#hes fun to hang out with but i cannot trust him to not make me cry and i am not crying at my birthday party 2 years in a row
skeletonmaster69 · 1 year
#vent time#so out of the 6 people im gonna invite to my birthday only 2 of them are people i want there#the rest are just cuz i dont wanna be a fucking asshole#more than that if you include my siblings cuz i want my sibling there but i dont want my little brother#anyways but yeah the 2 people i actually want there are my best friends and i love them and if they disnt wanna come id straight up cancel#theres my friend from school who i want to be there but i know her and one of my best friends wouldnt get along#my friend from schools friend who i hang out w enough that i should invite them but who i dont know that well#and who would absolutely get in a fight with said best friend that wouldnt get along with them whcih is not something i wanna deal with#theres best friends friend who is kindof my friend but i havent talked to him enough in years for him to feel like a friend#hut i invited him last year so it would be weird to not invite him#and then theres my friend who like. gets along well enough with my best friends but just#hes fun to hang out with but i cannot trust him to not make me cry and i am not crying at my birthday party 2 years in a row#and then if we count siblings my sibling obviously i want there theyre fun and actually care and shit#but my little brother. frankly i dont want him around my friends at all since that time he took his shirt off#and laid down in front of the tv. while my friends were there. right in front of them.#which is gross as hell but even if we ignore that he is so fucking horrible to be around all of the time#he would actively try to cause the one thing that is not supposed to happen at this party(me crying)#but if i tell him to stay in the bedroom while my friends are there im being mean and a bad brother and blah blah blah#if i wanna go extra far i dont even want my dad there beyond him buying to food since he absolutely doesnt care about me not crying#but even though i only want 3 of these people there all of them have to be there because otherwise im being mean#just thinking about it kinda makes me feel like crying tbh because i dont think ill even have the energy for that many people#but not inviting any one of them would be me being a huge fucking asshole#i hate it really really genuinely#id almost rather not have a party but my sibling would get upset and think its their fault#plus frankly. i want pizza#which is probably the worst reason to have a party but who cares#its even worse cuz the only day i can do it is a day when i work so i get to come home w an exhausted social battery#and then a few hours later immediately deal with 6 extra people in the house#and because theres 6 people none of them will even wanna talk to me because i am always always always the least favorite friend#so ill just. what. sit there. maybe play kindom hearts or eyes of heaven if i want attention so bad im willing to get it thru being mocked
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel crew x Reader: general fluff hcs
A/n: 100+ follower special !!
I’ve been doing a lot of headcanons lately so I pinky promise there’ll be some kind of oneshot coming soon 🙏
Warnings: None !! Just some good old fashioned fluff :3
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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‧₊˚✧ Alastor ✧˚₊‧
📻𖤐 When Alastor forms a close bond with you (and I’ve mentioned this before), he’d want to spend more time with you. Even if that’s just sitting in silence together and reading your own separate books
📻𖤐 Who knows? Maybe he’d let you lean against him, head on his shoulder, as he reads to you?
📻𖤐 This guys primary love language is quality time for sure. A close second perhaps acts of service.
📻𖤐 Biggest mamas boy ever…. But I’m sure we all knew that already
📻𖤐 LOVES to go on walks with you, especially during the afternoon or at night.
📻𖤐 Would link your arm with his and chat with you as you went on your daily stroll together… you’re not quite sure when it became a routine but it did.
📻𖤐 Huuuggeee story teller
📻𖤐 100% laughs at dad jokes and will also make them from time to time
📻𖤐 Always winning every single IDGAF war because he genuinely, wholeheartedly, just doesn’t give two shits 💀💀
📻𖤐 Can’t swim. I don’t know how to explain why I think this but I just KNOW its true
📻𖤐 Freezes like a deer in headlights (quite literally) when you shine a bright enough light at him
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‧₊˚✧ Angel Dust ✧˚₊‧
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Angel would be the absolute BEST at giving out hugs oh my goddd, he’s got six arms for a reason, baby !
🕸️ᥫ᭡ I feel like he’d have fun dancing !! (I mean “Loser, Baby” was enough evidence for me)
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Competitive as fuck, UNO would actually be so fun with him 😭 (gets so genuinely excited when he wins too, gloating about it and everything like he just won the lottery)
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Biggest shoplifter ever and most of the time it’s not even because he can’t afford it, he just does it for fun.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Smells realllyyy good all the time, he’s got the best perfumes ever
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Spa-days/Self-care days quickly become a Saturday night thing for you two once you become one of his besties. And I’m talking the whole shabang like face masks, candles lit and snack tray out as he paints your nails for you 💕
🕸️ᥫ᭡ It’s something Angel genuinely looks forward to as well (ᵒ̴̶̷᷄⩊ᵒ̴̶̷᷅)
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Primary love language is most likely physical touch, we’ve all seen how touchy he can get 🤞
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Getting to know his real name and getting to call him by it means he trusts you a lot, he doesn’t give that privilege out to just anybody.
🕸️ᥫ᭡ On a less serious note, he’s definitely a huge show off 💀💀
🕸️ᥫ᭡ Amazing at doing makeup, will do your makeup if you asked him to (might accidentally poke you in the eye or something though lmfaoo)
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‧₊˚✧ Husker ✧˚₊‧
🍺🃁 Needs glasses and HAS them but just doesn’t wear them for whatever reason. He looks good in them though !!
🍺🃁 Cheats in any card game ever. Wins 9/10 against you because of that reason (he’s also a gambler so that’s a big factor as well obviously)
🍺🃁 Bros the type of guy to call you “doll” and “baby”
🍺🃁 Primary love language?? quality time 🙏 🙏acts of service and physical touch are both tied for second place (but you only ever really get the physical touch one if you’re his s/o)
🍺🃁 Again, we all saw “Loser, Baby” this mf can DANCE and he enjoys it too
🍺🃁 Jazz is one of Huskers favourite music genres for sure
🍺🃁 You two don’t really have a routine hangout type thing but he does enjoy it when you come around to the bar to just hang out with him while he cleans and whatnot :3
🍺🃁 Trust, you will be given a specialized nickname just for you once he considers you a close friend of his.
🍺🃁 He’s a great listener but gives very blunt advice, doesn’t sugarcoat shit if you ask him for his opinion on something.
🍺🃁 Weirdly caught up with mental health stuff, like he knows a lot about it
🍺🃁 Poor Husker does NOT like the cat noises he makes but he literally cannot control them 😭😭 (believe me, he’s tried)
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‧₊˚✧ Vaggie ✧˚₊‧
🗡️☪︎ Vaggie is NOT a morning person, usually sleeps in until around noon
🗡️☪︎ Would have good fashion taste
🗡️☪︎ Vaggie is also a very competitive UNO player, probably ends up yelling at Alastor for making her pick up all those “pick up four” cards when everyone plays together (yes, he looks smug as fuck while doing it and yes he was saving them just for her 💀💀)
🗡️☪︎ Has beef with almost all of the guys at the hotel but Husker is chill for the most part
🗡️☪︎ Adding onto that last one, it doesn’t really take much for a man to piss her off tbh (she’s so real for this)
🗡️☪︎ Would spar with you if you asked and gets really into it too !! She’s careful not to actually hurt you though and it’s a great way of bonding with her (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
🗡️☪︎ Verrryyyyy jealous girl, remember when Emily took Charlie’s hands in the heaven episode?? (The look on her face made me giggle)
🗡️☪︎ Hates pickles. She just looks like she’d be a pickle hater
🗡️☪︎ Primary love language is words of affirmation
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‧₊˚✧ Charlie ✧˚₊‧
⭐️☀︎ Charlie is infact a morning person and wakes up at the crack of dawn everyday for zero reason whatsoever 💀
⭐️☀︎ She does her absolute best to include everyone in every activity going on, she doesn’t ever want anybody in the hotel to feel excluded
⭐️☀︎ Biggest shipper EVER. You ever told her you have a crush on someone here?? Oh god..
⭐️☀︎ She’ll silently fan girl from a distance whenever you and your crush are together to the point Vaggie has to drag her away
⭐️☀︎ Charlie can be a little bit overwhelming at times but her happiness is suppeerrr contagious
⭐️☀︎ The best way to spend time and bond with her?? Literally just offer to do anything with her and she’ll do it, I don’t think she’s too picky
⭐️☀︎ Learnt some Spanish from Vaggie and tries to use it with her to be all romantic but her pronunciations are fucked up (She’s trying her hardest guys okay 😞🙏)
⭐️☀︎ Totally asked Vaggie one time as a pick up line if she fell from heaven and she broke out into a sweat (poor girl)
⭐️☀︎ Primary love language is words of affirmation. quality time is somewhere up there too though
⭐️☀︎ Will break out into song a lot and it’s kinda funny to watch
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‧₊˚✧ Niffty ✧˚₊‧
🧼𐙚 Acts a lot like a hyperactive toddler on crack. Has zero chill and it’s pretty rare to see her actually calm
🧼𐙚 I think Niffty lowkey has stage freight, like we all see how she just automatically freezes up when a camera is on (I mean it’s happened twice in the show already)
🧼𐙚 Takes a lot after Alastor, sees him as some sort of older brother figure as well 😞🩵
🧼𐙚 When playing UNO, she’d fucking EAT the cards so she’d win. Deadass just nom nom nom that shit
🧼𐙚 She’s a big giggler, she’ll laugh and giggle at almost everything so it’s not hard to get her to do so
🧼𐙚 She’d probably really enjoy it if you let her just sit with you for a while and braid your hair (But she’d steal some for her “collection” in the process)
🧼𐙚 I’m actually not too sure what Nifftys love language would even be? Perhaps acts of service (she is a maid, after all)
🧼𐙚 Okay 99% sure this is actually canon but she’s a hardcore germophobe, can’t handle when things are cluttered or a mess.
🧼𐙚 Has a collection of cleaning supplies in her room
+ Bonus !!
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‧₊˚✧ Vox ✧˚₊‧
📺☆ Whenever Vox is sleeping or thinking really hard about something, the voxtek symbol will bounce around on his screen like the DVD logo thing
📺☆ Not very big on pda, he has an image to uphold, after all. (But he would enjoy affection in private though)
📺☆ Not above watching you through whatever technology you have, he spies on you a lot 💀💀
📺☆ Also guys…… stop pretending Vox isn’t a whiny little bitch, because he is (trust me y’all, read some of @bigfatbimbo’s stuff)
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/headcanons/writing without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
obey me luke head cannons please
of course! just note that this will be strictly sfw and platonic. I wont be hearing any of the "oh, but he's like 1000 years old" stuff, he was the mentality, looks and attitude of a minor so this will be in no way a romantic
He absolutely sees you as a older sibling and a parental figure, he trusts you alot. You don't call him chihuahua, you are interested in his interests, you give him genuine life advice and not just tell him to get someone else to do it for him. He deeply appreciates that you are nice to him and don't just treat him like that one kid brought along to a friends dinner party, you actually talk to him about his interests and make sure he has fun.
I feel like the reason people started calling him Chihuahua is because he growled at a demon one time to scare them off, he's not a big fan of demons and is quite scared to be without someone he trusts so when a demon came up to him, he started growling to try and show them that he isn't just a small angel. Lucifer found him doing this and scared the demons away for him, calling him a chihuahua while walking him back to Simeon
Luke is protective over you, he sees you as family and he doesn't like the idea that you just walk around scary demons all the time on your own. If he is out with simeon and sees you alone, he will invite you to come along with them both by saying that he just wants hang out with you, hiding the fact that he's scared you'll be attacked by a demon. He will insist he and Simeon walk you home, scolding the brothers for not keeping you company. How dare they not protect his older sibling, its insulting!
