#herbal tattoo
theonlineslag · 5 months
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Hey there I'm Luna Jay! Welcome to this page. I hope you enjoy it! Here's a little about me 🙂
PA 📍
I have 5 cats and a puppy. I am very enthusiastic about herbal medicine and I'm a plant junkie. My favorite thing to do is try to rescue the plants from the clearance rack lol. I've been in SW for about a decade and I offer an array of services because of it. My favorite thing is to ship wearables and make custom films. Creating content and connecting with people is my passion 🖤 I love to try out new kinks but right now most of my custom orders involve smoking. In my spare time I like to read dark romance (the darker the better), marketing and branding books. I also listen to podcasts quite frequently. I have quite a bit of tattoos and piercings and am always excited when I go get more! All my links are in my bio. 💋
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unofficialchronicle · 2 months
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The Book of Herbal Wisdom, Mathew Wood. p. 472.
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andreawritesit · 4 months
Everytime I remember what happened to poor Mike in Attack on Titan, I die inside.
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~ Autumn - I ~ Wow, finally a moment to add some more art onto here. Me and @nattravn-art decided to have fun and draw some cottage core inspired autumn fashion for our table top oc’s. First out was my girl Haruka together with Sticky (Pathologic).
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hightaled · 2 months
white rabbit milk candy perfume...
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cirrus-grey · 4 months
TMA Gerry, dressed in head-to-toe black, with died black hair and tattoos, gaunt as a skeleton, smoking a cigarette: Who're you?
TMAGP Gerry, dressed in bright colors, with natural hair and no tattoos, plump-cheeked, drinking herbal tea: I'm you, but traumatized differently.
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finelinefae · 2 months
sick bug [tattooH x innocenty/n]
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synopsis: y/n works too hard and harry just wants her to be okay
word count: 3.5k
contains: fluff
a/n: hope u enjoy the first of many blurbs for flower !!
. . .
Y/N never ever, ever gets sick.
Ever since she was a little girl she had always had a strong immune system and even when she had the slightest hint of a cold, she’d gulp down a few pills and get on with her day. 
It was a trait within her family to never let anything stop you from working, not even a sick bug. She distinctly remembers the first and only time she had caught something during high school. She had been one of the last people to catch a bug that had been travelling around groups of students and it just so happened to be during exam season. 
Despite the hammering headache and the constant shivers, she went straight to school to complete her exams after her mother had given her herbal medicine she couldn’t seem to name- that she believed had some kind of magical healing properties- and a packet of ibuprofen. 
Now that she ran a flower shop most days of the week, getting sick was a total inconvenience. There was always too much to do and not enough days in the week, so getting sick would just be a waste of time that could be used to get things done.
That’s what she kept telling herself, over and over, as she blew her nose into a tissue for the third time in the last ten minutes and swallowed two headache pills to ease the throbbing in her skull. 
She was arranging flowers into vases as customers wandered around the shop. Her eyes could barely focus on the flowers she was cutting and arranging; she was constantly taking them all out and starting again. What was meant to be four vases of perfectly arranged flowers, was only one. 
She was uncomfortably warm. Even though she had layered herself with three jumpers, she did so only because there were moments when she would suddenly feel cold and shivery. The heating was constantly up and down despite the fact it was the beginning of spring. 
This was another reason she couldn’t allow herself to get rest. Spring was the busiest season, flowers were beginning to bloom and people were rushing to buy new flowers for the season to decorate with or send to loved ones. 
There was just too much all at once and being sick was not allowed.
The morning had gone by in a blur - literally. Y/N couldn’t seem to remember who walked in and out of the shop too busy thinking about not throwing up every five minutes. It seemed the only person who could gain her attention as he walked past the shop window, was her tattooed boyfriend next door. 
She quickly pulled out her purse and took out a pressed powder to powder her nose with, hoping it would hide the redness of it. She stretched her cheeks and forced the biggest smile she possibly could when the bell rang and Harry stepped in through the door. 
In his hand, he had her bento lunchbox that he had prepared for her the night before like he always did because she seemingly always forgot to eat whenever she worked. “Hi flower,” His voice was like warm soup that soothed her belly. 
“Hi Harry,” She walked into his arms and nuzzled her face into his soft, fuzzy sweatshirt. He smelt like pine and ink and all the things she loved that made her feel warm and cosy. Her arms wrapped around his middle as her eyes fluttered shut, she could have drifted off as his hands pressed against her back, playing with the ends of her hair. 
“Y’ tired sweet girl?” He murmured, “Working so hard?” 
Y/N squeezed him tighter, wanting to mould herself into him so she’d never have to leave the comfort of his warmth, “Not really,” She lied, finally looking up at him. 
Harry held her face in his hands and brushed the pad of his thumb along her cheekbone, “Remember we’re going out tonight so don’t work too much,” He warned her, knowing she was prone to working herself too hard and passing out once they stepped into his or her apartment. 
Y/N’s stomach plummeted. She’d completely forgotten that Harry had asked her to come with him to a birthday dinner down at a bar that evening. She had made a mental note earlier in the week to pick out an outfit but had completely forgotten about the entire thing. She felt awful especially since Harry had been looking forward to introducing her to some of his friends and just spending time together in general. It was all the more reason why she had to hide her sickness, just until the end of the night. 
“I won’t,” She forced a smile, “For the rest of the day I’ll sit right here and won’t move a muscle,” 
Harry chuckled, “Yeah? Sit there and look pretty? Tha’s not so hard for you m’love,” His lips pressed against her forehead. She hoped he couldn’t feel how warm she was. “C’mon flower, made y’ favourite for lunch.” 
By the end of the day, Y/N had hoped she'd feel a bit better, enough to join dinner at least, but she felt even worse than she did in the morning. 
Her movements were slow as she closed the shop for another day, trying not to move so much or she’d feel her stomach turn. The mere idea of going out, let alone eating something with her upset stomach, made her feel queasy but she’d push through for Harry. 
She had little energy to tidy everything completely so she pushed it all to one side and switched the lights off before locking up. Harry wouldn’t be finished with work for another hour which gave her some time to pick out an outfit before the dinner party. 
With laboured breaths, she ascended the steps to her apartment, each step feeling heavier than the last, until finally, she reached her front door and pushed it open. Marshall rubbed against her leg as she tried to kick her shoes off of her aching feet, “Hi Marshy,” She mumbled, stumbling over to her bedroom and straight to her wardrobe. 
She plucked a few things off of the hangers, none of them matched or looked fancy enough for dinner, but she wanted something comfortable. Her eyes glanced at her bed as she held the dresses up before the mirror. It looked so inviting, all made up and cosy. She'd been longing for a nap all day and maybe if she took one now she’d gain some of her energy back for dinner. 
With a sigh, Y/N dropped the clothes on the floor and succumbed to the temptation of her bed. She pulled out her phone and set a timer for twenty minutes, knowing Harry wouldn’t be back before then. 
As she slipped under the covers, the warmth and comfort of her bed enveloped her. It was what she had been seeking all day - to cocoon herself in blankets and fall asleep so she didn’t have to deal with being sick. Her eyes fluttered shut and it wasn’t long before she drifted off into a much-needed nap, hoping it would ease the discomfort she had been feeling all day.
. . .
“Flower,” His voice was in her dreams, “Can y’ wake up f’ me a sec?” 
Y/N frowned, feeling something cool and damp pressed against her forehead. Soft kisses press against her exposed arm, “Harry?” She mumbled, her eyes slowly opening only to realise she wasn’t dreaming of him at all.
He was right there in front of her, sitting on the edge of her bed and pressing a damp cloth against her forehead. “There’s m’ pretty girl,” He cooed. 
“You’re here,” She sighed, her eyes groggy from sleep and her head heavy against her pillow. She reached for the hand that wasn’t holding the cloth, clutching it to her chest. 
“M here, lovie,” He sighed, “I wish y’ would have told me y’ weren’t feeling good.” 
“I’m fine,” Y/N lies, her eyes falling shut again to block out the light in the room. 
