#sorry this is majorly half-assed lol
silverzoomies · 9 days
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peter maximoff x reader
warnings: peter being a goober, he watches porn for like half a second, it's highkey a stranger things crossover, my dialogue is goofy as hell
word count: 5,240
a/n: had a lot of fun with this one !! a while back, my buddy @quickandsilvers (now deactivated, and i can't find their new acc) requested a fic where he works in a video store and makes a fool of himself. i think i strayed from their prompt a lot, but i hope they don't mind. sorry about the stranger things crossover !! it happened naturally while writing it, and i couldn't stop thinking about steve and peter interacting. lol
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Like a responsible adult, Peter spent the span of an entire month “studying” for his GED final. His rapid fire attention span made focusing a tough feat, even past his years of high school age hyperactivity. Which was the very reason he had to study so friggin hard for his GED in the first place. Peter never graduated high school. And because he never graduated high school, he didn’t really know what real studying was. “Studying” for him mostly entailed speed reading, once or twice over. Before he called it quits and bolted away to do…Peter stuff.
He was honestly really proud of himself for sticking it out, though. Much to his mother’s most pleasant surprise. Peter carried a perfect attendance streak through all his classes. A wildly stark contrast to his self proclaimed, unmatched ditch streak back in high school. In hindsight, that wasn’t something worth boasting about.
But all his hard work and bonafide effort proved supremely disappointing…when he flunked the final anyway.
Peter’s chest ached, as though someone tore his heart out, stomped on it, then double tapped for good measure. In a fit of unbridled frustration, Peter raced across the entire planet to burn out his rage. His blood boiled hot in his veins. After circling the globe about a gajillion times, he finally skidded to a stop. Somewhere in Indiana.
His clothes were all tattered and covered in holes. Burned from supersonic force. The soles of his favorite shoes turned to ash, crying smoke like a bonfire. Painful blisters littered his feet. But in his defeated haze, he couldn’t find the energy to care. Barefoot and blistered, Peter walked to the nearest payphone, his head tipped back in shame.
He could only imagine how devastated his mom would be.
It broke Peter’s heart, knowing he’d have to call her and ruin her day. After she promised to take him and his sisters out for a celebratory dinner. All you can eat Chinese! - she said. Being on the receiving end of bad news was one thing. But delivering said news to one’s mother - after an entire lifetime spent letting her down? That sucked unimaginably more.
At the payphone - after tossing his desecrated shoes in the trash - Peter hesitantly brought the handset to his ear. Deep breath in. Now, breathe out. He leaned against the glass of the phone booth. Over the line, his mother’s voice lost all liveliness. And a moment later, Wanda took over instead, sounding majorly peeved off. She threw all kinds of accusations at him - Did you even try, Piet? I thought you were taking this seriously! You said you studied! You totally dashed mom’s hopes!
Peter rolled his finger through one of the holes in his Queen shirt. Mannnn. Friggin sucks. He got that one from the totally sick Hot Space Tour. He even took Wanda with him, and they had the most righteous time. With her so disappointed on the phone like this, it hurt to recall any fond memories. Peter pinched the bridge of his nose. He tried cracking a half-assed joke to lighten the mood.
“Soooooo…no Chinese tonight then?”
Yeah, nah. Sis didn’t take to that one too well. Peter hated arguing with her, but the two spat back and forth for about five minutes. Peter bumped his head against the glass as his stress ran up to mach ten. Gathering whatever patience he had left - a microscopic amount, at this point - he apologized, told his sister he loved her, and hung up. Once he stepped outside of the phone booth, he heaved a long groan.
Peter’s fingers twitched at his sides. Taking a quick glance upward, he noticed a nearby video store. A Family Video, nestled in a strip mall next to an arcade. Narrowing his eyes, Peter chewed his lip in contemplation.
And he made a supremely stupid move.
A millenia passed since Peter gave into his klepto compulsions. Maybe old habits die hard, as they say.
At the Hawkins PD, the chief lingered nearby in a rickety, metal chair, a cigarette dangling from his lips. The night seemed to drag for eons, as Peter paced barefoot in restless circles…within the confines of a lonesome jail cell. Since Hawkins was such a small town, hardly any of the feds were familiar with the X-Men. Mutants were a rare commodity. They sooner thought Peter was a hobo the chief picked up off the street.
Come next morning, Peter got an earful from Chuck. Thankfully, the generous prof forgave Peter for his colossal fuck-ups. He even paid Peter’s bail. And while the speedster felt even more sick with guilt because of it; he was grateful he wouldn’t have to spend another second in nowhere town Indiana.
Tormentous boredom aside; for some reason, the place gave Peter the creeps.
Falling victim to his own compulsions proved a major setback on all fronts. After Chuck chewed Peter out over the phone, he broke even more bad news. Apparently, the Family Video manager made a major stink about Peter’s thievery. Even called in a complaint to Xavier’s school. The guy went so far as to blame mutants for their “dishonesty.” A completely baseless generalization. All because of some dumb knucklehead’s reckless behavior.
Chuck convinced the asshole to let Peter off the hook. Only if the speedster made up for it by working a summer’s job at Family Video. A short-term punishment. At least until Autumn, when Peter got another shot at his GED. The professor basically grounded Peter from X-Men stuff. Awesome. Heck, technically, he grounded him from the mansion altogether. Cool beans. Thumbs up. Hunky dory.
Hell no. Peter was an adult. Not a teenager who needed to be disciplined after disobeying papa’s orders. He didn’t even really have a papa. In fact, papa disappeared off the face of the planet just a few years back.
Peter digressed. Whatever, right? Grown men messed up all the time. So what if he made a few minor missteps on the road to personal development?
And he would’ve argued these points, had something in Chuck’s honest voice not guilted him into silence.
Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to wear a stupid vest or anything.
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The sweltering hot month of June.
Quicksilver should be out kicking ass, causing trouble, stealing hearts (playing video games, tampering with tech, being a total nerd).
Instead, he found himself leaning on the counter of a Family Video register in Indiana.
Peter had never worked an everyman’s retail job in his life. And holy smokes, was it slow. The days ran slower than a sloth in cement shoes. At any given moment, Peter swore he was nanoseconds away from dying of boredom. Literally. Call him melodramatic, but the monotony of day-to-day living sucked the speedy soul out of him. Only a few weeks passed since he “joined the Family Video team.” But all he ever did was idle behind the counter like a chud, gorging on snacks and watching MTV.
Whenever the news reported another X-Men victory, achieved without the help of the team’s one and only speedster; Peter felt the urge to run around the globe again. All he wanted was to shake off his temperament until his legs gave out. But alas. His feet stayed planted on freshly mopped linoleum, in the confines of VHS rental hell.
On the flip side, at least his new shoes were still intact.
Peter spent his days doing mind-numbing activities like reorganizing shelves, sorting movies by genre, and mopping floors. Playing with the label maker was kinda fun. Totally not even a little boring. Nope. Peter never daydreamed some psycho might rob the place, just so he’d have an excuse to be Quicksilver again.
Why would he? When he could play with that sweet label maker.
Thankfully, he wasn’t completely alone. Not that he minded much either way. Solitude and Peter went together like Han Solo and Chewy. But another guy worked the same shift as Peter. Some dude named Steve, with great hair and a metric fuckton of pins all over his vest. He swore up and down, his friend Robin insisted he cover himself head to toe in them. Because something something “chicks totally dig a guy with accessories.”
Peter never met Robin, since her hours were all jacked up. But judging by the Rainbow Brite, Care Bear, and Garbage Pail Kids pins all over Steve’s vest; Peter knew she had to be pulling her pal’s leg.
Which…alright. Cool. He could respect that.
Steve was a decent enough guy and super chill to talk to. He got along great with the group of hellions who always came in, looking for nerdy flicks like Clash of the Titans. Peter once spent a whole afternoon debating Star Wars logistics with them; arguing whether or not Ewoks had any justifiable place in Return of the Jedi. But, come on, those fuzzballs were kinda cool.
And Peter refused to admit he had a few Ewok figures in his collection back in Westchester.
Neither Steve, nor his munchkins seemed to have any qualms about mutants. The only thing he ever bitched about was Peter’s effortless ability to stay in tip-top shape.
“It’s so bullshit, man.” He blatantly complained, “You can pig out on Twinkies all day and still look like that. What does your metabolism run on? Jet fuel?”
Peter’s beady eyes darted swiftly back and forth, across the pages of Lord of the Rings. One of Steve’s little minions gave the speedster a used copy. Worn at the edges. Barely held together by the spine. Peter hadn’t read a real book by choice since middle school. As he skimmed through it at a remarkable pace, he spoke through a creamy bite of Twinkie.
“Flux Capacitor.”
Shame. Sucks for Steve. The dude was obviously good looking. But he somehow fumbled his attempts at flirting with cute chicks. Not to mention, his opportunities came so few and far in between, with Peter there to steal the show. And while some small-town ladies had a tendency to scrunch their noses and sneer at the presence of a mutant - others recognized him as a hero. One of the X-Men. On the rare chance a cutie walked in with her besties following along; they sometimes whispered amongst each other.
"Isn’t he with the X-Men?” “Oh my god, he is!” “Which one is he?” “I think he’s the fast one.” “How fast is he though?” “Oh, he’s, like, so mega fast. Like a speeding bullet on legs.” “Whoa. He’s kinda cute.” “What do you think his calves look like?” “I like his hair.” “What’s he doing here in Hawkins?” “Do you think he’s undercover?” “He looks so ripped.”
Chewing his gum and secretly listening in, Peter cheesed a grin from ear to ear like a doofus. And he soon fell into a shameless habit, letting awestruck girls cop a feel of real, superhero muscles and speedster calves. Hard as vibranium, vascular like Commodore 64 wiring.
What?? Give him a break! Back in Westchester, girls never gave him a second glance.
The endless quiet and steady pace of everyday living drove Peter up a freaking wall after a while. A month in, he felt himself going stir crazy. Peter continuously thought about zipping out for a quick run. One whole second tops. Just to make a break for a slushie at the gas station down the street. Steve even swore he wouldn’t rat Peter out if he bailed and came back. Cuz, like, seriously…who would notice?
But in the back of his mind somewhere, Peter heard Chuck’s voice. A guilty reminder to slow his roll. Stop and smell the roses. The speedster had his impulses, sure. But he wasn’t so weak willed. Peter knew, deep in his heart, he could do better. Hell, he was better. A true master of self control. No problem-o.
Except…he totally wasn’t.
Hand to god, Peter was, and would always be a colossal jackass.
He affirmed this brutally honest fact with himself the first time he met you.
That night, the store seemed like a barren ghost town. Not a customer in sight. Most of the town’s locals were out having fun at a traveling carnival. Steve even took the day off to chaperone his hobbit posse. He stopped by just to give Peter his pin-covered vest, and left his esteemed colleague to stew in his own boredom. Wasting away behind the counter, restless as ever; Peter dreamed of carnival funnel cake.
And why not sneak away for a quick sec? Just to grab himself something sweet. He liked to think he earned it.
Peter zipped to the carnival, paid for some funnel cake, tied Steve’s shoelaces together, and returned to the store in a flash. Leaning comfortably back on a metal stool; he stuffed his gullet with fried delights. Sweet, doughy goodness. Powdered sugar coated his fingers and dusted the corners of his mouth. Peter kept his legs hiked up, dirty sneakers crossed on the countertop. Whatevs. He’d wipe ‘em down before he closed up shop in two hours.
His lidded eyes gaped lazily at one of theTVs hanging from the ceiling. Peter shamelessly watched a wildly inappropriate porno. A filthy flick he snatched from the restricted section and popped in. Partly out of boredom. Mostly out of morbid curiosity. Angels of Passion. Peter sat through an hour of hilariously raunchy scenes - all featuring steamy, angel hanky panky. Talk about divine intervention. He snickered to himself as heat pooled in his cheeks.
A blonde bombshell gyrated her hips in some dude’s lap, rolling her bush, bouncing to the beat of a catchy, unidentifiable song. Her explicit moans echoed lewdly over that earworm of a tune. Jesus, she was really going for it. Looked like she, uh…liked it, actually. Blood in Peter’s cheeks rushed south at warp speed. He felt a familiar tightening in his groin. With funnel cake crammed between his powdery lips, he adjusted himself in his jeans. Smearing powdered sugar carelessly over his crotch.
And he nearly choked to death when a voice he didn’t recognize called his name.
“Wow. Quicksilver? Is that you? Whatcha watchin?”
Oh. Oh, it wasn’t just his name name. But his hero name. Peter whipped his head around, his dark eyes widening as he met yours. Brows raised. Gazing humorously at him as though he were a bozo. Just his luck. A random customer - a very cute customer - picked the most optimal time to walk in. And there he was, the X-Men’s famous speedster; covered in powdered sugar, cheeks puffed like a chipmunk, Care Bear and Rainbow Brite pins all over his vest, a stiffy in his jeans, a nasty porno playing in the background.
What a huge lamebrain, you probably thought.
Peter blinked, and so did you. Time seemed to stretch in a long, awkward moment. Someone should honestly just shoot him and be done with it. From his perspective, an hour passed before he got his shit together. But from your perspective, he was there in a second. Leaning casually over the counter on his elbow, his other hand on his hip. The TV blared reruns of MTV music videos, with Madonna singin’ loud. The very same TV you caught him watching dirty movies on - just for the hell of it. Purely for entertainment’s sake, mind you.
And bizarrely enough, your expression held no judgment.
Furrowing his mercury brows, Peter wiped the last trace of powdered sugar from his lips. He cleared his throat and gave you a careless nod of his head. Stay cool. Stay collected. It wasn’t like his mom caught him with his pants down or something. He put on his best customer service smile. A grin so fake, his dimples vanished into hiding. Time to get the ball rolling before he lost whatever dignity he had left.
