#hes got that haunted rizz
quinnsanestuff · 1 year
everyone in this game wants to fuck clive its ridiculous
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ghost-proofbaby · 11 months
a man said the most eddie-coded thing about me that i genuinely cannot stop thinking about it days later but he doesn’t know that i know he said what he did
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ghostscrown · 4 months
Dead Boy Detectives characters are such icons fr. We got :
Ghost boy who thinks he's good at hiding his gayness but everyone in town spots him immediately, who's unintentionally rizzing up every single man he meets (EXCEPT his crush) because his charisma is so far in the negative it has the opposite effect, who ran away from literal hell because a spider demon made of dolls is after him, who genuinely thinks hysteria is a very real serious medical thing, and who becomes friends with the fujoshi who introduced him to yaoi
Ghost boy number two with eyeliner and severely repressed anger issues, who beats villains with a cricket bat despite owning a sword, who's completely CLUELESS about his best friend of 3 decades having a crush on him despite literally everyone else knowing the second they meet them, who's running away from the afterlife just because he doesn't want his friend to go to hell, who owns a magic hammerspace bag, and who's in a situationship with a medium
Local fujoshi whose hair became naturally bleached after she was infected by some psychedelic dandelion sprites she's now keeping as pets in a jar in her room, who avoids her problems by running away to another country and watching Scooby-Doo as she ignores her mom's letters, and who organizes dates for her landlord (gone wrong)
Medium girl who can read in your mind but whose memory was stolen by a demon named David who also happens to be her toxic ex, who's haunted by said toxic ex, who was apparently a total bully before she lost memory, who has a black women exclusive meeting happening somewhere in her subconscious, who's full last name is "Palace Surname-Von Hoverkraft" and who violently scares homophobes with the help of her two ghost friends, one of which she's in a situationship with
Blonde witch who bargained immortality to a goddess but forgot to mention she wanted eternal youth too, who kidnaps little girls at night to feed the giant snake she keeps in her basement, who has a personnal beef with some kids, who brutal pipe murders people, and whose ultimate goal is to become the goddess of one town
Goth lesbian butcher landlord constantly covered in blood, who's also a true crime fan, whose crush was actually a stalker and tried to kill her at the first date, and who accepts to rent rooms to suspicious kids talking to themselves and probably in a runaway no questions asked
Crow familiar of the witch, astrology fan who was made human in the sole purpose of seducing the gay ghost to trick him, but it didn't work and he was the one falling in love and being pathetically rejected instead
Catman who wears skirts and eats people, who curses the repressed gay ghost to either sleep with him or count every cat in town like he's a whimsy fantasy creature, in the sole purpose of exposing his gayness, but who becomes more and more of a pathetic wet cat as the ghost keeps rejecting him again and again
Dude who's not a dude but actually a cursed walrus, who was changed into a human and is now owning a magic shop and desperate to traumadump every single person in his field of view
Transdimensional being who uses the power of triggerring PTSD to chase troubled teens in a runaway and take them back to hell, got eaten by a fish and can fit her whole body in a mail package
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milaisreading · 7 months
CD!YN does that accidental rizz all the time to the boys. They trip and she catches them. Stray football flying towards them? She blocks it. They twist their ankle? She carries them princess style to the infirmary.
🌱🩷: Here it goes! Hope you like the fic and thanks for the request!
Warning: Reader uses she/her, but since she is crossdressing the boys use he/him. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Isagi. Rin. Stop arguing, you two. We are not going anywhere with this and we still have to practice." (Y/n) called out as her, Aryu, and Tokimitsu watched the two bicker about God knows what now.
"He started it! If he stopped being in my way I wouldn't be arguing!" Rin said as Isagi pouted.
"In your way?! We are practicing together here!"
'They act like kids.' (Y/n) looked at them in disbelief as they continued arguing like nothing happened.
'Ok. That's it. This is worse than when I had to teach Reo and Nagi.' She thought as she walked to one of the abandoned balls and kicked them in their direction.
"Watch out!" Tokimitsu yelled as Aryu looked at (Y/n) in surprise. Luckily, Isagi and Rin noticed the football and moved away, so the ball just flew between them and into the wall.
"Huh..." Isagi gulped as he looked back at (Y/n) while Rin silently backed away as she gave them a tight smile.
"You two... What did I say about arguing for no reason?" She asked cheerfully, walking closer to them.
"To... to not do it." Isagi said back.
"And what did you two do?"
"Argue for no reason." Now it was Rin's turn.
"Exactly. 20 laps around the training grounds. Now."
"What?! Since when do you have a say in this?" Rin asked as he shook a little in fear.
"So 30, then?"
"40?" She interrupted Isagi, causing the two to quickly shake their heads.
"We will run! We will run!" They said as (Y/n) nodded her head, unaware of Tokimitsu's awestruck look and Aryu's swooning.
'Amazing! He is so brave for that!!' Tokimitsu thought while blushing.
'What grace and dashing confidence! I like that!' Aryu thought in return as (Y/n) looked back at the two.
'Do they have a fever?' She wondered in worry when she noticed their red faces.
Now, (Y/n) wasn't familiar with friendships and their bonds. Her whole life she mostly spent her time playing football, studying, or going to some random gatherings with her family. The most she got of the experience of friendships was from Reo and Nagi back in Hakuho, and even that wasn't much. But, if there was one thing she knew, it is that you shouldn't ignore someone in distress. Especially when it was someone she could consider her friend. That's how she found herself walking up to Niko when she noticed him walking back and forth one night after it was already past everyone's bedtime.
"Are you ok, Niko? Why are you up so late?" She asked in worry as the youngest contestant looked at her in surprise.
"Oh... I am fine. I just couldn't sleep." The boy admitted, causing (Y/n) to rise an eyebrow.
"And why is that? Today's exercises would have made anyone fall asleep." (Y/n) argued back as the boy quietly looked down.
"You know, you can tell me if something bothers you. I don't mind listening." She offered, her tone softening a little as she leaned her back against the wall, something Niko copied soon after.
"Well... I just don't know if I want to be here anymore." Niko admitted, surprising the girl.
"And why is that? You are holding up very well, and your skills are great, too."
"It's just, I remembered something. It's all." The boy said, not ready to confess that the words of his high school bullies were haunting him. (Y/n) kept on looking at the boy, wondering what to do or say.
'I always felt at peace when my nanny or mom would pet my head. Maybe that works here as well?' She thought, slowly moving her hand on top of Niko's hair.
'It's so soft!' She thought, mot noticing the boy tense up or his face turn red.
"Whatever is bothering you is normal. We all have our doubts here, but don't let them control your life." She said softly.
"A-alright." Niko stuttered out. Noticing his nervousness, (Y/n) panicked a little and tried to move her hand a way.
"Sorry about that! It's something my mom used to do-"
"It's ok! I like it!" Niko quickly said and grabbed her hand, moving it back on his hair.
"Chigiri? Are you doing alright? You seem quite out of breath." (Y/n) asked in worry as the redhead looked back at her, quickly nodding his head.
"I am fine! Don't worry! I can still stand! My leg is alright!"
"I never asked about your leg." (Y/n)'s words caused Chigiri to flinch and he looked down on the ground as (Y/n) walked closer to him.
"Your ankle hurts, I am guessing." She said, not getting an answer in return, which pretty much confirmed her suspicions.
"Look, I am fine. I can handle this, let's just continue on with our practice." Chigiri argued, a little bit embarrassed by the whole thing. (Y/n), being more stubborn here than he was just sighed and walked up to Chigiri, quickly picking him up.
"Huh?!" The redhead let out surprised, looking back at (Y/n) with a red face.
"What... What are you doing?!"
"Taking you to the infirmary, and then you will rest. You already did enough for the day." (Y/n) answered simply as the boy started protesting.
"But we need to practice-"
"Your well being comes first, Chigiri. Please don't argue with me over this." (Y/n) warned as she continued to carry Chigiri down the hallway. The boy could feel his heartbeat quickening as he looked back at (Y/n), not saying anything for a minute or two.
"Why do you care so much?" (Y/n) looked back at Chigiri in confusion.
"I just do. I don't like seeing you hurt... or anyone else on that matter." (Y/n) stated.
'He cares for me that much?!' Chigiri thought happily as his face got redder.
'Another fever?!' (Y/n() thought in worry as she noticed that.
"Food! Finally! Its been so long since I ate!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Karasu, Otoya, and Yukimiya looked at her in amusement.
"You say that like you are getting starved here or something." Karasu teased, poking (Y/n)'s cheek. Yukimiya chuckled and put and arm around the excited girl's shoulder.
"Leave him alone. It's kinda cute when you get like this, you know." Yukimiya said while winking earning an eyeroll from Otoya and Karasu.
"Huh? Like what? Also, what do you all think we will get for desserts today? It is a Saturday, after all." She wondered, oblivious to Yukimiya's words, which caused Otoya to laugh a little.
"Your flirting skills are so mid, Yukki."
"Whatever." Yukimiya sent Otoya a side-glare, but still kept his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Let's just get him some food." Karasu argued, pinching (Y/n)'s cheek as she protested at that behavior.
Once they were in the dining hall, the group walked to an empty table with their meals in hand.
'Delicious!' (Y/n) thought while munching on her food, too lost in her thoughts to notice the trio looking at her while blushing.
'So cute!' Yukimiya sighed.
'I bet it would be even better to pinch his cheeks now...' Karasu blushed while fighting back the urge to grab the other player's cheeks.
'So adorable! I can die happily knowing I witnessed this!' Otoya thought as he put some of his food in front of (Y/n).
"Take some of my food as well." Otoya said, surprising the girl.
"But, it's yours-"
"No! Take mine! The grilled chicken us way better!" Yukimiya argued, pushing Otoya's food away.
"No! Here! These veggies are way better." Karasu argued as the trio glared at each other.
