#heroxvillain whump
infinitymyth · 2 years
Giving up ( hero x villain)
“ I can’t do this anymore hero.” Villain grasped at his chest, bloody knuckles and skinny frame.“ I-I- I can’t- won’t- I tried..” he started to stumble over his words, falling to his knees and hero watched shocked.
He stuttered as he spoke. “I- I love you, so-so much it, supervillain hurts me, he-he beats me..!I can’t keep living like this.” Hero stepped forward, being stopped at villains watery expression.
“ he said… he promised to let me go if I gave him what he wanted.” He explained, his head dropping in shame as sobs escaped out of his mouth. Hero kneeled, lifting villains chin and watching the man continued to sob.
Hero gently sighed, expecting supervillain to want something impossible to create once more. “ what does he want, villain?” Hero asked gently, watching as villain dug his bloody fingertips into the pavement.
“You. Hero, he wants you.”
Hey guys! I’m also working on a series, it’s on a secondary account! The story’s name is Deranged patients and it’s on @dakotainfinitymyth if you would like to check it out! I post every Monday or Sunday in that account.
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The hero let out a wet groan, pushing themselves up as the blood ran down their side. It was in itself a funny feeling.
It was a good feeling.
Absolutely no one in this rotten city was able to challenge them. Physically, they were stronger. Mentally, they were quicker. And their dedication, their devotion was like a holy prayer that guided them through their nights.
The hero knew it wasn't a good thing - the longing for a challenge, the desire for an opponent that could actually make them a better fighter. It was a dangerous wish and they had to remind themselves regularly why they were doing this job in the first place.
To do good. To be good. Not to find someone who was their very own nemesis.
However, with the villain's boot on their ribs and that brutal nature of theirs, the hero was struggling not to find this utterly satisactory.
"Yeah, right there," the hero wheezed. "Make me scream."
The villain tilted their head and tutted, nearly bored of the hero's games. They let out a sigh and grabbed the hero's hair, yanking them up.
Another wheeze.
And the villain crouched, holding the hero by their hair. Very close. Very intimate.
"Do you think I am stupid?" the villain asked. Their lips brushed the hero's ear and despite the pain, or maybe because of it, the hero could only concentrate on the adrenaline rushing through their body.
"No," the hero said. They had to grin. Sometimes, they wished they could devour the villain, that they could change them and ultimately, that they could control them.
The hero knew it wasn't right. They knew it wasn't good. But they had never felt this kind of obsession towards anyone. In previous relationships, they hadn't gotten jealous, they hadn't gotten angry. They had never struggled like this. They had never doubted themselves like this.
"I know your dirty little secret," the villain said. "I know you like me. You like this."
"I didn't try to hide it," the hero said.
"Not from me. But the public."
"What are you trying to...?"
"Oh, poor hero," the villain murmed. "See, the difference between you and me is, that I do not care about you. If this gets to one, just one flimsy reporter, the people will turn against you. I can ruin your entire career. Your entire life."
The hero had miscalculated. Obviously, they hadn't expected their nemesis to feel the same. But they also hadn't expected them to tell the public. To use the public against the hero. It was a little shameless. But the hero was even more disgusted by their admiration for it.
"So?" the hero asked. Losing the public was a detrimental loss, that much was clear. But was it even measurable next to the fights with the villain? Did it even matter? When the hero could feel this euphoric? This alive? When had the public ever made them feel that way? "I would still have you."
"I do not love you," the villain argued. "You're not as important to me as you think."
"Give it some time," the hero said. "You will love me, don't worry. Everyone does."
The villain simply laughed at that. It was nearly soft. Or maybe the hero wanted it to be. It didn't matter.
"I have to admit, I am quite interested in what you have in store for me. How will you act once the public calls you a traitor? What will you do when I refuse to fight you? You are-" with their index finger, the villain traced the hero's thoat "-so very unique."
"Is that attraction?"
"Obligatory interest."
"And you say you're not in love."
They stared at each other until, finally, the villain dropped them. They cleared their throat and tilted their head. But the hero swallowed blood when their head nearly smashed against the concrete floor.
"I like toying with you, that is all."
"Sure," the hero said. They clutched their heart, tried to breathe. Being close to the villain was a gift, no matter how much it hurt. The hero loved it, loved their words, loved their personality, loved the challenge. It was insane, the hero felt completely deranged. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
And the hero was excited. So very excited for the next weeks.
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wh3nturtlesfly · 1 year
“It’s awfully dangerous to be out alone so late,” the whisper made Hero freeze in their tracks. They whirled around but were only met with darkness. Squinting, there wasn’t so much as an outline, no movement within the shadows-
Warm, a palm closed around Hero’s mouth and silenced their scream. Their response wasn’t quick enough to stop the hand that coiled around their middle, arms pinned tight against their sides despite their struggles. “A pretty thing like you should really be more careful.”
It was only then that Hero recognized the voice. Lips against the shell of their ear, they flinched at Villain’s deep chuckle. The pressure on their mouth began to lessen, enough that Hero readied themselves to call out. A rough cloth stifled their cries.
Hero choked, a sweet scent filling their nostrils and setting their throat on fire. At a near instance they felt their limbs grow weak, the fight fading all too fast from their body.
“Do calm down, it’ll be over soon-”
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writingpromptsworld · 5 months
Prompt #67
By @writingpromptsworld
When the villain woke up, they did not expect to find themselves tied to a bed, their hands and legs binded. Their eyes shot out of their sockets, eyebrows frowning, as their hands twitched by their side to be let free. Panic. They could make out a patient gown that they were wearing for reasons unknown.
They struggled against the heavy metal chain that somehow seemed to wait more by the passing second. However, it wasn’t long before footsteps could be faintly heard coming towards them. Realization.
