return them home, Cassie and her friends/family have to get creative to outsmart them or otherwise confront them in different ways, and I think this’ll be a good way to showcase the Earth squad’s differences in personality and resourcefulness, as well as spice up the spirit encounters in general. Here are descriptions for each of them :)
Lynx The tough guy of the three, with an equally brash personality to match. Despite the group's name, he thinks of himself as the leader and is imposing like one. He is never the one actually calling the shots though, as he lacks the brains for strategy. He greatly prefers brute forcing a problem or charging head-first into anything that's in his way.
Lynx is frequently a bully to Lepus for a predator-prey sort of dynamic, though he is easily shut down by Chamaeleon whenever he goes too far or loses focus. He’s usually the one to get caught the most when plans go awry, as he lacks Lepus’s agility and Chamaeleon's camouflage when escaping, but he’s the most capable fighter of the three simply by virtue of being a massive wild cat. You don’t want to mess with those teeth and claws!
He’s a cocky spitfire, known for constantly picking fights and riling things up, often to an extreme degree and at the detriment of himself and/or his group members. He's the type who would mock you for refusing to fight, and then call you a hypocrite for getting angry at him for mocking you. But, his overconfidence speaks to an underlying insecurity, which makes him prone to emotional vulnerability. He will aggressively defend himself should he ever be questioned, which usually leads him to picking fights that he can't win, and he switches between his confident and cowardly sides quite frequently.
While he’s already got a pretty stocky build and his stature isn't just for show, his cape and jacket are meant to make him look even bigger and more important, so you know he’s compensating for something, even if he’d never admit it. Being the (almost) leader of the group gives him a sense of power over others, whether it is warranted or not.
Lepus Probably best described as the cowardly lackey of the group, though not by his own choice. He hates being viewed with a bunny’s inherent cuteness, seeing it as a sign of weakness instead. This can sometimes give him an impulsive need to prove himself, and it typically ends poorly. He has, however, adapted to use it to his advantage.
He’s the type of character who will play to your sympathy and beg you to help him when he’s cornered, only to turn on you as soon as he’s in the clear. That said, he'd be the least likely of the three to become a villain under normal circumstances, if he felt he had a choice in the matter. But alas, history has taught him that he has to be this way to survive at all. He sees this group as all he has, believing that no one would befriend him otherwise, even if they don’t really act much like friends outside of their shared love for mischief and chaos. Though it angers and upsets him, he's used to staying quiet about things that truly bother him to keep the peace or avoid getting yelled at.
As you might expect from a rabbit, he’s got big jumps and swift kicks, and makes up for his lack of physical strength with agility. He’s based on a black-tailed jackrabbit specifically for the long, spindly legs and large ear-to-head ratio. His big ears make him the recon/lookout of the group most of the time, and is the quickest to flee when a plan goes pear-shaped, making it difficult to catch all three of them at once.
If given the choice, Lepus would much rather be an explorer or spelunker, using his quick feet and keen hearing for something more productive. His love of chaos is actually more of a love for adventure and spontaneity, but he found the wrong outlet for it.
Chamaeleon The true leader of the group, hence the name. She goes by Mae for short, but only to those she allows to call her that. Despite her aloof and quiet nature overall, Chamaeleon is the sharpest of the three, and can shut down Lynx’s boisterous attitude or Lepus's shaking cowardice with only a stern look or a blunt word. She’s the brains of the operation, keeps a cool head, and is difficult to outsmart.
She’s even harder to catch with her camouflage, though you’ll know where she’s been with her tags. Being a graffiti artist, she has her spray gun and cans to quickly paint anything she desires, or spray someone else if she's really desperate. Similar to the paint itself, I'd imagine her markings could glow in the dark when she’s not hiding, though she can negate this glow to hide completely when necessary.
Though she’d never show it, Chamaeleon is actually the one who relies on the group dynamic the most. She doesn’t like being apart from them, even if she bullies them when they’re together, and usually favours plans that don’t involve splitting up. In better circumstances she’d probably be the “older sister” type to the other two, looking out for them and making sure they don’t get hurt, but her short fuse and lack of patience doesn't currently lend itself to that kind of dynamic. She is actively mean to them most of the time, though that is often eclipsed by Lynx's louder and more outward type of aggression.