"Ahh... I am fine with the food I have." But her words were ignored.
It was one of the rare few days when the Blue Lock team could go home and relax for a bit. And on this day in particular (Y/n) had agreed to meet up with Isagi to watch a movie that recently came out.
"Isagi!! There you are! Sorry, I had to get ready and I didn't notice how late I was." The blue-eyed boy looked away from his phone and towards (Y/n), freezing up for a moment before slowly shaking his head.
"I-it's alright. I arrived here a few minutes ago as well..." The boy said back as his face slowly turned red the more he looked at (Y/n).
"Oh, thank God. Sorry, I had to figure out how this eyeliner worked, it's my first time putting it on."  The girl explained taking in a few breathes and looked back at Isagi. The girl and boy kept looking at each other in silence for a few minutes, which caused her to grow self-conscious.
"I... It looks ridiculous, doesn't it?" She gulped nervously as she looked down at her dress. Isagi quickly shook his head quickly and started speaking with a red face.
"You look great! You look great! The dress suits you. And the make-up as well!" (Y/n)'s face turned dark red for a moment and she slowly nodded her head.
"O-oh... You think?"
"Yep! Beautiful." Isagi said quickly.
"Th-thanks. I am glad. You look nice as well." She said back as they stared at each other in silence for a moment.
"S-so... should we go?"
"Yeah! Absolutely, we should go and get our snacks as well."
'So pretty!' Isagi thought as they walked towards the cinema, glancing at the girl a few times.
"Bachira, no."
"Bachira, yes."
'What am I even looking at?' (Y/n) thought as she looked between Reo and Bachira, who were arguing over something stupid, probably.
"What are they arguing about now?" She asked Nagi, who shrugged his shoulders and leaned against her shoulder.
"Bachira had an idea for a new trick him and Reo could perform during the U-20 match and, well, Reo isn't all too happy with the idea." Nagi explained, resting his head on her shoulders.
'He smells really nice.' Nagi thought with a small blush, which the girl ignored.
"Arguing won't get us anywhere now." She rolled her eyes and walked over to the duo, to which Nagi pouted and followed right after.
"You two, we need to practice. You can argue after we are done with the match." (Y/n) said, catching the attention of the two.
"But, my plan is fool-proof! Tell Reo to listen to me!" Bachira pouted as Reo chimed in.
"It's stupid as hell! I am not taking part in it!"
"What did you just call me?!"
(Y/n) looked between the two while Nagi silently leaned against her again.
'What to do... what to do... Maybe bribing will work?!' (Y/n) thought as she cleared her throat, catching the arguing duo's attention.
"Ah! I will give you two my lunch if you stop arguing!" This statement caused Reo and Bachira to stop arguing and blinked at her for a while.
"You will give us..."
"...your food?" Bachira and Reo said at the same time, seemingly in a daze at first, but quickly got out of it as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Sounds like a plan!"
The two cheered as Nagi tugged on the hem of her shirt.
"I want food from you as well."
"Uh? Ok." (Y/n) said in confusion, unaware of the satisfied smiles on Bachira and Reo.
"I know this isn't much fun, but I hope you like it here." Gagamaru said quietly as (Y/n) looked away from her grilled fish and at him.
"What do you mean?" She asked as she took a bite from her food.
"Well, you probably didn't want to spend your weekend camping when you agreed for a hang out."
"Huh? I don't care about that. Besides, it's nice to get out of the city once in a while."
"Hmmm...." Gagamaru nodded his head slowly, unsure if he should believe her or not. The noticed it and silently ate her fish, trying to think of a way to cheer him up. The quietness stayed like that for a few minutes until she patted his back and spoke up.
"You are fun to hang out with, Gagamaru. And I am enjoying my time in the forest with you. Don't think too much about that." The boy tensed up and looked back at her.
"Really. Don't cut yourself short." She smiled over at Gagamaru, who slowly nodded his head as his face heated up.
"Th-thanks!" Gagamaru nodded his head as he quickly ate his food again.
'Is he sick now as well?!' She thought in worry.
"Can I have some of that?" Kunigami wondered, pointing at (Y/n)'s stake. The girl stopped eating and looked at the orange-haired boy, who was giving her puppy eyes.
"Oh, sure-"
"Get your own food, hero. That's (Y/n)'s." Barou interrupted before she could finish, which caused Kunigami to roll his eyes at him.
"I just wanted one bite-"
"I don't care it's kot your food." Barou said again as (Y/n) tried to interrupt their arguing.
"It's ok. I don't mind-"
"You should really learn to mind your business, Barou."
"Right back at you. Why are you even sitting with us here?"
The girl felt a headache come up and she cut up two smaller slices of her stake. One she fed to Barou and the other to Kunigami.
"There. You can leave the argument behind now." She said, going back to eating as the two stared at her with red faces.
'He really fed me his food! Take that, Chigiri!' Kunigami thought as Barou stared at her in a daze.
"Kaiser, I swear to God, if you don't shut up I will kick a football in your face."
"What was that, princess? Was that you saying you are finally devoting your skills to me?" Kaiser smirked at the agitated girl. The duo continued arguing as Kurona and Hiori stared at them with confused and amused looks.
"I am happy (Y/n) is feeling better today. That fever yesterday scared me a lot." Hiori said as Kurona nodded along.
"I am, too. If only Kaiser would stop provoking him now." The rehead said as Hiori silently agreed. They were both pretty much agitated by Kaiser stealing her attention from them.
'Arrogant asshole.'
'Loud mouth.' Hiori and Kurona thought, completely forgetting that some players were practicing behind them. Sadly, they only remembered after they heard Gesner yell at them to.move away. Hiori and Kurona turned around, only to notice a football flying fast their way. Closing their eyes, the boys stayed still, waiting for the football to hit them, only for it to never come.
"Huh?" Hiori muttered, slowly opening his eyes.
"What happened?" Kurona wondered as he opened his eyes as well, only for the both of them to see (Y/n) panting and holding the football in her hands.
"Are you both alright?" She asked, looking at the duo in worry, the two slowly realizing what had happened.
"I am fine." Hiori swooned and nodded his head.
'He really ran all the way so I won't get hurt~'
"I am fine as well. Thank you." Kurona said as his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink.
'He is the best! I love him.'
"Nothing to thank me for." (Y/n) quickly answered and put away the football.
"Here." (Y/n) said as she pushed a piece of cake in Rin's direction. The sulking boy stopped whatever he was thinking and looked at the piece of cake and then at (Y/n), who was sending him a smile.
"What is this for?" Rin asked with raised eyebrow as the girl shrugged her shoulders.
"It's for you. You looked a little troubled and a little bit of cake always helps people out. Don't you think so?" She said playfully. Rin was dumbfounded as he stared at her and slowly nodded his head, still trying to understand what she just did for him.
"Great! Enjoy the cake and don't go too late to bed." (Y/n) said as she waved at Rin while leaving the dining hall.
"Of...of course." Rin said as he waved back numbly, his own face turning redder and redder.
'He gave me some cake... (Y/n) gave ME some cake...' He kept on thinking while slowly eating the piece.
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propertyofyoutube · 5 months
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I thought we were ghost hunting? - EXPLICIT
Summary: You are a content creator and are also a huge fan of Sam and Colby. You finally got that DM to collab with your favourite duo. Colby had been your 'celebrity crush' for a long time now. But little did you know, he was also a huge fan of you...
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, FILTH, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, biting, kind of public sex (at haunted location)
"I swear you better not be weird!" You said to your best friend as you began driving to the Winchester Mystery House for your collab with Sam and Colby.
Y/b/f/n looked at you with her mouth wide open, trying her best to fight a smile, "what? Why would I be weird?" She said with a smirk.
You quickly glanced at her before rolling your eyes looking back to the road, "dude... I swear to god-"
"Now why on earth, would I... your best friend, do anything weird or embarrassing to you, in front of the guy who is at the top of your 'would sit on his face' list?" She chuckled to herself as your heart pounded, as deep down, you truly didn't know if she would or not.
You stayed quiet for a moment before she spoke again, "y/n, chill. I swear on my life I would never do that. I will only say something, if you..." she pointed at you as she spoke seriously, "don't!"
You rolled your eyes as you let out a sigh, "no girl... it's Colby fucking Brock." You couldn't help but let out a laugh, "every single woman wants a piece of him, I am not going to embarrass myself, I've got more respect for myself than that," you giggle.
You looked over at y/b/f/n as she looked annoyed as she spoke, "well clearly not enough respect!" You frowned at her, "y/n, you are hot! And if Colby fucking Brock doesn't see that, then he's a fool!"
You smiled at her as you shook your head, "you have to say that! You're my best friend!"
"No, I'm your best friend so I would tell you if I truly thought you'd embarrass yourself. Rizz yourself up girl!" She laughed as you rolled your eyes again chuckling as you knew full well you definitely would not be trying anything on with him.
Sam glanced at Colby as he fixed his hair for the 10th time in the passenger seat mirror. "Dude... your hair looks fine!" He laughed as Colby continued to move the pieces of dark hair around his face.
"Are you sure?" Colby asked not taking his eyes off himself.
Sam looked at him again even more confused, "dude, yes." Sam watched as Colby continued to fumble with his appearance, and it was almost as though he looked nervous. "What is going on with you?" Sam asked bluntly.
Colby shut the mirror as he cleared his throat, "nothing... I just wanna look good." He said, he looking at Sam.
Sam quickly realised what was going on as he recalled how many times over the last year Colby has talked about y/n and what your latest videos were. "Ohh... I see what's going on here." Sam smirked as Colby snapped his attention to him looking confused.
"What?" Colby responded very quickly.
"It's because of y/n, isn't it?" Sam couldn't help but smile as he spoke.
Colby started huffing and shaking his head trying to come up with something, "dude- no. I always want to look good."
