#hi i'm back for a bit before school takes over again hahahaha
bee-wg · 1 month
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Our family isn’t too big. Ever since my grandparents moved to their cottage by the lake, It's just been the three of us. I don't even bring my teammates or friends home. And all the peacefulness is about to change. 
“Ahh Shit- Sorry!” the fumbling buffoon said. 
“Language, sweetheart. David! Could you help him pick it up? I'm tidying up the kitchen,” My mom replied. 
“Coming!” My dad sprints down the stairs. 
“Oh, Pumpkin, you're all grown up! Are you prepared for the semester?” Dad gestured to the culinary tools scattered across the floor. 
“Yes, of course. Sorry about the mess,” he replied. The “Pumpkin” in question is my cousin, Theo. He's about to attend a college in the city to study culinary arts… or something. And, of course, he’s sharing the room with me. Not for long, though. I have a few buddies who have invited me to share a room with them. They reek, but it's a necessary evil. 
“Jay,” my dad asked, nudging me, “Remember when you guys used to play house together every summer?” 
“Yes, then he bit me and we never talked again,” I deadpanned. 
“Oh come on, he was just a kid,” Dad retorted. 
No, he wasn't. He was a little demon that stole my pretend credit card. My hand still itches thinking about that vicious attack. 
I put down Theo’s luggage and bit back the argument. “I'll go back to the car to see what’s left.” 
“Alright bud, thanks for the help.”
“No problem.” He could probably thank me by asking what happened at football camp, but what do I know? It's not like we haven't talked about football the entire summer. We could be doing that right now, on the deck with some ice-cold beer. But the twinky little “Pumpkin” needs help, and I have the muscle for it. 
God, I wish the summer was over already.
“Hahahaha Exactly! I have never seen Chloé like that before.” Dad laughed.
“Right? Who knew mom had sass in her.”
Mom's competitiveness was kicked off by Theo's presence. The kitchen has basically been a war zone for the past two weeks.
Looking down at my watch, the light flashes on.
6 kilometres down, 5 more to go.
It’s been a while since I’ve had a good morning run with Dad like this one. The ocean breeze flowing past my hair and the faint rays of sunrise brought back some old memories. 
Regulating my breathing, we slowed down for a second.
“Damn, son - your stamina has gotten so much better this past year.”
“The football camp really made you put up 20 pounds of pure muscles too, I’m glad I recommended you there.” Dad beamed proudly at me.
“You’re not too bad yourself, for an aging old man.”
I still get the same rush every time he compliments me. It’s like a reassurance that I’m doing something right.
“Hahahaha, you won’t be saying that when you’re one foot in your 40s; it’s basically death by fossilization.”
Dad has always been modest with his body, but everyone who knows him either admires his body, wants him, or is jealous of him and I am the same. Ever since high school I’ve been inspired to be like him. Even with the 15 pounds of muscle I have over him, I’m still lacking in so many ways. He just has the confidence to own it.
“Want some water?”
“Oh, right, of course. Thanks.” I took over the ice-cold bottle.
“About that training camp, I should request the school board to have the team register next summer for the training course. High school kids these days don't care about sports as much no more.” Dad said
“Speaking of which, remember your friend Lancaster who got held back for two years?”
“Yeah, Avery. He used to scold me when I didn’t take the nutrition classes with him. Haven’t hung with him in a while though.”
“Well, he probably won’t scold anymore. The kid got too cocky after getting a full sports scholarship and gained 70 pounds of fat in the summer. The university probably revoked the funds. Hope he didn't take it too hard.”
“Shit, that’s awful. I didn’t expect it to be him out of anyone. He was a damn good receiver.”
We resumed the pace, avoiding some rogue cyclists on the way.
Crazy to think the weight could creep up on Avery Lancaster of all people. I should watch out for myself too. I have good genes from dad so it probably will never happen, but the new influx of delicious food from Theo and my mom’s little competition definitely doesn’t help. At least it keeps the brat out of my room.
“Dad, I think I’m not going to move in with Brad and the guys.”
“Why the sudden change of heart?” 
“Well first of all, as much as I love them, the guys stinks. Second of all, Theo is not as much of a blood-sucking gremlin as he was before. And I don’t think I’m ready to say goodbye to you guys.”
“Plus, How can I leave when the thing with mom just got interesting.”
“Staying for the family drama, huh?” He chuckled.
“We’re happy to have you for as long as you want, Jay. Truth be told, your mom has been crying about it for weeks. We’re both not ready to say goodbye too.”
“Tell you what, Chloe and Theo probably have some fancy lasagnas waiting for us back home; let's cut through the forest and head back early to celebrate.” He said, practically drooling.
“Lasagnas for breakfast?”
“Wait, You just want the Lasagnas. Don’t you?”
“Hahaha, Maybe.”
“Well, don’t get too drawn in, or you’ll end up as Hansel in the candy house.” 
He laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.
That would be funny to imagine though, cause Dad is anything but a glutton.
Chapter 1 ->
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 6)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve plans his second date with Eddie, but before they go out again the group heads to the mysterious one-woman show, Pot of Gold.
(part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, link to Ao3)
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Tattoo artist/florist trope modern day au, you all know the drill by now, this chapter contains a lot of talk about marijuana but is otherwise wholesome and cute!
A/N: I'm BACK! Had to take a quick break for Steddie Week and also I saw Taylor Swift over the weekend but I am so happy to update this again! I've been holding onto this plotline for a WHILE and I am very excited for you to read. Also - to all those who've left comments so far, please know they make my whole day. Thank you so much <3
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“Robin, I’m an idiot.”
Steve was pacing the floor after his date with Eddie, visibly anxious. 
“Why? What happened?” she asked, concerned. “Did the rest of the show not go well?”
“No, it went PERFECT!” Steve replied. “And then I had to go and tell him that I would plan the best date of his life for our next one, and what am I supposed to do? Like, did you see him up there? He’s a rockstar, Robin! He’s charming, and he’s hot, and he’s - like, what am I supposed to do? How do I top that? I can’t!” 
Robin stood and watched him ramble, nonplussed.
“You’re right,” she said. “You are an idiot.”
“Thank you, I know.”
“No,” Robin continued. “You’re an idiot because Eddie is clearly into you and no matter what you do he’s going to love it.”
Steve wasn’t convinced. 
“Sure,” he said sarcastically.
“Dingus, come on. Did you see what he did for you tonight? He obviously wanted to impress you, and he did.”
“Yeah, and now I don’t know how I’m going to impress him,” Steve replied. Robin sighed, then smacked him playfully on the arm. “Ow!”
“Idiot!” she repeated. “You’ve already impressed him. You’ll be fine.”
Steve thought about this, then shrugged. Robin was probably right. She usually was. It was annoying, but it kept him from self-destructing, so that was good. Before Robin, back when he was in high school, he used to do all kinds of weird shit to impress girls. He thought back on those times fondly, but it’s not like he could do any of that nowadays. 
Although, it did give him a bit of inspiration on how to update his old tactics. And then, he had an amazing idea.
“Oh my god,” he said. “I think I know what I’m gonna do.”
“Hallelujah,” Robin responded, unamused. “Can we talk about my thing now?”
Robin told Steve about her conversation with Gareth, and how they were all potentially going to go to the mysterious one-woman show the following night. Robin didn’t get Gareth’s number or anything, because of course she didn’t, so Steve had to reach out to Eddie to kick off coordinating the whole thing. 
Steve: Did Gareth tell you about going to see that play with Robin?
Steve: Also hi 🙂
Eddie: Hello! Yes he did. And by that I mean I asked him just now. Tomorrow?
Steve: Yeah, 7pm. 
Eddie: Cool. I’m in!
Steve: Awesome, I’ll let her know!
Steve: Oh also, just so we’re clear. This is NOT the date. 
Eddie: No?
Eddie: I’m imagining you surprising me by jumping on stage and announcing you’ve been the mystery woman all along or something
Steve: Hahahaha
Steve: I’m not a stage person like you, but I do have something planned
Eddie: Color me intrigued
Steve: 😘
Steve: Had a great time tonight btw
Eddie: Likewise :) 
To say Eddie was giddy would be an understatement. He was practically vibrating with excitement after he dropped Steve off, fresh off the high of both performing again and kissing an extremely hot guy. 
Eddie was truly living his best life. 
He walked into work the next day with a spring in his step. Eddie never walked with a spring in his step. He noticed Bob recognized the abnormal behavior from across the room, but thankfully the man minded his business. 
“Helloooooo Sonic,” Eddie said to the cactus as he took off his coat and put it on the rack. He sat down. “You’ll never guess what happened last night.” Eddie took his books and drawing tablet from his drawer, pausing for an imaginary answer. “Damn! How’d you guess? Did Steve tell you?” 
“Good morning, champ,” Bob said as he stood in the doorway. Eddie jolted back, blushing at being caught. “Love the energy, but maybe you should use that friendliness with the customer up front?”
“Got it, sorry,” Eddie said, rushing out of the office and to the waiting area. Bob just laughed to himself, then sat down at the desk to work on some spreadsheet about expenses that Eddie could never understand. 
Steve was making Eddie lose his mind in the best way. It had been a while since he’d felt this playful or silly. He used to be all kinds of theatrical, but he’d gotten a lot more subdued. Steve was reigniting that part of him, and it felt nice.
The rest of his day went by in a blur. He’d never been more charismatic and nice to the customers, even the ones he usually would find annoying. Bob seemed to approve of his attitude, and as a reward let him leave early. He had no other appointments anyway. This gave Eddie time to go home and get ready for this show - which, prior to this day, Eddie had no interest in. But Steve and Robin and Gareth and the rest of the guys would be there, and that made it more than appealing. 
He wanted to kiss Steve again. Badly. That was the one drawback about being around friends - Eddie was cool with PDA once in an established relationship, but he wasn’t about to suck face with Steve in front of other people when they’d only been on one date. That would be weird. 
Whatever Steve had planned better be soon - AND in private.
This wasn’t a standard theater. It was actually just a house. A house that had been repurposed, sure, but a house nonetheless.
“Is this the right place?” Steve asked. 
“Yeah,” Robin confirmed, double checking the address on her phone.
“There’s a sign over there,” Eddie said. They all walked towards the tiny sign with an arrow that pointed to a path that led to a door. All of it was very weird, but cool. 
“God, I love shit like this,” Gareth added with a grin. “Like, are we gonna get murdered or are we gonna see a show? Let’s find out.” The rest of the group laughed, and then they headed to the door. There was a tiny handwritten note.
Knock to the beat of your favorite song.
“What the fuck are we doing?” Eddie said, chuckling. “Who is this woman?” He was amused by the whole situation more than anything. Like Gareth, Eddie lived for weird situations. Plus, Steve had his arm around him, so honestly anything could happen at this show and he’d still be happy.
“Robbie, this is all you,” Steve prodded, motioning for her to do the knocking. She did so, knocking a specific pattern into the wall. Steve smirked, knowing which song it belonged to.
“So, what’s it from?” Gareth asked. 
“I’ll never tell,” Robin remarked. Steve considered revealing it, but held his tongue. Especially because, moments later, some guy with long straight hair down to his waist answered the door and spoiled it before anyone else could.
“Heyyy, Stevie Nicks! Excellent choice, my dude,” the man said as he high-fived a stunned Robin. 
“How did you know that?” Steve asked. 
“Wait, he got it right?” Eddie wondered. Robin nodded. “Damn. Do you always know the songs?”
“Only the best ones, amigo,” the man replied with a warm smile. “Come on in!”
The group looked at each other, dumbfounded, before walking into the house. They were led through a living room down to a basement, where a makeshift stage was set up. Chairs were in front of it. Nobody else was there yet. 
“Oh my god,” Robin whispered to Steve. “I can’t believe you wanted me to go to this alone.”
“I didn’t want you to go alone,” he insisted. “I just said you should go to find out what it was all about, because you were clearly obsessed with it.”
The man spun around, causing the group to stop in their tracks. 
“Alrighty, Brochachos,” he began. “My name is Argyle, and I’ll be your host on this lovely evening. This is my house, so any house questions I’m your guy. Bathrooms are upstairs and to the right. Pick any seat you want down here, and I’d highly recommend checking out the table back there for a fully immersive experience.”
All heads turned to the back. 
“Oh, shit,” Gareth muttered. “Is that what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s drugs, then ding ding ding my friend,” Argyle responded. “We’ve got a full spread back there. Joints, pipes, edibles. No pressure though if you wanna ride the sober train. Pizza is over there, but I will warn you it’s ham and pineapple. Try before you deny, folks. If you need me, I’ll be up there.”
Argyle disappeared back up the stairs.
“Okay, it’s official,” Eddie said. “This is the best day of my life.”
They raided the table of weed and then sat down in the middle of the room a few rows back. They waited until five minutes before scheduled showtime, and no one else showed up. 
Robin had never been more grateful in her life to be with friends. 
The lights dimmed. 
