#hes fucked in the head he wants a family dearly but doesn't really know what one looks like. He's really ill equipped for it.
mouseratz · 1 year
not "Bruce Wayne is a good and happy, well-adjusted father" or "Bruce is an abusive and cruel father" but a secret third thing
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evilminji · 1 year
You know what's a terrifying team up?
Paulina and Sam.
You are young, Hot(tm), in Love with a Hero who very EXSISTANCE is illegal. Head of the cheer squad and queen bee of your school. Managing the complexe ever shifting social calander of both your school AND your personal life, your flawless grades, even MORE flawless complexion. You. Get. Shit. DONE.
Was falling in love with a dreamy dead hero from beyond the veil part of your 20 year plan? No. Did you adapt? Yes!
But. There is a PROBLEM. The Tacky In White. Those STUPID laws. Who the FUCK are you supposed to marry the love of your life if he's being HUNTED BY THE GOVERMENT?! You REFUSE to have your wedding in international waters! Half your family gets SEA SICK!
So you plan. Social pressure. Soft power. Turn THE PEOPLE against the Goverment and it WILL bow. They'll have no choice. Enough anger? Enough rioting? The risk of LOSING their dearly beloved POWER? Laws? WHAT laws? Toss them in the bin!
Then a spring wedding for Pauly~♡
She just needs her PEOPLE. The BEAUTIFUL people. Socialites and celebrities. Pretty, pretty faces that speak gospel to their masses. If THEY say ghosts are good? Then ghosts are good! And she can TOTALLY convince them to rally behind this!
.....she just needs ACCESS.
Uuuuugh. So she drags herself, reluctantly and for LOVE, to the Nerd Table. To talk to... *scrunch* Samantha. Blegch.
Do it for the cause, Pauly.
And? Dispite being SUPER lame and totally hostile at first? She's actually totally done to help? Really??? Huh. That's... Like? They're never gonna be FRIENDS or anything... but that... means a lot.
It's awkward. And obviously she doesn't want to catch NERD. So she leaves. But like? She wasn't TOTALLY awful. Paulina's mom was right. They really ARE growing up, aren't they? Weird.
Regardless. She has her IN. Billionaire, soft heart, and a GORGEOUS face. Brucie "Prince of Gotham" Wayne is holding a party. And Paulina? Is going to make him CRY. His kids too.
Those Tacky in White bastards are gonna be hunting ghost puppies and beating up ghost grannies. She's gonna get the nerd squad to make her fact sheets. Statistics! Wait for her Ghost Boy, help is coming. Paulina Sánchez is gonna make SURE of it!
@hdgnj @ailithnight @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @dcxdpdabbles @mutable-manifestation
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illubean · 4 months
Omg the zoldyck!reader hcs were so cute!! If there aren't too many requests rn can you do something where reader went to the hunter exam to keep illumi from fucking w/ Killua too much? i.e reader knows pin guy is illumi but won't tell Killua because they don't wanna get murked and is also secretly communicating w/ illumi.
Killua's Defense
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Characters: Killua Zoldyck, Illumi Zoldyck Type: Oneshot, Gn!reader, Zoldyck!reader
Warnings: Illumi being a poopie head
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Being a descendant of a well known family of assassins meant a lot of things. It meant you were destined to continue the family business, get payed by random people without questioning their motifs but also a lot of times it required you to travel. Your family got requests and offers from all over, meaning easy access to round trips is very beneficial.
Which is why you along with your twin brother decided to take the exam. He was much more serious about the whole assassin thing than you though. To him, the family and his job was what made up his entire life and in his mind there was no room for anything else. You, however, thought there was more to life and fully supported the idea of having hobbies and making friends.
Since he was so serious, Illumi decided to alter his appearance for the duration of the exam. You honestly didn't see much of a point in this, especially considering there were very few if not zero people who knew the faces and identities of the Zoldyck family. But whatever, it's his life.
Illumi's little disguised proved somewhat useful though, because your baby brother Killua happened to be there. You loved all your siblings dearly, but Killua always had a closer bond with you than anyone else. You were the only one who ever bothered playing with him while he was growing up, which naturally caused him to favor you over the rest of the family. You couldn't have been more proud of him when you found out he had run away from home. You fully supported him in taking control of his own life, hoping he'll end up finding something that really would make him happy.
Eventually, you parted ways with Illumi because his weird clown friend showed up. You kept in contact with him via cellphone, but knew you probably wouldn't use it very often.
When Killua first spotted you, he had no idea how to feel. You were his favorite sibling and he trusted that you wouldn't force him to do anything, but he still had his suspicions.
"What are you doing here? You're not here to take me back are you!?"
"No, Killua, I'm not. I just need a hunter license for a job."
He let out a sigh of relief before looking around and asking you another question.
"Illumi isn't here, is he?"
You felt bad for lying to him but at the same time it was probably best for him not to know. If he did, he would just be under unnecessary stress and it would cause an argument between you and your twin that you rather not have.
The next time you met up with Illumi was on Zevil Island. The two of you had allready collected the badges you needed and he was talking to freaky clown dude. You payed him no mind because you rather not interact with that guy.
"I take it you've seen Killua around," you stated.
"Yes, I have. And I intend to bring him back home after the exam is over."
"Stop meddling in his life Illumi. He's old enough to think for himself and if he decides he doesn't want to be at home then-"
"That's not how father raised us, Y/n. It is our job to serve our family and carry on it's legacy," he says, cutting you off while beginning to dig.
"I'm going to sleep until the deadline," he then turns to his friend. "Best of luck."
And with that, he buried himself underground. You huffed in annoyance and clenched your fist before yelling at the pile of dirt before you.
"Dad didn't raise us to be control freak manipulators either!! You- you...you gopher!!"
Your brother's jester friend chuckled at you, causing you to shoot him a glare before storming off.
As the final phase of the exam rolled around, things weren't looking too good. Killua's next opponent just had to be Illumi. didn't it? You watched with an unsettling feeling at the bottom of your stomach. Your poor baby brother stood there trembling as Illumi spoke.
"You're not cut out to be a hunter. You were born for one purpose; to be an assassin."
At this you took a step foreword.
"That's enough Illumi. Mom only wanted you to check on him, this is too far."
He ignored you as he continued his speech.
"You're a puppet of darkness, devoid of passion. There is nothing you desire, nor is there anything you wish for. As one who lives in the shadows the only pleasure you're capable of is derived from causing death. Because that's how dad and I raised you."
You grit your teeth at this before taking another step towards the ring, getting stopped by a man and reminded of the rules. If you stepped on to the ring you would be disqualified.
Before you could start screaming your head off at your deranged twin, Killua began to stand up for himself. You couldn't be prouder of him for finding out what he wanted from life.
Then Illumi starts to tear Killua down again. Some tall guy with glasses begins to yell words of encouragement at Killua. After Illumi's threat to kill Gon, you stood protectively in front of the door along with 3 of the other contestants.
"Oh what a pain. I need to acquire a hunters license right now so I can do my job. But if I kill them, I'll fail, and Kil will pass automatically. Oh no, the same thing will happen if I kill gon! Hm.....wait! I'll pass the exam then kill Gon!"
"You know you could've kept that monologue to yourself, right?" You sassed. "Even if you do pass and go after Gon, I won't let you."
"Poor, little Y/n. You've always been so soft. Your emotions is what makes you weak."
"Shut up! You're supposed to have our family's best interest in mind, right? Then let Killua go out and make friends! It's his job to decide what he wants."
The black haired man simply chooses to ignore you and continues to threaten Gon's life. And to antagonize Killua. Everything you and glasses guy were yelling from the sidelines went in one ear and out through the other as Killua gave in to the pressure of Illumi's aura and forfeit the match.
"Haha, I lied Kil. I was never going to kill Gon. That was only a test to see what your made of, and now I know for certain. You are simply not qualified to make friends. Not that you need any."