They held their breath, frozen, and their head throbbed in response. The hero. It was the hero, with a grin well too ingrained in the villain’s head, it was impossible to erase it.
They clenched their jaw at the sight of smiling teeth, and snatched at the chains again which in response tightened, and they let out a scream.
The hero shook their head with a sigh. “Don’t. Don’t try to be free of them, they’ll only strengthen in result.” They said.
The villain stayed silent for a moment, after stopping the fumbling around. They breathed heavily, looking at the hero. “Let me go.” They said, weakly, however the hero could detect the underline of threat they were trying to seep into their words. It didn’t work.
“No. I’m having way too much fun seeing you like this. Finally under my control.” The hero mused, smirking slightly.
“Let. Me. Go.” The villain repeated themself, clenching their jaw which increased the hammering of the headache.
The hero simply sighed again, as if in disappointment. They lightly treaded the ground until they were in front of the villain. “How about you stay still and wait until the scientists come, mhmm? They should be here any moment.”
The villain’s heart raced further, fear and confusion and anger filled their eyes, and they couldn’t help but grab at the chains again in order to espace. “What do you mean?” They asked, voice high but at the same time so afraid. And if it were anyone other than the hero, they wouldn’t have detected it. The hero did, however. And they took great pleasure in it.
“They’re going to experiment on you a little. See what goes in that little head of yours.” The hero smiled, delighted.
The villain’s anger only grew, and they tried to wrestle the chains again. It didn’t help, only made them cry out in sheer pain. They threw curses at the hero. Threats, promises to destroy the hero and the city, but it wasn’t enough. The hero had left by the time the villain was too tired to fight. And they had drifted off to sleep, more like fainted of dizziness.
The drugs did work, the hero pondered, walking out of the room.
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letters-unsending · 9 months
No. 47
Hero only wakes in times of crisis and will not sleep until the problem is resolved. Hero and Villain teamed up to vanquish Villain and they win, but Hero is still awake.
“Goodnight,” Villain murmured.
The statement was perfunctory—they’d spoken it to Hero almost every night throughout war, but it was different now. Back then, he’d said it while pushing aside a fold of their tent with his arm. Hero would nod at him from across a candlelit table, still poring over maps and penning down strategy, and Villain would know, without a doubt, that he would find Hero in the same place the following morning.
However, they occupied Supervillain’s castle now. Hero reviewed charters and laws instead of war plans.
“You can rest,” Villain offered, eyeing the papers in Hero’s hand.
Hero glanced up at Villain. From his lifted pen, a bead of ink dripped, oozing darkly onto the topmost page.
“I need to see the city settled before…I rest.”
“No, I didn’t mean that kind of rest. I just meant,” Villain gestured in the air, leaning his temple into the doorframe, “you can relax now. I don’t know when you have to go, but I thought, maybe, you could enjoy the peace for a while.”
“I am not made for peace, [Villain].” Hero lifted the paper before the stain could seep through and set it aside. “I will have my rest soon. And this work, it is of no consequence to me.”
“You’re exhausted, [Hero].” Ever since they’d vanquished Supervillain, Hero’s power had flagged. His tireless facade waned into shaking hands and short breaths; the only work he could manage anymore was desk work. And so they’d labored side by side, discussing edicts and decrees. “I think—I think you’ve needed to rest for a long time now.”
Hero stared down at his ink-stained fingers. “There are things I need to do.”
“I am quite capable of running this city. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I know you are capable, [Villain].” Hero sighed. “By far, you are the most honorable man I have met in all my waking hours.”
At that, Villain shoved himself off the doorframe. “Then, why? Why do you insist on wasting away in this office?”
“The [magic] let’s me stay as long as there is something required of me.” Hero splayed his hand over the papers. “I have to work to stay awake. This is all I can do.”
“Then tell your [magic] that I need you.” Villain rounded Hero’s desk. “Tell it that I need you to rest, and that I need you with me.”
Hero shrunk back in his chair as Villain loomed over him. “The [magic] does not work so frivolously. You can not simply request it—”
Villain yanked Hero up by his lapel and tugged him out of the room. “I will not have you die reading over grain reports.”
“Where,” Hero winced, his lungs burning with each step, “where are you taking me?”
“To my room. To sleep.”
“[Villain],” Hero hissed, “I am not going to wake up.”
“You will.” Villain insisted, slowing as he heard the cramped hitch in Hero’s breath. He shifted his hand down to his forearm and clasped Hero’s terribly thin wrist. “And if you don’t, I will find a way to wake you.”
“You do not have my permission to start another apocalypse.”
“I wasn’t—,” Villain turned to catch the glimmer in Hero’s eye, “don’t joke with me about this, [Hero.] You shouldn’t have to continue saving the world if you don’t want to. You shouldn’t have to wake up every other century and fight for every second you’re conscious.”
As Hero opened his mouth to reply, Villain gave him a look and pushed him into his drawing room. He unpinned Hero’s cuff links and pulled off his overcoat before doing the same to himself.
“Even if I were to sleep and find myself in an era eons from now,” Hero proclaimed as Villain unbuttoned his vest, “I would remember you.”
In the wan light, Villain floated like a phantom, a shadowed slip of skin and silk, but Hero could still see his smile in the shadowed wrinkles around his eyes and in the gleam of his teeth.
“And I would recall you for the many years until my death.”
“I’ve never fallen asleep on purpose before.” Hero whispered.
Villain shifted closer and pressed his forehead into Hero’s shoulder. He reached over to settle his palm over Hero’s sternum. “Close your eyes.”
“Well, I understand that.” Hero protested.
“Close them, [Hero.]” Villain flattened his fingers and Hero took a deep, shuddering breath. As he relaxed, he set his hand overtop of Villain’s and squeezed his knuckles.