Peter hated Indiana. Like, really hated it.
He spoke fast, the words tumbling past his lips at the speed of light.
“That?Thatwasnothing.” Peter blurted out, his mouth running a hundred miles an hour. His fingers tapped anxiously on the countertop. Your curious gaze flicked down to them, before looking into his coke-brown eyes again. His face erupted in flames as he kept rambling, punctuating each sentence with an uneasy laugh, “I wasn’t watching anything. Just some lame religious documentary. Y’know. A real snore fest. I swear, I was this close to takin’ a nap.”
You laughed.
No lie, he wasn’t expecting you to laugh like that. The sound sliced through the tension in the air, catching him off guard. Peter’s breath caught in his throat. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. His forced smile curled up involuntarily, revealing his dimples for real this time.
“Yeah? Huh. For some lame documentary, you looked pretty into it. I’m surprised you heard me at all.”
“Eh, you’re not wrong. Puts a whole new meaning to goin’ heels to Jesus, doesn’t it?”
You let out another laugh, and your voice cracked. Blush creeped over your face from the neck up. A surge of shyness overtook Peter. Running a hand up through his hair, he searched for any words to say. And then he remembered he had a job to do.
“Anyway. Sorry. Can I help you with something?” Peter smoothed out his (Steve’s) vest, brushing powdered sugar from it like pesky snow.
“No biggie, dude. Just wondering where your horror section is.”
Peter arched his brow, “Horror, huh?”
With a cheeky smirk, he disappeared, leaving a swift gust of wind in his wake. You gasped a small peep. Pressing your hands to the counter, you leaned forward as though you were looking for him. He took the opportunity to admire your ass from where he stood between the aisles. Politely, of course.
“They’re over here.” The speedster called from his spot, keeping himself nonchalantly propped against a stand of horror mags. Your gaze flitted down to the Walkman hanging at his hip. His easy going stance made you laugh yet again - man, you made him feel like the king of comedy. You made your way to the horror section. Peter kept his eyes on you while you glanced over the tapes, “You lookin’ for anything in particular, orrrrr…”
“Nope, just looking.”
“Just looking. Got it.” Peter clicked his tongue, nodding, “Cool. Well, if you need any recs…I mean, I’m kind of a movie aficionado, so…”
“Oh, you are, are you?”
Aw, you actually humored him.
“Pfffbbt. Yeah. My twin sis is, like, super into sitcoms and stuff. But I’m the movie guy of the family.”
“And what kinda movies do you like?”
Peter didn’t miss a beat, “Star Wars, definitely. But I like Bladerunner too. ET. Robocop. Alien. Oh! Rocky’s awesome too. Scarface. I can do a crazy good Tony Montana impression. Clint Eastwood movies are cool. Conan the Barbarian. Can’t get enough of Arnold. And I’m not sayin’ Flash Gordon’s my favorite, but-”
You gaped at Peter like you saw him get hit by a car or something. He stopped himself short, pausing as he named off movies on his fingers.
“What? Not a fan?”
“Not a fan of wh-”
“Flash Gordon?”
“Is that what you said? I didn’t understand a single word of that, dude!”
Oh. Guess he got a little too amped up. The apples of Peter’s cheeks turned pink. Scratching the back of his neck, he sheepishly laughed.
“Sorry, uh…lemme start over…I like Star Wars.”
“So do I! I love Star Wa-”
Peter raised his head, fixing you with a squinty eyed, analytical look - mostly playful. He quickly cut you off again.
“What about Ewoks?”
“They’re like little teddy bears! What’s not to love?”
Points for you, cute, mystery babe.
“Oh, bitchin’. Yeah, uh-”
And like a huge doofus, Peter leaned a little too hard against the magazine stand. It tumbled to the floor as he knocked it over unintentionally. Catching himself, he flashed his teeth in a humiliated smile.
“Uh…I totally meant for that to happen.” He clarified.
Even though you laughed yet again - and sounded so, unfairly cute too - Peter vanished to the restroom to smack himself in the face a few times. Returning only to clean up the fallen magazines. Another microsecond later, he appeared behind the counter. At the register again. His summer hellscape. Purgatory.
And for now, after making such an ass of himself, he’d leave you be. Let you come to him.
You eventually did.
“Just these.” You muttered bashfully, sliding a few tapes across the counter.
Peter glanced up to look at you every few beats. Tapping away at the keypad, his agile fingers danced across the keys with finesse. And despite the speed at which he normally worked, there was an unmistakable lag in his movements. Almost deliberate. He took special care as he typed your information and logged your rentals. It was as if he prolonged the interaction on purpose, drawing out everything at a leisurely pace.
Very unlike Quicksilver.
You eyed the pins all over his (Steve's) vest.
"Nice pins." You said.
"Thanks. Care Bears are the shit."
You held back another giggle, covering your mouth to conceal it.
“Say, uhm…forgive me if I’m being too nosy. But what are you doing all the way out here in Indiana, Quicksil-” You paused, tilting your head innocently to the side. Your eyes squinted into thin slits as you read his nametag, “Peeeter? Peter, yeah.”
Peter flashed a lazy, cat-like grin, snapping his fingers and throwing a finger gun your way.
“Bingo, you got it. But, yeah, everyone else calls me Quicksilver. Except for the oldies who have no clue who I am. It’s insane being recognized sometimes. Cuz I’m just a glorified track-and-field star who ended up a wage monkey, I guess. The job sucks ass, honestly.” He chuckled, leaning against the counter, resting his weight on an elbow, “As for what I’m doin’ here? It’s top secret X-Men business.”
“Ooooh! What, like…some kinda covert op-”
“Covert operation? Yeeeeeaaaaaahhh…nah, I’m totally messin’. Let’s just say I got into some trouble and this is my punishment.” Peter chuckled softly, glancing at the films you picked out. His eyes widened as he scanned the titles, letting out a low whistle, “H’oooh. Some pretty gritty stuff here. These are brutal. Blood, guts, limbs flyin’ all over the place. You tryin’ to give yourself nightmares?”
“Eh, it’s all fake anyway. Just cheesy, dumb fun.” You giggled, taking the horror flicks from him. A jolt of electricity shot through him as your fingers brushed his own. The contact was brief, but it left a flutter in his stomach he couldn’t shake. Parting your pretty lips, you teased, “They’re way more interesting than any lame, religious documentaries.”
Peter raised a brow and gave you a bemused look, your playful comment catching him by surprise. He crossed his strong arms, restlessly tapping his finger against his bicep.
“Mhm. But that “documentary” had some pretty hot angels, not gonna lie.” He joked. Peter smirked, his eyes flickering up and down, giving you a quick once-over. He snapped his fingers again, keeping his tone casual, “Hey, speaking of, are you gonna be wingin’ it back to the pearly gates anytime soon? Or are you stickin’ around for a while?”
Aha! So, you weren’t immune to his natural charm. Your eyes shot open, your blush sending a righteous wave of satisfaction buzzing through him. Peter pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek and wiggled his brows. His confidence soared beyond the stars. Shrugging off any remnants of awkwardness, he eased himself back into a state of carelessness. You broke into another cute giggle fit.
You scratched the back of your neck, looking bashfully down at your shoes.
“Nice save. I think that one actually made me blush.”
Peter blinked laxly, drawing out a satisfied hum. 
“Oh, yeah, it did for sure. Looks cute on you. What can I say? I aim to please.”
A warm smile graced his face as he slid you the last tape.
“Flash Gordon?” He asked.
If you blushed any more, you’d probably explode.
“I couldn’t keep up with the way you were talking…but you mentioned that one. You said it was one of your favorites, right?”
Peter’s heart skipped a beat.
The banter between the two of you seemed to flow so naturally. Time lost all meaning. And as the minutes passed and you said your goodbyes, moving towards the doors; Peter’s foot tapped at a frenzied pace. A powerful urge to chase after you swarmed him like a pack of angry bees. He knew he wouldn’t be staying in Indiana for much longer. Only a month more, at the most. But, man…there was something about you.
Ah, screw it. Act now, face the consequences later.
A fwip, and Peter materialized before you at the doors. You stumbled back and erupted in another surprised squeal. His hands instinctively reached out, grabbing your shoulders to steady you before you fell.
“Sorry! Sorry. Uh, any chance you’d wanna stick around for a while longer? It’s just so dead here tonight. We could kick it back, chill, and hang. And fingers crossed, I promise I won’t make you watch any weird, religious docs or nothin’.”
Miraculously, you agreed. Peter couldn’t believe his luck. And he spent the remaining few minutes of his shift, along with the rest of that night, hanging out with some cutie he met on a whim.
Maybe Robin was right. It was the vest, wasn't it? Chicks were totally into guys with accessories.
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The impossibly hotter month of July.
Some might call Peter a little irresponsible. And true to form, he was. But you were legit the most fun thing to happen to him in months. Up there with the bitchin’ funnel cake he swiped from the carnival, the same night he met you. He hadn’t stopped thinking about it since. Both you, and the funnel cake.
Carpe diem or whatever.
In the cramped shadows of a video store supply closet, Peter pulled you oh-so-close against his body. Hot as hellfire. His heartbeat ran on bubbly fumes of anticipation. Peter’s chapped lips confidently claimed yours, a moment after you gave him a bashful peck and confessed the cutest thing ever-
“Pleaaaase don’t go back to Westchester!! I really really like you. I think you totally rock. I’m gonna miss you too much if you leave.”
D’awww. You were all soft on him. Your pouty lips and innocent eyes made his chest warm and tingly. Peter never imagined someone could win him over so easily. But after the front doors chimed, and you walked into the store wearing a Grace Under Pressure shirt - of which you told him you wore only because he got you into Rush; Peter thought he heard wedding bells. But, oh…wait. No. The doors chimed again.
Peter felt his resolve instantly weaken around you. Whatever aloof front of speedster confidence he held onto seemed to melt away. Mostly. Partially.
In the closet, he grinned into the kiss, tasting your giggles on his tongue as he coaxed you into something deeper. You were such an undeniable sweetheart. A ray of sunshine, casting light on the most boring summer of his life. Clinging bashfully to his intense kisses, you followed the motion of his tongue. Your own tongue raveled delicate threads with his. Overzealous, he tangled those threads in frantic knots. Peter breathed the softest groan, running strong hands down your back and just above-
Passionate rock songs rang out love ballad riffs in his head, and the music halted to a disappointing stop when - all at once, a veil of blinding light washed over you both. Moment ruined. What asshole would even dare? You pulled away from his kiss, but an eager Peter chased your lips. He only stopped himself once he noticed a figure looming in the closet doorway. Steve looked unamused, holding a broom and dustpan in hand.
“Can I help you?” Peter sarcastically quipped.
“Really, man? Really?” Steve scoffed, cheeks pinkening. Clearing his throat, his dark eyes shifted. Away from the couple getting a little too cozy. He stated in a matter-of-fact way, “FYI, you’re still on the clock, yanno? Jesus.”
“Jesus? I’m flattered, Harrington, but you can just call me Peter.”
A soft snicker erupted from your swollen lips. Your small hands curled shamefully into Peter’s work vest, narrowly avoiding the band pins stuck in the fabric. Ultimately, you failed to keep your giggles at bay. Peter always had a way of making you laugh til you cried. His own hands rested just above your booty, a centimeter away from some spicy grab action. Damn you, Steve. Damn you. Teasing an indignant sigh, Peter reached out to lazily snag the door handle.
“Ever heard of knocking?” He joked before easing the door closed, sealing your cute chuckles inside.
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The icy cold, freeze-your-balls-off month of January. Post New Years.
Bundled up in a warm, turtleneck sweater and matching, black jeans; Peter cozied up next to you on the sofa. At his mom’s place, Wanda was perched comfortably on the floor. She kept her back against the foot of the couch close to Peter. In one of the loveseats, Lorna sat with her legs tucked under her. A blanket draped over her small frame. The faint hum of infomercials in the background went ignored, as Peter fell into a long winded info dump about the Lord of the Rings.
Peter’s mother padded into the room from the kitchen. A hand-made shawl covered her shoulders, knitted by Wanda and given to Magda as a gift. Carrying several glass bottle sodas, she passed one out to each of her kids before delivering the last one to you. Magda breathed a chuckle. She noticed the way you narrowed your eyes, as you struggled to follow Peter’s speedy rambling. His family seemed to have no problem keeping up. They understood every word, without asking him to stop and reiterate.
Lorna rolled her eyes affectionately. Wanda gazed up at her brother like he held all the secrets of the universe - and she wanted the details on every single one.
When Peter’s rambling eventually ceased, his mother asked him if he had any plans for the future. He poked inside his empty box of chow mein with a pair of chopsticks. A bit embarrassed, Peter grinned. Now that he finally scored his GED - he knew exactly what he wanted to do. He just hadn’t told anyone aside from Wanda yet. She patted Peter on the knee. A gesture of encouragement, pushing him to open up. With a timid sigh, he confessed - he wanted to teach at Xavier’s.
He got a big ol’ hug from mom for that one.
When she left for work, Peter snuggled up on the couch with you and his sisters. You were all crammed in like warm penguins on a chilly night. Until Peter randomly pushed himself out of the pile. He stumbled forward, checking his watch. Waving his soda in your face, he winked.
“Babe, hold this for me? I almost forgot I wanted to do something.”
Before you could ask, he zipped away and returned in a nanosecond. Peter threw himself into the cuddle puddle.
“Where’d you even go?” You asked, scooting aside to give him more room.
Peter snatched his soda and shrugged, lazily smirking.
“Dropped by Family Video. Tied Steve’s shoelaces together.”
