#hidden leaf AU
bh-52 · 6 months
What if Naruto, Anko & Kabuto were Good guy Orochimaru's Genin team?
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woodland-gremlin · 5 months
For You (Naruto POV)
Naruto spends his days with growing rage. Everyday with every injustice his desire to burn the prison that held him and his sister captive grew. They treated them as monsters yet expected loyalty in return. It often made him want to give in and become like the monster they saw.
Yet, anytime he thought of giving in he thought of his twin, Minori. The blank look she held, not understanding how to express her emotions otherwise. The fact that she would never speak when someone other than him was around. Of how she would use their link to read to him since he had a hard time sitting still. Of how she would ramble about seals or cats. Of the ways her eyes brightened when she saw something interesting and the way they would dull with the whispers around them.
He and his sister were already broken down by the village. If he lost himself in rage and gave into their hate he would lose himself, leaving Minori alone. He couldn’t do that to his sister, he couldn’t force her to face the world with no one by her side. He refused to do so.
If he couldn’t burn down the village that held them prisoner, he would fix it instead. He would become so respected that the villagers wouldn’t dare to look down on them. So no one would dare to call them demons. So they wouldn’t be able ro refuse to sell to them or jack up the prices while giving them faulty products. No one would pull their children away from them as if they were diseased. The festivals wouldn’t just be a day dream to attend or a time of danger. They wouldn’t have to fear going outside, fearing that they would be attacked or touched weirdly by creepy adults. They would be safe, free to live without a village that hated them just for existing.
To achieve this dream he will become Hokage, the most respected position in the village. For his twin.
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sizzysizz420 · 2 years
Family 🖤✨
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Kid Naruto:(bumps into fugaku)
Fugaku:(arms crossed,pouts)
Kid Naruto:(scared)
Fugaku:'minato's and kushina's son...'
Fugaku:(reaches for naruto) Let me help you.
Kid Naruto:(blushes) Would you really save me from those bullies?
Fugaku:Yes. I will.
Fugaku:(lifts naruto and wraps his arms around him)
Bullies:(come looking for naruto just to see he's with fugaku) Shit
Fugaku:You fools,i'll make sure you won't be promoted to genin rank ever.
Fugaku:It's just that i simply can't stand you guys.
Kid Naruto:FULL OF SHIT!
Kid Naruto:Sorry,sir.
Fugaku:You happen to be so ugly and stinky and incompetent and useless.
Fugaku:I bet your parents are ashamed of you.
Bullies:(cry out loud,run away)
Fugaku:Naruto,i can smell the scent of ramen all over your body.
Kid Naruto:So what of it?
Kid Naruto:Ramen is love,Ramen is life dattebayo.
Fugaku:You don't eat anything other than ramen,do you?
Kid Naruto:(nods) That's right.
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mayhem-neverending · 2 years
Naruto AU where all of the Shinobi go to therapy.
That is all. The poor babies just need help to process their trauma and I wish I could give it to them.
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averagelonelypotato · 2 years
i’ll never forget that naruto was my first step into fanfiction 
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So…why does Sasuke have cowboy theme music?
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thedevotedhealer · 8 months
"I'm starting to consider going Missing nin."
"Genma-san came in (more like broke through the damn hospital windows) with a still burning ass from an explosive tag, etched right into the crack of his ass with a kunai. The man set the damn fire alarms off because of it and now we have 5 sick, whining elderlies because they caught "the sniffly boo-boos" as the old windbags put it, and they insisted I do their checkup. And trust me, pervy sage is nothing compared to these hags in the hospital, feeling you up and down with their creepy hands, ugh and I can't even do anything bout it, because LAWSSSS! Yaaaay!!! Now I know how Sayuri (Sasuke) felt when I pestered her, but even I stayed respectful!
Fucking shit...
One day I will get outta this crazy ass village for good and take Shizu-senpai and Shishou with me from this dumb ass village, Shannaroo!!!"
Irk mark forms on top of his forehead as his teeth grind, creating sparks all over while fumes come out of his ears.
(Ps: does the Akatsuki deal still stand? If y'all still have vacant space, lemme know;_;) - Sakuro 🍃🌸
"Thanks for listening to my rant, reader.
Medic life is hard: we don't get paid enough for this, shannarooo T~T " He proceeds to cry in the corner, holding a big fox plushie.
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seiwas · 22 days
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prompt: fingertips trailing, not used to this feeling + “please stay. for me?”
summary: college parties can be loud, but it's quiet in this bubble you and shouto have made for yourselves at the end of this couch.
wc: 1.6k
contains: gn!reader, college!au, cameos from everyone else in the gang, mentions of alcohol (it's a college party after all!!), friends to ???, fluff, sfw
co-written by @stellamancer as part of our milestone event collab: keep this love unspoken (tell me as loud as you can) [closed]
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At some point of every college party your friends drag you to, you always end up here: in some corner of the house, sitting on a couch as you watch Kirishima perform some ridiculous dare that Kaminari somehow put him up to. With Sero filming, of course. 
Sometimes their roles switch, and Ashido and Jiro get added into the mix—not you though, nope. 
During parties like this, you always stake claim to the far end of the couch, nursing one of Yaoyorozu’s concoctions in your hand. You’re happy just to watch them this way—your little friend group formed through spiderwebs of shared classes and friends of friends. 
“So, she tries to tell him how she feels, right? But…” Uraraka tattles, leaning closer to your ear as she hangs off the armrest beside you. 
The music settles into a muffled backdrop for her animated storytelling, always the ever-sweetheart who ensures you’re in the loop with everything. You nod along, the corners of your mouth curling. Your legs cross over one another to sink more comfortably into soft cushion, the slight buzz in your head settling you to relax.
