#her name is satsuma!
loz-the-noob · 1 year
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earnedmagic · 7 months
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s is for satsuma 🍊✨
alphabet address book spread for our new girl! (marker illustration, pen, stickers). foster name mama citrus— her three little rutaceaes have also found homes 🧡
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jealousmartini · 14 days
Fun fact! In my home reality, I am an interent sensation whose been around since 2016 on youtube, known for:
My 2 hour long rambles about my personal opinions of random stuff. My first youtube video was actually of me rambling about something. This was when I intend to use my youtube account like a journal. Back in 2016 to 2018, my topics and opinions was seen as either really intriguing, strange, or pretty valid. But over 2020 and onwards, tiktok gets a hold of my videos and all of a sudden I'm a "problematic creator" lmao.
[ Fun fact! In a series I made in 2018 called "The purpose of life" I talk about law of Assumption, manifestation and the theory of there only being one way to live life correctly is the most popular series I made, and I am openly a manifester. ]
My art and animations. I am an OG animation meme artist, responsible for a load of some well known animation meme trends in the animation/artist community, my persona, Keisha (full name Keisha la keisha) is one of the most iconic, well loved and synonymous persona in the art community, on youtube if not on the Internet.
[ Things "Keisha la keisha" (me) is known for/things that remind everyone of keisha: ]
Quiches. It's literally in her name
Her iconic half up, half down spikey hairstyle
the colour orange, oranges, her first orange tshirt, LITERALLY anything that is orange (koi fish, pumpkins, carrots, the sun and stars literally anything)
Jerseys in any possible form (jersey themed mini dresses, jersey shirts, jersey themed jackets) and off the shoulder shirts
My iconic headphones with antennas
the numbers "06" and "20" (my birthday is 20/06/06)
red panda's (its her representative animal) bunnies (I own two bunnies named tiff and maple)
a series I'm making called "My name isn't Keisha" (click here and scroll to the bottom to understand)
Charms (mainly because my fanbase name is called charmings)
Martinis (because of my account names envious martini and jealous martini)
My art styles, known as the "Martini's artstyles"
Names the Internet refer to me as:
The Quiche tm., Quiche(a), spikey buns, literally any type of orange (Satsuma, tangerine), the manifesting martini,
My music. As i am an active artist, i am also an active music producer. Most of my music has been used for animation memes, tiktok audios, and a lot of people mistake me for a kpop artist (it's one of my most popular genres along side jersey club).
My face being clipped from my livestreams as meme reactions. You'd be suprised at THE AMOUNT of memes made from my videos there is literally a trend on tiktok called "'I don't know keisha/envious martini-' YES YOU DO." where fans will make a compilation of tiktok audios that actually originated from my videos
The meme "Are they lovers?" "Worse" because of mine and Rodrigo's very popular relationship throughout the years
Being known as "the most uncancellable creator", "Youtube's best animator"
Would you be a Charming? ((o(^∇^)o))
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acrossthewavesoftime · 8 months
Tumblr Dashboard Simulator: 1670s/1680s English Court
🐶 merry-monarch
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#monday motivation #motivational quote #there are indeed good thyngs and bad in this countrie #the good: women #the bad: PARLEMENT
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💖 mary-clorine
I have two husbands, and that causes me much trouble and torment of the soul, for I may be with childe by one, and have thus given horns to th'other, who is also a lady, and we have been married first. Now she won't writ to me as we did as girles, and my lawfull husband, I have not yett told, for my condition is not certain yet. I cannot talk in honesty whith one, and with the other husband, neither.
'Tis awkward to speak of this, but if not to your friends online, to whom can one talk of such troubles?
#personal #might remove later #aurelia I miss you
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There are thyngs the governement, the Kinge in particular, do not wish you to know about: the Royall Successioun is all made false, for instead of the D. of Yorke, the True Heir to H. M. the Kinge shoud be the Duke of Monmouth, for he was lawfully begot by the Kinge, then married in secret to the late Lucy Walter, and must therefore be accepted as Prince before his uncle the D. of Yorke, who is a Catholick.
All ye good people should speak up against this injustice! If you cannot pledge your life (if there be a fight), or some shillings to the cause, you may help it greatly alreadie by re-bloggying, and bringing this mater to greater awareness!
#sociall justice #awareness #politick
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🎀 prettywittynell
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@merry-monarch had me painted! For more content like this, and to vote which painter shoud doe me (haha!) next, please visit my OnlieFriendes account!!!
#lely #girlboss #hotter than madam carwell!! ;)))
1,723 notes
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🍊 je-maintiendrai
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Hans Willem et moy!
Vouz pouves nous voir en visitant Stichting Kasteel Amerongen, ou icy, en-ligne (un grand mercy au Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis): https://rkd.nl/images/126807
#meilleur amy #boy best friends #louis n'a pas d'amy si proche que j'ay
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👑 catholic-guilty666
Why cannot a man haue normall nepheues. One, @je-maintiendrai, is nigh a Puritan in his Protestant fervour, and th'other dispreads falsehoods about the monarcky (and the Roman Church).
I reported the other one, @dukeofm for his libel, in hopes he shall be deactivated, alas th'other I can but block, and not banished from this place. I also hope my daughter the Princess shall divorce him speedilye.
Tonight, I hope to forgett all about this vexing bussinesse by thinking on going a-stag hunting tomorrow with H. M. my brothere, the King.
#vent #vent post #callout post
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#poll #nicknames #mary
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💃 annieannieannie
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3. The feeling One experiences when One findes out, that one's weird uncle hath a Tumblr-accountt, too 💀💀💀
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do not follow him
#i thought 'twas my bad eyes but what i was seeing was real #the family #non followeres do not interact
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Ninigi-no-Mikoto, or simply Ninigi, is the grandson of the supreme Shinto deity Amaterasu, the sun goddess. He is the son of Ama-no-Oshiho-mimi and, descending to earth as the first just ruler, he brought with him gifts from Amaterasu as symbols of his authority which remain part of the Japanese imperial regalia today. Ninigi became the great-grandfather of Japan's first emperor, the semi-legendary Emperor Jimmu, and so established a divine link between all subsequent emperors and the gods.
Ninigi Descends from the Heavens
In Japanese mythology, the sun goddess Amaterasu Omikami asked her son Ama-no-Oshiho-mimi to descend from the heavens to rule the world of the mortals. Twice refusing this honour after seeing the general chaos that prevailed in the world, Ama-no-Oshiho-mimi nominated his son Ninigi-no-Mikoto (full name: Ame-Nigishi-Kuninigishi-Amatsu-hiko-no-ninigi-no-mikoto) to go in his place. To this Amaterasu finally agreed, and she gave Ningi three gifts to help him on his way. These were the Yasakani, a fabulous jewel (or pearls or magatama beads), source of the ancient quarrel between Amaterasu and her brother Susanoo, the storm god; the Yata, the mirror which had been made by the gods and successfully used to tempt Amaterasu out of the cave which she hid in following some typical bad behaviour from Susanoo; and Kusanagi, the great sword Susanoo had plucked from a monster's tail. These would become the three emblems of Ninigi's power (sanshu no jingi), and they became the imperial regalia of his descendants, the emperors of Japan, starting with his great-grandson Emperor Jimmu (r. 660-585 BCE). Thus, all subsequent emperors were able to claim a direct descent from the gods and so legitimise their authority to rule Japan.
