#hes broken
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Bonus: A short story His hand sluggishly reached forward, it felt as though a weight was pulling him down, like his arm was moving through something thick and solid. But he was determined, gently pressing the glowing button on the ground before him. "Stanley" The sound echoed around, bouncing off of the walls of the cold concrete box he kneeled in. "Stanley" He couldn't remember what it meant, but he felt that it was significant. That it was the most important word in the world. "Stanley" He was so tired... "Stanley" Maybe he could sleep... "Stanley" Yes, sleep would help. He couldn't recall ever needing to sleep in the past but maybe... maybe it would make this feeling go away. "Stanley" He whispered the word reverently as the world faded away around him.
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macravishedbymactavish · 10 months
I love dogs!!
Now I got to know. What kind of dog would you say I was?
There are no wrong answers. 😄
This is 100% biased because I own this type of dog buuuuuut -- gotta be a Newfoundland.
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They are the most docile, loving, kind hearted doofs on the entire planet. Our guy Jäger is well over 100lbs but still insists that he's a wee little lap dog who needs to be held and cuddled at all times.
Loves, and I mean LOVES people. Take him to town? AH PEOPLE HELLO. Vet? AH PEOPLE HELLO. Nail trims? AH PEOPLE HELLO.
They're all around amazing dogs, and I've found one of my best friends in one. So it's suiting that you are a Newfoundland
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paperplayground · 1 month
River, how'd you get to be so cool? Is it natural?
*-River just looked at you, surprised by the sudden compliment. He wasn’t sure of what to think of this. On one hand, he knew it was nice to be called cool. But on the other hand, nothing but anxiety and nervousness surged through his mind, unsure of what to even do or say, nor did he have any sort of response. He just continued to stare at you with no way of responding back ….. I think you broke him, oh no-*
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throughthedarkestminds · 10 months
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sholangagaga · 2 years
Idea/Rambling 11: Nightmare
I’ve decided to try something a little different and write a ficlet thing. The last time I really did this was with Idea 4, and that has inspired the creation of 2 stories. Actually, this thing has a lot in common with Idea 4; it is my favorite, so I'm not surprised. So if you can read past my lackluster writing skills, maybe someone will find it interesting.
This would take place a day after the previous idea, or maybe this is a separate thing; who knows? Either way, Freddy is now fully repaired, but the others are still being worked on. 
So Vanessa would again bring Gregory with her to work. This time he would just hang out with Freddy in his green room, playing games such as "Faz Brawl" (aka Super Smash Bros. with a FNAF skin).
Vanessa, meanwhile, decides to try and just stay in the main office to avoid another incident like the night before and just "supervise" things with the cameras. There is only one issue—she doesn't actually know how to use any of the equipment. (see idea 1) After spending the better part of an hour trying to make anything work, she throws in the towel. With nothing better to do, she revises her application on her laptop for her old job as a beta tester for Silver Parasol games. It was a job she genuinely liked doing and it pays way better than the sub-minimum wage she currently receives as a security guard.
After taking care of this and submitting the application, she decides to take a quick nap while she has the chance. She sets an alarm on her phone to wake her up and tells Freddy on the Fazwatch what she is doing. She then grabs a pillow, reclines the chair, and drifts off to sleep.
A couple hours later, Vanessa wakes up, not feeling particularly well rested and also a bit sore for some reason. She doesn’t think much of it and checks her alarm. She sees that it hasn't gone off yet, having awoken before the set time, and heads over to Freddy's room to check on them and pick up Gregory. 
Vanessa gets to the room and knocks on the door, not wanting to be impolite, and waits. A minute passes with no response from the room, so she tries to contact them on her Fazwatch. Still nothing… Now Vanessa is starting to get really worried and begins to wander around the pizzaplex, calling their names to try and find them. 
After around 20 minutes of frantic searching, Vanessa suddenly remembers that the Fazwatch has a tracker that she can use to find other Fazwatches, like the one that Gregory has. She figures out how to get it to work after some trial and error. It shows that his Fazwatch is currently located in one of the small storage rooms around the complex.
So she heads over to the room, and stops in front of the slightly ajar door. She knocks and calls his name, and gets no response. Vanessa waits for a few minutes and then slowly opens the door while announcing that she is entering, so as to not scare Gregory by accident. She enters the room and sees…Gregory underneath a blanket on a chair in the back with Freddy in rest mode standing next to him.
Vanessa lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Gregory and Freddy were just resting! Of course, that explains why she didn’t get a response when she tried to contact. Relieved, she walks over to where Gregory is sleeping, carefully pulls the blanket off him, and…
…let’s out a blood-curdling shriek at the sight that greets her, Gregory disemboweled and covered in blood and collapses onto the floor. At first she desperately tries to convince herself that she is just hallucinating, but a second glance at the sight of his blood-covered corpse as well as the now overwhelming scent of iron, both of which she is painfully familiar with, convinces her that it is real.
She starts hyperventilating and crying as she tries to figure out how this could possibly have happened. Her question is answered when she hears a familiar giggle behind her.
She turns around to discover... Vanny, standing over her. Her form is slightly fuzzy, for lack of a better term, meaning that Vanny isn't physically there but she is still in Vanessa's head and she is now making her mental presence known. Vanessa goes silent. How is SHE here? Weren't those games supposed to make Vanny go away? Did they miss something? Was it all a trick and the games never actually did anything and this was all some kind of ploy?