In the middle of Uraraka’s retelling of events, you feel the space beside you dip, a presence almost imperceptible if not for the low ‘hello’ that accompanies it. 
There’s a practiced ease to the way its owner slips beside you, as if done plenty of times before (in lecture halls and restaurant booths, library sessions and entirely too-cramped car rides home). 
“Shouto,” your eyes widen, surprise melting into relief.
You’d kind-of been hoping he’d come. 
“You made it.” 
He nods, lips curling into a small smile. The gray lines on his navy blue flannel stand out softly atop the textured ridges of corduroy; his red cup holds suspiciously purple liquid—a good reason he’s left it untouched. 
“I was told I would be the designated driver.” 
Your lips curve over the edge of your cup, stifling your smile. Shouto has a bit of an awkward stiffness to how he speaks, a semi-formality to the way he arranges his sentences—but you find that endearing about him; much like you do his bluntness, and his unintentionally funny side comments, and the way he would so willingly forego drinking in lieu of his responsibility to drive your friend group home later on. 
It’s endearing, because he turns to you most times after dropping the gutsiest quips to some of Bakugo’s (fake) insults—as if he’s waiting for your reaction, hoping you’d give one. You’re pretty sure a one-sided bickering with the blond resulted in him showing up here. 
It’s endearing, because you’ve had this crush on Shouto since your first year of college; since he slid himself into the seat beside yours for one of your Chemistry classes, much like he did just moments ago. 
And you think, that maybe, with the way he always gravitates towards you, that there might just be something. 
The weight pressed beside you is distracting, his thigh warm against yours. There’s a triangular cut-out of space by your hips, hidden to everyone else but occupied by you, Shouto, and the almost-touching of your fingertips. You’re close enough to catch the faint notes of washed violet leaf and pea—he always smells like the faded remnants of his cologne blended into detergent and baby powder. 
“Well, look who finally decided to show up!” Ashido’s voice is loud, booming into the space between you and Shouto. “About time!” 
“Hello to you too.” His voice is cool and cordial, unaffected by Ashido’s rambunctious energy. 
She blinks at him and looks around as if she's searching for something for a minute before asking, “...where's Bakugo?” 
“Not here,” Shouto says. “He said that he didn't want to ‘be at some dumb party with a bunch of drunkass losers.’” 
You can’t help but giggle a little, while the words are undeniably Bakugo, hearing them in Shouto’s measured tone is kind of funny. If Bakugo were here, though, you feel like he'd complain, about what—you're not sure. 
Ashido clicks her tongue in annoyance. “He's missing out. I think even Blasty Boy would get a kick out of the spicy food challenge that Kirishima put Kaminari up to.” 
Spicy food challenge? With alcohol? It sounds like a recipe for disaster, one that you're hesitant to watch. 
You can feel the warmth of someone's gaze on you and when you look, you find Ashido eyeing you coyly, like she knows something you don't. Then her eyes slide over to Uraraka. 
“Ochako, you wanna come watch?” 
The question startles the other girl a little as she sits up, looking a bit hesitant and you have no doubt that she's just as eager as you are to see Kaminari make a mess of himself. 
“I don't know…” she murmurs.
“Come on, it'll be funny!” Ashido insists, but when that doesn't seem to convince her, Ashido’s gaze turns sharp, giving a meaningful look that communicates something with her eyes alone. 
“I guess I'll come. Someone has to keep Kirishima from going too crazy.”
Ashido grins widely and gives you and Shouto a little wink before skipping away.
When Uraraka excuses herself, you finally turn to Shouto, pointing your head at his drink, “Momo’s?”
He shakes his head, stray strands of red hair brushing against the tips of his eyelashes,  “Mineta.”
That explains why his drink looks untouched. Among your friends, there are only two self-proclaimed amateur bartenders: Yaoyorozu, who’s given herself a bartender name—Creati, and Mineta, who everyone calls Grape Juice, because no matter what he puts in his drinks (and only God really knows what goes in it), they always end up a sickly deep purple. 
Your response earns you a barely concealed chuckle from Shouto, his lips lifting into a soft smile. 
“Are you enjoying so far?” he leans in closer, head tilted so his words flow warmly into your ears. The proximity makes you nervous, makes you fidget the slightest bit until you feel your nailbeds touch his. 
You swallow your heartbeat. 
“I like the music,” you briefly meet his eyes, his gaze as intent as it always is. Your eyes avert to the nearest thing they focus on—one of your other friends tinkering with his turntable at the music booth, “Tokoyami’s sets are always good.” 
Shouto hums. 
And you’re sure you said it loud enough for him to hear, but he still scoots closer, fingers slotting themselves in the gaps between yours. Shy touches have been the hallmarks of your friendship lately, an equally thrilling yet familiar connection shared when everything around you becomes too loud. 
It’s never been like this though—his pinky now interlacing itself with yours. 
Your breath hitches. 
“The music is loud,” he says, but it’s ironic; the noise around you has muffled, the music drowned out—you hear nothing except the feeling you’ve grown beneath your ribcage, rattling against your bones. 
He stares at you as the music beats on— one, two, three— one, two, three and as your heart tries to synchronize with the rhythm you realize that he's waiting on a response. 
“Yeah…” You nod too, just in case he’s having trouble hearing.  
The conversation ends that way; and while there's a part of you that wishes you'd said something more to keep things going, the content look on Shouto’s look makes you think that maybe this is fine. With your feelings entwined like this, it feels like the two of you are in your own little world, your own little bubble that just belongs to you and Shouto. 
It's nice. Comfortable. You could get used to this.
But then the bubble bursts. 
“You came!” A girl you recognize, but whose name you can't quite recall comes into view, all smiles and dressed to impress. 