The celebrated 7th-century CE poet Kakinomoto Hitomaro composed this poem on Ninigi's descent to govern humanity:
At the beginning of heaven and earth
The eight hundred, the thousand myriads of gods
Assembled in high council
On the shining beach of the Heavenly River,
Consigned the Government of the Heavens
Unto the Goddess Hirume , the Heaven-
Illuminating One,
And the government for all time,
As long as heaven and earth endured,
Of the Rice-abounding Land of Reed Plains
Unto her divine offspring,
Who, parting the eightfold clouds of the sky,
Made his godly descent upon the earth.
Manyoshi (Keene, 104-105)
Amaterasu also gave Ninigi some specific instructions regarding the Yata mirror: "Consider this mirror as thou wast wont to consider my soul, and honour it as myself" (Hackin, 395). Eventually, the mirror would indeed become an object of worship or shintai and end up in the Ise Grand Shrine in the Mie Prefecture, dedicated to Amaterasu and still today Japan's most important Shinto shrine.
Ninigi, carrying his three precious goods, and accompanied by three gods (including Ame-no-uzume, the dawn goddess, and Sarutahiko-no-kami, the god of crossroads) and five chiefs, landed on earth at the top of Mt. Takachiho, in the south of Kyushu. From there, after first building himself a palace, he went to the temple of Kasasa in Satsuma province where the five chiefs set about laying down the principles of the Shinto religion, creating a priesthood and organising the building of temples. The chiefs would pacify the land and establish the clans which would dominate Japanese government for centuries to come such as the Fujiwara clan. In this capacity, the five became the ancestral deities of these clans, the ujigami.
Continue reading...
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dailydemonspotlight · 3 months
Kinmamon - Day 65
Race: Enigma
Alignment: Light-Neutral
July 5th, 2024
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Among the scores of demons in the SMT series, the Enigma race is one of the most curious. Made up entirely of demons whose origins are wholly unknown, or otherwise hard to track, the race as a whole is incredibly difficult to even parse, and unfortunately, today's Demon of the Day is one of those that belong to this accursed collection. Welcome Kinmamon, an incredibly strange god of Okinawa with a notable lack of sources. Yep, we have another one of these.
Kinmamom is a purported Okinawan deity originating from Ryukyuan religion, but almost everything surrounding it is vague and murky before its eventual co-opting into the Ijun religion of Ryukyu. While basically everything regarding it seems to paint it as a recent development, a god created for Ijun to be the cosmic deity above all others, there are many other sources that contest this.
Ijun, a Shinto offshoot religion native to Okinawa, is a modern religion created in 1972 to worship Kinmamom, yet there are many other things relating to this deity that make it difficult to parse- for one, a 19th century play called "Strange Tales of the Bow Moon" purportedly references Kinmamom, as this tumblr post by @yamayuandadu goes over, referenced in the Japanese wikipedia page about Kinmamom. However, of course, Wikipedia is far from a reliable source, but something else which almost ensures that this god didn't originate from Ijun is a vintage article in German that references the god by name, despite originating from over 100 years ago.
Past that, though, a good source comes from... hey, they reblogged my Backbeard post! Holy shit! Wow, I didn't expect things to come full circle like this. Anyway, one of the few sources I can work off of for this outside of several deep insights into Ijun itself is this post by @eirikrjs which talks about his role as a god of the sea who brought 'life' to the Okinawan islands. To quote,
Also known as “the God from Beyond the Sea, Marebito”, Kinmamon is an enigmatic and mysterious deity of Ryukyu Shinto, a branch of Shinto obviously practiced in the Ryukyu islands. His/her connections with sea travel and the implication that he/she brought “life” to the Ryukyu islands are thought to imply it was an introduced figure and was quite possibly Amaterasu who was introduced and then changed through lack of continual contact at the time. The kanji used for Kinmamon’s name, “  君真物 ” literally meaning “the true one”, are also thought to have been used as an honorific title for miko (shrine maidens); consequently, there is also a belief that perhaps Kinmamon is simply the evolution of the deification of miko. In addition, the kanji “ 君” is often used to write “ 神女”, megami or “goddess”, in the local Ryukyu dialect which causes even further gender confusion!Bibliography:   『琉球神道記』  袋中著    宜野座嗣剛  訳  東洋図書出版   “Records of Ryukyu Shinto” by  Hiroshi Azuma.  Orient Books Publications/Shorin Ronshu, 2001.  ISBN-10: 4947667737
But, well, you know the lack of sources is bad when almost everything out there has to be choppily translated. In Ijun, Kinmamon is an all-powerful deity who visited the founder of the religion, Takayasu Rokuro, and instructed him to seek out an ancient book called the Ryukyu Shinto-ki, as gone over in this paper by Christopher A. Reichl. As the paper goes into, Takayasu speaks of Kinmamon as a deity who was once worshipped in the very early ages, though was forgotten about after Satsuma rose to power, phasing out the religion in 1609. Of course, I cannot find any source for this, but it could possibly explain why Kinmamon is so obscure, yet still referenced in ages-old articles predating Ijun itself. A lot of the things relating to this deity are obscure, and it's very fitting for its race being, well, that of an Enigma.
Hilariously, almost all of the sources I could find for this were also confused SMT fans trying to figure out the source for this demon. We really are just an ouroboros of hyperfixated nerds, huh. I haven't played Strange Journey, so I can't give much of a take on Kinmamon's portrayal in the series, but I do find the design very cool and unique- I especially love the symbols on its head and arms, though I'm not sure what they could ultimately mean? Overall, though, I'd recommend digging deep yourselves into this demon's backstory. Maybe you all could uncover something I couldn't!
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katzkinder · 4 months
Setsugekka, Kurenai, Desire
A missing scene commissioned by @rwbypro featuring Tsubaki and his sublcass post reuniting after the hospital attack. Thank you so much, this was fun to write! Enjoy Tsubaki's weird headspace in this lol
Setsugekka: a snow white camellia cultivar with dark green, slightly matte foliage. Named for the Japanese expression of snow, moon, and flowers, embodying the three whites of the winter, autumn, and spring seasons. Satsuma Kurenai: as the name suggests, the bright red blooms of the kurenai camellia are approximately the size of a satsuma orange. Blooms show a small hint of yellow stamen, making it the true rose of winter Desire: A flashy and showy camellia which features large, up to four inch wide, double flowers in a formal style. Counting up to sixty petals, this pink to white camellia is sure to impress.
