#high lord of day
lady-of-tearshed · 16 days
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Helion masterlist
In coming...
Helion taglist: @mybestfriendmademe @horneybeach1
Artists credits:
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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Helion x Lady Autumn
A Court Of Thorns And Roses
Artist: hancorinne_
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readychilledwine · 4 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Discipline is a huge part of the Dom/sub dynamic in BDSM. Discipline is the actual act of setting rules and boundaries in place for a sub to follow. Discipline is not punishment, but punishment is a part of the Discipline kink.
Discipline is non-sexual in nature. It could be rules as simple as, "you only wear those heels for me," or "when we interact with this person, you do not do x, y, and z." A huge portion of discipline training is based on accountability from the sub and self reporting. Doms will do check ins when they have time, but a well trained sub will self report any rules they have broken without the dom knowing, and will own the rules they have broken in front of the dom.
Breaking rules is what leads to why you are all here, punishment. Punishment can be a variety of sexual and non sexual acts, but I know a favorite here is impact play, so that is the punishment our dear reader will endure. Punishments are decided by the dom based on which rules were broken, how many were broken, and how much they were broken. Punishments should NEVER be given by a dom in a place of anger. If you enter a BDSM dom and sub relationship and your dom tries to punish you when he is angry, LEAVE. That's not a dom. That's a red flag. Punishment should also never be administered without a conversation being had. The sub needs to know exactly why they are being punished in order to actually learn and be trained.
Now, there is a difference between a punishment and a funishment. Punishment is earned by breaking rules that cause your dom to be upset. It is not something a sub is purposely trying to earn. Funishment, like I used in my azris x reader spanking piece (For Science) is used more in brat taming. Brats like to push their doms buttons as much as possible, toying the line with their doms in hopes of getting a funishment. Doms may seem more upset in a funishment since it is an established part of the dynamic, but funishment is still given with love and care and the safety of the sub in mind.
💕Peep the Valentines Day List Here💕
As always, NSFW below the cut
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Helion x Reader
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Warnings - impact play as punishment, Beron, jealous LoA, dom/sub dynamics, fingering, bratty behavior towards the end, lack of Helions thighs.
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Lady Autumn sent you another glare as you held your husband's, your mate's arm kissing the muscle there gently as you did the best you could to look impassive. 
You knew she and Helion were lovers, that she had risked everything to be with him despite her marriage to the cruel male beside her. That had been over 400 years ago, though. You didn't understand how she couldn't just let him go.
You shifted uncomfortably as her glare began to feel heated. No, it was heated. “Andromeda,” you interrupted Tamlin and Rhysand's lovers spat with her name. “If you attempt to set me on fire, again, I personally will declare war on Autumn. It will be the 4th time in a year. Jealously isn't a good enough reason for a 600 year old female to have less control of her powers than I do. Nor is it a good enough reason to outright attack me and blame a loss of control."
Kal whistled next to you, leaning back as he smirked. Thesan's jaw dropped as Beron's gaze shot your way. “And who the fuck are you to decide that his court is able to go to war?”
“My high lady, mate, wife, general of my armies, and the female who ran my court for 50 years,” Helion turned to Andromeda and Beron. “Leave my mate out of our issues. She wasn't even alive when that all happened. She did not ask to be bound to me. She should not be punished for my transgressions."
Beron turned toward his wife, calming her using their bond, and nodded at you. You felt the embarrassment from Helion hit you full force. It was followed by anger and disappointment. You had taken a calculated risk, putting both her and yourself in danger of your husbands’ rage. You could feel as his fingers twitched, and your thigh was squeezed roughly. You were in for an interesting night.
The punishment began by ordering you to stay in your suite for the night. It had been 3 hours, and you knew he was returning soon based on the last tug he sent through the bond. You pulled the blanket higher up, refusing to cry over defending yourself. 
You heard the door open and a heavy glass being set down, followed by footsteps. 
The bed dipped beside you. Helion's hand went to your hair, stroking it lovingly. “Sit up. We need to talk, my sunflower.” You obeyed, leaning back against the headboard. “What is rule number 5?”
Your eyes fluttered shut. “I do not use my title to pull sway over another court.”
“Rule 4?”
“My title is to be exposed at your transgression. The other courts do not need to know for my protection."
“Rule 12?”
“Breaking these rules will lead to punishment as deemed fit by daddy.”
Helion forced you to look at him. “Did you break any rules today?”
You nodded, the accountability Would lessen the punishment. “4, 5, and 6.”
Helion smiled. “What's rule 6?”
“Don't fuck with Beron.”
He counted on his hand. “So 3 rules were broken, and a 4th is on the line. My question, sunflower, is, do I punish you in your home court with your brother just a few doors away, or do I wait until we are home?” 
It was cruel of him to ask you if you wanted to wait, increasing whatever he had planned, or get it over with. “Here.” You threw a sound shield up. “Let's just do it here.” 
Helion nodded and stood. “Up, dress off, bend over the bed.” He watched like a hawk as you removed your dress, leaving the pretty lacy lingerie on and leaned over the bed. “Haven't had to spank you in a long time.” You shivered as he ran his hand up your thighs. “10,” both of his hands came to the plush skin of your ass. “10 with no sex tonight seems very fair. It was self-defense, after all.” You bit down on your bottom lip hard, preventing yourself from arguing and making it worse. “Doesn't that sound fair, y/n?”
You took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”
“And you understand I am not angry anymore? That this was a decision I made with a sound mind?”
“Yes, daddy.” 
He hummed behind you, squeezing your ass again before sighing. “Count for me, princess.” 
There was nowhere for you to go as that first hit came down right below your left butt cheek, stinging the tender flesh there and making you wiggle. “One.” 
Two hands came down, hitting both sides and leaving you without side to wiggle and escape to. He hit harder this time, groaning as your skin began to change color faintly. “Two,” you whimpered. 
“Good girl,” he praised. “Thought I'd be able to trick you on that one. You are so well trained. Who taught you?”
You smiled, turning your head to the side so he could see it. “Daddy did.”
Helion was practically glowing with male pride. “You must have a good daddy.” 
“The best.”
The third spank hit your wet folds, making you yelp at the unexpected stimulation. Skilled fingers immediately found the apex of your thighs, making soft circles there. “Four,” it came out as a moan. 
Another spank came on right, in time with him pressing that bundle of nerves. You grit the count out through your teeth as you began to realize fully what was about to happen. 
6 and 7 were the same. Powerful stinging smacks on the left side repeatedly. You were desperate for anything at this point, wiggling your hips as he continued plucking moan after moan from you as if you were a well tuned harp. 
8 hit below your left cheek, towards the inside of your spread thighs. You yelled loudly as hit landed, struggling not to climb further up the bed. 
You could hear how wet you were. You could feel it running down your thighs. “Being such a good girl,” his voice was low, the timber of it melting you further into the mattress. “Sensational.” 