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 months
Funfact : I love asking for part 2...
So if it's not a problem : part 2 of the Reader with a criminal past ??
-Crow Anon
Hiya! Hope this is okay, I wasn't sure what exactly to put aha!
Warnings: discussions of previous crimes, nice strauss? (lol)
Hotch left you alone for the remainder of the journey, suspecting that you needed some time alone, which you were grateful for. You were, to put it bluntly, shitting bricks. It had been expunged, it technically didn't exist anymore. But that didn't mean it still wouldn't bite you in the ass.
Towards the end of the flight, Hotch sat back down. "It's going to have to be included in the reports." He said, his voice understanding.
"I know."
"Which means Strauss will see it."
"Yeah." You gave a soft sigh. "There's no promise she's not going to majorly overreact about it, is there?"
"I can't make that promise, no."
"Ah shit." You gave a small sigh. "She won't fire me though, right?"
"I don't believe so, no."
The rest of the flight dragged, with you wanting to do nothing more than crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of eternity. She was probably going to tear you a new one.
She approaches you half an hour after you land. "Agent (L/N), we need to talk."
You give a small nod, "Yes Ma'am." You stood, following her to her office, where Hotch was stood. You give him a small nod. "I'm assuming this is something to do with the case?"
"You would be assuming correct, Agent (L/N)." Strauss said. "Please, take a seat."
You did so, Hotch sitting in the seat next to you. "I feel like I'm in the Principal's office," You mumble quietly, Hotch hides his amusement (but you can see it in his eyes).
"It has come to light that you have a criminal record."
"Had, Ma'am." You said, "It was expunged."
"And why, exactly, was it expunged?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Because, Ma'am, the Judge recognised that I was a child and I made mistakes, and I was sorry for those mistakes." You answered.
"And what, exactly were these crimes?"
You looked down at the file in her hands, "Ma'am, you already know and the file is right there." You said, "But theft, a couple cases of assault, few others."
She watched you closely for a moment before sighing and turning to Hotch. "Do you believe this coming to light will impact his ability to work?"
"No, I do not." Hotch answered.
"Very well." She said, "I suppose there's nothing else to say on the matter."
You frowned slightly, "That's it?" You asked.
Strauss fought the urge to smile, "Yes, that's it." She stated, "Agent Morgan also had a record that was expunged, it would be unfair to treat you any differently."
You gave a small nod, "Thank you Ma'am."
"You are both dismissed." She gave a curt nod of the head and turned to the stack of files on her desk. You and Hotch stood, making your way out of the room.
"Guess I was just making a mountain out of a mole hill." You looked at Hotch and gave a shrug.
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exyjunkies · 6 years
andreil being rlly domestic and not even noticing. like making food and drinks and getting shit out and putting shit away and tidying up all at the same time and like weaving around each other like it's second nature. working as a unit. it's dumb and gross they haven't even noticed. the foxes notice.
the one where the foxes notice - non-Exy edition[because hey, it’s always fun to imagine them in a non-Exy universe]
i. dan & matt
“Hi. Have you guys been waiting long?” Neil said, upon opening the door. Matt shook his head in reply, effectively getting some snow on the hood of Dan’s coat. Dan made it a point to send a glare back to Andrew, who turned around in favor of marching off towards the kitchen. “Please, come in. Dinner will be done in an hour.”
“Thanks. We’ll hang our coats.” Taking in the state of the apartment, Dan had to admit that she was impressed. She knew Neil and Andrew owned an apartment just around 5th, rent significantly downsized by their landlord, who enjoyed Andrew’s love and skill for art enough to allow him his own gallery just a few floors down. 
She didn’t know (or expect) it was an apartment well-kept and made habitable by humans other than the both of them.
Matt gaped at the remote-controlled fireplace, pressing the buttons to make the flames roar up or flicker down. By the fireplace was a row of books, a shelf with framed photographs, and a jar labeled “Neil’s Percentage Jar” half-filled with change. Dan nudged his shoulder to make him quit (literally) playing with fire.
“Come on, Dan,” Matt insisted, flopping down on the couch and petting King, who had promptly decided he did not like Matt, and made a show of jumping off the couch and striding into the other room. “You got to admit it’s surprising that they have some pretty good digs.”
Dan shrugged. “They probably aren’t the same people we knew back in high school. College changes things, y’know.”
“Your nosiness hasn’t changed though, has it, Boyd?” Andrew piped up, as he walked into the living room with a plate of cookies. He set it down on the coffee table and picked up Sir Fat Cat, who was pawing at something on their brown carpet. Dan stared at Andrew’s sweater, long enough for Andrew to pick up on it.
He sighed. “Yeah, Neil had matching sweaters knit for the both of us,” Andrew mumbled. Both were fox-print sweaters, with Neil’s in fall colors and Andrew’s in black-and-white. “It’s tacky, but it keeps out the cold efficiently enough.”
Matt stood there, blinking, while Dan tried to say something, but failed after only opening her mouth. Andrew, in favor of ignoring them, had decided to sit down and feed Sir Fat Cat a piece of his snickerdoodle.
From the kitchen came Neil’s voice. “Matt? Marshmallows in your hot chocolate, right?”
“I– oh, uh, yes, please, lots of marshmallows, thanks Neil,” Matt fumbled, swallowing and turning his attention back to the pictures by the fireplace.
Dan heard Andrew’s scoff of amusement from his place in the armchair, and grinned despite herself.
ii. aaron and nicky
Aaron was picking at his mashed potatoes, pointedly ignoring Neil’s story of their trip to the Grand Canyon. Nicky nudged him while taking a sip of his wine and nodding. “And then? What happened?”
“Well,” Andrew cut in, knife slicing through his own medium-rare steak. “Turns out we didn’t have enough gas to get back home, so we drove to the nearest bed-and-breakfast, which had a gas station nearby. And– uh, Neil, can you pass me the greens?”
“Oh, sure,” Neil passed the bowl over to Andrew. Nicky eyed this gesture suspiciously. What the fuck was happening here?
He looked at Aaron as if to say exactly that, and Aaron made a face back saying Well, I told you they were gonna act weird.
“And then,” Andrew drawled on, dumping greens on his plate, “We end up sharing one order of their breakfast special, because their servings in that diner  were massive.”
“To be fair, we did have big burgers for lunch,” Neil supplied, patting Andrew’s arm lightly. Andrew rolled his eyes.
“Is that so,” Nicky said, dumbfounded. Subtle gestures of affection being accepted and welcomed by Andrew? Were they having dinner in another dimension?
Andrew stood up to grab another beer from the fridge. “If anything, that breakfast special was enough for dinner and breakfast. I don’t know how Americans live with themselves, honestly.”
Neil nodded. “Would actually drive all the way back there with the rest of the group, if you guys want to. I’ll call Dan tomorrow.”
As Nicky’s fork was halfway to his mouth, Aaron quipped, “Will we see more of… whatever you guys are doing?”
As if on cue, Andrew and Neil both said, “Doing what?”
Nicky facepalmed and made a sideways face at Aaron. 
“We just…” Nicky trailed off, unable to explain as Andrew spooned more gravy onto Neil’s mashed potatoes. “Ugh. Never mind.”
iii. renee and allison
“We’ll pick the movie this time, is that cool with you boys?” Allison said, one hand on her hip, the other holding a bunch of DVDs. She stood there, staring at their DVD player and figuring out how to work the controls.
Andrew walked into the room and yawned. He waved his hand off in his approval.
“Renee, babe, you good with Freaky Friday? That’s always a banger.”
“Of course.” Renee replied, munching on a pretzel and leaning back into her bean bag. 
“Okay, Neil and Monster, you are both about to have the best time with the best queer couple you know,” Allison declared. She turned around and caught Andrew draping a blanket over Neil’s shoulders.
“Thank you, Andrew,” Neil smiled gratefully, moving to make space for Andrew.
“Oh my–” Renee began to react, but Allison shushed her. 
All Andrew did, much to both their disappointment, was to lie down on the remainder of the couch and plop his head down unceremoniously on Neil’s lap.
After a few seconds of silence loud enough for all four of them to notice, Andrew turned to glare at Allison. “Problem, Reynolds?”
“Yeah, man, what the fuck is happening?” Allison shot back, gesturing at the way Neil was playing with Andrew’s hair. Renee stood up to put the DVD in and load the movie.
“Uh, well, in case you haven’t noticed, Allison, we’ve been together for around, what, five years now?” Neil replied, draping his left arm across Andrew’s arm and rubbing his eye with his other arm.
“No, it’s just. The entire couple act. Weird. Never seen it before. Ever.” Even when Renee told her bits and pieces about her visits, she found it weird to even listen.
Andrew made a seriously face and sighed. “Well, we’re not about to change the way we are just because you’re not used to it. Take it or leave it, Allison.”
Allison gaped for a split second before grinning widely. Just because she found it weird doesn’t mean she disapproved.
“Couple to act less gay drives to get all of us breakfast the next day!” Allison declared, placing herself on the carpet and gesturing for Renee to sit on her lap. Renee laughed and waved her off, while Neil made a grab for Andrew’s fingers and played with them absentmindedly.
(The next day saw Renee dragging a grumpy Allison out of bed to drive to the nearest diner.)
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the-black-bulls · 3 years
Hello! Original "William is classist" anon here! 😀 It's not just because his squad is strictly noble (though Luck is a good example that he did have other options). It's also that he continuously failed to address the classist bullying toward Yuno in his squad and showed consistent disregard for human life in such a way that disproportionately affects the lower classes.
On bullying: William is the captain and sets the example, but his entire squad was cruel toward Yuno except for Mimosa, a new recruit. William may have been a commoner, but he embraced nobility and its classism wholeheartedly, and this is portrayed in the people that he surrounds himself with.
As for the disregard for human life. Aiding in Patri's plan will hurt the lower class more than the royals, who have greater means of defending themselves. Also allowing Patri to blame all of humanity for crimes of the royals is majorly classist. We know for a fact that William has the knowledge to know that Patri's hatred of ALL humans is completely unjustified when only the ones in power hurt the elves. In addition, he made Langris, who is as unhinged as Luck (if not worse when it comes to killing civilians) the vice captain, which puts even more commoners and such at risk. At that point, it's not just that he's politely ignorant. He's making a series of choices that show his true colors.
It may not be that he's consciously thinking "I'm better than them," but his actions speak louder than his words: and as for words, he is the biggest liar in the series.
Oh finally you showed yourself, “William is Classist” Anon. Do you know how many replies and asks I got because of you? 🤨 (jk)
OK to be perfectly honest I’m not well familiar with William’s character and the only source I take is the manga. I don’t see the anime as a reliable source with character because most of the time it changes things or adds things that don't work with the original source. So I’ll be only talking about myself and my own interpretation of his character based on my personal reading, this will get long and excuse me to use your ask for this half-assed William meta but I have to get this off my chest.
Fair warning: long meta.
For starter William may not be a straight up bad person, but he’s still not a good person. He’s also not a good captain but we will talk about this later. William is a kind and likeable man by nature and he has a tragic backstory, so I can see why people may sympathize with him. However I’ve always seen him as straight up selfish and ignorant and hypocritical person who’s more flawed than you’d think and I love this about his character because humans aren’t perfect.
William only cares about two people, Julius and Patri. He becomes captain for Julius, his dreams is Julius’ dream, he wants to redeem himself for Julius first and foremost. He cares about Patri too, probably even more. He cherry-picks the magic knights with elfin souls for Patri, he commits treason and genocide and other awful crimes for Patri, and he keeps himself silent for years despite Patri’s clear danger (I mean he literally leads a terrorist group) to the kingdom because Patri always comes first. He cares only about two people and is only loyal to two people. For this reason he did not make any move until he found himself between two options, the best of which was bitter, so he gave up his responsibility and asked them to solve the matter, with his concern being only directed toward Patri and Julius, not the kingdom or his squad.
This makes him very selfish and ignorant and hypocritical in the sense that his priorities lie with his personal desires. He protects the kingdom while secretly helping terrorists, he leads the best squad and they idolize him but he doesn’t seem to keep an eye on them or is straight up being ignorant, “as long as this doesn’t harm our reputation it’s ok but don’t do it again" is the reaction I expect from William upon learning that Langris tried to kill civilians, and he doesn’t get any close dynamic with them or with his fellow captains. William also knew that he was doing a big mistake but didn’t stop, and it’s not that he “now” regrets his action, William always regretted his actions and saw them as sins since the very beginning, but again never stopped. He’s flawed to his core and I don’t get how people can see him any other way. This is why he’s one of the most interesting character in the series because I can see where he comes from.
Now all of this will make up for a great character, right. Well, nope. Unfortunately the story narrative failed to address his actions. He got little to no consequences. He didn’t even have to talk or show remorse, his inner thoughts were directed for Patri and Julius with no regard to the kingdom, and then when it’s the moment of his judgement Julius did all the talking and took some responsibility of William’s actions (sorry but why?) then gave him a second chance, then William cried and it was over and we moved to other things and, to quote my reaction when I read that part, What The Hell. This moment killed my interest in both William & Julius. There were so much that should be explored, like the captain reactions, the GD reactions, William’s inner thoughts because even if he’s a flawed person he isn’t a monster and I’m sure he has things to say and think about after the black bulls mess in the trial and y’know the kingdom getting destroyed--- *sighs*
Now back to the main topic, should all of this make William a classist person or not? It’s up to how you see his character. I see him as neither, or both depending on the situation. He’s so messed up with little focus so I can’t make up my mind on this topic. I think the “canon” wants you to see him as not, but his actions give you a different impression, so I don’t know. Man, he reminds me of Nozel, and I’m not fan of Nozel, but that’s a topic for another day.