“I want to wake up tomorrow.”
“I will wake you.”
“If I don’t, I want to say—”
“Goodnight, [Hero].”
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pendarling · 1 year
Captured & Saved
Hero shook their still burning hand after the punch. All the guards in this prison wore tough bulletproof vests and layers of heavier materials that nearly convinced Hero were just bricks. After finally knocking out the last person, Hero stepped above the body toward the heavy double doors.
Their boots clacked under their weight as they sighed and pushed it open with what little strength they had left.
"Damn, it..." They stumbled into the dark room and walked to the centre, waiting for their eyes to adjust.
"Looking for me?" Villain's cool voice echoed throughout the chamber. Hero found the light and flicked it on. Villain sat calmly behind bars while strapped onto a chair, parts of them bruised and beaten from whatever torment they went through.
Hero visibly winced and ran up to the prison bars.
"Are you okay? I'm here to get you out." Their eyes looked down at the lock, a multi-system that required a hand scan. They rolled their eyes and looked around for another solution.
Villain coughed weakly, "Are you saving me?"
"What do you think?" Hero stepped back and prepared to launch a kick.
"Be careful; I can't afford you to hurt yourself."
Hero kicked again, the electric light sparking up, and a small smoking stream pulled out. They held out a fist and tore the remaining pieces apart. Villain sat up as straight as they could, their neck straining to keep their head up.
They successfully pulled the doors of the jail cell open and walked inside. Villain smiled casually. "Don't tell me you've changed sides for me, love."
They knelt before them, silently untying their legs. "Why didn't you tell me?" They whispered, a hint of frustration intermingled in their voice.
"I didn't want you to feel responsible." Hero chuckled at that, a crooked smile and a growing anger gnawing at them from the inside. They'd never seen Hero so upset and yet so fiercely devoted to resuing them. "Why aren't you celebrating with the rest of your friends? isn't this what you wanted?" They spoke again.
"To what?" Hero stopped and locked eyes with Villain, biting back tears, "If I knew you were captured I would've come here no matter what." They wiped away at their face and turned down, "It was never about winning, Villain. At least not like this." They muttered helplessly. Their shoulders slumped. Of course, they'd been chasing Villain for years. They've been waiting for this moment their entire career, but seeing someone they grew to know and actually build a connection with now so weak and beaten... it made Hero second guess everything. "Heroes are meant to save."
Villain's smile reached their eyes with a slightly sombre expression, "I'm honoured," With the last roped undone, Villain rose up shakingly on their feet, Hero held onto them for support, and helped walk them out. The agonoizing pain in their body was tormenting Villain, but seeing Hero worried kept their mind too busy to process any pain. Had it been any other way, Villain was sure they'd still would've had those same feelings for Hero.
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whumpers-inc · 5 months
When the hero staggers into an abandoned warehouse, injured and weaponless, desperate for a break. They collapse against boxes piled in a corner, ragged breathing, bloodstained fingers clutching their side. They begin to cautiously inspect bloody wounds before a familiar chilling voice echoes around them.
"Hero. What a delightful surprise." Their words dripping with venom, the villain steps out from the shadows.
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saltydumplings · 1 year
Prompt #55
Cw: implied torture.
"Gods, I'm bored," the superhero complained.
They slumped back in their seat, idly pressing a button on the small remote they kept at their side. Within the room a machine whirred to life, stopping shortly after a few seconds.
The smallest of whimpers accompanied it.
"Oh, shut up," they snapped, fingers hovering over the remote again. "If you can hold a city hostage then you can handle a little torture. And you and I both know that you've endured far worse than this..."
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loveforangst · 6 months
Hero weakly glared at those perfectly polished shoes, barely an inch away from his face, as they rhythmically tapped on the bloody floor.
Tap tap tap.
The usual sickly sweet lullaby echoed in his ears distracting him from his racing heartbeat and he found himself unwillingly calming down, his resolve leaving his spirit along with the blood from his veins. "Shut up.." he murmured as his eyes closed, his body preparing for another nightmare filled sleep.
The smiling Villain carefully cleaned the tools that were ever so helpful during their wonderful playtime, humming the song he knew the Hero loathed. "Now now, no need to be so rude, " he peered at his shiny reflection before placing a scalpel on the tray, "after all we're having so much fun together aren't we?"
Hero didn't have the energy nor will to respond to his taunts and simply flexed his fingers on the cool tiles as he felt his consciousness slipping-"AaAgh!!!" When an all too familiar sharp pain shocked the nerves in his hand and forced him to shoot his eyes open, spotting the previously clean scalpel deeply lodged into his flesh. "Aren't we?" Villain's eyes had lost their playfulness and his smile fell into a bemused frown.
"Y-YES!" Hero coughed out, his eyes painfully closing once again when Villain yanked out the scalpel, a trail of fresh blood following it.
Villain sighed and brought the tool close to his face "Was that really so hard?" His smile returned in the form of a playful grin, eyes becoming crazed as he slowly licked the blood off the scalpel "Now I have to clean it, again, " he shot a pointed look to Hero even though he knew he'd already passed out. "And you know how much I dislike cleaning"
The Villain cackled by himself in the spotless room, in exception to the dark red stain, that only increased in size and surrounded the man on the floor, as he thought of what tomorrow's playtime entailed.
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certainmaybe · 8 months
The worst patient
Assistant should be used to hospitals by now. After all, most of their job came down to managing the teams hospital appointments. Of course they had other duties as well, from taxes to taking out the trash, there were a lot of things that didn’t fall into anybodies job description and ended up on Assistants plate. Not that it was written in their job description, but since nobody actually knew what their job was Assistant didn’t protest. As long as they had nobody monitoring their work and they could write their own paychecks they were happy with what they did. And most of it was arguing with grown adults about having to take the meds and stay in bed, even if they claimed they felt better. It was annoying, but the soft, gentle sort of annoying that made you feel important.