------ So you may be wondering, why did I choose these three to form a group when their constellations normally have nothing to do with each other? Well, that's sort of the point! As you may have noticed, these three don't really get along with each other very well and are dysfunctional as a group, and this is what ultimately leads to their downfall. Their dynamic is meant to be an opposite to the one Cassie has with Demitri, Ellie, and Leena, who are able to work together well despite their individual differences.
After the Chamaeleon Three are returned to the Astral Plane, I plan to explore what happens to them afterwards in a side story that shows the core problems with their group and what they each do about it, but the first part of their arc will be shown in the main story at least.
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s-b-party · 11 months
Lepus: Amber and the Hare
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****Possible spoilers ahead!!!
It is finally time for me to talk about the famous Outrider & Gliding Champion of Mondstadt, Amber! I’ll be honest, I never really thought that I’d be doing a constellation analysis for her or even for other characters that I don’t really care much about but I decided that I will try to do constellation analyses for all of them EXCEPT for Aloy
To start off, Amber’s constellation is called Lepus, which means “hare”. Rabbits don’t generally use Lepus as part of their scientific name, but they are considered part of the Leporidae family, Leporidae meaning “those similar to Lepus” (thus meaning “those similar to the hare”). Although hares & rabbits look very similar, there are some differences between them: one of them is that hares are generally larger & faster than rabbits, they’re also not domesticated unlike rabbits
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****There are times when the constellation’s names will be a bit from what we may expect (a good example that I’ve done already is Cyno’s constellation analysis; the animal we tend to associate w/ him is the jackal bc of Anubis but his constellation [even in CN translation] literally translates to “golden wolf” which is an actual animal but it is not the same as the jackal); I usually try to stay consistent to what the constellations translate in both EN & CN unless I can’t make a good case for it for some reason (the hare & rabbit are very similar so there is bound to be a lot of interchanging between the terms across different languages; in CN, it translates to “Little Rabbit Constellation” but it should be noted that the CN character used for “rabbit” doesn’t really make a distinction between rabbits & hares, it’s used to refer to all leporids, so the translation itself could very well be referring to a young hare as well)
TLDR: a note about technicalities on translations of constellations & translations being different from each other (I’m going to try my best to stick to “hare” as opposed to “rabbit” in this thread mostly bc their speed & wildness are more in line with Amber’s lore, just remember that hares≠rabbits ^_^)****
When we look at Amber, you can tell that her character design is meant to look like a hare, especially w/ her headband representing the ears & having the same design in her constellation; she’s also agile as it is part of her job as an Outrider, which is essentially a scout
To emphasize her agility, our first meeting with her was when she was running & jumped out from the forest we were walking in; in addition, she is the gliding champion of Mondstadt as well, which speaks to her skill in controlling her glider while maintaining speed in the air
Aside from the obvious connection to swiftness, hares are symbols for a number of concepts, some of which we might not necessarily think are related to them while others can be more easily connected
They are related to fertility/abundance, innocence, the moon (nocturnal creatures), good luck, spring, love (usually associated w/ romantic love, having connections to Venus/Aphrodite), resurrection & rebirth (in line w/ spring when flowers grow after winter), wisdom/knowledge, mischief (fun fact: hares could sometimes be the familiars of witches before black cats became more associated with witches)
Some of these concepts can be found sprinkled throughout Amber’s lore; the ones that I find prevalent are mischief, wisdom/knowledge, rebirth, and the moon
It turns out that Amber was quite the troublemaker when she was younger & it was usually her grandfather, the senior/leading Outrider, who had to clean up after her messes; looking at her now in the game, we see that she doesn’t seem like someone who would cause trouble for others
As someone who tries her best to help/guide others, she has her own sense of wisdom which wasn’t present in her childhood; she has been a mentor to Collei mostly
The Windblume’s Breath event with Collei can speak to this wisdom
There is a point where she, Eula, and Klee see Collei & Sucrose interacting w/ each other; Klee wants to join in but Amber stops her bc she understands that Collei still struggles interacting w/ others & what she needs at the moment is someone who can relate to her like Sucrose before she can go on to interacting with more extroverted people including Amber herself