“Y sure about that flower? Found you up here passed out when I came to pick y’ up for dinner,” The word seemed to trigger Y/N’s memory as she shot up in bed, ignoring the pulsing of her head and the way the room spun. 
“The dinner! Harry, we can still go, I set an alarm and we still have time, I made sure of it.” Her head whipped in the direction of the clothes she had left on the floor. 
Two hands curled around her wrists to pull her attention away from the thoughts that were whirring in her mind, “Baby,” He murmured, “The dinner started an hour ago. I told them we couldn’t go as soon as I found you lying here all feverish.”
Y/N’s lips parted, registering his words as he waited patiently for her to respond. Suddenly, her eyes burned until tears began falling from them, rolling down her cheeks. Harry’s eyes widened, cupping her face in his hands and wiping away her tears before they could even fall onto the duvet. “I-I’m sorry Harry,” She cried, “I know you were so excited to go to dinner with your friends. I never get sick, I don’t understand why this is happening.” 
Harry’s eyes softened as she clung onto him, “Flower,” His heart was hurting for her. He always knew she worked hard, he saw it every day with his own eyes, but not to this extent. He figured this was from more than just a sick bug and that she’d been over-exhorting herself to the point where her body was turning against her to get some rest, “Hey, what are these tears for hmmm? No more cryin’ m’love.” He kissed her tears away, tasting the saltiness on the tip of his tongue. 
“‘Course I was excited for dinner,” A fresh set of tears filled Y/N’s eyes but Harry quickly continued, “But only because I like spending time with you. M’ friends will still be there but you are always, always, my first priority in everything.”
“You’re not mad?” She whimpers, feeling more angry at herself than anything.
“Not about tha’ but I am a little angry y’ didn’t tell me y’ weren’t feeling good. Never seen someone so warm in m’ life flower, scared me half to death.” He was trying to be stern with her but he couldn’t help but also show his worry for her. “Think you’ve been working yourself a little too hard hmmm?” He stroked her head, pushing her hair back from her sweaty forehead.
“I haven’t been sick in so long,” She admits, “I was hoping it would go away by the end of the day but, honestly Harry, I feel terrible. M’ throat is all scratchy and my tummy hurts too.”
“Think y’ body jus’ needs a well-needed break from all tha’ running about you do. Honestly Flower, never seen anyone work as hard as you do.” He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “Gonna let me take care of y’ tonight?”
She nods, relaxing at his words of comfort, “Okay Harry,” She whispers. 
The corner of his lip twitches, “What am I going to do with you?” He sighs, completely in love with her. He leans forward, pressing his forehead against hers, not minding the warmth radiating from her in fact he welcomed it, “You’re everything to me. Can’t have y’ getting sick.” 
Her eyes fluttered shut feeling his cool breath blow against her lips like he was trying to breathe new air into her to get rid of the sickness, “I really am sorry for not being honest and for the dinner.” 
“S okay but y’ tell me from now on? Everyday okay? Tell me the truth about how y’ feeling,” He needed that from her and she promised she’d give it to him. 
He smiled when he received a quick nod in response to his request, “Alright then, are y’ hungry? Want something to eat?” He asked. 
“Not really,” Y/N pouts, the thought of food didn’t exactly appease her stomach right now. 
“Y’ don’t want soup? I make a mean cup of soup, flower. I hear it can cure even the worst of sicknesses.” Her eyes squint and he’s desperately holding himself back from rubbing his thumb over the dark circles under her eyes. 
“What kind of soup?” She questions, her eyebrows furrowing.
He leans forward, puckering his lips against her top lip, “S a secret.” He murmurs. 
“Can I help make it?” Her eyes round because she knows it will persuade him - it always does. 
“You can sit down and keep me company but I don’t want you up and about.” She sighs but accepts the answer and holds her arms open. Harry smiles and lifts her up, his arms under her butt as her legs wrap around his waist. 
He walks to her kitchen and places her on the kitchen counter, moving around to the different cupboards as though he owned the place. He knew exactly where she kept everything, gathering ingredients to create the delicious soup he knew she would love because it had all her favourite things hidden in the recipe. 
Once the soup is cooked, he pours two servings into pink, china bowls and places them at the coffee table in front of the couch. He helps Y/N, carrying her over and sitting her in her spot and tossing a blanket over her legs. “Want me to put on y’ show, love?” He asks, referring to her comfort show Gravity Falls. 
“Yes please,” She replies, politely. 
Y/N picks up the spoon that feels like it weighs more than it does and sips some of the soup she watched Harry make. “Mmm Harry, it’s delicious!” She hums, taking another spoonful.
“Yeah?” He grins proudly at her reaction.
“I already feel much better,” She nodded. He knows she’s feeding his ego but he accepts it all the same.
When they’re both finished eating, he takes both of their bowls and goes to tidy them up, leaving Y/N lying on the couch under a blanket he’d put over her. He hears her tired giggles when something funny happens on the small television, his heart aching at the raspiness of her voice but he’s happy she’s no longer upset. He also cleans up the dishes from this morning and does some of her laundry too, wanting her to rest as much as possible in the upcoming days. 
His phone buzzes in his pocket. A notification appears from the group chat he was in with the friends they were meant to go to dinner with. Pictures of them at dinner pop up, his eyes glancing over to his girlfriend as he sends a quick reply. He walks over to her and finds her no longer in the sweater she was once wearing but completely stripped down to just her underwear. Her eyes gaze up at him, “S too hot,” She sighs, her cheeks bright pink.
He tugs off his shirt and pulls it over his head, nudging her over to lie in the spot beside her. The couch was much too small so she ended up laying half on top of him, her head resting over his heart and her palm over his chest. His thumb slides under the waistband of her panties as it brushes the skin on her waist. 
She mindlessly played with the chain around his neck and his lips quirked every time he’d spot the small inking on her arm whenever she moved it a certain angle. “I love you,” He murmured, kissing the top of her head. He couldn’t remember if he had told her already but either way, he wanted to tell her. 
Y/N craned her neck to look up at him, his palm pushing back the hair from her face, “I love you too,” She puckered her lips and he leaned forward to kiss her. 
Halfway through the first season, light snores fell from the girl lying across his chest. Harry carefully manoeuvred himself to grab the remote control and switch the TV off. He gently moved her enough so he could stand up and hooked his arms around her to carry her to her bedroom. 
“Harry,” Y/N mumbled as he lay her on her mattress. She reached out for him, needing his close proximity to stay relaxed. 
“M right here, lovie,” He reached for her hand that she held out for him and kissed the back of it, “I’m just gonna get you a glass of water.” Y/N liked having a glass of water on her bedside table in case she got thirsty in the night. He remembered the first time he stayed around her apartment and she forgot to grab one before she went to sleep. She woke Harry up in the middle of the night to ask him if he could come with her to the kitchen because it was too dark for her to go by herself. 
“You’ll come back?” She pouts, half asleep.
“I’ll be back in thirty seconds, flower. Y’ can count if y’ want to.” He chuckles when she starts counting, whispering softly as he walks to the kitchen.
He comes back before she reaches thirty with a glass of tap water clenched in his fingers. He places it on her side of the bed - because they have those now and he was obsessed. Hers was always the right in both his and her bed and his was always the left. 
“Told you,” He says as he lays beneath the blanket in the bed beside her. 
“You did,” She hums, curling into his side once he’s settled, “How come you’re always right?” 
He cradles her in his arms as she buries her face in his neck, wanting to be as close to him as possible. “M not always right but I think M right about you most of the time. You’re all I know, flower, I know how to love you and take care of you.”
She sighs blissfully, he can feel her eyelashes against his neck as they flutter open and close like she’s trying to fight off sleep, “There you go again, right as always.” 
He laughs, “Rest now baby, you’ll be back t’ watering y’ flowers and being my noisy neighbour in no time.”
He knows she’s asleep from the lack of sassy responses he gets. 
. . . 
