#hey hey peek the improvement eh?
gomzdrawfr · 4 months
Spreading my Ghost with dimples propaganda once again
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the og post
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of-pale · 3 months
There are but two certainties in life: death and taxes. So it’s business as usual.
Nero walked into the shop, surprised to see Vergil in Dante's chair, sifting through papers, while Dante lounged lazily on the sofa flipping through a magazine.
"What's going on here?"
"Oh, you know, Vergil being Vergil,” Dante gestured dramatically toward his brother as if presenting a circus animal in a grand display. “He thinks he can do a better job at managing a demon hunting business. Not like I've been doing it just fine for decades.”
"Anyone with opposable thumbs could do a better job than you, brother," Vergil replied dryly, scrutinizing the atrociously messy paperwork and accounting. It didn't require a genius to see how badly Dante’s business would be in the red if it weren't for all the money Dante undoubtedly weaselled out of Lady. Still, that's money that has to be repaid, and Vergil didn't even want to think about the returns the loan shark hag expects of Dante.
What truly frustrated Vergil was knowing for a fact that Dante could do a better job at running the business. Annoying as it was to admit, Dante had always been better with numbers. Ever since they were kids, adding up numbers at lightning speed was as easy for him as reading was for Vergil. So this accounting mess? It was like Dante didn’t bother to put any effort in it. And hadn't for decades. From the looks of things, he even got enough jobs coming in to get by, so why…?
“Damn, I wish it was that easy and I could just hire a monkey to do it,” Nero shook his head. “This shit's boring as hell.”
Vergil couldn't help but let his frustration leak through, “Something for Dante to consider then, since it would do a better job than this.”
"Does that mean I can pay you in bananas, Verge?" Dante fired back with a grin.
"A considerable improvement, since you don't pay me at all.”
"Hey now, you get your cut at the end of the demon hunting jobs.”
“You mean the rightful pay earned for a job I complete by myself, from which you take a cut simply because you act as a broker of a broker?”
"Welcome to capitalism, bro. It's how things are run topside.”
"I miss hell already,” Vergil replied sarcastically, massaging his temples. “Please tell me you at least paid the taxes.”
"Hey, I may be the Legendary Demon Hunter, but even I don't mess with the IRS.”
"Wait, you do all the bookkeeping on paper?” Nero raised an eyebrow. “You know we live in the 21st century, right?”
"Eh, it's easier on paper.” Dante shrugged. “Especially if the occasional job needs to be kept off the books.”
“You just said you don't want to mess with the IRS.”
“Oh, if there's one thing scarier than the IRS, it's Lady when she's come to collect her due.” Dante got up from the sofa and sauntered over to his desk, where an open pizza box awaited. “A wise man picks his battles.”
“A fool sets himself up for them,” Vergil muttered, quickly realising the irony of his own words.
Dante grabbed a slice of pizza and took a curious peek over Vergil's shoulder at his notes. “Hm, you got the total amount wrong by a couple hundred. Right there.” He pointed at it before cheekily patting Vergil on the shoulder and continuing on his merry way back to the sofa.
Vergil growled demonically in pure frustration, fighting the very real urge to roll all the blasted papers into a ball and dump them in the bin.
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
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ToT Bonnie i love you but that is not how it's pronounced
-"stardust" are you the starhead bitch from the trailers
-i feel like i'll have to ask the librarian for a book eventually
-THE RUNNING ONE IS CALLING OUT SIF LOL (for running from his problems) (hmmmm Sif what problems r u running from?)
-ugh. it's the starhead bitch
-plot twist the star head is Siffrin and that's why he's depressed :P
-their name is Loop. i don't trust them
-"Yeah, better know this one's pronouns so you can think very clearly in your head that they're getting on your nerves."
-LOOP CAN READ THE PROFILES? WHAT KIND OF META BULLSHIT IS THIS </positive i fucking love meta bullshit>
-hm is Loop some sort of weird representation of the player. or a god.
-learn WHAT?
-hm feel like this game might explore some of the moral iffiness that tends to arise with time loops. is a friendship genuine if one person knows exactly what the other will say?
-"don't eat pineapples. you're allergic" fuck you. i WILL eat pineapples and i WILL enter anaphylaxis and i WILL die stupidly but it will be WORTH IT
-maybe Loop was a normal person who got stuck in a time loop for too long and fucked up somehow? and that's why they're like this
-idk if i'll zone out much i don't wanna miss any differences
-altho if there's a difference won't i zone back in?
-then again there's a lot of dialogue
-maybe this will be plot-important somehow?
update after being gone for a bit:
-Tears weewoo
-side note i am so glad i fought that thing that dropped the crest even tho it was hard. fighting it again on future loops is gonna suck tho
-also fun fact right after i died to the Tears i ran ahead and accidentally got crushed by the rock again. which i think is bullshit because I RAN TO THE SIDE OF THE ROOM
-back to more important things. like Siffrin saying nya. or the thyme pun.
-ODILE SAID IT. look she has a phd or whatever equivalent there is here probably, she's like 40, i think she's earned the right to do whatever the fuck she wants
-Isabeau is AOBB (Assigned Omelette By Bonnie)
-"It'd be awful to keep yourself from becoming a person you feel comfortable with just because it would upset someone else."
Breaking news: the game where the protagonist uses he/they, two other major characters use they/them, and there is a conversation explicitly referencing pronouns and giving them, unsurprisingly supports trans rights
-uh... why are the Vaugardians freaking out over crab. does the Change religion ban it?
-Vaugarde is weird. first, they have a VERY SPECIFIC RULE where entering the FIRST ROOM of a house is fine, but any further is rude. second: crabs??? ok i guess???
-an openphrase... ya mean a password?
-fuck it i am fully in "taking gratuitous extensive notes" mode
-hehe protector craft is gullible :P
-oh hey tasteful artistic nudes. so this room's resident is an art student. hopefully their grasp of anatomy was improved :]
-Mira said what the crab instead of what the hell
-"what the CRAB did you let Bonnie do when we said no!!!"
-checked it again. the people are "doing fun things" eh so what if an art student draws porn, that's on me for peeking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still hope it improved their grasp of anatomy. if the anatomy was bad and the narration didn't tell me i would be disappointed in it :P
-ooo drawn tarot card. isn't the Six of Swords a bad one? i feel like it's foreshadowing somehow but i don't feel like looking its meaning up
-i fucking hate the triplet Sadnesses they're so annoying
-the reason the Mandela Effect with Berenstein/Berenstain happened is because Sif equipped the e
-OH? saving records party progress if you loop back to that spot :0
-yippee i beat the Sadness boss that changes its type (this is like the first enemy that does that i think)
-Mira are you hungry
-this question keeps popping in my head but where the fuck IS Siffrin from plot twist the kid was right and he's from the sky idk i'm saying random shit
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softstarlite · 11 months
The Casualty of Love
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Javier Peña x f!hispanic reader
Summary: He's back in Laredo. You have almost forgotten how warm his eyes were and how big your crush for him was.
Warnings: age gap (Javi is 40 and reader is 27), longing, angst, fluff, smut (it's my first time writing it, so help me improve if you can), mentions of death, mentions of mental health issues.
A/N: Hi! This is my first fanfic not only in Tumblr but also in English. My first language is Spanish so this is new to me. Please don't be mean and if you give criticism, let it be constructive to help me improve <3
Masterlist / Chapter 1
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Taking the keys out of the ignition and making your way across the parking lot to the little store, your head, more specifically your forehead, collapses with a hard thing.
“ Ouch” you rub your forehead while looking at where your purse has landed.
“Uh, fuck” you hear a masculine but almost familiar voice say from above you. Your gaze comes up to be met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes that you have for sure seen before.
“Ja-Javi?” you say with wide eyes and mouth agape. He mumbles your name like a question, like he can't believe what he's seeing, was it truly you? you looked so… so different, so grown up…
“So it's true, you really are back, eh?” you can feel the corners of your mouth rise a little while you say it.
“Been for two weeks…” his eyes can't help but to roam your body “you… look different…” he says more to himself than you.
“Well, that's what more than a decade does to someone” you chuckle.
“It really has been that long? Mierda…” he runs a hand through his hair.
You suddenly realize that your purse it's still on the floor, so you pick it up. For a few seconds an awkward silence floats between you too, in which you both just stare at each other.
You then realize something, “espera, you´ve been back for two weeks and you haven't been to my mama´s house? She's going to kill when she finds out, you know it right?” you nervously rub your hands together in front of you.
“Shit, you´re right…” he closes his eyes tightly, “with helping my pops with getting the ranch in a better shape and all, i forgot about going to Maria´s…”
“Hey, I'm sure if you explain it to her, she'll understand it. You´ve always been her favorite anyways” you give him a reassuring smile that he reciprocates with another, but somehow it looks like it almost pains him to do so, like he has not given a real one for way too long.
To be continued...
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saturnalmoss · 1 year
Chapter Two
The Artificial Aesthetician
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Master Post
York picked up the prosthetic. “We can take it now, right?”
“Yeah, I took all the pictures.”
“I drew a chalk outline! It's uh pretty uh, you know... on its own, actually.” Rosé glanced at it and snickered. While Grenda scribbled a quick note that “It’s an arm!”, Rosé tucked the prosthetic in her pocket. 
“I want to make a quick stop first.” She said.
“Mmm. Where?”
They opened the door to a shabby looking office under an attached studio apartment, a little tinkle of bells followed them in. Grenda swept in and clicked their tongue at the state of the it. “He just won’t keep a nice place for himself, will he?”
“Hey!”Eugene peeked out the back room, “I’m getting better at it.” He smiled at them. 
Grenda crossed her arms. “Oh, yeah?” Eugene nodded and pointed at small plastic cat on the desk of the small office. “It’s name is Felix Jr. Felix gave it to me to keep me company...” He looked at them. “I have a photo in my apartment, too.” 
Grenda nodded very seriously. That was a major improvement, really. “I’m proud of you, Eugene.” Eugene laughed it off, and looked away embarrassed. 
“So what brings you guys here? You usually visit after office hours!”
“We got a job for you.” York told him. 
“AND we’re paying you for it!” Rosé dug in her pockets. Eugene looked interested, but concerned.
“You have a need for a medium? What - what it that?!”
“It’s an arm.” York said, looking concerned. “Did you forget what arms are? You got two on right now.”
“I, I, why do you have an ARM? ...Is it metal?”
“We just want to double check that it doesn’t have a ghost.” Grenda told him. “We think it’s just a lost item, but better safe than sorry.” Rosé held a fist full of cash out. 
Eugene hesitantly took both, and walked carefully over to his desk. “Can you take the table cloth out? Second drawer. If there’s a ghost it would be rude to just use a bare table...” 
He laid the prosthetic down gently on the star speckled cloth and held his hands over it, a hair's breadth from touching. He took a slow breath in, then out.
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After a moment, he shook his head. “No, there are no spirits following this...” He smiled. “Good news, I hope.”
“Usually is.” York said. Rosé tucked it in her pocket again, Eugene watched, perturbed. 
“Are you going to track down the owner?” He asked. Rosé nodded, grinning. 
“It’s a solo mission!” Grenda said. “Jancy is going to be so proud.” Eugene smiled fondly. 
“I’m sure. Is there any more I can help with it?” Rosé shrugged. 
“Eh, probably not.” 
“Can you commune with living folks, now?” York asked. 
Eugene laughed. “I think I could do that first. But if you don’t have a bone number, I would have to be near by.” He sat up straight. “Oh, does it have a contact?”
“No.” York said. “It just had some of your numbers an’ some scratches.” Rosé took the prosthetic back out with a sigh. 
She pulled a jewelers loop out after, and peered through it. York directed her first to the scratches. They were barely perceptible, shallow and faint, on the outside of the forearm. Two thin lines, close together, different lengths but traveling in parallel. 
“It looks like it scraped against something...” She muttered.
York pointed next at a small patch on the inside of the cup of the upper arm. “That would be pretty out of sight when it’s on.” Grenda said. “Looks like it says... 90664117... Artificial Aesthetician... You guys heard of them?”
None of them had. Rosé pulled out her iBone Poke. “Sounds like a business, though. 
“Yeah! Here, local shop. Let’s go!”
The three said their goodbyes to Eugene and took off after their next clue. He smiled after them and took a breath. He looked around the bare room. It wasn’t that bad... He had a real bed upstairs. But his customers would appreciate more ambiance in the office.
The office of Artificial Aesthetician was clean and white and quite boring. The waiting room was small and currently empty but for the three detectives. Rosé went up to the little window and smiled at the receptionist on the other side. 
“Hello, do you have an appointment?”
“Nope! We’re investigating a...” she paused for a moment. “A case trying to locate someone.” 
“We’re detectives.” Grenda added from below the window. “You don’t get many dwarves at this establishment, do you?”
“Uh... No, dwarvish families deal with their own prosthetics, don’t they?”
“Do they?” Grendan asked innocently.
“Did you say this was a missing person? How on earth would Artificial Aesthetician have to do with that?”
Rosé gave them a little smile. “Well, we don’t know, yet. We found a little something that led us here, is all. Can we talk to the...” she faltered. “The doctor? Are these places run by doctors?”
“Y-yes,” the staff member said. “Of course we’re run by a doctor, look. What, uh. Should. Should you have a warrant?”
Rosé leaned on the counter. “I don’t know, should I? We just want to ask the doc a question. We can get a warrant, if you want.”
“Y-yes, I think that would be appropriate-”
“No, that will not be necessary.” Rosé looked up at the doorway leading from the waiting room further into the building. There was a tiefling woman there, now. Tall and austere and not looking nearly as upset as the staff member. She smile cooly at them. “It seems a little silly to require a warrant just to ask me a question. I am Dr. Theresa Shipcott, I own the Artificial Aesthetician.” 
She gestured down the hall. “Why don’t you come to my office? It’s a pity you aren’t here for a consultation” 
“It is?” Grenda said.
“Your forms are quite engaging.” she said by way of explanation.
“I hope that you will keep us in mind, should anything unfortunately permanent occur.” Dr. Shipcott smiled and sat behind a desk. The doctor’s office was spacious, lined with tidy book shelves and a few lightly cushioned seats in front of the doctor’s desk. It felt as sterile as the waiting room. 
Grenda sat in the middle seat, nervously. They has the odd sensation of being sent to the principal's office. York crossed his arms, and remained standing. Rosé leaned on the desk and put The Arm down on the table. “Recognise this?”
“Hmm, yes, it does seem to be my handiwork.” She turned it over carefully in her hands, then looked to the shoulder joint and the identification number. “Where did you find this?”
“We can’t say, at this time.” Rosé said.
“A bush.” York said at the same time, then, “Bush is a metaphor. For we can’t tell you.” 
The tiefling stood, leaving the arm on table, and went over to a set of pristine filing cabinets in the corner out of the way. “Let’s see...”
Rosé leaned back to observe and saw a flicker of expression cross the doctor’s face. For just a moment, she looked quite surprised, then it was gone. She turned and smiled, closing the cabinet drawer. “Indeed, this is a patient of mine.” 
“Give us the address.” York said. She quirked an eyebrow. 
