#him being deep blue shook me as a young girl
fantasyescapes17 · 4 months
Spinsters do not Need Chaperones (Part 2, Seungcheol Route)
Chaperones are for beautiful young girls. A plain older woman like you, with neither fortune nor youth to recommend her, is hardly in danger of losing her virtue. You've long resigned yourself to always being the supporting role in someone else’s romance. 
But could it be that love and marriage have not disappeared entirely beyond your reach? This spinster may capture the heart of an eligible bachelor yet, if only she makes the right choices…
Genre: Seungcheol x female! reader, regency!AU (Sort of Bridgerton-esque but we keep it PG)
Word Count: 4.5k+
Series Masterlist here
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You discovered, much to your dismay, that none of your wants or desires could withstand Lady Beaumont’s wild  force of personality and will.
It is unnecessary to repeat the exact conversations that took place in the Beaumont manor that afternoon. It is only relevant to note that by the next morning, your belongings had been packed and you found yourself in a carriage with Lady Beaumont and Julia, headed directly for Portsmouth. 
“We must see if we cannot find you a husband in Portsmouth as well,” your aunt commented as the carriage rattled farther and farther away from London. “Surely the place has some naval officers milling about. Once Julia’s engagement is secured, there may be someone the Chois can introduce you to- perhaps some widower that will have you.”
You bit your lip to prevent yourself from responding rudely. It was never worth the effort of an argument with your aunt. You simply nodded. 
“You're not sulking because I would not permit you to stay in London, are you?” Lady Beaumont snapped irritably. 
You sighed and shook your head. “I am not sulking, aunt.”
“You would do well to put the Kims behind you. It was kind of them to allow you to debut and attend the social season with their daughter, but you are a Beaumont, not a Kim. You don't have a dowry worth mentioning, and the advantages of age and beauty are long past you. You need to be practical and think about who will support you for the rest of your life.”
“Believe me, aunt, I think of little else.”
Your aunt turned away with a huff. Julia had been quiet for most of the ride and seemed to be deep in thoughts of her own. You gave your young cousin a reassuring smile and she smiled back at you, but said nothing. 
The journey was long enough that dusk had begun to fall by the time the carriage arrived at the streets of Portsmouth. The Choi estate loomed ahead in the distance, and you peeked curiously out of the carriage window at the large manor. It wasn’t quite as magnificent as the Beaumont estate, but it was certainly a fitting home for a noble family. The sea was very close by. Surely the view of the vast blue waters from the upper stories of the manor would be marvelous. 
“It’s not as grand as London but this town really is quite beautiful,” you said to Julia as you both descended the carriage. “Perhaps we shall have a nice time in Portsmouth.”
Julia bit her lip. “I hope so, cousin.”
The servants arrived to carry your luggage inside and a few moments later you were greeted by the arrival of Mr. Choi Seungcheol and his mother, Mrs. Choi. 
“How delightful to see you again, Lady Beaumont, girls,” Mrs. Choi greeted you all warmly. You were surprised when the older woman embraced you and Julia. “I do hope you had a safe journey. Please come in, out of the cold! Summer is past and the evenings are quite chilly these days.”
“Yes-yes, our journey was quite pleasant, thank you,” Lady Beaumont replied quickly as she wrapped her shawl more tightly around her shoulders. “Portsmouth seems very lovely.”
“We hope that you will like it.”
Seungcheol stood a few steps behind his mother. He nodded at you politely when you made eye contact with him, but there was not much of a smile on his face. You returned a polite nod. For Julia’s sake, you sincerely hoped that Mr. Choi was a good man. It was hard to tell what he was thinking behind those dark, charismatic eyes and that unsmiling face. 
“This is my housekeeper, Mrs. Williams- she has prepared rooms for you all upstairs and I hope you will find them comfortable,” Mrs. Choi explained. “Mrs. Williams, will you please show our guests to their rooms?”
You followed the housekeeper upstairs, admiring the large and tastefully decorated manor. Lady Beaumont had been provided with her own  room, while you and Julia had been given a slightly larger room to share. As soon as Mrs. Williams deposited your belongings and left, you went to the large french window in your room and threw it open. 
“We have a lovely view of the garden,” you observed. “But it appears this side of the manor does not face the sea.”
“A very good thing too,” Lady Beaumont muttered. She still had her shawl wrapped tightly around her shoulders and looked quite pale. “I cannot imagine how cold the sea winds would be at night. Close that window immediately, there is a terrible draught.”
You sighed and shut the window. “Shall we dress for dinner?”
You all dressed and went downstairs for dinner with the Choi family. Seungcheol sat at the head of the large table, and his dark eyes were watchful as Lady Beaumont and Mrs. Choi had an animated conversation about the china, and the difficulties of finding a good cook. You noticed that Seungcheol kept looking between you and Julia repeatedly. Once the first course was completed, he finally addressed your cousin directly. 
“How do you like to spend your free time, Miss Julia?” Seungcheol asked your young cousin. His tone was gentle enough but his dark eyes were unsmiling and Julia still looked somewhat afraid of him.
“I-I like music,” Julia whispered. 
“I must apologise, Miss Julia, I could not quite hear your response,” Seungcheol admitted. 
“I like music,” your cousin repeated a little more loudly. “T-the pianoforte.” 
Seungcheol nodded. “Of course. Yes, of course, I had the pleasure of listening to you play back in London. Allow me to compliment you once again on your skills. You played wonderfully.”
Julia blushed and stared at her plate. “Thank you.”
Their conversation was painfully awkward and almost difficult for you to watch. You did not want to interfere but Julia was being incredibly shy and you could see that even Seungcheol was not quite sure how to engage her in conversation. It was your duty as a chaperone to fill in this awkwardness. You cleared your throat and turned to him with a smile.
“Mr. Choi- perhaps you can recommend things for us to do, or places to see while we are in Portsmouth?” you asked lightly. 
Mr. Choi seemed almost relieved at your interruption and he turned in his seat to face you. “Of course, Miss Beaumont. I would be delighted to take you all down to the beach tomorrow morning. Portsmouth has many wonderful beaches. I am pleased to say it is one of the few advantages we have over London and the rest of the general countryside.”
You turned to Julia. “Julia! Doesn't the beach sound lovely?”
Julia nodded quickly. “Yes-yes, it does.”
You turned back to Seungcheol. “And the harbour; shall we be able to visit the harbour as well?”
Seungcheol blinked at you in surprise. “Well, certainly, if you like… although the harbour is full of ships and goods and commercial offices. I did not think it would be of particular interest to young ladies.”
Your eyes widened eagerly. “We should love to visit the harbour. Julia and I have just finished reading Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas. We have oceans and submarines and sea monsters on our mind, don’t we, Julia? We would love to see the naval ports and even your ships, Mr. Choi, if it is not too much trouble to you.”
Seungcheol nodded. “No trouble at all. I shall be delighted to show them to you.”
Mr. Vernon, who had been almost entirely silent until then (you had a strange suspicion that he was hiding a book underneath the table and was reading instead of paying attention to the conversation) looked up and smiled at you. “My brother spends too much time at the harbour already, Miss Beaumont. I am afraid the trouble lies more in bringing him back home.”
Seungcheol looked at his brother with a raised eyebrow- he did not smile but there was a surprising light-heartedness to his tone. “Then perhaps you had better join us, Vernon, so that you may undertake this incredibly difficult task of bringing me back home and not leave it to the ladies.”
“I wish I could, brother, but my exams are coming soon and I must devote myself to studying,” Vernon replied apologetically. 
“Is that why you have hidden a book under the table?” you asked him with a playful smile. 
Vernon’s ears turned red. “There is no book-”
Seungcheol sighed, although he did not look too angry. “Vernon, surely you can put your studies  away for some time while we have guests?”
“Sorry,” Vernon mumbled as he turned his attention back to his dinner. You smiled- and were surprised when Seungcheol caught your eye and gave you a small, almost imperceptible smile of his own. The smile brought a sudden light to Seungcheol’s already handsome face and you were surprised by how  charming he looked. But before you could react, Seungcheol had turned to Julia and asked her a question about whether she enjoyed French literature. 
The dinner ended pleasantly and Mrs. Choi entreated Julia to play a little music for them in the drawing room before the family retired to bed. You sat down on the comfortable sofa to listen to her performance and were surprised when Seungcheol sat beside you. 
“Miss Beaumont,” Seungcheol said to you in a quiet tone that could not be picked up by his mother or your aunt seated near the fireplace. “I must thank you for your thoughtfulness during the conversation at dinner. I hope that Miss Julia’s quietness is simply her nature, and not caused by any behaviour on my part…”
Your eyes widened. “Oh! No, you must forgive Julia’s quietness. She is only a little shy since she has not spent much time in society or among gentlemen. I assure you, she will open up soon and has a very lovely personality.”
Seungcheol nodded and cleared his throat. “I am… glad to hear it. I suffer from a similar handicap. I have lived in Portsmouth too long and failed to cultivate the art of polite conversation that I would have developed if I had spent more time among young ladies in London society.”
You smiled at him warmly. “There is nothing lacking in your conversation, Mr. Choi. You must only forgive Julia for being too young and inexperienced.”
“Youth is hardly a fault,” he replied thoughtfully. “And inexperience- well, that can surely be remedied with time and effort.”
“I agree.”
“Then I shall only thank you,” he replied gently, “and wish you a good night, Miss Beaumont.”
“Good night, Mr. Choi.”
Lady Beaumont declared that she had developed the chills and that nothing should distress her more than being exposed to the harsh autumn weather on a cold morning. She had therefore resolved to stay indoors all day. You were at liberty to depart for the Portsmouth harbour after breakfast, entirely unburdened by your aunt’s company. 
“I hope Lady Beaumont is not unwell,” Seungcheol enquired politely as he helped you and Julia board the carriage. “She does seem rather troubled by the cold.”
You chuckled. “You may rest assured that my aunt is in perfect health, Mr. Choi. Her chills have everything to do with her hatred of long walks, and nothing to do with the weather or her health.”
Seungcheol smiled. “I am relieved to hear it.”
The harbour was a short distance away. You were pleasantly surprised by how dazzlingly beautiful the blue sea was, even among the hustle and bustle of the busy harbour. Mr. Choi had been telling the truth. The harbour was a place of business, not exactly a tourist destination, but you still found yourself excited by the sight of the enormous ships anchored in the distance. 
“It smells of fish,” Julia mumbled to you. 
