#here’s a little reminder for the besties:
sequinsmile-x · 2 days
I’d be so so keen to read something about Em coming out as bisexual to Aaron (aware you’ve had an ask for this I just want to stress the interest 🫶🏼)
It’s something I struggle with myself and the validation of being bisexual is something that’s very real. It would be lovely to read something like this as something that seems realistic for Em. The way you write is so beautiful and intricate and I know you’d do a wonderful job.
For anyone else reading this - you are valid whoever you are and whoever you choose to love <3
Happy Fridayyyyy!!!
Hi bestie <3
I've been asked to do this a few times, and as a bi girl myself it is very close to my heart. I wanted to make sure I did it justice so waited until it felt right and now really does feel like the time. It is also coming to the end of Bi Visibility week, so here we are!
This feels oddly personal, almost like I'm putting out some pages of a diary out there for people to read, so I hope this is as cathartic to read for those who wanted it as it was to write.
As always, let me know what you think, I'm nervous about this one because it feels important!
The Past is Never Far
She’d told herself for years that she’d never mention it. It was, after all, not the biggest secret she had kept.
Emily and Aaron walk into an ex of hers when they are out on a date, and it prompts her to tell him something she's not told him before.
Warnings: Coming out (mentions of past bad experiences doing so)
Words: 3.2k
Read over on Ao3, or the below the cut
Emily hums contentedly as she squeezes Aaron’s hand, her eyes catching his as she looks up at him and smiles, “This is nice.” 
He smiles back, relaxed and content and handsome in the fading light as he lifts her hand to kiss her knuckles, “It is,” he replies, kissing her knuckles again before he tucks their joint hands into his coat pocket to protect them from the chill in the air, “We’re near that ice cream place you like, we could get some on the way back to the car?” 
Date night was something they’d established early on in their relationship. They had so little time just the two of them so it was important to them both to have this one night every month where they could have just that. Jack would spend the night at Jessica’s, often pouting that he wanted to come with them too, something Emily and Aaron would salve with love and assurances they’d all have breakfast together the next day, and the two of them would go to one of their favourite restaurants. The nice weather was fading, summer disappearing into Autumn. It was Emily’s favourite time of year. Not because her birthday was coming up, or because Jack and Aaron’s were too, but because of the cool air and the sun on her face. The ever-present reminder in the wind about the beauty of change as the colour of the leaves started to fade to orange and gold. 
Aaron knew she loved this time of year, so he’d been easily convinced to go on a walk with her around the block before they returned to his car and back to their apartment. She’d moved in with him and Jack recently, the apartment that was once just theirs hers now too, and they were looking for a house. A place they could buy and call home, something they both wanted so desperately and had been denied for so long. 
She smiles, leaning in so her shoulder bumps against his, “It’s too cold for ice cream.” 
Aaron chuckles and kisses her temple. He stops them on the street, the hand not linked through hers on her hip as he guides her backwards so they don’t block the sidewalk. He leans in to kiss her, “You’re the one who told me it’s never too cold for ice cream,” he replies, leaning in to kiss her, stamping his lips against hers once more before he removes his hand from her hip and digs through his other pocket, smiling in victory as he pulls out a pair of her gloves, “Plus, I came prepared. Your hands won’t get cold and you can still have Rocky Road - the best of both worlds.” 
She beams at him and cups his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss before she rests her forehead against his, “I love you.” 
“Love you too, sweetheart,” he says, kissing the corner of her mouth before he pulls back and they continue walking down the street, content and happy in each other's company. 
He buys them ice cream once they make it to the store, a double scoop of Rocky Road for her in a cone and one scoop of coffee in a tub for him. He chuckles at her as a drip of ice cream falls onto her gloves and she narrows her eyes at him, making a point of maintaining eye contact as she licks the remnants of it from the ridge of the cone, her smile wide as she watches him swallow thickly. She’s about to say something, to add to the teasing, when she hears a familiar voice behind her, one she hadn’t heard in years. 
“Emily Prentiss?” 
Her eyes go wide as she turns around, uncharacteristically caught out as she clears her throat, scrambling for something to say as she comes face to face with a piece of her past she hadn’t expected to see again, “Cat.” 
Cat chuckles as she steps forward, pulling a still shell-shocked Emily into a hug, “I thought it was you, Em,” she says, squeezing her before she steps back, “It’s been a long time. 15 years maybe?” 
“Closer to 20,” Emily laughs, the shake to it grabbing Aaron’s attention as he watches the interaction between the two women. Emily looks at him and curses herself internally for getting so flustered, “Aaron, this is Catherine Thomas, Cat, we…” she swallows thickly, her lips pressed together to keep the whole truth back, “We go way back,” she smiles as she turns to Cat, sees a spark in her eyes she hadn’t thought about in years, “Cat, this is Aaron. My boyfriend.” 
Cat smiles and holds her hand out for Aaron and he shakes it, “Lovely to meet you, Aaron.” 
“You too,” he replies, looking back and forth between the two women, curious at his girlfriend’s reaction, at the way her shoulders are slightly tight as she watches them interact. 
“Anyway,” Cat says, looking back at Emily, “My wife is just getting some ice cream. I can’t believe you still come here after all these years.” 
Emily nods, “Best ice cream in the city.” 
Cat looks up at Aaron, “Emily introduced me to this place when we first met,” she says, smiling fondly at a memory that was just theirs, “And I bring my wife and kids here now too.” 
Aaron smiles, “My son loves it here too.” 
They all turn at the sound of another woman’s voice to see her standing there with two pre-teens, both of them looking relatively irritated at being forced to spend the evening out with their parents, her expression curious as she looks at her wife. Cat nods and indicates she’ll be over in a minute before she turns back to Emily and Aaron.
“Well,” she says, “I’ve been summoned. It was good to see you, Emily. You seem well,” she hugs her again, something Emily returns, careful not to drip ice cream on her back.
“Nice to see you too, Cat,” she says, smiling as she pulls back, her gaze falling on her family behind them, “Your family is beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” Cat beams before she looks at Aaron, “Nice to meet you, Aaron.”
“Nice to meet you too,” he replies. They watch as Cat walks back to her family, gratefully taking her ice cream from her wife as she makes it to her side, saying something they can’t hear, “She seems nice.” 
“Yeah,” Emily says, feeling out of sorts from the flashback to a past life, something from so long ago it felt like it had happened to someone else. A part of her she kept secret, even from Aaron, “She is.” 
“Shall we go home?” He offers, his gaze on her as she smiles at him, a tenseness to it that she doesn’t hide well as her eyes meet his. She nods, shaking her head to rid herself of the feeling that had settled over her the last few minutes. The strange mix of nostalgia for her past when she was young and unburdened by responsibility and everything to come, and happiness for someone she’d once loved, all whilst she stood next to the person she knew was the love of her life, the man she’d spend the rest of her life with. 
“Yeah,” she says, smiling as she presses her lips together, her focus back on her ice cream as she eats some more, “Let’s go home.” 
She thinks about it for a couple of days.
She’d told herself for years that she’d never mention it, her relationship with Cat and the other women she’d dated over the years, because it wasn’t relevant. Since she’d come back to DC, still on uneven ground after being Lauren Reynolds and being with Ian, she’d only dated men. It wasn’t a purposeful act, not something she’d particularly tried to do, but it had happened. So it meant telling her friends, her new family, seem unimportant. 
It was, after all, not the biggest secret she was keeping from them.
She’d never even told her mother. Sure that, at best, her reaction would be to tell her it was ‘just a phase.’ At worst, she was sure her mother’s rather selective catholicism would make itself known, and she didn’t want to put herself through it. Instead, she kept the few relationships she’d had with women from her, and the one time she’d met Cat she’d introduced her as a friend, something that she hadn’t known at the time would start to unravel their relationship. The first pull at the thread that held them together, Cat’s confidence in her sexuality so much stronger than Emily’s had been at the time. Cat had been out and proud the entire time she’d known her, and, in the long run, their difference in how they approached it would never have worked. 
There were times when Emily had considered telling the team. When she’d make eyes at a woman across a bar when they were all out together, but she’d always chicken out, even with her tongue loosened and her cheeks warmed by tequila. People, mostly ex-boyfriends, had reacted poorly before. Either telling her that bi-sexual wasn’t a real thing, dismissing something she’d always known to be true about herself, or over-sexualising it, a familiar look in their eyes as they saw how her sexuality could benefit them. 
After Paris, she decided she’d simply keep it to herself. Her friend's view of her had been changed anyway, the person they thought she was dead and gone, buried in the grave that had always been empty. She couldn’t bear to do it again, to once again change what they thought they knew about her, even for something like this, so she didn’t. Even when she started dating Aaron, sweet, kind loving, Aaron who had never been anything but supportive and unflinching whenever she told him anything she hesitated.
Ever since they’d walked into Cat, she felt the need to tell him. To uncover this last final part of herself that she’d kept hidden away. He knew everything about Ian. He knew about Rome. It was time he knew about this too. 
Even though she wants to tell him, she feels nervous. A familiar kind of anxiety settles in her chest as she snuggles up on the couch with him one night, determined to not put it off any longer. Jack was in bed, safe and asleep in his room down the hall, and the TV was on, a movie they’d watched countless times before fading into the background as she sinks into her boyfriend’s side. She presses her face against his shoulder, breathing him in, breathing in the last few moments of how things were before she changed them forever. 
“I need to tell you something,” she says, her words partially muffled by his shirt before she pulls back, her brows furrowed as she corrects herself, “Actually, I don’t need to tell you. But I want to.” 
He watches her carefully for a moment before he nods, reaching for the remote to turn off the TV, ensuring she has all of his attention. He turns so he’s facing her, his knee skimming her thigh as she turns too, her focus on the top of the couch. She tugs nervously at a loose thread, a nervous habit he’s grateful distracts her from her cuticles. He thinks of the ring he has tucked away in his sock drawer, of how he pictures her twisting it around her finger when she is nervous or worried. He reaches out for her, frowning when she jumps ever so slightly when his hand lands on her knee. He squeezes gently, smiling even though she doesn’t look up at him.
“You can tell me anything, you know that,��� he assures her, and she nods, her lips pressed together as she continues to pull at the thread on the couch. 
“You…” she swallows thickly, her eyes closed as she trips over the words she’d practised in her head for days, “You remember that woman we bumped into the other day, Cat?” She asks, her eyes darting up to his face as he nods, “She…she wasn’t just a friend. She was my girlfriend. We dated for almost a year when we were both in college,” she blows out a breath, her chest shuddering with it, feeling somehow lighter and heavier at the same time with the admission, “I’m Bisexual.” 
Her words hang in the air around them and she holds her breath, waiting for his reaction, unable to bring herself to look at him, worried about what she’d find. 
“Thank you for telling me,” he says, his words even and calm, his softness so jarring she looks up at him fast enough it cricks her neck, a pain she barely feels as he carries on, “And thank you for trusting me - I know that can’t have been easy.” 