As both of them left the ring you could tell something was off with your younger brother. You glared at Illumi, your face saying 'I'll deal with you later' but he payed no mind. Right when the next match was about to begin, Killua walked up and killed the old man without uttering a single word and left the facility.
He was now disqualified.
Imagine your surprise when you saw Gon march in and demand that Illumi apologize to Killua. And how you were even more surprised that he not only managed to flip a grown man, but also break his arm.
As you watched the little green boy confront your brother and listened to the blonde one along with the glasses guy try to reason with Netero, you were happy he was able to find such good friends. Gon was a good kid with pure intentions, and the other two were willing to publicly defend him.
After the whole orientation thing, Gon and Co. approached Illumi to ask about where Killua might be as you stood off to the side. As they left you followed them, waiting until Illumi was out of earshot to call for Gon's attention.
"If you want to get to Kukuroo mountain there's a tour bus that takes you to the outside of our property. You'll need to pass through our testing gates to reach the estate or else our 900 pound guard dog will kill you."
"Oh, thanks a lot! But why are you helping us?"
"Because Killua could really use friends like you guys. You're a good kid and I trust that you'll make him happy. I would lead you there myself but I have my other brother to deal with, good luck."
You stormed back towards Illumi and slapped him in the back of the head. He let it happen of course, considering he could hear your angry footsteps from a mile away. No matter how angry you were at him, there wasn't much you could do. Fighting him would be useless, considering you're both at about the same strength and skill level and verbally berating him doesn't have any affect. But you chose to do the 2nd one anyways.
"What the hell is wrong with you? You know, this is why you're Killua's least favorite. All you do is try to boss him around and control his life. Seriously, do you have anything better to do?"
"Kil is the next in line to be the head of our family, I'm just making sure that he will be able to do so without any distractions."
"Newsflash Illumi: he's 12. You're 24. If anything, you should be next so why don't you go find a wife or something. And how come you're allowed to have your fruity party clown friend but Killua can't have any? Seriously, I much prefer the boy over that creep."
Illumi stopped walking and turned towards you.
"Hisoka is an acquaintance. Not a friend."
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Defend your jester boyfriend," you say, rolling your eyes. You stepped closer to the man before you and looked him in the eyes as you spoke once more.
"Let Killua have this. If you decide to go after him, trust me you will be dealt with."
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Can I request a fic?
Dilf!ex-husband Steve Rogers whom you share a son with. Doesn't like your new man, and constantly tries to cockblock using his son as an excuse. Because although he agreed to the divorce, he didn't really and wants to be your husband again.
Sorry I am if English bad, I'm not English.
hello. I hope you like what I wrote, sorry it took so long, and you're english is fine!
summary - your ex-husband interrupts your time with your new man, causing a small fight to break out.
warning - slight angst.
the gifs I use aren't mine, divider by @newlips
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You groan as you open your front door, hair slightly messy and lips plumped. You stare up at your ex-husband, Steve Rogers, quickly fixing your shirt and running your hand through your hair. “What’s up? Is S/n okay?” Steve’s eyes trail up your body, taking in your tight jeans and black tank before his gaze zeros in on your freshly kissed lips, brows furrowed.
“He’s fine. But he wanted you.” His hands go into his pockets, looking behind you. “Is that guy still here?” 
Your mouth opens, but a yell cuts you off. “Mummy!!” You smile, crouching as your son runs into your arms, holding you close. Before he pulls back, holding out flowers to you. “Flowers, I picked them for you, mummy!” You giggle as you grab them from him before picking him up and standing.
“Thank you, baby.” You place a loving kiss on his forehead, holding him close to you before looking back at your ex. “Yes, Ari is here. I don’t see what your problem is with him.” You turn, beginning to walk into the house as Steve follows closely behind, closing the door. 
“I don’t like him around our son, and I don’t know if he can be trusted.” You turn and glare. Before you walk into the room where Ari sits, giving him a small smile when your eyes connect. Steve snarls, his eyes take in how this man has made himself at home– a home that was once his. His massive form takes up most of the couch, his legs spread and an arm behind his head. Steve spots the messy hair and the slight marks on his neck, making him hate Ari even more. “Ari.” He gruffly speaks, nodding at the man.
“Steven.” Ari nods back before he looks over at S/n. “Hey, little man!” The tiny boy squeals and you quickly place him down so he can run toward Ari. He picks him up and begins to pull faces to make your son laugh, causing you to smile at the sight. Before you are reminded that your ex is still in the room by him clearing his throat, he gestures to talk outside the room when you look at him.
“I’ll be back in a minute.” You smile at Ari as he gives you a nod, squeezing your hand before you leave. “Okay, what do you want? You can’t keep doing this, Steve.” You fold your arms over your chest, glaring up at your ex.
“Doing what?” Your glare intensifies as he decides to play coy.
“You know what! Whenever I have Ari over, you always appear at the worst times with bullshit excuses.” You whisper yell. “Hell, you keep using our son as an excuse, and I love him dearly, but it’s YOUR weekend.” You growl. Your sexual frustration is getting to you. 
Steve scoffs, arms crossing as he stares down at you. “I’m not the one who wanted a divorce. You are the one who decided to leave me, so it’s not my fault if I come over with OUR son and you miss out on time with your rebound.” 
A slap can be heard, and Steve’s head turns to the side as you seethe, pointing your finger in his face. “He is not a rebound. He is a better fucking man than you were, or do I need to remind you of the nights you chose work over your family or the fact that you were still fucking hung up over a chick who moved on from you years ago!” Steve’s mouth opens and closes, staring down at you in shock. “Why can’t you just leave?” Your voice breaks, and an onslaught of tears blur your vision. “I already let you go.”
Steve swallows the lump in his throat, hand reaching out to you. “But I didn’t.” You shake your head as you hold back your sobs, a throat clears on your left, causing Steve’s hand to fall and him to look.
“I think you should go.” The two men stare each other down before Steve nods and turn to leave, getting S/n to say goodbye on the way out. The moment the door slams shut, the tears fall, and Ari quickly launches forward and wraps you in a hug. “Shh, It’s okay. I’ve got you.” He whispers into your hair, stroking it and rubbing your back to soothe you. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
Love ur au!!! You have so many interesting thoughts I just adore reading everything you’ve posted!
You’ve already established that Alastor would have exactly zero interest in any sort of bond with his dearly detested sperm donor but I was curious as to what you thought on whether Lucifer would want a relationship with Alastor? How would he approach that?
Hey, much appreciated! Honestly, with the first post I expected it to be a weird niche AU no one besides me would enjoy. I'm really glad you and others are enjoying it and I'm enjoying you guys' questions!
I do think Lucifer would want to try forming a relationship with his long lost son (that feels so weird to type, imagine how weird it would be for Lucifer to say the phrase aloud, lol). From what we've seen of him, he seems like a loving and sweet man who adores his family, even if he's not always the best at expressing that love. I think if he found out he had a kid out there, no matter who that kid was, he'd want to form some kind of relationship with them. Of course, Alastor being Alastor complicates things quite a bit.
They didn't exactly make a great first impression on one another, on top of which Lucifer harbors a lot of guilt for leaving Nicaise to raise a child alone, and Alastor to grow up without a father. Especially when he learns what happened to Nicaise later. Lucifer thinks it's his fault Alastor is the way he is, which... kinda sorta fair? Alastor definitely had an unstable childhood which certainly played a part in Alastor growing to become an unstable adult. That being said, ultimately there were a lot of outside factors contributing to that instability, and at the end of the day, Alastor's choices were his own.
I go with the 'Dexter-like moral code' interpretation of Alastor's murder targets. But I also think there was a fair amount of disproportionate retribution. A man who beats his wife definitely deserves to get beat back and then divorced, but not butchered like an animal. Granted, the culture being what it was at the time, it's doubtful Alastor's targets would have faced any other kind of retribution than what he gave them.