Seungcheol had overheard her. He merely nodded as he helped Julia down from the carriage. “Yes, I’m afraid it is rather early and the fishermen will be loading the boats with their catches to transport to nearby towns. Here; please use my handkerchief to cover your nose if it is too unpleasant.”
Julia blushed but accepted his handkerchief gratefully. 
“Are any of these ships yours, Mr. Choi?” you asked, interested. 
Mr. Choi nodded. “Some of the ships undergoing repairs are at the docks, and I will be glad to show them to you. I am afraid that my best ones are all away at sea, bringing goods back from the colonies.”
“What sort of goods?” you wondered. 
Mr. Choi smiled. His eyes lit up and you could tell that he enjoyed talking about his ships and business. There was a tinge of pride in his voice as he explained it to you. “Everything the merchants in the colonies hire us to transport. Cotton, tea, silks, even precious metals and antiques. Well, almost everything.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Almost everything? May I ask why you qualify it so”
Seungcheol coughed and lowered his gaze slightly. “I’m afraid the merchants sometimes wish to transport people instead of goods, and naturally I do not offer my ships for that sort of trade.”
Your eyes widened in understanding. The slave trade. Julia noticed the expression on your face and looked between you and Seungcheol, confused. 
“I do not understand. Why should you refuse to transport people?” Julia asked innocently.
“Because people are not goods, Julia,” you replied quietly. “Let us leave it at that for now.”
“On a more pleasant note,” Seungcheol said brightly, “the Royal Navy also uses this harbour for their ships and there are many senior naval officers here. I see Commodore James approaching us now, if you will allow me to introduce you to him.”
“Of course, we shall be delighted.”
A small group of naval officers in uniform approached you from the harbour. Julia’s grip on your arm tightened, and you saw that she had her eyes on the officers and was deeply blushing. You smiled to yourself- you remembered the days when you had fawned over gentlemen in uniform. 
“Mr. Choi!” the senior naval officer at the front of the group greeted. He was an older man with slightly greying hair and a bright smile. “How wonderful to see you here- and in the company of two beautiful young women, no less!”
Seungcheol nodded politely. “Commodore James, allow me to introduce you to Miss Beaumont and her cousin, Miss Julia Beaumont. They are my mother’s guests and are staying with us at Portsmouth for the fall.”
You were surprised when Commodore James reached out to kiss first your hand, and then Julia’s. He then introduced you to the rest of the men standing behind him. You tried to concentrate and remember their names and ranks, as Commodore James rattled them off, but you were sure you would forget them soon. 
“I hope you have an excellent stay in Portsmouth,” Commodore James said, addressing you and Julia. “May I ask if you ladies are fond of dancing?”
You nodded. “Indeed, we are.”
“Then we shall hope to see you at the assembly rooms one of these evenings, and you must each  reserve some of your dances for me and my officers,” Commodore James insisted. 
“We would be glad to,” you replied politely. 
“Excellent. I am afraid you must excuse us for today- we have an appointment to make. Good day, Miss Beaumont and Miss Julia.”
You and Julia curtsied politely to the officers as they walked away. You could tell that Julia’s attention was almost entirely diverted and she kept glancing back at the retreating officers. You couldn't blame her, really. Some of them were rather handsome. But it wouldn't do for Mr. Choi to notice her distractions, so you hurried to engage him in another conversation. 
“Perhaps we might see your offices, Mr. Choi?” you asked quickly. 
Seungcheol blinked. “Oh-yes, of course. This way.”
You kept a grip on Julia’s hand and followed Mr. Choi as he led you towards his offices. Mr. Choi ran his shipping business from a large building  further down from the harbour and you were unsurprised to find the office full of clerks and accountants, writing letters and poring over ledgers. Some of the clerks bowed their heads towards you politely, clearly surprised to see ladies at the office. 
“Well, here we are,” Seungcheol said. “I am afraid the office is a rather uninteresting place.”
“It is fascinating,” you replied honestly. “I am quite curious to know what exactly happens here in this office, Mr. Choi.”
“Correspondence, mostly,” Seungcheol replied with a smile. Despite declaring himself that the office was uninteresting, he clearly did not really think so. “Taking orders, recording consignments, planning routes and schedules, hiring seamen, drafting bills of lading, insurance policies and invoices…”
Julia frowned. “It sounds dreadfully complex just to bring some cargo over on a ship,” she remarked. 
Seungcheol nodded. “I'm afraid it can be.”
“It must be a lot for you to manage,” you said. 
“Not at all. I enjoy it very much,” Seungcheol replied honestly. “I built this business myself. I do occasionally wish I had help- I asked Vernon to join me in running the business, but he has his own passions to follow and wants to become a barrister. I cannot blame him. The shipping business is not for everyone.”
“It is very admirable,” you told him honestly. 
“Thank you, Miss Beaumont.”
Julia glanced around the office, clearly bored. “Might we go to the beach now?”
“Of course… allow me to call for the carriage.”
The Portsmouth beach was incredibly beautiful. You felt a sort of resounding peace among the crashing waves and the vast blueness of the ocean and sky. You closed your eyes as a gentle spray of water from the crashing waves fell across your face. 
“I see that the beach is to your liking,” Seungcheol commented. 
You opened your eyes and reallzed that his dark gaze was fixed on you. You flushed involuntarily- there was something very charismatic about the soft smiles that Seungcheol bestowed rarely and briefly. He was indeed a handsome man and you were, after all, just a woman. 
“Yes, I like it very much,” you replied. “The ocean is beautiful. I saw it from the carriage as soon as we arrived yesterday. I had been hoping that we would have a view of it from your manor.”
Seungcheol's eyebrows furrowed. “Do you not have a view of it from your room?”
“Oh- no, our rooms face your lovely garden instead,” you replied lightly. You turned back to look for Julia, who had fallen behind and stopped to fiddle with her shoes. “Julia! Are you all right?” you called out. The crashing waves almost drowned out your voice. 
“I am all right, there is just some sand in my shoes!” Julia yelled back. 
“Do you need help?”
“No- only wait for me a few moments while I turn them inside out!” Julia called. 
You nodded and turned back towards Seungcheol, who was still looking at you. His hands were clasped behind his back and his broad shoulders seemed a little tense. His dark eyes faltered for a moment and then he spoke. 
“Miss Beaumont,” he said softly. 
You looked up at him. “Yes?”
“I know that our acquaintance is too short for me to speak to you so openly. But my experience of you has been that you are a very thoughtful and mature woman who is capable of understanding the complex nature of life and relationships.”
You stared up at him in surprise, trying not to feel too embarrassed. “Oh- well- I cannot say that this is a compliment I have ever received before, Mr. Choi, but I thank you for it all the same.”
“If I speak to you with a level of honesty that is unusual for our short acquaintance, I hope you will not resent me for it.”
“I should never resent someone for being honest,” you assured him. 
“Then I will take this opportunity to speak plainly about the elephant in the room, and most certainly the reason that you and your family find yourselves in Portsmouth. The entailment of the Beaumont estate due to the lack of male heirs in your family.”
You stared at him. You were embarrassed, but gratified that Seungcheol had taken the first step to actually broach the subject that was on everyone’s mind. It was painful to think about the possibility of months of  continued tip-toeing around the subject out of a sense of propriety. 
“Yes,” you said quietly. “I beg you not to let the entailment trouble you, Mr. Choi. We understand, the law being what it is-”
“But it does trouble me, exceedingly so,” Seungcheol replied firmly. There was a sudden fire in his eyes. “Miss Beaumont, I am a very proud man. Perhaps you have heard of this through rumours but my late father was a gambler. He gambled away my family’s estate until there was almost nothing left by the time he died and I turned of age. I have spent the better part of a decade building my shipping business and restoring my family’s finances and reputation in society.” 
You looked up at Seungcheol with wide eyes and nodded. “Indeed, I have heard as much about you, Mr. Choi. You are known for being a self-made man and I have seen here today what you have built. You are well within your rights to be proud of your success.” 
Seungcheol took a deep breath. “Thank you. But I want your family to understand that it gave me no pleasure to learn of the entailment. It is not in my nature to rejoice at a handout, especially not when it is being stolen from the family it rightfully belongs to.”
You sighed. “There isn't really any question of rightfulness, here, the law is what it is-”
“Yes,” Seungcheol replied. “If it was within my power to refuse the estate, or to transfer it back to you and your cousin, then I would do so in a heartbeat. But it is not in my power to do so. The terms of the entailment will not permit me to transfer the Beaumont estate to anyone other than my own male heirs.”
“We understand, Mr. Choi,” you assured him quietly. 
Seungcheol inhaled sharply. “I have discussed this with my mother, and we have agreed that the only conscionable manner to deal with the Beaumont estate is to offer a union of our families, to ensure that any son I pass the estate to will be of Beaumont lineage.”
You took a deep breath and looked up at him. Seungcheol’s dark eyes were worried; you could see the honesty behind them. This was not a performance or empty words. Seungcheol was genuinely conflicted and distressed by the knowledge that he would be inheriting your family’s fortune and estate. He clearly considered it his duty to do whatever was in his power to ensure it stayed in your family. 
“Then I must return the favour and be equally open with you as well, Mr. Choi,” you said honestly. “A union of the families is exactly what my aunt is hoping for. We have come to Portsmouth in the expectation that you will be persuaded to marry Julia, and that the Beaumont estate can remain within our family.”
Seungcheol was silent for a long moment. He looked at you, and then back at Julia. Your young cousin was still balancing carefully on one foot as she struggled to empty beach sand out of her shoes. 
“Of course,” Seungcheol said finally. He ran his fingers through his dark hair and left it slightly ruffled. “But Julia is… young.”
“She is of marriageable age,” you replied. 
“No doubt,” Seungcheol replied quickly. “Since Lord Beaumont is still in good health, I assume there is no need to act with any haste. I would like to spend more time with Julia and your family. But I hope it will bring Lady Beaumont some relief to learn that I have every intention of uniting our families when the time is right. I trust you will convey this to her in the appropriate manner?”
You bowed your head. “Of course, Mr. Choi.”
“Thank you.”
You opened your mouth to respond but Julia had already come running over to you; her hair was a little dishevelled and she looked annoyed. 
“There is no end of sand in my shoes,” she mumbled. “May we return to the manor?”
“Yes, indeed, let us return.”
You went to your aunt’s bedroom after dinner, to tell her about the events of the day. It would bring her some relief to know for certain that Seungcheol intended to marry Julia, and you did not want to deny her that peace of mind. 
“I am not sure what I think of him saying all this to you,” your aunt admitted with a frown, “but I suppose he was sensible enough to know not to say it to Julia.”