“This is pretty,” Harry tugged on her skirt as she walked past him sitting on the chair at the front desk holding a bouquet of flowers. She looked beautiful every day but after days of being sick and in bed, she was practically glowing with fresh energy as she moved around the shop. Her hair was in a high ponytail with a white bow secured around it, she wore a dress with puffy sleeves that swayed as she moved, and her heels clicked against the ground with every step she made. 
The flower shop had been closed during the time Y/N was sick. She was beyond stressed about it the first few days, worried that she would be so behind on her work the longer the shop was closed, but Harry made sure everything would be alright. He suggested she keep the shop closed for the whole week so that she could work on the things she needed to before opening it again.
 As much as he wanted to stay with her, Y/N insisted he go to work in the day, especially since the most she would be doing was sleeping. He worried about her often in the day, he couldn’t help it, and he hadn’t realised how big of a presence she was until she wasn’t there anymore. He couldn’t hear the chiming of the bell as people walked in and out of the flower shop and he missed the clicking of her heels against the floor as she walked into his shop to eat lunch with him or sneak around the back buildings to kiss him. 
“Thank you, I bought it online a few days ago,” She gleamed as he rubbed the fabric between his fingers. 
“Ahh,” He smirked, “So y’ were buying pretty dresses instead of sleeping whilst I was down here working?”
“Something like that,” She shrugged, biting her lip.
He yawned his head falling forward to rest against her stomach. She ran her fingers through his curls, “Are you tired?” She asks. 
“Hmmm,” His eyes flutter shut at the sensation of her hands in his hair.
“Harry?” She frowns, holding his face in her hands as she tilts his head back. Her hand cups his forehead, “You’re burning up.”
“I am?” He sighs.
Y/N’s eyes soften, “You are,” She replies, “Seems as though it’s my turn to take care of you now,”
Harry grins lazily, “I like the sound of that, Flower.”
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prettygiri222 · 6 months
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Summary: At your boyfriend Onyankopon's backyard pool, what could happen?
Onyankopon x Black Fem Reader SMUT
“girl I wanna handle you, put my hands up on you, baby…” you softly sang while scrolling through your boyfriend Onyankopon’s phone. you were in your own little world, lightly swaying in the water of his backyard pool as you queued up music. you were wearing a sparkly pink bikini that left very little to the imagination, Onya feared that during any little movement, your tits would spill out.
you and Onya hadn’t gone very far in your relationship, the most you’ve done so far was heated make-out sessions. you were a shy little thing when Onya first met you so he didn’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. he opted to smoke a blunt to calm his nerves tonight, he asked if you wanted a hit but you said no. 
instead of feeling relaxed, he became hyper-aware of your second lips slipping out of your bikini. he was trying his best to be respectful and not look but it was so hard, especially when you bent over to shake your ass, making waves in the water when your favourite songs came on.
you were taking sneak peeks at Onya as he smoked on the other side of the pool not wanting you to get a “second hand” high. but the herbal scent still wafted close. your man was so fine, he had a freshly done taper fade that exposed his chiselled jaw. his chest tattoo was on full display and his neck was decorated with a gold chain that held your initials in cursive with a little heart. the reflection of light off of the pool gave his dark skin a glowing hue. 
you could feel yourself grow wetter in the pool, your fluid tainting your boyfriend's pool. you looked back down at the phone to distract yourself. but you couldn't help but want to relieve the feeling.
Onya watched you with the gaze of a hunter stalking its prey. he wanted to know what you tasted like, you always filled his nostrils with the sweet scent of cocoa butter. he imagined that you would taste no different. 
“when you gon let me eat you out babygirl?” Onya’s husky voice echoed in the empty backyard. your eyes widened in shock at his blunt statement but the words went straight to your core. Onya shocked himself as well, he was thinking about it but he he wasn’t going to say it. you slowly turned around to look at your boyfriend seeing him put out the end of his blunt, he said it so he was gonna stand on it.
“Onya! what are you…” you stopped mid-sentence making eye contact with his red eyes. he was manspreading on the edge of the pool, his wet trunks sticking to his skin exposing his boner but he wasn’t ashamed. he followed your eyes smiling when he found what you were looking at. he jumped into the pool and slowly made his way over to you, holding eye contact till he got too close and you broke it. you looked to the side nervously, your lower stomach was doing flips.
“you ain’t hear what I said?” his usual deep voice sounded hoarse as he whispered in your ear. he pulled back to look at you, loving the way you were turning into putty without him even touching you. you guys were so close but so far, you backed into the wall when Onya came close but he had you trapped now. he let his question hang in the air waiting for your answer.
“I did” you whispered, still avoiding eye contact. he didn’t even have to touch you and you were already losing it. you wanted him so bad, but you were speechless. the tension was so thick it was suffocating.
“you gon let me have a taste?” he asked. you nodded your head, biting your lip. finally, given the green light he’s been looking for, Onya pounced on you, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. he took your ass in his palms, groping you as he pulled you closer. you gasped into the kiss and he used the opportunity to slither his tongue into your mouth. you closed your eyes and wrapped your hands around his neck pulling him in deeper, feeling your tongues mould together.
the spicy taste of the weed was present in his mouth but there was an underlying sweetness of the honey candy he was always sucking. without breaking the kiss Onya grabbed you by the thighs and pulled you onto the ledge of the pool, situating him in between your legs as he stood tall in the pool. he took the chance to grind into you, feeling you melt into the kiss. 
your boyfriend's tongue gently sucked on yours swallowing up your moans, it wasn't long till you were out of breath. he felt you pulling back but he grabbed you by the back of the neck so you couldn’t break this kiss. his other hand moved to play with the strings of your bikini at your hips, slowly untying them. 
only when he started feeling you gasp for breath he pulled back, breaking the string of saliva between your lips. you looked up at him with blown-out pupils and the view went straight to his dick, your soft lips swollen, your perky nipples from the cool air, your brown skin glistening and the invisible locs that framed your sculpted face. you were perfect in his eyes.
Onya bit his big plump lips as he peeled your bikini off, he was salivating at the thought of finally seeing lil ma. but before he could reveal her you grabbed onto his strong arms and closed your legs.
“wait Onya!” he rolled his eyes but waited for you to speak. “we’re outside, what if one of your neighbours sees us?” you didn’t really care about his neighbours if you were being honest, you just wanted a second to breathe. you’ve never had a guy go down on you so you didn’t know what to expect and you were a little nervous.
Onya didn’t say anything as he got out of the pool beside you and walked over to the towels on the lawn chairs. you looked at his back in worry, did you make him mad? you watched silently as he walked back over to you with an intense burning in his eyes. he wrapped the towel over your wet body before picking you and your discarded bikini up.
you wrapped your legs around his waist shivering at the feeling of the cold night air against your exposed core and his hard-on rubbing against your stomach. he kicked open the glass door and hastily made his way across the living room and into his bedroom. he dropped you softly onto the bed, briefly exposing your lower half before you fixed the towel.
“is this better?” he looked deep into your eyes trying to sense any discomfort. you shuffled under the intensity of his gaze. Onyankopon was always such a gentleman, no matter how heated things got he never went further if you didn’t want to. but you were getting a bit frustrated, it’s not that you never wanted things to go further you just didn’t know how to initiate things. 
“I need to hear you say yes baby,” he asked, sensing your hesitation. despite his demeanour, Onya was slowly losing it, he wanted you, no, he needed you. he was desperate to get a taste of you at this point if you said no he could see himself getting on his knees to beg.
“I want you, Onya,” you affirmed, holding his gaze. your boyfriend didn’t waste any more time. he dropped to his knees on the floor and grabbed you by the ankles to pull you toward the end of his king size bed. he was moving like a starved man, he made quick work of the towel and your bra leaving you exposed. but he couldn’t help but stare at you in awe, his beautiful girlfriend bare before him.
“stop staring, it’s embarrassing.” you lightly kicked his shoulder to get him out of his trance. he was staring at your naked body for so long you were starting to feel a little self-conscious. his gaze was intense, you could see the yearning in his deep brown eyes.
