#hes got a strange shape to him. i love it but. its difficult
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a couple of Scribbles for the darling lad
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gaoau · 25 days
uncarved wood warnings — none. word count — 920
prev. — next.
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it's coincidental, truly. Xiao swears he didn't mean to make eye contact. the moment he steps foot in Wangshu Inn's kitchen, his attention drifts to the side briefly. he recognizes [Name] immediately, mainly because they're the last person he's expecting to see chatting Smiley Yanxiao up while he cooks. he sees the way their face lights up with a bright grin in the millisecond it takes him to look away. he's come here for one thing and one thing only, and that's a single serving of almond tofu.
as soon as he orders his food, [Name] bounds up to his side. they smile at him with a warm gesture. "hi, hello," they greet him, their voice shaking with a small giggle. they clear their throat almost nervously. "thanks again for saving me."
again? not to say he doesn't appreciate it, but one thanks is already a lot. he looks at them curiously (although his expression remains as passive as ever). "i've already told you that's not necessary."
without missing a beat, [Name] chuckles and shakes their head. "nah, it's not enough." they dig their hand into their satchel and pull out a new bird statue.
Xiao blinks down at their hands as they present him with this new gift. it's made with a different type of wood, lighter in color, allowing the natural chatoyancy of its pattern to glisten in the light with a charm only human hands can achieve. it looks beautiful—a different type of beautiful than the broken, jagged one they'd offered up when they met. this one is complete and carefully crafted. the smoothness of its corners, the details in the feathers, the varnish shining in the light. it feels loved and cared for. Xiao thinks it's worth much more than striking down a measly abyss mage.
considering they've already done this once, [Name] thinks they shouldn't be as nervous about his seemingly endless silence. they clear their throat and smile amicably, inching the bird closer to him. "i was hoping i'd see you again so i could give you something a bit more worthy."
"worthy, you say?" he takes a moment to ponder over their words.
his eyes find theirs in a studious stare. the world stops turning. [Name] feels a cold chill running down their spine, golden eyes burning like embers through them. it's a little intimidating, as if he were about to snap their neck, but they would rather die than look away. his eyes are hypnotically entrancing, reflecting unique shapes in his irises every time he blinks, those they could never hope to find in any piece of wood they chisel through. nature is truly beautiful in Liyue.
"i don't believe anything i do is worth cutting a tree down."
his voice snaps them out of their trance. "oh, no! this was a small log i got from a fallen tree in Yashiori Island." they keep details out, like how valued otogi wood is due to its difficult harvest, worth much more than a thanks in monetary terms. they chuckle, "i've been carrying it around uncarved for so long that i thought i'd might as well use it now. i wouldn't want it to go to waste. nature doesn't waste anything, and neither should i."
it would go to waste in his hands. Xiao fears it will rot in his hands. "i'm grateful, but i cannot accept this. one is enough already." the illuminated existence of an adeptus with the destructive nature of karmic debt on his fingertips, all-consuming.
[Name] raises a brow, their head tilting as they look at him, confused. a faint chuckle slips from their tongue, "it's never enough thanks. neither giving nor taking, so please, don't think you don't deserve this small token."
"my job is to eliminate the demons and protect this nation."
"ah… you've centered your life around your battles?"
he almost recoils.
they give him a nonchalant shrug. "then, thank you for becoming this land's protector, and for protecting me despite not belonging here." with a warm simper, they present the wooden statue one more time, stepping closer.
it's strange; this is the second time he feels like he can't argue. "well. i suppose i'll take it." he hesitates only slightly, but he ultimately accepts the carved bird with a nod of his head.
just as his fingers brush over their skin, the kitchen staff call out that his order is ready to go. [Name]'s shoulders jolt in realization. "oh, sorry, i'll shut up now. bye-bye!" they giggle as they offer him a small wave.
Xiao watches them head back to Smiley Yanxiao, striking up a new conversation instantly. with a quiet thanks, he grabs his plate of almond tofu and disappears back up to the top of the tree.
it's simple, truly. he sets the statue down in front of him as he settles down to eat. with varnished, beady eyes, it looks back at him and it seems almost alive. [Name] words ring in his head, because he has centered his life around his battles and it has defined who he is. a weapon with no desires; a man who indulges in tofu, for better or for worse. he thinks this new statue will find a home next to the previous one. nature doesn't waste anything, after all.
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muqingapologist · 8 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "muqingapologist "?
i go through phases with fanfiction, wavering between never reading any and then reading it consistently over a period of time. so my ao3 account only has bookmarks from the last year or so, so i’ll just include those! i did read some reeeally good fics for pairings that i was really into in the past, but i won’t include them here
as for my username, i used to have the apologist format with another character for my finsta, and i because obsessed over mu qing in my recent read through of tgcf. so i’ll defend him from the haters heh.
ok fics. no particular order.
1. Resurrection by heyholmesletsgo
one thing about me is that im going to eat up every songxiao fix-it fic i come across. this one i think follows the logic of the untamed rather than just mdzs, but i don’t think it’s a big change either way. this fic is so beautiful i thought about it for weeks afterward. it’s pretty short, but the slow, gentle pining as xiao xingchen returns to the world, the way they figure out communication, it’s all so good.
2. some new beginning by liesmyth
i got into good omens after season 2 being released this past summer, and i have to say the fics have been very hit or miss for me. the characterizations in fics are always some strange combination of characterizations of season 2 crowley and season 1 crowley and book crowley. this is post-season 1 though so this isn’t really an issue. i loved this one. i think my favorite form of aziracrow is when they’re both just idiots following the momentum of their feelings without really realizing the significance of their actions until, well, they live together hahah. highly recommend this one for that dynamic! it’s also pretty short.
3. Protagonist Rehabilitation Programme by cinnamonsnaps
this one i actually read entirely on my flight from japan last week after randomly stumbling across it. it’s an SVSSS AU where the original luo binghe transmigrates(?) into shen yuan’s world. im not usually a fan of AU fiction because i think much of the time, the events of the source material are very much what shape the personalities of the characters, but this one works for me. it’s so good at matching the tone and writing style of mxtx while being funny in its own way too.
4. hometown comforts by nyoomerr
this is another bingqiu one, post-canon, and it’s an identity reveal. it’s my ideal identity reveal fic because it’s incredibly low stakes and binghe is just curious about shen yuan’s world. no system warnings and stuff. just bonding. im a simple gal.
5. still waters by marichen
went through a beefleaf phase where i read a bunch of fics. this was the best one by far. unmatched. beefleaf, imo, is a very difficult couple to write for. there’s so much to unpack. it’s hard to make their relationship feel genuine because so much care needs to go into shi qingxuan trusting he xuan again. in this fic, it is the classic he xuan lingering around, but also we see sqx building his own life back up on his own, as well. it’s he xuan pov. so good so good.
6. Bring it back, bring it back [don’t take it away from me] by wednesdaisy
another good omens fic, also post-season 1, aziraphale pov. in this one, crowley fucks off to new zealand because he thinks his relationship with aziraphale is fantasy and it’s too painful to keep seeing him after everything they’ve been through. and aziraphale tracks him down and has to convince crowley that he does indeed want him in his life and loves him and ah, it’s really sweet.
7. the round moon by orphan_account and the hazy sun by orphan_account
this is a 2 part quanyin fic (pre-canon qyz for part 1, post-canon yin yu pov for part 2). i’m also incredibly picky about quanyin fics. this one was so beautifully done. it didn’t make quan yizhen feel overly-childish as an adult like many others do, and it made yin yu’s conflicting feelings about him so vivid and believable. highly recommend for quanyin nation out there.
8. This Is Me Trying by Piper_Emerald
another post-canon identity reveal. this one is a little more angsty than the one above but also so well done! a deep part of me needs an identity reveal to happen for them at some point hahaha…like binghe is smart ok…he suspects already.
9. some good mistakes by Lise
everyone forgive me for not really having any wangxian recs. my post-untamed fic phase was on my old ao3 account i can’t find. anyway, i remember this one being really good. wei wuxian goes missing. jiang cheng pov, teaming up with lan zhan to find wwx. post-canon untamed. personal preference but i love post-canon untamed wangxian fics the most because i just reading about all the ways they might get together.
10. Not Easily Conquered by dropdeaddream, WhatAreFears
(i keep getting error when i post the link but it’s on ao3)
i’m including this one because i’d be lying if it wasn’t always in my top 10. i never think about stevebucky these days and cannot stand marvel, but damn this fic holds up like 8 years later!! 3-parter, AU where steve never gets frozen but bucky is still the winter soldier. told over decades. some cringe US cold war propaganda but ignoring that…a beautiful story. if you ever carried any attachment for these two, worth the read.
so that’s my very inaccurate too 10 fics. thank you for asking so i have an excuse to discuss hahaha.
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Today, on November 2nd, 1974 - Freddie Mercury interview
by Julie Webb relentlessly probes the cut and contour of Queen's Lead Trouser
The contents of Freddie Mercury`s pants are his alone. They belong to him and to no-one else.
Funny how times change. Seems like only yesterday that people were taking the mickey out of Queen. Of course, there were some who reckoned they had a genuine talent which would come to the fore, but for many they were merely a flash in the pan.
Two hit albums and two hit singles later, the band can afford a smirk at the expense of their journalistic detractors. This week Queen began their second major tour of Britain. Last time round they were just breaking “Seven Seas Of Rhye” – this time the new album “Sheer Heart Attack” will be featured, but strangely enough not their new single “Killer Queen,” since lead singer Freddie Mercury deems it “not necessary to add to what we are going to do on stage.”
It was Mercury, you may remember, who was so sublimey confident about the band`s chances of success – and he hasn`t changed. “Queen II” may have gone silver, but he reckons “it`ll go platinum” before long. Four months ago, you might have sneered – now it`s about time you listened.
The turning point for the band is really the new single. “A double A side, though no one seems to realise it because they keep playing `Killer Queen`,” interjects Mercury. It`s a turning point in that it sounds nothing like the noisy heavy metal sound to which we are accustomed from Queen, thus justifying their earlier claim of `versatility.` It`s more of a mixture of Beach Boys, early Beatles and 1920`s music-hall. Quaite naice, actually.
Says Mercury: “People are used to hard rock, energy music from Queen, yet with this single you almost expect Noel Coward to sing it. It`s one of those bowler hat, black suspender belt numbers – not that Noel Coward would wear that.”
And you?
“Oh no dear, just a nice little black number.”
It is apparent that success (in any shape or form) has not altered Mercury, who still insists on using the suffix “dear” at the end of many of his sentences. He is also still very much hung up on maintaining the `star` image.
For a start he never carries much money round with him. It`s not that he`s poverty-stricken or even mean – just that it`s difficult to keep cash in your shoes. A star to the last, he wears pocketless trousers and keeps his finances close to his feet.
“I hate pockets in trousers,” he stresses. “By the way, I do not wear a hose. My hose is my own. No coke bottle, nothing stuffed down there.”
Of course, Freddie.
However, sticking rigidly to the star image has its drawbacks. Satin trousers aren`t that durable (“I split a pair last week”) and velvet and sequins have a nasty habit of dulling in the rain. Still, they create the desired effect of getting people to stare. Mercury still adores the stares, of course – he`s insisted all along he`s a star and thinks he should dress accordingly. But for all the high camp, he`s got some grey matter in that head of his.
It was, after all, Mercury who wrote six of the thirteen cuts on the new album and being artistically inclined it was he who provided the idea for the album sleeve.
“God, the agony we went through to have the pictures taken, dear. Can you imagine trying to convince the others to cover themselves in Vaseline and then have a hose of water turned on them?”
Sheer agony, Freddie. The end result is four members of the band looking decidely unregal, tanned and healthy, and as drenched as if they`ve been sweating for a week.
“Everyone was expecting some sort of cover. A Queen III cover really, but this is completely new. It`s not that we`re changing altogether – it`s just a phase we are going through.”
But won`t Queen devotees be a trifle worried by this new image?
“They will love it. We`re still as poncy as ever. We`re still the dandies we started out to be. We`re just showing people we`re not merely a load of poofs, that we are capable of other things.”
The album, as detailed above, boasts 13 tracks – most of them a mere three minutes in length.