“She is too young, and still dreams of love,” you muttered to your aunt. “She would not have enjoyed speaking of her own marriage in such… economical terms.”
Lady Beaumont sighed. “All the same, it is indeed a relief to know that Mr. Choi intends to do the right thing. Our time here is not wasted after all. We shall rest easy after your uncle passes.”
You nodded. “We are lucky, aunt. Mr. Choi is… well, he seems to be a very good man. I find his behaviour quite admirable.”
“Well it's not much use to you,” your aunt snapped. “You must still try to find yourself a husband, although we cannot hope for anyone too rich. Mrs. Choi talks highly of a certain widower called Commodore James. Perhaps you should visit the assembly rooms and try to dance with this man.”
You winced. “Aunt, he must be twenty years my senior.’
“If you wanted a young man then you should have found one while you were young,” Lady Beaumont said dismissively. “Don't come to me now in your late twenties and complain to me about the age of your suitors. It will be a relief if we can find one at all. Now good night.”
“Good night, aunt,” you muttered. 
You walked back to the room you shared with Julia, only to find that there were a few maids carrying your luggage out of the room. You stopped in your tracks and called out to one of them.
“Are those my dresses? Where are you taking those?” you asked. 
The maid placed your trunk down and bowed. “Apologies, Miss Beaumont, Mr. Choi asked us to have you moved to a different room on the other end of the corridor. He said to put you in one with a better view of the ocean.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Oh-yes, thank you. That would be lovely,” you muttered. 
“I will show you your new room, please follow me.”
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hihomeghere · 1 year
Meet The Family: Part of the Tesoro Series
Five Hargreeves / F!Reader
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Word Count : 3k Summary : Five finds a way to return to 2019, you both break your contract with the commission and you meet your in-laws for the first time. Aged up!Five, reader has the ability to shapeshift. Fluff with a lil bit of angst if you squint. ( I do not own the umbrella academy or any of it's characters ) Warnings : Cursing, drinking, allusions to sex, talking about death
“Do you trust me?” Five asked, both of you standing on the grassy knoll. You nodded, staring into his eyes.
“Of course I do.” He wet his lips nervously, looking around. 
“Okay,” he said, wiping his hands off on his pants. You grabbed his hand squeezing it.
“Hey,” he turned to look at you, “whatever happens we face it together, okay?” You squeezed his hand again, giving him a small smile. He nodded, returning the smile. Although his didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Hold onto me, okay?” He said holding your eye contact. You nodded, grabbing his bicep, gripping his gray coat sleeve. It definitely was a struggle, but slowly the blue portal opened. The wind whipped your hair in front of your face, Five’s yells grew louder. Suddenly his hands passed through the blue, with you following behind him. You felt your body warp as you pushed through. It was similar to changing, but your body wasn’t changing outwards, it felt like it was being turned in on yourself.
And then you were falling, fortunately for you, and unfortunately for Five, he broke your fall. You both groaned as you rolled off of him onto the wet pavement. You took in deep gasps of air, your hand coming to your chest as you closed your eyes. Tiny pebbles rubbed against your hands, getting stuck under your fingernails. You heard Five shuffle next to you, his feet scraping on the pavement as he stood up.
“Shit,” you snapped your eyes open, why did he sound so different? You gasped as your eyes fell on your husband. He was young, younger than when you had first met him. Early 20s, maybe? 
“Does anyone else see Number Five and some girl or is that just me?” A man’s voice said. You looked up staring at a group of people you quickly deciphered as Five’s siblings. You looked down at yourself, your hands were still scarred, but they looked fresh. Like they had looked when you first escaped the lab, you shook your head. If Five was younger, then that meant you must be too. You felt your face, the wrinkles around your eyes were gone. You were young again. 
“What’s the date? The exact date?” Five said walking around the kitchen. You felt yourself shrink under his siblings' gaze. Mainly Klaus who seemed enamored by you. You had already caught his gaze once and he had given you a strange little wave while criss crossed on the table. If he moved his knee the wrong way you were sure you would get to see a bit more than you wanted to of your new in-laws. 
“The 24th.” Vanya said, still in disbelief.
“Of what?” Five asked exasperated.
“Of March?” She said her eyes never leaving Five.
“Good.” He continued making his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. 
“So are we gonna talk about what just happened?” Luther spoke up, eyeing you warily, “And who the hell is this?” He whispered, leaning closer to Five. Five continued making his sandwich, refusing to meet Luther’s eyes.
“This is Y/n, my wife.” He said as though it was an obvious observation.
“Your wife?” Alison said, her head snapping to look at you.
“How’d you land her? Did you kidnap her?” Klaus snorted looking between you and Five. You smiled, looking down at your lap.
“We have bigger problems than Five’s girlfriend at the moment. It’s been 17 years!” Luther said standing up, Five scoffed turning to face him.
“It’s been a lot longer than that.” He said before he blinked behind him. “And she’s my wife, you’ll treat her as such, got it?” He said over his shoulder. 
“I haven’t missed that.” Luther sighed, staring forward where Five once was. You looked at all the siblings. Vanya was the closest to you, she seemed timid. Alison was next, standing up with her arms crossed. Then Klaus, and Diego, who was staring daggers at you at the moment before he turned his gaze to Five.
“Where’d you go?” Diego asked, his eyes returning to you. You gulped, returning your gaze to your hands. 
“The future. It’s shit by the way.” Five said grabbing marshmallows and blinking back to the table.
“Called it!” Klaus said, raising a finger.
“I should have listened to the old man.” Five sighed moving around the kitchen like he hadn’t been gone for more than a day. “You know jumping around space is one thing.” He opened the fridge door looking inside, “jumping through time is a toss of the dice.” He stood at the head of the table. “Nice dress.” He said, looking Klaus over.
“Oh, well danke!” Klaus smiled before Vanya cut him off.
“Wait, how did you get back?” She asked, putting her hands up, unable to comprehend Five’s nonchalant attitude.
“In the end I had to project my consciousness forward into a quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time.”
“That makes no sense.” Diego mumbled looking at the tile floor, “how did she get through.” His eyes flicked up toward you. You felt your face heat up, and you turned to look at Five.
“I opened the portal allowing her to follow, and it would make sense if you were smarter.” Diego jumped up, only being held back by Luther.
“How long were you there?” Luther asked.
“Forty five years. Give or take. Including my time spent at our old job.” The commission. You felt your blood run cold, how could you have forgotten? Did they already have a team out looking for you? Working long enough for the Handler you knew the workings of her mind. She could never get over the fact that you and Five were together. Call it jealousy, or call it the inability to completely control someone. You weren’t stupid, you saw how she looked at Five, it made your blood boil. She wouldn’t kill him, he was too valuable to her, you on the other hand were good as dead. 
“So what are you saying? You’re 58?” Luther asked, all his siblings having the same confused expression on their face.
“No, my consciousness is 58.” He said before putting a slice of bread over his sandwich monstrosity. “Apparently my body is now 20 again.”
“Wait, how does that even work?” Vanya asked, shaking her head. Five took a bite of his sandwich before turning back to you. He picked up the newspaper sitting on top of the table.
“Guess we missed the funeral.” He said, no discernible tone in his voice.
“How’d you know about that?” Luther asked his eyes never leaving Five.
“What part of the future do you not understand?” Five said furrowing his brows. You looked up, Alison was looking at you this time. She offered you a small smile which you returned. Although it felt more like a grimace.
“Heart failure, huh?”
“Yeah.” Diego said before being cut off by Luther.
“No.” Five clicked his tongue walking over to you.
“Nice to see nothings changed.” He said before turning to you. His cold fingers brushed against your arm, his brows furrowed seemingly deep in thought. He grabbed your hand leading you out of the kitchen.
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” Alison asked, throwing her hands up in the air. As Five pulled you after him.
“What else is there to say? The circle of life.” He said looking over his shoulder.
“Five come to bed.” You said leaning on the spare bedroom door. You pulled your robe tighter around your body crossing your arms. Five stood in front of his whiteboard, equation after equation covering the board. He hadn’t even changed out of his work clothes yet. His tie hung loosely around his neck, you could just imagine how he had been pulling at it. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his top two buttons were unbuttoned.
“In a minute, dearest.” He waved at you, his face never leaving the board. You sighed walking up behind him, wrapping your arms around him. You laid your head against his back, moving with him every time he leaned forward to change something. The only sound in the room was his heart against your ear and the squeak of the pen. 
“Five,” you whined. He sighed, setting his pen down. He held your hands against his stomach.
“Yes tesoro?” He turned, moving you so you were standing in front of him. 
“I’m tired.”
“Then go to bed.” He said as though talking to a small child. You rolled your eyes, giving him a look. He smiled before kissing your head. His mustache bristled against your forehead.
“Not without you.” If he wanted to treat you like a child, fine. You stared up at him through your eyelashes, your lower lip jutting out. 
“Now that’s not fair.” He scolded, a smile on his face. You laughed breaking your pout, you took his hands leading him out of the room.
“Come on Mr. Hargreeves,” you cooed a smirk on your lips. He tried to glare at you, but slowly a smile crept on his face. 
“What will you give me, Mrs. Hargreeves?” He teased his hands finding the tie to your robe.
“Guess you’ll have to find out.” You leaned forward whispering against the shell of his ear. He chuckled lowly, letting you pull him into your shared bedroom
He blinked you both up into his old bedroom. You sat on his bed staring at your hands. He opened up his closet, muttering under his breath.
“Well, the first meeting with the in-laws wasn’t too bad.” You said watching his back.
“Mm.” He grumbled, rifling through the closet.
“Are you okay?” You asked, sliding off his bed to your feet.
“No!” He snapped, turning to look at you, “We’re stuck in these bodies! The world is about to end and I have no idea what to do!” He yelled, running a hand through his hair.
“Hey, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out, we always do.” You soothed approaching him like a cornered animal.
“Yeah, how'd that work the last time?” He scoffed a sarcastic smile on his face. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, crossing your arms.
“It was the decimal! If I had had time to look over my equations I would have seen it.” He seethed, you recoiled.
“Are you saying this is my fault?” You furrowed your brows.
“Yes!” He threw his hands up, “If you wouldn’t have bothered me, we wouldn’t be in this situation!” He snarled his finger in your face. You grit your teeth, trying to keep your cool. 
“Obviously you need some time by yourself.” You said coolly, walking away from him.
“Fucking finally.” He scoffed, shaking his head as you slammed the door behind you.
You flew down the stairs, all but running into Vanya.