“you’re so beautiful, I can't help it.” he smiled up at you before he got to work. Onya grabbed the underneath of your thighs and pushed them up so they were out of the way. exposing your glistening two toned lips. 
“shit, you ever touch yourself down here?” Onya hissed looking at your tiny hole. his dick jumped at the sight but he didn't think he would be able to fuck it tonight. it would be a tight fit. he would have to stretch you out and get you used to something smaller first, like his fingers.
“when I think about you,” you airly confessed. you looked up at the ceiling thinking of the countless nights after Onya dropped you home after hours of steamy makeout sessions that led to nothing. where his hands would ghost over your zipper unaware of your throbbing core desperate for his touch. how the thick material of his jeans prevented you from feeling his dick.
when you got home you would busy yourself playing with your little bud. imagining how Onya would fuck you, how he'd fill you up so well. on the days your dripping cunt miserably clenched around nothing, you would shove a finger or two to fulfil your fantasy of your boyfriend pounding into you. 
“so you've been holding out on me?” Onya kept a steady hold on your plush thighs while he spread your lips with his right. he was able to witness the clear fluid gushing out of you. he dragged his forefinger around your hole collecting the liquid before pushing his middle finger past your tight muscle. “that's not very nice.”
“Onyaaa” you squealed out gripping the sheets.
“your fucking leaking babygirl” after giving you time to adjust he slowly inserted his ring finger. he loved the way your pink hole readily sucked him in, contrasting against your brown lips. “you a squirter? or you cream?”
“don't know” Onyankopon’s well-manicured fingers were prodding at spots your small fingers couldn’t reach. it had you twisting and turning in the sheets not knowing if you wanted to run away from the onslaught of pleasure or invite more. 
“guess we'll both find out,” Onya loved how sensitive you were. when he pulled his fingers out your hips chased after. you let out airy moans and high-pitched mewls when he nudged your delicate spots. 
Onyakopon looked up at you relishing in your beauty. your eyes were locked on him now but he could tell you were out of it. your brows were burrowing as you concentrated on the budding sensation on your lower abdomen.
you could feel him spreading you, he was doing a scissoring motion inside you. before you felt him slip a third finger into your dripping wet cunt. this felt way better than when you touched yourself alone.
now able to move his wrists more freely, Onyankopon started to curl his fingers against the roof of your core. goading out more of your translucent sap when he pushed in and out. the sounds of your wetness were mixing in with your moans.
his fingers were drenched. he was drooling just looking at it, he needed to have a taste. this time when he pulled out he removed his hands completely but it was replaced with a warm, wet feeling. you knew immediately that it was his tongue.
“mhmm,” your boyfriend let out a guttural moan at the taste of you. you were like a cold sweet lemonade after a long day of hard work in the sun, delicious. after he delivered a few kitten licks to your slit lapping up your slick he knew he was addicted and craved more.
“i'ma get it wet like a jacuzzi, and sex with me so amazing” rihanna’s song softly rang through the house from the speaker your boyfriend left playing outside due to his haste. but boy was it an understatement.
“ohmygod, Onya!” your hands found themselves on his head when he started suckling at your clit. you were grinding against his open mouth turning into putty from the mind-numbing pleasure. 
“don’t stop, please!” you cried out even though he showed no signs of slowing or stopping. he licked from your hole to slit, sometimes dipping his wet muscle in to tongue-fuck you. the way you clenched around it was enough to tell him you were close.
“wasn't planning on it, just hold on for me ok baby?” Onya didn’t give you any time to process what he said before he inserted his fingers back into your soaking pussy. his lips still attached to your swollen nub giving you the best of both worlds. the onslaught of pleasure quickly had your legs begin to shake. 
your hands locked into his short kinks grabbing at what you could. “m close, so close Onya” you were fiercely grinding into his face now. Onya loved it, you were using his face to get off like a fucking toy. your eyes were screwed shut as you focused on reaching your peak. you were so close you could taste it. “mhm mhm”
“can I cum Onya? pretty please?” Onyankopon thought it was cute that you thought you needed his permission to cum. even in your desperation, you were being such a good girl for him. so who was he to deny his sweet princess?
“uh huh” Onya didn’t bother to remove his lips to reply, busying himself with your clit while his fingers plunged into your throbbing cunt. the little vibration was enough to send you over the edge. and you plummeted hard.
“Onyaaa” you squealed out as the pleasure flooded your body. leaving your limbs trembling in its wake. “fuck fuck!” Onyankopon removed his mouth from your pulsating clit but focused on riding you through your orgasm with his fingers.
“shit, you do both” Onya ogled at his hands. when he pulled his fingers out they were covered in a creamy white paste. but still, a colourless liquid gushing out from your gaping hole. your empty whole was quivering at the loss of his fingers. your body let out little hiccups in attempt to calm itself.
“Onya…” you opened your eyes to see your boyfriend stuffing his fingers into his mouth. despite your previous orgasm, you felt yourself get wet again watching him lick and suck at the fingers he had shoved in you just a moment ago. 
“I can't help myself, you just taste so good.”
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curiouscatalog · 21 days
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Botanical beauties, tiny tattoos?
From: Newton, James. A Complete Herbal of the Late James Newton, M.D. : Containing the Prints and the English Names of Several Thousand Trees, Plants, Shrubs, Flowers, Exotics, &c., Many of Which Are Not to Be Found in the Herbals of Either Gerard, Johnson, or Parkinson. New ed. London: Printed for Lackington, Allen & Co., 1798.
QK41 .N5 1798
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overtaken-stream · 21 days
Law's tattooed chest gives people so much ideas, personally Id like to lay on to of his bare chest and trace his tattoos with the tip of my finger. And you?
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Trafalgar D. Water Law x F!Reader
! !NSFW! !
I'm trying to get out of writers block by writing filth, I'm not really happy about how this turned out but.... I really like law. Like.... REALLY like Law.
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The skin under your hands is soft, freshly cleaned with the herbal soap. Law wasn't quite able to dry himself off; the moist towel that hung around his midsection is now somewhere on the submarine floor, revealing all of him beneath you. By some miracle, he still has a blush on his face, despite you unexpectedly tackling his body onto the bed a minute ago, the crease between his eyebrows and wide eyes is a rare sight to witness. His shaky complaints fall on deaf ears as you fixate your eyes on his chest, still dripping with water. The droplets trickle down, sneaking across his abs as you firmly grasp his chest with both hands, your nails digging into the flesh before lightly grazing over his nipples.
It makes you bite your lips, an evil satisfied smile overtaking your features as his composure crumbles slightly from your action.
You can feel him inhaling, pausing as your caress continues before exhaling, the air tickles your forehead.
``Mhufufu~ Don't you look delicious?`` The praise falls from your lips as your name dangles from his.
Your hands stay on his pecs as your head gets closer to the black ink adorning his skin. You pay no mind to his palms resting on your shoulders, weighing you down and digging into you.
You would get off of him if only he wants you to. Law knows it.
He doesn't stop you.
Law gazes down at you, the red overheating his cheeks as your eyes look at him from below, half-lidded, and a downright sinful gleam in your irises as you commit to your behavior. Your tongue traces the tattoo, leaving behind a trail of saliva as you occasionally kiss and suck and nick at his pecs, all while looking at him without any shame. He can feel the texture of your tongue, wet and so warm as it envelopes his bud. It's almost too much, yet he holds on, tries to keep some blood north as rest travels south, awakening the nerves and hardening his dick, his grip falters as your teeth show no remorse, they bite down and steal quiet noises out of him, peeling away the bits and pieces that makes up The Surgeon Of Death layer by layer, with nothing but your cavern. It makes him throb against your pelvic area, hot and heavy, begging for attention.