All this to say that Alastor feels perfectly justified in the horrible things he's done, and Lucifer blames himself for Alastor becoming this warped, vengeful person.
Lucifer's attempts to get close to Alastor are horribly, painfully awkward. Remember how he answered Charlie's phone call with, "Heeeeeeeey, bitch!"
He tries, he really does, but a lot of the times Alastor just shuts him down before he can even open his mouth. So he tries going to Charlie for help.
"Ooooof, see, here's the thing, dad... I want to help, I really do! But I'm trying to do this thing where I'm more respectful of other people's boundaries. I mean, I'd love to see you and Alastor getting along! But if he doesn't want to talk with you, I'm not going to force it? As long as you guys aren't fighting? I'm sorry."
And that's as far as Lucifer gets with Charlie. So he tries talking to Niffty and Husk, the two people in the hotel who know Alastor best. Niffty is... sweet, but not entirely helpful. Husk gives what advice he can, but he's got his own chip on his shoulder regarding Alastor, understandably.
"Look, Alastor's a mean son of a bitch who lives to make my life more of a hell than it already is. He's fucked in the head. Always has been. You might as well cut your losses."
That's disheartening to say the least.
I do want there to be a happy-ish end where reconciliation happens. But it would take a loooooooot of time and patience on Lucifer's part. Especially with Alastor making an active effort not to get close with anyone at the hotel.
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bludnik-a · 8 months
mature/explicit byler fic recs??? 👁👄👁
hi nonni!!
quick disclaimer that if ur not comfortable / not ready to explore this type of content u can just scroll past this post. I'll hide fics under the cut.
let start with explicit
"Pink in the Night" by yamilumen. Winter break after first semester of college. Will is drunk, and Mike takes care of him. The morning after, they must face the consequences. TW for dubcon ig. One of the first that I read and still one of my faves. looove byler dynamic in this one.
"in the midnight hour" by @wisehearts. He takes note of the way Will paws at his dress shirt, needy and not entirely aggressive, pressing into kisses in a way that feels like he’s asking for more rather than taking it. Persistent, but pliable if you touched him right. Red wine was fucking magic when it came to Will Byers. if u want smth sweet and hot.
"Hands" by midnighteverlark aka The Parent of byler smut. Mike doesn't like his appearance. Will wants to help out with that.
"A caged bird stands on the grave of dreams" series by AabH. Slavery AU. TW for a lot of violence and abuse.
"the feminization of michael wheeler" by one and the only lawofmurphie. how a bundle of lace and a lifelong crush distract mike from the inevitable implosion of his family unit as he knows it. not only really really hot but also great mike character study. it's more about mike's desires and acceptance at first and u have to wait till byler a bit but it won't disappoint u i promise!
"Conceived in Sin" by eternalwinters, floralsun, keeksbyers. In which Will Byers has a reputation as a bit of a prude. But Mike Wheeler, a guitarist with distinctly the opposite sort of reputation, can't seem to stop thinking about him. good boy/bad boy au we all is lacking.
"i'm starving, darlin'" by id_rather_be_home. Mike and Will are sexually frustrated eighteen-year-olds, sick and tired of having absolutely no privacy in their homes. The hand-jobs and the blow-jobs are fun but Mike will go crazy if Will isn't able to fuck him again before they leave for college in five more months. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
the whole section with my favourite trope "we pretend like it's nothing but it's actually everything". I love every fic Dearly and I would recommend to start with one of this :)
"the thing about illicit affairs" by problematicbyler. Will and Mike become friends with benefits. Which is a totally reasonable arrangement that they’re both completely content with, obviously.
"Privacy" by BottomWillByers. Dustin and Lucas were on night watch so it’s just him and Mike in the room. Having fallen asleep early, both tired from the supply run they were on earlier today, Will passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow only to be woken up a couple of hours later to pressure on his ass. It took a moment to orientate himself. Used to waking up to noise and vibration but not touch. He was pressed up tight to the wall like usual, which usually gave him inches of space between himself and Mike. But not right now. Because Mike had scootched across the bed and was spooning Will from behind. His bare chest pressed alongside Wills exposed back, one arm slung over his waist as he mumbled into the back of his head. Will’s about to ask Mike what was going on when he felt it. The consistent thrusting of Mike’s hips against the swell of his bum. His words die in his mouth as he registered that Mike was asleep. Soft moans spilled from his lips and the hard pressure of his dick stuttered against Will.
"After Hours" by pterafractal. A recently out Will Byers begins his freshman year at Indiana University, with his childhood best friend (and roommate) Mike Wheeler. Between learning to navigate the campus and keep his head above water academically, Will struggles to reconcile changes in his relationship with Mike.
"The Open Door" by Mylesime. He’s too close, too handsome, too real. And Will wants to cry because the shield has almost completely collapsed. “Mike,” he says or begs, he doesn’t know. Mike stares at him and he has never looked so serious. “I really want to do this with you.” The shield breaks. Will feels his mana bar diminish by hundreds of points. He's out of it. It will take weeks to recharge, months even. “Now?” he wails and he hates how frail he’s sounding.
"Pressure Points" by honeytart. College roommates Mike and Will begin a friends with benefits arrangement with one very important rule—absolutely no kissing.
"asking too much" by kissingpractice. Will is struggling. Guys who are nice, hot, AND good in bed are apparently non-existent at their university. Frustrated, he complains to Mike - who makes him an offer he can't refuse. Unfortunately, there's always an aftermath to hooking up with your best friend. Meanwhile, Mike has some realisations.
and mature for anyone who is not ready to deep dive yet
"Touch Me Like You Know Me" by @starsarefire824. Mike doesn't go home anymore, not unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he stays far away from Hawkins, quietly shutting himself off from the world, and burying the pain of the things he never said to the boy he'd left behind. But when his mother convinces him to return home for his thirty-fifth birthday, Mike is finally forced to confront just how much he'd given up when he runs into Will by accident. Mike-centric. Estranged Byler reconnection fic. Soft and Sweet.
"Broken Wings" by Turning_tides. Mike returns to Hawkins after his freshman year of college, riddled with regret and eager to make up for the biggest mistake of his life - hurting Will. He quickly learns, however, that his estranged best friend is being kept behind a locked door. A locked door named Keith. Now, Mike finds himself in a race against time to locate the key, desperate to free the boy he loves from the prison his abuser created just for him. TW for abuse and drug addiction.
"the comforts that make us feel numb" by @newlesbianprideflag “No, but really. If I were a girl,” Mike presses on, looking up at Will with red-rimmed eyes through dark lashes. Leaning in. Somehow, fully unaware that this line of questioning has Will's heart climbing up to his throat. “Would you want to kiss me?” Will and Mike get high in the desert.
"any semblance of touch" by stella :) Mike’s still new to this whole smoking thing. Will has a few ideas.
