#here are my thoughts of yuri plisetsky apparently
brinnanza · 8 years
a thing I am Emotional about tonight: so yurio is high key motivated by spite. like him being so fuckin’ pissed off at losing to jj motivates him to do better at both the rostelecom cup and the gpf and being pissed off at yuuri for maybe retiring motivates him to skate the hell out of his free skate and claim a narrow victory
the thing that is REALLY hecking me up rn is how yurio, bc he is smol and angry and 15, kind of just.... assumes that same strategy works on other people? which is how you get him yelling at yuuri in the bathroom after sochi -- bc someone coming up to yurio, yelling at him, telling him to retire, that he’s a loser -- that would absolutely motivate yurio to kick ass. same thing with the onsen on ice competition, honestly. yurio wanted to win (and being mad at victor for forgetting his promise was pretty motivating), but winning bc yuuri had an anxiety attack isn’t fair. yurio doesn’t just want to win, he wants to be better than the best.
which brings me to: the beach scene in barcelona in episode 10. there is some fascinating meta out there about victor the hero vs. victor the person and how yurio, who is pretty motivated generally by agape despite his claims otherwise, relates to both of those personas. but his lashing out at yuuri (”you’ll see the ring he gave you is garbage”) seemed a little... idk intense? yurio talks big but he does care for yuuri a lot and is, in his own fiesty tomcat way, protective of him. so I think maybe part of the reason yurio is so harsh to victor is more of the same -- because victor-the-hero is gone, but victor-the-person had better not fuck it up with yuuri. yurio is so contrary -- telling yurio his partner isn’t worthy of him would only make yurio double down. and he knows by now that yelling and spite doesn’t work for yuuri (hence katsudon piroshki) and it doesn’t really work for victor either -- but he’s just so mad at them both, and the only way he can think to express it to them is by yelling.
and then: “this place reminds me of hasetsu”, yurio says. not st. petersburg, the place he lives and trains, the place victor said the gulls in hasetsu reminded him of. hasetsu, the place that means yuuri. it feels like something of an apology, I think -- for the things he said about yuuri, for lashing out, even though he feels it was necessary. an olive branch that puts them back on more equal footing.
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“Not My Girl” - Jealousy HCs
Request: Hiii darling! I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing a Yurio x reader where he’s jealous cause another skater is flirting with his s/o
Title: “Not My Girl” - Jealousy HCs
Genre: fluffy, but it may stray a lil bit into comedic territory - I make no promises
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x GN!reader
Notes: So, I absolutely screwed up earlier this morning when I was doing homework, and I broke my chromebook in a fit of rage. I don’t know if I’m finding a way of projecting my anger through Plisetsky here or not, but I do know that I quite possibly just lost almost all dignity due to it - I had to get a new laptop to type this up since my phone is weird about this stuff. 
Anyway, I got this up and I am keeping a closer watch on what I do with this new laptop, so there will (hopefully) be some more posting at this level. Otherwise, did you know that there is a shortage of chromebooks now? 
(Also, this may have tread into some slightly darker area - but it doesn’t last long.)
Below the cut! 
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okay let’s get one thing straight
he loves you to death
but that also means that he can be protective to a fault with you.
if he were to spot anyone flirting with you, he’d be livid.
which is why he was fighting back the urge to murder the guy that was trying to get in your pants
winking, sliding his hand near your waist.
the asshole’s lucky that yuri was waiting for the scores while this was happening, else someone would have been convicted.
luckily his scores were high
but tension was raging
like seriously.
victor was there and even he could feel the overwhelming amount of rage that was emanating from the shorter blonde
no one knew why, no one wanted to know why
all they knew was that they had to remain out of his way per chance that he’d get violent
luckily, you were there to help him and him you
so he had found other ways to channel his anger
and he had gotten particularly good at passive- aggressiveness in comparison to his outright aggression 
yep, he had grown! 
(you were proud to see that he had managed to avoid clocking anyone in the face).
sadly, this didn’t last long as he was practically a human battering ram once he got his scores and was able to leave
he was silent, though, so progress? 
either way, things didn’t seem like they were going to end well.
“so, when are you free next?”
“the next century, now if you’ll please excuse me-” 
you were wiggling around and trying to escape the guy that had cornered you, but he was persisting.
you could tell he was a competitor due to his jacket, but you failed to remember his name 
which made this all the worse, especially since it was all over the media - you and plisetsky are a couple
and he apparently was either blind or stupid.
“we can go to my hotel room after this, get some room service, and-”
“no, i’m leaving. move.”
“i don’t think so, darling.”
you glared into his eyes, and eventually started to rear back to kick him where the sun don’t shine.
THANKFULLY, yurio had jumped into the scenario right before you struck.
“i don’t think you got the hint, you ass.”
the slightly taller male that had cornered you stared down at him
“and who are you?”
yurio is officially pissed.
but he knew to hold back due to your teachings to calm him down
so he decided to humiliate the guy instead of pound him into pieces
“you’re asking who i am, when you’re no more than a nameless face in the skating world.”
the guy looked incredulously at him, and when he tried to open his mouth, he was interrupted.
“i would tell you who i am, but that’d mean i’d be giving you the satisfaction of it, so - if they want to - i’ll leave my darling over here to it.”
he wrapped his arm around your waist, watching as you prepared to tear him a couple new assholes
“first off, his name’s yuri plisetsky. second off, you are a lowlife, and the press will be all over this given the fact that this just got caught on camera.”
said male froze in fear, slowly peeking around his shoulder to watch the people viewing the scene. 
“which also means that, considering your coach just witnessed this, a penalty is bound to happen to you. once people actually know your name, too, you’ll be crucified by the internet. have fun, you sorry sack of shit.”
he stood frozen (almost as much as the ice was), but you and yurio got away very quickly.
afterwards, over dinner in your shared hotel room, you teased him relentlessly. 
seriously, the look on his face as he tried to cover up his jealousy was adorable.
“were you jealous, baby?”
“no” - he totally was 
it was the cutest thing when he got jealous
but he always used your reaction against you when you got jealous as well.
(you weren’t as nice as he had learned to be)
(you legitimately pulled him away and wouldn’t let go of him for the rest of the night.)
(head empty, no thought besides my boyfie)
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springstarwrites · 3 years
I've just had a very strange thought, and I felt compelled to ask you a prompt about it.
See, Desast from Saber and Yurio from Yuri on Ice have the same VA (Uchiyama Kouki). He also voiced Philip/Kamen Rider W in the Memory of Heroez video game. So what would happen if, by some strange twist of destiny, these three happen to cross paths?
Oh my God... Are you for real? Okay, now I want to write this!!!
"Hey, Shotaro, did you know that the reigning champion of men's singles figure skating was fifteen when he won his first gold medal in seniors?" Philip asked, holding out his phone to his husband.
"I have no idea what half of that means, but..." Shotaro's voice trailed off as his eyes found the phone screen. Pictured there was a young blond man, shoulder-length hair tied back in a ponytail, who was staring arrogantly at the camera. He was leaning on a dark-haired guy who was half a head taller and was, at the moment of the photo being taken, kissing the side of the blond's head. "Okay, who is that?"
Philip smiled as he took his phone back. "Kentaro found this compilation of the top ice skaters in the world, and wouldn't you guess, but two of them live just ten kilometers from Fuuto!"
"These two?"
"No. Surely you've heard of Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov?"
"The names do ring a bell." Shotaro frowned, trying to remember where he'd heard them. "Hang on, aren't they the first two officially married gay ice skaters?"
"Exactly!" Philip snapped his fingers. "Now, they'll be making an appearance at the NHK competition, because they're friends with the skater I just showed you and because they're training a junior skater competing there. I was thinking that maybe we could go and see them."
"What???" Shotaro's mouth dropped open. Then he thought better of himself. "Okay, but how do you expect to pay for it?"
Philip smirked, an expression that rarely showed up on his face and thus unnerved Shotaro every time. "You'll see."
Against all odds, Philip had managed to procure two two-day tickets for the NHK Trophy, so Shotaro had no choice but to admit defeat. They dropped Kentaro off at Shinnosuke's, apologizing for the inconvenience, and then drove off to Nagoya, where the competition was being held. They definitely were not expecting to be recognized.
"Hidari Shotaro-san?" A man in his thirties approached them cautiously, the expression in his eyes approaching awe.
"Yes?" Shotaro didn't mean to sound curt, but his surprise had overtaken him. "Yes, that's me."
"I live in Hasetsu. When I was fourteen, my poodle, Vicchan, disappeared, and you helped me find him. I remember you clearly." The man smiled a bit. "I never got the opportunity to say thank you."
"You're welcome-" Shotaro paused, not knowing the man's name.
"You can call me Yuuri. May I introduce my husband, Victor?" Yuuri patted the shoulder of the silver-blond man next to him before rising up to kiss his cheek, only to be startled away by Philip squealing.
"Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov??? I can't believe it! It's you two!" Philip grinned, trying to contain his excitement.
"That would be us." Victor smiled, then glanced at his watch. "Oh, Yuuri, we're supposed to head in. Didn't Yurio want to meet us before he had to warm up?"
"Damn, that's right! I'm sorry, we have to go find our friends." Yuuri dragged Victor off before anybody could say a word.
Shotaro and Philip were left there, speechless. Then they both started talking at once.
"You know Yuuri Katsuki?"
"I know Japan's former leading ice skater?"
"When did that happen?"
"I don't know!"
This continued until they had to go in to get their seats. Then they shut up, watching as the skaters warmed up on the rink.
"Isn't that the guy you showed me?" Shotaro pointed out a blond on the ice, his sleek hair combed into an elaborate hairdo. He had left a red, white and blue striped jacket on the wall of the rink, and was now skating around in a red-orange outfit.
"I think so. I forgot his name, though, so I guess we'll have to find that out later."
All the skaters left the ice except the blond, who skated over to the wall to grab a drink. "First on the ice: Yuri Plisetsky, of Russia."
"I bet you ten thousand yen that that's the Yurio Victor Nikiforov mentioned," Shotaro whispered as Yuri skated out to the middle of the rink and struck a pose. The music started up just as Philip answered, a rushing, rising piece that reminded both of them of flames, so Shotaro couldn't hear him, though he had a feeling that the bet had not been taken.
Both of them were entranced by the skating, so when the music ended, they both felt like it had been far too short. But, as Philip pointed out, "Today is the day of the short programs. The free skates are tomorrow."
Just as Yuri stepped off the ice, screams erupted from the rinkside as a black figure jumped down from somewhere. It was not human by any means.
"Crap!" Shotaro cursed his bad luck as he and Philip scrambled through the screaming crowds to get to an aisle, any aisle, where they'd have a chance to transform.
Kamen Rider W, now transformed, floated down in front of the monster. Its features were twisted, red and black, and it was holding a sword to Yuri Plisetsky's throat. "Leave. Him. Alone."
"Oh? And who's going to stop me? You?" The monster's voice was eerily calm and snarky, and apparently Yuri didn't like it, as he started screaming obscenities in Russian. Just a few meters away, Victor was apparently translating for Yuuri, because both of them looked about as freaked out as the dark-haired guy next to them.
"Yes, I am. Now, count up your sins!"
"Desast!" someone yelled from behind W, and they whirled around to see a very familiar dragon-themed Rider. "Hang on, you guys are also here?"
"Yeah, we were watching the ice skating," Philip replied in Shotaro's place, wondering how Touma Kamiyama had known to come here. "Now, we should probably get that guy away from Desast."
"On it!" Touma tackled Desast away, and W held out a hand to Yuri.
"Are you okay there?" Philip asked in slow, careful English.
"No, not okay, why would you think that?" Yuri snapped in Russian-accented English that was still clearly legible. That voice made Shotaro freeze up.
"Uh, that's weird... You sound like him," Shotaro blurted out before he could think about what he was saying.
Yuri rolled his eyes. "Yeah, duh, that's why he targeted me. He said that he was looking for a human disguise, and that because I had a similar voice to his, nobody would suspect him. Not that that would work, given that that mudak attacked me in the middle of the khrenoten' competition."
"Well, you should go find out your score. We'll deal with the monster." W ran off, leaving a very confused Yuri Plisetsky behind. One of the figure's voices also sounded remarkably similar to his.
After chasing away Desast and watching what they hadn't missed of the rest of the short programs, Shotaro and Philip met up with Victor, Yuuri, Yuri and the dark-haired guy, a retired skater himself, and Yuri's boyfriend, by the name Otabek Altyn. The moment he spotted them, Yuuri bombarded Shotaro with questions.
"What the hell was that? Who were those? Why did that monster attack Yurio? Is it going to attack again?" Yuuri paused, breathless, and Philip took the opportunity to answer the questions.
"That was a monster attack. The two figures in suits were Kamen Riders, defenders of justice. As for why the monster attacked Plisetsky-san, and whether it will attack again, I simply don't know."
Yuri raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. The young man's voice also sounded similar to his own, but the idea that he was one of the voices of the Kamen Rider who'd saved him? No way. He said something to Victor and Otabek in Russian, smiling slightly at the three Japanese men, who shrugged in confusion.
"Well, we'll be here tomorrow to watch the free skate. Which place did Plisetsky-san get?" Philip asked Yuuri, smiling to learn that the blond Russian skater was in first place.
"You flatter me." Yuri slapped Yuuri's hand away as the latter tried to give him a slap on the back, his dry, acidic tone reminding all those present of the monster.
"See you tomorrow!" Victor called as Philip and Shotaro walked off to their car, wide-eyed with joy. Victor Nikiforov, who still held several records around the globe and was currently one of the most elite skating coaches in the world, was looking forward to see them again. How awesome was that?
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mvsicinthedvrk · 4 years
mmm personality test sorting time !!
i’ve done one character a day for a while & now they’re all done, so: fun sorts for my characters alphabetically under the cut.
i took the 16 personalities test for the mbti, the eclectic energies test for the enneagram, for hogwarts house I was going to originally just choose based on instinct but i did end up using this knockoff pottermore test, and then I did the open psychometrics “which character are you statistically most like” quiz for the last one. 
henry strauss-- 
mbti: INFP (the mediator) -- “Mediators may feel directionless or stuck unless they connect with a sense of purpose for their lives. For many Mediators, this purpose has something to do with helping and uplifting others. Empathetic by nature, these personalities may feel other people’s suffering as if it were their own“ lmfao oh henry
enneagram: oh he’s a type 4 for sure. I agree with that 200%. -- “Fours are emotionally complex and highly sensitive. They long to be understood and appreciated for their authentic selves, but easily feel misunderstood and unappreciated.”
hogwarts house: 42% hufflepuff (then in order: ravenclaw, gryffindor, slytherin)
which other characters are you most like: 
#1: charlie from perks of being a wallflower (OUCH!!)