“No need, I can deal with this from here on out. The arm needs a little repair, so I will do this and make an appointment with my patient immediately. No need for you to pursue this any further.” 
York looked perturbed. “No, we still gotta talk to ‘em about littering.” 
“You- what?” 
“They just left their arm around. That’s littering.” 
“I...” she shook her head. “Surely it was just an accident!” 
“They lost an arm in an accident?” Grenda said. “That’s quite an accident!”
Dr. Shipcott’s mouth quirked up at the corner for a flash. “Well, I do rather depend on such things for business.” 
“Thing is we don’t know it is was an accident or littering ‘til we talk to the arm guy, so we need the address.” York insisted. 
“I shall direct the- the patient - your way when I conduct the appointment. Perhaps you can leave your business card.” 
York frowned. She was a tough cookie. He glanced at Rosé and Grenda. Grenda held up a compact art box, and waggled their eyebrows. 
“Er uh. Y-yes. N-no.” York said carefully. Dr. Shipcott furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Which is it?”
“Do... you... have... a... card... ?” York said carefully. 
“Do you got a card, for business?” York said again. Doctor nodded, slowly, and fished a little card from her lab coat. 
It was as empty as the room, plain white with a stiff black print with the name and address of the Artificial Aesthetician. “Wow, this card sucks.” York said. “Grenda gimme a pen, I’ll make it better.”
“And I’ll make a card for you with our information!” Grenda said. “Do you have another one I can draw on?” She did, and held it out, bewildered but transfixed. 
“Wait, I do not need another card-”
“It’s fine, it’s on the house.” York said.
“Plus you need my info!” Grenda said. “Just hold on. Oh, and tell York if you like the direction he goes in.” Rosé gave them an enthusiastic thumbs up from behind the doctor and crept over to the cabinets. 
“I don’t.” She said immediately. “It’s fine - is that a bone??”
“Yes,” said York
“No.” Said the doctor. “No reminders of mortality.”
York frowned. “What’s worth having if it ain’t a reminder that you're gonna die?”
“Most things.” The doctor said coldly. “This establishment seeks to return the client’s body to a intrinsic state- no axes!!”
“Axes are the point in getting an arm.”
“Here’s my card.” Grenda said, handing it out. Doctor snatched it. “Don’t forget to represent the people who’ve lost a butt, too.”
“Good point.” York  said. 
“No!” Doctor said. 
“You don’t do butts?” York looked shocked. Grenda shook their head. 
“That’s pretty cold, leaving people bottomless like that.” 
“Of course I can assist with the posterior - is this a joke to you - it’s just. No one wishes to display that they needed such treatment.” She tried to make a grab for the card but York was immovable.
“Butts should have spikes, right?” York said. Dr. Shipcott glared. She rubbed her temple. There was no need to get upset, she reminded herself. She doesn’t have to USE this...
She glanced at the card. Her eyes went wide and she snatched it. “No dongus!” She said. “Bad! No!”
She flapped her coat. “Be gone! I have answered your inquiries and now you will leave!” The three detectives fled, pursued. 
The Drawtectives office was still empty. It seemed like Jancy was quite busy. Rosé fell lazily into her chair and lounged. Smirking, she pulled out a little sheaf of paper and slapped it on the desk. 
Grenda high-fived her. “Nice! Now we just need to find the identification! Uh -”
Rosé slapped the arm down on the desk with a much louder thunk. York grinned. 
“It was odd, right?” She said, stretching. “I though for a minute that the doc would give us the address. Just to get rid of us.” York nodded. 
“It would have been less trouble for her.”
“So there’s something going on, right? Like maybe the person doesn’t exist...”
“I found them.” Grenda said. “There, see.” They held up the page, and pointed. 
“Oh...” Rosé said. York patted her shoulder. 
“Maybe they won’t exist when we get there,” he said comfortingly.
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We Go Down Together, Chapter 1
Relationship(s): Cassie Perez & Cordell Walker
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, Kidnapping, Torture, Captivity, Psychological Torture, Grey Flag, Hurt, Hurt No Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Angst, Angst and Feels, Blood and Injury
Summary: An AU in which Cassie was kidnapped along with Cordell. How will Cassie handle the torture? And how will Cordell handle Cassie?
Written for @whumptober prompt 11: Captivity
@walkerverse-bingo square filled: Captivity
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
“Hope you boys weren’t planning on starting without me.”
Trey laughed. “No, we know better. You’d just chase us down when we were least expecting it.”
“Are you sure you want to join us though?” Liam asked. “I mean, we’ve been at this for a year already and our times have only been improving-”
“Don’t listen to him,” Cordell interjected. “He’s just trying to psych you out so he doesn’t end up in 4th place instead of his usual 3rd.”
“Hey, I made second once!”
“Because Trey had a cold!”
Cassie couldn’t help but chuckle, watching them bicker. “Please, I’ll smoke all of you. I was the fastest in my Trooper class three years in a row.”
“Hm, they must’ve lowered standards since I was a Trooper….”
Cassie lightly punched Cordell in the arm. “Ha ha, very funny. Hey, maybe the next time your badge is on the chopping block you should just give in and start doing stand-up at the Side Step.”
Liam groaned. “Nooo, don’t tell him that! Isn’t it bad enough that we have to suffer through his jokes? Why would you subject the rest of Austin to that?”
The brothers started bickering again and they went at it until Trey broke it up. “Come on, let’s be on our best behavior. Wouldn’t want Cassie to think we’re unruly schoolboys.”
She shrugged. “Eh, I already do. But anyway, how does this work? Just first one back to the house gets the hat and the loser buys drinks? Do we keep a hand on the fence until we say go or is it a free for all?”
“Well,” Cordell started. “First we put one hand on the fence….” He waited until she copied his movement before continuing. “And then we….GO!”
He was off like a shot and she was right behind him, laughing as she tried to keep up with him. So he wanted to play dirty? That was fine; she would still catch up to him. She imagined herself snatching the hat right out from under him and taking her trophy home. Maybe she’d put it on top of the bookshelf in the front room, where everyone could see it. Or maybe she’d just start wearing it to work. Yeah. That might be fun.
She was so lost in her head, she almost didn’t notice that she lost sight of Cordell. Almost.
Considering the path they were on was straight (aka, no curves for her to lose him on), that was not a good sign.
She slowed down to a jog, peeking into the brush around the path. Maybe he was just trying to mess with her and he’d jump out any second with that playful grin he used whenever he got away with breaking policy at work. Probably trying to actually psyche her out. She smirked and shook her head. “You can’t fool me, Walker!” she called. “I know you too well!”
She slowed and her smile fell when he didn’t pop out. Unless…. He was still trying to psyche her out? But she already called him out on it. Why wouldn’t he come out? “Come on, I know you’re hiding. It’s not fun for either of us if I know the trick!”
The crack of a gunshot cut through the air and she ran toward it. She pulled her pistol out of the concealed holster in her running pants and kept going until she found the source of the noise.
Walker was on the ground in front of a white van and two men were securing his wrists and ankles in cuffs. She instinctively reached for a walkie she didn’t have and cursed. She didn’t even have cuffs. She was on her own and she was outnumbered. But she had a gun and they weren’t paying attention to her. If she aimed right, she could at least incapacitate them enough to get Walker out of there. If she just…
She froze when a branch broke under her foot.
The man paused after Walker was put down in the van. “You hear that?”
Maybe if she stayed still, they wouldn’t notice-
Something hit her head and the world went dark.
Cordell felt the rumble of a vehicle under him before he heard the engine. Random bits of soft conversation flowed from the front seat, not that he could make out much of it. He tried to remember where he was, how he’d gotten there. He remembered waking up this morning and setting out his clothes for Stella’s graduation. He remembered prodding Liam out of bed for their daily run. He remembered meeting up with Cassie before the race.
He remembered someone grabbing him off the trail and punching the wind out of him before he could react. He remembered getting a shot off before something hit him in the back of the head.
He carefully opened his eyes, just enough to see what was right in front of him. He was in a van; he had no idea how long they’d been traveling, or where they were now. He could see duffle bags, rope, guns, and-
He nearly gasped when he saw her. Thank god he stifled it in time.
Cassie was laying against the far wall of the van. She was cuffed just like he was and had a sizable bump on her head. And she was waking up.
He watched her open her eyes and take stock of the situation, just like he had. Her eyes went wide when they landed on him. “Walk-”
“Shhh. Don’t talk,” he whispered. “Whatever they do or say, don’t react. Play dead.”
She clamped her mouth shut and nodded.
They hit a small bump in the road and the van started to slow down. Cordell gave Cassie a look and closed his eyes, hoping she would follow suit.
The van jerked when it finally came to a stop. The doors open, sending a warm breeze into the stuffy van. Their captors roughly grabbed at Cordell’s face and he felt a blindfold slide over his eyes. So they weren’t going to kill them right away but they wanted to keep their location secret for when he and Cassie “woke up”. Interesting.
He was dragged out of the van by his arms; he heard them pulling Cassie out shortly after. Asphalt changed to concrete under his feet and he was hauled up to his feet to navigate the stairs. From there, he was dragged down a labyrinth of hallways until they stopped and dropped him, leaning him against the bars of a cell. Through the small gap under his blindfold, he saw them bring Cassie in and rest her against a different wall.
“Can’t believe we got two for one. The boss is gonna be happy with us.”
“Just be glad we got this one.” A pair of dirty boots stopped in front of him. “So this is the war hero, huh? I thought he’d be taller.”
The men talked for a bit longer before leaving him and Cassie alone in their cell. Once the men were out of hearing range, he spoke up. “You okay?”
“I’m sore, blindfolded, and Liam’s not buying me any drinks anytime soon, but other than that, I’m fine.” Cassie huffed. “Who were those guys? And where are we?”
“Those are two great questions I don’t have answers to,” Cordell muttered. He reached forward with his hands, feeling along the floor. “Maybe we can figure out the ‘where’ on our own. Do you hear anything over there?”
“...Dripping water. And I think there’s sunlight behind me; I can feel it.”
“So definitely above ground. Somewhere abandoned but not condemned. A place that can be maintained….”
“You got all that from sunlight and dripping water?”
Cordell smirked. “What can I say? I’m good at my job.” It also wasn’t the first time he’d been kidnapped but that was a story for another time. “Anyway, there’s about 100 specific locations we could be but I’m willing to bet we’re still in the Austin area. We weren’t in the van for that long, though I’m not sure how long we were out….”
“Right,” Cassie agreed. “I’m sure James and everyone are already working on finding us. We’ll be out of here soon, right?”
“We’ll see,” Cordell said. “These guys know what they're doing, but so does James. We just need to hold out for a bit.”
Their conversation was cut off by footsteps heading their way. Cordell went back to pretending he was out and signaled for Cassie to follow suit. The longer they were “out”, the more information they could get.
“I know you’re awake,” the new person said, kicking Cordell’s foot. “Do you know why you’re here?”
Cordell saw the boots, the stance. Definitely ex-military. Probably all the guys that took them were. “Let me guess- you wanted to join in on our race and got jealous that I was winning.”
The blindfold was ripped off and- yeah that haircut was definitely ex-military. The guy loomed over him for a moment then took off Cassie’s blindfold too. “Do you know why your partner’s here?” he asked her curtly.
She shrugged. “I mean…. Just based on the vibes I’m guessing this is some kind of revenge plot….”
The guy smirked. “Not exactly.” He went back to Cordell. “Boss wants to talk to you; this could clear things up.” He lifted Cordell by the cuffs and dragged him out of the cell. Cordell turned to look over his shoulder to see Cassie try and get up and follow him, only to be stopped by a leash on her ankle. These guys really were professionals.
Cordell was both surprised and not by his meeting with the leader, Sean He didn’t expect it to come so soon, nor did he expect it to be someone he didn’t know. He’d been thinking this was some elaborate revenge plot too, so seeing some random person was odd. But he wasn’t surprised this was some kind of domestic terrorist thing. His whole spiel about how the system was broken and they needed to tear it down and start over again was a bit boring and expected. Aside from the bit about his wife, but he was trying not to think about that.
On the way back to the cage, the warning Sean left him with echoed in his mind. The meeting was a courtesy, he’d said. If Cordell didn’t decide to work with them of his own accord, they were going to take more drastic measures. He didn’t want to think about what that meant. Hopefully, James would find them soon and they wouldn’t have to worry about it.
Just outside the door for their little cell, he heard a commotion and his stomach dropped. He should’ve known they wouldn’t just leave Cassie alone while he was out.
His new prison guard buddy got a good hold on his cuffs before opening the door, like he was preparing for a fight. And he was right to.
Cassie was hanging by her cuffs from a hook in the ceiling of the cage. Just as the door opened, she screamed as they shocked her in the side with a cattle prod. Based on the number of bruises Cordell could see, they’d started this a while ago.
He grit his teeth and pulled against the guard’s hold but didn’t fight too much. He didn’t need to make the situation worse than it already was.
They got one more shock in before they left and it took everything in Cordell not to lunge at them as they passed each other.
He was taken to the opposite side of the cage as Cassie and given a leash of his own. A leash that stopped him halfway across the cage so he couldn’t try and comfort Cassie. “Are you okay?” he asked stupidly.
Cassie groaned and slowly stood up. She held her right side, which had more bruises. “I’ll be fine,” she hissed, taking shaking steps toward him.
“Don’t do that,” he said. “Save your strength. You’re gonna need it.”
Cassie nodded and quickly sat down. “Yeah, yeah, okay….”
His hands flexed uselessly at his side. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna figure out a way to get us out of here,” he promised. “We’ll be fine. I’m good at my job, remember?” He tried to smile. She tried to smile back. 
Neither of them did a good job.
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blossyossyossy · 2 years
Things I would change in Danny Phantom: make Danny and Tuckers friendship and Danny and his bond with his sister the focal point of the big emotional safe haven of the show. Make Danny's parents out right problematic and abusive instead of stereotypical stupid parents Butch Hartmen enjoyes doing. Keep Vlad as the big bad villian(but actually commit to it) or give him a redemption arc. Give Sam a villian arc and explore toxic abusive girls. Especially ones who don't take no from their life long crushes who don't like then back and will never see them more as a friend. Don't let Paulina just be another stereotype. Make pink astronaut end game. Maybe make Danny be the ghost king. God make the game have demon slayer horror and consequences. Imagine if the horror in tht game was like Demon slayer! Last but not least I'd love to make Paulina like this tumblr blog report/writer or something does stuff about ghosts ananthe supernatural.
YES. I really would've liked for Danny and Tucker's friendship to have been explored more as opposed to having Tucker become Danny and Sam's third wheel.
I feel like Jazz's dynamic with the entire trio could've been explored more, especially since it seems like she had more of a bond w/ Sam than her own brother sometimes. But hey, at least she had an obvious bond w/ those two instead of having pretty much nothing w/ Tucker 💀
Considering Butch has a thing for having child abuse in his shows (aka FOP w/ Vicky's existence and Timmy's neglectful parents being why he had Fairy Godparents to begin with), I think Jack and Maddie are an improvement upon that and I would've liked for them to actually be good parents instead of questionable at best, abusive at worse parents so then there could be more angst but not in the sense that Danny fears his parents killing him <- has been reading DP fics
Oh Vlad. He had so much potential and I feel like him asking for what, $500 billion in the finale didn't make sense for him. I do think that him using his ghost powers to save and therefore control the world would've been enough for him and in character. I do like that Vlad is just going to be in space for the rest of his life but also couldn't he have just escaped to the Ghost Zone or whatever 💀? Like, people can't see him when he's INVISIBLE so he could've easily snuck into the Ghost Zone and lived out the rest of his days in solitude to think about everything he's done. I do feel like it was a bit of a cop-out to have the finale's big threat be a fucking asteroid instead of Vlad but eh.