"But this time it's different and you know it," Sam chuckled as it was very rare Colby would be so nervous to meet anyone, or crumble this much over a girl. Colby didn't say anything as he reopened the mirror one last time and Sam let you a much harder laugh, "dude, just talk to her! Ask her out!"
Colby shook his head, "no dude, I heard that she and Zach may be dating." Colby said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Oh... as in Zach justice?" Sam said as he tried to think.
"Uh huh..." Colby nodded.
"Oh..." Sam continued to ponder his thoughts as Colby gazed out the window. "You know... could just be a rumour..." Sam said smiling again.
Colby rolled his eyes believing that y/n was off limits.
As you pulled up the Winchester Mystery House you could feel your body become overrun with chills, your heart pounding harder than ever before. You couldn't really tell if it was because of the house or because of the fact you were about to meet Colby for the first time.
"There they are, pull up over there!" Y/b/f/n said as you looked forward and seen Sam organising things in the trunk of his car. He slowly turned around to see you guys pulling up as he lifted up his hand waving with a smile spread across his face.
You pulled up next to Sam's car, as you turned the ignition off you took a deep breath. Y/b/f/n wasted no time, jumping out of the car excitedly running around to your side of the car to hug Sam. You grabbed your phone and held your keys tightly before taking another deep inhale of oxygen, gripping the handle and stepping out of the car.
"Y/n, hey!" Sam said as he walked to you, embracing you instantly.
"Heyy!" You smiled widely, as you hugged one of your idols. "I can't believe you invited us here." You laughed as Sam pulled away.
"Wait why?" Sam asked looking at her confused.
You thought for a moment, trying to think of what to say that doesn't make you sound like a psycho fan, "I've just been a fan for so long, it's crazy!" You decided an overbearing of confidence and making inappropriate jokes whilst you're nervous is the best option. As always. "You know, that you'd want us in a video... for the comedic relief right?" You chuckled awkwardly, 'why the hell would you say that? You sound so awkward you idiot' you thought to yourself.
Sam smiled wider as he started to laugh, "and I guess we picked the right ones!"
"I am so sorry," you said feeling embarrassed which you promised yourself you wouldn't do. "I promise I'll try not to make too bad of jokes whilst we're filming..." you look down at the floor nervously.
"Oh no please do!" Sam laughed as your eyes shot up at him confused, "that's why we love you and your channel!" You froze for a moment, 'did Sam Golbach really just say he loved my channel? And me?' You thought to yourself. But him saying that actually gave you the slight real confidence boost you needed.
"Well then, I promise to tell all the shitty and highly inappropriate jokes the entire night... between me crying and hiding in a corner of course" you smirked at Sam.
Sam nodded his head, very excited for the night ahead, "that's what I'm talking about it!" He laughed. Suddenly in the distance you hear Colby talking with the tour guide and your heart skipped a beat to the sound of his voice. "Yo Colby!" Sam shouted, catching you off guard as you turned your head to the floor nervously, "come here! They've arrived!"
The next few moments of your life felt like a slow motion scene in a movie, you could feel your heart beat as you looked down at the floor. You prayed that this went well, and that you didn't embarrass yourself or do something stupid.
As Colby moved around the car, his heart too was beating out of his chest, he'd wanted to meet you for so long. But he couldn't help but feel a slight hint of jealousy, that if the rumours were true and you were dating Zach, he was mad he didn't get to meet you first. Colbys eyes locked on y/b/f/n as you were still hidden by Sam, "yo what's up!" He said to her.
Y/b/f/n replied, "sup Colby," just as he took another two steps forward.
His eyes wandered across, your eyes looked up until... boom. There he was. In the flesh. 'Holy fuck, he's even hotter in person' you thought to yourself as you swallowed hard. Colby could feel his palms become sweaty as his eyes stayed tightly connected to yours, he couldn't help but smile, the most cute and almost nervous smile.
"Hi." He said softly.
"Hi." You said back, trying so hard not to make it obvious that your whole body was shaking and your heart was racing.
Colby had a mini battle with himself in his head, 'hi? Seriously? You couldn't have say anything better than fucking hi?' But when you said it and smiled back at him, that face of yours completely took over her entire thoughts.
You both froze, still staring not realising just how long for. Sam looked at y/b/f/n as they both looked between you two, feeling like they were stuck in the middle of something here. Sam smirked as your best friend also did the same. "Well, I think we should get this show on the road!"
The sound of his voice completely pulled you out of your trance as you quickly realised you were staring, and now Colby Brock was going to think you were weird... you got to fix this, and fast. "I mean... we could just stand here staring at each other for a bit longer?" You said to Sam as you glanced at Colby with a smirk. Colby shook his head as an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face, "it's either that... or demons?" Everyone laughed as Colby lifted his head to look at you once again.
"Hey, I'd much rather look at you than talk to any ghosts." Colby's heart raced as he took his shot at an attempt of flirting. He's never felt so off his game before, 'why did this girl have so much of an effect on him', he thought.
"Well then, good job I'm right here Brock, I can distract you all you want!" As the words left your mouth you felt your stomach drop. 'Oh my god. Did I really just say that? Was Colby just trying to flirt with me then?' You felt your body relax slightly, as this was the icebreaker you needed, even it was just banter, you believed.
"Well alright then, I feel like I'm in of a good night already," Colby said as he smiled at you.
Your mind raced as you couldn't comprehend what was happening, you wanted to believe so badly that he might actually be interested in you, but you and your insecure mind just wouldn't allow it. "Right then Sam, get that camera out, cause I have been waiting years to see this intro live and in person!" You giggled as Sam and Colby laughed.
"Seriously? Years?" Colby said with a smirk, deep down he actually couldn't believe that you were a fan of theirs.
"Oh yeah! Actually can I please do it?" You said, joking at first but lowkey would be totally down to do it.
Sam looked at Colby as he just started recording, Colby held up his hands as his cheeks grew red, "if you do a better job than me, Sam you can't replace me with y/n..." he chuckled as Sam made no promises.
"Get over here!" Sam laughed as you handed your phone and keys to y/b/f/n. You quickly headed next to him as Colby stood back, giving you room.
"Sorry Brock, I think your job is mine now," you smirked at him.
Colby tucked his bottom lip between his lips as he looked at you, still in amazement that you so beautiful to him, "if it means I get to see you all the time, then the jobs yours."
You felt your cheeks flush as Sam looked at you both, trying to mask his smile. "You ready?" He said to you as he held up his hand, the lens pointing at you both.
You nodded, "oh Sam, I was born ready!" You said as everyone laughed.
"Perfect!" Sam chuckled as he counted you in, "3, 2, 1..."
"What's up guys it's Sam and y/n!" You said mimicking Colby almost perfectly. He watched in amazement at your confidence and your playful personality. He thought to himself, he was right. You were everything he had dreamed of you being in real life, and he felt this warmth inside of him become more intense with each second you spent near him. Each smile you gave him sending him spiralling.
"Woahhhh!" Sam shouted, "dude! You have been replaced!" Sam laughed as Colby jumped into frame.
"Yoooo, that is fair enough, you smashed it!" Colby laughed as he held up his hand and you connected your palms in a strong high five, as both of your hands tingled from the connection.
"Hey you can't leave me on our channel alone!" Y/b/f/n shouted as she also jumped behind you all.
You laughed as you hugged her and looked back at Colby, "you know what Brock, even though I do you better than you do you, my heart belongs to another..." you said.
"Ouch" Colby joked as he held his hand on his heart, but as you said that his mind instantly went to the possibility that you and Zach are dating, and he kinda felt his heart actually twinge.
"Another channel I mean of course!" You smirk as him as he beamed at you once again, 'where has this confidence come from?' You thought to yourself. "But I think you should show us all how it's done..." you said, as you tucked your bottom lip between your teeth.
Colby nodded confidently as he prepared himself, he and Sam stood side by side as Colby left a gap revealing you and y/b/f/n in between the two of them. He took a deep breath, "what's up guys it's Sam and Colby!" He blurted out as you and your best friend cheered him on.
"And today, we are joined with y/n and y/b/f/n, at... the Winchester Mystery House..." Sam said speaking with dramatic effect in his voice.
"Ooooo" the rest of you giggled.
"Are you guys ready?" Colby said turning to face you both.
Y/b/f/n looked at you as she smiled but you could see the nervousness in her eyes, "I mean... who's ever ready for demons?" She said with a chuckle.
"If the demon is a toxic bad boy and possibly looks like Jensen Ackles... then I am so fucking ready!" You say, joking but lowkey serious as y/b/f/n laughed, knowing you probably were being serious.
"Jensen Ackles... nice choice!" Colby said laughed. You nodded at him slowly as you pulled a face at the camera.
Suddenly you gasped, "Or Rudy Pankow!" You said as everyone started laughing again.
"Well, I think y/n is after a ghost boyfriend..." Sam said with a chuckle, "let's go play match maker!"
You nodded at the camera as Colby turned and looked into your eyes as you felt yourself melt once again in his gaze. 'Well, I'd rather a living, emo, hot AF boyfriend...' you thought to yourself, as the video began.
It has been roughly 3 hours since you started filming. The content you guys were creating as a team was both hilarious and super spooky. The evidence captured made your beliefs change with every beep and every knock. But most importantly, the banter between you and Colby as making you feel things throughout your entire body. Realistically, Colby was trying his hardest to show you how interested in you he was, how nervous you made him and how badly he wanted you. But your mind refused to acknowledge the fact that, that was even a possibility.
"I think we should take a quick food and drink break," Sam said, as he shut off the camera and Colby grabbed the music box, switching it off.
You and y/b/f/n both nodded slowly as you tried to comprehend everything that had just happened.
"Are you guys okay?" Colby asked but he couldn't help chuckling.
"I will be... once I've had an exorcism!" You say laughing, "and some nicotine... I gotta go vape!" You seriously as you headed out of the room to follow Sam outside.