#2: wes gibbons from htgawm
#3: jonathan byers from stranger things
holland vosijk--
mbti: ISTJ (the logistician)-- “Logisticians have sharp, fact-based minds, and prefer autonomy and self-sufficiency to reliance on someone or something. Dependency on others is often seen by Logisticians as a weakness, and their passion for duty, dependability and impeccable personal integrity forbid falling into such a trap.” this is so funny to me. it’s very true. 
enneagram: type 8-- “People of this personality type are essentially unwilling to be controlled, either by others or by their circumstances; they fully intend to be masters of their fate... Eights have a hard time lowering their defenses in intimate relationships. Intimacy involves emotional vulnerability and such vulnerability is one of the Eight's deepest fears” legit
hogwarts house: 40% slytherin (then in order: ravenclaw, gryffindor, hufflepuff)-- this actually surprises me because I would have guessed ravenclaw instead. 
what other characters are you most like: 
#1: carolyn martens from killing eve (i didn’t know who this was but apparently she’s “principled yet ruthless” and that tracks)
#2: severus snape from harry potter
#3: mr. darcy from pride and prejudice (lmfao)
kaz brekker--
mbti: ESTJ (the executive)-- I don’t know that this is accurate because the whole first paragraph of the description is about how executives understand right/wrong and embrace honesty and tradition BUT later in the description some of it aligns: “Executives don’t work alone, and they expect their reliability and work ethic to be reciprocated – people with this personality type meet their promises, and if partners or subordinates jeopardize them through incompetence or laziness, or worse still, dishonesty, they do not hesitate to show their wrath. This can earn them a reputation for inflexibility.”
enneagram: type 3-- “They are frequently hard working, competitive and are highly focused in the pursuit of their goals... They are often self-made and usually find some area in which they can excel... They know how to present themselves, are self-confident, practical, and driven... They are good networkers who know how to rise through the ranks.” THAT’S accurate. 
hogwarts house: almost the same as holland, which is unsurprising-- 37% slytherin, then 30% ravenclaw with gryffindor and hufflepuff trailing far behind. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: amy dunne from gone girl (lmfaoooooo)
#2: walter white from breaking bad
#3: vicious from cowboy bepop
martin blackwood--
mbti: INFJ (the advocate)-- “Advocates generally strive to do what’s right – and they want to help create a world where others do the right thing as well... Advocates may be reserved, but they communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive... Advocates might find themselves feeling especially stressed in the face of conflict and criticism. These personalities tend to act with the best of intentions, and it can frustrate them when others don’t appreciate this.” awww that’s sweet I do like that for him.
enneagram: type 2, with 6 being a close second. I definitely called that. “People of this personality type essentially feel that they are worthy insofar as they are helpful to others... Twos are warm, emotional people who care a great deal about their personal relationships, devote an enormous amount of energy to them, and who expect to be appreciated for their efforts.”
hogwarts house: 39% hufflepuff, and then the others are all fundamentally tied around 20-21% each. I’d agree with that. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: landry clarke from friday night lights (initially i was like-- a football player? what? but then his wiki description is: “generally polite, awkward, and enjoys playing guitar” so lol ok)
#2: cameron james from 10 things i hate about you
#3: peeta mellark from the hunger games
melanie king--
mbti: ESTP (the entrepreneur)-- “Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses.”
enneagram: like holland, she’s for sure a type 8: “Eights are strong willed, decisive, practical, tough minded and energetic.” I think the aggressive aspect of type eights is more obvious in her personality than his, though.
hogwarts house: 47% gryffindor! then, in order: slytherin, ravenclaw, hufflepuff. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: erica sinclair from stranger things
#2: max mayfield from stranger things
#3: lois lane from smallville (yessss)
mbti: INFP (the mediator)-- I was actually surprised he got introverted instead of extroverted, but here we are. “Mediators’ creativity and idealism can bloom even after the darkest of seasons. Although they know the world will never be perfect, Mediators still care about making it better however they can. This quiet belief in doing the right thing may explain why these personalities so often inspire compassion, kindness, and beauty wherever they go.”
enneagram: oh, yep, he’s a type 9-- “People of this personality type essentially feel a need for peace and harmony. They tend to avoid conflict at all costs, whether it be internal or interpersonal... Nines tend to adopt an optimistic approach to life; they are, for the most part, trusting people who see the best in others; they frequently have a deep seated faith that things will somehow work out.”
hogwarts house: my sweet son is 43% hufflepuff, then gryffindor, ravenclaw, and essentially no slytherin.
what other characters are you most like:
#1: flounder from the little mermaid (ok that’s sort of rude)
#2: snow white from snow white
#3: dorothy gale from the wizard of oz (that tracks)
mbti: INFJ (the advocate)-- so, same as martin. “Advocates can speak with great passion and conviction, especially when standing up for their ideals. At other times, however, they may choose to be soft-spoken and understated, preferring to keep the peace rather than challenge others.” i love him sm.
enneagram: he’s a type 2, also like martin, the helper type. this half-surprises me because i thought there was maybe a chance he’d be a type 6. 
hogwarts house: it’s actually really close between hufflepuff and gryffindor? 31% and 32% respectively. then slytherin, then ravenclaw. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: eliza hamilton from hamilton
#2: glenn rhee from the walking dead
#3: ben hargreeves from the umbrella academy
wei wuxian--
mbti: ENFP (the campaigner)-- “Campaigners, like all their Diplomat cousins, are shaped by their Intuitive (N) quality, allowing them to read between the lines with curiosity and energy... Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.”
enneagram: he’s my only type 7. “They tend to be extroverted, multi-talented, creative and open minded... They often have an entrepreneurial spirit and are able to convey their enthusiasm to those with whom they come in contact. When they are able to focus their talents, they are often highly successful. Focusing does not always come easily for Sevens, however.”
hogwarts house: this test says he’s 29% slytherin, 27% gryffindor, 23% hufflepuff, and 21% ravenclaw. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: george weasley from harry potter (oh that’s genuinely really good)
#2: abby sciuto from ncis (that’s actually perfect too from what i know about ncis)
#3: nymphadora tonks from harry potter
yuri plisetsky--
mbti: ISTJ (the logistician), same as holland-- “Logistician personalities are no-nonsense, and when they’ve made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action... To Logisticians, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations.”
enneagram: he’s type 3-- “People of this personality type need to be validated in order to feel worthy; they pursue success and want to be admired... When unhealthy, their narcissism takes an ugly turn and they can become cold blooded and ruthless in the pursuit of their goals.” lol
hogwarts house: 31% slytherin and 27% ravenclaw, then gryffindor and hufflepuff in last. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: cordelia chase from buffy the vampire slayer (once again, hilarious)
#2: amy march from little women
#3: tahani al-jamil from the good place
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geckomoon · 4 years
Yuri!!! on ice as irl skaters (part 1???)
Its 2020 and I miss yoi so here are my personal headcanons about which irl skater the you cast skate &/or act like because why the hell not.
(photos at the bottom of the post because I couldn't get the format to work the way I wanted it to)
Yuri Katsuki ➡️ Boyang Jin (China)/Evgenia Medvedeva (Russia)
Yes, 2 people because PARALLELS.
So my reason for saying Yuri is like Boyang is because, his step sequences are always gorgeous and his jumping power, oofttttt, and that one scene where Yuri tries a jump and lands in the wall, you know the one. Boyang Jin is known for jumping super close to the boards and scaring the hell out of us all, seriously, just watch one of his skates, it's amazing and terrifying. Also Boyang is a bit of a nerd and Yuri is canonicaly pretty into video games, nuff said.
Boyang is a two-time World bronze medalist (2016–2017), the 2018 Four Continents champion, a two-time Four Continents silver medalist (2016, 2019), the 2017 Asian Winter Games silver medalist, and a five-time (2014–2017, 2019) Chinese national champion.
Evgenia however, this is more of a parallel in how her 2018/19 season went and how Yuri kinda flopped. Zhenya had a crappy start to the 18/19 season, she'd just switched coaches and mover halfway across the world, for the 1st time in her senior career she didn't make the gpf. However by the end of the season she had bounced back and won bronze at worlds and my god what a skate that fp was. Remind you of anyone huh???
Evgenia has a lot of medals (and actually made a cameo in the end credits of episode 10) She is a two-time Olympic silver medalist (2018 ladies' singles, 2018 team event), a two-time world champion (2016, 2017), a two-time European champion (2016, 2017), a two-time Grand Prix Final champion (2015, 2016), a two-time Russian national champion (2016, 2017), silver medalist at the 2018 European Figure Skating Championships and bronze medalist at the 2019 World Championships. Also, she is a huge Anime fan and has a sailor moon exhibition program and its adorable.
Victor Nikiforov ➡️ Yuzuru Hanyu (Japan)
I know a lot of people compare Yuri to Yuzu but I think Victor is a better fit.
Yuzuru has a legion of super duper dedicated fans, they are pretty scary at times. If you watch the 2018 Olympics, the ice literally was covered in Pooh bears after his skate. People love this man, and rightly so. Clearly Yuri isn't the only one who loves Victor, he's very popular in the yoi skating world and almost everyone loves and looks up to him.
His skates are almost immaculate every time. Not only is his technique amazing but his artistry is what really sets him apart from other skaters who may have higher bv on jumps etc. Not that he dosent have high bv, seriously he tries combos that are super wierd just for the bv (see the wierd 4t-3a combo thing he does idk). Plus he's dead set on doing a quad axel. See Victor's super high bv with all the quads and also the fact everyone goes nuts over how his skating is 'like no other'.
Also his medal collection is absolutely mad, he is a two-time Olympic champion (2014, 2018), two-time World champion (2014, 2017), four-time Grand Prix Final champion (2013–2016), Four Continents champion (2020) and three times silver medalist (2011, 2013, 2017). Just like how Victor is canonicaly an Olympic champion and 5x world champion and probably many time euros champ.
Also, he's a sweetheart, he literally crawled behind Shoma Uno because he didn't want the attention taken away from Shoma. I love him.
Victor Nikiforov gives big Yuzuru Hanyu energy.
Yuri Plisetsky ➡️ Yulia Lipnitskaya (Russia)/Alexandra Trusova (Russia)
Again, 2 people.
It's canon that Yuri P was modeled after Yulia for the flexibility and artistic portion of his skates so I feel like I don't need to elaborate much in it however his determination and his wanting to back load with quads reminds me a lot of Sasha Trusova.
Sasha only started juniors the year after yoi came out (she had a Makkachin tissue box which was given to her by Evgenia M which is adorable) so she was not really that popular when the show was being made but she really made a statement when she became the 1st woman to land 2 quads in 1 program (4 salchow and 4 toeloop) at the age of 13 at 2018 junior worlds.
She has just started senior and this season she had 5 quads in one program and I think I cried. She now has a quad sal, toe, flip and lutz and is apparently working on a loop. On top of that she can land a 3 axel but has yet to do so in competition. Did I mention SHE'S 15 AND I'M TERRIFIED.
She currently holds the world record for the free skate (166.62 points). She is the 2020 European Bronze Medalist, the 2019 Grand Prix Final bronze medalist, the 2019 Skate Canada champion, the 2019 Rostelecom Cup champion, the 2019 CS Ondrej Nepela champion, the 2019 Russian national silver medalist, and the 2020 Russian national bronze medalist.
Her determination to win and high TES reminds me of Yurio a lot.
Phichit Chulanont ➡️ Nam Nguyen (Canada)
This one is fun.
I love Nam with all my heart, he's actually my favourite male skater and not just because of his skating. However his skating is great. He is the 2014 World Junior champion, 2019 Skate Canada silver medalist, and two-time Canadian national champion (2015, 2019). He has placed as high as fifth at the World Championships, in 2015. He's not the best skater ever, kinda like Phichit but his personality shines through so much when he skates and I love it.
My main comparison to Phichit is the fact that Nam Nguyen is a huge meme. His Instagram is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen (@ namnamnoodle). I can't explain it with words seriously just go look at it, he makes memes using professionnally taken skating photos of himself and honestly it's just a giggle. He's almost always posting on his story and half the videos he takes end up on fan twitter and everyone freaks out.
Also he's good friends with Evgenia, thought I'd mention that seeing as who I compared her to :)).
Yeah, Phichit and Nam are memes and I adore them both.
Jean-Jacques Leroy ➡️ Nathan Chen (USA)
Jj is definitely more of a technical focused skater. He tends to put all his eggs in the '800000 quads' bucket and isn't as artistic, in my humble opinion.
Just like Nathan surprisingly, though Nate isn't as egotistical (not a dig, just an observation).
Nathan is compared to Yuzu a lot, and had actually scored higher than him a few times in competition. He is an amazing jumper and is the first skater to have landed five types of quadruple jumps in competitions: toe loop, Salchow, loop, flip and Lutz. Currently he is two-time World champion (2018, 2019), a 2018 Winter Olympic bronze medalist in the team event, the 2017 Four Continents champion, three-time Grand Prix Final champion (2017, 2018, 2019), and four-time U.S. national champion (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020).
So yeah, he's good.
However at the 2018 Olympics (he was only 18 at the time) he bombed under pressure in the team event and in the sp, only to come back with a WR free skate, but didn't medal because of his sp score,kinda like how Jj bombed at the GPF. (Ngl, I cried in school when I saw Nate bomb at the Olympics, I was so upset).
Also, Nathan is super smart and is training to be a doctor. Not related to Jj but I thought I would point it out.
Christophe Giacometti➡️ Adam Rippon (USA)/Javier Fernández (Spain)
Chris is a hard one to pin to an irl skater because he's just so... Chris.
The closest comparison I can get is Adam Rippon but dialed up to 11 because Adam is quite a bit more tame than Chris is. However he did have a point in his sp where he literally beckons the judges to him in a way that can only be described as vaguely sexual. Seeing that at the Olympics was an event I'll tell you that.
Adam was the first openly gay man to make a U.S. Winter Olympic team, and the first to win a medal at the Winter Games. (team bronze).
Plus, I'm pretty sure he owned a Chris plushie at one point or another.
However other than the obvious Chrissness, his technique and medal winning achievements most closely match up with Javier Fernández (who may I add is pretty much Yuzuru Hanyu's best friend). He is the 2018 Olympic bronze medalist, a two-time World champion (2015, 2016), a two-time World bronze medalist (2013, 2014), a seven-time European champion (2013–2019), a two-time Grand Prix Final silver medalist (2014, 2015), a three-time Rostelecom Cup champion (2014–2016), a two-time Grand Prix in France champion (2016–2017) and an eight-time Spanish national champion (2010, 2012–2018). Javi is an amazing skater but usually ended up playing 2nd fiddle to Yuzuru on the world stage, but with euros, he literally won 7 times consecutively. Anndddd, he was the flag bearer for Spain at the 2014 Olympics and I still cry about it.
Otabek Altin➡️ Denis Ten (Kazakhstan)/ Matteo Rizzo
So it's canon that Otabek was based on Denis (rip Denis) so like Yuri and Yulia I do not feel like I need to elaborate much as you can read it on the wikia page. But Otabek also reminds me of a less talkative version of Matteo Rizzo. Matteo is the 2019 European bronze medalist, 2018 NHK Trophy bronze medalist, 2019 Winter Universiade champion, and 2018 Italian national champion.
The reason he reminds me of Otabek is that they just joth exude the same level of cool and I can't explain it any further than that. That's it. Just watch him skate and you'll see.
So that's all I have for now because this post got pretty long so if this gets enough attention I'll do a part 2 :)).
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damaless · 5 years
Why Are You Here, Yakov?
Chapter One: A Surprise Guest
“You’re sure you don’t have any objections?” Victor asks, again, putting down his phone and peering at Yuuri for any sign of mistruth.
Yuuri shakes his head without looking up from his book. “Honestly, Victor. I really do think you can handle taking on a second senior skater. I promise, I won't feel neglected.”
“Yes, but you know he's not just any skater.” Victor runs a hand through his hair, frustrated.
Yuuri doesn't seem to understand the depth of his concern. It's not just about coaching — this is going to substantially change their day to day lives. The handful of junior skaters he’s taken on in the past couple of years are manageable in large part due to Yuuri taking on an assistant coach role with them. A senior skater moving from a top tier coach will require dedicated time from Victor, and a lot of it.
“There is almost certainly going to be a long adjustment period. It's going to divert a lot of my time and attention.”
Yuuri sighs and retracts his legs from Victor's end of the couch. He sits up and turns to face him, tucking one foot under himself. “Yuri has a good reason for asking you to coach him. It’s not just about Yakov’s retirement; he would probably have asked you last year if Yakov hadn't been so close to retiring anyway.”
Victor tilts his head. What's Yuuri basing this opinion on? “What makes you say that?”
“He's said a few things in conversation that made me think he’s been itching to make the switch.”
“I didn't realize you two were in frequent communication,” Victor says, raising his eyebrows.
Yuuri looks away uncomfortably. “It's… did he tell you why he wants you as his coach?”
Victor frowns, shaking his head. “Not really. He just asked if I'd consider it. It was a surprisingly reasonable conversation.”
“He's mellowed out a lot in the past couple of years. For a few reasons.” Yuuri chews his lip. “I didn't say anything before because I didn't feel like this was my information to share. But this is a huge part of why he's asking you, so I can't imagine that he isn't planning on discussing it with you soon.”
“Discussing what with me, Yuuri?” All this dancing around the point is starting to unsettle him.
“His anxiety diagnosis.”
Oh. What?
Yuuri rubs his face. “He's been seeing a therapist online for a while, but he wants a coach who has experience with managing similar issues.” He gestures at himself. “Exhibit A.”
“I can't exactly employ all the same techniques I use to keep your stress levels under control,” Victor says, provoking a blush out of Yuuri. He smirks.
“Well— yeah, obviously. I would hope not.” Yuuri is adorable when flustered. He clears his throat. “But I know you've been doing a lot of reading on the topic. And I know you want to be able to help more people than just me.”
Victor nods. “Okay. I'll tell him I'm willing.”
Yuuko accompanies them when they go to pick up Yuri from the train station. The Nishigoris have generously offered to host him until the new addition to the onsen that will serve as apartments for the skaters and their families is complete.
Apparently she and Yuri had spent a fair bit of time together during his first visit, when Victor had choreographed Agape for him. Three years ago.
Victor’s mind reels; has it really been three years already? It shouldn't feel so strange. He knows exactly how many seasons it has been, knows the results of every major competition. He and Yuuri had just celebrated their second anniversary a few weeks ago.