Black. White. Red.
Black. White. Red.
Black. White. Red.
The colors of the city at night, illuminated by his lanterns. The ethereal glow reflects off puddles, water, spilled beer, spilled stomachs, dancing on their surface in an eerie parade that would never be seen by mortal eye. Really, no matter how advanced humans became… The squalor of an inner city never changed. Trash. Forgotten, dirty corners. Forgotten, dirty people.
Thousands, at any given time, just out of sight. Abandoned. Betrayed.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Black. White. Red.
Black. White. Red.
Black. White. Red.
Black like bile. White like snow. Red like the camellia, which dies so gracefully. Without a single complaint. Without any inconvenient ugliness.
“I’m taking this city hostage.”
Black. White. Red. 
Black. White. Red.
Three figures.
A black apron. A white uniform. Red, red eyes, just like his own.
Immediately, his heart lifts.
Someone with a melancholy heart is speaking to him. Someone with a love like fresh snow is telling him something. Someone with hands stained is touching him.
He dislikes this man. But he can’t fault him.
“There! ☆”
What matters the most… Is that his family is safe.
What matters the most is that they’re alive.
“Shamrock won’t be coming. It’s alright, though. Don’t worry about him.”
“Let’s go.”
He’s no longer sure who is following who.
He does know this. He could give a thousand apologies, carefully folded in his mouth like cranes… And it wouldn’t be enough. For the risk he took. For what he put them through. For…
Belkia brushes shoulders with him, energetic and bouncy as ever, and the thought flees from his mind.
The guilt remains, but it gives him perspective. 
Black, white, red.
A single wish.
He wonders if that makes him selfish. 
“You’re quiet. It’s a problem.”
“Is it?”
Otogiri peers at him, sitting with her knees drawn to her chest, fingers wiggling between her bare toes. He really wishes she’d wear shoes more often. There’s too much broken glass around, not just here, in their temporary base as they await the coming of the red moon… But everywhere in Tokyo. Glass, nails, rust…
“You’re spacing out again. Tsubaki-san.”
Her voice, soft and mellow, cuts through his thoughts once more.
“Forgive me. I didn’t mean to zone out.”
“It’s not your fault.”
Without regard for decorum or room for him to posture, she pierces right to the heart of the matter of what had been plaguing him.
“I know that,” he lies even so, and immediately regrets it. She only continues to stare at him. She’s making an effort, he can tell. To hold his gaze. She’s not really one to look directly at others for long periods. Like Lilac, she prefers for attention to slip harmlessly past her, to direct it anywhere else but herself.
“Tsubaki-san is an idiot.” Super blunt!
She sighs and adjusts her position to rest her chin on her knees, one pale, doughy cheek squishing up and doing absolutely nothing to degrade the elegant beauty of her features. His heart aches for her and how far she’s come. “To us. It was more important for you to not go back to that place.” That place of black, and white, and red. “We knew we would be fine. We’re strong, after all.”
“... Yes. You all are.”
“Good. If you understand that… Then please stop pitying us. It’s a problem.”
“Haha… Of course.”
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Tsubaki stares blankly up at his second in command. Higan only continues to look down at him, one arm, the sleeve rolled up to reveal more muscle than you’d expect from an artsy type, and about as much hair as you’d guess for an Italian, pressed against the dirty concrete wall of their little dilapidated parking garage. There’s a quirk to his mouth that says he’s aching for a cigarette. It might be a strange thought, but…
“Was just thinking about how good it is that you were born after opium fell out of fashion.”
Higan coughs on a laugh, shoulders shaking, and Tsubaki watches, distantly hypnotized, as his red hair sways with his movements. It’s beautifully glossy, even in the dim light of flickering overheads, broken and sparking occasionally with their disuse. How he misses their home, not just for its creature comforts, but for the safety it gave, and the bright, warm tinged light of shaded bulbs which cast everything and everyone precious to him in their glow.
“Hoo boy. You really know how to catch this old man off guard, even now.” Higan pushes away and slides to sit next to him instead. Tsubaki can’t help but reach for that cascade, red as fire, and draw it into his lap, just to make sure it doesn’t touch the dirty floor.
Higan smiles and puts his arm around him in turn. “Glad to have you back again, Tsubaki-san.”
The silence is comfortable, and the love unspoken.
Belkia finds him shortly before dawn. Well. Find is a strong word. It’s not like he was particularly trying to hide. He wasn’t, really.
It’s just.
This particular corner was very comfortable. Yes. That was it.
“They took my goddamn glasses.” There’s such an exaggerated pout on Belkia’s face about that, he can’t help but crack a smile.
“That’s very rude. Don’t they have any respect at all?”
“Exactly! Who takes a guy’s glasses?! I’m not at aaaall like that Greed guy! I need these!”
They’d discussed, of course, the practicality of contact lenses, laser eye surgery, you know. Cosmetic things like that. And it was cosmetic, to Belkia at least, just like those see through braces had been (not Invisalign. Some other brand), because in the end it had all come down to style. Belkia simply liked his glasses. Said they gave him an air of intelligent mischief, which had made Tsubaki laugh so hard he’d cried because Bel, his Bel, had been pulling such a serious face with such a silly pose, like an idol or something, or maybe a daytime drama actor. It was, in a word, goofy.
The very same kind of look he was pulling now, actually, head turned every so slightly and eyes narrowed somewhere between a scowl and some attempt at a smoldering gaze.
“A great magician needs to maintain his iconic appearance.”
“PFFFT.” That was it. He was done for. A single line, in a dramatically gravelly voice, pushed him over the edge. Echoing off the walls around them and into the faint glimmer of the Tokyo sunrise, Tsubaki felt his guilt wash away like ash, melt like snow, doused like flames.
Truly, Belkia knew the best magic in the world.
