#hey not every project works out. and that's okay yeah? yeah.
lilsoftext · 3 days
-chris sturniolo x female reader
It was one of those rare nights where there was no stream, no content to create, and no schedule to follow. Chris had wrapped up his day earlier than usual and had been looking forward to a quiet night with Sof. His mind was always buzzing with ideas, streams, and the noise of social media, but tonight, he wanted nothing more than a peaceful evening with her—just the two of them.
Sof, as always, had been busy too. Her work schedule was demanding, and lately, it felt like the two of them were ships passing in the night. But tonight was different. Both had cleared their schedules, and it was just about them.
Chris was in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on dinner. He wasn’t exactly a master chef, but he could pull together a decent meal when the occasion called for it. Tonight, he’d made one of Sof’s favorites: a simple pasta dish with garlic bread on the side. He knew it wasn’t fancy, but it was the thought that counted.
He glanced at his phone, seeing a text from Sof that she was on her way. A small smile crept across his face as he pictured her walking through the door. He set the table, lit a couple of candles, and dimmed the lights, wanting to create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere. He wasn’t sure when he’d become such a softie, but Sof had a way of bringing out the best in him.
As he was finishing up, the door opened quietly, and Sof stepped inside. She looked tired, but the second her eyes met Chris’s, her face lit up with a warm smile.
“Hey, babe,” she said softly, closing the door behind her and kicking off her shoes.
“Hey, you,” Chris greeted her, walking over to give her a hug. “How was your day?”
Sof let out a sigh as she melted into his embrace. “Long. But seeing you makes it better.”
Chris chuckled, pulling back slightly to look at her. “I made dinner. It’s nothing special, but—”
“It’s perfect,” Sof interrupted, her eyes sparkling. “You know I love anything you make.”
They sat down at the table, chatting about their day as they ate. The conversation was easy and comfortable, like it always was with them. Sof told Chris about her latest project at work, and Chris shared a few funny stories from the day, laughing at how chaotic things had been in his world of content creation. But as they spoke, there was an unspoken understanding between them: tonight was about unwinding and being together.
After dinner, Chris cleared the dishes, insisting that Sof relax for a bit. She curled up on the couch, flipping through the channels on TV while Chris finished up in the kitchen. Once he was done, he joined her, sitting down next to her and pulling her close.
“Movie night?” Chris asked, resting his arm around her shoulders.
Sof nodded, resting her head on his chest. “Sounds perfect.”
They scrolled through the options for a while, debating what to watch. After a few minutes of indecision, they settled on a rom-com—light, funny, and exactly what they needed to take their minds off everything else.
As the movie played, Chris couldn’t help but glance down at Sof every now and then. She looked so peaceful, her eyes focused on the screen, her body relaxed against his. It was moments like these that made him realize just how lucky he was to have her in his life. She balanced him in ways he hadn’t even known he needed.
Halfway through the movie, Sof’s phone buzzed with a notification, and she absentmindedly glanced at it. Chris noticed the brief look of worry that crossed her face, even though she tried to hide it.
“Everything okay?” he asked, gently rubbing her shoulder.
Sof hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, it’s just work stuff. Nothing urgent, but...” She sighed. “It’s hard to switch off sometimes, you know?”
Chris nodded, understanding exactly what she meant. “I get it. But tonight, let’s just relax, okay? The world can wait until tomorrow.”
Sof smiled up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude. “You’re right. I just need to remind myself to slow down sometimes.”
They settled back into the movie, the world outside fading away as they enjoyed the simplicity of being together. There was something comforting about the quiet moments, the ones where nothing needed to be said because everything was already understood.
As the credits rolled, Sof stretched and let out a contented sigh. “That was nice,” she murmured, snuggling closer to Chris. “I feel like I haven’t had a night like this in forever.”
Chris kissed the top of her head. “Well, we can make it a regular thing. You don’t always have to be superwoman, you know?”
Sof laughed softly. “I know. But I like that you think I am.”
“To me, you are,” Chris replied sincerely. “You juggle so much, and you always make time for us. It doesn’t go unnoticed.”
Sof looked up at him, her eyes softening. “You always know exactly what to say, don’t you?”
Chris grinned, shrugging. “I just tell the truth.”
For a while, they sat in comfortable silence, the only sound being the soft hum of the TV in the background. The night had turned out exactly the way Chris had hoped—simple, peaceful, and full of love.
Eventually, Sof sat up and stretched, looking around the cozy living room. “You really went all out tonight, huh? The candles, the dinner... It was perfect.”
Chris smiled, leaning back on the couch. “I just wanted to make sure you had a relaxing night. You deserve it.”
Sof looked at him for a moment, then leaned in and kissed him softly. “Thank you. For everything.”
Chris smiled against her lips. “Anytime.”
They stayed up for a little while longer, talking about nothing and everything, enjoying the warmth of each other’s company. By the time they finally headed to bed, Chris felt a sense of calm that he hadn’t felt in a long time. And as he drifted off to sleep with Sof by his side, he knew that these were the moments that truly mattered.
It wasn’t the streams, the followers, or the content that defined his life—it was nights like this, where he could just be himself with the person who made him happiest. And in that quiet, peaceful moment, everything felt right in the world.
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
gallacrafts: wearable crafts
nothing like an little 🍬edible jockstrap🍬 for a delayed @gallacrafts on a wednesday! 😂
this one really didn't turn out as expected. much harder to melt candies into underwear shape than youtube made it look? i made this on saturday and snapped some quick picks to laugh about with the pals. then when i went to pick them up later to get some nice photos, they broke! 😭 said okay okay, i'll repair them when i have some time on monday. and broke them even more!
so fuck it. here is my most half-assed gallacrafts yet. was still a good laugh though! 😂
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anniebeemine · 1 month
I <3 my boyfriend- s.r. x fem!reader
Warnings: possessiveness, fingering, unprotected sex on the kitchen counter (not mindful, not demure)
Spencer walked through the front door, exhausted from the long case, but the familiar warmth of home immediately began to ease the tension in his shoulders. He could hear you in the kitchen, the soft clatter of dishes and the comforting aroma of a homemade meal greeting him as he dropped his bag by the door.
"Hey," you called out, a smile in your voice as you turned to see him. "You're just in time. Sit down, I'll get you a plate."
He walked into the kitchen, his tired eyes lighting up as they met yours. You looked so content, so effortlessly beautiful in the soft light of the kitchen. He started to protest as he made his way to the table. "I can do it myself, you know. You don’t have to—"
But you were already at his side, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear. “It’s fine,” you said softly, your fingers lingering for a moment longer. “Let me take care of you.”
He didn’t argue further, letting out a quiet sigh of gratitude as he sat down at the table. You served him a plate of his favorite meal, and the sight alone made his stomach rumble. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until just now.
Spencer picked up his fork and took his first bite, savoring the taste of home-cooked food. He started to say something, but the words caught in his throat as he looked up, his eyes widening.
You had turned around to grab something from the counter, and that’s when he noticed. The shorts you were wearing, snug and perfectly fitted, had bold, playful letters across the back: I ❤️ my boyfriend. The fabric clung to your hips and hugged every curve with precision, leaving very little to the imagination. Spencer felt his face flush, his mouth suddenly dry.
He swallowed hard, almost choking on his food as he struggled to regain his composure. His eyes were glued to you, watching the way the shorts moved with you as you reached for a dish, then turned back around to face him. You were completely unaware of the effect you were having on him, which somehow made it even more alluring.
You noticed the way he was staring, a curious look crossing your face. “Are you okay?” you asked, concerned by the way he seemed to be struggling with his food.
Spencer cleared his throat, setting down his fork as he tried to find his voice. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Just—uh—got distracted for a second.”
You caught his gaze lingering on your shorts, and a playful idea bloomed in your mind. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you began to babble about your week, your tone light and innocent, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
“So, you won’t believe what happened at work yesterday,” you started, turning your back to him as you reached for a glass on the counter. You shifted your hips slightly, knowing full well that his eyes were glued to the words on your shorts. “We had that huge project due, and of course, everything that could go wrong- well, thanks to yours truly, it did go wrong.”
Spencer nodded absentmindedly, his fork hovering over his plate, but he barely picked at his food. His appetite seemed to vanish as he focused on you, every move you made drawing his attention like a magnet.
You continued talking, moving around the kitchen with a deliberate slowness, making sure to drop little things here and there—an innocent spoon, a napkin—just to give yourself an excuse to bend over and pick them up. Each time, you could feel his eyes burning into you, the tension between you two growing with every second.
“Anyway,” you went on, bending down to retrieve a napkin you had accidentally dropped, “I managed to get everything done, but I swear, I don’t know how I didn’t lose my mind.” You straightened up and turned to face him, noticing how his gaze quickly darted away, pretending to be interested in his food.
You walked over to the table, standing beside him, casually adjusting your shorts before leaning on the table, giving him a perfect view. You reached over for the salt and pepper shaker, placing them closer to him. “But that’s enough about me. How was the case?” you asked, feigning innocence as you locked eyes with him.
Spencer swallowed hard, his eyes betraying the effect you were having on him. “It was... intense,” he managed to say, his voice a little strained. “But nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Mmm, I bet,” you murmured, reaching over to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. You let your fingers linger a bit longer than necessary, enjoying the way his breath hitched at your touch. You let the pads of your fingers rub his scalp, earning a purr from his throat.
He shifted in his seat, trying to focus on anything but you, but it was no use. You were relentless in your teasing, and he was quickly losing the battle against his own self-control.
You straightened up, walking away from the table to the other side of the kitchen. “Oh, I almost forgot,” you said, opening the cabinet and pretending to look for something. You bent over slightly, giving him another perfect view as you rummaged through the shelves. “I wanted to show you something I bought the other day…”
Spencer’s patience was wearing thin, and you could feel the heat of his gaze on you as you continued your little charade. When you finally turned back around, his eyes were dark, filled with a mix of frustration and desire that made your heart race.
“I, uh... I think I’m done eating,” he said, pushing his plate away and standing up from the table. His voice was rough, his resolve clearly hanging by a thread.
You smiled sweetly, stepping closer to him. “Are you sure? You barely touched your dinner."
He didn’t answer, his eyes locked on yours, the tension between you two reaching its peak. You could see the struggle in his eyes, the way he was trying so hard to stay composed.
But you had other plans.
Without warning, you reached out and grabbed the edge of his shirt, pulling him closer. “I assume it's the shorts?” you whispered, your voice low and sultry.
That was all it took. Spencer’s restraint snapped, and before you could say another word, he had you pinned against the counter, his lips crashing into yours with a hunger that left you breathless.
He pulled back just enough to murmur against your lips, “yeah.”
You grinned, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him back in for another kiss, the playful energy between you both finally spilling over into something much more intense.
“I knew you'd like them,” you whispered, your voice a mix of challenge and invitation.
Spencer’s breath was hot against your lips as he smiled, his hands gripping your waist with a possessiveness that sent shivers down your spine. “How could I not?” he murmured, his voice thick with desire.
You could feel the tension between you dissolving into something electric, something that made your heart race and your skin tingle. The playful teasing had ignited a fire, and now there was no going back.
His lips found yours again, this time slower, more deliberate, as if savoring every moment. You melted into him, your hands roaming over his chest and shoulders, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt tense with need. He kissed you deeply, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips, coaxing them apart as he claimed your mouth with a hunger that left you weak in the knees.
His hands wandered down to the small of your back, pulling you even closer until there was no space left between you. The heat of his body pressed against yours was intoxicating, and you could feel the steady, powerful beat of his heart through the fabric of his shirt.
Spencer broke the kiss, his forehead resting against yours as you both tried to catch your breath. His hands slid down to your hips, his thumbs grazing the waistband of your shorts, sending sparks of anticipation through you.
“Those shorts,” he breathed, his voice rough and low, “are driving me crazy.”
You grinned, your heart racing as you ran your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. “I know,” you whispered back, your lips brushing against his ear. “That was the plan.”
A deep, throaty laugh rumbled in his chest, and before you could say anything else, he lifted you onto the counter with a swift, effortless motion. His hands found your thighs, spreading them apart so he could step between them, pressing his hips against yours in a way that made you gasp.
Your hands gripped the edge of the counter as he leaned in, his lips trailing down your neck, kissing and nipping at your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. You tilted your head back, giving him more access, your breath coming in shallow, rapid bursts as his kisses grew more insistent.
“You know,” he murmured against your throat, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers through you, “I could think of a few other ways for you to show me how much you love your boyfriend.”
Your breath hitched at his words, a thrill running through you as you felt the heat of his hands sliding up your thighs, teasing the hem of your shorts. You bit your lip, your heart pounding as you leaned in to whisper against his ear, “Then show me.”
That was all the invitation he needed. With a low growl, he captured your lips in another searing kiss, his hands gripping your hips with a need that matched your own. The playful teasing was long gone, replaced by a raw, undeniable passion that consumed you both. His lips moved across your cheek and he began peppering your jawline and neck with open-mouthed kisses while his fingers reached down into the space between you to gently rub the pad of his thumb over your covered clit. You felt his fingers tug at your shorts from the crotch area. Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling and without even realizing it, your hips had begun to buck into his touch, desperate for more.
You lifted your hips, trying to help him remove them, but he didn't move. "Keep 'em on," he murmured.
You tilted your head, pulling back. "Really?"
He nodded, jutting his bottom lip out just enough. "You love your boyfriend, right?"
In the matter of moments, you were a moaning mess after pulled your shorts to the side. He slipped two fingers into your wet cunt, a gasp leaving your lips at the sudden intrusion.
"Spence," you whined, meeting the slow pace of his finger swith your hips each time.
The blissed out look on your face must have given him the confidence to keep talking. "Look at you," he mumbled. "So perfect, so ready to cum all over my fingers."
"Oh, god," you moaned.
"You've always been such a tease," he tutted, pulling his hand away. "Should I give you the same treatment?''
You shook your head, gripping his wrist. "Please don't, Spencer. I deserve it." Usually, you'd argue back that he's equally as much of a tease, but you're desperate.
He keeps your shorts to the side with one hand, undoing his pants with the other. "Are you sure?" He mocked, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
You smiled. "Yes, I do. And you sort of owe me for ruining my shorts."
He lined himself up, slowly pushing into you. "I guess it's only fair."
The moan that escaped your mouth as you felt him fill you was obscene and you would have been embarrassed by it if you weren’t so wrapped up in the feeling of him inside of you. His breath hitched in his throat at the feeling of being deeply seated within you and you could tell he was fighting to keep his eyes open as you lightly rocked your hips against him. You did this for as long as he'd let you, giving him just enough to keep him satisfied.
"I can't take this," he said softly, bringing his hands to your hips again. He nodded down to where your two bodies met. "Hold-"
He didn't even have to finish. You used two fingers hooked around your shorts to keep them out of the way. You reeled into him as he pulled you against him, thighs flush against your ass. He set a much faster pace, brushing against every spot that drove you wild.
"Spence, right there," you gasped, your voice doing nothing to hide the desperation.
“Does that feel good, pretty girl?” His dominant side was clearly taking over and all you could do was nod in response and pull your shorts further.
He stopped abruptly, pulling your hips from the counter. You landed on your feet as he turned you around, bending you over. You spread your thighs apart just wide enough for him to slot between them. He pulled your shorts lower and to the side again.
“Come on, beautiful, use your words,” he urged, sliding in easily, setting a slow but even pace. The change in position had you gripping the counter tightly as you pushed yourself back against him.
“Yes, fuck, it feels so good. Just please, keep going.”
That seemed to be all he needed as he picked up the pace. With each thrust, his tip grazed your g-spot deliciously and you felt your impending orgasm building within you. And he must have been able to tell by the way your walls began contracting around him that you were close because he reached up to wrap his free hand around your hair.
"Do you love your boyfriend?" He taunted.
You nodded, the sting of your hair being pulled only adding to the sensations running through your body. "Yes," you whined, dragging out the syllable.
"How much? So much that you bought these pretty little shorts to prove it? So much that you'll let me fill you up and then walk around in these?" A wicked smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched you, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction at your response. “Good,” he whispered, his voice dark and commanding. “Because I plan to make sure you feel just how much I love you too. Every. Single. Inch.”
All at once, your back arched further into the counter, orgasm rocketing through your body. Each neuron fried as stars clouded your vision. Obscenities tumbled out of his mouth as his eyes rolled back as he finished, slowing down to ride through his own orgasm. Spencer pulled out, situating your shorts back in place. You winced as you stood up, still leaning against the counter.
"I'll buy you new shorts," he offered.
You waved him off. "I bought three pairs."
"Three pairs?" He asked, almost unable to believe it.
"One in each color," you said with a nod. You managed a breathless laugh, still feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm as you leaned into him for support. “I knew you’d like them,” you replied, a hint of playful defiance in your tone despite the way your legs trembled.
His eyes darkened with renewed interest, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?”
“Maybe,” you whispered, your voice sultry as you reached up to trace the line of his jaw. “But what a way to go.”
He laughed again, the sound filled with a mixture of affection and amusement. "Guess I’ll have to pace myself then," he teased, his hands roaming over your sides as he leaned in to kiss you once more, slow and deep.
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vanteguccir · 1 month
Thinking about boyfriend Matt that has a girlfriend that lives by herself and everytime she gests new forniture, she calls him like "Baby, can you come put this together for me? Thank you". I also think she would try to help and Matt would be tottally against it (not sure about this last part tho). Please write this.
── ୨୧ ! BLURB
matt sturniolo x reader
where Y/N loves to buy new furniture for her home, and Matt is the one she always goes to to ask to put it together <3
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Y/N had a knack for making her little apartment feel like home. Every few weeks, she'd spot something online; a new bookshelf, a cozy chair, or a quirky table, and decide that it was exactly what her space needed. But there was one catch: she wasn’t exactly a pro at assembling furniture. That’s where Matt came in.
The late afternoon sunlight filtered through the curtains of Y/N’s living room as she admired the large box that had just been delivered. It was a new coffee table, one she’d been eyeing for weeks. Knowing full well that she wasn’t going to tackle it on her own, she reached for her phone.
"Hey, baby." Y/N's voice was warm and playful as Matt answered on the first ring.
"Hey, dove. What’s up?" Matt replied, his tone softening at the sound of her voice.
Y/N glanced at the box.
"I got a little something for the living room. Think you could come over and help me put it together?"
Matt chuckled, already grabbing his car keys.
"Let me guess, another piece of furniture?"
"You know me too well." She grinned. "But yes, please? I promise to make us dinner afterward."
"On my way." Matt said without hesitation, already heading out the door. The thought of seeing her, even if it was to assemble something as simple as a coffee table, was more than enough to make his day.
About twenty minutes later, Matt arrived at Y/N’s apartment, greeted by her bright smile and the unmistakable excitement in her eyes. She stood in the doorway, barefoot and wearing one of his oversized hoodies; something that made Matt’s heart do a little flip every time he saw her in it.
"Thanks for coming." Y/N said, stepping aside to let him in. She watched as Matt eyed the box in the middle of the living room.
"Another project, huh?" He teased, approaching the box.
"Yeah, but I promise this is the last one for a while." Y/N laughed, knowing full well she’d probably find something new soon enough. She kneeled beside him, ready to help.
Matt quickly shook his head, gently nudging her hand away from the box.
"Uh-uh, you just sit back and relax, okay? I’ve got this."
"But I want to help!" Y/N protested, though there was no real determination in her voice. She knew he loved doing things like this for her on his own.
"No way." Matt insisted, his tone gentle but firm. He gave her a playful look, then tapped her nose lightly. "I can handle it. Just sit on the couch and look pretty while keeping me company. That’s all I need from you."
Y/N sighed, feigning disappointment, but the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her. She settled onto the couch, tucking her legs beneath her as she watched him. There was something incredibly comforting about the way Matt moved around her space, confidently taking charge of the task. His broad shoulders flexed beneath his shirt as he opened the box and started laying out the pieces.
"How do you even know what all these parts are?" Y/N asked, genuinely impressed as Matt made quick work of organizing the screws, panels, and tools.
Matt shrugged, flashing her a grin.
"Just good at following instructions, I guess. Plus, it’s kind of fun."
"Fun?" Y/N echoed with a laugh. "You’re putting together furniture, not playing a game."