There had only been one time so far where Assistant had hated the hospital, and that was when Leader had gotten hurt. While the others turned into whiny babies or were simply irresponsible Leader was furious. Of course they hadn’t actually been angry with Assistant. They had been angry at them self, always so careful and responsible, because they couldn’t afford to get sick. After all, the people needed them. But it had been Assistant who stood between them and the door, who called the nurses and refused to let them get away, and so it had been Assistant that Leader screamed at. Leader could barely look them in the eye now, and Assistant was still hurt from all the things Leader had said to them, but both of them had always been professional.
So to summarize, Assistant should have been used to hospitals by now. And they were, as a guest. As a patient, apparently, they were terrified.
They were still angry at themselves for letting it happen. They knew, better than anyone, not to touch things they didn’t know, not in the base, not with Scientist being the way they were. Of all the teams hospital stays at least a third was related to something dangerous being left lying around. And still Assistant had picked up the crumpled up piece of paper, intending to throw it in the trash, only to find that a strange alien infection had entered their system.
To their credit, they had been very professional about it. They had discarded the paper, assessed the damage, realized it was spreading. They had called in sick, called the hospital and even made sure the teams affairs were handled so far that they could work without Assistant for a few days. Hopefully it would only be a few days before Assistant could at least do remote work.
you still need to put down an emergency contact
“What?” To their great embarrassment, Assistant had been too scared to pay attention to the nurses explanation.
“An emergency contact? I hate to say it, but the surgery is risky. We have no idea what exactly is happening to your body and it is sadly not unlikely that you won’t wake up. I'm sure there is somebody who would want to know?”
“Leader,” Assistant said without thinking. If Assistant died, they would need to hire a replacement fast. But there should be somebody else, telling them, not the hospital. That wasn’t the kind of relationship they had. Assistant had set up an automated message, in case they didn’t make it.
Subject: Resignation
Cause: Death
“Okay, I put them down, anything else I can do for you?”
“No, no, I don’t…” Assistant searched their mind for some other name to give the nurse, but the plan in a situation like this had been to hire a nurse to take care of them during recovery. Sadly, this had been on to short notice and Assistants inquiries had not been answered so far. They were hoping that once they were ready to get released from the hospital they would find somebody.
“Okay then. The doctor will be with you shortly.”
It wasn’t shortly. It took ages. Terrible, horrible ages during which Assitant thought abut all the things that could happen. They could die, of course, but there were so many things worse than dying. They could wake up. They could wake up sick and hurt, damaged to a point of no repair, alive just enough to know they would be better of dead. They could wake up to a slow, painful recovery, the kind they knew deep down they couldn’t manage alone. They could end up sick and hurt and dying and knowing that it was all their own fault for not being strong enough. They could end up forever alone, because they wouldn’t have anything to give, and what were they but the sum of the services they could provide.
And then the doctor came and started the anesthesia. Assistant was told to count back from ten.
Ten. They didn’t want to be here.
Nine. What if this was the end?
Eight. Why hadn’t they told anybody?
Seven. Would their team even care?
Six. They had written their will, but would anybody even look for it?
Five. If they woke up again, what were they supposed to do?
Four. Assistant had always called a nurse, just to make sure everything was all right.
Three. But what if Assistant woke up to sick to call somebody?
Two. What if they woke up and nobody cared?
One. Would anybody get them something to drink?
There was an annoying beeping sound. A metallic taste in Assistants mouth. They were, in some capacity, alive. They felt nothing but exhaustion at the thought.
They should try to open their eyes. Figure out if there was enough of them self left to call for the nurse. What was the plan for recovery, if there was one. Which medications, what therapies, which additional procedures that would all come with their own recovery plans. There was no use putting it off, if Assitant ever wanted to be healthy again they couldn’t slack off now. They had no time to wallow in their misery now.
Still, just for a moment, Assistant let their eyes stay closed. They reached for the slowly fading fog, pretended just for a moment that the hard part was over. Then they started blinking into the blinding light of the hospital.
The room was familiar at least. The same to bright lamps, of white walls, horrible flower painting, uncomfortable chair. Disinfectant and stale coffee. Assistant tried to shift towards the call button and groaned in pain.
There was the distinct sound of a person falling out of a chair and scrambling to their feet.
“Assistant? They are awake! Somebody get here, they are waking up!” The voice was to sudden, to loud for Assistant to remember it. It had to be familiar, why else would they know their name.
Things were happening much too fast for Assistants still numbed mind to register. All they knew was that soon a doctor was shining a even brighter light in their face.
“I am just checking that your brain functions properly.” They explained. The words had a meaning, though Assistant had a hard time connecting it. “Okay, everything seems to be looking good so far.” Oh, yes, brain function. That was a thing Assistant wanted to keep. Especially if their body might not ever funktion the same again. They wanted to ask.
“I-” Their throat was so dry it was almost on fire.
“Here,” said the familiar voice, and a straw was pushed towards their mouth. Assistant drank. It was possibly the best water they had ever had.
“How am I?” They got out.
“Well, I won’t lie, right now you are not in good shape. But we did manage to get the infection out. Once your body has recovered from this surgery we will start the process of repairing the damage. I won’t lie, you have a lot of hard work in front of you, but from where we are now I see a full recovery as very likely.”
“Great.” Assistant felt sick.
“It’s going to be alright,” said the familiar voice. It belonged to a silhouette, hardly visible against the blinding light of the window. “All you need right now is to rest.”
“I will let you two alone now,” said the doctor. “Call if you need anything.” The words weren’t said to Assistant, but to the other person.
“Thank you, doctor,” said that familiar voice. And suddenly it wasn’t just any familiar voice.