“Not a collection of singles, dear – although we might draw another one off later for a single. I`m not absolutely sure about that, though. No, not all the numbers last for ages. There were just so many songs we wanted to do. And it makes a change to have short numbers. It`s so varied that we were able to go to extremes. I only had about two weeks to write my songs so we`ve been working (expletive deleted) hard.”
(➡️ Read on https://geirmykl.wordpress.com/2015/01/10/article-about-queen-from-new-musical-express-november-2-1974/)
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masterqwertster · 1 year
38. Multiverse/meeting alternate version of self with Ashton. Maybe they meet the Ashton that didn’t see the Hishari blown up and had decent childhood? Or whatever alternate reality you prefer, really! I love all of your writings, they are so scrumptious!!!
SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 74 It's funny, I had the thought that a Hishari Ashton where Efterin was the Titan blooded would be a fun Alternate to meet. Also, I thought Efterin would be blood of Rau'shan as a reason why it wasn't Ashton who's Titan of blood: it was a different Titan fragment, a slightly different ritual, so Efterin got the power and Hishari didn't blow up. However, I sort of put off actually writing anything out of curiosity if the newest episode would drop any further/more detailed Hishari lore. And damn howdy did episode 74 deliver. There actually is a Rau'shan fragment up for grabs. Efterin is, in fact, Ashton's dad. And the idea that all that Efterin did with Hishari, including its destruction and what that did to Ashton, was all Fated… whoof. But the Destiny bit of it definitely played really nicely to my thoughts on how the Alternate was going to meet Canon. So here we go!
It's an honor to be sent on this quest by his father. 
After all, there are many in Hishari who leap at the chance to fulfill the will of Efterin, Burning Heir of the Flame Emperor. And plenty of them are more powerful, more experienced, more skilled than Ashton. So for all of them to be bypassed to entrust this mission to Ashton is proof of his father’s trust, his love.
The task is simple, yet horrendously difficult: find a means to change Fate, defy Destiny.
Ashton doesn’t know why his father needs such a power. The man is primordial fire, Titan of blood, what Fate would he need to defy? The gods who originally felled the Titans are gone, locked behind the Divine Gate. Mortals are nowhere near as powerful as they were during the end days of the Age of Arcanum. What could make his Destiny anything he does not want it to be?
There's a part of Ashton that wants to ask, to know all that he can do to help his father. But he also knows that questions filled with doubt about the solidity of Efterin's power are frowned upon. Especially from someone like Ashton who should certainly know better: Efterin does not fail. His destiny is grand, set to lead the world into a new epoch.
So here Ashton is, deep below Exandria's surface, treading the depths of the Underdark, in search of a ghost of a rumor of an artifact that can bend Fate to its wielder's will.
It’s been… Ashton’s not sure how long it’s been. Time is strange without the sun and moons to mark its passing. Just the rhythm of Wild Shape, wander, Wild Shape, rest for any kind of measure of time. After all, it is safer to wander these tunnels in an unobtrusive animal form than his humanoid one.
And though he hates to admit it, Ashton is tiring, burning out, on this mission. It hurts to be failing his father, his leader, his people, but Ashton is reaching a point of near-certainty that an artifact to control Fate does not exist. Not when he has traveled this long, this far, and faced such horrors with nothing to show for it. This won’t stop Ashton from trying. But he has to admit that defeat is coming, that he needs to stop, let another continue the quest while he recuperates from the strain and toll of his journey.
As he turns his wanderings up towards the surface once again, Ashton hopes that Father will not be too disappointed in his failure. Efterin expects great things from his own heir, everyone in Hishari does, and Ashton fears he doesn’t live up to it as well as he should. Not the strongest, not the fastest, not the hardiest, not the smartest, not the wisest, not the charmingest, not anything that makes him stand out amongst his peers besides being Efterin’s son.
As Ashton contemplates his upcoming failure, he trips and falls down a hole. And finds exactly what he’s looking for.
It’s an artifact of metal and glass in the shape of a dodecahedron, silvery light gently pulsing from within it. It’s mesmerizing, hypnotizing. And he can’t stop himself from staring into its depths.
Ashton is sucked in before he knows it.
There is a sea of stars, a purple and silver galaxy.
Ashton isn’t standing on anything, and yet it feels like there’s solid ground beneath his feet. It’s strange and unsettling… and eerily familiar, as if he’s been here before. But Ashton knows he hasn’t. There’s no way he could forget something like this.
“Huh. Well this is new.”
Ashton whirls to see an earthkin of jade and amethyst and golden cracks and a glass-filled hole in their head. They have the kind of thick muscle and easy stance that speaks to being a martial combatant rather than a caster.
“Where are we? Who are you?” Ashton asks, missing the reassuring weight of his staff in his hands.
“Fuck if I know, though I could guess, I suppose. And that’s… complicated. Probably,” the genasi answers, stuffing their hands into their pockets.
It’s really not much of an answer. Quite honestly it’s barely an answer at all, and Ashton is going to tell them that when he notices their shirt. Notices that the blue ombre lines across the stranger’s shirt are forming the symbol of Hishari.
“Who are you?” he hisses, backing up. “I know everyone in Hishari, and we have no earthkin.”
They huff at him, seemingly unphased by his reaction.
“I told you, it’s complicated,” they say.
“Then simplify it,” Ashton demands, eyes darting around looking for anything that isn’t this– this imposter, or more stars, but no dice.
They let out a put upon groan. 
“Fine. But it’s fucking weird and probably still won’t make a lot of sense, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.
“This hole in my head is filled with really fucking weird magic that makes me dream about other iterations of my life. Until now, I’ve always been in the role of the other Ashton when I dream. This is the first time I’ve actually spoken with one of my alternates.”
Ashton doesn’t– That can’t be right. Ashton’s not– The genasi can’t be him. Especially one of earth. Father brought back from the Shattered Teeth fire, the gift of Rau’shan, not the gift of earth from Ka’Mort. There’s just no way–
…But Ashton can see the shape of his face in the earthkin, hear the timbre of his voice in theirs. They even have the same heterochromatic eyes of right green and left blue (though the pupil of the other's left eye is milky). 
However, the earthkin is taller, broader than Ashton’s own mixed blood of elf and aasimar make him. Broader he can understand. Ashton is a druid, a caster, his strength is in his magic, and by all appearances, the genasi is a physical fighter, relying on the strength of their body. But taller? If they truly are another version of Ashton, that doesn’t make much sense. Not when there’s no reason for Ashton’s height to be stunted. His mother isn’t particularly tall, and even his father wasn’t very tall before–
–before taking in Rau’shan’s Spark.
The adults recount it that Efterin had been of a modest size before, five and a half feet tall or something, and now he towered over most, closer to seven feet tall than six (Ashton can’t remember a time when his father wasn’t significantly taller than him). And it was all thanks to the Titan’s power in his veins. And no one in Hishari would dare deny their Titan of blood the food and nutrients needed to grow and sustain himself.
So that couldn’t be it, could it? No fragment of Ka’Mort’s power has been found, and many from Hishari have traveled to the Shattered Teeth, searching for one.
Yet Ashton has to ask. If there’s a way to follow in his father’s footsteps, to not be a disappointment of an heir to him, then he has to know.
“Are you– You’re a Titan of blood?” Ashton asks with trepidation.
“...Yeah. Whatever the fuck that actually means,” they say with a shrug.
“What?” Ashton gapes. How could they not know what it means to be a Titan of blood? Not have pride in the achievement of Hishari that they are?
Another shrug. “Hishari blew up when they made me a Titan of blood. And I was just a little kid when it happened, can barely remember anything about it, really. Got shunted out near Bassuras, which is in Marquet, afterwards. Didn’t even know about the Titan shit until maybe a week ago. So I know fuck all about Hishari and what they thought they were doing.”
Ashton gapes some more, words escaping him. For the effort to be made, to have the success, only to leave their Titan of blood alone and unknowing of what they are… It's wrong.
"...I’m sorry they failed you," Ashton finally says. It will change nothing for this Heir to Ka'Mort, but he still wants to express his sorrow for what they should have had.
A pensive look comes over their face.
"I– Thanks, I guess. Although according to that fucking tree, shit worked out 'as it was Fated to be.'"
Ashton can hear the heavy derision with which the Titan blooded speaks of Fate and this tree. And it tweaks the memory of the story of how Efterin found the Spark of Rau’shan: he traveled far and wide across Exandria, before he found the Great Tree of Atrophy, Evontra'vir. And upon gaining Evontra'vir's favor, he was guided to the Spark and his Destiny.
"You-you know where to find Evontra'vir?" Ashton asks, breathlessly hopeful. 
Despite his father’s desire for a fragment of Ka’Mort to be found, to bring more Primordial power into the world, he never did return to Evontra'vir to seek guidance again. And all who were granted the knowledge of where to find the Great Tree of Atrophy to seek its guidance failed to return with a fragment. If they returned at all. But if this other Ashton could be Titan blooded, surely Ashton himself would succeed where all the others had failed. All he needed was to know where to go.
They give him a searching look before answering, "Kalutha. Down in the big pit between three mountains. Fucker's going to tell you that it's your Fate to be there. I'd ignore that shit if I were you. Make your own path."
Ashton fists his hands in the fabric of his pants, just to maintain his cool instead of bouncing around with the excitement of what he now has the means to achieve.
"That’s what I intend to do," he replies with a vicious grin.
"Good," Ashton, Heir of Ka’Mort purrs.
Suddenly Ashton is back in the tunnels of the Underdark, the artifact in his hands, still gently pulsing with silver light… much like the glass in Ka’Mort’s Heir's head.
They tuck the artifact into their bag and smile to themself.
They have all they need for their own great Destiny. One to rival even their father's.
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mochiwrites · 9 months
I was thinking about the totems of undying in songbird's blood, and it got me thinking, is there any specific reason why we got told so much information about them?
If Scott owns totems of undying and they are banned from the council, what else does he own that he shouldn't?
Out of everything Scott has out on display (I'm going to assume there are other things on display because it would be a little strange just to have totems of undying being displayed).
Why did we get so much detail about how to obtain them and what they did if there were other things out in the open aswell?
Will they possibly save Grians life in the future?
Scott wants Grian dead, so let's just say hypothetically, Grian gets caught by Scott, and he is taken to Scotts house to be killed or whatever, but because Grian is Grian he is able to get out of wherever he was trapped at in Scotts house (We have seen Grian escape many dangerous situations shouldn't be to difficult to escape) But Grian is injured so it's difficult to escape so its far more easier for Scott to catch up to him and because Grian was being to much Scott just decides to try to end his life there but Grian somehow broke open of the display cases and was able to grab a totem of undying so he wouldent die and was able to escape and get help. (Also, Grian just has main character plot armor so he would find a way to beat around death anyways)
We know Grian knows what they will do and the price it costs to create one because Scott told him about it.
Another thing we could add to this is what if Grian was able to take one of those totem of undying back to Mumbo and Scar, would they be able to use it against Scott if they showed the council? If Scar spilled to Mumbo and Grian that Scott was pretty much manipulating Scar into doing horrible things to humans and "monsters," would they be able to use that against Scott aswell? We know the council doesn't want humans to know about them, so Scott, doing what he is currently doing, could possibly expose them. Scott can't lie about doing those things either because Scar has many years of proof to show how long it's been going on.