“Oh, I am so fucking ready for this,” Gareth said with a grin, already blazed out of his mind. A spotlight appeared on stage, and then the star of the show walked out. 
She had long blonde wavy hair and beautiful big eyes. She was wearing cargo pants and a tiny piece of fabric that could barely pass as a shirt. The woman got a joint from her pocket, lit it, and took a drag before speaking. 
“The first time I smoked weed I was sixteen,” she started. “I’d been having these horrible headaches and one of my friends suggested I’d try it out. Everyone was doing it. It was honestly weird that I wasn’t doing it.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie muttered. 
“What?” Steve asked.
“Shh!” Robin said. The woman on stage smirked. 
“So, I met up with this guy in the woods behind the school. He was known for being the one to go to for these things. And he says to me, ‘what can I do you for, Goldie?’ And I had no idea what I was supposed to say. Long story short, I tried every strain I could get my hands on with that guy for the next few weeks. Some helped the headaches, but some were just fun. And some -” She stood up and walked to a canvas on the side of the stage. “Some made me a really good painter.”
She continued to smoke and paint as she told her story. Her and this guy continued to hang out the rest of her time in high school, forming something of a relationship. She described it as being very powerful, and often thought of it as being her first love, but that they hadn’t spoken since graduation. She then went on to talk about how she moved to California after graduating and met Argyle, and all the adventures she’d had since. She opened up about her body dysmorphia, then finished the show talking about her journey to find herself and her sexuality. 
It was all incredibly captivating, and once the spotlight went out and she walked off stage, the group in the audience was left speechless. 
“Wow, that was…” Steve began. His high had faded halfway through the show, and he was so immersed in it that he didn’t continue smoking. “Way better than anything I could have imagined.”
“I think I’m actually in love with her,” Robin said with wide eyes. Gareth chuckled and murmured something to Eddie, who elbowed him in the ribs. “What?”
“Eddie, come on,” Gareth prodded. “Tell them.”
“Tell us what?” Steve asked. Someone cleared their throat beside them, and they all turned their heads to reveal the star of the show standing there, her hands on her hips.
“Eddie Munson,” she said, smirking. “I thought it was you.”
Robin and Steve’s jaws dropped. 
“Hey, Goldie,” Eddie responded. 
“Wait, what?” Steve exclaimed, his eyes bugging out of his head. 
“Hi,” Robin said softly with a slight wave. “I’m Robin.” The woman, Goldie, turned to Robin and fully looked her up and down, checking her out.
“Chrissy,” she responded. “Nice to meet you.”
Steve didn’t even have to look at Robin to know she was about to pass out. 
“So,” Eddie said, standing up. “I guess we all have some catching up to do.” The others followed suit, and then they walked as a group up the stairs and to the living room to sit down and talk. 
Apparently, Chrissy had gone to the same high school as Eddie, Gareth, and the rest of the band. Eddie and Chrissy had been extremely close, but then Eddie took off and never looked back after graduation. They only referred to it, but Steve could tell it was a sore spot. He wondered what exactly had caused Eddie to leave them all behind. That conversation would have to wait until at least the third date, though.
Eventually, the reminiscing died down, and the group decided to head out. Eddie told Chrissy where he worked, and mentioned when she could stop in. On their way out, Chrissy pulled Robin aside. Eddie smiled to himself when he overheard them exchanging numbers. 
Evidently, he wasn’t the only one who’d had an excellent day.
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD. Oh. My god!” 
Robin had been talking like that for about ten minutes now.
“She - she wants to go out with me. With me. And she - I mean, you saw her, right? She’s - like, holy shit. She’s perfect. I can’t believe this.”
“So,” Eddie said to Steve. “You think she’s gonna say yes?” Steve chuckled. 
“Robin, you’re hot as hell,” he assured her. “I’m not surprised at all.”
“Shut up, Steve,” she responded. “You have to say that, because we’re best friends. It’s like when mom says I’m pretty.”
“I think she just compared you to her mom, dude,” Gareth teased. 
“Okay,” Eddie interjected. “Well, I’m not your best friend and I agree with Steve. You’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Robin blushed. “But you’re dating my best friend, so you have to say that, too. Also, you’re gay.” Gareth chimed in next. 
“Alright, well I hardly know you AND I’m straight and Robin, for the love of god, know your worth. You and Chrissy are both goddesses and you’re perfect for each other.”
The group halted in their steps and turned to Gareth, stunned. 
“What?” he said. “I’m just telling it like it is.”
They each headed to their cars and split for the night. The band promised to come back to town at some point so they could all meet up again. It was a bittersweet farewell, especially for Robin, but at least there were a lot of ways to keep in touch with people long distance. 
Steve and Eddie walked hand in hand down the sidewalk together. This time, Steve was the one taking Eddie home. 
“So, when do you want to go out again?” he asked. 
“I’m free tomorrow,” Eddie replied. 
“You’d want to see me three days in a row?” Steve asked, delighted. 
“Don’t act so surprised,” Eddie teased. “You and Robin both need a little self-esteem.”
“There’s a reason we’re better together,” Steve explained. “And why we’re so codependent.”
“Right,” Eddie responded. “So, tomorrow?” Steve smirked, then kissed Eddie for the first time since their date the night before. They both melted into it quickly, craving the affection they’d been keeping themselves from. They broke from each other and smiled. 
“Tomorrow,” Steve confirmed. 
“Good,” Eddie said on an exhale. “Cuz I wanna do a whole lot more of that.” Steve chuckled.
“Oh, we will,” he said. “I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Sounds good,” Eddie responded. 
Steve went home after that, then smoked the rest of what he’d picked up at the show. 
What an excellent day all around for everybody.
(next part)
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cwc-emoji-pluck · 1 year
may I request these three emojis for the event?
Hope you're having fun with this!
~ Flurry
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member: minghao x fem!reader
genre: fluff, light angst, percy jackson au <3
word count: 1488
warnings: mentions of sword fighting, swearing, y/n 'slaps' minghao on the shoulder but it's not like. bad or anything its like a playful smack to the shoulder, and also jokes about y/n playfully !!! hitting chan and hansol (they're besties pls don't worry) also cheol smacking joshua's shoulder? idk there is a lot of shoulder smacking going on
emojis requested:
🌈 - rick riordan’s world of percy jackson; seventeen are demigods in modern times ⚡️: a campground in the woods where it is common for people to suddenly disappear after swimming in the believed-to-be haunted lake  🐸 - Minghao
author's note: hahahaha i have no idea what i'm doing,,,it's been so long since i posted something school has just been...honestly it's not that bad i just don't have the energy to write a lot bc in between classes i take naps so :) also hello flurry it's been so long </3 i hope you are doing amazing and i apologize for taking 10000 years lmao pls enjoy !! (also thanks to my bestie @gallivantingheart for beta reading ily)
my main blog: @wonwooslibrary
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Y/N ran across the field away from her home cabin and towards the volleyball court where her two best friends sat. “He’s gone.” 
Mingyu and Seokmin, sons of Zeus and Apollo respectively, look over to Y/N. 
“Who?” Mingyu asks. 
“Minghao, he’s gone. The last time I saw him was when he said he was going to the lake. I told him not to go and that it would be safer if he went with someone but of course he didn’t listen to me.” 
Seokmin’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah. Soonyoung said he wasn’t at archery today and Chan said he hasn’t seen him since before he went to the lake. Junhui saw him on his way to the lake, but didn’t see him come back.” 
Mingyu hummed. “Did he actually like,” he gestured with his hands a bit. “Go in the water?” 
“I’m not sure. The last I heard from him was that he was going to the lake. He wasn’t in his cabin, either.” 
Y/N wasn’t going to tell her best friends that they never actually went to the Hecate cabin, and instead asked one of Minghao’s bunk mates if they had seen him. The Hecate cabin freaked Y/N out. 
“He can’t be too far, and I doubt he would willingly get in the water knowing the rumors. Maybe he’ll show up again at dinner tonight?” Seokmin suggested. 
Yeah. Maybe.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Later, the three friends, along with their recent Capture the Flag winner, Seungcheol, son of Ares, God of War, walked to the dining pavilion. Seungcheol was a good friend to the group, usually acting as a strong father figure to the others, but definitely wasn’t afraid to let loose, something that his father clearly lacked in. 
Being the worry wart she was, Y/N, of course, asked Seungcheol if he had seen her boyfriend. 
“I saw him yesterday around,” he looked up as if he was rolling his eyes. “Noon? Maybe one?” 
Y/N sighed. “I just hope nothing happened to him.”
“I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry---it’s Hao, he can get himself out of everything.” 
Minghao didn’t come to dinner, and that’s when Y/N started to freak out.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Minghao was a wonderful boyfriend, that was obvious. Of course, it was even more obvious to Seokmin, Mingyu and Seungcheol, as well as Y/N’s other two friends, Hansol and Chan, when Minghao came up to them a couple of days previous to his “disappearance”. 
“Guys, could you help me with something? And not tell Y/N about it?” Minghao pulled his capture-the-flag teammates to the side and pulled off his helmet. Looking around, he made sure nobody else was hiding around them to get them out of the game. 
“You want us to keep a secret from Y/N?” Seungcheol sighed. “Whatever it is, it’s a bad idea.” 
Seokmin and Mingyu, ever the worried friends, quickly agreed with Seungcheol. 
“No, no, no,” Minghao started. “Hear me out before you say no.” 
“Well, get on with it then.”
“I want to set up a date with Y/N. I know that she hasn't been having a good past few weeks and I want to make her feel better.” 
Seokmin nodded. “And what do you plan on doing for her?”
“Well,” Minghao moved his sword from his right hand to his left. “I want to set up a picnic in the strawberry fields, but I don’t want Y/N to try and find me. Would you be able to keep my whereabouts a secret after I see her tomorrow?” 
Hansol, who was silent up until now, spoke up. “I’m down, just don’t send her after us. I don’t want to get beat for lying to her.” 
Chan quickly nodded his head --- it looked painful to Minghao. “I second that, have you ever been hit by Y/N? It hurts!” 
“I guess I agree,” Seungcheol said after patting Chan on the shoulder. “Just don’t come up with a lie that gets us into trouble.”
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“Why did he think it was a good idea for his excuse to be the lake? That might just have been the stupidest thing that has ever come out of Minghao’s mouth.” 
Seokmin quickly agreed with Hansol’s statement. “Yeah, seriously. I’m almost worried that Y/N will throw herself into the lake in order to find him.” 
The two, who were sitting out front of the Demeter cabin, waiting for Junhui to come out, complained. 
“I certainly would have to agree,” Junhui scared the two as he opened the door to his cabin as quietly as he could. 
“Jeez Junnie! A little warning would be nice.” Seokmin put his hand on his chest. 
Junhui laughed. “By the way, Seokkie, you shouldn’t have to worry too much. Y/N is supposed to be led to the strawberry fields soon anyway.” 
“Who is taking her there again?” Hansol looked at Junhui who still stood behind the two. 
“I think it’s Jeonghan. You know how much Y/N trusts every word out of his mouth.” 
Seokmin scoffed. “Yeah, he’s the first person whose words I would believe without a second thought."
As Seokmin said that, Joshua and Seungcheol walked over to join the group, their sword fighting practice having ended just minutes before. 
“Hey Shua, Cheol, how was practice?” Hansol asked the two oldest. 
“It was good,” Joshua started. “I’m not sure how I feel about Chan asking if he could join us. You know how competitive he is, and with Cheol there, I got scared.” 
Junhui smiled. “Ah, Chan, he’s always so excited to learn and improve.” 
“Yeah, but it’s better when he’s getting his ass kicked by Y/N rather than Cheol. Even if he loses to Y/N, she still goes easy on him. Cheol just goes all out.” 
“Hey! You know I wouldn’t hurt Chan!” Seungcheol smacked Joshua’s right shoulder. “But speaking of Y/N, she’s being led by Jeonghan out to the fields right now.”
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“Why are we going this way? I thought you were taking me to the lake so I could look for Minghao?” 
“Just---hang on, okay? I want to show you something, it’ll be really quick and then we can look by the lake again.” 
Y/N sighed in defeat and let herself be dragged by Jeonghan across the camp to the strawberry fields. 
“Why are we here? It’s starting to get dark.” 
“Well, look at the field.” 
As Jeonghan said that, Y/N turned towards the fields, and there stood her boyfriend, flowers in his hand and a picnic blanket at his feet in between the rows of strawberry bushes. The sunset behind him made the sight even more ethereal. 
Covering her mouth with her hand, Y/N gasped. “No…” She looked to the side to see Jeonghan’s reaction, only to see the tree that he was leaning against seconds ago. 
“Minghao? What…is this?” Y/N walked through the little paths, avoiding stepping on the bushes, and stopped in front of her boyfriend. 
“I wanted to surprise you,” He handed the bouquet of flowers over to Y/N. “I know you’ve been struggling with training for your quest and being head counselor. I just wanted to do something nice for you before you stress yourself out too much.” 