9 struck you as he plunged two fingers deep into you. The moan of his name was unholy as it echoed the room. “Nine,” your tone was strained, that coil so fucking tight in your stomach you almost could not bare it any longer. 
You knew if you came without permission, it would be worse. So much worse. 
One night without sex would become a week, and if you dared touch yourself, dared to lay a single finger on what was his, that week would become you strapped to a chair watching him fuck whomever he pleased in your place before him and that person overestimulated you and edged you for hours on end.
The final spank was centered on the right side again. He landed it in time with curling his fingers to your gspot. 
You couldn't help but to release a mix of a scream and moan of pleasure and frustration. 
Tears began to fall as you whispered 10 and he continued curling his fingers inside of you. 
You felt like your body was being forced to dangle from a cliff and he was holding on. He could either let you go, let you crash and fall into the valley of pleasure below you, or he could rip it all away. 
And he chose the second. 
His fingers were out of you and he was walking away. Grabbing the lotion you had packed. He moved you across his lap instead of the bed by your hair. 
The lotion felt so cool against the tender and sore flesh, making you whimper for a whole new reason as your thighs continued trying to get any friction they could. 
“What did we learn, sunflower?” His voice was gentle and calm, but where you were laying told another story. His hard cock dug into your side causing you to shift in need.
“Do not break rules.”
“Be good for daddy.” 
He sighed, a content happy noise leaving his throat. “Rhysand and I are going to go look at Thesan's new pleasure hall. You are going to stay here and sleep. Understood?” You wanted to protest. Wanted to attend the pleasure hall with your husband and friends. He gave you a look, eyes dancing and hoping for a challenge.
“Yes, daddy.” Two could play this game.
He hid his disappointment and kissed you. “Be good while daddy is gone. I love you.”
You smiled and said it back, watching as he left.
You'd be good in his absence. You waited an hour before your hand slipped into your still soaked panties.
You'd be so good.
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General tag list:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium
Valentines Day Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger @acourtofladydeath
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capriciouslyterminal · 8 months
All I want…is for Pete to have a white streak in his hair where Wiggly touched him. Okay? Is that too much to ask? For the drama???
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yaralulu · 2 months
Rhys trying to convince everyone at the high lords meeting he’s actually a good person and in the same breath saying it’d be so much easier to slice into their minds and have them do whatever he wants but he won’t because he’s just so nice was wilddd.Like wow rhys you’re such a good person for not scrambling in people’s heads and taking away their choices and autonomy clearly your evilness was just a act do you want a medal for the bare minimum 😍??
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surielstea · 3 months
Strings Attached
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Helion x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader has had a crush on Helion for awhile now but feels inadequate when compared to the partners he brings to bed.
Warnings: fluff | Suggestive | Slight angst
3.3k words
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The giggling in the room next to mine has me fighting back from hurling my guts out.
Helion was with yet another female tonight— perhaps multiple based on the sound emitting through the walls. Some part of me felt anger, everyone who was interested in the male seemed to get the chance to roll in the sheets with the High Lord while I sat in my room alone, trying to ignore the obnoxious thudding of the headboard against the connecting wall.
I put a sound shield over his room for him, he seemed to forget half the time which left me restless and annoyed.
Finally, at peace with the quiet, I release a soft sigh and my head comes down onto my pillow. The brunette that he led into his room tonight was particularly gorgeous, with long dark locks and beautiful caramel-colored skin. She was from the Summer court, cousin to the Day court. She looked like she'd been bathed in the sun, like not a single cloud had ever settled over her.
I was from the night court.
Born in the hewn city and fleeing the court entirely when Amarantha was defeated after those long years Under the Mountain.
It was noticeable I didn't belong in this court, this palace, the libraries, or the shops. I'd get looks of all sorts from strangers or other court members who thought it best for me to return to where I came from.
Helion made me his second in command after a few years of serving as his emissary. I've been with him for nearly a decade now and my feelings towards the high lord have yet to fizzle away. He's my best friend, yet I couldn't help imagining something more than just being on the sidelines, I wanted to be looked at the way he gazed at potential partners, wanted to be touched, and loved the way the females rave about as they're leaving the palace.
In between thoughts I manage to slip into a gentle sleep, a light slumber that I could easily be startled from. The large bed felt empty like I was drowning in it, like I needed someone next to me to make sure I didn't fall through the mattress.
I was standing at my workbench, bright light shining down onto my most recent invention. I peered through my magnifying glass at the inner mechanics, making sure all the gears shifted with each other as they spun. I've been fiddling with the small device for a while now but haven't been able to get it just right. "Let's try this again," I mumble before pressing the button atop the small cube. It makes a quiet beep and my brows shoot up. "Testing," I say into the microphone of the cube.
"You're so smart, starlight." A familiar voice makes me jump and I whirl around to face the High Lord. "You'd make the perfect high lady for this place." He hums and I flush, taking my eyes away from the handsome male and back to my invention. He walks over to me, the warmth of his skin radiating onto me. "What is it?" He tilts his head as he peers over my shoulder.
"A recording device," I say, glancing at him— which I realize was a bad idea because, Cauldron, he was so close. "If it works, we'll be able to start recording audio to put in our libraries for people who can't read,"  I explain and a soft smile curves his full lips.
"Genius." He hums. "It's not finished yet." I wave him off and press the button atop the recording device and set it down.
"Did you need something?" I turned to him fully, he wasn't wearing his crown or any golden jewelry, just glowing dark skin contrasted with his clean white robe. "I can't pester my favorite emissary?" He arches a brow, and my heartbeat quickens.
"I'm your only emissary." I remind him, cleaning up my workspace as he toys with a pair of miniature tweezers, his calloused hands seemingly too large to even hold the tool. "That doesn't mean you can't be my favorite." He mumbles, concentrating on picking up an even smaller screw from the desk with the tweezers.
"Helion," I pluck the tool from his hands and he pouts dramatically at me. "I was only going to ask if you'd like to join me for dinner, but you seem busy." He knocks on the wood as a farewell and takes a few steps away. "Wait," I look to him. "I could eat." I shrug and a wide smile spreads over his sharp features. "Follow me then."
Helion leads me down the halls of the palace, I still marveled at the beauty of this place despite living here for nearly a decade now. The high ceilings held up by large pillars, the floor-to-ceiling windows putting the Court outside on display in a decoration of its own, the crystal clear lake that spreads on the right side of the residence reflects the moonlight right onto the white palace, making it reflect and shimmer like a sun.
"Amilia?" Helion calls as we enter the long dining hall lit by golden chandeliers and tall, skinny candles. "Yes, my lord?" A kitchen maid scuffs into the room with bright green eyes and large voluminous curls. "I have a guest joining me for dinner, we'll need the table set for three." He informs and the maid bows her head with a soft smile. "Right away Lord Helion." She turns on her heel and shuffles towards the kitchen. "Thank you!" The male hums as she disappears behind the swinging doors.