"Maybe." He said, glancing over at her, his eyes full of warmth. "But it’s for you, so that makes it fun."
Her heart swelled at his words. Watching Matt carefully assemble the table, piece by piece, she couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. It wasn’t just about the furniture; it was about the way he cared for her, the way he was always there to help without a second thought. It was the little things, like how he’d insist on doing the heavy lifting, or how he’d make sure every screw was tightened perfectly so she wouldn’t have to worry about anything.
After a while, the coffee table began to take shape. Y/N couldn’t resist getting up and kneeling beside him again, pretending to inspect his work.
"Looks good." She remarked, trying to keep her tone serious.
"Of course it does." Matt said with a chuckle. "I’m a professional."
She leaned in closer, teasingly brushing her fingers against his biceps.
"Maybe I should double-check, you know, just in case."
Matt rolled his eyes, but his smile was wide.
"If you want, but I guarantee it’s perfect."
Y/N gave him a look of mock suspicion before placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
"I trust you."
Matt’s hands paused for a moment, his eyes flickering to her with a mix of affection and pride. He reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You better."
With the table finally assembled, Matt stood up, stretching his arms above his head, his pink shirt riding up slightly, displaying his tummy to Y/N’s eyes.
"Done." He announced, stepping back to admire his work.
Y/N clapped her hands together, genuinely impressed.
"It looks amazing, baby. Thank you."
"Anything for you." Matt replied, his voice sincere. He watched as Y/N excitedly placed a few decorative items on the table, her eyes lighting up at how perfectly it fit into her living room.
"Okay, now that you’ve put that together…" Y/N began, trailing off as she looked at him with a playful smirk.
Matt raised an eyebrow, sensing where this was going.
"Oh no, what else did you order?"
Y/N laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his chest.
"Nothing… yet."
Matt shook his head, smiling down at her.
"You’re lucky I love you."
"I know." Y/N murmured, looking up at him with pure adoration. "And I’m so lucky to have you."
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lizthewriter · 4 months
red wine supernova / regina george
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SUMMARY  regina george has made you the new victim of her attention. it's a different kind of attention than you expected from her.
QUOTE  "she was a playboy, bridgette bardot, / she showed me things i didn't know, / she did it right there, out on the deck, / put her canine teeth in the side of my neck," - red wine supernova by chappell roan
WRITTEN  6.3.2024
you've always been introverted and shy - some people were loud, rambunctious, easily likeable. easily sociable. it had never been that easy for you - anxiety rumbling at the bottom of your stomach every time you spoke to someone new, hands trembling and voice stuttering as you spoke in front of the class. it didn't help when others began to tease you for it - it only made you more reclusive.
but then, she noticed you. everyone knew who she was. regina george. queen bee of the mean girls, the plastics, the fake and bake's, whatever people liked to call them these days. and believe me, no one wanted to be noticed by regina george, not the way she noticed you.
it started out as small, targeted comments in the lunch line. on your clothes, on the foos you ate, on the way you did your hair. cute, girly tips hidden behind the pretentiousness of a pig with lip glass. okay, perhaps that was taking things way too far. she was gorgeous and she wasn't completely terrible. you just couldn't figure out why you were so special to be one of the few victims of her attention and insults.
but now she was making it obvious to everyone that she had taken some odd liking to you. swinging her arm around your shoulder and calling you pet, playing with your hair and giving you beauty tips with thinly veiled conceit, things like that.
you tried to stay away from her as much as possible, but unfortunately that was impossible. world history and of course, for your final project, you abaolutely had to be thrown with her.
regina plopped down in the seat next to you as people scattered across the room to find their project partner. aaron was sitting practically next to her, but she wasn't even watching him. she seemed to give all her attention to you lately. "hey babes, looks like we're stuck together."
you laughed nervously. "yeah, looks that way," you responded in a small tone, staring down at your notes. "so i was thinking, i'm very educated in world war two discourse, i was hoping we could do our project on -"
"you know, you should totally come over my house this weekend." most of your classmates around you froze and glanced towards regina. she never invited anyone but the plastics at her house. "i can show you how to do makeup - i'll even let you borrow my lip gloss."
"you never let me borrow your lip -"
"oh my god, will you stop taking things so personally gretchen?" regina responded, not even turning around in her chair to face gretchen, who was sitting behind her. regina gestured to gretchen and rolled her eyes, finally returning all her attention to you. she grabbed your hand and started to trial her fingernail around your hand in circles. "what do you say, pet?"
"umm, i'll bring my notebook so we can work too," you responded in an uncertain tone.
"and don't worry girls, if you want to have a party, i still have all of my old nas cd's downstairs!" regina'a mother exclaimed as she left the room. you and regina were situated on her bed, sitting rather close to one another. as you reached to pull your notebook out of your bag, regina pushed your hand back down so that your notebook was firmly back in it's place.
"don't be a bore, let's have some fun first," regina responded with a roll of her eyes, popping her lollipop back in her mouth. she grabbed you by the arm and hauled you all the way over to her vanity, turning on the lighting and grabbing all the possible makeup in sight. "we are giving you a makeover."
she grinned at you, and in that moment you couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. you decided to go along, for the sake of it - why upset her now? she could have her fun with you and then you could go back to working on your project. "all right, i guess."
she started to pull out all sorts of makeup application devices you either recognized and didn't use or had never seen at all. she tapped her phone and punk rock music began to blare through the speakers in her room - you found yourself suprised at her music taste but said nothing, only tapping your feet along to the beat.
she began by brushing your hair and pulling it back with a headband, giving her free reign to do whatever she wanted to your face. she started out with skincare, washing your face and applying a face mask.
"so, what do you like to do in your free time, or whatever?" regina asked you in a bored tone, though her eyes seemed rather interested as she looked down at you. enamored, almost, but that must have been a trick of the light.
you started to name a few hobbies but before you knew it, the two of you were deep into conversation about various different things and surprisingly, as she did your makeup, you found yourself opening up to her, becoming louder and louder, while she somehow became more dormant - less mean and commanding and more, understanding and listening.
"okay, take a look!"
you turned around and faced yourself in the mirror. you smiled widely as you felt rather pretty, wearing the makeup regina had put on you, sparkly yellow eyeshadow and pink mascara. you saw regina biting her bottom lip as she looked at you in the mirror - suddenly you felt shy again and felt a blush fall over your cheeks.
"how do you like it?" regina asked as she turned you to face her.
"i feel really pretty . . . thanks," you mumbled shyly, staring down at your feet
"you are really pretty," she told you in a low tone, placing her finger under your chin and raising your head so you met her eyes. "you're so fucking dumb, how long will it take you to realize i like you, pet?"
she laughed at your confounded expression. you felt your face turn a tomato red and you buried your face in your hands, feeling embarrassed. "i thought you were making fun of me!" you exclaimed between your fingers.
"i was endearingly teasing you, or whatever," regina said in a defensive tone, though she was still falling over laughing at your expression.
"this isn't a prank, right?"
"of course not! now let's finish this dumb project so i can take you out on a date, hoe."
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cinnoasch · 1 month
Charmed [1] (March x Reader)
A/N: I do plan on making a part 2, but still let me know if you want to see it! This was soo much fun to write.
Charmed [2] Here
Word Count: 2173
“March! Look, Y/N drew a picture of me!” Olric grins as he walks into the blacksmith’s shop. 
March turns around from his desk, taking the paper from Olric. “...why do you have bunny ears?”
“Oh, that was from when we helped Juniper out with something! Apparently, whatever she gave me made bunny ears appear on my head. Man, I was running laps around the town that day, I wonder, would she give me another one if I asked?”
Olric continues talking as March stares at the drawing. He didn’t know much about drawing, or art in general, but he had to admit it was good. Somehow he could almost picture Olric smiling and running around, just like he was in your drawing. 
“They’re really good right? I heard from Ryis they’ve been helping him with some blueprints too. Maybe Y/N could help with some blacksmithing blueprints in the future!”
“Don’t need it.” March grumbles, handing the paper back to Olric. “If anything, we have that under control already.” He sighs, standing up as he starts walking to the door. “Watch the till for me, I’m going to go work on some orders.”
“You got it, bro! Let me know if you need me!” Olric replies.
As March steps outside and sets off to work, he thinks about what Olric had said. He had a point. With the way the town rank was rising, more and more orders came in each day. Not to mention, along with orders came more complicated requests. Of course, it wasn’t a problem, he could handle it easily. Though, extra help couldn’t hurt sometimes. 
March shakes his head as he swings his hammer. Nope, not thinking about that. He pushes those thoughts away. If he needed help, he could just ask Olric. But, there was that one time where he and Olric were backed up and you had pitched into help… He sighs heavily. You were on his mind more than he’d like at the moment and you hadn’t even shown up yet. Not that he wanted you to or anything. 
He furrows his brow, setting the hammer down. He couldn’t concentrate on work at all. In fact, these past few days whenever you stopped by to say hi, March would always have trouble continuing work afterwards. But now, you haven’t even visited and he was having trouble concentrating. Was something wrong with him? He always felt oddly fuzzy and disgustingly warm whenever you came by. Was he getting sick? No…it was summer, there’s no way that was the case.
March pops his head into the shop, letting Olric know he was going for a walk. He needed to clear his mind and a walk around town would be perfect for that. As long as he didn’t see you or hear about you, he could take a break and get back to work easily… is what he initially thought.
Every place he went, March somehow can’t escape the topic of you. Not only that but no matter who he talked to, they just had to show him the portrait you gave them. And not only that, the stupid fuzzy, warm feeling only overstayed its welcome.
“Ryis? Are you here? I got those nails you needed.” March calls out as he walks into the carpenter’s shop.
He walks upstairs and into Ryis’ room. “Hey, here’s the nails.”
“Thanks. I’m surprised you came to deliver them. I was going to pick them up a little later today.”
“Yeah, I needed a walk. Working on blueprints?” March asks, looking at the papers scattered across the desk. Then his gaze falls on a paper to the side of the desk.
“Oh, that was from Y/N.” Ryis explains, following his gaze. “They helped me out with a project and in return ended up drawing me. It’s nice isn’t it?”
“Nice is one way to put it…” March mumbles. “I’ve been seeing their drawings everywhere. They probably gave one to everyone in town.”
“Except you?”
He scoffs, “Not like I care. They can do whatever they want.”
Ryis only chuckles, grinning slightly, “It’s okay to say you feel left out. If I were you, I’d probably be a bit upset that the person I like-”
“I do not like them.” March says, crossing his arms.
“Uh-huh...anyways, if you really want them to draw you, why not invite them to join in on drawing club this Friday? And you can volunteer to be the model.”
“No way… that’s a stupid idea…”
“Maybe, but it’s an idea. Or, you know, you could just ask them to draw you.”
“Okay, this conversation is over. I’m going home.” March says, walking downstairs.
Ryis chuckles, shaking his head as he returns to working on his blueprints. 
On his way back home, March couldn’t help but think of what Ryis said. There was no way in hell he would ever directly ask you to draw him. Wouldn’t that make him seem… weird? Or at least make it seem like he liked you when he definitely did not. March sighs as his thoughts continue to swim around in his head. He was definitely about to regret the decision he just made.
The rest of the week passes by and you find yourself entering the inn that Friday night after a long day of running around on the farm.
“Hey, Y/N over here!” Olric waves at you from the back of the inn. 
You wave back, and walk up to the table, seeing Valen, Elise, Landen, Hayden and March present as well. “Evening, everyone.” 
“Oh, dearie you’re just in time! Would you like to join tonight’s drawing club session?” Elise asks. “March here has graciously volunteered to be our model for tonight.”
March stands in front of the table, arms crossed. He looks at you expectedly, almost if he wants you to join.
“Sure, I’ll join.” You say with a smile. You take a seat next to Olric and he passes you a piece of paper and a pencil.
“Perfect!” Elise smiles, she clasps her hands together and gestures to March. “Now, strike a pose, March!”
“Uh, like what?”
“Oh, how about you flex? Show off your muscles!” Olric suggests. 
“Flex? Can’t I just stand like this?”
“Oh, that’s a perfect pose!” Elise replies.
Valen nods in agreement. “Yes, it does quite fit the image of a blacksmith.”
March sighs, mumbling. “Fine.” He was seriously beginning to regret this. Still, he places one hand on his hip and very begrudgingly lifts his other arm to flex. “You guys better burn this pose into your brains, I’m not going to stand like this the whole time.”
The group chuckles and you all set off to drawing. The lively chatter of the Drama and Dragon’s group behind you fills the air as well as conversations from the bar. After a few minutes Hayden speaks up, asking a question.
“Say Y/N, have you been drawing for a long time?”
“For a while, I guess?” You reply, as you glance up at March for a second before returning your gaze back to the paper in front of you. “I used to draw a lot of things I saw on my adventures.”
“Really? See any cool animals?”
“What about rocks?” Olric adds.
You laugh slightly, “I can bring some drawings next week to show, if you guys want.”
“Oh, yes please!” Elise chimes in. “You know, your drawings have a sort of romantic charm to them. That portrait you drew of me really brought back old memories.”
“I’ll say!” Landen grins. “That portrait you drew of Errol and I reminded me of the good ol’ days.”
Small conversations between you continue as March finally relaxes his arm. Everyone was practically singing praises about your portraits. He couldn’t quite understand what charm they were talking about though. He had seen your portraits of other people…but maybe he couldn’t understand because he never got one from you? 
March slowly steps closer to the table. He was curious. He had heard from Balor once that you mentioned you drew people based on what you thought of them. What exactly did you think of him?
“Are you… moving closer to the table, March?” Valen asks with a slight smirk. “You know the rules. You’ll get to see everyone’s drawings when we’re done. Y/N’s included.”
He freezes in place, his face heating up. “I was just…pacing.”
“Mm, well I’m sure we’re almost done, so be patient.”
“March, can you lift your arm up again?” Olric asks.
He sighs, flexing his arm again, mumbling underneath his breath. “No way am I doing this ever again.”
About ten minutes later, everyone finishes drawing and Elise smiles, waving March over to sit down. “I think everyone’s finished! Would anyone like to go first, or shall I start us off?”
“You can start us off, Elise.” Valen replies. “And… we’ll let Y/N go last since they’re the new recruit.” She glances at March as he frowns slightly at that statement. “Unless… March would like to choose who goes first?”
“Whatever is fine.” He mumbles, resting his chin in his hand.
And so, everyone showcases their drawings. You couldn’t help but smile as they explained certain details they added. It was pretty amusing to see that everyone had drawn March frowning.
“Am I seriously frowning in all of these?” March asks as he looks through the current drawings strewn across the table.
“Well, we did tell you to smile some.” Landen says with a chuckle. “But it looked like you were lost in your own little world this whole time.”
“We still have Y/N’s drawing to look at.” Valen adds. She smiles lightly at you and everyone turns their attention towards you. “If you would, Y/N.”
You nod as you slide your paper to the middle of the table.
“Oh!” Elise exclaims. “You drew him with a smile!”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen March smile like this.” Valen muses. “What made you draw him with one?”
“Ah,” You rub the back of your neck sheepishly. “It just felt right, I guess. March…does a lot for Mistria, we all do. I can’t quite explain it… but a smile fits him better, don’t you think?”
“Hm, how thoughtful.” Valen says with a small grin. “What do you think about it, March?”
March stays silent as he stares at your drawing. An unexplainable feeling wells up inside of him as he looks at it. The feeling was similar to what he usually felt when you were around but… it was more clear in a way. There was something soft about it. Something…warm. It was different than when he saw your portraits of other people. March himself wasn’t even sure if he had ever smiled like that. But he was certain of one thing, he liked this feeling.
“Is he…smiling?” Hayden asks.
“I think he is.” Landen replies. “Huh, you don’t see that often.”
Then March lifts his head, the small smile from before disappears quickly as he stares at the group. “What? Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Oh, nothing.” Valen says. “Well, I guess we can wrap it up then. Actually, Y/N, why don’t you be the model for next week, you wouldn’t mind would you?”
You shake your head, “If anything I’d be honored.”
“Perfect. See you all next week then.”
With that, everyone cleans up the table and says their goodbyes. Some stick around at the inn, while you leave, seeing March had left in a hurry.
You spot him walking back toward his shop and you call out to him. “March!”
He turns around, hands stuffed into his apron pockets. “Oh, Y/N. Thought you'd be heading back to the farm.”
“I wanted you to have this.” You say, handing him the drawing. 
“I um…” you laugh slightly. “If I'm being honest, this is the only drawing that I felt confident with giving you.”
“Confident? …you mean you’ve drawn me before?”
“Yeah, actually… I was just never sure if you wanted them or not… but you seemed to really like this one, so I thought you might want it.”
March takes the drawing out of your hands, staring at it again for a few seconds before looking at you. “Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate it. I’ve never gotten something like this before.”
You nod smiling, “No problem, I’m just glad you like it! I’m expecting your drawing in return next week then.”
“Even if it’s bad?”
“If it’s from you, then it doesn’t matter to me.” You say a bit softly. Then you clear your throat. “Anyways, night March, see you later!”
You turn on your heel and wave as you head back to the farm. March waves back and starts walking back to the blacksmith’s, staring at your drawing once more. Maybe he should ask to see those other drawings you did. He smiles slightly, that feeling from before creeping up on him. He was looking forward to next week.
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 months
𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 ; 𝘭𝘩43 ୨୧
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➪ summary: meeting luke was unexpected, but so was him wanting to come to every rehearsal and performance of hers
➪ warnings: reader has crappy parents, parents not showing up to events, lack of eating
➪ word count: 8.0k
➪ file type: fic - reupload
➪ sunny's notes: ahhhhhh the band fic that i will always remember staying up until like two in the morning to write because i was so proud of it. this is projecting 100% but this fic is so near and dear to me that i of course had to post it on my last day of high school band camp. a full circle :)
© sunflower-lilac42 ; do not copy, repost, or translate my work and designs on any other website or here
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Y/n always said she never minded, but Luke knew better. He knew that every time she looked out into those stands and saw the absence of her parents and siblings would always hurt her. She knew that marching band wasn’t the most entertaining thing in the world but the least they could do was be supportive. They sat through hours upon hours of baseball games where their sons wouldn’t even get a chance to go up to bat, they sat through hours and hours of concerts where they couldn’t even hear their daughters sing. But how come when it came to her, they wouldn’t spend even twenty minutes to see her on the field, a time they could actually see her do something?
Though, she told Luke over and over again that it didn’t bother her. She had her friends by her side who made the long Friday nights of football where their team would be getting crushed better, made basketball games where no one cared about whether or not they were there better, and made the excruciating heat better, who made the long bus rides and long days of competitions better. But who else was there to see that? No one, that was until she met Luke.
It was during their freshman year of high school, just as the football season was coming to a close and hockey season had started about two weeks ago. She was walking through the hallways on her way to the band hallway when she bumped into him, he was sweaty from gym, his curls straightening out in the slightest. As soon as she saw him she was slightly star-struck, she wasn’t in the tiniest bit prepared for this to happen, “Hi. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Luke thought she was pretty right off the bat, the way she seemed shy but talked loud, the way she fiddled with the bracelet around her wrist, the way her smile was awkward but genuine, much like his own.
The two stood in silence and then the warning bell rang, signaling that there were now two minutes to get to class. Luke and y/n looked startled by the bell, both of them had spaced out while looking at each other, “Oh, what do you have next?”
She looked up at him, surprised by the question, “Lunch, technically. And you?”
“Oh weird, I have lunch too. How come I’ve never seen you there?”
“I have band right now until the season is over. We go out for a period and a half to work on the show and then we get the last half of next period to eat lunch.”
“You only get 20 minutes to eat lunch?”
She nodded, a smile growing on her face, “Yeah. Um, I should probably go, but it was nice to meet you.”
She ran off, not allowing Luke to properly introduce himself. He was going to call after her but she was gone before he could think about the words to say. He went the rest of the day thinking about the interaction and her, and she did too. She allowed herself to be delusional for once, thinking about what it would feel like to have a boyfriend and for him to show up to her events.
The next day, she found herself rushing to the band hallway, having left her last class late. She was just about there when she heard a voice call, “Hey!”
At first, she didn’t realize it was her that the voice was talking to. She hadn’t remembered the last time someone had actively sought her out. However, once the voice called again she stopped and looked around and saw Luke standing there with a smile on his face, “Hi.”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“You have?” She looked confused and bewildered at the same time, moving to her locker to get her instrument.