Things had been unfathomably different when he'd called Yuri to bring Makkachin to Hasetsu; paradoxically, it also seems impossible that only three years have passed since then.
The thought of waif-like, fifteen-year-old Yuri Plisetsky helping Yuuri with his quad salchow is strange and foreign. Judging by his string of bronze medals last season, those three years of physical development — broader shoulders, greater muscle mass, altered center of gravity — will require substantial readjustment to his jump technique. He has the fundamentals and work ethic to do it, thankfully. It’s far from an impossible task for Victor to help him through.
“It's going to be okay,” Yuuri says, reaching for his hand, and — oh. He's been pacing.
He nods, and tries to flash a smile. Yuuri tugs on his hand to pull him close with a whirl, and he feels a more genuine twitch at the corners of his mouth.
Yuuri squeezes his hand. “You’ve been preparing for weeks. And he’s done with his angsty teen phase.”
They’ve been over this. He knows Yuuri is right, but the idea of coaching a former rinkmate has thrown him right back to the early days when he had wondered whether he would ever feel like he knew what he was doing. In the weeks since agreeing to coach Yuri, Victor has drawn up detailed, yet adaptable plans for how to approach Yuri’s training. He needs to start things off properly, needs Yuri to take him seriously as a coach right from the start.
All of that flies from his mind when Yuri comes out of the station, and he’s not alone.
Yakov is here.
Read the rest on Ao3
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callunavulgari · 6 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2018
1. A Cornstalk Fiddle by @notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down To Georgia | The Devil/Johnny | 17k
Where Johnny goes, the Devil follows; where Johnny goes, the Devil is already there.
Heather Says: So. I never thought that my favorite fic of the entire year would be a fic written about a song - and one that I don’t even particularly like - but here I am. I read this fic the same night that I finally broke down and watched Moonlight, and ended up listening to Moonlight’s End Credits and Hello Stranger by Barbara Lewis on repeat while I finished that first chapter on my back porch. This is that perfectly atmospheric fic that you’ll find maybe once every ten years and could probably sustain you on its memory for just as long.
2. Work of All Saints by @kaikamahine | Coco | Imelda/Hector/Ernesto | 210k
Imelda Rivera (b. 1899 - d. 1969), a story that includes but is not limited to: the finest music school this side of the Santo Domingo, three traveling musicians and the mess they made of love, the twice-cursed assassination of Venustiano Carranza, all the patron saints, and ninety-six ways a man can try to cross a bridge.
Heather Says: This story blew my entire mind. It was lovely, and tragic, and hilarious, and everything that a good novel should be. The parts of this fic that map out the unseen lives of Imelda, Hector, and Ernesto, that hidden backstory that a movie can only hint about, were exquisite to the point that I was afraid getting to the point where, well, they die, would be a letdown. It really wasn’t. If anything, the story managed to get richer as it went along, until suddenly you’re in a room sobbing into a pillow at four in the morning and have to be awake in four hours. No regrets.
3. Under the Covers by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 87k
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
Heather Says: Under the Covers was the first Harringrove fic that actually kicked me over the edge from ‘eh this ship looks like it would have good hate sex’ and into full-fledged believer. It’s an intricately crafted look into the world of Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington post-season two and it is absolutely glorious.
4. Bloody Ruin by esama | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 37k
Vampire hunter and a vampire try to get along.
Heather Says: Written before season two came out, this was one of those fics that I clicked on because the pairing interested me and I wanted to see how it worked. It did not disappoint, and even after I delved through the tag on ao3 after I marathoned season two, this is still my favorite.
5. a road less traveled and a life less led by Azzandra | Dishonored | Billie & The Outsider | 9k
She took him out of the Void, as promised. And then she kept him, she supposed.
Heather Says: You know all that fanart that started cropping up after Death of the Outsider came out? The ones where Billie and the Outsider crept around Dunwall or Karnaca stealing fish and safes and graffiti-ing buildings? The ones with that found family vibe? Yeah. This fic scratches the same itch that all that art did.
6. But I’m Not There Yet by sarahyyy | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 71k
“Are you not going to read the article?” she asks, flopping onto his bed. “Look who ranked second, just after Phichit Chulanont.”
Otabek reluctantly scrolls down, and oh. #2 - Yuri Plisetsky
In the embedded Instagram photo just under that subheading, a very grumpy Yuri is cuddling a very grumpy-looking cat. The caption reads: I found the cat version of me at the shelter today. #iknowisaidnomorecats #canyoublameme
Heather Says: And here, in the stupid cute category we have teenagers navigating love through social media. What’s more, there’s a companion fic.
7. flowers start to bloom in every different hue by orphan-account | Coraline | Coraline/Wybourn | 1k
Coraline grows up, gets a tattoo, and falls in love. In that order.
Heather Says: I read this fic on a slow day at work, often in quick bursts while I was waiting for the kitchen to finish my table’s food. It’s short. It’s sweet. It’s perfect. And honestly? It’s everything that I was looking for when I ventured into the Coraline tag on ao3 because I was curious.
8. Victory Conditions by @astolat | Transformers | Megatron/Optimus Prime | 37k
“Do you want me to tell you a story?” Megatron said mockingly. “You won’t like it, Prime. It’s not a very nice one.”
Heather Says: Fun fact, I’m not even in this fandom. I haven’t touched the Transformers fandom since the first movie came out in 2007 and I spent a very confusing week shipping a boy and his car. But Astolat has literally never lead me wrong, and I was having one of those bored days where nothing quite itches the right spot, so I sat down on the couch and spent two hours reading this. Worth it.
  9. just in it for the game by grim_lupine | Thor | Thor/Loki | 6k
“It's excellent rehabilitation for my image,” Loki says, widening his eyes. “They love you, and because of that they'll trust me. You wouldn't ruin this for me, would you?”
Thor glares at him.
Loki’s mouth twitches. “Also, it's the funniest thing that's ever happened to me.”
Heather Says: The Thor/Loki bug never really bit me until after Ragnorak came out. I mean, sure, I read it and it was good, but hella’s Frostiron fics basically destroyed me for any other Loki pairing. HOWEVER. Ragnorak happened and screwed that all the way up. Also, you know, this fic is absolutely lovely and was just what the doctor ordered.
10. so this guy walks into a bar by MasterOfAllImagination | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann | 2.5k
“Bourbon,” Hermann says, hooking his cane on the edge of the bar and sliding by degrees onto a stool.
“Straight up?” the bartender asks.
“Please.” Does he look like the kind of man who enjoys having his nostrils fumigated by undiluted whiskey? “On the rocks.”
Heather Says: I coped with Pacific Rim 2 by reading a couple AUs and a couple very, very long fics full of tragedy and math. Weirdly, the AU of a chance meeting in a bar was the one that stuck.
11. cherry pie by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 133k
Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.
Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.
Heather Says: Yeah, okay, but this is the fic that made summer worth it. Highly recommend reading at the pool or with your feet hanging off the back porch. Every piece of this fic was dripping in summertime nostalgia. It was fan-freaking-tastic.
12. the ghost and the good queen val by Wildehack (tyleet) | Thor | Thor/Valkyrie/Loki | 27k
“What,” she says, her heart racing, “was that.”
“What was what?” Korg asks, frowning up at her. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Valkyrie squints suspiciously at the ship.
“Oh my god,” Korg says. “You did! You saw a ghost!”
Heather Says: So, remember how I coped with Pacific Rim 2 with copious AUs? This is how I coped with Infinity War.
13. For Better or Worse by DragonBandit  | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 22k
All Damien ever wanted was someone who wanted him. All Damien deserves is to die alone, stripped bare of any of the comforts or affections of humanity, a title he willingly shed.
Mark Bryant seems to be the Universe's compromise.
Wherein Damien and Mark are soulmates, and this changes enough.
Heather Says: I think I’ve read this one three or four time this year? It’s 22k of well-written fic for a fandom that has a max of like 100 fics all with lengths that tend to vary between a couple hundred words to 2 or 3k, max. This fic is the one that really catapulted me into the fandom. 
14. in waves by @lymricks | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 38k
It’s March and it’s too cold for Billy to be shirtless and wearing shorts, but he hadn’t noticed until Harrington appeared and made him hold still. Harrington can’t seem to stop looking at the bruises. “What’s it to you if I miss a little school, Harrington?” Billy asks. He feels goosebumps rising on his skin.
“I don’t know,” Harrington snaps back, looking uncomfortable. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. Plant your feet, Billy wants to scream at him. I’m going to bowl you over.
Heather Says: And here we have the first fic that wasn’t written by either @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger or @brawlite that made me realize that this fandom was gonna be a good one. So fantastic.
15. the cure by aquaexplicit | The Flash | Cisco/Harry | 43k
“I guess I don’t really get what you need to fix? Harrison Wells is a hot, rich genius that pays you to make cool stuff with his daughter and is totally into you. If you guys boning is the biggest problem you have, I think this officially qualifies as your best relationship ever.”
When Barry puts it like that, everything sounds so simple and not at all as angst ridden as Cisco has been suffering the past few months.
Cisco hangs up on him.
Heather Says: I remember a couple years ago, I fell absolutely head over heels for this one Sterek fic where Derek had twin toddlers and Stiles was the hired babysitter. So I think there’s something about dad + babysitter fics that get me, even if this one in particular the ‘baby’ in question is a fifteen year old genius. Still. Dad + babysitter. I don’t even know, but apparently it works for me.
16. pull out the insides by SpineAndSpite | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 3k
“Stop,” Damien says again, more insistent this time.
“I’m not doing it on purpose.” Mark's heart pounds in his ears and he sees Damien’s hands shaking. God. They shouldn’t have started talking about sex. Shouldn’t have filled in the colors and shadows to this pencil outline of a sketch forming between them. They shouldn’t have given it a name.
Heather Says: This year seems to have had a theme when it comes to fics that I’ve liked and it seems to boil down to: people who are bad for each other have sex and catch feelings. Mark/Damien is not the healthiest ship. But it also hurts in this stupidly tragic way and hell if I didn’t fall head over heels for it.
17. tell me, get my shit together by paperclipbitch | Star Wars | Han/Lando | 5k
“I thought we were actively avoiding each other after the Trandosha Shitshow,” Han says.
“We’re actively avoiding each other after the Iridonia Shitshow,” Lando corrects him, “the Trandosha Shitshow is That Which We Do Not Speak Of.”
Heather Says: So, guess what I did in the two to three hours after seeing Solo? If you guessed: ‘combed through ao3 until you ran out of fic’ ding ding ding, you are 100% correct. This one was very, very good, which makes sense, because paperclipbitch has some good shit.
18. chases, escapes, true love, miracles by pepperfield | The Flash | Cisco/Harry 55k
Just because the timeline has been restored, doesn't mean things are back to normal. Cisco's got 99 problems, and Harry Wells is approximately 38 of them.
In which Cisco makes a bunch of plans, fails most of them, narrowly avoids being disintegrated, receives a hug or two, finds his groove, and gets his man. More or less in that order.
Heather Says: This one was long and wibbly wobbly, because it was basically what season 3 should have been. But it was also really great, and had some super quality Harrisco interactions.
19. Your Pretty Little Heart by Ever-so-reylo | Star Wars | Reylo | 64k
Modern day AU in which Ben is an Alpha, Rey is an Omega, and they are way better at having sex than at communicating with each other.
Heather Says: Speaking of people who are probably a little bit bad for each other... This particular fic was new to me, not because of the um, extensive sexual content, but because I’m usually not a fan of A/B/O. But this one was extremely good, enough that I actually liked it for a/b/o aspect rather than in spite of it.
20. Draconia by perceived_nobility | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k
"So I was driving. One ex wife and one ex husband later, stopping at the same fucking gas stations you and I stopped at."
Heather Says: This fic actually prompted a 3 hour long conversation on the ‘adult’ Mark/Damien discord where we basically outlined an entire fic that I never got around to writing where Damien is raising a child, has a farm, and runs into Mark ten years down the ride. One day, I might write it, because vaguely domestic, meet-again-ten-years-down-the-road fics always bowl me right the fuck over and just. There needs to be more fic like this one in the world. But until then, the world can marvel at the beauty that is this one.
21. Artifice by buttpatrol | Wolf 359 | Hera/Eiffel | 23k
A story told in parts about colour palettes, identity, robot uprisings, sensational trials, space, and messy love.
Heather Says: As I’ve recently finished relistening to Wolf 359 I have a fresh appreciation for this fic, which is one of the only longer fics on ao3 that just grips you by the heart and squeezes the same way that the series does. It might have been written before the end of the series, but it’s honestly just as perfect.
22. (shoot the lights out, hide) till its bright out by lipgallagher | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 93k
The most dangerous thing walking around Hawkins goes by the name Billy Hargrove.
And he fucking knows it.
Heather Says: I’m kind of cheating here, because this is a series rather than a single fic, but I’m not picking just one part. I read the first four or so parts of this fic when I was visiting my family in South Carolina and spent the next few days wandering around the place half-in Steve Harrington’s headspace. It was an incredibly surreal experience, which lead to a pretty strong combination of mania, depression, and an indescribable craving for ice cream. So like, maybe don’t read this fic if you’re in a bad head space? But also it’s very good and features one of the most fucked up and intriguing Steve’s that I’ve seen yet.
23. Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya | Yuri On Ice | Yuuri/Viktor | 197k
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
Heather Says: I actually read this one on the plane ride down to South Carolina, and kind of didn’t like it at first? I’m not sure if it was just the act of putting Yuuri and Victor into the position of rivals that made me uncomfortable or the goddamn delays that turned half a day of travelling into a full one, but eventually I was able to get into and enjoyed it quite a bit. I really like the rivals to lovers trope, so I’d been looking forward to this one a lot.
24. Traveling Far by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne | 24k
Three weeks into their delightful slog across Westeros, during yet another charming day of shitting in the woods, eating half-raw squirrel, and trudging his feet bloody, the single most dour and uninteresting woman Jaime had ever met in all of Westeros stopped in the middle of a field, drew a deep breath, and said, “When I was seven, my aunt came to visit with her son. My father told me that as the daughter of the house, it was my duty to show hospitality to my guests and to be gracious to them. I wanted to make him proud. So for three weeks, I let my cousin follow me around and talk to me about spiders.”
Heather Says: I’ve become very fond of astolat’s Jaime/Brienne fics, and I think this one is my favorite yet. Featuring Starks, found family, and a whole lot of walking.
25. lilies of the valley (cover me with kisses, make my garden grow) by diasterisms | Star Wars | Reylo | 8k
Every girl is entitled to the mistake. That one colossal fuck-up that permanently alters the terrain of who you are. You'll either learn from it or you won't, so might as well have the time of your life.
Heather Says: I just. I really like flower shop AUs, and the idea of a Kylo Ren who owns a sleek flower shop being menaced by a tiny gremlin in a leather jacket just. Kills me. It was really sweet and all kinds of wonderful.
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missmarquin · 5 years
For the Clockmaker’s Heart, Chapter One
In which a clockmaker falls in love with the fae he finds in an antique clock. 
Really, I’m a suck for a good romance prompt. 
Read here on A03, for better quality!
A clockmaker who falls in love with a faerie that he finds in an antique clock. 
“That’s not my fucking name, you pig,” Yuri snarled in response, trudging through dark leaves and roots that littered the ground. Yuri didn’t make a habit of exploring the Faewood, but he’d make an exception if it meant escaping from a certain, dark-haired Asian man that--
“Yuri,” the other man replied, his tone tired of arguing. A man who didn’t know when to just let shit go. Yuri scowled deeply, refusing to acknowledge him. Instead he paused, looking around him, regarding the trees that were so tall that the sky disappeared. The Faewood wasn’t for the faint of heart. It was a thing of made up stories-- the kind that you told children to scare them into behaving. Yuri snorted at that. 
“I know you don’t want to talk to me,” Yuuri Katsuki said, sidling up next to him. No shit, Yuri never wanted to talk to him-- “I just wanted to make sure that you are alright.”
Yuri sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. For all his bravado, he didn’t actually hate the man. It more like an extreme aggravation, something that could be looked over from time to time. “I’m fine,” he finally bit out. 
“Yuri, I don’t think you are--”
“You aren’t my father,” Yuri snapped, “so stop acting like it.”
Katsuki frowned slightly, letting out his own sigh. “I’m your friend,” he stressed, pressing a comforting hand against Yuri’s shoulder. “And I miss him too.”
The brief moment of civility between them snapped, and Yuri yanked from the other man’s grasp. “All I wanted to do was to have a picnic with him.” At his grave were the unspoken words that floated between them.
“I know.” Katsuki’s voice was quiet and patient. Understanding. Part of Yuri fucking hated it, and the other found comfort in it. 