Ooh villain!Sam would've been cool. The ep where Danny got his ice powers was a nice peek into what it could've been like. Also, Sam could've been a badass girlboss <- focusing on the wrong thing here. I would've liked for the show to focus on onesided attraction and not just Fenton's crush on Paulina and Paulina's crush on Phantom but Sam's crush on Danny. That could've been during the whole Gray Ghost thing and how just b/c you're friends/besties with someone, that doesn't mean that the two of you are meant to be romantic partners which is ironic for a demiromantic to say but shh
No cause I LOVE that Valerie wasn't a stereotype and I would've loved it if they did the same for Paulina. Maybe they could've done something like that one FOP episode w/ Trixie being into boy stuff?
I was actually thinking about this earlier and having either Gray Ghost or Pink Astronaut as end game would've been so cool cause both have a girl of color as the love interest and it's not a best friends who barely have chemistry [not saying that's what Danny and Sam are, I'm just talking about the trope in general] to lovers
OH. ANOTHER THING THAT FANFICS MADE ME BELIEVED WAS CANON. I thought Ghost King!Phantom was canon in the show b/c of all the damn fics that had as canon in their AUs and so I was confused by the constant disrespect until it clicked for me that Phantom being Ghost King is another popular phanon thing.
I don't know much about Demon Slayer's horror but I'd assume that it's pretty cool and/or interesting?
Your blogger!Paulina would've been like the PERFECT thing to expand her character. It's genuinely a cool concept that goes w/ her obsession w/ Phantom and then some. I also like the inclusion of Star since I, once again, thought that Paulina and Star were besties b/c of fanfics (do you see how many times I've been gaslit by this damn Phandom???/j).
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Hermitage - Tuesday 1
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Hajime
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Y’know? I used to be able to be one of Oshi-san's dolls."
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Common Room
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Mika: Umm… Maybe something like this?
♪~ ♪~…
Hajime: …… (applauding)
Mika: Hm?
Hajime: That was a splendid performance, Kagehira-senpai!
Mika: Huh? What’s up, Hajime-kun? It’s already so late. Isn’t it already past midnight?
Hajime: Ehehe, I had a hard time falling asleep. I thought maybe if I drank some warm milk, I’d feel sleepy, so I was on my way to the kitchen.
But I noticed there was a light on in the common room, so I peeked in. Your dance was so wonderful I couldn’t help but stare, Kagehira-senpai. I’m sorry to get in your way.
Mika: Nah, yer not in my way at all. I was so busy concentratin’ I didn’t even notice!
Hajime: Are you doing review late at night? Even though you just had practice today already…
You’re such a hard worker, huh Kagehira-senpai~. I have to take notes!
Mika: Ahaha… Well in this case it’s cuz I’m no good. I have to become more doll-like!
Hajime: More… like a doll?
Mika: That’s right~. ‘Cuz our new song’s based on the image of the old Valkyrie.
In the MV, I’ll be playin’ the role of a doll, but… The quality doesn’t satisfy Oshi-san’s vision yet.
So I’m practicin’ on my own right now. I still can’t get it right~…
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Hajime: That sounds tough… I’d probably hit a roadblock myself if I were in your shoes.
Mika: Yer right~… I’m hittin’ a huuuuge roadblock right now…
But, as long as I can keep improvin’, I’ll get closer to perfection, and I won’t have to make Oshi-san compromise! I’ll have to keep doin’ my best…!
Location: Starmony Dorm Room (Ritsu, Mika's Room)
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Mika: Phew… I kept doin’ my best, but I’m not sure if I’m improvin’ or not… Oshi-san’s gonna get angry at me tomorrow…
(Ah, I thought I felt someone’s gaze on me, is it me or is the dollie on the chest lookin’ at me?)
C’mere, you… Hey, dollie? What can I do t’become more like a doll? ‘Cuz, I wanna become one.
Hmm. Guess there’s no use askin' the dollie ‘bout this. It doesn’t talk back like Mado-nee does.
? Hm~?
Ahaha, it kinda looked like the dollie made a troubled face. I guess it’s ‘cuz it’s dark in here.
This doll sure is nicely made, though. I gotta try to think of a name soon, huh?
What name should I… Yaaaawnn~…
Nnah~, did I push myself too hard… today…? So sleepy…
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Time passes…
Mika: Ahaha, mhm, that’s right.
I’m be playin’ a difficult role in our new song’s MV. But, I’m absolutely no good at it.
If I don’t improve, Oshi-san’s gonna get mad…
I wish I could become a doll like you.
Y’know? I used to be able to be one of Oshi-san's dolls.
But, I guess that’s all faded away recently… ‘Cuz I can’t remember the sensation from those days.
It makes me real happy to be a human on equal footing with Oshi-san, and it’s what Oshi-san wants too, but…
It’s not like I was ever unhappy bein’ Oshi-san’s doll, either.
Eh? Yer sayin’ you’ll grant my wish? Fer real?
I’d be super happy if you did~. ♪
Eh? Is it ‘cuz I’d get closer to the level of perfection Oshi-san wants?
Yup! I hate draggin' Oshi-san down.
Huh? What did’ja say?
No, I can't hear ya… It sounds like yer voice is gettin’ farther and farther away.
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Mika: Umm? Stay, you… ever… then?
Nah, I really can’t make ya out…!
Hey, could ya say it again, dollie?
Nnah~? Huh… This electronic sound, isn’t this…?
Mika: …Nn~?
(Huh? Was I dreamin’ just now…? What was it about again…?)
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literaryobsession · 3 years
hand in hand || bakugo x fem!reader
summary: all the top 3 students from the sports festival are required to open the socialization night for the school festival
warning: mild cursing
word count: 2661
chapters: i , ii , iv , v , vi
You joined the girls in Hagakure's room, they were all so excited to show you what they got for themselves. They filled you in with the stories that happened earlier that day while they were shopping. It was also nice that they got you those sweets you loved and couldn't get since the convenience store just by the school wasn't selling them.
"Let me see!" You urged Mina to let you peek in her shopping bag. Your best friend reached out to grab a stick of Pocky from your hands and grinned mischievously, "Come on. Show me. I want to know what you're gonna be wearing."
You huffed when she refused. "What about you Momo? What color will you and Iida wear for the opening?" You sprawled on your spot on Hagakure's floor and turned to the others.
Momo pulled out a long white gown that looked so expensive to even look at. "My mother will be shipping her pearls for that night. Iida and I decided to wear white."
"Ah! Yao-momo!" Hagakure squealed, "You will look so beautiful!" She pulled out her own dress, which was a black one. It was shorter than Momo's but you were all sure she'll be able to pull off. "Are you and Tokoyami wearing black?"
"Yes, we decided since it will also look best with Dark Shadow." Of course, they both took Dark Shadow into consideration, the two were sweet and thoughtful people.
You put a stick of chocolate biscuit between your lips and grinned at Ochako, "Let me guess, you and Todoroki will wear blue?" You lifted your body from the floor and grinned, "I have a feeling you'd want to wear green instead."
The girls giggled.
"Don't worry Ochako, we'll take care of Midoriya for you." Jiro laughed. She bought a black dress too and she expressed the idea that she will be wearing her sneakers with it so she'll be comfortable the entire night.
Ochako blushed red. You and the girls know of the gravity girl's fondness for Izuku Midoriya, it was cute to see her try and deny it.
"You've got it all wrong! We're friends!" The more she denied it, the more she turned into a deep shade of red, and the more everyone poked fun at her.
Tsuyu turned to you, "What about you and Bakugo, kero?"
"Oh yes, did his mother's assistant manage to get in the school?" Momo asked while folding her dress and putting it away.
You nodded then added, "Well, she came over too."
Mina gasped and at the top of her lungs, "Eh? You met Bakugo's mom?" You had to cover her mouth to prevent her from waking up everybody in the dorm. She moved away from your grasp and smirked, "You're now meeting his parents? That's quite the improvement!"
The others sent you a teasing smile and you bit the biscuit, pouting ever so slightly. "She was just really curious about who'll be dancing with her son."
"Does she know you and Bakugo want to kill each other on a daily basis?" Jiro grinned and laughed loudly when you threw her a look, "What? It's true! You have your daily bickering! Iida gets so worked up about it every single time."
You took another piece, "Well, I told her about that. She said he's stubborn."
"Stubborn? He's a walking time bomb." The pink girl said right after. As exaggerated as it may be, she was right. "That only you and Kiri can tolerate."
You nudged Mina, "Hey, you're friends with the guy too."
"Okay okay! I can tolerate him too but not the way you and Kirishima can." Your friend held up two hands in mock surrender.
"She's right, kero."
Ochako recovered from her blush and smiled, "Well, maybe it's the quirk. You have the water quirk." You raised an eyebrow, confused at what she's hinting at, "Water diffuses fire."
"That and you have the energy to talk back to him every single day." Momo pointed out. "I'm thinking you enjoy bickering with him."
You do.
"And he does seem to enjoy it too," Jiro added.
Does he?
"He was acting quite a bit out of character the past few days though." Momo looked around the room and saw that they nodded their heads. When she looked at you, you raised an eyebrow, "Well of course you won't notice." She leaned on the bedframe, "He's been acting kind towards you."
"I can confirm. He did make you that soup." Mina added. This was apparently new information and the girls urged her to go on, "Remember when L/N won't even look at Bakugo? Well, that afternoon, we were studying and Bakugo exploded..."
"As usual." Jiro interrupted.
Mina laughed before continuing, "So L/N left. I went after her and bless her sweet heart, she made us reviewers. I brought them downstairs and handed them over to the boys. You should have seen how guilty Bakugo looked like!"
"Well, he does care for his friends..." Ochako stopped. She contemplated first before adding, "In his own angry way. He does care about L/N too. Did you guys see the energy bar incident?"
You huffed. You honestly did not want to assume anything about it since Bakugo did show his softer side within your circle of friends. In fact, you only started the study group because he was concerned that Kaminari and Mina are failing. He constantly gave encouragement towards Kirishima and Sero, whom he knew could do better especially if they take things seriously.
And for you? Well, he...
"Earth to L/N, hello?" Mina was shaking you awake, "We're asking you if you like Bakugo."
It was only meant to tease you, to make you blush. They did not expect you to say that. Even you didn't expect you to say that but for some reason, it felt like the honest answer.
"I... I like..." What? How he always seems to work so hard even when people see him as incredibly talented, and powerful? How he wants to be number one and how he ignores the way the media doubted that he would not join the League of Villains? How confident he is about himself? How he always seems to have the highest standards for him and for the people he...tolerates?
"You like Bakugo?" Mina repeated, shaking you out of your head. "Tell us again!"
"I like him."
Momo sent you a knowing look, "Well, there is a thin line between hate and love so while arguing with him, you may have developed a soft spot for him." She and the other girls started giggling, imagining the days when you spent time arguing with Bakugo. "To be fair, you can stand your ground against him so if there is any chance for him to even remotely be in a relationship, it could work with you."
You huffed again, irritated that the girls were teasing you and you can't say anything back. The truth was dawning on you, slowly but surely.
"I can see it." Jiro nodded, "Imagine a romantic Bakugo."
Mina laughed at that, "Pfft, that boy doesn't have a romantic bone in his body. I feel like he'd just turn it down a bit but still be that angry pomeranian that he always is."
"That is true but who knows?" Ochako took your hands in hers, "It is sweet that you do like him, L/N."
You sighed, accepting your fate. You didn't have the heart to tease back Ochako or any of the girls because they seemed supportive of you and your budding feelings. You don't know how much you like Bakugo, you weren't sure about why you liked the blond, and you weren't sure what to do with these feelings.
Maybe you'll figure it out soon.
Hopefully the boy doesn't.
It was the last day of dance practice for the week and you were glad that the weekend is coming. With classes, dance practices, and costume making, you felt so drained. It isn't as bad as whenever you use your quirk but it was exhausting nonetheless. You took a step back from Bakugo's touch before yawning and stretching.
Bakugo rolled his eyes at you, "If you sleep early and exercise regularly, you wouldn't be so damn tired all the time, extra." He shoved his hands in his pockets, "You have such a bad sleeping schedule."
"We can't all be perfect just like you are." You walked off to your bags by the corner of the gym.
"Tch, you're finally making sense, dumbass." He was following closely behind you since his bag was always near yours. Then he yelled at you, realizing what you meant, "Is that fucking sarcasm?"
"No." You suppressed an urge to laugh.
He growled, bending down to take his bag from the floor. "Idiot."
"Hey, I wasn't the one who took sarcasm as a compliment." You took your own bag from the floor. The dorm wasn't too far but you wanted to walk alone with Bakugo for a while. You found yourself wishing to spend more time with the blasted boy this week after realizing that you were actually into him.
You haven't stopped arguing with him but you found yourself admiring him whenever you have downtimes. He seems more...built than when he first entered the school, was it because of all the training? The girls always seemed to watch you this week too, they were all so obvious that you were almost scared that the guys will discover this secret.
The silence between you and Bakugo died as soon as you got near your dormitory. At least your friends were all still awake, you can clear your head with them. Before you can even step on the threshold of the dorm, your stomach let out a loud sound of help.
Bakugo, who was already about to open the door, paused and looked at you over his shoulder. "Was that..."
"Yeah, that's me. You got a problem with that, blasty?" You growled, moving past him and opening the door yourself. Some of your classmates were still in the common area, watching a movie. You heard Bakugo laughing and you had to stop yourself from turning back to see his laughing face. Honestly, you just wanted to change and get something to eat for dinner.
Although your class restocked the kitchen so you can make your own meals whenever you want to, you still kept cup noodles in your own room. Mostly because you often stay up late and get hungry every single time. Cup noodles are always so efficient and of course, incredibly delicious. Besides, you don't need to wash a bowl after eating. You can just throw it out. It was perfect.
"How was practice, mermaid?" Denki looked at you from his position on the floor when you passed by.
"Tiring." You replied briefly. Pulling open the noodles in your hand, you got the hot water ready. You hummed to yourself as you tore the flavor packet in the cup, swaying your hips as you moved around the kitchen.
Bakugo cleared his throat behind you, "Yeah, you're not a good dancer." You squeaked in surprise, turning to his smug face. His smugness turned to disgust, "Is that trash all you're eating?"
"Trash? Excuse me." You rolled your eyes before looking at the kettle you had on the stove.
"Move, extra." You heard him say.
"No. My water is still..."
Bakugo forced his way and moved you aside. "You are not eating this trash." He took the cup and threw it aside.
"You jerk. That was my dinner!" You stomped on his foot, making him growl at you. "I was planning on enjoying that!"