``Shhhiiit- uugh-``
The hands at some point lift off and the action gets Law to hiss at the air contact, your palms slowly enter under his neck, bringing your torso closer so that he can feel the lingering heat your body emits. He should be used to this. Both of you know each other inside and out, yet, as your chest presses and drags against his stomach, with your tongue still leaving kisses and sweet licks on his tattoo, trailing upwards and stopping at his cleavage, does he finally let his head rest on your hands crossed over each other behind him. Your thighs are snuggled on both sides of his hips by the time you lift your head. Looking at Law trying to lift his head, all the while your shirt exposes, or should he say, teases him by a small reveal of your chest.
Fuck, You're sexy.
There's no doubt that you're feeling him twitch against you with a string of pre-cum sticking to your thin clothing.
``Hmm... Are you aware that I am fond of your tattoos Law?``
His heavy breathing turns into a light chuckle, slowly morphing into a big smirk on his face.
``Only fond?`` The cute face you pull as you pretend to think about your choice of words should not be allowed, he can't help himself, with the surprise already revealed, he finds no point in putting off the main show.
Armed with his hands on your hips and a gentle kiss to your jaw bone, he begins his counterattack.
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whore-era · 1 year
not a request but pls recommend some of ur fav ellie fics, i feel like i’ve read everything already 😭
had to open my laptop for this one. cracks knuckles i got u!
these r some ive read recently that ive loved / fics i keep rereading / series i keep checking on. these fics r either fluff angst or NASTY SLUTTY SMUT that's listed in no specific order
n i have sm other recs but my brain is short circuiting rn and i have so many other writers i love but these ppl r the ones that pop into my brain atm <3
don't you dare fall in love. by @ohcaptains
slow burn by @elskittie
herbal therapy by @elskittie
e. williams corrupting innocent reader by @clearheartgreyflowers
take everything by @clearheartgreyflowers
the invisible string series by @elleloquently
over and out by @cozy-mp3
falling in love at a coffee shop series by @elli3luvs
i saw you in a dream series by @elliesflower
otw by @elliesflower
rockstar tendencies by @anchoeritic
how it should be by @kurosaaki
streamer ellie hc by @rxllingstones
perfect girl series by @coeurify
sex, drugs, etc by @hazelnutsforellie
tattoos by @scandalcus
lover's rock by @elliephobic
shameless by @elliesquerida
midnight snack by @shesluxurious
true blue series by @totheblood
and burn by @strgrlxox
angels wept by @elsfavor1te
all the kisses in the world by @elsfavor1te
the inevitable pull by @prrimordiais FREE BINDI
a fool's game series by @elliewill
ellie using a vibe on reader by @evanpetersluver
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ghostboneswrites2 · 24 days
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Daryl Dixon x Witch Reader
(Head Canons)
(Fem!Reader) (Reader description: none)
These little exercises are fun 😌🔮
-18+ MDNI-
At first he’d think it was weird and foolish, but he wasn’t gonna comment on it
He’d ask you if you really believed in tarot and spells sometimes, huffing a small laugh when you’d tell him you did
He quickly began to respect your craft, bringing you bones from his kills and unique looking rocks and twigs from a hunt
He’d let you decipher his astrology chart, and he’d make jokes to avoid addressing how accurate his reading was
He’d let you treat his wounds and illnesses with your herbal concoctions, even if he didn’t think they’d work (usually they did)
He’d drink whatever weird herbal tea you made for him when he needed to sleep, relax, or de-stress, but if he didn’t like it he’d make sure you knew
He’d like it if you told him about each of your crystals. You’d tell him their name, how they’re formed, and what you used them for
He wasn’t a believer until you hexed someone you didn’t like and they lost their job and house
You made him a bracelet from a thick twine and deer teeth. It creeped him out but he wore it anyways.
He would stick up for you against the small town baptists that accused you of working with the devil
He always grabs you some kind of nuts to feed the crows when he runs to the store
He would build you furniture that you could paint and use for altars or displays
He would be nice to the stray cats you took in, even if he thought they were evil
He didn’t like Stevie Nicks but you did, so it grew on him
He taught you more about foraging and edible plants
He also collected plants in the woods that you could plant in your own garden
He gave you small tattoos at home of random astrology symbols or whatever meant something to you at the time
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koisuko · 6 months
Could I request headcannons or a one-shot of Liu Kang and a reader who’s similar to Johnny Cage? Maybe they’re an actress or musician and they met when he was recruiting people for Outworld’s tournament.
Another one I neglected due to lack of motivation, I got you now! Sorry its short!
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Tw: none, fluff, reader worships this man secretly
The moment he stepped into your brother Johnny's mansion, offering a kind smile and a bow of respect, you were absolutely entranced
I mean, jaw dropped, catching flies as you gawked at him. His glowing eyes adding an air of otherworldly beauty to his already perfect appearance.
You barely listened to the words coming out of his mouth as he spoke to you and Johnny, simply admiring everything about him, from his tattoos to his pecks peaking out of his shirt.
It took Johnny nudging your ribs to break you out, "you're drooling, y/n." He'd tease, a knowing look on his face as he raised a brow in your direction.
Once at the academy with the others, you spent most of your time preforming more flashy moves, looking around until you met the gaze of the fire god, hoping he saw your display.
You were shameless when you would flirt, it was the only way you knew how, causing Liu Kang to roll those glowing orbs more times than you could count.
Sometimes you would even attempt to request more private training, hoping to spend more time with him, only to be turned down as it would be 'inappropriate' and 'unfair' in his words.
Instead, you opted to try something he enjoyed, like watching the sunrise, meditating, or drinking tea. You hate tea, preferring a good coffee or whiskey over anything else. You would leave all that behind and sip on the herbal water for the rest of your life if it meant talking with Liu Kang.
The more you spoke with him, the more you felt your flashy exterior crack, bringing out a more sincere and relaxed version. You no longer felt the need to put on a facade for the fans, he was not a fan, but a friend.
Soon enough you began picking up on his mannerisms, subconsciously mirroring them as your own, whether that be folding your hands or smiling more genuinely. He helped you understand how to be humble, and showing humility and kindness to others.
You noticed him change over time, sitting just a little bit closer to you, smiling a little bit softer, and no longer rolling his eyes when you'd flirt. Rather, he'd have the slightest tint of pink on his cheeks, barely noticeable yet there only for you. Even reciprocating your flirtation, in his own way, causing you to become flustered and shy for the first time.
He'd show genuine interest in your career, in contrast to Johnny's movies, listening to your music with you or watching your movies. He would give his undivided attention as you spill your tour stories across the world, offering a warm smile as he engaged in your retelling.
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killuasghost · 2 months
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↠︎ plot + warnings: hcs on college!jjk men with f!reader roommate and their many adventures with one another!
↠︎ featuring: nanami, toji, choso, gojo, and geto
↠︎ continuing my college!jjk series and we're starting with this! i love the idea of reader having her own relationship with the boys and vice versa!
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➞︎ it isn't often that you guys get to go on adventures together.
➞︎ most of the time its a bunch of mini side quests with one another at different times.
➞︎ when you have afternoon classes, gojo and geto are usually finishing up their day as well.
➞︎ which turns into the three of you taking the train into tokyo, blowing gojo's money on sweets and food.
➞︎ sometimes you guys catch a car meet on the off chance y'all end up on that side of town when its happening (a/n: i hc the group to be into cars but geto, toji, and choso are the biggest gear heads)
➞︎ some days, you and nanami spend mornings together.
➞︎ mostly spent in the nooks and crannies of libraries or by the window in a bakery/cafe.
➞︎ sometimes, when you guys have book club, he'll put together a picnic for the two of you.
➞︎ there's a garden with a bunch of Japanese maple trees that the two of you found once.
➞︎ it's y'all's secret third spot. 🤫
➞︎ surprisingly, choso started tagging along with you to toji's practices/matches after a couple months of you doing it.
➞︎ while you were focused on the 'pr' side of things for the boxer, choso took on the role of sparring partner.
➞︎ so now, you had not one, but two gym bros on your hands as choso started hitting the gym srsly.
➞︎ don't worry, it's not always a fist fight with those guys.
➞︎ choso is always finding some new spot to try, mostly art or herbal shops, and toji drives while you tag along for the ride.