She chokes on a humourless laugh, “Thats…that’s it?” 
He smiles at her, his dimples carved out in his cheeks in a way she loves, and he squeezes her knee, “Did you…want a different reaction?” 
“No,” she replies, shaking her head, choking on something she can’t name - a sound between a sob and a laugh caught in her chest, “No, not at all. I’ve just never had someone react so…well before.” 
He furrows his brow, “What do you mean, sweetheart?” 
She laughs bitterly and shakes her head, wiping away a tear she hadn’t expected until she felt it on her cheek, “I once had an ex-boyfriend ask me if it meant we could have a threesome,” she says, scrunching her nose up at the memory. She looks at Aaron and smiles at the pure horror on his face, his brow furrowing in indignation for a past version of her, “I broke up with him when it became very clear he already had a list of women who’d be ‘up for it’ at the ready.” 
He clenches his jaw, “I’m sorry he reacted like that,” he replies, “You deserved better than that. You deserve better.” 
She presses her lips together and shakes her head lovingly as more tears slip past her lash line, “Well, I have better now,” she says, playing her hand over his on her knee, linking their fingers together, “Do you have any questions?” 
“Have you dated any other women?” He asks softly, curious more than anything, and she nods, running her thumb back and forth over his hand. 
“Yeah, a couple of others but none as serious as my relationship with Cat. And I’ve had a few dates and drunken hook-ups,” she replies, her cheeks burning with embarrassment she knows she shouldn't feel. 
“Have you always known?”
She nods, “Since I was pretty young,” she smiles her lips pressed together at the memory, “Let’s just say, The Dukes of Hazzard was a bit of an awakening. Luke Duke was hot…and so was Daisy Duke.” 
He smiles and squeezes her hand, lifting it to kiss her knuckles, “What made you tell me now?” 
She blows out a slow breath, “After we walked into Cat, I realised I didn’t want to hide it from you anymore. All the reasons I had for doing so suddenly didn’t make any sense.” 
He pulls her into a hug, his arm tight around her as he kisses her cheek, “I’m glad you told me,” he says, smiling as she turns her head to kiss him.
“I’m glad I did too,” she replies, nudging her nose against his, “I…I was so worried it would change how you looked at me.” 
He frowns and pulls back to look at her, shaking his head as he tucks some of her hair behind her ear, “Never,” he assures her, “Nothing ever could. Especially this.” 
She furrows her brow and tilts her head at him, “What do you mean?” 
He sighs as he chooses his words carefully, “You’ve always been bi, sweetheart, right? It’s been part of who you are as long as I’ve known you, and it’s been part of you as long as I’ve loved you,” he smiles as he reaches out to wipe away a tear from her cheek, “So it doesn’t change anything because it’s always been who you are, even if you hadn’t told me.” 
She leans forward, her forehead against his neck as she breathes him in again, the world the same as it had been before she’d told him, but somehow different too. His understanding of her deeper but everything else unchanged. She takes a moment to hold him close, and she plays everything he’d said back in her head. A conversation she’d remember again and again as a reminder of how much he loved her, how well he loved her. Something she thinks that, after everything, she might just deserve. She furrows her brow as she thinks about it, the way he’d said part of all those wonderful things catching in her chest. Aaron was purposeful in everything. Not calculated, but purposeful. He never said anything he didn’t mean, and she narrows her eyes at him as she pulls back. 
“Wait…you said ‘even if I hadn’t told you…” she tilts her head as he clears his throat, avoiding her eye contact, “Oh my god - you knew?” 
He sighs, scratching the back of his head with the hand not tangled up in hers, “Sweetheart-”
She scoffs and lightly hits his chest, her cheeks burning at the thought that she’d got herself so worked up over something he apparently already knew, “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
He smiles at her indignation, catching her hand before she slaps his chest again for laughing at her. He kisses her knuckles and smiles fondly at her, disarming her ability to be annoyed at him so easily she’s annoyed at herself. 
“It wasn’t my place to, Em,” he says, “It’s your story to tell.” 
She knows he’s right and she huffs out a breath, her cheek against his shoulder as she pouts in a way she’d deny if he brought it up, “How the hell did you know?” 
“As someone who has been in love with you for much longer than I care to admit, I paid close attention to your interactions with anyone I thought might be flirting with you,” he smiles as she tilts her head to look at him, “It didn’t take long to realise you have chemistry with literally every person you ever meet.” 
She suppresses a laugh, her lips pressed together as one more wave of anxiety rolls through her, “And you don’t mind?” 
He shakes his head, leaning in to kiss her, his hand on her cheek to hold her in place, “If anything, it just makes me feel even more lucky that out of everyone you could be with you chose to be with me.” 
She sighs but it catches in her chest, love for him filling her lungs so fast she can’t catch her breath, “Oh, no honey,” she says, placing her hand over his on her cheek, shaking her head as he catches a tear the moment it slips free from her lashes, “I’m the lucky one.” 
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brochacho · 5 months
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autisticaradiamegido · 3 months
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day 169
this is it, the dynamic
#day 169#year 5#aradia megido#kanaya maryam#homestuck#arakan#based largely on their first pesterlog#kanaya is so. FUCKING condescending to her and its funny#actually edit: i added the link to the page just read it#kanaya being a lil shit is my favorite for her actually#and aradia being like 0h n0t this shit again#like its just so!!!!!!#funny but also like KIND OF GENUINELY MEAN FOR NO REASON fjdhjdhd#its LITERALLY just kanaya dropping into aradias dms to be like#Hey Bestie Just A Reminder That You Should Feel A Little Bit Guilty About Everything That Happens From Here On Out#Even Though It Is Basically Inevitable#Lucky For You Though I Am Going To Be Very Gracious And Clean Up After Whatever Dumb Shit You Are About To Pull With This Game#like GIRL WHAT IS UR DAMAGE FKDHSKHDGD im obsessed#i mean obviously she has some fucked up feelings internally about participating in a game that ends the world#i wonder if she feels guilty herself for letting aradia and sollux pull half the code from her set of frog ruins#like. maybe shes so guilt trippy about it because she wants to convince herself that all the blame can be put on aradia#and that if she voices her disapproval OF aradias actions then shes like. on record as being Right About The Situation#but ALSO if she is sooo magnanimous and forgiving about it then maybe nobody has to be punished for all of it (not even herself)#idk IDK. i just think its fascinating as a kanaya character moment especially as one of her earliest conversations
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dustteller · 6 months
I think modern au Zhu SHOULD be the lesbian best friend trope to Ouyang except that its because this man is her pet project and gODDDAMIT she's gonna FIX him she's gonna MAKE him be BETTER she's going to SOLVE EVERYTHING and he will RESPECT HER (she is actively making him worse). She has a whole complex about it and everything. She has based a part of her identity on dragging this man up from his toxic funk and is fully convinced that if she tries hard enough he will eventually come to his senses and be an equal participant in this relationship. They have a terrible wonderful toxic loving codependent relationship that's neither a romance nor a friendship nor a rivalry but a secret fourth thing.
Predictably, this does not go well. The character arcs would be Zhu learning she can't fix a sinking ship and letting Ouyang fail by himself, and Ouyang learning to not be a shit person, actually, and coming out of his bubble of self-centeredness and working on himself instead of unloading his emotional labor onto the people around him. And they should both get to develop a healthier relationship with each other than what they had in canon bc queer solidarity is great and its even better when it's in the shape of some weird bullshit some gay people built out of the corpse parts of heteronormative romance (affectionate and completely unironic)
#brought to you by me thinking about the last half of HWDtW and how Zhu interacts with Ouyang post-betrayal#well. interacts with the concept of Ouyang. he kinda (spoilers).#she was unhealthily attached to Ouyang and honestly I think she deserves an universe where her whole deal is reciprocated.#but only AFTER i put them in a fully self sustaining terrarium jar and sic the emotional isopods on them.#that part comes first bc my personal entertainment is CLEARLY the most important thing here guys#the radiant emperor#my thoughts#zhu yuanzhang#OHHH AND ALSO i think Zhu and Ouyang should get to have their weird little gay relationship#while their partners stare in accepting horror.#ma would be supportive bc she knows how important this impressively awful man is to her girlfriend#but rest assured she DOES NOT like him. she will (very politely) bitch about him to Baoxiang and then feel bad about it#she shouldn't feel bad tho bc Ouyang deserves it and Baoxiang repeatedly reminds her of this fact#eventually ouyang grows on her.#kinda like the bowl of mold in the back of the fridge you've developed an emotional attachment to.#he shouldn't be there but now she feels bad about evicting him into the trash!#(she feels significantly less bad about evicting him into Esen's appartment)#Esen has even less of a clue what's happening with Zhu and Ouyang.#he just knows that Zhu is important to Ouyang and also is 90% sure that they fucked at some point.#30% sure that they are still fucking but he grew up around Baoxiang and Ouyang#he has learned Not to Ask! he does Not Want to Know!#and anyways it's none of his bussiness who his bestie/person that he wants to adopt a horse and grow old with/hot roomate is fucking!#its not his problem! he is not invested! he is not going to think about it! there is no reason to think about whos in Ouyang's pants!#he is not thinking about anything involving Ouyang's pants at all! much less about the inside of Ouyang's pants!#and since hes not thinking about it bc theres no reason to think about it then he cant have a problem with it :)#so he wont ask!
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rosedeleca · 2 months
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( @bittersweet-adagio sai lore gave our OC's little bit more trauma, honestly this turned into me rambling and analyzing my oc a little bit)
I had finally worked up the courage to give it to them today. It was supposed to be today.
I had finally convinced myself to stop avoiding them
But I guess it would inappropriate to try now, I don't even know if we're allowed to see him
I should care more, be disgusted even but...
Maybe I'll get the chance when they get back, if they ever bother.
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How little I feel it compared to the others scares me more than the event itself honestly, and even that's barely more than a dull ache.
Why won't you let me hurt, I just want to feel like all the others
(I get super rambly in the tags guys, also got to post this before my writing anxiety chokes me out)
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charlotterenaissance · 3 months
baffling decision for season 2, episode 18 to end with lewis making a legit effort for charlotte, making a picnic of things she likes and hugging her and seeming really happy with her
only for episode 19 to trample all over that with him blowing her off after she mentions that she misses him and hasn't seen him for a while, then apparently forgetting he even has a girlfriend altogether and softly flirting with his ex while the narrative agrees that this is correct because, unlike charlotte, cleo always smiles when she first sees lewis. you know. unlike charlotte. who goes out of her way to try and make lewis happy and smiles literally every time she sees him. there's not even an episode between these!