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cloudypinkblink · 7 months
yo here is a fun headcanon i have that you might like
ex delinquent Sayuri, Satsuma knows about it and knows she can easily beat him up
masaru and chika are unaware about it and just think that their mom was in some kind of school club that involve fighting or something
This energized me for the day, so please have these doodles and a new AU/personal HC
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So this is the Sayuri ex-Deliquent thing; my personal little HC for it is that she and Satsuma are actually childhood friends (neighbors, probably) and that Sayuri and Suguru met in school, and clashed heads (a lot like our two beloved boys in the modern era....) (thie little chibis of the main trio represent their mirror for the back in time AU trio) Rentarou (calling him by first name feels sacrilegious, but it feels even weirder if I don't bc I refer to the other two by first name LMAO) does have a crush on Sayuri, but it's the type of thing that passes/is dealt with as they get older, bc he respects her and Suguru. He is very very much the one that kinda reigns them both in, but also gets dragged along. Suguru is a doctor, which is why he's being deligated Smartie Pants role; after all, Touma is a genius but also loves to box and isn't a weakling, so I figure Suguru is similar. Suyuri is very rambunctious; I think she's not only a regular delinquent, but definitely one of those girls that don't want to be looked down on for being a girl. So she likes to be tough and fight like the boys, and she doesn't take it well when someone (coughcough Suguru coughcough) criticizes her because he means well- the only person she kinda listens to is Rentarou, because he's her childhood friend. Suguru is fairly polite, actually; he's not an overly violent guy and while strong and athletic, has a more passive personality where he tries to solve things with words. It's Sayuri that later changes that mindset a bit, and gets him to enjoy and see the merits of talking with one's fists LMAO (so a good influence!). Rentarou comes from a strict, law enforcement family and he is under a lot of pressure to do good; his family isn't fond of Sayuri given her delinquency, but they're friends and there is no stopping that. He often feels more refreshed and encouraged after spending time with her, which is one of the reasons he develops a crush on her. Suguru and Sayuri try to avoid each other, and get into fights and arguments nearly any time they DO see each other- but then they keep getting into silly shenanigans (with poor Rentarou dragged along one way or another) I kinda want them to find out abt Digimon around this time, but I'll delve into it later.
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Sayuri is a little embarassed about her past? She was quite a bit worse than Masaru; yes he gets into street fights but he's also good about chores, caring for his sister and trying to do right by her- he doesn't skip as much school as she had, and usually she can find a valid reason why. Embarassment aside, she wasn't going to let Masaru tackle the world without knowing proper technique, and Suguru left too early to really teach him (but late enough to get him riled up, and you know Sayuri gave him an earful abt that when he came back LOL) She lets her kids believe whatever, not really ready to tell them she was a wild child herself. (Chika later finds out; Masaru does not and Chika is both excited she knows something Masaru doesn't know, but sad she can't share her findings, given they theorized about it) Sayuri of course chilled out and became softer as she got older, but it was mostly when she got her kids that she really calmed down. She wanted to be someone that they could tell mistakes to, who they could be honest with, etc etc., But when Masaru or Chika get out of line, there's a certain edge to her voice that definitely has their backs straightening. This is a really fun AU and I bet you weren't expecting me to want to delve into it but I 10/10 will. This is gripping me by the THROAT what have you DONE to me.
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sjrouka · 4 months
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Name: Rouka 楼花
{Play on Okura/Okra}
Gender: Female
Birth year: 739
Species: Saiya-Jin and Tsufuru-Jin hybrid
{75% SaiyaJin & 25% TsufuruJin}
Father: Renkon
Mother: Satsuma
Home world: Dojin
Alliance: Chaotic Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: Single {And staying as such}
Height: 165.1 cm {5'5"}
Weight: 54.31 kg {120 lbs}
Hair: Onyx, short & spiked
Eyes: a light azure
Distinguishing Features: Aside from the tail that most SaiyaJin descendants are born with, and her crystal blues, she has a rather defined scar across her right eye.
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Temperament: Rouka is an odd mix. Though she holds the typical traits one would expect of a SaiyaJin; proud, arrogant, moderately aggressive, short-tempered, strong willed and the love of a good fight; she also has the blood of a more docile and intellectual race coursing through her veins.
The TsufuruJin were a peaceful race, more rationally inclined than battle ready. Due to this contradictory disposition, Rouka herself is more calculated where her emotions are concerned. Though her darker impulses are bound to dominate her mind, she will tend to look into things more logically before simply reacting. Well, at least for the most part .. Occasionally, the more dominant attributes will prevail, depending on the situation at hand.
All in all, she is a rather feisty, yet sometimes devilishly spirited, persona. An amusing banter is always enjoyable, though she will typically assess her moves wisely.
°There are certain advantages to being the hybrid she is, but the conflicting aspects of herself can occasionally clash. Rouka willingly embraces certain aspects of her SaiyaJin nature, especially since it's the predominant blood coursing through her veins. But, her more passive psyche does cause hesitation from time to time, especially regarding situations when she should be more ruthless.
°Though she is primarily logical and vigilant in most situations, she can have a fairly short fuse. Gruf, volitile, spiteful, hostile and abrasive; these are all characteristics of herself that she does her best to control. Of course, there are situations in which those traits of herself overcome her resolve.
°Rouka wears the tail SaiyaJin descendants are born with proudly, but it can be a hindrance at times. Not only due to the particular extremities sensitivity, but also the rare occasion in which a slip of emotional control is revealed by even the most miniscule of reactions of her tail. Though a small flicker or such may go unnoticed by most, a more competent observer could use the small inconsistencies to read through a facade.
Signature Techniques:
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Spiritual Armor
Seishin-tekina Yoroi
Quite like the techniques name, its entire purpose is to use a concentrated amount of ki to encase her form within a protective barrier, shielding herself from the threat.
Dynamic Burst
This miniscule orb of energy is more devastating than it seems at first glance. Upon condensing a great deal of energy into the tiny sphere, she will release it carefully towards the foe. Upon piercing, its design is to erruupt the full of its power within the physique. This is typically used for the intent of administering a massive amount of damage to any given area.
Power Siphon
A rather unique assault, this technique starts with what appears to be a rather simple orb of energy propelled towards her foe of choice. Though, instead of dealing damage in the typical manner, it latches itself onto the target of choice, disrupting and manipulating ones aura to ultimately leech and absorb. In doing so, as their life force begins to weaken, the original orb will effectively increase and grow in power until consuming its victim within the amplifled inferno of the combined ki.
Vortex Blitz
This ability begins with Rouka gathering a sufficient amount of ki above her, shifting its force cylendrically until it forms a rather intense maelstrom of energy. When she finds it to be a sufficient amount of force and power, she will launch it forth towards the object of choice, expectantly entangling them amidst the whirlwind of power. Intended to be both disorienting and agonizing while the swirling energy encompasses their being.
Plasma Storm
Purazuma Arashi
Amassing her ki into a nebule of powerful energy, Rouka awaits this emanation to reach the proper intensity. This nimbus like collection of ki will begin to gradually dissipate into smaller waves of power, raining down in the vicinity of the desired recipient.
Dynamic Wave
Dainamikkuna Nami
This collection of force is a stream of ki expelled towards a target (Much like that of say the Kamehameha or Galick Gun). The intensity of which is greatly decided on the amount of power she feels like pushing into it
Serpents Coil
Hebi Toguro
This technique is one she can have some fun with if she so pleased. Simply put, tendrils of ki eminate from her palm towards the object of her choosing, encircling an area with precision and focus. Now the vigor behind the coils depends on her and the connection she retains to them.