He nods, leaning against the set of lockers next to her, “Yeah. For starters, I was wondering your name and if I could get your-”
He was cut off by a group of students coming up, saying excuse me so they could get to their lockers. She looks at him as her lock opens, handing it to him, “Thank you.”
She grabs her instrument and her shoes before grabbing the lock back and locking her locker. She ushers him to follow her, walking into the band room and throwing her stuff down. Luke talked to her as they walked, explaining how he wondered what her name was and if they could exchange numbers. Once again, she was taken by surprise and then saw her friends enter the room, “Um sure. What do you have next period?”
“Uh study hall.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll meet you in the library then?” She was changing her shoes and saw her friends approaching faster and faster, “See you later.” 
She then pushed him out of the room through the nearest exit. Luke was lost as he was shoved into the hallway, watching her throw her hair into a ponytail as she walked away. He heard her tell her friends that she had forgotten a jacket and that she was going to freeze to death. He decided to wait for her, thinking about giving her the extra hoodie that he brought in case he forgot his own. 
When she came walking out of the band room a few minutes later, he caught her arm and she turned around, “Hi?”
Her friends looked at her in amusement, eyebrows raising. They didn’t say anything, just walked away and left her there on her own, “I heard you say you were cold.”
“Um yeah, I’m fine though, thank you.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind giving you this,” he held out the hoodie and she gazed at it with curiosity.
He nodded, encouraging her to take it, “I’ll give it back to you next period.”
He shrugged it off, not too worried about if she did decide to keep it. She walked away, heading outside while putting the hoodie on. She smiled at it being too big, it must’ve been one he got from his brothers or one he got in the wrong size. As she caught up with her friends, she could hear them talking about the boy she had just been talking to, still not knowing his name.
“What is it?”
“That’s Luke Hughes!”
“Luke Hughes?”
“Not ringing any bell here.”
“He’s a really good hockey player, and so are his brothers. Quinn, his oldest, is supposed to be drafted in next year’s draft, he just started college this year. And Jack, he’s a junior right now, everybody is saying he’s supposed to be drafted in two years.”
“And you all know this because?”
“Because the Hughes brothers are hot y/n/n. Actually, hockey men are hot, but three brothers? Come on.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, placing her things down on the turf, “Did he give you his hoodie?”
“Yeah…?” Her friends squealed, “Guys it’s not a big deal. He probably doesn’t like me. Do you remember the last time I dated someone, let alone someone who I liked that liked me back?”
“Yes.” Her friends said in a deadpan voice, “You talk about it all the time.”
“Well, I just think it’s worth mentioning since he thought the Earth was flat! And then the other guy I liked made me cry at homecoming! There is no way in the world that Luke Hughes, who, if he is who you say he is, would like me.”
The three friends eyed each other and then looked at y/n, “We’ll see about that.”
Band was slow that day as it usually was, they went over the one spot in song four that was troubling people the most. If they didn’t want them to struggle, they shouldn’t have given them choreography for eight counts right before a huge change in tempo and the hardest spot in the music. When it was over, she slugged her way back to the school, her legs ached and her arms too from holding up her instrument. 
She put her things away, now walking to the library instead of going to lunch. She had work to do, and a test next period as well. When she got there she spotted Luke right away, he was scrolling on his phone, laughing every once in a while. She walked up to the table he sat at, placing her water bottle down and letting her backpack fall down to the ground with a thud. She plopped down into her chair with a groan and placed her head on her forearms. 
Luke looked up from his phone from the moment the metal of her water bottle touched the table and watched the girl with amusement in his eyes, “Why hello there.”
“Shouldn’t you be eating lunch?”
She sat up, “‘M not hungry. Plus I have to study for a test next period.
He nodded, shoving his phone into his pocket, “You want help?”
“Sure.” Y/n reached into her backpack and pulled out the green folder, “Bio?”
“The actual fucking death of me.”
Luke helped her study for the next twenty minutes, stopping occasionally just to look at her. The librarian was watching from afar, silently admiring the two. She knew that the two were going to end up together, there was something about the way Luke looked at her even if they had just met the day before. When she announced that there were five minutes left of the period, y/n started packing up and thanked Luke for his help.
“No problem, now I think you still owe me your number.”
“Oh right, give me.” She held out her hand for his phone to which he placed it in her hand. 
She typed her number in and saved her contact name as ‘Y/n’ with a teddy bear emoji, “Why a teddy bear?”
“I don’t know, it was the first emoji I thought of.” Luke shrugged and texted her so she’d have his number too, “Save mine as Lukey with the honey emoji!”
“You’re a dork. No but actually why the honey emoji?”
“So that way our contact emojis are Winnie the Pooh,”
“That is the cutest and stupidest thing I have ever heard.” She stood up and immediately felt dizzy. 
She placed a hand on the table and closed her eyes, “Are you okay?”
“Uh yeah, just a little dizzy. I’ll be fine.”
Luke looked at her apprehensively, he knew she wasn’t but he let it go. He walked her to class, neither of them noticing she was still wearing his sweatshirt, and wished her luck on the test. Over the next week and a half, the two texted each other non-stop with random updates on their lives and random conversations. It was now the next Thursday, a day before the last game of the season and everyone was excited as it was the rivalry game.
Luke and y/n sat next to each other outside after school, she had rehearsal later in the evening and Luke had said he wanted to stay with her. Jack had already left and he wasn’t going to leave her there alone. They sat at the picnic table outside of the school, she was working on homework as Luke scrolled on his phone occasionally glancing up at her.
She didn’t eat lunch again today and he wasn’t sure if it was because she wasn’t hungry or because she didn’t want to. When he noticed her eyes dropping he grew more concerned, “You okay?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m good. Why?”
“I don’t know, you just look like you’re not okay.”
“I should probably eat something, haven’t been able to yet.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t eat breakfast, it makes me sick and lunch well after band and only have twenty minutes to eat, my appetite is practically non-existent.”
“You wanna walk to the store?”
The two got up and set out to the store, making jokes along the way. She was wearing one of Luke’s sweatshirts, he had given it to her earlier today when he found out she had once again forgotten her own. Luke had only met her a week ago and he was protective of her. There was something about her that just made him want to shield her from everything harmful that could come her way.
Luke offered to pay for her food as they checked out but she declined even after giving minutes of them just standing there and Luke pestering her. An old lady who was checking out next to them looked at them fondly, “You should let him pay, dear. It’s not every day that someone is going to come around begging for you to let them pay.”
Y/n felt butterflies appear in her stomach, looking between the lady and up at Luke. She finally nodded, accepting her fate and letting Luke pay. She thanked him endlessly as they walked back to the school, linking arms with him as she could feel herself getting dizzy again, “So what are you doing this weekend, Hughes?”
“Hockey probably, but I’d have to look. What about you?”
“We got a band competition, it’s kind of like state for us.”
“Oh, that’s cool.”
She shrugged, not really wanting to go, “It’s gonna be a long day and my- never mind.”
“No, what is it?”
She shook her head, sitting down and taking the food out of her bag. Luke looked at her confused, saddened by her sudden mood drop. He could tell that she didn’t want to talk about it but he was nosey, and he really wanted to know, “Come on. You can tell me.”
She sighed, “All of my friends’ parents are going and my parents don’t even bother to show up to football games. They only bother to show up for the kids that could do something successful.” 
Luke was foreign to the way she was feeling, well for the most part. He didn’t know what it was like for his parents to not show up for games, sure they couldn’t come to every game but they came to games that they could make it for and the important ones. He understood what it felt like to be overshadowed, however, not that he really was. It was more of a thought rather than an actuality. 
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you feel sorry for me. Don’t, please.”
“I’m not.” She raised an eyebrow but stopped the conversation.
“How are you getting home tonight?”
“My friend is taking me.”
“Let me take you.”
“Luke, you can’t even drive.”
“No I know that but I’ll stay here and then-”
She laughed, interrupting him, “You are not going to stay here for another two and a half hours, Luke.”
“And why not?”
“Because you have to go home, I’m surprised you even offered to stay here with me until rehearsal started.”
“But I want to be.”
“I don’t know, I just want to be there for you.”
She gave him an awkward smile, shocked once again by his actions and words. She pondered about what to do, she didn’t want him to have to stay later than he already had offered. On the other hand, it felt nice knowing that someone wanted to be there for her, to go to her activities for her even if it was just a practice. 
She carefully eyed him up and down, “Okay, but keep in mind I wasn’t the one who made you stay.”
He smiled and held his hands up in surrender. He followed her as she walked through the school to the band room, stopping at her locker to grab her instrument and other things. He followed her through the band room and out the doors to the football field, looking like a lost puppy. She sat with her friends as they waited for football practice to be over, Luke sitting behind her on his phone.
“So, why is he here?”
“Why is who here?”
Her friends gestured with their heads to the boy who sat a couple of feet behind them, “Him.”
“Oh, I don’t know. He said he wanted to come.”
“Oh my god, y/n! This means you can finally get over-”
“Shut up. He doesn’t like me and I don’t like him, it’s simple. Plus, I haven’t liked… you know who, for a while. I don’t even think I liked him in the first place.”
“Uh huh, sure. You are in delusion, my friend. And you have convinced yourself that neither of you has feelings for each other. No one wants to be at a band rehearsal, not even the people in band want to be here, and Luke Hughes wants to be here? For you?”
“It’s nothing, can we just drop it?”
“Yeah, yeah. So I heard that Sydney and Max were having sex in the practice rooms.”
Y/n spit out her water causing Luke to look up from his phone, slightly chuckling, “You what?”
“So is this what you guys do all the time before practice?”
“Rehearsal. And if by ‘this’ you mean sitting around and talking about the band drama, yes.”
“Am I allowed to be let in on it or is it strictly like ‘band kids’ only.”
One of y/n’s friends looked at him, “Don’t call us band kids. And of course, you can join us. Any friend of our dear y/n is welcome.”
Y/n glared at the girl as she heard Luke moving closer. Luke felt bold as he wrapped an arm around the girl’s waist, watching as her eyes widened. She didn’t say anything, didn’t move, she just sat there slightly terrified. She looked in between her friends who smirked at her in response. Luke sat there smug, waiting for them to start talking, “So. What’s this about who and who having sex in the practice rooms?”
Luke could honestly say this was the longest he had willingly gone without his phone, including hockey practice. He had sat in the stands the whole time, eyes trained on y/n no matter where she went. If she was backfield, that’s where he would be staring, if she was on the left side of the field, that’s where he would be staring.
He watched as she grew increasingly tired from the multiple reps of just one move they made them do, he honestly thought he could do it himself at this point. He was in awe, really, he never knew how much time and effort the band put in to do a seven-minute show for people who didn’t care about it. Everyone looked exhausted and he wasn’t sure if they were just done with band or just actually tired, or both.
There was one moment during rehearsal when he saw y/n lug herself over to where the band directors were and talk with them. A minute after that he watched as she took a seat on the bench and watched her fellow band members. He was confused and worried, wanting nothing more than to walk over there and ask her what was wrong but he promised her that he wouldn’t interrupt her no matter what.
She was embarrassed, she had felt his eyes on her the whole time. She didn’t know why he wanted to be here, it gave her an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach, one of feeling important for once. Her friends made little nudges and jokes at her for the three hours they were on the field, only shutting up when they were yelled at. When they were talking at the end of rehearsal, she couldn’t help but continue to look over at him, causing her to be startled when she realized she was picked to give the speech today. 
“Hi everyone! Um, good rehearsal tonight, this season has been absolutely amazing and I hope you all feel the same way. I don’t think there’s anything else to say other than tomorrow is game day!” She paused as everyone whooped around her, “And we have our competition on Saturday so let’s make these next few runs of the show our best, and let’s go home because I’m tired.”
They all listened as the band directors gave their final announcements, call time for Friday and Saturday, the itinerary, and whatnot. When it was over, Luke met her at the entrance of the gate and reached out to take something of hers but she shook her head, “I’m good, thank you though.”
He awkwardly pulled his hands back and nodded, walking beside her into the school, “Are you sure your brother is okay with taking me home? I don’t want to inconvenience you guys and Stella said it was okay to take me home.”
He shook his head, “Of course, you can. You’re not inconveniencing anyone. I promise.”
She gave him a genuine smile, “Thank you, Luke.”
She put her things away, saying goodbye to her friends before walking out of the school with Luke. They stood at the entrance, Luke trying to spot his brother’s car, and when he did he turned to her, “Just give me one moment.”
She nodded, confusion written on her face as she watched him run over to the car.
“Hey, I thought we were taking your girlfriend home.”
“One, not my girlfriend. And two, can you please not embarrass me or her? She’s really uncomfortable around new people.”
Jack could see the way his younger brother was panicking, “Yeah, sure.”
Luke thanked him and then ran back over to y/n, taking hold of her hand and dragging her to the car. He opened up the back passenger side door and allowed her to climb in, him climbing in after her. She looked between him and the front seat, “I thought you would’ve sat up there.”
“Trust me, I know how awkward it is to ride in the back of someone’s car when you only know one person.”
The car was silent for a minute, y/n trying to think of something to say besides directing Jack to her house. She figured she should probably say thank you to him even though everything else in her was yelling at her not to. She was never the best at making conversation with people, let alone with people she didn’t know.
“Thank you for taking me home, I’m sorry it was such a last-minute thing.”
Jack glanced up at her through the rearview mirror, “No problem, honestly.”
She gave him an awkward smile, nodding and redirecting her gaze to outside the car window. Luke’s hand slowly made its way over to her lap as he took ahold of her hand again. She didn’t move her head, simply just squeezing his hand back as a thank you. 
When they got to her house, she thanked Jack once again before getting out of the car. Luke jumped out and told his brother to wait for him as he went to talk to her, “Hey!”
She stopped in her tracks at the voice and turned around, arms coming to wrap themselves around her as she shivered from the cold, “What’s up?”
“I’m going tomorrow.”
“To where?”
“You’re game.”
Her cheeks reddened at the confession, “It’s not my game.”
He threw his head back and groaned, “You know what I mean.” 
She giggled a little, “Yeah. You don’t have to Luke, I mean you came to our practice which was more than enough for me. You didn’t even have to come for that.”
He took both of her hands this time into his own, “I know but I really want to. Pleaseeeeee.”
“Okay fine. But no complaining again.”
“Aye aye, captain.”
He saluted her as she walked up the steps to her door, making sure she got in okay before even thinking of turning back to the car. On the way home, Jack made digs at his brother for being whipped for the girl he had only known for a little more than a week. When it went quiet for two minutes, Luke mulled over the idea of her competition on Saturday and what she had told him. 
“Do you think Mom and Dad would let me go to y/n’s competition on Saturday?”
“Depends on where it is.” Jack turned onto their street, not even bothering to glance at him until he said where it was. 
“What? It’s not that far.”
“Dude it’s three hours!”
“Okay, but we can see Quinn too.”
Jack eyed him carefully, “You can ask them but don’t expect a yes.”
“Can we please go?”
“Luke.” Ellen’s tone was sympathetic but stern as she talked to him, “We can’t just drive three hours, especially on this short notice to a band competition. I mean we haven’t even met this girl, have we?”
“No, but. I figured we could make a little trip out of it! We can see Quinn and you guys can hang out with him while I’m there so that way you don’t have to sit through bands because I know for a fact that you don’t want to. And plus, I know you haven’t met her but she’s super nice, Mom.”
Ellen looked conflicted but Luke’s next words broke her heart and tipped her over the edge, “She has no one going to support her.”
“Fine, we can go. But this is the last time you can ask us for stuff for a while.”
The three laughed as they heard Jack’s shocked voice echo through the house. 
Luke sat happily with a few of his friends at the football game, two sweatshirts on due to the cold. The stands were packed with parents, students, and siblings as they cheered on their football team, yelling out random chants at the other team. There was a clashing of colors as some of the rival school’s people made their way over to their side of the stands. On the opposite side of the field, the opposing team’s student section was packed to the brim, almost filling up half of the stands.
He sat on the edge of the student section, right where there was caution tape separating the band and the rest of the student population. He had glanced over there a few times, trying to find y/n but he had no look. Finally, when someone he knew was close enough he yelled out her name, “Stella!”
Stella, one of y/n’s friends turned her head quickly and her eyes immediately landed on Luke, “Hi, Luke. What brings you to this fine occasion?”
“Where’s y/n?”
Stella somewhat grimaced, “Last I heard she wasn’t feeling well and was on her way to the bathroom.”
Luke’s eyes flooded with concern, “Is she okay?”
She merely shrugged and went to say something but one of her friends came up and joined the conversation, “Hey guys!”
The two-eyed Lee who was frankly too happy to be at a high school football game, “Have you seen y/n?”
“Oh yeah! She was getting some water, and said she felt better. I think she was coming up-”
The three then looked at the girl who stood awkwardly, her hair sweaty in her high ponytail from being in the shako for too long. She looked paler than normal, her eyes looked tired and were accompanied by the dark circles beneath them, “I didn’t actually think you would come.”
He stood up, looking around him before climbing over the caution tape, “Of course I did.” 
Stella and Lee walked off, leaving the two to talk amongst themselves, “Are you okay?”
“Oh yeah, I just get nervous for games and get extremely drained.”
He nodded, watching as she flipped through her music to find the song they were supposed to be playing the next time they were able to play, “What’s that?”
“It’s my flip folder, it holds all of our stand tunes that we play during timeouts or between quarters or whenever the play stops. How come you're so interested all of a sudden?”
“I was just curious.” He held his hands up in surrender and she laughed, “Such a dork.”
Throughout the game, Luke listened to her play in awe, he could tell her voice was becoming more and more horse as she screamed and cheered. He didn’t realize how much the band actually contributed during games, they definitely did more than the student section did, that was for sure. When they left for halftime, she made Luke hold her things which he didn’t mind doing.
He watched their performance intently, his eyes moving to wherever y/n was standing. He realized that most people had left during halftime, especially during the band’s performance and he couldn’t understand why. The band was pretty good, definitely better than their football team. When they were done, he watched as she somewhat stumbled off the field, not sure if she was tired, excited, or sick.
She was hugging her friend's arm tightly, “I can’t believe that was our last halftime of the year.”
“Hey, we still got three more years of this left.”
“Ugh, I know. Don’t remind me.”
“So how’s your little boyfriend up there?”
Y/n’s eyes widened, “Not my boyfriend!”
“Okay, seriously, y/n/n. When was the last time you saw anybody’s boyfriend or girlfriend or partner that wasn’t in band go to a football game for band, let alone a practice?” She merely shrugged, wanting nothing more than to stop this conversation.
“When you realize I’m right, I’ll be waiting to say ‘I told you so’.”
She groaned, “Stop. Please. I just want to enjoy the friendship, I haven’t had one like this in years.”
After the game she found Luke standing on the steps to the school. She was shocked, she thought he would’ve already gone home due to the time. She sat down beside him and nudged his shoulder, “Hey.”
Luke looked up quickly, a smile making its way onto his face, “Hi.”
“What are you still doing here?”
“Partially I’m waiting for you but also I have to wait for Jack or my mom.”
She nodded, understanding. She was too tired to care that her head was slowly leaning to one side, ultimately giving up and letting it rest on his shoulder. Luke was shocked by the added pressure on his shoulder but didn’t mind it, truthfully.
He smiled down at her and looked for the car, “How are you getting home?”
She let out a yawn as she tried to answer, “I don’t know.”
Luke looked at her bewildered, “You don’t know?!”
She nodded, still keeping her head on his shoulder, “Yeah.”
“You want us to take you home?”
“No, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Too bad. You’re coming with us.”
This time she didn’t protest and just waited for him to say that whoever was here to pick him up was here. Luke debated on whether or not to tell her that he was going to go tomorrow. He decided to be quiet, formulating a plan on how to surprise her tomorrow. His mom pulled up a few minutes later, watching as he soon lightly shook the girl who was leaning on him awake.
Luke helped y/n to the car, allowing her to get in first like he did the previous night, “Hi Mrs. Hughes. I’m y/n. I’m so sorry about this, I wasn’t planning on your son being so persistent about taking me home.”
At this Ellen chuckled, “Of course he was. It’s no problem, honey.”
