#here we go with the dexterity again
southernreaches · 2 months
i need help with vet bills (again).
hi. for those of you who remember, earlier this year i asked for donations to help me afford toos' vet bills, who we found out through your help had kidney failure, and again with your help we got her on medication for it. unfortunately it wasn't enough, and we lost her. and then shortly after, dexter began deteriorating, which we put down to his grief of losing toos - she kept him young, he followed her everywhere, he only played because of her, he only ate when she ate, etc. without her he just stopped. and then he started to have seizures and fits daily. we got him blood tests, but he was suffering so badly. we made the decision to put him down. i didn't ask for donations this time, because i was so deeply embarrassed to ask for help again. but we are still recovering financially from that, as well as the parts of toos bills that didn't get covered from donations. my mother hasn't worked for a very long time, she's disabled and very sick, and she receives PIP from the government that only covers her monthly medications that are not covered by the NHS. my father retired early to become her full time carer, and we are living off his pension. i am too disabled to work, but because my mother already receives PIP and i live with them, the government are resistent to giving me any help - so i have zero income, and rely entirely on my parents.
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this is jenny. she's a 14 year old cairn terrier, who loves when we garden because she wants to help dig holes. she helped us bury dexter and toos, digging their graves for them with my dads help. she's an angel, and loves people so much she likes to escape under the fence and join other families for awhile. one time she got into someones back garden and asked to come in as they were eating lunch. she really hates flies, and will try to bite them out of the air (she has never succeeded but i believe she will one day). she will rub her face against you until you start stroking her, and will growl and even bark if you stop! we don't have the money to take jenny to the vets, for a checkup or for anything they may want to do. this has been an ongoing issue, but toos and dexter took priority, and it hasn't been a bother to her. she existed as normal for a long time, but that's since changed.
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jenny has this lump in her mouth, it is larger than the picture shows, but she is a nightmare to force open her mouth since this got so big, i think it's uncomfortable or painful for her. she can't properly close her lips now, and it has pushed all her front teeth away, misshaping her mouth, and sometimes it bleeds profusely. eating has become difficult for her, she can't eat anything hard, and currently will only eat soft human foods like rice, scrambled egg chopped up so small she doesn't have to chew, and things like soups and gravy. she's lost a lot of weight, and i'm getting frightened. to add onto it, i've found lumps like this across her body. i've done as much research as i can, and i believe it to be an oral tumor, it fits, and it looks right, and it spreading across her body is called 'full staging'. and going by all i've read - they will want to remove them in surgery. according to my research, this will cost anywhere from £585 - £4,740 for just the lump in her mouth. that's not including any checkup/test costs, or the other lumps on her body.
she hasn't been to the vet yet, i don't have any secure goal or bills to share, just my assumptions and beliefs from researching myself online. my parents refuse to take her because we can't afford it. i want to save up money, have it in my bank, and show them that we can help her now, before it gets worse, or it's too late. as i said before, i don't have any income, so the only way i can do this is with help.
here's a link to my paypal.me
the icon is a little mouse, and the @ is rivellon
i struggled so badly posting the first post like this for toos. i felt so guilty and embarrassed and ashamed. but i have no choice again, i want to help jenny. i don't want her to suffer. and selfishly, i can't handle losing another dog so soon. this year has been waking nightmare, and i need your help to stop it getting even worse.
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please reblog and share, even if you can't donate.
thank you for reading.
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briefinquiries · 1 month
Tyler Owens x Reader: No Hesitation
Request: From anonymous: “I had an idea for Tyler Owens!! I feel like Tyler would be the type of guy that if a girl came up to him and said ‘this guy is creepy, pls pretend to be my bf’ he would be like ‘hell yay’ and scare the guy away without making the girl uncomfortable?? Maybe you could do a scenario like that with reader?? Thank youuu!!! Lots of love!!”
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: none
A/N: guys.... i'm down bad for tyler owens, pls send help (or requests so i can keep writing about him). anywayyy, enjoy!
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“You comin’ T?” Boone asked as he peered into Tyler’s motel room. 
Tyler glanced up from where he sat on the edge of his creaky, double mattress and nodded. “Yeah, I just need to grab a shirt that doesn’t smell like pig shit.”
“Good luck with that,” Boone chuckled. “We haven't done laundry in almost three weeks– just about everything in my bag smells like pig shit.”  
“Maybe it’s time we popped home for a bit,” Tyler muttered as he continued digging through his bag. Finally, he pulled out an unused, plain, T-shirt that had been folded at the bottom of his duffel. “What kind of place is this, Boone?” he asked as he pulled the shirt over his head. 
“Just a bar, man. Nothin’ fancy. They got darts though, and a pool table. Which, by the way, I bet you fifty bucks I can smoke you at.”
“Boone, you don’t even have fifty bucks,” Tyler replied, shaking his head. He stood up from the bed and joined his friend in the hallway, shutting his motel room door behind him. 
“Do too,” Boone said defensively as they began walking towards the parking lot to join the rest of the team. 
“Oh you mean the fifty bucks I gave you to get the van’s oil changed last week? Which now I’m assuming you never did–” 
“An honest mistake,” Boone said, putting his hands up in surrender. “They were closed the day you gave it to me, then I’ll be honest, I forgot about it. But my point is, beat me at pool and that money is yours again.” 
“I don’t want the money to be mine again, I want the van to get an oil change.”
“Well you get your fifty bucks back and you can use it for whatever you’d like– oil change included.”
Tyler shook his head, knowing there was no use arguing with his friend. 
“What’re you two love birds arguing about now?” Lilly asked. She was perched on the hood of Tyler’s truck looking at footage she’d taken from her drone earlier in the day. 
“T’s too scared to play me in pool,” Boone answered before Tyler could. 
“Aw,” Lilly said teasingly. “Nothin’ to be scared of. We’ll still love ya, even if Boone kicks your ass.”
“Yeah, T,” Dani added from the front seat of the van. They had the door kicked open and their feet resting out the rolled down window. “There’s no shame in losin’. Only in never trying.”
“I oughta just leave the lot of you behind. Me and Dexter can take things from here. Isn’t that right, Dex?”
“Sure,” Dexter said casually. “But I’ll have you know I can also beat your ass at pool.”
“Unbelievable,” Tyler muttered to himself. “Who’s ridin’ with me?”
Lilly and Boone’s hands shot up. “Shotgun,” Boone announced. 
“You always get shotgun,” Lilly muttered as she climbed into the backseat of his truck. 
“We’ll meet you guys there,” Dani said as they pulled their feet into the van and started it up. Dexter climbed into the passenger seat and then the group of them were off. 
It took about fifteen minutes to get to the bar Boone had been going on about all day. He insisted they served the best chicken wings in all of Tulsa. Tyler would be the judge of that. 
The parking lot was relatively full– but not surprisingly so for a Saturday night. 
“If you have more than three drinks, you’re ridin’ back with Dani, you understand?” Tyler said to Boone as the five of them walked into the bar together. “I’m not havin’ you get sick in my truck for a second time.”
“Whatever you say, Dad,” Boone said sarcastically. “I’m gonna mark my territory at the pool table– let ‘em know we’re next. Grab me whatever’s on tap, will ya?”
He didn’t even wait for Tyler’s confirmation before darting off, Dani and Dexter on his tail. 
Meanwhile, Tyler and Lilly made their way to the bar to order for everyone else. “Man, he’s full of it today,” he muttered once they reached the counter. 
“Yeah, well. We’re all a little restless,” Lilly admitted. “It’s been a long few weeks without much action. Boone’s kinda like a puppy. Except instead of walks he needs adrenaline rushes and excessive fun. Tonight’ll be good for him.” 
Tyler chuckled as he turned to check where the bartender was at. Except, as soon as he did, his elbow collided with the person beside him. 
“Sorry–” he said quickly, eyes wandering down. 
His words caught in his mouth at the sight of an unfamiliar, but beautiful girl. You were gazing back up at him with equal surprise, mouth hung open slightly. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeated. 
“That’s okay,” you answered quickly. “I was standin’ too close.” 
“No other way to really do it in here it seems,” he said. 
You smiled sweetly. “I know– it’s never this busy here, even on the weekends.”
“You come here a lot?” he asked, just trying to keep the conversation going. 
“I wouldn’t say a lot, but enough. Any time I have a hankering for some wings.”
Tyler adjusted his body so that he was facing you entirely now. He was boxing Lilly out– but she’d understand. Especially after she got a look at how gorgeous you were. “You know, my buddy said they were good. I didn’t entirely believe him. But if you say so…”
“You’re gonna trust a total stranger over your buddy?” you asked teasingly. 
Tyler tilted his head to the side. “If you met my buddy, you’d understand why. You know we’re all gonna play some pool in a bit if you wanted to–”
“Hey Y/N, there you are!” Tyler heard someone say, cutting him off. He watched as your head snapped around. A man– tall with broad shoulders and black hair, was pushing through the crowd towards you. 
“I gotta go,” you said to Tyler quickly, instantly causing his shoulders to fall. “Have a good night.”
“Yeah, you too,” he grumbled. He turned back towards the bar to avoid seeing you reunite with who he supposed was probably your boyfriend. 
“Don’t sweat it, T,” Lilly said, clapping him on the back. “You’ll get the next one.”
Tyler rolled his eyes, kicking himself for letting himself get his hopes up over a stupid, two minute conversation. 
Once he and Lilly got everyone’s drinks, the pair of them made their way back towards the pool table which Boone had successfully taken over. No time was wasted before Boone was insisting the pair play. 
To Tyler’s absolute dismay– he really did suck. 
He lost three games in a row before finally calling it quits. He opted to sit at a high top table with Dexter, watching Lilly and Boone compete instead. 
Tyler was just about to throw down the last of his beer when suddenly, he felt an arm loop through his.  He turned to tell who he assumed was Dani, that they’d had way too much to drink, but before he could, a voice (that certainly didn't match Dani’s) rang out. 
“Hi baby, there you are!”  
Dexter, who was sitting across from Tyler, glanced at him surprised. 
Tyler looked to his left and locked eyes with the same girl from the bar earlier. Except now, she was gazing at Tyler desperately. Without warning and before Tyler could even react, you leaned closer to him. 
In a hurried whisper, you spoke so that only Tyler could hear. “There’s a guy over there. I keep asking him to, but he won’t leave me alone– can you just pretend to know me so that he’ll go away?”
Then, you press your lips to the side of Tyler’s cheek quickly, like it was a gesture the two of you had shared thousands of times. You continued holding on to his arm, your eyes wildly trying to communicate how terrified you clearly were, as you looked pleadingly at him to help you. 
Tyler’s face broke out into a huge grin as he, with absolutely no hesitation, took on the role of boyfriend for a complete stranger. He wiggled his arm out of your grasp and instead wound it around your waist, pulling you tightly into his side. 
You were taken aback by how secure and safe you suddenly felt. 
“I’ve been looking all over for you,” Tyler replied.  He could visibly see the look of relief that washed over your face once you realized he had decided to play along. 
Tyler tugged at your hip, indicating that he wanted you to lean in closer. You took his hint and tilted your head towards him.  
“Which guy is it?” he asked discreetly. 
“Red shirt, black hair,” you mumbled quietly. It was only then that you notice the other man sharing the table with your rescuer. You offered him an apologetic smile, hoping that he was intuitive enough to pick up on the cues you’d been dropping.  
Next you noticed the rest of his group scattered around the pool table. Initially, they were in the middle of a game when you came over, but now, their attention had shifted. You glanced at the beautiful girl with tanned skin and long, braided hair, holding a pool stick. She offered you a small, but cautious smile. You hoped it wasn’t her boyfriend you were currently draped over.  Then, there’s another guy– with messy black hair topped with an old, worn ball cap. He had a confused look on his face, but when the girl leaned over and whispered something in his ear, his eyes lit up in understanding. 
The man you were clinging to rubbed your hip bone gently with his thumb. The sensation sent sparks across the entire surface of your skin. You wondered if he even realized he was doing it.  
You’d seen him at the bar earlier and had gotten a good, gut feeling about his demeanor. He seemed genuine and kind– even though you’d only managed about a two minute conversation with him before the man who’d been following you around all night came back. It wasn’t until after you darted off that you realized you should have just explained what was going on right then and there. 
You’d realized he was handsome earlier, but this was the first time you’d gotten a good look at him up close, now that your nerves had calmed down and you felt like you were able to breathe again. You wanted to give yourself a pat on the back, because it seemed like you’d chosen the best looking man in the entire bar, if not world, to be your pretend boyfriend. He had distinct features– a strong jaw, tanned skin, and eyes so green, it made you feel like spring was blooming. His brows were furrowed into a firm line as he scoured the bar nonchalantly, looking for the man who had led you to him. You felt grateful that this complete stranger cared enough to help you out.  
“That him?” he asked, nodding in the direction he wanted you to look. 
You turned your head and watched in dismay as the creepy man from earlier approached. 
“Shit– yes.”
“I got ya, don’t worry,” he murmured gently. “Can I help you?” he asked, turning once the man was within earshot. 
He stopped in his tracks, eyes glued to you. “I was jus’ lookin’ for her,” the man said, words slurring together. 
“And what use do you have for my girlfriend?” he challenged, grip around your waist tightening. 
“Sorry man– she didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend.”
“But she did tell you to leave her alone, right?”
“Yeah, jus’ thought she was playin’ hard to get. You know how these girls can be–”
“No, I don’t actually,” Tyler said. “I think if she said leave her alone… you should probably leave her alone.”
The man put his hands up in surrender. “Easy man, I didn’t mean any harm by it. Like I said, I didn’t realize she was taken.”
“I don’t think you’re getting it–” Tyler said, standing up from his chair to face the man. You were surprised by how cold you felt without his hand around your waist. 
“You don’t get to just choose to respect her now that you know she has a boyfriend.” 
“You tryin’ to start something here, man?” The guy narrowed his beady eyes. 
“Why? You offerin?” Tyler took another step forward, anger surging in his chest faster than he anticipated.  
“Might be,” the man said, meeting Tyler halfway. The two were face to face now– things were escalating. 
But before things could get out of hand, the guy from behind the pool table hurried over. “Easy, T–” he placed a hand on his shoulder before facing the guy. “Why don’t you just back off, man? Get outta here.”
“Yeah, c’mon–” two more people from his group stepped forward. Like a small army, you thought. All stepping up to protect you– a total stranger. 
There was a brief moment where the man studied the scene before him. Then, like he realized that taking on the four people defending you was a bad idea, he backed off. 
“Whatever, she’s not worth it anyway,” he said, throwing you one, final nasty glare before turning and stalking off. 
You didn’t realize you’d been holding your breath until you saw him walk out the front door. Only when it snapped shut behind him were you able to exhale a shaky sigh.  
That guy’s been following me all night. I thought I could handle it, but then he got really mad when I wouldn’t let him give me a drink,” you said shakily. 
“What a creep,” one of them said. 
“Thank you so much–” you said, utterly relieved. Then, you introduced yourself to the table of people you’d abruptly intruded upon. 
“Don’t mention it, glad we could help. I’m Tyler.” 
The others had gathered around the table now and each introduced themselves as well. 
“You were right to trust your gut,” Dani said, offering you a reassuring nod. 
“Yeah, who knows what that creep might’ve stuck in your drink.”
You shivered at the thought. 
“Well, I guess I’m glad I crashed your table then,” you smiled, turning to Tyler. For more than one reason, you thought, taking in the sweet laughter lines around his eyes and full lips. You caught yourself staring and forcibly looked away. You weren’t even drunk, but Tyler made your head spin.  
“Anyways, I should go,” you said quickly. You had to remind yourself of the circumstances.  You’d practically mauled Tyler in front of his friends and forced him to get into a brawl in the middle of the bar. And no matter how breathtakingly attractive you found him, there was no denying the fact that this entire situation was awkward and uncomfortable. You cleared your throat. “I’m really sorry for intruding, thank you again.”  
Tyler was still entirely dumbstruck, even as you walked away. It was like his brain couldn’t keep up with whatever the hell just happened. He watched as you disappeared through the crowd of people. 
“Dude, what the hell are you doing?” Dani spoke up.  
“Huh?” Tyler turns towards them. 
“She was into you, Tyler.”
He wasn’t sure he heard them right. The bar was loud and Tyler’s mind wasn’t working properly tonight, thanks to you and whatever perfume you’d been wearing. 
Lilly nodded her head in agreement, “And if I had to guess by the drool on your chin, I’d say you were into her too.” 
Feeling a little ganged up on, Tyler just stares at his team in disbelief. “I don’t– I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Boone shook his head and chuckled as he walked back towards the pool table. “Man, I have never– in our entire ten years of friendship, seen a girl leave Tyler Owens speechless– this one might be special folks,” Boone chuckled. 
“Go after her, you dummy,” Lilly said. 
“And do what?” Tyler asked. 
Dani scoffed, “Talk to her– invite her back to the table– literally anything but let her just walk away, you idiot.”
Slightly offended, but more motivated, Tyler stood up from the table and finally took the last sip of his beer. It was warm, but he used it as a final attempt at some liquid courage, before striding off after you. The crowd of people was thick, but he was confident that no matter where you were, you’d stand out.  
Sure enough, he spotted you across the bar. You had left your glass on the counter and were currently shifting through your bag, looking for something. Tyler took a deep breath before walking over.  
He called your name, which he was proud to now know, causing you to look up from your things.  
“Tyler, hey,” you said, unable to hide the surprised smile that crept across your face.  
“So that was pretty weird, huh–” Tyler tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but all he did was realize how dry his mouth was. 
You bit your lip, “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean to make it weird– I just– I was scared. He was so creepy, and you just looked like you’d make a good fake date…” 
Oh my god, what were you saying? You were rambling, like you always did when you were nervous. You took another sip of your drink, wishing it was something stronger. 
But a smirk crept up on Tyler’s face, like he could tell you were floundering. 
“Oh yeah?” His voice was playful. “And how do you think I’d be as a real date?”
Butterflies ran rampant in your stomach as you clenched down on your jaw, trying to play it cool. But it was hard to remain casual when you were pretty sure Tyler was asking you out. 
Your voice was hitched slightly higher than normal when you responded, “I think I’d like to find out sometime.”
Tyler flashed his white teeth in a stunning smile before nodding back towards the table he’d just come from. “How about we start now? I got a hankering for some wings, what do you say I get us a plate to share?”
With no hesitation, you reached for his outstretched hand. 
“Should we eat before or after I kick your ass at pool?” you smiled sweetly. 
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hearts4johnwick · 2 months
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SUMMARY. you’re mad at tyler after an argument, he decides to win you over by bringing in your favorite food and taking you to a rodeo, when you think that his charm was working, an EF-4 tornado strikes.
WARNINGS. angst (happy ending though), tornado attack.
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you were lying down in your bed, attempting to go to sleep or at least take a nap given that it was 8:21 p.m. you found yourself staring at the ceiling, listening to the music and people singing outside.
you can’t help but toss and turn around as you overthink about the argument you had with tyler. tyler was your best friend, childhood neighbor, situationship, you don’t even know at this point. and although tyler and you were always risk takers, some risks are too hard for you to handle, but boone and tyler are a dangerous duo.
when you graduated high school you went straight to college and studied meteorology, you didn’t waste another second of your life and did everything that it took to where you are now. but, tyler and you were separated for college, you were halfway across the country while he stayed in his hometown. but when you graduated college, you went back home.
the both of you caught up on everything each other missed, and next thing you know, you ended up joining tyler’s storm-chasing team, the thing is, by something that happened to you in the past, you always rode alongside Dexter and Dani, there were moments where you rode with tyler, but you were always harnassed up even if you weren’t inside the tornado yet.
your train of thoughts were so rudely interrupted by the knock at your door. you sit up and take a breath before walking over to the door. before opening it, you were thinking to yourself that maybe it was going to be your mother, or your sister, not tyler owens. he sees the expression on your face and smiles, attempting to cheer you up.
“hey…” your nose flares, he notices and chuckles. “i brought your favorite… Tina Mae’s chocolate pie…” he hands it over to you and you take it. “maybe if you let me in we can sha—“ his words were cut off by the door slamming on his face. his eyebrows raised and he froze.
you put the pie on the desk next to your bed and open the bag, and it is indeed your favorite chocolate pie. you smile to yourself and head back to the door, as expected, tyler was still there.
“if you think you’re always gonna take me back with my favorite food, you’re wrong.” i inhale sharply and tap on the door.
“well, i wanted to do it another way if you’d let me show you…” you raise your eyebrows and cringe. “no—no, not like that, well…” he cocks an eyebrow and glances at you, you were about to close the door again but he stops it. “no, hey, i’m serious. get changed i want to take you somewhere.” he smiles. you hum and close the door gently so you can get changed.
“you can’t be serious. do you want me to forgive you or hate you more, tyler owens?” you say as you take your seats in the rodeo’s benches.
“bit of both.” he smiles, and you chuckle whilst shaking your head. “look, y/n, i’m sorry.”
“you’re apologizing here? rea—“ tyler touches your knee softly, cutting you off.
“i’m sorry, sorry for what i said earlier. i shouldn’t have said those things. you’ve been through so many things i can’t even begin to imagine, and it wasn’t my place to say anything about that. you know i would never do anything to hurt you, i am sorry.” the soft glow in his eye made you feel the truth he was saying. you nod and smile.
“and why would you ever think i wouldn’t forgive you?” tyler smiles at your words and so do you. “i think i should be the one apologizing, i tried to stop you from doing something you gave years of experience, and that was out of place and overprotective and unnecessary.”
“no, no, it’s okay. you of all people know about these stupid risks i take, i was a bull rider for God’s sake! I know you hated that.” you laugh.
“yeah, i think i hated that more than storm chasing.” he chuckles and glances at you, there was a small silence until you broke it. “i just… i don’t want to lose you, ty.”
“you’re never going to lose me.” you look over at him, your eyes stinging as you feel some tears coming. he wraps an arm around you and holds you. “you won’t.” he reassures you nod and after a while, let go.
“you and that stupid face…” you look away, trying to hide a smile.
“wait what?”
“every time i was cleaning blood off of you, whenever you got knocked off your bull, you would always make that stupid face, or like look at me some way like you were trying to get me to kiss you.” he raises an eyebrow and you look at him again.
“oh, you mean my charm? i already come with it, it’s not something i do on command.” you roll your eyes and click your tongue.
“well, “your charm” has never worked on me. never has, never will.” the two of you share a soft smile, all while maintaining that potent eye contact.
you don’t know if it was the tension, but you had sudden goosebumps and started getting chilly. although your hair was in a ponytail, your bangs were getting in the way, you never took your eyes off of tyler’s but you could see his hair starting to get messy too.
“well, i don’t know about you but, i think it’s working pretty well now.” he moves the strands of hair out of your face and tucks it gently behind your ear before cupping your cheeks.
“about time.” you manage to let out seconds before his lips are on yours. your heart was racing the whole time, but you felt it could come out of your chest any second now.
the kiss started slow and gentle, but the moment you smiled into it, tyler deepened the kiss, you placed your hand behind his neck and ran your fingers through his hair, which made you notice how much his hair was moving around, as much as it pained you doing it, you pulled away and saw people walking away from the stands. you look around and pick up a leaf from the ground.
tyler notices and the two of you exchange a look. you both stand up and head for shelter, you feel the winds get stronger and that’s when you start to run, helping some people who have tripped along the way, but not wasting more than a second.
tyler and you managed to find a motel and in that motel an empty pool, where you sought shelter until the tornado passed over you. at that moment tyler had to help a man that had twisted his ankle, and a vending machine was blocking his way, due to the man panicking, he was gone.
tyler hid with you and another family of a mother and her daughter. the grip you had on tyler and that he had on you was like no other. you felt tyler plant kisses on your head to calm you down as you felt the tornado right above you, you held onto some pipes and his arms tightly, fearing for your life at that very moment.
when the tornado passed, you didn’t even want to let go of tyler, you hugged him and stayed with his arm wrapped around you the whole night, even when you shared your bed with him.
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❛i know, “baby, no attachment.” but we’re… ❜
i have a ‘Twisters’ fic on wattpad if y’all wanna check it out! https://www.wattpad.com/story/374563132?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=hearts4johnwick ᥫ᭡
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
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Babygirl - Tyler Owens x Fem!Storm Chaser!Preg Reader
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴
hey! i felt in the mood to write something somewhat wholesome so here we are! i’m really sorry if this doesn’t make sense x
Word count; 1096
Growing up you had always wanted to chase storms, after experiencing your first tornado at the age of 7 with your mum the second month of you living in tornado alley.
Living in England before that you had never been exposed to the world of storms and what dangers come with it. As you grew up you watched many different storms and the havoc they caused. your senior year at school you had been out on lockdown due to an EF4 heading straight to your high school, that’s when you met Lillie.
You and Lillie have been the only two out of a group of 40 teenagers taking shelter in the hallway that wasn’t scared, frankly - you two were always ordered to put your head down in case the tornado hit because you two were trying to get a glimpse of the storm.
You two quickly became friends after that day, finding comfort in someone else who loved storms just as much as the other. while Lillie heading to college to get a degree in technology which you two could use to get close-ups of future storms - you went into meteorology. That's where you met your now husband and the tornado wrangler, Tyler Owens.