OK this will be my last comment on this topic this is a black bulls blog damnit ask me stuff about them plz (jk lol), y’all are welcome to share your opinions through asks or reblogs but please spare me from the replies drama 😅
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hellllooooo!!! okay i would actually like to have a discussion about this. by no means is this any hate towards you or me trying to start an argument. just a civil disagreement re: your anti-neris/eris ask!!!
1. agree entirely with this point omggg nesta is literally an eris/rhys in female form without the added ambition, war crimes, and misogyny under her belt fr fr
2. OKAY LOVED BEST LAID PLANS QUEEN YOUR TALENT>>>> sorry love to see white men lose. here’s where i disagree tho. you say that eris saw nesta in a way that cassian didn’t/doesn’t. but i would argue that he does! eris clearly sees nesta as a prize worth having and a huge political advantage (which, duuuhh) but i would say cassian does too. in fact, i would go so far as to say cassian sees so much more than eris. he sees the power she holds in her humanity, in her trauma, and in everything she is beyond that. i think cassian does not let that be the only thing that defines her. that’s she’s a great weapon but that’s only one facet to who she is as a person. i think also saying that cassian didn’t want her as unapologetically or unashamedly as eris did is a little unfair to cassian and nessian’s story over all. their relationship dynamic’s exterior is more of a push/pull sort while their interior leaves a lot of things left unsaid. they’ve never had the clean slate of “seducing him with a dance” that eris had. and i 100% am with you, cassian did do some majorly questionable things (a discussion for another time, maybe. this one is already dragging its ass lmaoo) and i’m not excusing what he’s done but i think nitpicking a few wrongs out of the many and multiple good things cassian not only did for her but *with* her kind of cheapens nesta’s love for him a little bit but that’s maybe just more my opinion than anything else. ALTHOUGH I WILL SAY i’m kinda offended w this klaroline comparison queen. i get neris is fantasy and fun and whatever you wanna make it but c’monnnn klaroline king and queen of the screen UNTOUCHABLE UNREACHABLE PERFECTION…just can’t compare. also eris will never be babyklaus i’m sorry i’ll see myself out now pls don’t hate me.
3. YES! YES I AGREE. I AGREE NESTA OVER HUMANITY IM SO SERIOUS RN!!!! nesta archeron the woman that u are…
4. ooooh yep u got me there queen. may i offer, also: azriel. mysterious morally grey pretty bois will always trump whitehets for me ngl. THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS POTENTIAL!!!!
all in all, queen i truly truly deeply do not mean to offend you at all i just wanted to offer some food for thought and another perspective for the discussion!!! i love everything you write you’re literally the best nessian author fr you feed me all the time i have NOTHING BUT RESPECT FOR U!!!! love u love u love u
Hello hello - first of all when I said I was getting hate i 100% NEVER mean things like this. Respectful disagreement is important and fun. I’m literally a lawyer I promise to never be offended by stuff like this lol. I just kinda dipped out of my own messages for a while because I was over it.
Overall, I think the crux of everything I say with Neris is just the ✨fantasy✨ we don’t know what Eris would be like or how he would behave and we are annoyed with Cassian. The MAJOR issue I would say is that pretty much all of the good things Cassian did or affection he showed was before ACOSF and then he spent like half of THEIR BOOK being, if I may say so, a little bitch. He just never defended her until she started doing what he wanted essentially. I don’t think Cassian didn’t care. I think it’s clear he always cared and always wanted Nesta - but it’s the fact that this book was SO anticipated and we were waiting for a healing journey but it ended up being a drill sergeant. Annoyance with Cassian is kind of caked into annoyance with all of ACOSF, in my opinion. I’m not necessarily defending Eris and I don’t actually canon ship this couple, I’m more just explaining where the Neris shipping comes from in my opinion. Cassian was a total simp pre-ACOSF and we fell in love with that. There was the original tension of “calling her out” (eyeroll) but then his whole story was basically longing for and being the only one who understood Nesta. So the combo of the Cassian who actually understood Nesta being nowhere in site and this powerful sexy man being into Nesta and no questions asked wanting her … which was basically EXACTLY what we were all expecting from Cassian just amped everything up to a thousand. We were expecting pained sad boi longing as they healed together and instead we got forced into a house and “everyone hates you” and I think the collective attitude was well if she’s going to not have that epic love story then at least get her away from the IC and make her in charge of a Court thx. That was my mindset anyway. Again, I don’t think it’s actually where anyone felt the narrative going and it’s an over simplification but it was born from a lot of anger over a lot of different issues and character hypocrisies.
Also, to be clear, the Klaroline comparison was genre based only. Just the idea that an enemy becoming obsessed with one of the “good guys” and putting her first while her “boyfriend” is putting others before her is a very sexy vibe that we are all susceptible to. I do hate comparing Cassian to Tyler even a tiny bit … but yknow what if the growling and alpha male complex fit …
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galactigoos · 3 years
I love the series! Just wanted to see how you were doing and get an update on the story
Howdy! Here's an update for y'all.
Life kicked the ever-loving shit out of my ass so I'm sorry for disappearing. I've got four 6 hour flights coming up so I'm going to spend that time getting some writing done!
I am about half done with Chapter 21 of Not You Again, so that should be coming out within the week. I am planning to be more consistent with uploads in the future, especially since life has calmed down majorly for me.
I have a few other projects in the works, like a long one-shot that's been eating up a lot of my writing attention recently. That one is another enemies-to-loves Bucky x Reader with Hydra!Reader and some pretty good gore.
I'm also planning out a mini-series that is almost a what-if version of Not You Again, with y/n having similar powers but they're more... monstrous. Still Bucky x Reader but not enemies-to-lovers. Bucky won't have forgotten y/n like he does in Not You Again (which he doesn't remember in NYA for a reason btw, we'll discover that soon) and instead is the one to rescue her. They get to go on the run together but it's super angsty because y/n's got some fun body horror stuff going on.
I am excited to be back writing again, especially with our dear one-armed murder puppy.
TL;DR, Sorry I was gone lol, new chapter within the week. There's a long one-shot coming as well as a mini-series, but updating NYA is priority number one right now.
Thank you to everyone who cares enough to stay with my blog, and thank you for bearing with me. Sometimes life has to be put before fics unfortunately. That's not exactly fair to all my lovely readers, but it's the truth. Happy New Year and thank you for all the kind messages I've gotten.
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vetrubius · 3 years
W.C: 1,666
Summary: Y/N L/N is a 24 year old bartender who owns a small bar. The usual life of hers is about to change after meeting the Hero Associations Chairman, Izuku Midoriya. She’s in charge of the afterparty of the Sports Festival for the Hero Association. Watch her as she falls in love gracefully with one of the strongest hero.
A/N: Chapter 2, y’all! Planning to do a little smau too in the consequent chapters.
Warnings and genre: Angst, Fluff, Cigarette smoke, Alcohol, Cheating, mention of gun once, headache, phone conversations, texts.
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The two of you sigh looking up at the smokey ceiling. “That was good,” you say, exhaling the smoke. “Maybe it’s been a while that’s why.” he hypothesizes taking the cigarette from your hand “when was the last time we fucked anyway?”. “I guess it’s been a week” answer rolling to face him. His yellow hair falling on his sides, the lips parted slightly to remove the smoke through his mouth, his yellow eyes staring up at the ceiling. He looked so sinful. But it seemed like he was in a different state altogether. Thinking about something else. “Hey” you whisper near his ear, licking the lobe of it. “You seem to like doing that for some reason. It’s….ugh” his body shivered down to the last bit. You could sense his arm hair rising and his cock slowly but painfully erecting again. He decided to latch on to your lips and bite your bottom one hard. “Somebody’s wanting some more.” he growls against your chin.
Your intimate moment with Denki is broken by your phone ringing from the hall. “Ah don’t go,  babe” he whined “I’ll be back in a while, wait.” You say gently smiling at him, giving him reassurance. You got up quickly, grabbed your dressing gown and sprinted towards the noise point. Just a second before you reach, you see the phone on silent again. “Iida..” you murmur as you see three missed calls from him. At… 3 am? Shouldn’t he be sleeping right now? You don’t waste any time calling him back, making your way to the small balcony and simultaneously tightening the drawstring around your waist. 
“Hey, are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I called to tell you that the boss agreed for the afterparty at the bar.” 
“That’s really great!  Was it tough convincing him about the small place?” 
“No, not one bit. He was kinda into the idea.”
“Alright. That’s a plus one. Thank you Iida. You really saved my ass here.” 
“Nah, there’s a slight problem.”
“He wants me to organise it on the 25th of November.”
“Isn’t that a week?”
“I need an advance payment for that. I’ll forward you my bank account details. And if I have any problems, I’ll call you.”
“Alright, will do. Why are you up right now anyway?” 
“If you know, you know. I hear cars behind you. Still at work?”
“Shifts getting over at 8 am.”
“Iida, you should make time for Uraraka.”
“Why do you say so?”
“Don’t you think she’ll be getting lonely? She needs you too, you know?”
“I know but she gets it. Anyway, get back to your...ahem….work” 
“You too! Do good and take care.”
As soon as the call ended, you felt the sudden urge to go back to the bar. You’d come to Denki’s place to hook up a lot of times, majorly because your room was a mezzanine right above the bar. So the two of you would never get any privacy. But right now, all you cared about was going back and attending the bar. You made your way to Denki’s room and opened the door slightly. “Den-” your eyes were met by him fast asleep with soft snores. You took your clothes, your white shirt and trousers, rolled them and dumped them in your handbag. “These will need washing, I’ll just take something from his closet.” You took the white t-shirt and a pair of track pants, and made your way to the bathroom. Tying your hair up into a half ponytail, you get out of the washroom and go to his room again. 
You put his blanket over him and exited his house with only one thing in mind. The bar. 
The walk from Denki’s house is barely 20 minutes and you love the city more in the early morning where you see either drunks or joggers. You unlock the bar gate and step inside being welcomed to the darkness again.  It’s not like you mind it but you would feel better coming back home to someone. Someone other than an empty stage and ghosts of your customers. As you finish washing the empty dishes and taking another smoke break, you start making your way up to the mezzanine. Your thoughts of sleeping are disrupted by the metal door bell ringing, showing the door opening of the bar. “I’m sorry we’re clo-” you announce, annoyed as you turn to see who the person was. The two stare into the strangers' green eyes. His green hair in motion with his face, his hands scavenging to remove the mask off his face and get as much oxygen he could consume.” 
“Hey, are you okay?” you start making your way down the steps towards him with concern. He put a finger up, gesturing you to wait. After he’d caught his breath, he stripped his mask off his face completely and looked at you. “I know you’re closed but there was this weird guy chasing me, I needed a safe space,” he said “could I have a little water please?”. Great. There goes your sleep. Tossed right in the dustbin. But right now you need to take care of him. “Ah fuck it” you murmur as you fill a glass of water from the sink and make your way towards him. 
He was as tall as you but his muscles were definitely popping. “Thank you so much.” he said chugging the water down, handing you the glass back and grinned. You have to admit he was pretty cute with that devious grin. “What are you doing out so late anyway?” you asked going behind the bar and sitting on the barstool, indicating him to join you on the table. “Well, I was jogging and as I said before, I saw this weird guy chasing me. I’m pretty sure he had a gun or something.” He said as he walked over and made himself comfortable on the stool, his eyes scanning the large shelf of bottles behind you. “Yeah, I’m the bartender and the owner of this place. Just stay for 15 minutes and leave. I’m tired” you say as your head dips between your crossed arms on the table and you feel your eyes drooping against the cold granite. “Thank you for letting me be here. My name is-” is the last thing you hear before your flake out.
“Y/N?” Iida shakes you gently. “Y/N, wake up.” he said, patting your head slightly. “Mhm….” you stir,  groaning while twisting your body and feeling your numb hands. Still faded out, you look at Iida with the drool dripping down on one side of your face. “Time?” your raspy voice manages to choke. “It’s 11 am. You didn’t pick my calls up so I figured that you forgot to open the bar for breakfast again. Wake up, there are customers outside,” he said, signalling the door “oh, and here’s a note I found under that glass there” he shuffles through his pocket and hands it to you. “Anyway, I don’t have time. I’m already late to wake your stupidass up.” Iida said, walking towards the door. “Have a nice day.” is what you manage to choke out before rushing to brush, change and keep the bar running again. You kept your note on the nightstand, as you went ahead with your day. I’ll read that later. 
12 midnight rolled by quicker than you thought. You bid farewell to the last customers and put the closed board outside the bar. Your day had been hectic; the usual breakfast people, cleaning floors and washing dishes in the afternoon, making a list of the things you needed at the party while contacting people and other things while dealing with a splitting headache. Taking care of this place really covers the exercises you don’t do. Wrapping things up, you made your way to your room and recollected the note Iida gave you. You entered the room and turned the lights on and looked at your phone and desk. Picking up the paper, you start reading it. 
“Hey, I didn’t get a chance to thank you since you passed out of the table lol. Anyway, here’s my number, text me once you wake up: +81 xxxxx xxxxx.” 
Keeping the paper down, you pick your phone up to text him and you’re greeted with multiple texts from Ochako, Iida and Denki which you ignore and type in the number in your new message.
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While you’re at it, you decide to open Denki’s text too.
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After you press send to Kaminari, you think a little. Maybe I should surprise him a little. You wear your garter and stockings on your legs and slip on your track pants, and an olive lacey bra and throw on a hoodie. You take a big chug of whiskey kept on the bar shelf once your feet hit the ground floor. “Oh, he’s definitely in for a treat” you giggle and talk to yourself as you make your way downstairs and out the door. 