Suddenly, before she can even think to ask these questions, Vanessa is assaulted with memories that aren't hers. They show that while she was sleeping, Vanny took over. She used a secret app on her phone to control Freddy and lure Gregory into a back room under the pretense of a surprise. There, Vanny did the deed, quickly so as to avoid a repeat of the last time she captured him. After that, she made sure to make the corpse as ruined as possible, and she covered his body with a blanket with a non-absorbent backing so the blood wouldn't soak into it and make it look like he was sleeping. This was all done to maximize the "surprises" effect on Vanessa. After that, Vanny washed her hands (the disemboweling process was VERY messy) and placed her body in the exact same position that Vanessa was in when she fell asleep so she would be none the wiser.
Vanessa tries to convince herself that that didn't happen, but deep down she knows it did. What erases her delusions is when she notices the small flecks of blood under her fingernails. Vanny just giggles even more as she watches her break down. Vanny then begins to take over again leaving Vanessa to scream in agony as she desperately tries to remain in control, all the while knowing that it's hopeless and she's about to go back being a monster and shedoesntwanttoshedoesntwanttohelphelphelphe-
Then Vanessa wakes up, for real this time, back in the office. It would appear that what she just experienced was all just a horrible nightmare. She checks her phone and finds that it has only been 20 minutes since she fell asleep. Then, upon remembering what happened in that nightmare, Vanessa tries to contact Freddy and Gregory just in case. She is very relieved when she gets a quick response. Having calmed down Vanessa realizes that being by herself all night is not a good idea, mostly because she doesn't want to be alone with her thoughts, or at least what she HOPES are her own thoughts. 
So Vanessa heads over to Freddy’s room and asks if she can hang out with the 2 of them. Freddy, of course, agrees immediately while Gregory cautiously agrees after some convincing from Freddy. Vanessa just sits and watches them play before gathering the courage to quietly ask if she can join them. They say yes and the 3 of them end up having a good time playing video games together. It is a good first step on the long road to family fun!
(Again my lackluster writing skills are on full display here :P
this one was fire also, I always love the idea of hinting at the trauma and PTSD of characters that feel too much, yanno? Like Vanessa is canonically really bubbly and open and shes so expressive and feels so much so the idea of her no longer being able to trust herself, to trust the things she sees and does because theres no guarantee that it's actually her is just real neat
as that one post once said, characters are like rocks. In order to see what theyre made of, you gotta break em!
but also 10/10 dont knock your writing skills, like i said you're doing better than me and i write for other people! own it bestie things can only get better from here <3
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twisted-deal · 30 days
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Spreading my agenda that Ace Trappola might be the worst and best option for Heartslabyul's next housewarden
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mrmrsman · 5 months
The bats have so many folks around, even if they aren't always working together. Enough that folks like to joke/write about Danny just kinda showing up acting like he already lives there. He just kinda blends in.
I'd love to see more magic motivated versions of this. Some kind of spell that affects the bat's perceptions of the past and present, making them actually miss that this boy wasn't with their family too long ago. Maybe it changes their understanding like it's a time line shift, maybe it fogs their mind just a tad and makes them glaze past something like it wasn't even there. I like the second if only because I feel like that would make it more likely for the bats to realize a spell was a foot.
Imagining this from Danny's side, hes terrified this whole time of getting found out. He knows how and when he showed up here and maybe even how flimsy whatever magic is in place is. Imagining a Desiree wish that was either very carefully worded or Not so carefully worded. Maybe he placed himself with the Wayne family with the expectation that he would quietly mooch of some rich idiot until he was ready to be on his own. Or maybe he wished himself to be a part of the batclan, taking up a mask and patroling with them as a bird that Doesn't Exist.
Ofc eventually the spell has to be broken, leaving the bats confused worried scared angry probably even amused, and a billion other things. WHY did this teenager decide to adopt himself into the Wayne/bat family? Who the hell is he and where did he come from. Someone call Zatanna, there is some magic Fuckery going on.
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a-cipher · 6 months
etho has had his keyboard for 20 YEARS. WHAT
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nocek · 10 months
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Is it a stupid idea? Yes. Did I have to go overboard and animate it? No.
But I had to and I'm not sorry ;P
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poltoreveur · 5 months
I could fix him but I kinda like him a little murderous and psychotic tho
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Oh no, so sad... anyways Not sure which one I like better so I just posted both the glitched one and the non glitched one B]
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n0ahsferatu · 4 months
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pov you are a locked chest or perhaps someone bleeding to death
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nerdpoe · 13 days
Danny, on a work trip with his parents, is tired and maybe a little cranky and also all of his joints hurt. Sleeping in the GAV is not great. As in, it just doesn't happen.
So he pops his neck.
Or, he tries to pop his neck.
He sighs and grabs the bottom of his jaw and the top of his head and forces his neck to pop.
Except he miscalculated.
He's broken his own neck.
As a halfa, it's fine, he just needs to force/hold it in place and wait twenty minutes for his healing factor to kick in. But when he moves to do that, a pair of red-gloved hands interrupt him and put him in a bracing hold.
"Don't worry kid, ambulance is on it's way!" The Flash reassures him, not budging an inch. "I know it feels like you can just pop it back into place, but it's actually pretty broken right now, and you could uh...it...the doctors will makes sure you're okay!"
Danny watches in despair as his family disappears into the crowd, having not noticed that he was being held up, and tries to think of a lie to make the hero let go without resorting to using his powers in front of the many, many livestreaming phones that have turned towards him.
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heybiji · 1 month
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courtmartialme · 2 days
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you ruin everything you touch
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daeyumi · 6 months
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decay 🌑🗡️⚫️
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