My boy is absolutely petrified after finding out you were killed by belphie, my poor boy will probably cry into your chest and beg you not to scare him like that again. Please give him a hug and say you'll stay with him, he will be absolutely heartbroken if you don't promise to be more careful. He will give you a enchanted bracelet or a pair of enchanted earrings that will protect you from attackers, the brothers will still be able to interact with you but if anyone tries to attack you again, the magic in the jewlery will protect you
Oh my lord the glares he gives belphie after he finds out he hurt you, he may be scared shitless of the avatar of sloth but he will make sure to pull you away from him for the first week or two after he killed you. As I said in my previous belphie fic, I hate the fact that we were so forgiving of him after he literally killed us. If you are scared of belphie or get tense whenever belphie gets close to you, Luke will probably try and help by bringing your attention elsewhere or just straight up leading you away from him
Loves cooking with and for you, baking is one of his favourite things to do so if he gets to do it with you, he is extremely happy! Baking competitions are a must with him, he gets competitive and tries his best to impress you. Let him win alot of the time, he gets so happy when he wins and he gets to share his treats with you!
Ok hear me out, if you have tattoos he would 100% want to colour them in. If you and the whole gang are having a nice dinner up in the human world, the waiters will see luke and probably give him some markers and a colouring in sheet. Your going to have to explain to him that kids in the human world get these stuff in restaurants to keep them entertained, he will be a tad bit annoyed but he wont complain. If you sit next to him and have a tattoo along your arm or hand, he will probably ask you if he could see what it looks like in colour. If you say yes, he is going to absolutely make sure he does a amazing job at making it look so pretty
He watches those gacha reaction and music videos, you cannot change my mind about this. He will even try to make one and show you afterwards, he would be so happy with himself
Thrown a cross at a lower demon once, i just feel like he's done that before
If you come down to the devildom as someone that makes little crochet creations, he will absolutely be over the moon if you make him a little beanie or a little plushie. He really wants you to teach him how to knit/crochet so you let him use your needles/hook and show him how to do it. He cant get his head around crocheting for the life of him but he is slowly learning how to knit, tell him he's doing a good job please! He will trade you his cooking for your little creations, making you the best sweets you've ever had while you give him a life size swan creation. If he makes you a little crochet buddy and it comes out really wonky, you better treasure that for the rest of your life!
If feel like when he gets too tired, he will just rest his head against your side and not say anything (my sister used to do this to my mum all the time when she was little). If you pick him up and carry him around, he will probably just fall asleep on your shoulder. He feels safe with you so its easy for him to just fall asleep against you. He gets to experience the out body experience of falling asleep in the car and then waking up in bed
Luke is so adorable, he is my son and I love him. Sorry if i wrote him alittle younger then i expected, but i love the idea that sometimes he has that childish excitement and amazement to the world. Thank you for requesting this Anon, this was alot of fun!
Who should i do next?
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
What was so horrendous about the Dick Grayson cop storyline? Is it just that it happened?
there are two foundational issues with officer dick grayson as a concept — the first is that dick grayson being a cop is a bad character choice, and the second is that chuck dixon unfortunately exists.
the latter is obvious — every single thing dixon touched in the nineties reflects his own turbo fascist politics. he’s so misogynistic he wrote both iconic queer men (connor hawke and tim drake) and devastatingly toxic yuri (babs and dinah) entirely by accident and has been angry about it ever since. thusly, dick being a cop wasn’t about dick himself, it was another explicit example of dixon’s belief that it isn’t the system that’s flawed, it’s simply flawed people in positions of power. it affirms his thin blue line, borderline authoritarian ideal of what society should be.
it’s a shame, because i think nightwing’s strength as a series is one with a large civilian supporting cast, and having dick opposing a corrupt commissioner is a good way of exploring that. think about amy and gannon and clancy — all interesting characters that help flesh out bludhaven as a city, making it stand out against gotham.
otherwise, u cannot convince me dick grayson would ever want or even consider being a cop. “dismantling the force from the inside” is not a practical, long term solution to corruption, and because dick isn’t an idiot he would know that. dick being a cop means he’s placidly involved in the crimes the bcpd commits, no matter how strongly he opposes them. additionally, the character beats are kinda boring — there’s only so much of dick pretending not to know too much and people being amazed by him that i can tolerate. that’s even ignoring that i don’t think he would, realistically, view the police force as a necessary good. consider his background, consider that unlike bruce he wasn’t born into wealth and power, consider that dick has always operated very low on the street level, within a community. he should not like cops.
ideally, if we wanted to rehash this plot, it could be fun for dick to do something like be an independent reporter instead of a recruit. it’d be a cute homage to clark, it’d give him an excuse to hang around a crime scene, and he could practise actual detective work and build trust with the people in his community. let him punch a cop!!!
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lorebeth · 11 months
HSR Headcannons
Hiyaa these are quick notes I think that different Honkai Star Rail characters would do or behave like ALSO IF YOU THINK IT'S OOC THAT'S FINE SHSKAHF I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH ANYTHING THEY DO IS REAL TO ME ❤️
Characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, March, Serval, Kafka
-He holds your hand when you cross the road (it seems like something he would do just absentmindedly, if you bring it up he won't do it again).
-He likes to take you places you've never been to, as chaotic as his person is, I think he really likes the more calmer days and enjoys finding new places with you, albeit he's also looking to run away from the authorities at the same time...
-I am a firm believer that Blade watches all types of movies, even romcoms. You enter the living room and see him watching '10 things I hate about you' and he's genuinely into it thinking about how he relates to a character.
-He has matching phone accessories with you. Kafka makes fun of him whenever he comes to work with a bright coloured pompom hanging out of his pocket.
-He is quite chill when you bring him little trinkets, he might not know what you're supposed to be doing with such an oddly shaped item, he might even stare at you blankly, but he knows the object reminded you of him and that makes him happier than he'd like to admit.
Dan Heng:
-He likes to smell you (THAT SOUNDS SO CREEPY). He loves the smell of your shampoo and has decided to buy the same one as you, however he didn't like it because March caught a whiff and made fun of him for weeks with you in earshot.
-He likes when you doodle on his hand with a pen or a marker. He also let's you do his eyeliner because you recenctly only realised he had one eye done and the other not, seeing as you start to do this more often, he buys more eyeliner and different colours for you to experiment with. (Although you both agree he looks better in red.)
-ABSOLUTELY 100% LOVES YOUR MUSIC! At first he didn't because he thought it was weird, but you eventually start catching him humming your favourite songs and you start to slowly make him play lists and organise an entire library of his and your favourite music together.
-He has matching plushies with you, you guys switch them every night and act like divorced parents who have to switch kids every weekend.
-He eats all the food in the fridge and you see him with his mouth dirty and can't help get too mad at him when he says he hasn't been in the kitchen all day. Other than his crimson cheeks, messy mouth and embarrassed eyes, nothing tells you more of his crime than his horrible acting skills.
-When he goes out, he likes to bring you back something, honestly anything. He once brought back an entire couch because he heard you needed a new one that fitted the aesthetic of your living room.
-Think golden retriever, you shall receive golden retriever.
-He likes when you praise him, it gets him happy and excited, a little shy and he just acts like he has just received the best present in the world, however it backfires when he compliments you as well. Your face heats up and even if he can't tell, he knows from your expression and attitude he got to you more than you let him see.
-She’s 100% tried to steal your clothes and you catch her every single time.
-She is so bad at hiding the fact she steals your clothing that whenever you walk into your room, you INSTANTLY sense your favourite sweater was taken hostage.
-Obviously she loves you and gives you fashion advice, but only when she’s ready will she let you borrow her own clothes. For her, this is an extreme act of love and trust.
-She totally takes your phone and blows up your storage with 100+ pictures of her or you sleeping, your phone almost shut itself down on multiple occasions 😭.
-Likes to try bake you little sweets from different planets. Due to her past, she cannot remember where she is from, so her love language is giving you things from other planets or your home planet, especially through baked goods! She’s either a cooking pro or she burns down the entire Express. It’s a 50/50.
-Loves hearing you sing. You sound like Gepard? It’s okay! She has her best smile on to encourage her lover!
-She 1000% stole your musical instrument (if you play one) and tried learning it for you if you don’t have a guitar.
-Not everything with her is musical, but she finds it does help when she’s cooking, cleaning, working in her shop, she even has a playlist that has your name on it and is full of songs that remind her of you.
-She shows you baby pictures of Gepard and Lynx. You’ve never ONCE seen her though. Kinda sketchy. Just ask Gepard and suddenly you have millions of cute chubby little Serval’s everywhere!
-That one fangirl who waits for Serval or tries to catch a glimpse? Not anymore! All the windows are now only see through on the inside and Serval has taken extra measures to keep her and your life private from her groupie. Will tell the girl to knock it off if you’re extremely uncomfortable.
-She has the passwords to every account you’ve ever made on any platform. She doesn’t go through any of them but she likes that you share that with her, she in turn lets you go through her email. That’s all she has. 🙁
-She caught you wearing her uniform once and just stayed at the door watching you say her signature catch phrases. 11/10 embarrassing, 100/10 her thinking it was cute as hell.
-She doesn’t really have time for dates or anything of the such, but whenever you really need her, desperately, she’s there instantly. Sometimes you use your trump card when there’s a creepy bug and she catches it ONLY TO THROW THAT MF IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION.
-Has a pet snake. I genuinely am a firm believer she has a pet snake that she named in your honour. If you like snakes or not, you will have to feed it when she’s gone. 🙁
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ticklepinions · 7 months
Everytime I come back here I get a fun lil story!!!!
So! Where to even begin!???
My friend and I were having a sleep over and we are like really physically affectionate, so during our nightly cuddles they were rubbing my back. Next thing I know my back is arching and I let out a screech. So I'm there dumbfounded and my friend is obviously confused but pauses and says "oh did that tickle you?"
Ah! No! (Yes-) what caused me to uh squeal was my friend started "walking" their fingers up and down my spine- when I tell you that shit tickles like crazy-
Anyways!!!! You'd think today was better but NO! There was so. Much. Tickling. Idk what it was but my entire friend group must've been bitten by the tickle bug cause what even was today-
It started with one friend poking me- (while I was minding my own business btw!) and me retaliating. To then me subsequently getting chased (and if you know me you know I PANIK because I cannot stand being chased and I freeze and scream and all that fun stuff). Then getting my arms forcibly raised above my head while ANOTHER friend comes and pokes the living daylights out of my sides, stomach and ribs. All the while the rest of our friend group watched and one even recorded the ordeal- 😀😀😀😀😀😀
I swore my revenge so stay tuned I guess....
Oh!!!! You thought that was it!? HAHAHA. No!
There's more!
All in the same day!! My friends (like 5 of us altogether) are all hanging out and one of them throws their legs over my lap. Another friend comes up to us and starts doing the egg crack thingy to us. Yes it tickles me but not enough to make me really laugh. But my other friend! Oh boy he was already begging! The friend who pinned my arms in the above story suggested we tickle him. And tickle we did. I was in charge of holding a leg and tickling his stomach and sides. Y'all the laughter- the joy- it was just- words can't describe it actually. But imagine 4 of your friends holding you down and like tickling the shit out of you.