Each serpent like cord of power is connected to an aura affixed to her for command. Whether she decides to retain control with a mere finger or two, her hand, or even tethered down the length of her arm; it all determines the strength of the bond, not to mention how much energy she sends pulsing through them.
In essence; the connection could feel as tender and docile as a piece of string, or as formidable as the strongest binding with a river of powerful current coursing through them.
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Before the start of the SaiyaJin and TsufuruJin civil war of 720 on Planet Plant (Known to most as Planet Vegeta by year 730), The TsufuruJin and SaiyaJin cohabitated their shared world civilly. Each species tended to stay within their own domains, almost dismissing the others presence all together if they could. But by chance, as can happen often with any civilization that live in fairly close proximity to one another, there were a small populace of the two very different beings that found the race more favorable than most. Comaraderies were formed, each group assisting the others in the areas they waned. Occasionally, even, a more passionate companionship arose, though fairly uncommon in the beginning.
By year 718, rumors had begun to arrise of a particular SaiyaJin rising amongst the ranks of the tribes. A primal and domineering man that was gaining favor amongst the tribes, all while professing his animosity towards the TsufuruJins and their claimed condescending and disdain towards the people that came to their planet all those years ago. Talk had started concerning an eventual battle, a chance for the SaiyaJin to overthrow those who who they were convinced found them inferior. Of course, some weary of annihilation and others determined to preserve their way of life, a plan to abscond their home for a place of their own to thrive was made.
The following year they were all gone, fairly unbeknownst to the planet they left behind. The peculiar group of allies settling on a world far from Plant and the destruction that would come. The new world was harsh and unforgiving at first. Each party offering their prowess to better the terrene. It wasn't long before they were able to thrive and grow as a new civilization on the world they would name Dojin.
Rouka was born on this world, her father a man of pure SaiyaJin descent and her mother a halfbreed between both lineage. It was a tranquil existence; her father training her in the ways of old, and her mother focusing her instructions on the enlightened ways of the TsufuruJins. She excelled in her training, eventually becoming one of the more revered combatants of the new generation. Little did she know everything she knew and adored would soon come to a close.
By the year 750, at the mere age of 11, Lord Kura's (Cooler's) forces stumbled upon Planet Dojin by chance. Intrigued by the mixture of intellect, brute strength and battle savy. Those deemed worthy in his mind were subjugated into his forces; primarily the more adept of the younger generation, precieving them to be the easiest to mold. Rouka was one of the few to be amassed, torn away from her kin amid annihilation and chaos. Like so many others, her parents rallied against the alien forces in vein. The young girls last memories of her parents while she struggled to abscond herself from the warriors clutches, their gruesome slaughter as they fought to protect her.
For years she begrudgingly did what she must to survive.. Endless training, conflicts, crusades; whatever skirmish Kura commanded her to conduct. If ever her emotions caused her to falter or rebel, she would be tortured into allegiant compliance. Until, that is, the year 765 when she heard of his supposed demise.
Finally able to escape her constraints, she ventured forth in search of a new chapter of her life. Her one irrefutable resolution; she must check out this Planet Earth, and the warriors who subdued her tyrannical captor
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haveyoureadthispoll · 7 months
'My name is Gary. I’m a thirty-year-old legal assistant with a firm of solicitors in London. To describe me as anonymous would be unfair but to notice me other than in passing would be a rarity. I did make a good connection with a girl, but that blew up in my face and smacked my arse with a fish slice.' Gary Thorn goes for a pint with a work acquaintance called Brendan. When Brendan leaves early, Gary meets a girl in the pub. He doesn’t catch her name, but falls for her anyway. When she suddenly disappears without saying goodbye, all Gary has to remember her by is the book she was reading: The Satsuma Complex. But when Brendan goes missing, Gary needs to track down the girl he now calls Satsuma to get some answers. And so begins Gary’s quest, through the estates and pie shops of South London, to finally bring some love and excitement into his unremarkable life…
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book-girl4evaaa · 3 months
hi bea! i hope you’ve had a lovely day and had breakfast <3 if you didn’t what are you doing go eat
i just wanted to tell you that when i first saw your blog, i got super ridiculously excited because my favorite oc is called bea so. yeah. i really love her and some nicknames i gave her is like “bea-bug” or just “bug” because this girl loves bugs sm she knows waayyyy too many facts about them
have a good day and ily
sorry for taking so long to answer this I put it in drafts lol
I had a nice satsuma for breakfast which was good!
OMG SHE SOUNDS SO CUTE I LOVE HER ALREADY!!! I get the blurting facts that's so me, but space and physics are more my domain lol
It's so cool I chose the same name as your oc!
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byoldervine · 3 months
Character Info - Mullo Cantor
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General Info
Name: Mullo Cantor
• Prince of Tyrion (title)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unexplored
Species: Celestial Tyrion
Place Of Birth: Cantor Palace, Tyrion
Current Home: Cantor Palace, Tyrion
Mullo has curly brown hair that he styles with product and has amber eyes. His face is rather scarred from backfired spells that he lost control over. He likes to wear sharp, smart clothing to emulate his father
Mullo is rather cold and standoffish at times, believing himself better than others due to his status as the only prince of Tyrion. He is very much his father’s son in that he’s a perfectionist, but he lacks the patience to turn theory into practice, believing that knowing logically how to do something should equate into instant mastery. He can grow frustrated and verbally lash out when faced with a learning curve. However, he’s also intelligent and stubbornly persistent, with determination unrivalled by any of his peers
• Showing off
• Being productive
• Satsumas
• Lazy days
• Not getting something right first time
• His scars
Known Abilities
• Flight - Like all Tyrions, Mullo is able to fly using his retractable wings
• Illusions - Like all Tyrions, Mullo is able to cast mirage illusions, and is working to learn holographic illusions but has yet to master the skill
• Mullo also has limited experience with glyph magic and is able to draw most of the glyphs from memory. However, he is not yet trained to wield them
• Aegis Cantor (father)
• Anessa Cantor (older sister)
• Lazulai Cantor (older sister)
• Sy Cantor (older sibling)
• Corrus Acaron (business acquaintances)
• Clay Acaron (business acquaintances)
• Ellegaarde (teacher)
• Persephone Foster (TA, sibling’s friend)
As both the youngest child of Aegis Cantor and his only son, Mullo believes that his father wanted to keep trying for a son, and as such he believes that he’s Aegis’ favourite child. Aegis would always bring Mullo to Nexus with him for business meetings with Corrus, and through this Mullo has met Clay, the only other son of a god within the four realms and the only godly child outside of his own family. Mullo wanted badly to impress Clay, though Clay doesn’t have much interest in him and honestly finds him annoying
Mullo additionally cares deeply about impressing his father and keeping his favour and attention. He’s taken on a lot of hobbies in the past to try and prove his worth, leading him to seek constant productivity and feeling lazy when he’s not doing something. He always makes sure to finish his first project, usually out of sheer stubbornness more than anything, but after that many hobbies get discarded due to their difficulty. For the most part he studies the laws and cultural practices of the different realms, which he believes will boost his chances of Aegis giving him the throne over Anessa as he believes he could be a better king and deserves it over her as the only son
When he’s between hobbies or can’t find anything else to do, Mullo takes a class or two at the Ampitheatre to study glyph magic under Ellegaarde. He secretly enjoys going due to Ellegaarde’s encouragement and praise, but he’d never admit to it. However, he doesn’t enjoy the theory lessons since he already has a technical understanding of glyph magic, so he only attends practicals - often resulting in the magic backfiring and causing harm to himself or others. Aegis has had to pay for damages many times due to Mullo’s incidents. Mullo’s scars are mostly from these events. He also hates that this means Persephone often hovers close by when he’s got a spell tag of any kind to ensure that he doesn’t have any problems. Unfortunately for him, her lingering often causes him to try and show off just how competent he is… which, again, backfires
Fun Facts
• Mullo doesn’t know that Sy is non-binary, he just thinks that they use Sy as a nickname. It caused Sy a great deal of stress when he first started calling them that, thinking someone had outed them to him and that he might tell Aegis
• Mullo, despite believing himself to be the favourite child, is more so the problem child in the eyes of his siblings due to his rudeness and lashing out. At times they can all get along, but in general he can be difficult to spend time with, especially when Sy gets to see their brother crashing the Ampitheatre and causing frequent problems for Ellegaarde and Persephone
• Mullo once found Sy and Lazulai playing a game together and learned it was called Minecraft. He played religiously for a year before he found out it was a human game that Sy had learned about from Persephone, at which point he swore to never play again… though he still does in secret
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xie-xie-xie · 1 year
My season three predictions:
Tragedy strikes in the first episode. While many fans believe Simon’s fish are goldfish (which can live decades), they are actually mollies, which live only 3-5 years.
