#here and bored
sleepysnk · 1 year
send me asks because i am so fucking bored rn
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yuri-puppies · 27 days
another otta headcanon is that at least a couple of her femmes dated her as a middle age crisis thing where otta is the metaphorical pool boy to their upper middle class recent divorcee
so they get to feel like cougars while also reasoning that otta is 100+ years older than them so it doesn't count
and i think otta fell for this more than once because these 25+ year old half-foot women are more likely to be sexually forward and otta thinks she has to be a dom top to be butch but actually she really craves being told what to do
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verflares · 5 months
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ah! the sillies :)
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ciearcab · 10 months
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the universe is, and we are
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scamoosh · 7 months
hi guyz i made a quiz abt which horror trope/theme i enjoy you are!! cws are in the description so please mind them!
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iiflywithmeii · 2 months
i just wanna cut everyone off and rot away in my bed
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Hua Cheng, sighing dreamily as he watches Xie Lian dig things out of the trash like a raccoon: There he is. That's the love of my life.
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forecast0ctopus · 3 months
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enterprise diplomacy event
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
"Kuina's death is ridiculous" yes! That's the point! You do realize that falling down the stairs is a way of showing Zoro how fragile human lives are, right? You are aware that the point of Kuina's character is the unfairness of the world towards women in comparison to the privileges men have, like living in itself and fulfilling their dreams, right? You know that Kuina's death is "ridiculous and dumb" because it's meant to show that even the strongest person Zoro knew could die from something so little, right? You understand that the value Zoro gives to life is fucking immense, right? Right?? You realize Zoro can't seek revenge because nobody took her away from him and now the only thing he can do is become the world's greatest swordsman to avenge her death, right? You get that Zoro's character is an atheist because he doesn't believe in anyone and he can only rely on himself when it comes to Kuina's sudden death, right? You are aware that sometimes people die in the simplest of ways and that doesn't make them weak because death doesn't discriminate, right? You know that all of these things are what make Zoro's character so interesting and important, right? Right??? You know, right?
Well, of course you fucking don't because if you knew you wouldn't be saying her death is ridiculous <3
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
I always underestimate how easy it can be to entertain a teenager. I have this preconception that small kids find everything fun even mundane stuff while teens are jaded and self-conscious and need elaborate or cool activities, but my teen cousins are visiting this week and when they arrived I was in the greenhouse having an issue with the filter in one of the tanks, so I asked them if they could catch all the fish from one tank and move them to the other tank, and they were delighted to be given little dip nets and sit on the edge of the tank to hunt fish for 20min. As I asked them to do it I was thinking, it’s like those duck-fishing fairground games from when they were toddlers, they’ll probably think it’s a bit cringe, and five minutes into it these jaded teenagers were like, hey it’s like duck fishing at the funfair when we were toddlers, I've missed it, it’s fun :D
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Good Morning, World.
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rorimoon9597 · 4 months
There's a Twitter account called Photo Evidence and it's full of photos of corrupt company owners doing drugs when they claim to be against them, or trying to SA women and screenshots of conversations between CEOs and their workers or a third party planning situations that are meant to make the CEOs look good or of the money in the company being used for bad things. You know, that kind of stuff.
The account starts out small (or, small in the scale of trying to destroy large corporate companies that are corrupt) and starts to go bigger. Photo Evidence is responsible for federal investigations into these companies, and no one knows who runs the account or how they get this information. People have tried to hack into their account and see if there's anything that tells them who it is, but the account's super protected that it's insane. How does something this protected even exist on Twitter?
Then it starts to go after Lex Luthor and his company. There are texts between Lex Luthor and Kon-El, talking about how Lex created Kon and that he should be preparing to take over Lex's company. There's evidence of mercenaries being hired to stage a take over for Luthor to look good about, and so many other things.
Somehow, Photo Evidence gets their hands on Luthor's cloning experiments. The accompanying caption is 'Fellas, how gay must you be to combine your own DNA with your sworn alien enemy to stabilize you clone of him?'
It causes a ruckus in a few hours.
Nightwing comments on the post, asking Aqualad and Kid Flash if they remembered breaking into Cadmus Labs without adult supervision. Aqualad's response is 'I was the adult supervision'
When Lex Luthor makes a homophobic comment, Photo Evidence starts to make fun of him, asking him things like 'How's the internalized homophobia going?'
Lex Luthor's company gets investigated, and no amount of bribery can save it because these are private investigators hired and paid with more money than Luthor can offer them.