Wiping the tears off her face with her left hand, Y/N used her right hand to smack her boyfriend’s shoulder. 
“What the fuck Minghao! How could you do this to me! I thought you died!” 
Minghao backed away from Y/N to avoid getting smacked again, all while holding his now-stinging shoulder. “Why would I have died?” 
“I was told, by your asshole friends, that you went to the lake! Alone! At night!”
“...So they’re my asshole friends now?” Minghao laughed. 
“Yes, they’re your friends! They lied to me! For two days! Friends don't lie!” 
“Awe, babe,” Minghao pulled Y/N to him in a hug. “You know I wouldn’t leave you out of the blue like that. I will always come back to you.”
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The following day, Y/N couldn’t stop herself from walking into the amphitheater where Seungcheol and Chan were swordfighting, the rest of the others watching diligently on the sidelines. 
“You!” Y/N yelled, holding her sword up, the point facing Seungcheol, who was disarmed quickly after Y/N caught him off guard. “Why did you convince them to lie to me!” 
“Ha, you see, Y/N-” 
Seungcheol bolted out of the amphitheater as fast as he could, Y/N on his tail.
The others, who were still sitting on the bleachers, looked over at Chan, who just shrugged and picked up Seungcheol’s sword. 
“She requested revenge,” Minghao said from his spot by the door that Y/N and Seungcheol had just ran through. “I promise it wasn’t my idea.” 
Seokmin leaned over to whisper in Hansol’s ear, “Okay, I lied. Minghao’s the last person whose words I would believe without question.”
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mygeekcorner · 1 year
Fine I'll give you some more book asks since you acted all pathetic and reblogged it again and begged for more: 18, 25, 30, 42, 43, 50, 51, 55, 61, 67, 68, 80, 86, 99, 100, 102 (lol), 104, 117, 118, 124. Also you must answer them all in one sitting (no drafting) otherwise the curse of the procrastinating tumblrina will fall upon you
Hahahaha omg yes, brilliant, love it, love you
18 your least favorite book ever
I mean there have been a fair few bad choices I've picked up along the way. But that I actually finished?
I really do think it might have been Twilight. Granted I did go in expecting to hate it, but it still managed to be blander and worse than I thought it had any right to be for a series with such devoted following.
25 a book by your favourite author
I said this in another answer but I don't really have favourite authors like that anymore. There are many good authours out there and I will read a series or two but I don't go looking for their names like I used to. But so far I guess Erin Morgenstern is a 2 for 2 author with very beautiful prose in both The Night Circus and The Starless Sea
30 your favourite middle grade book
So I've already talked about Narnia, HP, and my love for Eva Ibbotson but that was pretty much what I read back then. So I'll just mention Which Witch? by Eva Ibbotson as well. I don't remember many details from it, but I do remember that I laughed my way through it, which is never a bad thing.
42 a book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end
I remember A Storm of Swords by George RR Martin made me call you and scream at your answering machine lol
It was bad enough that the Red Wedding happened, but then right after we've seen the massacre the next chapter is from Aryas point of view again and it's her and Sandor reaching Riverrun and she is So Close to being with her family again, to being safe. But he is mean and harsh and won't let her run off and if I remember correctly he takes out his fucking axe and hits her in the head with it. And that's how the chapter ends???
I mean obviosuly he hit her with the blunt side and only enough to knock her out, but we have Just Seen how you can't trust anyone, and then she's with this big mean killing machine who she doesn't get along with, and he hits her with an axe??? Fuck man! Rude-ass bitch is what Martin is. But what else is new, you know?
43 a book that you have read more than three times
Harry Potter. And yes, I am well aware about how much we're all hating on Rowling now, please don't misunderstand me. But I had read the first 3 books over 30 times before the series finished. I used to re-read them about once a year. There is not a single book that even comes close to the amount of times I've read them. No, not even Narnia.
50 a book that made you cry a LOT
The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy fucking wrecked me when I read it in high school. Like it is off to a pretty grim start with a mother leaving her family and them thinking she killed herself as is, but then it gets even More emotional. I remember this one chapter that just left me sitting there shellshocked for the better part of an hour, those of you who have read it will know when.
51 a book that you found underwhelming
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I know! I'm sorry! I love the movie and bbc miniseries as much as the next hopeless romantic but the book just kind of... didn't live up to it? Reading it you can kind of tell that it is her first novel and certain things are a bit rushed and clumsy. I still enjoyed it, but I was expecting to love it, you know?
55 a book with a satisfying ending
Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle. Them dying just felt right to me. Not that I wanted them to die-die of course, but the way that it happens? Yes. It all came full circle and I always found a certain comfort in the way he let them die and stay dead (to our world).
None of this rising from the dead bullshit. Just tell a good story and wrap it up like a neat little bodybag. Only cowards let protagonists rise from the dead. Looking at you JK, yes even when I first read the book.
61 your favourite horror novel
Ok so reminiscing on books I read as a kid has me thinking, one of the books that really had me Scared for real when reading was probably The Witches by Roald Dahl. And like yes, I know, it's a childrens book. But it's a Scary childrens book. And I was a Child. I just remember the horror as he found out he was stuck in a hotel infested with child-eating witches *shudder*
67 your favourite historical fiction novel
Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig, I really enjoyed Gone With The Wind, but this published fanfic/spinoff/prequel to that is just so good. It made me care for the characters in a whole new light all over again. And he always was my favourite out of all the original cast so it was nice to have some more ideas about what he had done before Scarlet threw that first vase at him.
68 your favourite piece of classic literature
Can I say Shakespeare here or did it have to be written as books-books? I'm deciding books-books is the premise so I guess I'm putting down Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I don't like the ending, but after the book mentioned in #86 a bit further down it is better now. And I think it's the classic I've come back to the most so...
80 a book that reminds you of a loved one
The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan that @hobbitsus lent me in high school was just a blast to read and I remember it fondly. And the whole story is just so very Her from when we were growing up which adds to the love.
86 a book with an insane plot twist
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. Yes again with me bringing in published fanfic of classic works but the whole premise is so good! There are people who can jump into books? There is someone who manages to jump into an original manuscript, thus changing all the copies of the book? There are detectives working on putting the original Jeyen Eyre back into order when this happens to her? And that is the reason the book ends the way it does??? Amazing.
I never quite liked the ending in Jane Eyre, there is this bit that just seems to come out of nowhere to me. In this book? It's because Detective Thursday was there doing whatever she wanted. This fanfic makes the original work better. But the way it twists to do so? 11/10
99 a book with a strong female protagonist
The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon gives us all that Girl power Asexuality Forge your own path representation and I am here for it. Does the last book feel like the same series as the first book? Not even slightly. But the books are still a fun ride and I recommend anyone wanting to read about a farmer's daughter running away to join the army and then being actually good at her job give it a try.
100 your favourite gothic novel
ok so in like my mind Gothic should be Old. Old as balls. But I will also admit to Wanting to read books that old more than I Actually read them. So I will be cringe enough to just go with Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice cause that's the book I loved in high school and the internet lets me classify it as goth even if it doesn't feel right
102 your favourite dark academia read
What even counts as Dark Academia though??? I feel like it should be an ancient and heavy-ass tome but most things I read are quite modern? Can I say The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley? Like the book took up a good part of my backpack when I read it in school, that should count for something right?
I liked the way it spanned three generations' worth of stories and all the mysticism going on. It was my first Arthurian fiction as well which felt very Big and Impressive at the time.
104 a fluffy, sweet read
A Hundred Pieces Of Me by Lucy Dillon was a really comforting and nice read that I liked way more than I thought I would when it comes to chick lit. I think of that book whenever I try to pick out a vase now lol
117 your favourite anthology
So do we count fairy tales here or no? Cause I kind of want to say Bland Tomtar Och Troll which is that swedish collection of childrens stories that had the most exquisite art in it and I was especially obsessed with the story about the mermaid Akmea who saved the beautiful sailor, or the one with the kindly white lion who showed up in someones yard.
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Sidenote: I went through these old books to find the pictures since google was no help and one has an inscription wishing me a happy 4th birthday, and one has me trying to write my name and it is the most stiltedly awkward penmanship ever and my gosh that's the cutest thing 🥺
118 your favourite short story collection
Hoo.. I don't read a lot of those but when I was in high school they would give out little paperbacks called "Färdlektyr" with assorted short stories and poems and I always looked forward to that semester's edition, does that count?
124 the book you’re currently reading
I started on The Forest Of Stars by Heather Kassner a while back, and realised that the first 5 chapters do not live up to my hopes and so have not read anything since I had to put it down at the end of a lunch break OTL
These were a lot to do in one sitting! I did take a short break for dinner, but otherwise I did do it all in one go, please be happy? :*
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kai-wanted-doa · 11 months
Me typing too much cos im alone now
I played maplestory in like the 6th grade up until idk freshmen year and during that time I made a friend and we'd allllways play together we had a lil group of friends that we'd often play with. he and i eventually added each other on MySpace, but as we got older we all got busier and played less and my laptop at some point could NOT run maple without having a total hot dramatic breakdown (she's so like me). But throughout the years this friend and I would every once in a loooong ass while log back into MySpace (I'm surprised I even remember my email/password. Everytime I log in I'm like -welp this'll be the last time I recall this information- I don't even have access to that email anymore)
I can't remember when I did, but some years after we had lost contact I randomly logged into maplestory and sent him a message saying something like -hey was feeling nostalgic and logged back into MySpace. Don't know if you'll ever see this, but just wanted to say i used to have so much fun playing maple with everyone and i hope you're doing well.- this was really a shot in the dark bcos yall, MYSPACE IS DEAD each time I log back in it gets PROGRESSIVELY WORSE AND WORSE. I have no access to my photos no more I can't see my page nobody's images work its laggy as hell, but hey, our songs are still on there 😆 I always liked visiting his page becos the song on there hasn't changed in yeeeeeeeeeears. It reminds me of the good past. He and I played the dance Audition game for a bit after maplestory and his favorite song was Stay in Me
After sending that message, I waited about 1-3(?) Years before logging back in and to my surprise, he had been on MySpace in that time frame and responded. I can't remember the timeline it mightve been during that exchange or a few exchanges later (which each message we send/respond to takes 1-3 years bcos we're both rarely checking this thing but nonetheless we always come back LMAO) he eventually gave me his number so I could text him instead of using MySpace and I did but I didn't have data (no true need since i didnt go out often or have friends that id constantly call/text) so I used a number i received via a text app, but that text app was super fucked, we exchanged a few texts but it was on my end that we lost that connection. While we texted, he was like -hey remember ___ this girl we used to play with? Turns out I know her irl!!! We went to the same school together!! Found out years later. Small world- hahahaha crazy. I love hearing these stories about ppl meeting their maplefriends. My ex said he used to play too and saw a character with the same area code as us. My ex confirmed the city and they asked each other how old/what school. The next day in high school, he's dapping up his good friend and they're over the moon finding out they found each other on maple. All cos the friend used his graffiti tag name x area code number, and my ex was able to ID him hahaha
Anyway, i hadn't logged onto MySpace in awhile cos I was in college, got my degree, started my career, and got a boyfriend I was madly distracted by
May(?) 2022 i caught covid and quarantined. Bored out of my mind I log back into MySpace and sent him a message saying -hey! I caught covid! Quarantine led me here. Hope you're doing well.-
My parents left for Laos this week and I needed to add them on Facebook to communicate just in case. Logging into Facebook reminded me of logging into MySpace. Another year and I still remember it whew 😮‍💨
My maple friend responded again!!! In May 2023. Almost exactly a year after I sent the message in May 2022. MySpace is so dumb u can see the month and date of the message but not the year, so I literally had to inspect the coding on the page to find out when this message was sent. He gave me his number again and said lets connect or play games. I finally saved it in my phone. He mentions that at this point, we are really like penpal friends LOLLL OTL I laugh cos I'm dragging him through this painful way of communicating
I'm pretty messed up in my life right now. I'm pretty much trying to let go of the career path my parents put me on, I just got out of a breakup. I haven't responded to my friend yet. I want to clear my head a lil more and get it out of my system to avoid trauma dumping lmaooooo he don't need to hear alla that!!!!
I own up to the fact I don't have close friends cos I'm poor at keeping close connections. I literally have a friend in my IG dm reaching out to see if I'm ok cos I left the friend group chat that included my ex. I just got major trust issues maaaan lmfaooooo what can I say!!!! My ex best friend flirted with my ex. My ex went and had sex with her. I asked him repeatedly if it happened. He kept saying no. Fucking gaslit me. I finally really interrogated him about it last weekend. He finally broke and told me the truth.