Tyler has caught your attention from the first time you walked into that lecture hall. His tall and muscular frame, dirty blonde hair, and green eyes caught the attention of all the girls in the class, many even tried their shot with him but were turned down and never showed their faces in that class again. Tyler quickly became the face of the class, everyone wanted to be him or be with him. which is why you were shocked when he asked you to be his partner for a project.
During that project you and him grew closer, you two learned about each other and what they could bring to the table in an actual storm-chasing group. At the time, it was a dream, the two of you were going into your last year. The thought of being in a team chasing storms all over was something you would have only dreamed about, because it couldn’t be a reality… or could it?
You and Tyler had graduated top of your class, and this led to getting the attention of many different investors who would’ve loved to work with the pair of you and build an empire. However, you and Tyler wanted to create this dream by yourselves.
You two worked endless jobs, bouncing from city to city to save up for starting this team. You were lucky that Lillie immediately nominated herself to join the group when you first brought the idea up to her when you two were studying together for a final. Along with Tyler's good friend Boone who wanted to be his right-hand man, along with the person getting all the good footage for the viewers.
After many years of working your absolute hardest and saving up all the money you could, you were able to buy your equipment. At first, you were live streaming to nobody, it was obvious the team was slightly disheartened by this and after months of nobody viewing the streams - you had all actually spoken of leaving the group and going separate ways. That was until one livestream someone joined, and coincidentally that’s when you got the first-ever footage of Tyler and Boone driving into a tornado and sitting through it.
In hours the clip blew up all over social media, and thousands upon thousands of people were tuning into the channel and subscribing. the next time you streamed the view count was at 16k. After a time, the team expanded adding in the valuable members Dexter and Dani, viewers, and sponsors pooling into the channel and eventually, you and Tyler confirmed your relationship.
Bringing you to now, 4 months pregnant and barely showing. After telling Tyler the news of the pregnancy, he never left your side. Always getting anything you needed even if he had to drive hours for it and miss several big storms. For a while he let you join in the back of the jeep when he and Boone were driving into a tornado, now that you were pregnant however - you had to be miles away so he knew you and your baby were safe.
“Dani, this is the biggest storm of the season and he is planning on driving into it?” your voice was full of concern as you, her, and Dexter all watched the live stream on her laptop from the campervan. Watching the father of your baby drive head-on into a storm really made you anxious. You knew he knew what he was doing, but what if something went wrong?
Grabbing the walker from the front of the dashboard, “Ty? Can you hear me? Please stay safe, our baby needs her daddy home." Dexter and Dani's heads quickly turn to you, mouths dropped as they realize what you just said. Paying no attention to them you watched as the message went through to Tyler on the livestream, and watching his reaction was the best thing.
From when you first told him about the baby he said it would be a baby girl, and that he would be the ‘world's best girl dad’. So, when he heard the sex of your baby on the walkie-talkie, you watched as he and Boone went absolutely mental. You swear the jeep nearly tipped over from the amount of jumping and punching the roof of the car there was, Dani even had to lower the volume due to all of their screaming.
You didn’t have time to join in on the excitement before the tornado hit them head-on, leaning forward in your seat with anxiety, picking at the skin on your fingers as you watched two of the most important people in your life get shaken around while being struck inside a tornado. It felt like hours they were stuck in that position, not being able to move due to them having to be drilled into the ground beneath the car.
When the storm finally passed, you all had let out a sigh of relief. even after years of doing this - you still didn’t know when today was going to be the day it didn’t work and something bad happened to one of you.
As tyler started up the jeep again to drive away and join the rest of you back at the meeting point, he turns up to the camera facing him and points,
“That’s for you babygirl.”
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cuubism · 7 months
i went to physical therapy for my stupid broken arm so as is my legal obligation i HAD to make ship content about it. everything is ship content that's how it is
cw injury, referenced abusive relationships
Hob's had plenty of clients come to physical therapy who clearly don't want to be there. Plenty of others who are reasonably frustrated by the work and time involved in regaining functioning after an injury. But this is the first time he's just had someone be... quiet. Resigned.
Dream sits with his hand cradled to his chest, barely speaking, only answering when Hob asks a direct question. He's reluctant to give Hob his hand when Hob asks if he can look at it, like he thinks Hob's grip is a bear trap that will snap down and crush the bones like whatever had done so the first time. Hob still doesn't know what that was. All he knows is the bones have been realigned and healed over but the dexterity in his hand still isn't right. That was what Dream had said, in the first spark of passion Hob had heard from him. It's not right.
But he does eventually give his hand over. His bones are so fine and delicate, and each movement hesitant. Cautious. Hob tests the flexibility. The strength. Dream is right, it's not where it should be. He still doesn't know what happened.
"I won't make you tell me if you really don't want to," Hob says gently. "But it is important to know how it happened to make sure we rehab it the right way. Did you get it caught in something? I've seen guys come in with machine injuries like that."
Nothing about Dream suggests "person who works with heavy machinery." But who knows. Hob will try not to stereotype.
"No," Dream says quietly, looking down and away from his hand like he can't bear to see it. "I. I am an artist. My ex... he felt that I cared more about my art than about him. Perhaps I did. And he was... frustrated. I suppose."
Hob can put the rest of the pieces together in his mind. "Jesus," he breathes, and Dream flinches.
"I have an unfortunate ability to involve myself with such people," he says.
"No, it's not your fault," Hob says automatically.
Dream narrows his eyes. "You presume to know that?"
Hob raises his hands in surrender. "Never mind. I won't pry." He's not Dream's therapist. His job is to help him with his hand, not... whatever else is going on in his life.
He takes Dream's hand carefully between both of his own again. Presses down lightly on his knuckles. "So. Crushed. Like that?"
Dream nods. Hob still doesn't know all the details, but he's imagining a boot going down hard on the top of Dream's hand. The thought is sickening.
"Can you fix it?" Dream asks, like he doesn't dare to hope.
"Well, you already had it repaired surgically, yeah?" Hob says. This strikes him as a bit of good luck--hand fractures are not simple--but he doesn't want to undercut Dream's confidence even further by saying so. He's usually pretty good at reading his clients, and he's already sensing that Dream is holding onto his determination to be here at all by the barest thread. Best to build him up as much as possible. "So it's just a matter of strengthening the muscles again."
He's fairly confident he can get him back to a usual level of functioning with it. The question is whether he can return him to the specific level of dexterity he needs for his art. He doesn't say that. Not yet.
Finally, he gets the tiniest of smiles out of Dream. He's really lovely when he smiles.
(He's pretty when he doesn't smile, too. Hob would have to be blind not to notice it.)
"So," Hob says. "Let's look at the current range of motion, yeah?"
Dream tilts his head. "Did you not already do so?"
"For regular motion, yeah. But I want to see where it's impacting your drawing."
Dream draws his hand back, looking uncertain.
"Come on." Hob hands him a pen and paper. "Show me. I promise I know nothing about art. If it's not up to your usual standards, I'm not going to be able to tell."
Finally, Dream takes the pen, and starts sketching.
Hob watches, noting the way his hand trembles, his uneven grip on the pen. Notes how quickly he gets demoralized when it doesn't turn out the way he wants. Hob can make out what he's written and drawn, but it's clear from Dream's expression that it's far from how it's supposed to be.
"This is just a starting point," Hob reminds him. He has a feeling he's going to be doing a lot of those sorts of reminders with Dream; he does not seem to find optimism easy.
Then again, if someone who supposedly loved him had hurt him like that, Hob would probably find optimism a bit difficult, too.
Finally, Dream drops the pen, clearly frustrated. "I have tried to paint at home, too. It has not turned out any better. You should throw those away." He gestures to the sketches. "They are terrible."
"Nah, I'm gonna keep them," Hob says, and puts them in his folder. "For comparison later." It could also partially be because he finds Dream's drawings of cats, imperfect as they are, charming. Sue him.
"As you insist," Dream says.
Hob gives him documentation on some other exercises he can do at home. Tries to think through what might make him feel better with his art. It feels, somehow, so important to make him feel better.
"At home, go easy on trying to use a pen, or paintbrush or whatever, it's hard on your hand," he finally says. "But you probably want to get back to your art, so-- okay, don't make fun of me if this is stupid."
Dream just raises an eyebrow, waiting.
Maybe Hob should try to learn more about art before he gives advice. Nevertheless, he forges on. "Holding a pen is tough, but if you wanted to like, finger paint or something? That would probably be fine. Might be good for flexibility, even."
"Finger paint," Dream repeats, enunciating each word.
"I told you not to make fun of me if it was stupid."
Dream smiles, just a small thing, like he finds Hob ridiculous but in a charming way. Good enough, Hob figures.
"Very well," Dream says at last. "I will take your advice."
Dream simply walking out had felt like a distinct possibility, so Hob will take this as a win.
"Hey," he says later, catching Dream for a moment as he's checking him out. "It's going to get better, yeah? Trust me. Don't worry too hard, just give it time."
He really shouldn't make promises like that. But he can't seem to help it, with Dream.
Dream considers, then says. "I do trust you."
Hob finds that it means a lot. Now he's just going to have to earn it.
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fangswbenefits · 9 months
The Arrangement (9) - The Arrangement
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Chapter summary: Ava proposes an arrangement, and things get out of control with Astarion... once again.
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Warnings: 18+. Alcohol. Innuendo. Body worship. (almost) Fingering. Sexual tension.
Word count: 6k
Series masterlist . Ao3
Ava extended the palm of her hand across the table, expecting you to comply with her silent request.
But you weren’t so easily swindled, especially when too much of her story was beginning to rub you the wrong way.
As such, you feigned complying by placing your hand atop hers, whilst your other carefully unsheathed the dagger at your hip.
Her face held a honeyed smile that you didn’t return, and your watchful eyes followed her every move, 
But before her knife could come close to your skin, you got on your feet, sending the chair sliding across the floor before you made a lunge for her, plucking her from her seat with one hand and pressing her back against the cabinet behind, your dagger firmly held against the side of her neck.
She did try to swing the knife in her hand, but you immediately caught hold of her wrist and squeezed tight until she dropped it on the floor.
“Sharp reflexes,” she noted with a curt smile.
You held her in place with the weight of your body, the sharp edge of your blade ready to slice through her skin.
“You sound surprised.”
She smiled again. “It is uncommon for sorcerers to be so skillful with anything but a staff and fancy hand flourishes.”
“Not many have the opportunity to learn from a seasoned rogue.”
Astarion had taken a liking to honing your dexterity, even when constantly remarking you’d never rival his.
However, in this particular moment, it did come in handy and his teachings had paid off.
“Unfortunately for you,” Ava said, her smile dropping slightly. “You are not the only one with tricks up their sleeve.”
And before you could question her remark, you felt the cool sting of metal tapping against your neck, just above the faint bite marks from the night before.
For a moment, the grip on your dagger faltered, but you quickly regained composure, not easing the blade pressed against her skin.
“This is coated in a most agonising poison.”
You offered a devious smile. “What a coincidence – so is mine.”
A homebrew recipe that he had once shared with you.
Travelling together with Astarion had given you the opportunity to broaden your skill set and that covered knowing how to brew most basic poisons.
She did look far too amused for someone who you could easily incapacitate should she stray but a little.
“And here I thought we had made some progress.”
Her taunt made you snap at once. “How much of an idiot do you take me for?”
She arched an eyebrow. “Idiot?”
You pushed harder into her, causing the glass jars inside the cabinet to rattle. “Your story sounds a little too convenient. You were a monster hunter for decades, then had a sudden change of heart, and tracked down Astarion to aid him,” your words were venomous enough to match the poison coating your blade. “I’m sorry if I have a hard time believing someone could just abandon their principles all at once and even go as far as to kill their own kin.”
Her arm was gripping yours, but you didn’t flinch, your eyes boring into hers. “You don’t have to believe me. I wouldn’t either, to be frank. However, you shouldn't be passing judgement when it comes to others having changes of heart.”
You remained silent.
“You took a leap of faith with Astarion, did you not? You trusted him even after learning he could easily turn on you,” she went on, her voice now firm and low. “But he didn’t. He proved he could change, even when it goes against his very nature as a vampire spawn.”
Another wave of anger flared inside you.
How could she even compare this situation to that of Astarion’s? She was nothing like him. She didn’t know the first thing about the two of you. 
“You utter sweetened words and use my bond with him to make me sway,” you said in a low warning tone. “But I simply don’t like you. It’s not even about you wanting my blood – it’s how you so easily take and take from him and expect me to compactuate with it.”
Ava scoffed, trying to push you off of her but to no avail. “So is that why you’re here? To stake your claim?”
" Claim? Astarion is his own person.”
She chuckled darkly. “Yet here you are, speaking on his behalf. Enlighten me on how that works.”
Her words tore through your flesh more effectively than the knife she held to your neck ever could.
You immediately let go of her as if suddenly burned by her touch and took a few steps back, falling silent.
Was that the impression you gave her? That you were taking away his free will on this matter? Would he think the same if he knew how close you had been to sinking your dagger into her?
Your chest felt impossibly heavy from the weight of your doubts, and you dropped your arm at your side at once.
Ava adjusted her dress as she straightened up, but there was no triumphant smile on her face. “I am not the enemy. You don’t have to trust me – Hells, you don’t have to like me – but he does to an extent, and I already said that I do not take a single drop of his blood without his full consent, as I won’t take yours.”
It was starting to overwhelm you just how hard Ava was to decode. You wanted to trust her word and to believe that helping her with your own blood could be helpful to Astarion in the long run, especially if there were people out there who wanted to hurt both of you.
But you just couldn’t bring yourself to fully digest her reasoning without asking the proper questions and double checking.
You were once told: “Never swallow before chewing.”
“Why did you kill your group, then? Why not just leave?”
Ava’s pleasant features turned sour as she returned to her seat. “There are no fiercest shackles than those of the mind. I know it. Astarion knows it,” she said nonchalantly, placing her knife on the table. “Not that I expect you to resonate with this as I’m sure you’ve lived a sheltered life.”
You’re wrong…
On so many levels.
But you weren’t going to give her leverage on your past.
Not even Astarion was aware of the intricate details of your upbringing.
“Sorcerers are born with an innate talent for magic wielding,” she went on, her eyes fixed on you. “I wouldn’t be surprised if your family in Baldur’s Gate ranked up high with the rest of the nobles.”
You narrowed your eyes, lips still pressed shut.
It was unfair that she was drawing all these assumptions in regards to you when they couldn’t be further from the truth.
There had never been privilege. 
The magic coursing through your body was what made you nearly lose it all once…
But silence was your best weapon now.
“Not everyone has that privilege – I know I didn’t. I was forced to do the bidding of others, because that was all I knew growing up until Astarion’s case put things into perspective. Sure, I did expand my knowledge on Alchemy here and there, but I was never allowed to openly practice it,” there was a faint hint of sorrow in her voice that nearly made you feel sorry for her. Nearly. “So long as they lived, I would never be truly free as they would make sure I’d painfully regret leaving them. But I was done hunting those who could use a second chance, which was exactly what you offered Astarion.”
Her answer absolutely floored you. 
Your mind wanted her explanation to not make any sense.
You wanted a reason to hate her.
A reason to tear her bond with Astarion to smithereens.
Yet here she was, giving you seemingly truthful justifications to her deeds, which further troubled your heart and mind and completely defied your anger.
Eventually, you slid your dagger back in its holster with a long sigh. “Who’s after us?”
She crossed her legs. “I have my suspicions, but I need more time.
As much as you wanted to take her vague answer at face value, your common sense spoke louder this time.
“How can I be sure you’re not just feeding me some fable to cover up your own tracks?”
She chuckled almost in disbelief. “You truly are a tough one to crack, no doubt. I have a solid alibi, if that is what you’re requesting.”
“Go on.”
She paused briefly as if pondering her next words. “I was with a patriar.”
Hold on…
“Who?” you immediately shot back.
“Someone from the Parliament of Peers.”
Now, this piqued your interest. “ Who?”
“Rob Sorel.”
The wealthy baldurian merchant with an uncanny reputation for being ruthless when his interests were involved? The man whose wealth could easily overshadow that of a duke?
That seemed like a stretch.
A very unsettling stretch. 
You crossed your arms. “And what were you doing with such an influential patriar, especially so late at night?”
Ava gave you a long and hard look, lips tugged upwards, unveiling her amusement. 
“His influence reaches beyond Baldur’s Gate and I am able to gain exclusive access to wares that aid my research.”
You felt tempted to ask what the trade off was, but judging from the way her face twisted deviously, you could tell it probably revolved around carnal pleasure, which you refused to know the sordid details of.“Feel free to have Wyll cross-check this information as I’m sure Rob has mentioned my name.”
This nearly sent off alarm bells ringing in your head. “Wyll had never heard your name before I told him.”
She chuckled again, drumming her nails on the wooden surface of the table. “Oh, but he has . Ava is short for Avalar. I have had long dealings with Rob and he will uphold my alibi. Feel free to ask.”
Against your better judgement, you began to feel less… wary of her.
Not that you were able to fully let go of your gut feeling, but every answer was delivered with almost no hesitancy on her part and, truth be told, you would quickly be able to catch her if this involvement with a patriar was nothing but a desperate lie.
A sudden knock on the door made you jolt in place.
It was Wyll. “We ought to get going. Are you done?”
Your eyes remained fixed on her. “Yes. We're just going over some details.”
He didn't reply again and you saw Ava raise her eyebrows. “Details?”
You ignored her remark. “Will you try to track whoever is after us, then?”
“I will.”
You swallowed. “What's the price?”
She rose to her feet and took slow yet sure steps towards you until she was close enough for you to fully see the olive green colour of her eyes.
“Let's just say our interests are temporarily aligned.”
“You wanted my blood.”
“I want your blood, yes. But I will settle with running a few more experiments after he's fed on you, if you accept this condition, that is.”
As far as you were concerned, you would rather she stopped meddling with anyone's blood, but Astarion seemed so confident in her promises…
Maybe there was a chance of success… maybe she could truly help with their hunger.
“Only after you tell Astarion about this discovery of yours in regards to his blood mixing with mine,” you said firmly. “Or I will.”
She nodded, offering a sweet smile.
“Don't think of this as payment, though. A mere transaction. An arrangement, if you will.”
You were starting to dread that term as of late. It was as if everything revolved around transactions and that it was the only way people knew how to properly function and establish relationships with others.
Slowly, you nodded and, for the second time that night, Ava extended her hand to you, only this time you took it in yours. 
A mysterious smile settled on her lips until you pulled her closer to you, lowering your voice, “I still don’t trust you.”
“I’d be disappointed if you did.”
You glared intensely into her eyes, hardening your face. “Any small step in the wrong direction, and you’ll hear from me.”
She nodded. “Deal.”
Then you gave her a firm shake before letting go and exiting her room without even looking back, as you were in dire need to distance yourself from the overwhelming events of tonight.
Wyll hurried to your side, glaring at you inquisitively. “So? What did you find out? Is she to be trusted?”
“Do you know a woman who goes by Avalar?”
He tapped his chin pensively for a moment. “Avalar? That name does sound familiar. Wait – she is Avalar? The merchant?”
You nodded as you made your way down the staircase, feeling the uncomfortable and draining presence of the mage slayer right behind you.
“She is connected to Rob Sorel, right?”
He hesitated at first, grabbing your arm and bringing you to an abrupt halt as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Lord Sorel isn’t one to trifle with idly. If she is indeed who she claims to be, then we must keep an eye on her.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine, already feeling that you might have given her the benefit of the doubt too quickly.
Wyll turned to one of the Fists by his side and gave him a silent command to which the man nodded and exited the tavern.
“She said she was with him on the night we were caught, and that Sorel will vouch for her.”
The commotion around the two of you from the rowdy and very much intoxicated crowd made it nearly impossible to hold a proper conversation.
“I will dig around,” he said with a raise of his voice, guiding you to the door.
But you yanked free from him, which earned a wary look from the other Fist.
“I need a drink. Please.”
The Fist spoke before he could, “My Lord, I don’t think we should linger any longer.”
You rolled your eyes and promptly made your way to the counter, squeezing past a few smelly individuals who grumbled in 
Bork appeared rather quickly in front of you, and you blinked twice.
“What can I get you, missy? ”
Wyll was by your side at lightning speed. “Are you sure you want to have a drink? Now?”
You never felt a particular interest in indulging in alcoholic beverages, but you craved it now more than ever.
“A pint, please.”
Bork’s lips parted into a devious smile and you tapped your fingers impatiently as he shifted to work on your request.
“You are not one to hold your liquor, if I remember correctly, my friend,” Wyll noted, already placing one gold piece on the counter. “Mayhap you ought to take a sip or two before we leave.”
He was absolutely correct, but you also needed a quick way to numb your restless mind. 
At worst you’d get a bit too intoxicated.
At best, you’d find a way to, hopefully, sleep through what was left of this night.
As Bork set the mug in front of you and eagerly collected his payment, you grabbed it with both hands and proceeded to down the sweet liquid.
In one go.
Wyll’s hand tried to ease your eagerness, but you slapped it away with a chuckle. 
“Why do I have the feeling I will have to carry you home after this?”
By the time you were through with the ale, you realised you had made a severe mistake.
If Wyll had not been there to steady your unbalanced feet, you would have certainly tripped on the nearby stool.
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By the time you made it back home, it was more than evident you should not have drunk all of it.
But it seemed that your brain was starting to morph a sense of guilt into finding anything within your grasp to be rather hilarious.
Even when you almost bumped into the mage slayer stationed outside your house.
You gave them a wide grin and a pat on the shoulder as if he couldn’t easily split you in half.
Wyll pushed the  door open and guided you inside with both hands gripping your shoulders for added support.
“Easy now. Mind the step.”
You completely disregarded his warning, which led to you almost losing balance if not for his strong arm that looped around yours, pulling you back.
You giggled.
He was truly a sweetheart.
Inside, you were met with the dim flickering of a few candles that provided enough brightness to spot the love of your life.
Love of your life?
Scratch that. What a ridiculous overstatement. 
“What in the sweet Hells took you so long?” Astarion said with a scowl, rising from his chair and heading straight towards you like an arrow.
You giggled again, throwing your arms in the air. “You stayed up and waited for me!”
Astarion halted abruptly in front of you, hands on both hips. “I don’t sleep as I’m sure you’re aware. What is wrong with you?”
Wyll patted your back reassuringly. “She…drank a pint, and – well… this is the result.”
Suddenly, there were two Astarions standing next to each other and you yelped in shock, flinching back. 
“Why are there two of you?” you asked, pointing at them.
Both of them cocked an elegant eyebrow. “Two of what?”
They moved and spoke in perfect unison. 
If one Astarion was already such a headache at times, you couldn’t even begin to fathom what two Astarions would be capable of. 
Driven by curiosity, you tried to reach out to one of them with your hand, but grasped nothing but air as your vision corrected itself and only one Astarion was left.
Really odd.
But entertaining.
He quickly gripped your gesticulating arm by the wrist. “Will you stop it? You’ll hurt yourself.”
The sudden proximity made your stomach turn dangerously, but you were far too amused to care. “ You’ll hurt yourself ,” you mimicked poorly, earning another scowl.
“I let you out of my sight for a few hours and this is the result,” he said with a sigh, then turning to Wyll. “Why would you let her drink a whole pint?”
Wyll rubbed the back of his neck. “She insisted, and I figured she could use the distraction.”
“What happened with Ava?” Astarion pressed.
Oh, Gods… not her again. “Will everyone please stop talking about her? Gods!”
He then pulled you closer to him, not letting go of your wrist, but easing his grip.
His beautiful eyes met yours and you felt yourself swoon, feeling the image of Ava dissipating into thin air.
Gods… he was the most beautiful man to ever grace this earth, no doubt.
Books should be written on his beauty and songs should be sung in his honour.
You felt yourself smile widely at him, feeling a rush of heat flood your face.
You’re so handsome…
His brows immediately furrowed.
You had said that aloud.
But you stood by it.
Astarion was so very handsome.
The only man who could make you yearn for him and have your heart and soul enamoured by all of him.
Then his face gradually softened. "Well, good thing there are no newshounds nearby. Can you imagine the headlines in tomorrow’s paper about the hero of Baldur’s Gate making a fool of themselves?”
You felt so giddy and drunk in his beauty that you just nodded at every word that spilled from those full lips that you wish you could just–
Whatever you say, handsome…
“Where’s Shadowheart?” you heard Wyll ask.
Astarion shrugged. “No one else is here, and it’s not as if I’m their mother.”
He was so snarky and it just made you almost melt under his touch.
“I can stay if need be.”
You rapidly turned to face Wyll, and immediately felt dizzy as Astarion steadied you. 
“Please stay! We can have a party!” you suggested with a dramatic pout.
Behind you, Astarion scoffed. “I’m quite sure dear Wyll is busy with his Duke duties, darling.”
Wyll chuckled. “I always make time for my friends.”
“Well, I can take it from here,” he retorted and you could spot a hint of disdain in his voice.
So attractive…
Astarion then lifted your arm and wiggled your wrist. “Say goodbye to Wyll, sweetheart.”
You giggled dramatically again. “Goodbye Wyll!”
He took a step forward and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “I’ll be back tomorrow once I have an update on what we discussed.”
Astarion pulled you away from him at once with a gasp. “Keeping secrets from me? Oh, you two lovebirds.”
Hold on!
No! You weren’t that close to Wyll.
As you were about to protest, Wyll spoke, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you sound jealous, Astarion.”
“What is there to be jealous of, I wonder?”
You nodded vehemently, finding it utterly amusing how he sounded so territorial all of a sudden.