Y/n directed Ellen to her house, making small talk with her as a way to keep her awake, “So, Luke tells me you have a competition tomorrow.”
She side-eyed Luke before answering, “Yeah, at the University of Michigan. It’s kind of like state for band I guess.”
Ellen nodded, “Did Luke tell you we are going there too this weekend?”
“No, he did not.”
“Yes, well, his older brother goes there and we figured it would be nice to go visit him.”
“Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know that.”
She pulled into the driveway a few minutes after that and the two said goodbye to one another and Luke, like last night, walked her to the door, “Why didn’t you tell me you were going there?”
“I was going to surprise you actually.”
She looked at him suspiciously, “Well, if you have time, let me know and you should come see us.”
“Are you telling me to come watch you guys?” He said teasingly.
“Just this once.”
“I’ll be there.”
At the stadium the next day, y/n had found Luke after they performed and they sat together as they watched the rest of the bands perform and the awards. Despite having just done a 7-minute show in her band uniform, she was cold and her sweatshirt provided the least amount of warmth.
Luckily, Luke had brought an extra sweatshirt and a blanket just for this, knowing how much she got cold. She took it gratefully, wasting no time in throwing it on. Luke asked her questions about certain things in the others’ performances, what songs they were, and what moves they were doing. At one point they got bored and started writing different show names in the programs for each band. 
When awards came around, she was getting increasingly tired, “I have a question.”
“Go for it.”
“Do you wanna meet my family?”
Y/n looked at him with wide eyes, “Meet your what?”
“My family. Well, you’ve already met Jack and my mom but Quinn and my dad you haven’t.”
She held tears in her eyes as she thought over his words. Luke frowned when he noticed the tears, “What’s wrong?”
“Luke, we've only known each other for what? A week and a half at best?”
“I guess, I just don’t understand why you want me to meet them.”
“Because you’re amazing. And like you said, I know I’ve only known you for a week and a half, but you are truly one of the best friends, if not the best friend, I have ever had. You’re talented, smart, funny, and I love spending time with you.”
She looked at him shocked, not knowing what to say. No one had said this to her before, and if they had it wasn’t to this extent. Luke was truly perfect in her opinion, he was nice, charming, funny, cute, supportive, and he was everything she would ever want. However, she knew him liking her was never a possibility, she had to push that to the back of her mind, the furthest away. 
She gave him an awkward smile, unsure of how this conversation was going to continue. She was still taken aback by his previous confession, about wanting to meet his family. She loved her family, she really did, but Luke’s family sounded amazing, like heaven. She hadn’t felt a part of her family in months, maybe she would feel like family with his. That thought seemed to be a bit much, she didn’t think she would fit in with anyone, it was by pure luck that she found Luke. 
When the two had sat in silence for five minutes, Luke gave her a little shove, “Hey. Everything okay?” The desperate want to ask her what was going on in her beautiful mind was bugging him, he wanted to reach out and push the stray hair out of her face, wipe away her tears, and pull her into a death-gripping hug. 
She only nodded, using the sleeve of his her sweatshirt to wipe away the stray tear that had made its way down her face. Luke had felt his face permanently stuck in a worried look when he was around her and this moment wasn’t any different. Just when he was about to say something, the announcer rang out through the speakers, “And with that, it is time for our awards! Thank you to everyone who came out and let’s get this started with class single A!”
She turned to face the field, ignoring Luke’s eyes that she felt glaring at her on the side of her head. She listened to the awards, little to no thoughts running through her head until they got to their division. They went through the typical awards you get at every competition, best drum major, best visual, best general effect, etc., before getting into placement awards.
While she wasn’t expecting them to place in general with all the schools that were there, she was a little heartbroken when they didn’t get third or second. All of them knew that there was no possible way that they could get first, they were hopeful, sure, but realistic even more. So when they announced their high school not only first but as grand champion, everyone from the school was ecstatic. 
Luke immediately brought her into a hug, not even thinking. He was so proud of her, and the rest of them, but mostly her. She grinned when she felt his arms wrap around her, not even bothering to be embarrassed. She hugged him back with the same amount of strength that he gave her. 
They met up with Luke’s family outside the stadium, she was now tired, the day’s events finally catching up with her. Luke had to wrap an arm around her to keep her upright as they walked to the car. Ellen greeted the girl with a smile as she stepped out of the car and opened her arms for a hug. Y/n was taken aback, she had met this woman two days ago and she was now just giving her a hug so easily. 
She hugged her back nonetheless, “How was the competition, sweetheart?”
“It was good. We won grand champions.”
“Oh honey, that’s incredible! I’m sorry we couldn’t make it.”
She shrugged it off, she was used to her family not showing up and she hadn’t even met the whole family properly so why would she think they would, “It’s okay.”
“Well, we’re going out to dinner if you want to come, maybe? I know Luke said that your way back is with the rest of the kids but we are more than happy to take you home ourselves.”
Her eyes widened at the position, “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a-”
“Shush. You’re not a burden, y/n/n.” Luke’s hand squeezed her shoulder as a way of reassuring her.
“Okay then. I guess Luke’s going to kidnap me anyway.”
“Damn right, I am,” Luke mumbled but Ellen still caught it, smacking him on the arm.
Y/n grinned as she watched the interaction, trying to stifle a laugh. Luke rolled his eyes and opened the back door, “Y/n/n you already know Jack but this is my eldest brother Quinn.”
She gave him a small wave, the nerves presenting themselves once again. Quinn waved back, smiling at her, “And this is my dad.”
“Hi, Mr. Hughes.”
Jim turned to her and smiled much like his son, “Hi.”
The two climbed into the car, sitting in the back. Her head immediately found its place on his shoulder, drifting off to the sound of the family softly talking as they drove to wherever they were heading to. Luke smiled down at her, and in that moment, it made Luke realize more than ever that he wanted to be there for her forever.
Throughout their high school years, Luke went to every football game he could manage to go to, every competition he could, every practice he could, even going to the few basketball games she had to perform at. Junior year, he drove himself to her competition at the University of Michigan, being able to drive them back home without having to worry about his parents.
Luke wasn’t the only one who showed up. The Hughes family had taken a liking to her ever since they met her and Ellen and Jim had practically adopted her from the moment they took her home from the competition freshman year. Jack tagged along with Luke to the games when he was still in high school, sometimes Ellen and Jim would show up too. They all went to their graduation not only for Luke but for y/n as well, it’s rumored that they cheered louder for her than for Luke. 
Luke asked her out a month after asking her to homecoming. Everyone said his homecoming and prom proposals were a force to be reckoned with. He always had a way to surprise her and upstage everyone. In sophomore year for homecoming, he got the band to play ‘hey baby’ and he asked her with a poster that said ‘hey baby. I wanna know if you’ll be my date to Hoco.’ Junior year for prom he got a punch of hockey pucks and spelled out ‘Prom?’. 
On the flip side, y/n had made it her mission to support Luke just as much as he supported her. She went to practically every game of his, cheering him on whether or not he got a goal, assist, or just sat on the bench. She wore his sweatshirts at every game, which most of them had belonged to her at that point anyway. Admittedly, there were a few times when Quinn or Jack’s hoodies made their way into the pile because Luke had “accidentally” stolen them from them.
Much like they were there for her, y/n was also there for Jack and Quinn. She was at Quinn’s draft because they had all but begged her to come and the same with Jack. That was the first time she felt part of the family. She would go with them to UMich when they would go see Quinn. She spent the majority of her time with them since that weekend. 
They went to the University of Michigan together, where they both continued to give each other their unwavering support. He went to ‘her’ football games and she went to his hockey games, the ones that she was not performing at, which were her favorites, and Luke’s as well. When Luke realized that she would be playing at his games he had been so excited. Every time he got a goal when she was there with the band, he would point over to her and her friends would fawn over their relationship.
She was there for his draft, sitting right next to him but out of the way so he could celebrate with his brothers. She was there for the playoff games once she had finished school and he was overjoyed by her being there. As much as she wanted to be there for his debut and for his rookie season, Luke made her stay at school, not even so much as allowing her to think about it.
Long distance for them was hard, but they made it work. When they were in Detroit or Columbus, she would drive to see him play. Over winter break, she would fly out to Jersey to spend her time with him. Luke took it harder than she did, to be honest. She was used to being alone in some sort of way, her experiences and feelings with her family had not gone away. But for Luke, it was a different story.
Sure he had his brother there by his side but his best friend, his girlfriend, his world wasn’t there beside him like she had been for the past four years. It was a different dynamic not being able to see her in the stands, not being able to celebrate with her after games or pig out on food at a restaurant after practice, not being able to curl up next to her when they lost or he was in a slump. 
After she graduated, she moved out to Jersey with him, knowing that she would follow him anywhere. Luke was grateful but hesitant at first, not wanting to alter any of her plans. She insisted and said he had done so much for her that this was the least she could do to repay him. Luke asked her to marry him a year later and he incorporated his two favorite proposals of all time.
He gathered a shit ton of pucks to spell out “Will You Marry Me?” on a football field and got a marching band, who in hindsight y/n had no clue how he got in the first place, to play ‘Hey Baby’ as he gave her his speech. She was crying within seconds and Luke knew she would too. Ellen and Jim walked her down the aisle since she was no longer in contact with her own family. 
There were a multitude of things that changed with them, a multitude of fights that they got into, but one thing never changed. The way were each other’s support systems, and they would be forever and ever.
•❅ 《 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘜𝘚 𝘚𝘊𝘌𝘕𝘌 》 ❅•
Luke was nervous, it had been creeping up on a year since he met y/n and 11 months since he realized he liked her. They had been flirting like teenagers because they were, but it was a sight to see, to say the least. Everyone had said they acted like a couple and accused the two of liking each other but every time the two brushed off the accusations like they were nothing. 
Now he was sitting with some of her friends and one of the drum majors to explain his plan. This was his only chance to do it, they only had one game before homecoming and it happened to be two weeks before the homecoming game. He would’ve done it earlier but he needed everything to be perfect, plus, y/n hated dress shopping anyway so she would probably just order something from Amazon or pull something out of the back of her closet.
Her friends agreed instantly, claiming they hadn’t seen their friend be so happy and giggly in a long time. So when the time came around, he was dressed in whatever the theme was for the game. He looked a little crazy but that was him, and y/n loved that side of him. His poster included her favorite colors and doodles, the words were as straight as they were going to get.
It was in between the first and second quarter and the drum major had told them they were playing ‘Hey Baby’ and everyone except for y/n was on edge, wanting this to be perfect. When it started, she noticed nothing different, everyone was clapping but when they started singing, she noticed everyone’s tone was happier. 
She felt a nudge to her side and she looked up, noticing Luke now standing on the drum major podium, his poster high above his head, “Y/n! Will you go to homecoming with me?!”
She stared at him with wide eyes, embarrassment flooding her whole body. Everyone looked at her expectantly and cheered when she said yes. When he got down, he made his way over to her, everyone clapping him on the back. 
“You are crazy, Luke Hughes.”
“Crazy for you.” She pushed his head away from her and laughed, “Dork.”
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291 notes · View notes
stranger-stevieee · 2 months
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Summary: You have a bad habit of falling in love too quickly, but is it really that bad if a certain someone happens to feel the same way? Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: use of y/n, fluff, angst? (maybe), cliche writing, first kiss
Look at me now Said I wouldn't do it, but I hunted you down Know you had a girl, but it didn't work out
Steve Harrington was very sought after. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. You tried very hard to not fit into that stereotype but you failed miserably.
There was just something about him that drew you in. You told yourself that you wouldn't fall at his feet like every other girl at Hawkins High but you couldn't help it.
Now, Steve wasn't really known as a relationship guy. He was more of a "let's go out once or twice, have sex, then onto the next girl" type of guy (he was called "King Steve" for a reason after all) so it was a shock to everyone when he started dating Nancy Wheeler.
You were sad, just like every other girl, that you had lost your chance with him but when you heard about their breakup after a year of being together, you couldn't help but feel like you actually had a chance.
I'm not proud Guess I'm just scared of you shootin' it down You can just talk, and I'll stare at your mouth You could be bad, but I wanna find out,
Giving in to him wasn't your proudest moment but it was inevitable. You had decided that if you wanted him, you would have to go get him.
See that's what all these girls were doing wrong. They would wait for him to come to them and ask them out, when in reality if they wanted a chance they would have to take it. So that's exactly what you did.
You were in your history class that you happened to share with Steve and the teacher had just announced a research project that would take all month to complete.
Picking a partner would've been easy had your only friend in the class been there that day, but sadly she had stayed home for whatever reason. The bright side was, now you could take a chance.
You got up out of your seat and walked straight over to his. You were a bit nervous but decided it was now or never.
"Hey, Steve!" You spoke loudly due to your nerves but luckily he found it funny.
"Hey..." he paused
"Oh, it's Y/n," you said embarrassed that you had been fawning over this man that didn't even know your name.
"Right! That's right, I- I knew that"
"Yeah," you laughed it off, "So do you have a partner yet? For the project, I mean?" You stuttered over your words a bit, albeit scared of the potential recegection coming your way.
"No, actually, I don't"
"Okay, cool... do you wanna work on it together? Maybe?"
'Here it comes' You thought 'He's gonna say no, laugh in your face and...'
'Oh. Well, that was easy.'
And I wake up in the middle of the night With the light on, and I feel like I could die 'Cause you're not here, and it don't feel right
It's 4:28am and you can't stop thinking about him. You woke up from your dream almost 30 minutes ago and haven't been able to get back to sleep.
This dream just messed everything up because now you've come to the conclusion that you're in love with Steve Harrington.
This wouldn't be your first time loving someone but it is your first time being in love. There's a difference. You tend to love rather quickly and when you love, you love hard.
It takes a while for you to stop loving someone. But you have a feeling things will be different this time.
You think about what it would feel like if he were with you in that moment. But he's not, and it sucks.
God, I'm actually invested Haven't even met him Watch this be the wrong thing, classic God, I'm jumpin' in the deep end It's more fun to swim in Heard the risk is drowning, but I'm gonna take it
A couple weeks into working on the project and you still barely knew anything about him. The only thing you both talked about was the project and how it's coming along. You were getting nowhere.
"Hey, what do you think about coming to my place today?"
You had been digging through your locker looking for a specific book for your next class when Steve came up to you and it's safe to say that his words shocked you.
"What?" you asked
"Do you want to come work on the project at my place today?" Although he didn't sound like it, he was nervous asking you to come over.
'Maybe she is interested in me' he thought
His heart fluttered at the sight of your excited smile.
Isn't it fun thinkin' I'm right when I'm probably wrong? Holding my breath like I met someone Knowing damn well that I haven't been touched by you In my head, you're in the car, and you're comin' to me And you get to my door, and you can't even speak But I think that it's sweet, yeah, I think that you're sweet
You knew Steve was rich, but you didn't know he was this rich. Standing in front of his house you were a bit worried about what was to come.
Once you finally worked up the nerve, you lifted your fist to knock on his front door. Inside Steve had seen your car pull up and stood by the door waiting for you to knock.
When he finally heard it, he waited a few seconds, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
"Welcome..." he sighed "Sorry I don't know why I said that, that was weird, let me start over... hey."
You had a small smile on your face trying not to laugh. "Hi... can I come in?"
"Oh, yeah of course."
"Thanks," you let out a little giggle
You walked in and looked around in awe. His house was 2x the size of yours. "Your house is amazing," you whispered.
"Yeah, it's great I guess. It does get lonely sometimes but... anyways we should probably finish the project."
He walked you over to the dining room where he already had his textbook laid out. You both sat down, took out everything you needed, and got to work.
After an hour of working you had finally finished the project and it had only taken you about 3 weeks. Even though you were finished, Steve didn't want you to leave yet so he suggested having an early dinner.
"I wouldn't have pinned you as a cook, Harrington," you said with a small smirk on your face.
"Yeah, well when there's no one around to cook for you, there's only two options. I can cook for myself or get takeout, and I obviously have to stay healthy so takeout's not ideal. Gotta stay in shape for the ladies, you know?"
'Maybe he isn't interested in me' you thought
"The ladies. Right." you let out a nervous laugh.
Too soon to tell you "I love you" Too soon to tell you "I love you" Too soon to tell you "I love you"
Steve could tell you were nervous to tell him something. You were standing in front of him on his front porch unsure if you were ready to say what you wanted to say. But you knew you couldn't keep it in any longer.
It had been months since you both finished the project and you had become even closer than before.
Ever since that day at his house, you've fallen for him more and more each day. And even though it might be too soon, you have to tell him.
"Umm... can I talk to you?"
"Sure, come in." He said stepping out of the doorway to let you in. "So, what's up?"
"Uh, so, I just wanted to say that... you've been an amazing friend."
Steve let out the breath he was holding and sighed with disappointment. That is definitely not what he wanted to hear. The exact opposite actually, but he let you continue anyway.
"But I can't just pretend that that's all I want to be. I love you and I know it's probably too soon to be saying this but—"
Steve suddenly stepped forward and brought his hand up to cup your face which shut you up quickly.
“Is it ok if I kiss you?” he whispered
“I would like that very much.”
He leaned in and connected his lips with yours and, if it was even possible, you fell in love with him even more. The kiss was soft and tender, way different than what you thought it would be.
It was the first time your lips were meeting, but you immediately knew that it wouldn’t be the last.
Steve was the first to pull away and as much as he didn't want to he knew he had to.
"I love you too, by the way"
You're the risk, I'm gonna take it
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savingcrxws · 1 year
EYES ON FIRE | maybe someday
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[ prev chap ] [ next chap ]
synopsis. you and carmen just keep bumping into each other.
word count. 4.3k (gah damn)
warnings. language, hardly proofread again i'm sorry its an addiction
authors note. thank u guys so much for the support in these previous chapters! it’s really amazing to me that u guys enjoyed it so much! i would recommend listening to maybe someday by the cure for this chapter!
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“Yeah, Sugar. The appointment is booked for Thursday, the reps will probably be coming in at like…three o’clock,” you mutter, flipping through the manila folder absolutely stuffed with documents and sticky notes. 
You pursue your lips at all you had to get done within this week alone–sign installation permit, permit to replace the hot water heater, permit to fix the ventilation systems, reapply for occupancy capacity signs because of the restaurants lack of other permits, and holy shit…
You completely forgot to schedule the follow-up appointment with the BACP consultant. 
You groan, slamming the thick folder into your forehead, the papers thwacking against your skull. Natalie sounds startled on the other end of the phone, no doubt hearing the sound on her end of the call. She questions if you’re okay, and you only respond with a gentle hum before tossing the folder back down on the office table. 
“Hey, Suge, do you think I can call you back later? I need to schedule a follow-up consultation with Raquel before another rep hops on my ass about the boiler replacement.” 
“Of course, hun, call me back whenever you can,” Sugar starts and you can hear some papers flicking in her side of the call as well.
You had managed to convince her to work from home more often, worried that all the stress from the demolition inside would affect her pregnancy and her overall wellbeing. After some back and forth, she had begrudgingly agreed to spend two days working on the project from the comfort of her own couch. 
And even though she complains still, you know she appreciates she has a little bit more time off of her feet. 
“Don’t work yourself too hard, okay, Bug?” 
You nod, even though you know she can’t see you. “Same for you, Bear.” Sugar hums once again before you both give your goodbyes and end the call. 
You expel all of the air out of your chest in a large puff as you slide down the office chair.
After signing onto Team Bear, your new home-away-from-home had been this tiny office in the back of the restaurant. For the most part, no one came in and disrupted your work, which allowed you to have your head shoved into piles of paperwork, be stuck on phone calls, and be forced to reread legal jargon for hours on end with little interruption. 
Well, as little interruption as there could be with the restaurant quite literally falling apart around you. 
Thankfully, everyone was very respectful of your work in helping the developing business. You were practically putting every ounce of knowledge that you learned from both college and the real-world experience (including connections within the industry) to help push the restaurant closer to the deadline. All the while still dealing with your other commitments to other businesses that you had prior to signing on to this project.
Staying at The Bear for eight hours a day had its benefits, though.
For example, there was always something entertaining going on in the background. Like last Tuesday, when Fak had decided to send a sledgehammer directly into the only remaining wall of the office–sending bits and pieces of drywall onto your clothes.
Another benefit of being stuck in that office chair is that you had an excuse to ignore everyone around you. And by everyone, you really mean Carmen.