Anyways, sorry about the ramble. (Hopefully, it makes sense.) This all could be false, and my brain made it all up, but I just thought about this theory, so I wanted to share!
me, sitting here and reading all of this while clapping excitedly and grinning — please don’t apologize for the ramble at all!!! I love songbird rambles 🥺
scott has. a Lot of things he probably shouldn’t because he’s scott and he’s an evil, over dramatic bi— I meannnn he’s silly goofy like that <3
there definitely are a few other things he has on display! the totems are what drew grian’s attention Specifically because of how they’re shaped and they kinda just Stand Out
though I will say that I gave so much information about totems Mostly because I was really excited to share it DKFKDKFKFK but there is another reason 👀
I’m not quite sure how I’m working it in a fic yet, so I’ll drop it here! scar actually has two totems himself :3 not by choice! it was unexpected payment for a job he took (he thought he’d be getting paid in money) and he kinda has two totems chilling in his home. whoops
but 👀👀👀 it’s definitely an interesting theory you’ve presented! >:3c we’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out 👀
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» i caved in!! i love tsukasa suou with my whole heart!! also i hope i didn't make him too soft? lol!! my older sibling instincts rlly kick in with this kid ☆
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prompt: [personal] giving him a dessert as a gift
character(s): tsukasa suou
pairing(s): tsukasa x gn!reader
warnings: N/A, fluff, not proof-read
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growing up with a friend like tsukasa was probably one of the most amusing experiences in your life. come to think of it, while the boy was pretty predictable, you still found him strange. he was raised so differently from you that it was difficult to understand his need to act chivalrous, nor did you get how he managed to keep up with both knights and his family issues all at once. while it was easy to say you aspired to be like him, you also knew the life he was living was a bit too hectic for your liking.
although.. tsukasa was a whole different person whenever he got to indulge in his childishness; like the way he got excited in gacha games when he got a character he always wanted, or the way his eyes lit up when he passed by a bakery or café because of all the delicious-looking desserts those places had to offer. he has never said it out loud, and you knew he wouldn't anytime soon, but he was clearly trying to restrain himself when he was around you. well, you knew all too well about his insecurities, so you didn't force him into it, but...
here's a plan!
it requires you to miss out on going home together with him every day, but you decide that it's just another necessary step towards your goal.
the first day, tsukasa assumes you're ignoring him, and he looks noticeably less enthusiastic when you meet up with him the following morning, only to hand him a cute pink box with his favorite bakery's logo on it.
he looks a hundred times more puzzled than ever before, and you can't possibly imagine what's going through his head, so you just sit him down and put it in front of him.
“i don't think you know, but i have noticed how you look at the sweets in there.” you said, looking at him in that sort of 'gotcha' way. tsukasa only looks embarrassed though: how could he let that slip?
“i'm sor—”
“nope! don't wanna hear it!” you said and opened the box, carefully pulling out a small cake shaped like a cat.
it had vanilla frosting in the middle and little flowers cut out from strawberries and bananas lining it. the little cat face was drawn on and one of the strawberry flowers was placed on its ear as an accessory. you almost felt bad that it had to be eaten.
“ah, are you sure? this must have been expensive! at least let me pay you back.”
“tsukkun, it's a gift.” you sighed. “you're incredibly kind, but i'm not doing this out of pity..” you placed a hand on his head, gently petting his hair.
oh, he already looked like he was going to cry, but if you knew anything about him, it's that these were definitely happy tears. he still must have been embarrassed though — he was blushing like crazy.
“i'll repay you at some point..!!”
“you can let me feed you. does that count?” you raised an eyebrow at him, a smirk on your face. as expected, tsukasa's face somehow got even redder.
you smiled contentedly and pulled out the little fork you brought with yourself. the plan wasn't to feed him, sure, but the bakery wasn't just going to give you a fork with your to-go order.
you carefully cut off a small part of the kitty cake, still feeling a little bad for it, before stabbing it on the fork and lifting it up to tsukasa, who gladly ate it.
“cutie..” you mumbled under your breath, sighing softly as you continued to feed him.
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infini-tree · 6 months
11, 12, aaand 34? for Oogway! `v` i also wrote down 48 and 49 while skimming through the meme but i don't remember what they are now so uh. ig those as well, if it's not Too Much. no problems in that case
honest favorite character asks
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
i joke that i started doing it out of spite. the real answer was probably around kfp3 where they implied that oogway was a warlord.
like, prior to that he was not on my radar. but once the movie implied a whiff of moral complexity and the idea of how he changed over a timespan that would be difficult to comprehend for most people he got up to blorbo tier.
12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
besides the next part of the generationswap au fic?
really i only have one. but its one big one that highlights oogway's entire journey. and i do mean all of it (at least the most important parts). oogway has a lot of potential to me since he's lived through so much and there's a lot of vectors that it can be tackled (of which i've tackled in one off doodles ages ago).
there's the obvious one of public opinion having changed a lot from the implication that he was feared along kai to the wise protector of present day. but also its funny just on an in-universe historical level. like the idea of a historian asking oogway about a point in time and he has a niche opinion about it that sends scholars into a frenzy is so so funny.
34. Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life?
ironically no, lol. oogway is too like. idealized and high up that it feels strange to see him as specifically aspirational. like in general, yes, but there are other blorbos that speak to me in certain specificities he cannot on account that oogway has most of his shit together.
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
the curve of the lip of his shell and the way it opens up. its so shape. i love it but also hate drawing it because i always mess up the way it subtly curves.
Tumblr media
sidebar but i think its lowkey a bit funny how the designers committed to making oogway a galapagos tortoise, considering that a majority of the cast at the time of kfp1 were in the area.
this is a less notable feature now that there have been more characters whose species implies they came from far off too (and there's also the spinoffs that mention other societies in the kfp universe). but still,
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
mostly the idea that he's such a 'big picture' thinker that he doesn't get how it comes off to to other people. i've made a whole post about it as it relates in secrets of the masters, lol
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wriospersonalworm · 1 year
NSFW !!!
oc x canon tingz
" What do you need, Lumi? "
The blonde ceased his nearly perfect typing to glance up at his coworker. They were the only one he'd stop working for, even if it's just for a split second. No one really noticed; except for Ranpo of course, and Dazai, and Yosano probably figured it out eventually, and maybe even–
Perhaps Kunikida believed no one noticed, he only hoped they hadn't picked up on his hints towards his favoritism for Lumi. Was favoritism even the right word? He didn't like Lumi more than the others, no, he cared for them all equally. In fact, he doesn't like Lumi at all; he loves them. It was such a strange and difficult realization for him. His ideal partner was nothing like Lumi! How could he have fallen for someone who sometimes reminds him of a certain lazy, playful, and annoying coworker of his?
Nevertheless, his feelings for them were genuine, of course. He treasures them and cares for them like no other; he's to blame for giving Lumi back their ability to put their trust into other's in the first place. Kunikida definitely has a special place in their heart.
" Do you have a list of supplies somewhere? I was told to go out and buy them. "
That was a silly question. Kunikida always has everything needed for work, whether its truly for him or not. He's got a personal first aid kit in his drawers, he's got everyone's reports on every case—except for Dazai's most recent one he's yet to complete—, supply lists for the Agency, everyone's contact numbers, Lumi's favorite things to eat, their favorite places to go, the brands they like to shop at–
A bit sidetracked there.
" Yes, let me find it real quick, I'll print out a copy for you. "
" 'Kay… "
The room went almost silent, the only sounds heard being the clicks of a mouse and the taps on a keyboard. It wasn't necessarily awkward silence, it was just silence. That's another thing about their relationship, nothing between them is ever awkward. They actually enjoy the silent moments they have, typically when they're snuggled up together in bed or on the couch, or even when Lumi's avoiding their report and just wants to watch Kunikida work.
During this moment of silence, Lumi found themself fiddling with the items on his desk. They'd reach down and grab a paperclip, bending it open and making a completely different shape from it. They'd grab his stapler and start clicking it. They'd wiggle the screen of his laptop back and forth just a little bit. Dating Lumi only meant getting used to these random behaviors, so it didn't bother him that much. He'd glance at their hand reaching to grab something before looking back at the computer.
" Here, this should be the updated list. If you have any questions – "
" Where do I go to get these things? "
I take back my comment on no awkward moments between them.
"...What do you mean? "
" Like– what stores? I've never bought supplies for the Agency before. "
He stared at them blankly for a brief moment. He couldn't blame them completely for not knowing, they're not native to Japan and they spent most of their time here hiding away with the Port Mafia, it's not their fault they don't know where anything is.
" Here, let me see it. I'll write down which stores have which supplies. You have your phone right? Just type the store name in on your GPS and it should guide you, okay? " Lumi just nods in response as he takes out a pencil and begins writing the store names, describing and giving basic directions to them.
Then, a door slowly creaked open. Kunikida was too focused on helping Lumi out to even notice, but his partner sure did. They looked just like an intrigued and curious cat; their eyes widening slightly as they watched what looked to be a futon creature crawl his way out.
" Kunikida, I'm getting hungry… Can you get me a snack from the store? Something filling but quick. " Lumi's eyes widened more as they realized it was a man. What was he doing in there? Has he always been there? Who even is this guy? They've never seen him before.
Kunikida, on the other hand, seemed to be more annoyed than confused with his sudden presence. The pencil in his hand snaps in two, immediately catching Lumi's attention.
" If you want a snack, go to the store yourself and get it! I'm not your maid! " He shouts angrily at him, squeezing and crumpling the supply list in his hand.
" Kuni… The paper… " Lumi gently reminds him of the paper's presence. He looks at them and then to the paper in his hand. He's quick to unfold it and flatten it on the desk, scanning over it quickly to make sure his handwriting was still clear. He lowers his head and hands them the paper, strangely calm now. " I apologize. "
The strange man in the other room notices Kunikida's strange behavior and peeks further out the door to look at whoever he was speaking with. He notices their dark, long hair and dark-colored eye, and almost immediately he's head over heels. His awkwardness hindered him from getting a proper word out, and instead he stared widely with his mouth agape. He stutters over his own words, only sounding like he was speaking gibberish. It took him what felt like five minutes to say a single word.
" H-Hello…! " He says rather loudly, his voice cracking a bit. He mentally cursed at himself for making such an embarrassing mistake. Both of them turned towards him, one of them looking at him with a curious look on their face, while the other looked like he was going to grab the man and throw him out the window.
" He– "
" Katai, don't even think about it! Have you finished what I asked of you?! "
" N-No, but – "
" I will bring you back something to eat, now get back to work! "
Without another word, the strange man quickly retreated back into the room. Everything happened far too fast for Lumi to process any of it. They blink, turning towards Kunikida with the same confused expression they've had this entire interaction. " Uhm… who was that? " The blonde groaned with frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose, " That's Katai. He works in there by choice, he doesn't like being out here with others. "
" Oh… "
Kunikida normally gets aggravated easily when others distract him from his work or are repeatedly slacking off, Lumi knew this, but that interaction felt a lot more tense compared to how he normally is with Dazai. If it wasn't someone he liked, he would've told them about him already, but they couldn't figure out what else could be upsetting him so much. The possibility of it being the stressful workloads was also high, so they decided to go with that.
" Uhm… I was gonna get the supplies later. It's pretty late in the afternoon, would you like me to grab you something to eat? " They ask, slowly walking around his desk to stand in front of him. Their soft smile, the "innocent" look in their eyes, their hands hiding behind their back; it was all too familiar. Lumi was obviously up to something, it was evident in their behavior and how strangely close they were getting.
His face was already turning a light shade of pink. They loved teasing him in order to get their way, it wasn't anything new, but he was growing nervous knowing it worked on him every single time. " No, I'm fine… '
Lumi comes closer and closer as he talks and fidgets, eventually they're pressed against him, their hand reaching for his tie and pulling him down to their level. " Really? You sure? " It was so hard to breathe, and not because of their grip on his tie. His face was only getting hotter by the second, his eyes quickly moved from their eye, to their lips, to somewhere else in the room. Lumi has always been this way, yet he was never able to get used to it.
Their hand reaches up to gently touch the side of his face and he could've sworn he felt himself beginning to melt. It felt like his legs were going to give out any moment now. He clears his throat about once or twice before nervously answering their question, " Uhm… Yes, I'm fine, thank you. " They figured he'd deny their request, but they weren't done.
" Alright… Can you at least meet me somewhere in thirty? The storage room? " They were a mere inch away from his face now, their lips nearly coming into contact, only causing him to become more flustered.
" I can't, I've gotta– "
Lumi presses a finger to his lips and hushes him, tilting their head to the side. " Uh-uh, you're supposed to say 'Yes'. Try it again. "
"... Yes. " His change in response made a bright smile appear on their face. " Good boy. " They gave him a quick peck on his lips before turning around and heading out the room, leaving the younger male to process what just happened.
Thirty minutes passed by painfully slow. Every minute, Kunikida would look at his laptop's time out of nervousness. It's not like Lumi's oddly suggestive demands and their unintentionally seductive behavior was anything he hadn't seen, why was he so stressed? Was he still struggling to forget how easily flustered he became earlier? Or was it that there was a possibility they would end up doing something unprofessional in a professional setting? He really couldn't tell.