“And fucking JJ--” Yuri let out a frustrated grunt. “The things that he said… I want to punch his fucking face,” Yuri finished. 
At that, Katsuki flashed a smile, pushing his glasses up his nose. “I’m pretty sure your grandfather wouldn’t have liked that.”
Yuri allowed his lips to twist into a bare smirk. “No, but he would have understood it.” Silence stretched between them, as Yuri fiddled with the strap of his pack. “Thanks, Pig.” 
Katsuki’s nose crinkled slightly at the loose term of endearment, but waved it away. “Let’s keep walking. Perhaps we’ll find a nice place to lay out the picnic?”
Yuri rolled his eyes, but held out his hand for the other man to lead the way. 
The Plisetsky’s had been clockmakers since practically the beginning of time, and Yuri was no exception. Unlike, his grandfather though, Yuri didn’t have an artistic bone in his body. He could fix any broken clock that was set before him, but he was lost when it came to carving and painting the wood the parts were set in. 
Yuri had been a kid, when his grandfather had brought Yuuri Katsuki home with him, a nervous bundle of glasses and dark hair from the Far East. 
I saw his work while I was traveling, Nikolai had intoned. His art will suit you.
And so, they were slated to work together. As Yuri grew out of his apprenticeship, he found that his grandfather had been right. There was a lot wrong with The Pig, but it wasn’t his eye for clean lines. Despite his smallish frame, his hands were wide and calloused, well attuned to carving and shaping wood. 
Combined with Yuri’s ability to practically speak to machinery and clock parts, they were a match made in heaven. Together, they created work that was highly sought after across the entire province. Nikolai had retired, watching them take over the family business with pride. 
His grandfather had been everything to Yuri. Sure, he could reluctantly call Katsuki a friend, but Nikolai had been his only family. The day that he had died, so had Yuri. He’d always been loud and brash, but now he was just angry, so fucking angry. And apparently prone to violent outbursts. 
Thankfully, he’d run away from JJ before causing a scene, ducking into the Faewood without a thought. He’d known the priss of a man wouldn’t follow him, but he hadn’t counted on Katsuki to do so. Despite their little spat earlier, they trudged through the underbrush with an ease between them. 
“It was the wrong place to conduct business, Yuri,” Katsuki finally said. 
“JJ is an asshole,” Yuri retorted, kicking at a branch. “What did you think he’d do?” 
“I know you’ve been avoiding him--”
“Have you seen the commission he wants?” Yuri hissed. “It’s gaudy, even for him.”
“He’s a merchant lord,” Katsuki reminded him, knowing that JJ’s taste was quite obvious. 
“You can’t tell me that you want to make it,” Yuri grumbled. 
“I’ll make just about anything, for a price,” the shorter man said. “Even that.”
“I can’t--” Yuri stopped dead in his step, motioning forward. “Is that a house?”
Katsuki followed the motion, his head cocking to the side. So it wasn’t unheard of that people might settle in the Faewood, but he’d never seen such a residence. It was a small cottage, with a wrap around porch. Half of the roof was falling in though, and judging by the general state of disrepair-- it’d been empty for a long time. 
“Yuri, I don’t think--”
“Shush, Pig. Let’s go check it out.”
Katsuki tinted pink at the name, biting his lip. Yuri sighed, knowing what was coming. “That’s a terrible idea,” the other man said. 
“I’m not known for my good ideas,” Yuri said, before stepping down the path and towards the house. 
“Yuri!” Katsuki practically yelled, but was promptly ignored. Yuri could hear him as he picked his way down the path after him.
The moment Yuri’s foot found the porch step, the entire thing groaned under his weight, causing him to pause. Katsuki gave him a look of warning, which caused Yuri to roll his eyes. “It’s fine,” he said, putting his full weight down-- and promptly through the step. He yelped slightly, trying to catch his balance.
“Yuri, this is a terrible idea,” Katsuki said for the second time. 
Yuri pulled his foot from the rotten wood, testing another step. It was firm beneath him. “I need a distraction,” he said. “This is a great one.” Really, anything to pull his mind from the anniversary of his grandfather’s death, and the absurdity that was JJ as a whole. 
“You really should be more cautious,” Katsuki sighed. 
“You can’t tell me that you actually believe those stories,” Yuri replied, halfway up the front steps. He looked back down to where the pig stood, his arms crossed. 
“No,” Katsuki said, his cheeks flaring up pink with embarrassment. “I’m just… well-- you never know, right?” 
Yuri snorted. “Well, either you follow, or you stay out here-- and who knows what’s out here, am I right?.”  He practically watched the color drain from the other man’s face, and then laughed when Katsuki moved to climb to the porch after him. 
They tested for patches of rot, but everything seemed sound, aside from the first step that had caught them. The handle on the front door was rusted with time, but Yuri managed to wrench it open. 
Despite the building half-falling down, the inside was in order-- no one had ever come and sacked it. Furniture was neatly placed and there were personal items still about, everything covered in a thick layer of dust and leaves. 
“Makes you wonder,” Katsuki said, leaning over a table, dusting it off with his shirt sleeve. “Who lived out here?”
“Probably someone who wanted to be left alone.” Yuri got it, really he did. Sometimes you just hit a point where you wanted nothing to do with others. Despite his annoyance of Katsuki’s nervous presence, he was the only person he remotely tolerated. And though he’d never admit it, he’d actually miss the guy, if he ever decided to leave. 
Yuri watched as the Pig reached into a cupboard, pulling out a delicate piece of china. “I’ve never seen anything so fine,” the man said, running his fingers along the porcelain cup. “This craftsmanship is definitely unique.”
Yuri opened his mouth to reply, when something else caught his eye. With a few steps, he’d crossed the room to the corner, reaching out to press his fingers against the clock. It wasn’t very large, really. Short and a little squat, about the size of his cat Potya. It was made from a slick black wood, corners and edges carved with intricate perfection. Yuri reached out, his fingers brushing along the tarnished gold leaf rubbed along its lines. 
“This is beautiful,” Katsuki said, from his side. He’d followed him into the corner, after tucking the teacup into his own knapsack. His fingers followed Yuri’s reaching out over the polished wood. “I’ve never seen wood like this,” he murmured. 
“Is it stained?” Yuri asked. He hadn’t either, this dark hue. It was as pitch as a moonless night. 
“No, I don’t think so,” Katsuki said. “If it were, these grainlines would look different. They’d carry the color with a flatness. Instead, there’s dimension in the grooves. The color shifts with the cuts.”
Yuri hummed at that, his fingers pinching a sharp edge, before flitting downward towards the beveled glass door that housed the gears. So far the hands hadn’t moved, but he wasn’t surprised-- there hadn’t been a person around to wind the thing properly. He pulled at the little handle, but it refused to budge. Odd. 
“I want to keep this,” Yuri said quietly, after another moment of admiration. 
Katsuki blinked at that, before looking around. “Well, it’s not as if anyone will miss it,” he said dryly. He then patted his pack, reminding Yuri that he was taking his own souvenir. “You’ll have to come back for it though.”
Yuri hummed at that, moving to pick it up. “I think I would get lost trying to find this place again. If it’s not-- Oh,” he breathed. The clock barely weighed a thing, and he hadn’t expected that, nearly toppling over with the extra force he’d thrown behind his arms. “It weighs practically nothing.”
Katsuki raised an eyebrow at that. “Yuri, that’s at least thirty pounds worth of wood, and I’m not even considering the gearworks and gold--”
Yuri practically threw it into the man’s hands, and he struggled to grasp at it, only to find that Yuri was right. “Well that’s… er, strange,” he said, passing it back to Yuri. “What will you do with it?”
“Fix it, obviously, since the dumb thing doesn’t work.”
“Perhaps a project would be good for you,” Katsuki said. 
He was right, as always. Yuri needed a distraction, and this was clearly a one-of-a-kind piece. Still, he had to wonder, what was it doing here? The home was littered with unique furniture and trade works of highly talented craftsman. 
Yuri turned to the pig, only to find him looking at his wristwatch. “It’s getting late,” he said. “I don’t want to get stuck here after dark. Let’s go home, Yuri.”
Yeah, home. 
It was a familiar motion. He gripped a small screwdriver in his long fingers, twisting it gently as he tuned the tumblers in the clock. Delicate work, as always, requiring a refined and steady hand. The gears in the clock were finicky, but it wouldn’t be the first time that the innards of a timepiece proved to be stubborn. 
It had taken nearly a day just to get the gearbox open, and he was still working on the glass door on the front. It remained stubborn yet, refusing to budge. 
Katsuki leaned over his shoulders, watching as his wrist twisted with the motion of his tool. “That doesn’t look like gold… or silver, for that matter. What are these parts made of?” 
“It’s nothing I’ve ever seen,” Yuri finally admitted. “And the lower door still won’t budge. Honestly, if I believed in fairytales, I’d consider this to be made by the fae.” 
Katsuki raised his eyebrows at that. “Well, I mean--”
“None of that,” Yuri interrupted. “You know it’s impossible.” The other man frowned at that, and Yuri waved the thought away. “It’s just an old clock, with tight hinges. I’ll eventually get it open.” 
“Well, when you’re done with that, let me take a look at the leafing, alright? I’ll spruce it up the best that I can.” And with that, the man left Yuri behind. 
Grandfather would have loved this piece, Yuri thought, swapping his screwdriver for a tiny little hammer. He used the backside of it to pull out an old screw. It was unique for sure, with it’s black wood and golden highlights. Even the carving was exquisite, the corners flared expertly. Katsuki was good, but this was perfection. 
Yuri thumbed the tiny little screw before throwing on his glass to get a better look at it. They weren’t needed for everyday use, but he was particularly farsighted when it came down to things. He hummed, picking up a screwdriver, turning it over in his palm. The pig was right, it wasn’t made of gold or silver. He carefully set it back into the hole, screwing it back in. 
Once he deemed this particular work done, he sat back, cracking his knuckles gently. There was a spot for a turnkey, and he found one that seemed like it would fit. Sticking it in, he wound the clock several times, before pulling away. 
It had been stubborn-- gears bent with age, full of dust and leaves. But now that it was properly cleaned, reset and oiled, the gears shifted and began to move. And then a minute passed, and a clock hand ticked with it. Yuri let out a breath, smiling slightly as he eased off his glasses. 
It wasn’t fixed, of course. He still hadn’t gotten the glass door open, to look at the pendulums proper, and it wasn’t likely to keep time well until he did. But the gears moved without locking up, and it was a good start. 
Not bad for a day’s work. 
When Yuri woke the next morning, and shuffled into his workshop tiredly, he didn’t notice that that clock had moved. 
He set about making a pot of coffee, rubbing at his eyes tiredly before he yawned. The kettle screamed, and he poured the water, waiting for the drink to brew. And then he took his mug, sat in his chair and placed his glasses on his nose. Lifting the mug to his lips, he--
“Hey.” Yuri’s hand paused slightly, and he blinked tiredly. The voice was masculine, but sounded far away. “Down here-- no, to the left-- your left. Gods, humans are useless.” 
Yuri cocked his head to the side, only to find a tiny man standing on his work table. The clock, which had originally been more central, was now pushed over, laying on its side. He blinked slowly, before looking at his coffee and taking a long sip. “It’s way too fucking early to be hallucinating shit--”
“Are you the one who fixed it?”
That caused Yuri to look back to him, his eyes narrowing. “Fixed what?”
“The clock, of course. What else would I be talking about?” 
Yuri took another sip and then leaned forward to get a better look. The man was only about half a foot tall, able to fit in his hand easily. He was scruffy-looking, his long black hair matted and a wild beard overtaking his face. Gray eyes peered back at him, a scowl worn plainly on his face. Yuri reached out to poke at him, and the tiny man responded by smacking away his fingertip. 
He was real. Yuri pulled back, shaking out his hand slightly as he stared. “Of course I fixed it,” he replied. 
“I’m a clockmaker,” Yuri said, as though it were obvious. “It’s what I do.”
“It’s what you--” the tiny man started, before stopping abruptly and pinching the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. 
“What are you, even?” Yuri asked, moving to poke at him again. 
The man dodge his hand, batting at it once more. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m a fae.”
Yuri blinked at that, and then threw his head back and laughed. He had to have been asleep. “That’s ridiculous,” Yuri replied. “Faeries aren’t real--”
“Fae,” the man snapped, frowning. 
Yuri frowned right back. “What’s the difference?” As far as he knew, the terms were interchangeable. 
The man didn’t bother a response, instead changing the subject. “Last I checked, this clock was hidden in a faerie house--”
“So you admit that you’re a faerie?” 
“Faeries are entirely different than what I am,” the man snapped. 
Yuri hummed at that, his fingers curled tightly around his mug of coffee. He still wasn’t entirely convinced that this wasn’t some wild fever dream. The debate of the differences of a fae and a faerie wasn’t helping, either. 
“How did you even get here?” Yuri finally asked. From the way that the other man rolled his eyes, it was apparent that it should have been obvious. It wasn’t, or maybe Yuri was just still that tired. He took another sip of his coffee and blinked blearily. 
“The clock,” the man said, waving at it. “You fixed it.”
“We’ve already established that,” Yuri said boredly.
 “Which broke my curse,” the man continued. “Well, sort-of. There’s more to it than just that.”
“Which broke your--” Yuri paused, his expression pinching slightly. “What do you mean curse?”
The man crossed his arms over his chest. “The idea of a curse is pretty cut and dry,” he said sarcastically. “I pissed someone off, and I was bound to this clock forever.”
Yuri considered that for a moment and then said, “Forever is a long time.”
The fae rolled his eyes at that. “I mean, it’s only forever. It could be worse.”
Yuri wasn’t sure it could be, though. “You said something about there being more to it.”
The fae sighed at that. “My curse is only partially broken.”
“How is it fully broken?” Yuri was admittedly, curious. 
“It doesn’t matter,” the other man said with a sigh, pressing his fingers against his forehead. “My curse was designed as impossible to break, therefore there’s no point in dwelling on it.”
“Impossible, huh?” Yuri asked, sipping at his coffee again. “Well, whoever cast it on you did a terrible job. Didn’t take much work to break what I did.” At that, the far paused, pulling his hand down and regarding Yuri carefully. Yuri responded with a shrug, before placing his mug down and sliding it toward the man.
“Want any coffee?” 
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phoenixwaller · 6 years
For promptathon? A werewolf strikes Duke Nikiforov lands two weeks before his marriage with lord Yuuri. Unknowingly, Viktor transforms into a irrational beast every new moon.The only way to stop the creature is if their beloved stabs the beast's heart to kill it and they'll die human. No one knows who's the beast true face, not even Viktor himself. Written on the perspective of Yuri P. The loyal squire of Nikiforov who works in the castle, he might or not be aware his master's condition. (1/2)💐
Part 2 of the ask is a bit more personal and not related to the plot, so not sharing here. 
Obviously given the prompt there is gonna be a major character death, and it’ll be sad at the end. 
Yuri scrunched his nose as he pulled open the doors to the stable. He was used to the smells of manure and hay, but there was something rancid underneath. 
He tried to push past the smell. Duke Nikiforov asked for his horse to be readied for a morning ride. He grabbed the tack and essentials so that he could present the horse as soon as the duke was ready. 
He shivered as a blast of unexpected cold air curled through the stable. The horses whinnied. 
“What the hell?” he grumbled. “Did some dumbass leave a window open?”
Another breeze, and the rancid smell wafted around him again. He held his hand to his face to try and block the smell, but it got worse the further inside he got. 
He wrapped his scarf around his face, determined to prep the horse and get out again as soon as possible. 
Yuri grabbed a blanket and saddle, carrying them to the stall. He rounded the corner and dropped everything. 
He found the nearest pile of hay and vomited into it. 
Yuri fidgeted as the duke and his assistant discussed his report in front of him. 
“Lord Katsuki will arrive any day, and now there is a murderer on the grounds,” the duke wailed. 
“I doubt a human caused the damage reported by Mr. Plisetsky,” Chris said. “He said there was a hole in the side of the stables.”
“Not to mention claw marks,” Yuri muttered. He shuddered and forced the image from his mind before he vomited again. He doubted any amount of alcohol would erase the carnage from his memory. 
“I don’t know if that’s better or worse,” the duke replied, collapsing onto a chaise, arm draped over his face. 
“It’s not the first time damage like this has been reported in the area,” Chris said. “It started a couple years ago.”
The duke sighed. “But this is the first time on the grounds, and when we have enhanced security too.”
Yuri picked at his shirt. “May I be permitted to leave?”
Chris turned to him and sighed. “I’d scold you on etiquette, but I think given the circumstances I’ll let it pass. You may leave.”