“Oh,” you said as you bumped into her, almost losing your balance, “sorry.” 
“It’s ok.” She says, “Are you ok?” She asks. You bite your lip, looking behind you.
“No.” You answer honestly, crossing your arms, “Your stupid brother is the biggest asshole I know.” You huffed.
“Yeah,” She smiled, chuckling slightly, “he can be a real pain the the ass.” You smiled looking back at her. You fell into an uncomfortable silence, before she said. “But he seems to really love you.” She gives you a smile.
“Well he’s got a funny way of showing it.” You shake your head.
“Five has never been the most emotionally mature person,” she chuckles, crossing her arms, “but none of us are, you saw that earlier.” You admired her honesty. 
“I appreciate it, Vanya.” You smiled, touching her arm.
“Listen, if you want to take the edge off, dads liquor cabinet is that way.” She points towards a room off the atrium.
“Thank you, I might take you up on that offer.” You nod heading that way, “see you around.” 
She smiles and nods as you walk into the living room. 
You groan, immediately face to face with a large oil painting of your husband.
“Yeah I feel that way about my siblings more often than not.” Klaus says stretching on the couch. You jump, your hand coming to your heart. “Oh woah!” He sits up looking at you. “Your hair! How did you do that!” He smirks pointing to his own head.
You smile softly, changing your hair back to your normal color.
“I was genetically altered as a kid.” You say looking back at the smug smile of your husband.
“Dang, heavy stuff.” He says leaning back on the plush couch. “Want to get drunk?” He asks with a grin spreading across his face.
“Hell yes.” You laugh, turning to look at him. He jumps up clapping his hands together.
“Great! I was looking for an excuse to get into the old man’s alcohol.” He moves to the bar, every movement he makes is extremely fluid. Like he’s floating everywhere. You walk up to the bar, sitting on one of the stools. “Now hang on, missy,” he says, holding out a finger towards you, “are you old enough to drink? Let me see your ID.” You laugh, shaking your head.
“Technically I’m 45,” you say a grin working its way onto your face, “and I don’t have an ID.”
“No way.” Klaus says leaning forward on the bar, his hands clasped together. “You, 45? What’s your secret?”
You giggle, shaking your head, “A time traveling husband helps.” You shrug.
“Hmm, guess I need to find me one of those,” he muses as he hands you a glass. You study the glass in your hands, watching the golden liquid swirl inside.
“So how long have you been with Five?” He asks, swirling the alcohol in his glass before downing it.
“Um,” you hum looking up, “about 25 years, we’ve been married for 21.” You sip the alcohol, it’s good, maybe a brandy?
“Jeez, you stuck with that old geezer for 21 years? More than any of us.” He says, chuckling to himself. You nod, your lips forming a tight line.
“Yep.” You tense your jaw, downing whatever is left in your glass. Grimacing as the alcohol burns your throat.
“Enough about Five.” Klaus says, “Tell me about you, Mrs. Hargreeves, I mean I would be an awful brother-in-law if I didn’t know anything about my new sister.” He grins walking around the bar to sit next to you on a stool.
“I’m really not that special,” you chuckle, setting your glass down on the bar top.
“Mrs. I change my hair color when I’m surprised, isn't special?” He asks tilting his head, “What, did Five tell you that?” His brows furrowed as he recoiled.
“No, no he would never say that.” You wave him off. 
“Well what else can you do missy?” He asked, leaning forward, a smirk pulling at his lips.
“Well, I can change my appearance to look like anyone I want. As long as I know what they look like.” You shrugged.
“Ooh! Do me! Do me!” He says, patting your arm excitedly. You smile before turning to face him.
He tried to stay still but his leg continues to bounce. You look him over once before you feel your body stretch. Your hair changes to a short curly brown, tattoos adorn your skin. Klaus’s grin grows by the minute.
“Holy smokes!” He exclaims looking at you, “Am I really that good looking?” You burst out laughing, maybe it was the brandy, maybe you were just having fun for the first time in a long time. 
You change back into yourself, wincing as your head throbs slightly. 
“Can I ask you a personal question?” He leans forward lowering his voice slightly.
“Klaus, I think every question you’ve asked me so far has been personal.”
“Have you ever,” he wiggles his eyebrows, “you know, changed in the bedroom?” You pull a grin on your face.
“Klaus!” You blush, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Well? Have you?” He pushes his voice higher than before.
“No! Never!” You say waving him off.
“Oh come on! You don’t have to lie to me!” He pleads his hand resting on your arm.
“And I’m telling you Klaus, I’ve never changed during sex!” You whisper covering his hand with your own.
“Fine! Fine.” He says pulling away, “but if I find out you’re lying there will be hell to pay young lady!” He scolds half heartedly, you shake your head, a smile on your face.
“Yes sir.” 
“Y/n?” Five stands in the doorway, his hands stuffed in his pockets. Klaus groans, throwing his head back.
“What do you want?” He asks glaring at him.
FIve ignores his brother, he adjusts his jacket looking up at you.
“Can we talk?” He pleads, walking toward you. You let out a sigh and nod. 
“Yeah I’m going, I’m going.” Klaus says waving to the air, as if someone only he could see was pestering him. Once he’s past Five he turns flipping him off. You snicker, looking down at your feet. Five sits next to you at the bar, he reaches for you, taking your hand. You don’t pull away which he takes as a good sign.
You wait for him to talk, feeling his warm hand in yours. If you were anything, you were patient. Especially when Five came crawling to you on his knees.
“I’m an asshole.” 
“Yep.” You say nonchalantly.
“I shouldn't have snapped at you, I just-“ he sighed, shaking his head, “I just screwed this whole thing up. I missed the decimal and changed our bodies forever.” He looked at your glass, avoiding your gaze.
“Hey,” you said, reaching out and turning his head to look at you, “I’m not mad at you for what happened. This-,” you motioned to yourself “I took this risk, and I’d do it all over again.” You reached up holding his face in your hands.. He leaned into your touch, his own hand coming up to caress yours.
“What did I do to deserve you?” He asked, shaking his head. 
“Beats me.” You laughed, he rolled his eyes lightly shoving you. You smirked, pulling him closer, kissing him. He hummed smiling into the kiss, his hand wrapped around your waist. You cupped his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his jaw. You weren’t lying when you said it didn’t matter what happened, as long as you had Five next to you, you would be just fine.
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girliism · 12 days
girl dad!art who has to accept the fact that his little girl is now a teenager.
“mickey mouse pancakes again?” you walked into the kitchen dropping a kiss on art’s shoulder. “she likes them.” art mumbled. it was saturday, so art spent all morning making pancakes, eggs, sausages everything so you all could sit down and eat together.
“hi family, bye family.” your daughter walked pasted the two of you heading for the door, beach bag in hand. “um, where do think you’re going.” art turned around, hand resting on his cocked hip. “to the beach with katie, don’t worry about breakfast we’re gonna stop and get ihop.” your daughter explained going to reach for the doorknob. “wait, and who okayed this?” your daughter sighed closing the door turing to face the two of you. “mom did, she didn’t tell you?” art and your daughter turn to look at you matching blue eyes focused on you. your eyes flick between them. “i totally forgot that was this saturday love.” your daughter pouted a little. “i can still go right?” you gave her nod. your daughter made a sound of of excitement. “thanks! i’ll text you when we get there bye mom, see ya dad.” and with that she was out the door.
your turn in your chair to face art, he’s still staring at the front door. “see ya dad.” art scoffed “when did i become just dad, and saturdays are supposed be family day.” you got up from your chair to wrap your arms around him. “honey, most fifteen year old girls don’t always wanna spend saturday with their parents, she’s a teenager now, we’re kinda the last thing on her list at the moment.” you gave him pat on the chest for reassurance.
art was hearing none of it, he knew you were growing up but that doesn’t mean the two of you weren’t still close, in his eyes.
it was another saturday and art had the whole day planned out. “bean, if you would please hang up the phone.” art stood in the door way of his daughters room, the walls the that used to to be covered in butterfly stickers and stick figure drawings now replaced with posters of her favorite movies and artists. “yeah, it’s my dad, uh huh i’ll call you back.” she hung the phone asking what was it that he needed. “wanna spend the day with you today, you know daddy daughter outing.” your daughter made a face. “oh, i kinda had plans today.” she didn’t have plans, but laying in her bed sending tiktok’s back and forth with her friends sounded better than hanging out with her dad all day. “oh come on, humor me, at least for two hours.” she reluctantly agreed walking out the door behind art silently begging you to save her.
the car ride started off painful quite before art cleared his throat. “so, what’s going on in your life, any cute boys or you know girls you like.” she wanted to jump out the car. “oh god.” your daughter whispers, covering her face trying to hide from this conversation. “what, i wanna know what’s going on in life you know, make sure you’re being safe. guys, they…. they can be very convincing.” she immediately starts shaking her head. “no no no, dad stop please ok i’m not doing that with anyone and moms already given me the rundown.” art nods his head slowly. “good that’s good, you’re too young anyway.” the rest of the car ride after that was pleasant, she spent it telling him about the project she’s working on and how she’s thinking about joining cheer with lily.
“oh my god.” your daughter laughs a little getting out of the car seeing where art had brought them. “and you almost passed up on this.” art shook his head. he had brought them to the broad walk, a place she use to love and come to all the time. the sight of all the rides and deep fried food stands brings back memories of when art would take her here, carrying her on his shoulders as she placed her sticky hands in his hair. “oh, dad you have to go on the drop with me first.” what was supposed to be two hours turned into four as art got dragged around the broad walk. they went on every ride, ate from all the food stands (art may or may not have thrown up behind the porta potties.) before they ended the night on a bench eating cotton candy.
art watched his daughter cross from him, her features no longer covered by baby fat. “hey, bean thanks for spending the day with me.” his daughter just shrugged and smiled. “ehh, wasn’t that bad, you’re kinda fun to hang out with.” art chuckled. “it’s just, i know you’re growing up and i get you’re not always gonna want to come do things like this, so thanks for letting me pretend you’re still my little girl.” your daughter got up from her side of the table and sat next to art throwing her arm around his shoulder. “daddy, you don’t have to pretend, i’m always gonna be your little girl i’m just not a little girl, and yeah i’d much rather spend time with my friends but i guess i put you on the my schedule.” art sighs dramatically, kissing the side of her head. “where did all the time go? tell me you still like mickey mouse pancakes at least.” your daughter gasped as if the question offended her. “of course i still like them, are you crazy?”
the ride home was much better than the ride there. no awkward conversation just laughs and trading of the aux cord. “so, since we have established that i still love you how ‘bout we talk about what car i’m getting for my sixteenth.” your daughter gave art her sweetest smile. “ha! funny, how about you pass first then we’ll talk.” art said back knowing she had already failed twice
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themotherofblood · 1 year
Prologue . 1 | RIVER OF FIRE | THE LADY | D.T x R.T x READER
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~ where ever you stray, I’d follow. Begging for you to take my hand ~
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“Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra… she is the gust of spring air after a bitter winter. She is a child’s first laughter. She is my knight. Our days spent climbing trees and visiting Aemma. Rhaenyra insisted that Syrax is finally large enough to saddle two but I refused her, what if I fell? I am a little too young and too pretty to die just yet. But too Rhaenyra, she is my happiness and I her lady.”