“I did,” Shouto answers her and you're weirdly pleased to see his expression passive as usual. 
The girl giggles and the sound is grating on your ears. You don't know why. Too much alcohol maybe? She tilts her head, smile widening as she says, “I'm so glad to see you! Do you want to get a drink?” 
No. You don't say it aloud but before Shouto can even answer her the word is resounding in your head, accompanied by a twisting feeling in your stomach. It's not your call, Shouto is free to do what he wants, but… 
(Shouto glances over at you, feeling your pinky tighten ever so slightly around his, searching for some sort of cue.) 
“Come on,” the girl urges in the absence of a response from Shouto. “We can get a drink for your friend here too!”
“... sure,” Shouto finally says after a moment. He starts to rise from his seat next to you but your pinky tightens. You don't want him to go. He looks at you inquisitively. “What do you want to drink?”
You don't want to drink. The drink you were nursing earlier was enough, more than enough, with the alcohol coursing through you, warm, and at this moment, like liquid courage. 
“...please stay,” you blurt out. 
Shouto looks down at you and you think he looks a little bit shocked. A little concerned. Your only words of explanation manage to be—
“For me? Please?” 
He bends back down, tufts of red and white hair brushing against his forehead as he looks you in the eye. All you smell is the faded notes of his cologne mixed in with detergent and baby powder. “Was your drink too strong?”
Maybe. You wouldn't have said that sober.
Embarrassment flushes you warm, the heat spreading throughout your entirety. 
The girl looks concerned too. “I can go get you water if you want?”
Shouto glances at her, “If you wouldn't mind. I'll stay here just in case.” 
She nods and walks off, presumably to find you some water, leaving you and Shouto on your own once more. A moment passes and you say, sheepish as your words from earlier sink in. “...sorry… I hope you don't mind…”
Shouto stares at you for a moment, considering but he gives you a small smile. His pinky tightening around yours once more. “It's fine. I don't mind.” 
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notes: requested by @kissxcore
(sel speaking)
alexis! thank you so much for requesting (and for waiting)! i'm not too sure if this is what you were hoping for, but nonetheless, i hope you like it 🥺 it's a little fluffier than what the prompt looks like on surface level, but i kind of wanted to capture that feeling of loud noise being muffled when you're with someone you like 🥺
where would this fic be without niku's dialogue!! truly!! always adore how she's able to slip in and out of different characters and nail each of their tones and characterisations every time!! she added so much life to this by including dialogue from the others in the gang 🥺
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koji-haru · 1 month
Time Travel AU Part: 9
Lucifer slithered between the blades of grass, his small stature masking his presence. Memories from last night flashed within his mind. Those golden eyes, standing out in the darkness, challenging him like a defiant flame. It was on. Lucifer might have initially investigated out of concern and duty (and maybe some revenge), but now his pride was at stake. He was challenged by Adam, and he was not about to back down. He was never too fond of the first man anyway. He was arrogant, acting like he knew better than both him and Lilith. Adam needed to be knocked down a peg or two, and Lucifer was more than happy to oblige. 
First stop was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Judging from his behaviour, Lucifer was sure Adam had eaten the fruit from the tree. He just had to look for evidence that the tree was tampered with. Signs of a plucked fruit, or leftover from the bitten fruit. Luckily for him, the fruit never rots nor does the tree close its wounds subtly. Signs that a fruit was taken should be obvious to the eye and easy to prove. Honestly, it was almost too easy. 
When Lucifer navigated towards the tree, he was confident of his chances. However, once he arrived, that confidence quickly waned. What greeted him was the tree of knowledge of good and evil in all of its pristine glory. The atmosphere was still, the grass was tall and wildly growing. It was as if the area was stuck in time, untouched by the life outside of its bubble. There was no sign that anyone had been here since the garden was made. Lucifer shook his head. There was no way Adam hadn’t eaten the forbidden fruit. This was just a first impression, and he needed to have a closer inspection. Adam may have covered his tracks well enough, but Lucifer could be meticulous when needed.
Lucifer made his way towards the tree, up its bark, along its many branches. He turned every leaf, inspected every fruit, looked for stubs, even searched amongst the grass for any drop of evidence. And nothing. He looked over everything once more. Twice more. Thrice more. Still, nothing was amiss. It was as if the tree had remained untouched until now. Lucifer couldn’t believe it. Either Adam had perfectly hidden his tracks, or he had never eaten the fruit to begin with. Both explanations were baffling, and yet Lucifer was by the tree, unable to prove otherwise. 
Irritated and confused, but mostly confused, Lucifer eventually made his way back towards the garden’s gate. He wanted to share what he found out so far with Lilith. Perhaps she could provide more insight? She did spend a lot more time with Adam, especially when they were just made. Lucifer sighed. This was a lot more confusing and challenging than he thought it was going to be.
Maybe it was the sun’s rays reflecting off his scales at just the right angle, or maybe it was because he wasn’t paying much attention to the path he was following, either way Lucifer was brought back to reality by the presence of a human. A woman specifically. 
“Oh! I haven’t seen one like you before,” Eve bent down to have a closer look at the small, white snake in front of her. She reached out with her finger, stopping just a few inches away from the snake’s head. “No? Not the affectionate type, are you? That’s alright,” She smiled softly, as she pulled her hand away, opting to instead admire the beautiful snake from a distance.