He ignored your complaints and took a pan. "Do you think you can manage to get eggs from the fridge, loser?" Bakugo threw a look at you, "I think we also have leftover rice and bacon there."
"Are you gonna make me dinner?" You took the ingredients from the fridge and put them on a nearby counter so he can reach them easily.
Bakugo said nothing and started cooking. You hopped on the counter and watched him quietly. If he was planning to make himself dinner, it was way too much for one person. Your stomach growled again, making that deep frown on Bakugo's face twitch into a small smile. He cooked quietly, making simple egg fried rice with bacon. Before taking it out of the pan and into separate bowls, Bakugo turned to you and lifted the chopsticks he was using to your mouth.
Was he offering me... You stared at the clumps of rice between the chopsticks. With no other choice, you took it in your mouth and nodded. "That's good, Bakugo."
"Of course it is." Bakugo took two bowls from the cupboard and put rice in them. So he really was making food for you too. He handed you one of the bowls and a pair of chopsticks. "Eat. Don't ever eat those junk again."
You took the bowl, feeling the warmth of the freshly cooked fried rice. "Are you implying that you want to cook healthy meals for me, Kacchan?" He threw you a mean look before he leaned on the counter beside you and started eating. "This is good, Bakugo. You really do cook well."
"I'm perfect, remember?" He commented with a small smirk. "Gotta make sure you're well-fed, especially with that monster in your stomach."
You nudged him, making him laugh again. It was so rare to make him smile, even more to make him laugh. You loved the sound of his bark of a laugh.
"You should laugh more." You commented. Bakugo shut up immediately. "Hey, I was complimenting you."
"Not a single one of those extras outside is funny." He grumbled in his rice bowl.
"And...my stomach is?"
Bakugo shrugged, "Maybe. Honestly didn't know you have a monster in there." He then sent you a grin, "Now that was fucking hilarious."
"Oh ha-ha-ha." You took bites from the rice and scooped more from the bowl, enjoying the food that the blond made for you. Then you put the bowl aside, jumping off the counter and getting two bottles of water from the fridge. You opened one and handed it to Bakugo, "Here."
"Thanks." He mumbled, taking a quick drink before resuming his food. "Think you can manage washing the plates, extra?"
"You don't have to ask. I got it." Although cleaning up isn't your favorite thing to do, you didn't want to have him cook and clean for you. You were capable of doing them, you just...you just don't have the energy most of the time.
Once you two were finished, you took the bowls and washed them up. It was quiet and you could hear him leaving. It was nice to see that side of him, it was pretty rare but hopefully you get to see more.
You smiled as you dried your hands. At that moment, you decided to get more junk food. It was quite an obvious plan to push his buttons, but you knew it was necessary.
Your classmates were still not done watching their movie and somehow, by surprise, they got Bakugo to stay. He doesn't look like he wanted to but was eventually coerced into joining them.
"Hey L/N, come and watch this with us." Kirishima gave the space beside him a good pat before scooting to give you room. He and Mina were on the middle couch, Bakugo on the right and Sero on one of the beanie bag chairs, and Kaminari was sprawled on the floor.
"What are we watching?" You settled beside Red Riot, bringing your feet up in the sofa.
Bakugo rose from his seat, "This is stupid. I'm going to bed." He ignored their protests and left. Mina sent you a glance and you shrug.
Kirishima looked back at the screen, "That's too bad. Bakugo likes the Fast and Furious movies."
tagging: @icedemon1314 , @deneuves
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fanfic-chan · 3 years
So uh, this is actually the first t-word fic I've ever written, and I'm pretty nervous about posting it since I'm so new to it, but I want to give it a try anyways since it will give me more practice with things like this, and I find this kind of content really adorable and fluffy overall. Feel free to send any constructive criticism my way. I really want to improve on my writing!
Warnings: This is a SFW tickle fic. Don't like, don't read!
Thanks for reading!^^
Lers: Bakusquad
Lee: Deku
"He's been in there muttering to himself for hours. Iida and I have tried everything to get him to take a break, but he won't listen. He's to stressed out about the math test coming up next week to relax." Uraraka sighed at the kitchen counter, where she was currently ranting to Mina about Deku. The poor guy had been on edge for the last two days about said math test, and no amount of study help or prompting from either of his two friends had been able to get him to chill out even a little.
Iida, who had been leaning against the counter, nodded in agreement. "I admire his dedication to his schoolwork, but I'm afraid the level of stress he's worked himself into is quite unhealthy." The class rep stated, adjusting his glasses.
"So the nerd is overworking himself again, eh?" Bakugou suddenly growled from the doorway, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero at his heels.
"I'm afraid so. He's quite worked up. I'm not even sure he slept properly last night." Iida answered, brow furrowed in concern for his green haired friend.
"Ugh! At this rate the idiot will start falling behind in training, which means I won't be able to beat him at 100%." The explosive blonde grumbled in annoyance, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes in thought, though it mostly just looked like he was angry. After a moment, an evil grin slowly spread across his face. "Oi, Roundface, Four Eyes, watch and learn. The rest of you extras follow my lead. We'll teach that nerd what'll happen to him when he decides to overwork himself."
He cracked his knuckles dramatically as he started to stalk into the common room. Iida and Uraraka would have went after him if not for Kirishima. 
"Don't worry. I won't let him hurt him." He promised before taking off after his grenade of a best friend, the rest of the Bakusquad following soon after, both concerned and curious.
Not a moment later the two of them heard a startled yelp and then… Laughter?! What the heck?!
Izuku wasn't quite sure how he'd gotten into this mess. One second he'd been sitting on the couch in the common room, fretting over some math he'd been having trouble with, and the next, he'd been tackled and pinned to the floor by Bakugou, who was now straddling him and digging his thumbs into his hips.
It took only a few seconds for him to realize what he was doing. When they were younger, his childhood friend used to take great pleasure in dominating him in tickle fights, which didn't take much considering how weak he'd been back then, combined with just how sensitive he was. Even so, this was pretty shocking considering that these 'tickle wars' as Bakugou used to call them, had stopped when they'd entered middle school.
He would be lying if he said he didn't kinda miss them at times. But why start them again now after so long?
"What do you think your doing overworking yourself you nerd?! Do you want to fall behind in training?! Huh?! Is that it?!" His childhood friend demanded sharply as he continued to mercilessly tickle the smaller boy into oblivion.
"I- IHIHI WHAHAHAT?! IHIHIS THAHAT WHAT THIHIS IS ABOHOUT?!" He questioned in surprise, trying his hardest to pry the angry blonde's hands away from his hips. Had it always been this bad?!
Suddenly, finally, it stopped just as quickly as it started, but his friend still didn't get off of him or even move his hands from the dreaded hotspot, which only fed into the greenettes worries, and he giggled nervously.
"You extras just gonna stand there or what? I told you to follow my lead, not stand there like a bunch of idiots! You wanna be next?!"
And that's when Izuku realized he had an audience, and he instantly blushed in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands and groaning through his excess giggling.
This couldn't possibly get any worse could it?
Apparently it could, he realized, when suddenly when he peeked out to see his former audience gathering around him with mischievous grins on their faces.
"Hey there Midoriya buddy. Why didn't you tell us you were ticklish?" Kirishima asked, a teasing little glint in his eye.
Oh crud.
And the next thing he knew, his hands had been taped above his head and pinned there, courtesy of Sero, and he was thrown back into hysterics as Bakugou resumed digging into his hotspot with the others following suit. Mina and Sero were scribbling at his sides, tummy, and ribs, while Kirishima and Kaminari squeezed at his thighs gently while simultaneously keeping him from kicking out.
His sudden inability to squirm away from the sensations seemed to only increase his sensitivity, and his laughter went up an octave. 
Despite this, he didn't beg them to stop just yet. He just arched his back and laughed freely, almost as if he were having fun.
That's when Bakugou decided to get mean.
"What's the matter with you nerd? To weak to fight back? Or is it that you enjoy it? Huh? Is that it? Heh. Does little Deku still think this is fun like when we were kids?"
"NOHOHOHO!! KAHAHACCHAHAHAN!! DON'T TEHEHEASE MEHEHEHEHE!!!" He started to struggle a bit more now, desperately pulling at his trapped hands but to no avail. It took a few more minutes, but then, finally, he'd started to reach his limits, and began to beg.
"You gonna stop overworking yourself nerd? Are you gonna take a break now?" Bakugou demanded, not letting up just yet even though the others had begun to slow down. 
With that, his childhood finally let up and got off of him with a satisfied smirk, the others stopping as well and backing off as he curled into a ball, still giggling.
"That was adorable." Mina squeeled, bouncing a bit.
"Hehe. You alright dude?" Kaminari asked after a moment, kneeling down to pat his hysterical friend on the shoulder as Sero released his trapped hands.
"Hehehehe! Yeah!" The greenette answered, sitting up a bit to face them all, eyes sparkling with joy despite his deep blush. "Why'd you guys do that though? Kacchan?" He turned to the atomic blonde, who had already started to leave the room, but he stopped when Izuku called out to him and turned to face the exhausted greenette. 
"It doesn't count as a win if I don't beat you when your at your best, so I can't have you overworking yourself. Tch. Deku. You idiot." 
Izuku blinked for a second at the answer, but then smiled a bit and nodded. Maybe his childhood friend still cared after all. The blonde rolled his eyes and started to head back up the stairs before suddenly stopping again, but this time with the same evil smirk as before. Izuku couldn't help but cover his hips with his arms protectively, little titters of laughter escaping him once more.
But Bakugou just turned to the kitchen door, where Iida and Uraraka had apparently been watching the whole thing, much to Izuku's embarrassment. "Oi you two," He called over to them, "Next time the idiot decides to do something dumb, just do that to him. Works everytime, and besides," and at this point he made eye contact with Izuku and smiled sadistically, "The little dork likes it too, isn't that right Deku?"
That little-
And then he was gone before Izuku could answer, the Bakusquad trailing after him with amused grins still on their faces, leaving Izuku to melt in a pool of his own embarrassment, and then nervous excitement when he spotted his two best friends grinning at him as if they'd just been given a wonderfully useful piece of information.
Well, he supposed they had in a way, and it looked like this wouldn't be the last time something like this happened to him in the dorms.
And as embarrassing as it was, he couldn't help but feel a bit excited about it.
I really hope you all enjoyed this. Feel free to send any prompts if you want, though I'm not going to do anything with shipping. Just platonic stuff for now unless it's something I decide to do on an impulse. Thank you!^^
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thescreamingraven · 4 years
Promise 2
Dabi x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff and angst.
Words: 6 283
Summary:  Sometimes the right choices are the toughest to make...
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Heyyy. Some people asked for part two so I hope you like it, as you can probably tell I'm pretty new at this whole writing thing and there is a lot of space for improvement, but I still hope you enjoyed nonetheless and I hope I didn't dissapoint. ^_^
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
You woke up to a loud scream from your daughter, you automatically reached for your phone but before you could grab it your daughter snatched your arm and started pulling on it yelling. “Mommy, wake up.” She babbled loudly and way too close to your ear.
“Five more minutes.” You mumbled turning away from your daughter wanting to get even just a tad more sleep. She hopped onto the bed and layed next to you.
“But mommy…” She pouted.
Giving up, you lazily opened your eyes and pulled her in under the blankets into a tight hug.
“Good morning mamma.” She giggled.
“Morning angel, how d’you sleep?”
“Not very good…”
“Why’s that?” You wondered, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead.
“I had a nightmare about daddy…”
“You should’ve woken me up, sweetheart.” You chirped gently, brushing away a few strands of hair from her face.
“No, I’m a big girl now…. and the baby in your stomach needs to sleep too.”
You smiled, a warm smile decorating your face, how did you get so lucky…”Well, how about for being so brave I’ll give you a reward?” You sat up and stretched your arms. ”You can have anything you want for breakfast. We can even have some of your cake if you’d like.”
“No, daddy will be sad if we eat it, he’ll want to eat it too,” She declared.
“Alright, well, what do you want?”
“Could you maybe bake me some bacon?”
“Just bacon?”
“And ice cream.” She added.
“I don’t think that’s a… good combination. How about some pancakes?” You bargained.
“With bacon?”
“Sure.” You sighed, raising your hands in defeat. “You’re the birthday girl, after all, let me just…” You were about to stand up, but your daughter’s hands around your waist stopped you from doing so. “Sweetie I can’t move.”
You turned around to face her, cupping her cheeks and giving her gentle kisses on her forehead.
“Mommy?” She whispered, leaning into your warmth. “Where’s daddy?”
“Daddy needed to go to work for a bit, he’ll be back soon…”
You knew she hated when he left like this… without getting to say goodbye, you also knew that she saw him more than a parent, more like a best friend she can tell everything to, he was her hero but yet still managed to sometimes break her heart unintentionally just like now, you could see the light slowly fading away from her smile, so you decided to bring it back.
You gently tapped on her shoulder and whispered. ”Do you want to hear a secret?”
There it is, that excitement which was gone moments before, now plastering on your daughter’s face, you knew that you would do anything to keep her smiling like that forever, anything.
“But you can’t tell anyone, okay?”
”Okay.” She whispered back.
“Come closer…”
Your daughter nodded and scooched a little bit closer. With a swift movement, you began to tickle her without mercy. Her screams and laughter could probably be heard all across the neighborhood, but at that point, you didn’t care. After a few seconds, you stopped and pulled her into your tight embrace and cupped her cheeks once again. “There’s that smile…”
When your daughter’s giggles quieted down, you could feel the way she clung to you even harder than she did before.
“He’ll be back sweetie, trust me… and a little birdie told me that your dad has a very special surprise for you…”
You could just sense the puppy eyes coming your way.
”Nope, don’t even try it, your puppy eyes won’t work on me…”
“But mommy…”
“It’s pancake time c’mon get your little butt into the kitchen..” You chirped, getting out of your comfortable bed and stretching out your arms. You grabbed your phone off the counter and checked if there were any messages from Touya. You didn’t know what it was but when you checked the time you got a weird feeling in your stomach, so much for being here when I woke up you thought, putting your phone back on the counter wanting to get rid of that strange feeling you had.
Nervously tapping on your kitchen counter, you checked your phone again and again. Yet the time didn’t change. It was seven pm, and you were getting a bit on edge about Dabi. You tried calling him, texting him, yet you got nothing back. Something was wrong, you could feel it. A few hours ago you turned on the morning news, the city yet again destroyed by the league who immediately disappeared after the assault. Yet there were no signs of Dabi. He wasn’t on the news that means he was either somewhere in hiding or-
“Mommy?” Your trail of thoughts was interrupted by your daughter’s weak voice and slight tugging of your hand.
“Yes, sweetie?”
You looked at your daughter, who was now staring at the ground, her small muffled sobs now becoming clearer.
”Did d-daddy… forget… my… b-birthday?” She stuttered, rubbing her eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming.
You could feel your heart shatter.
“No, no, sweetie he didn’t, he’s probably on his way home now.” You cooed, picked her up, and cradled her in your arms. “Hey, it’s okay…”
“D-did I do so-something wrong…? Did he not like my drawing?” She sniffled, clinging to you for dear life.
“No, of course not… angel-” You were interrupted by two quiet knocks outside your door.