You sat down alone on some steps, eating some snacks that the boys brought for you, puffing in your vape after each bite. As Sam and y/b/f/n sat in the trunk of the car chatting about all things ghosts.
You looked up to see Colby heading toward you with two cans of pop in his hands. After the night you guys have had, you felt a lot more comfortable in their presence now. Which to you felt amazing considering you wanted to know who they truly were and not just who you saw on your screen for the longest time. And they did not disappoint. As cliche as it sounds it was almost as though you guys were all meant to be friends. The further into the night you travelled, the more it felt like you'd all been friends for years. It felt like you all were so vulnerable around each other and it felt so natural to be so open.
"Here you go," Colby said with a smile as he held out your drink. You looked up taking the drink from his hand as you blew out your vape with a smile in return.
"Thank you very much," you said, you were starting to get tired and your experiences tonight so far had your head spinning in circles.
Colby looked at you, as he could tell that there was a million thoughts running behind your eyes. "You okay?" He asked softly.
You turned to look at him again as he sat down beside you on the steps, "yeah! This night has been... honestly one of the best experiences of my life." You said with a genuine smile.
Colby beamed back at you, he genuinely cared if you were okay or not, and if you were happy with how the video was going. You both sat in silence after a small talk chit chat, until Colby cleared his throat, looking out straight ahead at the grounds, "hey... can I- uh- ask you something?" He still didn't turn to look at you as you could see the nervousness on his voice and how his hand fiddled with the bracelet on his opposite wrist.
"Yeah of course," you said giving him your full attention.
Colby took a deep breath, "this may be a little too personal or what, and feel free to just tell me to fu-"
You cut him off laughing, "Brock just ask the damn question!"
Colby hung his head laughing for a moment before finally looking up and turning to face you, "are you... and Zach, uh-"
"Are Zach and I dating?" You said with a giggle, knowing the rumours and edits that have spread across TikTok since you were on Dropouts a few months ago.
Colby nodded reluctantly it seemed like he felt embarrassed for asking.
"No... we're really not," you said as you laughed again. "TikTok man... it even makes me believe things about my life sometimes!" You laughed thinking of all the rumours, especially about your love life, that had spread over the years.
Colby nodded slowly as a smirk slowly started appearing on his face. You looked at him confused as you could feel your body start to heat up, the way he was looking at you made your stomach flip but your core ache. "What?" You said with a slight giggle. Your heart began to race as by the look on his face you weren't quite sure where he was going with his.
Colby looked at you deep in your eyes as he continued to smile, "I was really nervous to meet you today..." he said honestly as he chuckled hanging his head back down to the floor.
Your defence mechanism kicked in as your mouth ran away with your tongue, afraid you'd say something to mess this up, "you were?" You said softly, "why? Scared I was going to steal your job?" You said with a smirk.
Colby just loved how in every situation you always managed to make him laugh, that's why he loved your videos so much. He loved to watch how you nervously joke your way out of any situation, how you refused to let your friends feel down and would everything in your power to cheer them up, but mostly, how your heart was everyone else, saving you for last. He always watched you on his screen, putting every single person, 10 steps in front of you, and he wished he could be the one to put your heart first. So that you could continue to be this gorgeous, bad bitch, kind sweetheart that you were known for. He took a deep breath before speaking, "honestly, this video has been the most enjoyable I've ever filmed so far." He glanced at you nodding.
"Well of course it is!" You laugh jokingly, "it's because I'm here, Sam just knew I'd be a better co host for the Sam and Colby channel..." you made it as obvious as possible that what you said was a joke as Colby thankfully laughed shaking his head.
"You're so humble" Colby joked sarcastically as you let out a giggle. "But You're right, I think Sam has taken a liking to you, looks like I'm on the outs," Colby joked as he chuckled. He leaned back smirking at you.
You dramatically sighed as you leaned back too, "well unfortunately for Sam, I'm not into blondes..." you joked back, trying to hold in a laugh.
Colby watched how the moonlight was perfectly giving your skin a shimmery glaze. He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, as this was all fun and games so far, but as the night went on he wanted nothing more than to hold you, kiss you and have all of you to himself. "Oh really?" He leaned over towards you slightly, as he looked at your face, your eyes bouncing from one star to the other. "Then what are you into?"
He watched as you fumbled through your thoughts trying to decide whether you should be honest and risk it all, or make another joke to help you escape hope building conversation. You decided that you'd rather the former, "I'm more into..." you turned your head to face him as his face was so close to yours you could almost feel his breath. You watched as his eyes darted across all your features. "Dark haired, emo boys who hunt ghosts for a living." You tucked your lip between your teeth as your anxiety began to flood your entire body, did you really just say that? You began spiralling thinking Colby was about to awkwardly let you down gently, you didn't take in all the signs he'd been sending you all night, all because your brain just refused to acknowledge the fact that Colby absolutely could be into you.
"Well that's good." Colby said as his eyes looked from your eyes to your lips, catching you off guard.
'Wait... what the fuck did he just say?' You thought to yourself.
"Because..." Colby began to lean in closer to you, slowly as he spoke, "I'm into, humble girls who make jokes when they're uncomfortable and collab with ghost hunters for a living..."
As he was just inches from your face, at first you felt terrified but finally, now that he said it, there's no way you could talk yourself out of knowing that Colby does in fact like you like that. You looked at his lips as suddenly, all of your nervousness and anxiety melted away. You needed his lips on yours and you felt as though, no matter what you say right now, he isn't going to turn away. So... your sassiness finally broke through, "oh really?" You say biting your lip gently, "do you really think you could handle me, Brock?"
Colby was completely taken aback as those words left those beautiful lips of yours. He felt his stomach flip as his breath became hitched. You watched as his chest began to rise and fall much faster as you inched closer. You kind of like how much of an effect you had on this man, the man you believed would never look at you in that way. A smirk began to grown on both of your faces simultaneously as Colby finally spoke out in a whisper, "fuck yeah."
You smiled wide and leaned in, you were just about to close gap between you, when suddenly, "yo guys," Sam shouted as you both froze and snapped your attention towards the car. You both exhaled sharply as Sam appeared from around the car, "you ready to film the final investigation?" As y/b/f/n and Sam got closer, you and Colby both began to laugh as you tried to catch your breath. You had never felt so mad at your best friend before but you knew the didn't mean it.
"Yeah..." Colby said reluctantly as in reality his entire body needed to finish what you guys just started, he would love to just fuck the entire video off and take you back to the hotel and give you both the night of your lives. "We're ready." He said as he looked over at you watching as you messed with your hair and how tightly your bottom lip was tucked inside those teeth. He smirked, watching as you try to cool yourself down.
"Great!" Sam said, trying to ignore the fact he definitely just interrupted something here. "So what's the plan... we splitting up?"
Just then, Colby had a bright idea, "yeah, I think we should split into two groups. Y/n and I will go to one end of the house and you two can go to the other and we'll see who can get to the witches room in the attic." Colby gave Sam a look, and it wasn't long before Sam realised what he was trying to do.
Sam smirked subtly as he spoke, "sounds good to me!" He handed Colby a camera. "You guys start in the west and we'll go to the east. And take the Alice box." He said as he handed Colby a piece of ghost equipment.
You couldn't really take in what they were saying... all you could think about was that moment that almost was everything you'd dreamed about for the longest time. And how the feeling of needing him, just wouldn't go away, your body aching for that kiss and desperate to feel more.
"Y/n?" Sam said, snapping your attention back to the world.
"Yeah?" You said, clearly showing your mind was elsewhere during that conversation. Colby couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, knowing he probably thad you imagining the things you wanted him to do to you. And he wanted to do everything that you wanted... and so much more.
"You ready?" Y/b/f/n chuckled as she saw the look on your face. She knew that face anywhere.
You quickly jumped up trying to shake the feeling, "absolutely!" You paused for a moment thinking, as everyone watched you trying not to laugh, "wait... what are we doing again?" Everyone laughed at your obliviousness.
"You and I are going this way and we're going to meet them two in the witches attic," Colby said as he grabbed ahold of your arm pulling you in the direction. You turned to y/b/f/n as she gave you a look indicating she knew something was going to happen between us.
Sam quickly shouted as you walked away, "uh... don't get lost or distracted guys! This place is scary enough!" Colby quickly turned back to look at Sam.
"We won't!" He shouted as he winked. Sam chuckled as he rolled his eyes sighing.
"Come on," he said to y/b/f/n, "we better get this done!" Sam laughed as he and y/b/f/n walked back inside the house.
"So..." Colby said, as he held up the camera that was shooting in night vision. You walked slowly beside him in the pitch black home. Weirdly, your mind wasn't worrying about the fact you were supposedly surrounded by hundreds of spirits, it was more thinking about Colby. How badly you wanted him and that moment you almost had outside. How badly you wanted to have his hands feel every inch of your body. You thought about how you wanted to climb on top of him and show him, exactly what you're capable of. You felt yourself in a daydream, imagining the feeling of his lips on your, on your neck... on your chest... on your-
"Y/n?" Colbys voice caught your attention instantly as you quickly turned your head towards him,
"Yeah?" You felt that awkwardness return as if he could have seen what you were imagining, even though that's impossible.
Colby couldn't help but smirk at you as he could see you trying to hide your feelings, "you uh..." he bit his lip glancing at you through the tiniest amount of light coming from the camera screen. "You zoned out a little there," he said teasingly.
You chuckled as you tried to play it off as cool as possible, "I was just taking myself off to a better place other than this haunted ass house."
Colby shook his head as he laughed, suddenly there was a noise, "shh." He spoke quickly as he held an arm across you to stop you from going forward. You reached up and grabbed his arm as for a moment there was a little bit of fear and adrenaline began to run through your body. After a moment of waiting there were no more noises, Colby looked at you and giggled as he noticed the grip you had on his arm. "So tell me..." he continued walking as you quickly let go. "Where was this better place?"