Lucifer stopped in his tracks, surprised by the second woman’s sudden presence. How did he not notice her? He briefly thought of immediately slithering away, but judging by her demeanour, it seemed like the woman thought he was like any other animal in the garden. In the brief time he had spent lurking in the garden, he had found out that the second woman was from Adam’s rib, not long after Lilith and Lucifer were expelled from Eden. Coming from Adam, Lucifer initially thought she would be similar to him in many ways, and yet whenever her presence caught his eyes, he never detected any form of animosity or ‘unpleasant’ feelings emanating from her. He never got an uneasy feeling from her unlike Adam. Her presence was made of simple innocence and sincerity. Lucifer found it hard to believe that she came from Adam. They were so different in many ways. Honestly, he felt pity for Eve, to have to remain with someone like Adam. It must be unbearable not to have freedom. 
Maybe there was a way he could help her. 
Lucifer eventually made his way back to Lilith. A home amongst the trees, high above the ground, but still covered by the forest canopy. It was their little haven in the massive world that they recently found themselves in. There were many dangers outside the garden, however, his angelic nature alone was enough to deter any predator from approaching. Unfortunately, Lilith was human, and Lucifer, as much as he wanted to, couldn’t always be by her side. And so, while they didn’t need it much, Lucifer used magic to keep his love and their haven perfectly safe from any harm that would ever dare come close. 
As he approached their home, Lucifer was greeted with the sight of Lilith in all of her regal beauty sitting on the balcony, leisurely reading one of the books he had given her. Her blonde hair like silky rays of sun flowing amongst the leaves, her delicately sculpted figure a perfection amongst imperfections, and her amethyst eyes a priceless jewel. She never fails to steal Lucifer’s breath away whenever he gazes upon her image. 
“Something caught your eye?,” Lilith asked, a teasing smile on her lips.
Lucifer nodded, smiling as he flew to sit beside her. “Oh, just the most perfect woman in existence.” He held her hand and placed a soft kiss on it. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Lilith put down her book to give her full attention to her husband. “You look troubled, what's wrong?”
Lucifer told her of all his findings in the garden. About Adam’s changing behaviour depending on who was present, his recent questionable actions, and the fact that he had seemingly not eaten the fruit of knowledge. How there was evidence in his behaviour, but no traces of it in the garden. It simply seemed impossible. 
“That’s why I’m asking you to remember when Adam may have changed. He couldn’t have always been like this from the beginning.”
Lilith hummed in contemplation, one hand on her chin. When did Adam change? While he did become more and more condescending and controlling as time went on, she didn’t particularly notice any sudden shifts in attitude. To her, Adam had always been unpleasant. 
“Why couldn’t he always have been like that?,” Lilith finally replied.
“What do you mean?”
“Now that I’ve thought more deeply about it, Adam never seemed to have truly cared for me. Did you know he pulled his hand away from me in disgust when we first met? This was after all of the angels left.”
Lilith nodded. “It only went downhill from there. Adam had always been Adam. Yes, he got worse later on, but no abrupt changes. I think it was just him slowly shedding his mask.”
Lucifer looked down at his lap. He didn’t like the conclusion Lilith was leading him down, but she would never lie to him. To question his father’s work. Did God make a mistake when he made Adam? Was there a flaw that Heaven failed to notice? Just the thought itself was blasphemous. Every thought in his body demanded him to banish such thoughts from his mind. To show respect to his father and creator.
“I…don’t believe that Heaven is perfect,” Lilith added. “They did, afterall, punish us for our harmless love.”
The thought gripped onto Lucifer’s mind, unwilling to let go. Lilith was right. Heaven liked to present itself as perfect and fair, when in reality it was not. Lucifer felt the foundations he had always believed in crumbling around him. It was difficult for him to accept this new reality, but he could see it now. Similar to how Lilith was finally able to see the world outside of Eden and God’s plans, Lucifer was finally able to see what Heaven truly was. He held Lilith’s hand in one of his. It was his silent agreement. 
A thought crossed his mind. The image of the second woman being carefree and innocently exploring the cage that disguised itself as paradise. She didn’t know any better, and wouldn’t know any better if things remained the same. 
“I forgot to talk more about it. About Adam’s new wife,” Lucifer brought up.
Lilith quirked an eyebrow. Her gaze told him to go on. Lucifer did briefly mention that Heaven made Adam a new wife, the second woman, and she would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit she was at least curious about her replacement. 
“She was made from one of his ribs…”
“Not from the dust of the earth?”
Lucifer shook his head, “No. And at first, I did think that she would be similar to Adam, being made from him and all, but she’s not like him at all.” He then described his perception of Eve to Lilith. How the second woman was devoid of any ill intent. Her eyes were always full of wonder and excitement as she fully took in everything around her. Always a little too willing and eager to listen to Adam’s whims, like she didn’t know any better. Sure, Adam treated her well enough, but how could he not when Heaven tailor-made a wife for him?
Lilith listened to every word, taking all of this new information in. From what she understood, it seemed that Heaven made the second woman while considering Lilith’s personality. While she was reserved and assertive, Eve seemed to be lively and passive. A little too passive. 
“It’s as if the concept of choice was never built into her,” Lilith added, disgust and anger written all over her face. So that was all Heaven thought of them. Something readily replaceable and to be changed whenever it suited them, like playthings. Why call them perfect in the first place? Lilith clenched her fists tightly. It wasn’t fair at all, for both her and Eve.
“We have to help her. Don’t you think she deserves better? She should, at the very least, be allowed to decide for herself,” Lilith said with finality, her amethyst eyes emboldened by her resentment to Heaven for what they had done. 
This was why Lucifer couldn’t help but love the first woman. She shared his passion and dreams to be able to be who you are with no restraints. She craved true freedom the same way he did. A proud smile crept on his lips, “I knew you would understand. You always do. And yes, we will help her. I’ve got an idea.” 