“Leader?” Assistant managed to get out. With the doctor gone Assistant could finally focus on the person standing in front of them. On Leader, looking like they had been to hell and back.
“You couldn’t have told me before?” Leader asked hoarsely, pulling the uncomfortable chair close. 
“I had an email set up.”
“Assistant, I- I suppose it’s all I deserve.” Leader made a motion as if wiping tears away. “Is there anything I can get you? More water, another blanked, a pillow? Do you need- are you in pain? I’m sorry, I don’t really know how to do this.”
“It’s fine,” Assistant managed to get out.
“Okay. Just tell me if you need anything. Promise me, please.”
“Why are you here?” Assistant asked instead. Leader set out a sigh so full of despair that Assistants heart almost broke.
“Because the hospital called me. There was a complication during the surgery, and since you put me down as your emergency contact-” And then Leader simply started sobbing. “I’m sorry,” they managed after a moment, wiping their tears away again. “This isn’t about me. There was a complication, but they managed to fix it. But they called me, and I came.”
���You came,” Assistant echoed. 
“Of course I came, Assistant, I mean-” Leader stopped themself. “Do you want me to leave? I understand if that’s… I know we aren’t exactly on good terms. If there is somebody else you would rather have here, just say the word.”
“I don’t.”
“Is it okay if I stay, then?”
Awkward silence filled the room, the same awkward silence that had filled elevators and meeting rooms.
“Can I-” Leader stopped themself. “I know I have no right to ask anything of you, but, god, please don’t ever do this to me again. If you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine, but you have to talk to somebody. I know you like doing things on your own, but some things you just can’t do alone. And this- I think this is one of those things.”
“I know.” Assistant was getting teary eyed them self. They were exhausted and in pain and still high on medication and their stoic leader was crying in front of them, there was really nothing they could do.
“Then why didn’t you tell anybody?”
“I-” It was the drugs fault what Assistant said next. “What if you hadn’t come?”
“Of course I would have come. Though I suppose I understand why you would have doubted that. But why didn’t you call any of the others then?”
Instead of an answer, Assistant just glared at Leader.
“Okay, I see how that might not have helped the situation.”
“What happens now?”
“It’s mostly up to you, but if I was you, I would get my revenge by being the most difficult patient the world has ever seen.” It was as much a cry as a laugh, but still Assistant had missed hearing Leader laugh.
“I feel like I am off to a good start for that.” And Leader laughed, and Assistant let out a painful chuckle. “I think I will sleep now.”
“Okay. I’ll be there when you wake up.”
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infinitymyth · 2 years
Heroxvillain x sidekick
Implied and referenced abuse/toture
Asking to be hurt/harmed & threats of harming for someone else
Nudity( no photos, this is a story)
Villain shoveled himself into hero’s base, his hands bleeding and covered in burns. He glanced towards the left, looking at his battered self in the mirror. Unsatisfied, he continued his trudging.
Hero paused down the hallway, watching as villain walked before him, his hands moving above his head in surrender before going out in-front of his face
Hero gulped, watching as villain bent down on his knees and folded his arms behind his back, bowing and breathing though the pain.
“ superhero was correct. Instead of trying to fight you…” villain glanced up, staring at hero’s tear filled eyes. “ I should be on my knees, begging you for forgiveness, for you to be merciful on me.”
Hero stepped backwards, stumbling on the rug and falling hastily on the ground.
Villain slumped, his knees bending at an akward angle as his forehead touched the carpet. “ he said that I should swallow my shame and ask for you to hurt me instead. I hurt you so I deserve it.”
“ villain. I don’t beat people while they’re already down. Yeah, you’ve done some… unforgivable shit but… clearly superhero’s already done the job…”
Hero gasped as he looked at villains blood droolen mouth. “ not implying that I would hurt you either way but… it seems as if you’ve learned your lesson mate.”
Sidekick barged through the doors, a snarl on his face. “ hero! Get up, don’t let this fool sit here and trick you!” He exclaimed, walking past hero to kick villain into his side. Villain only grunted, curling into a ball.
“ sidekick! He’s hurt already. Leave him be.” Sidekick stopped, eyes widening in sympathy as he took in villains form. “ no need to defend me hero. This is what I deserve, anything is better than superhero … anything…. Even, even death.”
Hero gasped, crawling towards villain and running a hand through his matted hair.
“ kill me if that’s what you want. Hurt me, torture me, anything… I deserve it. Use me as target practice, tie me up and starve me… superhero said all of those are good ideas and you should in fact use them all.” He coughed, ramblings exploding out of his mouth as hero and sidekick conversed about something he couldn’t hear.
“ villain… we’re not going to hurt you.” Hero said softly and cautiously, running a hand down his back. Villain only shook his head, tears streaming down his face. “ if you wont hurt me, then I will hurt myself for you. We can start now.” He suggested, not taking notice of the horror written in hero’s face.
“ how do we know that he’s not lying, hero?” Sidekick eventually asked, wary of the villain laying infront of them.
“ how do we know he’s not doing this to fool us or just to look pathetic so we have sympathy for him.” He continued, his hands on his sides. Villain hummed, slowly standing and undressing in front of the hero’s. He stood naked, every part of his body covered in bruises or blood, wounds deep enough to kill.
The hero’s stood in shock. “ a-aren’t you embarrassed to sit- stand in here j-naked?!” Sidekick nearly exclaimed in shock.
“Sometimes the embarrassment fades away.” Villain answered, sitting down and leaning against the wall, staring into nothingness.
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I know you’ve done at least two “hero tortured in front of the villain who can’t do anything because their relationship is a secret” but may I kindly request the opposite? Superhero, fed up with the hero’s “I almost got them but they slipped away at the last second” shenanigans, captures the villain themself and subsequently tortures them in front of the hero, who must sit there and do nothing but watch as their lover suffers “in the name of justice”.