Yuri stood and bowed. “Thank you.”
“Announcing Lord and Lady Katsuki, and their son, future husband of Duke Nikiforov, Lord Yuri Katsuki.”
Yuri peered around the corner of the manor at the large carriage that had arrived. Two smiling people dressed in vibrant robes stepped from it, followed by a man of his mid-20′s who appeared to be overwhelmed by the entire experience. 
Duke Nikiforov stepped down the stairs of the manor and bowed. Once he’d greeted his new in-laws he stepped past them and took the hands of his betrothed. He kissed the man’s knuckles, and smiled at the bright red blush that crossed the man’s face. 
“Gross,” Yuri said as he turned toward the stable again. “Hasn’t seen him in two years and still completely smitten.”
Yuri leaned back against the tree and allowed his legs to dangle over the sides of the branch. He pulled the string on a linen bag and eyed his lunch. Inside was a sandwich, an apple and a skein of water. 
He took a deep swallow of water and was about to begin on his sandwich when he heard voices below. 
“Did you hear?” 
Yuri looked down to see one of the maids, Mila, talking to another, Sara. 
“Hear what?” Sara asked. 
“There was another attack last night.”
“Another one?”
Mila nodded. “Apparently Otabek, the head groundskeeper, saw the beast. A giant silver wolf, blood dripping from an arm it held in it’s mouth.”
Sara’s hands went to her face. “Oh my god. Do they know who the victim was yet?”
Mila nodded again. “According to Otabek it was a farmer from the outskirts of the village, a man he used to buy seedling plants from.”
Sara shook her head. “When will these attacks stop?”
Mila shrugged. “Probably not until the beast is killed.”
The pounding of feet against the earth. Shouting voices. 
Yuri sat up, startled from his slumber. For a moment he wondered what had roused him, then he heard it again. 
Sobbing, and a man calling out for the duke. 
Yuri’s eyes flew open. and he swung his legs over the side of the bed. He dressed hastily and slipped from the servants’ quarters. 
The night was black as pitch under the new moon, but after a few minutes his eyes adjusted and he could make out the dim glow of a torch in the distance. He narrowed his eyes and set off down a well-known trail into the manor's forest. 
“Victor...” the voice sobbed. “Victor please... please no.”
A deep growl. 
Yuri ran until he reached the edge of a clearing. He stopped short. In front of him was a giant silver wolf, and Lord Katsuki. A body dangled from the wolf’s maw. The discarded torch burned low in the moist grass. 
“Victor,” lord Katsuki sobbed. “Please... please. I’m so sorry. This was never meant to happen to you.”
The wolf growled, and the lord broke down into tears, falling to his knees in front of the beast. 
“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...”
Yuri chanced a step out into the clearing. “What’s...”
Lord Katsuki’s head spun around. “No! Go back!”
Yuri glared. “What’s going on? Why do you address the beast as if its the duke?”
Lord Katsuki broke into fresh tears. “Because it is Duke Nikiforov.”
Lord Katsuki shook his head. “It is though. It is a curse, and I brought it upon him. Though I never wanted to.”
“If you cursed him, then end the curse!”
“We’ve tried!” Lord Katsuki wailed. “For over two hundred years we’ve tried.But there is only one way to break the curse... there’s only one way to set him, and your land free from the beast.”
Yuri’s eyes narrowed. “You mean somebody has to kill him... don’t you?”
Lord Katsuki shook his head. “Not somebody... I have to kill him. I’m the only one who can.”
“Why you?”
“Because I’m the one he fell in love with, and that love is what cursed him.”
Yuri chanced a glance at the wolf, the duke, and forced himself not to vomit again as it tore a chunk of flesh from its victim. 
He pulled a dagger from his belt and tossed it at lord Katsuki. “Do it then, before any more are lost.”
Fresh wails from lord Katsuki, even as he retrieved the dagger. He approached the wolf, who looked up from its meal. 
Yuri saw the blue eyes clearly, and knew that the lord was telling the truth. 
“Victor...” Katsuki said, approaching with the knife in clear view. “I’m so sorry love. This is all my fault. I should have heeded the warnings, and not met you until after we were wed. Then this would never have happened.”
Tears glistened on lord Katsuki’s face as he embraced the beast and buried his face in the clean areas of its fur. 
“I love you so much Victor. I’m sorry...”
A howl ripped through the night as the knife disappeared into the silver fur. Yet the beast did not attack lord Katsuki, even as he pushed the blade deeper. 
“I’m sorry,” Katsuki wailed. “I wanted to live with you... to love you for the rest of our lives.”
A silver glow formed around the beast and it began to shrink in lord Katsuki’s embrace until only the duke was left in his arms, gasping for breath. 
“I’m sorry Victor...” Katsuki cried. “I’m so sorry.”
The duke coughed up blood. “I love you Yuri.”
“I love you too. I’m so sorry.”
The duke shook his head. “It was worth it, just to know you for a little while.”
Lord Katsuki seemed on the verge of saying something else, but the duke slumped in his arms, head lolling to the side as his final breath escaped him. 
Lord Katsuki howled in grief. “No... no... no... I’m so sorry.” He slumped over the body, sobbing. 
Yuri waited a minute, then, avoiding looking at the corpse of the beast’s dinner, he made his way over and glared at the sobbing man. 
“Answers. Now.”
Lord Katsuki sniffed and looked up. “My family was cursed. For ten generations, if we fell in love before marriage, then our beloved would turn into a great beast every new moon until we had to slay it with our own hands.”
Yuri scowled. “Who would cast such a curse?”
Tears ran down lord Katsuki’s face. “There was a witch. He had great love for a lady, but she was betrothed one of my ancestors. He was adamant that upon their pre-marriage meeting they would hate each other and she wold return to him. Instead the lady and my ancestor fell in love, and flaunted their courtship.”
Lord Katsuki paused to wipe his tears. 
“The witch was so enraged that he cast a curse on my ancestor. Their children, for ten generations, would be punished if they fell in love, and were loved in return prior to marriage. If their vows were said prior to that spark, then their lives were theirs as they chose. But if the bonds of love started before then, then both would be cursed. The intended as a beast, and my family as the one who had to kill the one they loved most. This curse was presented as a wedding present.”
Lord Katsuki reached out and brushed aside a few locks of the duke’s hair. 
“I knew the stories. But nobody had suffered the curse in several generations, each heeding the warning. My generation was supposed to be the last, and I questioned the legend of the curse. So when Victor came to my home, I chanced a glance at him. And during that visit he managed to meet me as well. I thought... I thought he’d be safe. That nobody could fall in love with me in only a single night...”
Lord Katsuki pressed his forehead against the duke’s. “I’m so sorry my love.”
He looked back up at Yuri. “I swear. I never meant for this to happen. I never knew I’d fall in love with him that night, nor he with me.”
“Tch...” Yuri scoffed. He turned and headed back toward the manor. “I’ll send for Chris.”
The sounds of sobbing as he walked away. 
The wagon rocked, making it hard for Yuri to eat his lunch. 
“Where are you off to?” Otabek asked, sitting next to him. 
“Dunno... away from here.”
“I don’t blame you.”
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my homeland. I think I want to be far away.”
“Mind if I tag along?”
There was a moment of silence. Yuri looked over at Otabek. 
Otabek nodded. “Why not? Might make it easier if I had somebody to talk to about what I saw.”
Yuri nodded. “Yeah.”
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omgkatsudonplease · 6 years
For the song prompts: "Boredom and Joy" by Jets Overhead. ^_^
day 3, part 2!
and yes, NICA (numerical integrated computer array, but i’m really bad at acronyms so pls feel free to suggest alternatives) is the AI version of @nicaforov. listen,,, evil AI is out, thirsty AI is in 😉
For Nevans, the act of the forehead and fingertip touch is deeply intimate, a show of trust and affection. Here is my mind meeting yours, it says. Here are my defenses, all laid bare at your feet. I am vulnerable at your touch, my mind open to yours and yours to mine.
Kissing Yuuri is more than he could have ever imagined.
He feels a weightlessness he’d never felt before, a sense of perfect clarity and rightness as the Terran’s fingertips press into his own. Yuuri breathes into their space, his lashes fluttering in wonder, and Viktor is blown away at the sheer wealth of information that Yuuri’s mind grants him at this touch. The underlying buzz of fear and anxiety, the strength, the stubbornness, the love – everything a contradiction and yet all of it impossibly amalgamated into the wonderful being kissing him now. 
It’s everything Viktor has ever wanted to feel, and he never wants to stop feeling it, ever again. 
“Are you okay?” Yuuri asks as they pull apart. “You seem… winded.”
“It’s a good winded,” Viktor says quickly. Not entirely – just this one kiss feels like the first bite into forbidden fruit. Now that he’s had a taste, he doesn’t want to return to normal, to a life without Yuuri in it. 
Which may happen, as his time is running out. He cannot ascend the throne unbonded; Gosha has already had to hand down his place in the succession because he’s been unable to bond with any of the Candidates. The prospect of returning to Neva after this, and making a Candidate his bonded consort just to ascend the throne doesn’t appeal to him at all anymore. 
(Gosha, as someone who had thrown himself into the study of ruling the planet, had wanted the throne more than him. He would be better suited, if it weren’t for his relatively terrible empath skills.)
Viktor tears himself out from his thoughts when he feels Yuuri’s fingers against the back of his hand. Unthinking, he turns his hand over, baring his palms. Yuuri smiles, trailing designs across Viktor’s skin.
“We should get up,” Yuuri says after a moment. His room is starting to brighten, anyway; Viktor suspects the hue of the light is meant to mimic Terran daylight. “NICA, what are we doing today?”
There is a meeting at 0800 standard hours, she replies. Captain Babicheva would like to discuss the job given to the crew by Prince Viktor of the House of Nikiforov. A pause. The Prince is in your quarters with you.
“Yeah, I got that,” Yuuri says, laughing. “What are the specifics of the job?”
The location and safe return of Prince Yuri of the House of Nikiforov, replies NICA. Prince Yuri is an adopted high-empath Nevan formerly of the noble House of Plisetsky, a cadet branch of the House of Nikiforov. His powers were discovered at the age of 5, and from thereon he was adopted into the main line and is currently second in the line of succession.
“That’s not public record,” Viktor remarks, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t know ship computers had access to royal documents.”
“NICA’s sort of one of my pet projects,” Yuuri admits, his cheeks flushing pink. “Mila actually put some of the Nevan stuff into her when I was coding for her information retrieval system. She said it was ‘just in case’, so…”
Captain Babicheva has eluded Nevan Searchers for three Standard years after fleeing the planet in an attempt to escape an intended bonding to Prince Alexei, NICA chips in cheerily. Prince Alexei is currently unbonded, but has an official companion, a Terran named Kat Parson – 
“NICA, you could’ve told me that before we went to Neva in the first place,” Yuuri points out.
Captain Babicheva set the security on that information to a ‘need to know’ basis. I have deduced that you need to know. 
“Thanks.” Yuuri sighs. “NICA, can you order me a coffee?”
Viktor follows him, fascinated, as they head through the halls of the ship towards the galley. The Firebird is an older model of a standard Nevan long-distance starship, able to accommodate a crew of fifty with escape pods to spare, though clearly the current crew is much smaller than that. Based on some of the patches and quirks in the panelling and the Terran-coded ship’s computer, though, it’s clear that the Firebird has gotten some modifications during her time with this crew. 
“I also put NICA on my own ship,” Yuuri adds as they pass the doors marked ‘hangar’. “In fact that’s where I do most of the tinkering; better she messes up the Vicchan instead of the Firebird, you know?”
“You named your ship after your dog?” asks Viktor, eyes wide.
“Well, her real name is the Victory,” replies Yuuri, shrugging. “I got her when we escaped an Orson raider fleet, so it felt fitting.”
Viktor gapes. Until now, he’s never heard of anyone who’s escaped an Orson raider fleet and lived to tell the tale. “How did that happen?”
“You should ask Phichit for the story, he’s got musical numbers,” replies Yuuri, as they step into the galley and he heads straight for the replicator. “Thank god for still being in orbit – I sometimes forget what real coffee tastes like when we’re out in space for ages.”
“Are you just trying to turn me off going out to space with you?” teases Viktor. “Because it’s not happening.” 
Welcome, Prince Viktor of the House of Nikiforov, the ship’s computer suddenly says. Viktor blinks at the replicator panel, now displaying a variety of menu options. We have a variety of standard Nevan cuisine to order from portside for your comfort and enjoyment.
“It’s spaceport food,” says Yuuri, already halfway through his coffee. “Nothing fancy.”
Viktor purses his lips and looks at the menu. “What if I want to try something else?” he asks. 
“There’s some meals from most Federation planets,” replies Yuuri. “I’ve been trying to perfect my mother’s katsudon recipe, but it’s strangely hard to code for breaded pork cutlets?”
“Ooh! I’d like to try that,” says Viktor. The replicator makes a whirring noise. 
“Ah, I feel like I should apologise in advance.” Yuuri laughs. “Maybe if you ever find yourself on Earth sometime you should find my mother and get the original recipe. Nothing else will ever compare.”
Half an hour later, Viktor realises that if he ever does do that, he might expire on the spot from good food, because the replicator katsudon is one of the most delicious things he’s had in his entire life. 
“Wow, this is amazing!” he exclaims. “Who made it?”
“The replicator,” says Yuuri. “Though, technically it was NICA controlling it. Again, it’s not really authentic, since she has to break down our existing food stock to create the raw ingredients, so sometimes she runs out of, like, the pork toner or the egg, or… I’m sorry. Bad time to discuss it.”
“Well, I don’t have a point of comparison, so it tastes good to me,” replies Viktor matter-of-factly. He looks up at one of the lights. “NICA, it was delicious!”
Thank you, Prince Viktor, replies NICA. I’m deeply touched.
After eating, Yuuri leads him into the wardroom where the meeting is apparently scheduled to take place. Mila is there, along with two Allegrians, the dark-skinned Terran Viktor vaguely recognises as Phichit, and Dr Minami. The ship’s doctor is sitting off to the side, though, and he waves at Viktor as they come in.
“Feeling better?” he asks. Viktor smiles and rotates his wrist upwards thrice. The Allegrian gesture works; Dr Minami smiles and repeats it.  
“Thank you for joining us today, Your Highness,” Mila says as the door closes behind Yuuri. “Phichit has intercepted transmissions from Nevan Law Enforcement about the origins of the metal you turned in last night.”
The anger. The panic. The confusion. Viktor’s stomach turns as the reports are projected for everyone to see. “The Mandalan Empire,” he breathes.
“No way,” says Phichit. 
The projection fades. Everyone looks over at the Terran, who has a hand clenched firmly against the table. “It says it’s Mandalan in origin,” one of the Allegrians points out.
“Most of the Mandalan delegation were severely injured,” Phichit points out. “They’re in no position to be stealing princes.”
“Maybe they did that and someone else took advantage of the situation?” asks Yuuri. Phichit sends him a betrayed expression.
“Seung-gil is a student, not a terrorist,” he hisses.
“Maybe not him, but one of his colleagues –”
“Which one of us spent the evening talking to them?” demands Phichit. “Chris, you can back me up. They support Prime Minister Park and the Emperor’s peace policies. They would never.”
The Allegrian named Chris bites his lip. “They were supportive of the Federation treaty,” he agrees after a moment. “But –”
“Okay, maybe it’s just my little human gut instinct, but I know they’re innocent,” snaps Phichit. “Wrong place at the wrong time. Someone stole a Mandalan bomb and set it off –”
“It was a Mandalan ship energy core,” corrects Mila. “They’re extremely volatile in contact with liquid. There’s a Mandalan ship out there with no or very little energy; those things are extremely pricey because they’re so efficient otherwise.”
“That only supports my theory!” Phichit exclaims, throwing up his hands. “Why would the Mandalans sabotage their own ship? I bet you someone did it to make it look like the Mandalans want to breach the treaty. Maybe the warmongering hawks in their Imperial Fleet paid them.”
Viktor takes the security footage of the blast, magnifying it until it fills most of the space. “Has whoever done this sent any demands?” he asks.
“Not that the Nevan Police know of,” replies Mila. “While they search planetside, we’ll check the logs at the spaceport. Chances are, whoever did this would want to get out of Nevan territory as soon as possible, especially if they’re also responsible for the explosion.”
“I think I know who did it,” says Chris suddenly, holding up his commlink. Viktor only catches a glimpse of a conversation hovering above the commlink before Chris dismisses it. “Seung-gil texted me, says he just got discharged from the hospital but can’t find his ship anywhere.”