#@opalsiren bestie this one's for you#like seriously. she even says that she's happy he wants to plan the date because that means he's happy and he verbally says he is#but then the next time we see her she says that she hasn't seen him in a while and he completely blows her off. like. what?#again! i don't even ship them!#i am one hundred percent a clewis shipper and i am very happy they got back together!#my problem is that the narrative has to twist and bend on the back of a character whose only role in this story is to get punched around#and humiliated so that other characters can grow#and lewis isn't even a little conflicted! it's like he knows that charlotte's role in life is just to be a contrived roadblock in his story#to getting back with cleo and therefore can pick and choose when she's an actual person he cares about and when she can just be tossed asid#why even have her in that episode if she didn't add anything but as a reminder that yes don't worry#lewis doesn't care about her when it's inconvenient and in fact here's a shot of her being abandoned and sad bc of it!#seemingly just as another kick in the stomach#you could literally take her out of the episode and lose nothing. bc it's about lewis meeting max and learning about the 50s mermaids as#well as getting closer to cleo. which is fine! they're going to get back together anyway! but why oh why#did we need to humiliate someone whose only crime at this point is being upset that her boyfriend is ignoring and blowing her off??#like. the one who can't stop smiling when she first sees you??? that's charlotte! her whole character is about lewis! and she's his actual#girlfriend at this point and they. last time we saw them together. were doing fine! he MADE HER A PICNIC LIKE SHE DID FOR HIM#gahhhhhh#h2o just add water#charlotte watsford#lewis mccartney#cleo sertori
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
why does everything i get really into always end up being so god damn niche. by the year 2035 i am going to be blogging exclusively about the interpersonal relationships between the pillbugs and snails hiding underneath the bricks lining the flowerbeds in my parent's garden.
#im falling hard into the virvox guys rn sowwy. i like em a lot hee hee. i didnt realize just how small the fanbase for em was tho#actually i didnt realize how small the company that makes them were either. i got so used to the yamahas and cryptons of the vsynth world#that i forgot that like honestly. a lot of the voicebank makers and some of the software makers themselves#theyre like companies of like maybe 5 employees with like no funding LOL not a bad thing but i forgor#but yeah i was looking up to see if there was like. a fanon reason why people shipped takehiro and ryusei? not judging because i get it#i like took one look at the virvox guys and immediately slotted them as a very strange boyband (a catboy and a middle aged dragon man....)#and also took a second look at takehiro and ryusei and assumed they were childhood friends. i saw the doujin flash before my eyes#but also looking into it it seems the fanbase is also like. 20 people. and like 3 of them ship that#and at least one person ships whiteCUL and ryusei? why not LOL when it comes to vsynths sometimes a ship can be spearheaded by like#one very prolific artist HGDJKDFSHDJK which actually reminds me. honestly i dont really have many vsynth ships#i guess i dont really partake in a lot of shipping stuff deeply but i like romance!! you know i like love stories. you know this#i mean i keep calling the eclipsed sounds characters the celestial polycule for a reason tho. im not joking around about this#this is serious to me. they are stars and moons and suns and together they hang out and kiss. in the sky. this is serious to me#also i do like solaria x eleanor forte actually. its a bit random but i understand it. i understand it#and of course the aformentioned takehiro x ryusei. and also the whole virvox polycule. get that old man in here too#(what do they call people like me. a multishipper? i do that a lot. you know this from my otome game fanart LOL)#OH and i dont remember either of their names rn but i like that the cevio bank anju inami voiced has like a big fat crush on like#that girl with the brown hair. i like that theyre like. besties (turning into something more wink wonk)#thinks with all my brain. i think thats it. i dont know why theres so little. i think its because i think of them as like#audio sample libraries first and foremost and i forget about their characters and relationships LOL#but im not against the idea of making some audio sample libraries kiss...... not at all#picks up a guitar sampler and a sound effect cd. presses them together.#hee hee. they kiss
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seedlessmuffins · 1 year
favourite part about british columbia? (that doesn't give away too much about u)
oh bestie i have so many you don’t even know!
vancouver bias aside, i love love love the lake cities of the interior, especially nelson and west kelowna. the kootneay lake and the okanagan are so nostalgic for me, i love it there.
honestly any vancouver beach i love, but sunset beach is my fav of all time! it’s also so crazy to me because it’s a white sand beach with palm trees in downtown van like that’s so silly. speaking of sunset beach, i miss going to granville island, the food there is so good and i love window shopping (i don’t have nearly enough money for anything there). i bought a recycled paper notebook there once and it was so pretty i ran out of pages but i keep it to look at
the ferry to the island is also underrated, especially when it’s sunny and you can see seals and whales? the views from the ferry are only matched by the sea to sky highway, another fav. my fav island is galiano, if you’ve never been it’s a perfect day trip it’s so small but so pretty and there lots of camping spots and farmers markets, and at the ferry terminal there’s a little wood fired pizza shop and a bookstore that i love.
and then honestly any local hike is the best, i love going on hikes with my friends especially in the morning the vibes are unmatched
if i had to pick one place though? garibaldi mountain 🥰
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#i still have to complain about work so sorry besties#so the owners (its a small business a couple owns) live in another state#so they come back here every once in a while and visit all the locations while they're here#since they cant be here in person otherwise#they were supposed to visit my store over the weekend. great for me bc i dont work weekends#they didn't come. manager said they're still in town for 'a few more days'#i dont know what that means! i work today and tomorrow 9-5 but the store is open till 7#are they still gonna be here Wednesday???? so i could miss them??? are they gonna come after 5???#or by 'a few more days' does he mean they're leaving tomorrow so they're coming today???? WHEN????#lets hope they come either after 5 or after tomorrow. omg.#ALSO#my ingredients still aren't here 😐#i finally told the manager. hes not mad at me but like. i barely have anything to do without these things#he called. and someone said smth about when i put them on the order log i didn't add the date#which im 98% sure is not true. there was one little mix up where the dates could've been deleted but idk#apparently its been ordered now..... when its coming...... idk!!!!!#but i loooooovvveeee how they tried to make it my fault i love that#i think the manager isnt mad. he said hed tell the owners it wasn't my fault if they say anything.#but still!!!!!! AAHJHHH#also. he 'reminded' me AGAIN to greet customers#and ive been telling myself id say smth about my anxiety if he brought it up again#but i had already used up so much anxiety and energy talking about the ingredients :(#so i still didn't say anything#i have stuff to keep me occupied today. maybe some of tomorrow#but if my ingredients dont come in tomorrow idk what else to do#i can make some things that haven't been ordered which im not supposed to do#i can clean. but ive cleaned this bakery SO MUCH over the last few weeks i really dont know what else to do lol#im sure someone would say its still dirty#but theres only so much i can do like!!!!!!#im gonna eat lunch now lol everythings fine everythings FINE!!!
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ranger-kellyn · 3 months
Some people really just get so upset about how other people play with the same barbie doll huh
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jkslipppiercing · 5 months
Horny For My Bestie | Jeon JK | Oneshot
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☆ Synopsis: Your best friend, jungkook, is dared to take a Viagra pill at a party. He's horny for his bestie...in this case, you.
☆ Genre: Smut, angst, EXPLICIT CONTENT!!, JK'S POV
☆ Pairing: Bsf!oc, horny!jk.
☆ Warnings: honestly just a loooot of smut, Jungkook is horny out of his damn mind, horny thoughts, angst, dirty talk, oc cries during sex, oral (f receiving), spanking, a lot of kissing (duh), penetrative sex, unsafe sex (be safe out there x), he cums inside her, bitch idk what else just read it and find out 😜 oh yeah dry humping, animalistic fucking, shit like that
☆ WC: 8.5K
a/n: AHHHHHH it's finally here!! this is my longest fic yet so.i hope you enjoy it. im so so so excited everyone support and show love!! i love you all ♡
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Her lips move, but i'm not listening.
She looks at me expectantly, like though she's waiting for a response.
Had she just spoken to me right now?
Because, not to be one of rude mannerisms, I couldn’t give a shit if I wanted to.
My body's on fire. Heat pulses through ny veins and my cock visibly throbs, and her bare thigh peeking out from the slit of her tiny dress isnt helping.
it's a given rule, not to be sexually drawn to your best friend.
I shouldn't see her this way.
I shouldn’t picture her lips sloppily sucking around me just because theyre swollen and inviting. Red and fucking attracting the hell out of my attention.
I shouldn’t picture her under me.
Above me.
On me.
Fucking hell.
Im aware of the sweat trickling down my temple.
Im highly aware of how uncomfortable I’d make her feel if I tried to adjust my seating position.
The raging hard-on would be hard to conceal if I tried to move a sliver of an inch.
Fuck, im horny.
Horny for her.
Thanks to fucking Viagra falls and Kim Fucking Taehyung.
Damn him.
the party music’s bass still rings in my ears, a reminder of how loud and chaotic taehyung’s parties always are. It breaches the peaceful silence one would usually experience sitting in a car half past midnight.
I’d picked my best friend up earlier this evening so we could go there together.
It was a weekly taehyung frat party. The usual.
The dress she chose to wear hugs her curves nicely, her makeup simple, but complimenting her features. High heels adorn her feet and that fucking dress adorns my conscience.
The tiny slit.
Tiny, tiny, little, slit.
She shifts her feet, and the dress hikes up higher.
The viagra I'd been dared to take just a little over half an hour ago had taken effect pretty harshly on my body.
My poor, poor body.
Stray strands of my hair are sticking to my forehead, my cock is growing harder by the second, and my heartbeat is beating faster than I could fucking breathe.
I cant even breathe properly.
And the damn sex appeal goddess sitting across from me in my car’s passenger seat is not making it any easier.
We’ve been sitting in this car for I don’t know how long, after I'd called out for her and asked her to leave, and drove us both to my apartment.
She didn’t look at me long enough then to notice all the distress literally draping over my body and ambushing it like a blanket, so she just obliged by my request, following me away and to my car.
Should I tell her? About the viagra?
Would it be weird?
Of course it’d be weird, you dumbass.
She’d probably be uncomfortable.
Fuck, since when was she so damn irresistible?
Fuck, just make out with me already.
Fuck, wanna fuck?
I’d love to fuck.
“kook.” she moans.
No she does NOT.
She didn’t moan. She just asked. But I’d love to hear her moan. When I ease into her and start fucking her with slow, languid strokes…I'd fucking love to hear that voice moan for me. For my cock.
Is she the loud type? Would she scream? Whimper? Cry?
My cock twitches, hardening by the second. It’s almost painful at this point, the viagra pumping in my veins and throwing my head in a frenzy.
Fuck, I literally want to fuck the shit outta her.
My eyes snap back to her eyes, cheeks growing red when I notice I’ve been staring at her thighs.
Now I look like a perverted asshole.
“sorry,” took me too long to respond.
I try to adjust my position, throwing an arm over my crotch to cover the raging hard-on. Casually.
Almost too casually, apparently, because that catches her attention.
She bats her eyelashes once at me, in what seems to me a mix of perplexity and frustration.
Same. Im also frustrated out of my mind.
But apart from that, im disappointed.