"Three plates?" I ask curiously, coming up to his side. "Not just us?" I say and he looks at me with raised brows. "I have another courtier coming to meet with me from the Dawn court, but I'd be happy to cancel so it's just us." He offers and I shake my head, hair swishing with the movement. "That's alright, I won't disrupt your schedule." I brushed him off, even if a buried part of me felt disappointed. It's been some time since I had some alone time with Helion, he always seemed to be busy as High Lord— or spell cleaver.
I walked over to the table and took up the seat I always sat in, directly beside the head of the table, where Helion planted himself. A maid came over and poured both of us glasses of white wine. I thank her and she nods before skittering away.
The doors to the dining hall open and both Helion and I look up to spot a butler accompanying a gorgeous female clad in lilac and rose-colored robes that draped over her full frame in long sweeping motions. Her deep brown hair was combed up into an intricate style, and the golden bangles at her wrists clanked against each other as she walked in like she owned the place. "Lady Basu." Helion stands with a polite tone. "Please, my lord; call me Imara." She begs of him in a delicate voice. Is she the courtier from Dawn?
"Then you can call me Helion." The Lord gives her a seductive smile. I was going to need more wine.
Dinner was utterly delicious if it weren't for my need to hold back gags every time the two in front of me obnoxiously flirted, I watched as she noticeably stared at him while wrapping her perfect lips around her fork. They weren't even discussing anything pertaining to the courts, perhaps I was blinded by jealousy but what was the point of this female being here if she wasn't going to mention where her court lies with alliances?
"Amilia?" I call the maid, neither of them notice but the female shuffles over to me with an inquisitive expression. "Can I have some more wine?" I ask her. She nods her head and pours the pitcher until my glass is full again. "You know what, I think I'll just take this." I reach for the decanter and her brows raise slightly but she allows me to have the pitcher before I put it down onto the table. Helion looks at me with creased brows but I don't say anything.
"Are you enjoying the food Imara?" The high lord hums. "I've had better things in my mouth." She teased and I nearly choked. "Is that right?" Helion's reply only makes me drink deeper from the goblet, chugging down the rest of the liquid until I'm refilling the glass again.
The flirting grows so insufferable that I have to take a deep breath to control myself from yelling at them to keep it in their pants or take it to the bedroom. So instead I stand up, grabbing my wine glass, my chair loudly scraping against the floor.
"You okay?" Helion looks to me concerned. "Fine, just tired." I brush him off. "I think I might turn in early," I add and he only nods. "Sweet dreams, starlight." He hums. "Good to meet you Imari," I give her a wave. "You as well." She smiles at me even though she's been glaring at me all meal like I was a threat, as if Helion would ever choose me over some drop-dead gorgeous female offering herself so openly to him.
Helion's fingers intertwined with mine and I look at him curiously, his warm hand somehow heating the entirety of my body right down to my very bones. "Get good rest, alright?" He smiles sadly and I get the feeling that he wasn't originally going to say that, that he’s holding back.
"I should be the one telling you that." I joke as I drop his hand but he doesn't laugh, instead, he looks at me with something tender and wanting, that gaze that makes butterflies awaken in my stomach. I ignore it, giving him a nod before spinning on my heel and walking towards the doors, thanking the cooks and maids on my way out without another word.
My hangover was pounding into my skull as I stood at the kitchen counter, peeling an orange as my negligent breakfast. Luckily the morning was quiet, the bird’s song flowing in through the open windows, goldfinches perched on the aspen trees outside.
I hum along to the familiar tune with a gentle smile at the tranquility of it, everything going so smoothly until the smell of ginger and honey floats into the room and I know Helion has entered.
"Starlight," He grins widely as he approaches, his hands behind his back like he's hiding something. I narrow my eyes at him skeptically, wondering what it was he kept tucked away from my vision. "How are you so awake?" I sighed with a slow blink. "It's daytime," He looks to the window. "Should I not be awake?" He arches a brow. I shake my head and return to peeling the rind from my fruit.
"Have a good night?" I tilt my head. "Eh," He shrugs and I scoff, a small smile forming on my lips at his dissatisfaction, something like precedence blooming in my chest.
"I have something for you." He bounces slightly on his heels and I look at him unamused, my migraine slowly fizzling away as he gazes at me. "Do you now?" I tilt my head and he nods, pulling his hands from behind his back and revealing a small black box meant for jewelry. "I felt bad last night, you seemed upset so I got you these at the markets this morning." He explains before cracking open the lid of the velvet box and revealing a stunning pair of earrings. A clear sunstone gem framed by gold plates, the stone dangling from a golden clasp.
My brows raised as I looked between him and the expensive gift. "Helion I can't take this," I shake my head. "Sure you can." He urges me. "You can’t just give me things because I'm the slightest bit upset." I sigh, taking the box from him. "Sure I can." He reiterates and a small smile forms over my features. "Thank you," I say, taking the earrings out of their box right then and there before sliding them into my earlobes.
He smiles and tucks my hair behind my pointed ears. The male grins cheekily and I look at him, with stained cheeks. "What?" I cross my arms over my chest. "You're the most beautiful female I've ever seen." He states proudly. I chuckle and tear my gaze away from him, his expression falls. "I'm serious, you are." He nods his head and I only shake my head and continue to peel the tangerine.
"No, I am not." I toss the rind in the trash, trying to ignore the fact that the air in the room has gotten noticeably thicker. "Do you think I'd lie about such things?" He seems genuine which only makes me want to laugh more.
"You lie to me all the time." I shrug and he looks at me like I've gone crazy. "Nonsense, name a time." He commands and I roll my eyes. "Just yesterday you told me I'd make the perfect high lady for the day court." I remind and he twists his lips to the side. "That doesn't sound like me." He shakes his head. I deadpan at him before removing the small invention I've been working on from the pocket of my dress and pressing the button on the bottom.
"Testing," My voice emits from it, louder than planned and all too close to the microphone. "You're so smart starlight," another voice sounds from the speakers of the cube. "You'd make the perfect high lady for this place." It quoted and I glared at him before turning off the invention and putting it back into my pocket. "It works!" He says excitedly and I glare at him.
"Alright fine, so I did say that but still; I didn't lie." He argues and I huff out a grumble of curses. "I'm a truthful male." He drones as I return to picking the spongey white excess along with the fruit of my orange. "No, you're a flirt," I grumble. "Can't I be both?" He shrugs and I shake my head. "No, not if you're telling me I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever seen whilst bedding females ten times prettier than me." I defend and his jaw falls slack, slightly taken aback at my prepared remark. "But they're not prettier than you." He admits and I avoid his gaze that seemed to be analyzing every move I made.
"Stop lying." I grit out and he releases a sigh, his arms coming to either side of my waist, trapping me between his muscular frame and the counter.