Now w/ the concept of rebirth, this is shown more so figuratively when the Outriders group started to deteriorate due to her grandfather no longer being there; at some point, it was just her alone
We can see a bit of transformation happening for Amber, going from a mischievous child to a mature & helpful Outrider in her Character Story; it almost feels strange to think of her as a former troublemaker when she has helped a lot in Mondstadt
Now the moon is an interesting aspect to consider when we look at how it fits into the overall world building; aside from the fact that Amber calls Mondstadt (Moon City in German) her home, rabbits and hares are often times associated w/ the moon due to them being usually nocturnal but what stands out to me is that she is the first person with a Vision we meet & she hails from the first nation that we visit which has connections to the moon; I think that although she might not have strong ties to the moon itself, she does help to establish the importance of the moon in the world of Teyvat with her intro to Mondstadt
I know we like to joke at times that Mondstadt may be the favorite child of HYV but I think there’s something to be said about how Mondstadt helped to establish much of the lore for many of us especially with Istaroth & the Moon Sisters presented to us early on; there’s also the duo of time & wind being established as important concepts by Mondstadt as well
So if anything, Amber’s connection to the moon seems more as a driver of the game’s starting lore rather than as a symbol to her own lore
Maybe the answer of the truth points to Mondstadt after all 👀
****This was supposed to be out in March.....for Easter.....because you know......rabbits and hares.....RIP to this thread and a few others which have been sitting in my drafts for a long time T^T
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krimsonkatt · 2 months
Illusionist Sigmus
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A major optional party member in my upcoming game Chronicles II: Zero Gear Saga. She is a traveling magician who specializes in illusions and transformations, and therefore is a user of chaos magick, an incredibly rare form of magick only usable by certain people. She was the one who helped Joyse get better control of their powers and get to grips with being a magickal girl. Therefore, Sigmus considers Joyse to be her "lovely assistant" and treats them like a daughter or younger sister. However, one day while traveling between dimensions Joyse got separated from Sigmus while they were venturing through the backrooms, the mysterious space between dimensions, and Sigmus got possessed by an entity of the backrooms, a demonic rabbit called Magick Master. (who is also the older brother of Lepus, scion of healing) After her possession Sigmus started randomly turning people into bunny girls non-consensually as part of her show, which Sero and her allies put a stop to and got Sigmus to be no longer be possessed. Sigmus then joined Sero's band of mercenaries and later once the team was strong enough they ventured into the backrooms to try to find Joyse, who was trapped there for who knows how long. Sigmus was able to reunite with Joyse, but then the party was attacked by the true body of the magick master and were sucked into his dimension. After a tough battle with the lord of magick, the day was saved and Sigmus and Joyse were able to return to their regular lives as stage performers, but Sigmus decided to stick around Sero's gang for a little longer in order to gauge their potential, and because Sigmus foresaw a great darkness growing in the heart of the young Sero...
She is loosely based off the one-time side character Francesca from Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl. Magick Master is based off a one-time villain from Teen Titans Go! (S1 EP51 "Real Magic") and an optional boss from Final Fantasy VI of the same name. He also ends the fight with Ultima/Armageddon, the troll that he is. You need to use the witch class' "Lazarus" art (and potentially the light magick Enmirror) to defeat him!
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lady-wren-of-tella · 4 months
After traveling far and unbeknownst to her, Myka had settled close to a small community known as Rosengarde (a nation my friends founded).
They harbored another starborne in their midst. Though Myka retained her rather standoffish and uncommunicative nature, she eventually becomes friends with this other starbone, who’s name she learns is Lepus.
The two feel drawn to eachother. Unknown to both of them, it’s because their bodies were born from the same stardust. They’re both the sisters they’ve been searching so long for, neither know it yet.
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kingofthegophers · 1 year
★ Genshin Star Stream AU ★
Okay I can’t draw fast enough to catch up with my brain so I’m just gonna blabber out what I have so far via text
Here’s the TL;DR - An apocalyptic modern AU that borrows the mechanics of the Star Stream from ORV (so like scenarios and constellations, none of the novel-come-to-life stuff). Aether and Paimon are siblings looking for their sister Lumine, who has gone missing since the scenarios began. What they don’t realize is that Lumine has already gone through the scenarios and is now constellation.
