#hes a saint bernard
roadstostray · 1 year
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what about a little cujo
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tmos-time · 1 year
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cringetober's neko (or other animal parts) day is giving me a chance to give dog theme propaganda about eridan; you KNOW he'd have some sort of internalized thing about dog symbolism from trying to join bec noir
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thenewgirl76 · 7 months
Since he was reasonably polite while asking, (for Damian) Bruce didn't even bat an eye when Steph's new bff explained that his youngest son requested that he bring his dog with him after Steph invited him to the manor. It was a bit of a shock discovering the dog in question was not amongst the living, but not by much.
The presence of the spectral canine causing their own dearly departed doggo Ace to unexpectedly manifest was a little more startling, but again not by much.
Danny's sudden wariness toward how well Cujo and Ace were getting along when Jason corrected him after he called Ace he instead of she however, when not a minute ago he was absolutely ecstatic over the good behavior being displayed despite the whole "haunt intrusion" thing was such a clear sign of something soon to go wrong Bruce is now kicking himself for not paying closer attention and being more concerned.
He regrets this more than ever now that he's stuck dealing with the half-a-dozen green or blue bullmastiff shepherd puppies flying around wrecking havoc with their random growing and shrinking a day later. Oh well, at least Damian's the happiest he's ever been for some time, for now. Bruce really isn't looking forward to telling him that they can't keep the puppies and why. Maybe he should try bribing Dick and if that fails, Alfred into doing it instead.
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they-hermes · 3 months
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There’s only just one thing that we have in common
neither of us will be missed.
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phaerlax · 10 months
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Uuuh excuse me is this thing broken or is my favorite character getting preferential treatment all of a sudden sjdhsksnslsj CHRISTMAS MIRACLES OMG THE WOLF RENAISSANCE IS REAL
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rustycopper4use · 4 months
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gasp is that…
Baby Joan angst
I think it might be!
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dee-in-the-box · 9 months
okay screw it, i'm doing it anyway
so, my friends, get ready for my AU Version of Blackjack. or, as he is also known:
The Physical Manifestation of The Tragedy of The Kennedy Siblings.
so, to give you an idea of how that ended up being one of his titles, let me go step-by-step with this:
when Jack first died, Blackjack first formed as a skin and bones, pale purple dog. he looked small too, like he was also not a full grown dog, either. yet another odd thing about him: his eyes were entirely white, and he had similar white tear tracks falling down his face. he looked...uncanny, to say the least.
he hung around Fredbear's for a little bit and ran into Dee. upon learning about what had happened to her, he grew angry. really angry. sure, Jack had checked the camera footage before he died and saw Henry leading her to the back, and thus had a clue of what happened...but now he knew for sure. and not only that, he knows details of what that SADISTIC FUCK did to his dear sister.
and he was pissed.
as more and more murders piled up over the years, Blackjack started turning a deeper and deeper purple, to the point he appeared to be a shadowy black color. it was almost like he was a Sponge of Suffering for Freddy's. his body was almost fog-like in the way it worked and appeared, wisps of his fur coming off of his body like smoke. his eyes glowed, and his tears actually felt wet. however, those that touched them discovered that the tears were scalding hot, as though they were heated by hellfire itself. every bark the dog released sounded angry, threatening, even if he was clearly happy or calm.
customers began to view Blackjack as Death Itself, coming to guide the souls of the missing children to the afterlife. oh, how Blackjack wishes that were his purpose.
(no, that job has been delegated to someone else)
it is after Peter dies that something...changes.
Peter, as he died, saw a shadowy dog run up to the Saferoom door after Henry closed it. the dog clawed on the door, snarling and growling at the man behind it. he sounded enraged, like he was cursing Henry out for his crimes, for even daring to hurt Peter or those children. Peter believed that this dog would guide him to the afterlife. he believed it to be Sparky.
(years later, as he recounts the story to Jack as a Phone Guy, he doesn't understand why Jack has an unnerved look on his face as he mentions the dog. the dog didn't seem bad; it actually seemed to want to help. so why does he act like the dog being there was a bad thing?)
Peter's death changed Blackjack. his every breath came out as a growl, he'd watch Henry from a distance, glaring at him and growling at him if he ever got to close. his words were garbled, and very few could understand the words with perfect clarity. but...something else happened, something that disturbed customers even more. the dog would howl, and a sound that many could only describe as "screams of the damned" would accompany it. however, some could pick out three distinct "voices" from the screaming.
a young girl, screaming bloody murder as she begged for two men, her brothers, most likely. a man, groaning in pain along with the sound of metal scraping on tile. the sound that rose above the other two, however, was the sound of another young man screaming in agony quite suddenly, only for it to be cut off as the other two rang out like an echo.