“That’s probably your dad right now…” You sat her down on the kitchen counter, and flounced to the door, ready to give him a piece of your mind, yet you didn’t open it. Since when did Touya start to knock…? You instead peeked through the peephole and almost felt your heart stop. You took a second to think while the second pair of knocks came your way, the lights were on, so there was no way you could hide from the two men standing outside, you looked back at your daughter who was still sitting on the kitchen counter wiping her tears.
“Angel, listen to me… can you please go to your room for a bit?”
“Why? Is it daddy?” She jumped off the counter and ran towards the door ready to open the door, but before she could, you grabbed her hand and forced her to look at you.
“No, sweetie it’s not daddy, There are some… people outside that mommy needs to talk to. Can you please go to your room?”
You could see a hint of fear appear in her eyes, but she nodded nonetheless
“Thank you, angel…” You murmured, giving her the most comforting look you can muster, you kissed her forehead and gestured her to go.
You threw Dabi’s jacket in a nearby closet, hiding it, and took a deep breath, the knocks becoming more consistent. “Just act natural and you’ll be fine.” You mumbled to yourself before opening the door.
“Hello Hawks, Endeavor.” You greeted both heroes standing at your doorstep, you took a quick glance at Hawk’s whose face of confusion quickly turned into a bright smile.
“Wow Y/n, how long has it been?” He grinned, pulling you into a tight hug. “Feels like I haven’t seen you in forever…”
“Yeah, it’s been quite a long time…” You smiled into his jacket. “How’s the hero business?”
“It’s alright,” He chirped, pulling away. “ But I’d rather hear about you, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing alright… do you want to come in?” You asked, trying to avoid Endeavor’s intense gaze. Both men looked at each other for a moment before giving you a quick nod. Endeavor closed the door, looking around before spotting something in a nearby closet that was still slightly cracked open.
“So what brings you here so far from the city, and at my doorstep?”
“Oh well, we were just…. patrolling and I heard you lived here, so I thought I’d stop by…hope you don’t mind,”
“Not at all please make yourselves at home” There was no way they’d be patrolling so far away from the city with all the villains about, something’s not right you thought, trying to keep a cool and rationalized head.
“Do you live alone?” Endeavor questioned, quickly taking his eyes from the closet and stepping next to Hawks.
“Yeah… Why do you-”
Your question was cut off by Hawks gushing. “Ooh, what’s that smell?”
“I was baking a cake for my… niece, her birthday is coming up.”
Hawks looked at your daughter’s drawings which were splattered all across the fridge, “I see…cute drawings your nieces work, I take it.”
“Yeah, she’s quiete the artist.” You chuckled. ”Anyway, how’s life?”
”Eh… same old same old, the commission has been on my ass a lot more since you… left.” Hawks admitted throwing a sad smile your way. You knew he was going to bring that up… due to working with Hawks you became good friends quickly, leading you to work for him in his agency, yet that didn’t last long.
“Yeah, sorry about that…everything just happened so suddenly.” You sighed.
”Yeah I get it…”
“Sorry to interrupt, but could I get your ID?” Endeavor requested.
“What for?”
“Just… protocol I’d like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.” He remarked.
You gave him a sceptical look.“Is this an interrogation?” You asked, cocking your eyebrows.
“No, we’d just like to ask you a few questions,”
”About what exactly? What’s going on?”
“Y/n it’s okay the old man is just paranoid, just get the ID so he can calm down and not have a heart attack.” Hawks teased.
“Alright…” You hesitated before walking to your room, the two men watching you as you disappeared out of their sight, Hawks came closer to Endeavor. “You sure you didn’t get the address wrong?“
“No, I don’t make stupid mistakes like that.” Endeavor assured, eyeing your home once again. “So she was working for you?” He pondered, stepping closer to the closet.
“Yeah, she was my sidekick for sometime before dropping her carrier… you can’t possibly believe she’s a villain, right?”
“She could be… look at this…” He opened the closet door and pulled out Dabis jacket for Hawks to see. ”Doesn’t this remind you of something?”
”That’s not evidenced enough maybe she bought it because she liked it.”
”Well, what about those drawings? There’s a figure that looks similar to him.” He replied, checking the jacket’s pockets.
“Maybe the kid just saw it on the news. You know how they are… they’ll draw anything they see.” Hawks mumbled, scraching his head.
Throwing the jacket back into the closet and closing its door, he mouthed. “Something is going on here Hawks and I’m not leaving before I find out what…” Endeavor concluded.
”Or maybe you’re just trying to find something that isn’t there… “ Hawks said, rubbing his temples.
“What do you mean?”
“Endeavor… your son is a sociopath… for all we know he could have been babbling nonsense.”
“You weren’t there, Hawks.” He murmured.
“You might think you know your son but you don’t, he’s-”
Their conversation was interrupted by a sound of the door opening and you appearing in the room.
“Sorry that I took so long, I’m a very messy person…” You looked up at the men who had different emotions plastered on their faces, you quickly took a glance at the closet who was now fully closed. “Is everything alright here?”
“Everything’s fine, miss…” Looking at your ID, Endeavor added. ”L/n”
”So…” You leaned on your kitchen counter, trying to act as calm as possible. “What’d you like to talk about?”
Hawks gave Endeavor a suggestive look and blurted. “I think we should-”
”Take a seat, miss.” Endeavor gestured to your kitchen’s chair before taking a seat to one across, once you did he continued. ”Now miss L/n…”
”Just call me Y/n the whole last name thing makes me feel uncomfortable.” You asserted.
“Right sorry miss Y/n, like I said before, this isn’t an interrogation more of a… personal matter and I’d appreciate it if you could answer my questions honestly.”
”Endeavor…” Hawks hissed.
”Okay, sure, but what is this about?”
”Do you know a villain called Dabi?” Endeavor questioned thoroughly examining your face for any signs of discomfort.
”Of course I do, everyone does… why?”
”We have a reason to think you might know him more personally.” Endeavor moved a little closer, trying to break you with the pressure of the situation.
”I’m not following…”
”Look… you’re not in trouble, whatever you say will stay between us. So please just answer my question…”
“I know of him…” You countered.
You could feel yourself begging to panic. They know don’t they… shit. You took a second to think and remarked.
”I- I… I think I should go and call my lawyer…”
“Y/n…” But before Endeavor could say anything he was interrupted by a sudden muffled sound... like a cry of anger, then another on the back of it: then silence..
”I thought you said you were-” And then came one horrid, dawn long scream. Without thinking, you rushed to your daughter’s room, almost ripping off the door handle. Her room was being consumed by flames, blue flames, her flames, while she stood there frozen in the middle of all the chaos, with a horrified expression, holding up her hands and letting out another terrifying scream. The fire began to spread massively as you grabbed your daughter’s burning hands, not caring if you’ll get burned, and began running towards the exit, the blue flames following not too close behind. When Endeavor and Hawks saw what was happening, they quickly reacted by opening the exit door and grabbing you both when you ran through it, putting some needed distance from the burning house.
Once you were both safe, you kneeled close to your daughter and frantically searched for any injuries while she cried her eyes out. “Are you okay? Angel look at me… are you hurt?”
“I-I’m… so s-sorry mommy.” She choked.
You let yourself breathe for a moment before pulling her into a tight hug while hiding your burnt hand away. ”It’s okay, we’re okay,” You cooed, trying to calm her down, while slowly massaging her back. “Just breathe for me, alright?”
“Cmon, sweetie, look at me…” You slightly pulled away, raising her chin and breathing with her. “And out there ya go.” You wiped her tears away from her red and puffy face. “In and out.”
The two heroes stood quietly next to you observing you, that didn’t matter to you now all that matters was your daughter “Now I need you to explain what happened…?”
”I’m sorry, mommy. I got mad and… and-”
”It’s okay, it’s just a house I’m just glad you’re safe.”
Pulling away from you, she looked you straight in the eyes. ”What about the cake mommy?” You couldn’t help but giggle slightly while the adrenaline still kept pumping in your veins. ”I’ll bake you another one.”
Her eyes suddenly began to lose focus and her body became heavier. ”Angel?” You could feel yourself beginning to panic.
”She just got overwhelmed by her quirk” Endeavor comforted. “She just needs to rest now.”
You gave him a small nod, picking up your daughter and turning back to face your house, which was still being consumed by the blue flames. All the memories, being burned away, you were mad… you weren’t mad at your daughter for not being able to control her newfound quirk; you were at Dabi he was supposed to be here for this, not out on some dumb mission. You winced when you began to feel a sharp sting in one of your hands, the hand you grabbed her with but you held it in, you weren’t important at the moment. You thought about taiking your phone out of your pocket and mentally cursed yourself for leaving it on the kitchen counter early.
Endeavor saw how you checked your pockets and beganning slightly shaking.”You can stay at my place if you’d like…” Endeavor suggested, coming closer to you and your daughter, giving you an understanding look.
“I don’t th-”
”Let me help you… the both of you…” He inclined.
You knew your choices were limited and even if you wanted to; you don’t think he would’ve let you go run off with a child in your hands so… you gave in. “Okay…”
You could hear the sirens getting closer and closer. Endeavor looked at Hawks, who caught the hint easily. “I’ll handle it, you two have a lot of things to talk about anyway…” Hawks sighed, turning away from you.
You could tell he understood the situation perfectly and wasn’t happy about it.
“Hawks…I’m sorry…”
”We’ll talk later.” He mumbled.
You followed Endeavor back to his car, which wasn’t parked too far. You gently sat your daughter in the backseat, putting the seatbelt on. Before you pulled away, she grabbed your hand and murmured something. “Mommy?”
”It’s okay, honey, go back to sleep.” You quietly cooed, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.
”Don’t tell daddy… please… he’ll get mad” She whispered before succumbing to her slumber once again. You sighed and closed the car’s door. While driving past your house you saw the firefighters trying to save anything for what was left, while Hawks talked to one of the fire chiefs.
You took a deep breath, turning around to check on your daughter. She was peacefully sleeping, letting out a couple of snores. That’s one way to celebrate a birthday, you thought while pulling out your burnt hand in which the pain was becoming a bit irritating.
“There are some bandages in the glove compartment,”
“Oh…” You looked at him and mumbling a thank you. You opened up the glove compartment and found the bandages, wrapping them around the burnt flesh of your arm and ripping away the rest when you were done.
The road ahead was going to be long, since you lifted quiet a few hours from the main city, and sitting there in silence wouldn’t do the both of you any good. So you decided to start the conversation, but before you could, he spoke first.
“She reminds me of Touya when he was younger… he almost set our house on fire once too….of course, we stopped him… before it got worse but our neighbors complained for weeks-” He took a glance at you and stopped talking, he could see that you were worried, he could almost hear your thoughts going a hundred miles a minute.
”He’s alive Y/n.”
You raised your eyes from the car’s floor and looked at him. ”How do you know that?”
“Today our fight got a little intense and my youngest son… Shoto accidentally impaled him with his ice quirk.”
”Will he-”
”He’s fine now, he had to go under an operation but he made it… he’s alive and well Y/n”
You could just sense the but coming, not wanting to overthink the situation further, you straight up asked him. “But?”
“He’s in a coma, not deep one the doctors say he’ll wake up in a few days or so.”
“I see… thank you.”
You looked at him for a minute and in those dim street lights you finally saw him for what he truly was; you didn’t see the man Touya once told you about; you didn’t see the big number one hero everybody relied on to keep them safe; you saw a tired, broken man. The small dark circles under his eyes became clearer, the look on his face plastered with guilt.
After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again.
“He was the one who told me how to find you.”
“Why did you? You had the choice to walk away, yet you still showed up. Why is that?” You wandered.
“I’m not sure, I just did,”
You looked back at your daughter once more, gathering up the courage to ask the question which was spinning in your head nonstop; you turned around and let your gaze fall on the road ahead.
“Will you… will you take her away? Give her to someone else?”
He sighed and chuckled lightly.
“As a hero, that probably would be the right thing to do,” He said, tapping on the wheel lightly. “But I think I’ve done enough damage to this family as it is…I think I should be a father for once…think I own him that much and more, I want to do right by him. It’s my fault he became like this, I was too focused on-” He didn’t dare finish the sentence instead changing the topic to something more lighthearted.
“Can’t believe I have a grandchild already… it won’t be too long before my hair starts falling out,”
“Two…” You corrected him.
“Two?” One glance at your stomach told him everything he needed to know. “Well, you guys have been busy..” He responded jokingly. He glanced at your daughter for a second through his rearview mirror “What’s her name?”
He thought for a moment that responded, “I like it…”
“I’m glad.” You chirped, giving him a heartfelt smile. “Touya picked it out.”
“So…” He cleared his throat. “A former hero and a villain that must have been one hell of a story.”
“That it was.”
“Well, we have time… care to share?” He proposed.
When you finally arrived at Endeavor’s household, Hawks was already standing there with a smirk on his face. “Took you guys long enough.”
You rolled your eyes, opening the back door, slowly tapping your daughter’s shoulder. “D/n wake up.”
She slowly opened her eyes, yawning and stretching her arms up. “Where are we?”
“You’re at my house” Endeavor responded, still sitting in the driver’s seat.
Your daughter looked at him clearly confused, “Do you know him, mommy?” Your daughter pondered, pointing at Endeavor.
”I do, sunshine he’s…” You stopped for a moment, giving Endeavor a quick glance. “Your grandfather…”
Your daughter was quiet for a moment before bursting out the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. ”Really?”
Endeavor gave you a side glance, feeling a bit astonished that you would tell your daughter the truth so quickly, but extended his hand for a handshake, nonetheless.  “Yeah. It’s nice to meet you D/n. Please make yourself at home.”
He didn’t even have the time to object by how fastly your daughter pulled him out of the car, dragging him closer to the house and talking his ear off. Yet for some reason he couldn’t muster the courage to pull away, letting himself be led by your daughter quietly listening to her.
You walked over to Hawks, whose smirk was wearing off and turning into something else.
“Well, I’m off.” He blurted. But before he could leave, you grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving. ”Wait… can we talk?”
He gave you a hesitant nod and turned around to face you.
“Are you mad?”
He was quiet for a few seconds, but you knew by the look of his face he was soon going to explode and that it was certainly overdue.
”Well, what do you think? Y/n I thought…” He sighed. “I thought we were closer than this…. how did you think I felt when you just suddenly left,” He scoffed? “You were my closest friend, and you didn’t even give me a proper goodbye nor an explanation and when I began calling, you blocked me and didn’t even tell me where you were going or when you were going to come back,”
“One text…a single fucking text… that would’ve been enough for me…. just to know that you were okay, that you were safe but no…. silence for eight fucking years.”
“And now I learn that you’re together with that… sociopath. How stupid can you be?” He jeered.
”He’s a murderer Y/n he kills people for a living.” He walked closer to you, looking at your stomach. “How did that- this even happen?”
“Fuck.”He began to pace around “Why? Just why?” He stopped for a second, gently grabbing both of your arms a look of fear showing on his face. “Did he force himself on you?”
“Did Dabi-”
You pulled away and calmly explained. ”No, he didn’t. look… me and him… we were together even before I became your sidekick we’ve known each other for a very long time and when I found out I was… pregnant, I just decided to focus on the baby rather than my career that’s why I left.”