Once the clock changed for the thirtieth time, he gave a quiet huff before standing from his seat and stiffly walking out the room. His palms grew more and more sweaty the closer he got to the storage room. He stood before the closed door filled with tension. He knocked on the door with his tightened fist, " Lumi, are you in there? "
This is embarrassing. Why was there no response? Were they in there? Were they asleep? Or was this one elaborate scheme most likely started by Dazai just to mess with him? He was seconds away from quickly storming off back to work before a hand grabbed him from behind, yanking him into a dark room. He shrieked, hearing the door shut in front of him, and looked around frantically, desperately searching for a light source.
" Hey! Kuni, relax! It's just me! Watch your hands, you'll knock my food down… " The sudden yet recognizable voice startled him even more. He looks down at what he believed to be the source, his eyes beginning to adjust to the change in brightness. " What are you doing here in the dark? I thought we were meeting in the storage room, this is the custodial room? " Lumi looks down at their food with a snarky smile, " Yeah well… I thought giving you a slight scare would also be funny. "
They set their half-eaten food aside and lifted themself up to sit on what they believed to be a stack of boxes, surprisingly well-balanced at that. " Right… Why did you call me here in the first place? I need to get back to wo– " Every time he'd bring up work or needing to focus it was like he was dragging his nails on a chalkboard, and Lumi had had enough. Who cares about writing that report right now when he's in a locked room with his partner? They were quick to silence him, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him between their legs, which were wrapped around his waist to prevent him from shying away.
" Ugh, shut up about work already… You think I don't notice the pent up frustration from working? Here you are hidden away in a room with me, there's barely anyone here, and the only thing on your mind is more work? "
Their hands snake their way around his neck to pull him even closer. They were trying their very hardest to break this hesitance and shyness off of him. He wasn't hiding the fact he wanted to do this very well, so it's not like that's the case, nor was this their first time being so intimate, it was purely because they were in a work environment.
" I– We really shouldn't do this… "
" We shouldn't, but who cares? You obviously want to do it anyway; actually it looks like you're really eager to do it here. " They tighten their legs around his waist, pulling him closer to them and pressing his obvious bulge against their panties. His hands rested on the box they were seated on, a soft groan slipping past his lips from the contact. Kunikida was trying oh-so hard not to let his perverse thoughts and feelings overcome his own rules and guidelines, but a man can only take so much. He wanted nothing more than to have his face and cock to be covered in his lover's slick and cum. Doing this on the job wasn't only incredibly unprofessional, but it also hindered him from completely taking them. Had they been at home in bed right now, he'd be spending the next few hours ramming in and out of them and shooting his seed deep inside their abused cunt.
He presses his forehead against theirs and finds himself staring down at the buttons on their shirt. His hand gently caresses their cheek and he speaks in a low mumble, " Fine… But, this isn't going to be enough. I expect you to still be ready to take me when we get home too, got it? " Lumi nods with a soft hum, mumbling quietly in response against his soft lips. " I love you. " They teasingly pecked him on the lips, smiling contently with their eyes closed, while Kunikida was already reaching for the ruffled collar around their neck. " I love you too. "
A moan of relief slips out from both of them as the space between them closes. Their lips felt as though they connected so perfectly, it was like they were truly made for each other because of it. Their kisses were always so enjoyable whether they were short and sweet, or long and passionate. No matter the context of it the kiss always held some amount of gentleness to it. Perhaps it was just carefulness on his part? That's another notable attribute of his. Moments like these always started off gentle and cautious, no matter how desperate he was. He was always careful to remove their clothes slowly, taking his time to love on every part of their body before getting to his main course. After that, all his sensibility and self-respect typically washes away; though he's quick to apologize afterwards with more affection and romantics.
His hands gently grasp their shoulders and slowly lays them down on the boxes, not once separating himself from the kiss. They then moved to the loosely tied collar he had been working on; removing it completely and setting it aside. He parts from the kiss for just a spare moment, " I need to see you, but I don't want to take your clothes off completely… Is it alright if I just take a few things off? It won't get too hot? " " It's fine… I'll tell you if it's too hot. " He hums in understanding before returning his lips to theirs. His hands were busy unbuttoning their shirt, whilst theirs were combing through his now messy hair, even removing the hair tie keeping it together at some point.
He opens their shirt just enough to have access to their breasts, reaching behind them and unhooking their bra. He took notice of its color; white. Lumi always wore matching undergarments so it was safe to say their underwear would be the same. He always loved it when they wore white under their darkly-colored clothes, it's just not something you'd expect. It was like Lumi themself; dark, mysterious, and scary-looking on the outside, but soft, pure, and innocent on the inside.
He moves their bra aside completely and leans in close to their neck. Lumi instantly leans their head back, allowing him much more access. He plants small, gentle kisses along the side, starting with their mole, then moving towards their scars. That was their favorite. They loved whenever he kissed the areas that pained them. They knew as long as he continued to purposefully kiss their scars, his love was genuine. He wouldn't spend so much time dealing with them if it hadn't been.
His kisses made their way down to their breasts, as well as his hands. He always loved how perfectly they fit in his hands. He loved the soft, tenderness of them. He'd never squeeze them, that's much too rough for his liking, instead he'd massage and caress them; planting loving kisses anywhere he possibly could. His hands were a bit rough to the touch, but the sensation left Lumi squirming and giggling regardless. Honestly, it was almost like it tickled them. They tried their hardest not to let too much laughter out, but it all felt too good, they felt so loved it made them happier than they could have imagined.
" Are you laughing at me? " Kunikida pulls away from their chest and leans over their face. Despite feeling a bit confused and embarrassed from their sudden laughter, he gave them a rare, playful smile.
" No ~ I promise. It just feels so good… " They run their hands up and down his arms, gently rubbing their thumb along the skin. Their eyes moved back and forth from his eyes to his lips, all the while keeping a soft smile on their face.
Oh, he loved it when they did that. Nothing was more attractive than when they'd ask for something with their eyes. They were so beautiful— and with them lying down, their hair was forced to the side and he could see both of them. One being a mesmerizing blackhole that immediately sucks you into a trance once you've made eye contact, and another being a stunning baby blue that gives you a sense of comfort and relief. He leans down and gives them the kiss they were practically begging him for.
" Right… Here, let me take the clip out of your hair... "
" You know, it's been about ten minutes since we started. Despite complaining about having work to do and not wanting to be caught, you sure are taking your time. "
" What? I always do it like this? "
" I'm just saying… Your words aren't really matching your actions, gramps. "
His eye twitches from the random nickname, " Gramps? Fine, whatever you want, your majesty. " There was a small hint of sarcasm in his voice just then. Lumi lets out another giggle, watching him sit up and move further away from their face. Their skirt was then pushed upwards, while he pulled their underwear down– slowly, mind you. Lumi couldn't help but bite down on their lip from the sudden breeze, eyeing Kunikida's actions and movements as they readied themself for his entrance.
He grabs under their thighs and pushes their legs backwards, leaving Lumi with thoughts of confusion, as his pants remain untouched. " You know, you typically take your pants off in times like these. " They mocked. " We're not quite there yet though, are we? " His face stayed stoic but his tone gave off a totally different impression. A random wave of heat rises up Lumi's face as they watch him kneel down in front of them; they knew where he was going with this. Neither of them broke eye contact with each other, which only made them even more flustered.
" Eh– Th-This was supposed to help you release your stress, shouldn't I be the one – "
" This is how I want to release my stress. You did say you'd offer me lunch, so– " His dull nails dug into the soft skin of Lumi's thighs, the feeling of his breath against their clit sending shivers throughout their body. " Thank you for the meal. " With that, his eyes shut close and he stuck his tongue out, sending short kitty licks to their clit before moving towards their entrance; where he licked and cleaned all of the slick that had formed.
This wasn't a new sensation to them at all; it wasn't unfamiliarity that caused them to tense or be a little louder. They simply enjoyed it. The feeling of a wet tongue being dragged and pressed into their pussy was an easy way to get them coming. They couldn't stop their back from arching, their legs spreading further apart while their hands pushed his face closer. They squirmed around like an insect, desperately craving and begging for more. Their chest would dramatically rise and fall as their breathing got heavier. It hadn't even been two minutes yet and here they were on the verge of their first orgasm.
" Kuni, I'm close…" Their hold on the back of his head loosened as they felt themselves growing weaker. They didn't want to cum just yet, but it was getting surprisingly difficult to hold themselves back any longer.
" Already? I'll speed it up for you then. " He stands back up and leans over their body, tilting his head to the side as he stares down at them. Not once did he break eye contact with them, wanting to see every expression they made aa he finished them off. His fingers trail back down to their cunt, and he instantly shoves two of them in there. A sharp, loud gasp erupts from Lumi's throat and their hand immediately flies to their mouth, biting down on one of their fingers to keep themself quiet. His fingers pump in and out of them with ease, his calm demeanor never wavering in the slightest. He watches as they desperately try to find something to dig their nails into, noticing that their eyes were beginning to look a bit glossy.
His fingers continue to move but he leans over to place a few soft kisses on their face. " Stop holding back. Cum for me, it's okay. " In an attempt to get them to finally feel that release, he kneels back down and teases their clit with his tongue, flicking and kissing it until they finally pop.
" Wait, Kuni – It's too much! " It was far too late for that. Their body quivered and shook as they finished, their hand tightly covering their mouth as their strong, violent orgasm came to an end. Their eyes were filled with tears of pleasure and overstimulation, and they couldn't help but turn their face away in embarrassment.
He hears their sniffles and whimpers and is quick to comfort them. He gently turns their face to look at him, lightly kissing away their tears. " Are you alright? Did I overwhelm you? " They look at him with half-lidded eyes, their shaky legs wrapping themselves around him and entrapping him between them. Their hair was completely sprawled out along the boxes. Their hands reach up towards his face, " Mm, I'm fine… I wasn't very prepared for something that good so soon… " They were being completely honest but they couldn't stop the playful smile from appearing on their face.
Gently stroking his cheek with their thumb, they bring his face down to theirs and kisses him ever so softly. Whenever they kissed like this, it always felt like their first. The butterfly-in-the-stomach feeling they got was something unforgettable. His lips acted like a drug to them sometimes. They couldn't just stop after one, they needed another, another, another, and another. They'd press their lips together just to pull away and kiss him again. It was so good, so relaxing, and— as cheesy as it sounds —it was like heaven.
It's not like he didn't enjoy moments like these either; and despite the fact he wanted to get back to work quickly, he didn't mind taking things slowly anyway. Again, he did want to get back to work though. He lets their kissing fit continue for a minute longer before fiddling with the belt around his pants. It took everything in his power not to bind their hands together with it, or even wrap it around their neck for a bit of breathplay. He genuinely contemplated it for a few moments before quickly changing his mind.
Setting the belt aside, he unbuttons and unzips his pants; taking them off completely and doing the same with his underwear. He carefully takes Lumi's face into his hands and mumbles against their lips, " Ready? " The silence within the room was so nice they didn't even bother using their words to respond, simply nodding with a hum. He smiles softly.
With their 'ok', he's quick to push his cock against them, rocking his hips back and forth and grinding against their soaked cunt. They both groaned at the feeling, both of them having been impatiently waiting for this. He gathers their slick and covers his dick with it, doing his best to get it as lubricated as he could, before slowly pushing his tip in. His eyes were shut tight, fully taking in every moment while Lumi couldn't keep their eyes off him. They watched his every move with loving eyes, admiring everything he did, every face he made, and every noise that came out.
They were forcibly thrown out their romantic thoughts at the sudden, quick feeling of his cock completely filling them up. They let out a loud moan, but was quick to bite down on their lip to prevent anyone who could've been nearby from getting suspicious. They laughed softly at how it startled them, looking back at him to see how his face relaxed.
" If you're gonna be like that you better find a way to keep me quiet. You'll get us in trouble if you fuck me like that ~ "
" Why do I have to keep you quiet? You just love putting more work on me, huh? "
They bat their eyelashes up at him "innocently".
" You know– whatever. I'll shut you up if you get too loud. "
" Thanks Kuni ~ "
He doesn't bother responding to their thanks, he had decided to deal with their constant teasing later when they're in a proper setting. Instead, he focuses on satisfying them both now. He had lost all track of time and it was only a few moments before someone would be back, and it worried him if that person were to be Dazai. He couldn't imagine the amounts of blackmail and mockery he'd receive from his pesty coworker.