Long story short, I did get revenge on one of my friends and I got help pinning him down and just going to town with the tickles. The funniest thing is everyone was relying on me to know his tickle spots (yeah I'm the resident tickle monster please don't shame me 😔). He was acting all stoic and tough and claiming he's not ticklish. And he almost got away with it, I was poking and scribbling his ribs which would normally work but he held it in pretty well. But I knew under his arms/uppermost rib was a good spot. Once I got there- his facade dropped instantly. He genuinely burst out in surprised laughter and started flailing everywhere. We even challenged him to 20 seconds of tickling- which he agreed to!?!? I was trying to tickle his ankles and unprompted he's like "feet are my most ticklish spot". Thank you. You sweet friend o mine for revealing that info. With permission I took his shoe off and started tickling. He scrunched his eyes, turning redder every second but the minute I reached his toes he was cackling again.
And that pretty much was it- my favourite part aside from the tickles was just the consent, trust and mutual respect we all had for each other. Once someone said stop we did. We gave them breaks and time to catch their breaths. We made sure we weren't hurting them or making people uncomfortable by holding them down, like it was just so great to see???? Like wow basic human decency exists?!!! And in MY friend group? Chefs kiss dawg, sloppy style.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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plltxe [p·ḷ.ˈt’·ɛ] v. speak
Anonymous Request: Can I request a Lo’ak fic where his female mate is scared to love and open up to him as she finds it hard to trust people, and he is so patient with her and doesn’t pressure her in any way. He sees her crying one day and is gentle with her and is so happy that she is finally opening up to him and being affectionate with him?
Y/N has a stutter, and Lo'ak is furious when someone makes fun of her for it.
1,296 words
Sometimes, even though the words are perfectly strung together in my head and I know exactly what I want to say, it takes so long to get them from my mind, past my lips.
Some words get twisted, others I get hung up on, and I have to speak in as few words as possible so that I can get my point across.
As a child, I was teased mercilessly for it. For quite a time, I stopped talking, and I focused on perfection in every single area of my life, besides speech.
I am a profoundly excellent hunter, a beautiful flyer, I can weave beautiful tapestries on the loom, fish enough to feed the clan, create fine jewelry and clothing, and braid hair in ornate patterns for special occasions.
The only thing I cannot do, is speak. Not without great effort, and great anxiety.
Lo'ak has never cared. He talks enough for the both of us, and any spoken sentiment I send his way, he sits patiently and attentively, listening.
Lo'ak is kind, and generous, and too good for me. I know I have kept him at arm's length, but it's a habit. No one has ever had the patience for me before - not even my own parents - so it's hard to imagine that he will not get sick of waiting for me to say what I mean.
Soon, we are to be mated. He asked, and I replied with one word: yes.
Still, it feels as if I haven't really let him in yet.
Lo'ak returns from a long hunt with his father and brother, dragging a sled behind him with their kills. They drop the meat off at the fire pits to be prepared and used later that evening, and without hardly a goodbye, he turns and leaves his family, looking for her.
She is not in her hammock, so he checks the next place he thinks he'll find her, and he has luck.
There is a small pond, not too many paces from home tree, where children swim during the day. It is too shallow to be of much use besides that, but there is a branch that hangs over, just tall enough to sit on and dangle your feet in the water; she comes here a lot.
Lo'ak approaches, but she doesn't notice. As he gets closer, he realizes why. She's crying.
He has never seen her cry, and he stops in his tracks. Y/N isn't a woman of many emotions. She smiles and laughs a lot, but she keeps her true self at a distance from everyone.
He knows why. He saw how she was treated, growing up, because of her difficulty with speech. He never understood why it mattered to anyone - he thought she was smart, talented, skilled and beautiful.
Lo'ak approaches slowly, but announces himself as he steps onto the branch.
"Y/N," he says.
With a gasp, she turns to him. She places her hand over her heart, indicating that he startled her.
"Sorry," he whispers, sitting next to her. "What's wrong, Y/N?"
She turns back to the water, her wet cheeks reflecting the moonlight.
"You can tell me. Anything, you can tell me."
To Lo'ak's surprise, she leans over, placing her head on his shoulder. Without hesitation, he wraps his arm around her waist. Even though he's concerned for her, he can't deny that he's thrilled to be holding her so intimately.
"Come. Come home, and we'll talk," Lo'ak says. "Away from anyone."
She nods, and takes his hand, allowing him to lead her the short walk to the alcove they have carved out of the side of home tree. Once inside, Lo'ak is relieved to see that she is no longer crying, but he still wants to know what happened.
"Did someone hurt you, Y/N?" he asks.
She shakes her head, and grabs his arms. She sinks to the floor, crossing her legs below her, and pulls him along. He sits in front of her, and her hands move from his arms, down over his elbows and forearms, and finally, they hold his own hands.
He grips tightly to her.
"You can tell me. Take your time."
She takes in a deep breath.
"I... went hunting," she says, in the slow cadence she usually adopts. "It was good." She stutters on the word good, stopping and starting a few times, until she finally gets it out. She takes another deep breath, and closes her eyes. "I brought the kill to the pits. Marek thanked me," she pauses her. Sometimes, Lo'ak has noticed, when she really gets into a story, the words come easier. Her cadence picks up, just slightly. "He said, I must like to spend time with animals. Because, they don't care... I can't talk."
As she finishes her story, tears pool in her eyes again, and she looks down, her face ashamed and embarrassed.
The rage that overtakes Lo'ak's entire body is powerful, unlike anything he's ever felt before. Childhood teasing is one thing, but Marek is a grown man, making fun of a woman - his woman - for providing for their clan.
Lo'ak sees two choices ahead of him. The first is to get up right there, find Marek, and beat him so badly that he himself never utters another word. Maybe he could grab Neteyam on the way, and make sure Marek never does anything again, at all.
Though he feels momentarily blinded by rage, he knows that's not what his future mate needs.
She needs him here, now.
"I will kill Marek later," Lo'ak says through a tense jaw, and a ghost of a smile crosses Y/N's face. "Your skills at the hunt are unmatched, Y/N. You provide for us all." He reaches down, touching the ornately woven rug below them. "You have woven beautiful rugs that nearly half the alcoves in home tree are adorned by. People see them, and think of you, gratefully. Kiri and Tuk tell everyone that it is you who so beautiful braids their hair for every dance and feast, and they've told me how jealous all the other women are of your talents. It is true, Y/N, that you speak differently from the rest of us. You do not speak worse. You speak differently. It is slower, and it is worth waiting and listening to. Everything you say holds meaning. Every word out of Marek's mouth is useless garbage, and it would be better if none of us ever had to hear him again."
He could go on, and on, all night if she needs - but she falls forward into his arms, crawling into his lap, heaving sobs into his chest.
Shocked, he wraps his arms around her, and presses a soft kiss to her forehead.
"I will kill him tomorrow," Lo'ak whispers.
Taking deep breaths, Y/N looks up at him. "Not sad," she replies, and points to the tears on her face. "Happy. Feel lucky, to be your mate."
The rage in his chest subsides, replaced by an overwhelming wave of pride and love towards his amazing woman in his arms. He leans back against the wall, and she settles between his legs, resting on his chest.
Her breathing slows, in and out, and he thinks she may be drifting off. It is not lost on him, that this means she is comfortable with him, being vulnerable to him for the first time ever.
He stays awake half the night, just reveling in the feel of her laying on him, the soft sounds she makes in her sleep, the way she lays so still on him. He hopes it means she's comfortable.
He will kill Marek tomorrow, and hopefully every night after, they will sleep like this.
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iridescentdove · 5 months
Helloo, I was thinking about a scenario with Nikolai and a twin sister reader who’s similar to Lynette if it’s possible. Tyy 💕
Nikolai Gogol x Lynette! Reader
Hello anon! I'm back ... again. I'm an on and off person in this app at this point lmfao. By the way, requests are closed for now everyone! But you can still ask me questions and other stuff. Let's start.
Lyney is a more reserved girl. She rarely talks to others out of her own accord, letting Lyney (in this case Nikolai) do the talking for her, and dissuades essentially any attempt to speak with her by saying bizarre responses. Whenever she needs to talk, she speaks briefly and frankly.
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Both of you are literally the polar opposites, it's kinda funny. Nikolai is that one fun dude at parties and you're just the one sitting in the corner watching him like 🗿
Nikolai: dumb bitch
You: dumb bitch's caretaker and sister unfortunately but whatever
Honestly he's not annoying, he's actually just cheerful around you and loves to hang around you. He's one of those rare actual good big brothers! <3
Often you're very reserved and prefer to keep to yourself, so he does most of the talking.
He doesn't let you see Fyodor, or even breathe in his direction. We all know why. And i'm pretty sure even Nikolai is sane enough to know he won't let anything happen to you. You're his precious little dove, aren't you?
People find you two a fun duo ngl
Like, you're also his assistant when he does magic and you both are unintentionally goofy as hell.
It's not even a coincidence at this point, I can totally see this guy being Lyney. Imagine he's just being down bad for Fyodor and you have to drag him away like "not again bitch"
He fr needs to chill. Like we know you want to kill him but tf that light skin stare for 🤨
I'd like to think that both of you take the time out of your day to have some fun together. Given BSD is just death, death and more death.
I totally headcanon Nikolai to love amusement parks.
He cannot stop trolling. The moment you're not looking he's out here making children CRY
You have to drag him away to stop him from getting kicked out or something.
Nikolai isn't overprotective, but he's not chill either. I'd like to believe that he trusts you, but at some point if someone even so much as looked at you weird–
They'll be in the seventh circle of hell pretty quick.
He honestly loves how chill and seemingly reserved you are, the fact you're so patient with him, he appreciates a lot.
But will be very dramatic when it comes to showing love to you. Come on now, he's a clown. what did u expect
"My dear sister says she is on her period. I am too. It's uterUS." "That doesn't mean you can wear my PADS"
... 😐
Okay nevermind, sometimes he does get overbearing. But you guys are the perfect siblings anyway.
Sorry if I couldn't do a scenario, I had no idea what to do. Writers' block still has me.
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thegoober010 · 4 months
I had this little idea to post head canons of the obey me bros for some reason so... let's do it >:)! So this is gonna be on like date ideas head canons like where they would be taking you!
Gender neutral reader <3!! Btw requests are open!! I would really appreciate some lol.
TW/CW -> none! Just pure fluff :D!!
characters included -> Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeous
Part 2 will include the other brothers and Part 3 will include the undateables/side-characters (besides Luke obv) <3!
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"Oh baby I am a wreck when I'm without you"
Lucifer I feel like would be the type to take you out on romantic dinners in fancy restaurants when he has the time. Since he is usually so busy with his duties and trying to please Diavolo (even though he usually is and just wants him to take a damn break for once.) he doesn't really take you out on dates (unless he sees the opportunity to, like when they were trying to find that illegal gambling spot in the carnival and he takes you onto the ferris wheel) but when he does trust me they are the most romantic dates ever. He gives you so much attention and takes you to the most fancy and known places for a good dinner. He tells you to not worry about the price since he will be paying for everything so that you don't waste a dime. He enjoys seeing your wide smile as you dig into the most delicious meals. Of course he does not only take you out on dinners, he also enjoys to take you out on small walks with Cerberus. If you ask very nicely you can even walk him, but he makes sure to help guide you so that you don't get pulled by him and lose control of him.