Henry just politely ignored Blackjack's existence. he wouldn't mess with Blackjack if Blackjack didn't mess with him.
after all, why would he bother with the spirit of a dog?
and then 1983 happened. he had simply stayed after hours to clean up after...well, simply put, some kids decided to shove a young boy in Fredbear's mouth.
he remembered hearing the sound of angry snarling behind him. he whipped around, only to find it standing behind him. Blackjack was growling and snarling at him, looking about ready to pounce and tear him to shreds where he stands. the dog howls, and suddenly Henry learns what everyone meant by "screams of the damned."
he hears them clearly. he recognizes at least two of the voices: a girl he murdered and a man whose death he was responsible for. the third...the third he didn't recognize, but was one he had a hunch about, given the context of the other two.
it was the voice of a man he left to die.
(he remembers. he remembers looking that man in the eyes as his life was slipping away from him. he remembers how that man looked up at him, and with all of the voice the man had left, he wheezed out "h..elp...m..e....." Henry remembers laughing in the man's face as he left him to die.)
(Henry remembers returning to that accursed suit and finding it blood-soaked....but scarily empty. because it shouldn't be empty, it's literally impossible for it to be. he was the only one who knew about...him. so how...?)
it hits Henry, the voices he's hearing.
Dee. Peter. Jack.
The Kennedy Siblings.
Henry doesn't get much time to process what that all must mean. he steps back from the clearly aggressive dog. turns out that small movement was a mistake.
Blackjack lunges at him, barking wildly and snarling. Henry braces himself; he'd not sure what a ghost dog would be capable of doing to a person.
he feels pain as the dog sinks its teeth into his skin, and he feels himself...sink? what-?
he finds himself in a place he could only describe as...The Void. he finds the dog standing in front of him, still snarling and growling at him. but...then something unexpected happened.
Blackjack spoke. and Henry knew exactly who this was.
he doesn't know why Jack's soul took the form of a dog. it's something he's never really seen before. with the exception of Dee (she'd take the form of either the puppet she was trapped in, or a regular human-shaped ghost). but....an animal? he'd never seen that before.
regardless, Blackjack practically cusses him out, angry about what Henry had done. to his sister, to his brother, to him. Henry left him to die. he framed him for his sister's murder. he killed everyone he loved.
but he wasn't going to kill him, not yet, anyway. death was too good for him, in Blackjack's eyes.
he left him to rot, believing that, eventually, enough time in The Void would cause Henry to die. because maybe he would still age. maybe he would start to waste away. something.
...safe to say, he was wrong.
it somehow made him stronger.
anyway, there's the timeline 'til about...maybe around DSAF 1? i dunno.
but yeah! Blackjack basically absorbs the Suffering Vibes™ at Freddy's locations and it ended up fueling him and his rage. he got fueled more by Dee and Peter's deaths, hence him being the embodiment/physical manifestation of The Tragedy of the Kennedy Siblings.
also, i did a Minor rewrite of how Blackjack works. i somewhat based him off of how i write Cassidy in the Fnaf Canon: Angry, Vengeful Older Sibling Who Lost Their Loved Ones AND Their Life To The Same Man, Who Lashes Out In Anger At What Happened, And Ends Up Making Bad Decisions In Order To Get Vengeance For Their Murder.
i mean. Jack was a young adult who had his younger sister get murdered by a man who (potentially at this point) was his boss, got framed for her murder, and then was left to die by that same boss. like...realistically speaking, while Blackjack might act all mysterious and wise (and to a certain extent he is), he's really just the soul or a scared, angry, and vengeful young man whose life was ruined for effectively no real reason. so i wanted that to come across more.
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alucardsathomewife · 9 months
Specifically, Pip wishes you a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays!
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hellishgayliath · 10 months
i am unwell
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soildweller · 2 years
pocky day doodle
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worminsndtier · 1 year
Kotestu is a grim
This is a fact Barnaby knew, one he wished to push down as far as he possibly can. Telling everyone that he's just a ghost dog, trying not to raise suspicion when Kotestu melts into his shadow. Of course no one would ever bat an eye towards them, in a world of superpowers, the supernatural isn't as adnormal as one would think.
It doesn't change much about it if no one thought too deeply about it. Rather if anyone even knew what a grim was they probably wouldn't bat an eye. That's not the issue, the issue Barnaby is experiencing is specifically how powerful having a grim could be.
Church grims are known as guardian dogs that roamed graveyards to keep them keep trespassers that came to vandalize gravestones or rob the dead. But they are also known as Gytrash, Black Shuck, Barghest, or just Black dogs.
Black dogs that are thought to be malevolent and sinister shapeshifting creatures that would either guide travelers to the right path or guide them to become lost, unable to return. Barnaby has learned through time that Kotestu would never trick him, but he's seen him do it to others. Hiding in shadows when he was younger, growing at impossible feats, and covering him in inky blackness to scare away bullies and such.
He's also seen what happens what happens when it gets taken too far. Tiny clicks of nails turning into scrapings of talons on concrete, the dripping of warm blood onto unclothed skin. The smell of copper etching all around him but him being unable to see anything from the blackness.
Barnaby is grateful for never being able to see what what happened to his step father. Even more so that his mom hid all the details from him, along with keeping it a secret from the cops in where her husband went. But it never stops the inkling of fear of what if it happens again. When it happens, would he be able to control Kotestu, or would he loose all control of him like he did that night when he was a kid.