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The summer of one hundred and ten years after Aegon's Conquest, you'd remembered the days to be so vibrant. That was your fifth year at Kings Landing, and the second year since the fourteenth day of the fifth moon since you had realized you held passions for Rhaenyra Targaryen.
There was a true sense of sisterhood between Laena, Alicent, Rhaenyra and you. The little ladies that ran the Red Keep a muck, the hordes of giggles and dozens of fabrics that followed everywhere you went. Alicent and Rhaenyra, the older girls of four and ten, Laena and you were two and ten finding yourself in a closer bind of sisterhood, that and your shared love for exotic fauna.
Your fingers had been deep in dirt, planting away yet another exotic seed that Lord Corlys procured for you and Laena, they never understood how you managed to grow them but you did. They thrived in the summer months, while your hands mindlessly packed soil, and your eyes remained on Rhaenyra as she rested her head in Alicent's lap. You couldn't quite decipher the stinging burn in your chest as you watched Alicent twirl Rhae's silver locks in her fingers.
Laena was a silently observant person, she looked between your eye line before dragging you to lay in between the blossomed flower beds. "I wrote for my brother yesterday, demands of sweets and sieges of poetry were demanded of," you told Laena, truly trying to distract yourself. Laena giggled as she shook her head. The softness of her voice echoed with chirps of hummingbirds, the sun crisp against her skin just as it shimmered against yours.
"Silk and gold threads from Lys, and more shells. Father promised me more." Laena continued as she toyed with her sea blue sleeves. "And thanked him on your behalf for the seeds."
Even as you remained deep in conversation with your companion, your eyes held an envious gaze toward Alicent; you hated feeling this way. She was your friend too, you were all friends with each other and yet this unfamiliar feeling gnawed at your insides for over a year. You giggled and chuckled along at all the court gossip of the older ladies being wed and betrothed to the knights of their dreams.
"Lady Laena," Daemon called out from behind you as you shot up to look at him. This man intimidated you to your core and yet provided you with the wisest of wisdom. "Your mother calls for you," he gestured at Laena. She wished you farewell before running off, you shuffled up awkwardly, unaware of what to do, so you turned your eyes to Rhaenyra and she was still too engrossed with Alicent. Your envious gaze bore holes into the brunette girl; you were meant to be friends but you simply couldn't help yourself.
"You ought to look harder, you might envision an arrow in her head." Daemon mused at your glare, you scowled at him and got up. Shrugging your skirts free of dirt and grass.
"You may jest at court all you like, leave me out of it my prince," you looked up at him with a scowl, lip jutted out as your returned to watching Rhaenyra enviously.
"Ah- I humbly apologise princess," he bit his lip from chuckling further at your frustrations, he held your upper arm to stop you from running away.
"How about you join me for a walk? The day is far too beautiful to be wasted," he offered, extending his arm out of you to take. You looked once more to Rhaenyra lounging with Alicent and then you agreed. You didn't want to be alone at that moment. You walked with him in the royal gardens, nobody questioned anything. He was a frequent visitor to his brother's daughter and you. You had found a quiet corner to lay flat on the grass again as Daemon nursed on a flask of...wine.
He offered you some, which you immediately spit out over the bitter taste making him laugh even louder. "Blegh...," you shivered the taste away "what is that?"
The corners of Daemon's eyes crinkled, "moonshine," he shrugged taking two swigs before putting the flash away.
"It's disgusting, death," you coughed getting the burn away from your throat.
"How is your, city watching going," you began an awkward conversation, fully aware that he was about to question you about your sour behaviour today.
"The heathens of King's Landing ought to fear the colour gold from now on," he stated, looking to the skies. There was an odd moment of silence before he spoke up again. "Perhaps Viserys would send out less of an army every time you princesses visited."
"What were the daggers for? Alicent stole your pretty doll or something," he quirked his brow at you, in truth he was concerned that you might have pounced onto Otto Hightower's spawn, having a history of brawling with young lasses at court who dared to test your patience; he hoped you'd fess up. You shook your head to disagree.
"She would never steal my dolls, she has plenty of her own," you stated, ripping at the grass next to you. Pulling them through one by one as a frown pulled over your forehead once more. The image unwavering within your mind, Alicent asking- no, demanding Nyra's attention from dawn to dusk. Yet today they wore matching coloured gown, Nyra wore matching gowns with you, not Alicent. The portrait a bitter taste in your mouth, how do you explain that to a prince notorious for being wild, unchained.
"So you admit, scary little Dornish princess does play with dolls," he teased, referring to the rude remarks that never seemed to stop at court about you.
"What did you expect? That I play with human skulls?" you scoffed, pouting and looking even more upset. The balls of grad that filled your small fists, you lurched at Daemon and then finally caved. "Rhaenyra seems to enjoy Alicent's company more than mine."
"Well," Daemon began, the thoughts swirling in his head projecting across his face "they are friends, and so are you...?" He pushed along, clearly another motive lingering at his tongue.
"Yes we are- we are just friends," you hesitated to elaborate further, afraid you wouldn't find the weight words to profess what you felt.
"Not very ladylike to lie is it, princess?" He cock his brow up, accusing you to weasel your confession out of you.
"We are more than friends I think, more than sisters." You confessed, tethering yourself to the edge of the truth.
"Ah," Daemon let out a knowing sigh "Young love."
"It's wrong," you hissed "It is love, however." you tutted, shaking your head for having these thought, your mind yet agains filling with the image of curt Septa Marlow with a cane in her hand. Death, that's what such thought entail by the Seven.
"Would you be happier if you told her, having a partner is a blessing," he smiled, honestly happy about what you felt for his niece, there wasn't a moment where Daemon wished not to thrive within the mess that was his family, but something so pure and confused sat by his feet. Finding remorse in his heart for both girl, perhaps they would taste the choice he never got should Daemon be King someday as his brother's heir.
"You have a partner, are you happy?" clearly toying with his disdained marriage, he scowled at you. "You spend the better part of the year with us and the rest with your paramour."
"Where have you heard of my paramour?" Daemon let out a questioning scoff, pondering on where might the little princesses had managed to hear of his whore mongering habits.
"Lord Hand may have mentioned something at supper," you shrugged, "The Mother better not provide me with a husband like you, I might lose my mind."
"You are two and ten, what do you know of love." He japed throwing the grass you threw at him back.
"More than you, the writers are better at professing love than you my prince. Perhaps I could lend you a book." You teased back.
"Perhaps you could," He chortled, leaning back against the tea bark.
"You should bring Lady Rhea a cat, perhaps a white one." You offered, genuine advice, everyone loved cats; apart from Queen Aemma, they made her sneeze like a mad woman. "She'd be more agreeable."
Damon laughed, "She may actually poison the poor thing."
You never understood why Daemon was so open to half the things you and Rhaenyra hurled at him. Young ladies often confessed to their septas but you were sure she would have painted your palms red with a cane if you confessed that you loved a girl. The more your head toiled with those immoral questions, you grew silent once more.
"Apart from your lady wife; had you ever found love?" You asked him out of sheer curiosity.
"You are far too young to worry about such things little princess." He said while shaking his head, his eyes soft as he tried to find a solution to your juvenile problems. "Perhaps if you do want to confess your love, you ought to kiss her."
You shot up straight, looking at him confused "What if do and then I'm with a babe- I don't want a babe; I'd be ruined!" You hissed
Daemon slapped his palm on his forehead "Who has told you of such falsehoods?"
"Septa Marlow did." Your mind began wondering, what would Rhaenyra's babes look like...
"Demented hag," He muttered under his breath "I can assure you, princess, one does not come with a child from a kiss; if that were so. King's Landing would be swarming with my bastards."
"Oh- so I can kiss her?" You blushed, and a new hope flared in your chest.
"Yes, as much as you like." He smiled at your excitement.
"Your grace," A servant girl bowed as she entered the gardens "Dinner has been served in his grace's solar."
Daemon escorted you to his brother's solar, Viserys was already in his seat with Aemma. Just as their family poured into his solar, Aemma's face lit up. You moved around the table, bowing to Viserys before pressing a kiss on Aemma's cheek before sitting down next to her. Her mothering began the second she saw you, tutting at stray pieces of grass tangled in your hair.
"How are feeling today, your grace." You questioned about her condition, yet another pregnancy that she announced four moons before and since then her face began paling, she couldn't join you in the Godswood to help you garden your plants.
"Better, the babe should begin kicking soon enough." She said as she rubbed her belly.
"The boy shall add another to your army I reckon," Viserys japed, letting out a fatherly chuckle along with Daemon.
The doors creaked open when Rhaenyra finally arrived, she too pressed a kiss to her mother and then her father's cheek before sitting herself across from you. "Forgive me, I was carried away with Alicent."
You wanted to scream at the back of your mouth, you didn't want to feel this way. Alicent was your friend, you were a good girl and not a bully. You were being cruel to her in your head but you couldn't stand how much time Alicent was taking away from Rhaenyra. Taking her to the fool's shows and bird watching, she even took Rhaenyra to the Sept. Rhaenyra does not pray, let alone believe in the seven!
You toyed with your food for a while, pushing peas back and forth with your fork, to which Viserys took note "You ought to eat child." He voiced his concerns about making your fork stop its scraping.
"Forgive me, your grace, I'm not very hungry." You shrugged "May I please be excused?"
Viserys looked around the table and sighed, nodding. You said your farewells and sprinted to your room. You breathed out deep stress-infused sighs, grumbling under your breath as you cuddled a pillow on your window bed.
Stupid...stupid girl for thinking she would feel the same way for you, other than a sister.
What if she felt that way for Alicent? Mayhaps that's the reason she began to pull away from you...