Kunikida places his hands just below their stomach, pushing down on his palms with the slightest amount of pressure. He pulls his hips back before ramming back into them. He thrusts into them with feelings of passion and desperation. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes once again squeezed shut, taking in the immense pleasure from their warmth around him. Unlike their composed boyfriend, Lumi was struggling to keep up. They had wanted to avoid drawing attention to them but it seems like they were having a hard time doing so. They were turned into a moaning, whimpering mess under him; taking every harsh thrust and completely tuning out their surroundings. They were craving something to cling onto and ended up finding themself digging their rather sharp nails into his arms. He felt his forearms beginning to sting but he was in no way going to stop until he was done with them.
Neither one of them were sticking to their word of keeping quiet, groans, whines, and gasps from both filled the room in no time; not to mention the sounds of their skin making contact with each other. His cock was slamming in and out of them at a sloppy pace now, the grunts he let out being another sign that he was getting close to his limit. It was so obvious to Lumi as well, judging by his increased volume and change in facial expression. They wanted nothing more than for him to cum inside them and have it spill out their slit; that was the whole point in bringing him here anyways. It wouldn't matter to them whether or not they felt their satisfaction, as long as he was happy.
Of courae, he would never allow them to feed him and not be fed in return. He moves one of his hands off their stomach and begins tracing messy, rough circles on their clit
It was like a twig had snapped inside of them. They thought he was so evil for once again giving them double pleasure, but who were they to stop him? Nothing in this world ever felt better than being prioritzed even when they don't need to be. With that, it felt like once again everything became so clear. Their mind was blank, all they could do was take his dick and completely cover it with their cum.
Mere seconds afterwards, they were both panting out of control, their moans being completely insync as they acknowledged each other's close releases. One final sound of pleasure leaves their throats before they came. Kunikida was quick to pull away from them, just enough to where they had his seed inside and outside, jerking himself off through his orgasm.
They both sat in that silence they loved so much, catching their breaths and coming down from their highs. Kunikida was first, dressing himself again once everything faded. Lumi simply laid there with their legs squeezed shut, there was just no way they'd get back up and resume work after something like that, they were too tired now.
" What, do you want me to dress you? "
They yawned obnoxiously loud.
"...Yeah, no. You're not skipping work, face the consequences of your actions. "
" Aww, so mean ~ You don't love me. "
He rolls his eyes in unamusement, grabbing their hands and pulling them to sit upwards. He presses his lips against theirs one last time. " Yeah, yeah. I'll go with you to get the supplies, since you already messed with my schedule. "
" Aw, really? Maybe you do love me after all ♡ "
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the Devil is in the Details
in inventory: email From: Mia Winters Sent: July 18, 2017 11:04PM Tuesday To: Ethan Winters Dulvey, Louisiana. Baker farm. Come get me.
simple to the point almost as if the sender was worried to much might alert Ethan to some thing. I know the common thoughts is Mia did actually send this but my main thought is when? as she is in the cell has been since late 2015 and the doors are locked
Jacks diary: rec room. for timelines sake these are Oct 2014
October 2 Reports say a storm's coming. I had a lot of trouble cleaning up after the last one a few years back. I guess it's time to reinforce the windows and shore up the roof. Maybe I'll get Lucas to help.
October 9 The water has finally receded. The house is alright, but the old house was badly damaged. Lucas is making a fuss about a huge ship that's washed up in the bayou. If that's true, I better report it to the parish. I'll go check it out tomorrow.
Travis memo: drawer in safe room
Dear Courtney, Those bastards are looking for me, but maybe this gives you a chance to escape. To escape, you have to find the reliefs shaped like dog heads. I saw one of the heads in the dissection room underground. Get it. It's the key out of here. Something's wrong with me. It must have been that shit they made me eat. If I'm gonna die, I'd at least like to go out fighting. I'm gonna get a hold of that shotgun I saw in the rec room and make them regret what they did to me. You need to get out of here. I love you, Courtney. Love, Travis
a guy doing his best to help his love get away (this is the guy who Jack mentions in the memo we also find in the rec room who caused the stronger shotgun to be broken)
how to unlock the door in the morgue
Lucas, I caught the guy who keeps trying to escape. I've locked him up in the leftmost incinerator so he can't get away again. Take him out when he's ready. You know how to open the door, don't you? Just remember: 3 a's and a handprint. Do what you want with his girl.
this is Travis this is what happens to him. My main problem is what happened to Courtney? the least thing is her turning into Molded but it takes a time
Mrs Baker: locked room attached to the rec room
How have you been feeling recently? It's been a long time since you came in for your last check-up. I'm writing to tell you that I've finished examining your X-rays. Those dark areas in your cranium are fungus-like structures that seem to be related to mold. The hallucinations and noises you said you've been hearing may be related to these growths. If your symptoms are due to a fungal parasite, it must be removed before it's too late. I don't mean to scare you, but I am seriously concerned for your health. Please come to the hospital as soon as you read this letter. As your doctor, I strongly recommend you undergo further tests. Crawford Lang, Dulvey General Hospital
But I find that fungus like structures bit interesting I can't remember who thought about it playing RE4R and what Ramon was doing but this is for them.
Zoe's notes: trailer
My body's feeling weirder and weirder. Soon I'll become like mom and dad. It's all her fault. Should I run? No, I can't. I'm dead if she finds out. That woman she was with, Mia, She knows something. If I had the serum I could cure myself. I have to find out more.
I wonder when this was written. I think its around the time Mia got locked up (because having a talk with someone violent can be a bit difficult) and I wonder if this was the cataylist for them trying to help people (I doubt it was Zoe doing it on her own. She still had to learn how to combine the d series arm and head to get the basic serum)
Margurites warning Old House bird door
Zoe, You tried to sneak up to the second floor again, didn't you?! Did you think I wouldn't notice?!?! Even after what happened to Eveline, you just keep talking about some strange medicine. And what are you planning to do with my altar? You better keep those sticky fingers off of it! Nobody touches my sacred altar! You think your father and I are idiots?! You spoiled pathetic child…. I wish youd NevEr been born. UnforGIVably pathetic yet always lookingDOWN on uS aNd trying to Leave our HOME! After EVERYthing WE'VE done for YOU… Pathetic PATHETICpathetic pathetic… If you EVER even touch my altar I'll slice off your chest and serve it up as potroast…
first the idea of Zoe trying to reach through to her parents but Evies control was too much for them
second these were written at two different times. the first half being Margurite being more like herself and the other half that just sounds angry? It seems more like Evie would say that to be honest
Margurites Diary
October 11 My ears have been ringing all day and I haven't been able to sleep since the child showed up. It's like Zoe says: There's something strange about the child, and the woman she brought with her.
-Evie has been at the Baker house for a little under a day (she arrived on the Oct 10th) so Margurites sleep schedule must be very regular for her to notice it being messed up.
-Its a interesting choice of words talking about how strange Evie and Mia are and who brought what (maybe Margurite was dreaming the ship wreck and how it got destroyed)
October 15 I'm seeing things, hearing things, can't stop feeling nauseious. I went to see the doctor in town and he gave me an X-ray. What's happening to me?
October 23 The child gave me a present.
October- I put the present in the secret room right at the back of the second floor, where nobody will find it. That arm is a sign of the child's trust. That arm will lead us to happiness1 And anyone who corrupts that happiness... I won't allow them to live.
1ahem cult cult cult cult. all jokes aside considering what we know of Miranda and the word choice in daughters
corruption meaning: to make someone or something become dishonest or immoral
Jim's letter: Wrecked ship bunk room 1st Deck (where the fuse is)
Dear Janet, Hey, how's it going? I guess half a year or so will have passed by the time you get this letter. Life is so boring here. Day after day, just the same old sea. Although there is one thing that's different. This time we have some passengers sailing with us, which hardly ever happens. It's a couple with a young girl. I think they're distant relatives of the captain. Imagine, traveling on a tanker instead of a passenger ship. They must be hard up! I tried talking to the little girl earlier and her dad shot me this nasty look. What's he so worried about? Now that I think of it, the captian said he didn't even have any relatives… Maybe I'm overthinking this. I miss you. Love, Jim
a little hint of time to how long the Annabelle was expected to be at sea (mentioned in my Mia and Alan post)
poor Jim I wonder how he died. I wonder how Janet is doing as she like every other person waiting for news on the crew was feeling. I wonder if anyone else was suspicious about Mia, Alan and Evie.
Giovannis Will Bunk room 1st deck
It's too late for us, but at least I can let the world know what happened here. I was on night shift yesterday, so I was taking a nap in the bunk room around noon. I was half asleep and I heard a kid, a little girl, laughing. Or was that all in my head? I woke up at 19:30: there was some sort of ruckus in the passageway. Drew, one of the engineers, came in and said there was something going on down below, maybe a riot. He looked pale in the face. He told me he was going down to check it out, but he never came back. It must have been around 19:50 when I heard the scream. I went to the laundry room to check and saw Clark being eaten by some sort of black-ish monster. The monster turned and started coming towards me, huge, shark-like teeth snapping in its jaw. I just screamed like a little girl and ran for it. Now I'm huddled up in the bunk room, shaking as I write this. There's a whole host of those creatures lurking in the passageways now. I can still hear screams now and then, but there's no way I'm going out there now. And that's it: I've written everything I know. Giovanni Finetti
depending on how you play the wrecked ship you can find before you play the tape. Giovanni was infected at some point because he heard Evie laughing
Orders 2nd floor safe room
Special Operations Division Director Alan Droney and Caretaker Mia Winters : Recent reports suggest that if Eveline remains at her current location, she is at a high risk of being stolen by opposing organizations. Your orders, therefore, are to transfer Eveline to our Central American branch for safe keeping until further notice. During transfer, be sure to adhere to the following protocols: Act as parental guardians for Eveline at all times to avoid suspicion. Manage Eveline's vitals via the Genome Codex provided. If the mission is compromised beyond reconciliation, dispose of Eveline
not to keep harping on the things but Alan is Mia's boss and Mia was low on the food chain not only is this an example of dehumanising Evie its also kinda dehumaninsing Mia because from indeed the description of a caretaker is: A Caretaker, or Janitor or a Site Manager, takes care of the security and maintenance of community buildings. Their duties include cleaning, performing simple repairs and maintenance tasks and performing security checks for the buildings in their care.
we don't know who the threat was (partially BSAA but the others? who knows)
avoid suspicion my ass I say this because there were better ways to deal with this sending someone who actually knew kids. Not acting weird when seen by other people on the ship Alan.
another moment of dehuminisation of Evie and they skip straight to "beyond reconciliation" which again makes me doubt they wanted Evie to get to where she was going
Email log salt mines
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 12:42 AM Thanks to you guys it's been about a week since my head's been clear and back to normal. And she STILL thinks she's got me! You guys really need to work on fixing that. Not only does she look like a little kid, but she's about as stupid as one, too. Mom and dad are still totally under though. I was wondering. Is the whole "family" obsession something you guys programmed into her? It's kinda fucked up.
so the Bakers were gradually taken over begining from 10th Oct 2014 so this is three? months later. How were the Connections searching for them or did he find a way to contact them from using the boxes containing the d series arm and head?
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2015 2:10 AM That bitch Mia is still somewhere in between Evie-La-La Land and reality. She gets pretty violent, so I locked her up in a cell. I thought maybe Eveline would get mad since Mia's her favorite and all, but she doesn't seem to care. She actually goes and visits her sometimes. She thinks Mia's her mommy. Like I said, your "bioweapon" is fucked up.
so a little longer between Jan and November. I wonder what act of violence was the catalyst for Mia being locked up for 2/3 years. I wonder what Evie was thinking "doesn't seem to care" because of her upbringing I would say it just seemed normal to her? I wonder if it was during these visits they learn of Ethan's existence?
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2016 1:10 AM Eveline's family obsession is getting out of hand. She's making everyone kidnap more and more assholes off the street to add to her freak show of a family. Maybe she's getting tired of Mia not coming around, but it's a pain in the ass for me because I gotta clean up the mess whenever someone new comes along. By the way, Evie's looking sick or something. Her skin is getting all wrinkly and she's getting grey hairs. Is that supposed to happen? It's almost like she's getting old all of a sudden.