Mammon really enjoys taking you out on dates, nothing too fancy but also nothing too wild. He would take you on the occasional dinner for the first few but later it would be something more simple like taking you out to the park or to go gamble a bit, you usually help keep him in check if he does start gambling a bit too much, which at first annoys him but after you two leave the casino he appreciates it (because if he continued then he would've probably lost all the money he had just won.) You two also do many movie date nights, usually he chooses the movie but every once in a while you choose. (don't expect him to choose any horror movies btw we all know this mf is a HUGE scaredy-cat, he doesn't mind if you choose a horror movie but don't expect him to be quiet this mf will YELL at every little noise and probably get you both in trouble for being so loud)
Don't expect much from this otaku! The most fancy thing you'll get is a restaurant in an anime convention. He doesn't really like the idea of very fancy dates, he enjoys being more casual, of course he does want to impress you after all he wants to prove himself worthy of your love, since he's rather insecure he wants to prove himself in different ways but bringing you on a super fancy date is not one of them, he thinks you'd probably be more impressed by his epic gaming skills or something. He probably takes you out to many anime conventions and you two usually have lots of fun cosplaying or just going in casual outfits! But usually Levi makes you both cosplay characters you both relate to or are together! Other types of dates I feel like he'd do are gaming dates or anime binging dates where you both just hang out normally with some take-out or something of that sort with you two, you're both cuddling in bed (he's definitely a little spoon no one can tell me otherwise this mf cannot handle physical touch well so he prefers when you're the big spoon instead of him its more comfortable) and you're both gaming or you're both binge watching some new anime or reading manga together! That's a good enough date for him and hopefully you too!
Asmodeous's dates include mainly self-care! He loves taking you out on spa dates or to the sauna! He makes sure to pay for all of it and after that he usually takes you out to shop at the mall, both of you getting everything you want and trying out new clothing! When you two don't leave the house though usually the dates you two do are in his room practicing self-care whether that be some new skincare, make-up looks, resting up, and showering/bathing together, if it's self-care related he'll do it with you, it's your own little dates! He's also very open to new date ideas though he's not all just about self-care he loves shopping dates but also movie dates, or well they're more like show dates? Instead of movies you two usually binge-watch fashion shows or bad reality tv! I feel like he really enjoys bad reality tv usually the romance ones/dating shows
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carlgrimesenthusiast · 11 months
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˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
✧˖*°࿐ masterlist
requests | open!
( please elaborate on your request, i’ll write what you want to read. i don’t want to disappoint you with something you won’t like!! )
minors do not interact, racism, transphobia, homophobia or any type of of hatred is not welcome here. please be nice & respectful. i do not write noncon and incest.
↳˗ˏˋcarl grimesˊˎ˗ ↴
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ cuddles || sub!carl grimes x reader |fluff
summary: cuddling with carl
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ keep judith safe for me || angst
summary: carls death.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ giving sub!carl head || smut (req)
summary: giving carl sub!carl head
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ needy || sub!carl grimes || smut (req)
summary: carl being needy
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ we’re supposed to hate each other… || smut (req)
summary: you’re negans daughter, you pay a little visit to alexandria. you make a little suggestive comment towards carl, leading to a fun time.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ carl sucking readers tits || smut (req)
summary: readers tits get sucked by carl
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ rough day || smut (req)
summary: you’ve had a rough day, carl knows exactly how to make you feel better.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ don’t hang out with him || kinda angst?? / fluff
summary: carl gets jealous when he sees you hanging out with ron.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ you’re not alone | fluff (req)
summary: you’re new to alexandria and do not trust anyone. carl reassures you that you can trust him and everyone else.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ i can save myself | angst to fluff (req)
summary: carl and reader are out on a run. reader gets injured whilst protecting carl. he gets mad at reader because he thinks it’s his job to protect you instead.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ truth or dare | a bit smutish , fluff (req)
summary: you and carl play truth or dare, the longer you play, the more explicit it gets.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ i love you just the way you are | fluff (req) TW: ed
summary: reader thinks that because they’re dating carl now, they need to change the way they look in order for carl to stay in love with them.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ aftercare with sub!carl | fluff, smut (req)
summary: after a night with carl, you clean him up.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ punishment | smut (req)
summary: carl breaks into the sanctuary, you decide to punish him your own way.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ summer buys | fluff ( req )
summary: modern!carl takes you shopping.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ favourite brush | fluff (req)
summary: carl brushes/plays with your hair.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ boob guy!carl | smut (req)
summary: carl worshipping fem!readers boobs
ੈ✩‧₊˚ i’m right here
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note- i do see all your comments but since this isn’t my primary account therefore i cannot reply to you!! please know that i appreciate every single comment!!!🫶
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myjisung · 2 years
stray kids : things they would get jealous about !
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content. stray kids ot8, gender neutral reader, jealous!skz
warning. none
a/n. would you guys be interested in another post like this one about how they would act when they feel jealous? if so, let me know by sending in a request. also, this is just my opinion! call those headcanons if you want :-)
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bang chan ( 방찬 )
he tries so hard not to be jealous. so so hard; he doesn't want to be nor does he want to feel like it, but he cannot help it. chan gets really insecure at times. even if you tell him that he's perfect, he knows he isn't and there's nothing you can do about it. he has told you that, if you find better than him, he won't try to hold you back. instead, he'll vouch for your happiness. but honestly, chan cannot help but feel jealous when someone expresses interest for you. it could be as innocent as possible, he'll still get all up in his own head and feel awful.
lee know ( 리노 )
even if he doesn't seem like it, minho strikes me as the casually jealous type. one thing that rubs him the wrong way and pushes all of his buttons is when someone comes up to you when he is right there and you engage in a friendly conversation with them. even if you might not realize that person is flirting with you, minho would get extremely annoyed. in those moments, he'd straight up just step away and let you do your thing until you feel like joining him again.
changbin ( 창빈 )
he loves to say he doesn't get jealous. and it's true, he doesn't, most of the time at least. however, much like everyone, some things are too much for him. changbin would get jealous over you choosing to hang out with someone else over him. call him childish, he doesn't care, it upsets him. he values his time a whole bunch and spending quality time with his s/o is one of the ways he shows love. so if you ended up choosing someone else to spend time with over him, he'd get beyond annoyed.
hyunjin ( 현진 )
now that guy; how do i put it—he's very jealous. he tries not to be! he really does. hyunjin knows how frustrating he can get at times and tries his best to not overthink. but, let's be honest, anything would send him over the edge. if he has made it clear that you both were together and someone still came too close and tried to make moves, he'd get pissed off, both at that person and you if you allowed it to happen. hyunjin always draws clear boundaries when in a relationship and he wants you to do the same.
han ( 한 )
again, not much of the jealous type. jisung doesn't care much and actually loves to make fun of people who feel jealous in relationship. he trusts you and never fails to tell you that. what he doesn't tell you however is that he cannot help but feel his heart crumble when you dish out compliments to everyone but forget about him. even if he tries to hide it, jisung craves for your validation. so, disregarding him that way would make him feel envious of those you compliment.
felix ( 필릭스 )
casually jealous, felix tries his best to get better at not showing it. but it's difficult, especially if your ex is still in the picture. felix doesn't understand why you'd still be friends with them. he'd get jealous if you hung out with that person, called them right in front of him and even more so if you went to meet them without him. he trusts you, yes, but he doesn't trust your ex.
seungmin ( 승민 )
another one who doesn't get jealous that often. he knows how to talk himself out of feeling insecure. one thing that would send seungmin spiraling however is if you were still friends with someone you were in a "situationship" with. he knows you're not together and you're not trying to do anything behind his back but he's not too sure about that friend of yours. he'd get all crabby when he catches you texting that person when you're hanging out together. after all, if that person was once interested in you, they might still feel the same way and try to make some moves.
i.n ( 아이엔 )
though he tries his best to not feel that way, jeongin cannot help but get jealous whenever you take advice from everyone but him. he'd wonder why you listen to absolutely all your friends and acquaintances but seem to disregard every single one of his pieces of advice. he doesn't mean to force you to follow his lead, not at all, but it's the fact that you listen to other people that would make him feel uncomfortable.
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AITA for not telling my family I was going to an amusement park with my best friend?
I (17F) am the middle child of two brothers (11M, "Ryan", and 21M, "Liam). Ryan is pretty social and well-adjusted, but I am in no way exaggerating when I say I am Liam's only friend. I have two good friends, "Addison" (18F) and "Alex" (16M). Because of Liam's lack of a social life, my mom often sends him with me when I go out with friends. She also makes Ryan tag along more often than not.
I go to a school dance with Alex, she makes Liam come along. I go over to Addison's house, she sends Ryan with me. I go skating with Addison, Liam comes too. I spend the night with Alex, Ryan also spends the night (Alex and I have never forgotten that night, because Ryan didn't want to be there either. I still don't know why Mom made him come). You get the picture.
It's at the point that whenever I go out, I either don't say where I'm going until I'm back, or I only tell them if they CANNOT manage to squeeze a brother in. I was hanging out with Alex the other day, and he mentions that he has a guest pass to a nearby amusement park that I love, and he asks if I want to go. I accept, and we make plans. I don't tell my parents because they already have tickets for my brothers and I at some point this summer, and if I said something, they would probably just tell me to use those tickets instead of the guest pass Alex offered, and this way, I get to go twice.
I don't even tell my parents I'm leaving until day-of, I just say that I'm "spending the day out with Alex." They tell me to have fun and be back before dark, and I do. Alex's dad is also there with us as a chaperone, so we aren't alone. The day is great, we have a blast, I come home.
When I get back, my mom asks where I was, what I did, was it fun, all that typical stuff. I tell her I went to the park and name a few things I enjoyed. She asks why I didn't tell her, and I tell the truth, that if I did, she would have sent Ryan and Liam with me. She doesn't even deny it, in fact, she basically says "yeah, I probably would" (I forget exactly what she said). She calls me rude and inconsiderate about my brothers and how I should have thought about how they might want to go. Yeah, I did, but that's what the tickets that have been bought are for!
She tells my dad, and he also scolds me. He says that since the park was so far away (not really, its just not an everyday trip length) I should have said something in case something happened. I've been attending this park yearly since I was a toddler, and nothing has ever happened. I had a trusted adult with me. If it were the other nearby park, then yeah there would be an issue. Everybody's heard the horror stories from there. But this one was perfectly safe with a group of people.
My brothers didn't have any issue with it. In fact, Ryan asked me about the new roller-coaster they put in, so he'd know if it was worth waiting when he went.
TL;DR: I went to the park with my friend. My parents want me to have taken my brothers. My brothers don't care. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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sissylittlefeather · 7 months
This is the Story
Chapter 11
A/N: Here is the next installment for everyone's favorite couple: 1973 Elvis and Grace Dubois! We're fast approaching the end, so I hope you're ready for it! This isn't the last chapter, though, so don't worry just yet. Let me know your thoughts!
As always, thanks to my besties @ccab and @elvisfatass for helping me!
Need to catch up? Check out my Masterlist!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, and then a healthy dose of angst to round it out
Word count: ~3.6k
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They have a few more minutes to spend in this haven of bliss before they have to get dressed for landing. He's not going to waste a second of it.
The next morning, Grace awakens to an empty bed. She sits up and looks around the room for Elvis, but he's nowhere to be found. Then, she hears his voice from downstairs.
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT." She gets up and wraps a plush black robe around herself. It's way too big, but it's better than nothing. As she makes her way to the stairs, she hears his voice again.
"SHE'S NOT LIKE THAT." She stops at the top of the stairs to listen. It sounds like he's talking about her. Now she hears the Colonel responding softly.
"She is a problem, my boy. I do not trust her. She cannot continue to live here with you. If the papers find out-"
"LET THEM! I don't give a shit, Colonel. I'm in love with her." She brings her hand to her mouth, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Hearing him defend her warms her heart, but she's scared of what the Colonel might do.