Adorable man.
Wyll gave a lighthearted chuckle before turning to leave. “Well, I’m sure I can think of a few reasons.”
You laughed way too loudly at his remark, which caused Astarion to click his tongue in annoyance.
The door closed shut behind him, and Astarion immediately spun you on your feet to fully face them.
“What were you thinking? Drinking a pint?”
You couldn’t care less about what he had to say in this moment, and simply glared at his face, your hazy mind reminding you just how much you adored him.
And before you could restrain yourself, the words tumbled from your mouth. “I… I really like you.”
A deafening silence settled around you, and you began to feel an increasing wave of nausea as he merely glared at you.
Then you giggled, trying to disperse the awkwardness as fast as possible.
He didn’t laugh with you, tugging at your hand instead. “I think it’s time to get some sleep, darling.”
Too bad you were clearly incapable of walking in a straight line, which earned his attention. Without a warning, you felt your balance shift rapidly as he scooped you in his arms, effortlessly carrying you along the dim corridor.
“Put me down! Astarion!”
Instinctively, you looped your arms around his neck for support, but still trying to wriggle out of his fierce hold.
“I don’t need to be carried… please put me down,” you whined. “I - I will curse you!”
An amused smile tugged at his lips. “How very ferocious of you. I suppose we should have gotten you drunk more often back then. I’m sure our foes would have fled in horror at the sight of you.”
You slumped into him with a pout. “Mean.”
He pushed the door to your room open with a nudge from his shoulder, before easing you back on your two feet again.
The room was plunged in darkness and you felt him shift away from you, setting alight a single candle next to your bed, and you blinked a few times to adjust to the clarity.
You were now entering the less amusing stage of your insobriety and you could feel yourself scowl at him, clumsily crossing your arms.
“I should have hexed you.”
“Darling, the only thing you’ll be hexing in that state is a doorknob.”
You snorted at his playful jab. “I was perfectly capable of walking!”
“Into a wall? Yes, indeed.”
He then moved back to your side, helping you out of your cloak and quickly wrapping a blanket around you.
The simple gesture was enough to melt your defiant demeanour at once.
The two of you stood there in silence, eyes locked and you found yourself wishing he’d kiss you, but you knew he never would.
Astarion valued consent above all else, and he would not cross any lines. Each time you had gotten ahead of yourself in terms of sobriety, he always reigned you in.
And that was just one of the many things you adored about him.
How safe he made you feel and how you knew he’d never take advantage of your vulnerability. 
“You need to properly rest,” he urged, ensuring the thick fabric around you was tucked properly in place.
Just as you were about to head to bed, you felt the room tilt to the left and you yelped, clutching onto him for support.
“I’m going to fall!” 
The walls around you began to swirl and sway and your own legs wobbled.
A genuine laughter rumbled across his chest as he patted your back. “You silly little goose. Your warped mind is playing tricks on you.”
That term of endearment caught you slightly off guard and your heart fluttered.
Why was he so easy to love?
Or was this the alcohol talking? Were you truly so far gone, that the alcohol was merely making it easier to surface your feelings?
Either way, you wouldn’t voice them, and allowed him to guide you to your bed, helping you to slip under the bedsheets. 
It felt rather good being taken care of this way. 
Maybe he didn’t think of this as anything but a nuisance, but you were grateful, nonetheless. 
“Thank you…” you mumbled in a whisper, gripping his hand.
The ceiling was now begging to spin dangerously fast and you had to close your eyes to help with the overwhelming sensory overload. 
He didn’t reply back, but you felt him tugging his hand away from your grasp.
A sudden shiver of panic coursed through your body. “Please stay? You always leave…”
He relaxed his cool hand against yours.
Slowly, you peeled back an eyelid only to see him easing onto the spot next to you over the covers.
You turned on your side to glare at him and he mimicked you, meeting your eyes in silence.
“How do you feel?”
In love.
He nodded and you smiled warmly at him, probably looking rather silly, but too mesmerised by his face to even look away.
“May I touch you?” you asked hesitantly.
He arched his brow, but nodded.
You lifted your hand and with a single finger, you began to slowly trace the bridge of his nose, admiring how he didn’t just look perfect…
He felt perfect…
“You’re so beautiful…” you sighed, feeling the slight bump of his nose as you trailed down to his lips. “So… so beautiful.”
He chuckled deviously. “I’m all for praise, darling… do go on.”
And you wanted to, but you were beginning to feel lightheaded, and your hand dropped from his face and your eyes dropped close.
“Or not…” you heard him say.
His voice seemed so distant now as drowsiness enveloped your senses. A part of you wished you could trace all of his face with the pad of your finger, worshipping every inch of him.
“Please, don’t leave…” you found yourself repeating.
He clicked his tongue. “I will if you vomit on me.”
You giggled, managing to shift closer to his body and rest your head on his still chest. “Deal, handsome…”
Your heated body welcomed his coldness, and it didn’t take long for your busy mind to progressively quiet down as you drifted off into a pleasant sleep.
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It was the soft click of a door being shut that roused you from your sleep. With eyes still closed, you flipped onto your back with a pained groan as your body was hit with the aftermath of last night.
“Rise and shine,” Astarion’s honeyed voice filled the room.
You stretched yourself with a yawn, feeling your mouth dry as sawdust and an overwhelming thirst that nearly made you sob.
“I’m never drinking again…” you whined pitifully. 
The mattress dipped slightly next to you. “Well, how do you feel today?”
“Like death…”
“Your breath definitely reeks of it,” he said, voice dripping with disapproval. “I drew you a bath, as I anticipated you’d need one.”
At this, your eyes flew open. “Is this your chivalrous way of telling me I stink?” you grumbled, trying to make sense of your surroundings. 
The curtains were no longer drawn and the faint light bleeding from the top and bottom was enough to tell you the sun had already risen. 
He took your hand in his, tugging gently until you were sitting in front of him with your legs crossed. “Darling, you’re free to bask in that dreadful stench for all I care.”
You shot him a serious glare before bursting into laughter. “Good point. I need to get off these clothes…”
Astarion helped you on your feet and you carefully paced across the wooden floor and into the washroom.
A pleasant smell hit you as you stepped inside, with him following closely behind.
“I borrowed a few bath salts from Gale,” he informed, pointing to the round tub in the middle of the room, almost filled to the brim with steamy water. 
You glared at him in disbelief. “Borrowed as in… stolen?”
He shrugged.
You knew him too well.
“He does have a decent selection, yet manages to always carry the most interesting smells around,” he said, bringing you over to the large basin under a round mirror. “I minced peppermint and it should help with your breath,” he added, handing you a glass of water.
You did as he advised and took a gulp, rinsing your mouth eagerly before spitting the content onto the basin.
“So… are you going to tell me how the conversation with Ava went?”
Wiping your lips clean with a rag, you gave him a look.
“It could have gone worse, I suppose.”
“Charming,” he said. “Worse as in ‘I almost killed her’ or ‘She made me want to pluck my eyes out’?”
“All of the above, maybe,” you said with a roll of your eyes.
To be fair, after hearing her reasoning, she didn’t come across as that bad. But you couldn’t help but to still feel wary of her intentions in the long run.
Astarion was studying your face intensely as you emptied the glass of water to quench your thirst, the minty aftertaste doing wonders to your throat.
“Anything in particular I should know about?”
Besides her wanting to take my blood? Nothing at all, you thought grimly.
You merely shook your head.
“I’ll be waiting outside, then.”
Bath time.
You took a quick look in the mirror and nearly groaned out loud from the sight of your weary face.
Just as you were trying to strip the shirt you had on, you huffed in annoyance, which earned his attention before he slipped out of the washroom.
“You need help.”
You tried to pull the sleeve, but your body ached too much to comply. “I need help.”
Astarion slowly crossed the room again, and swiftly helped you out of your shirt.
You hissed as his cold knuckles brushed against your bare stomach. “Cold, cold…” you said, teeth jittering.
Being naked in front o fhim had long lost some of its inherent sexual meaning. It used to make you feel too exposed and only when the two of you were about to indulge in one another.
Now, it felt like something casual.
His stare didn’t linger on your breasts for too long or on your now hardening nipples.
“I apologise,” he said with a smile. “Let’s get you out of these next.”
Skilled fingers worked on the front of your trousers, undoing them slowly before carefully dropping on one knee and pulling them down along your thighs.
You had to look away to hide the rush of heat that had settled on your face.
Now that felt too intimate…
He tugged at your underwear next and shiveres began to prickle along your body.
You suddenly felt too exposed. 
Astarion had seen you this bare since you last slept together before reaching Moonrise Towers.
And this new predicament had your heart strumming hard in your chest.
You slipped out of your trousers and looked down to meet his crimson eyes. “What?”
“May I kiss you?”
You swallowed. Hard. “Where?”
He leaned in to press his cold lips to the dip of your hip, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away and rising to his full height again.
“Do you need my help getting inside?” he asked and you could see it .
You could see the lust in his eyes.
You could hear the faint innuendo in his words.
And you could feel the familiar throb between your legs increasing.
He promptly gripped your hand and you lifted each leg to dip into the nicely heated water, its surface covered in frothy suds. 
Slowly, you lowered yourself into a sitting position before leaning back.
Astarion placed a folded towel under your neck, so you could easily relax against the wooden tub as you sank below the waterline.  
“May I wash you?” he asked, settling himself on his knees behind you.
You immediately nodded, gripping the edges and trying your best to ignore the swell in between your folds.
It was almost embarrassing how easily he could turn you on with mostly his words and intonation. 
Your eyes fluttered shut and you jolted briefly when you felt a soft sponge being dragged from your neck and down your breasts.
A sigh parted your lips and you arched your back instinctively, just enough to raise your nipples above the waterline as he grazed each of them in circular motions.
You instantly clenched around nothing, knowing fully well that it would have driven him insane had his cock been buried inside you.
A second moan was heard when he started planting soft kisses along your jaw while his hand kept on gliding the sponge down your abdomen.
“Does that feel good?” he whispered in between kisses.
Your legs parted as you welcomed his ministrations. 
With his other hand he gripped your jaw and applied enough pressure until the back of your head hit his chest, his thumb caressingly you lovingly.
A strained whimper erupted from you when the sponge reached your folds, deliciously caressing the growing swell in between.
Your hips rolled a few times to increase the friction and you begged the Gods above to have him use his fingers instead…
“Please… Astarion…”
He planted a lingering kiss on your lips, pressing the sponge against you so you could grind desperately on it.
“Does it feel good, darling?”
“Use your fingers… please…” you begged against his lips, squeezing your legs together to trap his hand as you gripped the edges of the tub for support.
He chuckled darkly, dropping the sponge and he had to cover your mouth with his other hand to muffle a loud moan as he slid one finger along your folds.
“Do you remember how many you could take?”
Your eyes rolled shut as lust clouded your senses, hips rolling at a faster pace.
All you remembered was struggling to fit his cock inside at first…
The pad of his finger teased your swell a few times before he moved to place it at your entrance.
“Answer me.”
You could cry from the despair alone as he refused to slide a single one inside.
“I - I… two? Astarion… please… ”
He chuckled teasingly in response, and you 
The door to the washroom burst open, causing him to detach from you at once.
You let out a yelp, sinking until you were neck-deep in water.
“Ever heard of knocking?” Astarion’s words were dripping with poison.
“Even heard of not greeting people with... that?”
From this position you were almost at eye-level with his lower half, giving you a privileged view of his rather generous bulge, strained against his own trousers.
You felt heat flare in your cheeks as you remembered just how easily he would drip precum for you.
She hurriedly crossed the room and threw a robe at you. “Dress up. Quickly .”
Lust quickly turned into panic from the way Shadowheart glared worriedly at you.
“What happened?”
“Gale is leaving,” she said. “We just received word from Waterdeep that his contact has been killed.”
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fireinmoonshot · 1 month
safety first | boone x fem!reader
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Pairing: Boone x Fem!Reader Summary: After a close call during a chase, you have a panic attack and Boone helps you through it and keeps you company afterwards. Warnings: Reader has a panic attack, slight PTSD/trauma references Word Count: 1.6k A/N: I've been wanting to write for Boone forever and finally I am here posting something for him. I love his character so much and this was fun to write. I'm definitely gonna be writing more for him in the future so please send in any requests for him (as well as other Twisters characters, of course)! I should be asleep right now cause I have work early in the morning but here I am, yet again being head over heels for the Twisters characters... anyway, enjoy! 💗
Six months ago, you had walked up to Boone and Tyler, standing around the truck waiting to head out on a chase, and told them that you were riding with them today.
Unsurprisingly, that hadn’t gone very well.
Ever since you’d joined the Wranglers, your job had been simple – stay with Dexter and Dani at a safe distance away from the tornadoes and edit the videos for YouTube. But you always felt like something was missing. That you couldn’t properly edit the videos to capture the true chaos of storm chasing if you weren’t experiencing it too.
Boone and Tyler had been incredibly against the idea, trying to convince you to stay with Dexter and Dani or even just ride with Lily if you wanted more of a thrill, but you hadn’t budged and eventually, they’d come around. 
They had only one condition: whenever you rode with them, there would be absolutely no driving into tornadoes. They’d get closer than Dexter and Dani, but not close enough that you could be seriously injured if something went wrong.
Technically it had been a condition of Boone’s but Tyler had agreed with it and you had too, realising that accepting it was your only chance at getting closer to the storms.
Today, however, things had gotten a little too close for comfort. Everything had been going to plan at first. The storm was a good one and when the tornado touched down, you were close enough to get a great view of it without being in the path. 
But then the conditions changed and with them, the direction of the tornado changed as well. 
You tried your best not to think about it as you washed your hair in the motel, enjoying the feeling of the hot water on your aching body. It had shaken you up enough when it had happened, you didn’t need to dwell on it any longer.
Just as you turn the taps off you hear a knock on the bathroom door. 
“No rush, but you nearly done in there?” 
Boone’s voice. The two of you were sharing a room at the motel. Everyone had paired off when you’d arrived and since you’d been the last one to grab your stuff, you also got the last room, which ended up being with Boone.
Not that you minded. Boone was a good roommate.
“Just about!” You call back, hurrying to dry off and get dressed so you can get out of the bathroom and let Boone have it. 
When you come out of the bathroom, towel drying your hair, Boone is sat on one of the two beds, feet kicked up comfortably. Your laptop is on his lap and by the sounds coming from it, he’s going over footage.
“You stealin’ my job, Boone?” 
He flashes you a grin. “Oh, I’d never. Gotta keep my girl around.” 
You ignore the butterflies that erupt in your stomach and cross the room towards him, perching on the bed beside him and  taking a glance at the screen. He hands you the laptop as he pushes himself up and off the bed. 
“Thought we could go over it together since we’re roomies for tonight,” Boone suggests. “I’ll shower and then we can try and get a start on the edit if ya don’t fall asleep on me first.”
You nod, happy about the idea of having someone else there to go over the footage with because of the stress of the day, and try your best to get comfy on the bed while he heads into the bathroom.
It doesn’t take long for curiosity to get the better of you, though, and you tap the space bar, making the video continue playing where Boone had stopped it. 
It’s honestly a little strange, watching the footage from a different angle of what you’d experienced from the back seat. It’s easy to admit that the chase today was the first time you were actually, genuinely afraid while chasing.
You watch the way the windscreen wipers catch on the windscreen, the debris and branches hitting it as Tyler tries to get you out of the path as quickly as possible. You can hear the sound of the wind rushing against the truck in the video, the rain pelting against the side of it and the feeling of the truck moving with the wind while Tyler desperately tries to keep control of it. 
It’s not until your breathe catches in your throat that you realise your heart is beating way too fast and your breaths are coming too quickly, too heavily. All of a sudden it feels like you can’t breathe anymore. Like there’s no more air to breathe at all.
You have no idea how long you’re sitting there, struggling to breathe, until you feel the bed dipping underneath you with the weight of someone sitting on it – Boone.
“Hey, baby you gotta breathe, c’mon,” Boone gently rests a hand on one of your knees in an attempt to help ground you again, thumb stroking it softly. “Can you look at me, baby?”
It takes all your strength to move your eyes from the now paused video on the laptop screen and up to Boone’s eyes. You have no memory of pausing it and realise that it must’ve been Boone who did it for you. 
Boone looks relieved when you meet his eyes.
“That’s it,” he nods. “Can you breathe with me? In and out, slowly. I’ll count with you, okay? One, two, three…” He breathes with you, taking long, deep breaths until you start to follow him.
You finally start to feel your heat beat start to steady and your breathing slowing down. But with it, you feel a little light-headed thanks to the hyperventilation. 
Boone continues counting with you until your breathing is back to normal. You squeeze your eyes shut and take another long, deep breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.” Your voice sounds weak, even to your own ears, so you can’t imagine how it sounds to him – or how your lie sounds. You know exactly what happened and you know Boone does too.
He shakes his head. “Don’t apologise, ‘kay? You’re all right, you’re safe. Nothin’s gonna happen to you, I promise.”
You’re a little afraid to open your eyes again, not wanting to see the image still paused on the screen of the laptop, worried that it might bring back the panic you’d just fought so hard to get rid of, but it’s almost like Boone can read your mind.
“I closed the laptop, baby. You can open your eyes.”
Carefully, you blink them open and see the closed laptop sitting on the bed beside you. “Thank you,” you mutter. “But… wait, no, Boone, I need to start editing.”
Boone strokes a thumb over your knee. “Dex and Dani can do it. You’re not doin’ this one, ‘kay?” He pauses. “You wanna talk about it?”
You look at him for a moment before shaking your head. If you even try to talk about it, you’re not sure that you’ll be able to keep calm and the last thing you want is to have another panic attack in front of Boone, even though you know he wouldn’t judge you for it.
“It’s all right,” he assures you. “Honestly, kinda scared the shit outta me today too but probably for a different reason than yours.” He laughs a little, more at himself than at anything else.
“You don’t get scared by tornadoes,” you say.
Boone flashes you a smile. “No, but I do get worried about you, baby.” 
Your eyebrows knit together and you’re just about to ask Boone to elaborate on why he gets so worried about you when he cuts you off, once again almost like he’s reading your mind. 
“Not today,” he says. “Some other time when you’re not shakin’ like a leaf.” Boone shuffles to sit up beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and tugging you into his side. He kicks the laptop out of the way towards the end of the bed. “C’mon, try and get some rest.”
“I’m not going to sleep on you,” you shake your head. “This bed is tiny.”
“Don’t care,” Boone says, resting his head against the back of the headboard. “I’m not movin’ till you’re fast asleep and gettin’ some well needed rest.”
You stare up at him. “Boone, you’ve had a big day, too.”
“Baby,” Boone looks down at you, his eyes serious. “Will you stop arguing with me and just try and get some sleep? Today was just a normal Tuesday for me, but it wasn’t for you.”
You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder, letting silence fall over you for a few moments. “I actually can’t sleep while my hair is still wet or I’ll feel gross in the morning.” Your words are quick, not wanting to irritate Boone any more.
Boone, however, hears every single one of them. He lets out an annoyed huff – even though he’s not annoyed at you in the slightest – and moves to slide off of the bed.
“Where are you going?” You sit up, slightly alarmed and already missing the warmth of his body beside yours.
“Don’t think I’m lettin’ you ride in the truck with us next time, baby,” he starts, changing the topic as he walks into the bathroom. “I know you wanna be up in the action more often to help with the videos, but you being safe is more important than getting views on Youtube.” 
He emerges from the bathroom holding the motel hairdryer. “Is there a plug beside the bed?” He asks, wandering back over to you. “I’m gonna dry your hair for you. No arguing.”
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mama2bears · 29 days
Starting Over Again - Chapter 2
Pairings: Tyler Owens/F. Reader
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, a few cuss words, fear
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Back to Chapter 1
Chapter Two
“What's the plan for today?” Lily asked as she joined Tyler and Boone at the table, waiting to order their breakfast.
“I am going down to Wichita Falls to pick up the new recruit,” Tyler said. “Dexter and Dani are coming in today. Dexter said it looks like we might be getting a big outbreak tomorrow about three hours north of here, outside of Oklahoma City.”
“Are we packing up and moving north then?” Boone asked.
Tyler nodded, “Why don't you and Lily get us packed up and meet Dexter and Dani at the hotel outside of El Reno. I'll head down to the bus station and meet you there tonight with the new recruit.”
Lily and Boone agreed to the plan and the group finished their breakfast and prepared for their day.
* * * * *
You stared out of the bus window as it neared Wichita Falls. A million thoughts were running though your head. Did Lee file charges against you? Was he looking for you? Could he find you here?
“Next stop, Wichita Falls, Texas.” The driver announced as the bus turned into the station.
You picked up the small grocery sized bag next to you that had two shirts and two pants in it, a gift from the librarian's daughter as she dropped you off at the Knoxville bus station. It was only yesterday, but it seemed like forever.
As the bus stopped and the doors opened you stood slowly, your body still sore from the many beatings, the last was only three days ago. You put your hand to your face and feel your swollen check and split lip. You know you look a mess and for a brief moment, you wonder what your new boss was going to say. You only hoped he didn't ask too many questions.
You step off the bus to a bright sunny day. A few people got on, but you were the only one getting off on this stop. You scan the parking lot, wondering if this Tyler Owens would remember to come pick you up. Maybe he figured you were going to be too much of a burden and went with someone else instead.
Then you spotted it.
A red Dodge Ram that was obviously customized to withstand a tornado. Next to it stood a man in a white cowboy hat, flannel shirt, jeans and boots. He looked more cowboy then storm chaser.
You take a deep breath and force a smile on your face as you head towards him.
“Hey, you must be Y/N.” He smiled brightly and extended his hand. His smile faded when he noticed the bruises.
“Hi, Tyler?” You shook his hand.
“That would be me. I am glad we are done with the Mr. Owens stuff.” He offered her a smile but concern was etched on his face, “What happened?” he asked softly.
You looked at him fearful for a moment before responding, “The reason I left Tennessee.”
He eyed you and the small bag of clothes in your hand, “Is that all you brought with you?” he asked.
You nodded, “Not much, but I am here and ready to work.”
Tyler opened the door of the truck and held it for you. You smiled softly and carefully got in, unable to hide the grimace of pain as you pulled yourself into the truck.
Tyler closed the door and got in the drivers side. He sat there for a moment, looking at you with a clenched jaw. “He know where you are now?”
You shook your head, “No, and I don't want him to. Is that a problem?”
“Nope,” Tyler shook his head and starting the truck, “If he shows up here it won't be a warm welcome for him.”
You smile gratefully and settle down for the ride.
“It's about two hours drive to the hotel.” he told you, “Looks like a big outbreak is possible tomorrow near Oklahoma City, the team is meeting up there and settling into a hotel for the night. You hungry?” he asked.
“Kinda.” You shrug. Truth was, you were starved, but you didn't want to be any more of a burden then you already were.
He smiled at you and nodded, turning on the radio. He had a million questions, but for now, he figured you weren't ready to answer them.
* * * * *
Lee was furious. He stomped in front of the police station. “Why the hell can't you arrest her for theft!” He yelled! “She took my wallet, my truck and $500 from my bank account!”
“Sir, she is your wife. She has a right to half of everything. Even if her name isn't on it. She has the right to use your truck, which we found safe in a parking lot along with your wallet and everything in it. She has a right to at least some of the money in the account. Legally, we can't do anything about it.”
“Well, can't I at least report her missing? She is missing after all!” Lee stated.
“We will look into it, but if she left on her own free will, there is nothing we can do.” the officer stated. “I'll take down some information and we will let you know if we find out anything different.”
“I'll find her myself!” Lee sputtered before storming away. He would find her, and she would pay, along with whoever was helping her.
* * * * *
Tyler pulled into a small roadside diner, “This place has some really great food.” He smiled at you.
“Good,” you give him a small smile back as you both exit the truck. Like a true gentleman, he holds the door for you entering the diner.
As you take a seat in a corner booth you pick up a menu from the table. “They have amazing meatloaf! Burgers are really good too,” he stated, “The team stops here often when we are chasing out this way.”
“Good afternoon. What can I get you two to drink?” The waitress asks, eyeing your bruises and Tyler suspiciously. She was familiar with Tyler and the Tornado Wranglers and was certain they had nothing to do with how you looked, but she was curious as to what the story was.
“Sweet Tea.” Tyler said.
“Same.” You give her a smile.
“Coming right up.” The waitress stated.
“So, I was thinking, “ Tyler stated, “Let's stop at the store and get you a few things, first of all, a phone.”
“I can't afford a phone right now. I think I have enough for the hotel room though, if not, maybe I can just crash in the truck?”
“Don't worry about the room. The team handles our hotel rooms when we are chasing. We get double bed rooms and bunk up.” he told her, “but you have to have a phone, it's just, not safe without one. It's your connection to the team and ours to you. It's your warning system when a tornado is near.”
You nod, “I understand, I just don't know if a phone is affordable right now., but I do need to pick up a few items.”
Tyler looks down at your flip flops and grins, “Yes, like a decent pair of shoes.”
You offer him a small smile as your eyes meet his. You didn't trust him, but you wanted to. His voice was kind and gentle, his smile lit up the room, and those sea green eyes of his were full of kindness. He had a way of making you feel comfortable.
“What is the pay like?” you asked, something you probably should have done before accepting the job, but all that mattered at the moment was that you got out of Tennessee.