You rolled your eyes fighting a smirk as you knew exactly what he was doing. He had an idea of what you were thinking about, because he was thinking about it too. "If I told you Brock, then there would be no mystery would there," you smirked as you continued, "and we are in the Winchester mystery house after all..."
Colby suddenly stepped in front of you, stopping you in your tracks as he looked down at you, "so, it didn't have anything to do with me..." he stepped closer walking you backwards slightly, "and you?" Your breath suddenly got stuck in your throat as you swallowed hard, your body beginning to quiver as his voice had changed to a seductive tone. You tried to speak but it was like your words were failing you, all you could think about was how close he was getting and how badly you needed him, and needed him now. You suddenly hit a wall behind you as Colby stopped, inches from your body, he lifted up one arm and place it against the wall near your head as he leaned in closer and whispered, "do you want to know what I was thinking about?" You could hear his voice shaking.
"Enlighten me," you whispered back as you bit your lip trying to keep yourself as contained as possible.
Colby lifted up his other arm that was holding the camera and he stopped the recording before putting it down on a cupboard. Your heart began racing as his eyes quickly connected back with your gaze, your body filled with anticipation and your adrenaline was peaking higher than ever before. "I was imagining, exactly what it would feel like, to kiss you..." he said leaning closer, you wanted to move, but you were frozen as he continued, "to touch you..." he began to trace his fingers along your arm, from your wrist to your elbow, up and down, your whole body electrifying with goosebumps, "to fuck you..." he leaned in as he whispered his lips just inches from yours, you could feel his breath against your mouth, your body dying to close the gap.
"Funny you say that..." you finally managed to whisper back seductively, "because I was thinking about how I would you to my hotel room..." you felt Colby take a deep breath as his body responded to your words with such desperation, "and I'd find out..." you looked into his eyes as they turned black, you could see exactly what you were doing to him, how close you were to practically making him beg. You lifted your arms to his waist grabbing ahold of his t-shirt on either side and pulled his body closer to yours. You quickly felt his hard bulge press against your body causing your heat to twitch. You whispered as he breathed deeply, "exactly, how you tasted..." you licked your bottom lip before tucking it between your teeth.
"Fuck..." Colby breathed out, he'd never had a woman have the must of an affect on him in his life. "I think we might just have to find out for real sooner, rather than later," he spoke as he lifted his arm up and cupped your cheek gently, his touch making you quiver. His nose touched yours as his lips grazed you teasingly.
"I thought we were ghost hunting?" You whispered out as a smirk began to appear on both of your faces.
There a moment, a small pause until. "Fuck it." Colby said as he smashed his lips onto yours. It was instantly deep and passionate. His lips on yours felt like perfection, it strangely didn't feel like a first kiss, it felt as though his was your 1 millionth. It was natural like it was almost meant to be like this. Colby's hands began moving up and down your body as you pushed your bodies closer. Your arms wrapping around his neck as your hands ran through his hair. You tugged slightly earning a low groan escaping Colby's lips into your mouth. The vibrations making you ache even more.
"Sam is gonna kill us," you whispered out breathlessly, careful not to break the kiss. Colby chuckled as you both refused to come up for air.
Suddenly he pulled back and looked around, both of your eyes now adjusting to the darkness. To your absolute luck, it seems he pushed you against the wall right next to a closet. "Fuck Sam." Colby smirked.
"I'd rather fuck you. Right now." You said extremely confidently, all of your nervousness and anxiety was far gone by this point.
"Fuck please do," Colby gasped as he looked down at you. He quickly grabbed your hands pulling you with him, "come on, there won't be any cameras in here." You both laughed as he tugged you into the tiny room filled with cleaning supplies. He closed the door behind you before pushing you back up against it. His lips instantly reconnecting with yours as he grabbed your hands, hoisting them over your head against the door. The kiss was like something you'd never experienced before, you could feel your body starting to beg for more. His hands found their way down your body and then up under your shirt as he felt your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips left yours as his kissed down your jaw and onto your neck, sucking and biting in the most amazing places, sending your hormones into overdrive.
"Fuck Colby." You whispered out as you tried to hold in a moan. The sound of you moaning his name caused Colby to snap his head back to face you, as you could see the hunger in his eyes and he scrambled to undo your jeans. He pulled them down to your knees before reconnecting your lips again. He suddenly cupped his hand on your sex as you gasped, "fuck."
"Fuck baby, you're soaked for me already," Colby smirked as he began to move his hand along you over your underwear.
You couldn't fight it anymore, you needed him to touch you, you needed to feel him, "Colby... please..." you reluctantly begged.
Colby was taken back by your eagerness for him, "please what, baby?" He teased.
"Please just touch me already!" You shouted a little louder.
"Shhh baby," Colby whispered directly into your ear as you began to grind against his hand, "we don't wanna get caught so you have to promise me, if I do this, you'll be quiet."
"I will! I promise!" You said quickly, your breath restricting your ability to speak properly.
"That's my girl." Colby's voice was dominant and it made your heat pulsate, as he suddenly moved your underwear to one side, wasting no time and rubbing your clit instantly.
"Shit!" You moaned out as you pushed your mouth against Colby's shoulder to muffle your sounds. Colby kissed your neck intensely as he suddenly lifted down with his other hand and hoisted your leg up to rest of his hip, giving himself more access. Once he had more room, he quickly stuck two fingers up into your core as you moaned into his shoulder, biting him slightly to try and hide those sweet sounds of pleasure.
Colby groaned into your neck as your teeth sunk into him slightly. "Oh fuck..." he breathed out onto your neck.
He began thrusting his fingers, in and out picking up his pace quickly, curling them up and hitting your g-stop every time. You felt that familiar build up in your stomach as your climax was quickly approaching. "Don't stop." You gasped as he quickened his speed, pushing his fingers even deeper.
Colby could feel your walls clench around his fingers as he became excited to finally be inside you. "That's it baby, cum for me..."
That was all you needed to hear as your body exploded into ecstasy, your body overrun with pleasure. "Fuck!" You moaned loudly muffled by Colby's shoulder, as your teeth bite slightly harder.
Colby slowly pulled out his fingers slowly as he moved to look at you as you caught your breath, you watched as he placed his fingers between his lips and sucked them clean before he spoke, "fuck baby, I didn't think I could enjoy someone biting me so much in life." He quickly leaned in reconnecting your lips as the kiss once again was hot and passionate. You needed more, you needed him to feel as good as you did right now. You fumbled with his belt and you managed to get it undone, your lips pressed together as his tongue covered in your taste, explored your mouth. He pulled away just for second as he pulled down his leather pants, allowing them to fall to the floor as he moved his hands to grip the back of your knees. "Jump." He demanded, his voice lustful and seductive in every way.
You quickly jumped up wrapping your legs around his waist, doing as he told without question. You felt his hard cock already teasing your entrance as you whimpered for more. Colby grabbed his dick rubbing his tip along your soaked core as you let out moans and gasps. He held you up with ease as he slowly began to enter you, both of you moaning simultaneously. "Fuck... you're so tight." He groaned deeply sending shivers down your spine.
He quickly began to pull himself out and pushed himself back in deeper as you called out. He quickly connected your lips to swallow your moans. As he began to thrust in and out he didn't waste no time or show no mercy. He'd been wanting this all night and you could tell just how worth jeopardising the video, it really was to him. You both moaned out as that knot in your stomach quickly returned with each of his pushes. "Fuck.. Colby I'm- I'm gonna-" you could barely get any words out as you mumbled against his lips.
"Do it baby, let it go." His voice had a hold on you that you couldn't explain. Almost as though his demands had a magical control over your body. Your second orgasm hit, feeling even better than the last, your head becoming woozy as he picked up his pace, fucking you harder and faster as you grabbed the back of his head, tugging on his hair. "Fuck y/n... I'm gonna cum." He said honestly as you could feel him begin to twitch. "Where do you want me?" He asked.
You pulled away from his lips as you looked at him in the eyes, his thrusts powerful, "I told you... I want to taste you." You stuttered between moans.
A smile grew on Colby's face as he bit his lip, you were doing something to him that he had never felt before, "fuck yeah." He said as he suddenly slipped out of you, dropping your legs as you landed on your feet.
You wasted no time and slid your back down the door until you came face to face with his now throbbing cock. Colby gripped himself as he began to stroke, looking down at your beautiful face, using his other hand to cup your cheek as his thumb ran along your bottom lip. You parted your lips as he positioned himself and you quickly took as much as you could of him into your mouth as he moaned out louder himself this time, throwing his head back in pleasure. "Fuck y/n, just like that." You bobbed your head, taking the rest of him in your hand. Suddenly he looked down at you, "fuck... I'm cummin." Suddenly his groans were deeper and raspier as he watched your mouth surround his cock. You felt him twitch inside you, as it was quickly followed by his hot cum hitting the back of your throat. "Fuckkk..." he moaned as you slowly slid your head back off him, careful not to spill a drop. Colby looked down at you absolutely mesmerised by your beauty, as you showed him his cum sitting in the back on your throat. "Oh shit," he gasped as you smirked before swallowing every last drop. Colby reached down and tucked his hand around the side of your head, gesturing for you to stand up. As you rose to your feet he instantly kissed you. Only this time it must softer as you both caught your breath. "You... are incredible." He whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours.
You couldn't but smile as your breath slowly began to settle as did your heart rate, "right back at you, Brock."
You both chuckled as he kissed you sweetly one more time. "We better actually go and find this room..." Colby said with a slightly giggle.
You both bent down and grabbed your pants as you pulled them back up. "Y/b/f/n and Sam are going to kill us." You laughed as Colby done up his belt.