"You will move her out or I will do what needs to be done."
"Get the fuck out, Colonel." She inhales sharply. This won't end well. She hears the front door slam after the Colonel walks out and something crashes as Elvis yells. It sounds like he's thrown something and broken it. Grace is standing at the top of the stairs trying to decide whether she should retreat to the bedroom or go to him when he starts to come up. He sees her on the landing and visibly softens.
"Hey, honey. Did I wake you up?"
"No, no. I was awake. Everything okay?"
"Oh, sure. Colonel just doesn't approve of us, but I don't care." He walks up to her on the stairs and wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead.
"I hope he doesn't make trouble."
"He won't. Now, enough about him." He backs up and cups her face in his hands. "I made special plans for us tonight. Paulette is on her way here now to watch Wendy for us. And before you worry, I'm paying for it." Grace opens her mouth to protest, but then she stops herself.
"Thank you. What kind of plans?"
"Plans that require a pretty dress."
"Will there be other people?"
"Just you and me, honey." He leans in and kisses her lips softly.
"I need to go shopping, then!" He nods.
"I'll hang out with Wendy. You go and have fun." He thinks about giving her some money, but he knows how she likes to be independent. "Let me know if you need anything."
She smiles and nuzzles into his chest.
"I need you to come get in the shower with me." She says playfully.
"I think I can make that happen." He kisses the top of her head, smiling. They make their way back to the bedroom, stopping to make sure Wendy is still asleep. She is, so they head to the bathroom to start their day.
That evening, Grace returns from a day of shopping to a note from Elvis. He's already downstairs, but says she has an hour to get ready before she should meet him for dinner. Wendy has gone with Paulette to the apartment, so they have the house to themselves. A warm smile spreads across her face and she heads upstairs to put on her makeup and her new dress. She went with something a little out of character for her, so she hopes Elvis likes it.
As Elvis waits downstairs while Grace gets ready, he slowly becomes more and more nervous. He's sitting at the piano in the living room playing nothing in particular when he realizes that in all the time they've been together, they haven't really been on a date. And while they're not going anywhere, this is the closest they've come to going out together. He knows that eventually he'll take her out in public, maybe first to the movies and then somewhere where they can be seen together. He's ready for the world to know he's happy. But some part of him still worries about what the Colonel said. What if she's only in it for the story? Surely not. She loves him, of that he's certain. But will she still try to publish the book? What will people say when they find out the author is also his girlfriend? Or his wife?
There it is again, the desire to marry her. After the marriage he just got out of, he never thought he would want to be married again. But with Grace it's different. He wants her to know that he only wants her, that he's serious about their future together. And he just wants to be with her as much as possible for as long as possible. Is that enough to get a marriage right this time? By now he's stopped playing the piano and is fondling the necklace with her initials on it where it rests on his chest.
He's deep in thought when he hears her clear her throat behind him. When he stands up and turns to face her, his breath catches.
She is stunning.
And it's not like she's not normally beautiful. She always is. But there's something different about this particular night that has him speechless. He realizes his mouth dropped open and he closes it quickly as his eyes move up and down her body. Her black hair is smooth and straight and she has on her contacts again. Her makeup makes her dark eyes seem rounder and more open and her lip color makes her Cupid's bow even more noticeable as it crowns her plump lips. And the dress.
The dress.
It's shiny silver with thin straps and seems to be made of water with the way in clings and flows in all the right places. There's no way she's wearing a bra under it. It's also short, so he can see almost the entirety of her shapely legs where they end in her delicate ankles and feet strapped into black heels. As his eyes travel back up to her face, he tries to think of something to say, but he can't.
"Wow." Is all he can get out.
"You like it?" Grace asks timidly. He seems to be pretty stunned, but she's not sure if that's a good thing. While she waits for his answer, she looks him up and down as well. His hair is perfectly fluffy and tamed just enough to be irresistible. He's wearing a high-collared black velvet jacket with a black silk shirt underneath, unbuttoned several inches so that his chest hair is visible under the several gold necklaces he's wearing, including the one with her initials. His pants are tight in all the right places and the wide gold belt at his waist sets the all-black outfit on fire. For a second, she considers abandoning dinner entirely to drag him up the stairs. He seems to be having a similar thought, as she notices his eyes are darkening with lust.
"Honey, you look... wow." He adjusts himself under the belt and then walks over to her, taking her hand to lead her to the dining room. On one end of the table, there are serving plates filled with all of their favorite foods. At the other end, the table is set for two, with him at the head of the table and her on his left side. He's moved her chair so that it's closer to him than it normally is and when she sees this her heart melts. He walks to the table and pulls the chair out for her. She sits down and he helps her scoot her chair in before sitting in his own chair.
Before dinner starts, she decides to start a little game with him to see how he responds.
"Oh!" She exclaims quietly as she knocks her fork on the floor where it lands with a clatter.
"I'll get it, honey." Ever the southern gentleman, he slips out of his chair to grab the fork, but as he does, she turns just a little to face him and opens her legs a bit.
He inhales sharply and she suppresses a giggle. She isn't wearing underwear and he just noticed. He quickly reaches up and pushes her knees together.
"Honey!" She smiles devilishly.
"What? There's no one else here, is there?" The fact seems to sink in and he slowly pushes her knees apart again.
"What are you trying to do to me, baby?"
"Depends. Is it working?" He slides a hand up her thigh and begins to tease her clit with his thumb.
"Mmmm, I think it's working for both of us." He practically growls, his voice husky with desire. She leans back a little as he rubs small circles on her, bracing herself against the table and chair. Eventually, he stops and goes back to his chair. She moans softly and stands up next to him. He turns to face her and she slips the straps of the dress down her shoulders, letting it slide off of her, landing in a pool of shimmery fabric at her feet. This time his mouth drops open completely as she stands there totally naked, except for her shoes, in the dining room. He stands up and swipes everything on the table off onto the floor. Several of the dishes break, but thankfully nothing shatters. Then, he grabs her by the hips and sets her ass on the table. She lays back and he starts by dragging his wide hand from the middle of her chest down her stomach to her core. She arches her back as he moves down her body and then when he reaches her dripping wet pussy, he slides his middle finger into her. He finds the spot inside her that makes her wild and tickles it. She moans loudly and grabs on to the edges of the table. After a few seconds of pumping his finger in and out of her, he pulls his chair up and sits back down. Then, he lowers his mouth to her clit and starts to lick slowly up either side of it.
"Oh god, Elvis." She moans, desperate for him to move his tongue over her. Her clit is throbbing with need for him. "Please."
"Yes ma'am." He smiles and then presses his tongue against her hard, moving his head back and forth, before diving in fully and sliding his tongue into her slit. He drags it up to her sensitive bud again and begins to lick circles over and around her as she starts to feel the pressure of her orgasm building between her legs. He continues to push his finger in and out of her, adding a second finger and devouring her pussy like his life depends on it. The sensation of his mouth on her causes her eyes to roll back and she grips the edge of the table even harder. He licks and laps and tongue fucks her right there on the dining room table until she can't stand it anymore and she succumbs to the full weight of her orgasm, letting it pound into her from every direction until she almost screams.
He stands up, wiping his mouth with his hand and she sits up, undoing his belt frantically and unzipping his pants to reveal his rock hard cock. He bends his knees a little, lining himself up with her entrance. Once he's in the right place, he plunges himself deep inside her in a single thrust, filling her entirely as she cries out. His voice is deep and gravelly as he talks to her.
"You like that, baby?"
"Yes, daddy, don't stop." It slips out without her even thinking about it and he stops for half a second. She looks up at him from where she lays on the table.
"Say that again." He almost whispers.
"Don't stop?"
"No the other part."
"Daddy?" He nods.
"Yes." She smiles.
"Don't stop, daddy." He groans and closes his eyes and goes back to pumping in and out of her with as much force as she can take.
After a few more minutes of him slamming his hips into hers, she pushes him back to sitting in the chair and climbs on top of him, sinking onto his cock slowly. Then, she grinds into him, pushing him deeper and deeper.
"You like that, daddy?" She whispers in his ear as she nibbles on his earlobe.
"I fuckin' love it, baby."
She moans as her nipples rub against the velvet of his jacket. The heat radiates off of his body as he sweats while she bounces and grinds on top of him. Both of his hands grip her hips, guiding her movements. He leans in and kisses and nips her neck. Moving back to her mouth, he moans.
"I'm gettin' close, honey." She kisses him hard.
"Me too."
He lifts her off of him and turns her around, bending her over the table. He quickly enters her from behind and goes back to fucking her with all his strength, reaching one hand around to the front and rubbing her clit in circles and keeping the other firmly holding her hip.
"Oh God, Elvis." Her legs shake as she approaches another climax.
"Come with me, baby." He groans as he gets closer and closer, pounding into her over and over.
Finally, she slams her hand on the table and cusses through gritted teeth as he drives into her one last time, waves of pleasure flowing from her center to her fingertips and back again.
"Fuck yes, Grace, baby, yes!" He shudders as she pulses around him, both of them riding the high of their combined orgasm. He stumbles back to sitting in the chair and pulls her onto his lap. He puts his hand under her chin and pulls her face to his in a soft kiss. She puts her arms around his neck and pulls him to her chest.
"You love me, Grace?" She pulls back and looks into his ocean blue eyes.
"Of course I do."
"And you'll stay with me?" Grace thinks to herself that for a grown man with the world at his fingertips, in his vulnerable moments, he looks shockingly young. She leans in and kisses him softly again.
"I'm yours, Elvis. I'll stay as long as you'll have me. I promise. I love you with all of me." He leans against her chest again and pulls her body in tight to him.
"You're the love of my life, Grace." She runs her fingers through his hair and kisses the top of his head.
"I love you, Elvis."
They sit for a bit like this before her stomach growls and he laughs.
"We forgot to eat dinner." She laughs with him.
"We're going to need some new dishes." He pats her bottom and she stands up, fetching her dress from the floor. As she slides it back on over her head, he goes to get some new plates and silverware. When he comes back in to set the table, he chuckles when he gets to the fork.
"I'll tell you what, I'll never look at one of these the same way. I'll always just imagine you spreading your legs for me." She hits him lightly on the shoulder.
"You're a dirty boy."
"You started it!" He finishes setting the table and wraps her in his arms again as they laugh together, the warmth of their companionship matched only by the heat of their passion.
They spend the rest of the night eating and talking and laughing together until midnight comes.
"Happy new year, baby." He tips his glass.
"To us." She taps hers lightly to his and they kiss, both of them excited for what the next year might hold.
Two days later, the Colonel stops by the house when Elvis is out. Grace is surprised to find him in the foyer with Jerry when she comes down the stairs with Wendy.
"Who are you?" Wendy asks. He bends over to her.
"I am the Colonel. Would you like to see a magic trick?"
"No, thank you." Wendy answers brightly and then walks away to play. The Colonel stands back up, shocked.
"Elvis isn't here." Grace informs him.
"I know, dear girl. I'm here to see you."
"Me? Why?"
"I'm not sure you fully understand what you've gotten yourself into here. Can we sit and talk?" She nods slowly and they walk into the living room and sit down.
"I think I know what I'm-"
"You have only seen him within the walls of this house dear. You have not seen him on the road or in Vegas as I have."
"You're suggesting he will be unfaithful?"
"I am suggesting his love for you will fade, as all his other loves have. My boy, you see, loves fully and completely, but never for long. It is his tragic flaw."
"He says this is different." The Colonel lets out a throaty chuckle.
"Dear girl. Do you honestly think you are the first one he has said that to?"