Because Simon had been forced to move into Wille’s room at Hillerska to keep the paparazzi at bay, Linda had been faithfully feeding and caring for his beloved fish.
When the first fish died she thought she’d just quietly buy a new molly for Simon and not tell him, but when she asked Sara’s opinion, she said Simon could actually tell the fish apart even though no one else could.
Simon was getting a book in the library during workies and had left his phone on the table. When Wille saw it was Linda he picked it up, and she told him that one of the fish had died. He asked which one, and Linda said, “The orange one.”
Wille sighed and said he’d tell Simon.
Simon of course was plunged into a torment of grief and guilt, so Wille got Malin and his other bodyguard, interestingly also named Oski, to drive them to Simon’s house. The bodyguards forced their way though the crowds of paparazzi and royal watchers, and Simon broke down when he saw the tiny lifeless body of Felle.
Even worse, as he looked into the tank, he saw that Oski - sweet dear Oski - was just then going belly up. The tears trembled on his long dark lashes as Wille wrapped comforting arms around him. “I should have been here…” Simon choked.
Linda put her hand on his shoulder. “Simón, por favor, no te culpes. It was Felle and Oski’s time.”
Simon dropped to his knees, fingers splayed on the glass of the tank, face anguished. “Will Olle and Satsuma be next?” (This is the first time we learn that the extremely shy fourth fish is named Satsuma.)
Of course Olle and Satsuma were next. Simon blames himself for letting his love for Wille distract him from his pets, and tells the Crown Prince he needs time alone to think. Reluctantly Wille goes back to Hillerska, leaving Simon with Linda to bury Olle, Oski, Felle, and Satsuma. As he was driven away, he could hear Simon’s beautiful voice singing a lamentation.
In episode two, we see that Sara is curled up in the stall with Rousseau, who was delivered to Hillerska without any notice or warning. Because the horse boarding fees are more than her grant will cover, Sara had to give up her room in the Manor House and sleep in the stable with Rousseau.
Full of self-hatred for how she hurt her brother by sleeping with August and helping him escape criminal prosecution for what he did to Wille and Simon, she doesn’t tell anyone where she’s living. Since everyone is angry at her and no one is speaking to her, her schoolmates assume she’s sleeping at home and her family thinks she’s still in the dorm.
The day after the fish funeral Wille is walking around the grounds with his earbuds in listening to sad songs of the sea in honor of Olle, Oski, Felle, and Satsuma, frightened that Simon will break up with him out of guilt.
He passes by the stable and sees Sara asleep in the hay. Shocked, he calls Minou and asks her to find out what’s going on.
Later that day, Minou calls him back and tells him what happened. Wille, who is a member of the second wealthiest royal family in Europe after only the Windsors, has literal vaults of money, just like Harry Potter. So he pays Rousseau’s board for the entire time until Sara graduates.
Felice finds out that Wille did this when Sara returns to the cupboard under the stairs at Manor House. She confronts Simon, who is still blaming his relationship with Wille for the deaths of his pets, and the curly-haired singer realizes that even though he has been avoiding Wille, the Crown Prince still cared about Simon’s sister enough to spend one one-millionth of his fortune on her horse’s expenses.
He hurtles himself into Wille’s arms in the dining hall, smothering the prince’s face with kisses.
And they live happily ever after. The end.
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pitayas-plushies · 8 months
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On the topic of orange related names, this is Suma, short for Satsuma! She loves sweets but especially fruity flavours :) although she has a habit of eating too much at once and needing to sleep it off for a long time :'(
Today she's hanging out with her friend Melon (short for Melonie) and they're discussing the joys of names based on foods and they wanted to say hi bc they love your blog and seeing ur adventures with ur friends every day! 👋😁
Awww !!! i love your friends ! theyre so cute and im glad that they love my blog :)) ! i love that i and my friends can make others happy with silly little posts of everyday friendly capy-ism :DD !! i created this blog to do just that !!
fun fact - i never really knew what to call myself, that is until i was misspronounced as being a “cucumber” and it stuck with me because of how funny and cute it was !!
you can never go wrong with fruity names !!
(funfact #2 op here even has a fruit-based online name as well ! “pitaya” which is the name of a pink fruit !!)
also make sure to give Suma & Melon a BIG hug from your friendly neighborhood capy ! 💕💕
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areseebee · 1 year
29. put me down 💕
enclosed is the loosest possible adaptation of this prompt. this is a where's waldo version - see if you can spot where i incorporated the phrase.
and, for context: there's a mention of an OC, liam, erin's now ex-boyfriend at this point in the timeline. this is set a year after the next chapter of someday that hasn't yet been posted so...enjoy a teeny preview of what's to come, i guess!
[in reference to this derry girls writing ask game that i reblogged yesterday]
Erin had been feeling up aubergines when she spotted the two of them across the produce section, sniffing the satsumas. Later she wondered if it had been the sparkle of the ginormous ring on whats-her-name's finger that drew Erin's eye to Liam and his fiancée. It'd been nearly blinding under the market fluorescents.