When you both finished he moved closer to you once again, as he lifted both his arms moving your hair to behind your shoulders as he cupped both sides of your face with his hands, "promise me, we can do that again." Colby said with a smile as he bit his lip.
"Fuck yeah.. maybe not in a janitors closet next time?" You laughed as you glanced around. Colby chuckled before kissing you one last time.
"Come on," he took your hand as you opened the door, grabbing the camera and continuing your mission.
"Well well well..." Sam said as he and y/b/f/n sat on the floor in the witches attic. They both looked up at you and Colby, standing there, hand in hand. Y/b/f/n looked at you with the biggest smile, trying not to laugh. As Sam raised his eyes brows at you both, also his hardest not to laugh, "nice of you to join us..."
"I'm so sorry, we got lost-" you said as Colby squeezed your hand tighter, trying not to laugh.
Sam stood up looking at you both with squinted eyes. "Hmmm, lost my ass" he said as he looked at your hands holding tightly together.
Colby laughed finally, "yeah dude, we got lost..." you hid your face behind Colby's shoulder as you felt your cheeks burning up. "You may want me to edit this part though..." Colby said with a smirk.
Both Sam and y/b/f/n mouths dropped wide open, "I'm not even going to ask..." Sam said with a laugh.
AUTHORS NOTE: hey guys, I hope you liked this! Let me know if there's anything you'd want to see! X
Wattpad: is propertyofyoutube
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 6 months
He's got rizz, he's got bitches AND he's haunted by guilt of course i luve him
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
pOv youre me thinking about this forever
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Kaeya has the strongest poetic rizz but listen. Just bear with me for a second because this image has been haunting me.
He says the sweetest things when you're awake, walks you around town with candied words that have an even sweeter center. There's no pretext here, absolutely nothing as he showers you in praise and soft mumbles of how much he adores you.
His voice constantly dances in your ear, brain conjuring up new things to tell you, new ways to tell you he loves you in ways that make your mind spin.
(It doesn't help that he pulls you in so close, bodies pressed against each other as he mumbles into your neck, kisses your ear, anything he can to throw you off.)
But, it's even worse in the mornings.
His brain isn't all the way awake, so sometimes he fails to be as smooth as usual but that doesn't stop him, not at all. Where his brain fails his body makes up for it, hugging you tightly as his sleep-laced voice, this time rougher from disuse tells you what his soul is desperate to communicate.
"Sweetheart," he purrs into your ears, too tired to turn you to face him but awake enough to try and butter you up for the day.
You sigh playfully, holding back a laugh when his next words get interrupted by a yawn before he can continue.
"You are...like the sun," he starts, lazily kissing the back of your neck.
"Oh? Am I?"
"Big ball of fire...you're so hot," he ends, smirking into your skin as you laugh at him.
"Oh Kaeya, you have such a way with words," you tease, finally turning to look at him.
He's got such a look of adoration on his face it almost shuts you up. Almost.
You can't help but continue to laugh, giggling to yourself as he brushes your bangs out of your eyes and pulls you even closer to him. You don't fight his grip, meeting his lips unexpectedly as he pulls you in for a slow and sensual kiss.
"You're the most wonderful thing that's happened to me," he mutters against you, burying his face into your chest as he continues to talk.
"No matter how hard the Gods tried they would never be able to create something like you. You, are the result of something so much bigger than they are. The universe itself compounded its stardust, desperate to create you to prove that beauty exists, hosted in your being."
And there he is. Your smooth-talking, mostly coherent captain. You can tell that he means it, feeling his fingers flex as he tries to hold you tighter despite having just woken up.
You want to say something back, about to open your mouth when the light sound of his snoring stops you.
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teecupangel · 11 months
hear me out:
clay/subject 16 having a kid he didn’t know about, or perhaps maybe desmond having a second kid he didn’t know about, or even william himself somehow had the rizz to accidentally make a second kid 😭😂
I mean… when the first chapter of Black Flag’s webtoon came out, Noa is shown to have Altaïr, Eizo and Ratonhnhaké:ton as his ancestors which led to the ‘ideas’ that he could be Desmond’s son. Of course, we also thought of the idea that he can be Bill’s son as well if having Altaïr as an ancestor isn’t based on the father’s side but on the mother’s side, since he does have Japanese and Korean and one of Altaïr’s grandchildren or even an older Darim could just as easily had a paramour in Japan while they were chasing after Genghis Khan’s children/grandchildren (the easiest being in Tsushima).
So, in this case, you didn’t specify if you wanted this to be a case of Clay, Desmond or, god forbid, Bill learning they have a child which gives me an excuse to focus this on Elijah XD
For this one, we’re dealing with the canon events in the eyes of Elijah. While the whole… Layla trilogy was happening, Elijah’s been busy laying low and building some sort of super computer that used cannibalized parts from all over.
With the skills and knowledge Aita provides him, Elijah is planning to recreate the Phoenix Project, but not for Juno.
Juno was…
A prototype. Something he did under duress while he was blinded by rage and desire for revenge.
Now, he’s rebuilding it to… well, at first, it was to bring back his mother but he later learned that it was impossible.
His mother was so inconsequential to the Calculations that there wasn’t enough data about her to bring her back even if he uses his own DNA. It still wasn’t enough.
So, he decided to pivot to trying to resurrect Desmond Miles instead.
He would say it was the only logical conclusion. Desmond Miles was the human who was closest to the Isus, not like Sages like him who were haunted by the memories of those who helplessly pathetically clung to life (and yeah, he is absolutely aiming that at Aita).
And Desmond Miles had enough DNA to be recreated with the access of the Calculations…
Because Sample 17 is a complete copy of Desmond Miles’ DNA.
So… after Elijah finished the device (improved from that garbage Juno’s cult modified from Abstergo), his next course of action was to get the original Sample 17.
During his investigations of where it could be, he learned that Abstergo had been checking for more people who had interesting connection to Desmond Miles and any other Animus Subjects.
That’s how he learned that he had a younger sibling (whether this one is a sister or a son is up to you) who was being held in an orphanage under one of Abstergo’s shell companies.
Whether this child is born from a night of passion or was actually created by Abstergo itself using… other means… is up to you.
Elijah has no reason to save this child he has no connection with. For one, he already ignored Noa Kim even when he had pinged in his radar because he knew the Assassins were already dealing with that one. All he had to do was tip the Assassins off and they’d find a way to rescue this child but…
The orphanage may have other clues that will lead him to the original Sample 17.
So he infiltrates the orphanage, found the clue he needed and…
… got back to his base with three children instead of one.
The death of Desmond Miles had been the final straw that destroyed whatever feelings William Miles and his wife had with one another.
Oh, sorry.
While he was grieving his son and not doing any of his responsibility to the Brotherhood, William Miles had a…
Elijah felt like he was going to hurl…
… one night stand.
He has no dealings with William Miles.
He only had heard of William Miles.
But that didn’t mean he wanted to learn about William Miles’ sex life.
Regardless, when he got to the orphanage, finished his actual work, and went to get his ‘new’ sibling, he learned that…
1. Said sibling had a friend who must come with them if Elijah wanted to whisk them away.
2. Said sibling had been put in charge of a baby of all things who turned out to be William Miles’ second child.
Which means said child is technically his… aunt? Uncle?
Everything had been hectic since that was divebombed at him that he didn’t have spare time to check for something so inconsequential.
So now…
Elijah had become the guardian of three young children.
… he really needs to get the original Sample 17 so he can push all of these to Desmond Miles instead.
Unorganized Notes:
The main point is that Desmond is revived to find out that he does not only have one child, but two and a younger sibling as well as another child who is definitely Clay’s child (Elijah checked) so yeah… he was resurrected by a bunch of children (well… Elijah’s like… 18 by now)
Clay gets involved because Desmond’s resurrection still has him have a connection with the Gray where Clay is and Clay can connect with Desmond while he has a POE.
This will easily moved into Clay and Desmond trying to be good parents in their own ways and trying to raise three (four if you can Elijah who does not want to be counted) children.
Does Bill learn he has another child? Your call. Or you can just have that child think of Desmond as their father and Desmond just rolls with it since he is the one raising said child.
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I’m here to post shit and have fun!
In honor of Halloween! Here’s some stories to have fun with!
Anime: One Piece
Character: Crocodile
Monster: Gargoyle
Warnings: Crocodile’s rizz
“Alright…he said ‘Baratie, 11 PM.”
You wanted to scream. This man you’ve been dating, your so called boyfriend, had told you that he wanted to go with you to Baratie.
Here you were- in a shimmering black dress with a slit that went up your thigh, black high heels and a small clutch- waiting at your assigned booth for this man to appear.
For about 40-50 minutes now.
You had received a text from him saying that it was over and confirmed the fact that he was cheating thanks to a photo he posted with his tongue down another woman’s throat. You felt sad but then decided that your evening will not be spoiled thanks to that useless prick and his cheating tendencies. You texted him he had 24 hours to leave your apartment and that you’d give him consequences if he didn’t.
Thankfully you’ve known the owner of this establishment and after talking to him and explaining the situation (you were good friends with him and his partner), he slid a few drinks on the house for the unfortunate evening.
As the club changed its scenery, you changed as well.
Your hair turned to life as the little snakes that adorned it yawned and changed from laying down to curling up on top of your head. Almost like a top bun. You aided them by putting a soft thin silk scrunchy on your hair, sorta like a pillow for the little ones.
As a Gorgon- you needed to be careful.
Thankfully technology has gone a long way and now you could wear specially made eye contacts for a monster of your particularity.
Going out with Gorgons was a little hard with the whole ‘I’ll-turn-you-to-stone-with-just-a-glance’ detail. History managed to make sure that the Gorgon line went past its supposedly imminent demise after Medusa was slain.
Making it its own subspecies of society welcomed gorgon women. Not all of them had the same power but very few, like you, could do all of what Medusa did and more.