Grace sits in silence. She doesn't want to believe it, but there's a small part of her that she's tucked away that seems to be soaking up what he has to say. She opens her mouth to ask a question, but the front door swings open and Elvis walks in.
"What the hell are you doing here, Colonel?"
"Just having a friendly conversation."
"You leave her alone."
"I merely-"
"Go." Elvis gestures to the door and the Colonel stands and walks to it. Before he leaves, he turns back to Grace.
"Just think about what I said. Can you afford to be wrong?" He skulks through the door and Elvis closes it behind him.
"What was he talking about? Wrong about what?" She looks up at him trying to decide if she should tell him. When he takes his sunglasses off and she can see his eyes, she knows she can't lie.
"You. He warned me about trusting you."
"Aw hell, honey, you know what I'm going to say."
"I do. I'm sorry."
"C'mere." He opens his arms to her and she goes to him. He kisses her forehead and then her cheek and then finally lands at her lips.
"I know I haven't been the best in the past. But this is different. You make me want to be different." She leans her head on his chest as he hugs her. She trusts him. But that tiny part in the back of her head just won't go away. What if she's wrong?
They're in this embrace when the phone rings. They hear Jerry answer it and talk to whomever is on the line. He comes to them in the foyer.
"It's for Grace." She pulls back and looks up at Elvis. She's not sure who would be calling her here. He shrugs, not knowing who it might be either. She walks to the phone and picks up the receiver.
"This is Grace?"
"What the hell are you doing, Grace?" It's Frank. Her heart drops into her stomach.
"You know what, don't answer that. The Colonel called and talked with the higher ups. I know exactly what you're doing. They want me to fire you. But I'm going to give you one more chance to do the right thing here. End it. End it now. Move out. Publish the book and never see Elvis Presley again. His manager is threatening to pull the plug on the whole thing and we've already - you've already - sunk too much of our money into this project to scrap it. If you don't do as I say, you're fired." Tears start to roll down Grace's cheeks as she turns and looks at Elvis. His eyes meet hers with a look of concern on his face.
"Frank, I can't do that."
"Then you're fired."
"No! Please! You can't do this to me. You know I need this job."
"Then you will move out and be on the next plane home before the end of the night."
"Those are your choices. Which do you choose?"
"Can I have some time?"
"I don't think you understand the strings I pulled to get you this chance. What are you going to do, Grace?" Her brain is spinning a thousand miles an hour. She wants to be with Elvis. It's the only thing she wants. But what if the Colonel is right? She will need her job to support Wendy. She has to think of Wendy.
"I'll go pack." Her heart breaks into a thousand pieces as she hangs up and sinks to the floor, weeping openly. In less than a second Elvis is there on the floor with her, holding her.
"Honey, what's going on?"
"I have to go. We have to leave. I can't... this is over."
"What the fuck? Why?"
"Because if I don't, I'm fired."
"Honey, I have told you, I will take care of you."
"For how long? Until you fall in love with someone else? What then? What about Wendy? I have to think about how I will take care of her." His anger flares up in his eyes.
"What did that fucking piece of shit bastard say to you?"
"It doesn't matter. I need to go pack."
"No, Grace, please." She's a little surprised to hear his voice so thick with emotion.
"I have to..." He holds his arms around her tight and buries his face in her hair. His shoulders begin to shake and she realizes that he's started crying too.
"You know how much I love you. You know what you mean to me. You're the love of my life, Grace, I told you that. Please don't do this." He's speaking frantically into her shoulder as he holds her. She sits quietly crying for a bit. He does love her; she knows that. And the way that she loves him is unlike anything she's ever known before. The thought of leaving him makes her stomach turn and fills her with an unbearable weight. But what choice does she have when Wendy's livelihood might be at stake?
"Elvis. I love you, but I can't."
"Grace, I can't lose you. Please. Don't go. I will do anything. Please." She pulls away from him and stands up. He holds her hand to his cheek where she feels that it's wet with tears.
"Elvis, please, I have to go. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"You promised." He looks up at her from his place on the floor. The brokenness in his eyes almost kills her.
"That was before. I can't." She pulls her hand away from him and runs upstairs to pack, but instead she collapses on the floor of the closet as her whole body shakes with the reality of her pain.
Elvis sits hugging his knees on the floor, crying like a small child.
The depth of their misery is equaled only by their love for each other.
Is this the end?
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69
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romewritingshop · 9 months
Just Like Magic pt. 2
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Viscount!Choso x Maid/Reader
Warning: N/A
A/N: Some of you may have read this before, I just had to make a few changes in narrative and now I feel it is ready. Part 2 is here and Part 3 is coming soon. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think! Follow, comment or reblog, IDC because I enjoy writing this fic. Please pay attention before reading.
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(Y/N) was always an early riser as she dragged herself out of the luxurious bed sheets, straight away fixing them to make it seem like no one had slept there before sauntering over to the windows to pull open the curtains. The scenery outside was idyllic as she stared at the lush green trees shrouded under clouds. Her fingers mindlessly brushed the knots and tangles in her hair, smoothing it so it was straight and neat.
She fucked up but she may be able to recover from this. In the original story, the reader fell into a shock coma and dreamt the rest of her life with Choso. It was a shitty twist and (Y/N) wasn't weak willed. She was going to make the most of it. In the last three years, her heart somehow hardened and she built up her endurance to become stronger. She would overcome the shock.
She needed to talk to Choso, not too sure what exactly. But she needed to speak to Toge. At least tell him the circumstances have changed. Just so later on, down the line Toge wouldn't be so outraged by her sudden marriage. There was a soft knock on the door as (Y/N) shifted away from the window to answer who was at the door.
It was Nanami and a young woman with short orange hair, dressed in a black dress and white apron. Nanami seemed tired as usual as (Y/N) let the both of them enter the room. (Y/N) recognised the young woman but kept quiet to get a better explanation. Nanami gestured at the woman to begin introducing when his eyes accidentally caught (Y/N)'s nightwear. Red blush spread across his cheeks as he turned around, speaking with a choked voice.
"Lady Itadori, you seem to be missing your robe."
(Y/N) glanced down to notice that she was wearing a sheer silk nightgown that was showing a shadow of her body. The young woman rushed forward and helped (Y/N) slip into the robe that was hanging on a chair.
"Apologies, Nanami. You can look now."
He turned around, feeling a little relieved and embarrassed about the situation. However it wasn't the worst thing he had seen. He cleared his throat and spoke clearly.
"My apologies. This is Nobara. She will be your maid. I assume you are familiar with what her role is."
(Y/N) gave a nod and smiled at the young woman. Nobara was a fun character and she could completely trust her.
"It's nice to meet you Nobara."
"You too, My Lady."
"Please call me (Y/N)."
Nobara was horrified as she shook her head and waved her hands frantically. How could she dare address her Lady without her title? She wasn't worthy to be on a first name basis with her.
"I cannot."
Nanami rolled his eyes, and interjected between the two women.
"My Lady you will have to get used to this. You are the wife of Viscount Itadori Choso of Kaprines. A noble."
"Oh right. My apologies."
There was a brief pause in the air as (Y/N) let his words sink in. Nanami cleared his throat and switched to more important matters.
“Now, Nobara and I will show you around the estate and discuss your duties as the Lady of the Household. Do you have any questions?”
“Yes. Before we proceed with that, I want to talk to Viscount Itadori.”
Nanami had an apprehensive expression on his face, almost wishing that she didn’t ask for that request. Viscount Itadori seemed miserable this morning which was a counter to his usual calm manner. (Y/N) noticed this expression as she tried to rectify this.
“I’m sorry but -”
Before she could finish that sentence, there was a harsh rapid knock on the door, followed by a young maid with a grey dress. She gave a quick bow to (Y/N) and then turned around to quickly inform Nanami.
“Apologies. Nanami, Viscount Itadori is asking for you to help him prepare. He’s been summoned to hunt for monsters that are terrorising the villages in the north. He intends to leave now.”
Nanami gave a firm nod and dismissed the maid, turning to Lady Itadori and bowing with apology.
“Forgive me, my Lady but I must attend the Viscount. Nobara will guide you.”
At that Nanami strode out of the room and rushed away to Viscount Itadori’s room. (Y/N) was also about to follow when Nobara pulled at her arm to warn her.
“My Lady! You can’t go out looking like that! Put a dress on!”
(Y/N) was surprised by the casual tone in Nobara’s voice as she furrowed her eyebrows to look at her maid. Nobara rolled her eyes and let go of her hand before casually sauntering to the wardrobe to pick a dress out for (Y/N). A minute or so later, Nobara had pulled out a simple green dress with a bright yellow cord going across the hem, sleeves and folds of the dress.
“This dress is good. It’s quick to get into, can go on top of the night dress and it won’t drag on the ground if you want to go see Viscount Itadori.”
A gentle smile made its way to (Y/N)’s face, glad that Nobara understood what she needed. She gave a haphazard nod before taking off her nightgown’s robe, using Nobara’s help to get into the dress. Nobara pulled it up over the shoulders roughly before yanking the strings tight to tie up the back. Lady Itadori was ready except for her feet as Nobara went to the wardrobe one more time to grab a black pair of cloth pattens.
As soon as Nobara slipped the shoes on, (Y/N) shoved the door open and rushed out to try to catch her husband. Nobara rolled her eyes and grabbed a red woollen shawl from the wardrobe before chasing after (Y/N). She was a quick person as Nobara darted down the hallway just to catch a brief glimpse of (Y/N).
(Y/N) was passing through the hallways before entering a foyer. She rushed down and pushed the front door open to see several groups of men on horseback. All dressed in metal armour, save for their heads. There seemed to be at least forty men as (Y/N) shrank into herself. It was definitely an intimidating sight as she tried to peek around for a familiar face.
Fortunately for her, she was able to find Captain Tsukumo as she stepped down before calmly walking towards the tall woman. She was steely focused at inspecting the carriages that were prepared to carry their tents and food for a whole five months. It was never easy to pack at the last minute.
"Captain Tsukumo!"
Hearing her name, Tsukumo turned around to see the Lady of the house approaching her as she gave a quick bow.
"My Lady. What can I do for you?"
"Do you happen to know where Viscount Itadori is?"
"Last I saw him, was in his study for the briefing. I haven't seen him since."
(Y/N) huffed frantically as she thanked Tsukumo, then stomping away to look for the other Captain, Nanami, Yuuji or Viscount Itadori himself. Nobara had just reached Tsukumo and muttered angrily to herself as she followed the Lady.
All the knights were perplexed by the new Lady of the house, stomping around looking for her husband. She managed to spot Captain Fushiguro, who was tending to a horse.
"Captain Fushiguro!"
Fushiguro bowed lowly to (Y/N) as she stopped in front of him. She was breathing heavily and shivering as Fushiguro quirked a single eyebrow upwards.
"Lady Itadori, you shouldn't be running in this frosty weather."
He took the shawl off his horse and stepped closer to Lady Itadori, bringing the shawl around her shoulders and tugging it close so that she could grasp the closed ends. She didn't think much of it as she rasped out.
"Don't worry about me, Captain. Have you seen Viscount Itadori? I need to urgently talk to him."
"Lady Itadori!"
Fushiguro and (Y/N) pivoted to the direction of the loud call which came from Nobara. She held a red woolly shawl as she trudged over and wrapped herself in it, grumbling nonsense. A soft inaudible scoff left Fushiguro's lips as he smirked.
"Don't worry, I took care of your Lady."
Nobara squinted aggressively at the Captain's gesture. Fushiguro grinned smugly before he returned to (Y/N) to answer her question.