So yeah hahah I'm pretty fucked up
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exyjunkies · 6 years
andreil being rlly domestic and not even noticing. like making food and drinks and getting shit out and putting shit away and tidying up all at the same time and like weaving around each other like it's second nature. working as a unit. it's dumb and gross they haven't even noticed. the foxes notice.
the one where the foxes notice - non-Exy edition[because hey, it’s always fun to imagine them in a non-Exy universe]
i. dan & matt
“Hi. Have you guys been waiting long?” Neil said, upon opening the door. Matt shook his head in reply, effectively getting some snow on the hood of Dan’s coat. Dan made it a point to send a glare back to Andrew, who turned around in favor of marching off towards the kitchen. “Please, come in. Dinner will be done in an hour.”
“Thanks. We’ll hang our coats.” Taking in the state of the apartment, Dan had to admit that she was impressed. She knew Neil and Andrew owned an apartment just around 5th, rent significantly downsized by their landlord, who enjoyed Andrew’s love and skill for art enough to allow him his own gallery just a few floors down. 
She didn’t know (or expect) it was an apartment well-kept and made habitable by humans other than the both of them.
Matt gaped at the remote-controlled fireplace, pressing the buttons to make the flames roar up or flicker down. By the fireplace was a row of books, a shelf with framed photographs, and a jar labeled “Neil’s Percentage Jar” half-filled with change. Dan nudged his shoulder to make him quit (literally) playing with fire.
“Come on, Dan,” Matt insisted, flopping down on the couch and petting King, who had promptly decided he did not like Matt, and made a show of jumping off the couch and striding into the other room. “You got to admit it’s surprising that they have some pretty good digs.”
Dan shrugged. “They probably aren’t the same people we knew back in high school. College changes things, y’know.”
“Your nosiness hasn’t changed though, has it, Boyd?” Andrew piped up, as he walked into the living room with a plate of cookies. He set it down on the coffee table and picked up Sir Fat Cat, who was pawing at something on their brown carpet. Dan stared at Andrew’s sweater, long enough for Andrew to pick up on it.
He sighed. “Yeah, Neil had matching sweaters knit for the both of us,” Andrew mumbled. Both were fox-print sweaters, with Neil’s in fall colors and Andrew’s in black-and-white. “It’s tacky, but it keeps out the cold efficiently enough.”
Matt stood there, blinking, while Dan tried to say something, but failed after only opening her mouth. Andrew, in favor of ignoring them, had decided to sit down and feed Sir Fat Cat a piece of his snickerdoodle.
From the kitchen came Neil’s voice. “Matt? Marshmallows in your hot chocolate, right?”
“I– oh, uh, yes, please, lots of marshmallows, thanks Neil,” Matt fumbled, swallowing and turning his attention back to the pictures by the fireplace.
Dan heard Andrew’s scoff of amusement from his place in the armchair, and grinned despite herself.
ii. aaron and nicky
Aaron was picking at his mashed potatoes, pointedly ignoring Neil’s story of their trip to the Grand Canyon. Nicky nudged him while taking a sip of his wine and nodding. “And then? What happened?”
“Well,” Andrew cut in, knife slicing through his own medium-rare steak. “Turns out we didn’t have enough gas to get back home, so we drove to the nearest bed-and-breakfast, which had a gas station nearby. And– uh, Neil, can you pass me the greens?”
“Oh, sure,” Neil passed the bowl over to Andrew. Nicky eyed this gesture suspiciously. What the fuck was happening here?
He looked at Aaron as if to say exactly that, and Aaron made a face back saying Well, I told you they were gonna act weird.
“And then,” Andrew drawled on, dumping greens on his plate, “We end up sharing one order of their breakfast special, because their servings in that diner  were massive.”
“To be fair, we did have big burgers for lunch,” Neil supplied, patting Andrew’s arm lightly. Andrew rolled his eyes.
“Is that so,” Nicky said, dumbfounded. Subtle gestures of affection being accepted and welcomed by Andrew? Were they having dinner in another dimension?
Andrew stood up to grab another beer from the fridge. “If anything, that breakfast special was enough for dinner and breakfast. I don’t know how Americans live with themselves, honestly.”
Neil nodded. “Would actually drive all the way back there with the rest of the group, if you guys want to. I’ll call Dan tomorrow.”
As Nicky’s fork was halfway to his mouth, Aaron quipped, “Will we see more of… whatever you guys are doing?”
As if on cue, Andrew and Neil both said, “Doing what?”
Nicky facepalmed and made a sideways face at Aaron. 
“We just…” Nicky trailed off, unable to explain as Andrew spooned more gravy onto Neil’s mashed potatoes. “Ugh. Never mind.”
iii. renee and allison
“We’ll pick the movie this time, is that cool with you boys?” Allison said, one hand on her hip, the other holding a bunch of DVDs. She stood there, staring at their DVD player and figuring out how to work the controls.
Andrew walked into the room and yawned. He waved his hand off in his approval.
“Renee, babe, you good with Freaky Friday? That’s always a banger.”
“Of course.” Renee replied, munching on a pretzel and leaning back into her bean bag. 
“Okay, Neil and Monster, you are both about to have the best time with the best queer couple you know,” Allison declared. She turned around and caught Andrew draping a blanket over Neil’s shoulders.
“Thank you, Andrew,” Neil smiled gratefully, moving to make space for Andrew.
“Oh my–” Renee began to react, but Allison shushed her. 
All Andrew did, much to both their disappointment, was to lie down on the remainder of the couch and plop his head down unceremoniously on Neil’s lap.
After a few seconds of silence loud enough for all four of them to notice, Andrew turned to glare at Allison. “Problem, Reynolds?”
“Yeah, man, what the fuck is happening?” Allison shot back, gesturing at the way Neil was playing with Andrew’s hair. Renee stood up to put the DVD in and load the movie.
“Uh, well, in case you haven’t noticed, Allison, we’ve been together for around, what, five years now?” Neil replied, draping his left arm across Andrew’s arm and rubbing his eye with his other arm.
“No, it’s just. The entire couple act. Weird. Never seen it before. Ever.” Even when Renee told her bits and pieces about her visits, she found it weird to even listen.
Andrew made a seriously face and sighed. “Well, we’re not about to change the way we are just because you’re not used to it. Take it or leave it, Allison.”
Allison gaped for a split second before grinning widely. Just because she found it weird doesn’t mean she disapproved.
“Couple to act less gay drives to get all of us breakfast the next day!” Allison declared, placing herself on the carpet and gesturing for Renee to sit on her lap. Renee laughed and waved her off, while Neil made a grab for Andrew’s fingers and played with them absentmindedly.
(The next day saw Renee dragging a grumpy Allison out of bed to drive to the nearest diner.)
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amane-by-together · 4 years
All Too Well || Akane Aoi
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(Part Two of Wind Flower)
genre: ???
summary: as they were long gone, unspoken words between two people had finally found their voice and gathered the courage to make things right again
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“And maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much. But maybe this thing was a masterpiece, till you tore it all up”
Akane and [name] never spoke again after they had broken things up. Teru is not liking the tension between the two and the fact that he had to be a barrier when they do council work.
“Great work everyone!” Teru declared, wiping a sweat from his forehead after finishing the paperwork. The blonde haired boy expected an answer from the vice president and the secretary but they're radiating gloomy auras while raising their fist tiredly.
‘Oh my,’ He thought. ‘It seems that those two are in a bad mood.’
Akane grabbed his school bag and bid goodbye silently, not making an eye contact with [name]. Teru observed his actions, and glanced over to his secretary. “[surname]-san, do you have a moment?”
[name] accidentally dropped the stack of papers at the sudden call of her name. “Senpai! You scared me!” she scolded out, drawing a hand near her heart. “And I have time, what do you need?”
“I have quite a lot of concerns regarding to the atmosphere that you two were having in the council room” [name]'s eyes widened, then she slumped her shoulders. “How about we'll talk about the situation first? We won't function well if you two kept on doing this.”
[name] hesitated for a moment; Teru asking what happened about her and Akane is a big no no especially that it's been a month when they had broken up. “[surname]-san?”
“Akane-kun and I have broken up.”
“And the two of you have broken up because?” Teru asked.
[name] scoffed, flicking a hair behind her back in such questions. “And you're asking me because?” This scenario reminded her of a cliche where you and your boyfriend had a heated argument and you two needed a break and boy best friend appears out of nowhere and gives you a list why shouldn't you date him—
“You really are quite stubborn, [surname]-san.” Teru gave the secretary a threatening smile to make her spill out the deets between Akane and [name].
[name] rolled her eyes and then glared at the older Minamoto. “Fine, I'll talk.” she said, throwing her bag to the chair, sat on her chair and crossed her arms.
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“I thought I didn't,” [name] wiped her tears as she pulled out another tissue from the box. She went all out and told Teru about her feelings throughout their break up and their fucked up relationship.
And it was breaking them like a promise. So casually cruel in the name of being honest and now she's crumpled up like a piece of paper lying here.
She remembered it all well.
“Well I'm glad you two have broke it off.” Teru silently tapped his fingers against the table as he listened to [name]. “Otherwise it'll be labeled as toxic if you two stayed.”
[name] nodded. “I know...” she quietly sobbed. It's kind of embarrassing crying in front of Teru. “I just wanted to talk to him because I miss him, but I don't know if he feels the same.”
“I don't need him to get back with me I need the two of us to be okay again.”
Teru was silent, thinking of a plan to make those two talk again, not only he does care for the council's function, he wanted to see them well again like before. “Want me to send you two some arrangements?”
“Why would you do that?” [name] asked. “It's unusual for you to do such things, well, you are the president so I can't say no to that.”
Teru's face brightened like the sun and insert sparkles here and there. His expression went calm again. “You know [surname]-san, it's alright to let go of things for the better, as much you don't want to.”
“It hurts to let go, but it's much hurter if you hold on to it.” He smiled.
“Minamoto-senpai...” [name] clenched her fist and gritted her teeth, looking up to the senior she said. “I hate how that shit hit close to home—”
Teru glanced over the window and let out a quick grin. “You still have time, I'll let you two talk now.” he said. “I'll call Aoi for you, then?”
[name] nodded gravely, this is something that Teru wouldn't do or he just wanted to hear some hot boiling tea from the two exes. “I'm not saying that you should go back to Aoi, but I'm not also saying that you shouldn't go back to him either.”
“It's up to you.”
[name] lets out a shaky sigh, twiddling her fingers. She knows that it was long gone and this is not a fairytale where everything goes back the way they were. She had so many dreams about she and he.
And she might be okay but in reality [name]'s not fine at all. The click of the door interrupted from [name] to her inner monologue. Teru had a small smile, placing a heavy hand on Akane's shoulder.
[name] bit her lip to prevent herself from tearing up in front of her ex boyfriend, instead she faced him in a grimaced expression. Akane furrowed his eyebrows at Teru which the latter smiled back.
“You two talk things out, I'll head out and totally not eavesdropping.” Teru grabbed his school bag and headed over to the exit of the council room. “I'll see you two tomorrow~”
Teru closed the door shut. [name] had so many questions: When did they start to change? When was the time where she wasn't enough? Was her love not enough? If she gave it all why didn't it work?
With all their fights, why can't she see that Akane had enough?
[name] started to cry. “I'm sorry,” she says between tears. “I'm sorry, I was tired.”
“I'm sorry, I left. I was scared because I can't find you before,”
“I gave you everything, but there's nothing left for me to give.”
“I'm sorry if I hurted you.” [name] whimpered and covering her face with her hands, crying uncontrollably.
Akane smiled painfully at the sight of the girl whom he used to love crying in front of him. “Sorry, if I wasn't there when you needed me.”
“Sorry if I wasn't there when you needed someone to hold on,”
“I'm sorry if I can't protect you. I can't even protect you. I was really scared.”
“But I want to be there, I want to be there by your side when you are hurt.”
Akane covered his mouth, looked away and teared up a little until he cried also. “But I wasn't.”
“I think I know all too well that we are not really made for each other.”
“But we tried right?” [name] wiped her tears, whilst looking at Akane as if he was about to slip away from her fingers. “We fought for it right?”
Akane replied with pain lacing on his voice. “Yep, we tried.”
The two of them wiped their own tears. Akane took off his glasses and placed it on the table. [name] stared at him, asking if it was okay if she hugs him.
Akane pulled [name] into a hug and cried softly, his hands were cupping her neck as they looked at each other. “I want to say thank you, to all the memories that I will remember all too well.”
“We didn't even try to do what we both dreamed of. I'm happy to all the things we did together.”
“I'm happy when you're happy.”
“I want you to be happy too.” [name] choked back a sob. Her cheeks are not stained with tears, she looked like a crying mess. Akane smiled with more tears pricking from the corners of his eyes.
“Thank you,”
“Thank you,”
Akane caressed her cheek using his thumb. “I want you to know, that I forgive you.”
“I forgive you too.” [name] replied.
The red haired boy looked at her with fondness, it was like from the first week, cause he remembered it all too well. “Take care of yourself.”
“Don't leave me...”
“I need to,”
[name] uttered out a small 'okay' from her lips. Akane whisked away from the girl whom he recently held in his arms. Time doesn't fly that easily and its like you're stuck in that timeline if you don't move on.