You looked at Hawks who’s expression told you everything you needed to know, confusion, anger, sadness, and much more.
“You’ll be lucky if Endeavor doesn’t call the-”
”I’m not concerned about him… I’m more concerned about you…” You retorted.
He stopped pacing and looked you dead in the eye. “Y/n… can you really stand here and tell me that girl is safe living with him?” He questioned.
“Yes, she’s-”
”He’s unstable Y/n one day he can act all father like and the next he’ll-”
”Don’t…” You interrupted him “Look I know you’re looking out for me and you’re worried but trust me he loves-”
”Listen to me… don’t you think that if he really loved you, he would’ve dropped the villain business already? All he cares about is revenge can’t you see that?” He snapped.
Taking a deep breath and trying to compose himself, he looked back at your stomach, then back at you. “Your kids shouldn’t be worried about when their screw-up of a father would be back home. They should be enjoying their life to the fullest, going to an actual school, making friends… Look, I can help, I can pull some strings here and there but Dabi…Y/n he has to go.”
“So what? I should just leave? Hawks… I love him… He’s the father of my children. I won’t just abandon him without a word. I’ll talk to him once he wakes up, maybe he’ll-”
“Y/n…” He looked at you, seeing your determined face, he knew he couldn’t convince you otherwise, so he just sighed. “Do what you want… just remember he isn’t your primary concern, he can decide for himself, but your kids…they can’t. They need you to guide them and teach them how to make the right choices and… sometimes the right choices are the toughest to make.”
You stood there quietly, not knowing what to say before he spoke again.
“I’ll be going now, I have some paperwork I have to fill out.”
Before he flew off, he took one last look at you and said, “If you change your mind, give me a call.”
                         That was a week ago. You and Endeavor or Enji grew closer together. You will never forget the conversation you two had the first night you came to the Todoroki residence.
“I feel like such a failure,” you sighed. “I wasn’t even prepared for her quick to- and... I couldn’t even do anything for her… and the whole villainy thing-”
”Have you ever… you know, asked him to quit?”
You thought for a second. ”No… I haven’t…”
”Well, why not?” He wondered.
“I just never bothered, I guess? Always thought he’d… ”
Enji could see the regret in your eyes and fear. ”Well, why not try it? Don’t let Hawks mess with your head… in truth nor me nor Hawks know Touya as you do, but from what you’ve told me, I feel like he truly… cares for you. I mean, even when he was on the brink of death, he was thinking about how to get back to you….Talk to him before you decide what you want to do.”
“And I don’t think you’re a failure, both of them,” He gestured to your stomach. “Are lucky to have you as their mother. So don’t take what Hawks said to heart, he might still be holding a little grudge about how you both left things.”
You smiled calmy slowly pushing all the over thought thoughts away. “Thank you, Endeavor.”
”Enji.” He corrected.
”Thank you… Enji for saying that.”
“You should go get some rest and tomorrow we can both visit Touya if you’d like.”
“Yeah, I’d like that, but I’m not sure about D/n… seeing him like this wouldn’t do her any good.” You looked at your little daughter who was now sleeping knocked out on the couch.
“I’ll ask Fuyumi to babysit her,”
”Yeah that be nice...”
Fuyumi came over the next day, slightly confused about her father’s sudden call in the middle of the night, more confused why a little girl who resembled Touya was standing in his residence with a woman claiming to be Touya’s lover. After some needed explanation on both sides, your daughter became very close with her newfound cousin and slowly wrapped her around her finger...
After a few days, Enji started to train your daughter on how to use her quirk. She was a little bit scared at first, but now she loved it and nagged Enji to show her new tricks. You loved the way he managed to replace the fear and hatred that you saw in your daughter’s eyes that night with happiness and excitement for her quirk. Once, after a long and tiring patrol, you caught Enji sleeping with your daughter on the couch. You couldn’t help yourself but take a picture for Touya to see later.
Speaking of Touya…he still wasn’t waking up, it’s been almost two weeks since that night, and yet, nothing, no progress. You visited every day sitting in that room for hours on end, talking to him and telling him everything that had happened recently, but after those terrible weeks of holding everything in for your daughter and your baby you finally broke down next to his hospital bed. You gently took his hand, squeezing tightly for comfort. “Hey Touya, it’s me again…” You sniffled, trying to not let your emotions get the better of you.
“It’s uh, been two weeks now… D/n… she’s getting better with her quirk.” Swallowing a lump, you cooed. “But she misses you, like a lot… she’s talking about you nonstop to…” You took a long, deep breath. “Endeavor… he’s been…” You looked at Touya, whose face stayed the same. You stayed quiet for a minute, the silence slowly driving you insane, you could faintly hear the receptionist clock ticking, second by second, minute by minute… and then you broke down.
“Dammit… that’s enough… this has gone long enough I won’t have it and not another day more do you hear me? I’ve done everything… I’ve waited, I’ve prayed… I’ve talked to you… I begged you, I’m out of things to do now…and I’m scared, I’m so scared,” Wiping the tears off your face you sobbed. “And I’m mad… I don’t mean to be, but I am… I’m mad at everything… I’m mad at you…. you hear me, Frankenstein? I need you to open your eyes and scold me for being such a crybaby.” You whispered, still not letting go of his hand.
“Your family has been so sweet, they uh been trying to take care of me, take care of us, trying to get me to eat something, to lie down, and your dad,” You massaged his knuckles. “He’s been training our little angel all about her quirk, he’s so gentle with her I wish you could see it… and Fuyumi she’s completely under her spell, she follows her everywhere, they do everything together.”
“D/n has been dreaming a lot about you lately.. and telling everyone how good you are, you mean the world to her, and me…so I need you-” You let your head fall to rest at his side. ”I need you to open your eyes,…just do it… open them…hear my voice? Come towards my voice…”
“Squeeze my hand.” You whispered. “Please…”
You quickly sat up when you felt a faint squeeze of your hand. Not believing it, you asked again. “Do it again,” Again a light little squeeze, a weak one, but it was there, he was there. “I felt that...’’ You blubbered, wiping away the last bit of tears. ”Open your eyes, I know you hear me… c’mon…” You could see his eyelashes flutter slightly before he slowly began to open his eyes.
”Oh my god… Touya..” You could see that he was still a bit out of it, and the way he slightly whimpered told you that he was in pain.
You quickly got up and rushed to the door, opening it and calling for a nurse.
You could see the surprised look on their faces before they began to move and appeared right on his side. Dabi quickly sat up from the bed with a still cloudy mind and got ready to use his quirk before you rushed to his side, trying to calm down.
“Hey don’t panic you’re alright, easy… lay back down you’re safe, we’re in a hospital, you got hurt in a fight and… do you remember that?”
He gave you a brief nod, before messaging his forehead to tone down the headache.
“You’ve been asleep for a few days…But you’re alright now… “
The nurses quickly did a few checkups on Dabi and told you that he was alright and left the two of you alone to talk.
”See, they’re all done, and I’m right here…” You cooed once again taking his hand and squeezing it.
”You look like shit doll.” He murmured with a groggy voice.
“Speak for yourself, you idiot…” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Are the meds kicking in yet?”
“Mhm.” He looked around the room. “Where’s D/n?” You could see the slight panic in his eyes.
“She’s okay, she’s with Endeavor.” You comforted.
”Endeavor? Why is she with that old asshole?” He mumbled, trying to sit up.
He however stopped in his tracks and grabbed your hand, turning it and looking at your burnt hand, which was now decorated by a scar. ”Did that fucker-”
“No, no calm down let me explain…” You said with a small panicky voice.
It didn’t take you that long to explain what happened, there wasn’t a lot to tell, you could feel Dabi squeezing your hand when you talked about your daughter’s little adventure, but besides that, he was taking it surprisingly calmly, ”She burned the whole house down.” He repeated. “I don’t know if I should feel proud or terrified.” He joked.
”Yeah” You sighed.
Dabi thought for a second before giving your hand one last squeeze and hesitantly asking. ”Think you can call her for me?”
“Sure, but hey… don’t beat yourself up too much alright?.” You cooed, getting your phone out and calling Endeavor.
He picked up after a few seconds and you asked him for D/n; it took a few minutes before he actually found her and gave her the phone. You quickly gave it to Dabi.
”Hi mommy.” She chirped.
Dabi cleared his throat, trying not to scare his daughter too much.“Hey sunshine, happy late birthday.”
”Daddy…” She whispered, before bursting into tears.
”Hey it’s okay…” Dabi mumbled trying to calm her down.” How have you been?”
You could hear her sobbing.
“Aw, angel, don’t cry it’s okay, I’m okay,”
”I’ve m-missed… you s-so much…” She bawled.
”Me too… I missed you too..” He answered with a controlled smile plastered on his face. After a few seconds, he pulled away from the phone holding it in his hands, a tad confused “She hung up on me.” He blurted.
”She probably got too excited.” You chuckled.
He gave you your phone back pulling you onto the bed with him, after a few seconds you received a text..”It’s Endeavor…he says they’ll be here in fifteen minutes.”
You slowly turned around to face him, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Dabi looked at you with a teasing smile.“My lips are feeling left out doll.”
He leaned into a kiss, but before he could pull you in, you placed your hand on his lips, stopping him from doing so. He looked at you confused. You pulled away, getting off the bed and taking a seat in the same chair you sat only moments ago. Dabi was surprised by your sudden mood change. One minute you’re here resting in his arms, and the next you’re so far away.
”What’s wrong?”
You looked at him with a sad smile decorating your face and sighed. “I can’t do this anymore, Touya. I…I hate this... I was so scared that you would-“ You took a deep breath in. ”I never wanted it to come to this but… I can’t do this anymore and I’m drawing the line”
“Listen to me… don’t you think that if he really loved you, he would’ve dropped the villain business already? All he cares about is revenge can’t you see that?”
”What are you trying to say?”
“Do what you want… just remember he isn’t your primary concern, he can decide for himself,”
With a serious tone and fire in your eyes, you looked him and with a collected tone you said., “Quit the league or…. I’ll go… and... I’ll take the kids with me.”
"Sometimes the right choices are the toughest to make.”
“You can’t do that.” He stated, a hint of fear shining in his eyes.
”I can and I will, enough is enough Touya… let it go... we can start a new life together, a fresh start… somewhere away from all of this insanity, we can go anywhere you like, we can even take on new names and live entirely different life together, a life where our kids can have both of their parents;
You stood up and walked towards the door. You stopped in front of it and looked back. ”I’m giving you a choice Touya, please pick the right one. For me…for us…” You mumbled, opening and closing the door, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name, and I’ll Be There: 1.3
"You should let me win at least once against you," you brushed the dirt off of your jeans and stood up to face Childe once again. "Ya know, to boost my confidence and determination?"
"Where would the point be in that? My Master used to beat me if I didn't meet her expectations, you know." Childe looked past the trees as he remembered his days in the Abyss. "Consider yourself lucky that I'm just beating you in battle."
"Maybe a sword isn't the best weapon for me?" You looked down at the weapon in your hands. It wasn't a bad weapon, but it had taken on some pretty bad blows from Childe the past few months. What was it about you that kept you from improving your skills? You had been getting better on a daily basis, but it never felt like it was enough.  You scrunched your eyebrows together in deep thought.
"The sword is the most basic weapon you can master. A gateway weapon, if you will." His expression hardened with jealousy when he noticed you were staring at Xiao, who was sparring with Zhongli with lance in hand. "You want to learn how to wield a lance? I could teach you."
"Hm?" Your head snapped out of its daze and whipped in Childe's direction. "Oh, no. I was just admiring him. I could never wield a weapon with such speed."
'Just admiring him,' eh? "Well, you have gotten better since I started training you. You just have to keep at it."
"I wonder if I'll ever get a vision," you muttered under your breath. "Maybe then I'd be of more use to everyone."
"If you want to be of use, then take me down," Childe retorted. "You don't need a vision to be powerful. Look at Aether. He doesn't have one."
"But that's not even a valid point to make! I can't just resonate with archon power whenever I want."
"Are you making excuses to be weak?"
"Ugh, I just need a break. I'm going to go get water." You jogged away from the group to the stream that was near the campsite. Your head ached from dealing with his personality all morning. You splashed water onto your face, still submersed in your thoughts when you heard a branch snap behind you.
A shriek echoed through the trees and into the campsite where your team was at.  "What was that?"  Aether looked to the sky for answers, and Paimon appeared.
"It sounded like someone's in trouble!"
"Hey Harbinger, where'd she go?" Xiao's eyes flicked to Childe's.
"In that direction, actually," his eyes widened when they landed on the sword she didn't take with her to the river.
By the time the group caught up to you, which couldn't have been longer than two minutes, you were already leaving a trail of blood on the golden grass beneath your feet.   A stonehide lawachurl continued to charge at you, and you barely managed to dodge it's attack.  
I can't dodge it for much longer, you grit your teeth and glanced at your aching thigh.  Your pants were soaked in blood and clinging to your skin.  If only I had a vision--no.  If only I wasn't dumb enough to leave my sword back at the camp.  You peeked back at the lawachurl from behind the tree you used for cover.  
"ARRRRAAAAAAGGHHH!"  It staggered backwards after being hit by an unseen force.  It advanced forward before being met with another blast of an anemo burst.  Xiao suddenly appeared in midair above the creature, and he shoved his lance through it's neck.  It disintegrated immediately, and the adeptus landed light-footed on its ashes.
You slid down the trunk, reveling in both relief and pain.  Your injured leg hitting the ground drew out a small cry that caught the attention of your teammates.  Footsteps quickly followed the blood trail to your location a few meters away.  
"Are you alright?"  Aether was the first to reach you and was followed by Zhongli, Childe, and Xiao.  He winced at the sight of your torn leg.  "Can you walk?"
"Aha, yeah," your lips held a trembling smile.  "This is nothing."
"You're pale," Childe called you out.  The amount of blood she's losing...did it manage to swipe at her artery?
"Let me see the extent of your injuries."  Zhongli knelt beside you and gently peeled back the torn cloth that stuck to your wound.  His expression didn't change.
"That looks...kinda bad," Aether mumbled.  "We need to get that treated."
"Yes, it would be wise to do so immediately.  We passed by a few herbs on the way here.  I shall go gather them."  Zhongli stood and backtracked to the path they took.  
"It's not safe here," Xiao studied the surrounding area for the rest of the hilichurl tribe.  "Let's get her back to camp."  He stepped forward and slung your arm over his shoulder.
"I'll help," Childe began to move to your other side.
"No.  Too tall.  Aether," he nudged his chin at Aether, and he moved to your other side.  Childe crinkled his nose, but decided not to argue.
"Be careful now."  Xiao and Aether lowered you down while Zhongli mashed and warmed the medicinal herbs.  
Childe conjured a small hydro blade to cut the remaining fabric from around your leg.  "Now to wash the wound..."
"Aha, that kind of hurts," you warned through a clenched jaw.  
"Did it bite you?" Paimon popped up at your side.
"This is just from one of its claws."
"Step aside, Childe," Zhongli stirred the finished paste in a small bowl before spooning it out and spreading it onto your wound.
"OW! Wait!"  You squirmed under his touch.  The pain was worse than when Childe cleansed it.