More details below the cut!
Setup + Main Scenario #1:
Aether is picking up Paimon from school, they’re heading home via public transit
For whatever reason, Lumine is in another part of town or in a completely different city running some errands
Scenarios begin
Main Scenario #1 - Kill one or more living beings to survive
Aether, Paimon, and the starter characters (Amber, Kaeya, Lisa) survive because Paimon conveniently had an ant farm
Cell service isn’t working, Aether can’t reach Lumine and doesn’t know where she is or if she’s still alive
Main goal is to reunite with Lumine
Character mechanics:
Weapon classes and attributes are based on their in-game characteristics
Stigmas are their elemental bursts/skills
Sponsors are their in-game constellations, with some exceptions (i.e. Amber’s constellation would be Lepus, but characters like Xiangling who have a connection to another god like Guoba/Marchosius will have them as their sponsor instead)
Archons are archon-grade constellations which are the highest known grade of constellations, and they generally don’t have incarnations
Scenario mechanics:
Each region has its own dome
Main scenarios of each dome are based on in-game archon quests, world quests, and Teyvat’s historical events
Archons may request bounty quests that deviate from the main scenario (e.g. Barbatos wants Aether to save Dvalin instead of slaying him)
Star Stream is run by Celestia, uses Abyss Order as workers/slaves to run the system
Scenarios are streamed by Abyss mages (the dokkaebi equivalent)
And moving onto specific character stuff!
Unable to receive a constellation sponsor for some reason (maybe Lumine’s interference?)
Instead he gains abilities and stigmas by receiving blessings from archons when he completes their bounty quests
(This part deviates a lot from ORV) Aether and Paimon travel to different domes after completing a dome’s main scenarios to continue looking for Lumine
They start in Mondstadt, but the Star Siblings aren’t actually Mondstadt locals (they recently moved there)
Eventually ascends to a constellation
Like Aether, unable to receive a constellation sponsor
Gets a cloak item that allows her to float (bonus subspace storage function?)
Not a fighter but has high utility
Time travel stuff, she has already gone through the scenarios and become a constellation
Constellation name Viatrix
Constellation modifier ‘Traveler Amidst the Luminous Stars’ (subject to change)
Wanted to destroy the Star Stream system but eventually gave up and became part of it (implied she has been trying for about 500 years)
Aether wants to destroy the Star Stream to free her, but Lumine thinks it’s futile and the only way to survive the apocalypse is to obey the Star Stream
Other character ideas:
Dainsleif - returnee or guide from Khaenri’ah that was destroyed in the scenarios
Kazuha - like LJH, “killed” his friend in the first scenario BUT what actually happened was his friend stabbed himself while grabbing Kazuha’s hands around the sword to allow him to survive
Xingqiu is the incarnation of Guhua (historical-grade)
This is very Aether and Paimon -centric so I’m thinking a lot of the other playable characters are gonna have their own plotlines separate from the main story...
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kincallfightclub · 10 months
Pinned Post!
hi!! welcome to the kin call fight club!! we're a source call blog run by a team of 6 mods who were inspired to set up a blog where you can send in asks related to looking for silly little fights with sourcemates!
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1- absolutely NO threats of harm to real life people, including your fellow tumblr users and the internet personalities behind certain characters, i.e. minecraft SMPs
2- no detailed/graphic descriptions of gore or violence, no graphic/detailed death threats. HOWEVER joking shit like "@.william afton you cuck its ON meet me behind the denys" is Ok. just use your common sense/better judgement
3- if you interact despite your media being on the blacklist, you will be blocked without hesitation. respect the list or get lazer'd.
4- we accept all forms of source, including but not limited to fictionkin, otherkin, copinglinks, introjects, and fictives.
5- whilst rants and otherwise hatemail towards characters you're submitting is allowed and even encouraged, please do not be excessively hateful to those who fictkin/identify with those characters. not everyone chooses their kintype, be kind.