Almost angry, even.
I love y/n. as a fucking friend. Not literally. I mean, at the moment, I’d love to fuck her-
Ive said that too many times, havent i?
Anyway, she’s a friend. A really good friend. A best friend.
I always had a deep care towards her, always felt the need to be there for her just as she was for me.
So that proves the point as to why im damn disappointed in myself.
When I took that viagra pill, I hadn’t expected to be so drawn to her. I never saw myself thinking- more accurately, fantasizing- about her this way.
She’s comfortable. Platonic.
I thought it wasn’t a big deal. Thought I'd get myself a one night stand and satiate the horniness I'd feel when I took the damn pill. Call y/n a cab and go back home with a hooker on my dick.
I almost cringe.
But instead of doing just that? I panicked and looked for her. Searched the crowds for her. Called out for her and asked her to come with me.
I thought it was a good idea to take her to my car. Drive her to my apartment. Where I live alone. At half-passed midnight.
My thoughts were driven by her, seeming to believe that I’d calm down if I set my eyes on her.
I was the biggest dumbass.
Here I fucking am, horny out of my mind, for my best friend of all people.
I want her as a friend. No…need. I need her as my friend.
And lord help me, I'm horny for my bestie.
“was distracted.” I clear my throat, scratching at my nape awkwardly.
“why are you blushing?” there's the slightest hint of amusement in her tone, curiosity clouding her soft irises.
“me? Blushing?” I snort. I don’t blush. What a stupid question to ask.
Instead of verbally replying to me, she shifts her eyes rapidly towards the rear view mirror then flicks them back to me, as if telling me to ‘see for myself’.
I do just that, and all earlier amusement is replaced with embarrassment when I realize that, fuck, I am blushing.
Im fucking blushing.
My cock hurts.
Im sweating.
Discomfort swirls in my mind.
Horniness clouds my vision.
She laughs at me expression, which only deepens my frustration.
Only when I remain stoic, does her laugh die down. She looks to be confused once again, probably because she’s not used to me being so serious.
Usually, we’d laugh it off. We make fun of anything and everything, even sometimes each other.
So for her to burst out laughing and me not to join her?
that’s weird for us.
Honestly, she has a right to be confused.
Never once since I had met y/n had I seen her in the light im seeing her in right now.
My eyes glue to her lips and I can’t seem to tear my gaze away.
I cant help it.
Im not even aware im doing it.
How would they feel? Soft?
Would she kiss slow, soft, and passionate?
Or rough, hard, and hungry?
When I remain silent and tense, she speaks with even more evident amusement.
“if you wanna kiss me, you could just ask…” she trails off into another light laugh.
Okay, she’s trying to lighten up the mood.
Except, my eyes cant help but flutter shut at the image of her lips on my own with her on my lap. Grinding on my lap. Moaning into my mouth. Smiling against my lips.
My cock fucking hurts.
This time, when I pull my eyebrows together and pinch my nose bridge in exasperation, she doesn’t let it slide.
Her brows pull in their own adorable frown as she eyes me weird.
She’s trying to read me, I realize.
She opens her mouth, but I beat her to it.
“don’t say things like that.” Just above a hard whisper. my cock throbs and I have to lean my head against the headrest. I face forward, not wanting to torture my poor dick any longer by looking at her. “not to me, y/n.”
I cant fucking breathe.
My eyes hooded and on the dark, moonlit sidewalk facing the forefront of my apartment, I try to calm my breathing.
Not working.
“relax.” She's growing irritated.
Maybe then she'd leave so I can stop myself from doing something I'd regret.
Except im parked in front of my building in my car.
And it’s way too late for her to go back to her place alone.
I almost scoff at how ridiculous that sounds.
y/n? alone? On the streets? Wearing that?
Fuck no.
I cant relax.
“you went quiet again.” Huh?
I turn my neck to her, head still on the headrest.
She reads the question in my eyes, “you wandered off. Again. You’ve done it multiple times by now.” She mumbles.
Well, I cant just tell her Im horny out of my mind for her.
Instead, I say, “just got something on my mind. A little distracted.”
“but you’re never distracted like this, jungkook.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it means you're giving me excuses.” She speaks louder now, more clearly. “you chew on your bottom lip when you're distracted. Your eyes grow doe and wide, giving you a ‘deer in the headlights’ type of look. You run your hands through your hair too many times, as well.”
Ignoring the flutter in my chest because ‘damn, she noticed all those things about me?’, I stare at her in question. “so?”
“so, you’re not distracted. Something's obviously wrong and you’re not telling me.” She lets a hint of frustration slip through. “you seem angry. Irritated. Your hand's clenching around the wheel so hard, your knuckles are white.”
I loosen my hold, now realizing I am.
“your eyes arent round and thoughtful. Theyre hard and hooded. You havent ran your hands through your hair once- and you even scratched your neck.”
“you’ve been doing that tongue thing with your cheek for the last twenty minutes!”
Throwing her hands around the cramped space of the car in exasperation, her voice raises.
My mouth opens only to close again.
She’s left me speechless, and fuck, I want her even more badly than ever before.
I panic.
It’s between picking her up and taking her up to my bedroom, or finding a way to get her out of here…fast.
“take my keys.” I remove my car key from the ignition, opening her palm and closing it around it. “drive to your apartment.”
She gapes at me.
“I’ll take a taxi to yours and get the car back tomorrow morning. Or you can come pick me up and we'll figure something out. Call if anything happens.”
I grab my jacket from the backseat, discreetly concealing my crotch with it as I hop out of the car.
The cold night's breeze smacks my cheeks harshly, giving me a weird type of relief.
I relish the distraction from my thoughts for as long as possible as I walk to the building without looking back.
If I turn around and find her staring at me, she’ll be sore and begging by tomorrow morning.
Limping to the bathroom to wash my cum off.
I shake my head at my immaturity.
Get a godforsaken grip.
Except when im just about taking the first steps toward the apartment building, I hear my passenger car's door open and close, with the clanking of high heels against asphalt reaching my ears.
y/n halts in front of me when I remain frozen in place, and all I can do is curse under my breath at the absurdity of the situation.
“what you're doing is unfair.” With her head held high, she cranes her neck back to stare at me.
She’s hella irritated.
And frustrated.
Again, bestie, same.
“go home, y/n.” or else I'll do something that we’ll both regret.
“or what?”
Or I’ll ruin our friendship.
But I don’t say that.
“why am I expected to just listen?” her voice hardens with distaste. “you’ve ruined my night.”
“ruined your night?” I can’t help the dry tone that bleeds into the rasp of my voice into the cold night air.
“I met this guy, you know.” She laughs, but it’s humorless. Sad. I use her tone to distract myself, knowing that if I dwelled on what she had just said too much, I was gonna bury that “guy” six feet under by tomorrow. “it was going well. Thought I had a chance with him.” Like hell she did.
A muscle in my jaw ticks.
She averts her gaze to look at the concrete beneath us, only to stare up at me with resignation.
“but then you came. You happened. You grabbed my wrist and told me to come with you. I didn’t ask, and here we are.”
My eyes soften.
“tell me what’s wrong, please.”
Her eyes brim with hope.
Fuck. Me.
“yeah. Let’s go up first. I cant have you freezing under my watch.”
She nods before a rough shiver racks her body, as if she’d just now realized how cold the night air kissing her cheeks really is.
Considering my still rock-hard cock and painful arousal, I can’t put my jacket on her. I cant give it to her, because then she’d see. Im already burning the hell up and am profusely sweating, which im sure she notices.
She’s been eying me with curiosity for a while now, trying to figure out what actually is wrong with me.
I don’t blame her.
Shivers relentlessly rack her body as her hair blows with the wind.
So I sling an arm over her shoulders and rub her arm with my hand, desperate for some sort of friction to warm her up, leading us both into and up the building to my apartment.
Unlocking the door and pushing it open, y/n walks in quietly behind me.
It’s unnerving.
She hasn’t said a thing.
Oh, boy. Here we go.
As soon as I turn around, her lips are moving in the softest rhythm imaginable.
She speaks and those bright pink pillows move, and the horny haze blocking my sight highlights her lips’ movements.
My cock pulses when she bites her lip.
What the fuck.
My eyes remain focused on her lips- and yes, im aware of how uncomfortable that must make her feel- even as she sways with a half-step.
She rubs her palms together, and when she looks up at me with innocent eyes and a sheepish smile?
I want to ruin her.
If she lets me…nothing about this night is going to end up “innocent”.
My eyes darken when I realize what she had just said.
“I noticed your boner, like, twenty minutes ago.”
I open my mouth to speak, but I close it right back when I don’t find anything to say.
Im at a loss for words.
Fuck, her lips are so soft. And swollen. And soft.
So fucking soft.
Focus, asshole.
Her lips tip up in an attempt of making me smile along with her, but all she gets in return is a grumpy scowl.
Not gonna lie, if I wasn’t such a horny prick right now? I wouldve laughed with her.
But now, all I could do is scowl in response.
Which makes her almost-smile fall.
I didn’t scowl at her. I scowled at the boner.
But she doesn’t know that, asshole.
Kill me now.
She clears her throat. “I also…um…” well that’s unlike her. “I saw you take that viagra thing. You know…the thing that made you so horny you’re scowling at me.”
Now that makes me snort. Loudly.
She laughs with me.
I almost forget my aching cock at the sight of her smile.
“so what happens now?”
“let me kiss you.”
We both speak at the same time, and my eyes widen in sync with hers.
Her mouth hangs open, and I look away in embarrassment.
Why the fuck is she eying me like that?!
What did she expect?
I’m horny.
She's here.
Doesn’t need a genius to piece it together.
Or maybe im an idiot who shouldn’t have thought about it that way.
But im also an idiot who took a viagra pill for a dare.
Im so horny I'd fuck a wall, for fuck’s sake!
I rake a hand through my hair in frustration…and something that achingly resembles resignation.
My cock hurts, man.
I’m sick of this shit.
“what?” I bite out.
She continues to gape at me.
My eyes droop low and slowly go over her dress.
My patience simmers on high heat as my anger almost boils over.
It’s either she gets the fuck out of my sight or she puts me out of my misery.
She's a goddess I’d be on my knees to worship in a heartbeat.
I can think of a lot of ways I can worship the effort she put into this goddamn dress.
I’m willing to fucking beg.
I am.
“you want to kiss me?”
Well, no shit, Sherlock. Didn’t she hear me zay exactly that?
“yes, y/n, I want to kiss you.” I snap impatiently.
Maybe if I wasn't in physical pain I wouldn't be such a prick.
When her eyes gloss over and she avoids eye-contact, there’s this prickly feeling that something’s on her mind.
“what is it?” I ask, making sure to soften my tone.
She shakes her head.
Fuck no.
I step closer to her, forgetting about my cock for the sake of communication, and swipe the hair barricading the frame of her face to tuck behind her ear.