A pause. “You think… no way.” Phichit shakes his head.
Chris nods. “Whoever stole Seung-gil’s ship probably has the Prince, too.”
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shemakesmeforget · 6 years
15 fics under 1K kudos - WIPs
Here’s the list for wips, I might have to do a part 2 for this too lol WHO READS THIS MUCH JSADGSJG these are all fics I think are not abandonded (if I’m wrong, correct me) but I just listed stuff that've been updated in the last 6 months, just in case. Anyway, enjoy :)
A Practical Guide to Winning the Olympics (Dos and Don’ts) by Anna (arctic_grey) (@finleighsaid)
Canonverse, Rated E, 75K, 3 / 4
When pair skater Yuuri Katsuki’s career comes to a scandalous end, he does not expect the retired pair skating legend Viktor Nikiforov to suggest that they compete together. But taking on a new skating partner is full of trial and error, and the skating world doesn’t know how to react when the Katsuki-Nikiforov duo, against all odds, starts doing well. The last thing either of them should do, as they strive for their last chance at greatness, is to fall in love. Yuuri knows he is damaged goods, and Viktor knows his body is starting to fail him. They have competitions to survive and medals to win. No, falling in love is out of the question; they’re just very good friends. And even if Viktor felt something, he’d never act on it, and even if Yuuri happened to be hopelessly in love, he’d be mortified if Viktor ever found out.
“Well,” Viktor said, “let’s summarise: I’m pushing thirty, have a bad ankle, and haven’t skated competitively in three years. You’re barely out of a doping scandal, coachless, and on the JSF’s blacklist. Hell, Yuuri – we might as well go for it, then. What on earth do we have to lose?
When Viktor put it like that, it seemed to make an awful lot of sense.
• The fact that this is one of the few pair skating AUs out there it’s insane imo BUT this one is so good? just imagine the amount of UST, they’re all over each other, i’m in love!
Mon Trésor by KasumiChou (@kasumi-chou)
Canonverse, Rated T, 14K, 4 / 5
Curse his fragile little heart for always falling for people out of his league.
Like, what chance did he ever have with Victor Nikiforov? But Victor still became, not only his childhood idol but also, his first crush.
His first crush was a man four years his senior. A man who lived in another continent. A man that hadn’t known he existed until a week ago.
Then he had moved to Geneva, and his heart had been hypnotized by Chris’s charm
Before he knew it, not only had Chris hypnotized him, but also seduced him.
His fragile little heart had done it again, falling in love with another man out of his league.
At least his second crush had been a little more realistic.
He knew Chris, they had been rink mates - and later roommates.
Maybe that is what made it so much more dangerous.
• Get ready to be hit with angsty love traingle/polyamory feels my dudes, this is about to get juicy af. 
Sometimes you need an alterego by SassySalchow (@diedraechin)
Canonverse, Rated T, 3K, 1/?
In the daytime, I'm Katsuki Yuuri, just a dime-a-dozen figure skater with a normal life. But there's something about me that no one knows yet, 'cause I have a secret... cue theme music
The Miraculous Ladybug! AU that no one asked for but I'm gonna write anyway
• This is so fluffy and fun! I know nothing about ML and enjoyed it a lot anyway.
sweet like love (soft like pain) by postingpebbles (@postingpebbles)
Canonverse, Rated M, 9K, 3/?
Loving Yuuri was a choice that Viktor never regretted making. His smile, his laughter, the way his lips felt against his own—nothing could make him happier than having Yuuri in his arms.
But when the entire world has no idea that rivals Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are in a relationship, Viktor can't do anything at all when Yuuri gets in an accident and is rushed to the hospital the day after he proposes in a hotel room in Nagano
• Angsty secret relationships are apparently my thing, this one is so bittersweet because they’re so cute and soft but at the same time the drama!!!
the face of heaven (the taste of sin) by RedHeather  (@red--heather)
Canonverse, Rated E, 9K, 2/?
Yuri Plisetsky @y_plisetsky Pity you didn’t medal at Four Continents, 
@phichit_chu . That way you’d have something other than my hands around your fucking neck.Phichit Chulanont 
@phichit_chu @y_plisetsky, can you even reach my neck? 
There is a bitter rivalry between Yakov Feltsman and Celestino Cialdini that has stretched on for decades.
As tensions escalate and the ISU begin to punish any aggressors, it was inevitable that Viktor Nikiforov and Katsuki Yuuri, rivals-by-consequence and enemies-by-association, would fall in love.  
• Rivals AU but like whole skating fams against each other!!!!! Sassy Yuuri, pining Viktor, angry Yuri and lots of social media shenanigans.
Focus on Me by alipiee (@alipiee)
College AU, Rated T, 5K, 1 / 2
For Victuri Gift Exchange 2017 
Prompt: "College AU -Yuuri’s roommate Phichit has to suddenly move back to Thailand for the rest of the semester due to a family emergency, and Yuuri has to find a new roommate quickly in order to pay the rent on their apartment. Viktor is the only one who applies, and he’s not at all what Yuuri expects."
• ALL THE PINING with a side of misunderstanding, good stuff! so sweet
Time and Hearts Will Wear Us Thin by lunar_peach
College AU, Rated T, 151K, 19 / 20
Maybe it was the impact of the fall, and the numbing action of the ice, but he felt weightless. He felt conquered by cupid and the sting of his arrow right in the middle of his chest as he looked up at Yuuri, who held a blank expression on his face.
Maybe it was the impact of the fall, and the numbing action of the ice, but he felt weightless. He felt conquered by cupid and the sting of his arrow right in the middle of his chest as he looked up at Yuuri, who held a blank expression on his face.
Somewhere in the distance, though it seemed like a different dimension to Victor, a timer went off. The music stopped.
You could hear it in the silence then.
Victor’s heart was going one hundred miles an hour.
Or the one where Yuuri Katsuki, scented candle aficionado, and self-proclaimed hot mess, never intended to capture the attention of one eligible bachelor, Victor Nikiforov, but sometimes the universe has its ways of making things happen. Amidst inner battles with their demons and themselves, they find a world in one another neither quite expected.
• The tags look kinda crazy but don't fear (?) this fic goes through lots of years LOTS, a story about friendship, love, heartache, “we can't be together vs we should be together”, and the ongoing growth of the characters BEWARE it gets super angsty at times.
do you love me just a little, honey? by DefiantDreams (@gia-comeatme)
Spy/Mafia AU, Rated E, 4K, 1 / 3
Viktor Nikiforov, next Pakhan, has a type.
Yuuri Katsuki, Division 6’s newest honeypot agent, is sent to exploit that.
• Honeypot Yuuri aka my dream, awesome funny sexy mystery!
Victor the Great by Multiple_Universes (@witharthurkirkland)
Historical AU, Rated T, 43K, 17 / 21
At the age of nine Victor became the Tsar of all the Russias with Lilia as regent. One day he will be the sole ruler of Russia, the man who makes all the decisions and gets to do what he wants, with one exception: he has to marry a woman from a Russian aristocratic family. Except that he falls in love with a boy who is a foreign commoner. Will he risk the throne to be able to marry the one he loves? 
Based loosely on Peter the Great's life (with some tweaks made to history).
• Follow the life of Tsar Viktor falling in love with Yuuri and eventually having his very own St. Victorburg or Yuuriburg ;)
It's All Contextual by AlexWSpark (@alexwspark)
Office AU, Rated M, 24K, 6 / 8
Why in the seven levels of fuck was Victor Nikiforov buying him coffee?
Yuuri decides to find out.
• Dorky Viktor + Confident Yuuri + misunderstanding = surprisingly not an angsty story!! very cute and fluffy
The Roommate Trap by impolitecanadian (@impolitecanadian)
Roommate AU, Rated M, 11K, 5/?
Victor doesn't believe in marriage. So when Chris, his best friend and roommate of 6 years, tells him he's going to have to move out so he can get married, Victor is reasonably upset. Good thing Victor's upstairs neighbour is looking for a roommate and maybe a little (okay, a lot) more. 
this is basically the odd couple but with a lot more sex and non-subtextual gayness 
• Viktor is a fool, Yuuri is the sass master/anxiety disaster, Chris just wants all the drama. They totally don’t work well together but it’s hilarious.
Roses of May by cuttlemefish (@cuttlemefishwrites)
Royalty/Magic AU, Rated E, 18K, 5/?
At age five, all children are assessed for talent and beauty in the City of Hasetsu and the other eight cities of the Empire. Every year, five are branded with the mark of a rose before being carded off to the Emperor’s palace where they are trained to become Roses, or sacrifices to be sent every May to the Ice Spirit that lives in the castle at the top of the mountain. Roses never return, except for Katsuki Yuuri, who shocks the Empire when he appears again two years after his departure with a silver crown on his head and a blond baby in his arms, demanding the Emperor step down or face the wrath of his husband, the Ice King. But, not everything is what it seems.
• Such an interesting world with lots of very well thought details! also... growing up together, childhood friends to lovers...... you can’t come at me like that.
History Maker by 96percentdone (@96percentdone)
Time Travel/Soulmates AU, Rated T, 15K, 5/?
It's the year 2134. Katsuki Yuuri, recently turned 18, just got his soulmark. There's really only one thing left to do: submit it to the online database and figure out who his match is, meet up with them and hopefully live happily ever after. Seems simple enough, right? Well, it would be, if his soulmate wasn't Viktor Nikiforov, a figure skating legend from the early 2000s.
AKA the story where Yuuri invents time travel to be with his soulmate, and shenanigans happen.
• me at me: don’t read this you’re a big baby and you’ll suffer; also me:¯\_(ツ)_¯ I like this AU a lot, imagine being so iconic you invent time travel just to meet your soulmate.
Toxic Valentine by voxofthevoid (@voxofthevoid)
Demons AU, Rated E, 53K, 8/?
The worst he can do is kill you with his dick.
Viktor, pleasantly tipsy and unpleasantly lonely, assumes that the pretty man he sees in a club is a sex demon. Instead, he finds reserved, nervous Katsuki Yuuri who’s as reluctantly enchanted by Viktor as Viktor is by him.
The rest of the night is unforgettable, and in the morning, Yuuri’s still there.
Love bleeds into lust, infatuation becomes adoration, and it's not long before the loneliness Viktor wears like a shroud disintegrates under the weight of warm brown eyes and tender hands. But Viktor has his secrets, and Yuuri might not be all he seems. 
In which Viktor discovers life and love in a man who’s as mysterious as he is beautiful, and it could be the best or worst thing that’s ever happened to him.
• The love story between the thirstiest demon hunter aka Viktor and a demon???????  Yuuri. A great balance between fluff, sexy times and mystery!
Water by Peasantaries (@peasantaries)
Dancers AU, Rated E, 26K, 11 / 15    
Yuuri is nineteen, a student at the Royal Ballet School in London, and already having doubts when Viktor Nikiforov joins as a guest teacher.
Famous, beloved Russian Prince in Bourne's Swan Lake, Nikiforov is Yuuri's idol from afar, but these two forces soon collide after Viktor oversees Yuuri practising and decides that Yuuri could surpass him, if only he can learn to move like water.
• lots of dancing!!! off the charts UST!!! Two dorks that should DATE ALREADY!! amazing
Shall We Dance? by darlingholocene (@byebyeholocene)
DWTS AU, Rated T, 11K, 6/?
Season 21 of Dancing With the Stars is about to air its first episode (March 30, on ABC), and the celebrity cast has finally been announced today.
Among them is Russian ice skating legend Victor Nikiforov, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and five-time World Champion. Nikiforov, who just won Gold at the Sochi Olympics in front of his home public, has been paired with DWTS veteran Yuuri Katsuki, who is yet to win the Mirrorball Trophy despite this being his eighth season as a pro.
Victor and Yuuri's journey on DWTS narrated entirely through social media. 
• Totally a pick me up fic! light, fun and adorable!
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vcepsis · 7 years
Question: If you're taking yoi prompts, have you ever written/would you consider writing a sick Otabek? Figured you like him a lot since he's your icon. Plus it's always refreshing to have sickfic content for characters other than the mains.
Hey thanks so much for the prompt! I do love him, he is my precious son. I’ve never thought about an Otabek sickfic but I decided to try it! I find Otabek’s character a bit hard to pin down but I hope I did him justice.
Also, there’s a bit of Otayuri in this. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about Otayuri; for me, I don’t have a strong preference about whether or not they’re romantic or platonic. So I did write about Yurio here, but really you can read it however you want (I kept it pretty open to interpretation I think). There is no Yurio whump here though (I doubt I could ever write whump for him, lol).
Just over 2k. Enjoy!
Otabek’s alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. Approximately two hoursafter he had finally gone to bed.
Normally, Otabek was smarter than that. When he got offersto DJ at a club on a weekday, during training season, he always turned it down(it didn’t stop people from asking, though; apparently he had quite thereputation). Why would people want a DJ for a Tuesday night, anyway? It seemedthe party  in Almaty never slept.
Lately, however, everything had been going wrong. He hadbeen falling on his jumps in practice more often than not, to the point wherehis coach was growing concerned. His short program for the coming season wasnearing competition, but his free skate was still a complete mess. Thechoreography refused to work, no matter how many times he reordered things. Itlooked like he was going to have to scrap it altogether.
Plus, he woke up a few days before with his throat feelinglike sandpaper. It sent a wave of dread through him. This was not what he needed right now.
So when a friend had reached out about playing at a club,Otabek threw caution to the wind and said yes. Nothing else was working, butmaybe a successful show would finally knock his head back into place.
For the most part, it did. He was able to forget all about triple axels and quad salchows and getting sick in the middle of trainingseason quite well with the bass pounding in his chest and the free alcohol(despite the fact that he was underage, but really, nobody cared if the DJbroke a law or two, as long as the party didn’t stop).
Of course, that had been a mere three hours ago. He had managedto get a little bit of sleep to avoid another all-nighter before practice(hiscoach had threatened him in many colourful ways the first time he tried that) but he certainly hadn’t done hisbody any favours.
His alarm was still ringing in his ears, exacerbating theheadache that hadn’t quite faded. Sitting up slowly, he put a hand to his headas the room started to spin. Am I stilldrunk?
No, he hadn’t had enough to be hungover. He may have been anidiot by going out, but he wasn’t that dumb.
Sighing, Otabek rubbed his throbbing temples. The time onhis phone said 6:10. He didn’t need to be at the rink until 8. Surely he couldsleep a little longer, at least to get rid of this headache. He decided to liedown and close his eyes for another half hour or so.
Not two minutes later, it seemed, his phone started to ring.Groaning, he pulled it off his bedside table. It was his coach. He frowned abit, but answered.
“Where areyou??” Came the annoyed voice on the phone.
“What—” Otabek took the phone away from his ear longenough to see the time: 9:28 a.m.
“I’m sorry,” Otabek said earnestly, wincing whenhis voice came out more like a hoarse whisper than a heartfelt apology. Hetried clearing his throat. It didn’t help. “I’ll be there in—”
“Were you outlast night?”
This stopped Otabek in his tracks.
“I only meant to sleep a little longer,” Otabeksaid, trying not to sound like a pleading child. “I’ll make up for ittoday, I’ll stay late, I’ll pay you double for the day—”
There was a sigh on the other end of the phone. “Hang on, just stop for a second.” Thevoice was much gentler now. ”I knowyou’ve been frustrated lately, but I wish you would ask for help rather thantaking your frustrations out on cheap alcohol and loud music.“
Shame turned Otabek’s cheeks red.
”I’ll meet youhere at 10, and we’ll have a short day. Do not worry about fees. I just want tohelp you.“
Swallowing the fire in his throat, he agreed.
Otabek woke the next morning feeling, somehow, even worsethan the day before. His sore throat had evolved into  a grating cough which no amount of water woulddispel, and his head pounded so hard it felt like a bass drum.
His second alarm went off at 6:30 (after yesterday’s fiasco,he set four alarms to make sure he got up on time). With a groan, he switchedit off and dragged himself to the shower. When he finally arrived at the rink,his coach took in his pale complexion and weak voice with a raised eyebrow, butsaid nothing.
Practice was even more grueling than normal: Otabek feltcompletely drained by the end. His body had a heavy, groggy feeling that madeit hard to concentrate, and he was blowing his nose twice as much as normal.
Usually Otabek waspretty hardy when it came to illness, but his frustration at everything hadgotten the better of him, and he was ignoring his body screaming at him to slow down! Even now, when he had to stopmidway through his routine to cover his awful sounding coughs again, he refused to take it easy.
Distantly, he heard his coach sigh.  "I thought you were hungover yesterday,but it seems you’re not well.”