"In Undertow" by olliecoddle. four months after one byers/wheeler couple breaks up, another gets married. and, of course, will and mike are both the best men. and, of course, there is a plot to get them back together. nothing goes to plan.
there're a lot more then i thought ‪😭‬ there're genuinely so many good works. i could look for just one and stumbled upon three other I wanted to include in the list. and i think it's pretty obvious what kind of dynamics i prefer. anyway.
i hope u'll find smth new to u anon but if u won't u can drop ur fic recs in my inbox. love u <3
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didyoulookforme · 2 months
hi queen...... post! matty fucking himself alone queen......... i'm so normal can you tell CAN YOU TELL oh dear god i need him so bad
thank you for keeping me (in)sane, lena. i missed you <3
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sooooo.... on to matty fucking himself because these are totally normal thoughts to have. yes. following off this.
apologies for any grammar & spelling errors in my nonsensical rambles.
it happens on a week when you're away visiting your family. you and matty have been together for a while now, so he has keys to your place to come and go as he pleases because he still lives with roomie hann and, while he loves him dearly, he'd much rather be at your space.
one day after a sweaty work shift, he comes over because even though it's only been about 48 hours of you being gone, he does miss you. he also just needs to shower asap and your place happens to be closer to his. once the water grows cold and he finally makes it out of the bathroom, he goes in your walk-in closet to look for some clothes and as he is doing so, he bumps into the box he now knows all too well. it's black, scuffed, covered with various band stickers and a taped photo of matty sticking his tongue out because, of course, he had to put it there so you would think of him whenever you used any of the sex toys kept inside.
he doesn't really ponder much before opening it to gaze at the collection of items you've acquired. never would he have guessed that you'd be so into sex toys from the first time he met you. you radiated nothing but sweetness and softness which he immediately adored. thus it was a much welcome shock to his system (and dick, let’s be honest) when he first got to use that pale blue vibrator to get you off. he’d be lying if he said he didn’t pleasure himself to the memories of watching you cum all over his leg that afternoon.
it’s no surprise that is the same toy which catches his eye and grabs before making his way over to your bed, not really caring that he left a damp towel on your closet floor and didn’t end up finding himself any clothes.
while matty is a sex fiend, experimenting with toys on himself was never something that he really considered. yes, he’d used them to pleasure others, including yourself, but it wasn’t until one night with you that he realized how fucking good it feels. that’s the time when you placed a vibrator under the head of his dick and he pretty much came right away, not being able to control himself from the intense sensation. so this is exactly what he is doing now, lying on your side of the bed with wet, messy curls on your pillow, so he can feel you somewhat close since you’re not there to do it for him.
it doesn’t take long for his legs to start shaking, his moans growing louder even if no one can hear him. one hand holds the base of his cock while the other keeps the toy flush against that sweet spot, and not even a couple minutes later, he abruptly stops as he starts losing control over his own body, instantly feeling lightheaded at the fact that he ruined his own orgasm. a string of mumbled swears leaves his lips as he inhales deeply so he can regain a sense of composure, all before fumbling through your bedside drawer to pull out a nearly empty bottle of lube.
matty almost, almost feels guilty as he pours some of the silky liquid onto his fingers and begins to coat his hole with it. he knows how much you like doing that for him and wishes it could be your hand instead as you know exactly how to make him fall apart.
it’s not the first time he’s had his fingers in his ass, but it is the first time that he uses a vibrator, making him feel full and reach that spot that makes him delusional. to be fair, he’s always wanted to try this with you as he knows you’d enjoy the hell out of it. still, part of him wanted to try it on his own to see how it’d feel as to not disappoint you in the off chance it wasn’t his thing.
oh, but he was wrong. so, so wrong.
it feels fucking amazing.
the gentle vibrations as he pumps the toy in and out of his hole… the way it makes his dick twitch and leak against his stomach… how it makes his body tremble from head to toe…
but what pushes him to the edge is knowing that it will feel one million times better when you’re the one fucking him.
as he’s still trying to catch his breath, his phone buzzes and he can’t help but laugh after opening the text. he’s on your bed, stomach covered with cum from fucking himself, with a message from you asking “what are you up to? keeping yourself busy?”
it’s almost like you knew exactly what he was doing at that same moment in time :)
he does admit to you that he fucked himself, and when he does, you two literally cannot wait to go back to your place and order the perfect strap so you can rail him senseless. obviously, he still manages to find a way to be in control with a strap-on up his ass, though <3
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siriusly-sapphic · 8 months
Narcissa’s relationship with her three cousins (including the hc that Evan Rosier is a first cousin on her mother's side) is so different with each of them in my head and I love that for her.
Because she LOVES Regulus. She feels so protective of him, like a big sister (and she and Sirius will always butt heads over feeling that responsibility over him and blaming each other for how Regulus turned out on different fronts). Even when he fucks up, he can do very little wrong in her eyes because he's her boy. Regulus can have doubts about the family or about the cause if he wants to, HE could be friends with Snape and not have Narcissa bat an eye. Regulus could kill a man in her living room and he could betray Voldemort publicly if he wanted to and Narcissa would walk through hell to have his back. He's her baby (she'll always see him in Draco). When he dies, she's never felt guilt and anger like that. She doesn’t know how to deal with it.
Meanwhile she cannot stand Evan. This has different reasons, and she'll usually excuse it using DIFFERENT reasons from the actual ones. From a young age they've been compared to each other (something something Druella's need to prove herself fit for the Black family vs the threat Evan posed to be a better son) and especially within my trans!Narcissa headcanons this just leads to a lot of mutual hostility. She hates him. He gloats in her 'failures' (read: disappointing her family when she comes out) and she thinks he's an embarrassment to the family for befriending Snape (a poor halfblood? Can you imagine?). When Evan dies, Narcissa only attends the funeral out of pure obligation. And to make sure he's really dead.
And then Sirius... God, Sirius. He's all of it? Sirius is her childhood best friend and her greatest enemy (and if you want to go into a siricissa direction: the love of her life) in one. He's the person she could've been if her family HAD disowned her for coming out, if she'd cared less about what society thought of her, or if she'd been more brave and a better person. She hates him for that, and she hates him for leaving Regulus (and leaving her), and she hates him for being who he is and fighting ideals she believes in wholeheartedly. And yet it's nothing like the way she hates Evan? Because beneath all that, is the boy she had pretend duels with in the garden and the first member of her family she ever told she was a girl, and someone she misses so dearly despite how much she hates him. When Sirius died, she was 'lucky' her husband got jailed the same night because it helped explain why she was so upset.
And I just think it's so interesting that family means everything to Narcissa, truly. But at the same time, that level of devotion and adoration really doesn't extend to every family member? At all? And the way her different cousins would all have such a different idea of what Narcissa thinks about her family is just great to me.
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graysonist · 1 year
hal jordan's word choice analysis post because oh my god why would he say that
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for context: in this page he 100% believes he's going to lose power in his ring (which he thinks is the only thing giving him the ability to breathe) so he's like completely sure he's going to die.
let me just get this out of the way too!! that's a construct of carol he's talking to, meaning entirely made from his head so he's literally just talking to himself here. notice the star sapphire symbol on her hat, a jacket that mimics his dads, and the ferris air buckle ☹️❤️
'I love life with you'
NOT even just that he loves her, but that he feels like
1. she's the most important thing in his life
2. she makes his life worth living
which if you know anything about hal is CRAZY like i'd marry him on the spot if i knew he said that about me...
'you made me burn brighter. you made me want to be better.'
now if we're talking rings here (cus they rarely arent) this can be taken both as a person and that she's part of what makes his will so strong i'm LITERALLY going insane!! + he said he wants to be a better person because of her, which i don't have much to say on that, it's just an all time favorite thing of mine romance-wise.
'i remember when we met... i love you, and the only thing i've ever *really* been afraid of was losing you.'
HOLY SHIT!! we all know he's not afraid of a lot of instinctual fears like dying but there's been times where he's been shown to be afraid of not living up to who his father would want him to be and other things like that, but man?? fear being his one weakness and that's a metaphor for carol? i love them so dearly goodbye i can't do this...
'don't stop living. find someone else. be happy. be fearless.'
this part fucking GETS me in the bones because he doesn't even care if he dies as long as she's happy and able to live without him. we already talked about fear and 'be fearless' is such a green lantern thing to say but he also doesn't want her to be afraid of losing him because he knows it's about to happen. he's dealt with so much loss in his family and his city that when it comes to his final words, he picks carefully based on his own experiences with mourning and grief.
last thing, i'm pretty sure his 'I- I-' is supposed to be an 'i love you' again until he realizes he can breathe but ohhhh i hate everything i love halcarol can you tell !!!!!
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almayver · 2 months
So. We are and Musicals
At least 3 people said they wanted to hear my ramblings about this, so here you have it, a way too long post about what musical I think each we are character would like/fits their vibe. This also works as a rec list. Watch more musicals, people. Also, this incredibly subjective, anyone that has other ideas PLEASE tell me.