"I'm not. You're out of my league." He says breathlessly as if he couldn't believe it. I turn to look at him, my brows pulled tensely. "Then why can't I be one of them?" I utter and he blinks. "One of what?" He asks, his dark brows quirking together. "One of the females you take to bed, if I'm. So beautiful then why haven't you shown it?"
The look on his face was pure shock, his ears perked up at the sound of vulnerability coming from me. I begin to grow embarrassed at what I just confessed.
"Starlight," He sighs, looking down at me with remorseful eyes. "Those partners mean nothing, there's no emotion. I'm simply admiring an art piece, there's no strings attached." He explains and I wait for him to tell me whatever art I am isn't good enough.
"I don't want that with you." He confesses and I swore my heart stopped.
I look up at him with tears welling in my eyes. I wasn't ready to confess and didn't have the confrontation skills to tell him how I truly felt. I swallow thickly and nod. "I understand," I mutter, dipping my head down. His large hand comes up to cup my cheek, tilting my head back and forcing my gaze back to his. "I want the strings attached, with you, is what I mean." He explains and I blink a few times to make sure the make that stands in front of me is real.
"What are you saying?" I need clarification, what does that make us, what can I bear to him without showing my soul in its entirety?
"I'm saying that I want you, for a lot longer than just a night." His hand slips from my cheek to curl around the back of my neck, his thumb stroking along my jaw. "Helion," I warn and his eyes are soft, this is real, he wants this as much as I do. "I know it's unprofessional but—" He begins to argue and I lunge upward, slinging my arms over his shoulders and planting my lips onto his.
He stumbles back, his other hand coming to my hips as he immediately kisses me back. I smile against the feel of it. Gods, he tasted like honey. I pull him closer, his chest pressing into mine as I balance on my toes just so I can reach up to him. He hums against my lips before pulling back with a knowing smile. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," I admit and his eyes gleam with pure affection.
"I have some idea." He reassured me before dipping down again and this time taking my mouth entirely, my lower back pressed against the counter behind me, his hands dipped down, sliding along every inch of my body until finding purchase at my thighs and hoisting me up onto the counter, my legs immediately wrapping around his torso as he pried my mouth open with his tongue and I allow him to explore every inch, I've dreamed of this, fantasized of this. Every male I've ever been with never amounted to what could've been with Helion, and now I have it and I was never going to give it up.
My hands go into his hair, dragging through the black locks as he presses his wanting hips into mine. I begin to work at the top of his robes, dipping it off his shoulder. He backs away with a restrained movement. "We can wait." He pants out. "We can go slow," he reassured, staring at me with every ounce of self-discipline he possessed. "I don't want to wait," I shake my head. "I need you now," I add and a smile curves his lips— then a soft gasp releases from his lips, looking at the center of my chest with creased brows.
A sudden sort of devotion overwhelms my body and I look down, spotting a golden string, sprouting from my abdomen and tethering directly to his. "Mate," I mumble, the only thought racing through my head. My body heats at the realization and when he pulls me into a kiss this time it's pure adoration, in every movement he holds utmost love and respect.
"You're my mate," I mumble into his mouth and he nods with a smirk on his lips. "Wait—" I say and he immediately rears back. I turn to look beside me, the freshly peeled orange untouched on its plate. I pick the fruit up and split it into two. "Eat." I hold the tangerine out toward him. His expression turns into something tender and he takes the fruit, taking no time to consume the citrusy fruit, handing me the other half and beckoning me to eat too. I smile and peel one slice off and pop it into my mouth.
A sudden smell of arousal takes over the space and as soon as I swallow down the slice his lips are on mine, his hands pulling me closer, kissing me deeper, harder. He tasted of citrus and that fact fueled every nerve in my body. Mates, we're mated. His tongue enters my mouth again and the mating frenzy seems to take him full throttle. He winnows us into his quarters, carrying me towards his bed.
Something told me we wouldn't be leaving this bedroom for weeks.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glam-targaryen @going-through-shit @fauxdette @impossibelle @amara-moonlight @webecheesy-blog @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogersbarnesxx
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Black roses
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Epilogue?
Helion x reader, Azriel x ex!reader, Rhysand x sister!reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, elain slander (i love elain but the plot asked for it)
Summary: In which you are finally introduced to the inner circle again, this time as High Lady of Day Court.
a/n i wrote this with an eyelash stuck in my eye so spare me 😭 🙏
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I was getting ready to go to the Night Court. My outfits usually were a signature midnight black but after staying at Day Court for so long, I had learned to love the soft yellows and the striking golds. Hell I had decided to wear a golden dress as a homage to the Day Court.
It was a beautiful corset top dress, that flowed down like a waterfall. The slit was just an added benefit.
“You look absolutely breathtaking,” A voice came from behind me.
Giggling, I turned around left a peck on Helion’s lips, but apparently that wasn’t enough, as he pulled me in for a deeper kiss.
His hands gently held my head, while my hands left his hair and raked over his bare chest.
“Helion, we can’t do this now” I say breathless as I pull apart. Hands at my waist held me tightly against his body.
“And put a shirt on” I finally escape his grasp and head over to fix up my face.
Helion winnows us away after we’re ready. Standing outside Rhysand’s court, we’re about to head in when Helion pulls me flush against his chest.
“I love you, and I’m so proud of you, if you feel uncomfortable the just squeeze my hand three times and we’ll leave,”
I kiss his lips and whisper a small “Thank you,” against them.
Just as we’re about to pull away, Rhysand shows up.
“Sister, Helion, if you’re ready?” he smiles, Rhys was the first person to know about us and currently is one of the few outside of Day who knew.
My cheeks flush at Helion’s smirk and push myself off him, “Yes we are,”
Walking in, I can feel their eyes on me. Shit this was scarier than expected.
Helion places a reassuring hand against my back. I give a soft smile to everyone.
Everyone except them. Elain and Azriel. I don’t even look at them, stopping at Cassian.
The men discuss about matters if court and alliances. While Feyre, Nesta and I catch up.
We were deep in a conversation about how we should visit each other often, when Elain decided to open her mouth.
“So what did you do to get a High Lord’s attention surely you’re not that good in bed” she sneers.
My blood freezes. Helion goes to open his mouth but I give him a look and speak through our bond. “I can handle this”.
“I know you can but if you need me I’m right here” he assures.
Simply nodding, I continue my conversation with Nesta about the newest book. Feyre had gone to fetch Nyx. Apparently he had missed me and wouldn’t talk to anyone except glare at Elain.
“I knew it, you’re such a slut,” she says loudly.
This time all chatter freezes, and the loud bang of the door indicates that Feyre is here. With Nyx.
For the sake of the little boy, I ignore her again. Reaching out to carry him. He cracks a smile and babbles while grabbing my hair softly. Giggling at his attempt to tell me a story, I sit down with him in my lap.