Photo Evidence is Tim. He started the account because he was bored one day, and it's way more fun to bully Lex Luthor.
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sunderwight · 7 months
disciple luo binghe, running errands for his shizun one day, somehow manages to be in the exact wrong (right) place at the exact wrong (right) time and catches shang qinghua meeting with mobei jun
in order to keep luo binghe from tattling right away, shang qinghua dissembles in a panic and claims that his clandestine meetings with mobei jun are happening because they're lovers and definitely not because shang qinghua is betraying the sect and handing their secrets over to demons in order to save his own hide. when that almost doesn't work, he also tells luo binghe that he knows he's part demon, and that if luo binghe rats him out then shang qinghua will take him down with him. mutually assured destruction
it works, and even though luo binghe threatens him quite a bit (jeez kid calm down, you might be the almighty protagonist but also you're like sixteen) he agrees to keep shang qinghua's fraternizing a secret. but if ANYTHING BAD should happen to the sect or especially to luo binghe's shizun because of this, luo binghe will take shang qinghua down even if it does ruin his life too
shang qinghua, now sweating even more bullets about the impending immortal alliance conference: cool! cool cool cool sounds great cool yeah
so shang qinghua can add "being blackmailed by the punk ass brat I sort of created" to his list of stress-inducing woes. which gets even worse when luo binghe keeps somehow sensing if mobei jun is around for more than a couple hours and showing up, and picking fights with him?? kind of??
wtf has the protagonist been taking tips from liu qingge or something...?
shang qinghua feels like he's gonna have a heart attack when mobei jun just snorts and tosses luo binghe by the scruff like he's an annoying yappy dog
mobei jun actually knows what's up though. teenage half-demon who has never been around his own kind has become spoiled by the lack of competition on this front, and now his hackles are all up because he wants to claim the whole mountain range as his territory, and his instincts are screaming at him to challenge mobei jun about it so that they can decide who is actually top dog. since mobei jun could easily kill him, especially with his blood sealed, and has been clawing rocks and pissing on trees along the borders of an ding peak since before luo binghe was born, he's clearly got seniority here
and since qinghua doesn't want mobei jun to just kill the little shit (fair enough -- that sealed bloodline does look kind of interesting) that means it's up to mobei jun to teach him how to do things like interact with other demons without making a complete fool of himself. lesson one: what to do when you challenge someone out of your league and they win, assuming they don't just kill you
so luo binghe reluctantly gains another demon tutor
meng mo actually approves. he's been out of the loop on demon high society for a long time, and has lacked a body for long enough too that he's forgotten a lot of the particulars of socializing. it'll be good for luo binghe to pick up some manners that aren't just silly human tea ceremonies and things. maybe he'll start addressing meng mo more respectfully for a change!
(lol no)
luo binghe is partly like "I don't need to learn demon social skills since I'm spending the rest of my life as a disciple of qing jing peak" but partly like, well, if shizun knew about this and didn't freak out about it, he'd probably say that knowledge is power and learning how to handle politics and diplomacy of all kinds is important. and despite himself luo binghe is also interested, because this is a whole perspective on his own nature that he's never really gotten advice about
also, mobei jun is the lover of shang qinghua? mobei jun is a demon who successfully seduced a cang qiong peak lord? does he have any advice about that?
(he does -- all of it very bad)
anyway all of this sort of fucks up the immortal alliance conference developments really good, so the system kind of gives up and settles on some other big transformative achievements that luo binghe has to complete in order to be suitably heroic
but shen qingqiu has no idea and so the reprieve just seems to come out of nowhere until several years later, when he walks in on luo binghe with his claws out and huadian gleaming in the company the demon king of the northern desert, the two of them playing weiqi or something while they wait for shang qinghua to get back from some random logistics crisis he had to rush off to
shen qingqiu: ...?!?
luo binghe, panicking: wait shizun I can explain it's not what it looks like SHIZUN I SWEAR I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU PLEASE DON'T BE MAD--!
shen qingqiu: all this time I thought you were sneaking out to meet a girl, and this was what you were doing instead?!
luo binghe: WHAT?? shizun no I'd never do that I swear I don't even like girls!
shen qingqiu: that's not -- wait what do you mean you don't even like girls?!
mobei jun, unperturbed and still focused on the weiqi board: he's gay
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aurosoulart · 2 years
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airplane doodles ✈
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chococrystal · 3 months
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Agent walker in mob session #2256, playing Fortnite
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gramnel · 8 months
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