After the awkward office run-in last week, the two of you hardly spoke to each other. Sure, there was the ‘hellos’ and ‘goodbyes’ that you threw to each other and the words you exchanged when you caught him up on the status of licensing, but you two had yet to have an actual conversation.
It was clear that the both of you were still walking on eggshells around each other—and everyone could see it. But you had an inkling feeling that Carmen had been wanting to say something, judging by the short glances you sometimes catch him throwing in your direction.
Kinda similar to the one that he’s giving you right now.
You feel the heat of his stare on your face before you see it. He’d been staring at you for a couple moments now, long enough for you to no longer consider it an inquisitive glance.
You peek up from the folder and make solid eye contact with Carmen through the hole in the wall. The man flushes almost immediately, the red color sinking past his collar. You purse your lips and give a small nod of acknowledgment and he stutters in his spot.
And then he’s turning away.
Like he wasn’t the one just staring at you a moment ago.
You roll your eyes and turn back to your original position in the seat. Picking the folder up again, you flick to the papers listing the requirements for the next fire suppression test.
“Men,” you mutter, before picking up your phone and making a phone call.
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Three days later, the office is completely demolished and your work revolving around The Bear has been moved to a family-owned coffee shop two blocks over.
In the short span of time, all of the walls in the store had been busted down and the restaurant had practically turned into a hazardous wasteland. And since construction was too far out of your pay grade, you decided to leave the heavy lifting up to everyone else.
“Alright, permit done!” You throw your hands up in the air, your theatrics catching the attention of a couple next to you. You could hardly care for the stares, though, you had been working on getting that permit for the past four days straight. Slamming your laptop shut, you pack up your bags and head off to the cash register to buy another coffee before you go.
While you wait for your drink, you decide to scroll aimlessly through your phone to kill some time.
“Oh shit,” you hear a voice utter behind you, and you barely have time to process the word before something ice cold is running down your back. “Fuck, I’m fucking sorry, I didn’t even see you—“
You gasp on reflex, taking a step forward and shivering. The person who spilled their drink on you is stuttering out apologies. The liquid seeps into the jacket you were wearing and you pull it off immediately.
“Yo, what the fuck, dude,” you curse, watching the large stain of coffee spread even farther across your jacket. “Watch where the hell you’re walking—”
In the middle of trying to give the perpetrator a piece of your mind, you failed to recognize the familiar sound of the voice that was spewing apology out of apology. But in a second, your eyes met a recognizable set of blue and you halted your words.
In front of you stands Carmen Berzatto. In his signature colored sweater and a half-spilled cup of coffee in his hand.
And he looks petrified.
It seems he didn’t realize just who was the unlucky victim to his americano attack either until you turned around. His mouth agape, he utters out a jumbled apology, glancing back at you, your stained jacket, and the cup in his hand like his brain was still trying to understand what just happened.
“Uh-uh, fuck, sorry, I swear this wasn’t on purpose,” he rambles, placing his cup on the counter behind you and grabbing some napkins right after. He steps back towards you and shoves his hand of napkins to you. “Here, shit, I’m so sorry.”
You sigh, taking the napkins from him, noting the slight tremor that persisted in his hands as you did so. Taking in a slow breath, you close your eyes and count to ten before responding. “It’s okay, Carmen. Don’t worry about it.”
And even though you tried to maintain your peace, you can hear the annoyance seeping out of your words. Carmen glances around the counter before looking back at you and your soaked jacket. You know he probably wants to apologize some more, but honestly, one more apology might land him with a punch to the gut. 
Just as he opens his mouth, you raise your free hand, silencing him immediately. You shake your head in dismissal before taking the napkins offered to you and blotting the coffee out of the fabric of your jacket. Carmen simply stood in his place, watching you, seeing if he could do anything to redeem himself in this situation. 
However, after they called your name for your drink order, you dumped the used napkins in the trash, took your drink and hightailed it out of the café without one more word to the man. 
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After the coffee shop incident, you swear that you started to see Carmen everywhere. 
You needed a quiet place to plan outside of your house so you went to one of the local libraries. Guess who’s walking outside the building?
You need a late night snack and decide to hit up the corner store. Guess who’s in the refrigerated section?
Hell, you decide to stay late at The Bear for some last minute checkups? Guess who forgot to grab a few things before leaving that night?
You swear that before you hopped on The Bear train, you never even saw a glimpse of the man. Sure, you lived relatively near the restaurant, but Chicago is fucking huge, there’s no way you would run into one of the few people that you’re trying to avoid. 
Absolutely not, apparently. 
Finally finishing up the weekly budget report and estimate for the following weeks till open, you decide to take a step away from work for a second and give your brain some time to breath. 
“Hey, Syd, if anyone needs me, I’m outside taking a smoke break, ‘kay,” you yell across the restaurant, receiving a thumbs up from her from the other side of the room. “Be back in 15!”
Reaching into your bag, you pull out a pack of cigs and a lighter before heading to the back entrance of the restaurant. You place the cigarette between your lips and head to the backdoor. Stepping out and around the alley to the designated smoke corner, you fiddle with the lighter switch, hearing the light sizzle but seeing no flames emerge. 
You groan, flicking the lighter again and again and still no lig–
“Umm, uh, you need a light?”
You scream, your heart almost skipping a beat and falling out on the concrete below you. In your alarm, both your cigarette and the lighter drop on to the ground. "Shit," you mutter and throw a glance over at whoever had scared the living shit out of you and, surprise suprise . . .
There was Carmen, standing in the alley a few feet away from the door. One leg was kicked up to rest his foot against the wall behind him and a cigarette hung loosely between his fingers. His eyes trailed across you for a second, then he glanced at the cigarette on the ground before taking another draw from his own and staring out the wall in front of him.
If you had half of the energy, you would tell him off for scaring the shit out of you and book it out of the enclosed space.
Lucky for Carmen, however, you really needed that cigarette.
Reaching back into your bag once more, you pull out another cig and walk slowly over to the man. Your steps gain his attention once again and when your eyes met you gestured to the lighter hanging out of his cooking apron.
He grabs the lighter and hands it to you. As you reach out to grab it, your fingers brush against his knuckles. Some quick thought in the back of your head wishes that that physical interaction lasted a little longer, but you're quick to shoo that away into the deep recesses of your mind.
Lighting your cigarette, you hand the lighter back to him before taking a drag. Blowing the smoke out, you slid down the wall until you could lean back into a squat against it.
The two of you just stand there, in complete silence aside from the occasional cough from an improper pull. This quiet isn't nearly as awkward as the first run-in the two of you had. Maybe it's because of the nicotine or maybe it's because continuously running into Carmen over these past days had subconsciously made you a little more comfortable with his presence.
. . .
Nah, it definitely had to be the nicotine.
You glance up at Carmen, who continues to smoke even though his stick had turned into a bud a while ago. You make note of the new tattoos that run down his arms and hands, eyes stopping at the rose flower tattoo on his left hand.
You remember when he got that one done with you at the parlor for his eighteenth birthday.
Subconsciously, you rub at the matching rose on your thigh before sighing and focusing back on your cigarette. Young, dumb decisions, you think.
Above you, Carmen watches your focus retreat back and purses his lips. In all honesty, Carmen usually never finishes a whole cigarette, but he really needed an excuse to stay out here longer with you.
These past couple of days had been tormenting him just as much as it had been you, albeit for different reasons. Everytime Carmen ran into you, whether it be in that cafe or that random grocery store that one early morning, he was plagued with memories of everything that he had fucked up.
Not just the relationship that he had fucked, but the happiness that he had stolen from the both of you.
And he had so desperately been trying to apologize, but every time you saw his face, you would get that look on your own. That dread, the anxiousness, that annoyance. That anger.
Whenever he saw that expression on your face, he would get too choked up to say anything of significance. A simple 'hey" would be all that would leave his mouth. Either that or he would stutter like he was a fucking kid again and embarrass himself in front of you like he seems to be doing constantly lately.
Carmen sighs, taking a final hit from his cigarette before stomping it out on the ground. By all previous experience, Carmen would book it out of the area by now, but something in his gut was telling him to stay this time.
Glancing down at you once more, he sees that you have taken to scrolling through your phone to kill the time. He bites the corner of his lip and decides to sit against the wall like you.
Instinctively, you toss him a questioning glance but when he didn't make any move to speak or gesture towards you, you shook your head and went back to whatever video had popped up on your feed.
Fuck it, he thought.
"I'm sorry."
You halt in the middle of your smoke, nearly coughing on the fumes but managing to swallow it. You look over at Carmen inquisitively, wondering where the hell that apology came from. The dirty blonde was wringing his hands, mouth opening and shutting as if he was trying to get the words out.
"Sorry for the, uh," he mutters, casting a quick glance in your direction to assure himself that you were listening. "Sorry for the, for uh-You know I didn't-I don't know how-"
"Yo, Carmen," you interrupt the world vomit that he was spewing, tossing your cigarette down before snuffing out the light with your shoe. You center your focus back on the man next to you, who seemed to only have you in his attention. "Just say what you want to say. No bullshit."
Your blunt words seem to ground Carmen long enough for him to gather his thoughts. He nods his head rapidly in that way he does when he's clearly overwhelmed before he clears his throat. He takes in a large inhale and clears his throat, ready to speak again.
"I want to apologize. For everything. For how much of an jackoff I was back then, and for how much I am right now," Carmen stars, eyes staring solidly into yours to show just how serious he is. "I didn't deserve you, and you did nothing to deserve the way that we ended."
You feel something burn the back of your throat at the mention of the end of your relationship. The total radio silence from him for the days prior, and just when you had managed to gather the courage to ask the question of just what the hell are we doing, Carmy, you were cast aside like nothing.
He was right, you didn’t deserve that.
Pushing back the feelings bubbling up in your chest, you nod your head to signal that you were listening.
"I-I, it's no excuse, but I was really going through some serious shit. And I really felt that if I cut everyone out of my life, I could actually get a second to breathe you know," Carmen pauses and you open your mouth to speak, but he continues. "I-I just know you deserved-you deserve better. But seeing you in this restaurant day-in and day-out, working away to help my sister, my crew--help me? I just felt even more like a piece of shit."
He turns fully towards you now and you can see his eyes turning red from the emotion he was clearly holding behind his words. "You didn't deserve what I did, and you definitely don't deserve to be cleaning up my messes now."
"You deserved the world, and I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you."
His last words send a sharp pang into your chest. Here you two sat, sitting next to each other, the distance between you two seemed to be filled with words unsaid. You stare into his eyes a little longer, at a loss for what to say completely.
On one hand, you wanted to reject his apology, tell him to fuck off and leave him alone in this alleyway. He would deserve it after everything.
But he has that familiar kicked puppy-dog look in his eyes and he's chewed his lip red, and he's actually sorry.
You sigh, leaning your head back to rest against the wall behind you. Staring up at the sky, you trace the shapes of the clouds above as you collect your thoughts.
"Yeah," you start, nodding your head to yourself. Carmen tenses up at the ambiguity behind both your words and your tone. He would have to have his own head shoved up his ass if he didn't realize that you had every right to refuse his plea for forgiveness. Frankly, that's exactly what he was expecting you to do.
"Yeah, okay. I can forgive you, Berzatto."
Carmen's heart sinks into his guts, mouth slightly agape in pure shock. "You-you can?"
You give a small smile, turning your head to face the man. "Yeah, Carmen, I accept your apology."
The dirty blonde opens his mouth again but you put a hand up in the space between you, effectively shutting him up for a second.
"But," you trail, "I'm gonna forward you that dry cleaning bill from that cafe, asshat. I've been trying to get that shit out for days now."
Carmen flushes a bright red at the mention of the coffee shop run-in you two had, a broken chuckle leaving his mouth at the obvious teasing tone in your voice. You were joking with him, for the first time in years, you two had managed to glimpse at the level of comfortability that you once shared.
Carmen chuckles again, running a hand through his curls. "Yeah, well, can I raincheck that until after the restaurant starts making money? I'm kinda flat fucking broke right now."
You giggle at the honesty behind his words. "Yeah, I ran those calculations by the way. Have fun being flat broke for at least three months after The Bear opens."
"Shit," Carmen mutters, a grin still on his face.
"Yeah, shit." You nod in his direction before pushing yourself off your crouched position on the ground. "Anyway, I'm gonna head inside to get back on that shit. Fak's fucking electric guy keeps flaking on us."
Carmen's eyes follow your form as you stand, holding eye contact with you when you glance back down at him. "Yeah, yeah, I should probably meet up with Syd for the chaos menu anyway."
He hurriedly stands up, wiping his hands on his work pants. After he finishes, he looks at you once again, noting the small smile on your face. For a second, he swears his heart skips a beat.
"For the record, Carmy," you play with the nickname on your tongue, having not said it in quite some time. Carmen flushes before nodding for you to continue. The small on your face falls for a second as you look at him. "You pull that shit with me again, I'm sicking the dogs on your ass. Seriously."
Carmen clears his throat, straightening up at the more serious tone of your voice. Although you were not nearly as angry looking at him as before, he knew that you were serious. There were no more apologies after this, no more fuckups.
You look at him expectantly, waiting for some form of acknowledgment.
He nods. "Yes, chef."
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After the conversation outside The Bear, you and Carmen seemed to flow together much easier than before. Granted there was the occasional stray glance casted in your direction from the man, but overall, the two of you were on much more agreeable terms.
The rest of the crew seemed to notice the absence of uncertain tension between the two of you. You explained to Tina, Richie, and Sugar that you two had simply talked it out and were no longer on "spiteful ex" terms.
Richie, being the annoying man that he is, insisted that something else must've happened--to which you responded with a firm shoulder check and yet another middle finger.
Overall, the two of you seemed to only talk about business stuff, which made it easier for conversations to flow. Less personal, more concrete talks.
"Alright, Carmy, we got that certificate of occupancy, right?" You question, running down the legal checklist once again. When you heard no response, you asked again, only to be ignored again. Finally looking up from your screen, you glance up at the man, trying to figure out what could have possibly distracted him this time.
He's glancing, moreso glaring, down at his phone, watching it ring but making no moves to pick it up. He's spaced out almost, like he's lost in his thoughts.
You clear your throat and decide to try his name again. "Carmen!"
He shoots up a little and looks at you, muttering an apology out as he clicks his phone off and slides it into his back pocket. "What were you asking?"
"Umm, I was trying to see if you got that certificate of occupancy from Cicero mailed in," you raise an eyebrow at him. "You know, the one we need to get that other big, shiny certificate that shows that we can legal conduct business in the state of Illinois? That certificate?"
"Uhh, yeah, yeah. Mailed it in the other day, yeah."
You squint at his weird responses before shaking your head and diving back into your work. "Well, on another note, I've been speaking with a liason down at the office and he said we can have our second fire suppression test in two weeks instead of the project four."
Carmen walks up to the foldable chair you were sitting in, peering over your shoulder to look at your screen. He rests his hand against the back of your chair unconsciously and you can feel the heat of his body radiating off of him. You clear your throat and lean forward a little to get some distance between the two of you.
"Who's that going to?" The man points to an email that you are in the middle of drafting. Your eyes follow and land on the email you were writing to one of your school buddies. "Oh that? I'm just messaging one of my old classmates from college about an idea I had about our issues with that retail food license thing."
Carmen humms, peeking down at you as you explained the process you were thinking of going through. Though your eyes were stuck on the screen, clicking through different documents as you continued your explanation, Carmen's eyes were glued to your face.
To him, this all felt like some weird dream that he was having. His former high school sweetheart, sitting in his restaurant, talking all kinds of smart talk that he could barely understand, practically pressed against him. Although he didn't move over to your chair with the intent to press against you, he definitely noticed the proximity that you two shared.
Life had been a whirlwind these past weeks, but he felt that when he was near you that a lot of those anxieties he often has screaming in his head quieted down a little. He tried to chalk it up to the confidence that he had in your skills, but even though you are incredibly talented in your work, he knew that it was something more than that.
Something that he had to swallow down.
"Carmy, you motherfucker, are you even listening to me?" You call out, turning more in your chair and fixing him with an annoyed glare. Carmen swallows before nodding his head. "Ye-yeah, you have a plan to get that retail food license and alcohol seller's license at once right?"
You hum, giving him a once over again before turning in your seat. "Exactly. I think that my buddy Stephen can help us with that fire suppression test, he knows a thing or two--"
Carmen's eyes trace down your eyes, nose, and lips, noting the signature bite marks you left on your bottom one. He runs a tongue across his own before carding a hand through his hair to collect himself.
He was so fucked.
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taglist: @grippleback-galaxy @chatitajens @rooster-bradshaws @hrrysweetcherry @whoreforbucky @notsochillnerd @jackierose902109 @how2besalty @rosewine-5 @honeybug-victoria @beansap @sincerelyrab @xxconfettiitsaparade @softsy @imafatassmess @bibliophilewednesday @chanluuvr
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Stolen Goods 2
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Warnings: noncon and other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
Ft. Lloyd Hansen, petite!pregnant reader
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You go through checkout in autopilot. You pay, not paying mind to the total, and a bag boy helps get the bags in your cart. You’re still trembling from the encounter at the bread shelf. You’re starting to think you imagined it. Can pregnancy hormones make you delusional? 
As you push your cart out to the lot, you feel a chafing against your thighs. Your panties are still askew. You slow as you near the car and peek around to fix them. A shiver rolls over you at the brush of fabric across your pelvis. 
What are you doing? You should march back in there and demand the surveillance footage. You should call the police and file a report. It’s not about them believing you, they’ll have to see it on the cameras, right? 
You’re kept from your moment of clarity by the buzz of your phone. Shoot. You answer as Jake’s name flashes over the screen.  
“Hey,” you wisp you as you keep hold of the cart, hovering just next to the trunk of the car, “did I forget to put something on the list?” 
“Checking in. Been there a while,” he says. You can hear him typing as he speaks. He’s always so busy, even when he’s at home. If he isn’t logged into work, he’s up to some coding of his own. You suppose he’s trying to get as much in before the baby comes. “So, you almost done?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you try not to let your voice quaver, “just packing up the bags now. How’d your meeting with Harold go?” 
“Usual. That big project we’ve been working at? Got scrapped. Starting over,” he scoffs. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Jake,” you pout as you reach into your purse and fish out the car keys. You pop the trunk and angle the cart so it won’t roll away. “I think I might get that promotion though.” You lift a bag and puff out as you balance the cell between cheek and shoulder, dropping it in the trunk, “Terra’s leaving so...” 
“Babe, I told you to wait until I finished work,” he sniffs, “you okay?” 
“Yeah, I didn’t get anything too heavy. Jake, it’s fine.” 
“Mm, I feel like... like you don’t let me do enough,” he whines. 
Your lips slant. You won’t let the hormones loosen your tongue. He has every opportunity to help. He could do the shopping himself but he says he needs you to make sure he gets the right things. He could cook dinner but he burns everything. He could clean the dishes but he breaks at least one thing each time. 
“You can rub my back?” You suggest, “or my feet.” 
“Mm, yeah,” he agrees noncommittally. Right, he’ll only do that if he gets a bit of fun after. 
“Anyway, we’ll talk when I get there. I don’t want the ice cream to melt,” you lean on the cart and hold back a sigh, “love ya.” 
“Mm, huh, yeah, you too. Gareth’s calling.” 
He hangs up and leaves you listening to dead air. You drop your shoulders and shove the phone back in your purse. You shake your head and move around the basket to grab another bag. A pair of thick arms beat you to it and you step back as a man in a yellow polo smirks down at you. 
“What’s a lady like you doing all the heavy lifting for?” The man asks. 
His timbre hits you like a train off its tracks. Your pregnancy brain unfogs and you remember what you’d meant to do before the phone call. You feel the scene back in the store, the creep of his hand under your dress. That voice. It’s definitely him. 
You gape at him as he steps close, hugging a bag to his stomach, and you back away in horror. His hair is combed back on top, his sides shaved close, and his lip is trimmed with a thick mustache. Despite his clean shave, a shadow already darkens his jawline.
Your heart hammers wildly and your whole body tingles. He steps around the cart and places the bag in the trunk. You touch your stomach as you try to calm yourself.
“Get away from me,” you murmur. 
“I’m just being helpful, sweet cheeks. You should know, I’m not really the type to help an old lady cross the street or whatever shit,” he snorts and faces you. 