And now their flowers are blooming, but separately.
Akane left the council room while wiping his tears. [name] stood there with a small smile. “Akane-kun, take care...”
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a/n: ya all should know that when i made angst means im too happy, like, it's weird. so yeah hope you enjoy the aNgSt because its literally my forte to do so, it's not crying worthy but okay HAHAHAHA (and my body hurts like a bitch because i fell off the stairs misaki-sensei style)
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
I haven't written in a while and this is literally my first fic writing for Twisted Wonderland, so it's a bit dry and boring but after playing one of @malleusthorns 's click and drag game i just had to write something with my result lmao.
Lilia is a character I've yet to get to know so forgive me if he's a bit ooc here (╯︵╰,) anyways hope this isn't So bad since I'm planning to write a bunch of others •́ ‿ ,•̀
Thanks again to malleusthorn for this spark of inspo (probably ruined by my horrible writing)
* * * *
Things happened so fast, I didn't think I got any of it at all until I was blinded by darkness. Shoved into a closet with someone I've only ever met once, all the while the people I call my friends snickered behind the door that separates us.
I shifted in the closet, a habit whenever I got nervous.
Lilia shifted as well but I couldn't see him until a small green light appeared and his face was illuminated by it.
He had a small smile on his lips, his features ethereal and youthful resembling a porcelain doll made with precise skills. Really, I might be exaggerating, but Lilia had an eternal feel to his demeanor, as if his beauty came from countless lifetimes.
He tilted his head then, the ball of green light in his palm glistening. I realized then he had said something and I was just staring at him.
"Uh,sorry, did you say something, Lilia-senpai?", I tried my best not to sound flustered but given our situation, I'm pretty sure half of the school would know I was losing composure.
Damn that Ace and Grimm, next time Azul gives you anemones, I'd let Floyd squeeze you dry before helping again.
"Hmm, you seem troubled", he said slightly airy yet thoughtful. "You know usually whenever I'm troubled with something I sing a song to help me think, would you like me to teach you a song to sing?"
His eyes were wide and genuine then, like a clear crystal filled with thoughts brimming with eccentricity. Lilia at the moment, kinda reminded me of a kid rather than a senior.
"Ah! You're smiling!" He leaned in closer as his lips curled into a smile as well.
"Hey, your smile is a wonderful thing to see! If that was the case, you should smile more often!"
"Ahahaha...even when I'm forced to do things I don't really want to do at first but I can't really refuse cause Principal Crowley would use my freeloading existence here as blackmail?" I closed my eyes and crossed my arms, feigning a thinking gesture. "I'll give it a try"
Lilia laughed then,so full and warm it took me by surprise. His hands came to hold my shoulders,giving it a friendly shake.
"Hahahaha! That's the spirit! You have a good sense of humour too!"
"...Huh, anyways, Lilia-senpai, are you okay with this?" He looked at me, eyes shifting from enthusiastic to curious. His smile didn't fade when he spoke.
"With what?"
"Um, this seven minutes in heaven thing. I know I'm kinda the last person you'd wanna hang with for seven minutes of your life"
"Hmm,is that so?" Something in his gaze shifted then,a mist of thought I couldn't catch in time. It wasn't unsettling,though I felt a chill ran up my spine anyway.
"And why would you say that,little lantern?"
"L-Little lantern..?"
"Ahahaha! It suits you doesn't it? Your smile just now reminded me of a lantern I saw long ago"
"Well... It's cute, I guess"
His eyes closed, that same warm chirp of a laugh coming from him again. "Say, why wouldn't I want to spend seven minutes of my time with you?" He asked, pretty close to me, maybe a bit too close. I let out a dry laugh, and gestured dismissively with my hand.
"Well,for a start I'm not really the most interesting person in this school."
"I think I can beg to differ,little lantern. You're someone without magic, a child of man, and yet the black carriage carried you here to this school and for months now you've been able to make due with whatever is thrown your way,despite what has been thrown your way, and you do it with a clear conscience too." He tilted his head again, eyes glistening like the light he held so gracefully In the palm of his hands. At that moment, I thought I was looking at something very ancient.
"O-Oh...I didn't really see it that way.." I shuffled back, attempting to create distance, but my back collided against the door.
"Ah,sorry I was taking up a lot of space, wasn't I?" Lilia laughed but his gaze fixated on me as if searching for something before it didn't and we were back to staring at each other, not really knowing what to say.
'Man,and I thought those leech twins were hard to read..'
"Say, wouldn't you like to know how to use magic?"
"You really like spacing out don't you? Little lantern if you don't keep your guard up something might happen with the little time we have now"
"...What exactly could happen?"
"Hmm, I wonder what could happen"
"That's why I asked—"
Lilia took hold of my hand then, bringing up to his face.
"We have a few minutes left, you wanna try your luck?"
"I don't know. Are you gonna turn me into a toad or something"
"Eh? You're a funny one indeed, little lantern. Here,first I'll do this" Lilia placed his hand underneath mine, holding it so my palm was open, then he let his gaze bore into it before a warm sensation began pooling on my hand. A faint sense of power enveloping it.
"Wha... Lilia-senpai—"
"Eh,what a nice reaction. There, try it!"
He let his grasp turn loose and I pulled my hand away, inspecting it like it wasn't even my own hand. Somehow,it felt different...
Lilia kept his eyes on me, a smile in both his gaze and on his lips. I looked back at my hand, sighed.
"Yolo,right?" I smiled back at him.
"Ah, nevermind. What should I do by the way? I'm kinda clueless here..."
"Hmm,maybe try floating something, that's a basic skill I'm sure you'll get right off the bat!"
My gaze searched around the room then,all the while I was wondering how I got into this situation in the first place. Why was there even a party at this hour? Ugh, this school will be the death of me, I swear.
I sighed again, and at that moment I felt something crawl up onto my leg.
I locked eyes with Lilia who was still staring at me, his hand was still holding the green light.
Ah,so it's not him?
I stiffened.
"Hm,is something the matter, Little lantern?"
My lips parted, and the crawling came again. Goosebumps greeted my whole body.
"Little Lantern,are you okay?"
I clenched my teeth. "I think there's something climbing on my leg...!" The words came out in a hurry and had Lilia widening his gaze before he looked down and seemed like he wanted to crouch with the light to see better but I grabbed at his hand, sweating.
"Don't move! What if you make it crawl faster?"
"Then how am I supposed to help you?"
"Use your magic!"
He chuckled,his free hand coming up to slightly cover his mouth. "Isn't the light I'm using now part of my magic?"
Then he really did crouch down, the light illuminating my lower half. I closed my eyes before it had a chance to trail down, but once silence stilled in the room. I desperately wanted to scream.
"Don't move." His voice lost it's friendliness. A brusque shift from light to authoritive in mere seconds. I shut my eyes even harder, skin crawling with goosebumps. Lilia didn't answer, instead straightening his body before he looked me in the eyes.
"Everything's okay, just don't move. I'll get rid of that thing on your leg"
"What thing?" I asked,panic lacing my words. I wanted to cringe so bad but the fear of not knowing what was latching onto me had me frozen in place.
"Nothing I can't handle"
"That's not really comforting..."
"I'm your senior aren't I?" He said then, smiling gently at me again with the same warmth from before. "Even if we're from different dorms, I wouldn't hurt someone under my care"
I nodded my head,flustered once more. "Okay"
I expected some monster to be illuminated by Lilia's light and him destroying it with his magic students from other dorms talk about with astonishment.
What I didn't expect was for him to suddenly let out a yelp and the room going dark once more as I felt his body tumble ontop of me and the door to the closet opening, causing both of us to stumble out with a loud thud as we fell to the ground.
The light seemed to burn my eyes, but my chest and back held more pain from the fall.
Ace's voice reached me first.
"Wowie, someone got excited,huh?"
"Kantokusei! Are you alright?" Came Deuce's voice next and a couple of other murmurs.
The weight from Lilia was gone and as I sat up to answer both Ace and Deuce, from the darkened closet something flew out and smacked me right in the face.
Ace and Deuce let out panicked screams while I fell onto my back again, my face throbbing.
"Ara Ara, it seems like I missed" It was Lilia, and he was already on his feet, looming over my fallen figure. He was smiling but his eyes held worry in them as he reached out a hand for me to grab.
"The door opened so suddenly, if it didn't, I doubt the flip flop would've hit you, Little lantern"
"What the hell just happened?" Ace said aloud, his eyes wide as he stared at us both. Deuce had helped me up along with Lilia and actually had Grim run off to get me a drink, but my gaze went to Lilia first who was repeating apologies with his eyes.
"Kantokusei,are you okay? That flip flop really went and smack you..."
I smiled, a sudden amusement bubbling in my throat. I stared at Lilia who seemed to glow with hidden laughter as well and nodded my head. Slightly laughing when the words leave my mouth.
"The next round,we're shoving Ace in the closet alone"
"Eh? Why?" Deuce looked concerned, his face scrunched up with confusion. Lilia laughed, tilting his head to the side.
"It's alright, he won't be alone in there,right, Little Lantern?"
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btshobicore · 4 years
Place Your Bets:
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Draco x Reader, Multiple parts story
What happens when the bad boy of the school suddenly starts acting nice to you...
Warnings: none so far, fluff, angst
Pt.2 Potions:
"Y/n.... I don't know any better way to ask this but...... will you go out with me..?"
You looked him in his grey eyes, your mind full with a million thoughts. And the only plausible thought being: "HAHAHAHA. Malfoy you're funny, but you're not a clown, so stop with the lame jokes" you laughed. You continued hysterically laughing at your own comment until you looked up and caught his eyes again. He...wasn't joking? You stood still in realisation. An awkward air settles between the two of you. Your eyes shot all over his face, trying to find a trace of lying, maybe a smirk, maybe a small laugh sound coming through. But there wasn't any. He really wasn't joking.
Hurt was written on his face. "Draco.. listen.... I'm sorry for laughing I just- I thought you were joking. Either way, I'm noting to have to reject your offer..... I'm sorry" For the first time in years, you had actually felt bad for Draco. You made fun of him, laughed and then rejected him right after, words couldn't explain how bad you felt. "I- I get it," he began. Part of you was shouting 'LEAVE! Don't listen to anything he has to say! He's always mean to you!' But the other part was wanting you to stay and listen to what he had to say. It's the least you could do. "I know I haven't always been the kindest to you," he continued. "But I've had a crush on you for quite a long time now. You know how people say you should act cold towards girls and they'll like you back? I guess it didn't work for me..." You looked at him confused. Who would believe such a thing. This whole situation felt sketchy, you should've removed yourself before he said anything further. "Listen, Draco, I can't just easily forgive you for being horrible to me for all these years just because you supposedly like me. Maybe try being nicer to me and I might consider being your friend instead" you said harshly before turning around and walking out of the corridor. Admittedly, you were being harsh with him, but he had been like this with you for years! It wouldn't hurt for him to experience a little bit of it back. Right?
Unfortunately for you, you had Potions class with your least favourite teacher. Snape. God he was so stuck up and annoying. He would always take point away from gryffindor just because of Harry, hermione and Ron, when the rest of the Gryffindors did nothing! He really had it in for Gryffindors. Speaking of having it in for Gryffindors, Draco Malfoy sharply bumps into you. 'Oh god here come the comments' you thought to yourself. "Oh, sorry." He meekly said, almost in a whisper, and walked away without further comment. You watched him walk into the classroom with your mouth wide open in shock. Was this Draco? Or did someone replace his soul with somebody else's? Padma walked over to you, the two of exchanged smiles and then walked into the classroom.
The two of you sat in your seats and stared at Snape as he walked in, and the class fell silent. "Today, students, we will be learning how to make a special kind of potion. Some of you may have already heard of this. Veritaserum. Or more commonly known as The Truth Serum" his voice echoed through the room. You and Padma looked at each other with excited smiles, this was going to be such a cool potion. And it gets better. "As you all know, this potion was previously forbidden of use, but the rules have been changed by the ministry of magic. Dumbledore has allowed you all to keep the serums you make," cheers filled the room and everybody was electric with the idea of having a truth serum. "BUT you will be working in pairs," he continued. The class was confused. Why would working in pairs be a bad thing? "The pairs that I will choose for you" ...oh. That's why. Snape was notorious for choosing the worst pairs to work together. God forbid two friends ever become a pair. "Who do you think he has picked out for us?" Padma whispered to you. "I don't know but if anyone asks, I'll say I hate working with you" you replied with a laugh. "Oh he's starting the list" The two of you perked up in your seats and listened closely for your names to be read aloud. The pairs were being called out, and you heard audible sighs and 'oh gods..' There were few people left and you were really anxious on who you would be paired with. "Padma Patil.." Snape began reading, and you looked into her eyes with fake sadness that she wasn't going to be your partner. "...and Neville" What. Neville was her friend! How could she get away with it so easily! She smirked at you before running over to sit next to Neville. You were too caught up to realise that you and one other person were the only ones left.