Lucifer was back in the garden, hiding his presence in the form of various animals. He had two goals now. One, expose Adam’s true nature to Heaven, and Two, give free will to Eve. It sounded simple enough, and yet here was hiding in trees after almost being caught by Michael. Ever since the night that Adam challenged him, the first man had clung to his brother whenever he visited the garden. And wherever Adam was, Eve followed. All three of them were always together, like peas in a pod. 
He wrapped himself on the tree’s branch, his swaying impatiently as he waited for Michael to finally go back to Heaven. He swore that his brother took longer and longer to go back, “Don’t you have more work up there?” 
Suddenly, Lucifer felt himself quickly untangle from the branch and sink towards the ground as something snatched his tail. He forgot the fourth pea in the pod, their pet cat who was weirdly protective of the first man. Amora pinned his scaly body on the ground, yellow eyes looking down on him. If he didn’t know any better, he would say that she looked rather smug. Very like Adam. It was no wonder she had taken a liking to him. 
Amora then placed Lucifer in her mouth, her grip secure, but not deadly, before heading to a sprint towards the trio in the meadow.
“Oh no you don’t!” 
Just as quickly, Lucifer shifted into another animal. Something even smaller. A small, red beetle. And before Amora could bring him to the trio, Lucifer slipped from her jaws, and flew into the air. Way higher up this time. 
When she felt her prey gone from her jaws, Amora stopped abruptly in the middle of the field. Desperately looking around for her prized prey, subsequently catching Adam’s attention. 
“Oof! What’s wrong girl?,” he patted her back when she finally gave up and slumped on him. 
Amora let out a disgruntled growl. Adam understood what that meant. It meant that a weird animal slipped by her again. The weird animal being Lucifer. That was alright though, she at least kept him on his toes and far away enough from both him and Eve. While not as effective as Michael, Amora did keep the snake at bay most of the time.
“She’s been acting odd lately,” Michael commented, looking up as he shifted his focus on the flower halo he was trying to make. Key word tried. It seemed that he found another thing he wasn’t particularly good at. Looking at his sorry excuse of a flower halo, Michael wasn’t even sure why he was still trying at this point. His looked like it could fall apart from a slight breeze, and it was too large and misshapen, its flowers almost crumpled from the amount of times he replaced them. But when Eve invited him to join her and Adam in making flower halos (to be like angels as Eve said), and Adam gave him a perfectly crafted one, that now rested upon his head, and well, he thought he should at least return the favour. That, and Adam’s presence near him, as he taught him what to do and praised his efforts, felt rather… nice. It was like a craving almost fulfilled. A craving that gradually grew more and more potent as the days rolled on. It was also a craving that he couldn’t fully satisfy and shouldn’t. But he would take what he could. 
“Is it her friend again?,” Eve asked.
Adam nodded, “Her friend ran away again.”
The angel had been visiting the garden more frequently, and staying longer as well. Maybe the animals weren’t as comfortable with him as he thought? The other angels in Heaven did say that he had an icy aura sometimes. 
“Maybe her friend is anxious about my presence?”
“I’d say he’s terrified,” Adam snorted inwardly. “Maybe.”
Oh, so his presence was causing some anxiety amongst the garden’s inhabitants. Michael frowned, “I could go if it would make them feel more comfortable.”
Just as he was about to stand and get ready to leave, Adam’s hand shot out to stop him. He had a worried look on his face. “Uh…you haven’t finished your flower halo yet.” His hand left Michael’s forearm and moved onto his shoulder. “Besides, your presence is a comfort.”
Oh dear. That sweet smile and earnest eyes. Michael felt his cravings spike up again, and Adam carelessly was feeding it. 
Michael found it hard to say anything, he eventually found his voice. He cleared his throat, “Alright, I’ll stay.”
Adam pulled back his hand, and Michael already missed the comforting warmth from Adam’s hand. The feel of it lingered on his right forearm and shoulder, etched into memory. 
“Your presence is a comfort.”
Michael smiled to himself. That was nice to know.
Part 8
Part 10
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bh-52 · 1 year
Naruto incorrect quotes
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hisui-dreamer · 6 months
hiii rinna!!! congratulations on 2k!!!!!! ˃ᴗ˂ 🫶🫶🫶🎉🎉🎉🎉agsgsh I hope I'm not too late ^^"
can I request silver with white rose? :D
foolish decisions in blossoming love
Pairing: Silver x gn!reader
Synopsis: in getting one bouquet for a friend, you ended up getting another bouquet for a stranger
Tags: meet cute, fluff, florist au, reader is just really flustered
Word count: 1.1k+
Notes: you're not late at all kei, im the one who's late ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙ i hope silver fluff makes up for it!!
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flower of choice: white roses
white roses represent pure love, indicating that you are willing to sacrifice your all for your love
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The bell tinkled gently as you pushed open the door to the quaint flower shop. Stepping inside, you were immediately enveloped in a symphony of fragrances, the sweet aroma of fresh blooms mingling with the earthy scent of potted plants. The air was alive with vitality, as if each petal and leaf whispered secrets of beauty and renewal.
Your gaze swept over the charming interior, your eyes drinking in the riot of colours and shapes that adorned every corner of the shop. A kaleidoscope of blossoms greeted you, their vibrant hues dancing in the soft, golden light that filtered through the windows. It was a scene straight out of a painting, a sanctuary of serenity amidst the bustling city streets.
You caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye, and your attention was drawn to the silver-haired man, positioned behind the counter. His fingers expertly arranged a bouquet with effortless skill, moving with a fluidity that hinted at years of practice. The gentle sunlight bathed his face, creating a soft halo around his silhouette.
Your heart skipped a beat as you beheld him, and your breath momentarily caught in your throat. There was an ethereal quality to his presence, reminiscent of a fairy straight out of a storybook.