So my beloved main character, goodest boy. With him, I kept thinking about @jojotichakorn headcanon about his favorite artist being Van Gogh, so of course I had to give him Starry.
Its such a beautiful little show. Very simple, very warm. It would have been so easy to take Vincent's story and make it a heartbreaking tragedy, but instead the show is painfully hopeful and makes it about love and beauty and family and art. And that's very Peem I think.
His favorite song from it:
I believe he thinks a lot about what place his art will have in the world, what his legacy will be. I think he would like this, the way Vincent talks about the starry night being very similar to how he talks about the water.
Additionally, I think he would like the golden age musicals, he likes the joyful simplicity of Singing in the rain very charming. Also, he gives me some serious vibes of Alice from Alice by heart. I think it's the way they love so stubbornly and so brightly. Or I'm projecting about two characters I love dearly, it's possible.
I struggled here because it's Phum. My boy. Who I project every single piece of my personality onto. So of course he doesn't just get one. You knew this was going to happen, be serious.
So my instant thought was Hunchback of Notre Dame. Mostly because Out there is the recognized anthem for isolated kids who feel like they don't fit anywhere, having only inanimate figures around you as your company, but also the cathartic energy of brutally murdering your shitty father figure!! And I do think Phum likes a little tragedy sometimes, in his darker, quiet moments. And therefore his favorite song from this one?
But apparently the theme with Phum is more serious takes on vaguely popular Disney films where the main character is very isolated and longs for family and community and love. Because my second thought was Anastasia. Doesn't he give a little of Anya vibes? Someone who is tough and skittish because of the way they had to grow up, living mostly in their dreams. Also, it's such a lovely little love story that I just know Phum would fucking adore. He cries listening to a Crowd of Thousands, he told me himself. (Also not to say there's an AU there but. I mean)
I mean: Home, Love, Family. Need I say more.
And finally (Yes, he gets 3. Yes, I know) It's mostly because I think he would be a Percy Jackson kid (This is also me projecting). But come on, at the very least, you know he had a little crying and screaming along session to Good Kid. Who hasn't really? It's also my head canon that Phum loves musicals, because you know what having an empty apartment means? Yeah, dramatic karaoke sessions. That condo has seen at least one dramatic rendition of On my own, prove me wrong.
For our Maestro I of course had to bring the big guns, so Sunday in the park with George. Yes, it's mostly for the artist element, but also he does fit the very quiet but also slightly chaotic vibe of the show. He seems like someone who could appreciate the slower pace of the show and the points it makes about art and life. And I was thinking about saying that his favorite song would be Finishing the Hat because once again, artist. But actually whenever I think of this show I think about that thing Sondheim said about always crying when the cast sings “Forever”, about art capturing a trivial moment permanently, so:
I also think he would have a soft spot for the Tick, Tick, Boom movie, which all of you should watch and cry about. (I will always take the chance to talk about this movie)
So Toey was a hard one, but I think I got it. He is such a fun, sweet, lively character, but there's so many other small things hidden under the surface. Like don't think I forgot about Satang fucking killing everyone with that crying scene, I still can't rewatch that; That bit about him being bullied in school, or the way he discovered his passion through Q and stuck to it and followed to college. That to me goes with Into the woods (And its the other Sondheim in this list, he matches with Q!). It presents itself as “oh fun! Fairy tale retelling” and then the show ends, and you are sobbing processing All That. It's very funny and lively, but when it wants, it punches you. And even though No one is Alone fits We are as a whole very well, I would say his song is this:
Okay this is the first hear me out but, look. Fang? Fang has catholic guilt. Now, I don't think he was raised catholic, I just think his parents were so bad that he still got it somehow. Maybe is the middle child of it all. He feels like someone that doesn't mind tragedies, he likes something a bit sad, just like Phum. It's the catharsis. And so I give him the underrated show that is Bare: a pop opera. This shit is so sad. I think he could easily relate to both Peter and Jason. He would listen to Warning with tears in his eyes trying to believe that the reason his parents suck is that they don't know how to talk to them, they just don't have the words (he will eventually realize that his parents are more in line with Jason's than with Peter's mom and that's going to hurt). And for his favorite song of course it's the very desperate plea for attention, for something, anything, “I try so hard to please you, but you never seem to see”:
You know what has the same energy as Tan? You know what can be both sweet and over the top? Legally Blonde. Tell me I'm wrong. This show is so high energy, Elle is constant movement and light, and it could be grating, except it is so earnest and positive that you just can't help but be charmed by her. Just like our boy here. And for the favorite song, I think you have to give him the top tier opening number.
This one was tough! And I went with a weird choice, but for him, I'm thinking Funny girl. I'm not even sure why, but I think his demeanor feels a little similar to Fanny's especially in the second half of the film. Idk this one is a wild one, but he just feels both funny and resourceful but also has a certain calm to him. Also, we know he has a fondness for ridiculous people. And for the song, well. Dedicating this one to Pun.
Our wild, kind boy. Hear me out. Ride the cyclone. He has the insane chaotic energy, he has the range, but also I believe he has the heart and the hidden depth. It's very intense and nonsensical and if you do like me and watch it with no context you just spend most of it going “Huh? HUH?” while cackling or crying. And I think that fits Pun. I think he would try to explain it and all the group would be like “yeah that seems wild, it tracks” and then he watches it with Chain, and he is like “… so that was both weirder and sadder than what you said”. Part of me wants to say his favorite song would be Space Age Bachelor Man because it's a trip, but actually, this is more his vibe I think:
My boy!! My man!! He is so underrated and a bit of the odd one out, so im giving him an extremely underrated musical that is very unique: Anna and the apocalypse. That movie is everything to me. It's a musical! It's a Christmas movie! It's a zombie movie! It's very wild and fun but also very emotional and real in many ways. For all the chaos of its premise, it tends to be very grounded in terms of the characters and their emotions, and I feel like Beer would vibe with it. I'm also heavily projecting. For the song, I choose the bop:
Mick and Matt
I'm putting them together because my logic was kind of the same with both of them, and I think either of these shows would fit them. So first, Holy Musical Batman. Just a very funny, very wild musical about Batman filled with candy puns. Fun, classic, simple. They would enjoy this bop and just how entertaining it is.
Now this one is another hear me out but. Brahmāstra. I know I'm in the minority, but I adored that movie. It's so fun! I often say that it feels a little like a superhero movie, and I think that fits the vibe of these two. Also, it has a cute love story there. And the song is in honor of all the times Mick dances in the show.
We don't know much about her so I'm giving her We are the tigers, because she is the only female character (apart from Aunt Pui) among all the boys, so let her have a musical with only 1 male character.
Some extra bits:
Aunt Pui loves Hedwig. She is chaotic enough, I trust her with my favorite musical.
Fang and Phum love ddlj. They grew up watching it and its very much their comfort movie. They watch it whenever they feel a little down and dream of parents that let their kids live their lives.
I kept trying to find a show that went with the vibe of the group as a whole, but i couldn't. I feel like whenever there is a group of friends, by the end at best someone leaves and at worst everyone dies. But I guess Newsies has a little of their vibe. They actually remind me of starkid. Friend group from college that you are incredibly jealous of and a bunch of them are dating, and they have the coolest weddings. And so take this last song as a kind of We are vibe.
@sunf10wer8 @inonetoomanyfandoms you guys had mentioned you would like to hear my thoughts so!
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cfcalcaraz · 2 years
Hi there, could u maybe write about mason dating a celebrity that was his crush no one knows about the relationship just yet, mason feels as if she doesn't want to let the world know that they're dating because he really wants to let everyone knows she's his right now, so they have an argument about it she tells hims that he isn't a secret but she likes to keep her love life private, although he said he understands but she can't seem to shack off the idea of mason being a bit disappointed so she attends one of his games and let everyone know she posts "supporting my bf" something like that on her socials and mason is over the moon that now he can let everyone know what she is to him.