"Y/n y/l/n ... and Draco Malfoy"
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batgirl-87 · 4 years
Hey! I love your last ask, the questions are really well thought and I'm curious about 12, 16, 17, 18 and 19 👀if you want 💜
Thank you so much for asking! Sorry it took me so long to answer! Life happens -_-
From this ask
12. What was MC’s reaction learning Bill and Charlie’s little sister went missing her First year? 
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Physically restraining her and holding her back from storming into Hogwarts and causing a RIOT! She will find poor Ginny probably trapped in some damn Vault again! CURSE THESE VAULTS - oh wait a minute....
But wait, why didn’t every single Weasley, all the older protective brothers storm into Hogwarts to find their little sister? Did they not find out until later?! Did Percy, Fred, George, and Ron just neglect to inform Bill and Charlie that Ginny was missing until found? Prove they could handle it? Or did Bill and Charlie believe in the rest of their siblings that they could handle it and trust them...Nah, big brothers would storm in and find her. They’d be damned if they just sat around and waited for her to be found!
Assuming they all did not learn until afterwards, still would have to hold her back from storming into Hogwarts, most likely to no avail. Some going off on Ron and the rest of the brothers - Why are they only finding out about this now?! Yes, they handled it and got her back BUT STILL kind of a BIG thing to hide from your family! And then of course storming into Dumbledore’s office and going off yet again to which he is probably very used to at this point. A FIRST YEAR GOES MISSING AND WTF DO YOU DO?! THIS IS THE VAULTS AND BEATRICE ALL OVER AGAIN! WATCH YOURSELF OLD MAN! Going to shave that damn beard off, tie it into a noose and - Yeah, she’s not going to be very happy.
And of course once she gets all her anger out, she’ll ask Ginny if she’s okay and check with how she’s doing. And if they did find out while she was missing and Bill and Charlie somehow decided to allow their brothers to handle it and get Keira to calm tf down and not go storming back to Hogwarts (idk how tbh =p) she would be caring and comforting towards them, ask them how they’re doing, if they need anything, if there’s anything she can do, what they’ve heard - and also just do little things to reduce any stress she can. Look she cooked or got them food! And cleaned! Let’s go look at the baby dragons! You’re hair is looking fabulous today - I mean, it always looks good, but today extra bouncy.
16. What was MC’s reaction to Tonks getting married and having a child?
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I’m sorry, she’s marrying who now? Remus? Like...Keira’s Uncle Remus? Secret Werewolf Remus? Her anam cara Remus?! HER COUSIN AND UNCLE WTF - well obviously they’re not related BUT STILL THEY’RE HER FAMILY!
She’s going to need a moment.
SHE’S PREGNANT?! THEY - She’s going to need several moments...Clearly this is a lot for her to process on many different levels. She may have malfunctioned for a moment.
But once she processes things - also the fact that imagining Tonks married and a mom, like that’s so grown up and mature and it’s a little difficult to wrap her head around Tonks as a wife and mother instead of the rebellious punk prankster with colorful hair - alright, she’s going to make an awesome mom, that’s not the point. The point is, again, it just seems like such a grown up thing and Keira doesn’t even see herself really as a grown up =p She still see her and Tonks as teenage cousins getting into shenanigans, even as technically adults, rebelling against the system a bit and stirring some things up in their careers. Getting married and having a kid - wow.... are they getting old? Existential crisis time!
BUT then! They both deserve to be happy. If anyone deserves to be happy it’s Remus Lupin. And they make each other happy. And she fully accepts him and loves him as he is, Werewolf and all. Of course she would, she’s not a judgemental person! They’re happy and in love and that’s all Keira wants for them, to be happy and loved. And once she gets over the weirdness they’re adorable... and then it get’s a little weird again... but still cute...but weird... Hugging is fine, a little peck but so help her if a kiss lasts too long SHE CAN’T! Got to go, cannot see this, do not want to see this - HER EYES! =p
OH! And if you think they’re sneaking off to get married without her there HAHAHAHA THEY ARE SORELY MISTAKEN! If you don’t think Keira and Jacob (and Sirius because no I can’t let him die I JUST CAN’T) don’t come strutting in with Back in Black playing in the background to be the best man and woman/maid and man of honor - whatever - right before they take their vows, confused as to how they found out and found them then you are wrong. So very wrong! One might even officiate, who knows! Getting married without them HA! Nice try. 
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17. What are MC’s opinions on the Golden Trio and the happenings at Hogwarts after they left?
Ron - Aww little Ronny! Look at him growing up, he’s getting so big now! She remembers when he was little! 
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There’s a lot of affectionate teasing and reminiscing of embarrassing childhood stories that Keira feels maybe his friends need to hear =p A lot of messing with his hair and forcing him into tight hugs that again may embarrass him. Honestly, he views her as his older sister. He pretty much grew up with her or hearing about her from Bill, Charlie, even Percy and the Twins. She would come to visit and she’s very close with his two eldest brothers, even working with Bill, and every time she’s around him she treats him like her little brother. She’s been a big part of his life for most of what he can remember. He grew up hearing stories about her adventures at Hogwarts with his brothers so he should have been better prepared honestly for everything he had to deal with when he attended.
I’m sure he tried to brag even about her. “Yeah, my brother Bill is a Curse Breaker and his partner is Keira Black - yeah, the one who dealt with all the cursed vaults here - allegedly...” “My brother Charlie works with dragons but he could have gone on to play Quidditch professionally. Actually, his girlfriend - fiance? Unofficial wife? - played in the World Cup. And won. She could have played professionally too.” *insert Oliver Wood fangirling over Charlie and Keira’s Quidditch skills and how skilled their children would be!* “My big brothers and their friends would sneak into the Forbidden Forest all the time.” - but he doesn’t want to do that necessarily =p
But then after all his bragging when she’d actually appear and he’d get all embarrassed and wouldn’t want his friends to meet her because she just embarrassed him =p Sure Bill and Charlie partook in this as well. Likes to brag about his cool older siblings but no one actually meet them because they’ll embarrass them. Also they’re all giant dorks. Bill and Charlie smashing tables into each other when they’re supposed to be setting up for the wedding? All of them obsessed with their hair in some way. 
“Bill, remember that time you were obsessed with Emily Tyler and you had to ask ME to ask her out for you because you were too afraid!” - Some brave Curse-Breaker he is. 
“Well, remember when you dunked yourself into the courtyard fountain in the middle of the day? Then you were stuck with soaking clothes for the rest of classes that day. Everybody thought you were mad. Definitely looked mad.”
But she and Charlie were definitely the first people Ron thought of to help get Norbert safely out of Hogwarts, specifically her to get Norbert to Charlie if he couldn’t make it himself.
“Remember when you came into the Prefect’s bathroom and dove into my bath and Charlie walked in - he was so upset!” - Which would then lead to a series of embarrassing stories of Charlie because he foolishly thought being quiet and not sharing stories back and forth as Keira and Bill were would somehow save him from this but nope. Ron can’t have his friends hearing all these stories about them after bragging about them to his friends! Humiliating.
Hermione - She should be in Ravenclaw. She’s so smart and her hair is amazing. She should be the chosen one. Are we sure she’s really not? Thank Merlin for her because without her Ron and Harry would be doomed! I think there’s mutual respect between the girls.
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Harry - Ohhhhh the special chosen one... Isn’t he so great and amazing -_-
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Oh is there some bitterness and animosity from Keira towards Harry. She went through so much hell at school, broke all these curses to save people only to get punished and reprimanded by teachers and other adults, and had nasty rumours spread about her around school from the students, called cursed herself - no one appreciated all she did for them and that school! All the sacrifices and people she lost!
But Harry freakin’ Potter here basically gets a parade everywhere he goes and can do no wrong - HONESTLY. He caught the Golden Snitch in his mouth and won the game - she literally won the World Cup. Guess who got more praise and admiration. Dumbledore clearly favoring Harry when Keira feels he was not really on her side or supported her much. 
Now, she gets it, he didn’t ask for this - but she didn’t ask for her role either that was thrust upon her but at least he gets love for his while she was shunned. 
It’s an interesting dynamic where she can definitely empathize with his situation, having this responsibility thrust on him he didn’t ask for and constantly fighting of his and his friend’s lives, not wanting to put his friend’s at risk, being so confused about wtf is going on - she’s been there, she gets it. And when Ron requests her to give Harry some advice and help him out because he needs it and she’s the only one really who understands she agrees - mainly for Ron and his little puppy dog eyes - he’s adorable, how could she say no?! And she listens to Harry and validates him, because yeah, his feelings are totally valid and true, and tries to offer some advice based on her experiences and they sort of bond, and it’s not like she wants him to die or anything bad to happen to this kid! She’s not a horrible person! But she still has this resentment towards him, or at least the praise and adoration he gets, which again really isn’t his fault but... She also has a hard time being sympathetic to all the danger he’s experiencing because she dealt with so much so it’s like - yeah, yours isn’t really that bad =p You think your life is so hard? Psh, classic teenager.
So she offers her advice and to be someone to talk to for Harry if he needs it per Ron’s request and they sort of bond and she may even offer some help with things such as sneaking into the Forbidden Forest.
Sirius breaks out of Azkaban and it’s all Harry, Harry, Harry. HARRY?! HARRY FREAKING POTTER AGAIN?! Oh, Harry is his godson and he looks like James and reminds him of his friends he misses and he just wants to make sure he’s safe with everything he’s dealing with, sure his life is hard - oh what a supportive fucking person for Harry - WHAT ABOUT HER, HELLO?! She’s actually related to you! Sir! And she went through hell herself at Hogwarts. Didn’t go right to see her - okay she was probably in Egypt or Romania when he did BUT NOT THE POINT - straight to Harry because he’s the most important person in the world apparently! (I have an AU sort of story I really need to finish where Sirius actually breaks out during Keira’s 6th year I believe...no wait maybe 7th but even still clearly Sirius loves Harry and they have a special connection/bond and yeah Keira can get jealous).
Oh Keira may have hated Harry for awhile. And yeah, she gets it, Sirius has been through hell in prison, Harry is the only link to James and Lily who he loved and misses terribly, and those people he lives with are awful and Sirius would provide him a much better home that Harry deserves because no one deserves abuse - but Sirius is her family! Blood family! And she went through hell about being a scandalous member of the House of Black and admired Sirius honestly so much and then she finally gets to see him and he’s obsessed with Harry! She might just kill Harry herself. You’re welcome, Voldy! Jealous Aunty Bella? She’s that bitch that killed Harry =p 
She wouldn’t actively try to kill him but there were moment at the top of the stairs where she thought of giving him a little nudge and claiming he tripped and fell down them. 
Thank Merlin for Remus who always managed to be there for Harry and Keira and not show any sort of favoritism because he loves them and cares about them both. And is also a helpful voice of reason to Sirius who honestly doesn’t seem to get it =p Because Sirius is happy to see her and Jacob too, don’t get him wrong! And he’s proud of how she handled everything and what she’s done in her life, but feels like she did all that without him, like she doesn’t need him but Harry still does. And really, he broke out not because of Harry but because of Peter. If he broke out for Harry he would have done it years ago, not when Harry was a teenager, right?
I’m sure Remus sort of mediates a little sit down between Keira and Sirius because as members of the House of Black he knows very well they can be dramatic =p And he’ll get them to sit down and talk and be real and resolve this nonsense because they’re family and they love each other. And honestly they are so similar - SO similar - that Remus can get frustrated and be like ‘you two are acting exactly alike - like stubborn petty arses’ essentially to which they would both definitely respond about how they have nice arses =p
No worries about that, Sirius and Keira quickly bond, they are similar, and have a close relationship. But this is about Harry and Keira. And their relationship goes from bitterness to sort of a mentor to raging resentment to - omg, are we...family? Like...technically...sort of... And then this raging resentment turns into more like sibling rivalry/teasing... Like Keira is much harsher with her comments and ‘teasing’ towards Harry than any of the Weasley’s who she also views as family, as does Harry, but also forms this protective ‘I can mess with him and be mean to him but you can’t!’ She can say mean things, even beat up on him a little bit, but if anyone else tries it she’ll end them. He’s her punching bag =p 
She likes Harry, and they bond through their life experiences. She just has some resentment to work through. But then they actually form a sort of sibling-like bond. Where she then teases Harry and Ron mercilessly although still nicer to Ron and they may try to stand up for themselves but honestly they’re both pretty afraid of her and they know she loves them and will do anything to protect them. She just takes a long time to warm up to Harry. But they get there eventually. 