“Excuse me, but is this seat taken?”
You whipped your head to meet with this person but you felt your throat go dry.
A man that almost doubled you in height, broad chest and shoulders. A man so incredibly handsome that seemed to be the epitome of elegance, poise and a connoisseur of beauty.
Height, build, stare and tone of voice had you entranced and, honestly, it was intimidating.
“Might as well sit down, my date is late anyway.”
The soft chuckle that came from his throat was caught by your ears, earning a pink tinge on your ears.
“A woman as exquisite looking as yourself shouldn’t be sitting by her lonesome. Especially one that got stood up by an imbecile.”
He had you swooning and it’s only been 5 minutes.
“I hope you find me to be good company Mister…-“
“Crocodile. Call me Crocodile.”
‘More like big Daddy.’ You thought, taking the last sip of wine and about to order more but you were stopped.
“Waiter-“ he managed to stop a young employee before he zoomed past them. “I’ll have an Old Fashion and bring the lovely lady anything she desires.”
‘Holy shit, that was hot.’ You thought.
“Oh-erhm- Whiskey. House sour mix, please.”
Once the waiter left, you were received by a a raised brow from Crocodile.
“You like spirits?”
“They kill the ghosts that haunt me- I’d say they are easily my favorite.”
The words kept being exchanged and the evening had progressed into a lovely one.
Until it was time to leave.
You felt a little empty on the inside when it was time to leave…at 4 in the morning.
“Well, Miss (L/N), I believe that this concluded our evening. I hope you found everything to your liking.”
“More than that. I had fun regardless the initial 45 minutes of waiting for a failed relationship. He was a waste of time and space, to be honest. But at least I had the pleasure of dining with someone of your caliber, Mr. Crocodile.” You said, whispering a secret that he so gingerly lapped up.
“Indeed. If you’d like, we can arrange another outing. One where you wouldn’t have to hide those beautiful eyes of yours.”
You sighed. Now at the door of your car and unlocking the vehicle in order to get in.
“If I let you see my eyes, you’d be petrified.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. You’d find that we might have something in common.”
This poked at your brain.
“How so?” You asked, earning another low gravel chuckle from him.
“You turn men into stone. I am stone.”
You tilted your head and gasped when you saw it. When he took out his coat, wing could be seen clipped right in his shoulders. They looked Bat like but at the same time- thick to carry his weight. His slanted eyes shifted the pupils into slits and a bit of silver lined against the pupil. To differentiate where his eye and a let started. The skin of his hand was now heavy and soft, like polished stone.
“You’re a Gargoyle.” You mumbled, cheeks warm at the interesting development. You felt him push a little card against your hands and felt like you were a pile of goo on the inside.
“Here’s my card. Feel free to call or drop in. I hope to hear back from you, Miss (Y/N).“
With that you saw how his wings opened and flew off to his lair.
You had waited a few days to call him and set up a date.
To which he replied-
“I’ll come and pick you up at 10 PM. And Miss (L/N)? No contacts. I want to marvel in your raw beauty.”
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spaghetsquid · 13 days
Based on an actual conversation I had with me pookie
In reference to this picture that I showed him
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Him: takes child with them
Me: [Yashiki] Went from spirt hunting rich boy to < spirit hunting homeless old man (he's barely 40, and still owns the Kujou mansion, but he looks like a homeless old man lol) (the “child” is Mary, the evil haunted doll that killed his family/erased his memories/is weirdly horny for him ((at lot of the spirts are)) (but also yes hehehhe)
Him: I mean, lookin homeless isn't bad. Got that racoon rizz, liek aizawa [My Hero Academia] (;;-;-; oof;-;;-;)
Me: He got that hot sexy autistic homeless raccoon rizz that most of the ghosts and also Mashita crave for carnally
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tiredlilguy · 1 year
I was intrigued when I saw that ur reqs r open.... and u take nijisanji EN request ?? count me in xsoleil x ghost!reader.... that haunts the building, and the reason is.... "why not". can be teasing and joking but thats up to u :3, prefered HC or scenario........ ty ty
OH MY GOD A.DLSKFJA;LSDKFJ;ASLDKFJ;ALDSKFJ TYSM FOR REQUESTING NIJIEN >:D IM SO HAPPIIIIII. i did small hc's and scenario's... so i hope you enjoy
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pairing(s): Xsoleil (separately) X GN!Ghost!Reader platonic/romantic up to interpretation cw: N/A, not proofread desc: they all decide to go to an abandoned building to see if they find any ghosts. they do, but it just so happens to be you. you haunt them, but they have their own ways of reacting to it
pio-chan gives me the energy that he would try to play cards with you
Like magic tricks… idk, I can just see it
At first he kinda scream in your face but when he realizes what you’re true intentions are he tries to be chill
He would probably be trying to exorcise you in his head though
He thinks magic tricks are going to exorcise you… it’s ok, let him cook
Maybe it does in the end, and then halfway through finds himself kind of sad that he can’t show you his magic tricks anymore
Crossing his arms, Doppio felt himself grin as he switched the cards out from behind his back. You watched curiously, not seeing him switch the cards. Soon enough, he pulls out your card:
An ace.
“ Is this your card?!,” he says excitedly. You nod and clap your hands as he prides himself on his winnings (even though he cheated). You start to fade away before his very eyes. Doppio now stares at where you were kneeling across from him. He frowns as he feels a little empty inside, now that you’re gone, but at least the exorcism worked.
tries to flirt with you
Thinks his rizz with exorcise you, but in reality it just makes you feel flustered, so you disappear so that he doesn’t have to see you embarrassed
I can see him not getting scared upon seeing you, and noticing that you were just haunting the school because you wanted to
Flirts you to death
“ Are you a ghost? Because you’re drop dead gorgeous,” he finger guns at you with a wink. You were flushed at his comment, replying by looking down nervously. You notice him eyeing you up and down,” Damn babe, you’ve got a killer body… and I’m here with a death wish.”
Soon enough you’re way too flustered to be staying there. As you felt heat reach to you face, like it never does, you fade away. However, not because he exorcised you, but because he made you feel embarrassed. Hex watched as you faded away and frowned,” Still had more pick-up lines, but ok.”
she wants to get to know you
You’re so cool!
I can see her complimenting you
She would also embarrass you somehow into fading away, no she did not exercise you
She just probably showers you with compliments so much that you fade away
“ Woah! There’s a real ghost!,” she jumps up, running over to you. You back away, despite knowing that she actually can’t touch you. “ Here, let’s take a photo!,” Kotoka smiles, pulling out her phone and posing with you. You hold up two piece signs. The picture gets taken and she shows it to you, you nodded in approval.
“ You’re so cool! I really like your outfit,” she smiles,” Is that what you died in?” You nod in response. Before she can compliment you again, however, you wave at her as you fade away to run off somewhere else.
she’s the one who’s actually trying to exercise you
Though upon meeting first, she tries to throw a chair at you
Which fails because it goes right through you
After that, she starts screaming and begins exorcising you
She’s unsuccessful though because she keeps stuttering
“ Y-you who h-h-haunt this p-place in the name of the L-Lord!!!,” she says as she holds up a cross at you. You look at her curiously as she continues to chant. “ B-b-begone at once!,” Meloco waves the cross in the air exasperated. You raised a brow, looking at her confused.
“ Ah damnit!,” she gives up, throwing the cross at you. Well… through you.
is genuinely curious to know where you came from
He’s pretty level-headed though
I can see him somehow making you cry by asking you about your past
So you fade away :(
But you knew he was just trying to be nice, so you left him a little note
“ So where did you come from, oh gosh?,” Ver looks at you curiously. Since you can’t speak, you shrug your shoulders. “ Did you die happy?” You nod. “ Do you miss the people you used to live with?” You nod. However, tears start to well up in your eyes. Before he can ask another question, you fade away.
However, where you stood, there’s a little note:
“ Thank you for being nice.”
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weird-dere-writes · 2 months
y’all she really said “stay away from my family” LMAO
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Allow me to formally reply by saying:
Haunting you forever actually 🫶🏾💖💖💖
Like asta is so silly but like you’ve mentioned before somehow he has rizz without trying and I feel like this would snatch your wig specifically so quick HSKDHDKDHSKX.
“We’ve all got a little wolf in us sometimes baby” I’M-
I’m afraid I’m sentencing you to him saying this to ur face when he fills you with his fat knot and torrent of hot cum BYE.
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shygirl4991 · 8 months
new episode time which means its time for me to talk about it LETS GOOOO!!!
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okay out of all people to see three be with they picked Boopkins the one he hates the most xD perfect and he has a date this is gonna be good. wonder who this famous girl is cant wait to see her!
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the fact this is natural smg3 (going off my color theory) i love he is just helping boopkins for money and gives no other shits
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AHHHHHH OH GOD WHAT IS THAT FACE SMG3 NOOOO im dying from laughter what is this xD the rizzler will haunt my dreams
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he does not have that drawing oh my god Boopkins what is your fan fiction we can trade ideas
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OH! i get it now....i get it now okay guess i need to get my im a simp for smg3 card its a no wonder SMG4 fell in love with the man xD Now lets see who this date is shall we?
my man got a date with his dream girl WHAAAT
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playing the best character he can for this tv date
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ah yes my fav vocaloid michael xD SMG3 may have the rizz but he is the worst wingman he can not for the life of him give good advice
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never change three never change
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i would say proud dad moment but its more of a "FUCK YEAH! im going to make so much money off of this."
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facts its always best to be yourself even more when it comes to romance you want that person to love the real you but i think your telling that to the wrong guy...wait is Boopkins dating miku now?!
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KJFHDSJKSFJK im dying never change three never change im so glad my wish of SMG3 hanging out with the crew is really happening i hope the other episodes is him with Meggy, tari and such it be great to see!