It was the kind of feeling that pressed the hero’s ribcage together. That kind of feeling when they looked at a person and simply knew the bad news they’d deliver. That horrible feeling when they got the call they’d tried to avoid all day.
The hero took in a deep breath and tried to remember their training. They tried to remember the rules they had to follow to avoid a panic attack. Usually, they weren’t someone to lose their cool that quickly but right now, they were sure they had to throw up.
“You look quite pale,” the superhero mumbled. They cocked their head curiously but the hero couldn’t even bring their eyes to look away from the villain’s broken form on the ground.
Hell, there was so much blood.
And they weren’t moving anymore.
“Are you done now?” the hero asked. “I have work to get back to.”
The superhero balanced the pipe they’d used to beat the villain with on two fingers, almost as if they were part of the circus and tried to impress the hero.
But the hero wasn’t impressed by their ability to balance a pipe that still had blood dropping down its metal nor were they impressed by how little the superhero cared about making a person being suffer like this.
“You don’t look like you enjoyed this. I did you a favour.”
“I don’t really think beating a prisoner has anything to do with justice.” The hero tried to keep their voice up but they could feel the lump in their throat. They could feel the tears and the pain in their nose that announced them.
They’d kissed the villain this morning softly. They had told them they’d have to be at work a little longer. And the villain had promised to take everything slow, after all, they were still recovering from a horrible cold.
“They’re a villain and you failed to do your job.” The hero couldn’t do this. They couldn’t look at the villain.
Something in their chest seemed to crack. Something deep down was breaking into pieces. The hero wanted to strangle the superhero right here, right now. They wanted to run up to their lover and call the medics.
Was the villain still alive? God, the hero couldn’t do this. They clenched their jaw, desperate for some stability.
The villain must’ve been weak and the superhero must’ve realised that they were struggling. It was sick to think about it, sick to imagine their lover who was supposed to be in bed, being punched over and over again by the hero’s boss.
“I apologise if any of my work didn’t satisfy you,” the hero said. “But this isn’t appropriate.”
Broken fingers. One ankle was definitely cracked too. The superhero had broken most of the villain’s ribs as well. If even one of them was piercing the villain’s lungs…The hero didn’t want to think about that.
The villain’s whole respiratory system must’ve been fucked.
“This is mercy,” the superhero said. “I could’ve done worse things to them.”
They put a hand on the hero’s shoulder but the hero didn’t think there was anything worse than this. Death would’ve been more merciful. Death for the both of them.
“I could’ve done worse things to you,” the superhero clarified and the hero realised this wasn’t the villain’s punishment. It was theirs. It was the hero’s fault. The superhero rather beat up a villain than one of their own.
But their actions were clear. If the hero allowed themselves to slip up one more time, it was them who’d be fighting for their life.
This was a warning, a demonstration of power. It was intimidation. It was cruel.
“I understand,” the hero said. Their eyes found the villain again. The bleeding villain who didn’t move at all. The same villain who had promised not to go out today. The same villain who would’ve probably done it anyway to buy some flowers for the hero. The hero couldn’t think about it. They couldn’t think about the villain’s smile. About lazy kisses in the morning or how gentle they were when the hero was covered in injuries.
“That’s a good puppy.” The superhero squeezed their shoulder hard enough to leave bruises before they walked towards the door. “Oh, another thing…see these cameras?”
The hero followed the superhero’s index finger with their eyes. Four in total. Each corner. Perfect view of the entire room.
“If you talk to them, if you touch them, I’ll know. Your job is to observe them. Nothing else, got it?” the superhero asked and the hero only nodded weakly. “Once they wake up, we’ll be ready for round two.”
The hero really needed to throw up.
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wh3nturtlesfly · 1 year
It was early morning by the time someone had found Hero. They had been left to die, blood caked in their wounds and clothing soaked with dew. Left along the riverbank, Hero was curled up tightly, shivering against the morning waves that lapped at their ankles. They were barely conscious when Villain had stumbled upon them.
Hero’s first response had been to fight back. The moment Villain reached out a hand, they sprung forward, raking their nails down the Villain’s cheek. They kicked and cried out, though their voice had been worn from their throat long ago. Soon Hero could do nothing but whimper, drawing back just before they slumped into the soil.
When Hero did wake they were feverish. Villain’s attention had been drawn over the moment they heard splashing, turning to find the crime fighter thrashing in the tub. They rushed over, readying a towel as if they could dry all the puddles that now doused the tile.
“Hey, hey,” Villain placed a hand on the small Hero’s shoulder and they whirled around, eyes wide. Like a spooked animal, Hero flinched back.
“It’s alright,” Villain placed their words carefully. Surely Hero knew that they were nothing short of enemies, and any wrong move could send the crimefighter into a frenzy. Villain couldn’t risk them getting injured worse. Their history meant nothing now. Not until they fixed this. “Breathe for me okay? It’s just a bath, I’ve got to clean your wounds or they’re going to get infected.”
Once the words had sunk in, Hero settled a little. The crease in their brow had faded, though the frown didn’t leave their face. Eyes drifting down to the bath, beneath the suds, their voice shook, “You-”
“Your old clothes were in tatters. Unsalvageable.” Villain saw the way Hero tensed and was quick to reassure them, “I didn’t look- you were wrapped in a blanket up until the tub, I swear it.” They looked away, opting for the cloth they had brought along with them rather than gazing into Hero’s tired eyes.
Villain raised the cloth and Hero immediately flinched away. They remained still like that for a moment. Two gazes locked in a silent conversation. One carried fear and mistrust, while the other held a determination to heal even though they could never understand why. Villain spoke before they could think.