“Pay?” Tyler asked, “Um..what pay?” he cracked a grin at your horrified face. “I am just kidding...” he paused as the waitress approached the table with your drinks.
“Ready to order?” she asked.
Tyler gave you a look, “Ready?”
“Meatloaf with mash potatoes and green beans.” You looked at Tyler, half expecting him to be angry. It had been several years since you were able to order for yourself.
He smiled, “I'll have the meatloaf too, but with baked potato and pintos.”
The waitress wrote down the order and headed back to the kitchen.
“Now, where were we?” he questioned, “oh yes, the pay.” he flashed you a smile. “Like I said, rooms are part of the pay. Food, we sometimes pay for our self and sometimes we just pick up meals for the team. When we are chasing Dani normally handles all the food. She is head of our merchandise.”
“Merchandise?” you question.
“Yeah, we get paid when we submit footage to a weather station. National Weather Service also pays us for the time we are out chasing. Dani and Dexter, he's one of our scientists on the team, they sell merchandise out of the RV and we use those funds to help feed the storm chasers and people effected by the tornadoes.”
“Oh, that's really nice that you guys help each other out and the victims.”
Tyler smiled, “That's what we do. We're a family here.”
“So is the pay we get from chasing split or a set amount?” you question.
“We split it. With the funds we get from the YouTube channel along with the National Weather Service and any footage we sell, you are probably looking at around $2500 a month each.”
“Wait..YouTube channel?” you question, fear gripping you.
“Yeah, The Tornado Wranglers! Have you seen us?”
“Um, no.” you shake your head, “Listen, I don't want my name and face out there...”
Tyler looked at you full of concern. “I understand,” he said softly, “It won't be a problem. Boone is our tech guy and is in charge of the YouTube channel. I'll make sure he knows not to get you in any of the content we load, okay?”
“Thank you.” you give him your best smile.
“Now, that we got the pay and hotel business out of the way,” Tyler said, “Let's talk about getting you a phone and some clothes and things.”
“I'll get what I can...” you started, but Tyler reached for your hand. You jumped out of instinct and quickly pulled away.
“Sorry,” he pulled his hands back, “Let me help you, Y/N.” he said softly. “We are a family now. We are here for you, the whole team, okay?”
You nod, “Thank you. I really appreciate that. I am sorry, it's just...well I am not used to this. For the last five years I have had to walk on egg shells and ask permission for everything. It's going to take some getting used to, being free again.”
Tyler gazed at you with his green eyes. 'God, she is beautiful he thought. Even with the bruises, he saw your beauty. The way your hair fell around your face, the kindness and sense of adventure hidden in your eyes, the soft smile that dared to spread across your lips.'
His eyes locked on yours and you saw worry and concern flash across his face, “Y/N, let me help you, okay?” he said gently. “You need the phone for the job. We got to have a way to communicate if we get separated. We got to be able to get weather warnings.”
“Okay.” you nod nervously, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the eye to eye contact.“Can I...I mean..I...um, I am going to the bathroom, okay?” You ask nervously. You knew it was okay, but it was just a habit you had gotten into. With Lee, you couldn't move without permission.
Tyler gave you a soft smile, “You're safe here, you know.” he said softly.
You gave him a small smile and headed off towards the restrooms.
He watched you walk away, vowing to beat the shit out of whoever hurt you if he got the chance. Taking out his phone he called Lily.
“Yo, what's up, Ty?” she answered.
“Listen, I picked up Y/N. She...um....well, she has had it rough. Someone was beating her. I don't know who, I don't want to press.”
“Poor girl,” Lily said softly, “No wonder she was in such a hurry for this job.”
“Did you guys get the hotel rooms yet?” he asked.
“Yeah, Dani and I just finished putting our stuff in. Dexter and Boone are bunking together...I guess that leaves you and the new girl.”
“No,” Tyler shook his head, “I don't think she'd feel comfortable with that, and I can't say that I blame her. Can you get a fourth room?”
“Sure, Boss. I'll go add a room on for us.”
“Thanks,” Tyler said, “We'll be there in a few hours. I am stopping by Walmart and picking up a phone for her and letting her get some things she needs.”
“See you soon,” Lily ended the call.
* * * * *
You stood in the bathroom just staring at yourself in the mirror. No wonder people looked at you. Some of the older bruises were faded, but your lip was swollen as was your cheek. You had a dark bruise across your neck and some down your arms. Your hair looked a mess. And that was just what people could see.
You washed your face off with cool water and ran your hand though your hair. So much had happened in the past twenty four hours. It all seemed like a whirlwind and you didn't know what was going to happen next. What you did know, was that there was something about Tyler. He was the first man in a long time that you almost felt comfortable around. His voice was kind and gentle when he spoke to you. His eyes were full of kindness and concern. You almost felt safe with him. Almost.
It was true, you felt more at peace here, being far away from Lee, however, fear still held a grip on you. Would he be able to find you? Would Tyler and the team accept you? Where were you going to stay when the job was over and everyone went back home?
“One thing at a time,” you told yourself before heading back to the table.
You arrived just as Tyler was putting the phone down.
“You okay?” he asked as you sat down.
“I will be.” You offered him a smile.
Just then the waitress arrived with your food. You thank her and begin to eat.
“The team has rooms for us,” Tyler said between bites, “Like I said, we normally bunk together, but as it pans out, it would have left you and me sharing a room.”
You look at him a bit uneasy.
“Don't worry,” he added, “I asked Lily to get us an extra room. Our team has a total of six members, including you.” he stated.
You nod, thankful to not have to be sharing a room with him, or anyone else for that matter. Not right now. Not yet.
“There's Lily, she's our drone operator. Then Boone, he's the tech guy I told you about. Dani is the one I told you about that sells our merch and Dexter is the scientist. This is probably going to be Dexter's last year with us, he is looking to move to a nice sunny beach somewhere.” Tyler smiled, “That's another reason I was looking for someone else. Kate and Javi were two other members and they are starting a family, so you won't see much of them. Javi might pop in from time to time, but it's just the six of us right now.”
You nod, knowing there would be no way you were going to remember all of this, but you would do your best to remember everyone's names and positions. You only hoped that they liked you and you like them. You hoped this was the brand new start you were hoping for.
* * * * *
An hour later Tyler was standing in front of the store working on setting up a phone he had brought for you. You were quickly making your way though the aisles picking up only what was needed for the first few days...toothbrush and paste, brush, deodorant, bubble bath, socks, shoes, underwear and bra, a pair of pajamas, and a few more changes of clothes.
“Hey, Ty, we have a slight problem,” a text came across Tyler's phone from Lily.
He dialed her number, “What's up Lily?” he asked.
“I tried to get another room, but they are booked. I even asked some of the other chasers if they were willing to bunk up and free up a room. None are, their rooms are already packed as it is and no one wants to bunk with another team.”
Tyler sighed, “Well, I can't say that I blame them. Okay, it's no problem. I'll just sleep in the truck for a few nights.”
“You sure, I mean, maybe Dani and I could double up in a bed and give the second bed to Y/N?” Lily asked.
“No, there's no need for that. Tomorrow looks to be an action packed day and we all need our best nights rest. I've slept in the truck just fine before. Let everyone have their own bed.”
“Your choice,” Lily gave in, “I am sorry, Boss. I tried. I wasn't thinking about the new member being a woman. I should have asked about the fourth room before.”
Tyler smiled seeing you approaching the check out. He was glad to be getting ready to hit the road again. He was never one for shopping, in fact, he hated it. He would rather face an EF5 tornado then to go shopping.
“It's okay Lily. No worries. We're getting ready to leave the store now and will be there soon.”
“Hey, is that all you need right now?” Tyler asked from behind you, making you jump.
“Yeah, this will do at least for a few days. Really, all I want is to get cleaned up and be in a soft bed.”
“Well, let's get going then.” Tyler stuck his card in the machine before you could pull any cash out of your pocket.
“What are you doing?” you asked as he finished paying for the stuff you picked out.
He smiled softly at her, “Making sure my newest team member is taken care of.” he handed you the phone. “It's all set up, I've added my number in there and the number of everyone on the team. I've set it up to issue weather alerts for our current location and I've sent your number to the team member's phones.
“Thanks Tyler,” you smile at him as he picks up your bags and carries them towards the truck.
Why does this feel so different with him? You were actually beginning to feel comfortable around him, at ease even. It was as if you had known him your whole life and didn't just met him a few hours ago.
Tyler Owens kinda felt like home to you. A home that you hadn't known in a very very long time.
Chapter 3
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@itsdesiree86 @sarah-bear706318 @darksparklesficrecs
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writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Learning To Get Along
A/N – So, a user on A03 suggested the snake servants’ new names. It was a stroke of genius on their behalf, and I can only thank them for it.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
Tag-List: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326  @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch
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Do you think you can manage that? Lucifer’s words hung in the air, creating an icy barrier between you.
So, Lucifer thought himself too good for low-life Sinners such as yourself. That wasn’t fair. Sinners might be in Hell for a reason, but sometimes such reasons were just fucking stupid. Heaven ought to base their entry requirements on a person’s character or strength of heart, not just their actions. You had met plenty of Sinners who were in Hell because of the most trivial shit.
There were those who liked to sleep around, but if sex positivity was a problem, then how did Heaven explain Angels like Adam, whom Charlie had told you about in excruciating detail. Lust shouldn’t have ever been considered a Sin, as long as all participants in any such carnal act were above age and consenting.
Then, there were a few murderers you knew. Granted, murder made the lines blurry, but some Sinners killed in self-defence, or only targeted others such as themselves, protecting the innocent in a very gruesome Dexter-like fashion. Were they really to be condemned? And who the fuck gave a damn about Sloth. So, some people were just bone idle, who gave a shit? Heaven apparently.
And now, the ruler of Hell was condemning those around him as well. He was supposed to care for his people, good or bad. Not to mention those who were solely created for or born in Hell, such as Imps, Hell-Hounds, or the Deadly Sins themselves; they hadn’t committed any crimes to get sent here originally – it was their home.
Your eyebrows furrowed, creating an annoyed crease along your forehead.
“No,” You told Lucifer, who stared at you incredulously.
No? Didn’t you understand the situation? He was Lucifer. King of Hell. He could destroy you with no effort spared, leaving no trace that you ever existed, and you were telling him no? He wasn’t an unreasonable guy, but how could you possibly think that being around him was a good idea? Did you respect Charlie more than you feared him? Granted, he didn’t go out much so few knew how powerful he was, but no other Sinner would dare deny him his wishes.
You saw the look he was giving you and decided to explain yourself.
“Look, I’m only here ‘cos Charlie thought it was a good idea, and if you genuinely hate me, I’ll go and you’ll never have to see me again, but you’re not even trying right now. You haven’t spoken to me. You don’t know anything about me, and frankly, I think Charlie’s right, you do need someone to talk to.”
“I don’t-” Lucifer started.
“You don’t even know why I’m down here,” You interrupted angrily, though you refrained from raising your voice. “And you don’t want to know, right? ‘Cos all of us filthy Sinners must be the same. Ooh, we squandered your gift of Free Will and now we deserve to suffer for eternity, do we? Grow up!”
Lucifer stared at you in astonishment, and you sighed, apparently not finished in your tirade, “I’m going to my room tonight, but tomorrow, I expect that you’ll at least try to tolerate me. Who knows? We might even find some common ground. We both love Charlie, don’t we?”
Lucifer didn’t know what to say to that. He certainly loved his daughter, more than anything else in the universe, but you? He still suspected that you had some kind of ulterior motive… everyone in Hell did. Yet, you had a point. He would do this for her, even if it meant he had to tolerate you.
Who were you, really?
He looked at you closely for the first time, trying to pick out some detail of who you might have been. It was even more disturbing than he previously thought. Before, he only saw a human. Now, he examined your clothes. There was little to say about the style, but your apparel was reminiscent of a Holy Animal. With the ruffled cuffs of your jacket, the way the back peaked to create the image of feathers, and the yellow ribbon that lined the white material, you looked like a dove.
Yet… Despite living in the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie had insisted that you didn’t seek redemption. Why go through the farce of dressing like an Angel then… unless? No, you couldn’t be. No Angel would dare stray from Heaven unless they were ordered to.
Lucifer held back a glower, trying to keep his emotions in check so you wouldn’t sense his thoughts. There was a possibility, though small that you had been sent by the likes of Adam to spy on Lucifer and his kin, ensuring that none of Charlie’s patrons ever found a way to the Pearly Gates.
Well, it wouldn’t take long to uncover your ruse. Lucifer had ways of telling an Angel from a Demon, and once you were asleep, he would know.
“Yeah,” Lucifer said evenly. “I love my Charlie.”
“So, you’ll try then.”
Lucifer nodded his head in consent.
“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”
The sentiment went unreturned as your King returned to his chambers, biding his time until you slept.
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When you returned to your room, you got ready for bed. The day had been long and unusual. Honestly, you didn’t feel that you had a place in the manor, and you longed for your room in the Hotel, even if it was smaller, had a large stain on the carpet (which Nifty had named Vivienne) and an unruly infestation of roaches.
In the short time you had spent there, it had become home.
You would miss the arguing inhabitants, the energetic wake-up call from Charlie, the feeling of safety that Vaggie instilled, and the sound of Alastor’s morning and evening radio broadcasts. Yet, you hoped you might find something equally valuable in return if only Lucifer would open himself up to the possibility that you didn’t want anything from him.
After glancing out of your window, which had a balcony you could step out to if you so wished, you took in the whole of the Magne District which was the heart of Pentagram City. If you strained your eyes, you could just see the flashing neon of the Hazbin Hotel, and if you turned your gaze up… There was Heaven, out of reach yet always in sight, taunting most Sinners, yet emboldening a brave few who dared to wonder What If? What if they could change and gain admittance to a better life?
You sighed and dared not ponder further when you needed to get some sleep.
Throwing yourself on the plush bed, you got comfortable, arranging yourself how you liked, then leaning over to your bedside table, you blew out the cherry candle you had previously lit.
You rested your head atop the satin pillows, then frowned, feeling a lump beneath it. You reached under and pulled out a rubber duck, painted to look like a Hellhound-Duck hybrid. Assuming it was one of Charlie’s childhood toys, you placed it carefully atop the table; it would keep you company on your first night in a strange new place.
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Lucifer waited till the late twilight hours before leaving his workshop. He transformed himself into a snake, slithering silently through the Hallways, ensuring that you wouldn’t hear him coming.
Before being cast out of Heaven, detecting an Angel would have been a simple task. He would just know, the way he now knew how to read a Demon. Yet, with you giving off little sign of Demonic energy, he now had to test if you were of Angelic origin. There were two ways he could do so. The first was by spilling your blood. Those who were born in or sent to Heaven had golden ichor instead of the oozing red or black goop of Hell-spawn and Sinners.
However, not wishing to alert you to his presence, Lucifer decided to opt for the other method.
Once he was inside your room and certain that you were in a deep slumber, he reverted to his original form, standing over you, his pupils turning to slits at the thought of a traitor in his house. If you were what he thought you to be, he would kill you immediately.
He pulled a small yellow twenty-sided stone from his pocket and baring his fangs in anger, he pressed it lightly against your skin.
Nothing happened.
Lucifer’s expression changed from one of deep-seated loathing to confusion. You weren’t from Heaven. If you were, the stone would have glowed a brilliant shade of Gold. Instead, it remained its original dull yellow.
Very well.
He would keep his word and… Tolerate you.
He left your room as quietly as he had entered it. Tomorrow, things would be different.
Lucifer didn’t sleep that night; the idea of change was terrifying.
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The next morning, when Lucifer finally resigned himself to the fact that he was going to have to face you eventually, he headed downstairs, assuming that was where you were.
“JUST TRY IT!” He heard you yell. “TRY! OPEN YOUR MOUTH, DAMN IT!”
“Uh…” Was all he could think to say as he entered the kitchen and found you clinging to one of the snake cleaners he had created the previous night, in a rodeo-like fashion. The creature was trying to buck you off, with a somewhat derpy expression, probably stupidly assuming it was a game; Lucifer hadn’t bothered to instil them with much intelligence since he didn’t need them for anything more than cleaning.
“ARGH!” You grunted as you were dislodged from its back.
“What- What is this?” Lucifer asked, confused.
“Oh shit!” You cursed, embarrassed to have been caught in a less-than-dignified position. You attempted to regain a little composure by standing up, then held up a handful of wadded-up pancake.
“Do they eat?” You demanded, referring to the reptilian cleaners, “’Cos they’ve been in a picture frame their whole lives, and they must be hungry by now.”
Of all the stupid things you could have done, Lucifer couldn’t help but crack a smile, though he had the decency to hide his laugh behind a clenched fist and pass it off as a cough.
“They don’t need to.”
“Okay, but can they?”
“If they wanted to, I suppose so.”  
You glared at the mushed-up pancake, “I fucking knew it. Spick, Span, eat your fucking breakfast!”
“I’m sorry, who now?” Lucifer asked.
“Well, they clean, don’t they? Spick and Span seem to fit unless you have something better to name them.”
Lucifer chuckled, a half-short-lived chuckle, but one all the same. You were more chaotic than he expected.
“Fine, if you want them to eat, you’ve got to cook in style.”
He waved his hands energetically, his outfit transforming from his usual suit to one befitting a flashy Michelin Chef. He was comfortable in the role of an entertainer as he made a dazzling display of cooking up eggs. With the flash-bang of indoor fireworks, the island counter gained a conveyor belt to transport several dishes, all perfectly presentable and giving off a delectable aroma of herbs and spices.
Eggs-benedict, frittatas, and shakshuka shot by you, closely followed by a hungry Span, though his twin was busy writhing on the conveyer belt, trying to get to his feather duster, yet doomed to chase it since he didn’t think to travel in the opposite direction so it would meet him in the middle.
The sight was memorable to say the least, even when Spick knocked the food onto the floor and his brother was left stupidly sucking on the corner of the countertop where his seemingly new favourite dish had splattered.
You couldn’t help laughing.
“See?” You struggled to get the words out, “I knew they’d like food. I’m just a shite cook.”
Lucifer gazed at his dishes proudly, even though they were no longer fit for either of your consumption.
“Hah,” You said, feeling somewhat awkward now that the moment had passed and Lucifer’s gaze was upon you, trying to figure you out. “I’ll uh, clean this up.”
“No need, leave it to Flim and Flam,” Lucifer said nonchalantly.
“You know that’s not their names.”
“Whatever. So… we’ve met, there was breakfast with a show. We done for today?”
The smile fell from your face as you realised that all of this was just another of Lucifer’s acts. Granted, he might have actually had fun with it, but it was all just in the name of claiming he had tried to be around you, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“I don’t know. I was going to go into the City if you wanted to come.”
“I can’t. I have… plans.”
Lucifer’s mood soured as he thought about visiting Heaven’s embassy to set up the meeting for Charlie. He hated everything about that building. The décor was just a cruel reminder of everything Heaven had banished him from. Moreover, while the Angels had to respect his power, they didn’t respect him; their cruel words and thinly veiled insults always cut him the deepest. Not to mention how bitter he was that the balance of power was uneven. Sure, Heaven had an embassy in Hell, but there was no such building in Heaven where Demons could work to arrange meetings between Angels and him.
It would always be Lucifer going to their building, on their terms, usually at their behest.
“Plans? So, you’re setting up Charlie’s meeting today?” You guessed astutely. “You know, I’m walking that way too.”
Lucifer guessed at your game. You probably hadn’t been going in that direction at all, but this was all in the name of ‘trying’. One way or another, he would have to learn to get along with you.
“Fine. Let’s go,” He said, flicking his hand back blasély, even though he found the idea of walking the streets of Hell daunting.
It would be better if he could teleport there, but at least, by the end of the day, you would have something positive to report back to Charlie.
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jayden-killer · 7 months
Greediest man in the Stone World.
summary: you've just being awaken by your old friend and classmate, Senku, in a whole new human era. But, who's this young guy claiming you as his? a/n: waahh, i sincerly apologise if i disappeared...again. i literally forgot my tumblr writing page, and life took a.. strange turn of events(?) kinda. i hope this first ryusui one shot will make me forgive!!!
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Dark. And then... a golden beam of light passed through my eyes, blinding me. My muscles began to melt. I felt them sore, as if I had slept in an uncomfortable position all night. Or maybe, for three thousand and fifty years. This was what was brought back to me when I woke up from that sleep I thought was eternal. The first thing my eyes noticed when they hatched was a blinding sun. There was so much green. So much vegetation was not seen even in the well-preserved jungles. Then, a group of boys with familiar and unfamiliar faces. My eyes met his.
I uttered that name in a subtle tone of voice, and the boy did nothing but address to me that mischievous grin of his own.
"Yoh, Y/N...we need your help".
[ Time skip...(*ゝω・)ノ ]
"So... you need my dexterity in putting these little pieces together so you can build, um... Repeat it, thank you".
"An oxygen tank" Senku rest, without even thinking of getting that smirk off his face.
His attitude hadn’t disappeared after 3,500 years. Not even when he claimed in front of a professor that their speeches were meaningless.
Here we go again...
Between a sigh and the other I immediately set to work, while in the distance I heard Senku arguing with what seemed to be his colleague.
Just in the middle of my work I felt someone touching my shoulder gently. A delicate touch, like that of a… "Child?" The girl in question wore a watermelon helmet on her head, with lenses inserted in the two holes that created a space for the eyes. She made a sound of wonder, her hands to her mouth.
"So, you are new here!" With a confused look I lowered myself to her level, able to have a face-to-face conversation with the little creature. " I suppose so..? And you are...?" That little girl who didn’t immediately show her intentions and courage was pretty to say the least. "Suika wanted to welcome you to the Science Team!" she said clearly, now showing me her hand to shake her. I took her, and with a kind smile, I accepted her request. "How kind of you! Since I am now a new addition to your team, can I have the honor to meet my future colleagues and companions?"
Little Suika nodded happily, running in the opposite direction where I was working. Heck. Maybe it was me who was no longer a child like her, but Suika seemed really fast in the race, not giving me a chance to keep up. I didn’t know where he was taking me; we passed through several huts, erected on wooden structures, running as if someone was after us.
The only one chasing her was me. Looking back to see if we’d actually drifted apart, my foot tripped on a double-sized rock. The collision with the stone made me lose my balance; I was ready to crash on the dirty ground and have some bruises all over my face for a few days. Only that never happened. In the instant that I was about to feel my face against the damp soil, two arms wrapped my waists not too strong, but with determination, preventing me from slipping a second time. I didn’t even realize I closed my eyes. "It’s not even the first day you’re back here on Earth, and you were destined to get hurt. Pff, not very convenient for our team, huh?"
A moment later my eyes sprang to meet his, and those eyes reminded me of an autumn now close to winter. " Well, lady killer, now you might as well put me down. I’m not meant to be your princess." I said authoritatively. His powerful arms let go of my body, and with a little thump my butt bounced off the ground.
What an idiot!
Not only was he now laughing at me with a fat laugh, as if I had just said the funniest joke on Earth, but he didn’t even deign to preseed himself! The blond slightly lowered his head, as I was still on the ground, and with an energetic voice he replied: "Not yet", later going in the opposite direction, with firm step. Oh, what kind of weird I had in front…
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
"Become mine! With all my Drago you would become the luckiest woman in the world!"
Somebody kill me...
It had been two months since I had made my unexpected (better to say, unlucky) acquaintance with blondie, who had the name of Ryusui Nanami. With his egocentrism and sheer avarice, he had proved to be one of the most promising members of the Kingdom of Science so far, with great skills for navigation. Apparently he came from one of the wealthiest families in Japan, and he certainly had not lost the habit of being indulged in everything, even after 3,500 years. And since our first meeting, he hasn’t stopped trying once. On every occasion he would give me his flirtations comments (sometimes shabby), he would become handsy, or he would try to buy me with his stupid Drago.
I was not one of those women who was so easily deceived, especially if a situation was about money. He thought I would give in so easily. I was so determined to prove to him the opposite, during these months, that this would give him up. With a gesture of the hand, I pushed him away. " I’m sorry, Ryusui. As I’ve explained many times before, I’m not interested." I took a dramatic break. ".. to you."
He whined loudly like a little baby, fogetting his money behind to get close to me. "You’re making a mistake!" "I have made many mistakes in my life," I answered sharply. "Then add another to your long list." I nailed him down with my sharp look, sketching a tight smile. Nothing to do. That man would never wave the white flag in the sky. However, it was becoming a nuisance, and having it close to me like a fin was starting to run out. For the worse. I had only one idea that could have saved me in that instant, from a near future in which he was no longer clinging to me like an octopus: make him believe he had a chance with me. A bold idea; nevertheless, it had to be tried. Either it will make it or break it. "Maybe, in the future, you might have a chance…" I implied in a vague tone, already heading somewhere, any, to get him off my back. I could swear to see his eyes shining remarkably with hope, and a new fire, fueled by determination.
He snapped his fingers, his iconic gesture that everyone, by now, had learned to recognize, and if he did, it was because he decided to do something. There were no roads back. "HA-HA!" His laughter seemed to flow throughout the Ishigami village. Even Senku and Chrome turned to us, with confused scowls, to see what was so funny at the time. But Ryusui found nothing amusing in this situation, except a challenge to complete.
"So be it! I’ll show you how much I’m willing to change your mind. Anything to get the chance to become yours!"