"I haven't seen Viscount Itadori since the briefing."
At that moment, a loud trumpet sounded as the entire courtyard turned to the knight that sat atop a chestnut coloured horse. It was Viscount Itadori, dressed in a black gilded armour with silver embellishments across the edge and chest. The horse trudged through the crowd and made its way over to Captain Fushiguro.
"Captain, are we ready to depart?"
"Yes my Lord. All accounted for … except for your brother"
Choso rolled his eyes before he took notice of (Y/N) and her maid wrapped up in shawls. He frowned at the fact that (Y/N) was out here and probably looking for him. He didn't want to talk to her. He wasn't ready as he returned his gaze back to Fushiguro.
"I can't afford to wait for him any longer. We will head out first and tell him, he can come with Megumi once he's healed up."
Fushiguro bowed as he walked towards the troops to inform them of their new orders. Nanami came up to Choso to hand over the helmet of his armour.
"Viscount Itadori?"
Her husband ignored her plea as he turned to Nanami with a firm tone in his voice.
"Please take her inside and explain to her everything I explained to you. I must head out now."
With no final glance back at (Y/N), Choso flicked his reins so his horse began to trot to the front of the men, to begin leading them to their military hunt. (Y/N) felt her heart break a little as she watched her husband leave without a glance and regard for her.
In the original, the shock of rejection had cemented so strongly that the original reader fell into a coma and only woke up when she heard the news about her husband's death. (Y/N) was not weak to be weighed down by rejection, she had been forced to go through a lot in the last three years and it had toughened her skin.
(Y/N) stood tall and firm, watching as Choso was riding away until he became a small blimp in the horizon. Nobara carefully brought her hands to the Lady's shoulders to coax her back to the palace. Fushiguro clambered onto his horse and trotted over to the Lady, Nanami and Nobara. He had a warm gentle expression as he spoke.
"My Lady, I'll try to send a raven to keep you informed about our hunt. We should be back soon, safe and sound."
"Thank you Captain."
"Call me Toji, my Lady."
(Y/N)'s heart warmed at his kind gesture. Toji gave a confident smile as his eyes glanced over at the Lady. His eyes went towards Nobara as he smirked playfully at her.
"Please keep Lady Itadori safe."
Nobara scoffed as she folded her arms, almost knowing his intentions from his words spoken to her Lady.
"Don't worry, Captain. I'll keep her safe. You should worry more about yourself."
"I will, Miss."
With that said, Fushiguro guided his horse to turn and gallop after the men. The courtyard was now empty now as (Y/N) exhaled a deep breath she didn’t know she was holding. She needed to make the most of her time at the palace, to convince Choso that she was worthy of keeping.
She followed Nobara and Nanami up the stairs only to come across a familiar lanky figure that leaned on the door frame. Yuuji had a proud grin as he gave a quick bow to (Y/N).
"My Lady."
"Yuuji! Weren't you supposed to go with them?"
"And suffer from Big Bro's foul mood for months on end? No thanks. I'm better off being here to help you, my Lady."
Nanami frowned with his folded arms and raised eyebrows.
"How exactly are you helping Lady Itadori?"
"I'm gonna help her win Choso's heart of course."
"With magic?"
"Of course not! That is deceitful and I would never do that."
Nanami shook his head with a grimace as he held an arm out to lead (Y/N) in.
"I apologise, my Lady but don't listen to his words. He will make you drink a potion without telling you the effects."
They began walking inside the hall as Yuuji skipped after them, feeling rather offended by Nanami's insinuations. Nobara and (Y/N) were listening with amusement.
"When are you going to let that go, Nanami?! It was one time."
"It shouldn't have even been one time. It was humiliating in front of Lord Gakuganji and Lady Utahime of Macia. I felt like a fool jester."
"It was very good dancing."
"She almost would have killed me because she assumed that I was trying to seduce her."
(Y/N) and Nobara pursed their lips to refrain from laughing aloud whilst Nanami pinched his eyes at the embarrassment of having to recollect that memory. Yuuji had a grin of confidence as he slapped Nanami’s back.
“Come on! I thought it would help you seem less sleepy in front of them.”
Yuuji quietened down at the dangerous glare that Nanami was giving him. He decides to slide back and walk quietly alongside Lady Itadori. There was a moment of peace before Yuuji opened his mouth.
"Where exactly are we going?"
"To the spare study to teach the Lady about the house."
"Without breakfast?"
Nanami halted to a stop as his face flushed with apprehension. He had completely forgotten about that as he slowly turned with a bow.
"My apologies, my Lady. I had forgotten to ask you about breakfast."
(Y/N) shook her face as waved her hand nonchalantly. She didn't always have breakfast so it didn't matter.
"It's okay, Nanami. I can survive without breakfast."
"But Viscount Itadori will be angry if I haven't appropriately catered to you. You must hold on in the study whilst I go get your breakfast."
"Nanami! Don't worry. Please don't bother to make a big breakfast. Nobara, can you please bring three slices of toast with honey on top and some tea please?" 
“Yeah Nobara, get me a whole plate of eggs and bacon!"
Nobara gave a nod to her Lady, whilst sending a glare to Yuuji before she strayed away from them to the kitchen.
"She'll bring our breakfast whilst we study.”
Nanami acquiesced and they continued on. They came across a tall door which fit the palace's aesthetic. All of them came across a wall of bookshelves, a desk and a small table accompanied by wine coloured loungers. It was a simple elegantly decorated study as Nanami guided (Y/N) to sit down at her desk. He went towards the bookshelf and grabbed a few books off it before placing them on the table, in front of (Y/N). Yuuji plopped himself onto the loungers as he watched (Y/N) with a bored expression. Her face paled as Nanami began to explain.
"This will be your study, my Lady. Viscount Itadori has asked me to educate you in noble matters. These two books are the ledgers that Viscount Itadori has kept regarding the upkeep cost of the house, taxes, employee salaries and other expenses. 
"Viscount Itadori is fairly new to the noble society, only recently was he given the title as a Viscount. Hence he only wrote two years of ledgers. The other Lords of Kaprines have their ledgers here as well and they date back eighty years."
(Y/N) could not keep up with Nanami's words as she glanced over at Yuuji. That man was snoozing peacefully through the droning and after what seemed to be a good forty minutes there was a knock on the door. Nobara pushed the door open, wheeling in two breakfast trays, one with buttered toast, honey and tea, the other with eggs, bacon and toast, accompanied by a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Yuuji sprung up happily and took a seat opposite to (Y/N), ready to feast on his breakfast.
"Finally! Thank you Nobara."
Nobara rolled her eyes and set the trays in front of (Y/N) and Yuuji. She elbowed Nanami with a teasing tone.
"Did you bore them by droning about finances?"
"No, Lady Itadori was thoroughly engaged through our conversation, right?"
(Y/N) quietly sipped her tea as a way to abstain from answering Nanami. The tea was silky and smooth going down her throat with hints of chamomile mixed in. The toast seemed to be from freshly baked bread and fresh honey. It was the best breakfast she's had in a long time.
She was going to be the best Lady of the region, let alone the house and then maybe his wife. She's not only read fanfics, but historical manhwas as well so she knows how to play the game. Inumaki/Itadori (Y/N) was going to be the best main character there ever was.
Although a lot of what's happening now is completely new and she was out of her depth in knowledge. So she didn't have the best idea of what would happen next. She was going to need everyone's help to adapt and adjust.
"Lady Itadori?"
"Oh! Were you saying something? I'm so sorry, I was lost in thought."
Yuuji waved a hand to brush off her apology as straightened his posture.
"What I was trying to say to Nanami is that you aren't a member of the house of Kaprines until you have your own raven."
Nanami gave a nod and began to explain.
"Yes. Ravens are the official animal of the House as well as our message carriers. The important members of the house have a raven, currently they are Viscount Itadori, Captains Tsukumo, Fushiguro, one of the knights, Megumi, and myself."
Yuuji clears his throat as Nanami rolls his eyes.
"And mage master Yuuji."
"Miwa takes care of the ravens, you'll like her. We should go pick out a raven for you and Miss Nobara as well!"
This was new. She did remember briefly seeing a raven on Choso's shawl but she couldn't focus on its significance at the time. (Y/N) turned towards Nanami as if to ask him if it was okay. He gave a gentle warm smile which assured her. She gave a nod and stood up to follow Yuuji through the hallway and through the saloon which led to the gardens of the palace. It was still a little frosty as the clouds swirled with a dull white colour.
A few yards away, there is a large glass greenhouse which has an open window to allow ravens to come and go. Yuuji led them up to the doors and pushed them wide to unveil lush trees. There was a small water fountain to the right and to the left was a desk of odd bits of junk.
It was amazing as (Y/N) held her breath at the setting as well as the occupants, the ravens. All were different ages and sizes, flying around and croaking. Yuuji strutted in, with his arms spread introducing the women to the birds.
"Welcome Lady Itadori and Nobara to the Unkindness Sanctuary."
(Y/N) frowned at the name as she walked into the glance at the ravens.
"Why unkindness?"
Nanami rolled his eyes and stepped forward to explain better.
"Because a group of ravens are known as 'unkindness'."
Yuuji laughed as he held his palm out for a raven to perch on it.
"I heard this from a fellow scientist and I just had to use it."
"You're the only one who uses that name. The actual name is The Kaprine Raven Sanctuary."
Everyone turned to the right to see a blue haired girl, dressed in black trousers and a black button shirt. She had one glove and a kind smile as she walked up to (Y/N), curtsying before introducing herself. 
"My name is Miwa. I take care of the ravens here."
The raven that was hanging near Yuuji, flew away to stand on the palm of Miwa's hand. She was a new character being introduced but (Y/N) was going to love this girl. 
"I'm sure you have many questions as to why the House has chosen a raven?"
(Y/N) gave a kind nod as she stood closer to Miwa to stroke the raven perched on her palm. It was certainly fascinating as ravens were commonly known to be harbingers of death and misery. She's aware of the superstitions around the birds.
"It is true that locals often symbolised these birds as figures of death and despair, choosing to avoid the sights of these birds, however they seem to underestimate how intelligent these birds are.
"They are capable of communication, being able to solve puzzles and come up with solutions. Not only that, but they have been known to mimic human voices. 
"The first Lord of the house intended to use the raven as a way to establish themselves as a symbol of misery. However over the years, the different Lords began to notice the potential these birds have in carrying out tasks.
"Only twenty years ago, the Lord of Kaprines opened up this sanctuary as a way to nurture, train and breed ravens. My family have been taking care of the ravens since the sanctuary opened."
"And two years ago, I gave the name 'unkindness'. Hopefully it sticks!"
"Hopefully it doesn't."
Yuuji glared at Nobara, who simply rolled her eyes before looking around at the ravens.
"So how exactly do you choose your raven?"
Miwa shrugged before letting the raven on her palm fly away.
"Depends on which one looks good to you. Yuuji and Nanami, you help Nobara find her raven and I'll help Lady Itadori."
Everyone then split off into their assigned pairs as Miwa and (Y/N) strolled around the greenhouse. All their little beady eyes watched their movements as Miwa introduced a few birds to her.
"This is Max. He's a strong protective raven that can fight a squirrel."
"Can he actually?"
"Well I haven't seen it but apparently he fought one. This is Claude, a brooding raven who'll do what you want as long as you give him a snack. And this is Arsene. He is tempermental and deadly. I wouldn't recommend having him."
Arsene croaked loudly at Miwa's comment which made her jump behind (Y/N) and yelp. (Y/N) held back a laugh as she watched the bird carer begin an argument.