Her neck remains craned down in an awkward situation, and im incredibly aware of how clear of an image she has of my boner.
She doesn't make fun of it, though.
She just stares at it, which kind of makes me uncomfortable.
So to get her to stare at my eyes, instead, I hook my index finger under her chin and lift her face up.
Her eyebrows pinch in a confused frown and her lips push forward in an adorable question.
I stroke her chin with my thumb.
What? It just feels right.
“I know you want to ask me something. You always go quiet when you do.”
She tries to avoid my gaze again, but I pinch her chin firmly, keeping her right where I want her to be.
She looks up at me, and fuck.
Those eyes.
“I know im being kind of an asshole.” She hums and I chuckle. “but don’t let that get to your head. Im also your best friend.”
She smiles.
“your very horny best friend.”
She breathes out a soft laugh.
“so, as your best friend, please tell me what is it?” I reason with her. she's always been this stubborn. Wont ever tell me what’s on her mind unless I pry. “Tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”
It’s like I can feel her resolve melt right in front of my eyes.
My pretty little y/n. all she needs is pretty words and empty promises to give in.
The reminder of the guy she met tonight sneaks back into my conscience, along with the tiny slit of the dress she was wearing.
High heels and high ponytails.
Sex, money, feelings.
I cant help but physically weaken at the thought of someone else touching her like this.
Their hand on her chin tilting her face up. The way she simply obliges by the movement and shows no intention of rebellion against it.
Fuck…what if she had refused to come with me tonight?
Would she have fucked him?
Should I even care?
“do you want to fuck me because im the only available option?”
The words are out of her mouth one second, and by the next, my lips are on hers’.
I kiss her with feverish dreams.
I kiss her with a hard cock.
I kiss her with a passion I had no idea of possessing.
Fuck, I kiss her.
I slip my tongue in her mouth with a moan.
I revel in the way her breath stops when I slide it against hers’.
I smile when she bites my lip for a stance of dominance.
Except I know for a fact that if I wanted to, I could have her punished and writhing for my cock in a minute.
I kiss her.
And she kisses me back.
When she scratches against my scalp and pulls at the strands of my hair, arching her back against me, I'm hit with the sudden realization of her earlier question.
She wants me to be attracted to her.
She’s kissing me- devouring my lips, even- pushing and pulling and arching her body against mine because she wants me to want her.
Dare I even say, she wants me to want her as much as she does me.
She wants me.
y/n desperately wants me.
The best friend I’ve known for years has been yearning for my touch, and I’ve been oblivious to it.
Stupid motherfucker.
My cock restrains when I slide my hands over her body, holding everything I can reach, but staying respectful. I inch toward the curve of her ass, but stop.
My hands barely graze the round of her breast, but I don’t go further.
Because I don’t know that she wants me. It’s a deducted conclusion, yet not a fully proven one.
Im giving her a chance to back down.
I rest my hands on her waist, and push her body closer to mine, craning my neck and giving in to the kiss deeper.
She bites my lip again, pulling it with her teeth and my eyes almost roll back at the feeling.
I'm torturing myself.
My cock aches for release and my body calls for her.
Yet, I just cant get enough of her damn lips.
She pulls away- reluctantly- with wide eyes and a crazed expression.
All swollen lips and smudged lipstick.
I almost whimper.
“wait.” She blinks away and I can almost feel her mind drift off.
She disentangles her body from mine and runs her hands through her hair, as if trying to regain a semblance of control over herself.
“hey.” Calling out softly, I reach out for her, for some of her.
I want her so fucking badly.
She doesn’t reply, only taking a step back and shaking her head.
My hand falls.
I push away my horny thoughts for a second.
Is that…regret I see on her face?
“y/n.” I call out again, mind swirling harder and only growing more drowsy by the second.
“you just kissed me.”
“I did.”
What's that supposed to mean?
“because I wanted to?” my confusion is palpable.
“you didn’t answer my earlier question.” She doesn’t look at me.
She doesn’t look at me and my heart near sinks.
What question?
“do you want to fuck me because im the only available option?”
Oh. That.
“what?” is all I can say.
I don’t know what to say.
“you want to fuck me, right?” she doesn’t fucking look at me.
Why wont she look at me?
My shoulders tense and my eyebrows knot.
Would that be such a crime? Us fucking?
Apparently so, to miss y/n.
I thought she wanted me?
Guess I was wrong.
“yes.” I do.
“what the fuck do you mean, y/n?” I cant help the rough edge that bleeds into my tone.
I thought we were getting somewhere.
She let me kiss her.
“why do you want to fuck me?”
“because I want to?”
I take a step closer, and she takes one back.
What the fuck?
“you’ve taken a sex pill, jungkook.” And?
I stay silent.
“that pill makes you horny.”
I hum impatiently, urging her on.
“we’ve been best friends for seven years, and you just now want to fuck me and do things to me?”
A sadistic chuckle rips out of my chest. I feel my heart bleed, but I try to shift the feeling to ice in my veins.
Except white hot lust is literally pumping through my system, and it’s with great effort that im able to contain my impulse.
Oh, and, by the way?
Pretty eyes still won't look at me, and it makes my blood boil.
Fucking boil, I tell you.
Would I pull her close and tell her to voice her insecurities if I didn’t want her?
If I didn’t care for her?
Would I kiss her?
“you’re not answering me, jungkook.”
Her eyes are not on mine and im panicking.
Does she think im using her?
“you wanna know why I want to fuck you?”
At my ice cold tone, she finally looks up.
And when I begin my stride toward her slowly cowering frame, she goes on with taking retreating steps.
“why I want to ruin you?”
Another step closer, met with another step back.
“why I want to hear your scream my name?”
I can see her clench her legs together, and when she bumps against the wall with a shiver, all I can do is laugh bitterly.
The predator and prey trance ceases when I halt in front of her with both hands against the wall on either side of her head.
Im caging her in, and she's shivering underneath my scrutiny.
It does little to satiate the inhumane sadistic urges containing me.
“tell me why.”
My hand slides down, down, down, until I find the curve of her hip and firmly hold my hand there.
“you don’t get to call the shots.” A squeeze at her hip. “not here,” my neck drops until my breath is met with the curve of her ear. I let my voice deepen into a rasp when I come dangerously close to the lobe of her ear. “not now.”
Her breath hitches, and when I step between her legs and pull her body flush against mine, all she's able to do is gasp.
My hand’s on her waist, arching her back as she’s pressed against me. The feeling of my thigh against her heat is driving me farther than insane.
I can feel the slick between her thighs on mine, wetness seeping through her panties and onto my jeans. I’m sure she can feel my rigid outline through my slacks, because she has the audacity to shift her thigh so that it connects with my arousal.
A little harsher contact than usual.
I cant help but hiss.
Everything she does now is ten times more heightened, but im not sure she knows that.
When I move my thigh toward her core in return, she grinds back onto it.
A small whimper graces my ears.
“now who’s being needy?” a humorless chuckle.
But she couldn’t care less as she breathlessly moans in return and starts to ride my thigh.
Turns me on.
I press my thigh even farther up her core as confirmation.
She moans louder this time, the sound like music to my ears.
“still wanna know the answer to your stupid question?” I smirk against her ear with a slight lilt of tease in my voice, knowing if she wasn’t riding high on a wave of pleasure, she would’ve- without a doubt- smacked me or poked my rib playfully.
But the thing is, she can’t.
She closes her eyes, frantically growing more needy with every bump and grind of her pussy against my clothed thigh.
She’s close when she gasps and clutches my bicep for support.
“not so easy.” I take her moment of vulnerability as payback for what she’s had me go through tonight.
Im in physical pain.
And im damn willing to make her suffer.
She audibly whines when I completely pull myself away from her, taking a victorious step back.
I just robbed her of her orgasm.
“what the fuck?” she grows defensive now, coming nose-to-nose with me as she gets all in my face.
My smile’s wolfish.
That only irritates her more, and I honest-to-god expect her to punch me right here and now…
But she doesn’t.
Instead, she lets out a huff- a fucking adorable one- and stalks off.
She hastily grabs her purse and shoves a hand in it, seemingly searching for her phone.
My smile instantly drops.
“what are you doing?” distaste.
She doesn’t answer me.
In an instant, she’s shoving the door open and the next, im walking over to her, pushing the door closed and turning her around.
I have no fleeting idea how the fuck I managed to keep myself controlled.
I pin her against the wooden door with a hand on the side of her neck and another on her middle.
“when I ask you a question,” my head dips down and I gently graze my nose against her jaw. “you answer it.”
She shoves me, clutching my shirt and crumpling it when she tries to push me away.
But her body does otherwise.
She arches against me and her breathing grows ragged.
She’s almost as turned on as I am, her nipples pebbled and hard through the sheer material of the dress.
So when she pushes me away, I remain rooted in place with a mocking smile on my lips.
“no?” she echoes, infuriated and almost resigned.
A low hum reverberates as my confirmation.
“why?” she asks so quietly I strain to hear her, even through our very close proximity.
I can hear her heartbeat racing.
But it’s not even close to the rate of mine.
“because I want you.” A rough whisper.
A vulnerable confession.
“then kiss me.”
She wont have to ask me twice.
When my lips finally reconnect with hers’ in a dreamy haze, she kisses me back with insane need.
Im afraid once I start, I wont be able to stop.
Im not even sure I would want to.
Her purse falls to the floor as she circles her arms around my neck, pulling me down and further into the poison that is her.
She’s a drug.
And count me fucking addicted.
She bites my lower lip and tugs, shamelessly drawing blood and fuck if this girl will be able to walk tomorrow.
“I want you.”
I pull away as much as she allows me to, but my lips are barely off of hers’ and on her throat before she grabs my face and makes out with me again.
All I can do is moan into the dream that is her mouth in return.
She tries to take her heels off- failing miserably with her growing more preoccupied with my mouth by the second.
I groan impatiently and bite her lip, tasting her with my tongue and never getting enough it.
Her whimpers and my grunts get lost somewhere along our undying need for each other.
“up.” She jumps at the command, legs latching onto my middle which I catch and hold on to.
Our mouths remain one as I carry us both to my bedroom.
Fuck me if I aint taking this seriously.
Ive been wanting this girl for I don’t know how long, been in denial for even longer.
How could anyone not want her?
Her hair, her lips, her body, her eyes, her nose, her damn lips.
Those fucking lips.
My end, my demise.
She detangles them from our very sloppy make-out to lazily drag them along the column of my throat.
I cant help but grind up into her in response.
I guess the low approving growl that reaches her ears turns her on, because she grinds back even wilder.
Feeling like I will most definitely combust, I set her on her feet in the middle of the hallway.
Her eyes round in confusion as to why I stopped just barely two steps away from my bedroom.
I could take her there.
On her knees, ass up.
On her back, knees apart.
On me, back arched.
But my cock aches and im two minutes away from begging if she doesn’t let me be inside her for another second.