Though I did not turn to look at him, once again, his muscular arms clasped my waists, turning my body to meet his. Face to face. "You, damned Nanami, what do you want now?!" That gesture had taken me by surprise, because he was not used to come so near me, but with his cheeky smile, he kissed me on both the cheeks. A quick gesture that made me blush remarkably in my face, almost to feel it burn under the palms of my hands. "What the f...?!" "You don’t know it, but you’re already mine!"
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
pairing: none
summary: it’s your turn to be featured on the F1 accounts
a/n: i got two tiktok requests, so i’m combining them. i also have never had tiktok so i hope this is acceptable 😭
Being a 21 year old driver for Aston Martin, you were obviously the one who did the most social media. Fernando claims he’s a rookie, but you weren’t even alive when he made his F1 debut.
“It’s your social media day,” your PR manager tells you when you arrive to the paddock. “The F1 social team is going to follow you around doing trends, as well as doing a day in the life at the paddock with you,” she tells you as said social media team walks in.
“Hi, since everything seems to be explained to you, just introduce yourself to the camera then we will get started,” one of the media people says and you wait for the cue.
“Hi, my name is Y/n L/n, I drive for Aston Martin, and I’m going to be showing you what I do on Thursday’s in the paddock,” you say, only needing the one take.
“That was great, we are going to start with the orange trend, one member from each team has been identified for the challenge. We are going to start with Fernando,” the girl who seems to be the manager for the day says as you are handed the orange.
“Alright guys, let’s see how much the grid loves me, spoiler alert, they do,” you grin, walking over to Fernando’s room. He answers immediately and you hold out the orange to him.
“Are the oranges giving you trouble again? Maybe I should start bringing some pre done for you,” Fernando hums, your cheeks flame. You are really bad at peeling them.
“Thanks, Nando,” you take it back, eating a piece. Next is Logan, Yuki, Zhou, and Esteban who all do it, no questions asked.
“George, this orange is giving me trouble, will you help me?” you ask the Brit and he just stares at you.
“Y/n, you are my friend, so no. You drive F1 cars, you have the arm strength and dexterity needed to peel an orange, plus I know the trend,” George says, walking away. You turn to the camera and shrug. Kevin walks past, takes the orange, peels it, then hands it back to you without a word.
“Can you guys tell that Kevin has kids?” you ask the camera, laughing. Lando does it, eager to be on the camera, Charles is confused but does it too.
“Maxie, I need help peeling this orange,” you give Max your best puppy dog eyes.
“I know this is for one of your tiktok’s, but give it here,” he says, you hand the peeled orange to P who is off camera.
“As you can see, everyone but George loves me,” you say to the camera that was doing this specific video. You head back to the Aston Martin garage for a meeting.
“Alright guys, I’m going to go into a meeting then a track walk before FP1,” you say, giving the camera a thumbs up. The meeting isn’t too long, just discussing how to approach FP1.
“The next trend we will be doing is the ‘I’m a feminist, watch me cook’ trend. So take this phone with you and take small videos or pictures of you over the next couple hours leading up to free practice one,” the social media person says and you take the phone carefully. You still have one trailing you for the day in the life video. You are cued to speak again.
“Alright, so I just finished the strategy meeting, now I’m going to go out onto the track with my team, take a lap, talk through what to look for, and mentally prepare for actually driving today. Taking an hour and a half to just talk to the team and get a feel for the track is so important, our cars are sensitive and it’s nice to see it outside of the sim since we aren’t at these tracks often. We usually do this after media on Thursdays, but we got here early to do it today,” you say, following your team onto the track. The poor socials team has to follow your team the whole hour and a half you are out there, but you do get a selfie and picture for your second trend video.
“We are going to get a video of you before and after suiting up, one of those magic transitions,” the socials team tells you.
“Time to suit up,” you snap, then the team leaves so you can change and braid your hair. One you are done, the team comes back in and takes the second part. You grab a quick lunch then head out for free practice one.
“Tell us what you would do if you weren’t a racer,” they ask as you walk to the garage.
“I loved singing as a kid so I wanted to be a music teacher. I actually took piano and vocal lessons when I was karting because I thought I would never make it past Formula Four or Formula Regional. Charles and I have played duets before,” you say, even though you won both of those.
“Can you tell us what you usually focus on during FP1?” they ask next and you nod.
“I obviously want to drive well and fast, but I focus more on getting quality data for the team and not crashing. Tire temp and deg are big, seeing how any upgrades or tweaks feel, our sectors compared to other teams, where I can break earlier or later, stuff like that is important data that helps us get ready for qualifying,” you explain. “I like looking at the data after and visualizing what I saw during the track walk to match the two up in my mind,”
“Do you ever talk to yourself?”
“Sometimes, but I will sing to myself during a safety car,” you laugh, answering the last question as you get to your garage. You take a selfie of you with the car before handing the phone back to the social media person. You get in the car and wait for the signal to leave the garage.
You top the timesheet for FP1, so you give a little fist pump to your team as you get out of the car.
“Alright guys, great FP1 run. I’m going to grab a snack, then head into a meeting to go over data and discuss our objectives for FP2,” you tell the camera, getting out of your mechanic’s way. The day passes like that, just updating the social team about what you are doing. FP2 goes well and you finish third on the timesheet.
“Alright guys, not much else for me. I’m going to change, do recovery, then go back to the hotel for dinner, watching both practices, and rest. Tomorrow will be more data and racing. Thanks for joining me today!” you wave goodbye, thankful to have the camera off you.
“Thanks for being a good sport about today, a lot of other drivers tend to get irritated,” the social media team says.
“Well, it’s an alternative to the other media stuff,” you shrug, nice enough to not tell them you are grateful it’s over. It’s fun making a silly video every once in a while, but marketing days are tiring.
You get back to the hotel and collapse on the bed, only getting up when there is a knock on the door.
“We brought you food since you had to do social media all day,” George says and you immediately let him and Alex in.
“Thank you, you guys are the best,” you say as Alex cues up the practices. You guys made it a tradition, but since you are on separate teams you don’t ever talk about them beyond how you would with any other driver.
“Well, I’ll see you guys in my mirrors tomorrow,” you say, closing the door behind them after the mini watch party. You check the response to the posts featuring you, and even though they are positive, you tell yourself you won’t be doing it again for a while.
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minawritesfanfic · 13 days
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You are who you eat
Dexter Morgan x Reader
Word count: 2k
Summary: After finding out about Dexter’s after hour hobby you start to investigate him while teasing him from afar that you know what he is.
Part 2
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Finding a reason to go up to homicide was easy I had an email come in from the sergeant but I also couldn’t be bothered to deliver the brand new computers to homicide yesterday like I was supposed to. I carried the box out of the tiny office, normally I would’ve struggled to carry something this heavy but hauling around dead bodies was unsurprising a great work out. I used my elbow to press the button for the elevator and waited for it to come down, I heard someone come up behind me and turned to see my mystery man. Boy does he have great timing, I glanced down at his ID and under his photo was his name, Dexter Morgan. Got you, I gave him a polite smile turning around as I heard the familiar ding of the elevator and stepped inside. He stepped inside as well tucking his hands into his pockets, it felt odd being so close to someone and knowing except who they are without them knowing a thing.
His expression was calm but I could tell from the slight fidgeting he wasn’t as calm as he let on. Like freak out by last nights encounter, I mean I would be too. If someone caught me just as I was killing someone and there was a high chance they saw my face, I would be shitting my pants and looking over my shoulder for days. Though I have no plans of exposing his secret because that would mean bringing into the question why I was at the car dealership, why I hadn’t reported it then, or of I didn’t mention that part what was I doing at Ann Cohen’s house that late at night anyways. No excuse I could come up would lose their suspicion so it just seemed far better to not involve myself in it at all, if anything it would be easier to just deal with this Dexter person on my own.
The elevator dinged again as we arrived on the next floor, and we both stepped out with our left foot as if we were synchronized together. Our eyes met again and we awkwardly walked out one after another, I let him step ahead of me and watched as he disappeared into the tiny room in the back of the department whilst I began distributing the laptops to each officer and collecting their old ones. I hadn’t been asked to do that but I figured if I didn’t do it now I would likely be sent to do it anyway, and I didn’t have a reason to come up here twice in a day so it’s not like I needed it as an excuse. Doing it now simply saved me from unnecessary work later on, as I got to the last laptop I found myself at Sergeant Doakes desk. My final task in the homicide department for today, hopefully at least.
“Good morning Sergeant, I got your email what can I do for you?” I said as I handed him the new laptop.
“Morning, I heard you were the person to ask about getting into some encrypted files?”
“I am indeed, you can just give me the device and I’ll get tight to it. Is there a deadline or can I do this at my own pace?”
“No deadline as I’m not sure if they will be anything helpful on there, but please make it a priority.” He pulled a silver Dell mini 9, I set it on top of the others in the box making a mental note to look at it later.
“Alright I’ll get it back to you as soon as I can then, if that’s all I should probably go deal with these.” I said raising the box slightly bringing attention to it.
“Thank you, please get back to me as soon as you can.”
With all my task completed I adjust grip on the box and took one last look around the department before turning to leave, my eyes drifted Dexter’s little hiding spot. I was surprised to see him already looking at me, his eye remained trained on me even as I turned away and walked out the department. A odd chill went down my spine as I recalled the look in his eyes it was empty and unreadable, I had definitely crossed a line today. There was no need to make him suspicious of me just yet, I still had plenty left to learn about him. I stepped inside the elevator and rode it back down to my floor and walked back to my office, and quickly started on my next task.
I decided to ignored the laptop for now and followed through with other requests in the building first, I felt it was better to run around now instead of constantly going back and forth. That way I could work on the things I needed to in the office uninterrupted, so I set off to step up a new computer for the deputy chief, helped track down a suspect using their phone for narcotics, and updating the missing persons website to showcase the recent disappearances. I spent the first half of my day running around and was happy to sit and work in my office until 4pm came around, I sat back in my chair and just took a few moments to breathe. I hadn’t made any significant progress with the laptop and honestly it was starting to frustrate me, I didn’t expect this to be easy but whoever encrypted these files sure as hell knew what they were doing. So instead of frustrating myself further I I decided to find out just who Dexter Morgan was, looking him up in the system I saw he had no priors in the system and seemed to be a relatively stand up citizen, too good of one to be honest. I knew it was a facade, considering I heard him say so, you can’t be a serial killer and not have a facade. I found that you had a sister Debra Morgan, I recognized her name from the news about the ice truck killer, but most importantly I found your house.
At first I considered talking to his sister and befriending her but I needed to stay out of sight for now, it I raise your attention any more than I already have it would be long before I might end up on your table as well. Of course that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to bother him from a distance, I needed some sort of distraction while I went through his place so I had a friend of mine give him a little surprise. I stepped through the open door of your apartment, I glanced around looking at the layout and simple decor.
“Dexter, you left the door open again honey. I thought we talked about that.” I said as I stepping further inside and found a repair man tiding his tools on the floor. “Oh hello, have you seen Dexter?”
“No, manager let me in. Someone reported a leak.” He said not even bothering to look up at me.
“Oh yeah, I told him to get things checked out I’m glad he followed through. Was everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s in order. You can rest assured there’s no leaks in your boyfriend’s apartment.” He finished packing and began to leave.
“That’s great to hear, you have a wonderful day sir.” He gave me an awkward smile and shook his head as he left.
I shit the door behind him and looked around, so this was Dexter’s apartment. I immediately put on gloves, after my research I realized he was In forensics so leaving behind my finger prints wasn’t ideal. I started by checking the books making sure there was nothing inside or under them, then I checked his desk. I rummaged through the drawers and found nothing but the usual clutter, I decided to check his computer since I was more likely to find something there. I debugged my way through the login screen and got into his computer, on the surface there was again nothing but I kept digging until found it. His search history which stupidly he never clears, I found that he had used a lot of police resources from the comfort of his home. Don’t you know that’s illegal Dexter? Thankfully some of the searches showed the names he looked up, I borrowed one of his pens and a sticky note then began writing down as many of the names I could and the days he searched them. If my theory was right these were likely murderers as well who will all turn up missing shortly after dexter searched them. Once I was done there I ventured into the rest of the house and found it all to be normal, minus the obnoxious chest in his closet which I thought was odd but I didn’t have my lock pick to get into it. There wasn’t much left for me to do so I figured I should probably leave incase Dexter also decides to visit home on his lunch break.
★ ✮ ★
Dexter had been on edge all morning, looking over his shoulder just waiting for the coworkers to swoop in and arrest him. As illogical as the thought was, there was no evidence for whoever saw him to back up their claims. Even if they searched his apartment they would find nothing, but an accusation like that doesn’t go away even if it’s proven false. People would still be suspicious and Dexter certainly didn’t need any more prying eyes when he already had Doakes tailing him everywhere he went. He barely managed to get him off his back last night by popping one of his tires, though hope Doakes truly bought his ‘addiction’ and would leave him alone thinking he was in recovery. Still even though no one came knocking at his door during the night to arrest him, which truthfully only made him more anxious but he tried to rationalize it and soothe his anxiety. Maybe they didn’t see his face, they definitely didn’t know his name, maybe they hadn’t seen much of anything, maybe this maybe that. Nothing was certain and Dexter did not like that, he had been careful to live by Harry’s code and the number one rule was to not get caught yet here he was. With a heavy heart Dexter stepped into his tiny slice of the homicide department and was greeted by Masuka.
“Oh hey Dex, there’s something on your desk waiting for you. It looks like someone has a secret admirer.” He said with his signature laugh.
Dexter quirked a brow and saw it, a brightly colored cupcake with a pin stuck in it that said ‘eat me’. He furrowed his brows and ripped the cupcake in half with his thumbs and found a note inside, ‘Roger was a scumbag, wasn’t he? Your secret admirer’. Dexter felt his blood run cold as he fell back into his seat, whoever it was that saw him knew it was him. He didn’t like this not one bit, he needed to find out who sent this.
“Hey Masuka, any idea who sent me this?”
“I can’t tell you that, the point of a secret admirer is that its a secret.” Dexter frowned but didn’t push it, there were other ways to find out.
Dexter was wrong, terribly wrong, whoever this ‘secret admirer’ was had connections with people all throughout the building. He had been asking all around the station all day but everyone he asked was adamant on not exposing their identity, it was like some sick game and he was losing it. His nerves were eased because at least it seems like they aren’t going to expose him for his dark secret for now, but Dexter didn’t like the uncertainty of not knowing if they ever would. This isn’t what he should be worried about right now, he needed to get ahead of this bay harbor butcher thing before they tied it back to him. It was only a matter of time until Lundy would catch on, but he also needed to work things out with Rita and convince her he was committed to his ‘recovery’. There was a lot more on his plate than he was comfortable with, Dexter felt as if he was starting to drown, if things continued the way they were he was certain he would go insane.
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fullsunrise · 3 months
Smoothie - Part 2 (M)
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Word count: 1.7k
Pairing: Jeno x Original female character x Jaemin
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Barely any plot, Dom!Jeno, Dom!Jaemin, OC is an inexperienced sub, BSDM elements, oral (F receiving), both Jaemin and Jeno are mean, use of toys, overstimulation, barely proof read (sorry!)
Summary: After signing up on a BDSM community website on a whim, Jinhae has her first BDSM experience with Jeno and Jaemin.
Previous chapters: Read part one here
"Did I tell you how heavenly you smell?” Jaemin whispered as he began kissing Jinhae’s nape.
While Jeno pulled down each strap at an achingly slow pace, it was almost too much to keep track of who was doing what. Their sensual touches blended into each other seamlessly and Jinhae’s eyes fluttered closed at the sensations. It was relaxing being taken care of like this.
The sudden cold that hit her bare chest pulled her out of her trance. Looking down, Jinhae watched as the scene before her began to unfold. Her cami bunched at her waist, her breasts out in the open, and Jaemin’s hand rubbing delicate circles around her nipple. Every touch made her skin feel like it was on fire. Desires started clouding her judgment as Jinhae pictured the males in front of her taking turns filling her up.
“Enjoying the view, baby girl?” Jeno teased as his hand disappeared under her skirt. He slowly began rubbing his thumb along her inner thighs.
“Do you like watching us pleasure you?” Jaemin whispered slowly in her ear and no one could miss how she shivered in delight.
Caught up in Jaemin’s honey-like words, Jinhae’s attention was quickly pulled back to Jeno as he snaked a finger up to her folds. The first moan escaped from her lips before she could catch it.
“Ah, that's it.” Jaemin mocked against her neck.
Jeno tested the waters yet again as he decided to place his finger on the apex between her legs. With just the right amount of pressure, he started lazily playing with her clit through her underwear.
“F-fuck,” Jinhae breathed. It was a simple touch, but their words from earlier made her extremely sensitive.
The breathy curse tumbling from her lips was enough for Jeno to slide her panties to the side and push a finger in. He mindfully started to fuck her, paying close attention to when her breath hitched every time he went back in. Alternating between her clit, his soft touches made her mind slowly melt. God, if he was that dexterous with his fingers, what else could he do?
“Aw baby, are you going to come that quickly?” Jeno asked.
“Yes,” Jinhae managed to get out between moans. Her release was right there as she could feel her own body shake in pleasure.
“Should we let her, Jaemin?” Jeno asked, adding a second finger. This earned him a deep groan. “Look at how well she's doing for us.”
“Hmm,” Jaemin lazily replied. He never once stopped his ministrations on her breasts, only occasionally would he release his hand. Jinhae found herself arching to chase the pleasure he was giving her. “What do you think, kitten? Should we let you come?”
“Please, daddy,” she moaned.
Truthfully, Jinhae didn't know where that word came from. Maybe it was coerced out of her, but it didn't matter. As her orgasm rapidly approached again, she was willing to do or say anything to feel release.
“Of course, baby girl.”
She expected them to continue, to finally reward her for being so good for them. What she didn't expect was a familiar click followed by a sudden low hum. Her eyes flew open instinctively as she looked at Jeno holding her vibrator in his hands. Amusement danced across his features as he played around with the different settings.
“Is something wrong?” Jeno asked dumbfoundedly.
“N-no, sir,” she replied quickly.
“We did tell you to bring with you after all, did you think we wouldn't use it?” Jaemin added before pulling her arms up in order to finally slip off her camisole. He didn't even ask for her to raise her arms up, opting instead to treat her like she was nothing more than his very own play thing.
In her altered state, Jinhae had completely forgotten that she haphazardly threw her mini wand in her bag before running out the door to catch the subway. She silently cursed herself for thinkig it would remain untouched for the duration of her stay.
Jeno continued to alternate between the highest and lowest speeds, almost as if he were contemplating which would be the most tortuous for her. Jinhae would be lying if she said she couldn't feel her heartbeat pound in her chest. She was already puddy in their hands. There was no doubt that whatever they had planned for her next would completely ruin her. Already dazed out with her eyes half open, Jinhae could only watch as Jeno passed Jaemin the buzzing toy.
“Let's see how much you can handle, hmm?” Jaemin asked as he crouched down on his knees. Now that he was now eye-level with her legs, he could see just how much they've affected her.
At the sight, he let out a low whistle. “We’ve barely started to touch you, and yet look at the mess you've made.” He cocked his head to the side, examining the dark spot on her underwear.
Jinhae tried to close her legs in embarrassment but Jaemin was quick to pry them back open. He hooked a finger in the side of her underwear and tugged them down her legs in one shift motion.
“I'm going to start using it baby, so spread your legs nice and wide for me.”
Jinhae obliged without hesitation, embarrassment long forgotten as it was replaced with pure need. The buzzing got closer and closer until it finally came into contact with her throbbing clit. Before she could adjust to the intensity, the setting was only raised higher.
“Oh, fuck.”
She could feel the familiar feeling bubble up in her lower abdomen. It was within her grasp now, Jaemin just needed to keep it like this and let her cum-
“Aw, what's wrong baby?” Jaemin teased. He pulled the vibrator away for a second too long, and Jinhae’s patience was wearing thin.
“Please, please let me cum.” She begged, practically on the verge of tears at the sudden loss of stimulation.
Each time she was close, he would pull away. Then he would come back and put it back on the highest setting. Jinhae wasn't unfamiliar with the concept of edging, but this was on a different level. Her clit was burning and borderline overstimulated. But Jaemin never stopped, even when she was sobbing for him to let her release. When he placed the vibrator on her aching clit once more, she could feel the salty tears of relief wash over her face and down onto her chest.
“There's no need to cry yet,” Jeno said from behind her.
“You're gonna cum for us, baby. I need you to come all over my face like a good girl.” Before she knew it, Jaemin buried his face between her legs.
One single lick. One lick from his tongue was all it took for her to completely fall apart. Her legs were shaking, her moans uncontrollable. Her orgasm washed over her completely before she tried to push Jaemin away. But he wasn't having any of it.
“Not so fast,” he warned. His strong grip on her hips never faltered.
“You can squirm all you want, but you're not going anywhere,” Jeno added. “You're going to cum again.”
“I-I can’t,” she pleaded.
“Aw, is our baby too tired?” Jaemin cooed, kissing the inside of her thighs. It was sweet, but it was merely a distraction. Because the minute she felt Jeno wrap his hand at the back of her head and tangle his fingers within her messy hair, she knew it was over. Her head was yanked back instantly.
“Did I not make it clear enough?” he stoically said, his dark eyes never leaving her own. “You're going to cum again like the fucking slut you are.”
She was at a complete loss for words. The only sounds she could manage to get out were a mix of whimpers and small pleads. How could they expect her to come again? Her thighs were sticky, her chest was covered in a light sweat, and she was pretty sure she was incoherent at this point.
The mocking buzz of her vibrator returned, and Jinhae flinched at the noise. Jaemin ran it up her thighs at a painfully slow pace, before placing it just in the right spot that had her seeing stars. Her release was nothing short of intense as every last drop of energy she had left her body.
“That's it, let go,” Jeno purred in her ear.
Jinhae invited Jeno’s words of praise as she leaned her head back on the couch cushion. Her eyes grew heavy and fluttered shut, her body begging her to sleep. Jinhae wouldn've passed out if it weren't for Jaemin peeling off her skirt.
“Lift your hips up for me, baby,” Jaemin said softly. Too tired to argue, Jinhae followed his instructions as she was now wholly under their spell. In her fucked out state, they could ask her to do anything and she was wordlessly agree.
“You did so good,” Jeno said as his hands toyed with her nipple. Jinhae let out a small cry at the overstimulation.
“Do you need a break before we continue, sweetheart?” Jaemin asked.
Jinhae opened her eyes at his question, unsure of what he was implying. There was more? Jinhae didn't think she could possibly do anything else but take a nice, cold shower followed by a leisurely nap. As she looked at a fully clothed Jaemin, a naked Jeno behind her, and down at her own unclothed self, the realization hit. Jaemin was the only one in the room that hadn't come yet.
“Ah, I think she gets it now,” Jeno noted as he looked over Jinhae’s shoulder, right in Jaemin’s direction.
“You have five minutes before we start, kitten,” Jaemin warned. Jinhae watched in awe as he peeled his cardigan off, finally showing off his toned arms.
“I’m going to go upstairs,” Jeno announced. He began to collect his clothes off the nearby couch. “Don't forget your safe word,” he chuckled before winking at her.
Dread instantly flooded her stomach. Just like when a bright, sunny sky would turn dark and stormy. It was clear now that everything they had done up to this point had just been preparation for Jaemin. As the stairs creaked beneath Jeno’s feet, Jinhae secretly wished that he stayed. Because she knew that Jaemin wasn't going to stop until she was screaming his name.
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waywardnerd67 · 2 months
Cowboy Chasing
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Title: Cowboy Chasing Summary: Chasing storms was simple. Chasing the tornado chasing cowboy was a whole different story. Main Characters: Tyler Owens, Reader Pairing: Tyler Owens, Reader Rating: E - Everyone Warnings: Fluff/Angst Word Count: 2481 A/N: My first fic in over a year thanks to a certain tornado chasing cowboy :) I used my taglist from over a year ago. If you don’t want to be tag please let me know (no hard feelings, I totally get it).
“Are you sure?” Her best friend asked as (Y/N) continued to pack her duffel bag.
She sighed, “Yes, I’m sure. When he left we had a fight and I can’t live with myself if anything were to happen to him.”
“How long has it been since you’ve been chasing?”
Flashes of that last night played in her mind, “A few years…”
Her best friend took her hands, “Promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I promise.” (Y/N) smiled.
“Also, tell Boone he still owes me a dance.” They started laughing as (Y/N) zipped up her bag.
“Will do. I’ll call you when I get to Enid.” (Y/N) hugged her friend then made her way out of their apartment.
(Y/N) knew the drive to Enid, Oklahoma like the back of her hand. Every storm season that is where the chasers would gather to prep for the first chase. Checking the forecasts, she knew there was a chance the Wranglers would already be out on the road heading south towards Oklahoma City. She pulled out her phone, hitting Dani’s number and sending her a voice memo.
“Hey, I’m heading out to you guys. If you leave Enid, could you let me know. I appreciate it. Oh and don’t tell Tyler. Love ya.”
Dani’s response was immediate, “As I live and breathe, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Girl, it’s been too long. We’re heading south on the 81 towards Kingfisher in the morning. Miss and love ya.”
Another voice memo came through, “Also, your secret is safe with me. Does this mean you’re back?”
(Y/N) shook her head. The thought of chasing again was exciting and terrifying. There was no way she could go back. Not after all the time that had passed and not after the last chase. No, this trip was for closure and nothing more.