“Go,” you rasp hotly as your eyes tinge. “Get away!” 
“Now, don’t go shrieking like a banshee. I’m really not into the whole...” he makes a motion in front of his stomach, “baby thing, but you’re convincing me.” 
“I said--” 
“I’m not done,” he points at you, “so keep your ears open, sugar tits.” He gives a leer at your chest, “now those... that’s amazing. You gone up a cup size or were they always honkers?” 
“Ew, you--” you try to accuse him and he taps your lips, stunning you to silence. 
As he comes closer, his size is even more obvious. Everyone’s big compared to you, he’s probably about the same height as your fiance, but he seems broader. Maybe because he’s older? 
“I’m just being a good Samaritan,” he looms over you, “helping you get your shopping all away.” He grins down at you and brings up two fingers, giving them a sniff, “getting you off--” 
"...your feet," he finishes.
He’s quicker than you. Your voice dissolves as he has you by the neck in and instant, your keys and purse falling to the tarmac. Your top-heavy stature has you off-balance without much of a struggle and you barely keep your side from hitting the open edge of the trunk. He bends and scoops up your leg, pushing you to roll onto the groceries and land uncomfortably against the emergency kit. 
“Hey!” You cry out and he snaps the lid shut. He slaps it and gives a cackle loud enough for you can hear. You hold your stomach, terrified that you landed too hard on your side.
“I only came for milk, imagine that.” 
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paperclip-skz · 1 month
The Good Idea.
fem*Reader x Han Jisung
contains oral (f receiving), over-clothes stimulation, teasing, unprotected sex, Jisung finishes quickly, cream pie, and lingerie; I'm sure I missed something. This one was slightly rushed, but let me know what I missed in the comments!
WC: 3.9k
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“So we had an idea.”
Felix strides into your office along with Changbin, Chan, and Minho, all with a grin stretching across their faces. This is going to be good. 
“Every time you guys come into my office and open with that,… its usually a bad idea.”
“Oh, it certainly is.” Minho keeps his hands slumped in his pockets, keeping his calm composure. 
They all take a seat facing you and your desk. You're seated comfortably, your computer shining with your most recent emails. Chan keeps his head down, but his smile remains. They’ve been planning something. 
“Hey, buuug,” Felix chimes, his cute nickname for you rolling off his tongue like fresh wine. 
He knows you can’t resist when he uses that nickname. It has resulted in many broken rules and policies and maybe a few nights where you’ve let some of the members sneak out of their dorms. 
“Just get to the point, Lix,” Chan tips. 
“Yeah, I want to see her reaction to this.” Minho sits cross-armed and stares holes into you. 
“Okay, so here is the idea. You know how Jisung's birthday is coming up.” You nod your head, following along. “We were thinking about hiring someone…as a treat to him.” 
“What like an entertainer? Like a singer.” 
“Not exactly, more so entertainer.” Chan finishes your thought. 
“Yea, like adult…entertainer.” 
Your eyes pop out of your skull. “Lee Felix Yongbok, are you suggesting you want to hire a stripper for Jisungs birthday?” you say in the calmest tone you can muster, which isn’t really calm at the moment.
“Kind of.” Felix’s face scrunches up in a defense to hide himself from your deadly stare.
You pinch the bride of your nose, anticipating the major headache this could cause. “Guys, I know you want to do something special, but you are still celebrities, and I am still your publicity manager, and you cannot imagine the headache it will cause if something like that got released to the public.”
You’ve been handling Stray Kids’s publicity projects for over a year. Something like this wasn’t a surprise, and you couldn’t blame them; even though they were singers and all-round gentlemen…they were still men. 
You’ve handled drunken nights, exes, hook-ups, and some crazy girls who believed they were “the one,” all before a single word got out to the public. Needless to say, you were pretty good at your job. That still didn’t mean you wanted to deal with something that could potentially get out, and if this got out….it could be bad. 
“Well, we have a way around that.” Changbin raised his eyes at you, quickly snaking his eyes from your chest down to your black pumps. 
This time, it was Chan’s turn to continue with this shameless idea. “They want to hire you.” 
If your eyes weren’t out of your skull before, they certainly are now, and your jaw is slacked as far as your desk. A shaky and breathless laugh leaves you. “You must be joking.” 
What the hell is happening? How did they convince you to do this? 
You were at your desk one day, and the boys were telling you about their stupid idea. Yet somehow, they convinced you with a single promise: They promised you a night with Jisung.
They knew you had a sweet spot for Jisung; you couldn’t describe it even if you tried. He had a way of making you smile or laugh at anything he did, and you loved the way he worked. How he could get so focused on his work, it was like the whole world fell away. 
So somehow, someway, they convinced you to do this. Now you were in the dorms…in Jisungs room…wearing nothing but your favorite lingerie set and a small laced mask. 
“I want a mask.” The boys questioned you; you could tell by the looks on their faces. “To at least hide a part of me. If I do this, I need to at least try to hide my identity somehow.” They agreed, nonetheless, as long as they got to choose the mask. You thought it was the most brilliant idea you could ever think of…however, you didn’t think about the mask they would choose. 
The mask did hide your face, but it was laced, which matched the sensual theme, but it did hardly little to hide your identity. If Jisung had really paid attention, he could have probably mapped out your features, but you wouldn’t give him the chance. If you were going to do this, you were going to do what you always did, do a damn good job. 
“So let me get this straight.” You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves and whatever is boiling inside you. “You don’t want me to strip…just dance?”
“Yeah, kind of. We want you to tease him.”
“We want you to do anything you are comfortable with.” Chan and Felix bounce off each other, shooting ideas and ensuring they aren't scaring you away. Why aren’t you scared away? They just asked you to strip tease one of your clients. Why does this ‘idea’ make you excited? 
“So I can choose how far I let this thing go?” you nod your head, and they nod along with you. If he never sees my face…he’ll never know it's me. 
“But I don’t even know what to do.”
“Just let your body carry you doll. Your mind will tell you what to do.” Binnie smiles at you. 
You could hear the distant chatter behind the door. Your heart is thumping out of your chest, and you keep swiping your palms across your thighs. You keep pacing the floor, back and forth, back and forth. You keep fiddling with the chair you so carefully placed in the center of the room, and your eyes keep darting from the chair to the nicely made bed. At least he keeps his bed nice. 
A slight knock makes you jump. “Can I come in?” You can’t tell who the voice belongs to, but it's soft and gentle. 
“Yes,” you respond, trying to sound sexy. 
Chan slowly peeks his head through and steps inside. “Jesus, Chan, you scared the crap out of me. Do you have any idea how nervous I am right now?” 
Chan’s face falls, and his demeanor changes from gentle to dominant in seconds as his eyes wander across your frame. His eyes are darker than the night sky outside the window, and his build suddenly stiffens. You’ve never been intimidated by Chan; you’ve only ever shown respect and admiration, but the way he stands tall and his chest heaves with every breath, you can’t deny that it makes your thighs clench. 
You are fairly covered. The hipster-style underwear you choose to wear hugs your hips but hides the most sensitive parts of your body. The matching stockings clip to the edge of the garments, and the whole outfit is complimented by the push-up bra-style top that does little to hide your breasts. You’ve left your hair down, and the mask brightens your eyes. 
“You look….breathtaking.” 
You can feel the warmth of the blush on your cheeks. You feel so exposed and bare that it makes you want to hide and be brave simultaneously. Chan notices your conflicted thoughts, and without warning, he walks up close to you. Now, his lips are only a few inches from yours. “You know, after this whole thing with Jisung, maybe you could pay me a visit on my birthday?” 
You both chuckle. “God, you are so beautiful,” he said, leaning his forehead against yours. You can feel his warmth, his scent, everything. You're consumed by it. It almost makes you forget why you're here. “And you smell so goddamn good…but today is Jisung’s day” Gently, he kisses your forehead, “Are you ready?” 
You step back, bashing your lashes up at him, and softly nod. Chan leaves the room to yourself, and you begin to get situated. You try to find a comfortable position in the room that makes you look cool and sexy, but it results in you panicking and pacing back and forth over the room, finding a new position every 10 seconds. 
The voices behind the door become louder, and then you hear a slight tap at the door. Quickly, you rush to sit on the bed, crossing your legs and leaning your arms on the bed. Your body is stretched out perfectly for display.
Jisung stumbles through the door, being pushed by his bandmates. You can hear them snicker and laugh until the door closes, leaving only you and Jisung in the room. You can see Jisung’s dazzling smile once he enters the room, but the second he makes eye contact with you, his smile falters, and his eyes grow darker. 
You try not to let your confidence waver as his eyes memorize your every feature. With the mask covering your face, your hair down, and the dim light in the room, there is no way Jisung can tell it's you. For all he knows, his friends have hired a random stranger to do a lap dance for his birthday. All you have to do is keep your confidence up, and he won’t notice a thing. Just keep this mask on, and you can do this. 
The second you lift your body to stand, you hear him curse under his breath. His body is completely frozen in place; he doesn’t make any move to step toward you or the chair in the room. “Hi Jisung,” you say. You’ve practiced how you would talk to him. You wanted your voice to sound husky, dark, and breathy…and you were doing just that.
His brows scrunch; he’s trying to place your voice somewhere. Your heart starts racing with adrenaline, shit he knows, “Hello, beautiful.” 
His face didn’t tell you much, so with that, you continue as if he doesn’t know a thing. You carry yourself to walk around the chair in the middle of the room, letting your hand seductively drag along the rim of the chair. Jisung picks up on your silent request and finally wills his feet to move. 
He sits quietly in the chair, his eyes never leaving your body as it walks around the room. 
“So what? I’m just supposed to dance?” 
“Yeah, just be sexy, you know.” 
Felix’s voice echoes through your mind. Just swing your body, should be easy enough…
His knuckles turn white. His mind goes fuzzy. And his eyes can’t leave your hips. You’ve turned around, giving him a show of your ass swaying right in front of him. He wants to touch you, to squeeze that beautiful ass that you're teasing him with. He wants to pull you down onto his lap and grind himself on you. But most of all, he wants to hear your voice again. He swears he knows it, but he can’t place it anywhere. 
Maybe if you weren’t wearing that damn mask, I could pin you somewhere…or perhaps I could just pin you. 
You start to lower your body. Your hands prop yourself just above his lap. Inches, just inches away from his growing hard-on. 
You’ve done nothing but sway your body in a teasing matter; you haven’t made one move to touch him. “Did the boys tell you to tease me, or are you scared to touch me pretty?” 
You stand up slowly, only to turn around and prop yourself in front of him. Your ass is hanging in the air, and your face is right in front of him. He studies your eyes. Wait…He knows those eyes. He can’t ever forget those crystal eyes. How could he? Those eyes haunt his dreams and his nightmares. 
“They told me to tease you until you begged.” Your lashes fan at him, and Jisung swallows…hard. The way you're positioned right now gives Jisung a perfect view of how your tits practically spill out of your bra; he wills himself not to gawk at your exposed chest. 
“You want me to beg?” his tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Well, all you had to do was say so pretty.” Jisung shifts in the chair, suddenly acting like he’s getting comfortable. “Pretty please, miss… will you touch me?”
He sees your demeanor change, your breath caught in your throat, and your eyes widen with every word that leaves his lips. You didn’t think I’d actually beg.
Your hand glides up his chest carefully. It's like ice on burning skin, and you're not even touching his skin yet. The material of his shirt scrunches up into your hand, revealing a bit of his abs. Your eyes dart down, and your lower lip disappears between your teeth. “Want to see more pretty?” Your eyes snap back to him, his signature snarky smile taunting you. 
You lean back to stand up, and Jisung’s heart races again. Did he offend you in some way? Did he take his teasing too far? Did he talk too much?
Your body moves out of Jisung’s sight, walking behind him and the chair. Your hands are back on him, feeling out his shoulders and daring to venture to his biceps. His head rolls back as your touch sends him into a frenzy. 
A low hum leaves his throat. “Just focus on me baby.” His whole body shivers from the nickname, sending shockwaves down his spine. 
His eyes flutter closed, focusing on your hands moving around his body. All his other senses are on overdrive while your fingertips graze the outskirts of his shirt, daring to touch the little skin thats exposed. His body is filled with pent-up anticipation; he could burst and beg at any moment. Until your left hand expertly sneaks down the neckline of his shirt, touching his chest. 
Your touch is soft and gentle, but he can only imagine how sweet you smell. “Does that feel good, Ji”
The second that name falls from your lips, he knows who you are immediately. It might seem like a simple nickname, something one of his bandmates might use, but only one person on this earth says his name like that. Only one person who makes that nickname sound like a song, only one person who could send a warmth through his body with that nickname. “Y/N?” 
His eyes open when he no longer feels your hands on him. He’s afraid that you ran, disappeared, and all of this was just a dream. 
He stands up in a panic in front of the chair, staring at you. He sees your blown-out eyes and your shaky hands. He should’ve known. Now that he’s paying attention, he can see you clearly, even with the mask. How could he not have seen your perfect curves, shiny eyes, and even your lips—he’s studied those lips countless times. 
Your lips part, and your chest heaves, but Jisung interrupts you before any words escape. "Please, don't stop," he implores, locking eyes with you. His desperation is evident, and he's oblivious to how he sounds.
His look makes your stomach turn, and you match his eyes. “But- I-”
“Please,” Jisung whispers. 
Nothing but prayers cloud his mind, desperate for this moment to last. He knows he won’t do anything if you aren’t comfortable, but he is not above begging for what he wants. 
“Okay,” it doesn’t hold the confidence that you had, but it is confirmation—confirmation that Jisung needs. 
Seconds later, he’s back to sitting in the chair, his heart racing out of his chest. When he doesn’t feel your hand back to its original position, he comes up with an idea, “Would it help if my eyes were closed, like before?”
“Strangely, yes.” 
You should have known he would catch on quickly, but you didn't think he'd be that quick. When he said your name, you imagined the worst. You thought he would be disgusted, or worse, he would take advantage of the moment. But when he pleaded with you, pouting his lips, all you could think about was how those lips would feel on yours.
Once you could see Jisung’s eyes were closed, you placed your shaky hands back on his shoulders. The contact made him flinch, but as your hands ventured further down his torso, he melted into your touch. 
You could hear his chest hum as your fingertips felt every ridge and detail of his chest. You try to slip the confidence you once had back on, but it's different now. You're not some stranger to him anymore; he knows it's you, yet he didn’t tell you to stop. He begged for you to keep going. 
Something about that realization sets a fire in you. Your hands confidently slide down his torso. You can feel his abs flex under your palm when you press flatly on his stomach.
“You want me to touch you,” you whisper, ghosting his ear. The only response you get is a small whimper from him. Your flat palm snakes down to the already evident bulge thats tented his pants.
“Fuuuuuk,” Jisung breathes out. You can feel his length twitch in your hand, practically begging for attention. 
With more confidence inside you, your other hand sneaks its way to hold Jisung by the neck. You don't squeeze enough to block his breath but enough to have him whimpering in your grasp.
Before you knew it, your hands were sliding up and down Jisung’s clothed member, and Jisung was whimpering and wining with pleas. “Y/N, please” 
“Please, what Ji?” you breathe down his neck. 
“Please kiss me.” You didn’t notice that Jisung’s eyes were wide open now, his neck craned to look at you, staring down at your lips. 
Your shocked expression makes you suck in a breath, parting your lips only for Jisung to smash his lips in return. Jisung’s hand comes to the back of your head, deepening the kiss. 
He tastes like fresh water. A freshness you didn’t know you needed. You resisted falling for his large boba eyes, charming smile, and silly personality, but now you let those buried feelings pour into the kiss.
You can feel his free hand sneak its way to your waist, gently pulling on your skin. You break the kiss, blinking your lashes down at him. You can see his mind catching up to him, the gears ticking, and the worry that he took things too far. “Is- is this okay?” his voice is barely above a whisper. 
You don’t think to answer. Silently, you walk around the chair, coming face to face with him. You sit down on his lap, leaning into him, quickly, Jisung places his hands on your waist, tightening his fists on the delicate fabric that separates your bare core from him. 
“Is this a good enough answer for you?” 
If it weren't for your bleeding attraction for the man in front of you, your lips would be chapped and bruised from how much Jisung kept kissing and teasing them. 
Finally, you convinced Jisung to take your little make-out session to the bed, but not before he took his sweet time undoing the lingerie set you had on. Now you're naked on the bed, presented perfectly for a shirtless Jisung that stands before you, looking at you like your his last meal. 
He leans down to trail kisses from your lower stomach to the valley of your breasts, all the way where both of your lips meet. “Please, Ji.” You break the kiss enough to plead his name. 
“Please, what, Y/N?” You both let out a small chuckle. 
You bite your lip at your next words; you’ve gone this far, so why not farther? “Please fuck me”. 
His dazzling smile shines brighter than you’ve ever seen, “thought you’d never ask.” 
Before you know it, Jisung is pulling down his black sweats and boxers. His member springs free in the palm of his hand. You see the prominent veins and his red tip already dripping with a shine of precum. Impressive, you think to yourself, more than impressive, you're actually kind of nervous. With how nerdy and cocky he is, you didn’t think he be that big.
“Are you sure?” Your eyes shoot up to meet his expression. He must have read your thoughts like a projection board. You gulp, nod your head, and bring his shoulder closer to you. 
“Words sweets” 
“Yes, Ji. I’m sure. Please,” you beg. 
With one last kiss, Jisung is aligning his length with your core and slowly pushing in. Your walls stretch to take in the sheer girth of him. The both of you groan with pleasure, your folds slick with your wetness. 
Jisung doesn’t give you more than a second to relish in the feeling until he’s setting a steady pace. You can feel every fat inch expanding your gummy walls around every vein. You let every moan slip, your grip on his shoulders is unbearing, and you let your face fall in pure pleasure.
Jisung cannot get enough of you. The way you let yourself relish in this feeling, the way you let him see you like this, he knows it's too much. You're too much.  
“Y/N, I’m not gonna last long,” he doesn't have to tell you; you can already feel his hips quicken and his cock twitch inside you. 
You knew you could feel yourself getting closer, but you also knew you needed more. Nonetheless, even though you desired this as much as him, it's still his birthday. "It's okay, Ji, let go."
That was all he needed. Jisung whimpers your name as his climax rushes through him. Every nerve stands still on his body and his mind melts.
You try to chase your own high, but it runs faster than you can chase it. He continues with his uneven pace, pushing his white cum into you. 
A combination of apologies and praises leaves him like a breathy chant. “Ji, I told you it's okay. There's always next time,” you smirk. 
“No, no this isn't right.” like a flash Jisung is pushing you further onto the bed and pushing your thighs apart. He lines himself right in front of your dripping sex, he watches the remanence of his release slip out of you. 
You watch him with a shaky breath, until he meets your eyes, “Close your eyes, sweets, just let yourself go” and then you feel his warm muscles lick your folds. You close your eyes like you were told.
His tongue moves faster as he sucks on the small bundle of nerves, eager to pull more sounds from you. The pink muscle flicks and swirls around your clit, inching it further and further out from between your folds. His perfectly pouty lips wrap around the swollen bundle of nerves and sucks and pulls with a rhythm that sends your breath to hitch and freeze in your throat. 
Your walls are swollen, your clit is throbbing, and Jisung knows each and every button to push to get you so close. What sends you over the edge completely is the slender finger that Jisung pushes into you, angling it up to abuse your g-spot. You come crashing onto Jisungs hand with a loud moan. His lips shine as a victim of your release. 
“Now it's right.” 
Words dissolve on your tongue, but Jisung doesn’t expect you to speak. He climbs up the bed, swinging his arm around your middle and burring his head into the crook of your shoulder. Moments later, you're both asleep in each other's arms. 
I guess this was a good idea.   
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tvgals · 1 year
— when traveling across multiple universes, miles learns the two of you are together in every single one .
e1610! miles morales x black! fem! reader .
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miles pants as he’s in a universe that looks eerily similar to his own, but he knows it’s not his due to the sound of his own voice ringing from his bedroom. miles soundly walks through the house — going unnoticed due to his invisibility — and peeks through his bedroom door to see you and miles sitting on his bed, you placing stickers on his face.