Xiao held your leg down.  "Stay still and bear with it awhile longer."  He didn't let on that he was worried about how much you were bleeding.
"My apologies, dear comrade.  This will stop the bleeding and speed up the healing process.  It is almost done."  He finished applying the paste.  "Aether, do you still have bandage wraps?"
"Got them right here."  He knelt beside you and began to wrap your leg up.  "This should do it."
"Guess we won't be leaving this campsite today," Paimon shook her head as she stared at your leg.  None of you left the campsite for several days, actually.  You developed a high fever that night.
Zhongli and Xiao were sitting at the edge of the camp and observing everyone's movements.  It hadn't gone unnoticed by the Prime Adeptus that you were Xiao's priority in recent days, and even more so now.  He decided to casually bring it up.
"I saved her a couple decades ago," Xiao admitted as he eyed you.  "She doesn't remember it.  I occasionally checked in on her once she was adopted."
"I see," Zhongli followed his gaze.  "There is a strange presence about her.  You said you brought her from death's door?  Could you have possibly--"
"I did."
"Interesting.  She seems to be doing well enough.  I am worried about her fever, though.  Humans are delicate creatures."
"Human fragility is absurd."
"Regardless, your past dealings with her seem to have saved her today.  She should not have survived the blood loss caused by that wound...or at least, not as a human.  How did you manage it?"
"The smallest prick of blood."  Human bodies cannot withstand large amounts of adeptal energy, so Xiao used the smallest drop of his blood to heal you as a child.  It acted as a healing agent, and as a result, was a type of "vaccine" that allowed you to withstand the adeptal energies of Zhongli and Xiao.  Biologically, you remained a human.  A human with adeptus blood in your veins.
"I never thought it was possible to give such a miniscule amount to a human before.  It is a miracle it didn't backfire on her body."  Zhongli nodded in acknowledgement.  "I would like to observe this matter further."
"Of course."
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lavendersies · 3 years
Willuz prompts:
- Willow and her bumblebee Palisman grow an extravagant topiary of her and Luz, adorned with beautiful bouquets of flowers (as well as make delicious honey) for Luz to thank her for everything.
- Kind of a recap of Season 1's Luz and Willow adventures, but with the notable highlight that Willow gives Luz an appropriate flower bouquet as thanks of helping her out (can be combined with previous prompt if preferable)
- Amity and Hunter argue which of the two Luz loves the most, only to find Luz on a date/making out with Willow in a secluded, forested area, maybe with blossoming flowers (this is a non-serious fic as an allegory to the whole shipping war at the moment, but could come off as a bit mean :P)
- Luz practices with her Glyphs once more to make nice flowers and topiaries for Willow.
- Willow has a crush on Luz and can't help but feel a little jealous when she and Amity get close instead. Willow is too shy to confess her feelings for Luz, fearing rejection, and doesn't want to be in hot water with Amity again after they're finally getting along since their breach years ago. Willow wants to be happy for them, but Gus notices her depression.
- Boscha has thrashed Willow's beautiful plant garden, a passion project that's been taken years, and Willow is despaired by this, too depressed to continue and rebuild. Luz decides to fix the garden and improve it.
@Arendalphaeagle gave theses wonderful prompts so I have went with fourth one. The request was suppose to be uploaded on A03 but it didn't work out so until further notice all Willuz requests will be uploaded here. Feel free to drop ya'll request in my ask box. Enjoy.
A flower for Willow
Luz tapped the symbol emitting a green light and a single flower merge. She looks over at her spell book that specializes in plant magic for something new. She had committed her time to mastering a new glyph, hoping it would create the perfect gift for Willow. Luz didn't care if she spent the whole night out here and woke up with tired eyes caked with crust. Starting earlier this week would have been the wise thing to do but studying for her witch classes ate up the time. In a sluggish motion the sun disappeared behind the trees, allowing the moon to provide a dim light and usher in darkness. Luz casted a luminous orb as she read the instruction on how to evoke multiple flowers. She read the guide once more then traced the symbol on paper and activated it. A patch of lavender and lilac flowers bloom before her, this was just what she needed. Luz would allow her artistic skills to do the rest, she took her book and went inside. 
She found Eda knocked out on the couch with an empty cup of apple blood dangling from her hand. A smile spread on her lips seeing the grey-haired witch in her apple blood coma. King was probably upstairs waiting for Luz's return so they could continue watching an anime series that she had downloaded on her phone. Upon entering the room Luz sees King scowling one of his stuffed animals.
When he noticed her presence. He stopped chiding the pink rabbit, "Oh hey Luz, are you ready to watch soul eater with me?" He asked, sitting on the sleeping mat.
"Not tonight love," She replied.
"Why not?!" King whined.
Luz faced the opposite direction and stripped from her outwear into pj's. She put them near the mat and got out her sketch pad.
"I have to finish a gift for Willow," she said, sitting down to begin sketching her friend's face.
"You can finish it tomorrow, I've been watching all week for us to watch soul eater!" 
"Sorry King, I promise we will watch it together tomorrow" she assured.
The furry demon grumbled under his breath and joined her on the mat. "What are you drawing anyways?" He asked, peeking over her shoulder.
"A picture of Willow" she responded.
"What's the occasion?"
"None, I just want to do something nice for my friend," she said.
"Do you have anything else in mind?"
Luz had finished Willow's eyes and moved on to her nose, "Tomorrow I'm 
going to create a plant statue with this picture".
"I want a plant statue of me!" King cried. 
Luz chuckled.
"And you've been doing a lot for Willow lately, last week you went out of your way to get her that plant baby".
Luz's heart raced, she already knew the next words coming, "She sounds more than a friend" King commented. 
"Friends do things for each other all the time" Luz struggled to tolerate her frisky heart, hoping the tone of her voice wasn't a dead give away.
"Eh, if you say so."
The room fell in silence and Luz worked diligently on Willow's portrait. The plant witch dominates her thoughts, now her heart flutters thinking of those olive green eyes behind the thin-rimmed glasses. The way her ear twitched at sudden noises. Willow had been nothing but a sweet-heart since day, she deserved the world and Luz was willing to give her it. Although these feelings bloomed, she didn't know if it was mutual on Willow's end, and she would keep them buried away. When Luz finally looked up from her sketch-pad King was fast asleep at the edge of her mat. She set aside the finished product and got some rest.
Later that night, Luz had woken up to relieve her heavy bladder, she carefully stepped over a sleeping King and visited the bathroom. After washing her hands, she found herself outside.
 The moon's bright orbs brighten her path as she walks through the woods. Luz was a moth drawn to light, she felt compelled to keep moving. The orbs glowed rapidly like glistening gems, Luz could hear the vibration. She was led into the opening and a massive bush that resembled Willow's head came in view. 
"Thank you Luz!" It says
Its large yellow luminous remind her of fireflies, she had accidentally swallowed one when she was seven.
"Thank you" it repeated.
"What for?" Luz asked.
She didn't get a response to her question,7 the bush thanked Luz on an endless loop. Suddenly, gravity reeled her forward and its mouth opened wide, swallowing her. 
Luz was expecting to be engulfed in darkness, her eyes were squeezed shut. She felt warmth and a chubby body press against hers, opening her eyes. Luz realized it was Willow. She embraced the plant witch hug and gently ran her hand along Willow's turquoise hair. 
Everything faded. Luz woke up in her makeshift room with an annoyed little demon held prisoner in her arms. "Luz let go!" He whines struggling to break free.
"Sorry.." she said sheepishly.
Luz released him and King scurried off on all fours. She took care of her personal hygiene then returned to the room for her uniform. When Luz went downstairs, Eda was waiting at the door with her staff. She wore her pajamas. "Can we take the tub?” 
“No, its for emergencies only”
“Please” Luz said, giving the grey haired woman pitiful eyes.
“I’m immune to those” Eda stated dismissively.
“But you can’t be the coolest witch without it,” 
“Keep it up and you’ll be walking to school” Eda said heading out the door. 
The schoolyard was still empty when Luz hopped off the staff. She watched Eda fly away, disappearing over the autumn colored trees. Luz took out her plant magic textbook and turned to the page about manipulation. After she got a good understanding, she pulled out the portrait of Willow and drew two symbols on them. Luz crossed her fingers and tapped the paper, a stem sprouted forth and the leaves took on the form of Willow's face. Two Lilac flowers blossomed on both sides, the topiary was the size of a miniature house plant. She had expected bigger  but before Luz could sulk her crush arrived. 
"Willow!" She quickly hid the plant behind her back.
"Hey" Willow smiled. 
Luz felt butterflies tickling her stomach, she forced a skittish smile and revealed the topiary. Willow eyes widened with astonishment, she took the plant from Luz's hands.
"Aww thanks" Willow shifted the plant in her other arm and gave her a hug. Luz no longer had butterflies pestering her insides. The euphoria buttered her up, if Luz hadn't stopped herself she would have kissed Willow. For a brief moment, the turquoise haired witch stared at her. Luz was about to look away but Willow touched her cheek and gently kissed her lips. She led Luz by the hand towards the school building. 
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timbertumbr · 4 years
Tease (Underswap Papyrus X Reader)
Okay, I saw this while looking for prompts and IMMEDIATELY thought of Underswap Papyrus. I’m gonna alter it slightly but the premise is still the same.
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You and Papyrus were chilling on the couch watching some Napstaton show. Sans had asked you to come over to make tacos but had to go to an “important meeting.” The sly skeleton wanted you to spend more time with his brother, smooth Sans, smooooooth.
So here you were, sitting next to the awkward skeleton, having no IDEA how to start a conversation with him. You glance at the window Sans conveniently left out of and saw the short skeleton peeking in. He mouths “talk to him!” You shake your head subtly. 
“I can’t. I have no idea how to start one with HIM,” You mouth back, grabbing your cup of water and taking a sip from it while the skeleton gave you a blank expression.
“Then flirt with him,” You choke on your drink, what did Sans just (silently) SAY?! Glancing back at the window, he was gone. That little-
“Uh… are you okay?” You hear Papyrus ask, you turn to see him with an amused grin but you could see a glint of concern in his eyelights.
“No, your brother just told me to flirt with you just to get to know you better,” Is what you would’ve said if you weren’t heavily considering it. 
“Yeah, went down the wrong pipe,” You say somewhat telling the truth. He hesitantly nods and directs his attention back to the show. Great, now it’s awkward. . . What do you have to lose if you flirt with him? Answer: Not a lot, you may get some side glances but eh, you could deal with those. So with that in mind, you began brainstorming.
“Hey, Paps,” He hums as he glances at you.
“You’re sweeter than any of Muffet’s baking,” You weren’t lying, he’s probably sweeter than Sans! You look over at him to see he was absolutely dumbfounded and… blushing? His face was covered in an orange blush as he pulled his hood up and curled up in a ball.
“Th-Thanks…” He mutters, AWWWWWW. He’s so cute! Now you see why Chara flirted so often. This was going to be fun.
So for the past week you may or may not have been flirting with Papyrus constantly (Platonic flirting of course.). His reactions are just too cute! And Sans was totally okay with it! He lightly teased his brother about it.
You were hanging out with the short skeleton, helping out with making friendship tacos for his co-workers. (He’s improved immensely! His tacos are now the best thing you’ve ever eaten.) That is until Papyrus shuffled with a light blush.
“Uh, Y/N?” 
“Can we talk for a minute? Alone?” You nod and follow the tall skeleton after Sans yelled “GO GET EM TIGER,” Papyrus’s blush increased ten fold. 
You closed the door to his room and he fidgeted with his hands, trying to find the words.
“Um… you know how you’ve been… flirting with me for the past week?” You freeze up, oh no! Have you overstepped his boundaries?!
“W-was it too much? I-I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“N-No! No! I’m okay with it, really,” You sigh in relief, oh thank goodness.
“I-I was just wondering… why? Why do you keep flirting with me?” Papyrus asks, wringing his hand nervously. YOU ARE FILLED WITH PASSION!
“Because you deserve it, plus your reactions are adorable,” You answer honestly. He blushed brightly as he rubs his neck.
“Nyeh heh, thanks. I guess you could say… you’re a bonafide expert,” Papyrus attempts to flirt. IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE! You’re now a blushing mess, Papyrus chuckles softly at your reaction.
“Nyeh heh heh, I can see why you do this now,” You smile softly.
“YES! FINALLY!” You hear Sans yell from behind the door. The both of you stare at the door dumbfounded before laughing your asses off. Once you both calmed down, you both agreed to help Sans before getting revenge.
Want to Request? Please Read this before you do so.
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jaefluenza · 4 years
Little sequel to ‘Make It Up’ with daddy!Taeyong and mommy!reader
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You shift around on the bed, this time along with the other two pair of legs next to you. You stretched your hands before fixing your shirt, until a small hand landed on your face.
“Hm, Taehee..” you greeted the little princess who then moved closer towards you. “Good morning, angel.” You kissed her forehead and she smiles in her sleep. You leans closer to Taeyong as well, admiring his peaceful sleeping figure before kissing his cheeks lovingly.
After getting married, you decided to bring Taehee to the main bedroom along with you and Taeyong. He whines about how he wants some alone time with you sometimes, but you’d shush him out by pressing your soft lips on him.
“Daddy stinks, I don’t want to sleep next to him,” Taehee climbs up to your chest as you sit up as well, leaning your back on the headboard. You yawned before you laugh, “Aw, that’s because daddy didn’t take a shower last night, isn’t it?”
Taeyong blinks softly as he heard the most important people talking about him in a very bugging way. “Hey, you two. This is my bedroom, and I’m here as well. You’re being too much,” he complained with a raspy voice. Taehee then laughs while getting tickled by his daddy. You watch in amusement, feeling fulfilled and content by just watching your morning starting with so much fluff like this.
“I’ll make breakfast, okay. Can you two make up the bed?”
Taehee rises in excitement, jumping around on the bed upon hearing the idea of making up the bed. “Yes yes yes, mommy! Come on daddy, let’s go up!”
Taeyong groans as he pulled his daughter down to hug him, “Urgh, five more minutes.” Taehee yelled under his grasp, “Ew, daddy stinks! Mommy, he put me under his armpit! Scold him, scold him!” You laughed while you walk out of the room, letting the daddy and daughter have their own time.
Twenty minutes later, you peek into the room, hands dirty with oil and onion smells, and you smile at the view. Taehee sitting on the bed, compiling the pillows bigger than her size, while Taeyong helping her the blanket. “Like this?”
“Yeah, even though mommy would fold it neater than you do, daddy did great.”
Taeyong laughs at his daughter’s small compliment, before going to hug his daughter. You call them gently, “Hey, breakfast ready!” Taehee screams a loud ‘woohoo’ while sitting on his daddy’s shoulder.
“So, will you return as my secretary again? My new secretary can’t synchronize well with me. I prefer working with you more, baby.” Taeyong explained. Unfortunately, you shake your head softly, “No, I won’t work with you anymore.”
Taeyong’s eyes widen, startled by your quick remark, “Eh, why not?”
“If I return to the company, who will take care of her? No, I won’t leave her alone in this big penthouse, okay?”
Taeyong smiles in relief, “You’re right.”