Between several cans of Monster and singing to the top of her lungs, (Y/N) made it to Enid by one in the morning. A soft smile spreading across her face seeing all the cars, vans and rigs of fellow chasers. Two groups stood out the most. The pristine white trucks and van of Storm Par were parked all by themselves. Javi must have gotten more money from Riggs noticing their team now having a fourth truck code name Toto.
Then there was the all too familiar red Dodge Ram parked in the middle of the lot. (Y/N) couldn’t believe they still had the beat up camper and van. With their YouTube channel taking off, she figured they would have at least updated the camper. Knowing Tyler, he probably used any money to go to helping the families and loved ones after a tornado. Humanitarian was one of the qualities that had attracted her to chasing with them and following Tyler Owens wherever the wind blew him.
“(Y/N)?” A familiar voice called out.
“Hiya Boone.” She turned around to see Boone, Dexter, Lilly and Dani all walking back from the small 24 hour diner.
“‘Bout time you came back out with us! We missed you!” He pulled her into a hug before everyone else surrounded her.
For the first time in years, (Y/N) finally felt at home again. The years she spent chasing storms with her Wrangler family were the best years of her life. Until it all went to shit.
“Well, well, who do we have here?”
His southern drawl never failed to send goosebumps over her skin, “Hey Tyler, how are you?”
“I’m good, (Y/N). I’m very good.” He smirked.
Dani smacked his shoulder, “Don't mind him, he’s been watching Top Gun Maverick on repeat.”
“You look good, Tyler.” (Y/N) couldn’t help her eyes from traveling down the length of his body.
There was nothing noticeably different about him since she last saw him a year ago. He still wore the same blue jeans, brown boots, Wrangler belt buckle and dark button down. The only thing missing was his Stetson and she knew exactly where it would be.
She noticed he was taking inventory of her as well as those dark green eyes gave her once over, “You look good too. So, what brings you out here?”
“I was hoping to talk to you before you went out tomorrow, if that’s okay?”
Tyler motioned for her to follow him to his motel room. (Y/N) waved to her family when Boone stopped her.
“You’re not staying, are you?” He asked with dark chocolate puppy eyes.
She shook her head then said, “Annie wanted me to let you know that you still owe her a dance. You should come on by and square your debt with her after this storm season.”
His smile was infectious, “I will. It was damn good to see ya, (Y/N).”
She turned around to see Tyler leaning against the door frame of his room. She stepped inside, chuckling to herself seeing some things truly would never change. He had clothes laid out everywhere drying. An empty pizza box and three beers out of six left sitting on his table. The TV was on showing infomercials until the morning news came on.
“Ya know, if you’re wanting to head back out I don’t know if we have room for you. We have a big shot British reporter going out with us this year.” Tyler offered her a bottle of water which she accepted.
“Reporter? Wow… you’ve really hit the big time.” She didn’t mean for it to come out as snarky as it did, “Hopefully, they knew what they were getting themselves into.”
Tyler flopped down on the bed, crossing his ankles and resting his head on one of his arms. Seeing his body stretched out brought up older memories of their early chasing years. The thrill of getting close to a tornado and the adrenaline they would need to work off when they got to a motel for the night. (Y/N) knew that body as well as she knew her own and now she could feel her cheeks flushing.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” He asked, a knowing smirk on his handsome face.
She rolled her eyes, knowing she played right into his little trap. He knew she would think of the good times seeing him stretched out like that. Knowing she couldn’t help to be nostalgic and remember the good ole days. As well he could read her, she could read him. (Y/N) sat down on the opposite bed taking a long drink of her water.
“The last time I was with you, we had a huge fight.” She looked over at him as he moved to mirror her sitting position.
He leaned forward on his elbows, clasping his hands together, “Mmhmm.”
“We both said some hurtful things and I wanted to clear the air between us.”
His green eyes locked onto hers, “You’re wanting an apology.”
She sighed, “No. I want you to know that… that I care about you and the team. I didn’t want you leading them into unnecessary danger for more followers or views.”
“If I remember correctly you said that I was and I quote, A reckless tornado chasing cowboy with a death wish.”
She flinched, “I know. I was frustrated and we had just lost…”
Tyler stood up, running his hand through his golden hair, “Theo knew what he was getting into when he started chasing with us. Hell, he had watched you chase well before he joined us. We all know the dangers of this job, but it’s worth it if we can help the people here.”
It was the same speech Tyler had given her a year ago. She clenched her fists on top of her knees, unable to keep the anger from flooding her system.
“Damn it Tyler, he should have never been in your damn truck! He should have been with Dex and Dani in the camper, but you wanted him to experience the real thing. What did that get him?”
She covered her mouth as Tyler’s eyes widened, “Tyler, I’m… I didn’t…”
He stormed over to the door, “If you think that I don’t spend every moment of every day not blaming myself for your brother’s death then you never knew me.”
He was gone with the door slamming shut. (Y/N) punched the bed beside her to release some of the rage overwhelming her.
“Fuck!” She yelled out before the tears started to fall, “This was not how I wanted it to go.”
After an hour, (Y/N) left the room in search of Tyler. She knew exactly where he would be heading towards his truck. He was sitting up on the roof tinkering with some the gauges.
“I’m sorry.” She said, climbing up onto the bed of the truck, “I really didn’t come here to fight again.”
“Then why did you come here? It’s been a year since you told me to get out of your life for good. Why now?” He never looked up at her.
She carefully sat up on the roof, “I hated the way we left things. I would never be able to live with myself if anything happened to you and the last thing I had said to you was I hate you.”
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He glanced up at her, “You don’t hate me?”
“I think you know that I don’t. I… I never could hate you.” She sighed, “Tyler, what we had was special. We both shared the same goals in life and careers. We were good together, but losing my brother changed me. All I could think about was I couldn’t lose you the same way I lost him.”
(Y/N) looked up when she felt his hand cover hers, “I’m sorry.” he whispered.
“Me too.” She squeezed his hand and a spark ignited in her chest.
“Come on, I need a few hours of sleep and you can stay in my room on the extra bed. I’m sure you need some sleep as well.”
He jumped down onto the bed of the truck helping her down as well. He jumped down from the truck holding out his arms for her. His hand gripped her hips and he lifted her from the tailgate setting her on the ground. Her body slid down his and once again her body flooded with heat.
“You know I could sleep in my car or get my own room.” She said softly, looking up at him.
“Scared something might happen?” He smirked, making her roll her eyes.
Pushing him gently, “Nope. I gave up chasing cowboys a long time ago.”
“Really? Yet, you drove nearly eight hours to talk with me. Sounds to me like you might still be chasing cowboys.” He leaned down, “Or am I wrong?”
His soft lips were close to hers and his woodsy cologne filled her senses. Her knees were going to buckle if she didn’t step away from her and she would fall right back into oblivion with him.
“We can’t.” She whispered, “I can’t stand back and watch you drive into tornados not knowing if you’ll come back to me.”
His eyes softened as he backed away from her, “I understand. You can sleep in my room and I’ll sleep in my truck.”
“Tyler, there’s two beds. We can share the room.” She caught his arm and felt him flinch.
He never turned to look at her, “You were always the strong one. I know I won’t be able to keep myself in control. Goodnight (Y/N).”
He walked to the driver’s side, getting in his truck. (Y/N) stood there for a moment before retreating into his room. She sat on the bed thinking about everything they had said and everything that was left unsaid between them. She loved him. She had been in love with him for nearly a decade and still was. She wanted to be by his side, but that fear of not knowing if he would come back to her kept her from doing what she wanted. The sun was peeking over the horizon when she heard the door open to the motel room.
She turned around to see Tyler staring down at her. Since she hadn’t grabbed her bag, she had opted to wear one of his white t-shirts for a night shirt. (Y/N) stood up grabbing her clothes that were on the small table.
“Sorry, I will get dressed and let you get ready.” She mumbled.
His hand grabbed her elbow, spinning her towards him, “Fuck it.”
His lips crashed to hers. Immediately, the stress and tension in her body melted as he wrapped her legs around his waist. Her back hit the mattress as Tyler began a hot trail of kisses down her neck.
“Ty-Tyler…” She moaned.
He lifted himself up, “I know, I know. We shouldn’t do this, but there is nothing in the world that I need more than you. Not storm chasing or anything. All I want is you and if this is the last time I get to be with you then so be it.”
Her heart was thumping rapidly against her chest, “You still love me?”
“Seriously?” He scoffed, “You think one little fight was going to erase you from my heart? Sweetheart, there is only one other woman I spend my time chasing other than you and that’s mother nature. There’s no one else in the world worth chasing other than you.”
She couldn’t help the grin spreading across her face, “For the record, I love you too.”
His breathtaking smile appeared and (Y/N) knew she was right where she needed to be. Tyler leaned down kissing her slowly, passionately. She was pulling his shirt off when there was a knock on his door.
“Go away!” He yelled, kissing her inner thigh.
“Tyler, we got a storm brewing just outside Bartlesville. If we hit the road now then we can beat Storm Par.” Boone’s voice was barely audible as Tyler groaned.
“Alright, we’re leaving in fifteen.” He rested his cheek against her thigh, “You think we could finish in fifteen minutes?”
She giggled, “It has been a while for both of us, but no I don’t. However, after chasing this storm we could pick up where we left off at another motel. Like the good ole days.”
“You’re staying?” he asked, helping her up and sitting her on his lap.
She nodded, “Cowboy, there’s nowhere else I would rather be than by your side.”
He kissed her again, gripping her hips tight. She moaned against his lips as she rolled her hips against him.
Tyler growled when Boone banged on his door again, “Be out in five!”
“Come on cowboy,” She kissed him, “I’m feeling it, so let's go chase it.”
“Yes ma’am.” He smacked her behind before they both got up gathering their stuff and heading out to the truck.
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theycalledhimastar · 3 months
if you are comfortable with writing Nikolai :
Can you write something similar like Neithboir price but with Nikolai?
Maybe reader being IT assisnat for 141 and having their car broken ? Or reader being new 141 Solider and needing help with something in their office?
Also bonus points if reader will be masc 👉👈
>w< anon~
Aaaaack! Absolutely! I have no clue why I didn't get a notification for this, tumblr is stinky like that! Let's get some Nikolai love up in here >:3
Nikolai x M!reader (Fluff!)
(Likely inaccurate but whatever, we ball you guys)
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☄. *.
Your day had already been a total shitshow, from the moment your alarm failed to wake you up. Tumbling out of bed, you already had a creeping feeling that today was going to be... a long one. Your boots just didn't feel quite right, your sleep posture probably wasn't right so now your neck was sore and stiff, and your mood was positively foul.
Morning Training wasn't any better, truth be told. You felt like a rookie all over again, practically embarrassing yourself with your clumsy performance. The fresh bruises attested to the morning's lousy work as you trudged to the showers. Where, of course the water was cold, you couldn't complain, but you wanted to.
The shitty breakfast felt worse than normal, the coffee more bitter and gritty than it was supposed to be. The coffee grinds trapped in your teeth making you cringe all through your afternoon routine. Why couldn't you catch a break? Nobody else seemed to notice what was so horrible, that only added to it all, really.
The straw that broke the camel's back, was when your computer simply refused to cooperate in the middle of your paperwork. Of course, because why the hell not? You buried your face in your hands, wanting to scream and throw the stupid device. Unfortunately, you couldn't do that, you needed it for other work matters. So you were forced to ask around to see if anyone could help you with the slow, laggy, uncooperative piece of shit.
Naturally, nobody really knew what exactly to do, offering a choir of "try turning it on and off again". That, or they just didn't care and opted to shrug off your issues. You were ready to give up, practically banging your head against the wall when a gentle hand on your shoulder interrupted your meltdown. You had seen Nikolai around base a few times, chatted a little bit here and there and you liked him well enough...
A normal amount...
"What's wrong sergeant?"
That alone was enough to make you start ranting about the horrible day you were having. Your alarm, training, breakfast, the showers, your computer, everything that had plagued you all thrown onto the older man. Nik just took it like a champ, nodding and agreeing every couple of sentences while gently ushering you back to your office so that he could fix your "stupid computer".
"I cannot help with the coffee, that stuff is always horrible. But I know a thing or two about computers if you would like some assistance."
You stand to the side, watching Nik type over your computer. You try not to let your gaze linger too long on his dexterous fingers as they swiftly move over the keyboard. Now is definitely not the time to make things awkward, but you can't help yourself. The fatherly figure has always been your type, and that accent has become your weakness the more time you have spent around him. You knew it was futile, he probably barely noticed you. You were new to the force and barely spoke to him for fear of embarrassing yourself horrendously. But still, one could daydream.
Meanwhile, Nik was more than aware of your not-so-subtle staring. He tried to attribute it to you trying to watch what he did to try it yourself next time. But when he realized you were staring at his hands and not the screen, he knew that wasn't it. While he was flattered by a young, fresh sergeant like yourself taking such interest in himself, he wasn't going to entertain the thought himself. Problems came about when you thought too long about that kind of thing.
"Alright, that should do it I think. These things are touchy sometimes. You just have to have that magic touch I guess."
He held up his hands with a grin, turning to stand up fully from his hunched over position. The way you stared at his raised hands sending a pang of pride straight to his chest. Maybe he could entertain it a little bit...
You stumbled over yourself to thank him, offering a favor of some kind, but he just brushed it aside. Ever the generous one, he wasn't going to expect anything for some simple computer fix. You silently wished that he would have accepted, you would've had an excuse to talk to him again later on. Alas, you would simply have to gather up the courage for another time. Although, when he patted you firmly on the back to leave and get to his own work, you very quickly decided that the day wasn't so bad after all...
89 notes · View notes
can't take the home out of oklahoma - iiii. (k.c.)
a/n: dear God the behemoth of the crossover fic is finally finished. please remember to be kind in my comments, but of course i'd love to hear what everyone thought :). if you're new here, you can check out the other three parts here
summary: Two years after leaving California, Tyler hears from Jake, asking him to come to his engagement party. With an offer of putting the whole crew up in a hotel for two nights and an off-season lull, Tyler accepts. Two years after leaving California, you finally have to confront Javy. 
warnings: background iceman and hangster, happy ending, alcohol, swearing, please remember we are all the villains in someone's story thank you
word count: 13.2k
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“So, I was thinking-” 
“Dangerous thing.” Kate mutters around a bite of waffle, prompting a fit of giggling from the two of you as Tyler narrows his eyes. 
“-I was thinking, instead of heading out to Arkansas straight after the end of the season, we take a road trip.”
“Where you thinking T?” Boone asks as you pick up your coffee cup. 
“San Diego, California.” 
You freeze, eyes flickering over to the blonde over the rim of your coffee cup, thankful you hadn’t taken a sip of the hot liquid yet. 
“What the hell, Owens?” You ask tersely, setting the mug down harder than you intend to, the brown liquid sloshing over the side. 
Tyler is pointedly avoiding your look as he sighs, shoulders deflating. “Look, my brother called. He- He’s getting married.” 
Your eyebrows shoot up. “To Bradley?” 
He nods, confirming. “Anyways, they’re having an engagement party out at Brad’s godfather’s. Jake’s invited us, all of us. Offered to put us all up in a hotel for two nights. I was uh- thinking about going.” 
“I think I’ll sit this out.” You say quietly, pushing your chair out. 
“Yeah, I ain’t so sure it’s the best idea to throw her into all of that.” Dani says, Lilly nodding alongside her. 
The girls had been told the story of your fiery departure from your hometown one night this past season, motel beds pushed together, wine drunk and cheap pizza forgotten. You’d told Dexter a week later, while you remarked on your ex-boyfriend’s love for a Louisiana crab boil, after you all had crossed into Louisiana to follow a storm. 
“Jake asked specifically about you.” Tyler admits quietly. 
You sigh, glancing up at the ceiling. “I don’t think the rest of them care to see me.” 
“We’ll make it work, okay? I ain’t gonna let anybody come at you.” Tyler pleads and you sigh again. 
You look at him for a moment but that’s all you need. It’s clear that Jake reaching out, asking him to come to this monumental event, means a great deal to him and you know as his family, it’s only right to step up to the plate for Tyler, no matter how uncomfortable it might make you. 
You know Tyler would do the same for you in a heartbeat. 
“Okay, T.  I’ll go with you guys.” 
His grin is splitting as Boone whoops, already chattering about the beach. 
“I ain’t promising to be nice to them.” 
Your words don’t even phase Tyler.
“Wouldn’t even dreaming of asking that of you, kid.”
The blue water sparkles as you peer out the window, the golden sunlight making it shine. 
“Jesus, I forget how blue it is.” You whisper to yourself as you take in downtown. 
The skyscrapers peer down back at you, the boats in the bay dotted across the docks. In the distance, you can see the outlines figures of the USS Midway and the Star of India. 
“How you feeling?” 
You shake your head, looking back at Kate. “It’s weird, kind of. Disorientating. I remember the first time I came home from college, it’s kind of like that. It all looks the same but the world kept turning after you left. Life kept going even though you’re not there to witness it.” 
She reaches out to squeeze your hand from the back of the truck. “I get what you mean.” 
Tyler glances at the two of you from his position in the drivers seat. The group had elected to take the van and your car, the SUV you’d bought last winter after you’d gotten sick of sharing Kate’s own storm chasing truck. 
Tyler’s red truck and Kate’s pickup had just not suited themselves to a cross country road-trip, which led you and Kate to driving most of the way. Tyler had finally corralled you into giving him the keys, under the condition you would sit passenger seat and give him directions. 
“Hey T, can we stop and get food before this thing?” 
Boone’s voice crackles over the radio and Tyler grabs it. You hadn’t really needed a radio of your own, but Boone and Tyler had insisted, outfitted the whole thing themselves. It sort of made you feel like a kid again, shouting across the room with your siblings in lieu of having walkie talkies while you played — everything followed with an OVER.
“I think they’re gonna feed us there Booney.” 
“Tyler, I am a starved woman. You rushed us out of breakfast this morning and we’ve been up before the sun was. It’s almost three in the afternoon and California already said we’ve got a decent drive across the city to get to this place. We’re stopping.” Dani’s voices comes through and Kate lets out a laugh from her seat. 
“Know any good places California?” 
You light up at Boone’s question, reaching for the radio but Tyler holds it just out of reach. 
“If you suggest In-N-Out one more time, I will drive this car into the ocean, so help me God.”
Niall Horan’s voice floats softly through the speakers as the car creaks to a stop in front of a familiar house. 
Your stomach flips as the barbecue from a locally owned joint near your Mom’s threatens to resurface. You distantly recall telling the group you’d been friends with the owners daughter in high school in a sad attempt to drown out Boone’s loud voice saying it would never be as good as Cathy’s. 
“You good California?” Javi asks and you startle, not even having realized you’d pulled yourself from the car. “You’re looking a little queasy there.” 
“Nerves.” You breathe and Kate takes your hand, squeezing it. 
“Thought you said they were nice.” Lilly says. 
“They are.” Just not to me. 
“This is quite the affair.” Dexter comments, glancing around the street as you walk up the road. “There’s hardly any spaces left.” 
“Bradley’s family is big.” You blurt out. “Lots of retired pilots who are probably thrilled to see their Baby Goose get married. Lots of friends from the service too I’m guessing.” 
“I wouldn’t want to be footing the bill for that wedding.” Dani whistles. 
The group begins to chatter and you wince, feeling your stomach roll as you step onto the grass. 
“You got this.” Kate whispers as you follow Tyler to the front porch. Tyler reaches out to press the doorbell, only to pull back at the last second. 
You raise your eyebrows. You don’t think you’ve seen the Tyler Owens cower back down from anything, much less a doorbell separating him from his twin. 
“You do it.” He says to you, stepping back.
“Me do it?” You ask incredulously. “You want to be kicked out before we ever step foot inside?” 
“I’ll do it.” Kate volunteers. She rings the doorbell, a short buzz followed by the sound of an I got it Mom! from somewhere inside behind the closed door. 
The door opens a few minutes later, revealing the now-taller daughter of Penny Benjamin. She blinks at the rag-tag crew. “Can I help you?” 
“Hi. I’m Kate and this is Tyler, we’re here for-“ Kate cuts herself off under the rather impressive stare of Amelia. Kate tugs on your arm, pulling you into view. “Here, you talk to the scary teenager.” 
“Hi Amelia.” You say softly. 
Amelia’s face lights up at the sight of you, exclaiming your name, drawing the attention of Tom as he rounds the corner to see who was at the door. Tom appears over her shoulder, nudging the girl back inside the house. 
“Tell Jake his brother’s here!” Tom calls after her before turning his attention back to your crew. “You must be Tyler and his crew. Jake mentioned that you guys would be stopping by. They’re all out in the back playing dogfight football.” 
Dogfight football? Tyler mouths to you as you all step inside the foyer. You shrug at his confused look. 
Long story you mouth back. 
“Anyways, I’m Tom, I’m one of Brad’s godfathers. I can take you all out to the back to meet the group?” 
You let your friends filter in front of you, hanging by the entrance to the kitchen and living room area. 
“I’m just gonna…” You mutter, letting your friends file out the glass door after Amelia and Tom. Penny gives you an unimpressed look from where she catches sight of you at the kitchen island and you give a sheepish shrug, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Selfish self-perseveration, sue me.” 
Pete glances up at you from one of the cabinets at the sound of your voice, lighting up as he does. “Well kid, I do have to say we never expected to see you again.” He holds out his arms and you grin, taking the invitation for a hug. 
If there was anything you’d learned about Pete Mitchell in the two and a half years you’d spent around his pilots, was that he offered Dad hugs to anyone at any chance he got. And boy, were they some of the safest hugs you’d ever had. 
“Hi Pete.” You say into his shoulder as he squeezes you. 
He pulls back, studying you. His thumb ghosts over a new scar on your cheek (thanks to an ill-timed rocket from Boone) and taking in the new piercings. “You look good kid.” 
“Thanks.” You breathe, unable to stop the genuine smile at earning his approval. 
His hand rests on your shoulder, guiding you farther into the kitchen. “Nick and Carole are outside with Coyote’s Dad and brother getting all the fixings grilled up. Do you want anything to drink?” 
You pause, stopping next to Javy’s Mom Lydia. You swallow, unsure of how she’ll react to you as you tell Pete you don’t want anything. He nods, grabbing his glass and nudging Penny towards the back patio after her daughter. 
“Hi Lydia.” You say softly. She studies you for a moment before pulling you into a tight hug. You melt into her touch, knowing you had accepted you may never get it again. 
You think of all the times you’d gotten the same hug from her, the innate soft care and compassion the woman had offered you, the same one she’d passed down to her son. 
You pull back, smiling at Javy’s sister-in-law (it seems like James had finally put a ring on it) and the little boy she holds in her arms. “Hi Scarlet.” 
The girl gives you a big grin. “How you doing?” 
“I’m good.” You answer. “Yeah, I’ve been good.” 
She smiles. “Good to hear.” She glances over Lydia’s shoulder. “Would you want to hold baby Jameson here for a minute while Dia and I go grab something from outside?” 
Your eyes grow wide. “You want me to hold your baby?” 
She shrugs. “I trusted you enough back then, I doubt I can’t trust you now.” 
You swallow, nodding. “Yeah, yeah of course.” You take the boy gingerly from her arms as he grins up real big at you. The boy only has two teeth but it looks like the nub of a third is growing in. “You and James make really cute babies.”
“I know.” She says smugly, before heading outside with Lydia.
You bounce the baby in your arms gently, cooing at him softly. 
“I sort of feel like I’m watching some alternate version of my future right now.” You gasp, whipping towards the sound of the voice. 
Leaning up against the doorjamb is Javy. 
The same Javy you’d fallen in love with all those years ago, a fond and yet pained smile on his face as he sticks his hands in his pockets. 
“Self preservation doesn’t work if you’re not outside with all your friends.” You breathe out as Jameson starts making grabby hands for his uncle. Javy walks towards the boy, letting him take his finger. It quickly becomes his new favorite chew toy as he shrugs. 
You snort as Javy smiles down at the kid. “Wanted to change. Scarlet knew I was in here so now I’m kinda figuring she left him here with you so we’d have to be civil.” You swallow, all humor leaving you as your eyes dart around the kitchen. 
In all the years you’d been gone, the Mitchell-Kazansky house hadn’t changed all that much. Maybe there were a few more pictures on the fridge, a coupon for a new pizza place, new throw pillows on the same worn couch, but the small beach front property that was inherently them had remained the same. 
“I don’t- I never expected- How are you here?” Javy asks, finally landing on words after a minute of silence and restarted attempts. 
“Jake’s brother.” You say quietly. “I’ve been working with Tyler in Oklahoma.” 
Javy reels back, Jameson letting go of his finger as he does. The toddler is quick to shift his attention to your hair, tugging on it. You wince. “Okay, I probably deserve this.” You mutter after a particularly hard yank from the toddler’s fist. 
Javy snorts, and you think it surprises him as much as it does you as a shy, goofy smile flickers on his face. “In another life, you were probably his auntie.” 
The words are meant to be light-hearted but they’re like an iron punch as the breath gets knocked clean from your lungs. 
“Sorry, that wasn’t funny.” He dismisses as he crosses his arms. “So- Oklahoma huh? You liking it? The countryside is the last place I expected you to end up but you, uh- you look like you’re doing well.” 