This is torture.
She is torture.
So I give her mouth one last sloppy kiss before turning her around and-gently- pushing her against the wall. She winds up with her cheek pressing against it as well as her tits restrained in the tight confinement between her body and the solid concrete wall.
Pressing the palms of her hands on it for balance, she yelps when I grab her hips and pull them towards me.
She’s like a doll I can throw around however I like.
And im bewildered how easy she’s letting me off.
Under other circumstances, I would’ve gotten a huff or a whine in protest, but now?
She pushes her ass farther against my crotch and grinds.
She grinds her fucking ass on my dick and I think I might cry from the pain of wanting to be inside her.
Enough waiting.
I roughly pull the hem of her dress above the arch of her ass and fuck if it isnt the prettiest sight.
She lets out a sigh which turns into a moan when I land a light-careful- spank on her ass.
It’s careful because I don’t know what she likes.
Rough and hungry?
Sweet and slow?
The former would be more convenient, considering the circumstances of us being horny out of our minds.
But the latter would be more pleasant, especially since her body is way more delicate than I could ever imagine.
I wouldn’t force anything on her, of course.
Goddamn it, im gagged.
She spreads her legs wider for me as she grinds, moaning “more” in the most pornographic voice ive ever heard.
A pained groan and a harder slap is what she gets for that.
That torment.
The thong she’s wearing almost bares her pussy to me, and at that particular sight, I am a mad man.
I pull her thong down down down, and pull her ass up up up.
She glistens with the evidence of her arousal, and a low groan of pleasure shamelessly escapes me.
“You’re unbelievable.” Shock.
“In a good way?” Confused.
Getting on my knees as fast as I can, I latch my mouth onto her opening and do what I shouldve done a long time ago.
I worship the incredible goddess that’s been right in front of my eyes for ages.
I nibble, lick, and suck, moaning into her pretty pretty pussy.
She’s so fucking pretty.
I hope she knows it.
At least after this, I’ll make damn sure she gets that fact straight.
She is.
She moans and moans and moans, and all I need is a little friction to cum in my restraining boxers.
So I do what I need to; palm my dick through my jeans while I bury my face into her pussy.
So fucking beautiful.
Just like I imagined.
I suck her clit into my mouth and suck, in which she bucks her hips into my face in a moaning plea for more.
Toying with her clit and nibbling on her sinful taste has me on my knees. Literally.
I wouldn’t hesitate to fucking beg this woman.
If she asked me to? There’s probably nothing that would make me say no to her.
Im afraid im already obsessed.
She grinds once onto my mouth, gasping once she’s realized what she'd done.
“it feels good?” I press an open-mouthed kiss on her opening, using my tongue to tease into it.
She whimpers loudly, her legs opening wider for me.
“such a needy slut.”
She whines at that, and with no warning I push two fingers into her aching heat.
Her very, very, wet and soaking heat.
A barely audible gasp is out of her mouth when I push another finger in and take her clit back into my mouth, squeezing her ass-cheek with my free hand.
“what do you want?” and I start fucking her with my fingers.
“please…” her breath hitches right when I curl them, reaching a spot that made her clench around me and buck her hips wildly against my face.
“you wanna cum? Huh? All up against my mouth?”
She’s fucking dripping all over me, and it's just about the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.
I continue my ruthless finger-fucking until I feel her moans build up so high I have to spank her ass.
“shhh, baby. You’re doing so well.” I massage the red hand-print gently, slightly guilty at the rough spank I delivered. “let’s not give the neighbors a show they didn't ask for.”
But fuck, I love hearing her moan for me.
My movements don’t stop as they even heighten in intensity, but all I hear is her harsh breathing in return.
She chose to be obedient.
“Good girl.”
She whines quietly, and she clenches around my moving fingers again as she inches closer to her orgasm.
“yeah?” im waiting for her confirmation.
“yeah.” She says breathlessly, her hips arching further as she shamelessly offers her dripping pussy to me.
Goddamn the effect this woman has on me.
My cock twitches with the reminder of my horniness, and my breath grows ragged along with hers.
My fingers remain unrelenting as I pick the pace up further and curl them, sucking her clit into my mouth and toying with it using my tongue.
Breathing seems to be a far possibility for me when she clenches her pussy so tight it's almost hard for me to move.
Like she’s holding me there.
“Cum for me, baby.”
A high moan barely escapes her as she muffles the sound with her hand. Biting on her hand to quiet down, she reaches her orgasm and I moan when her legs shake.
She’s trembling, fucked out as she grinds back on my mouth with her hand covering hers.
I rub my cock through my jeans only once, and that’s all it takes for me to cum with her.
I tongue-fuck her through her orgasm, my hand on my clothed cock persistent, even as it gets a little uncomfortable.
She quietly begs me when I’ve overstimulated her, so I press one last kiss to her pussy and get on my feet.
Y/n holds onto the wall for support before straightening her back and leaning her weight against me.
She breathes heavily and her eyes are closed when she wobbles around to look at me.
Is she too spent already?
Too bad.
We’re nowhere near done.
“take me to bed.”
“we’re not done yet.”
“I didn’t say we were.”
She gets on her toes, pressing a sloppy kiss to my mouth as she fondles with my shirt.
I suck on her tongue when she opens a button and slips a hand into my shirt, feeling me up with her nails. She scratches me on my chest, on my abs, and wherever her hands can reach.
My cock goes back to its aching state, at that.
“mm, baby.” I pull back and exhale a sigh when she successfully unbuttons my shirt and throws it on the ground.
She guides a single finger over my abs- which flex as an approving reflex- and plays with the waistband of my boxers peeking out of my pants.
I’m reminded with the sticky material pressing against me right then and there, and she noticed the damp spot over my crotch when she pulls my pants down.
She looks up in surprise, apparently shocked that I’m so horny I came in my damn boxers.
Not gonna lie, a first for me, too.
I smirk. “surprised?”
“very.” She laughs.
I like this. Her. I can be who I am with this woman.
I can laugh with her during foreplay, for example.
On her knees, she looks up at me through innocent eyes and dark lashes as she pulls the barrier of my boxers down.
She stares at my length, appearing impressed- and scared- at the sheer size of it.
“fuck. You drive me insane.” A low grumble of bewilderment.
“I know.” A giggle of satisfaction. “you wanna fuck my throat?”
Judging off the fact that she goes to take me in her mouth, probably thinking I’ll say ‘yes’, she presses a kiss to the tip of my cock before sucking it into her mouth.
Such a fucking tease.
But we’re not doing this.
Not now.
I struggle to suppress a moan, pulling her up by her hand as I shake my head.
“Maybe another time.”
She stares at me with a scrunch of confusion in her brows before nodding in understanding.
I take her hand in mine and wrap it around my cock, stroking it once
Her eyes droop low in a shadow of wanting need as she watches the movement with her bottom lip between her teeth.
As I guide her through the hand job, I pull her to me by the neck, her hand in mine stuck between our bodies as I kiss her with feverish need.
Her rhythm accelerates and she squeezes me, making my orgasm almost tip over the edge.
I hold back with all my might as I loudly release a pornographic moan in her mouth, as to which she smiles into the kiss in return.
She bites my lips and pulls it to her before releasing it, sucking on my tongue right after. Stroking me even faster as she presses her mouth to me farther.
I can barely keep up, bur I’m not complaining.
It’s been a while since I’ve had sex this hungry.
She’s impatient and I’m testing her limits.
But I’m afraid my limits were crossed over in the process.
Apparently in the mood to torture myself now more than ever, I pull both of our hands away from my cock right as I’m about to cum.
“what’s wrong-“
“I need to be inside you.” She closes her mouth shut.
“need to feel you around me.” I kiss her.
“need to cum inside of you.” She moans.
“who's stopping you?”
Well damn.
Right to the point.
“shut up.” As I carry her to my bedroom.
Neither of us have time to contemplate anything as I set her gently on the bed.
She slightly bounces, at which she giggles at as I get rid of the bunched up dress at her waist.
Pulling it over her head, her tits bounce as she plops back onto the mattress and takes me down to her by her grip on my neck.
“easy, baby.” I smirk before her lips are on mine. “I’m not going anywhere.”
We're both naked.
Skin to skin.
Me and my best friend.
My cock glides easily along her pussy, a result of her being so wet.
For me.
Pretty baby’s as horny for me as I am for her.
“gonna let me fuck you good?” I pant as my hips accelerate in rhythm, bumping and grinding against her. “huh?”
She moans when my tip nudges her clit, and I do it again and again as we both grow needier.
More and more desperate for the feel of each other.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back once I’ve gotten a taste of her.
So I take my damn time.
Her hot, wet pussy glides smoothly along my length as I grind on her frantically.
We’re like horny bunnies in heat, eager for release.
Unable to wait any longer, I stroke my cock once before nudging it along her entrance.
She moans at that, and looks down as she watches me jerk myself off with the tip inside her.
I stroke myself only once more, and she says, “do that again.”
She likes watching me jerk-off?
Well, fuck.
“you like that?”
She moans and clenches around my tip when I stroke myself again. Writhing underneath me makes her look borderline desperate as she pants.
Her tits go up and down in rhythm with her rushed breathing, and her peaked nipples beg for attention.
I take a nipple in my mouth, entering y/n one inch further.
A little sigh of contentment is all I get before she clenches around me so hard my breath is cut off.
I groan around her nipple, slightly biting on it as I release it with a pop.
I go slow the rest of the way it takes me to fully nestle inside y/n’s pussy.
She feels heavenly, so warm and wet and- heavenly.
My eyes are hard on the spot where my pelvis meets hers in an incredible show of intimacy, and my jaw clenches from how fucking tight she is.
y/n catches my attention by digging her nails into my forearm, silently pleading me to look at her.
So I do.
And, fuck. I might bust a nut right here and now.
y/n’s crying.
A tear runs down her face and she sniffles. Once.
I smooth a palm down her cheek, pushing stray strands away from her pretty face.
“what’s wrong?”
My cock is so deep in her that I’m 100% sure, if I press down on her stomach, I'll feel it there.
She struggles to answer me, her voice barely above a whisper when she whispers to me.
“it hurts.” Her voice breaks. “it hurts s-so good.”
The way her voice trembles and shakes is making it hard for me to breath.
She’s an emotional fuck.
Such a pretty emotional fuck.
“You’re too big.”
I lock eyes with her when I slightly nudge my hips forward, her eyes snapping shut right when I do so.
Silently, I press a reassuring kiss to her lips which makes her open those pretty dreamy eyes for me.
“we’ll make it work.” With a deep sigh, I pull out of her only to slowly thrust my way back inside. “I’ll make it fit…” I snake a hand down her body to circle her clit gently. She whimpers. “…and it’ll feel good.”
She hums when I repeat my movements with slow reassurance, letting her adjust and take her time.
“look at you. Doing such a good job for me.”