Sorry It's a bit long I didn't know how to summarize the idea.😬
mastermind - mm
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summary: you and Mason had been secretly dating for nearly a year now and he starts getting a little bit impatient..
author: this request sparked many ideas, so lemme know if y’all want a part 2 to this!
warnings: angst fs
you woke up to the sound of Mason freaking out after he had realized he’d slept in. “baby, what’s wrong?”. you rolled over to face him as you could barely even open your eyes. “y/n! you’re late for the shoot!”. it took you a second to process what he had just said but as soon as you wrapped your head around it, you shot up from the bed and hurried over to the restroom.
you rushed to take a quick body shower, thanking yourself for the full body shower you’d had the night before. as you walked out of the shower, you looked at the time, 6:57 am; you weren’t too late, you thought. you could still make it to Vogue shoot before 8:00 pm you told yourself as you calmed down a bit.
after eating the granola bar Mason had brought over to you, you brushed your teeth and did some natural make up knowing you’d probably have to take it off when you got there anyways. “hey Mase, could you please start my car for me, baby?”. London was still quite chilly these days, you’d missed the States dearly on these kinds of days. Mason shouted back something you couldn’t really hear but you just assumed he’d said yes or something along the lines of that.
”y/n, your car isn’t starting for some reason”. fuck, could this day get any worse, you thought. you walked over to the garage to check up on what was going on; it seemed like the battery needed to be changed. fuck. you stood there thinking about what you could possibly do. “i think i’m gonna call an uber, Mase”. Mason turns to you with an odd-looking expression. “why on earth can’t i just drive you there?”. he seemed pretty upset, but you were simply not ready to announce your relationship to the world. “you know I can’t do that”, you replied, “the pops will be there, our names are gonna be all over the headlines”. you tried reassuring him that it was just because of that but he was not having it. “all because you don’t wanna be seen with me in public, you’re willing to be late to your shoot? that’s just pathetic, y/n”. he walked back inside the house, not wanting to carry on the conversation that had begun.
you and Mason had met through a mutual friend at a new year’s party a little bit over a year ago. or so you’d thought. little did you know, Mason had been head over heels for you since your modeling career debut. after seeing you at Paris fashion week one year, the first thing he did when he went home was look up your socials. although he never had the guts to shoot his shot, and he often saw you on drama sites being photographed with different men each week; he still paid attention to you from afar. and oh boy did the other Chelsea boys know about this little crush of his. so when they saw you at the party, they practically forced Mason to approach you. and little did Mason know, the y/n y/l/n was a little bit of a football fanatic herself.
ever since that day, you guys had just naturally clicked. you guys went on multiple dates and always had the best time together. you both met each of your families and closest friends, but there was still one thing that had always left your relationship in suspense. you weren’t ready to announce it to the world. and although Mason had pretended to not care, deep down it definitely got to him sometimes.
after the shoot, some of your close friends, Kendall and Gigi, had asked you if you wanted to go out for drinks with them. but you had to refuse, the fight from this morning still not allowing you to think properly.
as your uber dropped you off, you noticed Mason’s car in the driveway, verifying that he’d still been at home. you went inside the house and washed up before you went looking for Mason. after not much effort, you found him in his gaming room playing Fifa with his boys. you went inside the room and sat down on the couch nearby him. he looked over at you and you singled with your eyes for him to get off the call as you mouthed ‘we need to talk’. “alright guys, i’ve got to go.” he exited the game and took off his headset.
he turned his chair over to face you. “what’s the deal, y/n?”. you looked at him confused, “what?”. he chuckled back at you. “is this really what it’s gonna be like for us for the rest of time? you being approached by several men at bars, us not being able to go out publicly as a couple, and all my friends asking me if it’s even real between us?”. it was obvious that he wanted to change around this situation. “baby, you know it’s not like tha-“. he cut you off. “okay? then what is it like? cause before us, you were fine going out with all those guys, what’s different about me?”. at this moment, you felt awful for the way you were making him feel, but he had no right to use that against you. “Mason, are you calling me a fucking slut? Jesus”.
“you know exactly what i meant by that, y/n, stop playing dumb. i just wanna be with you and show you off everywhere i go. i wanna be able to take you out on real dates, have you cheering for me in the stands when i’m playing, and post silly pictures with you. i just don’t understand why everything has to be so private”. that was a lot to take in. although you know you love him, if you’re not able to give him what he deserves, you two should see other people. “Mason, i think we should break up”. “y/n.. what? that’s not what i meant at all”. you had to do it, it just isn’t working anymore. “no Mason, you’re right. you deserve so much better and i can’t give you that right now so we’re better off seeing other people”.
you couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore, scared you’d start balling if you did. “no baby, you don’t mean that. y/n, i know you don’t want to do this..please”. you could no longer stand the sight of Mason begging you to stay with him, one look into his eyes and you knew you were about to break. “i’m sorry, Mase”. your voice cracked as tears began to flow down, but you’d walked away just quick enough for Mason to not notice. “y/n! wait!”. you refused to look back.
you grabbed your coat and walked out of the house, into your car. you drove off to who knows where. you could barely see anything through the tears flowing down your face. even though you’d been the one to leave him, a little bit of you hoped he had chased after you. 
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 3 FINAL
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also named price in another submission
shes fat shes a terrible bitch and shes the love of submitter's life. they dont technically know her breed but she looks like a calico kinda. white and black and brown all over. their favorite spot to kiss her is the little brown diamond on top of her head, but she has all kinds of pretty markings. she'll cuddle submitter but not their parents and hisses at anyone else. hence the bitch. its SO funny. she doesnt "meow" so much as she chirps and yells. u touch her n its the worlds loudest MRAP. submitter leaves for work and they go "bye price!" and she goes "meep" and they say "i love you!" and she goes "mow" and it always makes them smile because she rarely does it to anyone else. shes so fat. she has a big ol premidorial pouch because shes 100% indoor and u can hear her claws go clicclicclic on the floor because shes so heavy. she likes to climb on peoples back. she chases moths but no other bugs and likes to make friends with neighborhood critters. she hates bellyrubs from everyone but submitter. if they leave their door open at night she creeps in and lays in the worst possible spot and makes it impossible to sleep. she makes the best bread loaf. shes so fucking round. SPHEREICAL. submitter love her more then anything ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (here submitter said that i can shrink it if i want to but no fucking way i am shrinking things abt a cat aside from their name maybe)
shes named after a canadian hockey player. submitter hates hockey. thanks uncle C dhsbdjjsjsjsjs
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how could you possibly vote against this face 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 shes the roundest, bitchiest cat in the whole world and shes my best friend. stealer of cream cheese and hearts.
submitter also provided a small collection of Pricetag looking very orb-like, but i hit the picture limit and so i can't show it in the post
perceive price orbs here
below i am only leaving the orbest price (in my opinion)
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vote for price orb. shes practically a perfect circle. what more could you want
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also look how polite she is
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submitter's sweet baby boy. He passed away recently, and submitter misses him dearly. He was the softest cat they'd ever pet, and that's not just them being biased. His fur was silk. He was the friendliest cat too, and when he heard new voices he was always up to come meet people. He also enjoyed being around people, and you could always find him in a room with the family. He enjoyed terrorizing the family dog whenevr he got riled up (dont worry, she enojoyed it too), and he loved to bother submitter's parents when they started working from home. Any call submitter had with their folks, he would always make a background appearance, yelling quite loudly. He also had some of the loudest snoring theyve ever heard, and they're so lucky to have a small audio recording of him sleeping. Submitter had him since they were 8, and he was nearly 17 years old when he passed away. Submitter tries to sleep with a crook in their knee so if he's ever lonely, he can come cuddle.
also known as Pumpkin Spice Latte
She's a adorable, a total diva down to the way she walks. Loves tummy rubs if she knows you, if she doesn't she'll probably just run and hide. She makes a little chirping noise and submitter loves it. She also loves running full speed around the house. Pumpkin doesn't really eat people food, not a big fan. She will however steal the bacon off your plate and lick the butter off of any food item.