"Excuse me," you finally managed to murmur, your voice barely above a whisper as you stood before him, spellbound by his presence.
He looked up, his purple-blue eyes meeting yours with a softness that sent shivers down your spine. "Hello there," he replied, a smile gracing his lips. "How may I help you?"
Your mind cleared momentarily, focusing on the reason you came here. "I’m looking to buy a bouquet," you said, your voice steadier now. “My friend hasn't been feeling well lately. I thought some flowers might brighten their day.”
He nodded sympathetically, understanding the sentiment.
“I see… Is there a particular type they like?”
"Not particularly. I just want something to lift their spirits," you answered earnestly.
With a gentle nod, he considered your words, his fingers tracing over the petals of various blooms thoughtfully. “Perhaps a bouquet of lilies," he suggested, his eyes alight with inspiration. "Lilies are often associated with purity and success, making them a perfect choice to wish for a successful recovery."
You hummed at his words, a sense of wonder dawning on your face. "I didn’t know flowers carried messages…" you mumbled curiously.
He smiled warmly, appreciating your interest. "Yes, the language of flowers has been used for centuries to convey sentiments and emotions. Each flower has its own unique symbolism, allowing us to express our feelings in a beautiful and meaningful way," he explained, his passion for flowers shining through in his words.
As you watched him speak, you found yourself drawn to the grace with which he moved, the way his fingers delicately caressed each petal as if coaxing out its hidden secrets. There was something about the warmth in his eyes, the sincerity in his voice, that stirred your soul. You found yourself hanging onto his every word, entranced by the depth of his passion.
It was irrational of you to be so affected by a stranger. You wanted to stay in his presence, to bask in the light of his warmth and kindness for as long as you possibly could. In that fleeting moment, you found yourself inexplicably attached to him, drawn to him in a way that defied all logic and reason.
In an effort to hear him talk more, to hear his calming voice longer, you pointed to a delicate white rose, meekly asking, "What does this one mean?
His eyes crinkled as he smiled gently. "White roses symbolize pure love."
Your heart skipped a beat once again, the meaning of the flower resonating deeply within you. "Pure love," you murmured, lost in thought for a moment. 
“I’ll be right back,” Silver said, breaking you out of your thoughts as he disappeared into the back of the shop with some lilies, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your infatuation towards the gentle florist. You was barely gone for five minutes, but you already missed him, wanting to spend more time with him, to learn more about the stories that lay hidden behind his kind eyes and warm demeanour.
But how could you make it more natural? How could you bridge the gap between customer and florist? The answer eluded you, but you knew that you couldn't let this opportunity slip away.
"Here we are," Silver said, a sense of satisfaction in his voice as he walked back to your side. "I hope it brings comfort and cheer to your friend."
Your eyes shimmered with gratitude as you beheld the finished arrangement. "It’s beautiful…," you breathed, your voice filled with awe. "Thank you. I'm sure they’ll love it."
Silver’s smile brightened at your words, and you felt a surge of courage welling up inside you. With a timid yet determined voice, you finally voiced the words that had been lingering on your tongue. "If it’s alright, I'd like to request another too."
His brows furrowed slightly, a flicker of curiosity crossing his features. "Another bouquet?"
You nodded, bashfulness colouring your cheeks. "Yes, one with white roses, please."
A flash of disappointment crossed his face before he quickly put on a polite smile. “Of course, please wait a moment,” before disappearing in the back again.
A pang of sadness tugged at his heart as he meticulously prepared the delicate white roses. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment knowing that you already had someone in your life whom you wanted to dedicate pure love to. Despite his efforts to hide it, a faint shadow crossed his features as he arranged the flowers with practised care, his thoughts momentarily clouded by a hint of longing.
But as he showed you the completed bouquet, his feelings of melancholy were quickly replaced by a surge of warmth, your genuine appreciation for his assistance washing away any lingering sadness.
You swiftly settled the payment for both bouquets, your heart pounding with anticipation as you gathered your courage. With a determined breath, you reached out and delicately handed Silver the bouquet of white roses. His eyes met yours, a confused expression flickering across his features as he awaited your next move.
"Silver," you began, your voice trembling slightly yet resolute, "these are for you." As the words slipped from your lips, a rush of uncertainty engulfed you, but you pushed through, driven by the intensity of your emotions. "They represent... what I feel for you."
Embarrassment flooded your senses as the rational side of you chastised the idiocy of giving flowers to a florist. Could you be any more embarrassing?
Hastily, you uttered, "Thank you for your help! I hope I’ll see you more often!" Leaving behind a note bearing your number, you made a swift exit with the lilies, the jingle of the bell marking your departure.
But had you lingered for just a moment longer, you would have witnessed a rosy blush blossoming across the florist's cheeks and spreading down his neck, a loving smile spreading across his face.
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tsukkisdinocollection · 4 months
Atsumu fluff au where its enemies to lovers ✌💗🤟💗🤟💗🤟 -ur cousin
Not Another Song About Love
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⭑Pairing : Atsumu Miya x Reader (Romantic)
⭑ Content Warning(s): Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, reader is implied to have her hair down, swearing, not proofread
⭑ Word Count : 1k+
⭑ Synopsis : In a "playful" argument with your mortal enemy, he ends up confesses his hidden feelings about you.
⭑ Author's Note : thanks for the request girlie 😜 i'm so uncreative that i keep titling my fics with song names whoops
also shit's lowkey ass i can't write pathetic losers like him for my life but i like 'tsumu
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God, you hated him so much.
His stupid dark brown undercut, his stupid droopy eyes, that stupid smug grin on his face–
So how did you end up falling in love with him?
Your “enemyship” – as you called it – started when you two met in 4th grade, and he ended up pushing you off the swing because he wanted to go on the swings with his twin brother. You ended up pushing him off back, and the rest is history.