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Mod Tag: #Mod Snatch
Name: Flintheart
Pronouns: He/Xey
Who would I wanna fight the most?: Alastor the radio dumbass oops i mean demon oops i mean dreamy sigh alastor oops i mean IM GONNA BITE HIM.
Mod Tag: #Mod Mainframe
Name: Sun
Pronouns: He/It/Xe
Who would I wanna fight the most?: Half enabling my helper, half goading Vox to try me because that's worked so well for him every other time :D
Helper Tag: #Helper Kash
Name: Kash
Pronouns: Any, prefers he/him
Mod Tag: #Mod Hermit
Name: Mar
Pronouns: He/They/Trick/Vae
Who would I wanna fight the most?: Asahina Mafuyu’s mom <3 i oh so badly want to swordfight her at the dennys
Mod Tag: #mod lepus
Name: Pom
Pronouns: Any & All
Who would I wanna fight the most?: English Willy.
Mod Tag: #Mod Singularity
Name: Singularity
Pronouns: They/Them
who would i wanna fight the most?: oh easy i would give everything to challenge that old man(fred von karma that is) to a REAL fight no taser bullshit
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BLACKLISTED SOURCES (DNI if you're sending out a call from these sources):
-Dont Hug Me Im Scared
-Camp Camp
-Les Miserables
-Attack On Titan
-South Park
-Stranger things
-The Stanley Parable
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1stunseeliefaelass · 1 year
📚✒️ and I'll write a short excerpt from my OC's diary.
I'll try to do this right I suppose. Here goes nothing. I'll go with Ale and hope you like it.
Key notes before we go in:
*Menahem in my fic is Death's true name, Issac is Strife's, Jael is Fury's(though she doesn't use it Ale does out of preference), and Samson is War's.
*Gras-Atari means Granddaughter in Lepus language, and Atan means son thusly. Ale herself being a Lepus.
*Erik is a Vanir/Jotun hybrid who is Ale's lover, may as well be husband by this time, but Ale's Father is a bit of a shotgun variety.
*Harker is one of Death's many poly partners he'll up with in my fic in time(spoiler alert). Harker himself is a Fae, specifically a Leanan Sidhe. Harker is also the first of the partners Death has and eventually marries. By this time the other poly partners haven't come into the picture yet.
The cutest little thing ever just happened with my Gras-Atari today! My Atan sent me a crystal memory of her, since I've yet to meet her officially just yet. He says she's gotten much better since the last one he sent where in she was saying Dada and Pop Pop to Menahem and Harker! And this little bit he sent today has proven it. She's actually started calling Dust an Aw Aw apparently. So sweet. Course they did make sure to teach her the word Crow afterwards. Watching her makes me wanna meet her so badly. But I know I must restrain myself. Menahem is still getting used to parenthood, and well Eden is still fresh for us. So naturally the Council is going to be watching him closely for a while. Though I really wish they would ease up sooner. My Atans and Atari have enough on their plates now as it is.
In other news my younger Atans, Issac and Samson came by the other day. They both were awfully haggard and in need of quite a bath. I certainly didn't require eyes to know they'd been around something fishy and rotten, vastly so. Luckily it didn't take them long, admittedly they're better than their elder brother is about hygiene. From there they asked if they could open up about their latest task to me. Well...Issac did mainly, Samson just nodded whilst letting him do most of the talking. As I listened I began work on a new cloak for Samson, this mission really did a number on the one he had then. What they described was truly disheartening to hear from them. To know they had to kill a whole village of humans, that Samael had baited them into this outcome for his own benefit, that Lilith continues to bring them grief! I hugged my boys tightly of course. I will avenge my family somehow, someday, mark my words.
Jael seems to be surprisingly well compared to the others. Which is all well and good, but at the same time I cannot help but worry that's she hiding the truth. But Erik, Menahem, and the boys have been telling me I cannot coddle or force it out if that's the case. All I can do is wait and see if she'll open up more one day when she's ready. For the time being however, she's actually been finding ways to help me branch out for the village to open up trade here. Menahem has also pitched in to aid in this, believing just as Jael does that it's high time the village grew in ways beyond population and general size. As their Elder, it is my duty to ensure the best for us after all. If they and my children all say it is wise to try, then by the gods and the Creator I shall give it a shot.
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