“I’ll be gentle. You can tell me to stop at any time, but I figured you wouldn’t want to be covered in grime forever.”
Their hand remained poised in the air while Hero met their gaze. There was something hidden within all the fear. Relief? Maybe.
Slowly, Hero nodded, scooting closer so the Villain could reach them.
While Villain wiped the blood from their wounds they were careful not to disturb any inch of the Hero’s skin. The two were caught in a deep silence, but despite everything it was comfortable. Dipping the rag into the suds of the bath, Villain came up to the Hero’s shoulders and brushed away layers of mud. Beneath the skin was pale, though not as light as it had been when they had first found the Hero. Then it had been nearly translucent, veins the same deep shade of the bruises that no soap could wash from the Hero’s skin.
With the upper half of their body clean, Villain handed off the rag to Hero. A glance passed between the two. Hero would tend to the rest of themselves while Villain fancied themself with another task.
Hero squeaked when they felt fingers along the back of their head and nearly jumped out of the tub altogether. It took Villain’s quick explanation to reassure them. “Your hair is matted,” they said. “If you leave it now, it’ll only get worse.”
They waited a moment, still. Then, in the smallest mumble.
Despite their earlier shock, it was an effort not to sigh from the feeling of Villain’s hand in their hair. They were careful, gentle in ways they had never been during battle. Hero found their eyes fluttering shut, the soft pressure on their scalp a heavenly feeling. Villain worked diligently to undo every knot. They brushed through each tangle and plucked away stray leaves and mud. Hero was about to protest when Villain had stopped, before catching onto a sweet scent.
The fizzing sensation of shampoo overtook Hero, mind filling with the smell of citrus. They leaned back into Villain’s touch without thinking, humming softly in contentment.
“It’s been a while hasn’t it?”
Hero’s eyes fluttered open, “Hm?”
“Since you’ve been cared for- you’ve melted into every touch.”
That broke Hero from their stupor. They pulled away on instinct and a pink flush made its way across their cheeks. Villain however didn’t appear to care. In fact, they even looked a little disappointed to see the Hero shrink back. “I-” Hero stuttered, “I didn’t mean to-”
“Don’t apologize love.” Villain ran their nails along the Hero’s scalp, “You deserve to be cared for. When I found you-” they broke off. The soft smile on Villain’s face slipped away as their mind was filled with the picture of Hero. Bleeding. Shivering. Nearly dead along the river bank. Despite everything, Villain’s hands curled into fists.
“I’ll never let someone hurt you like that again.”
And again they fell into silence, Villain’s promise revealed and Hero left to contemplate the idea. The hushed pop of soap bubbles filled the space. Hero could feel the suds in their hair. It was nice, clean. Safe.
Deep breath in, Hero leaned back again. They felt Villain’s hand come to support the back of their head and their eyes slipped closed on instinct. Soon they felt the pressure return and with a whisper, they turned to their savior and offered a gentle smile.
“Thank you.”
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writingpromptsworld · 8 months
Prompt #59
(Pathetic villain x confident hero👀)
“You know…you’re pretty pathetic.” The hero said, as they bandaged their wounded hand, ready to fight. The villain’s eyebrows perked up, they eyed the wound on the hero’s arm before meeting their eyes.
“Excuse me?” They said, a little sharply, their eyes narrowing. They took a few steps forward to the hero.
The hero chuckled. “You are, villain.”
“No, I’m not.”
“You follow me, you make sure I don’t go on dates with other people, you make sure that I eat and sleep. And make sure that I’m safe. You know…I’m not a baby.” The hero mused, their eyes tumbling, and their mouth drawn up into a smile.
“Well, what does that have to do with me being pathetic?” The villain asked, frowning. Their lips turned upside down in confusion. They were so so adorable, the hero thought. And so so wrong.
“It’s pathetic that you think all of those things are going to make me yours. That I would stop having a normal life and be with you.” The hero revealed, glancing up. Their smile was gone, leaving a cold expression, and even colder eyes.
The villain didn’t move, it was as if their world stopped. Their time faltered, and their breath slowed, almost to a degree to where they struggled to breathe properly. This revelation…was not what they wanted. Not what they expected. No. That couldn’t happen. They wouldn’t let it happen. They wouldn’t let the hero slip through their fingers. They were theirs.
They glanced up, their eyes horrified at hero’s words. The hero came forward, their hands behind their back, with a blank yet smug expression on their face. It was as if they knew just what kind of effect they had on the villain. They stopped inches away.
“You will be with me. You belong to me.” The villain defended angrily like a child not wanting to let go of their favorite toy. The hero shook their head. The villain fumed even more. “No…No, you’re going to be with me. We’ll be together forever. You can’t possibly do this to me!”
The hero only perked their eyebrows up, amused. They don’t say anything for a while, making the villain even more anxious and furious. The hero spoke up after a moment: “You know…the first time we fought, I could see you falling. Not only from that building but also for me. I was delighted, because then I knew I could make the strongest villain fall to their knees for me with a snap of my fingers. You were so easy. And I used that to save thousands, if not millions.” The hero finished, their voice carrying hints of pride that the villain could pick out.
The villain’s head was heavy with the realization, confusion, and so much sadness and rage. They fainted.
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auroragehenna · 1 year
AI-less Whumptober
Day 12 Self harm, Sacrifice, Character death
TW/CW: Fights, punches, mockery, intimate whumper, chin tilt, low paintolerance whumpee, scared whumpee, implied kidnapping Word count: 872
The young hero approached him carefully. Almost in awe. He disliked it. It’s just his power. Aside from that he was just like them. Just now he was on his way to eat the shitty food from the agency’s cafeteria.
“Superhero! There’s a message from ‘control’ for you!”
“From Control?”, he asked. Looks like there would be no lunch today.