You walk in the cold listening to Rude Boy by Rihanna (because why not) to pump yourself up for getting your back injured tonight. You make a left towards Denki’s lane and skip a little. Maybe I’m actually having feelings again. I guess this might work. You giggle realising how much Iida would disapprove of it. Maybe scold you a little for being irresponsible for letting yourself develop a little something for each other. But he’d wish you all the happiness in the world nevertheless. 
You make your way up in the lift to his apartment. The doors part open and you see a new pair of shoes outside his house. Damn, he didn’t tell me he had guests. You unlock the door and walk into the house. Your eyes are greeted by clothes thrown all across the floor. Womens clothes. You freeze. The sounds coming from the room verifies your thoughts. Someone else? You try to process your scattered thoughts and move your numb body towards the door. Each step feels in sync with the moans from the room. You push the door a little to see inside. Only for your eyes to drop to her.
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kutemouse · 4 years
Becoming His (Part Two, Smut Version)
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Disclaimer: The images from my header belong to BigHit and BTS, but I edited them together. 
Alright all you kuties, I know a lot of you have been waiting for this since… what has it been, 31, almost 32 hours since I’ve posted part one? Dang, it feels like longer lol. Time is weird in this isolation period.
Anyways, I know the original request asked for fluff only BUT (and I am so sorry 😟) I included a smut scene. The story called for it, and my fingers were typing, and it just happened. However, I have also written a smut-free version due to the fact that I know there are kuties who are fasting at this time who read my work. I posted that here. You can also find it on my MasterList.
Shoutouts to these sweet kuties:
@kpopyandere ​for being the best unnie account to encourage and motivate me ever, the biggest thank you 💜
@apurpledheart ​for your lovely comments, thank you 💜
@rowoons-noona ​for your sweet comment, thank you 💜
@illnevertrustmyselfagain ​for loving my writing and supporting me, thank you 💜
@clarkcling ​for being my second ever requester, and the first to reach out to me and tell me how much they like my work, thank you 💜
@kutieanon (anyone who’s sent me anything anonymously) for keeping me busy with requests and inspiring the hell outta me, thank you 💜
And so, without further ado, I present you with Part Two. Enjoy 💜
Age Recommendation: 18+ (I mean it! There is explicit SMUT in this part!)
Warnings: Swears, full-out smutty masturbation scene (so sorry again), SOMEONE coming in and being a total ASS, Joon being possessive af.
Word Count: 2,718
Summary: A bit after moving to a new neighborhood, you happen to meet your sexy new neighbor completely by coincidence. Or was it?
Becoming His (Namjoon One-Shot, Yandere, Angst, Fluff, Smut) Part Two
You didn’t see Namjoon after that day. You were hoping to catch him jogging, or shooting baskets in his backyard again, but he didn’t come outside. Or, if he did, he didn’t during the times you were out and about. You were hoping to apologize, at least. He didn’t have to give you another shot, but at night when your fantasies seemed more vivid, you imagined he was as eager as you were to smooth things over with a quick conversation and a long fuck.
Namjoon, however, saw you. He watched from partially closed blinds as you went about your routine, seemingly unbothered by the fact that you completely blew him off. Each night, he waited until you turned off your lights for the night, watching the clock slowly tick until exactly twenty minutes went by, then slipped outside. He quietly climbed the fence between your yards and sat beneath your window, trying to get as close to you as possible.
Namjoon wanted to make things right, he just couldn’t concoct a scenario that wouldn’t come off badly to you. After all, you already rejected him. What could he do to make you love him the way he loved you? He couldn’t force you… or could he? While he toyed with that idea, the best Namjoon could currently hope for was that you would coincidentally bump into him, realize what you were missing out on, and come back to him.
One night, you cracked your window to try and relieve some of the oppressing summer heat swarming your home before you went to bed. As soon as you closed your eyes, you imagined Namjoon, his upper half naked once more as you finally caught him jogging. “Hey!” you would say, waving at him from your front yard, your robe falling open to reveal your lace nightie.
He’d stop in front of you with that trademark smirk showing off his dimples, panting heavily, sweat running down his muscular back, and you’d both finally give in to your desires. Lips would crash together, and clothes would come off before you could even slam your front door behind you. You both were so eager to feel the other, you wouldn’t even be able to make it to the bedroom.
“Namjoon!” you gasped, sliding your fingers inside of yourself, imagining it was his cock instead.
Back in reality, Namjoon perked up when he heard you moaning his name. He didn’t realize your window was open, and at first it made him freeze with fear. Had you possibly heard him sneak into your backyard? But then, as you let out another moan, he felt his muscles relax as your voice completely consumed him. Almost unconsciously, Namjoon slid his hands underneath his athletic shorts, cupping himself. It was all he could do to not answer your moans with a groan of his own.
Your voice got louder and louder as you pleasured yourself, completely forgetting your window was open, and Namjoon pumped himself faster and faster, wanting to release at the same time you did. With a semi-muffled whiny scream, you cried out his name once more. “Oh god, oh god, Namjooooon!”
The real Namjoon silently dropped his mouth open, shakily panting as cum spurted out onto his hand. He made a huge mess in his shorts, but he didn’t care. Just hearing your sweet voice calling out his name made him hard. He just wished he was actually in your bedroom with you, actually stuffing you full with his thick cock, actually feeling you clench around him as you screamed his name. It was all he could do not to go around to the front of your house and knock on your door. But it was the middle of the night, and you weren’t supposed to know he was there.
Still, Namjoon needed a plan, and fast. Not being able to be near you was becoming too much to bear. The next day, as he lounged on his couch staring at the ceiling, trying to come up with some way to get you to talk to him again. He could follow you to the grocery store, bump into you there? No, too obvious. He also didn’t want to try something he already tried, knowing he’d just come off as pathetic.
A knock on his door made him sit up straight. Who could that be? He opened the door to see you there, of all people. “Hey,” you said, giving him a tentative smile.
“I just came to give you this,” you said, handing him a piece of paper. It was a flyer for… a neighborhood party? At your place?
“I just wanted to get to know everyone on the block,” you explained. It was lame, you knew that, but you needed an excuse to see him and talk to him and this was the best you could come up with. You figured a party with other people around would ease some of the pressure, and maybe you would find a chance to apologize.
Namjoon smiled, showing off his signature dimples and making your stomach flip over itself. “Wow, this sounds great, Y/n.”
Ugh, you loved the way he said your name. If you could take a recording of just that sound, you’d listen to it for the rest of your life.
“Great, so I’ll see you there?” you said hopefully.
His dark eyes bore into you with a gaze so intense you just had to glance away. “Of course you will,” he said. The words dripped from his lips like honey, and although they had no sensual connotation whatsoever, they awoke something in your middle that went straight to your core.  Namjoon bit his lip, slowly releasing it from between his teeth, and you swallowed hard, trying to keep your composure even as your panties grew damp.
“Awesome, well, I’ll see you Friday,” you muttered before turning away and stumbling across his lawn back to your safe haven.
Namjoon’s smirk didn’t diminish even after you ran away once more. This time, though, he knew you weren’t running because you were rejecting him… you were running because you were holding yourself back. Namjoon had no idea why, but he didn’t care. He would break you.
Friday arrived, and you made yourself stay busy in order to keep your thoughts away from Namjoon. It worked for a while, but then he began drifting into your mind as you started getting ready and setting up. Would he like the catered sandwiches you ordered? Would he appreciate the short-yet-sensible polka-dot dress you spent hours shopping for?
Finally, 5:30 arrived, and the first set of neighbors showed up. It was the elderly couple who lived around the corner. You welcomed them in and thought it was so sweet when they told you they brought a salad to share.
You whipped open the door each time the doorbell rang, your hopes soaring then falling when you realized it wasn’t him. The family with three little ones came, the young just-married couple came, and even the three rowdy college boys who lived behind you came. Free food could really draw in a crowd, but still, he didn’t show up.
An hour later, you nearly gave up on the thought of seeing him. You guessed you imagined the electric attraction between the two of you. Either way, you were majorly disappointed. You were setting dishes in the sink when you heard a voice behind you. “Hey there.”
You spun, nearly dropping the glass you were holding. “Namjoon!” you gasped.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he chuckled, holding his hands up. “I knew you’d probably be busy and just let myself in. Hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is.”
It definitely was if he was walking around looking like that. He sported a light blue collared shirt, casually unbuttoned low enough to show off some chest, and dark trousers. He looked like he just got back from the office, pulled off his tie, and came over. Your fingers twitched, wishing it was you who pulled off that tie.
He stepped towards you, getting so close you could smell his cologne. It was so light, you wouldn’t know he was wearing it unless you were in tight proximity… just like now. You cleared your throat and moved away, but he moved with you as if chasing you. “Y/n,” he murmured, his eyes flicking down to your lips.
“Y-Yes Namjoon?”
You backed up all the way to the counter, gasping as you felt the edge of it press into your skin. Just then, your neighbor Sunhee, the mother of the three kids currently screaming and running around your backyard, popped her head into the kitchen. “Oh, hello Mr. Kim,” she said brightly. “Y/n, I was just coming in here to see if you needed any help.”
“Oh, that would be great, thanks.”
The rest of the party went without a hitch, and you found yourself bright and cheery as you talked with and got to know your new neighbors. Everyone was so damn nice, but secretly, you were anticipating the moment they would all leave you alone with the one person you actually wanted to be with. As the evening wore on, people began to make their good-byes, thanking you for such a great time. “We really need to do this more often,” Sunhee said, hugging you tight. “It’s so good to see everyone.”
“Agreed,” you said, hugging her back.
Over her shoulder, you saw a familiar figure open and close your door, and your heart completely stopped. He brushed his long, dark hair out of his eyes and looked around, smirking when his eyes finally found yours. Your legs turned to jelly as that smirk crashed into you. Damn. Even after all this time, he still affected you, no matter how much you tried to shove it down.
You thanked Sunhee for coming one last time and made sure everyone else was out before stopping that asshole in his tracks. “What are you doing here, Jungkook?” you muttered, placing a hand on his chest.
“What do you mean?” he asked, poking his tongue between his teeth and quickly withdrawing it. “I came to see you.”
“Yeah, right,” you snapped. “You have no right, coming in here like you own the place.”
“I might not own this place, but I own you,” he said, his cocky tone setting your teeth on edge.
“No you don’t.”
He stepped close, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Are you sure about that?”
You shoved him backwards. “Get out.”
The corners of his perfect, pink mouth turned up in a menacing smirk. “No.”
“I thought I made myself clear,” you hissed. “I’m no longer going to be your fuck-buddy, Jungkook. I wanted something more, but you made it clear you didn’t.”
“I don’t recall saying anything of the sort.”
You scoffed. “You didn’t have to use words. Finding you in bed with another girl the day after you told me you had feelings for me was plenty.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Please. We weren’t exclusive.”
“Maybe not, but you don’t just go and fuck another girl right after telling another you care for them!”
“Everything okay, Y/n?” a voice asked. You turned to see Namjoon standing there, his chin raised as he defiantly stared Jungkook down, large hands shoved in his pockets.
Jungkook scoffed. “Are you kidding me, Y/n? Look at you, the complete hypocrite. We’re apart for less than a month, and you already have another boy toy.”
“He’s nothing of the sort,” you muttered, folding your arms and turning away from him. “I said I didn’t want you here. Now please leave.”
“No chance in hell,” he growled. “I came back here to see you, and I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.”
Something inside of you snapped. “Which is what?! Another booty call?! I said I was done with you, Jungkook, so either get the fuck out or I’ll call the police.”
Jungkook started towards you, but before you could react, Namjoon stepped in front of him. “She said leave,” he said. His eyes flashed with a dark anger that turned the tension from smoldering ash up to a roaring flame. You took a step back, suddenly afraid. You had never seen this side of him before.
“This doesn’t concern you,” Jungkook snarled, attempting to push Namjoon out of the way.
“Actually, it does,” Namjoon growled. “She’s mine.”
“She just said–”
“And I’m saying she’s mine.”
Rage roiled off Namjoon in tidal waves, threatening to break everything that stood in his way. Jungkook snorted. “Unbelievable,” he muttered.
“Call me when you’re ready to be fucked properly again, bitch,” he spat at you as he turned and walked out the door.
Your legs gave out underneath you, and you sank to the floor. This was definitely not how you wanted tonight to go. Namjoon instantly came to you, concern written all over his face. “Are you alright?” he asked, gently reaching out.
“Don’t touch me!” you snapped. “What the hell was that? Why did you say I was yours?”
Namjoon drew back, shocked. “What?”
“That phrase you kept saying. ‘She’s mine.’ Why would you say that?”
“Well, because… because…”
“Because what?!”
“Because I care about you, Y/n!”
You stared at Namjoon, searching for any signs of untruthfulness or deceit that you had commonly found in Jungkook’s eyes, but there was nothing but pure sincerity in his eyes. Breathing hard, you stood up from the floor, still trembling from the confrontation. Namjoon reached out to help you, but withdrew his hands quickly.
“No, it’s okay,” you said, your tone more gentle now.
You tentatively placed your hands on his chest, fingers lightly stroking the collar of his shirt. “I… I care about you too,” you whispered.
Relief flooded through Namjoon, putting out the roaring fire of anger he felt earlier. He stepped close enough for you to catch a whiff of his cologne again, enticing the rest of your senses to dive in. He was only centimeters away, close enough to feel the heat radiating between his body and yours, but not close enough to feel the hard, broad muscles of his shoulders. You looked up into his eyes, his pupils blowing wide as you studied each other, waiting for someone to make the next move.
After longing after each other for so long, you thought he wouldn’t wait a single second to be with you, but it turns out you were both vulnerable, both afraid of messing this up, so you took it slow. Each small movement drew you closer together, no matter how minute. The way his eyes roamed your face. The way you slowly slid your hands up to rest on his shoulders. The way his lips hovered tantalizingly over yours.