➞︎ meanwhile, toji's always finding some mountain to hike! gd its exhausting keeping up with him sometimes!
➞︎ but they're the only two to stick around for when you have your 'bring it on' marathon, so you endure :)
➞︎ geto is in the tattoo shop late at night some weekends and whenever you're available, you pop a squat on the comfy futon he has in his space and chill.
➞︎ he appreciates the company whenever he's working on a client after hours or working hard on designing a new piece.
➞︎ he uses you as a gauge for when he's been working too long. if you've been silent for more than an hour, he knows it's time to wrap it up.
➞︎ gojo is a slut for his monthly massages. he got you one as a birthday gift one year and y'all have been going together ever since.
➞︎ he's always the one you're trying bazaar shit with. cos why tf did he fire up the private jet just so the two of you could visit the blue lagoon.
➞︎ in ICELAND btw
➞︎ toji secretly likes to cook.
➞︎ like loves to cook actually.
➞︎ you only found out when it was just the two of you at home one weekend (nanami on a business retreat with geto, gojo visiting his family (begrudgingly he says), and choso went camping with his brother's) and toji threw down after the joint sesh y'all had.
➞︎ i mean the spread was spreadin'
➞︎ he swore you to secrecy, cooking was smth he didn't want the other's taking advantage of (he's just scared of rejection ((that wouldn't happen)) 🙄).
➞︎ one time y'all took a dessert class and learned to make matcha swiss rolls 🤤
➞︎ toji looked cute in his lil apron and hat ;)
➞︎ choso invites you to art exhibits with him and drags you along to the newest infrastructure being built in the city
➞︎ there's a local pottery/glass blowing shop in downtown Sendai, that the two of you frequent to make clay pottery.
➞︎ at some point, choso designs the most beautiful sculpture out of clay and all of you show up for he showcases it at his first art show!
➞︎ you were the sculpture
➞︎ every once in awhile you guys link up for a group activity.
➞︎ its usually toji's fights but most recently you guys went to the opera!!!
➞︎ geto somehow ended up on stage for a brief moment but that's a story for another time cause 😅
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bluegalaxygirl · 3 months
Obsession's Grip (Zosan X Reader) P2
Plot: After saving some of the straw hat crew from a prison, the crew help takes a young man away so he can have a fresh start in life. He's shy but seems to grow attached to Reader in an unhealthy way.
Warning: Bad Language, Violence and Making out
Reader is Female (Sorry), Zoro X Sanji X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship. Reader has the ability to control the snake tattoos on her arms that come alive when she commands, they can change size and are connected to her emotions.
P1 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14
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The smell of delicious food and herbal tea fills the air as the crew dig into the plates, bowls and mugs set out along the dinning table. Percy was nervous at first about eating but when you have him a smile and a nod he happily tucked in, its clear he hasn't eaten properly in a while which is why Nami and Sanji slap Luffy's hand away from the young man's plate when ever the captain decides to try and grab food that wasn't his. Even though the cook doesn't like the young man he couldn't sit by and let someone go hungry, Chopper grew quite concerned when Percy took off the top of his janitor's uniform, the gray tank top underneath is baggy but the young mans collar bones and ribs where clear as day. Seeing this made everyone realize how dire his situation was and it even got Zoro thinking twice about kicking him off the ship and into the ocean. "Nami, could you please explain why this young man is on the ship?" Robin asks her soft eyes looking over to the navigator sitting next to her, Nami nods setting down her cup of tea then turning to Percy "I don't know too much about your situation so i think its best if you speak" The young man stops eating to look at her, you could see he was unsure as he wraps an arm around himself, but he nods at her before turning to look around the table. "Well i never wanted to join the marines but on my island there was a recruitment program, not many people accepted, so they started to use force, closing down shops, making rent go up, limiting ships coming in and out. It was hard but my people aren't fighters, were more academic so joining the marines to fight and only fight wasn't something we wanted."
Percy sighs looking down at his plate still full of food, but he doesn't touch it instead he gives it a sad look "More people joined but it wasn't enough for them, so they started taking people, going door to door and dragging out those who fit their criteria, i was one of them but i didn't make it past basic training, so they made me a janitor for the prison. It was hell, they called me a deserter even though i didn't try and run, their no point when the place is like a maze, and they treat you like a stray dog. One meal a day, no going outside, four hours of sleep and then the rest of your time is spent cleaning... Thank you, if it weren't for you guy's i would still be there so... Thank you" Percy manages a smile looking around the table, some of the crew smile back while Franky and Chopper both wipe away a tear "It's ok, were happy to help, your so brave" The two cry out feeling bad for the young man who seems to have gone through hell, your heart breaks at his story but you manage not to cry. Luffy give the young man a big smile while patting his over sized belly "You helped my friends so of course we'd help back" The others nod at their captain but Zoro sighs and crosses his arms over his chest "He can't stay on the ship forever, we should drop him off on the next island" The swordsman leans back closing his eyes only to be hit in the back of the head by a towel, Sanji glares down at the moss head throwing the towel back over his shoulder as Zoro turns growling at the cook "Be nice, he's a guest" Sanji yells as Zoro stands out of his chair glaring at the cook starting to bicker with the blonde.
Ignoring the two you lean forwards to look at the young man across form you "I hate to admit it, but he's right, we can't keep you on the ship its not safe, but i don't think taking you back home is a good idea either." You state getting the young man's attention, his eyes meet yours turning a little sad before looking down starting to shy away but you reach out and tap his hand bringing him back to you "That doesn't mean we're just going to dump you on the next island, we'll find an island with a village, a place where you can live and do what you want away from the marines." You smile seeing his eyes light up at your words, Nami nods agreeing with you while placing a hand on the young man's shoulder "She's right but until then we do need help around the ship" Robin lets out a giggle knowing the navigator will get what she wants while Usopp leans back in his chair and groans out the navigators name. Chopper sighs at her words shaking his head "I'd like to do a health check, i think he should rest for a few days before thinking of doing work" The doctor speaks up looking over at the orange haired girl with pleading eyes, the navigator goes to protest since she doesn't want someone lazing around the ship the whole time but you manage to interpret "Some good food and a descent sleep will do him good. He's not going to be sitting around all the time but like our Doctor said, he needs rest and time to recover. Right Doctor Chopper?" You ask turning to look at the reindeer who starts to wiggle with a dark blush spreed across his furry cheeks "That's right but you don't have to call me doctor, you idiot"
Nami sighs and nods her head giving in to the two of you, Luffy suddenly jumps up, running over to Percy grabbing his arm and pulling him out of his seat causing the young man to yelp in shock "Come on, i want to show you around" Before the captain can run off with the young man Nami grabs the back of Luffy's shirt while Chopper runs around the table to stop them from going anywhere "Be careful Luffy, i need to do a check up first" the Doctor panics a little not wanting the young man to get hurt while Nami pry's the captain's hand off Percy's arm "He needs a bath and clean clothes before going anywhere else" The navigator yells pulling the captain away from Percy, Usopp sighs and stands up starting to head out the room "I'll get the bath ready" he calls out, Brook stands up while looking Percy over "I'll find you some spare clothes, i'm sure we'll have something that fits" The skeleton then makes his way out of the kitchen, Robin soon stands up as well taking Nami by the shoulders to calm her down and stop the navigator from trying to strangle their captain "I'll get my kit to fix your hair, it must be uncomfortable with all that matting" Robin give Percy a smile who places a hand on his greasy and matted hair while nodding, Chopper takes the young man's hand starting to pull him over to the doctor's office "I'll give you a quick check up and then you can get a bath" The Doctor smiles leading the young man into the medical room before closing the door. The once noisy room is now much quieter since most of the crew have left, Nami left dragging Luffy out to do something, Franky headed out to continue fixing the stairs and Robin left to get her hair kit only leaving you, Sanji and Zoro.