Kotestu is a grim, that is a fact. Only a few people knew, and Barnaby wants it to stay that way. The prospect of another persons death hangs over his head every time they merge together. But if he pretends, maybe no one will ask, no one will push, no one would take it too far.
That's all he asks, for no one to look to closely at his guys dog
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chronic-high-achiever · 10 months
One kind of negative, kind of positive thing about having a huge golden retriever boyfriend is that
He really, really doesn’t know his own size sometimes.
And obviously I say that in the most affectionate way possible bc I love the guy. But when you’re cuddling with a 6’3” guy (as a 5’4” girl), and he suddenly rolls on top of you or pulls you close to him like bodily,,, around the waist, the motherfucker is bound to cut off the respiratory system. So I’m here not wanting to break his heart by admitting that I’m two seconds away from seeing The Lord and need to be let go of immediately, meanwhile he’s just there like “ah cuddling time with my lovely gf :)”
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TLDR; golden retriever boyfriends are probably best in small doses, but I love mine exactly the way he is
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I think gordon freeman should be a saint bernard with an anti wolf collar
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yoylechess · 10 months
both mo & louie have what i like to call the "sam sammymack effect" where they have specific type/breed of animal they are yet i dont draw them like that
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op15-moonwaltz · 2 years
even MORE Jack Frost headcanons because I have a lot of thoughts and none of them are cohesive. (some of these feel more AU-ish and I dunno what to do about that, if I feel tempted I might actually write out a before movie events story with jack and saint nick because he deserves some happiness and I love my little oinglydoobles)
The Santa he was close with he called 'Saint Nick.' He was already fairly old when he became Santa (around 60 years-old to early 70s), but Jack Adored him. He was very open to Jack having some presence in the holiday season besides making things cold.
Saint Nick was actually a grandfather when he became Santa! His kids and grandkids were very frequent visitors of the North Pole. Jack was ecstatic when one of Nick's grandkids said their favorite holiday movie was Rankin Bass' 'Jack Frost.'
The Council of Legendary Figures wasn't particularly. . overjoyed that Jack had taken part of the holiday décor from the traditional Christmas decorations, but Saint Nick shut that talk down FAST.
"Just because he isn't a holiday doesn't mean he can't have some say in the decorations around this time! Without him, there'd be no holiday spirit at all! He needs some credit here, fellas. A 'Thank you' maybe, too."
Jack never told anyone he had been outside the meeting room door during that. He had previously been there to crash the meeting, as he usually did, but after hearing that he'd tossed that plan out entirely and popped over to his condo and had a 4-hour long existential crisis.
time to get SAD (tw for a LOT of grieving)
When Jack popped over for the meeting after Scott became Santa, he could already feel something incredibly off as soon as he touched the handle to the door and his rising anxiety was confirmed when he went to sit in his usual seat next to Claus' chair and tried to keep a smile up despite feeling absolutely sick to his stomach.
He finally cracked when Scott had made a passing comment on how Saint Nick had slid off his roof and Jack Lost It. An hour long shouting match between him and the other Legendary Figures, with comments from Scott, before they actually noticed the tears that sat in Jack's eyes. (Frustration? Grief?)
"So NO ONE thought to tell me he died? No one at all? After we'd both been planning the holidays together for the last 40 years?!"
"It's not personal, Jack- T-Things are just different now-" Scott's first mistake upon meeting Jack.
EVERYTHING Saint Nick had helped Jack work toward had been undone within the span of a few weeks, and a lot of the days of December were icy and bitterly cold.
He fucking missed Saint Nick so bad. He felt both pissed that Scott had replaced him so fast, and absolutely shattered that Nick's grandkids had lost their grandfather.
Jack had become a constant in Nick's family's lives, so he'd pop over a lot more frequently to check up on them. He never told anyone he did that, the Legendary Figures were very keen on keeping holiday secrets just that. Secrets. But he couldn't just leave the family in the dark like that, they couldn't even have a proper funeral for him.
For Christmas that year, Jack practically Begged Bernard to do one thing for him. Find something of Nick's that he could give to his family for closure. Bernard and Jack never got along well most of the time, but the genuine broken look in his eyes was enough to make Bernard comply.
Jack turned up at Nick's Family's home Christmas Day, little giftbox in tow. He stayed for awhile, watching the grandkids play with their new toys, then he snuck away with the parents and presented the box.
Bernard had gotten Nick's snow globe for Jack to give the family.
Jack stuck around to watch them place it on the center of the fireplace mantel. He felt a bit more at peace knowing the family had something.
When Jack returned to his condo that night, there was a single gift wrapped in blue and silver paper on his coffee table. Bernard had gotten one more thing for him.
It was a framed photo of Jack and Saint Nick's first collaborative Christmas, Jack had wrapped Nick in silver and blue tinsel before the photo was taken and Nick had gotten a pair of antlers onto Jack's head. They were both ecstatic and covered in glitter.
Jack passed out the rest of the night on his couch with the picture on his chest.
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mikesmeat · 2 years
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Meatloaf (Bluey sona)
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