The Trio and their shenanigans - They should hang out with people from other houses not just a bunch of Gryffindors. Why are they being so cliquey and House-ist? =p
Part of her is also a little proud of their shenanigans but then part of her is like “oh a troll? Cute. Life size moving chess pieces? Psh, cursed ice knight. Spiders?! Still?! At first terrifying but now seriously annoying - he’s still causing drama?! Honestly, call an exterminator. A BASILISK?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME I WANT A BASILISK! I get a dragon that - okay, the dragon is super cool too, don’t get me wrong BUT A BASILISK! UGH SO JEALOUS! Oh you had a lesson on Boggarts? Yeah I had to deal with a whole army of them as part of a curse... Also had someone trying to kill me so... Yep, DADA Professor. Well she tried to use one of my friends so... Oh they just tried to kill you themselves? Didn’t use your friend so you couldn’t trust them and then kill one of your friends? Yeah, Cedric is incredibly sad and unjust but he wasn’t your best friend!” So a little... unimpressed...
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“Yeah, Rita is a real piece of....work...”
“Dolores Umbridge?! Oh wow... I’m...I’m so sorry...that’s awful. That’s worse than anything I had to face.”
18. Did MC ever return to Hogwarts for some reason?
Prior to the 1994 World Cup game I like to think they honored the previous winning team in a little pre-game ceremony so Keira was there for that obviously (although not technically at Hogwarts) and then attended the dragon challenge of the TriWizard Tournament because Charlie was clearly going to be a part of that and she does want to see him as much as possible with them working in different countries plus Bill was going as well and she can’t really work without her partner - they’re a package deal! 
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Did she make an appearance as an OG member of Weird Sisters for at least one song at the Yule Ball also that year? Perhaps. And she looked awesome =p 
Oh! And she definitely visited like the first day of Remus’ new job as DADA Professor - she was so proud! And maybe also to make sure he was getting Wolfsbane and all of that was good and taken care of. And then when he gets fired OH does she flip some tables and desks - Storms into Dumbeldore’s office, flip that desk, storm down to Snape’s Potions classroom, flip some of those tables and goes tf off! She is so pissed!
And then she’s obviously there for the Department of Ministry battle where she saves Sirius because nope, sorry, cannot have Sirius die like that. I have a whole post ranting about this =p And then the Battle of Hogwarts because again she’s not letting Remus and Tonks and Fred die. CAN’T DO IT I’M SORRY CANNOT! She came to fight and she came to win.
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*(I swear I wrote out a whole post about how I cannot acknowledge Sirius’ death or Tonks and Remus because of how unfair it is to Remus in particular whose life was so hard and how he deserves to be happy but I cannot find it! I looked and looked and I’ll keep looking but I’m sorry!)
19. Did MC attend Fred and George’s Grand Opening of Weasley’s Wizards Wheeze? What was their reaction to the twin’s epic exit of Hogwarts?
Keira has never been more proud of anyone before ever. That exit was... the most beautiful thing... awe inspiring, amazing, incredible... Literally brought a tear to her eye. SO PROUD! Slow clap proud =p
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Of course she made sure to be there at their opening, she’s very supportive of them and wants to make sure they know that! She probably made Charlie and Bill go to - not that their whole family probably weren’t already going and supportive but Keira was just making sure they showed their support. She didn’t care about what work they had - the baby dragon will hatch without you just fine! Let’s go! Allons-y! You telling me Tonks and Tulip weren’t also there?! They probably could keep that place afloat alone by themselves even though they’re not in school anymore - maybe just for the nostalgia. I’m sure a few other members of the Cursed Vaults Gang came to the opening to show their support as well, even if Keira made them =p 
Sorry this took so long to answer! Thanks for being patient! 💜
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yeosanqtuary · 5 years
gentle breeze - pt. 15
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♡ - list of chapters
"hongjoong, i like you. i really like you. i like you a lot. i like you very much. i think i love you, too,"
“s-seonghwa, i-i,” hongjoong was cut off again, his mouth once again invaded by seonghwa. all those thoughts about wanting to protect and give him all the love seonghwa deserved was suddenly replaced with ones such as wanting to be protected and loved by him instead.
his kisses made him feel safe and sound, it made him feel as if nothing could ever come in between them, he felt like they could go through everything and anything together.
it was unknown for how long they’ve made out for, it was only when hongjoong started to feel out of breath and tried to gather all his strength to push seonghwa away. look, he was a strong man, no lies. but he just couldn’t push seonghwa away at that point of time. the man he likes a lot had just confessed and kissed him. how could he have enough strength to push him away? facts only, no excuses.
“s-seunnnmmmmm,“ hongjoong tried to speak but was once again silenced by seonghwa, who was now awarded the title, king of kisses(only for hongjoong).
after much effort, hongjoong finally succeeded in pushing him away.
“s-s-seonghwa!“ he exclaimed, after sucking in a huge breathe.
almost immediately after he did so, seonghwa went in for another round again, and hongjoong decided to just give up and let him have his fun. for now.
they finally broke it off, when hongjoong first heard a shout from outside. his strength seemed to return as he was feeling super anxious that they would get busted by one of his family members, so he hit seonghwa’s chest real hard.
“h-hwa, i think my mom’s back! stop fooling around!“ hongjoong scolded, hitting his chest again, but without as much strength as before.
“really? but i didn’t hear anything. are you trying to escape my kisses again?“ seonghwa had sat up now and carried hongjoong to sit on his lap. he pouted, circling his arms around hongjoong’s small waist. “do you not like it? did i overdo it? i’m sorry...” he rested his head on hongjoong’s shoulder and tightened the hug.
“no! not at all, hwa! i really heard my mom! let go for a bit, i’ll go check,“ hongjoong chuckled and patted seonghwa’s head, then his arm to signal him to let go.
just as hongjoong was about to go open his door, it was opened instead. oh boy, hongjoong had never exercised his vocals in such a way in a long time.
“m-mom! what are you doing? almost scared me to death!“ he dramatically placed a hand on his chest. seonghwa was sitting on his bed, silently laughing at the scene.
“why, can’t i come see my darling who i’ve not met for a year?“ hongjoong’s mom chuckled and entered the room, her eyes finally landing on another person other than her son.
“oh my gosh! who’s this dashing young man? is he your friend? did you bring him over from one of your weird underground gatherings?“ his mom exclaimed, and hit hongjoong’s back. “i told you not to bring over anyone from that place!”
“mom, can you please calm down and let me explain?“ hongjoong rolled his eyes stretching an arm to his back and rubbing the place where he was hit. “he’s my roommate from school! his parents are barely home during the weekends, so i invited him to come stay over. and besides, does he look like he’d go to the cafe? plus, i’ve quit going to that place for a while now,”
“oh, alright then. sorry young man. have fun while you’re here! if hongjoong ever tries to bully you, then come to me! i’ll make sure to cut his allowance by 75%!“
“oh my gosh, mom! just-please go ahead and do whatever you were planning to do,“ hongjoong rolled his eyes again, and pushed his mom out of the room, sighing.
“sorry about that,” he awkwardly walked to his bed and plopped down beside seonghwa.
“the underground-what's that supposed to mean?”
“oh, the underground? it was just an underground cafe i used to go to, that’s all! nothing to worry about,“ he chuckled and stood up again, picking up his bag and unpacking his stuff.
“it’s not just an underground cafe,“
“then, what do you think it is?“
“i don’t think it’s as simple as that,“
“seonghwa, it’s really just an underground cafe. i used to perform there all the time and my mom didn’t like it, or any of the friends i made there. but it was the only place i felt comfortable showcasing my music, along with my friends who performed alongside me. it was a healing place,“ a small smile appeared on hongjoong’s face, but it soon disappeared.
“but something happened last year. the boss was charged with some drug case and no one could, or was willing to take over the business. so, it just ended like that,“
there was a short pause.
“someone just bought the place recently. i heard they were gonna open a bar with a similar name,“
seonghwa stood up from the bed and walked towards hongjoong, snaking his arms around his waist.
“i’m sorry, joong. i thought you were hiding something from me,“ he nestled his chin on hongjoong’s shoulder. turning his head to peck his cheek.
hongjoong chuckled, patting seonghwa's head. "it's okay. i understand,"
the two stayed like that for a while.
"you're cute when you're jealous,"
"not cuter than you when you're shy,"
hongjoong pushed seonghwa away and burst out laughing. "me? shy? hahahaha!"
"you were so shy when i kissed you. i could even smell it," seonghwa teased, leaning against his desk.
"oh, you want another round?"
"you bet,"
hongjoong giggled and didn't hesitate to close the gap between them. "to answer you earlier, i like you too," hongjoong murmured when they broke the kiss, closing his arms around seonghwa's neck.
"what was that? i couldn't really hear you," seonghwa smirked as he teased hongjoong.
"i like you too! let's date. be my boyfriend," hongjoong looked into seonghwa's eyes with the gentlest look ever, his lips forming the softest smile ever, his voice showering seonghwa with the sweetest honey.
"of course. i wanna protect you, care for you and make me smile like you did. i wanna do more with you, i wanna go through everything together with you!" he gushed, burying his head in hongjoong's neck.
hongjoong laughed. "mhmm. me too. let's do a lot of things!"
seonghwa looked up into hongjoong's gentle, brown eyes and pecked his forehead, nose and cheeks before bending down to connect their lips.
i could never put the amount of joy and excitement i feel when i'm with you into words.
i'm so glad you came to me.
i'm so glad you decided to listen to me.
i'm so glad you existed.
[a/n: thank you all so much for staying until the very end! i feel like this chapter isn't really satisfying. i'm very sorry if you feel this wayㅠㅠ but don't worry! i will be writing extras, so please look forward to those!]
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teenwolfhot · 6 years
Scott McCall imagines part 4
Inspired by ariana grande " break up with your girlfriend...bored "
You and theo were trapped completely surrounded by these people until
This shit always happens to me (Yeah)
Why can't we just play for keeps? (Mmm-mmm)
Practically on my knees  "
The lyrics of the song was loud theo sighed and looked at you while " i can hear a faint heartbeat sister " the voice said " nevermind Elijah we have to go nik will have our heads with we meddle " as the footsteps were suddenly disappearing
Theo grabbed you " go ahead and maybe get us killed " you nodded still in shock " who was that ?" Theo couldnt scent them out " i dont know whoever they are definitely aren't from here that's for sure "
Ever since you were little girl a slight obsession with a certain boy and well it started since that very summer day back in kindergarten
" thats my doll give it back " a tall girl with pigtails wrapped in red ribbons snatched your favourite doll away from you " well its mine now ...hahahaha " the girl stuck her tongue out while another kids watched afar was scott meeting his long term best friend stiles
He wasn't listening to the young boy in front of him as he saw you got pushed he immediately ran over " stop .... give back the doll " you looked up to see a boy in front of you wearing blue and white stripe polo shirt and a dirty jeans with converse on " why she your girlfriend... nananananan " scott pushed the little girl " shes my firend " snatched the doll away from the girl and turned to you " here i think this is yours " he smiled while handing it to you somhow your knee got scraped " here... for ummm... your knee "he pointed
Lydia was unable to read kira " soo what's up with you and scott lately... i want the juice " looking puzzled at the girl " lately his been well ummm his been avoiding me recently... i try to help but .... " she looked malia
" why do i get the feeling something happens between you two " pointing to malia and kira " we discuss some .... well ... scott ..... ummmmm isaac ..... uhhhh " kira didnt feel like talking about the situation about isaac and malia even scott its like a plague
" malia ???" The girl simply zoned out unfortunately " it will eventually come out im telling you
Hearing liam and stiles argue about the jeep and the adjustments liam made to the jeep
" i said you can have the jeep not redesigned it " lydia walking towards the two boys " well its my jeep ... you gave it to me .... well i simplify the jeep to my liking " liam looked at stiles and all the boy did was sigh " is okay I've got a new car or jeep " stiles said with dignity
" yes stiles we all know the FBI gave you a Land Rover " lydia rolling her eyes when suddenly theo's car pulled into the McCall drive way "we all need to talk " rushing out of the car
As you step out of the car you never been to McCall house before this is your first time " i should... probably. I'll wait in the car " as you headed back isaac grabbed you by the arm and dragging you inside
" whats the problem raeken couldn't it wait till tomorrow?" Stiles squinting his eyes " well no ... me and (y/n) were at the library earlier and well .... three people broke into the school and they were searching for something " scott looked at theo " i don't think is supernatural related theo " scott said quietly while everyone else got it " well .... i can smell them and they aren't from here scott ... especially at a time like this ... what are they thief I'm sure parrish is on patrol ..." which made everyone think
" well of theo is right what do they want ?" Lydia looking at you" are you okay (y/n)?" Just then stiles smacked the back of theo's head " you brought her .... her seriously " looking at you "isaac dragges me in i wanted to wait in the car .... anways I'm intruding i should go .... either way we dont hang out anyways... " smiling at each of them before leaving
As you were making your way to the door " hey ... about stiles ... is going to be fine ... we should hang... " the strawberry blond smiled " im lydia martin ... im ..." you intrude " i know my teacher talks highly of you " you said to her " thanks well I'll lead you out then
Isaac felt the need to follow after you " wait "(y/n) .... (y/n) " isaac walking up to you before lydia walks back in "im sorry ... i thought you .... " you rolled your eyes " really lahey thats how you want to play out ... the I'm sorry to drag you into something you shouldn't be there for .... i know we're friends but i don't think.... they like me .... martin sure made some.... kind of gesture or something to get me involved "
" you know what lahey ... stop ... just stop caring.... yes I'm a little bit insecure and sensitive but at least i don't draw attention to myself ... so save me the pleasure of acting like i belong in your group "
Walking away
Meanwhile " i supposed you know who i am then ?" Chris was hanging like an X arms being held down with cuffs while spikes on this inside the cuff diggs in " slowly your bleeding " the voice simple said " now ... do you know us ... do you know what we are ?" The strange man asked again this time digging into argent chest and blood soaking through the black shirt " yes ..... yes .... yes ... i ... i ... DO !!!"