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Some Pumpkin fun facts for propaganda:
her favorite type of toy to play with are springs (the cat toy kind). When we got our new oven we found at least 3 behind where the old one stood.
She's my first pet and the whole reason I lived through my sophomore year of high school.
I named her Pumpkin because years ago a classmate asked me what I'd name a cat if I ever got one and for some reason, I said Pumpkin.
Alongside bellyrubs she also loves being brushed
I am told that she is me in cat form
I swear she's a cryptic. She'll just appear and she'll be staring into my soul. I do not know where she goes or where she comes from but I'm a little afraid to question it.
She used to spiderman climb up our window screen and we had to patch it up
She likes to watch the birds and bunnies in our yard with her brother Binx (or by herself), it's the only time she tolerates him
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Okay some more fun facts:
She likes to lay on visitors shoes. If your shoes are on the ground they are now in her laying range.
After my grandpa passed she slept with my grandma for the longest time.
Every time I sleep in the living room I wake up with her on top of me.
She's my very first pet, one I was convinced I was never going to get (I have loved cats my entire life but we've been a no pet household until her)
When we adopted her, she was the only cat who actively tried to get my attention via hoping on the cage and meowing. Which when you're dealing mental health problems and feel as though you're unwanted is just the best fucking feeling in the world.
Her original name was Harriet. I wanted to keep it or at least change it to a different human name because I thought it was funny but my grandma told me no.
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citylighten · 3 months
For Linda because I need to know what her fucking problem is lol: hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
For Eve: midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
So in regards to Linda, dearly beloved Linda, there's a lot about her marriage to Eve's father [Émile] that she keeps tight-lipped. Émile Dubois was a gay man concealing his sexuality out of fear that his parents would disown him. The Dubois are prideful - Eve's grandma was even mayor of Newcrest for a stint before she was born, and she in no way would have accepted having a gay son, even if he was a prominent lawyer.
Émile knew that he had to get married, and he chose to marry Linda because they had been school friends for sometime. He was affectionate in their courtship, and Linda believed he held love for her. Then, in their marriage, Émile buried himself in work. He showed love for baby Eve, but gave Linda minimal attention. Linda gradually grew irritated within her marriage and eventually caught him having a romantic looking moment with one of the clients he was defending.
Linda kept his secret, but she grew resentful of Émile. She felt used, she felt trapped by the Dubois family, which was awful because his parents did not like her. And more than that, she felt heartbroken that he didn't feel any love for her, because she really loved him. Ultimately, when Émile died [because his client may or may not have been Polombo affiliated and trying to testify against the local mob...>>] Linda was in the same room her husband got shot in. Does she have trauma from this? Yes. Did she try to work through the trauma? Sort of. Now, Linda was already a self-entitled, big-headed woman before this. Don't get me wrong. Her mother installed a high sense of self-worth in her. But, this situation did make her behavior worse. Linda largely coped by traveling around and leaving Eve with her grandparents. She's had a little bit of therapy. Linda doesn't tell Eve about any of this though because she doesn't want to depress or frighten her, nor does Eve to have any kind of pity or complex about her existence. 'Cause Linda does love Eve in her own way, and Émile was terribly in love with his daughter too!
Even though I ended Dear Diary on a high note, Eve holds anxieties about how she quit dancing as a ballerina for the Newcrest Dance Company. She knows that being apart of the dance company was ultimately a hinderance to a future career because Newcrest is so small and Eve is so young, but there was definitely a sense of security there. Although she has had offers to be in music videos, the offers have slowed down and she's primarily working at the mall. Every night at midnight and 3 AM she asks herself did she make the right choice? She fears that this will be her life - working dead end jobs in a small town and reminiscing of better days from when she was a ballerina. Therefore, something Eve is going to end up considering in Sink or Swim is whether she wants to leave Newcrest or not.
Because the truth of the matter is, better employment opportunities for her will be in a place like Del Sol Valley or even San Myshuno. However, Newcrest is her home. It's another security blanket. So will she make that step?
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anukkuna · 1 year
Vincent's Ring
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Alright people... I got headcanons on Vincent's ring but most of them are a bit tragic! My mushy brain can't decide what it likes best... and I'd love to hear if any of you got similar ones?
(trigger warning: mentions of mental health and family issues & suicide as well as a spoiler warning for the latest episodes)
1. It's a wedding ring, but V's spouse passed away
Meaning: Vincent is a widower. In my hc V was married (maybe legally, maybe not; it might just have been an informal ceremony, doesn't matter) to another queer/enby/trans person but their spouse died. I felt like V was quite affected by Dirk's choice to jump at the End of "Abrgund"... maybe because their spouse took their own life (which can be quite hard on the one who feels left behind). They might feel guilty, like they didn't watch out for their spouse enough or like they weren't good enough. That might have been part of the trauma Vincent had to work through. (Might also explain why V was so angry with the manipulative culprit in "Gott des Bankrotts" for how the guy pressured all these people to take their lives). Anyway V loved their partner and always wanted to keep them close to heart.
Part of that hc for me is that Vincent's spouse's biological family wasn't supportive of them at all... neither as a person nor of their relationship with Vincent (like: very queerphobic and maybe religious parents) and Vincent tried to be their rock but ultimately their spouse decided to leave this world anyway.
Because Vincent had to deal with someone leaving and feeling so bad about it once before... well, Adam leaving just hit the same spot. On the one hand V's is like 'oh fuck, not this again, why me, why can't I be enough, why didn't I see the signs, why didn't I help him more' - on the other hand they're like 'I know, if someone really wants to leave there simply is no way to stop them and I have to respect their choice'... so Vincent already has some tools to deal with the feeling.
2. It's a (dead) family member's ring
I actually like this hc better than the first one because it's a little less dark, but since Vincent kissed the ring in "Abgrund" I'm not so sure... anyway: here the ring would belong to a family member like a parent or a grandparent.
Maybe, Vincent had a grandpa or grandma who loved them dearly and was always supportive of them, even though they were by far no ordinary or gender-conforming kid. The respective spouse (so, depending on what you choose the matching grandma / grandpa) was grandpa's one true love. Grandpa is very romantic and was maybe the odd one out himself as a kid... but he encourages Vincent to always be himself. Grandma was his one true love and when Grandpa dies, Vincent keeps this ring to remember him and how he believed in him - and in true love.
Another version of this hc is that the ring belonged to a parent gone missing or passed away. More likely V's mother... and when their dad remarried, Vincent asked for the ring to keep her memory.
3. The self-love head canon
A bit strange, maybe, but the most positive one. Here, Vincent's family was quite religious and V was supposed to marry rather young (maybe someone was picked from the religious community, maybe there was not specific partner picked at the time, dunno). However, V realized that they couldn't live this life any longer and they ran away from home and only took the few belongings they had with them. They ended up in Berlin, maybe graduaded there, studied psychology but later decided to become a cop to stand up for those in need (and ofc at some point in Berlin Vincent met Adam Schürk).
Now, why would Vincent wear the ring around their neck and even kiss it? After all, it was supposed to be a wedding ring for a forced marriage. Well, V keeps it as a reminder to always love yourself, to listen to what your heart tells you and to free yourself if needed.
4. Vincent is actually a Hobbit and on the road to Mordor
Selfexplanatory... and V certainly has the hair for it. (And have you seen the Gollum rendition... Queen, I cannot...)
Sooooo... what did I miss? Which headcanons are already out there??
(Gerne auch auf Deutsch und ich kann's auch auf Dt. nochmal erläutern, falls Bedarf ist.)