Unbeknownst to the longing stares from Azriel, the hateful glares from Elain and the look of adoration on Helion’s face.
Soon enough he tires out and falls asleep.
“She obviously used her mind control powers or whatever to get him to calm down,” Elain scoffs.
I go to finally respond when two loud voices bellow across the room.
“Shut the fuck up,” Rhysand and Helion’s voices were powerful enough alone. Together they could bring someone to their knees.
“That’s my sister, you’re talking about,”
Elain’s eyes widen at the confrontation from Rhysand.
“She is the High Lady of Day Court and you will treat her as such,” Helion commanded.
“You know I told Rhysand to give you a chance at some sort of redemption but you truly are self conceited,” this time it was Feyre’s voice.
My head snaps upward. “Whatever, all Day Court people are the same,”.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I question. My voice is deathly low and sharp enough to cut her.
“It’s just that Day Court men are just pretty things to look at and the women are just objects to be used,” she explains.
I hand Nyx to Feyre.
“You can speak ill about me all you want but bringing my people and the women from my court who work harder than you have ever worked in your entire life was a mistake,” I warn.
“You have been handed your life on a silver platter, forced your sisters to give you everything they deserve. Did you know Nesta was so worried about you when you were Made that she couldn’t eat or sleep,”
“No you didn’t because you’re just a self conceited, backstabbing bitch who would be nowhere without us. So go ahead insult me but just know that I can have you thrown in deepest cell in Hewn City and trust me someone like you wouldn’t survive a minute in there.” With every single word I took a step closer towards her.
Seeing her say nothing, I walk off towards Helion.
“Go run home with your bitch of a man then,” she calls out from behind me.
Turning around I punch her nose in one swift motion.
She falls to the floor and Nyx decides to wake up and he starts clapping and laughing. Smiling, I head towards him and pick him up and give him a little kiss on the cheek.
I walk towards where Rhysand, Helion, Cassian and Azriel were standing.
“I’m really sorry Y/N-” Azriel starts.
I kick him in between the legs, “That’s for marrying another girl while being my fiancée,”.
He doubles over in pain and I take that as an opportunity to punch his face, “And that’s for giving her my wedding dress”
“You are free to visit us in Day Court whenever you want,” I say just as Helion winnows us back.
He presses me against the bedroom door, “That was so hot,”.
“Really? Why don’t you show me how much you liked it then?”
a/n so um the argument might be bad but in my defence i’m not the type to involve myself in conflict like fight or flight best believe i’m flighting
lemme know if you want a lil epilogue for helion and reader
“glory is fine revenge is more fun” IF YOU KNOW WHERE THIS JS FROM ILY MARRY ME 💍
taglist: @esposadomd@impossibelle@acotarfics-mharmie009@stqrgirlies-blog@balam-sen@cumuluscranium@witchymomfrien@historygeekqueen@wallacewillow0773638@wickedfelinaxo@mybestfriendmademe@to-be-written@highladyofterrasen98@minnieoo
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x-starshines-x · 6 months
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Ģ̷̗̱͍̰̗̘̖͙̥͒O̸͙̪͇͔͖̹̳̳͈͐̍,̴̛͖̱͇̰̺̘̅̋̈̔͛͐ ̴̨̩͎̟̙̜̒͋̾̽Ņ̸̮̺͔̓I̴̛̱͔͗́̒̈͌̾́͘G̷̡͉͕̞͕̤̼͍̗̞̉̊̅̿̓̅͛̚̕H̵̨̢̨̞̟̞̟͔͓̄͆̔̎̍̀͆̈́̇͜͝T̴̛͖̱́̔̑̃͌̄͑̋̂H̶̡͍̱̰̀͜ͅĀ̴͙͕̫̼̼͍͈̯̝͊̏̀̆̀͐͛̿͜W̶̢̝͔͍̜̳̑͗̐͐̂̀̇̑͊͜͝ͅK̵̞̳͑̐̂̈́̎S̴̛͍̤͙͗̐̊͐̈́̈́͂͑!̸̢̤̩͍͉̙͝
been thinking abt wiggly stealing richie's face lately :)) he's so fucked up
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darkphilosophies · 10 months
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Helion and baby Lucien. What could have been…
Art by @jrtart_ on her lovely insta. Don’t forget to check it out and give her a follow ❤️
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works-of-heart · 9 days
If I give you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss too?
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Lucien "I'm a mated Male", "The fox" Vanserra!
I can just see him give Elain this look, and it is game over, the end! My girl doesn't stand a chance. I'm pretty sure he inherited Helion's smile! Now to work on Elain next!
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taylrartz · 1 year
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Felt lonely so here’s a messy little Helion + Lady of Autumn practice🫶
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newwavesylviaplath · 3 months
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the constant urge to start wearing knee high socks to class.
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romanticatheartt · 6 days
You know why I love Feysand? One of the reasons is because there's a balance between them. In a way they complete each other.
Feyre is all forgiveness, love and a pleaser.
But Rhysand on the other hand is all revenge, hate and never forget.
Whenever he's drowning in hatred for himself, for people who wronged his loved ones, she's there to pull him up and shower him with love, respect and reminding him of goodness.
And whenever she is being too forgiving to the point she's forgetting herself or to put herself first, he's there to bring justice and be a shield for her from the injustice of it all.
That's why this is one of my favorite scene of them:
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He's saying he can't forgive anyone who wronged her. But she remembers the ones who wronged him and notices he doesn't care about himself, his hatred for himself won't allow it.
She's saying he has to forgive at some point. He's there to remind her that maybe it's okay to admit that some people have made her suffer.
It's this back and forth between them. It balances them.
He's always self sacrificing himself to keep his loved ones safe, to make them comfortable, to be a shield. And Feyre came to his life, saw right throw all of them and let him to burden her with some of those duties he put himself up for them.
Sometimes it's a wrong trait but it's never out of malice.
And she is always too forgiving, putting everyone else first, always backing down when some times she needs to back up for herself and she let herself to forget them. But he won't, he will remember, he'll defend her if it's needed and when someone crosses a line, he's there to remind them to back down.
Sometimes she let people take too much from her and it might hurt her in the process. A wrong trait of her.
They're the definition of "I will give my love for the both of us" and "I will give my hatred for the both of us"... does that make sense?