Mia still holding strong against Evie's desires despite being in the cell. I wonder what was going through Evie's head when she wanted more people to join the family
Infection Report
This report details the symptoms that appear when the bacterium* that grows inside the E-Series infects a human. Be sure to read this document throughly before dealing with E-Series weaponized assets. Hereafter referred to as "mold". Initial Infection. The mold ingests nutrients from the subject's body to propagate itself, and slowly takes over cells within the body. As a side effect of this, the infected subject gains remarkable regenerative abilities. During experiments, we removed arms and legs from test subjects and found that they were able to coapt the amputated limbs in a matter of minutes. Mid-stage Infection: Once the mold reaches the brain, the subject's thoughts become "in tune" with those of the E-Series asset. If this state continues, the host will lose all sense of ego. Complete Infection: After every cell in the body has been taken over by the mold, the subject begins to lose their human form. Physical mutations differ from case to case, but all result in him or her acquiring incredible physical strength. Containing a subject at this stage would be extremely difficult.
Zombie Ant Fungus (information from Britannica) Once the fungal mass inside an infected ant reaches a critical size (usually about 16–24 days following infection), the ant is induced to leave its nest at different times than its regular foraging habits, and it fails to walk along established ant trails. Infected ants are generally unresponsive to external stimuli, including other ants... Carpenter ants in areas with zombie-ant fungus have evolved a number of adaptations to limit their exposure to the parasite. Carpenter ants in infested areas tend to be more arboreal than those without the fungus threat, suggesting that they avoid the forest floor to limit exposure to the spores. They also practice social grooming and can remove spores from each other’s bodies before infection can occur. The ants have also been observed to carry infected members of the colony away from the nest and from their usual ant trails on the forest floor to reduce the spread of spores to high traffic areas, and they are known to actively avoid the graveyards of infected dead.
nothing more needs to be said does it?
Report One (much of this is redacted) salt mine still you can read the full thing here. but i'm focusing on the bits that stood out to me.
This project was instigated in 2000 as one of several concepts for the company's NEXBAS (next-generation experimental battlefield superiority) initiative, working with technical assistance from H.C.F., to develop a bioweapon for neutralizing combatants en masse with minimal direct contact. NEXBAS was later folded, and all its assets diverted to this project. What makes this project markedly different from conventional weapons is its ability to turn enemy combatants into allies; converting hostile elements into willing servants... The resultant organisms were referred to as "candidate specimens" and graded based on usability, from the impratical and faulty Series A through D, to the perfected E-Series. A common appearance was selected for the bioweapons; that of a roughly ten-year-old girl, to ensure ease of blending in with urban/refugee populations... Eveline's control is exerted in a series of discrete stages, the first of which is hallucination. Almost immediately after infection, the subject begins to see images of Eveline (though she is not in fact there) and hear her voice (which is inaudible to anyone else). Auditions with infected subjects throughout the stages of infection reveal that at first, the phantom Eveline appears to be a normal young girl, sometimes desiring companionship or assistance. As time progresses, she begins making more and more extreme demands, including self-mutilation and attacks on other people. The psychological shock this induces helps to break down the mind's natural barriers to Eveline's brainwashing effect, and by the time mental control is achieved, the mutamycete infection has progressed throughout the body's cells...
1 H.C.F. is Wesker he was in charge of it for a time and it and he was behind the events of code veronica
2 this was Evie's sales pitch. Essentially Evie being dropped into a combat zone she would be able to stop the fighting (the regenerative factor was just a bonus)
3 from the way this is worded the other mutamycete experiments had different looks, but for the way they were going to use them a 10 year old child is best.
4 what happened to Ethan is he heard her first and heard her after getting the arm
5 we see all this happen with Jack when he stabbed himself and attacks Margurite and Zoe
Report 2
... The researchers have been calling these super-organisms the "Molded"; made of mold, and also molded as in "shaped". The name has a certain elegance to it. For the treatment of accidental infections, performing □□□□□ on samples of Eveline's body tissue produces a unique fungicidal serum. 1 Administering the serum to an infected subject will cause the mycelia to calcify, but if the subject's cells are already largely invaded, the serum will be fatal. 2 Since the treatment window is so small, the serum's primary use is therefore disposal of infected subjected, rather than a cure. In exploring the serum's potential, we found that subjecting it to □□□□□ would enhance its effects to extreme potency, becoming a compound we now call E-Necrotoxin, which □□□□□□□□□□□□□ in even tiny amounts. 3 What's been interesting to observe in Eveline's behavior is her obsession with the concept of family. In experiments, we found multiple occasions that infected subjects were compelled to act as her "mother" or "father", treating her as if she were really their daughter. Why did she settle upon family as the theme for her mental control? This is just speculation, but it could be that she instinctively understands that a family unit is better suited to blending into social groups than a lone girl. On the other hand…well, a sentimental sort might suggest she's making up for a perceived lack of "love" in her quarantined upbringing. A parent's love.
1 see this in the boathouse
2 say it with me the serum that Zoe was putting a lot of hope on is basic and wouldn't have worked either way (I didn't think of this at the time but this is why Alan didn't suggest getting the serum prepared for him when he was still alive)
3 I would say its both due to her own wants and what she can infer from around. And this also part of why Village is a little stupid at parts because of the picture we see with Miranda and Evie wearing what she was when getting on the boat so either Miranda didn't have much direct contact with the clone of her daughter or she did and for the sake of brevity the author of the report didn't mention her. I say its the latter. Miranda and the Connections at large are the worst either way.
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
28? :D
The door slid away into its frame, making little noise. Sinclair rubbed at his eyes stepped through into the minimally decorated accommodation. The long white lab coat was shrugged from their shoulders and ended up on the nearest side of the bare grey couch, soon followed by the scientist slumping down alongside it, sluggishly blinking as their head fell back, facing the ceiling.
A chill filled the air, making the breath coming from their mouth visible and standing their hairs on end. The seat next to them did the opposite, heating up as a dark crimson stain began to grow on the cushion next to Sinclair. It grew to roughly the size of the cushion it covered before a clawed hand reached up through the scarlet myre, fingertips bony and sharp as they gently fumbled for the arm of the chair. Finding purchase, the shape widened and deepened in hue, as a figure began to climb through. The other hand came first, followed by the figure’s torso, completed with their legs and the long bony tail that protruded from the base of their spine. The figure pulled themselves into a seated position, crossing their legs as the fearsome skeletal visage that covered their face faded into ash, revealing the mostly human features of one Heloise Contraire. 
“Rough day?” Heloise asked, their cool voice as the air around the pair, like they hadn’t just crawled through some ungodly crevice in reality. They yawned and stretched their arms out, adding “Cecil’s had me running around all day, chasing after some stolen tech he said was ‘of the highest importance’, apparently”, making sure to imitate the sullen director’s monotone cadence, as well as his unchanging scowl. 
“Let me guess,” Sinclair joked, “not even that important?”
“Tasers” the half-demon answered. “I jumped across three different continents in the space of a week... for tasers.”
Sinclair grimaced at the mention of the distance. He was well aware of the strain that opening too many portals could have on their partner, but even the span of continents seemed extreme. If he wasn’t so concerned right now, he’d be taking notes. “Yeowch! Are you alright?” the scientist asked. 
“I’ve had worse running around with Ian!” they chuckled. “Anyway, you never answered my question”
To say Sinclair’s week was rough was definitely an understatement. It had been difficult enough to create a single Reaniman in a sewer, and it only got harder now that he was producing them on a near-industrial scale as Cecil Stedman’s private army. If he still had the energy, he’d be complaining about how the demands he was under meant he couldn’t give each model the love it so deserves. However, out of all the stress of the week, there was one good thing that came to mind. 
“You know my supervisor, Stephen?”. The relationship between the two was strained to say the least, especially with the elder scientist’s almost non-stop rants about strange concepts like ‘scientific ethics’ and ‘rights of the deceased’, ironic given his current posting. 
“Ahh, the infamous Stephen! Please tell me the universe finally heeded my prayers and struck the old bastard down where he stood!” Heloise had long been opposed him, even more so after his crass remarks about how much of an ‘unsettling specimen’ they were. 
“Not that lucky, but it’s a bit funny” Sinclair replied. “Two days ago, he comes into the workshop, grumbling into his coffee like he always does. Only today, he doesn’t notice a claw hand that someone left on the floor...” they began, pausing to gesture at the arm of their shirt. “Coffee all over!”
Heloise didn’t seem impressed. “That it? You said it’d be funny”
“Oh, I’m not done yet!” Sinclair confidently answered. “You see, once the coffee gets on his arm, he stumbles back trying to get it off. Now eventually, he loses his footing, so he goes to grab something, which just so happens to be the water cooler”
Heloise’s face visibly lit up at the end. “Please be going where I think this is going” 
“It’s the funniest thing, and I still can’t quite explain it even now, but it seems that someone must’ve loosened the jug on the cooler, so when Stephen grabs it...” he continued with a chuckle, pausing to move their hands in a sort of upward circular motion, probably trying to imitate the water from the cooler, “...splash! soaked like a human sponge!” 
No sooner had Sinclair said that than had Heloise burst out laughing, taking a great amount of joy in the story of the man’s misfortune. the scientist soon joined them, and the pair sat on the couch for a good five or so minutes shedding tears of laughter. “Oh my!” the half-demon eventually managed to breathe out through their wheezing breaths. “How... how long did it take you to- haha!- to calculate the angle?” 
“Oh, about... three or four days” Sinclair answered, using their tumb to wipe a tear from the corner of their eye. “Honestly, the hardest part was figuring out how many steps it would take him to fall over. Fun fact: it was five and a half!”
“You are something else, dear”
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Okay okay, this idea's been haunting me with all the siren asks, so I gotta throw it out here. Do you know the Subnautica game's premise, where you crash land on an ocean planet? Imagine MC, the lone survivor of a terrible crash on an alien ocean world, struggling to survive and find resources... and on their ventures into the deep attract the attention of some dangerous, intelligent skelly leviathans that take a liking to this cute little creature. Decide to show the morsel some mercy, since it's clearly struggling to do even basic things such as hunting or defending its self. And MC just going "???" when these big scary skeletal predators appear to be helping them rather than hunting them Even if you're not familiar with Subnautica, I thought this might be a fun fit with the skelly siren theme! :)
I hope you're happy anon I've been thinking about your ask obsessively for the past two days. Welcome to sansnautica bitches
Mc crash lands in the beautiful blue alien waste... she has no defence but her sharp mind, no offence but a small knife, and most importantly no way out. She has to learn to survive before this planet learns to kill her.
Sans: Sans shares the blotched black and white colouring style of his Earth counterpart, but not much else. His most notable trait is his four eyesockets. Everything on this new planet is bioluminescent, and Sans is no exception; the black parts of his body can become freckled with a blue glow, blending him into the landscape. He can also move the lights- 'rippling' the glow to very convincingly mimic sunshine casting across the sea floor.
As per tradition, he meets Mc first. Where she crashed is juuust inside his territory... so he’s the first to check out her escape-pod-turned-refuge. He visits at night, when he’s most active, and at first he’s a menace... tapping and scratching on the walls, his ominous dark shape circling her home, so long as the sun is down she’s trapped indoors with no help and no escape. Lots of very, very long nights huddled in her pod while various terrifying, otherwordly sounds filter through the walls.
... But after a few days, she starts finding dead animals in the morning, outside her pod. Usually unceremoniously dumped on the only part of the shelter that’s above water. Is it a threat?
(... It's Sans seeing how terrible she is at catching fish, and deciding he needs to intervene. He can't just let her starve...)
Red: Also has four sockets. He resembles a shark, but borrows the reaper's colour scheme and mandible-like mouthpieces he can use to grab at prey. Like everything in his world he can light up his body beautifully and intricately but he mostly uses large, wide, bright bioluminescent patches dotted across his body that resemble the glowing fruit of the giant seaweed in his home territory. He occupies the looming kelp forests, where the towering plants and murky water disguise his massive form; where all he needs is one burst of immense speed to catch any prey stupid enough to wander in. Like, for instance... a cute little creature he’s never seen before, who seems to be desperately searching for metal.