It was sinful in so many ways, pillow biters. That's what the older ladies sniggered about in the halls. Were you a pillow bitter? Could girls even be pillow bitters? You tried to concentrate on the book you decided to finish and yet your mind just wouldn't seize its endless blathering.
Your door opened after a series of knocks, in walked Queen Aemma with two servant girls, hauling along a tray of fruits and a glass of milk. "It isn't wise to go to bed on an empty stomach, it will ache tomorrow." She patted your hair, choosing to sit opposite you. "Finish the whole thing."
You whined at the cup of milk, you didn't exactly hate the beverage but gods did it taste absurd some days. She gave you a comforting push, smiling as you tried to consume the cup in one go; perhaps that way your tongue wouldn't linger in its flavour afterwards. You sighed, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
"Good girl," She said, looking out the glaring moon that graced your window "Now tell me what disturbs you? Is it your home again?"
If only it were that simple, you stopped crying about your home more than three years ago, your father abandoned you and your brother was the sole reason your blood still stained its Dornish colours. You meekly shook your head, hoping she would leave the subject at that.
"If it's people at court sweetling, if they malign you in any way. You must tell me." She gently held your jaw, lowering her face to make you meet her glistening eyes.
"Yes, your grace."
"Alright then," She leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead, before letting you reciprocate with one on her cheek "Do not stay awake for too long."
You remembered your conversation with Daemon, more so how he always seemed to acquire what he wanted by the sheer strength of his will. The sheer strength of your will, that's what you need. Just a little bit of bravery, for what is the worst that could happen. They have your gelded for making an impasse at the only crown princess of the Targaryen dynasty.
You padded your feet over next door, greeting Ser Westerling who was stationed outside your and Rhaenyra's apartments for tonight. Her room was empty, though prepared for her slumber as fresh incense burned off her receiving table, linens just moved around to sleep in. You shuffled yourself onto her bed. Sitting on your knees at the centre.
"Rhaenyra I love you, in a not sisterly way..."
"I speak from the depth of my heart, I profess my devotion to you sweet princess... no...no that is far too melodramatic."
You began speaking to yourself in your head, insanity, pure insanity. You were sure if you thought too hard; you'd lose yourself in your own mind full of cats, dragons and knights and ten versions of Rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra's chamber doors finally opened, she shuffled in; pulling at her earrings as she kicked her slippers away before pulling a sack from her pockets to place on her dresser. Humming a little song under her breath before her eyes fell on you sitting in her bed, she squealed. Placing a palm on her chest, clearly shuddered in shock.
"Seven- what are you doing here?" She questioned, eyes wide as she pushed the little sack away further.
"You didn't come to hug me before bed- so I thought I would visit you." You shrugged awkwardly
"I- I was with Alicent, lost track of time." She said as she stretched the back of her neck.
Don't say it
Don't say it- you fought your tongue with all your might
"Princess, do you not wish to be my friend anymore?" You said sounding insecure and solemn.
Rhaenyra looked taken aback "What makes you say that."
"You spend all your time with Alicent, going to the markets, the Sept and spend your evenings in her solar... it's just she is your friend too but I rarely see you anymore." You mumbled your words out in one giant sentence.
"I- you silly duck." She curled her lips in her mouth to stifle a growing smile. "We were making preparations for your name day." She confessed, looking amused at your pouted face.
"So...you do want to be my friend." You questioned again to be clear.
"Why would I not." she exclaimed throwing herself onto her bed "You shall always be my dearest companion." She pulled you down into a hug.
Tell her
Tell her
Daemon's voice taunted you.
"Can I kiss you?" You blurted out, your palms began to sweat
Please do not me have gelded
Or beheaded
Rhaenyra looked at you quizzically before turning her head to offer you her cheek. That too in definition was a kiss but that wasn't what you meant. You fumbled with your fingers as your brain racked up ways to confess your passions for your dearest princess
"I meant- have you ever noticed how Viserys always goes straight to Aemma whenever she visits him, the first he does is kisses her." You said trying not to fumble over your words "Well, whenever you visit my stomach flutters in butterflies and all I want to do is kiss you."
Rhaenyra tilts her head, looking confused yet almost grasping at what you meant.
"I love you," You confessed
"So do I." She replied innocent words shared many times over between the two of you.
"No- I love you like a knight would his lady." You elaborate, again fear flaring in your chest.
Please do not have me exiled
"Like a knight loves his lady...?" She repeated, thoughts flooding behind her purple eyes "So are you the knight or the lady."
"I- what?" Her reply confused you, was she happy; was she mad? You couldn't quite place an emotion on her face "Uh- the lady."
"Then I love you like a knight too," She replied smiling ear to ear.
"Wait you do?" You were sure the smile that spread on your face made you look like a drunken fool but you had not a care in the known.
She nodded eagerly "Do we kiss now?"
"I believe so," You agreed, heat rushing to your cheek as your pursed your lips towards her, her soft lips pressed against yours as she graced you with a chaste kiss.
The two of you broke apart in a fit of giggles, Rhaenyra blushed red as you fanned at your warm face.
"That was very nice," she said awestruck, before pulling you closer for another.
"My knight," you whispered against her lips.
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next chapter
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onskepa · 10 months
Syawn: The Beginning
Helloooooooo~!! I know the syawn series is mostly about the triplets but I wanted to shift the light back to neteyam and syawn herself. See how they met and all. Hope you all enjoy this one~!!
Syawn series
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Lights were blinding white, her mind was a bit dizzy, voices that sounded distorted become more clear as she regains her consciousness. Slowly opening her eyes, processing everything she is seeing.
"everything seems good, how do you feel syawn?" max, a fellow human scientist, asks her. Syawn slowly gets up and moans out her stretches. "So far so good, a bit weird...but amazing" she answers. Slowly max helps her sit up straight, the girls eyes fixated on her new blue hands.
Her eyes widen slightly, amazed and excitement filling her mind.
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little syawn almost tripped on a tree root, trying her best to keep up with spider. "Spider!! Wait for me! I have little legs!" she shouted to young spider.
The young boy stopped, waiting for syawn to catch up. "If you want, I can always carry you" he offered. The little girl shook her head, "no! I wanna learn how to do things on my own! besides, I dont wanna look like a baby in front of the big kids".
"Alright if you say so" spider shrugs.
"Although you will still be small to them"
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Syawn rolls her eyes playfully after max said a corny joke. After doing some simple exercises as to check of her controlling mobility, she was given a fresh set of clothing for her na'vi body. The material feels more comfortable than her human clothing.
Norm stood outside of the awakening room, getting some nostalgic memories. Syawn walks out of the room, all smiles on her na'vi face. "Looking good, how do you feel?" he asks. The girl twirls in happiness, "like I took a really good nap. This is amazing norm!".
"I am glad, I know you just got into your body, but why not go out for a little drive? Someone outside is waiting for you" norm says with a sly smirk on his face. Syawn gasps excitedly. "Yes! yes I will! Watch over my body!" she shouts while running towards the doors.
Excitement flows in her blue body, shivers running wild, the doors opens and she takes a deep breathe. The first thing she sees was the young man standing before her. The young na'vi smiles and says...
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"my name is neteyam" the oldest child says with a happy smile.
"Neteyam....I like it!" young syawn compliments. She looks up at the tall na'vi boy. They are around the same age yet he is so tall! Standing next to him, the little girl compares her height with his. "What do you eat? I wanna be tall like you!" syawn looks up at him with gleam in her bright eyes.
Young neteyam looks down at her with some form of fondness for the young human. Bending down to meet her eve level. "I eat a lot of fruits and good meat" he replies.
"She can eat as much as she want, but she will still be so tiny" lo'ak adds in, patting syawns head. Not liking it, she ticked lo'aks sides, making him squeal in high pitched.
"Hahahahahaha!!" hearted laughed escaped syawn's mouth, enjoying her little stunt. Everyone else laughed as well. Except for lo'ak who was pouting.
Neteyam pats his shoulder, "its alright brother. She is only playing". Lo'ak turned to look at him, mouth slightly. "Playing? She tickled me! Who is she to-
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"make a fool of yourself" lo'ak teases, kiri and spider were snickering as neteyam smiles.
Syawn only took a few steps outside and already tripped. She rolled her eyes and huffing a bit. Neteyam being the gentleman, picked her up. "Thank you neteyam" syawn says, neteyam smiles and gives her a playful wink, "You're welcome".
Rubbing her cheeks to prevent a possible blush, the girl joins her long time friends into the forest. Enjoying and exploring her new body. "So how does it feel? Any different?" neteyam asks, walking close to her.
"Hmmm...Well it is nice to finally breathe the air without the silly mask. Finally able to do things I wasnt able to like climb better or hold a adult size bow!" syawn replies with such enthusiasm in her voice. Twirling around childishly, cant seem to contain her excitement of this new chapter in her life.
"Neteyam, keep her company, lo'ak and I have something to prepare for syawn" kiri says. She takes lead in running at another direction, lo'ak winks at neteyam and nods before leaving, "have fun bro".
Neteyam rolls his eyes but appreciates what kiri was doing. Giving some alone time with his dear friend.
He heard a loud surprised squeal, turns and see-
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Little syawn on the floor, after tripping over nothing. Neteyam chuckled in amusement. Bending down, he smiles playfully, "you have got to be the most clumsiest human I have ever seen. Spider can walk and run faster than you".
Syawn inwardly groans. Yes, she can be clumsy. So what?
"Well I am not spider. I am me" she replies with a slight annoyance in her voice. Neteyam grabs her hands gently and helps her to stand straight up. He wont lie, his small human friend has something he cant seem to ignore. She was different from spider. More open in her words and, while a bit clumsy, bold in some ways.
"Still want to go?" neteyam asks, syawn grin widely. "Yes!" still ampt to go, she turns around to the right direction. Only a few steps and again, she fell.
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An amused chuckled broke out.
"how are you even more clumsy in your na'vi body than you are in your human body?" neteyam teases while smiling at the clumsy girl laying on the floor.
In annoyance, she blows the hair away from her face. "Instead of acting like a skxawng, assistance is needed" she replies while holding her hand up. Rolling his eyes, neteyam complies. Gripping her hand and yanks her up, perhaps a bit too quick. The girl's head landed on his chest. making her blush.
"You know, if you wanted to feel my chest you could have just asked" neteyam says with a playful grin plasted on his young dork face.
"Why you-!"
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"-stinky skxawng!" 13 year old syawn shouts at neteyam, who smirks while his tails sways in a playful manner.
"What? me? a stinky skxawng? but I thought you loved the smell of the red flowers" the boy teases. Syawn blushes a bit, why must neteyam be like this?