She pulls me in deeper with her legs as they circle around my hips, caging me in as her nails graze my back.
She moans in my ears and I’m barely able to contain my damn hunger when she bites her lip while maintaining eye contact.
What on earth is happening to me.
Must be an insane amount of lust injected into my veins.
Does viagra have this long of an effect?
I’ve swam deep into this pool of desire, so lost in her eyes and breathy moans that I don’t notice how fast my thrusts have grown.
On a particularly harsh thrust, my hips brutally snap into hers as I pull out and do it again and again until she’s breathlessly moaning my name with tears in her eyes.
“yeah?” I dip my head into the damp crook of her neck.
She smells so damn sweet.
Like cherries, and….strawberries?
Maybe even a hint of vanilla.
Jesus christ.
Get a damn grip.
“it feels so good.” As she chokes on a sob.
“mhm?” I groan into her neck, the sound a low grumble of approval. “you wanna say that again?”
My hips are moving an animalistic speed at this point as she claws at my back and cries my name.
“jungkook!” a sob.
“you gonna cum for me? Huh?” I circle her clit again, and when I feel her clench so tight around me I can barely move, I know she’s cumming.
Without removing my face from her neck, I cover her mouth with my hand and snap my hips into hers again and again. Relentlessly.
“cum for me.”
She screams into my hand and bites it to muffle the sound, her body shaking under my own trembling body.
She whimpers as she comes down from her high, kissing my hand as a way of asking me to remove it.
My rhythm grows sloppy and lazy as my thrusts slow down, and with one last hard thrust into her, I’m biting into her neck with a rough “holy fuck” as I cum the hardest I've ever have in my whole 26 years of living.
I still inside her, unmoving as I kiss her neck lazily- apparently unable of giving up the sweet scent of her- as she runs her hands over my back and into my hair.
We stay like that for a while, both silent and content, the post-orgasm glow evident on both of our high faces.
Humming into the sweet taste of her throat, she giggles as the gesture seems to tickle her. One last kiss to her neck.
I roll off of her, careful not to crush her with my weight. We both grimace when I pull out of her, equally overstimulated.
We were horny best friends, frustrated and bothered just a little while ago.
We’re still best friends…I think.
Best friends who fucked like animals in heat.
But, unlike how I expected it to be, it’s not awkward at all.
When I turn my head to look at the beauty lying next to me, she has her eyes already closed as she seems to be dozing off to sleep.
I get up, making quick work to grab a glass of water and some damp towels, sitting back down next to her.
Cleaning her up only takes me a couple minutes to do the task as gently as I could, careful not to hurt her. I almost feel bad from how swollen and sore she’s going to be tomorrow.
I bend down and press a peck on her clit, the intention one of pure apology.
Maybe I went too hard.
“what’s that look for?” her voice speaks up from next to me.
“you’re frowning. Why?”
“I just- I'm sorry if I hurt you.” A small smile. “I got a bit carried away.”
“mm, you did.” She agrees.
Wait…did I actually hurt her?
She cackles at the hint of alarm in my eyes as she swats my arm.
“you’re okay, big guy. You didn’t hurt me…much.” She smiles a cheeky smile as she tries to stand up, wobbling as I grab her arm.
“you cried.” My voice is hoarse when I tell her that. It’s true. She cried, and it was the second hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed, first being her pretty pussy. “it was hot.”
She shyly smiles at me, bending down to kiss me softly. She waddles to the bathroom- naked- as she stops at the entryway to look back at me over her shoulder.
“come shower with me.”
Should I?
Don’t mind if I do.
“okay.” The soft look in my eyes disappears to make way to mischief. She cathces onto that too quick. “round two?”
She snorts at that. “I’m afraid I’d pass out.”
“I mean…”
She gasps, as if in betrayal.
“you’re not seriously considering it, are you?!”
I step closer to her, my hand on her neck before I claim her lips. “and what if I am?”
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how's may treating everyone so far?
@hoseokteardrop @nochuel @kaitieskidmore97 @nays2112 @jksoftii @yu-justme @meadow-in-spring @bunnykoos @looneybleus @fushigurosdarling @alpha-mommy69 @junecat18 @xjiminsthighsx @tanniesdolls @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @whoa-jo @ahgasegotarmy116 @jksusawife @frgetmenotes @baechugff @partyparty-yah @army130613210521 @drugerlime @allisonstonex @hopekive @llallaaa @tarahardcore @hopetookmysoul @betysotelo18 @harmonic55 @ecrvea @awesomebabyyoda @peterstarkchrishiddleston @pinkrockstar19 @sweetestseoul @luv--youu @mochminnie @coletaehyung @whitelies2248-blog @ash07128 @bangtans-momma
@yourbobaeyestell @laylasbunbunny @btsnpniff @olimpiiaa @caro134340lina @ohsweetmimosa @lovingkoalaface @httpjeonlicious @t-alyssa2006 @aloverga @sexytholland
@skzthinker @whoa-jo @Noonabts36 @misshale21 @iammeandmeisiam @piyuna
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shadebloopnik · 8 months
"He asked me to join his team."
"I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea."
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The idea of him rejecting Vox's was already hilarious, but when i realized the Vees were a polycule, it made it so much funnier-
Because like, this could go down 3 ways
1.) Alastor was being really generous here. Telling the public that he rejected Vox when Vox was in love with him would have done so much more damage. He chose not to, either bc he doesn't find it as entertaining, or bc he maybe feels a little bit of pity for the guy.
2.) Alastor knows, same as above, except he doesn't say it purely because he's so creeped out by it. He's so fcking disgusted by it, he'd rather not be reminded.
3.), The most PROBABLE one, and for me, most hilarious, is that Alastor doesn't know shit. Look, this is the guy who doesn't know his own SEXUALITY, not even when his bestie Rosie knows. He doesn't know he's ace, nor does he bother to pay attention. He probably, GENUINELY thought Vox was just offering to work together, and found it so amusing that Vox is so worked up by it. Like to him, the guy was throwing a tantrum bc he didn't join their team, how childish (what? He rejected him? Why yes, he rejected a job offer, that much was quite obvious thank you for noticing). So there's just this guy dealing with a rejection, absolutely batshit obsessed with him, and Alastor still thinks its bc of a silly lil teamup.
Edit: Confirmed they aint canon poly, which will not stop fanon lmaoooo. They're poly in my heart😔😔✨✨✨ Also the fact that they're called a Vee(a sort of poly relationship) and their vibes being a complete coincidence is hilarious to me lmao. This is another destiel situation lmaooo
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ryoki-ph · 2 years
reminding people to please filter their violence or gore tags if they don't wanna see that stuff i'm rbing a couple violent anime gifs auuagahagauag
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littlexdeaths · 17 days
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eddie munson x shy fem reader
warnings: lots of cute first date jitters, reader is clumsy, also a lot more cheese 🧀 — take your lactaid besties.
part one | part three
a/n: i’m honestly blown away by all the sweet comments on that first little blurb. shy reader is 1000% me, so this is very near and dear to my heart. i hope y’all like this one just as much! also big kisses to my lovely angel @undead-supernova for looking this over for me <3
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“This looks stupid.”
You huff, glancing at your reflection before rushing back over to your closet for the 3rd time in a span of twenty minutes.
But Nancy grabs your wrist from before you can make it there, pulling you down onto the bed beside her.
“Everything you’ve tried on has been cute… I don’t see the problem here.”
You groan and flop back onto the mattress, covering your face with your hands.
“I wasn’t exactly trying to go for cute, Nance.”
Your words are muffled behind your palms, but she gets your message loud and clear.
“I know you want to impress him, but my best advice is to just be yourself… that’s why he asked you out in the first place, right?”
You sigh, uncovering your face to look up at her. She has a brow raised, and as much as you’d hate to admit it— you know she’s right.
“Do you always have to be right about everything?” you puff out a small laugh and she beams, nudging your knee with hers.
“Of course, I am the brains of this operation, remember?”
You roll your eyes fondly before returning to your feet, smoothing over the denim of your skirt when you meet your reflection once more.
“Oh god, what about make up?!”
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You only managed to change your shirt one last time before Nancy had to practically barricade your closet door shut with her body. Reminding you that, once again, you looked great.
It doesn’t help much to soothe that little voice in the back of your head that disagrees— but the rumble of an engine and a blaring guitar riff distracts from those thoughts momentarily as the panic finally starts to set in.
“Shit, shit, shit! He’s here already?” you squeak, glancing over at your beside clock.
6:45 pm.
He was 15 minutes early.
“He’s early… color me impressed.” She grins before peeking out your curtains.
“I’m… I’m not ready, Nance.”
Your heart is about to pound out of your chest and your palms are beginning to sweat. She steps away from the window to put her hands on your shoulders, face full of determination.
“Just breathe, okay? I’ll go down and let him in, you just take a minute and come down when you’re ready.”
You nod dumbly, eyes widening further when the doorbell rings.
Eddie’s here… actually standing on your front porch. Bouquet of flowers grasped tightly in his own sweaty palms.
“Thanks, Nance.”
She just gives you a reassuring smile before starting down the stairs and opening the front door. To say Eddie is surprised when Nancy Wheeler appears at your front door instead of you is an understatement.
“Uh… please don’t tell me I’ve got the wrong address,” he steps back to take a look at the number on the house again.
“No, you’re at the right place. She’s just finishing getting ready, come on in.”
Nancy can see the way his shoulders sag in relief before he steps past the threshold. Dark eyes wandering around the interior of your entry way in utter curiosity. Pictures of you and your parents line the walls, but one in particular catches his attention.
You’re smiling up at the camera, eyes scrunched closed behind the round frame of your glasses— with your two front teeth missing.
The sight has him grinning despite himself, already catching more of a glimpse of the girl that’s been on his mind for the better part of that year.
“So… where are you taking her?” Nancy asks casually, leaning against the doorframe of your kitchen.
Eddie turns then, still clutching the flowers tightly in his fist.
“The Palace… and then Benny’s. But don’t worry, I’ll have her back before 11 pm. Scout’s honor.” He grins, raising his other hand in a mock salute.
You can hear their voices floating up the stairs, which only seems to worsen the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. You take one last look in the mirror to straighten your top and make sure your eyeliner wasn’t smudged before you turn the knob and make your way down the hall.
The creak of the floorboards alerts them both to your presence when you slowly begin to descend the stairs. Your hand grips the railing tightly, eyes finally lifting once you reach the landing.
“Wow,” he whispers in dumbstruck awe.
You can feel your skin warm under the intensity of his gaze, tucking your lower lip between your teeth to hide a grin.
But the sweet moment is quickly squashed when your foot catches on the edge of the step, and you go tumbling forward. Eddie drops the flowers in his haste before closing that short distance between you to catch you in his arms. Your bodies collide, much like what happened earlier in the cafeteria.
Only this time he doesn’t let you go right away.