You swallow around the lump that’s growing in your throat at the grief you’re having to confront earlier than you had anticipated. 
“I- Yeah, I like it out there. I’m good. Happy.” 
“I’m actually uh, not surprised to hear it. That you’re in Oklahoma. Just surprised at finally getting the confirmation.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, about a year ago, Fanboy had one of their streams on. He was just a casual fan, you know, background noise. The camera couldn’t have been on you for more than thirty seconds but I swore it was you. I made him go back and replay it a hundred times, I pulled up a hundred examples from other videos on the channel. The team was so convinced I was starting to lose it that Fanboy got banned from playing those streams anymore. Your hair was shorter in that first video, but I just- I knew it was you.” 
You hum, thinking to yourself. You’d appeared in the background of streams and edited videos countless times, but there had only been one haircut in two years. “It must’ve been after the rocket incident.” 
His eyes go wide. “The rocket incident?” 
“Boone still feels bad and Ty won’t let anyone really bring it up because it makes his blood pressure rise but imagine my surprise when I’m fiddling with something on top on the truck and Boone leans over on the console and accidentally sets off a rocket.” 
“That would only happen to you.” 
You snort. “I know. Most of the hair on one side was singed off anyways so I took the kitchen shears we have and chopped it all off in the back of the RV after we left urgent care.”
A beat passes as he drums his fingers against the countertop. “Hey, how long are you in town for?” 
“We’re supposed to leave sometime tomorrow, we’re gonna stop off in Vegas. Why?” 
“I was gonna see if you wanted to stop by the house. I’ve still got, actually quite a lot of your stuff. Like keepsakes and stuff your Mom tried to get rid of. If you wanted to swing by on your way out and pick through it.”
You nod. “Yeah, I should be able to fit that in.” You reach a hand out, nudging his shoulder. “Hey, how was Bob and Sophia’s wedding?” 
“The kind of classy country you can only imagine. It was so them.”
“Did you cry?” You tease and he ducks his head. 
“Maybe shed a tear or two.” 
“Hey, how’s your Mom?” You ask softly.
You remember all too well Javy getting that phone call. 
Four days before you were meant to defend your Masters thesis, Javy had gotten a call from his Mom, telling him that she had been diagnosed with DCIS — breast cancer. 
It had been non-invasive, thankfully, and after a quickly scheduled surgery, Lydia had expected to have a full recovery. 
Still — it had been a terrifying few weeks for Javy and you’d written out and deleted a hundred text messages to him on each anniversary of the diagnosis. 
“She’s good.” He says softly. “Still no signs of a return. Thanks for asking.” 
You nod. “I think about her a lot. And you, you know. How you all are doing. If she’s healthy, if you’re safe.” 
His eyes shine with a feeling you can’t quite name, but can describe only as a response to hearing words he never thought he’d hear but mean more to him then he’ll ever admit. 
“I think about you too. If you’re happy, if you’re happier than you were with me. If you found what it was you had been searching for.” He shakes his head, clearing your throat. “Grieving someone who was still alive-“ He lets out a low whistle. 
“I’m sorry.” You whisper. You know he hears you but he doesn’t say anything, letting the two of you exist in silence as baby Jameson babbles nonsensically.
“I can’t help but ask — you dating anyone?” 
The questions feels so stilted as you swallow. You knew he was trying to play at some cool nonchalance but he missed by a mile; it was obvious your answer meant a great deal to him. “I am.” He raises his eyebrows, clearly waiting for more information. “I have a girlfriend.” 
“What’s this girlfriend’s name?” 
You shake your head. “Don’t think it’s appropriate to bring her into this.” 
He sighs, letting his weight rest against the kitchen island. “I guess that’s fair. You were always more mature than me about stuff.”
The two of you sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes, the hollers of his friends from the back patio coming closer. You have a hundred questions for him and he probably has a thousand more for you but you both know you can’t ask them in this moment. His team must have come up off the beach and would probably be headed inside soon. His eyes flicker towards the back door, probably making the same assumptions as you. 
“Hey, do- do you think we could talk sometime tonight?” Your eyes flicker over to him, seeing the pain in them so clear. It feels unnatural to not reach out and smooth out the lines in between his eyebrows. “Now’s not the time but I- uh-“ He cuts himself off, shaking his head. 
You nod. “Yeah, we can. Just- later, okay?” 
You owed him closure. After the way you’d left, with the way you’d burned him, you owed him that at the very least.
Kate would understand. 
The backdoor slides open, the pilots shuffling in. Behind them, you can see the Wranglers, save for Kate and Tyler, take hesitant seats on the couches. It looks like Dexter’s still outside.
“Holy shit!” Omaha yells, sliding his sunglasses up. The pilots turn, a bunch of oohs being tossed up. 
“Does anybody else get the weird feeling we walked into some weird alternate timeline where her and Coyote got married and had kids?” Payback asks and Javy lets out a low groan. 
“Aliens.” Fanboy breathes out and his pilot tosses him a strange look. 
“It’s like seeing a ghost.” Natasha comments. 
“Yeah, a really bitchy ghost.” Omaha adds and you turn sharply, plopping the toddler into his uncle’s arms. 
“Would you look at that, some things really do never change. I still really hate your friends.” 
“Can I have a hug?” Jake blurts out, silencing his friends. 
You raise an eyebrow as you give him a once-over. “Um, I guess. If you put a shirt on first.”
Mickey hits his pilot as Jake disappears around the corner. “My alien theory isn’t so weird now, is it?” 
Payback winces, rubbing his stomach where Mickey had smacked him. “Nice to see you too Mickey.” You say, rounding the kitchen island. 
The boy gives you a nervous smile. It’s an odd look on the boy who’d always greeted you with a wide grin, home-cooked food, and a picture of his new Lego set. It’s an odd look for the kid who’d probably been your favorite of Javy’s friends, and definitely the closest to you, so long as no one said that in front of Bradley. (Bradley Bradshaw had taken it upon himself to name his role in your life as unintentional big brother). “Hey.” 
Jake reappears, having tugged one of Bradley’s old Top Gun shirts over his head. “Hi.” He says softly, stopping in front of you. “Can I have a hug now?” 
You sigh. “Fine, I guess.” 
You’re not sure what you’re expecting from Jake (a hug certainly wasn’t on the table) but his hug is tight, borderline painful as you hesitantly and awkwardly wrap your arms around his much larger and taller frame. You step back as someone clears their throat. Jake lets you go willingly as Boone reaches out for your wrist, tugging you to sit down in between him and Dani. 
Jake turns, facing the person who’s just walked into the house. 
“Knock knock.” She says and your head turns, catching sight of Lainey’s blond hair. Javi reaches around Boone, nudging your back, reminding you to breathe as Jake’s face lights up. “Wait, there’s two of you?” 
“Lainey! Didn’t think you’d make it! Yeah, uh, this is my twin brother Tyler. We, uh don’t talk much.” 
“Oh, we know.” You say under your breath, only loud enough for your friends to hear, and Boone spits out a laugh, Javi having to cough into his fist to cover up his own laughter. 
Tyler snaps, eyes narrowing, turning to you. “I thought you’d agreed to being on your best behavior.” 
“I didn’t say anything!” You defend, which elicits a loud laugh from Dani as Lilly throws out a “Stop being so hard on her T!” 
Tyler huffs, his hands fall to his waist and you have to bite back a giggle that eventually falls out anyways when you see Kate doing the same thing.
“You’re such a Dad, T.” You say through a laugh, shaking your head which elicits laughter from the whole group. 
Lainey turns as you talk, face softening. “I didn’t think any of us would ever see you again. Where you’ve been?” 
“Oklahoma!” Javy shouts from across the kitchen. It sends his friends into an uproar, reeling from the fact. 
“See, my aliens theory is looking more and more true!” 
Kate doesn’t want to admit that her stomach drops at the sight of your ex quietly slipping out the door after you but she knows it’s warranted given the way all his friends notice. 
“What’re the odds she gives Javy another chance?” Jake’s fiancé asks Jake. Jake lets out some discontented noise from the back of his throat before pushing himself off his seat on the floor and meandering into the kitchen. 
“I will put money on her coming back. I’m so Team Javy, you know this.” One of the other pilots (Fanboy, her brain recalls). 
“I’m team her staying in Oklahoma with her girlfriend. She’s earned that quiet life.” One of the girlfriends (Kaycee, she’s dating Phoenix, you’d run through all the possible attendees with her and Tyler in the car this morning in the quiet calm, dawn barely peaking over the horizon) pipes up with. 
“Of course you’re on her side.” One of the others says. “You always liked her more than the rest of us.” 
Kaycee’s eyes slide up to the man. “Well yeah, Payback, I was the one consoling at her at every group event when Hangman came down on her and made her feel unwanted. So of fucking course I don’t want her to get back together with the guy
whose friends made her feel like shit.” 
“You take that too seriously, K. We were obviously just fooling around, not our fault she’s too sensitive.” 
The girl’s eyes narrow at the man. “Omaha, so help me-“ 
“She’s not your piece of meat to fight over!” Dani finally bursts. The in-fighting stops abruptly as the attention turns to them. “I’m just saying- if she’s happy, can’t you just leave her be? She’s a person, not some object for y’all to fight about.” 
The group all but forgets Dani even said anything when the one with the glasses turns back to Bradley. “You really think she’ll take Javy back?”
“A hundred percent. You remember how she used to look at him. And he was ass over teacups for her. Remember that year she bought him the Saints jersey with his last name on the back and he near lost his mind the first time she stole it to wear?” 
“Dude, he wasn’t half as bad dating as he was before. Remember the first time he brought her to the Hard Deck and he insisted he buy every drink for her?” Mickey chimes in. 
“I remember when they came to the house for the first time to watch a movie and Mickey kept teasing her about not doing anything on the couch, I thought Coyote was gonna drown Mick in the pool. He was so desperate to impress her and yelled at us for potentially making it so she never talked to him again.” Bob adds through a laugh. “Which she totally did, she fucking loved him from the first time they matched. Remember how his hands used to start sweating cause he got so nervous around her?” 
She glances at Javi and Boone next to her, glad to see her own unease is mirrored on their faces. Lilly’s reminder from earlier resurfaces in her mind as she plays with tab on her soda can. 
She loves you Kate. She wouldn’t go anywhere in the world you ain’t. 
“Coyote’s always had a way with words around her. He’ll say the right thing, tell her he’ll miss her, and she’ll come back just like she was always meant to.” Phoenix comments and she swallows, looking down at her jeans. 
Javi and Boone both stand up next to her, a whispered conversation happening she doesn’t care to try and hear as their exit goes unnoticed. The discomfort and unease in her stomach grows, feeling her whole world tilt at the thought that someone may say something to make you realize you’d been wrong to come to Oklahoma, wrong to love her, and that you’d go back to the place you had belonged this whole time. 
She catches Tyler’s eye, a stormy look growing on his face. 
I don’t like this, it says. 
She didn’t either. 
“See, I’d ask if you’re just taking a breather, but I know you, so you’re definitely hiding.”
Your eyes shoot up at Javy as he gently shuts the front door to the house, moving to sit down on the porch swing across from where you’re resting your weight on the porch railing. 
“Yeah, well, when they start eating my food straight from my hands I think I have to bow out.” 
He grins at the memory. 
Just half an hour ago, you’d been trying to shove Boone off of you as he attempted to take a bite of your burger, crowded up into Lilly and Dani’s space more than they probably ever wanted you to be. Javi had leaned over, taking a huge bite of burger as it had been sitting in your hand farthest away from Boone’s reach and you’d frozen in shock when you’d seen what he’d done out of your periphery. 
Dexter had tried to save face, over the sound of Dani yelling about how foul the move was, by saying that usually the lot of you were much more civilized but Tyler and Kate had immediately refuted it with a unified no, we ain’t. It had been all the encouragement you needed to plop what was left of the burger in Javi’s hand and to disappear outside.
“They seem to really like you. That one, Boone, was telling me we weren’t allowed to have you back. You’re theirs now.” 
You sigh, crossing your arms. “They’re- they’re really good to me. They’re family.” 
“I’ll admit that’s kind of hard to hear. Rooster and Fanboy kinda seem to be under the impression that you still might come back. Mav too. If I play my cards right.” 
You let out another sigh, looking away from him. “Javy, don’t even go there. Please don’t start that with me, cause you aren’t gonna like what I have to say.”
He shifts, bending to lean on his knees as he does his best to catch your eye. “What can I say to fix this? What can I say to convince you to come home?” 
“Oklahoma is my home!” You insist, feeling frustration begin to tighten in your chest. 
“No the hell it isn’t. How many times did you say your heart belonged here? How many times did you say you were meant for city living by the beach? And now you’re telling me that you live on a farm in the middle of buttfuck nowhere Oklahoma and you just what, love your life? I don’t believe that. Not for a minute.”
A whimper of frustration slips out as your hands come down to scrub your face. “Javy.” You say shakily. “I am happy to have any kind of closure conversation you need to have to find peace and move on. But if this is going to be about you trying to convince me to come back to a life I don’t want anymore, then I will go back inside.” You say, mustering up a calm tone you don’t feel and he reels back as if you’ve hit him. 
“I just don’t understand.” He says softly and your shoulders deflate. “I love you. You were my whole world, I wanted everything with you. I don’t understand. Help me understand.” 
His voice cracks and the lump in your throat from earlier reappears. “I was- I was unhappy for a really long time Javy.” 
He immediately shakes his head, cutting you off. “No, no that’s bullshit. I know that’s bullshit. C’mon, was there someone else?” 
“Are you insinuating I fucking cheated on you?” You near shout, straightening up. 
“Well!” He matches the raise in voice, standing up from the porch swing. 
“That’s bullshit.” You say. “If I recall, I was 25, working a dead end barista job because the masters degree I went into thousands of dollars of debt for proved to be useless with a boyfriend who let his friends walk all over me! I didn’t just wake up that day and decide I was miserable Javy! It was a slow build, a build you contributed to!” 
The front door opens and shuts and you spare a glance to see Boone and Javi lingering by the front door. 
Later, they’ll confess to you that the only reason they’d ventured outside to interrupt the conversation is because the pilots inside had gotten so smug in their surety that Javy would convince you to leave Oklahoma to be with him, they’d started to worry about you being alone on the porch. 
Javi had hastily assured you that they didn’t think you couldn’t handle yourself, but he was afraid he’d hit all your guilty spots, Boone sure he’d say all the things you’d wanted to hear back then, and you’d leave the Wranglers without so much as backwards glance. They’d wanted you to know they had your back. 
They’ll admit it was selfish of them and Dani will tell them they’re stupid for not remembering how much you love your life here, and you’ll tell them that you’re not angry, that their intentions had been good. 
All their presence does now in this moment though is piss your ex-boyfriend off as he throws his hands up. “Can’t even have one conversation without your little fucking guard dogs, huh? Little side pieces behind your girlfriend’s back?” 
“Stop it.” You say sternly. “Stop going there. You know I was never unfaithful to you, you know that I never would’ve done that.” 
“I don’t know if I ever knew you at all. Not really. So yeah, who’s to say if you aren’t a cheater if you were quietly miserable enough to dump me and run halfway across the country.”
You groan, rubbing your temples. “God, you’re not listening to me. You didn’t listen to me then, you don’t listen to me now.” 
“All I ever did was fucking listen to you! You never shut up!” 
Boone lets out a “Hey man!” alongside Javi’s “Whoa there.”
“Don’t talk to her like that man.” Boone says. “Have some respect, that there’s a lady and she was a lady you cared a lot about, so be nice.” Boone drawls. 
Your ex fixes him with a glare that would’ve made a weaker man whimper, but Boone isn’t one to back down. He drives into tornados and shoots rockets at them for fuck’s sake. 
Unintentionally or not, Boone’s intervention gives you the pause you need to take a deep breath and collect yourself. “Javy.” You start, softer this time. His eyes snap over to yours. “I understand the anger and frustration and the confusion. I know that I left rather suddenly and I never gave you any explanation as to why. But you have to know, we were fighting all the time and I was so unhappy, not just in my relationship with you, but in my job and myself. And after Texas, I snapped. It was a catalyst event that permanently altered the course of my life.” 
His eyebrows furrow in confusion. “The fuck does Texas have to do with anything?” 
You sigh. “You keep saying that you still love me, yeah? The problem with that Javy is that you’re in love with a version of me that doesn’t exist anymore. That girl that you loved died in Texas and she’s never coming back.” 
“I still don’t understand.” You sigh, licking your lips as you glance at your friends. Javy’s voice is rising again but you know that you’ll never be able to get him to understand the truth without blowing up Jake’s spot. And truthfully, maybe it’s long past due. “We were in love, we were happy, you were my best friend. We go to Texas for Bob’s bachelor party and three days later, you’re dumping me to go hop on a plane to Oklahoma to never be seen again. That doesn’t make any fucking sense! What the hell does Texas have to do with anything?!” 
You move faster than you let your brain think about it, sliding through your friends as you push open the front door, striding through the foyer. You catch Bradley’s eye as you do so and he straightens. “Where the fuck is Jake?” 
Jake comes into view as he shuts the fridge, turning to face you. “What?” He asks tiredly, but judging by the look on his face, you think he already knows. 
“I want you to be honest.” You say, every bit of the calm you’d tried to collect slipping through your grasp as you inch closer to Dani and Lilly. “Tell them the truth about what happened in Texas.” 
“Are we really doing this?” He asks, plopping down on one of the bar stools by the kitchen island. 
“You owe me, Seresin. After everything you put me through, you owe me.” 
Jake sighs, scrubbing a hand down his face as Javy’s head swings wildly between the two of you. 
Just when you’re about to turn and accept the villain narrative these men had decided for you, Jake sighs again. “I asked her to lie about the rodeo.” He says quietly. “We never made it to shelter.” 
“So? A little wind, a little rain, that’s your excuse for going off the deep end?” Javy snaps but Jake isn’t finished. 
“We watched Steven die.” 
The silence that follows is one you never want to experience again as the whole room tunnels in on Jake. Lilly stands up, Dani not far behind her, nudging you towards the door and silently talking over your head to your friends but you feel rooted to your spot. 
“What?” Lainey asks first, pushing her self up as she takes shaky breaths. “You- you saw him die? And you never told me?” 
“Why didn’t you ever tell me that Jake?” Bradley asks quietly, a quiet concern and cool anger laced into the words. 
“I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking. I don’t know if I was trying to protect her or me but I did it anyways. It’s why I gave her Tyler’s number.” He says, finally raising his eyes to meet the room. “I’m the one who gave her Tyler’s info. When she dumped Coyote that day, I knew she was a serious flight risk in more ways than one and I- I knew if I could get her to Tyler, he’d take care of her. I knew she’d be safe with Ty. And I mean obviously he did.” He says, waving a hand at his brother and Kate. “I owed it to her after all this times I said those things about y’alls sex life, all those times I made fun of her behind your back. I mean, everything I said about her age or about how you guys wouldn’t work long-term so you guys would break up-“ Jake cuts himself off, sniffing. “I was awful to her under the guise of trying to be a good friend but I was a rotten friend and a rotten person and I’m sorry.” 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” 
You expect it to be Javy but it’s Tyler and you think you can see his hand shake as he pulls himself off of the couch. 
“Genuinely, you haven’t changed a day. You’re still that same piece of shit you were then, when you couldn’t bother showing up to our grandparents funeral, the people who raised us, because of some stupid little trophy. You’re out here a decade later making a poor girl in her twenties who was simply trying to exist with the guy she loved feel like her life isn’t worth living anymore, that she doesn’t offer anything of value to this world.” 
“But, I mean- it worked out right? she’s been with you guys and she’s happier than she’s ever been in her whole life.” 
“Oh, sure no, it worked out.” Javi intervenes. “If you discount the irreversible trauma and her inherent belief that she would always, eventually, force the people around her to see her as a burden, then yeah, it totally worked out.”
“Which we’re still working on undoing, by the way. Thanks for that. ” Dani comments dryly. 
“Okay, hey, hold on- that’s not all on Jake.” You interrupt and Bradley’s head swings towards you. 
“Are you seriously fucking defending him right now?” 
“I’m defending him because that’s wrong! What Jake did didn’t do anything other than reinforce an idea I have held about myself my whole life, Bradshaw! But you don’t get that, just like you never got it back then! You had two parents who loved you unconditionally and friends and all the support in the world! I’ve never had that! I grew up with a piece of shit family, I grew up with awful friends and an even worse ex-boyfriend, and you people refused to ever understand the life I came from! Don’t pin that all on Jake!” 
Lilly tugs on your arm, telling you to breathe and it’s the first time you realize you’re even crying. 
In a flash, you dig the keys for one of the cars out from Lilly’s pocket, turning on your heel. Your friends call out after you but you don’t listen to them as you wipe tears from your eyes, vision blurry as you make your way towards the car. 
And then someone’s there, wrestling the keys from your grasp. 
It’s Javi.
“I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” He says softly. “I just- don’t want you driving right now.” 
You nod, climbing into the car passenger seat. Once you’re in, Javi reaches over the console to give you a hug. It’s at an awkward angle and you can’t stop crying, but it’s warm and safe and all you need in that moment. 
“You’re gonna be okay, California. We got you.” 
“Where did you guys go?” 
Boone asks from his spot on the couch. He’s leaned up against Lilly, feet on Dani’s lap as Dexter putters around the kitchenette in your two bedroom suite Jake had paid for. 
“The beach.” Javi says, setting the keys on the entryway table. 
“Where’s Ty and Kate?” You ask.
It goes eerily quiet. “Um, they had to run an errand.” Boone says after a long minute. 
“I’m too tired to even unpack that.” You say, running a hand down your face. “I’m going to go shower.” 
You slip inside to the bedroom you and Kate had been sharing with Dani and Lilly, walking into the bathroom. After shedding your clothes, you step into the hot water. It soothing against your skin as you bite back a yawn. 
You’d told Javi to pick a beach, any beach, and the two of you had found a picnic table over looking the shore as you looked out at the moonlit waves. 
It had been a quiet, grounding peace that had settled over you as you had reviewed the events of the night. Javi’s quiet voice mixed with the crashing of the waves, soothing you as he talked about Miami, and the Tornado Tamers, and the military, and a hundred different things.
Now though, in the lull of noise, save for the quiet murmurs of your friends through the wall, guilt prickles at you underneath your skin, heavy and all consuming. 
It’s second nature, autopilot, climbing out of the shower and tugging on Kate’s sweatshirt, blindly pulling out a pair of sleep shorts from one of your bags. The bed that had once looked so appealing no longer looks comfortable as you have to work considerably to swallow around the rapidly growing lump in your throat. 
You open the door right as Kate and Tyler return to the hotel room. Tyler gives you a grin as he waves a bag in the air. “Look where we trekked to. Surprise.”
Normally, you would’ve grinned and laughed and said I’d pay good money to see the Midwesterners in an In-N-Out but now all you can do is shrink into Kate’s sweatshirt as you get the overwhelming feeling that you don’t deserve this. 
You don’t deserve Kate, you don’t deserve this team. Not this job you loved so much, not this life you’d carved out for yourself. 
Kate’s face falls as she closes the distance between the two of you. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m so tired of feeling guilty.” You gasp out, a sob you hadn’t expected coming out. It leaves you scrambling for breath, coming in ragged pants. “I’m tired of feeling guilty for being happy, for having this job, for tricking all of you into thinking that I’m- that I’m worth something. I’m so tired of- of feeling guilty for leaving him and- and I’m tired of feeling guilty for living.”
Kate’s hug is tight, almost as if she lets go, you’ll slip right through her fingers. “Sweetheart.” She whispers into your shoulder as you hesitate to wrap your arms around her. 
“I don’t feel like I deserve it. I don’t feel like I deserve any of it. I didn’t feel like I deserved it then and I don’t feel like I deserve it now.” 
Kate lets you go, a soft look coming over her face as her hands find your face. You feel like you look worse than you ever have, tears sliding down your face, choking on your own words and sobs and snot. 
“Baby…” She says, so soft and tender, in that way that’s all Kate and usually makes you blush, makes you feel more seen then you ever have in your entire life. “You’ve had one hell of a go at life, I’ll admit you got a rough set of cards. But you- you went through something traumatic and you made the only decisions you could at the time. Those people- they’re angry at you because they feel bad for their friend cause he got hurt. And maybe we’re all a villain in someone else’s life but you shouldn’t feel guilty for doing what you need to do for you.” She takes a deep breath. “You didn’t deserve to die for him any more than I deserved to die for my friends. And for the first time, I really mean that. We don’t deserve to suffer or feel pain for the rest of our lives because of it, you know? It’s okay for us to continue to live and laugh and love — our mistakes, they don’t define us. We don’t have to live there.” Kate’s eyes are pleading, begging you to hear her and understand her; to believe her. 
You nod as she swipes a thumb to wipe away a tear. 
“You would never blame me for what my happened to my friends. You’d never say I should suffer in pain or in a life of exile because of it. You’d tell me for what it is — that it was a freak accident and it was out of your control. You can’t spend the rest of your life in those haunted what ifs and I know you’d never want that for me either.”
“Yeah.” Your voice is gravely, raw, but you can’t even focus on it as Boone’s lanky arms wrap around your frame. “Yeah, I hear you.” 
“Sides, even if it were your fault-“ 
“Boone!” Lilly chides, even as she wraps her own arms around you. 