"Whatever! Is it too much to ask to take me to the river? I wanna collect some of the algae. Tsahik says it is good to eat" syawn says, in a way pleading to neteyam.
The boy smiles, how can he deny her?
"alright, but heading there, the path is a bit steep. Might need to carry you" he informs, syawn being a bit stubborn, shakes her head. "No, I have survived this far living in the forest, I can make it there on my-OW!".
She fell.
"Ok maybe I do need your help. Please".
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"Here, watch your step" neteyam says, making sure syawn walks with ease in the forest. Grabbing her hand, leading her wherever he is taking her.
Syawn takes in her surroundings, she has been in the forest countless of times, yet it feels like its the first time. The colors are bright, lively even.
She looks down to see her hand intertwined with neteyam's larger hand. He felt warm and soft to the touch. Has his hands always been like this? Syawn never realized it until now.
"something wrong?" neteyam asks, a bit concerned. Syawn looks up at him and shakes her head, "no, I am fine. I just never noticed your hands were this soft". That comment made neteyam's brain halt for a second. Just a second.
Ever since he was young, neteyam's hands had so many scars from doing his chores, training, or doing something else. His father always mentions his 'rough hands'. How its good, to show he is becoming a man. However, It is the first time to hear someone, especially his close friend, say something otherwise.
It feels nice. To be told he has soft hands.
It feels nice to be with syawn. Ever since as pre-teen, neteyam has always seen syawn as something a bit more than a human friend. Someone he holds dear to his heart. Someone he sees in a different light. Whenever he is with her, life shifts to a brighter light. Things become more interesting, never boring, and always eager to see or hear what syawn has to say.
"Neteyam, if its possible, perhaps I can finally do my iknimaya...?" syawn hesitantly asks. Neteyam blinks a bit, he hasnt thought of that. With her na'vi body, she could be more welcomed to the clan. Join him in hunting, cook with others, fly on her own ikran, find a ma-
His thoughts stopped. One thing at a time.
"I remember when you passed your iknimaya, you were simply-"
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"-amazing" 15 year old syawn comments in awe to neteyam. He just completed his iknimaya. Syawn was the first he wanted to see, to show that is he now an adult. To prove to her, he made it, and can do much more.
Taking her hands into his rough larger hands, gently stroking her knuckles, his eyes bore deep into hers. "I made it...I made it, syawn" he repeats in almost disbelief.
"You did...I know you could neteyam. And I am so happy for you" syawns words brought peace and comfort to the sully boy. Both blush slightly, syawn was more noticeable, but with neteyam, it hid easily under the white paint decorated on his face and body.
A small giggle escaped her lips.
"Come, I wants to show you something before the celebration begins" syawn says. Leading the taller na'vi somewhere, farther away from the clan's ground.
"Where are you taking me?" he asks, his interest piqued in his voice. "It is a surprise. I cant tell you otherwise it wont be a surprise anymore silly" syawn replies.
It was a little ways towards the east, hidden in the lush plants and large flowers. A perfect wall of disguise over the real thing.
Syawn gently moves the plants out of the way, for neteyam to take in the view. He gasps in awe. There in front of him was a small lake, on the other side was a decent size cave with a fire already burning in the center. Baskets full of food and items inside. It looked like a small little hide out.
"Do...you like it?" Syawn asks nervously. Waiting for neteyam's reaction.
He turns to her and picks her up like nothing and spins around making syawn shriek in surprise. "Neteyam!!" she calls out, but neteyam just laughs. Truly, syawn is something.
Finally putting her down, she readjusts herself. "Come, there is a lot to show you", grabbing his hand again. Syawn leads neteyam around the sparkling lake, to the inviting warm cave.
"Oh syawn....it is-"
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"-Beautiful" syawn says in awe. She was surprised and amazed. Their little cave, what was once their own little hiding spot, abandoned and now restored. It was more beautiful than when she did it.
The lake was still beautiful, shinning under the bright sunlight, flowers blooming around. The cave glowing with inviting colors, food already prepared. It was simply lovely.
"I thought we were never coming back here again. I am glad to come back here. Did you fix all of this by yourself?" syawn asks while admiring neteyam's work.
Standing in a specific spot, neteyam smiles a bit too hard. "Yes, took some time but it was all me" he says.
While hiding kiri and lo'ak who were quickly leaving the area.
Syawn whistles impressed with all she sees, "must have taken you months since this place was overgrown with plants and other things".
3 weeks thanks to the help of his siblings really.
"But, I am glad. Coming back here reminds me of so many fun memories..." syawn says with a distance in her voice. Neteyam gets closer, his heart thumping loud in his chest.
Syawn noticed neteyam getting closer, her blue cheeks turning purple. Even with her new body, it seems she cant control how she truly feels for the sully boy.
Whenever he is near, her heart jumps in joy and her brain gets short circuit. She was never in denial of her true feelings for neteyam. Syawn held these strong feelings for a long time.
"you know neteyam..." syawn begins.
Neteyam's ears perk up. Trying to hide a smile. "Yes?" he speaks, gently urging her to continue.
Rubbing her arms trying to ease herself, syawn continues.
"For a long while...I have-
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"-strong feelings for you" 15 year old syawn says to a photo of neteyam in her hands.
"UURRGGHH!! what am I doing?!" shoving the picture up to her face. Feeling immense cringe. How is syawn going to do this? How can she confess to neteyam sully, her friend, that she has romantic feelings?
It is impossible.
"oh eywa...why must I be in this situation only to feel stuck?" she pleads.
Neteyam sully, her friend, her dearest treasured friend. Someone she cant seem to live her life without. Someone she relies on in a deep level. Someone who syawn can always chat with, never running out of topics to talk about. Neteyam the boy whom captured her heart.
"oh ewya...can it happen...?" syawn questions out to the great mother, but more to herself. She, a human, can she ever be with a na'vi? Can syawn give what neteyam seeks? What does neteyam seek anyways?
So many questions swirl in her mind. So many questions, so many doubts. A lot of things can go wrong. A lot of things wont go how she desires. And many wont be happy to know that the beloved prince of the Omatikaya clan being fawned over by a mere sky demon. 
“Please eywa…I am scared…guide me to the right path…I love him”
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“Have…” Syawn tries her best to say the words she desperately wants to say. Neteyam nods his head, as means to have her say what she wanted to say. Yet, Syawns bright eyes move from side to side, looking at anything but the boy in front of her. 
A spark of hope blooms deep in Neteyam's chest. He knows that reaction, better than anyone. For he does the same when talking about Syawn. Gently Neteyam places his finger under Syawn’s chin, making her look at him straight in the eyes. As if he had any doubts, all were gone just by seeing Syawn’s cheeks turn purple. Neteyam smirks, oh this makes things easier. 
“Have what syawn?” he whispers, teasingly close to her lips. 
All train of thought left Syawn's brain. 
“I….n-neteyam please…” she whispers weakly while pushing neteyam away with no real effort. Neteyam wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer, leaving no room between them. His lips close to her sensitive na’vi ear. 
“Say it….say what you want to say…..please….” his voice low, whispering in a begging way. He wants to hear it, needs to hear it. To hear the words fall from syawns would bring his dying wish come true. 
Perhaps that's what Syawn needed, a push. 
“Neteyam Sully…..I love you…more than a friend, more than a best friend, I love you as a lover. Everytime I see you, my heart races, my brain can't think straight and my eyes get stuck looking at you. You are incredible, outside from being a warrior, I love how caring and gentle you can be. Soft yet stern, mighty yet steady, strong yet fair. I love all of these qualities about you and more..!!” 
Emotional tears fall from Syawns blushing face. She finally let out what she dearly wanted to say at last!! 
Happiness doesn't begin to cover what neteyam is feeling. Has Eywa finally granted him this? To hear the girl of his dreams to feel what he feels? To see who neteyam is in Syawn’s eyes? To finally-
“But it is best that we remain as friends” 
As if a bullet could, the sharp words pierced neteyam’s heart. His smile falls, grip loosening, and dread spreads all over his mind. 
“What? Why? Syawn I-” 
Soft fingers lay on his lips, preventing to say anything further. Regret and pain was written all over syawn’s pretty face. “Please…while I now have this body. It doesn't erase the fact I am human. As embarrassing as this might sound…I often fantasize about us being…together. Being called your mate, being one with you. I dreamed of all that and more. But this is reality. The clan won't accept a ‘sky demon’ to be mated with you. You are their pride and joy and hold high expectations. I am not sure-” 
Syawn was silenced by the softest blue lips to have ever kissed her. 
Taking the chance of silence, neteyam slowly pulls away. Letting Syawn process what just happened. “I dont give a damn what the others think. Human, na’vi, I don't care. So long as it is you Syawn. That is all I ever care about. I love you Syawn, I see you as you, for you”. 
Finally, at long last neteyam says what he longed to say. To voice the strong feelings he felt for a long time. And to the girl who stole his heart. Syawn. 
The girl in question stared at him, mouth slightly open in surprise. “I see you Syawn, and I mean it. From my very soul. Let me love you, fulfill your wish and be one with you”. As if the words have pulled Syawn in a trance, she leans closer, and whispers the long awaited words “I see you…” 
Neteyam brings her close again. Tears fall, from who it is not known. Emotions flowed from the two, letting all that was built inside be poured out. The sunlight illuminates their glow, and kiss under the warmth of the sun. Happiness was all they felt. And a new possible future of their endless hopes and dreams widens a path to explore. 
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! This took me FOREVER!
But I am glad this is finally finished! tell me what you all think! Until next time! See ya!
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Taglist: @quirkyhero , @theunfortunateplace , @moonchildxoxx , @galactict3a , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @cloudyw1ndzz
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milaisreading · 1 year
Hello can I request crossdresser!y/n being in barou's place (after the u-20 match) and his family warmly welcomed her and she almost teared up Infront of them?? 😭😭
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open. Also I made up the names of Barou's sisters!
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
'Stay calm (Y/n)... it's just Barou's family... are they as scary as my own?! Or as uptight as Reo's?!' (Y/n) gulped as she stood near the gates of Barou's house, fidgeting the random pastries she bought on her way there.
"I can't... what if they will go in on my appearance, too? Or what if Barou's siblings start judging me like my brothers do."
Taking a deep breath, she slowly took her phone out of the pocket and dialed a familiar number. (Y/n) nervously tapped her foot, feeling like throwing up her lunch as Barou answered.
"Loser, where are you?"
