#hermione granger/severus snape
ragana62 · 5 months
AO3 Anniversary BS, Part 2!
It's part 2, so it only seems appropriate to drop two chapters at the same time for an ongoing fic. Chapters 4 and 5 for Don't Get Mad, Get Even are up now!
Rating: E
Warnings: Manipulation, Violence, Dumbledore Bashing
Pairings: Hermione-centric Multipairing, specifics in tags.
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ao3feed-snamione · 2 years
Okay, HOPEFULLY I fixed the issue. I know it took forever for me to get around to it and I’m sorry. Just, life... and also I honestly wasn’t sure if I would even be able to figure it out because when I initially set this up 8 or 9 years ago it was a complete pain in the ass. I’m not making any promises right now because It was suspiciously easy, but we’ll see. I’ll keep an eye on the AO3 tag to see when someone posts a fic in the Hermione/Snape tag to see if it’s working again. Thanks!
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fic-ive-read · 2 years
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Link To The Fic
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mastomysowner · 1 year
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Harry Potter characters in Studio Ghibli style
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meemoop · 5 months
The Paralysis
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Oh well
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banana-ge-ge · 3 months
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Scandal in Hogwarts! The trio (and some nosy portraits) found out about their professors' secret relationship!!
Art request for Severus' birthday: Remus giving Sev a present and Sev getting a bit emotional because he didn't expect it at all + any and all snupin
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artbymaranne · 1 year
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my lord and savior: Ginny Weasley 
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Harry: runs into strange woman as she enters the great hall "I'm so sorry miss..."
Y/N: "Snape"
Harry: "no not possible, there is no way you are related to professor Snape"
Y/N: "I'm his wife"
Harry: "really I've never heard about you or seen you before"
Y/N: "I'm the head of aurors in America"
Harry: walks away muttering "she has to be under a love potion"
Y/N: sits next to Severus "can you believe those kids think you are using a love potion on me"
Severus: "love can you turn and pretend to talk to McGonagall I'll put there suspicions to ease"
Severus: pulls vile from pocket and pours it into her cup watching Ron, Hermione and harry watch in shock
Severus: "drink this love and let the fun begin"
Y/N: drinks it then looks up to see their horrified faces
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readwithlivvy · 7 months
i'm sorry snape lovers but this is what canonical snape is
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dufferpuffer · 7 months
Longbottoms boggart wasn't Snape.
I mean you'd think this would be obvious enough - but people who hate Snape bring it up as their sort of trump card. "He was so bad he was a 13yr olds biggest fear!" No. He wasn't. Boggarts don't quite work like that. Boggarts are not themselves your worst fear - they make you FEEL your worst fear. Hermione isn't actually scared of McGonagall. (I'm sure alot of first years are scared of her though I mean she is strict and stern and a little scary at first.) Did she have some irrational fear of suddenly failing all her classes? Yeah, maybe a little bit - but it is BECAUSE she is scared of not being good enough. From the first book we see her struggling to fit in with her peers. She is muggleborn, she learned she was a witch so suddenly that she poured herself into being the most perfect witch she could.
Professor McGonagall, a stern and strict witch she respects, telling her she isn't good enough despite all of her best efforts makes her FEEL her worst fear. It has nothing to do with Minerva personally - honestly it could probably be replaced with Dumbledore or someone... its just she has far more interaction with Minerva.
SO - Longbottom and Snape: How do I know that Snape isn't his absolute worst fear? Because he still attends Potions every fucking week!!! Do you think RON could attend Charms if it was run by a spider?!? He can pass Snape in the hall, he can sit in the same room as Snape, he can even be teased and bullied by Snape. His parents were tortured to insanity by Death Eaters. Severus Snape is NOT his worst fear, that's stupid. Snape just makes him FEEL his worst fear - like McGonagall makes Hermione feel hers. SO what is Neville worst fear? I think the clue comes with him quickly saying that he also wouldn't want the Boggart to turn into his grandma. Inadequacy. Neville has never been good enough. He has low self worth. The tiniest bits of praise overwhelm him. He never wins any house points and losing some devastates him. He got his magic late, his family kept trying to tease it out of him, thought he was maybe a squib. He has a proud legacy to uphold and he is terrified he cannot. He is the worst potions student Snape has ever had.
Snape makes Neville feel inadequate. His grandmother makes him feel inadequate. But mix them together... and suddenly these two very scary people that seem to have such control over his life... look a little ridiculous.
DO you think Lupin is LITERALLY scared of the moon...? Or does the moon make him feel powerless and dangerous and inhumane? DO you think Harry is LITERALLY scared of Dementors...? Or is he scared of how powerless he is against the horrible way they make him feel - the trauma they bring up from the deep recesses of his mind?
Snape was not so horrific, so awful, so scary, so mean - that he as a man became Nevile's worst fear. He, like his grandma, makes him feel inadequate.
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cimerran-714 · 7 months
*Literally sets Snape on fire*.
*Steals from him*.
*Knocks him unconscious*
Snape: *Makes one rude comment about her teeth*
The fandom: Wow, he's such a child abusing psychopath & shouldn't be allowed to teach!
Mm... I can sense some hypocrisy here.
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intotheswollenriver · 3 months
When they are wrong…
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fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Snape != Harry
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry was sorted into the good house.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry had two best friends who always came back or never left him even when he treated them like dirt and lashed out at them.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry had adults who loved and cared about him. Even Snape who disliked him, was his personal dark guardian angel.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry almost always put Draco in his place. You can count on one hand the number of times Draco overpowered him. Harry nearly killed him once.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry's fights with Draco were usually even 3vs3. Arguably, Draco was the one outnumbered in the book 4 and 5 group assaults on the train.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry came from a wealthy family and his godfather left him even more dough. Harry was set for life.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry got to live his adult life in peace and have a wonderful family with the girl he loved.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Hermione/Ron would have hexed Draco to smithereens if Draco sexually assaulted Harry the way James did Snape. Hermione/Ron would not smile either.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry did not have to witness Hermione or Ginny get with Draco.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry always saw Hogwarts as his home and his happy place. Hogwarts is where Snape had his worst memory.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry and Draco ended the series being civil. Unlike Remus and Sirius who still had hate boners for Snape in their thirties.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Snape had to do a profession he was not suited for nor he liked for his mission. Harry was a renowned Auror respected by the wizarding world.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Harry had a surrogate family who loved him dearly and readily accepted him.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Snape was surrounded by pureblood supremacists in school as a disadvantaged mudblood half-blood.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse -
Snape never truly had a safe place where he felt loved. School and home were hell.
Snape and Harry both had bad childhoods. Snape has no excuse!
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pottersource · 6 months
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Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die.
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meemoop · 5 months
The Application
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Honestly more than half of them would just make Voldy worse (or at least accepted him the way he is), but anyway 😊
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Tom Blyth is my fancast for Abraxas Malfoy (so don't ask why Coryo here) 🫶🫶
I put Sirius here all because of one of the most brilliant fantastic magnificent gorgeous amazing flabbergasted HP fanfictions I've ever read "It runs in the blood" by Metalomagnetic (she made me fall into this rabbit hole) 🥹🥹🥹
God I ship Voldemort with too much ppl, I'd die in the cruelest way if he'd ever known I'm whoring him around like this 😭😭. Not my fault that his fanfictions are all so good that it feels like a crime
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