Finally, as if on cue, you both lunged towards each other, crashing your lips together to meld into one, perfect kiss. It stayed sweet and innocent for longer than you would’ve liked, with Namjoon being careful to keep his tongue inside his own mouth no matter how much he was yearning to taste you. You separated from each other, both breathless, and Namjoon continued peppering kisses down your cheek to your jaw. You sighed and tightened your grip on him. “Say you’re mine,” he murmured.
You opened your eyes. “Wh-What?”
“Say you’ll be mine.” He drew back and smiled, nothing but sincere tenderness in his eyes.
“Are… Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” you whispered.
He hesitated, then nodded. Your mouth parted open. No, this was too quick. Much too fast. You barely knew the guy, hadn’t even been on a date with him yet, and yet here he was, asking for the commitment you’d been craving.
His gaze grew apprehensive as he waited for your answer, but you continued looking into those dark, beautiful eyes. He felt so warm on top of you. You liked him, there was no doubt about that, and the spark of attraction was definitely there. Fuck it, what did you have to lose? You wanted to become his.
“Okay,” you murmured.
“Okay. Yes. I’ll be yours.”
Namjoon let out a relieved sigh. “Really?”
If only you knew just what you had agreed to.
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hartleytrashaway · 4 years
agirlwithachakram replied to your post “i’m really torn between ‘hooray my beautiful son is back’ and ‘cool,...”
asdf,ansdf,nasd,mf RIGHT??? why is this show so straight in all the worst possible ways, how is it so fixated on talking about feelings of (SOME OF) the main characters to the detriment of getting into the big ideas that matter and inform their lives and traumas and why do they keep writing in hartley only to write him out instantly?
so i haven’t regularly watched the show since the end of s3 but didn’t they have some weird therapist mini-arc that didn’t go anywhere or actually address anybody’s problems? please correct me if i’m wrong. but i’m forever baffled by this show’s alternately glib and heavy-handed approaches to its extremely fucked-up characters. (even back when the show was good they really hand-waved a lot of shit away. jesse basically has no recovery time whatsoever from prolonged captivity and i’m still fucking uncomfortable about that.) it’s always had this inconsistent and wrong-headed approach to trauma despite dealing with some incredibly weighty issues. 
i absolutely think the show has been the most notorious one in the arrowverse for just so thoroughly shitting on the legacies of almost EVERYONE in the cast. the way they’ve just decimated the rogues has rankled me for years (see above re: glossing over serious issues, bc lisa snart is exhibit A), but they’ve also paid majorly important characters like wally, linda, etc. dust or sacrificed them on the altar of barry as golden god. i don’t even know who half the names are in the recaps anymore, and honestly, i don’t even care enough to look them up because i don’t want to get invested in someone the narrative will probably screw over for, idk, barry making stupid-ass decisions and being sad about it. (i get that barry is the main character, but don’t keep shoving teamwork and family down my throat as themes when you fuck over everyone in barry allen’s periphery.)
and hartley.......just a fucking case study in What the Fuck are Y’all DOING on This Show? there’s something about the constant betrayals of hartley that specifically hurt more than other characters. part of that is because the characters will create a problem for themselves that would be perfect for hartley to help solve (and they just forget he exists), but also hartley was set up with an incredibly intriguing backstory/identity/relationship to team flash, and the writers squandered literally everything about it. hartley is just as much of a victim as caitlin and cisco in terms of betrayed employees, and in many ways more of a victim because of the closeness of his relationship with harrison (regardless of whether it’s interpreted as platonic or romantic/sexual) and the viciousness with which harrison destroyed him. (it’s worth noting that it isn’t barry who beats hartley on the bridge in 1x11; it’s harrison, and his defeat is gruesome and brutal.) the show kicks the shit out of hartley, sometimes literally, and never reckons with the nastiness of the extra abuses they heap on a traumatized, isolated abuse victim. 
the ostensibly happy endings they give him are, like practically everything else, a nice sheen of Good News covering some really ugly content. 2x17 brings hartley back and gives him his hero moment and shows him happy and fulfilled...and then slips on a banana peel and slides right into the fucking trash by asking him to reunite with his homophobic parents. it feels even worse to show how crisis dicked over his timeline again. it cheapens his first and best episode by retroactively wiping out his pain and grief and desperate vengeance. the hartley we meet in 1x11 has been driven to this point by the continuous betrayals of the authority figures in his life and runs rampant because no one was there to temper him. it’s obvious that he’s alone in the world and has been for a while. sliding in a Cool Fix-It Boyfriend is a band-aid solution that disrespects hartley (and roderick, who exists only to be that good dick, i guess?) by stripping his history and motivations, again. i can’t be the only queer who fell in love with hartley because he was traumatized and ostracized and angry about it, and he gave voice to all those bitter feelings. every new retcon, every time they dangle a mention or appearance of hartley, only to squash our hopes with whatever stupid-ass narrative device they’ve got this time, becomes more and more insulting. 
like -- we get hartley meeting another harrison. this should be a fucking powder keg of a moment. i’ve been wishing that we could have seen this since s2, and i wanted so badly for hartley to be able to just unleash all the grief and hurt at someone who may not be the original harrison, but who still wears harrison’s face. and they just fucking whiffed it by having it be another opportunity for hartley to play the horny gay kid. on the surface: extremely in keeping with who hartley has always been, which is sarcastic, into tom cavanagh, and DTF. it’s one of those things that’s fine if you don’t think about it too hard, or if you go full lizard brain about it and just go ‘lol hartley wants to bang u.’ but it’s also so fucking deflating for hartley as a fully-realized character -- in one fell swoop, hartley’s supposed antagonistic relationship that has practically been his raison d’être in his past appearances becomes a blip on the radar so minor he can crack jokes about wanting to ride the cock express all the way to double-bang town. it invalidates his struggles and whisks away so much of what made him a rich, relatable character in the first place. 
anyway sorry i wrote a fucking essay you didn’t ask for. ima wrap this up even though i have a ton more to say, bc otherwise i will legit be here for hours getting mad about the fucking POTENTIAL this show has and refuses to take advantage of. 
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skinnyziamlove · 5 years
ok, get y'all ready for this long ass post that i'm doing about this analyze that i made last night and it make sense to me and it make sense to some friends some i'm sharing:
"fresh air" by zayn is not actually one of my favorite songs on icarus falls, i've listened to it just a few times after it's release (yeah, y'all can judge for it lol) but for some weird reason i've been with one phrase of the song stuck in my head recently but i didn't put too much thought on it but since LP1 is out now (go stream it!!!!) i couldn't help but see some kind of similitaries?
as we have been knew liam recently open up about his mental health, depression, anxiety, agoraphobia and even saying that suicide was an option in his "menu" a couple of times during all of these years.
now about the album promo he said that one of his songs was going to be very honest about mental illness and something that he's never going to talk about entirely and he said that this song is "weekend", let's take a look at the lyrics:
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"i might die on the weekend/ might die/ might die/ might die/ another line for my demons"
so it's not that hard to realize that it's about suicide idealization and the "demons" talking it's a very classic when singers are talking about mental illness like twenty one pilots they majorly sing about mentall illness and they refer to it as demons so yeah...it's totally about suicide idealization.
the curious thing and correlation to "fresh year" and exactly the line that was stuck with me this week:
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"tell me that you wanna die but you don't/ tell me that you wanna die but you don't"
when i first listened to these lyrics all the way in 2018 i got really surprised because zayn never talked about death, he talked about hard and dark times, lots of struggles in his songs but never about death. but he's not talking about himself because he sings "tell me that YOU wanna die but YOU don't" and something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT he's singing about a man because he also says "you could be a changed MAN if YOU wanted" like i said before i never payed too much attention on fresh air so i never realized he sang about a man...zayn is a non-straight man in the closet so i'm like "why would they allow him to talk about a man??" but this song is not necessarily a romantic one, it can be took as him talking to a partner, but there's no explicitly "i love you" so i think they let him get away with it.
COMING BACK TO THE LYRICS: zayn is talking about a man, that says he wants to die...so yeah, i think y'all are following my line of thought and i really don't want to be a tinhat but it all leads to LIAM!!
now, let's keep talking about fresh year again, look at the next paragraph:
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"but you're never sober"
it reminded me again of liam, because he openned up that he had struggled with alcohol addition during the 1d days until recently...so yeah!
but since i'm a very paranoid person i like to check all the possibilities before firmly believing in something, so some of you might ask "but what if zayn is talking about himself??"
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these are half of the lyrics from "fresh air" and zayn always makes a difference between who is "I"/"me" and who is "you" like:
"I say I'M sorry, but YOU'RE never sober"
"it's the same everytime that YOU'RE with ME"
this post it's already long enough but i could do a whole another essay about how it must be to be in relantionship with someone struggling with alcohol and mental illness when you're also struggling with mental illness (this is zayn perspective) but i think that:
"you know i ain't tryna to go pressure you"
could be soothing enough.
zayn's album and song came out in 2018, but we don't exactly when it was written. liam's song weekend came out yesterday but we know that liam wrote or other people wrote the songs for him around 2016-2017 so the timming for zayn writing this song for liam is also right. liam has been talking about his alcohol struggles for years, suicide is a new thing for us, but liam like i said before told us it's been on the menu a couple times during his career so it's also a years long issue.
those are my thoughts on this whole situation, feel free to discuss it with me if you agree or don't (just please be respectful, i'm sensitive akjsjdhdbd)
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
hey, do you have some big post about zigi is fake?
Anon 1: When did they start to show Zaneyah? Shortly before the announcement of the pregnancy?
Anon 2: Liam Payne attends Hyde Park protest- Me: :D -with girlfriend Me: -_- Also have you read any of the stupid Cheryl crap thats come out today? God I hate her. All the shit going on right now and she just can't help but try to make things about her.
Anon 3: There's a vogue thing of Gigi and Zayn. You can just see his back with new tattoos.
Anon 4: Hi Yaz, hope you are okay. Loved that BLM video you shared. Well, time is flying by and Gigi is now six and a half months 'pregnant'. Seems too late for a miscarriage narrative. What are your thoughts? ❤
hope y’all don’t mind me lumping these all together too much, just trying to get all the older beard-related asks out the way in one fell swoop lol (also sorry it took me like almost a month to respond to you all):
@lovedziamfirst - idk that there’s a masterpost focusing solely on z*gi but if you go through my ziam masterposts tag you’ll probably find some good ziam posts that also focus a fair bit on debunking z*gi...i know it’s not quite what you were looking for but i hope it still helps!
anon 1 - i think a few months before actually...i wanna say around january/february but i can’t remember for sure atm (sorry!)
anon 2 - yeah, i saw the protest pics, not a happy camper about it obviously but what can you do (i mean don’t get me wrong i’m happy he was at the protest at all, sad it had to be made into a stunt op but it is what it is i suppose although i find it interesting that yet again liam’s stunt sitch seemed to parallel louis/elounor); haven’t seen the stuff re c but honestly unless someone specifically sends me something i pay zero attention to news about her lol not surprised in the least though that she’s still trying to make shit about her, i mean when has she not lol
anon 3 - yeah, i saw that as well 🙄...it’s quite interesting to me though that none of her recent pics with him show his face 🤔
anon 4 - hey nonnie! thank you and i hope you’re doing okay too! glad you liked the video! and as to your question: no new thoughts...my stance on the matter hasn’t really changed mostly because i haven’t seen anything new to change it lol...if you wanna get technical about it the possibility will remain until such time as she reaches 9 months and/or we have an actual birth announcement, her having continued this for another month and half/going on two months now (and for however many more months she plans to) sadly won't change the fact that it's still a possibility, but the more important thing for me is that zayn and his family, and also g's own siblings and her closest friends, have continued to remain silent in this which should tell you all you need to know lol (plus the fact that we still haven't seen concrete evidence of an actual bump w/o body positioning/camera angles and clothes manipulation at play and more hilariously the fact that she slipped up MAJORLY recently and pretty much showed a flat stomach/nowhere near a 6.5-7 month pregnant stomach in her ig live AND sat with her whole ass leg up on the chair which cannot be comfortable for a truly nearly 7 month pregnant woman lol)
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magnumdays · 5 years
Magnum P.I. 2x06 - Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill thoughts
Spoilers ahead.Obviously.
Overall I liked this episode better than the Halloween one by leaps and bounds, we got one case no one cares about and some weird none-triangle-triangle-drama and Higgins calling TC for a favor instead of Magnum and Kumu being kidnapped!
Let’s start from the beginning... 
So I loved that in the first scene Abby feeds the dogs to distract them because they’re growling. It’s like she’s totally used to the dogs stalking her/them/Magnum. And Magnum is stealing wine. And the fact that he picked the wine cellar for a date spot. In fact, I just loved that whole first scene. The whole setting got nothing to do with Abby/Magnum and everything to do with Juliet. From the place, to the wine, the dogs, the undertone of doom of Abby and Magum being happy. Even without shippy glasses on, you gotta admit, the wine cellar and dog are all just 100% associated with Magnum and Juliet’s relationship. Not Abby and Magnums.
Because of this, this scene made me so sure that Abby was going to get sent packing somehow, if not by the end of this episode then at least within a few episodes(turns out it was this ep.) As a Miggy fan (I do believe we are calling Magnum x Higgins Miggy right?) this should have made me happy and while it kind of did, I also have some other thoughts which we will get to later.
TC making a deal - that’s going to come back - which will be interesting. Possibly crossover?
The case is well... it’s weird and doesn't make total sense, I mean it does but not really. 