the man removed he hand from argent chest " well thats great news ..... so where are the rest of your groupies " the man looked deep into argents eyes " i said i know what you are .... i definitely can't be compelled " Chris laughing
" well i just have to ...... bleed you some more then .... until you're able to be compelled Chris "
The blond walked through the door and ran to chris " you lied ... hunter you lied ..." as the blond reached into chris chest he started to have a short breath " i can hear your heart beating fast " sister... sister ... sister ... toture should be fun.... " another young fellow with a metal baseball bat at hand and wacked it on the side of argent chest " did i hear ribs being broken " the young man laughed
" all of you are interrupting my interrogation.... really so much blood " as the blond release her hand away from his chest heavily breathing " blood of hunter " dragging her fingers over his arms that are in blood " i wouldn't taste his blood ... his on vervain "
As the blond wiped it off " we just have to continue till you talk then "
5 days after the event
Walking to school you've been avoiding every single one of isaac friends like a plague " sooo.... you're alive " it was isaac looking at you and smiling you pushed passed him " why do you care suddenly... lahey its not like you care in the first place anyways "
Continuing walking while lydia and malia catched up to the curly boy " soo anything... nope ... she wouldnt talk .... it seems she closed herself up again" lydia started to smirk " what if ... scott ... im mean scott could get her to talk right ?" Isaac was sceptical about this
" well yeah but they've had brief conversations but not a full one ... im telling you its a bad idea "
Taking out your biology books and writing down the extra writing on the board scott took tbe opportunity to seat next to you " hey " you didnt pay attention to him kept writing down the notes till " oh man ... i forgot my biology books ..... i swear " you turned into your bag " here this is yours ... ms martin gave it to me to give to you ... i was gonna give it to you somehow but " yours and his hand slightly touched as he grabbed the book
" thanks ... " smiling
You were happy that you managed to give the item back to him but still you wanted to know everything... especially his relationship with malia and kira
You didnt like kira you had no problem with malia is that asian girl you didnt like .. she somehow inserted herself into scotts life without even knowing him
You were furious when you found out that scott was dating her , it was a stab in the heart one way or another your going to make scott McCall yours
Thinking of ways to be in his life you didn't realise that the teacher was calling you " (l/n)...(l/n).... (y/n)" you paused and heard your name being called
" im sorry miss (y/t/n) i was elsewhere... i do apologise " the teacher rolled her eyes "what i meant was ms martin would like to see you " she gave you an orange slip for you to leave class " right now ?" Yhe teacher stop in her tracks "yes right now .. unless you want to stop her orders or you willing to tell the principal why you aren't obeying one of " you shake your head " I'll go " picking your stuff up you rushed out
Thinking why would ms martin see you now what possibilities could she be thinking pulling you away from class especially AP BIOLOGY
Seeing two people in ms martins office you sighed and opened the door " ms martin you wanted to see me ?" The much older strawberry blond woman smiled " yes i do ... actually i wanted to discuss your career future college " as she points to a chair " i hope you don't mind I've took the pleasure of asking your parents to come by too "
As you took a seat next to your parents " well we 100% be involved in whatever our daughter decisions today " as ms martin smiled and sitting behind her desk
" mr and mrs (l/n) your daughter records are outstanding she will be graduating with honours " ms martin smiled while your parents looked like their on cloud nine " we are very pleased to hear " your mother said with joy in her voice " i must say (y/n) since you've not give in your final recommendation on the career path we will have to submit it today " your parents were shocked " very well "
"( y/n) what is your career goals " ms martin looking at you "- ummmm uhhhhh ummmm ..... biology.... i want to do something with biology " you started to gain confidence " biology is your main career point ?" Ms Martin writing it down "yes it is im very passionate about biology and i would like to study furthermore into the subject if i can ... im also looking into go apprentice in a laboratory on biology something like genetic or microbiology " you said while looking at her
Your parents were surpised you wanted to go that way becuase generally you talked about veterinary and medicine about the well being of animals this is sort of different types of research
" very well... i see you've made your research I'm pleased on that "ms martin smiled
" also theres three apprenticeships round the areas including here at school and some at local biology department in the science community " pausing " the only i like is not in this town but in mystic falls " your mother gasped
" well you certainly did your research on this subject then .... i will see to it your application form has been sent to all of these locations... in the meantime please keep your grades to these standards "
Walking out of the offcie the whole interview along with your parents exhausted you completely " so ... what did lydia mum want ?" Isaac putting his arms round your neck my career choice " removing isaac arm " plus i think i might have a chance of leaving this place lahey "
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ijungkooki · 7 years
Hi!! Can I request the RFA crew and none of them have released their identities to mc. Mc then goes on about being in love with them not realizing they are in the chat (ex: mc sees zen in a magazine and comments in the group of how much she likes him but the group doesn't tell her zen is the chat) if that makes sense. I'm sorry if it's confusing 😓
 aaaahhhhhhhh sorry this is so late! i’ve been so busy with ap tests :( but this was so much fun to write!!!
Not Recognizing the RFA
You told the RFA how there was this really cute boy in your biology class
He was kinda adorkable and overall really sweet and you really like that about him
When someone asked what school you went to you told them SKY University
Seven immediately asks what your crush’s name was and you told them it was Yoosung
Zen and Seven thought it would be funny to keep it a secret that the Yoosung you liked was also reading this entire conversation
After that chat, Yoosung gained a little more confidence in talking to you in person
He ended up being a little flirty with you omg this lil bean
Every time you spoke to each other, you gushed to everyone in the messenger about him
You go on a really cute study/coffee date!!!!!!!
zen and seven congratulate yoosung on becoming a man lol
When the day of the party arrives, Yoosung is super nervous but also really excited to see the look on your face
You get to the party and meet everyone but you notice they all have that mischievous smile
You realize there’s a member missing
*a wild Yoosung appears!* lol wHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE
“Surprise! I’ve been an RFA member all along and I’ve been reading everything you ever said about me hahahaha……………”
He’s red in the face and you’re red in the face and the members are placing bets on who’s gonna make the first move lol
After the initial shock, you both start laughing and you end up staying by each other’s side the whole time
The party ends and he gives you a goodbye kiss jasfhsjaikd
Zen and Jaehee just won 50 bucks lol
Your friend introduced you to some musical that starred Zen in it and you were immediately head over heels for him
When you told the RFA about this new up and coming actor, Jaehee started fangirling
She starts going on about Zen and recommends some of his musicals and sends photos of him to you
Meanwhile, Zen is watching this convo unfold all while smiling really smug to himself
He decides to have a little fun by pretending to not be the actor you currently have a gigantic crush on and may or may not actually be falling in love with
Also he can’t pass up an opportunity to talk about himself amirite
at this point, everyone but jaehee and zen have left the chat
He’ll send selfies of you claiming they’re secret photos he got off the internet and your heART GOES HAYWIRE
Zen is having fun with this
He ends up surprising you by telling you he scored front row tickets to his new show
You. Are. Dead.
You ask him how on earth he got tickets but he just says he has connections somehow or somethin idk
He thinks it’s really cute that you’re such a big fan of him
But he especially loves how it’s not just for his looks! You also admire his talent and how kind and devoted he is to his fans!
That’s how he falls for you but he doesn’t know if you’ll love him back or just remain a fan
Come the party day and he’s a little nervous to meet you
When you see him, you start freaking out because how did Zen end up at this party?!!?!?!!?1?1
He starts laughing as he explains that he was a member of the RFA
you nearly faint bc omg the amount of embarrassing things that you said
After letting the news sink in, he proclaims his love for you
You’re super happy because of course you love him too because you were able to get to know the real Zen in the chat and not just the actor
When you tell him that, he is sososososo happy!!!!
You met this really cute girl at a coffee shop one day 
She was in a rush but she made quick small talk with you but you never got her name
When you told the RFA about her, you were super blushy and everything awww
But Jaehee is a super smart girl so she was able to kinda put two and two together and figure out that she was the one you met
Now she’s getting all blushy bc “wat MC likes me??? she thinks i’m cute?!!?!?”
Since that day, she makes an effort to go to the same cafe at the same time in hopes of meeting you again
And you’re doing the same thing so you end up meeting each other every day
You two claim it’s just a “coincidence”
calling u on ur bullshit
The both of you end up developing HUGE crushes on each other it’s adorable
Everyone in the RFA is rooting for you two lol
Especially Zen and he’s also trying to be that lowkey wingman for baehee in the chat without revealing who she really is
You thought it would be a good idea to invite Jaehee to the party
She accepts while trying to hide her laugh bc little did you know
The day arrives and you’re nervous to finally meet the RFA but even more nervous bc oh god Jaehee is gonna be there too you gotta look nice
You spot Jaehee right away and you give her a big hug before leading her around and trying to find the RFA
You see a group of men walk up to you and they introduce themselves as the RFA
You introduce Jaehee as the girl you’ve been talking about
“MC, there’s no need to introduce me. I already know them.”
lol wut
She giggles and explains that she is the other member and you nearly faint you’re so embarrassed
She takes your hand in hers and says, “Don’t worry, MC. I happen to like you a lot too.”
You had recently gotten a job at the C&R Company and had coincidentally been placed to work in the same department as Jumin’s
Despite the rumors and the crazy amount of workload, you had slowly started to develop some feelings for him
You never really saw him that much since he was so busy
But when you did, your heart would beat like crazy even though you knew that being with him would probably never happen in a billion years
So you vented to the chatroom one day after having a run-in with Jumin
You told them how you had started to fall for him even though you knew her could never have feelings for you
Jaehee was stunned
Yoosung and Seven fucking lost it
Zen nearly s c r e a m e d
When Jumin read your messages, he was shocked to say the least
How funny that the MC he’s falling for is also in love with him without realizing it
He immediately looked up your employee info so he could have a little fun with this 
The next day at work, you were surprised to run into Jumin but even more so that he decided to actually have a conversation with you that didn’t involve work
He was a lot nicer and relaxed and smiled more than before
You told the members about the interaction while Jumin fucking smirked the entire time
This continued for a while, him randomly running into you at work and chatting while you silently died inside
same mc same
Party day arrives and you’re looking around for the members when BAM
juMiN iS HeRE?!?!1/!?!!?
You slowly make your way towards him and the small group he was talking to
He sees you and smiles
“Ah MC, it’s so good to see you again. Let me introduce you to the other RFA members.”
“O-Other members?”
The gears start working in your head before you realize that Jumin was a member
Which meant he read all your messages
Which also meant that today was your death day
He laughs at your expression when you figure it out but reassures you that the feelings are mutual
You both smile at each other as he kisses you on the cheek
meanwhile zen is now officially screaming
The agency you worked for partnered you up with Seven for a mission
Agents 606 and 707: The best hacker and best field operative the agency has
also fucking badass holy shit i might write a fic
Ever since your successful mission, you two have been partners on every single one following that
While kicking ass, you had slowly started to develop feelings for him
When you joined the RFA, everyone introduced themselves except for one who was a hacker
To you, it made sense that he had to hide his identity
Also for some strange reason, this hacker reminded you of Seven hmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder why
You introduced yourself to the group, though, and Seven nearly choked on the chips he was eating
As the days passed by, you grew more comfortable with the group and eventually told them about the troubles in your love life
You told them how you had fallen for your partner but you didn’t think he loved you back because he tends to push you away sometimes
Seven: Dead.
Little did you know that he was in love with you too
The reason why he pushes you away was because he didn’t think that you loved him
Since then, Seven has started to open up a bit more around you and you were really happy with that
In classic Seven-fashion, he thinks it would be hilarious if he kept it a secret that he was an RFA member
The day of the party arrives and you’re about to leave when you run into Seven
“Where you going?” He asks you
“Heading off to the party with the RFA. I told you about them, remember? See you later!”
yes you will lololol
When you meet everyone at the party, you’re all happy to finally meet each other 
But you notice that your new hacker friend was missing
In the corner of your eye, you see a flash of red and immediately recognize it as Seven
You confront him and ask him how and why he’s at the party
“For the agency’s best spy, you’re really bad at recognizing people.”
Putting two and two together, you realize that he was the last member of the RFA
*cue you slapping him repeatedly on the shoulder as he laughs his fucking ass off*
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