“Steady now,” he chuckles, and your eyes can’t help but drift lower to stare at his lips. “You okay?”
You nod, not fully trusting your voice when he’s so close like this, you swear he must be able to hear how fast your heart is fluttering beneath your ribs.
“Oh goddammit, the flowers.” Eddie groans, making sure you’ve got your footing before he bends down to pick up the crumpled bouquet.
“Uh, I promise they weren’t like this when I got here...”
He hands them out to you with a sheepish grin, the apples of his cheeks now flushed a soft shade of pink. And from this close proximity you can see the faint freckles dotted along the bridge of his nose.
Man, he sure is pretty…
“They’re beautiful,” you smile, finally finding your voice. “Thank you.”
“… well, you two should probably get going, right?”
You had almost forgotten Nancy was even there.
“Oh what about—” you gesture to the bouquet in your hands, but she quickly cuts you off.
“I’ll put those in some water and lock up for you, sound good?”
You don’t have much time for protest when she carefully takes the flowers from your grasp and nudges you right into Eddie’s chest. You apologize between small giggles when he steadies you again, and Nancy disappears into the kitchen.
His eyes are almost sparkling in childlike delight at the sound of your laughter, and it’s something he’d like to continue hearing for a long time. Eddie guides you both toward the front door. His rings clink against the knob when he swings it open, taking a slight bow before motioning you forward.
“Your chariot awaits, mi’ lady.”
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The Palace is packed by the time you arrive, but for a Friday night in Hawkin’s— that’s no surprise.
Young teens dart between the different games with renewed excitement while Keith watches on with a bored expression. Eddie’s hand is held loosely in your own, fingers intertwined while you decide what to play first.
You both agree on air hockey, allowing him to tug you toward the table with a newfound pep in his step. He hands you the blue paddle, teasing telling you that red is always his color before he crouches down to slip two coins in the slot.
“Prepare to be demolished, sweetheart,” he grins cheekily.
Your stomach flips at those seemingly innocent words, and Eddie silently pats himself on the back for how flustered he’s already made you. That’s not something he’s used to, making a pretty girl fumble over her words. But it’s something he’s decided he wants to see a lot more of tonight.
Eddie ends up winning two rounds of air hockey, but his victories were entirely due to the fact that you were so distracted. Poised across from him, you spent more time admiring the way his tongue poked out from between his lips in concentration— or when he had to pull his wild hair back into a bun when it kept flying into his face.
Not that you would ever mention that little fact to him.
“What’s next?” you ask, unable to hide your glee when he takes your hand without hesitation this time.
“Have you tried Dragon’s Lair?”
He nods his head over to the game that was just recently abandoned in a fit of rage by short boy with dark hair. If you were being honest, skee ball and air hockey were more your speed when it came to arcade games. But the look of absolute delight on his face has you willing to try regardless.
And just as you suspected, you’re terrible at it.
You’re barely able to get past that first level without dying repeatedly but Eddie continues to give you an encouraging smile while he leans against the machine. He adores the way your lips are pouted in a slight frown when the dragon engulfs the knight in flames again.
“Here,” he mumbles, sliding in behind you. “Let me help.”
His arms cage you in against the machine, and you can feel the heat from his chest seeping through the thin cotton of your blouse. Ringed fingers gently hover over where yours are stationed on the controls, and in your nervous state you don’t notice the way his fingers tremble slightly.
Eddie guides your hands with ease, all but playing the game for you at this point. But your focus is no longer on the dragons and knights. They instead settle on his hands, and how they completely engulf yours in size. And the way his chain bracelet rattles against your skin with each flick of his wrist on the joystick.
They continue to travel a little higher, noticing how the muscles in his forearms contract each time he pushes that red button in rapid succession. It has your mind wandering to places that it definitely shouldn’t be…
Like how his hands would feel gripping your hips…
Stop that.
When you take a shuddering breath, you get another whiff of his spicy cologne when he leans his head forward. The faint hint of tobacco and mint still lingers on his lips when he blows a breath out in frustration when he finally looses that round.
The words GAME OVER flash across the screen in brightly colored letters, and you feel a little disappointed when he begins to remove himself from you. But you’re suddenly feeling a little bold, gently turning to grab his hand before looking up at him.
“Show me again?” you mumble, chewing nervously on your lower lip.
Eddie grins down at you, eyes flicking down to your mouth for a fleeting moment. But his next move has your brain about to melt out of your ears.
He takes your lower lip between his thumb and forefinger, carefully removing it from between your teeth. He allows the pad of his thumb to graze over your lip while the other slips around your waist. Eddie guides you back around by your hips, quickly resuming his position behind you.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
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taglist: @sheneedsrocknroll92 @blckbrrybasket @your-nightmaredoll @missmarch-99 @fandom-princess-forevermore
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hazbinhotelxreader · 8 months
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Rosie x Alastors wife reader!
A/n: hii! I hope this is good! I tried my best to fit in with her character
-The first time you both met was through Alastor, obviously.
-You entered Cannibal town and it was actually pretty nice, just like Alastor had told you.
-And it was pretty peaceful, despite the cannibalism every now and then.
-Alastor brought you over to a nice, old style looking building, it kinda reminded you of Alastor’s style, which you loved.
-Instantly you notice a lovely woman also known as Rosie, the over lord and the owner of the cannibal colony.
-Alastor dragged you over to her, with a smiling face and waved over to her.
“Well well well, look who it is! Alastor my old pall”, Rosie exclaimed with a large smile as she walked over to you two. “It’s been ages deary, where have you been?”, She then looked over to you, and smiled, taking your hands. “Oh! And who’s this lovely dear?”
Alastor let out a chuckle, his smile never faltering. “This my dear, is my lovely wife, [name]!” You waved nervously at the cannibal overlord.
“Oh! I would have never guessed!” Rosie smiled, happy. “Now tell me dear, how did Alastor here score such a lovely lady like yourself?” She smiled, you smile back, you were about to speak up but she spoke first. “Oh why don’t you come have some tea with me dear? I would love to get to know you more!”
You smiled and nodded at her offer. “Alright then, thank you”. You and Rosie both left together, Rosie speaking to you, as Alastor was left to stand there alone.
-After that event you two have grown pretty close together. Having tea together or hosting small parties for friends were often on your schedule.
-You two definitely gossip together, a lot. You’re basically just two adult women with the minds of a middle schooler, gossiping about a lot of people, especially Susan.
-You both totally gossip a little about Alastor too. You’re his wife but it’s fun to talk about the weird or strange things he does to Rosie, resulting in Rosie using them against Alastor playfully later.
-You’re never jealous of Rosie and Alastor being close. It’s obvious their friends, and Rosie’s to sweet to actually get with a man that’s already taken, and Alastor would never cheat on you. He is a gentleman when it comes to his ladies.
-She will offer you limbs and parts of demons for you to eat, if you take them then eating demons for snacks would be something both of you eat on a daily basis together
-If not then she’ll respect your decision and will try her best to make food you actually will eat, wanting to make you as comfortable as possible during the times you hang out.
-Best girl to get help or advice from. She’s literally the best. No one can compete. She’ll sit and listen to any problems you have, whether it’s relationship problems with Alastor, or something different. She’ll give you the most genuine advice she could give you
-I’d like to think you both enjoy wearing matching outfits together. Just two best friends wearing stunning clothes. She’ll definitely try to get you into her style, and you most likely will.
-Overall she’s your perfect, sweet gossiping bestie
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berzahoes · 10 months
manifestation, baby! | tom blyth
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summary: fans find out tom’s girlfriend has an old youtube channel where she reviewed the ballad of songbirds and snakes (and she definitely manifested her life)
an: the way i thought about this idea and quickly wrote it down so i didn’t forget it. i used to have an app that made those fake tweets but i’m just tired to make fake profiles 😭 maybe i’ll change it later idk
for the purpose of this imagine, let’s pretend tbosas book was published between 2017-2019
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liked by zeglerslove, 444_bri and 35,377 others
tomblythxsnow apparently tom’s girlfriend has an old youtube channel where she reviews books and she reviewed the ballad of songbirds and snakes and she literally manifested her future 😭
tomblythxsnow it’s yn’s book corner. she hasn’t posted since 2019 ngl i need her to review a little life because that book destroyed me
nat76_ omg i used to watch her videos!! i’m still subscribed to her 😭 i remember only buying and reading the books she liked because i wanted to be her so bad
j4ckaszlol “if someone ever makes a movie adaptation of this book and casts someone attractive to play snow then i am sorry for the person i become” REALLLLL
graybairdsmockingjay dude the part where she said “i’m calling it now whoever plays young snow will be my boyfriend. movie studios always cast someone attractive as the younger version of a character!” MY JAW DROPPED SHE NEEDS TO TELL ME HER WAYS
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“guess what rachel just sent me.” you heard tom say when he arrived to your shared apartment.
“wedding invitations?!” you gasped as you almost stood up from the sofa since you were watching reruns of criminal minds, but tom stopped you.
“no, it’s better!” tom sat beside you and showed you his phone. “why didn’t you tell me you had a youtube channel?” on his phone screen was your review of the ballad of songbirds and snakes, which had become a very popular video over the past couple of days.
you hid your face with a pillow and groaned. “don’t remind me. i just wanted to talk about my books and my family didn’t care. don’t watch it! it’s embarrassing!”
“i think it’s cute. aw look, your dog made a cameo!” he pointed at your old dog you used to have that walked into the frame.
“indi! no, come sit right here. oh . . . and she’s walking away. okay, anyways.” your younger self said in the video
“indi? why Indi?” tom asked you even though you were still hiding from embarrassment.
“after indiana jones. my dad and i loved those movies and he gifted me indi as a birthday present.” you confessed.
“love, don’t be embarrassed. i think it’s cute that you manifested your life according to the comments on instagram,” tom paused the video then cuddled up to you. “i won’t watch it if you don’t want me to.”
“it’s fine, i just didn’t think anyone would find it. we can watch it together.” you uncovered yourself and sat down properly to watch the video with tom. before he pressed the play button and together you watch your younger self review the book.
“i’ve read all the hunger games books at least four times and this one did not disappoint. but i do hope whoever ends up being cast as young snow is someone hot. i’m sorry it’s the rules! and they will be my boyfriend, i’m calling dibs.”
tom smirked at you. “if only younger you could see you now.”
“she would definitely think ‘wow, how did we pull this beautiful man?’ then be confused as to why the hunger games and fnaf is trending in 2023.”
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liked by tomblyth, rachelzegler and 1,377,389 others
ynlovesbooks told ya. love you tomblyth ❤️
rachelzegler she is THAT girl
ynlovesbooks no u
everdeenx12 bestie he’s EVIL
ynlovesbooks he’s a walking red flag but my favorite color is red 😍
chamaletproblems pls tell me how you did this
ynlovesbooks i figured out who they were casting and kept him hostage until he agreed to be my bf
tomblyth true
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