... He really likes metal. He’s pretty possessive of it. He scavenged his gold tooth himself- he likes to decorate himself and his nest with the flashiest shards. But what he really likes is pretty things. And, heh, a sweet treat like her? Wandering completely unknowingly into his territory, so small, so easy to see, so easy to stalk?
Well... now, he's got something else he wants to add to his collection.
Skull: He, at first, seems like the most 'normal' looking of all the apex predators. A skeleton with two sockets, the lower half of a giant squid, no suckers, the underside of all his tentacles always glowing a beautiful hypnotising rainbow of pastels that's difficult to look away from. In fact... the only strange part about Skull seems to be his immense size, and the small vertical line on his chin running from the bottom of his mouth all the way over his mandible.
... He has two mouths. The one on his face is for smaller food, for communicating, singing and breathing- the small line is because it splits open into thirds to allow him to spit clouds of glowing corrosive acid. His ribcage isn't just a ribcage; it's actually his second mouth, reserved for larger prey.
He normally stalks the dark far edges of the reef, but after the main ship crash he's started coming further and further into the shallows, encroaching slowly on Sans' territory, picking off the escape pods full of survivors that don't require him to encroach TOO far and get in a fight. He's the only thing Sans and Red fear. Mc meets him when she follows a distress signal out to the rim of the shallows... for him, spotting her swimming through the serene emptiness, it's love at first sight- and she only escapes his 'love' by wedging herself into the furthest end of a cave and waiting for him to get frustrated and leave.
Before, he was only entering Sans' territory for small periods of time, and not going that far in... but now? He's searching for her. He's on the hunt. And if he sees her again, he's not going to stop.
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Hi, my first time here.Helluva Pet! with Blitz, Loona and Stolas (with Stella if you write to her) being the reader's pets, please?
Hello. I really hope that I understood your request correctly. If not, please write about it
Platonic headcanons Pet
😈 Blitzø x Reader 🐴
When you found a cat under your door, you were surprised. But you loved animals and could not leave the poor cat to its fate
You quickly realized that the animal you sheltered was unusual. The cat was very smart and playful. Blitzø, which is exactly what you called, was affectionate, but harmful
It liked to climb into places where you didn't even think it would climb. It tore up toys in the shape of birds, but it loved to look at horses when they were shown on TV
Your life has become much more fun with the advent of Blitzø. It saw when you were sad and tried to cheer you up. It was affectionate, although he could playfully cling to your hand. But you still loved your pet
🐺 Loona 📱
When one day you found a big dog in your yard, at first you were scared. She looked formidable. But you felt sorry for dog. You brought dog something to eat. The dog still looked at you with disbelief, but allowed you to come closer. On the dog's neck was a collar on which her name was written. The dog's name was Loona
At first, you fed Loona until it began to live with you. You liked dogs, even though Loona had a difficult character. It often took up the entire sofa, could growl at you, but it never tried to bite you
The dog got attached to you, but she didn't really like your friends. Loona could growl at them. Your friends were afraid of your dog. It seemed creepy to them
Even though your dog was creepy, you loved it. Loona was part of your family and you wouldn't have traded it for anyone else
🦉 Stolas x Reader 🎩
When you woke up one night from a knock on the window, you were scared. You found the strength to pull back the curtains and look out the window. An owl was sitting outside the window
You opened the window. The bird has moved to your windowsill. You've never seen an owl so close, so you were curious. The bird behaved as if it was tame, you were even able to pet it. The owl began to fly to you almost every night, which was strange on the one hand, but great on the other
You named the owl Stolas. The bird was very affectionate and adored your touch. Stolas really liked it when you stroke him. You weren't sure that this is how owls usually behave, but Stolas was very clingy
You were not sure that Stolas was your pet. The owl came quite often, but you didn't keep the bird at home. Stolas was free and could fly in and out whenever it wanted, but despite this, it always flew to you and you were always happy with the company of your feathered friend
🦉 Stella x Reader 👑
When you found the wounded owl, you were excited. You didn't want the bird to be hurt, so you carefully brought it into the house. To your surprise, the owl did not resist
You took care of the bird, trying not to make it worse. It wound was not serious, so there were no problems, but you decided to keep the bird with you until it finally recovers
You named the owl Stella. The bird behaved like a real person of royal blood, which seemed even cute. Stella was very picky about food and always looked down on all the guests. You were the only one to whom the bird was condescending
Stella treated you really well. Sometimes you thought that you were her pet. You rejected these thoughts, but one look at Stella let's understand that it was the right thought
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Michael In Prison
Character List: Michael C!Dream C!Sam C!Quackity
Trigger Warning:
Read at your own risk
-Child Abuse -Child Neglect -Depictions of Torture and Abuse
Note before going into this- I saw the-final-sif’s Convict Childcare au and please note that there is no correlation! I created this AU on the Rainy Weather discord server and only found the child care au today! However, it is really amazing and please please go check it out. I binged reading it all day and its so so good!!!
This is an Au where the events that led to Sam getting Michael happened a LOT sooner than planned. In his panic of not having anywhere to place Michael, Quackity comes up with the ‘brilliant’ plan of “Why don’t we put Michael in with Dream?”
Lets get into the Au then :D
-Dream is a Dragon Hybrid, specifically an Albino Ender Dragon. He used to have wings, however Sam cut them off after a month or two in the prison due to them being a ‘security risk’ and the amount of times Sam got hit by them. Now, most of his draconic traits are patches of scales, fanged teeth, horns, sharp nails and his vertical-slit pupils. He can also snarl, growl and purr but cannot breathe fire (well he can, but its a huge risk since it can burn him from the inside). He has a lot of draconic instincts as well, and falls into a more ‘feral’ state as his mental health decreases. 
-Michael is of course a baby zombie Piglin, and technically an ‘enemy’ to End Creatures. He used to be terrified of Ranboo when he first met him, but now he doesn’t have the instinct to be afraid of End-Born Creatures. He was found alone in the Nether Wastes by Tubbo and Ranboo, and loves his parents very much.  He cannot speak, both common and Piglin (he’s completely silent), but knows a few signs such as Food/Hungry, More, Tired and a few similar things just so he can start to communicate with his parents. Tubbo and Ranboo are learning to really understand sign first before they start really teaching Michael. 
-Sam originally had Michael in his base, however stuck between guarding the prison, letting Quackity in and out, potentially having to heal Dream and then having to also take care of a high needs child, found that it was much too difficult to juggle everything. Next he puts Michael in one of the jail cells, but then finds that Michael is not doing well since he is a Piglin and needs social interaction. That's when Quackity comes in and says “Why not shove him in with Dream?”
-Sam says no at first, deciding to put more focus on ‘caring’ for Michael, but finds himself growing increasingly frustrated. Michael is constantly terrified of him, crying a lot and Sam gets headaches every time he enters the cell. Then he thinks “Hey, if anything, Dream will kill Michael and put me out of my damn misery...and properly piss off a lot of the server since Michael is MUCH younger than Tommy”. He doesn’t even consider the idea of Dream actually liking Michael.
-About 3 weeks of Michael alone in the cell, he is then transferred to the main prison cell. 
-He is rightly terrified of Dream at first. He had no idea what to expect of this strange person who smelled of blood and stench, or what this person would want from him. So for the first few days, he’s keeping his distance despite shivering and craving contact. It isn’t until Dream makes the first move, asking him if he wants to come over to him with slightly opened arms that gets Michael to throw himself into his arms and being brought into a tight hug. 
-That’s the start of their bond. Dream is giving Michael most of his food, even if its barely enough to keep Dream functioning. Especially since they only seem to be getting a potato each and Dream is giving Michael half of his own potato. Dream keeps Michael warm, and tries his best to entertain him with stories of adventures when he was younger, or pretending to find shapes within the lava. Sometimes if Dream can find the strength to do so, he will sing Michael lullabies when he’s having trouble sleeping.
-Dream teaches Michael proper sign. Wanting to communicate with the little Piglin more now that he finally has company. He knows sign through both Callahan and a desire to be able to communicate with a lot of people (he knows quite a few languages and learning Spanish through the torture sessions with Quackity). Michael is a quick learner, and seems to take Dream’s teachings really well. 
-Once Michael asks what happened to Dream, but Dream just plays it off like “I got hurt, but I am okay now little one”
-Its about a month until Quackity decides he wants to return. Annoyed that Sam has been keeping him from Dream for so long, and says he can handle a stupid Piglin. Plus its just a kid, what could Michael do?
-So he returns, and immediately when Dream realizes as he hears Quackity’s voice, he tells him “We have a new game now, I want you to close your eyes and face that wall okay bud? Put your hands over your ears and I want you to count all the way to 100, if you mess up, start over okay?”
-Of course, Michael listens. He can hear Dream’s urgency, and does what he says. He keeps going, restarting since he still is so young and can barely get to 20 without messing up. He only stops when he feels Dream’s hand on his shoulder to which he opens his eyes and looks at Dream. There seems to be fresh wounds, and Michael can smell the pain radiating off of him. 
-Dream teaches Michael how to sign his name that day, as well as Ranboo’s and Tubbo’s name. Michael then spells out Dream’s name, before signing ‘family’ with a bright white smile. Dream just pulls him close. 
-Quackity comes back every day. Michael only looked back once, and wakes up with squealing nightmares when he dreams of Dream crying as Quackity sliced across his skin. 
-Dream stopped screaming or making noises. He knows that Michael knows something is wrong, but he refuses to let the kid know the extent. Quackity hates it, and deals his frustration out with more grueling and horrifying methods of torture. All to get Dream to scream. 
-Quackity once tried to target Michael. Grabbing him and bringing the knife to just garner some reaction out of Dream. This resulted with Dream’s hands around Quackity’s throat, his claws digging into his neck as he snarled and threatened “Don’t you EVER touch him again”. Sam had to rip Dream off of him and Michael went running to Dream who wrapped himself around him protectively. 
-Dream sometimes purrs when Michael is having a hard time calming down. Michael usually falls asleep when he does so. 
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
I remember you making a post about Momo's theoretical sickass lava bankai - what if she achieved it in the middle of the ryouka invasion clusterfuck?
Oh, the old Momo’s bankai post? The same post where I said that getting bankai was not necessarily a sign of being a good person or a moral person and it certainly wasn’t a sign of being a mentally healthy person? That it was really just a sign of being driven to single-minded extremes? That post?
I was outside gardening when I got the notification for this ask, and I failed my critical reading check on the second part of it, and somehow got “Fake Karakura Town clusterfuck” instead of “ryouka invastion clusterfuck” and by the time I read it more carefully, I was already too in love with the idea that I had come up with, but I know what you like and I think you will like this.
Did Polynya stay between 500 and 1000 words?: 1668 
| ao3 | ff.net |
🔥      🔥      🔥
“Captain Aizen?” asked Gin. “Is everything all right?”
Aizen narrowed his eyes. “Something is coming through.”
Like nearly all of Yamamoto’s techniques, Joukaku Enjou was a manifestation of elemental fire magic. Elemental magic was difficult to control for anyone who didn’t specialize in it; countering it relied on tapping into the underlying kidou that controlled the spell. Joukaku Enjou didn’t have any underlying magical control structures, though, it was simply a giant sphere of horrifically hot flames that burned until it got tired of burning. Yamamoto himself could even be killed and it would continue on.
So, when Aizen felt a strange presence making its way through the bulwark of flames, he assumed it was the doing of the Captain-Commander himself. Aizen knew an illusion when he saw one, and this was definitely something physical. It was a cold spot within the fire-- not actually cold, mind you, just less hot, and yet it seemed to be traversing the barrier with only minor difficulty, the way one might wade through thigh-deep water. It had its own reiatsu--heavily muffled by the smothering magical static of Ryuujin Jakka, but familiar enough.
Tousen’s hand drifted to his sword hilt, Gin rocked on his heels. Perhaps they were trying to signal their readiness, their allegiance to him, but it honestly just came off as cowardice. To be fair, sometimes cowardice was a good thing to see in a subordinate.
“Attempting some sort of high-concept appeal is new for Yamamoto,” Aizen sighed boredly. “Hopefully it will at least be amusing in its feebleness.”