Since it’s weekend and the traffic was too much to bear in this hot summer days, the three of you decided to stay at home to enjoy movies or ice cream.
“Daddy, I’m bored. Do you want to help me improve my writing? After that we can draw something on the book you bought me.”
Taeyong nods to the little one as his eyes stilled at the playing Netflix movie. “Sure, just take out your book and pencil.”
“Her writing is getting really good these days. Don’t tell her what to do too much, just let her stick to her own flow, you’ll watch how smart of a kid she is.” You muttered before putting on the popcorns to your mouth.
A minute later, Taehee splattered all of his stationeries and her pororo colored practice book. “Daddy, look. What do you think of my writing? I wrote your name and mommy’s name.”
Taeyong looked away from the tv before paying full attention to his daughter. “Woah, your writing is so good! At this point, you can go to elementary school already, baby.”
Even though the movie was interesting, nothing can be more cuter than Taeyong and Taehee focusing on something together. You bring out your phone before capturing the moment between the dad and daughter. “Cute,” you mumbled.
When you see them finished with the drawing, you sit next to Taehee to check out her masterpiece. “What did you draw, baby?”
“Us, this is mommy, and this is me, and this is daddy. We look cool, right?” She asked and you swear you could see hearts in her eyes and a proud father smile draws upon Taeyong’s face. “We look perfect, honey. You did great!” You compliment her and she goes right to you arms, pulling his father along to the hug.
“I love you, mommy and daddy!” She mumbled against your neck. Taeyong put his hands around you both, securing you under his arms, his little family, as he would say. “We love you too, baby.” You smiled softly when you felt Taeyong put a soft kiss on your neck and hair. “Now this feels like home.” He muttered.
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cryingcow · 4 years
Rikiya, Kiryu, & Haruka - Rikiya’s Lonely Struggle [RGGO] - Ch. 2-3
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 .
Watch me post this in the morning cuz its a holiday lol.
Previously: Rikiya wants to show Kiryu the famous Okinawan hospitality, but the people think that Kiryu is an evil mainlander who will take over their market, which is false. They also think that Kiryu has a bone-sucking fetish, which is true, if only because I had to type the phrase “suck on my bones” too many fucking times. Apparently Rikiya is so starry-eyed when it comes to Kiryu that everyone thinks he’s either in a Kiryu-worshipping cult or an active member of the Yakuza fandom (or both amirite? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ).
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Haruka: “Waa~ the meat is melting~!”
Kiryu: “It’s stewed well enough that you can eat the delicious cartilage.”
Haruka: “Rikiya-san, thank you for buying us the cartilage soki!”
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Rikiya: “No, it was really cheap anyway. Hehe . . .”
Haruka: “Besides this, what other kinds of delicious food are out there?”
Kiryu: “This time, I’ll have to take a walk around the market.”
Rikiya: (They’re going. These two are more and more eager to go to the market. I have to get rid of the rumors circulating in the market as soon as possible. To do that, I have to get inside the Youth Club of the market, since they seem to be the source of the rumor . . .)
Kiryu: “By the way, Rikiya. Patriarch Nakahara called and asked me to drop by tonight.”
Rikiya: “To my boss’s place?”
Kiryu: “Yeah. It seems he wants to drink Awamori with me. Will you be present there?”
Rikiya: “I want to, but I have other plans tonight . . .”
Kiryu: “Why are you so busy lately? Are you involved in some kind of trouble?”
Rikiya: “What are you talking about! There’s no trouble! Anyway, thank you for being Boss’s drinking buddy! Oh, but if Boss has too much to drink, he has a habit of going on a rampage, so keep it in moderation.”
Kiryu: “So he’s a violent drunk. That guy should be more careful . . .”
Rikiya: “Well, I’m heading out for a while! Please give my best regards to my boss!”
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Rikiya: “If you think about it this time, it’s questionable whether it’s suitable for me to be doing this, being Aniki’s younger brother . . . To not bother Aniki, I have to solve this problem not as his younger brother. Alright! I’ll definitely erase the rumors! Hmm . . . from what I heard, the Youth Club’s office should be around here somewhere . . . Oh! Here it is!”
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Youth Director: “Who are you? Coming at such a time . . .”
Rikiya: “Are you a member of the market’s Youth Club?”
Youth Director: “Yeah. I’m the director . . . hm? You, you’re Rikiya of the Ryudo Family! What are you doing after getting brainwashed by Kiryu? Are you here to take down the Youth Club?!”
Rikiya: “Stupid guy. I can’t be brainwashed. What are you guys? Why are you blowing around fake rumors in the market?”
Youth Director: “Kiryu taking over the market . . . sure, we were the ones who gave this information to everyone. But that isn’t a lie . . . look at this!”
{The Youth Director takes out a sheet of paper with a flourish.}
Rikiya: “Hm? What is this letter??”
Youth Director: “This letter was found in the market’s opinion box.”
Rikiya: “Opinion box?”
Youth Director: “Customers write in their requests and points for improvement for the market. This letter was found in it. Read it.”
Rikiya: “‘Be careful. Kiryu Kazuma intends to take over the market. The market’s enforcers from the Ryudo Family cannot counter Kiryu. Because . . . Kiryu has already brainwashed the young captain Rikiya. Furthermore, Kiryu intends to kill the family’s head Nakahara in the future.’ . . . What is this letter! Who put it in the opinion box?!”
Youth Director: “The sender’s name isn’t written. It’s an anonymous report.”
Rikiya: “Do you guys really believe such a crappy letter?!”
Youth Director: “Well we didn’t bother with it at first. You were always on the land of Morning Glory, in a position to evict Kiryu. You couldn’t have been brainwashed by him. But then one day the situation changed completely . . . suddenly you started calling Kiryu, who was supposed to be the enemy, your Aniki! That couldn’t have been anything other than brainwashing, right? So that means what’s in this letter is true!”
Rikiya: “No, you’re wrong! That’s . . . !”
Youth Director: “There’s more. A new report was posted today. Here. Read it.”
{The Youth Director hands over another letter.}
Rikiya: “’Kiryu intends to poison the Ryudo Family’s head . . .’ Huh? Poison? He won’t do anything like that!”
Youth Director: “Hm? Oi, look! The man walking over there . . . !”
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Rikiya: “A-Aniki . . . ?!”
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Haruka: “Hey, Ojiisan . . .”
Kiryu: “What is it?”
Haruka: “Is it okay to give this drink to Nakahara-san?”
Kiryu: “Yeah . . . If Nakahara refuses, I’ll just make him drink it.”
Haruka: “Well, Ojiisan is forceful. But will this be effective?”
Kiryu: “Don’t worry. It’s a method that’s been used for ages. Now, let’s hurry up. I’m late for my meeting with Nakahara.”
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Youth Director: “Oi! You heard that conversation just now!”
Rikiya: “Wait a minute! This has to be a misunderstanding!”
Youth Director: “Everyone, come out!”
{A bunch of guys exit the office.}
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Member: “Is something wrong, director?”
Youth Director: “Kiryu’s heading over to poison the Ryudo Family’s head Nakahara!”
Member: “What! He’s on Tarekomi Street right now!”
Youth Director: “Let’s chase Kiryu down and kill him!”
Member: “Yeah! We’ll never let him meet Boss Nakahara!”
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Rikiya: “Wait! Calm down!”
Youth Director: “Get out of the way, Rikiya! If you don’t know which side you’re on, then we’ll kill you too!”
Rikiya: “Just try it if you can! I will never let you through!”
{Rikiya defeats all the youth members.}
Rikiya: “So, Aniki isn’t going to kill the boss . . . but then what exactly was that conversation between Aniki and Haruka-chan? I don’t know . . . I should chase after them and see what happens . . .”
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Haruka: “You said that it’s a method that’s been in use for a long time, but is that really true?”
Kiryu: “Yeah, if you’re an adult, it’s a story you’ll hear at least once. If you drink milk before drinking alcohol, a film will form on your stomach and it would be difficult for you to get sick.”
Haruka: “Hmm. Nakahara-san, I hope you can drink this milk properly.”
Kiryu: “Oh, the office of the Ryudo Family is just around this corner.”
{Kiryu and Haruka enter the office. Rikiya peeks out from his cover.}
Rikiya: “Haa . . . so that’s what it was . . .”
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Youth Director: “Huh? Milk? Don’t lie, Rikiya!”
Rikiya: “I think this is all because of Kiryu-no-aniki’s fierce appearance and manner of speaking. Even in ordinary everyday conversation, it sounds scary when Aniki speaks. Maybe the guy who got into the opinion box misunderstood Aniki’s regular speech?”
Youth Director: “That can’t be it. There are multiple stories. The timing of the posting and the handwriting is different. You’re saying an unspecified number of people misunderstood Kiryu’s words all at the same time. Isn’t that quite the coincidence?”
Rikiya: “Well . . .”
Youth Director: “The problem here is you, Rikiya. Defending him with such an arduous excuse! It looks like you received a stronger brainwashing than I expected. Maybe something is embedded in your head?”
Rikiya: “Ha?”
Youth Director: “I saw it on TV before! Surgery to implant a chip in your brain! Could Kiryu do such a thing?!”
Rikiya: “No, that’s-”
Youth Director: “Do-Don’t come any closer! We can’t handle either of you! You guys . . . you’re no longer humans!! You’re monsters!!”
{The Youth Director runs inside the youth club office and locks the doors.}
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Rikiya: “Haa . . . the rumors are getting more and more exaggerated . . .”
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Kiryu: “Shit . . . this guy’s been hurt for two hours and yet he’s still clinging to me. What a stubborn bastard. Should I submerge him in hot water next? No, I have a hand at stake . . .”
Haruka: “How is it, Ojiisan? Has it fallen?”
Kiryu: “No, it hasn’t fallen at all. He’s like the oil stains on this frying pan.”
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Rikiya: (What’s this about oil stains . . . I thought he was torturing someone there for a moment . . . Those who put those claims in the opinion box really might have just misunderstood Aniki’s regular speech . . .)
Rikiya: “Hey, Aniki. Why don’t you try keeping in mind to speak a little more gently?”
Kiryu: “Hm? Speaking more gently?”
Rikiya: “Because your voice is powerful, you might be mistaken for a scary person . . .”
Kiryu: “Is there someone out there who misinterpreted me?”
Rikiya: “No, nothing like that . . . but if bad rumors about Aniki spread around Ryukyu, wouldn’t that be hard? It would be impossible to visit every single inhabitant to set the record straight . . .”
Kiryu: “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
Rikiya: “Eh?”
Kiryu: “Where do you start when you untie a tangled string? Isn’t it at the ‘root’ of the string, not the tips? If it looks too intricately intertwined, the cause may be a slight twist at the root. If you fix it there, the rest will unravel. The same is true for rumors and misunderstandings.”
Rikiya: “That’s it . . . ! So if you correct the person who misunderstood first, the rest will be solved?!”
Kiryu: “Yeah. Everything is from the root. Both when it entangles and when it unravels.”
Rikiya: (In this case, the root of all this is the person who put the message in the opinion box! I have to find them and set the record straight! That said, I should go watch the opinion box immediately!)
Rikiya: “Thanks, Aniki!”
Kiryu: “. . . hm? Are bad rumors about me spreading after all?”
Rikiya: “Wh-What are you talking about! That’s not true! There are only kind-hearted people in Okinawa!”
Kiryu: “Speaking of kindness, what happened to interacting with the people of the market?”
Rikiya: “Sorry! I’m heading out now! See you next time!”
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Greengrocer: “Have you heard? If you go to Kiryu, he can bury a chip inside your head . . .”
Meat Vendor: “And for the rest of your life, you’ll be brainwashed by Kiryu and live as his slave . . .”
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Rikiya: (The rumors have gotten so exaggerated, it’s ridiculous . . . I have to find the person who posted the letter soon . . . Even though I’ve been watching the opinion box for hours, no one’s written a letter . . . Well, it’s not like people post letters everyday, maybe I should give up for today . . .)
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Rikiya: (Hm? Those guys . . . ? I’ve seen them somewhere before . . . Ah, that’s right! They’re the bouncers hired by the Youth Club. Are they on patrol? They’re sneaky . . . Hm? Is the one on the right holding a letter . . . ?)
{The right bouncer posts the letter in the opinion box.}
Rikiya: (He put it in the opinion box! Why did the bouncer . . . ?! Are they the ones who posted the lie about Aniki?! Is their purpose to be hired as bouncers . . . ?! If you think about it, it makes sense!!)
Rikiya: “Wait a moment!”
Hooligan A: “Ri-Rikiya . . . ?! What for?!”
Rikiya: “The letter you put in the opinion box, I’m checking it.”
Hooligan A: “Wh-What the hell!! You don’t have that kind of authority!!”
Rikiya: ‘I’m pretty impatient. Did you put in a bad letter that you don’t want to be seen by me?”
Hooligan A: “It has nothing to do with you! Don’t you dare lay a single finger on the opinion box!”
Rikiya: “Heh. Does that mean I can’t see the contents of the letter without knocking you guys down first? Good! Come on! I’ll beat you guys down again and again!”
{Rikiya beats them down.}
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Hooligan A: “Ugh . . . don’t touch that letter . . .”
Rikiya: “I can’t do that. The letter that you posted is . . . this. What-?”
Rikiya: “’Protest the youth in the market. The Youth Club has not paid a fair price for the bouncers they hired in preparation for Kiryu’s invasion. The Youth Club should pay the bouncers as promised.’ Wh-What is this?”
Hooligan A: “It’s because of what you did yesterday. The Youth Club said, ‘We can’t pay as promised to a bouncer who loses to Rikiya.’ They reduced the reward for us . . . this is a letter to protest against that!”
Rikiya: “In other words, you weren’t the ones making up lies about Aniki . . . is that right.”
Hooligan A: “What are you talking about?”
Rikiya: “That’s enough. You guys go home. Next time I see you in the market, this beating won’t be enough.”
Hooligan A: “Shit . . . !”
{The bouncers bump into a woman while they run away. The paper she’s holding is nearly knocked out of her hands.}
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Rikiya: “Are you okay, Ma’am?”
Woman Passing By: “Yeah, sorry . . .”
Rikiya: “You . . . haven’t we met before? Weren’t you the one who told me rumors about Kiryu-no-aniki?”
Woman Passing By: “Oh~ that time . . .”
Rikiya: “You come to the market quite often to shop. Hm? That paper you’re holding . . . is that a letter?”
Woman Passing By: “Um, this, uh . . .”
Rikiya: “Can I take a little peek?”
Woman Passing By: “Y-You can’t!!”
Rikiya: “There is no delicacy in forcibly reading a woman’s letter, but because of the circumstances . . . I’ll borrow it!”
{Rikiya yanks the letter from her hands.}
Rikiya: “What, what . . . ‘Kiryu Kazuma’s market takeover plan’s follow up report: After taking over the market, Kiryu intends to demand expensive protection rackets from each store.  . . . he’s willing to kill those shopkeepers who don’t pay the racket under the guise of an accident.’ Th-This is a lie!!”
Woman Passing By: “Um, that’s . . . !!”
Rikiya: “Why is there a follow up report before anything has even happened?! What the hell are you . . . ?! What is this letter for?!”
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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