Standing out of your chair you turn to see your too loves who are gripping onto each others shirts while glaring with their foreheads presses together, their no longer yelling at each other and have now decided to just angrily stare, waiting for one of them to give in. Letting out a small laugh you start picking up empty plates and glasses before walking over to the sink "You boy's gonna stand there all day?" You ask with a smile starting to wash the dishes, Zoro growls in resonance not taking his eyes off the cook "Not until he admits he was rude" Sanji's grip tightens struggling between wining the argument and helping you with the dishes "I wasn't being rude i was making a point" The swordsman growls back not willing to back down, huffing out a laugh you continue to wash the dishes starting to pile them up on the side "Would you like my input?" You ask hoping to defuse the situation, its fun at times watching the two bicker but it's been going on a while now and you know the longer it goes on for the more time it takes for the two to calm down. The two think for a moment before giving you their answer "Yes" they both hope you'll take their side but thats not normally how you do things, you try to look at things from different angles "Zoro, you were right to say that but the way you said it was rude" Putting the last of the dishes aside you dry your hands and walk back around to the table watching as your two lovers continue to glare "You made it seem like we were just going to kick him onto any island that we pass by, he was probably worried that it might be an inhabited one, and he'll be stuck" You continue picking up plates that still have food on them and stacking them up your arms.
Zoro sighs at your words not realizing how it sounded, but he didn't want to give in and say he was wrong, Sanji on the other hand gave the swordsman a smirk feeling victorious but that smirk soon vanishes at your next words "It sounded rude yes but it didn't deserve a hit, we could have avoided all of this if you just reassured Percy instead of hitting Zoro, Sanji" You smirk watching as the cooks once cocky smirk turns into a look of slight shock and sadness not liking it when you scold him, putting the half-eaten food in the compost you place the rest of the untouched, which is very little, into the fridge before returning to the sink "That's all i have to say, now if you two could please make up I'd like to spend some time with my boys before something else gets in the way" You giggle washing the dishes again as the two sigh and let go of each other, their glares soon vanish but after a while of the two not talking you clear your throat with slight anger getting the two to jump slightly "S-sorry for... being rude" Zoro struggles to get out, turning his head away the swordsman rubs the back of his head while Sanji sigh looking down at his shoes "I'm sorry for hitting you" The cook looks back up while holding out his arms inviting the green haired man in for a hug, a harsh sigh leaves the green haired man's lips, but he steps into the hug wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist, the two relax into each other "Y-you know i... I love you" Zoro mumbles pressing his face into Sanji's neck who lets a large smile grow at the swordsman's words "I know, i love you too... Moss head" The cook chuckles earning a jab in the side from the swordsman "I was trying to be nice"
Drying your hands you turn to look at the two seeing the situation much calmer and the two now joking around instead of actually fighting "I'm sorry i couldn't help myself, your so cute" Sanji laughs pulling Zoro's slightly red face out of his neck, the swordsman growls grabbing the cook's tie to pull him closer "I'm not cute" the green haired man glares before quickly pressing his lips onto the blondes, Sanji leans in expecting it to be longer but the swordsman pulls away quite quickly while pushing the cook away slightly "You don't deserve a full one" Zoro chuckles walking away from the dumbfounded cook and over to you "Need a hand baby?" The swordsman asks running his hand up and down your waist, grabbing a towel you push it into the man's chest before leaning it "You can be a good boy and dry the dishes for me" Zoro smirks down at you giving you a nod while bending down to kiss you only for your finger to stop his lips, standing on your tip toes your get close to his ear "You can have a proper kiss after" you whisper placing light kisses long his jaw line until your back to flat feet, pulling away from his hold the swordsman grumbles under his breath but gets to work on drying the dishes as you lean against the counter behind him. "My love, did you hear what the mean swordsman said to me?" Sanji sighs with a pout walking over to you after managing to snap himself out of the state Zoro left him in, turning you open your arms for him letting the cook rest his head on your chest as you stroke his hair "I know honey but you were being quite cheeky" You pout back trying not to laugh as the cook wraps his arms around your waist and buries his head in your chest "But he is cute when he blushes" The cook mumbles into your chest finally earning a laugh from you.
The vain on Zoro's head twitches as anger and embarrassment runs though him, quickly turning the swordsman throws the towel at the cook "I said i'm not cute" The green haired man yells but Sanji chuckles pulling his head away from your chest to watch you laugh, he loves seeing it, the way your eye lids half close over your slightly teary eyes, your fingers barely covering your lips as your laughter echo's out in such a sweet tune. Sighing Zoro gives in seeing he's already lost the cook's attention, but he can't complain he loves it when you give a hearty laugh, the way your body shakes with each chuckle, how your head is tilted slightly back leaving your hair to bounce and sway and the way your face scrunches up due to that big smile. Walking over the the swordsman puts his arm around your back admiring your features while you try and calm down "You have to admit Zo, you are kinda cute" Reaching up you pinch his cheek but instead of getting angry he just looks down at you with soft eyes while starting to lean closer his lips brushing against yours "You haven't finished yet" You playfully glare, Sanji hums but not in agreement instead he places his head in your neck giving it a kiss "Maybe he just needs some encouragement" Zoro chuckles at this while nodding taking your chin in his fingers, letting out one last giggle you close the gap kissing the swordsman who hums in delight, the swordsman licks your lower lip but you keep them closed while placing your hand on his chest lightly pushing him. Zoro groans puling away from your lips with an annoyed look "After your finished" You stare not giving in until he's done that one job, grabbing the towel off the floor he throws it on the counter before grabbing a new one starting to dry the dishes.
Sanji pulls away from your neck to look over your slightly red face "Your cute when you blush too my love" The cook whispers nudging his nose against yours before lightly kissing your lips, running your hands over his cheeks you pull him back in for a longer kiss which he happily leans into pulling your waist closer to his body. Lightly biting your lower lip the blonde asks for permission with you gladly accept, letting his tongue in the two of you hum in unison enjoying the gentle touches and warm lips for a while until air is needed. Cupping the cooks face you part from his lips slightly breathless, Zoro turns to the two of you finally done with his task, his hands wrap around the two of you as his head moves to your neck starting to kiss it "I'm done, do i get my reward now?" The swordsman asks with a smirk, the cook runs his hand over Zoro's cheek and into his hair slightly pulling to make the man move away from your neck "Since you've been so patient i think we can give you that, right love?" The cook asks turning to you while the swordsman looks between the two of you raising his eyebrow wondering what your up too, letting out a small laugh you nod running your hand up the swordsman's neck and into his hair lightly gripping it as well "I agree hun, he's done so well" You smirk leaning closer to Zoro along with Sanji both of you placing kisses on his cheeks and down to his jawline. "Hay Miss Y/N I-" Percy pushes open the door to the kitchen only to stop in shock at seeing the three of you together, his interposition causes the swordsman to growls his grip on his two lovers tightening as he glares angrily at the young man. Sanji sighs keeping his lips close to Zoro while giving the young man a side eye wanting him to go away, looking over you let out a sigh fearing that you've scared the young man.
Percy gulps frozen in place mainly because of the angry looks both men are giving him "I-I'm sorry, I-i just wanted to ask you something b-but I'll come back later" The young man takes a step back his hand reaching behind him for the door handle "Go wait on the mast bench, I'll be there in a few minutes" At your words the young man nods walking backwards out of the kitchen and closing the door. Zoro growls again not happy that you were interrupted and that you'll be leaving soon but you turn back to him starting to kiss his cheek and jawline again "Calm down, i'm not going anywhere until you get your reward" Your smile against his skin getting the swordsman to relax his grip on you and Sanji, the cook hums in agreement starting to kiss his cheek and jawline going back to how things were before being interrupted. Grabbing Zoro's chin you turn his face to you letting Sanji kiss down his neck while nipping at the skin, rubbing your thumb over the green haired man's lips you lean in placing a light kiss on his lips before taking his bottom lips between your teeth. His breath quickens unable to take your teasing, crashing his lips onto yours the swordsman forces his tongue into your mouth while your hand grips onto his hair keeping his head to the side so Sanji has free access. Zoro hums into you moving his tongue with yours until you pull away slightly breathless, letting go of his chin Sanji's hand takes your place and pulls the swordsman's face over to him giving you free access to the man's neck. The cook brushes his lips over the swordsman's before connecting fully while you start kissing down his neck and to his shoulder where you lightly bite earning a groan. "How's your reward?" You whisper against his neck as you start kissing up it again "I love it" Zoro mumbles against the blondes lips.