“just stay still!” you giggled, placing a heart sticker on his tip of his nose. “what are we doing this for again?” miles asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as he could but not being able to hide the amusement in his voice. “gotta take pictures of you for our scrap book, plus i can’t let these stickers go to waste.” you tell him, snapping a picture on your phone and smiling when looking at the results. “see! isn’t it cute?” you questioned your miles, a love struck look in his brown eyes.
the next universe was by far his favorite. miles walked around looking at the pictures that hung on the walls or were placed carefully on a table or shelf, it was pictures of you and him — about 10 years older — with two little kids, one boy one girl. miles was taken out of his train of thought when he heard the giggles of a little girl. he waited to make sure no one else was in the way and he poked his head in through the crack in the door, watching you put the little girl’s afro into two puffs held together with pink ribbons.
“is daddy gonna like my hair?” the girl asks you, looking up at you with curious eyes. “well i dunno. let’s go find out, yeah?” miles instinctively moved out of the way and watched you and the little girl walk into the room where older miles was, watching your daughter jump on the bed and ask — “do you like my hair?” just for him to respond with picking her up and telling her how much he loves it.
the last universe miles was able to travel to was interesting. in this universe, it was just you and him inside an assumed shared apartment. miles tip-toes down the hall to hear you laughing at something he said.
“miles, just put the mask on!” you tell him, a goofy grin on your face. “i’m trying! the wand is too small.” miles complains, struggling to get the mask on his face. “here, lemme do it.” you say, taking the wand from his hand and applying it yourself, watching miles look down at you with love. “there.” you say, proud of your work. “now, let me do your nails!” you grin, watching miles’ eyes go wide.
“like paint them?” miles asks, following you with his eyes while you walk around the bathroom and gather the clippers and clear nail polish. “kinda. it’s a clear coat and it helps with breakage and stuff.” you tell him, coaxing him to sit on the toilet seat. “it won’t show?” miles asks, sadness in his voice. “well why are you sad about it?” you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “i just wanna show everyone what good of a nail artist my girlfriend is.” miles says, a dopey grin on your face. “we can do blue afterwards, i promise.” you say to him, smiling right back.
and this universe, miles was finally home. he knocks on your door, being let in by your mom.
“what brings you over here, miles?” your mom grinned, leaning against the door. “is it okay if i stay over? mom and dad are working late and i don’t wanna be alone.” miles says, twiddling his thumbs. “of course! rio and jeff know you’re here, right?” your mom asked, letting miles in. “of course. thank you.” miles says, practically racing up the stairs and into your room.
“miles!” you exclaimed, seeing him walk into your room. “hey, y/n!” he exclaimed back, catching you with a grin when you threw yourself into a hug. “where’ve you been?” you asked, checking his face to make sure he was okay. “had to stay over at school, just some project stuff.” miles shrugged. “oh, and i brought some face masks and a new notebook!” miles says, holding up the bag excitedly. “what’s the notebook for?” you ask, flipping thought the pages.
“i thought we could take up scrapbooking.” miles grins.
a/n this was based off of an idea i saw on my feed and i can’t find it 😞
TAGLIST ;— @looking4chanel @draculara-vonvamp @therealcees-blog @laylasbunbunny @lovelytayy @kisminarii @d7n3 @deadgirlkisses @darkknightpeanutbagel @thecoloredpages @xricly @princesslilisworld @mxspiderman2099 @marcelineormars @23victoria @ravereina @stevenknightmarc @laaailuh @diorsbrando @madz-rulez @planetspiderzz @chinieh @asensitivecookie
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tarjapearce · 7 months
I’m missing Miguel ((and spider family)) more recently 💔 and just thinking of him going on a business trip where he gets more busy and barely being able to talk or text you ((which makes you sad)) :(( he isn’t home until a week but that’s when he decided to work harder and do all nighters to finish early and get home to you and the little spiders :((
Timeskip to him coming home early without telling you about it, silently walking into the house without making any noise. Kids are at school during the time he arrives. Quietly going into the bedroom knowing you’re taking your noon nap. He carefully lays besides you and wraps his arms around to try and at least not to wake you up but fails 😭 ☹️ you’re up and happy to see him telling him he isn’t supposed come until the next week. 💔
Bonus: He surprises Gabby and Benji while picking them up from school 😭
Welcome Back, Papa!
Had a lil strength to come up with this 🥹. I'm sorry, I'm in dire need of fluff after this week 😭.
Warnings: None. Just Fluff, Slice of life, Domesticity, Dad Miguel ~
It was times like these Miguel sometimes regretted taking that promotion as a lead scientist and manager in Alchemax Lab's department. No project came without his approval, his knowledge was highly valued among the multinational.
But that meant more responsibilities, which sometimes demanded his presence  outside Nueva York, hold meetings and even give some workshops to younger scientists entering the company.
His reluctance finally was brought down when you saw him brooding in his office, nursing his temple as he looked through some files. Lab coat still on.
What started as a little tease and joking, ended up in a honest talk.
He couldn't help but chuckle faintly at your attempt to light the mood.
"Hey..." You cupped his face and kissed his temple, "Work is work. They want  you there cause you're the smartest cookie in the pack."
"Besides... I'll manage. Don't worry okay?"
"Hard to not when Benjamin just came out from a cold and fever"
You sat next to him, taking his hand in yours.
"Look, mi amor. We'll be fine. I know this won't be the first nor the last time you'll get sent away to another branch. Of course we'll miss you."
His shoulders slumped. He had tried to delay as much as he could this responsibility, but unavoidably as it was, he had to go, for three weeks.
He'd be gone for twenty one days, deprived of you and his family. Gabi gave him a squeeze upon noticing him in the blues, same as Benjamin, Rosie was fussy; as if sensing trouble, but eventually got to sleep.
"We're not going anywhere, okay? We'll videochat every night, I'll call you in your lunch breaks, and when you return"
You smooched him and grinned, "We'll have all the fun you want."
"Oh really?"
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him as he sunk his face in your neck. Taking a deep inhale, as if memorizing your scent. He hadn't left yet and was already missing you.
"Yeah. Will wear that red lace set you love-"
Your sentence was left hanging as a squeal replaced it. He peppered your face and lips with his kisses, to then rest at your temple.
"If something happens, you call me. Entendido?" (Understood?)
"Yes sir."
The hardest thing he had to do that morning was kissing you all goodbye, but the sooner he got there, he'd pour himself to work, and finish it all soon so he could return to his awaiting family.
"Love you so much. Help your mom while I'm gone, okay, champ?" Benjamin nodded teary eyed, "I'll be back soon okay?" Miguel kissed Gabi's and Rosie's temple, and finally kissed you.
"Call me." He instructed before going away
"Bye Papa!"
"Nos vemos, campeón! Pórtense bien!" (See you, champ, be good!)
"Adiós, Pa!"
He waved off to Gabi.
And an hour later you'd get a text from him.
Ya te extraño, mi reina.
This made your heart bloom with warmth. These two weeks would definitely be torture without him, but with a great power, came a great responsibility.
Soon you'll have him all to yourself again. But right now, all you could do was to hug a heartbroken Benji.
"He'll be back soon, mi amor. I promise."
Benjamin just nodded and followed Gabriella inside as Rosie stared at you.
"I know you want your Papa to sing to you before bed, but you'll have to put up with me, princesita."
Rosie cooed but smiled. Her lovely eyes raked over your face, as you took her inside.
Miguel's absence had started to seep through you all. It was bittersweet to call him, seeing him but being unable to touch or talk to him properly, to then hang up and see everyone's faces all glum.
You tried to keep them busy, Gabriella helped you around with Rosie or the house keeping, and so did Benjamin.
After the first three nights, the both had surprised you by joining you on bed. Gabriella had seen you cry as you folded the laundry. It didn't help that you were on your period, making a mess out of your hormones and emotions.
"We miss him too, Mama."
Rosie had her crib in your room, Benjamin cuddled you on the right, and Gabriella to your left, holding you by your waist.
"I know, Solecito. Just a couple of weeks more and we'll have your dad back."
"I don't like it when Papa leaves." Benjamin mumbled and you kissed his head as your hands caressed Gabi's hair.
"I don't like it either, but he is a busy man, mi amor. " 
His little hands hogged the sheets.
"What does he do anyway?"
This made you chuckle. Benjamin wasn't used to see Miguel in his work clothes.
"Dad is a scientist, Benji. He, uh, creates things." Gabriella explained while rubbing her eyes, sleepily.
"A dentist?!" You chuckled
"No, mi amor. A scientist"
"I thought Papa was a doctor"
"He is. But not the kind of doctor that you see at hospitals. Imagine being in a laboratory, and there is alot of people there. Your Papa works with them so we can have new things."
"Like?" He yawned
"New vaccines, medicines, that sort of stuff"
"Can you ask him to make medicines that tastes like my nuggies?"
This pulled a genuine laugh off your chest, your baby boy followed.
"Let me ask him tomorrow."
There wasn't a day that you all weren't in his mind. At first he grew anxious, knowing how difficult it was to handle a whole household on your own.
He'd send text often, asking about you, or the kids. You'd send him pictures of them doing different activities or sleeping. And sometimes to keep him motivated, you'd send him a couple of pictures or videos of yourself.
He missed you. That was sure, he missed your hair tickling his nose and trapping his face in it. Your huggable body he relished spooning onto, you welcoming home with the calm he needed after a hectic day and his kids being annoyingly adorable. He missed you all.
The kids and your saddened yet understanding face were enough for him to work hard every day, by pulling all nighters to have his didactic material and reports done. By the end of the week, he was tired enough, to just return to his hotel room and crash, absolutely quanked after hours of meetings, holed up in labs and audiroriums.
But it granted him the outcome he was looking for. With a couple of talks to an old friend of his, Xina, Miguel rearranged the whole scheduled activities to finish the workshops in a week, leaving him completely free for the next one. He had everything done for the other scientists and managers in charge.
They saw no reason to keep him longer than they should, so they let Miguel go.
He spent the whole day sleeping, recharging, he didn't call you that night, which worried you, but you knew how Alchemax got whenever they needed him.
Hope everything is going fine. Te amo.
As soon as the alarm hit five am, he checked out the room and drove back home. If his calculations were correct, he'd be there in a couple of hours.
The need of seeing you and his family after two weeks away. He couldn't have another. He needed you.
He needed your kisses, Gabriella's joy and jokes, Benjamin's odd questions and Rosie's laugh. And he needed them now.
After long hours of driving a familiar neighborhood came into view, and soon his home came into sight. Clock ticked three pm, meaning you'd be asleep with Rosie.
He parked the car, got his stuff out and closed the door. Heart beating a mile per second, it reminded him of the first time you came to his home, to watch a movie, without knowing it'd be the night you'd kiss and seal your forever deal.
Thrill ran through his body as he quietly opened the main door and put his things on the couch. He wasted no time and came up the stairs, and pushed the ajar door open. A relieved yet breathless sigh escaped his mouth upon watching you.
Curled up in the middle, cuddling his pillow, hugging it.
For a second, he'd scowl at the pillow as it was so lucky to have you just thw way he liked. But no object would replace him.
No object could hug you and love you the way he did. With slow and silent strides, he kneeled on the mattress, dipping it's surface with his weight to then lay next to you.
His shoulders slumped as he wrapped his arms around you. Fingertips roaming and exploring, as if he was discovering you for the first time again. You were real and his. He was there, with you, breathing the same air.
His face sunk in your hair, lovely strands caressed his face, just the way he had missed. Sweet aroma oozed from your skin, heartbeats calming down enough from their frenzy. He was home.
Eyes raked over your sleepy form, and he couldn't help but kiss your cheek, your temple and the corner of your lips.
The latter stirred you awake. For a moment he regretted waking you up, but guiltiness flew out the window when you stared at him like the first time he said he loved you. Wide eyed, blinking almost stupidly at him but oh so full of joy.
Your arms immediately went around him as he kissed you. Lips crashing on yours with such hunger he fumbled.
"Mi reina" he breathed before squeezing you into his broad chest, peppering your face and lips in kisses, mumbling I love you's and I missed you's so much in between them.
"Mi amor" His heart fluttered as yours came in tandem with it. "I thought you weren't coming until next week"
He shook his head, cupping your face in his hands, delivering you a final and loving kiss.
"Couldn't do it. I was missing you too much."
"We've been missing you too, the kids have been making me company."
"Yeah?" Another kiss, cause the previous thousands weren't enough.
"Yeah. Benji asked if you could make medicine taste like his Dino nuggets."
He chuckled while hoarding you in his frame.
"It's not impossible but, it's complicated.  Por Dios. No sabes cuánto me alegro de estar aquí." (By God, you have no idea how happy I am to be here)
"Not to be mean, but Gabi kicks in her sleep."
He removed a straying strand off your face, to properly admire you. Ever beautiful and radiant, like that night in Peter's carneada.
God, he loved you.
"What?" Your smile stretched further as he mimicked your lips.
"Nothing. Just thinking how... lucky I am."
Your heart melted. Your patience had rewarded you with a sweet man. He had passed from being difficult to express his feelings, to shower you in affection on a daily basis.
Public displays of affection weren't his thing, until you showed up and taught him the right ways. You had rewired his brain in such a wonderful way he'd be a liar to say if he didn't enjoy.
"Let's pick up the kids."
He offered and you nodded, already excited for the idea.
"Let's get Gabi first."
Rosie awoke as you drove the car, seeing her Papa made her squeal and kick her feet excitedly.
"Hola, Rosita preciosa" She cooed with a smile as Miguel winked her way.
You picked your car since you both wanted to be as sneaky as possible about it. You let Gabi know you were outside.
A couple of minutes passed when you heard the squealing outside the car as Miguel squeezed her.
"Mi Solecito hermoso. I missed you." (My beautiful sunshine.)
"Thought you'd come next week? Never mind that. You're home!"
His princess was like the Koala to his tree built. His hands ruffled Gabi's hair to then kiss the top of her head as she laughed.
"Let's go get your brother."
"Can we have some pizza later?!"
"'Course we can."
She beamed to then hug you and get in the car.
"I'll go get Benjamin."
You walked over the pre-school area and went towards Benjamin's classroom. He was finishing a drawing and beamed when he saw you.
"Hello my pretty boy"
You hugged him and kissed his cheek repeatedly, "Ready to go home?"
"Yes. Look!" He showed you the drawing, you gasped, "Look at that! You did it by yourself?"
He giggled as he put on his backpack
"Teacher helped me."
"Why, thank you, Mrs. Mackie."
Benji waved his goodbyes to his teacher and walked with you towards the entrance.
"Benji, baby."
"Yes, Mama?"
You helped him to remove the little backpack and held his drawing.
"Do you know who's that man?"
His eyes followed your finger and gasped when he saw Miguel
"Papa!!" He bolted towards him, curls bouncing in the way, "Papa!"
Tears begun streaming down his face as he clung to him. Miguel quickly hugged him.
"Mi campeón, te extrañé mucho" Miguel mumbled as he rubbed in soothing circles his son's back, letting him cry while Benji now clung to his neck.
"You'll make me cry for real, buddy"
Miguel held Benjamin in one arm as he used his other free hand to wipe his tears.
"I'm here okay?"
"¿Te vas a ir otra vez?" (Will you leave again?)
Miguel shook his head and kissed his boy's curly head
"No. I just returned cause your Mama told me you missed me. I had work to do but I finished early. Couldn't leave my boy like that."
You put Benjamin's things inside the car
"Wanna go get some pizza?"
Benjamin just nodded and Miguel gave him a squeeze, earning a giggle from his boy.
"Let's go then."
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shesoutofhere · 3 months
Meet Me in the Corner pt.2
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Ignore all typos or I will cry.
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter is starting to grow on you but the Parker persona is not.
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
“So he totally blue-balled you.” your roommate says from her desk where she's painting her nails. 
“Mar that totally isn’t how you use that phrase.”
Mar has made you tell her what happened with Peter about 10 times now. Every time you re-tell it, she's come to the conclusion that Peter Parker is an asshole. 
“Okay well you get what I mean. Maybe you should request a new partner.”
Maybe not, Peter may have been an ass but you’d be lying if you said his work wasn’t good.
“Look Mar, maybe I just caught him on a bad day, I don’t know.” 
Marlene whips her head around, nail polish still in hand. “Oh don’t you start with that benefit of the doubt bullshit.”
You sigh, “Requesting a new partner is out of the question okay, I don’t want to seem like a difficult priss, especially since professor Cal already doesn’t like me.”
Mar gives you an obviously fake smile, “that is not true.” 
You give her a look and she grimaces, she’s started something.
“Professor Cal despises me and I don’t know why but  he does.” 
You feel your anger bubble up. You know you’re about to go on a rant and Mar, being a saint, listens. 
“He is constantly nitpicking everything I do and never fails to ridicule my projects in front of everyone. Nothing I do impresses him and I just-” you pause, “I think Peter might help.”
Mar shrugs her shoulders, “I’m still iffy since the blue-balling and all but whatever you think love.”
You giggle as Mar turns back towards her desk, “Hey Mar?”
“Yeah” she answers.
“Next time we're at the bookstore, remind me to buy you an urban dictionary.”
Mar just gives you a thumbs up.
You’re five minutes into your walk and realized a little too late that you need a scarf. You could turn back around and go get one but then you’d have to hear Mar say she told you so and that just won't do.
You decide to tough it out.
After a brisk walk, you make it to the library. Once you’re inside you decide that you’re going to treat yourself to a nice warm tea. You enter the library cafe and order your tea. Once it’s in hand you go to look for a spot to hunker down in.
You make your way through the floors and find yourself heading to the spot you found in the corner. When you turn the bookshelf you are surprised to see the spot empty. 
You immediately sit down and start taking your things out. 
You’re taking your laptop out of the case when you hear someone's shoes scuff to a quick stop. You look to see a surprised Peter Parker. Not very pleased with how he left you hanging yesterday, you just eye him up and down until your eyes reach his again. Peter is just standing there and you can’t help but ask, “ Can I help you?”
Peter walks a bit closer towards the table before he answers. “No, I was just checking to see if the spot was empty but it’s not so.” He says dragging the O.
Peter stands there expectantly, like he’s waiting for you to ask him to sit. You don’t, so he cracks first. “Do you mind if I sit with you, all the other floors are too loud and I really need some peace and quiet.” 
Surprised that  he actually asked you, in a nice manner at that, you just nod yes.
He moves to sit in the chair across from you. The tables are big enough to where both of you can spread out your work comfortably but you still can’t help but feel on edge. You didn’t come to the library expecting to see Peter, let alone have him sitting with you. 
You try your best to chill out, reminding yourself that you were here first and if anyone should feel mildly unwelcomed, it should be him. With that you decide to start typing up an article for a paper. 
You’re both quietly working when Peter speaks up. “What’cha working on?”
Trying not to lose your spot, you continue typing away and give a simple response. “An article”
You sigh, whatever groove you had originally found, is all gone now.
“A paper.”
“Which one?”
“An art paper.”
“Oh cool, what do you write?”
You look up from your computer to look at him. “What happened to peace and quiet?”
Peter seems a bit taken aback. You feel bad so you quickly follow up, “I write about up and coming artists. Whether that be new exhibits they have or just sit down interviews about their lives.” 
Peter stays quiet so you continue, “I also do in-depth reviews over specific expo’s and the fundraiser’s some of them work for.”
Peter crosses his arms and nods, “Cool cool.”
You give him a quiet ‘yup’ and go back to typing. You get about a sentence in before Peter interrupts you again. 
“Is that how you knew about the donors gala?”
You nod, “Sort of, but I really learned more about it through Austin.” 
“Art museum friend?”
You give him another nod, “art museum friend.” 
Peter just nods some more and leans back into his chair.
“Since we're on the topic, what exactly is the gala for anyways?”
Abandoning all hope for your article, you push your laptop away to fully engage with Peter.
“A bunch of the school's donors get together for a night and do a dinner and an auction. A lot of the art auctioned off is work that students have put together. Those students get invited and get to mingle with some pretty important people. Some even come out with internships or commissions.”
Peter can’t hide his surprise, “that's actually….really cool.”
You can’t help but agree, “yeah, even cooler that we get to go.” 
Peter sits up, “speaking of, how about we knock out that outline?”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t thrown off. Last time you saw Peter he was a bit of an asshole. Now, he’s tolerable and dare you say, easy to talk to. Whatever it is, you aren’t complaining.