Otabek stiffened at the accusation. So he wasn’t feelingwell. So he could barely breathe without coughing and the room was beginning tospin. It was nothing. He could pushthrough.
A hand appeared in Otabek’s vision, cool on his forehead.His coach tsked. Otabek just shook itoff, scowling. “I’m fine.”
“Sure you are. Now go home.”
Otabek opened his mouth to protest some more, but he wasswiftly cut off. “No, I don’t want to hear it. You’ve been a mess latelyand now you’re neglecting your health. Go home, get some rest, and come backwhen you’re better.”
Obviously Otabek didn’t look convinced, because his coachcontinued, “Or you can stay here, work yourself into the ground, and getnowhere. While infecting everyone around you. Is that what you want?”
Otabek blinked, shocked. He had been doing his best to stayaway from his rink mates and cover his mouth, but what if it wasn’t enough? Heput a hand to his forehead, embarrassed. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.
His coach sighed again. “No, I’m sorry. That was toofar.” Otabek felt the weight of his coach’s hand on his back. “I knownothing seems to be working out, but this is not the solution. You need to takecare of yourself. So go home, get some rest, and we’ll start again when you’rehealthy.”
Otabek hesitated for a moment, but nodded in the end.
It turns out his coach’s advice was sound, as he barely hadthe energy to walk back to his apartment. Dragging himself through the door andtrudging to his room, he barely had the energy to change out of his practiceclothes before collapsing into bed and promptly passing out.
His phone, however, had other ideas.
The shrill sound of his ringtone cut through his fitfulsleep, and he groaned as the pain behind his eyes spiked anew. Turning towardhis nightstand, his phone told him two things: that it had only been a fewhours since he got home, and that Yuri Plisetsky was calling.
Ah, shit. In hishalf asleep state, he had completely forgot about his agreement to have a chatwith Yuri tonight. Sighing at his own incompetence, he hit the answer button. “Hey, Yuri.”
“Whoa, you soundwrecked,” came the greeting from the other end. “Were you out last night or something?”
Why did everyone assume that because he was a DJ, he waspartying every night?
Well….he was outa few days ago. Bitterly, he supposed it was a fair assumption after all.
“No,”Otabek replied. He held the phone away from his face as he coughed harshly.“Just a bit sick.”
“Oh,”Yuri said, sounding a bit surprised. “Areyou….uh, are you ok?”
Otabek couldn’t help but laugh a bit at Yuri’s somewhatfretful tone, which turned into another wet sounding cough. “I’ll be fine.It sounds worse than it is.”
“Yeah.”Yuri sounded unsure. “Did you, like,take your temperature or anything?”
Huh, that actually wasn’t a bad idea. “Not yet,”Otabek said, “I passed out as soon as I got home from practice.”
“Shit, did I wakeyou up?” Yuri sounded upset. ”Ishould have texted you first, ugh.“
“No, no, it’s ok,” Otabek said, rubbing his tiredeyes and sitting up in bed. “I should have let you know I was going to bedearly.” It seemed everything really was going wrong. He couldn’t even be ahalf decent friend.
“It’s ok,”Yuri said.
Otabek pushed the covers back and stood, blinking rapidlywhen black spots appeared in his vision. There was silence on the phone for amoment while he tried to get his bearings, and he stumbled a bit on the way tothe bathroom. Now that he was up and moving, he desperately wanted to blow hisnose, but didn’t want Yuri to hear (and be any more grossed out than heprobably already was), so he resorted to sniffling as quietly as he could.
He didn’t want Yuri to have to wait in awkward silence whilehe looked for his thermometer (when was the last time he even used the damnthing?). Clearing his throat—wincing at the raw feeling there—he asked,“How is training going?”
This, predictably, sent Yuri into a spiraling rant about “Victor goddamn Nikiforov thinks he’sSO GREAT and that PIG worships the ground he walks on it’s absolutely pathetic—”which allowed Otabek to dig through his bathroom cabinets. Despite Yuri’s angrytone, Otabek knew he didn’t actuallymind that much. Having Katsuki around was good for him, Otabek knew, from themultitude of texts he got about how well practice was going. Otabek hadn’tknown him long, but he knew that Yuri secretly looked up to Katsuki, and thathe maybe even enjoyed the sudden burst of activity Katsuki ended up bringing tothe St. Petersburg rink.
About halfway through Yuri’s colourful rendition of howVictor was an absolute prick, Otabek finally found his thermometer. Washing itoff quickly, he stuck it in his mouth just as Yuri was asking, “Can you believe the shit I have to dealwith?!”
Otabek couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “Soundsterrible,” he said, the words a bit muffled by the thermometer. It beepedsoon after, the sound louder than he anticipated.
“Was that yourthermometer?” Yuri asked.
"Yeah,” Otabek replied, looking at the numbers.101. He couldn’t help the frustrated noise that escaped him.
Yuri was silent for a moment. “Is it….bad?”
“No,” Otabek said honestly. It wasn’t that bad,but his fevers always tended to stick around longer than his other symptoms. Itjust meant more time away from the rink.
“Well….”Yuri started, a bit unsure. “This isgonna sound dumb, so like, don’t listen to me if it’s stupid or whatever—”
“What is it?” Otabek asked, rubbing his nose withhis palm, sniffling quietly.
“You’veseemed….frustrated, lately,” Yuri said tentatively. “Like…you’ve been doing too much. Pushingyourself too hard. That’s probably why you got sick. Maybe…..this time awaywill help?”
Otabek was silent for a moment. He thought he hadn’t beencomplaining to Yuri that much, that he’d been pushing his concerns far enoughaway that no one else would notice. Clearly, that wasn’t the case. Because Yurinoticed.
Wait. Was Yuri….worried about him?
A sigh came through the phone. ”That was stupid, I know, just forget about it.“
"No, no,” Otabek said. “You’re….probablyright, actually. I have beenfrustrated. I might just need some time. Clear my head.” At this, hisbreath began to hitch, and he pulled the phone away to sneeze twice into hiselbow.
Yuri sighed a bit. “Yousound like shit. Go back to bed, dude. I can call you when you’re better.”
“Yeah,” Otabek replied, wincing at the evenrougher sound of his voice.
“And…..text me.When you wake up. Let me know you’re still alive.”
Otabek huffed a small laugh. “I will.”
They hung up, and Otabek finally got to blow his nose. SoYuri wanted him to text when he woke up….maybe he was worried after all.Otabek felt a bit bad for worrying him.
But also, it was kind of nice that someone cared.
He trudged back to his bed, making a quick note on his phoneto buy some cold meds the next day. As he was finishing, a message from Yuricame up: it was a cat meme, with no context, of course. Was he trying to makeOtabek feel better?
Otabek smiled at the thought. Sending a quick“LOL” to Yuri, he put his phone down, crawled back under the covers,and was out within minutes.
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pandamilo · 7 years
Fanboy Yuri
#29 You could have warned me
@outoffcks gave me like a prompt spam so this is one of three that i’ll be posting over the next few days. Have some nerdy Otayuri fanboy fluff for your Saturday night <3
Yuri Plisetsky was many things.
He was a dancer, primarily in ballet but he dabbled in many different forms. Yuri was a cat lover, a good cook, a homeowner (well he owned a studio apartment but still), a barista at some indy/hipster coffee shop his uncle Viktor owned. He was a gamer and played competitively with his uncle’s husband, Yuuri, any chance he could and they usually won.
All these things and many more were parts of Yuri that people knew. They knew he was tall, lean, blonde with green cat-like eyes and he had the body of a dancer.
They knew he was snippy, sassy, loud and very opinionated, things always had to go his way.
But what people didn't know, was that Yuri was a fanboy.
Well, not entirely true - he went to figure skating competitions and blatantly showed his adoration for a particular skater but no one knew how deep it ran...
Yuri wrote fanfic’s and draw smutty art and rambled essay-length text posts on his tumblr about his favourite figure skater. Yuri had been a fan of Otabek Altin’s since he first debuted in Juniors - he wasn't like the other skaters. Otabek was stoic, rigid and defined in a way many others weren't.
Yuri has been following figure skating since he was a child because Viktor used to skate but suffered an injury just before his debut into seniors but it worked out best for him because it’s how he met his husband - Yuuri was the support sports nurse on call for the local rink.
They have been annoyingly inseparable ever since.
The first time Otabek had appeared in Yuri’s world he was shocked, the boy was angry looking but also soft. He moved, not like a dancer but a man on a mission. He was beautiful but not in the same way skater’s normally were. He wasn’t fluid like them but he also wasn’t stilted. He was utterly unique and fascinated Yuri to no end.
That’s how it all started, innocent enough, just following his skating… then his interviews… then his hobbies… likes… dislikes, any information that made Yuri feel like he already knew the man he had a soul (and dick for that matter) crush on.
He hadn't really set out to write fanfiction, Yuri was just scrolling through his tumblr and saw someone had made a post shit-post dishing Otabek’s skating and Yuri had defending him. He created a post that justified Otabek’s skating, music and movement choices, debunking every word the other idiot had said. This, of course, just made the idiot retort with some contrite comment about Yuri’s obvious desperate plea to get in Otabek’s pants.
Now this wasn't something Yuri could actually deny, the man was a fucking sex god who dripped sexiness by simply breathing.
So Yuri did the only reasonable thing and wrote a smutty story of all the ways he’d take Otabek’s arse, all the ways he’d let that beautifully hung sex-god fuck him till morning.
That was the beginning...
Twenty fic’s ranging from detailed descriptions of sucking Otabek’s cock to fluffy little things they would say while laying in bed together and talking about the big questions in life, Yuri wrote it all.
Yuri even came up with their ship name - Otayuri, he was quite proud of himself. And people even seemed to like it. They thought he and Otabek made a cute couple (based of Yuri’s on rough sketches of what they would look like together) and they loved his shit-drabbles, apparently he wrote good smut and people started requesting him to write other things.
This is how Yuri’s other life began.
He started to pick up a kind of following, many people respected his opinion on anything Otabek and on other things as well.
Yuri wrote and drew for people he didn't know, about all kinds of topics, anime, films, movie stars. It ranged from simple sweet things to the dirtiest kinks he didn't even think were a turn on but people started paying him for them. Either in real money or gifts of other things, it was a world he never knew he needed.
But his other life and real world came crashing down in a brutal tidal wave one day when he received a text from Viktor to come into work as soon as possible.
Yuri arrived, his hair in a braid and twisted around his head, his black polo already slightly dirty since he hadn’t been able to wash it. His black skinny jeans hanging a little too low to be suitable for work but once he started he’d be wearing an apron so it wouldn’t matter. But just as Yuri was walking around the main floor he stopped, there was a voice, gravelly and unmistakable.
Yuri didn’t look, he couldn’t look. He also couldn’t deny that just hearing that voice in person was giving him a partial.
What the fuck is he doing here?!
Yuri was panicking, he sprinted out the back to the staff room and nearly bold over his uncle’s husband. “Yuuri-kun! You could have warned me! Holy shit, what the fuck is he doing here!”
“Yura-kun, calm down, deep breaths. I’m sorry, I didn’t know he was here until about a minute ago, Vitya seemed so pleased with himself and it took going on the floor to find out why.”
Yuri had been interested in Japanese when he first met Yuuri and asked him to teach him some things and that began their close relationship, there was only actually four years difference between them. After a long, long, argument about the fact that never in a million fucking years was Yuri ever going to call him senpai, they had come to the conclusion they would add -kun to both their names as sign they were on the same level, despite their age gap.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Yuri growled out between his teeth, going to step around Yuuri and burst into Viktor’s office, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened.
“Why? I thought you would at least be kind of excited. Go introduce yourself, he seemed friendly enough, he even remembered Vitya.”
Yuri turned to look at Yuuri, there was no way he could talk to that man… not after everything. He would either turn into a gooey mess or be so hard he wouldn’t be able to hide it.
But this might be your only chance to actually meet him in person.
Yuri was torn, he wanted to run but he honestly couldn’t decide in which direction.
“Yura-kun?” Yuuri questioned, tilting his head to look properly into Yuuri’s face.
“What if he’s awful? After all this time... what if he just turns out to be another one of those self-absorbed, ego-stuffed skater’s who think they are better than everyone else just because they have a gold fucking medals?” Yuri’s voice was small, irritated and he was staring at his own hands wound into fists in front of him.
“Do you honestly believe that?” Yuuri’s voice was kind, just like always. Never judgemental, just a nudge in the right direction, a clarification.
No, I don’t believe it.
Yuri didn’t bother to reply, simply turned on the spot and ditched his things in his locker, tying his apron, checking himself in the mirror… five times, before he was out on the floor. He didn’t go up to the table straight away, simply fixed up the counter, served a few customers and made some coffees. It was only when he heard the very distinct laughter of his uncle that he let himself drift over to the table.
There were five people sat there, six if you included Viktor, all figure skater’s that Yuri recognised instantly. There was Jean-Jacques Leroy and his wife (who wasn’t actually a figure skater but she basically lived under JJ’s arm so she might as well have been on the ice with him), Guang Hong Ji, Leo de la Iglesia and the one and only, Otabek Altin.
Now or never.
“Hi, I’m Yuri, is there anything else I can get for you today?” Yuri tried to be polite and smile but his eyes were almost exclusively fixed onto Otabek’s face and when those eyes flickered up to look at him curiously, Yuri almost choked.
They were warm, inviting and kind, Otabek smiled at him as his mouth fell open into a gap like an idiot but he couldn’t seem to stop it.
“YURI! This is my other Yuri! He is my nephew, he is a big fan of figure skating, especially you. Otabek.”
Yuri was going to kill him, headlines tomorrow will read Man arrested today for impaling his uncle with a cake server.
“Oh, you follow my skating? Shame I didn’t have a better session for you-”
“That wasn’t your fault, you were unfairly judged because of that new competitor’s trickery.He was all smoke and mirrors with stupid music, he isn’t actually a good skater at all, he is utterly boring, you should have won gold, not him...” The words were tumbling out of Yuri’s mouth of their own accord and there was nothing he could do to stop them now. “Sorry.” Yuri mumbled at the end, he knew his face was actually on fire at this point as six pairs of eyes examined him for a good thirty seconds of utter silence.
Send help. Someone please save me from this agonizingly slow, death.
“Thank you.” Otabek broke the silence and Yuri’s head whipped up to meet his gaze, he seemed so genuine and shocked, his eyes flickered over Yuri’s body again before coming back up to meet his eyes once more. It was as if everyone else melted away and it was just the two of them.
“Yeah, well… no need to thank me, it’s just the truth.” Yuri couldn’t take it anymore and bolted, pretending he needed to help Yuuri with a customer even though there was only actually two coffee’s to make.
They stayed a little longer, chatting with Viktor and Yuri took a few chances to flick his eyes over to the table only to nearly drop what he was carrying everytime as he was met with Otabek’s piercing stare.
Yep, it’s offical. I am so dead.
When they were getting up to leave Otabek broke away from the counter, and stopped in front of Yuri.
“I wanted to give you your tip personally.” Otabek’s voice grumbled in Yuri’s ears as he stared at him, offering his hand, palm up and slightly shaking. Yuri couldn’t speak, what the hell was he meant to say if he did.
Otabek smiled at him as he placed something light in his hand, running his fingers lightly over Yuri’s wrist and palm as he slowly retracted his hand.
“It was nice to finally meet you, Yuri, I hope we get a chance to get to know one another better.” Otabek smirked a little before turning on the spot and briskly walking away as Yuri’s eyes flickered down to the note in his hand.
Call me - Otayuri
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voxofthevoid · 7 years
OMG when I read your comments and saw what you said about Yuri having lingering effects, I couldn't help but imagine Yuri skating Eros the next season. "And here we have Plistesky departing from his usual style and going for something much more sensual and erotic. When pressed, he said he wanted the theme to express an unnatural, unending pleasure. I'm sure we're all wondering where THAT inspiration came from!" Somewhere in the world Viktor grits his teeth.
That’s an amazing take on it, anon. I, uh, kinda wrotea ( pretty lame) thing for it, though it’s not canon to Midnight Loversince Yuri’s actual lingering effects are way less pleasant.
Viktor was smiling.
It was…not a good smile.
The smile widened, growing distinctly sharp andbrittle. Yuuri was strangely reminded of that one time he’d stumbled upon avery angry, very big bear shifter.
He barely stopped himself from backing up a step.
“Yuuri!” Viktor chirped, deceptively cheerful. Theglint in his eyes did not go with the tone. “Come here, I have something toshow you!”
For a tenth of a second, Yuuri considered making upsome excuse or just turning around and bolting, but Viktor was looking at himexpectantly, and Yuuri couldn’t find it in him to turn away. And if Viktor’sbiting smile was hiding sadness instead of anger, then it wouldn’t do for Yuurito leave him alone.