But when the small figure, the crude form of a woman shaped from molten rock, emerged into the clearing, as the flames wreathing its form fizzled down to glowing coals, it became clear that this was not some sort of construct, not some sort of simulacrum designed to elicit sympathies for a woman Aizen had never seen as anything more than an amusing plaything.
“Kill her,” Aizen demanded.
Gin was faster, of course, but Tousen was hardly far behind.
“Oh,” said the lava thing in the voice of Hinamori Momo, as she looked down to see her midsection skewered from two directions. “Well, that’s convenient. I was wondering how I was going to get you to touch me with your sword, Captain Tousen.”
And then, faster than he would have expected, streams of magma erupted from her, engulfing both zanpakutou, curling in great waves around his subordinates and cooling nearly instantaneously into rock.
“You didn’t even go to shikai, though,” Momo sighed, because it was Momo, but a Momo extrapolated to some impossible endstate, a Momo who had somehow found her own power, despite the years Aizen had spent chipping away at the foundations of her psyche. “I had to go to all the trouble of talking to Captain Zaraki to find out how he beat you, and I didn’t even need to! I wasn’t expecting such close conditions, although I suppose I shouldn’t complain about something that went so heavily to my advantage.”
Aizen’s eyes darted from Tousen to Gin and back again, as the rock consumed their faces, leaving only their eyes and noses exposed.
“I should kill you both, for what you’ve done to Captain Aizen,” Hinamori tried to growl, sounding no more threatening than a nursery school teacher. “But I’m not like you. You’ll just have to face justice back in Soul Society.”
Aizen’s mind worked frantically. This was unexpected, but not insurmountable. Momo had…was this her bankai? It had to be, her reiatsu was far beyond what he ever dreamed she was capable of. Fortunately, her brain capacity seemed to be at its usual dismal levels.
“Lieutenant Hinamori!” he gasped. “Oh, you’ve come for me! I knew that no one would believe--”
“I’m sorry if you’re talking to me right now, Captain,” Hinamori interrupted. “Or if I’m talking too loud. I’ve sabotaged all my sensory organs, you see. I know you aren’t yourself right now, and I couldn’t run the risk of you using Kyouka Suigetsu on me. I don’t know if Total Hypnosis extends into the infrared, but I am betting that my perception in that realm exceeds your ability to convincingly manipulate it.”
Aizen grabbed for his sword, when scorching heat blossomed in his chest at the base of his sternum.
“Oh, wonderful, it did work!” Momo exclaimed.
“Bakudo 81! Dankuu!” Aizen wheezed out, the translucent ward snapping into place in front of him.
“Sorry, Captain! Dankuu works by creating a thin vacuum field which disrupts the casting line of most kidou spells. But you see, my power is radiative in nature, it works just fine through a vacuum.”
“Hrnnngh,” Aizen managed as he doubled over in pain, scrabbling at the skin of his mid-section. He was dimly aware of Momo moving toward him with the graceful and yet entirely unnatural locomotion of a bunraku puppet. “I can heat any sort of rock up to and over its melting point,” Momo explained, although Aizen was hardly in the mood to pay attention. “I knew the Hougyoku was crystalline in structure, but I wasn’t sure I would be able to affect it.”
“No…” Aizen grunted. “A simple being like you would never be able to destroy it.”
Momo laughed, a pretty, silvery sound. “Oh, Captain Aizen, even though I can’t hear you, I bet I can guess what you just said! ‘An ordinary person, even in bankai, couldn’t destroy the Hougyoku.’ I can see your surprise through your changes in body temperature, you know. I can see how impressed you are with me right now, but I can’t help it, I just have to ruin the magic and tell you my clever little trick! I’m not going to destroy the Hougyoku, I’m just trying to get it out of you so you can think clearly again. You’re right, of course, it wouldn’t let me do this if I intended to destroy it, but it doesn’t mind being burned out of a host. You had planned to burn it out Ms. Kuchiki with the Soukyoku. Renji told me so. It’s bad, Captain, can’t you see? It makes you do horrible things! I’m sure that killing the Central 46 was Captain Ichimaru’s doing, but you tried to kill Miss Kuchiki. You tried to kill Renji, too, and that poor ryouka boy. I forgive you for trying to kill me, because that’s how I knew you were being controlled. My captain would never hurt me. And that’s how I was able to dig down deep into myself and find my bankai. I mean…Renji got bankai. I can do anything Renji can do. At first they were watching me very closely, but you were the one who taught me to tell when I’m being observed, how to be so boring that your watchers lose interest in you. I’ll tell you all about it later, when this is all over.”
She crouched next to him, heat pouring off of her, the sharp smell of hot metal filling his nose.
“I’ve been trying to forgive you for pretending to be dead and scaring me, but that’s been a little harder. I’m sure I’ll be able to eventually, although…well an apology couldn’t hurt.”
The pain was blinding, overwhelming. His vision was beginning to blacken around the edges. Even if he could bring to mind any kidou that could defend against this, there was no way he could cast it in this state. Desperately, he reached out to the Hougyoku itself. I know you have begun to awake! he begged. I am the one who will bring you the greatest glory! You must come to my aid!
The Hougoku remained silent.
“Don’t worry, Captain! I’ve thought all of this out! By heating the Hougyoku directly it will burn away the minimum amount of your flesh necessary to loosen itself. I promise I will heal you up promptly as soon as it’s free!”
Things went a bit black after that, and when he came to again, there was something hard and heavy covering the lower part of his face, and he couldn’t move his hands or feet.
Momo was leaning over him. For the first time, he was able to get a good look at her. Her face was off-putting, too stiff, too constructed, like a Noh mask. Maybe he hadn’t noticed before, or maybe she had just grown them, but a trio of prongs protruded from her head, likes horns or, perhaps a crown. Two more sprouted from each shoulder. Seven, of course, a seven-branched sword. Her body was mostly black, with shifting veins of violet and ruby beneath her gently drifting tectonic plates. Maybe it had been reflections from Yamamoto’s flames earlier, but he had sworn that she had been more…reddish orange…before…
“Oh, good, you’re awake now!” She sighed. “I’m sorry Captain, but I wasn’t able to plan for everything. I thought that if I held myself to a high enough internal temperature, I could make an internal pocket of atomized air that could safely hold the Hougyoku. You know. Without it trying to merge with me.”
Aizen tried to grab at his chest, at the place where the Hougyoku had nestled inside him, a star, gently dreaming. But he couldn’t move his arms. A finger of rock held his tongue to the floor of his mouth, cuffs of it bound the kidou vents in his wrists, pins of it stabbed the pressure points in his back that paralyzed his soul chain.
“I think it will be okay, though,” Momo went on, whether to reassure him or herself was unclear. “The Hougyoku seems very happy. I don’t have a heart in this form, so it has nothing to compete with. It says it’s going to grant my greatest wish. But my greatest wish, Captain Aizen, is just for you to come home again, safe and sound and for everyone to understand that none of this was your fault! So don’t you worry about anything, Captain. I’ll take care of it all.”
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annieedisonslostpen · 2 years
Here are some shows I recommend to everyone!!! I just want the chance to gush about my favorite shows and if this convinces you to watch any of them, then I will consider my life’s mission complete and I will die peacefully 💕 (these are in no particular order btw)
1. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- I love this show. I love it so much. The first show to ever make me laugh OUT LOUD in my empty home while watching, like a full on belly-laugh even with no one else around. I got my roommate/bestie/partner to like this show, and now our dorm room is covered in iasip stuff. It’s half satire and half pure comedy, with some really dynamic and funny characters and a super simple premise (5 people own a bar. They get up to shenanigans around Philly. They are also the most terrible people on the planet and have no regard for others.) I know a lot of people hate the first season (probably for good reason, the political satire didn’t click very well from the get-go and its… difficult… to sit through some scenes) but I still enjoy it purely for how funny the characters are despite being awful people. Notable episodes are The Nightman Cometh (4x13), The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis (4x2), A Very Sunny Christmas (6x13), and The Gang Dances Their Asses Off (3x15).
2. Barry
- this is the most recent show that I finished all the way through, and I have to say, it’s really that good. Bill Hader is a really amazing actor — I had only seen him on SNL before this, and I had no idea he could display such a perfectly horrifying range of emotions. It starts a little slow; the first couple of episodes are good, not outstanding, but then it really picks up and creates a super strange, almost surreal atmosphere of tension/emotion/drama. Basically, the premise is that a professional hit man realizes his true passion is acting, but can’t seem to shake his past and move forward with his plan of redemption. A super great show. Honestly I can’t pick a single episode or two that are my favorite, but Ronny/Lily from season 2 was nominated for an Emmy I think, so check that one out :) this show is also very very violent so just giving you a warning now lol
3. Arrested Development
- this show is so good??? what???? honestly I never watched the last two seasons (I tried — I failed), but the third season ends the show perfectly, you don’t have to watch after that if it’s not holding your attention like it didn’t hold mine. I don’t even know how to describe how well this show (especially the first season, which is the best first season of almost any show I’ve seen) interconnects all these crazy jokes, plot lines, and characters so effortlessly. It’s fucking insane. I think (?) Drew Gooden made a video about how AD was ahead of its time, go check that out if you’re interested in hearing more about the humor style bc it’s really hard to explain. The premise is that a super rich family ends up losing their money when the patriarch is sent to jail for fraud (??) and hijinks ensue. Best episodes are Bringing Up Buster (1x3), Pier Pressure (1x10), and Let ‘Em Eat Cake (1x22).
4. What We Do In The Shadows
- vampires who live in Staten Island with their human familiar, what could be better than that?? I am not going to sit here and say that this show is amazing or perfectly written — it’s not, but something about the passion that the actors put into their roles, how they absolutely fully commit to the goofiness, is super endearing and hooked me from the beginning. It’s campy and fun with a dark sense of humor, and really sells its concept well. Vampires!!! Blood!!! Homosexuals???? The Casino (3x4) is a standout episode to me, but most of the episodes are about the same quality in my mind.
5. Succession
- yeah this show deserves all the fucking awards. It’s so good. I almost never choose to watch dramas, but I was promised gay people, and while that kind of didn’t shape out, the rest of the story is just amazing. I’m sure you guys have heard people rave about this show, and you should listen to them, because they are fucking right!!!! On the outside, it looks like a bland, colorless business drama, but once you dive into it (the first half of season one is kind of a slog), there is so much pain, love, redemption, loss, and beauty hidden under the layers of the show (and this reflects the characters too — stale from the outside, but much deeper and intriguing on the inside). The writing is spectacular. The jokes are actually funny?? The camera work and acting is incredible (seriously, props to Jeremy Strong for making me have overwhelming levels of empathy for his shitty, horrible character. Also, all the other actors and actresses are amazing, I can’t think of a single one who put in less than 110% into their role). Just go watch it. All the episodes are good, but the beginning episode of season 3 is such a strangely compelling and relatable character journey for Kendall, I felt way too many emotions in one sitting.
6. Stranger Things (Season 1)
- I am currently at the end of season 2, and while I still really enjoy it, I don’t think there has ever been a more cohesive and enjoyable first season of a show than Stranger Things. Like.. when people were hyped about this… it was deserved. I only recently got around to it, but yeah, it’s just as awesome as people say it is. The horror elements are really well done (I normally hate gore and horror and scary stuff, but I found myself not even shying away or being grossed out, it just fits so perfectly into the story that it wasn’t off putting to me at all), and the characters are so dynamic and realistic and interesting that I felt myself so incredibly compelled to watch the next episodes just to see what the characters did next!! I’m trying to think of characters that I disliked from the first season, and I genuinely can not think of any (Steve is a little flat, but he’s not super important this season so I forgive him). The plot is so unsettling and creepy, I was sitting on the edge of my seat watching most of the season. The soundtrack slaps, the direction is awesome, the set pieces are fun to look at and make perfect places for action to occur. All the storylines coming together at the end occurs so smoothly that I was actually shocked they managed to pull it off, and none of the things the characters did made me irrationally frustrated like in most horror media (except when a few characters of the main group split up for an episode — that was kind of stupid and didn’t need to happen). I like the time period they decided to set it in I guess, I felt nostalgic for the 80s even though I was born in 2003 lmao. Just go watch the first season, you won’t regret it.
Okay I might make a part 2 later because I’m tired of typing, but hopefully you guys will give these shows a chance!!! 💕💕💕
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