"That's gorgeous," Erin had politely cooed over the ring before meeting Liam's eye and giving him a very genuine, "Congratulations. I'm so happy for you." 
He had been so pleased with her, she could tell. She was pleasantly surprised that it still meant something to her, to have Liam pleased with her. Liam was good; he made Erin feel good, even when she didn't deserve it. She'd forgotten how nice that had been. But even so – she didn't wish it was her with the ring on her finger.
"Seriously, Michelle. I don't even care. I'm happy for them," Erin said, her mobile wedged between her shoulder and her ear as she put the produce away in her flat a half hour later.
"Please," Michelle scoffed through the phone. "You don't even know how you feel yet.”
"I think I know how I feel.”
“It’s only been a year since you broke up. Did he leave your flat and find the first girl on the street or something? I'm coming over —”
"Michelle —”
"Get ready. Get hot —”
"Jesus stop it, I'm fine —”
"We're going out."
"This is not why I called you."
"Be there in 10.”
And that’s how Erin had ended up, wobbly-legged from too many pink cocktails — or maybe the high fucking heels Michelle had insisted she wear — outside the bar, menthol in hand, while she tried not to listen to Michelle’s late-night phone conversation with her cousin. 
One minute it had been Michelle loudly exclaiming, “Her boyfriend just got engaged, want to help cheer her up?” to the nice looking group of lads who she’d accidentally kept catching eyes with and the next it was Michelle saying, “Who’s calling at this — oh it’s James. Want to go outside for a smoke?”
Michelle had been bickering with him about something for the past five minutes when she’d finally huffed — “I don’t have time for this. I’ve had to piss for an hour. Here — talk to Erin.” And the phone was summarily shoved into Erin’s hands.
Erin stared dumbly down at the phone. The transparent pink case that Michelle had carefully snapped onto the phone, only then to promptly drop it, cracking it, and the wee rainbow phone charm that dangled off the side looked suddenly garish, foreboding.
Erin and James talked. Sort of. They’d given it a couple of half-hearted tries since the year prior. The year prior they’d talked all the time. They’d talked so much she’d even gone and visited him, just her, when he’d been living in Los Angeles.
She’d remembered the relief she’d felt when he’d invited her and she’d accepted — they could still do this. This was going to be fine. This was going to be great.
Well — she’d fucked that up, too.
No wonder James was always dating someone new. Travelling in a foreign place could do a real number on your head; could make everything feel so far away; could make so many things seem possible. And then, before you knew it, you were happily letting yourself be pulled on top of someone on their second-hand sofa and they were peeling your clothes off you. 
It happened. She wished it hadn’t happened with him. It’d been a year and only a few minutes of conversation since and Erin was pretty sure they were totally done for now. There was no coming back.
She held the phone up slowly to her ear and finally said, “Um. Hi! How’s it going?”
“Erin? Hey,” his tinny voice sounded through the phone. “How – things are good? You’re good?”
“Aye. I’m good. And you?”
“Yeah. I’m good.”
“Good,” she answered. God. She let her heel grind in the crease of the worn paving bricks under her feet and took a quick, anxious drag.
“Sooo —” she heard his vowels drag out over the line. “It’s — what, it’s a Tuesday? Why are you out so late? It’s late right?”
She laughed. “Aye, it’s late. Too late. Um — well. I ran into Liam today. At the store. By the satsumas. And I met his fiancée. So. Michelle insisted on taking me out.”
James was quiet for a long moment before he said, sounding incredulous, “His fiancée?”
“Aye. She seemed…nice. I don’t know her.”
“It’s been…what, a year?”
“Aye,” Erin said. The word set an edge inside of her. She didn’t want to talk about a year ago. Not right now. Not with James. 
“He moves fast.”
“Yeah. Well. He always knew what he wanted,” Erin said, grinding her heel even deeper into the pavement. Michelle was going to straight up murder her if she ruined them, but Erin couldn’t help it. “And I got a lot of free drinks tonight. So. Guess we both won.”
James huffed out a laugh. “Oh definitely.”
“I’m ready to go home though. Once Michelle gets back. She made me put on this dress. Like — remember eleventh year with the Stars in Their Eyes shite? I actually thought — well it’s like your Posh Spice dress but…short. Can’t do anything in it but stand. It’s a fucking nightmare. Don’t know how she wears stuff like this.”
“Oh. Uh. Yeah. I could see how that would be…uncomfortable,” he said haltingly. And then, “I’m sure you look nice though.”
She felt a flush wash out across her cheeks. This was not what she’d meant for him to say. Stupid. Had he thought that’s what she wanted him to say? God.
“Um. Well. There were the free drinks. So maybe.”
He was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat and said, “Well. That’s great. Cost savings right there.”
She nodded, and then remembered he couldn’t hear her nod and said instead, “You think Michelle fell in?”
“The toilet. She’s taking so long.”
“She is definitely not still in the toilet,” he snorted. “You’re gonna go inside, and she’s going to be chatting someone up, and you’ll wonder why the fuck you stood outside waiting for her for so long when you just wanted to find somewhere that would sell you a kebab, and you could have done it an hour ago when the kebab place was still open.”
“That’s — well, a kebab sounds good, but that’s…specific.”
“Personal experience,” he muttered.
“You shouldn’t have waited for so long. You should have gotten your kebab.”
“What can I say? When I say I'll do something, I do it. That includes waiting for people when I say I will,” he said. Erin’s stomach did a little flip. “And I at least think I’ve earned a kebab for it.”
Erin let out a breathy laugh. “Aye. You have. Your kebab, on me. Next time I see you.”
“Good,” he said, sounding earnest. “Good. I — I was thinking of visiting for Christmas this year. If I can. Maybe I could claim my kebab then? If you were ok with it?”
“You don’t need my permission to claim your kebab,” she said, but felt diffuse warmth in her limbs at the idea. Finally. He hadn’t been back for ages. Finally.
“Just didn’t want to spring it on you.”
“You can spring it on me anytime,” she replied easily. “Oh. Er. Your visits home, I mean.”
“Right. Right, no I know what you mean,” he answered just as quickly. “Um. So — who’s this fiancée of Liam’s?”
“Oh. Um. Laura? Laura something? MacConnell? MacDermott? I forget. I was too blinded by the giant rock on her finger to catch it.”
“That big?”
“Huge. Ugly. I want to know if he picked it out. Because — you know — bullet dodged. If so.”
“Right. Right. You’d want something simple, probably. But pretty.”
“Aye,” Erin all but breathed out. “That’s — that’s what I’d want.”
“MacDermott you said? Belfast, right?”
“I think I found her.”
“Found her – ?”
“I looked her up. On Facebook.”
“On — James. What —”
“Red hair?”