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brambletakato · 1 year
Des(cole And/Or mond)
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uhh,, ruh oh (prequel spoilers)
To be honest like 50% of my brainrot comes from both my campaign Des and the backstory for such which is VERY far removed from canon, but that doesn't mean I'm NOT insane about this man looking at him from the canon PL angle. Like I don't really know where to start?? Uhh
I think he's literally the perfect guy to analyze psychologically. Leon is a fucking nightmare to try and figure out, meanwhile Des has so many interesting twists and turns and themes to interpret (even if his character slightly gets a bit off-balanced in Eternal Diva)
Descole presents himself as calculative, cunning, smug, mysterious, and strong-willed. Within a presence, he keeps up his persona with an honestly charming dramatic flair that nobody asked for, which is already on the chart for what makes a character a viable blorbo for me
But when you take a look of who he was, who wanted to be, and who he could be, he quickly becomes such a morally complicated character.
Like really quickly I'm going to get this out of the way; I have a MASSIVE pet peeve to those that say Descole did nothing wrong. He did do a lot of fucked up shit, and I'm not excusing any of that. Removing the responsibility of his consequences would make his character bland imo. He's not morally purely black or white, but he's in a dark gray zone where, while he had a strict no-kill rule, he still inflicted harm on the people in his way and the homes they resided in. He isn't afraid to dabble into even human experimentation if it means to get to his goals, even if he has the greater good in interest.
So about the lighter morals of him, he still has a string of humanity in him. He isn't completely lost to corruption unlike Leon, but he isn't completely recovered like Layton. He still sets off on a self-destructive path to revenge, but he only allows himself to get set ablaze (in his pov, not in the outsider's perspective).
A friend said that he's still the little boy that ultimately wants his family back, whether that's his parents or his wife and daughter, and that AAAUGHHRHRA OUUUUGH :((( RGRR :CCCCCC
Speaking of, Desmond. Desmond was never meant to exist.
In his eyes, it would only be Hershel Bronev that died, and whatever comes later would be the host of his vengeance. But Desmond was soon given a meaning, a light elsewhere, tender hands and a fond gaze that said that they loved him. Suddenly he was somebody else. He was somebody else that started putting down books, that started to wish for something other than revenge.
And the fact that, even if once, he was a man that has felt what hope is like fucking KILLS ME... Sometimes I wonder if he even felt fearful of the thought when he realized he was starting to focus less on revenge. Suddenly, there was somebody that he was starting to care about, somebody that was there for him emotionally and physically, somebody that he so dearly wanted to lean on their shoulder and ask if everything will be okay. And the only time he felt that was with his previous family. The ones that were taken away.
He's almost shy to feel that sense of longing again, like a neglected dog feeling a gentle hand brush their head for the first time. It's intoxicating. It's fearful. It's so, so comforting. He wants more. But he is scared of being hurt again. Scared of losing somebody again. He's scared. Scared, fearful. It's all that controlled him. Fear and hate.
But he still tries, despite everything he sees, there's a part of him that still wanted to live, to experience, to love. There's a part of him that wants to break out of such a wretched life and to start anew, to finally lay rest of his woes. And he does, for a little while.
And the worst part was that he was right in the end. They too would be ripped away. And there was no more hope, no more Sycamore.
I'm an extreme advocate that Descole has existed for longer, not right after the death of his wife and daughter. He existed ever since his parents were kidnapped, ever since he lost Theodore. Descole never had a name, but he was there in concept. He was only put at the full front in full blast when he had truly lost everything.
This also means he can never be fully Desmond again by the end of Azran Legacy, if at all. He can never fully be Descole either, because there's nothing he can fuel on. He's just nothing. He's an empty husk. He says that a new adventure awaits, but what is there really? There is no point, no promise. He is aimless from then on. Perhaps his adventure is to find a purpose once more.
This is also why I REALLY want him to return in NWOS one day. Maybe his search for a purpose leads him right back to the person that was there when his life crumbled for the first time; Layton. Maybe despite his fear of loss, he still internally wants something to cling onto, because an aimless life would probably drive him to insanity or extreme biting mental torment. Or maybe he feels indebted to Layton in some way? Perhaps for his betrayal, perhaps for hiding their relation, perhaps for everything he has done.
He still did terrible things. Would Layton even accept him back into his life, especially after all of that? He is deserving to nobody. Eventually the consequences of what he has done will catch up in a terrible mental form. I really think that his self-esteem has been low, but it would ESPECIALLY plummet after everything.
(ahem uhh. side note if flora comes back in nwos, the two should come as a package deal and des should be the cool uncle that unofficially adopted her from layton, i think these two would benefit each-other in both a character and a psychological way COUGH COUGH also we need flora fencing COUGH COUGH)
I can ramble so much about the other little things like his thoughts about his parents (especially his mother), raymond, the brief and scary visit of familiar warmth when he was getting comfortable with the bostonius gang, etc etc but this post would be so god damn long
anyway so he's more-so a special interest than a hyperfixa--//dragged away
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jenkys-hoard · 10 months
No hate to Della but I wish their was an angsty/fluffy/funny/family drama filled custody battle for the triplets between Donald and Della fic. Mainly because Della gets too arrogant and wants fully custody of the boys. And like all I want for this type of fic is angst for Donald and the boys, but ultimately all of Donald's friends standing up for him and saying he deserves to keep custody of the boys in court. All the people in Donalds life and the boys saying he's a good dad. Like emotionally and legally everyone shutting Della down because Donald is the very best for the boys and he's their dad. Like how dare she even attempts this. And the climax of the fic is Scrooge being 100% on Donald's side saying the boys deserve to be with Donald on the stand. Like at first he's on Della's side(gets her a very expensive lawyer and everything). But than he steps back and thinks about it. Like this could take place somewhere after Donald comes back from the island or season 3. Either way I really would love a fic like this. Especially that emphasize that Della choice to leave the boys on a rocket, and Donald made a commitment to rase the boys as his babies. For fun in this Uno/Odin can be his lawyer.
I'm not gonna lie hun, if you caught me like maybe a year ago I woulda jumped on this 😔
I will tell you that if you look hard enough on AO3, this EXACT premise exists (and a good couple very similar)
However I'm kinda picky with my Della content now because like- I don't like writing assholes. So when I think of Della I see her as exceedingly impulsive. She would not give a FUCK what the law says, those are her kids and Donald is the one who raised em. Because he would NEVER deny her access to the kids and she LOVES her brother. She's short sighted, brash, and definitely doesn't think things through fully even if she *thinks* she did. (Tbh I cannot fucking FATHOM that DuckTales17 decided ms.'shot myself into space in an experimental rocket alone' should be known as the twin that could "sEe AlL tHe AnGlEs") but she loves her family dearly.
Plus you cannot tell me that Della 'sleep is wasting time here I made the most sugary inedible cake ever' Duck remembered to legally alive herself again (and tbh I don't think Scrooge remembered either but he's old and sad so we forgive him for it). This woman is legally Dead to the US government.
Also I like watching crazy irl court stuff enough to know that, unless Della *lies*, a Judge would not fucking entertain that case, plus the friends can help socially and probably write letters to the judge, but family court is just set up differently from what I've seen and it would take some crazy extenuating circumstances to get like a full jury and witnesses.
If I DID do something like this, I'd use someone else as an outside force to influence Della (she's the type to not stop once an idea is in her head and that's canonically been taken advantage of) and it would more be around the DRAMA of her serving her brother papers. Like- my Donald angst usually involves all of his friends either being out of touch or unavailable. Parenthood takes a lot of time and personal social circles are the first to go under the stress most of the time.
So really focus on Della's shortsightedness and Donald's lack of support.
Honestly I think Scrooge would just be confused. They're siblings and they love each other and they fight about petty shit, sure, but this?
Also the kids would be stressed as hell and probably start fighting amongst themselves over it which would make Donald cave pretty fast, I think.
Anyways this has been Jenky's rambles, don't mind me and go have fun uwu
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