“Yeah. Sounded pretty urgent.”, hero panted out.
Okay so it wasn’t an internal conflict. Definitely no lunch. “Got it. Thanks Kai.”
The boy looked confused, as if he was genuinely surprised he knew his name.
Superhero stood there for a few more awkward moments and then turned around and walked towards control. By now he knew the labyrinth-like halls of the agency by heart. Five minutes later he knocked on the slick metal door.
The two wings of the door pulled back into the walls and Superhero entered. “What is it this time? Amenesias?”
“No. Not Amenesias, we haven’t seen her in a while.”
“Him.”, Superhero corrected.
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway somebody else. A new villain. And as long as we don’t know more…-”
“-It’s better if I go check it out, just to be safe.”, Superhero finished their sentence.
“Just so nobody gets hurt.” They smiled.
“Sure.”, Superhero said. Ignoring the rumbling of his stomach. “Let me just get my stuff.”
Half an hour later Superhero was in full gear and had nearly caught up to Villain. They were committing some low-level crimes in the inner city but Superhero was not going to underestimate them because of it. There! They turned around a corner and saw them. A hooded figure was casually walking down the street and cutting things in half. Cars, Benches, hydrants. Superhero couldn’t see how they were doing that just yet but it didn’t matter. They’d be fine. So they sneaked up closer. Only go get hit in the side by a wave of asphalt. He flew into the next building and to the ground. Superhero took a run-up with his legs and pushed himself up with his arms. “Terra.”, what a pleasant surprise.”, they called out.
A malicious laugh was all they heard in response.
"Come out here so I can finish this and work on the actual threat.”, he provoked matter-of-factly.
Next a streetlamp hit him from behind. He got thrown forward onto all fours and used the momentum to roll forward into a handstand and push himself up again. Just in time to see Terra lunge at him. He blocked his stone punch with his left arm and buried his right hand in the villain’s hair. Then he let himself fall and pulled Villain down with him. They dropped to the ground and Superhero straddled Villain and pulled out the gas spewer.  A few seconds after they hit the trigger Terra’s body fell limb. Superhero quickly locked their wrists in the power supressing cuffs and then spun around to look for the hooded figure. They were leaning against a sliced car, perfectly calm, watching them.
Superhero stood up and turned around to them. “So what’s your deal, hood-guy?”
“I could ask you the same question. You have some kind of shield?”, hooded asks.
“Just lucky, I guess.”, Superhero replies. And just a moment after his stomach grumbles loudly. He cursed it in his mind.
Hooded cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah, definitely, lucky…Tell me do they always use you as cannon-fodder?”
“I’m literally the best choice. To help out if need be and scoop out newcomers. Like you. And since you’re wasting time trying to get into my head you apparently don’t have more to offer than your little slicing.”, Superhero says dryly.
“Hmm, you’re not completely wrong, that is indeed what I’m best at. But I am not limited to only that.”
“Alright. Enough of this.”, Superhero cut in harshly and lunged at the hooded figure.
The figure hurriedly makes a swift flick motion and a scream rips through the air.
Superhero’s scream…
He drops to his knees, hand reaching up to his torse and coming back bloodied. He stares at it, eyes wide in terror. Breath picking up exponentially. Then suddenly two feet enter his vision and a hand sneaks under his chin and tilts it up. Until his wide eyes meet the sinister sparkling eyes of the hooded figure.
“Well, well, well. Looks like you finally found your match little one.”
Tears were welling up in Superhero’s eyes. “It hurts.”
“Aw you really have no idea of pain do you.”, the hooded figure cooed. Superhero whimpered and the sound was heaven to his ears. “Gooosh you’re perfect! Technically I only wanted to scoop out the competition and cause a little trouble. But I think I’m going to change my plans. And you’re coming with me little one. You can call me Supervillain.”
“N-No I-I don’t wanna.”, Superhero whimpered.
Hood-guy lifted his arm and lightly moved his fingers. “Do you want another taste?”
Superhero frantically shook their head.
“Now then. Come on.”
“They’ll-ugh-they’ll search for me!”, Superhero groaned out.
Supervillain only laughed. “I thought you were cleverer than that little one. You remember Amenesias?”
Superhero paled.
“There you go, finally clicked. Now get up and come here before I make you!”
This idea came to me randomly and it blew up on discord. So I wrote it
Taglist: @yourlocalgaefae33, @princessofhe11, @greatkittencloud, @bisexuawolfsalt, ( @eatyourdamnpears, @diamond-flavored-n whump, @sodacreampuff, @suspicious-whumping-egg, ), @ailesswhumptober
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whumpers-inc · 2 years
Let us live, For we must die
"Ever wonder what happens after you die?" Hero slipped down into the unspoken seat reservation by Villain's side.
"Not really." Villain glanced at Hero as they settled beside them. "I'm more concerned with the present. From what I've heard, world domination from the grave is very difficult."
Not even a smile from Hero. "You and I, we're not human. Surely that has to change something?"
Villain frowned as they studied Hero, who looked like they were fighting back tears. "Why the sudden morbidity?"
"Saw the doctor." The words came out strangled. "It's- it's cancer."
Oh. Oh, Hero. Villain gently put an arm around them, pulling them close as they sobbed, shaking shoulders, into Villain's chest. "I'm so sorry," they whispered into the top of Hero's head. "What did they say?"
Hero sniffed. "Said it's bad, got a couple of months maybe." They wiped their nose on their sleeve. "I'm gonna miss you."
"Hey, don't say that." A lump tightened in Villain's throat. They swallowed. "I need you around to foil my plans."
A watery smile flickered on Hero's mouth. They settled back against Villain. "Promise you'll stay till the end?"
Villain nodded, tears dampening their cheeks. "I promise."
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