"What? It's true! You almost hit Regina in the beak yesterday. - what do you mean you were play-fighting?"
(Y/N) noticed a lone raven sitting on a branch, looking wistfully out at the gardens and hills behind the glass. She came closer to inspect the bird, moving carefully so as not to disturb it. The raven pivoted its head back as if knowing (Y/N) was there before flying down to stand in front of her.
Its eyes had a gentle fascination which drew her in, she crouched and brought a finger to scratch at his neck. It gave a soft croak and leaned in to accept her tender affection, this brought a smile to her face as she sat down, crossing her legs before bringing the bird onto her lap.
"That's Zachary. One of the soft hearted ravens that is loyal, caring and strong. One of the best choices actually."
(Y/N) lifted Zachary up to connect eye to eye with him as she instantly fell in love. She knew this raven would be there for her as she smiled at the bird. Miwa reached into her pocket and presented a ring and a bracelet to the two of them.
"If you are happy with Zachary, put this ring on your finger and put the bracelet around his neck so that this connects you together."
(Y/N) did as she instructed before turning to Zachary to introduce herself.
"Hi Zachary, I'm (Y/N)."
"Hello my Lady."
(Y/N) jumped at the sudden deep voice that came from Zachary. There is no way that ravens can actually mimic humans to the point that they can speak fluently. It was impossible as she gave Miwa a close to accusatory look.
"I thought you said they could mimic human voices."
Miwa nervously laughed before apologising.
"I did and they can. I'm sorry I should have been clearer. Yuuji charmed the ring and bracelet to establish and strengthen the communicative telepathic link."
(Y/N) gave a slow nod as she referenced the argument she had with the bird Arsene.
"Wait, so you actually understood what Arsene was saying?"
"Of course! The ravens are bred with magic to help them communicate like us. However the bracelet and ring enhance the communication link with the raven you have chosen as a companion. Essentially to a point where you could telepathically communicate across a large distance. Although that has never been tested."
That brought a smile to her face as Zachary took a perch on her shoulder. She learnt a lot as she gave a low curtsy to Miwa.
"I see. Well thank you Miwa for helping me find my raven and teaching me about them."
"You're welcome, my Lady. Should we go see Nobara?" 
She gave a nod as the three of them began to head over to Nanami, Yuuji and Nobara. Nobara had an angry expression as she furrowed her eyebrows at Yuuji.
"You said they could mimic human voices. You failed to mention that they were capable of holding a conversation."
"Oh dear indeed! How could I have overstepped that important detail?"
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and linked her arm with Nobara's.
"Don't worry! You get used to it."
"Are you serious, my Lady? There is no way I can get used to this."
(Y/N) led Nobara away to look at other ravens, followed by Miwa who was continuously introducing the different ravens around them. Nanami watched them happily, whereas Yuuji stepped up to Nanami with an apprehensive expression.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Nanami?"
Nanami pursed his lips as if he was unsure about what Yuuji was referring to.
"What is?"
"Keeping Lady Itadori here when Choso asked you to send her away."
Nanami's jaw ticked, not surprised at the fact that Yuuji knew this order. Yuuji was lingering outside the doors after the briefing, he probably overheard the conversation. The mage could tell that this struck a nerve as he spoke tentatively.
"I'm not doubting you. I'm concerned about your wellbeing."
"I appreciate that, Yuuji. I'm sure about keeping the Lady here. Your brother hasn't thought clearly with his head."
Yuuji gave a nod as he gave a gentle pat to his shoulder.
"I understand. I will support you with this and inform the others to do the same."
A calm silence settled between them as they watched Lady Itadori and Nobara look around at the ravens.
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gotafewtricks · 8 months
It is I, the silly animal anon. I come bearing more requests such as a centaur!reader with hanzo. I just thought it'd be goofy as hell. I IMAGINE THE VOICE LINE WHERE ORISA TALKS TO HANZO ABOUT HIM RIDING HER INTO BATTLE AND LIKE TRANSFERRING THAT TO READER? 😭😭
Have a nice day. I hope you're doing well in school!
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★ "I- What a preposterous thought!"
Glad to see you swing by again :3 I like the animal theme going on; and I hope I did well, especially since I am not very knowledgeable in Greek mythos !! & I'm well, hope you are, too! I'm just stuffy rn due to allergies; and mhm! School's well !!
With how first impressions would go, he'd probably have to blink twice to fully believe what was in front of his eyes. Even if his family sought forth the dragon, and Hanzo's extensive knowledge of his culture's mythos, it'd feel natural for him to think of this as normal—whenever you'll have to call him out on his staring.
So many thoughts would race through the archer's mind right now. Who are you? What are you? Why are you mentioning how his jaw's dropped?
Hanzo would have to compose himself with a quick "ahem"; as he'd clear his throat before he could advance any further. His knowledge on centaurs felt elementary, as he thought about such a topic even more. The marksman would glance over your body, a particular thought humoured him as he'd break into a smirk; before coming to the realization you have your bow firmly in hand, as you'd trot toward him.
He never was one into equestrian sports, as most of his free time during his servitude towards his family included wielding the blade. Now, that is not relevant to him; considering his promise to never even dare touch such a weapon. His bow was his safest option to hone his skills, and to also keep up his job as a mercenary.
"I know what you're thinking," you'd say, breaking him out of his thoughts. "You wish to ride me into battle?"
Prepare for a flustered Hanzo, shaking his head out of pure humiliation that you'd want to point him out like that. Even with his experiences prior did not revolve around the idea of cavalry, he couldn't help but entertain those thoughts his mind was plagued with! Considering he trusted that, due to your heritage, you were also a skilled hunter with the bow, then-
"No, why would you think that? Do I come off as that shallow?" Hanzo would then interject, making up a lie to make himself look as if he wasn't the one red-handed here. "I'd have more respect for..."
With just one knowing grin from you, he'd have to scowl. You won.
You didn't want to just leave him hanging there, though. You did offer your assistance for his idea, of which he tried to make it sound as if you were "doing it out of pity"; but, in reality, you could tell that his eagerness through his body language told you otherwise.
I feel as if Hanzo would know proper etiquette with riding on horseback; I'd say that during his trips throughout Japan, and the world, too, he'd understand a few concepts. You'd really need to teach him and be patient.
He's never really gotten... this excited for a rather childish concept. Do be gentle, if you were to muse your comments with Hanzo and tease him, as it'd make his a bit discouraged on acting more upon these little scenarios. Let him have his fun! Though, please do humble him if he ever gets too high and mighty on his high-horse... aha.
He'd somehow revere your untamed nature, if you exhibited one; being free, and guided by your own motivations and wills. Hanzo would see himself in you, and in a way, there was a beauty of it.
Whenever the two of you got closer, Hanzo would love to do nothing other than run his hands through the course hide of yours; you and him would normally then meet up during the night, the stars blanketing the dark skies.
I'd feel like he'd have a basic understanding of astronomy and astrology respectively, though, once you start talking the alignment of stars and planets, you cannot help but laugh at his confused expression—explaining the different relationships between those bodies.
You'd laugh at how he'd get confused with the different constellations, mumbling to himself about how you got an image of an air pump out of spotted dots. You would then correct him that it was actually "Antila"; but he'd digress. Hanzo would have genuine interest if you were to act so enthusiastic about the study; matching the energy lovingly, being more comfortable with expressing his newfound interest.
Whilst the two of you would train, as much as he would prefer the comfort of solitude, Hanzo would love to gauge at your ability; your specialty as an archer.
He'd hint and hint at wanting to practice his abilities on horseback; making his request subtle; even if you did allow him to ride on you, or if you didn't care. Hanzo still was trying to make sure that you were comfortable, whilst also wanting to fulfill his own curiosities.
You'd make fun of him, calling him a cat with how he'd just tilt his head at you. If you didn't mind the staring, you'd further joke along with him; causing him to always shake his head in embarrassment. Every. Single. Time.
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theycallmebecca · 11 months
Drabble: Sunrise Skinny Dipping
Here's a fun, silly little drabble for the July event at @the-slumberparty. The prompts I used in a round about way are cabin getaway, sitting by the fireplace and cuddling for warmth.
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Title: Sunrise Skinny Dipping
Pairing: Ari Levinson x female reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context. 
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You let out a breath as you watched the sun come up from behind the mountains across the lake from where you and your boyfriend, Ari, stood.
He'd convinced you to get up early this morning to watch the sunrise, promising to make you breakfast afterwards.
"It's beautiful," you said in awe.
"Told you it was worth it," he teased. "Time to undress."
"What do you mean, undress?" you asked in shock. Turning, you found him sitting on a large rock, pulling off his boots. "Ari, what are you doing?"
"Undressing," he stated as he shoved his socks into his shoes. "We're going for a swim."
"No we are not," you retorted. "The water is fucking freezing in the afternoon! I am not going in there now!"
"It's better than coffee," he said as he stood up and pulled off his sweatshirt. "It's invigorating."
"It's insane," you countered as he continued to strip his clothes off.
"Where's your sense of adventure?" he teased as he dropped his shirt on top of the rock.
"Back home in bed," you said, stubbornly.
"If you come with me now, I won't make you go fishing with me later," he said, standing in front of you in just his jeans. "You can stay inside where it's cool or hang out in the hammock all afternoon. I'll fish by myself, clean it and cook it. You won't have to lift a finger until dinner time."
"And if I don't swim with you?" you asked, afraid of the answer.
"You'll learn how to bait your own hook, take the fish off, clean it and gut it," he replied with a sly grin.
You shuddered at just the thought of the worms and glared at him. "Fine, I'll swim with you, but you're making me breakfast in bed tomorrow with fresh orange juice," you told him.
Ari held out his hand and you shook it.
"Time to get naked!" he declared as he undid his jeans with a flourish.
"Shh!" you hissed, looking around.
"No one else is out here," he stated before he dropped his jeans and boxers and threw them onto the rock.
You sucked in a breath as you let your eyes linger over his chiseled body. He wasn't quite Greek God status, but it was close.
"Need some help over there?" he teased as he pulled his shoulder length hair up into a bun.
"I've got it," you assured him.
Stepping over to his rock, you took off your shoes and socks. Then you took off your clothes and set them next to his.
"Let's get this over with," you said, your teeth chattering.
He held out his hand and you grabbed it, cuddling against his arm for warmth.
"It's not that cold," he teased. "The water will be much worse."
"That's not reassuring!" you exclaimed.
"It wasn't supposed to be," he said with a grin. "Can you walk in or do I need to carry you?"
"I don't trust you not to throw me in," you stated.
"It's the fastest way to get used to it," he pointed out. "But fine, we'll walk in together, ok?"
"Ok," you muttered.
He let out an excited 'yip' and then all but pulled you into the cold water as he ran.
The cold water was a shock to your senses as you found yourself first running into it and then diving under as it hit your thighs.
"HOLY FUCK!" you shouted after you came up for air a second later.
Ari came up a second later, looking shocked. "I didn't think it would be this fucking cold!"
"I fucking hate you," you told him as the two of you made your way to shore.
"That makes two of us," he replied, his teeth chattering.
The two of you dressed as quickly as possible and all but ran back to the cabin you were staying in for the week.
"I'll start a fire," Ari said, gesturing to the fireplace. "You get out of those wet clothes. We need to warm up a bit before we take showers."
Ten minutes later, the two of you were cuddled up on the couch under a heavy blanket.
"Well that was fun," Ari said and you rolled your eyes.
"You have a sick sense of fun," you told him.
"But that's why you love me," he replied with a grin.
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