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swordmaid · 17 days
i am wide awake thinking about that post canon jb au again when I should be sleeping …!!! such is the nature of the jbrainrot…
#the whole setting is jb hanging out in the rock post war#and tyrion became lord of the westerlands / the rock is his but he’s off doing stuff in kingslanding and jaime is just filling in for him#atm . but after tyrion comes back his original plan WAS he’ll get married to brienne right away and they can move back to tarth or be#travelling hedge knights together or whatever brienne wants to do he’s down for it. but the important thing is that he wants to stay with#her .. so he’s using the time they have together currently to court her bc she deserves that at least !!#so jaime goes off trying to court and woo brienne but she just thinks they’re hanging out bc they got relatively close in the war#so jaime being touchy feely isn’t anything new. jaime making innuendos and being kinda flirty isn’t anything new either#but this time he means it LOL he’s like I want to kiss you SO badly and brienne will be like lol silly jaime (:#I was also thinking they’d help rebuild lannisport just bc it’s a time for healing now and it would be good for the people to get to know#jaime and the lannisters in general bc of how they would just used to sit high above the rock looking down on everyone#but now jaime is like. actively helping and being known and being with the people rather than just being that absent distant lord#also he’s thinking he might as well try and foster some relationship with the commoners to his house bc it’s for tyrion anyway#so he’s off doing that and brienne is tagging along bc she does not want to go home yet#she wants to stay with him and she’s helping out as an excuse to stay a little longer but she doesn’t exactly want to leave him#but how do you tell someone that and ignore the big glaring part that she’s actually in love with him and the fact that they both survived#the war is getting her hopeful???? u want her to admit that?? like a normal person??? no..!!#so she’s just staying and helping out bc a) it’s the sensible thing to do b) so she can bask on the sun that is Jaime Lannister#for like a few more days. weeks. maybe a month bc the weather is soooo bad in the stormlands rn 🙄😳#anyway jb hanging out! and everything is going well and good but jaime is now getting popular w the people and he’s also looking quite#rugged and handsome post war now that he’s thirty flirty and thriving and he also has a new scar across his lip that makes his#smirks even more ! rogueish … ! and he looks quite nice with the greying hair 👀 so now there’s gossips around him#not to mention he’s single too and I think if you were one of the heroes who helped win the war they’ll forget the kingslaying#man with no honor business so lo and behold brienne eavesdrops a group of ladies bc she’s a chismosa at heart and they’re talking about a#potential marriage for a lord lannister (!!!) and there’s going to be a big tourney held in Kingslanding for it (!!!)#and brienne remembers jaime mentioning the ought to go to Kingslanding in the next few weeks (!!!) and now she’s remembering jaime IS a#lord though not theee lord of the westerlands STILL a lord from one of the seven houses and he’s single and very eligible for marriage rn#and now she’s realising everything is returning back the way it was before the war where society rules matters and she has her own role as#now the evenstar bc rip selwyn and jaime has his own role too and the court is a whole different battlefield#one that she isn’t equipped in and even though she had found some new confidence in herself bc killing a bunch of ice invisible zombies#with your own magic sword will do that for you she doesn’t think (and she’s being objective not negative) she stands a chance in THAT
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pit-and-the-pen · 1 month
Eris-Mating Ceremony
Part of my Eris x day court! OC series.
Previous parts of
[Pt 1] [Pt 2] [Pt 3]
Bit of a time skip here but I needed to get this out of my head. This series is non-linear after part 3 so be on the lookout for more with this character. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for this particular character.
Warnings: smut (18+), soft Eris but also a little bit of dom!Eris if you squint. Slight dumbification of reader but it’s only because of the mating frenzy.
Divider as always by @cafekitsune
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-------Eris Pov-------
Eris was sure he had never seen anything as beautiful as she walked down the short aisle. For the first time in his life, he felt his hands sweating as their eyes locked. Her smile rivaled the very sun itself as he truly got the chance to drink her in. A flowy maroon dress, peaks of emerald green underskirt and deep green fern leaves embroidered up the front of the dress that wrapped around her waist the same way his arms would. His clothes suddenly felt itchy on his skin and he cannot for the life of him figure out why he suggested the big ceremony. Mentally cursing himself for all the times she tried to offer him food and he told her to be patient and wait. Oh how those words had come to bite him in the ass.
After what felt like an eternity, she was standing in front of him. Cheeks flushed the most delicious shade of pink. He could almost smell the joy radiating off of her and his heart softened even more for her. How could he not? Standing before him, eyes wide and shining with love, he knew that he would burn the world around him if it would keep her safe.
The priestess behind them said the usual prayers and said both of their names, Eris jumping slightly because he had been so lost in the female in front of him. Vows. Yes, he had written vows and now had to say them in front of everyone. His hands shook slightly as he grabbed hers, she gave him three little reassuring squeezes.
I vow to love you with all that I am, with all the I ever will be and all that I have. That you will never know a day of pain and loneliness. I vow to do all in my power to protect and honor you. I pledge myself, my name and my court to you. All that I have is yours.
Less than two years ago, those words would have never tumbled so freely from his mouth. He never would have risked loving someone as much as he loved her, having seen the consequences of love with his brother. But Beron was long gone, rotting in the family catacombs, not even his ghost would spoil the chance he had been blessed with.
Once he was done, he continued looking into her eyes. A small sob slipped past her lips, mouth tugging into a smile. Eris reached a hand up to wipe away the tears. “Happy tears.” She mumbled against his hand. It took every ounce of strength he possessed to bring that hand back down to grab hers.
He held his breath while she spoke her own vows. Each word that came out of her mouth had him thanking the mother. He pushed down that part of him that said he didn’t deserve her, that she was too perfect to be with someone like him. He knew she would shut that down instantly so he tried to do the same.
The priestess had them join hands and pulled the ribbon from the table behind them. She held the black ribbon up for them to each place a small kiss against before nimble fingers started lacing it around their wrists. The final knot was left for them to pull tight, each grabbing one piece and pulling it until it slipped in place. Eris knew the priestess was saying words behind them but all he could focus on was his mate standing in front of him, eyes still shining with tears. He could feel his own tears welling with emotions. Before he knew it, she was leaning forward and finally Eris felt her lips against his. HIs free hand came up to delicately lay against her cheek. He felt electricity zip through his skin at the contact and from the way she shuddered into the kiss, he could only assume she felt it too. He all-too-reluctantly pulled away but only enough to lay his forehead against hers and whisper “I love you”
------- Sunbeam POV---------
I saw Eris shift in his seat and I tried to keep the grin off of my face. One look at him and I knew it was taking all his strength not to pull me from the party right this second. Not taking my eyes off Hazel as we talked, I placed my hand on his knee and started rubbing small circles. His whole body tensed at the contact. Pulling my gaze away for a second, I bit back a laugh at his pained expression. His free hand was tightly gripped onto the arm of his chair, the one connected with mine gave my wrist a slight pinch.
He leaned in close rough for the hair on my neck to rise. “Don’t think all these people will stop me from dragging you into my bed, sunbeam.” Heat flared through my whole body. We still had arguably the most important part of the ceremony left. Dinner had yet to be served so the bond wasn’t officially accepted yet. I counted down the minutes until then. Idle chatter filled the time but I knew Eris was wound tight. Hazel finally was called by someone else and politely excused herself. I felt the male next to me let out a sigh of relief.