The prickle of foreboding didn’t vanish even as hetook his seat beside Viktor.
Immediately, a phone was shoved into his hands, apaused video on the screen.
“Play it,” Viktor said in a voice that booked noargument.
Yuuri played it.
“-setsky departing from his usual elegance in favor ofa highly sensual, erotic program. One does wonder what inspired this radicalchange, but Plisetsky has been notably silent about his motivation.”
Yuuri blinked, struggling to assimilate that torrentof words while also taking in the familiar face on the video. Tightly boundblond hair and hard set green eyes stared out at him. It was disconcerting towatch that typically Yuri expression shift into a heavy-lidded,seductive one accompanied by audible screams from the audience.
Beside him, Viktor made a sound distinctly like agrowl.
“The program, On Love: Eros-” continued thecommentator as Yuri began to move. “-is a tribute to Plisetsky’s former coachand the most decorated figure skater of all time, Viktor Nikiforov, who skatedto it for the final short program of his career-”
Yuuri tuned him out, focusing on Yuri.
He regretted it already, and not just because he hadto sit there and watch Yuri Plisetsky run his hands over his body in a way thatwas just this side of obscene. Didn’t children watch this? Weren’t humansstringent about their young ones’ innocence?
Even Yuuri felt a little like a voyeur watching Yuri gropehis leg like that, and he’d once had this man writhing in his arms.
The angry animal noises Viktor had been stifling forthe duration of the video made much more sense now.
“It’s not over yet,” Viktor cut in ominously.
And it wasn’t, unfortunately. A sweaty, flushedPlisetsky left the rink to deafening cheers, most of them screams. The videocut off to Yuri being interviewed. The question wasn’t shown, but the answermade it obvious.
“Pleasure,” Yuri said, face still flushed but set witha frown that betrayed no embarrassment. “That’s my theme. I wanted my program toexpress an unnatural ecstasy, something that takes you over, makes you…drown.”
Viktor tossed away the phone before the video couldfinish.
“Unnatural pleasure you could drown in. Now, what doesthat remind me of?”
“Any ideas, Yuuri?”
Viktor didn’t really seem to want an answer, not thatYuuri had any to give. Not to mention that coherent thoughts were a little hardwhen he was being pressed to the bed with a beautiful half-naked man straddlinghim.
“I’m a little angry, Yuuri,” Viktor said, bracing hisarms on Yuuri’s chest and leaning down.
Yuuri tentatively tried to reach for Viktor’s hips butblue eyes narrowed in warning, and he let them fall limp to his sides.
“You know it doesn’t really matter,” Yuuri told him, ahapless attempt at damage control. “It’s long over. He’s not important.”
Viktor grinned, shark-like.
“Oh, I know. I’m still angry.”
Was it odd that Yuuri was turned on by that?
Apparently not, because the next thing Viktor did wasgrind against him, rubbing his ass against the bulge in Yuuri’s pants.
“I think I want to make you drown in some very naturalpleasure, Yuuri. How about that?”
He nodded, just a tad frantic.
Viktor kissed him, quick and hard.
“Don’t touch,” he said once he straightened, fingeringthe drawstrings of his sweats. “Just watch.”
Yuuri nodded, biting his lip to stifle a moan as Viktorstarted moving.
On the bright side, he knew he was going to enjoy thisfar, far more than the mess with the werebear.
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damaless · 5 years
To All The Skaters I've Loved Before
Chapter Eleven: The Safe Shallows
Today will be the first day of real training with Victor. For once, Yuuri has no trouble waking up without snoozing his alarm, even though he had set it earlier than strictly necessary. In fifteen minutes he’s completely ready to go.
That’s odd. The door to Victor’s room is closed and Yuuri can hear whining and scratching coming from within. He knocks softly, but the only response he gets is the sound of Makkachin’s tail thumping the floor just on the other side of the door.
He inches the door open and Makkachin bounds into the hallway. Yuuri gets a glimpse of Victor, who once again looks exhausted even while asleep. He frowns. He’ll have to ask Victor later if there’s something they can do to make his stay more comfortable.
Makkachin is full of energy. He and Victor had brought her out with them for a tour around Hasetsu yesterday, but she’d spent hours cooped up on a plane and probably needed some extra exercise to compensate.
“What do you think? You want to go for a run?” Obviously, Victor isn’t going to be ready to start training him for an hour or two, but he can always practice his basics in the meantime.
Makkachin prances in a circle. That’s a yes, he supposes.
He takes the scenic route to the rink so Makkachin can get a bit more energy out. Yuuko waves at him from behind the counter when he arrives.
“Hi, Yuuri! All by yourself today?” She smiles cheerfully.
“Not quite - I have a friend with me!” He grins down at Makkachin, who jumps up and puts her paws on the counter.
Yuuko laughs and reaches out to scratch Makkachin’s head. “Do you want me to watch her while you skate?”
A large arm suddenly drops itself around his shoulders. “What’s this about you putting the moves on my wife, Yuuri?”
Yuuri looks at Takeshi in horror. He doesn’t really think— Oh, he’s teasing.
“Takeshi! I wasn’t going to bring that up!” Yuuko says, sounding annoyed. To Yuuri, she says, “My parents brought by some mail of mine that had been sent to their house. Including a letter from you which was clearly over a decade old.” She looks back at Takeshi and raises her eyebrows.
“I’m just kidding around! Your penmanship at that age was awful, Yuuri.” Takeshi laughs.
Yuuri groans. “Sorry about that. Apparently I had left some of my old things out where your girls could get at them, because Axel was excited to ask me about all my ‘pen pals’. I guess they thought they were doing me a favor by mailing them for me.”
“Oh no! It was the girls? We really need to talk to them about respecting boundaries, Takeshi.” Yuuko sighs. “Sorry, Yuuri. It’s tough to keep a close eye on all three of them at once if they are really determined to get up to no good.”
Yuuri shakes his head. “What’s done is done. Anyway, you don’t mind watching Makkachin for a bit? Victor probably won’t get here for a while.”
It's at least an hour and a half before Victor and Yuri Plisetsky arrive, and by then Yuuri is starting to feel frustrated and sore from missing his quad salchow repeatedly.
So when Victor announces that Yuuri will be skating a routine that will require him to somehow fabricate sex appeal out of nothingness, and then proceeds to demonstrate the choreography with plenty of natural sex appeal, Yuuri is feeling somewhat inadequate. And turned on. And fuck, just how is he supposed to be able to concentrate on where his center of balance is and what edge he's on and how deep his knee bends are after that?
Read more on Ao3
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nomanono · 7 years
#NaNoWriMo - Day1
Haven’t decided whether to post this to AO3, so you just get it here for now <3
Chris grunted into the stiff hotel pillow as the cock slipped out of his ass. The soft thing dripped into his crack but the last thing he minded was the stickiness. He laid there, groaning his appreciation and gratitude, until it started to get tacky on his skin.
The hotel room wasn’t anything special, but it had scent eaters in the corners and the pheromones wafting from Chris in waves were overwhelming.
“I needed that,” Chris said, tugging two anti-scent tissues and swiping up the mess between his legs.
“I know the feeling.”
Chris snorted. “It feels best after a win, right?”
“I wouldn’t know.”
“You did better than me.”
Chris took a third tissue, going to the bathroom and settling on the toilet. He pressed out until the cum started to drool into the pot, and when he’d gotten the gloppiest of it out he wiped again. By the time he came back to the room, his partner was dressed, a stack of wadded tissues sitting on the bed.
“I mean it, though,” Chris said, holding out his hand. “Thanks.”
It wasn’t like he normally took new skaters to his bed. But he wasn’t supposed to go into heat for another two weeks, and this off-cycle spike had caught him unawares - and partnerless - just in time for the qualifier. He didn’t have enough warning to get a blocker. He hadn’t even realized it until he caught the eyes of several scenting alphas roaming over him and realized the seat of his pants was damp. That he’d managed to find someone interested in helping him off was a godsend.
“It’s no problem, really,” Yuuri Katsuki assured him, with the same shy blush he’d had when they started. “Really.”
“You going to be okay?” Victor asked Chris a week and a half later. Different hotel room. Same starchy sheets and too-thick pillows. They shared Skate Canada this year.
Chris always skated better when he was in a rink with Victor.
“Yeah,” Chris said, tightening around Victor’s knot. “You still tracking my cycle?”
Victor gave him that cheesiest of smiles: “You smell like you’re seconds off. It’s killing me. I don’t need an app for that.”
“Ohhh, I forgot I shared you on mine,” Chris said.
“Yeah. What was with that spike you had? Did you go to a parlor?” Victor asked.
“Parlor? Victor, please.”
“I know, I know, you have alphas barking down your door at all hours,” Victor smirked. “None are prettier than I am, are they?”
“Never,” Chris laughed. He settled down, pulling Victor with him to snuggle while they waited for his knot to recede. He pressed his face into Victor’s neck, breathed in the scent of the only alpha he ever wanted. He nuzzled and snuffed, wishing he could get high on the heady thickness of Victor’s pheromones. “And their knots are smaller, too.”
“I should hope,” Victor snorted. “I feel bad, you know.”
“Yeah I’m sure you really suffer.”
Victor swatted his side, and Chris just groaned, flexing around Victor’s knot again, feeling another flush of heat in his bowels where Victor was filling him with sterile seed. And even if it hadn’t been sterile, Chris’ implant took care of any eggs that might be floating around inside him.
“For you, mon ami, I would,” Victor purred, nipping at Chris’ neck in return. “Tell me he was small and unsatisfying?”
“He was smaller than you,” Chris reassured Victor. “But I didn’t need much. It was just a little flare up. One of the other skaters —“
“Not Leroy!” Victor gasped.
“That beta? No,” Chris snorted. “Oh —!” He gasped as he felt Victor’s knot tug on his hole, threatening to pop out. “Victor, what are you —?”
“I’m bored,” Victor whined, giving another tug.
“This is why I only sleep with you when you’re rutting, or I’m in heat,” Chris grimaced. “Weren’t you just talking about how I smell?”
“Well,” Victor said. “…. Now you smell like me.”
“Oh, god, Victor, did you mark me?!” Chris cursed, grabbing the pillow and throwing it at the silver-haired skater.
“JUST A LITTLE,” Victor leapt to the defense.
Chris groaned. “Dammit, Victor, you’re supposed to tell me before you do that.”
“I’m sorry!” Victor whined. “You just feel so good.”
Chris sighed. It was a losing battle with Victor. Plus, he was looking at Chris through his bangs, beautiful blue eyes and thick batting lashes. Chris pressed his lips together, steeling himself against Nikiforov’s wiles.
“I’ll stay here for your heat,” Victor cooed his apology, his promise. “Fill you up? Knot you every hour? Mark your whole room? You like smelling me, don’t you, when you’re cycling?”
Did he ever. But Chris was still trying to be upset with him. He looked away, crossing his arms over his naked chest. It was remarkable, how difficult it was to stay mad at someone when the inflatable bulb of their dick was locked inside your colon.
“Just because I like smelling you when I’m in heat doesn’t mean I want you to piss in my ass when we’re casually fucking,” Chris glared.
“Sorry,” Victor frowned, and Chris sighed, because now Victor looked legitimately hurt and apologetic.
“It’s fine,” Chris said. He opened up his arms and Victor swam into them - or as much as he could, given his still-lodged cock. “Just tell me next time, OK?”
“OK,” Victor said. “…I’ll stay here for your heat?”
“Yeah,” Chris said, fingers washing through Victor’s hair. “You ready for it?”
Victor snorted. “I’m your stunt-cock. Your on-call Alpha. Your unofficial fuck boi —“
“That’s not what that means,” Chris groaned, dragging a hand down his face.
“What it means,” Victor corrected him, “is that I’ve got your back. Or your ass. You know. I’m there for you.”
They’d been doing this for years now, and it was true.
“Yeah,” Chris smiled at last, squeezing Victor to his chest. “Yeah I know.”
The Grand Prix Final was exactly as Chris expected. Victor on the top of the podium, Chris on his right, just beneath him. <I>Just like in bed</i> Victor always used to wink, until Chris said it didn’t sit well with him. Not that he’d want to be beneath anyone else, but for once in all his years he wanted to best Victor Nikiforov - Victor Nikiforov who was still at the top of his game despite being one of the eldest skaters on the roster. Even Chris was starting to feel old, running out of years he could use to get his gold.
Yuuri Katsuki, the man who’d offered to help, had made it to the GPF too, only to tank - and brutally. Chris didn’t even get a chance to talk to him; he bolted before the sweat of his costume was even dry.
No one saw him again until the banquet. Chris and Victor were on the edge of the dance floor when Katsuki sauntered, ever so intoxicated, to the middle. Katsuki smelled like raw omega ass, powerful enough that the few people in the room with noses for pheromones were bug-eyed as he paraded himself. Chris thought it was rude, not to wipe up your scents when you were done - especially if Yuuri had been with someone in heat. But Victor?
Well, Victor could hardly resist Chris normally. And with that scent in the air? They all got pulled into the wonderful drunken madness of it. Yuri Plisetsky suddenly battled against Katsuki, paso doble and tango and bolero, fighting for a chance to win Victor’s tutelage. Victor ate it up, happily fell into follow position, hung on every lop-sided smile Katsuki threw his way.
Not that Chris was going to miss an opportunity to show off, too.
They wound up almost naked, dancing from the poles near the front of the dance floor to Victor’s brilliant smile and heartfelt applause.
They danced, and they danced, and Chris couldn’t remember how it ended, only that he woke up the next day head pounding, with seventeen new texts from Victor Nikiforov.
Chris blinked through his messages from Victor
He’s perfect. I’m going to marry him. How does Yuuri Nikiforov sound?
what are you TALKING about, Chris texted back.
Victor sent three blocks of emojis: smilies and hearts and rainbows and Chris just shook his head.
I’m going to marry him, Victor texted.
you slept with him didn’t you
He wasn’t in my bed when I woke up …but I wouldn’t put it past me
“Neither would I,” Chris shook his head - bad mistake - and put his phone down. He had a plane to catch.
Fuck, he had a plane to catch!
By the time he checked his phone again, sometime in the taxi on the way to the Sochi Airport, Victor’s tune had completely changed.
My life is over
OK wait, Chris texted, because it wasn’t like Victor had a flare for the dramatic or anything. What?
He rejected me
well did you fucking propose to him i would have turned you down too
like a dick pic?
He just looked at me like I was speaking Russian I said it again in English just to make sure I hadn’t said it in Russian AND HE JUST WALKED AWAY
going through security
The next messages were just an endless stream of crying faces. Chris blinked slow and shook his head. Victor Nikiforov, ladies and gentlemen. Chris’ best friend. His stunt cock. And now apparently the future husband of one very disinterested Yuuri Katsuki.
Chris blanched.
He’d accidentally already fucked Victor’s future husband.
Chris visibly winced.
Maybe it was for the best things hadn’t worked out.
Victor was insufferable all through Nationals and into the Four Continents. Whining, fretting, texting at all hours of the night.
“Go to a parlor,” Chris said in the lockers. “You need something new for your nose.”
“I’ve tried,” Victor said. The drama was leaking out of him, and the hollowness it left behind was even worse. Chris frowned. He’d never seen Victor look so … old. Tired. Even as he’d aged, Victor had kept a sense of timelessness about him. He was unstoppable. Tireless. Vigorous. Now his eyes were flecked with distance, his body here but his heart somewhere else. “It’s nothing like him.”
“You don’t even know what he’ll smell like when he’s not… like that,” Chris said.
“I don’t need to know,” Victor said.
“You need to get over him,” Chris said. “He said no.”
“He said nothing,” Victor corrected, but instead of his prior, obnoxious optimism now he simply seemed resigned.
“Come on,” Chris zipped up his jacket. “Stop that. It’s over. You’ve got a gold meal to win.”
Victor grimaced like he didn’t care, but he wound up winning gold anyway.
Chris didn’t get many texts about Victor’s Future Husband (tm) after that. He told himself it was because Victor was prepping for Worlds, he’d finally seen the light and gotten over it, but in reality it was because Chris didn’t get many texts at all.
rut’s coming up, Chris finally broke the silence.
I can go to a parlor
i’ll come to you, Chris texted. you know that right?
Now who’s the fuck boi?
…. that really doesn’t mean what you think it means
It’s okay It’s so close to Worlds I’ll just parlor
you sure?
Yeah. Thanks tho <3
np, and Chris clicked off his phone, only to get a new video notification:
Yuuri Katsuki trying Victor Nikiforov’s free skate
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