“Yeah, let me pull up the sheet.”
You and Peter brainstorm for a while. Deciding on different angles and how to approach the assignment. After a while you guys decide on a solid plan and you begin to type it up on the outline. 
“So, you’re pretty lucky to have Cal as a professor, considering you write articles and all.”
You wince but continue to type, Peter notices. “What’s the face for?”
You let out a puff of air “I have this running theory that Cal is not very fond of me.” 
Peter looks intrigued. “Whaaat, Cal doesn’t like you? That can’t be true. What makes you say that?”
You shrug your shoulders, “he’s pretty, um, critical of my work. He also loves to pick on me and my ideas.” you double down, “like I said, theory.” 
Peter gives you a smile. “Uh oh, should I be worried about our project?” you know he’s joking, or you hope he’s joking, but you can’t help but genuinely worry.
Before you can really get into your head, Peter taps the table to get your attention. “Hey, I'm sure it’s gonna be fine. Plus I'm on the team now and I don’t mean to brag but my work is brilliant.”
Successfully making you feel better, you roll your eyes jokingly. “Yeah yeah I get it, Peter the almighty photographer.” 
Peter smirks, “so you’ve heard of my work?” 
You scoff, “oh come off it Peter.” 
All he does is laugh and starts to gather his things.
You can’t help but feel a bit sad?
“Well I’ve got to head out but let me know if you need any help on the outline.”
You nod, “Yeah, I think I should be good. I’ll finish it up and send it to you to look over.” 
Peter stands up and swings his bag over his shoulder, “if you want to, but I have full faith in you. You’re the writer after all.” 
You can’t help but smile at the compliment. “Look at us, the dream team.” 
Peter laughs and starts to walk away. “Oh yeah, Cal’s got nothing on us.” 
You let out a laugh at his comment. Peter turns to give a wave goodbye and turns the corner out of your eyesight. 
After a bit, you finish the outline, look it over a couple of times and once you’ve decided it’s perfect, you go ahead and submit it.
You send the file to Peter so he can go ahead and submit it for his class. Feeling pleased with the work you’ve done today, you decide to head out.
It’s Wednesday and you’ve just finished up with Cal’s class. You linger a little bit behind, finishing up the notes left on the board. Once you are done you begin to gather up your things and head for the door. Before you can make it out Cal calls out your name to stay behind for a sec. 
You halt in your steps and turn around to walk back to his podium. A fellow classmate gives you a sympathetic smile as she walks by you. You can’t help but dread what's to come.
Call talks to every other student before he gets to you. You can’t help but feel like he’s left you for last on purpose. You get up to his podium. He’s flipping through his stack of papers, when he pulls out a sheet of paper. You read the top and see that it’s your outline paper. 
Cal speaks first. “So, you and mister Parker are doing the donors gala?”
You nod, “yes sir.”
He just hums and looks down at the outline. He rubs his chin while he reads over the paper. 
“How will that work out?”
Here he goes. “Well Peter will take photos and I’ll write up the article.” 
Cal sighs, “yes I understand that but how are you guys attending? Will you be a guest? Workers? Volunteers?”
You pull your hands behind your back and try your best not to seem nervous. “We’ll be guests, sir. I know someone working the event and-” 
 Cal cuts you off, “So you’ll be loitering?” 
You dig your nails into your palms, trying to remain calm. “No sir, I know someone working who has offered guest passes and I’ve received invitations from an exhibit I write for.” 
“Ah” is all Cal says.
There's a bit of silence when Cal finally looks up from your paper. “ This is a very important event for the school and students involved.” Cal pauses, “you understand that you’ll be mingling with very important people?”
You nod, “of course professor.”
Cal grabs the paper and goes to hand it to you. Before you can grab it he pulls it back. “It’s an honor to be able to attend this gala. You will represent not only me but our school as well. I believe you’re one of the only students to have offered this idea up for the project. I’ll approve it but please note that I am expecting a lot considering how important of an event this is.”
You give another nod, beyond ready for this to be over. “Of course.”
Cal gives a curt nod, “very well then.” he hands over your paper, “I'm looking forwards to seeing you both there.”
You say goodbye and head out the door, paper gripped in your hand. 
When you make it far enough you look down at your outline. You sigh as you see all the markings on it. There's minimal notes on Peter’s ideas for the photos but your angle portions are all scribbled on. 
At the very top it reads ‘revise and turn in again by Friday.’
You think if you look at paper any longer you’ll cry. You shove it in your backpack and begin your walk to your next class. 
With your morning ruined, you can only hope that the rest of the day will be better.
Evil Cal has placed a curse on your day. You should’ve known his class would be an indication for how the rest of your day would go. 
You’d completely forgotten to finish your pre-lab for your lab, which led you to have to stay behind an extra thirty minutes to finish it. Those extra thirty minutes made you extremely late for your next class. You had run across campus in hopes of catching some part of the lesson. When you finally make it, dripping in sweat and out of breath, you walk up to the door and read the sign that your class has been canceled for the day. Just to top it all off, it started raining and you’ve got no umbrella with you so you had to go to the student store and spend an absurd amount of money on the smallest umbrella you’ve ever seen. 
You’re now walking towards your dorm, in no real rush. You’ve accepted that you’re going to be soaked by the rain, thanks to your ridiculously small umbrella. Your shoes make a squish sound with every step you take and you’ve got your backpack on your front side, hoping to protect what's inside. 
All is well until a gust of wind has the umbrella flying out of hand, poking you in the head on the way out. Your eyes drift to where it landed. You are extremely surprised when you catch sight of Peter holding the umbrella. You wave at him and get a small smile back. You think nothing of it as you walk over to him. When you get close you realize that he isn’t alone.
Peter is standing with a group of people under an awning of one of the classroom buildings. One guy looks familiar and you realize it’s the guy that interrupted you and Peter the first day you guys met. 
He gives you a wave and hello.
“Hey, we met the other day right?” 
You nod, “yeah” 
He extends his hand, “I didn’t properly introduce myself, I’m Nolan.”
You shake his hand and introduce yourself as well.
Peter is still holding your umbrella but hasn’t said a word to you yet.
You’re about to ask Peter for your umbrella when one of the girls from the group speak’s up. 
“How do we know you exactly?”  Okay wow, she’s a bit blunt. 
Nolan replies for you, “this is Parker's partner for that class he was talking about.”
She nods “Oh yeahh,  I remember. The project he’s worried about.”
Peter gives her a look and cuts in, “Charlotte.”  She just shrugs her shoulders. “What, were you not saying that you were worried.” 
Everyone but Nolan and Peter snicker. It’s like they know something that you don’t and you feel a pit form in your stomach. 
You can’t hold your tongue and look Peter right in the eyes. “What are you so worried about Peter?” 
He stutters, “well after what you told me I-” Charlotte clearly is having too much fun and decides to answer for him. “Parker here is worried about you guys failing the project, considering your track record and all.” 
Your stunned silent. You can’t remember the last time someone has been so blatantly rude to you. It reminds you too much of highschool and it’s upsetting you. What upsets you the most is the lack of Peters defense.
Your new found friend Nolan even says something, “Oh Charlotte don’t be like that.”
Charlotte just can’t seem to let it go, “I'm sorry, did he not say she hasn’t been able to ace a project.”  she looks at you with mock sympathy. “Don’t worry, I’m sure this project will exceed expectations.”
You feel your eyes begin to sting. You berate yourself in your head for tearing up. You blame the draining day you’ve had for the lack of self restraint.
You clear your throat. “Well Charlotte.” you turn to Peter who’s still not said a word. “Thanks for enlightening me on Parker's worries.” you snatch your umbrella out of his hand and walk away, offering no goodbyes. You faintly hear Nolan scold Charlotte but the giggle that follows tells that she doesn’t take it seriously. 
You speed walk as fast as you can, when you hear Peter call out your name. You don’t stop. You walk faster hoping that he’ll get the memo. You halt to stop when Peter steps in front of you. 
“Hey don’t listen to Charlotte. She’s kind of a-” you cut him off, “a bitch?” 
Peter winces, “I mean for lack of better words, yeah.”
Peter can tell you’re still upset and tries to lighten the mood. “Hey so I got this lens for the assignment, it's supposed to be really nice for night shots.” 
You are in awe. Is he really trying to completely disregard what just happened?
You deadpan, “real neat Parker, I gotta go.” you try to walk past him, but he manages to step right in the direction you're heading. “Hey, look, I’m really sorry but-”
You scoff, “but what?” you’re pissed off now. “I tell you something in confidence and you go and blab about it to all your friends.” you’re not done yet. “Speaking of your friends, that Charlotte one has a real shit-attitude. I am no one to judge who you can be friends with, especially since we aren't.” Peter frowns at that. “But it’s really telling about your character if that’s who you choose to hang with.” 
The rain begins to pick up again and you grip your umbrella harder, Peter still stands in front of you, now getting rained on. You believe you’ve had enough and step aside to go around Peter. Somehow he’s managed to line himself in front of you once again.
“Hey come on, it doesn’t have to be like that.” your eyes widen, genuinely shocked by his audacity. “You’ve got to be joking right? Peter you just let Regina George 2.0 make fun of me based off of whatever information you blabbed about.” 
Peter opens and closes his mouth, like he’s at a loss of what to say. You shake your head. “Whatever, you don’t owe me anything.” This time you’re set on getting away. Peter sticks his hand out. “Wait can I just-” you put your hand on his shoulder and shove him to the side. Peter is thrown off by this and it gives you a chance to get ahead of him. You think he’s gotten the message because he doesn’t call after you again. 
You make it to the crosswalk and wait for the light. You can’t help but look back at the group. Peters made it back and is laughing away with the rest of them. You can only assume he’s blowing off what just happened. 
You pull out your phone and immediately text Mar.
Peter Parker IS an asshole.
 Cal can kiss my ass.
ALSO, we need a bigger a umbrella. 
You see the dots and receive her response.
Oh honey, I'm ready and waiting. 
Doors unlocked 
You see the light turn green and give one final once over at the group. Seeing the group reignites your anger and you stomp your way across the street. 
Mar is about to have the biggest I told you so moment ever.
Peter is so #fake and i kinda love it.
Also, sorry to all the Charlottes out there, you're my villain of choice :)
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Okay question. Cause I see everybody be like “this is not true to Wilhelms character” “end of s2 wilhelm would never” and I just don’t understand that point of view? To me this makes so much sense as yeah he ended s2 with saying that it was him - but as simons friend also pointed out: he did that without talking to Simon about it. And I feel like with everything happening around him it makes so much sense to act the way he does. Is it good behavior? No, but with the way he was raised I wouldn’t expect otherwise. And also, it’s not like he’s the worst person to ever exist (also it is hilarious to me that he tries to solve every conflict between him and Simon by having sex or making out - peak teenage behavior). I’m just curious as to your pov of his character this season so far.
I think this is very much true to Wilhelm's character. Impulsivity and protectiveness have always been two of his key traits and we see that consistently throughout the season. He often acts impulsively to protect himself and/or Simon, even if he ends up doing the opposite in the end.
And it is because of how he was raised that he doesn't check with people before acting. He has never had a good example of that. He has always had decisions made for him. He has never been given the privilege of a choice, and he has been told that that is love. It makes sense that he replicates that with the one person he loves more than anyone else. He is making decisions for Simon because he has learned by example that love is protecting people even when they don't understand what they are being protected from, even when they don't want protection.
Wilhelm also has a history of projecting his feelings onto people. Constantly. We've seen it since season one. The first example that comes to mind is when he tells Simon that dealing is "so fucking low" when he is the one in the middle of a potential drug scandal. So it makes sense that Wilhelm continues to project his own feelings and insecurities onto people throughout this season. We see it in season two when he does whatever that was with Felice. We see it in season three with the Erik stuff.
Wilhelm has committed at this point. He came out, he is out, and he's with Simon. So, to him, pushing it in everyone's face at school, not having to hide, is exactly what he and Simon wanted. But then he has this other side where he needs to control how everything is working within the royal family/court, so he needs to have Simon under control. He doesn't take a second to think about how Simon has his own opinions because he's acting impulsively almost all of the time.
You mention how Wilhelm seems to always turn to sex or making out, and yeah it's because he's a teenager, but it's also because physical touch is his love language. He's using it to make up with Simon, sure, but he's also using it to just show Simon "hey, I love you, and I know we're in a rough spot, but I still love you."
So to me, this all tracks.
Impulsive? Check. Projecting? Check. Not asking for input on things he should have input on? CHECK.
True to character.
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0cta9on · 28 days
Length: 1.6k words
Genre: Fluff
Young Posse Sunhye x Male Reader
(Author's Note: Something short and sweet. Still working on that other draft I mentioned before :> Enjoy!)
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“If only you applied yourself.”
“If only you paid more attention in class.”
“If only you stopped doodling in your notebook.”
The hum of the prehistoric monitor sitting before you is a familiar tune, yet one that doesn’t cease to fill you with dread. Every year, you’re met with the same song and dance about your troublesome grades, and every year, they think the best solution is to shove you into the computer lab for hours on end with the other unfortunate knuckleheads. It’s less of a summer school and more of an excuse to keep the “troublemakers” off the streets while the good little boys and girls get to actually enjoy their summer.
Admittedly, it could be worse. The geriatric dinosaur of a teacher always dozes off in the first 10 minutes of class, leaving the rest of you to your own devices. Everyone else has already formed their own little cliques that you have no desire to be a part of, so you’re content with messing around on MS paint for the better part of two hours.
You lean back in your chair, stretching out the pain in your lower back. Not your best work, but it’s the best you can do while drawing with a mouse.
“Cool drawing.”
“Hm?” Your head snaps towards the voice, being met with a soft pair of eyes and a modest bob cut, both of which are strikingly unfamiliar. “Oh. Thanks.”
 “I like the shading and stuff. Makes it really pop.”
“Yeah…” you murmur awkwardly, unsure of what to make of this interaction. The girl gives you a nod before looking back at her own computer, watching some dance video with the volume muted. Has she always been sitting next to you?
The bell rings before you can linger on the moment any longer, and you’re out the door faster than the teacher can put on her glasses correctly. Right before the computer lab exits your view, you catch a glimpse of the girl snapping a photo of the drawing on your computer.
As you enter the computer lab once again, you see the same girl from yesterday eagerly waving you down. You look behind you to see if she’s talking to someone else, but nope, her vibrant gaze and buck toothed smile are aimed right at you.
“Um, hey.” You take your usual seat, which, unbeknownst to you for God knows how long, is right next to hers. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“I don’t know, shouldn’t you be asking yourself that?” she shoots back.
Her strange response leaves you stunned in your chair, searching your memory for a face that matches hers. Maybe she’s an old friend from your childhood or someone you’ve worked on a project with and promptly forgot about. However, nothing comes up other than the sudden interaction from yesterday.
“I guess… I don’t know you?” you say to yourself more than her. She chuckles at you, finding amusement in your confusion.
“I’ll make it easy for you: No, we’ve never met before yesterday.”
You sigh, already exhausted by her odd behavior. “Okay…” You pull up MS paint, hoping she’ll leave you alone, but of course, your prayers fall on deaf ears.
“What are you gonna draw today?” she asks, leaning a bit too close for comfort.
“Uh, I don’t know yet,” you reply, “Whatever comes to me, I guess.”
“Cool.” She nods in contemplation. “So, is that, like, your creative process or—”
“Hey, you two!” the teacher croaks out. “No talking!” 
You give her an apologetic look, sinking deeper into your chair as the heat rushes to your cheeks from the unwanted attention. Hopefully the sudden spike in her blood pressure won’t keep her up longer than she usually is. The last thing you need is this octogenarian raisin breathing down your neck alongside the weirdo sitting next to you.
Thankfully, it doesn’t take long for her to knock out on her desk, albeit a couple minutes later than she usually does. A cautious glance to the side reveals the girl wearing big headphones, bobbing along to a music video on the computer, leaving you to doodle on the screen to your heart’s content.
You don’t really have a process for these things; if you’re given the luxury of time and solitude, maybe you’ll take a breath to figure out a clear picture to capture onto whatever canvas you’re working with. But on today of all days, you let the lines speak for themselves while you think about everything except drawing. What you had for breakfast this morning. What you’re planning on doing later. What the cute girl in your pre-calc class might be doing right now. Anything to pass the time that doesn’t involve more than a hint of effort to think about.
Oftentimes, the end product is a surprise to you. Whatever it is that you’ve been holding inside manifests itself onto the screen in a mess of lines and pixels. Last week, it was the piece of cake you had for dessert the night before. Yesterday, it was a character from a show you just started watching. Today, it’s…
“Is that me?”
A whisper from the side makes you jump in your seat. “W-what?”
“Your drawing.” The girl points up at your screen, wearing a thin smile and glint of intrigue in her eyes. “That looks like me.”
You scoff at her. “No, it’s not—” A single glance is all you need to learn the horrifying truth. Normally, anything you create with a mouse is subpar to what you can do with a pencil, but this - It’s way better than anything you could ever hope to produce on paper.
The soft texture of her hair, the gentle puff of her cheeks, hell, you even included the chunky headphones she’s wearing. You might as well have asked her to jump onto the screen for you.
“Th-that’s not… I-I didn’t…” you stutter, desperately searching for a reasonable explanation that you don’t have.
“It’s fine,” she says, “Crushes are perfectly normal for boys your age.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks. “I-I don’t have a…! I don’t even know you!”
She reaches a hand towards you, flashing a cheeky smirk at your expense. “Sunhye.”
“Well, Sunhye,” you sneer, ignoring her attempt at a handshake, “It’s not you. It’s, uh, some other girl.”
“Right.” She raises an eyebrow at you, clearly not convinced. “Maybe you should stick to drawing, I don’t think your acting career will get very far.”
“W-whatever.” You hurriedly try to close out the window, ridding yourself of the mess that you accidentally created, but a soft touch against your hand sends a wave of electricity through your body, freezing you in place.
“Wait! Let me take a pic first!” Sunhye exclaims, her hand on top of yours. She snaps a picture, giggling to herself, while you’re left to sit there like an idiot.
“This is pretty cool, you should consider doing this for a living,” she teases.
“Uh… Yeah. Thanks.”
The bell rings, and you’re out the door before she can say another word. Not even the summer sun can compare to the heat dancing on your cheeks.
The monotonous drone of the computers is a lot louder today without Sunhye bugging you. Peace at last, you think - but five minutes into class, before the teacher has even begun to nod off, you find yourself stealing glances at the empty seat next to you, almost expecting her to suddenly appear out of thin air.
A weird feeling finds its home in the pit of your stomach as you stare at the blank screen in front of you, void of any inspiration. You even consider actually doing your assignments for once to pass the time, but you’re not that bored. You have access to the entire world at your fingertips, yet all you can seem to do is rest your head on the table and wait until the bell rings.
“Let’s get out of here.”
A familiar voice whispers lightly against your ear, you almost believe it to be a trick of the mind. And yet, the hand nudging against your shoulder feels very, very real.
You look up, finding yourself face to face with a soft pair of eyes and a modest bob cut. “What?” you ask her.
“I said let’s get out of here,” Sunhye reiterates. “It’s clear neither of us are here to do any actual work, so let’s go.”
“B-but…” You take a quick scan of the room. The teacher is knocked out and the rest of the students are doing what they’ve always done, paying the two of you no mind. It would be so easy to just dip out without a second thought. Too easy not to raise a few red flags, really.
“Where would we even go?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know. Who cares?”
A cheeky grin grows on your face, mirroring the expression she’s been holding this whole time. You’re not the smartest person on the planet, and no amount of schooling or stern talking-to’s will ever change that. Maybe you’re not destined to be some bigwig doctor, but surely there’s more to life than sitting in front of a computer and waiting for something to happen, right?
And so, you take this strange girl’s hand and you run like crazy until your legs feel like anchors and each breath creates fire in your lungs. Your shoes squeak against the linoleum floor before meeting the heated concrete outside, each step punctuated with a kick of dust in its wake. In the moment, it feels like sweat stains and burning skin, but it’s all very picturesque in your memory, frame by frame ripped straight from a stylistic indie film. In the sea of summers spent wasting your time, this one feels like the first cold shock of dipping your toe into the ocean, waking you up to experience the rest of your life with open eyes.
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