Abby hires another PI to prove bad guy she helped get off a murder charge is guilty but it somehow ends up in Magnum’s hands. Why couldn’t she just have asked him directly and that would have made her hanging around helping Magnum + Higgens solve it make a little more sense? This would have let her see them working together and being awesome (which kind of was the point of this episode) just as easily. I did really enjoy the other PI being all “going to get a catheter up my ding-dong so would you help me out” scene though! 
Basically, though this episode was all about Abby/Magnum/Higgins and their different way of interacting (+ to get Abby out of the show somehow). The case itself isn’t actually tricky. The bad guy does exactly what they “want” every time, pretty much so it’s all very ‘meweh’. I’d have love a moment like this 
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or a mom and dad reference from Rick/TC in the middle just for fun.
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But it’s fine because we don’t really care the bad guy evil or about the poor dead writer girls because there is no real framing for us to feel disturbed or sad about that in this ep. At least that’s my take. Did someone else feel compelled by the story? This episode was all main characters' stuff to me. 
Even when we get to meet one of the victim's mothers it’s only to motivate Kumu to get involved which in turn leads to the kidnapping which leads to “Juliet knows him best, do what she says” line from Abby.
This is where my annoyance with the Abby / Magnum breaking up (because of Juliet) comes in. Because while it’s cute that Abby says...well let’s run through the scene... 
Abby: *spends two hours with Magnum and Higgins* I’m not the girl for you, but if you pay a little attention you’ll see that there is someone right under your nose that is perfect for you. Just OPEN your eyes man!
Magnum: *confused* Huh? What? I can’t think of anyone. Higgy, can you think of anyone perfect for me?
Higgins: No? Why? Aren’t you and Abby still making love-dove eyes at each other? 
Writers: No, we decided to jinx that majorly by having Magnum toast to their happiness at the start of the episode.
Magnum & Higgins: Right. Sorry, Thomas. Well, let’s go have some beers and laughs and then for the rest of the week we’ll spend all our time together solves cases ignoring the fact that we banter because we can’t admit how we really feel.
Writers: Sounds good. Oh and in next week ep, Higgins will randomly show up where Magnum is working...in a bikini. Because.
Magnum & Higgins: Makes perfect sense.
Also this while “falling in love” song plays. Guys! Try to be a little subtle. 
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Well, maybe that’s not a *totally* accurate write up of the conversation. But basically, Abby is us (the viewers) instead of Abby in this episode. We know Juliet and Magnum have a kind of special relationship. They kick ass together and understand each other. But it’s so much more of course. She’s lost a lot, he helped her with that, he’s lost a lot and she’s helped with that. She’s the one who always there when he needs her for a case and genuinely enjoys it. 
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His bonds with Rick and TC are strong because they were in the army and the POW camp together, but living, bantering and saving each other lives over the past year and a half has made the one he has with Juliet just as strong. He loves her. He’ll die and kill for her. Probably he would fight and die for Abby to, but due to the nature of their relationship (they don’t go running into hails of bullets for fun) there hasn’t been a chance to show that. 
Juliet is the person he works with, talk to most and risks his life with/ for. They are so similar yet so different. But they are still, at this point, just business partners and friends. Trusted friends. I mean yeah, sure, we (the viewers) have seen the puppy dog eyes and smiles. 
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(gifs are not mine but borrowed from people more talented than me)
But what Abby saw in today's episode was mostly that Magnum and Juliet trust and know each other.
That should not have made her break up with him!
I’ll say it again. 
Nothing Magnum/ Juliet did today was grounds for Abby saying “oh we shouldn’t be together because your soulmate is sitting over there”. 
So yeah, now I’m going to rant a little (bit more?). 
I mean maybe I’ll see something on a re-watch but is standing next to one another and making plans (work-related) together cause for concern? I would hope not. Even in previous episodes where Juliet has been like “he’s a good man” to Abby, it shouldn’t be a huge deal.  Magnum is a good man. Higgins and Magnum should be able to be friends without it being an issue for Abby. 
Because Magnum was with Abby. He wasn’t dating Higgins. He’d picked Abby, (at least for the time) and not Higgins. And while it’s fine for her to feel like maybe he’s into Higgins, it’s weird to be so obvious about it right after ending things. IDK, maybe that’s just me.
Still I don’t like Miggy friendship being a factor in A/M’s breakup. It plays too much into the stereotype of men and women can’t be friends, which is what Higgy and Magnum are at this point. And I don’t like that. As much as I want Miggy, I love where they are now, as friends, too.
So yeah. Abby breaking up with Magnum today because she didn’t want to do the long-distance relationship - and that’s it - would have been great. Maybe one sentence of ‘maybe I’m just not the girl for you’ would have been ok. But the whole, her pointing him towards Higgins (without saying her name obviously) is not cool. I don’t like it and I wish Abby would have stuck around for an episode more (or two) before making her exit.
Maybe actually having her talk to Juliet about her and Magnum’s relationship and even making Juliet realize that there is something there. Or not. Maybe just have her be unsure about moving to the mainland. Show that she actually was into Thomas and that it’s a hard choice for her. Or make her mom (on the mainland) sick or some other additional factor to make her seem less like she’s just ditching Magnum. We already had Hannah and that Cat-mom-lady, being all “nope I’m just going to dump Jay Hernandez and his fine behind because I can” and now did Abby did as well. With Rick’s failed relationship I’m beginning to worry the showrunners have something against brunettes!
Anyways, that was my biggest pet peeve with this episode, the breakup reason. Best bit for me was the one with catheter guy at the start, Magnum in his bathrobe and all the snark and banter they managed to cram in there!
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hellbabyfromhell · 5 years
why (if you don’t mind me asking) is your house taking such a large toll on your mental health? Im sure you’ve explained it already but... I’m out of the loop
i havent explained it, and tbh i didnt explain it to my friends fr a long time because i felt guilty AND embarrassed even though i should have just been madif you happen to know these people irl, i respectfully ask you dont share this with them. i need to speak to them at my own time in my own way. its long
basically my (then gf, now ex’s) fmaily “took me in” right after my dad traumatically died right in front of me and ruined my brain. i was all fucked up and they “took me in”. i felt very safe with them. but the way it ended up was with them  bleeding me dry with money because ive been  paying my ex’s rent since my dad died, and if you know me you know thats a long, long time. now, i felt that i owed it to them because they took care of me when my dad died, and that kept me from changing things despite everyone’s warnings, saying they were using and taking advantage of me. but they called me their daughter, they cared about me, i thought. but it really went downhill abruptly......it started with small disrespects. first off, i’m paying half the rent of this townhome for an uninsulated attic with no central air or heat on the third floor. it is alternatingly freezing and fucking makes-you-nauseous hot. this family tried to convince me that i had vents and they were just covered by my trash lol and thats why my attic is worth [REDACTED] (its too much). when i literally showed them the floor plans and there was no vent they basically just went Oh.
Then, they changed my name on the neflix account to my ex’s mom’s mom’s name, because there were too many people on the netflix to make a new profile, so they changed MY name, rather than rowan’s boyfriend or their random ass friend, ME, who pays HALF THE RENT AT THIS HOUSE. that seems petty but its like, im really the least important out of everyone?then came the thing that made me really start reviewing my situation:my ex asked to come over, and they said yes. THEY said yes. not me. this was like maybe a week or two max after we broke up. ex’s mom texted me to say “okay, he’s coming over” and i was like “:0( okay thats fine but i wish you’d told me before cementing down stuff because thats a little inconsiderate” and she was like “Well it would have been inconsiderate of me not to tell you at all.” I thought that was really disrespectful bcause like, they REALLY didnt know our situation at all, and i live on the third floor so if i needed something from the kitchen or something id have to walk past my ex because my ex and my ex’s mom wanted to be fucking friends. it was weird and rude and she would NOT budge on the idea of INVITING MY EX INTO MY HOME WITHOUT CONFIRMING WITH ME being rude!!!!!and then i started looking back, and likethis is one of the worst things, like a couple months after my dad died, i was like catatonic, barely present, sick with grief and majorly traumatized. and these people had me sel my father’s car, with everything in it, so that my ex could get a new car “to drive me around safer : )”...... now i have to BEG to get a ride down the street to baskin robbins unless someone themself needs something. i gave up my father’s car and everything inside of it for this, and they let me. at the time it hurt too much to look at but i wish with everything i could have what i left in that car. i will never forgive them for that. i have so  little of him and some of out favorite things were in that car and i know they knew that.ive mentioned moving out a couple times and they always say “well give 2 months notice!” done. i have. but they kept saying i needed to stay longer or convincing me it was bad to leave until the ex’s mom’s bf needed surgery and then now i cant leave till after january. i wasnt happy about this at all but i was like Okay well i guessbut then the other night, the ex’s mom’s bf (who has his own medical card) had the audacity to get mad at me for not wanting to get him a bunch vape carts from the dispensary i JUST got hired at even though id just bought a lot, AND HE WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE SMOKING!!!. he asked me a favor and i said i was uncomfy with it and he went fucking off on me. 
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this is a little snippet. i know you dont know everything just from what im telling you, but what i can say i have done a TON for this family, and this is NOT the only thing he has asked me for, and i don’t know if the doctor prescribed him crack rock because all he does is sit in the living room and watch kill la kill. i was so disappointed in him because i thought he was least complicit and it turns out he hd some issue with me. i’ve done a lot for this family. it was really hurtful.since this i never leave my room, they rarely address me if i do or look right through me. the ex’s mom’s bf asked to speak once in a way that implied that he expected a sorry from me too. you ma believe this to be once sided, but i believe with my whole heart i have done not a thing wrong. i don’t want to apologize. it’s been about 5 weeks now i feel like and they have barely spoken to me. they laugh wildly downstairs and don’t feel even a bit bad that i never come downstairs. that i have to rush around to get packages. that i never use the kitchen or am anywhere near it (not that id want to be because its always stacked high with dirty dishes). my ex’s mom lost her job staying home too much from an illness that shouldnt affect her working since she works a desk job an all she does at home is sit on the couch, do nails, ply overwatch, watch safiya nyagaard and hang out with their friends. i never go downstairs because i feel like its not my home. also my ex’s mom’s bf walks around all hours of the night now so i never feel safe to go downstairs EVER so i ration water and food and when i go to te bathroom people jiggle the doorknob and i say IM IN HERE :0( and also my ex’s mom’s bf walks around puking with the door open  and blowing his nose (he did this pre surgery too) and i just am going crazy here i have to get out. they dont give a shit about me . i dont know if i sound entitled, but it really does suck but i feel so trapped. this isnt my house. OH , and when i sked about moving out ex’s mom said well if we all paid the same amoun it’d be [200 less] .  theyre using me and dont care and i hate being here and it’s making me really want to die. thank you, it kinda felt good to let that out
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spine-buster · 5 years
will there be a chapter posted thursday? no pressure i just love the series!!! :) and are we gonna be hearing more about bee and mo wanting to spend their lives together? lol just guessing after seeing your response to that other anon haha
I really hate to say it but I’m honestly not sure if there will be an update Thursday.  I am taking two online courses that are taking up much more of my time than I thought they would, and they obviously have to be my primary focus because they’re for the betterment of my career.  I’ve only finished about half of the next chapter and I don’t want to rush it and put something out that’s half-assed or horribly written.  Nobody deserves that.  
I know I’ve been on a really consistent schedule since my first post in April, but I might have to do only once-a-week updates for the time being.  So I’m really sorry!  But I’d rather give you guys something that’s good and that you enjoy! 
I’m obviously still majorly up for answering canon questions and whatever other questions you guys have in the meantime!
And yes, you guys will be hearing about Morgan and Bee wanting to spend their lives together lol.  All in due time :)
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
ishqbaaz 16+17.08.18 lb
yup, he was gonna say “main shaadi ALREADY kar chuka hoon” but caught himself in time in order to not complicate matters for her wrt marrying nikhil. 
BUT ARE NIKHIL AND HIS MOTHER BLIND? CAN’T THEY SEE SHE’S WEARING SINDOOR???????? SHE’S OBVIOUSLY MARRIED TO SOMEONE. you gotta be reaaaalllll dumb to not figure this shit out, you two. 
lmfao ok i think i might be a fan of nikhil’s mummy for that parting shot of doosron ko gyaan dena bada asaan hai. 
ohhhhhhhh man. these three are gonna be hellllllllla mad when they find out. 
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“kya kaha tuney???” 
anika ke maan-sammaan-khushiyon ka rakshak is onnnnn the case! 
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pfffffffffffft. iski shakl se hi pata nahi chalta ki kya kiya isne? 
you three were dumbasses to think that. they need SUPERVISED MEDIATION. aise akele chodoge toh aisa hi hoga. 
srsly, i am nikhil’s mom, who’s like why the fuckkkkk are you so involved in anika and nikhil’s shaadi. tu apna dekh na. 
great, he’s ready to fund it also. ek kaam kar, anika ka kanyaadaan bhi tu hi kar. itnaaaaaaa shauk jo chadha hai. 
yeah i have had it up to here with stupid singh oberoi. ugh. 
^^^^^ that’s the point i stopped watching at on the 16th. i literally rolled my eyes so damn hard that i decided it was better for my health if i gave up. 
okay! let’s try again! 
this nikhil ki ma is such a meesni. die bitch. 
ohhohohoho, anika is MOST definitely going to find about this eventually aur tab beta, tumhari khair nahi. i hope OU anika ki atma gets into her and she fucken beats you to death with her broken chameli. 
is anika ko job milkar kya faida? iske personal life ke chonchlon se isko time hi kahaan milta hai job par jaane ke liye? 
ugh why are you even picking up this idiot’s call??? you’re 0.0% interested in him. 