“Now I get you all to myself.” He said and pulled my face to his. His face was warm, cheeks flushed and pupils blown wide. It was my turn to shift in my seat, a motion that Eris clocked. That was all it took for Eris to signal the attendant near the table. Signaling to start bringing out the food. This wouldn’t be a formal sit down dinner like those during court. People would watch our first meal and then the party would continue long after we had left.
Eris had given me full control over the menu for tonight. So I picked a mix of our favorites. And as the food popped into existence in front of us, I saw realization wash over his face.
“Thank you.” He said as he kissed the side of my face. I blushed and grabbed his hand under the table.
He refused to let me grab my own food. Ignoring my protests of “I’m supposed to feed you” with a smile. I couldn’t help but laugh as he held up a bite of food and placed it in my mouth. He didn’t so much as let me grab a plate for him until I finished half of mine.
I heard the noise in the background fade to whispers as I copied his earlier motions. His favorite dish, a spicy autumn court tart made of apples that his mother taught me to make, offered in front of him. My hands shook slightly as I felt all eyes in the room on us.
“It’s just you and me my sun. Pretend they aren’t even here.” His voice was soft and comforting. I did my best to listen to him. Focusing on the amber in his eyes as I brought the fork closer to his mouth. Time seemed to still as he wrapped his lips around the metal utensil and finally ate something I offered him.
The effect was instant. The bond fully snapping into place had me breathless. The cheers and clapping of our friends and family all bit forgotten as I couldn’t look away from Eris. When I was eventually able to pull my eyes away, I scanned the crowd and smile widely at my friends all dressed in black. There wasn’t a sting in my chest as my eyes caught the blue siphons. Azriel smiled, a real smile, at the clear joy in my face. My eyes quickly glanced at my old family. All so full of love for me that I had to look away. That and I felt Eris’ hand tighten against my thigh.
“Sweetheart. I know you’re happy but seeing you look at anyone else right now makes me want to pull their head off their shoulders.” He said through gritted teeth. I laid my head on his shoulder and felt his arm wrap around me. His whole body instantly relaxing.
“Please, just rip it off.” I whined as I felt his hands going to undo the corset holding my dress on. His hands were sending chills up my back as he dragged his fingers along the newly exposed skin. We had barely made it to our room before he was beginning to pull at the ribbon holding my dress together. He paid no mind to the hurry in my voice as he responded
“Where’s the fun in that?” He paused long enough to get the words out before he continued his slow movements. I shifted my weight slightly, trying to push back into him. Eris let loose a heavy sigh but still didn’t stop
“You wrapped yourself up so nicely for me, is this,” He pressed a kiss along my spine, “really so bad that you can’t be patient.” I could only mewl at the feeling of his hot lips gliding along my spine. Despite my impatience , my back arched into his touch. Eyes fluttering shut as I bit back a deep moan. Finally the dress pooled at my feet leaving me in only my panties. My back still faced Eris and when I turned to face him my mouth went slack at the hunger written clearly across his face. Hands clutching the bedsheets with white knuckles as he drank me in.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous.” He stretched out his hand for me to take and I couldn’t help the laughter that was ripped from my mouth as he pulled me into him. Arms bracing myself against his chest, I still felt the soft fabric of his jacket against my nipples. They hardened and I watched his pupils grow even wider as his gaze dipped down.
“Eris.” I had only just said his name before his mouth was on mine, one hand locked on the back of my head as the other one trailed over my front. I jerked against his hold as he tweaked a nipple between his fingers. His tongue claimed my mouth as he pulled me down onto his lap. Legs spread along his muscular things. All the thoughts cleared out of my head as I felt his hardness under me. When I went to move my hips, he held me still. Fingers pressing deep into my thigh. I could smell his arousal in the air.
Suddenly unable to stand the clothes separating him for me, I started undoing the buttons of his shirt. He let me push the fabric from his shoulders and my hands were all over him. Touching the planes of his stomach, hands running through the small patch of hair in the center of his chest then running over his back as we continued to kiss. His teeth ran lightly along my lower lip and I pulled away panting. The heat in my stomach had turned into a raging sensation that I could not ignore any longer.
“Please… touch me. I can’t…” the words felt like mush in my mouth, tongue already heavy from the lust coursing through my body. No smart comment from his mouth to be found as he gently flipped me over onto my back, legs half hanging off the bed.
Seeing Eris slowly kiss down my stomach was a sight I would never forget. My eyes closed as I honed in on the feeling of his lips. Unable to focus on anything other than that one point of contact. His fingers hooked into the sides of my panties, pulling them down as his kisses descended lower. My breath speed up as he pulled them completely off, my foot flicking them somewhere in the room. It didn’t even process that this was the first time Eris had seen me fully naked. Nothing mattered as he hooked my leg over his shoulder exposing me to him. A delightful groan left his mouth before he placed a loving kiss to my center. I moaned loudly at the contact and he pulled my hips closer to his face and licked a long slow stripe up my folds. His hands went to hold my thighs apart as they tried to snap closed around his head. My own hands latched onto his hair and tugged gently. I tried to pled for him to not tease but found myself unable to speak as he latched his lips around my clit.
He took his time, ignoring my cries of faster. Working me slowly to the brink. When his fingers joined his mouth I thought I would pass out at the pure pleasure of it. His fingers were gentle, opening me up despite the fact that I was already soaked for him. The sounds of my wetness filled the room as he pumped his fingers in and out of me, the sound managed to make my cheeks heat up. I could nothing but take what he gave me. My back leaving the bed as my spine arched. One hand tangled in his hair and the other searching for his free hand. I locked our fingers together, resting on my thigh. My moans falling out of my open mouth in pants, almost too breathy to hear. My toes curled along his back and I felt my orgasm beginning to crash through me. He didn’t stop his fingers or his mouth as I screamed his name. My grib in his hand and hair tightening as my eyes screwed shut. Aftershocked wracked through my body as his name continued to drip off my lips. He didn’t stop as I used my legs to push him away. When I saw his face I almost laughed. The slight pout in his lips when he had to pull away was almost comical.
He rose off his knees and I saw that he had unlaced his pants. The loose waistband caused them to slip lower on his hips as he stood, showing off the prominent vee that had my mouth watering. The line of hair on his stomach guiding me to exactly what I wanted, needed. When I lurched forward to sink to my knees, he caught my chin with his hand forcing me to look in his eyes.
“Tonight’s about you. There will be time for that later.” I went to argue but the look he gave me let me know he wouldn’t hear it. That didn’t stop my hand from darting out and reaching for him. He didn’t stop me as I pulled down his pants and boxers in one motion. His hardened length springing free and slapping against his stomach. I could only stare with wide eyes as I saw him.