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redbleedingrose · 1 year
Hi, love, how are you? I wanted to ask you if you could do a headcanon of how the acotar boys would react with a Reader who suffers from migraines, since right now I’m in bed for the pain. Anyway, I love your work so much, it always brings me to smile. And I hope you have a great day 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Hi dear, I am you know... alive. I am so sorry you had a migraine, those are the literal worst and I get them every so often and it is def just suffering lol. I hope this helps a little <3
This male uses his daemati powers for sure to help ease the tension that is in your mind with your permission. Rhys would probably come home to you knocked out in bed, and would already know what is going on with his mate.
He would slide into bed next to you, pulling you into his chest, allowing for you to rest your head against him shoulder as he rubs his tattooed hand up and down your arm and kisses your forehead.
Rhys absolutely uses his powers to shift the room into a darkness that only the universe holds, and slips into your mind like butter, pulling at all the strings that are tied in a knot to relieve the migraine.
After the migraine is gone though, you are practically hungover from the pain and he lets you rest in his arms until you wake up feeling refreshed.
When you wake up, Rhys mumbles into your hair, "C'mon darling, lets get you washed up and fill that belly with food." He already has a warm bath set up with peppermint and eucalyptus wafting from the steam. He helps you take off your clothes without saying anything, he just presses kisses into your palms before settling you into the bath. He wouldn't get in but he would absolutely pull up his sleeves and use a soft silk washcloth to wash you with your favorite honey and milk soap before massaging your scalp.
The food would already be in the kitchen by the time you are fully dressed, something super light like soup and bread and water. And of course, Rhys would insist on feeding it to you while you sit in his lap, the occasional cheek and peck on the lip after every two or three bites.
Az suffers from migraines as well, so he knows exactly how you feel. He insists that you rest and take the day off from work, even resorting to his shadows acting as restraints to keep you in your warm bed.
He would tuck the comforter all the way up to your chin, pressing a tender kiss to your temple, murmuring something about, "I'll go get the herbal tea," and "You better stay in bed love," and "I will take care of everything and you dove, don't you worry your pretty mind about it."
He brings back lavender tea, his shadows keeping you company in his absence, running up and down your arm and across your forehead almost acting like a cool ice pack. Az would fluff up the pillows behind you and pass along the tea, shifting into the bed next to you as you sip on the warm drink, picking up the book you two have been reading together and whispering the words from where you left off.
After you are done with your tea, you move to rest your head in his lap and his warm marred hands run through your hair and massage at your tender scalp, and if it is too much, he will just rest his head on your forehead or over your eyes.
He continues to read until you drift off to sleep, but he doesn't want to continue without you so he will just set the book down onto the night stand and not move a centimeter in fear that you will wake up.
He leans his head back onto the headboard and watches you sleep, thinking about how incredibly lucky he is that the mother has blessed him with such a beautiful, kind, intelligent mate, one he thinks he doesn't deserve, but will spend the rest of his life trying to earn you.
Cassian is the kind of male who would notice that you are having a migraine and would do absolutely everything he could to help make you feel better.
Want an ice pack? "Here you go sweetheart, straight from the cooler." Want something to eat? "Here is a bowl of fruit sweetheart, I made sure these are good for helping migraines." Want something to drink? He is already handing you the glass of water before you had to ask.
After you are done getting food and water into your system, the next move is to cuddle your illyrian hunk. So he climbs into bed, pulling you on top of him so you can rest your entire body on top of his and wraps his wings around the both of you keeping you in a warm cocoon.
His large warm hands would run up and down your back and squeeze occasionally at the back of your neck, the occasional kiss on the soft spot under your ear.
Cassian would absolutely fall asleep tho and he snores softly LMFAO. The good thing is, it kinda is white noise with how your head is tucked into the junction of his shoulder and neck and you eventually fall into a deep sleep.
You wake up pretty groggy but the tension in your head is gone. Cass will insist that you stay in bed while he tries to cook something up for dinner (it will most likely be oatmeal with some blueberries and rasberries sprinkled in) and will serve you dinner in bed.
If you are feeling stressed about anything, this is usually the time that you guys discuss it together. He would offer support or a listening ear or advice as you need it, and he doesn't ever have to ask what you want in the moment because he already knows.
my favorite mate frl.
Eris also suffers from migraines, the poor guy is living in a constant state of stress, idk how he wouldn't. But I think just like Azriel, he knows exactly what to do for you.
He would rush out the bed the second he hears your soft grumble and yanks the black out curtains shut. He would open the balcony door so the gentle cool autumn breeze can keep you at least a little refreshed.
He would fluff up the pillows behind you, running his warm hand across your forehead murmuring, "I'll be right back beloved," before speeding out of the room towards the kitchens
He steals your favorite spiced meat pie that the housekeeper has baked for dinner from the counter, sneaking out before the old lady notices and smacks him over the head with a wooden spoon. He rushes to his office, gathering any paperwork and the herbs he has set aside in his desk that help with his migraines (along with his secret chocolate stash) and winnows back to your shared bedroom.
His hounds have snuck into your bed at this point, forming a warm circle around you and fighting to rest their heads on your lap and you weakly pet them. At first, he scoffs at the site of his "killer" hounds fighting to snuggle with his mate, but alas, you are their favorite despite having known their master for much longer.
The fire in the hearth flickers to life, and he drops the herbs into water to steep in the kettle before he helps you drink the tea. He climbs into bed next to you wordlessly, and rests his warm hand on your free one, allowing for you to rest as he works seated right next to you.
He offers you the meat pie after you wake up more as well as the chocolate, "You need all the energy you can get beloved," with that stupid in love grin he always has around you
Whenever you whine about him working too much, he shoves the paperwork away and lays on his side to face you, lifting up his hand to rest his palm against your cheek, kissing your eyelids after you fall asleep to the gentle strokes.
OMG Lucien does extensive research over your migraines. He has spent hours trying to understand how and why they occur, what makes them better or worse, how to help someone who is suffering from migraines, how to reduce the chances of getting migraines. Once he figured out that you were suffering from something that was nearly debilitating in terms of the pain, he made sure to go to the deepest parts of Helion's libraries looking for possible cures or treatments.
While he wasn't able to find any cures, Luc has found ways to help alleviate the pain that migraines bring. He learned that seafood and the nutrients you can get can help relieve the pain, and so this male goes out to the lake behind your home and stands in the water to catch fish with his BARE hands to bring back so he can cook it for you.
Another thing Luc has heard that helps migraines is acupuncture. You best believe Lucien has gone to theraputic classes to learn how to do acupuncture for you to help relieve the migraines. He has you settled on the bed with lavender and peppermint steam coming wafting throughout the room, and will be settled on top of you carefully settling the needles into where they need to be.
Shockingly, it works.
He also has ice wraps in the cooler that he will whip out the second you mention the slightest symptoms of migraine onset. He will tuck it around your head and press a kiss onto your nose before tucking you into bed.
He likes making ginger shots for you every morning because he read in the deep texts from Dawn Court that it can help prevent migraines. After you started taking these, the amount of migraines you got drastically reduced to maybe once every two or three months.
He also made this cream that he created himself based on all his studies and he applies it on your forehead every time you get a migraine, and it instantly relieves some of the tension that has built up.
Any spells that this male can learn from Helion to help relieve the pain, he learns. He spends hours practicing so that when you do get a migraine, he murmurs the charm into your ear and holds you close while you are in his lap and rocks you back and forth until the spell does its work.
I love him your honor, he is baby
Thank you so much for the request love, I hope you enjoyed it <3
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