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lmao gauri’s face. 
and gauri’s expression being paralleled here on shivaay’s face. 
lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo oh man nikhil, samajh jao apni aukaat aur haisiyat. 
... what’s with the weird split-screening? that too, not perfectly in the middle and gauri’s awkwardly to the side and half cut off? matlab...??????? 
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adorable munchkin. too cute, too pure. 
lol that "whooooooo boy” expression shivaay gave after nikhil left. 
holllllllly shit what’s with the hella bad green screen behind him???? that’s soooooooooo not the view outside anika’s house??? 
anika honestly girl, calm the fuck down. 
or don’t and tell him the truth; that you’re majorly into him.
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oh noooooooooo my poor girl she’s so happy oh god nooooooooooo.
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oh suddenly he realises that perhaps he shouldn’t be hugging another man’s woman in this way.
notice neither of them are moving to untangle themselves though. still remaining all pressed up against each other. and you dumb fucks still say you don’t know “kya hai humaare beech”. 
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sure. extreeeeeemely appropriate behaviour and manner of looking at a woman whose wedding you’re organizing to another man. A+. keep it up. 
all i can do at this point is hope gauri’s secretly taking pics and will make a presentation of her own at the next wedding attempt to nikhil. 
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand he ruined it. 
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sidenote: this is a nakuul smile, not a shivaay smile. 
cute smile aside, i really wanna slapppppp shivaay for how giddily happy he’s being at his own stupidity. matlab self-awareness naam ki cheez is bande ke aas-paas bhi nahi bhatki hai. 
anika, now would be a good time to take off your chameli. and channel all that khidkitodness you claim to possess. 
we already knew nikhil and his whole fam were shadyass fuckers. ainvayi ka dramatic reveal they’re showing, as if any of this is a completeeeee surprise to any of us. 
... after happily leaping into his arms thinking he was proposing marriage, she’s saying “mujhe nahi pata meri khushi kis mein hai”??????????? godddddddddd she’s an even bigger fucking idiot than he is. 
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“mujhse shaadi karogi, anika?” 
aaaaaahaaa. freudian slip.
lmaoooooooo “bohut khush rakhunga main... nikhil... NIKHIL!” sure boo. ek baar hua, woh galti thi. baar baar jo hota hai... chalo chodo. tumse bolke bhi kya faayda. 
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TFW you really can’t tell who the bigger idiot is in your relationship. 
... great. just great. yeh log bhi aa gaye. AUR CHACHI BHI. UGH. 
yup. i am that literal full body shudder that anika does every single time nikhil touches her. ICK. GET YO GRUBBY HANDS OFF MY GIRL. 
caaaaaaaasual smiley threat from shivaay about how he’ll literally destroy nikhil if he fucks up. best. 
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they are me and i am them. not amused by any of this garbage. 
has this chachi really sudharofied? dare i hope? in any case, her toning down her overall personality is very much welcome. 
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jali. billu ki jali. itni der tak idk where his fucking brain was, but it’s finally hit him. 
haan jaa beta, maarofy your hasty exit. go rub your literally aching chest somewhere else.
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god you poor dumbass. i don’t even... ugh shivaaaaaaay, what are we even going to do with youuuuuu?????????? 
also sorry for untimely tharak but this blue suit is realllllllllllly working on him. especially in this lighting. brings out his eyes nicely.
also, somehow the makeup or whatever is better in this scene? his eyebags aren’t so prominent.
oh boy. khuddar waali anika jaag gayi hai. she’s come to question. 
“kyunki sab kuch aap decide karte hain na? na aapne mujhe tab poocha tha jab aapne mujhse zabardasti shaadi ki, na tab poocha jab aapne shaadi ko maanne se inkaar kiya, na aapne mujhse tab poocha jab divorce papers thamaa diye, na ab jab aapne nikhil aur uske maa se meri shaadi ki baat ki.” 
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“kyunki tum meri.... DOST ho.”
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“meri shaadi ko dus din nahi hue... aur mera DOST meri doosri shaadi karwaana chahta hai. aapko lagta hai yeh sahi hai??”
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ah fuck. he’s losing it and almost in tears. fuck i’m kinda melting. he’s trying so hard. he’s objectively wrong, but he’s TRYING SO HARD. 
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ugh you two idiotssssssssssssss. 
lord this tu jaane na makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a rusty fork. the music of this whole redux truly sucks ass. 
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same here with gauri. god bless my sensible little chirraiyya. anika for fucks’ sake listen to her. honestly. 
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lmao rikara’s faces at the whole “kismat” nonsense. tell me they take things into their own hands and become the “kismat” writers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
... itna toh yeh prinku ke shaadi ke liye bhi utaavla nahi tha jitna khud ki biwi ki shaadi karwaane ke liye ho raha hai. someone get this man some help. 
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at least these two are having their fun! 
also tell me they have some kinda plan in place, and that’s why they’re so chill and happy. 
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oh boy. dramatic music says something’s gonna happen with the lights.
yup. isko jhatka lagne waala hai. in more ways than one; but right now mostly of the electric kind. 
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oh ho nope! doosra jhatka first! 
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sure. the way every wedding planner looks at the bride. like they wanna marry them themselves. 
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god bless prinku and her sass 4ever. 
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and these two and their beautiful faces! honestly, masha’Allah. 
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“aapke bhaiyya satiyaa gayein hain. kya kar kya rahein hain????” lmaooooooooo
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lmao anika’s also started daant chabaana at this man and his fuckery. 
no literally who the fuck are all these fucking guests?????? 
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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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i am literally putting nazar ka teeka on my laptop screen coz god, how beautiful are they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
“tum theek ho?” eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, lo, the 4 Lions “i love you” bhi ho gaya! 
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lolololol she’s the cutest.
oh ho, this prinku is on “tu” basis with rudra. meaning they’re around the same age. 
also finally, a throwaway line explaining where rudra is! 
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god he looks so hot today, i can’t. 
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lolllllllllllllllll prinkuuuuuuuuuuu. you really do thrive off putting your brothers in the most uncomfortable situations ever, and that too with the most insouciant look on your face. I FUCKING LOVE IT.
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this girl also looking like fire today. the makeup is especially good. i love the glittery blue liner! 
of course. also situation is kinda sorta chaapofied from ipk. 
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lmaoooooooooooooooo her face. 
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yeah kismat is doing its thang. take the fucking hint. all three of you dumbasses.
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meanwhile lol these two and their completely nonplussed faces.
great. nikhil ki mummy is starting her overacting. ouff. 
omkara: relax aunty, galti se hua hai. 
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“kuch galtiyaan kitni khoobsurat hoti hai!” 
lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo she really is the best. 
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as much as i’m relishing her snark in pointing it out to him, i’m also mad as hell at her for going through with this garbage. ab kahaan gayi teri saari khuddaari bish???? you just gonna do whatever the fuck one man or the other keeps pushing you into???? 
ugh nikhil literally fuck off. can’t you see two beautiful people were having a moment here? no place here for uggos like you.
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ugh this sad puppy. oh shivaay what even do we do with you?????? 
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god i love omkara and his common sense and his not mincing his words. SO MUCH. words can’t even describe. #omkaraisbae 
(gosh i haven’t used that hashtag since like, the late 2016s???? i missed it!) 
oh suddenly NOW they notice the sindoor. she’s been wearing it for all these days with no maang tika or anything to cover it, tab kya aankhon mein button lage hue the sab ke????? 
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... and the purpose of this is???????????????? 
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waise they should be used to it by now, na? pehli shaadi mein bhi toh isne yehi kiya tha. 
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son honestly. what are you even doing. why are you fucking like this??? 
wow he gave up his own room for her to stay in? or are they staying together till the shaadi or...??? like scene kya hai boss??? 
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billu this bs martyr complex of yours is getting reallllllly tiresome now. 
oh god noooooooooooooo not the fucking sindoor too. don’t you fucking dare!!!!!!!!
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oh gooood. she called him out on it. literally doing whatever the fuck he wants with zero thoughts on what those symbols mean to her. fucking dumbass. 
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managingmymuse · 6 years
Thanks for the tag, @elarasterling! Sorry it took me so long to get around to answering it!
1.      Would you mind sharing your best line or paragraph?
 I’m not really the kind of writer who looks back at her own writing and goes “A+, that’s fab.” I honestly consider myself more of a storyteller, really, in that I don’t care about whether the words are pretty so long as they convey what I want them to say. That said, I’ll still post something. This was a big hit with my writing group.
“If the magic on the threshold had been a rainstorm, the magic inside was a flood. It filtered through the air like sunbeams through dust, ghosting along my skin with the touch of a lover, settling into my belly like the warmest meal. I stood by the doorway, shrouded in shadow, and just breathed.”
2. What’s the first food you’d try from your story?
 A lot of the story I’m writing is set in our world, with not particularly novel foods. One food I created for it, though, was a beverage that I described as melted white chocolate. Frothy and smooth and warm. Yum.
3. If you had casting control, would you prefer a film or TV adaptation of your novel?
I actually wouldn’t want casting control? I am terrible with actors. And I’m one of those rare writers who isn’t actually wedded to their characters’ appearances. Whenever I envision a character, I don’t really ‘see’ their faces. I tend to get images only of the backs of heads.
But yeah, I could see a movie or a TV show for my book. A movie would allow the story to be more ‘complete’ (in that it would have one, overarching journey), but a TV show would let you explore lots of the day to day details that I tossed out the window when I sent Lori on a mad dash into worlds unknown.
4. Would you date one of your characters? If so, who, and where would you go together in their world?
 I don’t think so. I mean, I’m 29, and I do a lot of writing about teenagers, so that’s kind of a pass. Even in my adult story, I don’t necessarily think of characters as datable for me? Love interests are designed with their ‘other half’ in mind, if you catch my drift.
5. Imagine meeting a villain from your story. They offer to take you away to their world under one condition: you must work for them. Do you accept?
 Aww, man. So if we’re talking about the world(s) from Sentinel, I guess not? I designed Lori’s world to mirror our own, so it’s similar to ours in a lot of ways. And the world she visits isn’t that appealing to me? I mean, I’d like to visit, but I don’t think I’d want to be a permanent visitor. Not, you know, at the price of letting wild magic kill a bunch of people.
6. You are cursed to reincarnate as the protagonist from one of your favorite books. You will forget everything in the process so all events may play out. What book do you choose?
 OMG, what a question. Hmm… I’m like super obsessed with Kate Daniels right now, but I’m not sure I’d want to be her. I’m not tough enough to survive her upbringing, you know? I like the Dorina Basarab series, too, though. I think I’d do that one. I’d get to be a badass, immortal dhampir with a hot boyfriend and a bunch of awesome, slightly troublesome friends. Yeah, let’s go with that one.
7. What if your protagonist was the one writing a novel and they were responsible for your life? Would you forgive them for putting you through everything that shaped who you are today?
 Probably not, lol. I mean, I guess I haven’t really had it that bad, but I guess I’d tell them to get an imagination? The terrible things that happen to me aren’t dragons or curses, but the mundane, soul-crushing realities of getting up in the morning and going to work even though you know nothing is going to change. The loneliness of being passed by or left out. So on and so forth.
8. If you could trade writing in for any other talent, would you? If yes, what? If no, why?
 Sometimes I get the urge to splash paint on things, and I wish I had the artistic talent to make that an appropriate outlet. Writing, as a physical activity, is so narrow and so confined. I really wish sometimes that I could fling my words out like paint, and just cover the walls with my emotions. I don’t know if I’d trade for it, though.
9. What’s your worst writing-related fear?
 Lately, it’s been that my book is going to be overlooked because my protagonist is an enormous bigot. She’s majorly prejudiced against magic-using folk, and it definitely was meant as a metaphor for the real life hatred and fear that permeates our society. I know what I’m trying to do with the book (and the point, essentially, boils down to the fact that racism/sexism/homophobia are bad, even for the people who perpetuate those ideologies the most fervently) but I worry that in today’s political climate, the nuance of that message will be missed. It’s not that I want people to sympathize with racists (or sexists or whatever); rather it’s that I want to explore the way hateful ideologies perpetuate themselves through fear and distrust and turn living, breathing people into a terrible other. I think too often a lot of relatively privileged people view themselves as allies without really thinking about the mechanisms that underlie prejudice. (Or, to put it another way, without considering why they’re tolerant and their racist uncle is an ass.) My story sort of digs into it from the perspective of the ‘oppressors,’ to use the tumblr social justice speak, and I worry that large swaths of the internet will discount it for just that reason.  
10. What message do you wish to convey through your story?
 I guess I answered that one already. See above.
 Ten more questions for y’all to answer! (If that’s your thing. This took me two weeks to do, so no pressure.) I’m going to pick some recent followers! @squeaky-floorboards, @contradicting, @halfbloodlycan @nobodywritesstuff @thebloodstainedquill, @adaughterofathena, @ladycalliopemoon and anyone who wants to do it! (Tag me!)
 1.      If you had to pick one genre, and only one genre, to read and write in for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?
2.      What’s the first story you ever remember hearing? Do you still love it as much as you did then?
3.      You have to rob a bank with one of your OCs. Which one do you choose? Why?
4.      Do you subscribe to the notion of plotters and pantsers when you’re writing? If you do, which one are you?
5.      Do you have any favorite tropes, either when you’re reading or when you’re writing? What are they?
6.      What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever heard?
7.      Where did the inspiration for your current WIP come from?
8.      When you’re writing, do you usually start with characters, world, or plot? Something different?
9.      If the protagonist of the story you’re working on right now ran for president (or prime minister or what have you), would they be elected? Would they be good at the job if they were elected?
10.   If you could order a crossover with two of your favorite books, which books would you choose? Is there something about those books that will yield juicy conflicts when they collide?
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