I knew he would be pretty, every single part of Eris was pretty. But as I looked at his thick cock, slightly curved and the same color as his lips I felt my mouth water. I couldn’t stop my hands from running lightly along the underside of him, exploring and I all but purred at the feeling of the soft skin. A firm contrast to how rock hard he was under my touch. Warmer than the rest of him I kept exploring every inch of him. He cursed under his breath as I squeezed my hand, hips already starting to chase after my movements. His hand went to capture my wrist, halting my movements. Eris was already breathing heavily above me. I spread my legs slightly for him, an invitation to where I wanted him most. He didn’t need to be asked twice.
I felt his thighs meet mine as he lined the tip up with my aching hole. Teasingly, he just barely pushed in before he pulled his hips back.
“Don’t tease.” Was all I could get out, my own lips forming into a pout as I already missed the heat of him. He chuckled softly before pushing in another inch. Inch by inch he pushed inside of me, my walls fluttering around him. Both of us let out long moans at the feeling.
“Gods you feel perfect. This, you, were made for me.” He gritted out as he bottomed out. I felt him deep in my stomach. It’s all I could do to nod at his words as I adjusted to his size. He didn’t move, just stayed buried to the hilt inside of me until I was crying for him to move. So slowly I could feel every ridge and vein of him inside of me, he pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into me. The motion had me sliding up the bed slightly, chest bouncing with the force of his thrust. He kept that same deep and slow pace, working me just as slowly as he had before. My hands were joined with his above my head, his arms caging me in. He had emptied out all other thoughts in my head except for him.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this. Gods I love you so much.” He spoke into my neck, lips placing messy open mouth kisses along my jaw and collarbone.
“I love you. With my whole heart and soul. My husband. My mate.” At my last word, he stilled his hips. Still deep inside me, I tried to push against him to move but he stared deep into my eyes as he said
“Say it again.” His voice held so much adoration that I could do nothing but comply.
“My mate. My beautiful, strong, loving mate. You’re mine and I’m yours.” He groaned at my words and resumed his slow thrusts. I felt my high start to creep up on me again. Eris must have sensed it too because his thrust became shorter, grinding somehow deeper into me until I was wailing underneath him.
He pulled one of his hands away from where ours were connected to trail down my front. When his fingers started swirling slow circles on my clit, I erupted around him. He swallowed my moans with his mouth. My second orgasm devoured any part of me that could live without Eris. He worked me through my orgasm and as he went to pull out, I locked my legs around him keeping him against me. He was about to protest as I used my thighs to flip us over. He was suddenly underneath me and I let out a scream at the feeling of him so deep in me.
Adjusting my hands so they were now resting on his chest, he pulled us further up the bed so his back was resting against the headboard. Fully seated on his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I took a hesitant bounce. We both groaned at the new position. I started moving my hips faster and he wrapped a hand around my waist to pull me down onto him. He was meeting me thrust for thrust and I joined our lips again. It was too much and not enough all at the same time. I couldn’t get enough of the feeling of his skin against mine. I felt the tears running down my face at the tidal wave of emotions that rushed through me. This was the male I had gone through so much to be with. The second chance I didn’t know I would be granted. I laid my head against his shoulder as I continued moving against him. His arm only wrapped tighter around me. Our pace was unhurried, almost lazy as we clung to each other. I wasn’t so much riding him anymore as he used his grip on my waist to push up into me. His stomach brushing against my clit with every thrust of his hips. My third release squeezed through me without a warning, still so sensitive from the other two. He cursed as I felt him twitch inside me, holding me down tightly against him I felt his warm release inside of me. He panted my name against the top of my head, pressing me closer still to him until I was unsure where I ended and he began. We stayed like this, both of us riding out the waves of pleasure until I was finally able to open my eyes.
Tears began again at the pure undiluted love I both felt through the bond and saw on his face. I saw his own eyes get glassy as I brought my nose to his, brushing against his face softly. I nuzzled my face against his and just stayed wrapped in his arms, still full of him.
I leaned my head against his shoulder again and stayed wrapped in his arms until I felt a small motion of his hips under me. His slight groan had me meeting his eyes once again. The tentative roll of my hips confirmed that he was hard again. Much to my dismay, I pulled myself off of him faster than he could push my hips back down.
“What are you…” I heard his words cut off as I pulled myself onto all fours, arching my back further than needed for him to get the hint. I heard him suck in a breath as I felt his release seep out of me and run down my thigh. That little release of breath was all the warning I got before he was fully inside me again. This is what we both needed. The frenzy that I had heard about. He pulled my hips higher up until my face was pushed into the mattress, his hips pistoned into mine. While I loved the slow pace from before, the bruising pace of his thrusts soothed the ache that wouldn’t seem to go away. I pushed back on him with all the forced I had. Begging him to go harder, faster. His hand wrapped around my hair and he pulled me flush up against his chest. His hips didn’t slow as he truly began to fuck me. My hands went to rest on his thighs, nails digging into his smooth skin leaving angry crescent marks. I screamed as I let him set a punishing pace.
His hips lost none of his earlier dexterity as he claimed every inch of my body. His mouth was sucking harshly against my neck. I lost count as orgasm after orgasm rolled through me. And he gave me one last hard thrust before he spilled into me again with a cry of his own. I collapsed against him, chest sagging as I attempted to catch my breath. Once I could breathe again, he rolled over so we were both on our side. I didn’t let him pull out of me yet. His warm fingers traced lazy patterns over my shoulder and down my back. We didn’t speak as we wrapped ourselves in our own little bubble of warmth.
“Sleep or bath first?” He asked me. And curled up in his arms, I knew there was no way I was making in to the bathroom. The idea of him not being inside me almost bringing tears to my eyes again. He must have felt that through the bond because he pulled me tighter against him and kissed my cheek.
“We can stay right here for as long as you want Sunbeam.”
I stopped counting the amount of times we made love throughout the night. Night that slowly turned into day and I still that feeling clawing in my chest wouldn’t go away unless Eris was buried deep inside me. He had managed to coax me into the bath with the promise that he would fill me right back up the moment we sat down in the water. He only pulled me off long enough to help me clean between my legs and even that had me frantically climbing back onto him. I let him wash my hair and he smiled as I reached for the shampoo to wash his in return. I scratched his scalp as I washed it and his responding groan had the smell of my arousal floating into the air again. The water had started to cool slightly as he wrung another lazy orgasm out of me. Satiated for the time being, we dried each other off once all the soap had been washed off. He carried me to our bed and I curled myself against his chest, leg draped over his hip. My hands rubbing over his chest, feeling that amber hair under my fingertips. The small circles he rub into my back had my eyes growing heavy and I drifted off to sleep.
Judging by the sun reflecting through the windows, it was almost evening when I started to wake up. Looking up at Eris I found his eyes were already on me and I blushed under his heavy gaze. I pulled my head off his chest and gave him a small peck on the cheek.
“I love you Eris.” I mumbled already half asleep again.
“And I love you Sunbeam.” Was the last thing I heard before I drifted back to sleep.
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Tag list: @starsandsins @nocasdatsgay @daycourtofficial
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
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Oh we're gettin fed good tomorrow
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