Honestly, you would have forgiven literally anybody else if they did the same thing when you were younger. But something about his annoying face made you want to punch him. Seems like he had the same thoughts, as he played along with your insults and retorts. After being in the same junior high, you had thought that things would change for the better when you enrolled into Inarizaki.
Boy, were you sorely mistaken.
Because as you locked eyes with the same boy, the same boy who you wished to cut all his hair in his sleep with scissors – your heart dropped. He was too, at least you think he was, because he widened his eyes slightly as he looked at his twin brother and back at you. Then, that stupid smirk on his face that he always had returned.
“I didn’t know you were smart enough to get into this school,” he chuckled. His brother leaned forward to take a look at you, sizing you up before sighing.
“I could say the same thing,” you frowned, folding your arms over your chest.
Atsumu let out a giggle, before stretching his arms. “Well, I have to go to class, dearie,” he mocked. “I’ll see you later.”
You rolled your eyes as he walked off with his brother, fists clenching as your hands returned to your sides.
But that was your first year. Now, you two were in your second year, and it was time for you to…turn a new leaf, perhaps. You were going to apologize to Atsumu for starting an immature “enemyship”, only to end up in another argument with him. Serious or not, you couldn’t tell. You both were just saying what was on your mind – and unfortunately causing a scene in front of the rest of his team.
You don’t even know how this happened. At first, you wanted to apologize, but then you ended up like this.
“Maybe I would’ve confessed to you if you didn’t have such a bitchy personality–” he started, eyebrows furrowing. After he spoke, he widened his eyes, slapping a hand over his mouth.
You were about to come up with a smart response when you processed his words.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Shut up!”
One of his teammates seemed to be recording the conversation on his phone shamelessly. You don’t know any of his teammates’ names except for Osamu, but honestly, you couldn’t really care less at that moment. Yet from the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk ever so slightly as he held his phone up.
You blinked, taken aback for a moment before bursting into laughter. Atsumu whipped his head around the room, the tips of his ears turning red like his cheeks.
“Stop laughing!” he whined, prideful composure lost. He didn’t even remember that half his teammates were watching, and one was recording.
Yet you didn’t stop, continuing to laugh like he had just said the funniest joke in the world. Well, in your eyes, he did.
“No way you’re serious!” you said in between laughs.
As you calmed down, you looked at Atsumu, smile faltering as you noticed how he blushed profusely, and crescent marks began to form on his palms from how tightly he clenched his fists.
You mumbled, expression falling. You froze in place, face blank.
“Agh!” the blonde cried out. “You’re so mean!”
He suddenly stormed out of the gym, rendering both you and his teammates speechless. In a panic, you ran after him, slamming the gym doors shut.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” one of his teammates asked, leaning closer to Osamu as he whispered in his ear. Osamu shrugged in response.
“He’s been in denial about his feelings towards her for years.”
His teammate only nodded. “You should go after him.”
“Nah. They’ll get through whatever that was themselves.”
As Atsumu ran out the gym, you chased after him, hand reaching out to grab the collar of his jacket and pull him back. Luckily, you managed to grab ahold of his collar, dragging him back and nearly bumping into him in the process. He yelped.
“Hey, what’re you doing!”
He crossed his arms, looking away from you like a child. You sighed softly.
“Do you really like me, ‘Tsumu?”
“I don’t allow you to call me that–”
“Shut up.”
You huffed, leaning in closer to him. Somehow, he turned a brighter shade of red, his complexion similar to a tomato.
“Don’t get so close to me,” he pouted. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his antics.
“Well? Is it true?”
An awkward silence fell upon you two after he spoke. You didn’t know what to say. To be honest, now that his true feelings were revealed, you began thinking about the times you felt your cheeks warm up whenever he came up with some cheesy term of endearment to refer to you as. You knew he didn’t really mean them, but it still caused your heart to feel fuzzy. In a good way, of course. Or, when you couldn’t help attending his matches, using the excuse of “wanting to see his downfall”.
“Hm…I guess I like you too,” you shrugged. His eyes suddenly sparkled as his pout was replaced with a large grin.
He leaped out of your grasp, pulling you closer to embrace him. Your head subconsciously nuzzled against the crook of his shoulder, a sigh escaping your lips as he smiled brightly.
“Soooo,” he began. “Are we enemies still?”
“If you wanna be,” you replied.
“...nah,” he stroked your hair softly, fingers combing through your locks.
“I think I’d like to call you my girlfriend, though.”
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thekingwhereitallends · 9 months
Teen Mitsuki:(taps into his full dragon sage mode) This is called Divine Power!
Teen Sarada:(captivated by Mitsuki's transformed look) Oh,so cool. Say ah!
Teen Mitsuki:(opens his mouth)
Teen Sarada:(wraps an arm around mitsuki's neck and forces him to bend over) HEY SUMIRE,LOOK MITSUKI'S NOW A VAMPIRE!
Teen Mitsuki:(facepalms himself) Humans really do have a screw loose!
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lilacgaby · 3 days
Your stories are wonderful ♥️♥️
I couldn't stop reading ✨✨
I was thinking about a fantasy AU, where we have the big dragon bakugou and his tiny fairy friend a Tinkerbelk vibe lol
And what would their routine be like, perhaps scaring away some treasure hunters?