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rosyfingered-moon · 7 months
Sejak episode 14
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He really went "guys, I think we should stop the king from interrogating people. I mean, think about the poor spy when he's caught 🥺" and they all just accepted this as a normal, not at all suspicious thing to say
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The poison was on the yongpo!!! How very Count of Monte Cristo!
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HE GETS CREEPIER FOR EVERY EPISODE AND I LOVE IT. Please let Lee Gyu-hoe play the villain in every sageuk from now on, he's so incredibly persuasive at this brand of delulu evil!! I love the long ass Rasputin beard fluttering after him whenever he storms off feeling that he has been Humiliated and must Seek Revenge
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I'm so happy that this new and improved Mong-woo can read between the lines 🥰
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But if she is gonna be as ride or die for Yi In as she claims, I think a good first step would be to tell him about this plot that she personally set in motion and is still ongoing behind his back, idk.
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The devil works hard but the torture gnomes work harder!
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Lol honestly very relatable that he forgot Master Chu's face. Finally some representation for the prosopagnosia community!
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When I tell you I had goosebumps throughout this entire exchange. They are both such marvelous actors. Also wanna give a shoutout to the sound designer! The musical score has probably been great all along, but this was the first episode I watched with headphones on and my god
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It's so funny to me that he seems to be genuinely impressed and delighted by how evil Minister Park is. He's like "I can only hope to be as evil as you one day daegam 😍 I served the others for personal gain, but you... I'm serving for love"
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Very ooc for Myung-ha to even consider this cursed alliance. Like didn't you learn anything from trying to plot with other people?? Just do your own thing man! Get creative!!
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Another terrific actor. I love her polished, arrogant diction that is so entirely at odds with the haunted look in her eyes.
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My darling Dong!! If no one will protect you I will!!!
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Sorry writernim for thinking there would be catty jealousy drama... I should never have doubted you. (Very amusing though when she stomps her little foot on Mong-woo's proffered handkerchief and Mong-woo looks shocked that her gentleman rizz has failed, lmaooo)
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LIPSTICK POISON!!! Even better than the robe! But as always with this trope I wonder: how on earth can it kill the person being kissed and not the person wearing it? I assume this is a different poison from the one she used on the former king, since that was clearly more slow-working than this could be supposed to be... and simultaneously strong enough to seep through several layers of fabric which would reasonably then also cross through the protective barrier of Dong sanggung's plump and lovely lips. Much to think about.
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There's manspreading and then there's this
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I'll be honest I did experience a few bisexual emotions while watching this scene. I assume he's got her all figured out here and will shove her away with his virtue intact in the first seconds of ep 15, but the sexual tension between him and the Toxic Lipstick is pretty intense lol. I feel like he considered going for it, just for like 2 seconds. Not a bad way to go after all.
Also, remember what I said about the sound design because it really goes extremely hard in this scene!! Those ominous strings! A most excellent episode!
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terabyteturtle · 11 months
Fighter #09 - Luigi
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- Luigi’s kinda scared of portrait paintings. He hates going past the 'Everyone Is Here' mural in the first floor hallway because he feels like Sora’s eyes are following him.
- He usually gets put on laundry duty. The laundry machines in the mansion are super high-tech with tons of random settings, so when Luigi first saw them, he got really confused. He nearly blew up the dryer twice trying to figure out which button started the wash.
- A history buff, Luigi has read every historical book he could find in the library.
- Back in the day, Luigi actually developed and sold his own energy drink. It was an instant hit, but then Waluigi convinced him to take a bad deal and he lost the rights to everything.
- His favorite chore to do around the mansion is vacuuming. He's had plenty of experience with a vacuum from both practical and impractical standpoints.
- He gets flustered when someone compliments him, especially if that someone is Daisy.
- Luigi is, without a doubt, the king of belly flops.
- He has a hidden talent for modeling. 
- He’s honestly surprised by how many fans he has. He thought Mario would get all the attention (not that he minds, he usually doesn’t like being in the spotlight anyway).
- Luigi still gets scared easily, but he’s built up a stronger fear tolerance thanks to the multiple haunted locations he's been in.
- He was bullied back in high school, but now those bullies look up to him.
- Roy ruthlessly teases him all the time, but it's all in good nature.
- He prefers his birthdays to be celebrated in a low-key way, but living in Smash Mansion makes that impossible.
- He used to have severe arachnophobia. Once, Roy captured a spider and dangled it in front of Luigi's face to freak him out. It worked, but it worked a little too well. Luigi jumped so high from being scared that his head hit the ceiling. He had to stay in bed for a couple days afterward. Roy ordered him some pizza as an apology. Since then, Luigi was able to overcome his fear of spiders.
- This poor guy has a lot of nightmares, as well as some confusing dreams. One of his strangest ones was of Incineroar chasing him on a treadmill. He has no idea what that was about.
- He takes melatonin gummies every night.
- Luigi sleepwalks a lot and usually wakes up to find himself outside.
- He formed a drama club with Robin, Chrom, Lucina, Hero, Zelda, Byleth, Marth, and Rosalina. They invited a couple more fighters to join, but those are still pending. They get together every week and perform plays with each other. They're really enthusiastic about it; they have homemade costumes and everything.
- He has a bowtie collection. Each one is for a different occasion, some of which are extremely specific. One of his favorites is a green one with white polka dots, which is worn only for eating pizza on a Thursday.
- Luigi is better at pinball than Waluigi. The scrawny villain refuses to admit it, but it's true.
- For their first date, Luigi and Daisy went strawberry picking.
- Luigi is a menace with a water gun during the summertime. Seriously, this dude has a sniper shot.
- He gets sunburns easily and could probably burn in fluorescent lighting if he tried hard enough. One time, Ridley wanted to be mean and see how long it took for him to get a sunburn. When Luigi wasn't looking, he snatched his sunscreen. It only took about ten minutes for Luigi to become as red as a lobster. Ridley was quite literally rolling on the floor, howling with laughter. For the rest of that week, he couldn't pass Luigi in the hallway without snickering.
- Luigi has sensitive skin, so he uses special soaps, creams, and lotions that are nice and delicate. All of them are scented with tea tree oil.
- Waluigi keeps trying to steal his girl. Bro thinks that if he just gives her a rose and a flashy smile, she'll fall head over heels with him. He believes that he has what the kids call "W Rizz". Luigi's secretly jealous because he thinks Waluigi has more charm than he does. Because of this, he’s kinda scared that Daisy will leave him, but in reality, he has nothing to worry about—Daisy loves this adorable dork. Besides, Waluigi's the type of guy to actually like the scent of Axe Body Spray. Him and Wario both.
- Inuit kisses (nose nuzzles) and boops on the nose are Luigi and Daisy's primary forms of affection.
- Mario constantly has to remind him that Diddy Kong is DK's nephew, not his son.
- He and Mario used to be paper boys when they were younger. Whenever Luigi sees a newspaper, he gets nostalgic.
- He cries every time he watches a sad movie.
- Luigi ate a bad shroom outside once and had the weirdest trip ever. He honestly doesn't remember much about it other than that it was weird. Diddy Kong found him lying outside muttering something about a big, black tumbleweed coming to take his soul.
- He can pop his shoulder out of his socket at will.
- He can also make fart noises with his armpit. Mario's been jealous of this since the third grade.
- Whenever he greets somebody, he uses finger guns.
- Whenever he takes a shower, he blasts music and quietly sings along.
- Bewear is his buddy. Luigi wants to hug him so badly, but doesn't want to get his spine crushed.
- He dropkicked Wario once for insulting Daisy. After that, he kept Daisy's name out of his mouth for good.
- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the Luigi’s Mansion main theme from Ultimate. This went from a tune he sang when he was scared to a song he plays when he's about to get crafty on the battlefield.
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makiaan · 1 year
Variety!AOT x noble!Reader
You were a strong noble woman and had royal blood, how would the scouts react when Historia introduces her to them at a military ball?
The man was indifferent at first (maybe even hostile because of ur noble title)
Before he quickly noticed that you we’re different from the average arrogant noble
After getting to know you he grew to favor you, he liked the confidence in your posture and voice.
His a man of few words though- it was mostly you talking with Levi’s short answers occasionally chiming in.
At the end of the ball he was kinda disappointed, he secretly wished that he would see you again, maybe even become actual friends.. or maybe more then that?
At first he was suspicious of you, I mean, his experiences with government officials were pretty bad, what makes u any different?
When you introduced yourself and offered to shake his hand his perception quickly changed like a switch
The longer you talked the more chaotic it got-
The two talked about the stupidest shit the entire time, trying your best to not inappropriately laugh too loud
At the end he asked if he could hang out with you again, you said yes and now u had a assumed date at your manor.
Was open minded at first sight, though deep deep inside he assumed you were arrogant
Introduced himself first and offered a friendly handshake
After that first greeting he was quick to develop a crush
The man was beside you the entire duration of the ball 🥲 he was smooth with his cling though
He enjoyed talking about his time in the military and his passions as the commander
When he found you too had something to be passionate about he was immediately in tranced
The way your eye sparkled in sheer motivation and dedication lit a unlit heart shaped candle inside of him
When the first ball dance came up he immediately took your hand with a bow, asking so confidently “May I have this first dance with you m’lady?”
At that moment the world stopped, he looked so beautiful his rizz execution was immaculate
At the end of the ball he had promised to visit your manor with sweet little gifts
That night he slept well, instead of the countless lives he’s sacrificed haunting him you had came in as a much more pleasant replacement.
The poor boy fell in love at first sight, before Historia had introduced them they had met previously at the yard of the ball
Previously: (Armin while tripping on a stone had been caught by the reader before face planting on the ground)
He offered to grab you drink and snacks and constantly checked up on you during the ball
Armins face was so red the entire ball that you thought he had a fever-
After the ball he barely had the courage to ask you to a date
Man’s was terrified
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