“Yes, but —”
“Works for Queens it says. Does she work for Queens?”
“We didn’t get that far —”
“Oh God.”
“I…may have accidentally poked her.”
“You what? James!”
“It might not even be her! It could be a totally different Laura MacDermott who lives in Belfast and has red hair and —”
“Unpoke her, James!”
“Hold on, gonna put you down for a sec.” Erin heard a clatter �� presumably James clumsily dropping his phone on the nearest surface. Then, she heard another distant, “Oh God.”
“James, pick the phone back up right now.”
She waited with bated breath, both heels grinding into the ground below her. After what felt like minutes, he picked it up again. 
“Um. So. In my endeavour to unpoke, I may have — accidentally, it was an accident — sent her a friend request.”
“What is wrong with you? You need to be banned from the internet. From — from life. We can’t be friends anymore, I’m sorry. Irresponsible. Totally irresponsible.”
“To be fair to me, I’m actually quite good with technology! Just — just cameras are a different kind of thing, Erin.”
“Clearly. A camera is just buttons and shit and — you can’t just push any old button on a computer, James.”
“Well it usually is fine, right?”
“I don’t even know what to say. Kebab rescinded. No more kebabs.”
“Hey! I — well I can still come back, right? For Christmas? I already know what I’m getting you and —”
She perked up immediately, Laura MacDermott forgotten. “You do? What is it?”
“Well I can’t tell you —”
“Sure you can.”
“This is just like you —”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t tell me you’ve gotten me a gift six months before I get to receive it!”
“You’ll just have to wait and see. Anticipation. Delayed gratification.”
Erin rolled her eyes. She wished he could hear that through the phone. “Don’t be stupid.”
“Otherwise you won’t want to see me.”
“Don’t be stupid,” she repeated.
“I know you like a good gift.”
“I’ll tell you what’s a good gift: coming home a little more –”
“You’re still out here?” Michelle said, barrelling around the corner and stopping short at Erin leaning back against the wall of the bar behind her. “You’ll never believe who I just met inside – a total ride. He says he likes blondes. Come on.”
Erin indicated to the phone in her hand and hissed, “I’m still talking to James.”
“We’re busy, dicko! Erin has to find someone to go home with,” Michelle called jovially into the phone that Erin was still clutching to her ear.
“Oh! Uh –” Erin could hear James stammer through the phone.
“I’m sorry,” she said, trying to infuse true apology into just the two words all while gesturing at Michelle to just wait, just one second. “I – yeah, I should go. But. Just — call me ok? Call me more often. I want to hear from you, I want to talk, I want — I want to be friends. Ok? Promise? Call me.”
“Um. Yeah. I promise. I will. If you want me to,” he said.
“I want you to,” she answered.
The day after next, he called.
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cursedalthoughts · 2 years
PR6 PREDICTIONS - Northern Parliament
Honestly, I am surprised it took us until PR5 to get any Northern Parliament PR. Wargaming does love their imaginary Soviet warships, and they notoriously love shoving them all around the place; so I genuinely expected them to arrive at AL earlier. But no, the first one was Chkalov.
They have a lot of choices, some of them redundant, some of them would make some of their existing ships redundant, and some of them original. I am not going to speculate on which ones could be PR or DR because it's always a 50/50 chance with these.
As always: I would not bet on any of these. These are just the ones I believe to be likely to be added, if we ever get another Northern Parliament PR.
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A fast battlecruiser with a surprisingly shitty main armament arrangement, and even more awful secondary gun layout.
Borodino has 2 triple 406mm turrets that are almost identical to those found on the Soyuz. She also has 2 dual 180mm turrets on the back. That's it. She's weak when it comes to firepower.
However, where Borodino excells is at bow-tanking (this will be a theme for all Soviet battleships btw). With some clever island cover and angling, you can tank pretty much all damage thrown at you.
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Borodino, but better, and funnier.
Her turrets (and her rifles) aren't as advanced as Soyuz, they are Vladivostok-type, meaning they are less accurate and the shells are slower. And her side armor is good on paper, but bad on practice.
With her 3 triple 406mm on the front, however (and the middle one being able to rotate 360º), she can fire her 9 very hard hitting shells in a very tight grouping (meaning, with very little dispersion).
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A larger Soyuz with a ludicrous main gun range and an even more insane almost laser-accurate dispersion.
This thing is a sniper. She puts Champagne or Yamato to shame, in my opinion only Satsuma (a Superbattleship variant of the Yamato) is better.
Unlike Kremlin, she has 406mm, but that hardly matters when these guns hit 90% of the time compared to 60% of the time Kremlin fires.
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The less accurate half-sister of Slava.
However, she has 457mm guns instead of 406mm. That's more considerable.
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A large cruiser notorious for having 220mm guns that hit as hard as Bismarck's 380mm guns (because she is Very Balanced, yes. Balansk). Petropavlovsk is a fast large cruiser with turrets that can all rotate 360º, with radar and hydroacoustic search, that can and will fuck you up if she fires at you.
Oh, btw, get ready for a lot of Soviet supercruisers.
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"But we already got Sebastopol?"
Yeah. Maybe they could add her with a different name, but now she's Sevastopol.
A half-sister of the Kronshtdadt that replaces her 305mm guns with actual, legit German dual 380mm guns. And funnily enough, this ship is more historically accurate than Kronshtdadt (at least from what I've seen). Honestly, I don't know if we could get her as a PR; maybe a gacha UR with a different name due to how historically accurate she is, but I would love a PR version of her due to her gimmick.
She's a zombie ship. She can heal around 50% of all the damage she takes.
Normally, only damage caused by HE can be mostly healed in WoWs, with AP damage being more severe and permanent. Sevastopol works differently, she can heal almost all damage of all types; but her heal ability is very contrived and has to be utilized properly lest it gets wasted, as she only has 2 charges and the heal lasts, like, a minute or two (can't remember). Normal heals last 30, maybe 40 seconds.
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The Ultimate Cruiser Spanker.
The Stalingrad is yet another large cruiser. This one is also surprisingly historically accurate.
She excells at removing enemy cruisers from the map. Her AP hits incredibly hard and has flat shell arcs, meaning it can find the citadel of close-range ships very easily (something American ships don't tend to have).
She has the usual suite of radar + hydro + good AA.
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An HE spamming light cruiser that isn't very good at HE spamming.
She has 4 dual 152mm turrets. Her shells are nice and she reloads somewhat quickly, but she only has 8 cannons. Mainz has 12 and takes less than one more second to reload (and has more range). The only good thing about her is the usual Soviet combo of radar + hydro, but honestly, she's irremarkable. Even if I love her.
She would be somewhat similar to Chapayev, but better.
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A sneaky Soviet destroyer oriented towards smokescreens, hiding and setting fires.
I don't play destroyers. I don't know what to say, but I would love her in AL.
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