I love your stories ♥️✨
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dragonking!katsuki was the most feared king in all the lands. he was strong, wielding a sword he welded with his own flames, magic stronger than a clan of witches, and unforeseen knowledge that always gave him an edge.
how did he get this knowledge you ask? it was a secret to most, however.. only his most trusted dragonknight knew it was because of his pocket-sized fairy, you.
you wore a flower dress of your favorite color, always glowing and shimmery because of the fairy dust you used to keep yourself healthy and flying. you'd found katsuki when he was a prince, he was teary eyed as he sat out in the gardens, upset that his childhood rival had been revealed to have royal blood.
you were lost, still in a white, orchid gown as you slowly flew around, eventually landing on his knee. he eyed you oddly, jumping slightly when you landed on him. though, as he examined you further, he realized that he was being touched by a real fairy. something he'd only heard about in tales he'd hear at night. you spoke to him, though at first he could only hear a bell sound.
he saw you looked frustrated, until smacking your forehead with a "duh!" and flying up to sprinkle him with some fairy dust. after a bit of confusion, he kept his red eyes locked onto you as you cleared your throat. "can you hear me now?" you said, making him speechless. he managed a nod and you continued.
"i don't really know how to get back to my hollow so.. can i stay with you?" you asked, shyly putting one leg behind the other at your request. he sputtered, before managing a, "t-that's cool, fairy girl."
"it's actually [name] random guy!"
"okay [name], uh-- katsuki's fine."
he soon realized not everyone could hear you, and you explained that the fairy dust you used was too valuable to let just everyone use it. he smirked though, happy that he'd be special to you.
you were there as he was sent off on his crowning journey, telling him where to find the best loot, the best resting places you'd remember, and even how to scavenge for food. you'd keep him company through the uncomfortable nights, and he'd carry you in his gloved hands during winter, since your wing's would freeze over.
he'd make you tiny leaf beds and let you sleep a safe distance from his head, he'd make sure you ate and would take you to collect pixie dust from the various trees you'd remember.
with your help, he was the first successful one of all the heirs to help awaken the crimson dragon, officially crowning him king.
he celebrated with you, treating you to maple syrup and finding you the best flowers to finally make you a new dress, topping it all of with a baby's breath crown.
you were always on his shoulder, always hidden by the fur coat he'd adorn. people would find the king randomly smiling as he heard your jokes or comments, but when questioned he'd slam his fist.
the casual day for you two would usually be hunting for treasure. for some reason, fairies were hardwired with amazing intuition that was always correct, so you were like his own metal detector. he'd hold you close to him, a habit he formed after you were snatched out of the sky once by a hawk, and you'd point in the direction you'd need to go.
when he arrived, seeing the pirates already in process of looting the place, he'd ready his magic, whispering to you to get under his coat. he fought off the 20 some men alone, leaving with not only the treasure in the cave, but on the pirates ship too.
as he called his village people to come get their share of the fair amount of treasure, he smiled softly at you, who was now eating some more maple candy he'd got for you on top of his thumb.
he owed it all to you, his fairy.
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can you tell i loved this req??? ty for the support always <3
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steventhusiast · 1 year
once again so late to the party, but yippee @steddiemicrofic time!
prompt: charm | wc: 548 | rated: G | cw: implied homophobia | tags: teacher au, vaguely modern?, established relationship
“Knock knock.”
Steve looks over from where he’s writing a task on the board to see Eddie leaning against the doorframe, one hand poised to knock midair and one held behind his back. His presence brings an involuntary smile to Steve’s face, which he tries to hide by biting his lip. (Judging from the giggles he hears from the kids in the front row, he fails.)
“Alright, class. I’m going to trust that you’ll get started while I talk to Mr Munson, okay?” He says, and all the kids nod obediently (even though he knows they'll probably ignore that).
“Yes, Mr H.”
He walks over to Eddie, who hasn't moved from the doorway.
“What’s up?” He grins at his boyfriend, consciously trying to keep a respectable distance between them.
There’s not a rule against them dating, per say, but it’s definitely frowned upon by some teachers, and some parents would riot if they found out. So they at least try to be subtle about things.
“Okay, so, you know how you're nervous about your peer observation this afternoon?” Eddie asks, and then before Steve can answer he brings the hand he’s been hiding out to reveal a plushie.
Okay, correction. Steve tries to be subtle about things.
It’s a small teddy bear with fluffy-looking brown fur. In its hand it holds an oversized four-leaf clover, with the words “good luck stevie” stitched messily onto it. There’s also a pink heart patch on its face. It’s cute, and Steve hides his smile with a hand as he glances back up at Eddie.
He almost wants to be mad, because Eddie agreed to be more subtle at school after a glare at their hand-holding from Mrs Lawson a few weeks ago. (Mrs Lawson happens to be the teacher who’s doing his peer observation.)
But he can’t. Not when the expression on Eddie’s face is so proud, and his eyes are so loving.
“What's this?” He asks.
“A good luck charm! Duh!” Eddie says as he holds the teddy out. Steve rolls his eyes, and takes the offered gift.
“Shouldn’t you get back to your class, Mr Munson? Don’t even want to think about what Mike’s up to without you there.” He says after a moment, hoping Eddie can hear the thank you, I love you hidden behind his words.
Eddie nods with a grin, and promptly leaves to go back to wrangling his own class of terrors. Steve lingers in the doorway, thumb brushing over the teddy’s fur as he smiles down at it, and then turns back to his class.
They’re all grinning at him, mischief in their eyes. Not one of them have opened their workbooks.
“Mr Harrington and Mr Munson, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” Dustin starts singing as Steve brings the bear over to his desk. He ignores his flushed cheeks to narrow his eyes at the twelve-year-old.
“Do you want me to give you an F on the next test?” He asks. There’s no heat behind his words and Dustin knows it. The kid grins at him, the picture of innocence.
“First comes love-” Dustin continues, but Steve holds a hand up.
“Shut it, Henderson.” He grumbles.All his kids giggle, and he looks back down to the bear. A good luck charm. How cute.
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