“I ain’t saying it is! You people, you always assume the worst outta me-“ 
“Get to the point!” Javi’s exhausted voice comes from the kitchen. You snort, leaning your head into Boone’s shoulder. 
“Get on with it, Booney.” You whisper. 
“‘M just saying, even if it were your fault, it don’t change that your part of our family now. Always gonna be, no matter where them wind or tornados take us. Or what some stupid Navy guy says about you for that matter.” 
Boone squeezes you before he steps back. Lilly lets you go, albeit hesitantly and you wipe your nose on the sleeve of Kate’s sweatshirt. Javi’s hand finds your back, wrapping you into a tight hug as you turn.  
“You gotta start letting yourself believe you’re worthy of good things.” He mumbles into your sweatshirt. “Trust me, I- I get it okay. It was just as rough for me when I left StormPar, but Boone’s right. We’re a family.” 
You nod into Javi’s shoulder, squeezing the man before letting him go. You wipe your eyes, taking a breath. “Okay, okay, I think I’m good. Just been a hell of a night.” 
Javi nods and the room breaks into quiet chatter as the bags of food get passed around, burgers getting split up among the group. 
Tyler grabs your arm as you pad over to sit on the couch next to Kate. His hug is tight, the smell of cedar and campfire lingering on his flannel a far cry from the smell of jet fuel and whiskey that followed his brother. 
“You saved my life T.” You say quietly, even though no one would be able to hear you through the conversation at the couch. “The Wranglers saved my life. I hope you know that.” 
He squeezes you. “Nah, kid. We just loved you enough for you to see why you should stay. The saving part was all you.” 
“I need to go run an errand.” The table looks up at you, pausing around mid-conversation, breakfast plates forgotten. “So you guys can head out on the road ahead of us.” 
“What’re you up to?” Boone asks.
You shake your head. “There’s just something I gotta do before we head out.” 
“Some unfinished business?” Javi asks. 
“Something like that.”
The weather is unusually dreary, rain drizzling down on and off as you make the drive over the Coronado bridge. You park in front of the boys house, turning the key in the ignition as you turn to face Tyler and Javi in the backseat. 
“I’m not sure how long this is gonna take, but I’ll be back.” 
“Man, what am I supposed to do to entertain myself?” Javi moans and Kate turns, giving him a sharp glare. 
Late last night, after everyone had fallen asleep, you’d admitted to Kate that you didn’t think you could leave things with him like that, that you couldn’t live with yourself if you never gave him the closure he so desperately needed. 
Kate had told you, voice muffled, that she understood. That she’d stand by you in whatever conversation you wanted to have with him. 
“Go take a walk for all I care. It’s a nice neighborhood.” You say, before wrenching the car door opening, cutting off Javi’s bemoaned But it’s raining! as you slam it harder behind you than you normally ever would’ve allowed it to. 
You wince, already hearing Tyler scold you in your head as you stride up the expansive driveway, saying a silent thank you that Javy’s beat-up truck is sitting in the driveway. 
You force yourself to take a deep breath as you knock on the door. The blue paint is peeling more than ever you note, before it swings open, revealing Mickey. He’s donned in basketball shorts and a muscle tee and must’ve just come back from a run, based on the sweat and rain accumulated on him.
He almost doesn’t seem surprised to see you. 
“Hey.” He says, leaning against the door. 
“Hey.” You respond. “Is Javy here?” 
He nods, opening the door enough to let you inside and the oak shuts firmly behind you as you follow him through the familiar foyer to the couches in the living room. 
“You guys are not much for redecorating.” 
Mickey groans. “Kid, the fact that we’ve gotten anything on the walls as long as we lived in this place is a miracle in and of itself, you know that.” 
Despite the situation, you snort, recalling when the boys had enlisted you to build Mickey’s desk one time two years into them living here. “Oh, I remember.” 
“Coyote!” Mickey shouts up the stairs as you arrive next to the couch, nudging Jake. He gives you a soft smile, pushing himself up to give you a quick hug. 
“I’m really sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to ruin it.” 
Jake shakes his head. “‘S my fault. You and I both know there was probably no other outcome than that.”
The fabric of his Texas sweatshirt is soft as he squeezes you, letting you go as you hear footsteps on the stairs. 
You sigh, turning catching sight of your ex turning the corner. His eyes widen slightly at the sight of you and he tugs on the edges of his Saints sweatshirt. 
He’s nervous, you realize. The taste of that truth is bitter and acrid on your tongue. 
“We need to talk.” You say with more stern bravado then you feel and you force yourself to soften as Mickey lets out a low whistle. “And you, uh, said you had some of my stuff.” 
“We have all of your stuff.” Mickey comments into his protein shake. “It’s all in Bob’s old room.” He points with a finger over his shoulder, but you still know the way. 
You head in the direction to Bob’s room, tugging on the sleeve of Javy’s hoodie as you do. 
He follows you, shutting the bedroom door behind him as you scan the room. “When did Bob move out?” You ask as you pull a box out, sifting through the books. 
“Like two or three months after you left. Think he had plans to move out earlier but uh-“ Javi pauses and your eyes flicker up to study him. “I think they were concerned I’d do something stupid to myself if it was too much change at once.” 
You sigh, eyes fluttering shut as you squat and brace yourself against the box. “Javy.” You breathe out. 
“I’m really sorry about how last night went.” He says as he leans up against one of the taller stacks of boxes. “My Mom’s pretty pissed at me for how I handled myself. I’m mad at myself too. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. Drinking or not, you didn’t deserve it. I was just- confused and frustrated and so hopeful it made me scared. I guess I never prepared myself for what it would be like to see you again, even though clearly-“ He says, gesturing to the room. “I always let myself keep that door open.” 
“Why did you keep this shit anyways?” You ask. “You coulda let my Mom toss all this shit out.” 
He shakes his head. “I couldn’t have. I- I always thought maybe you’d come home. That when you did come home, you’d roll your eyes about your Mom and want your stuff back. Fools hope I guess.” 
You let yourself fall to the floor in a cross-crossed position, scrubbing a hand down your face. “Javy, I am so sorry about how I left. You deserved a lot better than that from me, after everything you did for me. But I was scared and I ran and you got caught in that.”
“Every day since then, I’ve wondered what it was about me that wasn’t enough to make you stay. Did I not love you right? Did I do something to hurt you? Did I not stop when I should’ve?” He takes a sharp breath at the thought that he might’ve pushed you too far while being intimate as being your reason for running. “Every night for two years, I’ve laid in bed at night, going over every single detail. But last night, after hearing that it was Jake’s fault, I’ve gone over every what if. What if he had listened to you? What if he hadn’t taken you? What if I hadn’t gotten drunk that night before or- or had convinced you to stay? What if you had stayed home from the trip; what if Sophia had never asked you to be a bridesmaid? What if-“ 
“Javy, stop.” You stay sternly, pushing yourself up off the floor. “You can’t live in those what ifs. They’ll drive you fucking crazy. You can’t keep living in the past. And it ain’t Jake’s fault, much as we would all, himself probably included, like to lay the blame on him. We can’t go back and change it and we can’t live in that history neither. What happened, happened.” 
He lets out a breath. “You’re handling this better than me.” 
“I’ve had two years to process it. I’ve had two years in a new town with a new job and a new partner and new friends to heal from all of it. You haven’t even had two days to grapple with the truth.” You say as you pop the lid on the box. Your eyes scan the room as you let him process the information, trying to catalogue all that he has, what you need and what you don’t. 
“My Niall Horan shirt!” You exclaim, wrestling a box out of the corner of the room. “I’d been wondering what happened to this!” You pop the lid off, subsequently discovering your American Girl doll. “And Julie! I remember that year I went as her for Halloween and brought her over here. She was the highlight of the party for all the drunken idiots.” 
“That was the year of the dolls.” He comments from behind you. 
“Yeah, yeah, cause you guys all went as Ken dolls, except for Mickey, who went as Carlos from Big Time Rush, and I finally had to explain to you who they were after I made that joke, that they were the greatest boy band of our generation, on our second date.” 
“It’s crazy to think about now, how the yahoos could all see how I felt about you and I was still insisting we were just friends.” 
“Oh, enough time has passed. We can admit now that we weren’t just friends. We made out too much, in public no less, for that to be anywhere near platonic.” 
He doesn’t say anything for a minute and you turn, worried you’ve gone too far. His eyes are glassy, a fond smile on his face. 
“I really loved you, you know that?” 
He gives a half-shrug, looking down. “You can say what you want about being unhappy, about needing to leave, but I hope you know that I really loved you. I really cared about you and I really thought some day you’d come home to me. You were my best friend and I wanted to grow old with you. It just- it just feels like it didn’t mean anything to you.” 
A lump grows in your throat as he wipes a few tears away from his cheeks. You look down, unsure if you should admit the truth. 
“Javy, I found the ring.” 
“The night we got back from Texas, I accidentally found it. But it- it freaked me out. I was already walking such a fine line those days, so afraid and so mixed up from what happened, already so unhappy and I knew it was over then and there. Because I found it and pictured you getting down on one knee and tried to think of what I’d say and when I knew I’d say no, I knew I needed to end it.” 
He lets out a choked sob as you work your throat around the ever-growing lump, knowing you have to finish this conversation, as much as it pains you. 
“Javy, of course it meant something to me.” You say, unclenching your hand from where it’s fisted in the dark blue material of the t-shirt. You set the objects down back in the box, taking a few steps towards him. “Javy, I did love you. Really. You were my first real boyfriend, my first serious boyfriend, my first. I thought the world of you and you were my best friend too. Okay, my favorite times were when we would stay up all night laughing or- or all those times we just existed together. But both things can be true — you can have hurt me, I can have been unhappy, and we both can still have loved each other the best we could’ve at the time.” You say, taking another step towards him. “But that’s what I keep trying to tell you. That girl that I was with you, that person you fell in love with, she doesn’t exist anymore. I’m not that version of me anymore.” Javy only looks at you as he cries as you cling to the hope that this time he’ll finally listen.
“Can I have a hug?” He croaks. You nod, reaching out for him and he’s quick to tug you into his embrace, as if you might change your mind waiting a hair of a second longer. 
His hug is tight, and you can feel the way his tears wet your pale yellow Oklahoma crewneck, the same way you know you’re soaking his Saints hoodie. 
It’s weird, because hugging him doesn’t feel like coming home like it used to. 
It’s weird, because it feels like the door on this part of your life is finally shutting behind you. 
You think you’re at peace with it.
“You sure you won’t come back?” His muffled voice sounds. 
“You know I can’t.” He whimpers as you  shake your head. “I’d be coming back to a place that isn’t my home anymore, a life that isn’t mine. Javy, you have to let me go. If not for me, then for yourself.” 
“I don’t know how.” He pleads into your shoulder. 
“It takes time.” You whisper. “But one day it won’t hurt so much. I promise.”
You aren’t sure how long the two of you stand there, but finally he lets you go, stepping back as his back hits the wall, sliding down. You take that as a sign that you can get back to sorting. 
“Hey, you’ve asked me a lot of questions about what’s changed since you been gone. Can I ask you questions about what you’ve been up to?” He asks, voice watery and raw. 
“Seems only fair.” You say, squatting down to rifle through a box full of high school memorabilia. 
“Are you dating Kate?” 
You swallow, glancing at him as you pull out your yearbooks. “Yeah, I am.” 
“I figured.” 
“How’d you figure it out?” 
“She looks at you like how I used to.” He says with a shrug as he stretches his legs out in front of him. Upon seeing your dubious look, he lets out a wet laugh. “She just- she always found a reason to be next to you last night. She always brought you into conversation, looked for you when you weren’t with her, looked for you even when you were with her. It was obvious she cared a great deal about you and I sort of guessed she was who you didn’t want to bring into this.” 
You shake your head. “This isn’t her fight. She’s got my back, I know that, but this didn’t need to involve her if I could help it. It was between me and you.” 
“She seems cool.” He finally comments after a minute. 
“Freaky genius and all the wit to match.” 
“Like you.” Your cheeks warm at the compliment as you untangle the honor cords. “She make you happy?” 
“Honestly?” You say and he nods. “I see my whole life with her in a way I’ve never seen it before. She’s my best friend and my partner. I love her to death and there’s nowhere in this world I wouldn’t follow her.” 
“You guys have any pets?” 
“Two dogs and a cat.” 
“Jesus, is this farm you live on really a zoo?” 
“I think her Mom feels that way sometimes.” You say with a chuckle. “No, the team has Buttons, but he’s really Boone’s if you want to get into it. Ty’s taken on a dog I named Enid by sheer force of will from this dog. And Kate and I adopted a kitten named Peaches about this time two years ago. Ty and I are getting horses in October too.” 
“So… you and Kate living together?” 
You shake your head. “No. Not yet, anyways. Technically, I got a small two bedroom apartment in Tulsa I rent with the other Javi but he’s almost always somewhere in Arkansas with Boone in the off-season and I spend all my time with Kate on her farm when we aren’t out on the road.”
“They seem like really good people.” 
“They’re some of the best. Hey, are you still in touch with Elle?” 
Javy’s eyes widen. “Your friend from grad school? Some, why?” 
“You should ask her on a date.”
“No- No, I couldn’t.” 
You fix him with a look. “Why not? I bet that girl is still enamored with you.” 
“She was your best friend, that would be wrong.” 
You shrug, setting aside a snow globe. “We ain’t together anymore and Elle and I ain’t friends anymore. And trust me, if you and I hadn’t been what we were when Elle came into my life, Elle would’ve a hundred percent gone after you. And I wouldn’t be mad you know. You deserve to move on.” 
“Not with one of your friends.” 
You click your tongue. “I’m just saying…”
Kate’s drumming her fingertips on the edges of the door as the minutes tick by, the gnawing in her stomach resurfacing as the time drags on. Javi huffs for the millionth time, blowing a stray curl away from his face as a blue Bronco passes them, pulling up to park in the driveway. 
Javi leans forward, peering over the center console to study the two men climbing out of the Bronco through the windshield. “Hey Ty, isn’t that your brother’s fiancé?” 
Tyler looks up from his phone, glancing out his window. When he finally responds, his voice is impossibly tight, making her wince. “Kate, where exactly are we right now?” 
Upon her non-answer, Tyler pulls himself from the car, a colorful swear leaving his mouth as Javi follows right behind him. She scrambles out of her door, tugging on the two men’s arms. “Stop it.” She pleads, causing them both to turn. “Look, I don’t like it either but I gotta respect the fact that she wants closure. I’d do anything to have that, you know that.” 
Tyler yanks his arm back, striding across the lawn towards the two men as they let themselves in the house. Bradley’s eyes are wide as he catches sight of Tyler, shouting into the house. 
She groans when Tyler shoulders past Bradley and Pete, Javi still hot on his heels. “I am so sorry about them.” She apologizes to the two men as they shut the front door. 
“Tyler.” Jake growls, yanking on his brother’s arm. “I will sit on your head like I did when we were kids.” 
“I am not gonna let you do this to her again. For two years, my team has been putting that girl back together, putting together pieces of her you broke.” Tyler snaps, poking his finger into Jake’s chest. 
“Yeah? And he’s waited two years for this conversation, to finally get closure. They need this. And if you interrupt it, so help me God.” Jake says as he pushes his brother towards the couch. Jake takes the hint, sitting as Javi hesitantly follows suit. After a few moments of awkward silence, Kate clears her throat, catching Tyler’s eye. She jerks her head to his brother and he shakes his head. She does it again, causing Pete to glance up at her. 
“Are you okay, kid?” 
“Tyler.” She crosses her arms. “You know she doesn’t want you to leave it like this.” 
Jake’s eyes flicker up at her, giving her an eery sense of deja vu. It had been a strange adjustment, seeing a carbon copy of a person they all knew and loved, but yet acted so different. Whereas Tyler was rough around the edges, thick cowboy country accent and swear words that would make milk curdle and friends with everyone, ever the life of the party, Jake had kept a lot to himself the night before. He held himself together, never in anyway that would indicate cracks in his well-maintained image. She saw him let loose a few times with his friends, eager to hear about your and Tyler’s lives, and always polite to the Wranglers but there was a certain detachment from it all that Tyler lacked. 
“Tyler, I am sorry.” Tyler grunts, crossing his arms. Jake sighs before trying again. “For all of it. Genuinely. I know you’re thinking I’m real selfish right about now and I’m thinking it too. I’m sure she didn’t let up to the worst of it and I’m really sorry about all of it. But I didn’t call you for some sick or twisted reason of hurting her. I called you here because you’re my brother and I want you here. I want you to see this life that I’ve built for myself, cause I’m finally happy, and I- I want to share it with you.”
“Oh, you mean the life you were too busy building to come to our grandparents funeral? Some life.” Tyler scoffs. 
Jake’s shoulders fall. “Ty, I’m sorry.” He whispers. “You’re my brother, you were my best friend, and there hasn’t been a day that goes by that I don’t regret stepping up when it mattered. No stupid trophy or promotion was ever worth losing you.”
Tyler swallows, letting out a deep breath but doesn’t say anything further and Jake clearly accepts that that’s all he’s going to get out of him. He turns to Kate. “Is she happy? With you?” 
“Yes.” Javi blurts out. “So happy.” 
She peers down at her friend, who has a rapidly growing sheepish grin on his scarlet face. “The way you say that makes it sound like we aren’t happy.” 
“Just have to make the point.” 
She gives an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.” She turns back to Jake and Bradley. “Yeah, yeah she really is happy.” 
“Does this mean I can go back to watching the Wranglers streams now or am I gonna get yelled at again? Cause now that you think about it, we all kinda gaslit Coyote.” Fanboy calls from across the kitchen. Tyler turns, giving the boy a curious look. 
“Mickey used to watch your guys streams until I started appearing in them.” You comment, appearing next to Kate. She jumps a little, taking you in. Your face has the remnants of tears, voice raw, but there’s a lack of weight in your body she’s been seeing you carry ever since she’s known you. You wrap your arms around one of Kate’s leaning your head on your shoulder after setting a plastic tub on the ground. “They all convinced him,” You say, jerking your head towards your ex. “That he was losing his mind. Also, how come my errands never get to just be my errands? What part of stay in the car until I got back did we not understand?” 
“I tried to stop them, really I did.” Kate protests. You let out a quiet laugh, hiding your face in the back of her shirt. 
“Have T and Jake made up?” You say quietly. She shakes her head and you sigh.  
“No, and we’re leaving.” Tyler says, cutting you off as he pushes himself off the couch. “With the way Boone drives they’re probably halfway to Vegas by now.” 
“That’s physically not possible.” Kate mutters and you snort. 
“Tyler, I don’t want you to leave things like this.” 
“That’s not your choice.” Tyler says gruffly, stalking to the front door. Both you and Kate wince as he slams it. 
“I don’t know where he thinks he’s going, I still have the keys.” You say, finally letting go of Kate. “It’s my car anyways.” You mutter under your breath before sighing. “Anyways, we should really be on the road because Boone’s probably stopped at the alien tourist stop in Bakersfield by now.” 
“If Tyler complains about traffic again, can we take a group vote to leave him on the side of the road?” Javi asks as he cranes his head up at you. 
“We’re not leaving Tyler on the side of the road.” Kate says with a tired sigh. 
“Even if he walks to Vegas?” Javi protests earning a tired laugh from you. 
“Okay Kate, will you drive?” She nods as you hand her the keys, Javi standing up from the couch. “Javi, take that.” You say, pointing to the box. “I’m going to be out in just a minute.”
You wait for the door to shut behind them before turning to Jake. “Okay Jake, you can have your real hug now.” He grins as you pull him into a hug. “Don’t worry about him. It’ll take time.” 
“I’m sure with a couple hours trapped in a car with you, he’ll cave and call.” Jake says softly, forced humor in the words. 
(It would take three weeks, an incessantly annoying three weeks on your part, before Ty got so frustrated with you he’d called Jake while sitting on top of his truck on the ranch in Arkansas. You’re still not sure what they talked about, what was said, but by the end of the week, Tyler walked into the house with a wedding invitation on fancy card stock Tyler teased Jake endlessly for.) 
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, though.” You say, squeezing him. “Let bygones by bygones. I have.” 
He hums. “Take care of yourself.” 
Bradley gives you a brief hug. “I’m glad you’re happy and safe kid. That’s all I would’ve ever wanted for you.” 
“Hope you weren’t too hard on Jake.” 
“No more than the normal amount.” 
“The normal amount is zero.” 
Bradley laughs. “You’re being more fair to him than he deserves, hope you know that.”
“Something something time space therapy.”
You reach your arms out for Pete and he stands up, giving you a grin, as Bradley laughs harder. “Don’t do anything out there that I would do.” 
You laugh. “No promises.” You pad over to Mickey, giving him a tight hug. “If you ever decide you get tired of the pilot life and want to become a storm chaser, you let me know.” Mickey laughs. 
“You’ll have to unblock me first.” You cringe at the reminder and pat his back. 
“Done. You take care of yourself.” He gives you a two finger salute, letting you step back. 
You turn back to Javy, who’s mostly kept to himself through the whole conversation. “Come here you.” He looks surprised you’re offering him another hug, but he returns it nonetheless. “You be safe out there, you hear me.” 
“Yes ma’am.” He whispers. “Don’t get sucked up into a tornado.” 
“I’ll try my hardest. And uh, really do think about my Elle suggestion.”
You both linger for a minute longer before eventually he pulls away. “You sure that’s all you want to take?”
You shrug. “Yeah, I got what I need out there. Sell the rest of the stuff, make a quick buck off of me. It’s the least I can do.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Sounds like a deal. Uh, can I walk you to the door?” You nod and he trails behind you quietly. “So this is uh, really goodbye.” 
“Seems like it.” 
“I’m uh, really happy you found what you’re looking for. I can only hope I’ll find it someday.”
“You will.” You say quietly. “I’m really sorry it didn’t work out between us.” 
“It’s for the better it seems.” 
You nod. “Well-“ You clear your throat. “Goodbye Javy.” 
The door shut behinds you with a soft thud. You sigh, padding across the wet grass as you slip in the seat next to Kate. As she pulls away from the curb, Javi asks how you’re feeling. 
“It’s stupid.” You mumble. “But I keep thinking of this Taylor Swift lyric.” 
“Not this again.” Tyler mutters and through the rear view mirror you can see Javi flick his ear. 
“What is it?” Kate asks softly. 
“It’s just this one line — what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye. It’s just odd, I think. I did really love him at one point and I did really think maybe I’d spend the rest of my life with him, that those would be my best days. And it all just kind of ends here.” You sigh, settling back into your seat. “But- I don’t know. I’m not mad about how it all happened, I guess. It lead me here.” 
Tyler lifts his chin, giving you a soft yet sincere smile through the rearview mirror. “And we’re happy to have you here.” 
“So,” Kate starts from the balcony of your Vegas hotel room. Your friends are fast asleep inside, all piled somewhere on the beds pushed together. You’re pretty sure when you left, Boone had pushed himself in between Tyler and Javi and was snoring. “I’ve been sort of- I kind of have something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” 
You glance at your girlfriend. “Yeah?”
She nods. “Last night, when Javi and Boone left cause of the bad feeling they got- they weren’t the only ones who felt that. It kinda made me sick, hearing them talk about you like that, and thinking about the fact that you might actually do it. That you might remember that you liked your life there better and leave Oklahoma.” She takes a sharp breath. “Leave me.”
“I know I’m not really the best at- at always showing you how much you mean to me, that sometimes I get caught up in chasing the storm, in actually making it all mean something, that I forgot about how great of a thing I have. I’m trying really hard not to take it for granted, because I did once and I can’t- I can’t go through that again. To lose you would be one of the greatest losses of my life.” 
“Kate, I love you. You aren’t gonna lose me, I’m not going anywhere. I only want to be with you, there isn’t any other life for me except for the one right next to you.” 
She reached up, brushing away an eyelash that had fallen onto your cheek. “I think I’m sort of starting to understand that now.” She reaches out for your hand. “Listen, I‘ve sort of- sort of been keeping my eye on some places going up for sale in Sapulpa. I know my Mom doesn’t mind having us around but I think maybe it’s time we give her back her peace and quiet.”
She reaches a hand up, tucking a hair behind your ear. “We can keep the barn as home base but I found this really cute place for not too bad of a price while we were driving out here. I sort of scheduled a tour with the realtor for the day after next.” She’s wearing a soft, cautious smile.
“Kate,” Your breath hitches. “Kate Carter, are you asking me to move in with you? Are you asking me to buy a house with you?”
She gives a sort of nonchalant shrug. “If that’s what you want.” 
“I- Yes, of course that’s what I want!” You exclaim, belatedly realizing you may wake your friends. Well, not Boone at least, who sleeps like the dead. Your voice drops considerably. “Yes, yes I would love that.” 
Kate gives you a grin, reaching out to tug on the elastic band of your pajama pants to bring you closer to her. You laugh, colliding into her. Your hands brace yourself on her shoulders as Kate smiles wider than you think you’ve ever seen her. 
“I love you so much.” She whispers. “How lucky am I.”
“I hope it’s like this forever.” You say softly. “I know, there’s no guarantee and eventually, they’ll find other things. But I hope it’s always this easy, you know? Not just with us but with them too you know? They might not be the Wranglers forever but I hope they’re our family forever.” You say, turning your head to look at your friends through the glass. 
You feel the outline of Kate’s smile on your cheek. “They will be. I promise. No matter where we all go, they’ll still be here. Can’t take the home out of Oklahoma, right?”
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