"I can't bring myself to ring the doorbell!"
"What?! Why are you being so dramatic?! Just ring the doorbell!"
"I can't! My legs are frozen here at the gates... maybe I should have called you an hour ago..." She sneezed. There was short silence and (Y/n) could feel the anger bubbling up inside Barou from the other side.
'I am fucked.' She closed her eyes and moved the phone away from her ear.
"ARE YOU STUPID?! AN HOUR?!" Barou took a deep breath and she heard feet moving around and doors opening.
"I can't leave you anywhere! Stay there- Mina, stop playing with the spoon!"
"Mama, Shouei-nii is being mean!"
Those were the last things (Y/n) heard before the line went silent. She put her phone in her pocket again and looked up at the darkening sky.
'I can do it! I can do it! I can do it-'
"IDIOT! I WILL KILL YOH IF YOU GET SICK!" Barou yelled as he opened the gate, glaring over at (Y/n), who jumped in fright.
"I am too young to die! Do you know how many cuisines I didn't try yet?!" She yelled, glaring over at him.
After about 5 minutes of Barou calming (Y/n) down, they walked towards the entrance door.
"You didn't have to bring us anything... we invited you-"
"No. It's the least I can do after your parents offered dinner and a sleepover." (Y/n) quickly said back as Barou opened the door.
"Stop calling me that." She said, sending him a side glare.
"Stop being one."
"Nii-san, why are you being mean to the only normal friend you ever had?" The two stopped at the entrance and looked down at a girl with red eyes and dark brown hair looking up at them. She didn't look older than 8.
"Mina, shut up." Barou said with a red face as another girl approached them. She had brown eyes and black hair, and didn't look older than 14.
'So... these are Barou's sisters?' (Y/n) thought.
"Mina is right, nii-san. Aside from (L/n)-san, I don't know who else could tolerate you."
"Mina, Akane, shut up."
(Y/n)'s jaw dropped at how casual the three siblings were with each other, the younger two going as far to yell back at Barou. It was something she really wasn't used to.
'My brothers would break my nose if I dared to talk like this.'
Just as the siblings were about to get louder, another voice echoed through the room.
"What are you three doing there?! That's no way to welcome our guest! Especially when he is still one foot in the cold."
The four tensed up as they turned to look at a much older man, who looked similar to Barou.
'Well... seems like he got his looks from his dad...' (Y/n) looked between the older man and Barou, who huffed a little.
"Sorry, dad."
'How are they so casual?! My dad would ground me if I didn't add any honorifics.'
"Hush! All of you! The poor boy is still in the cold." A woman with brown hair and eyes walked into the hallway while looking at (Y/n) in concern, a look she didn't get from her adoptive mother ever since she arrived at the house.
'That must be Barou's mom...'
The girl shook her head and her face turned red as the family turned their attention to her.
"I...It's fine! Than-thanks for having me here!" She said nervously and bowed.
"(L/n) (Y/n), it's an honor to meet you all."
"Nii-san... how did you end up befriending such a polite guy?" Akane raised her eyebrow as (Y/n) looked back at the trio.
"What do you want to say with that?" Barou sent the middle child a warning glare.
"You are rude." Akane said back as Mina joined in on the fun.
"And you snore!"
"What does that have to do with anything?!"
Barou's father sighed as he walked over to calm the trio down, as the mother walked over to (Y/n), sending her a welcoming smile.
"Ignore them, they are like that all the time, but they mean no harm. Come in now, it's probably cold."
(Y/n) slowly nodded her head at the woman as she lead her inside and closed the door behind her.
"You really don't need to help me. Just go and hang out with Shouei." The older woman said as she watched (Y/n) cutting some vegetables. The girl shook her head and looked over at the woman.
"It's the least I can do after inviting me over."
"It's really nothing. I was happy to find out Shouei has finally found a friend... he always had a hard time finding peers to get along with."
"He did? Also, he called me his friend?" (Y/n) asked in surprise, she never thought Barou saw her as anything more than a teammate.
"Yes, Shouei is... he can be a lot... and I can see that you are pretty accepting of his nature. It's really nice to see you don't judge him for who he is." The woman's words caught (Y/n) off guard, and there was a short silence between the two.
"I really don't mind Barou's nature... it's really refreshing from what I am used to, and... judging him would just be a waste of time."
The woman looked at (Y/n) in surprise and slowly smiled while nodding.
"You are a good kid, (Y/n). I am happy to have you here. I can also see why you were picked as the team's captain."
The girl blushed a little at that as she felt her lips quiver.
'Don't come out now.'
Slowly nodding her head, she continued chopping the vegetables.
During dinner, the family would ask (Y/n) some questions about life and how Blue Lock was. The girl would answer them as honestly as possible. While mostly talking to the parents, (Y/n) never noticed Barou sending his sisters warning looks, since he knew they were about to embarrass him with whatever they wanted to say.
"So, what are your plans after Blue Lock? Do you plan on pursuing football professionally?" Barou's dad askes as (Y/n) quickly gulped down her food.
'This feels like one of those scenes where the girlfriend brought her boyfriend to meet the parents.' She suppressed a laugh as she spoke up.
"I will see... if a club offers to take me in as a player, I will gladly accept. But I do plan on finishing my studies while doing so."
"You do?"
"Mhmm. I like thinking ahead... and with a degree I have a more secure future in case something happens." She explained to the older man.
There was a short silence, and (Y/n) started to panic that she said something wrong.
"Well... now I see who the responsibile one in this friendship is." Akane laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Barou glared at her as (Y/n) grabbed his sleeve to hold him back.
"While we have the attention on me!" Mina chirped in.
"We really don't." Barou answered back.
"(Y/n)-nii! I need to tell you of the time Barou called his teacher mom!"
"Mina, shut up!" Barou's face turned red as he sent an awkward glance towards (Y/n).
"Please calm down you both. And I have to say, seeing a young boy like you being so responsible and thinking ahead is very refreshing." (Y/n) looked at the man and slowly nodded her head.
"I am sure you are a son your parents can only be proud of."
Barou noted the way (Y/n) stiffened a little and she awkwardly nodded her head.
"I guess..." She sent the man an unsure smile.
"Well, I for one am happy Shouei found a friend in you."
The man finished, leaving (Y/n) at a loss of words for a moment.
'Don't come out now... don't come out now...' She chanted to herself, holding herself back from crying.
"Sorry for my parents and sisters... they can be a handful." Barou said awkwardly as the two walked a little bit through the neighborhood after dinner. It was a calm and cold night, and (Y/n) couldn't help but find it comforting.
"It's ok... they are really kind. And they care for you a lot." (Y/n) smiled at the boy, who simply nodded his head.
"Yeah, they do.... you know, you are always welcome here." Barou blushed a little as he said the last part.
"I will note that one down." (Y/n) said, trying to make it come off as a joke, but she really meant it. Tonight was one of a kind experience for her.
'For the first time since this break started I felt like I am at home.' She smiled to herself as Barou observed her silently.
For a while, the silence stayed like that, and Barou eventually cleared his throat to speak up.
"The moon in beautiful, isn't it?"
The girl looked in surprise at Barou and then up at the moon, not noticing the red tinting his cheeks.
"It is beautiful... I didn't take you as someone who observes the moon. Should I call you Moon king from now on?" (Y/n) laughed as Barou glared at her.
"You can be unbearable sometimes."
"That isn't a compliment!"
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arlana-likes-to-write · 7 months
Lightning Bug - Chapter 27
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Warnings: nightmare, mention of death and cannon typical violence, grief, lots of grief, Wanda needs a hug and she gets one lol
Note: there is a point in the story where the reader speaks Sokovian, those words are italicized
Word count: 4.8k
“Cooper!” You shirked as the eldest Barton wrapped his arms around you. It was the perfect setup for Nate to tag you and declare you were it. Cooper was quick to let you go and run off. You huffed, wiped the sweat off your forehead, and chased after him. Being back at the Barton homestead was refreshing. You were worried about being there without the buffer of Kate or Yelena, but when you hugged Laura and Clint, you fell into an easy routine. You were quick to jump into a game with the three Barton kids. Nate decided on a game of tag, which you’ve never played, and watched the other kids. Their laughter and smiles made you jealous. Now, it was your laughter that echoed on the Barton’s land while you chased after Cooper. He was fast, but you were faster, especially with the training Maria put you through. You tagged him with ease. The momentum caused you to tag him a little hard, and he fell to the ground. Cooper flipped onto his back. “Oops,” you said. “Sorry.” His chest was heaving, and he used his forearm to block out the sun.
“I forgot,” he took a deep breath and let it out. “I forgot Dad said you were training with Maria and Yelena. This game is unfair.” You giggled and held out your hand to help him, but he refused and stood up alone. There were pieces of grass in his hair.
“Blame it on Nate then,” you smiled. “This was his ideal.” He shook his hair to remove the grass and put his arm over your shoulders.
“You are different than the last time you were here,” you kicked a rock on the ground and nodded. You were different, but it was good. Sometimes, you liked to sit and compare who you were when Natasha found you to who you are now. You felt stronger, more confident in your ability, and happier to be alive. You were in a dark mindset when you first lived on the streets. The crushing guilt of what happened to your parents lay heavy on your chest. The scars left by your father made you feel ugly. You were desperate to feel anything but pain. “It’s a good different,” Cooper continued. “It seems like I’m seeing the real you.”
“Yeah,” you said. “I feel free.”
“Good. Now,” he smiled. “Want to help me tag Nat?”
“Oh, 100%”
Natasha loved Iowa. Every time she visited the Barton Homestead, she found another reason to love this place. This beautiful place she was lucky to call a second home. This time, it was Y/n’s laughter. The sound seemed to travel for miles and miles. It was unguarded, light, and beautiful. She sipped on some lemonade Laura made and sat on the porch. It’s the perfect spot to watch the Barton kids and her own. Her kid. The blue-eyed, terrified teen she met at Annie’s was her and Wanda’s. Finally, it would be a few more weeks as the courts proceed with the paperwork. The lawyers Tony hired said the process would be smooth sailing, especially with the lack of documentation her biological parents failed to submit. They did advise that a court appearance may be necessary, but she wasn’t worried about that. Natasha didn’t need a judge to declare Y/n as her daughter. She was without the legal bullshit.
“It’s like a complete 180 with her,” Clint said. “I know you said she’s opened up more, but I almost had a heart attack when she hugged me,” Natasha chuckled.
“You are so dramatic,” Laura said. She and Wanda were sitting in the rocking chairs on the porch. “She gives perfect hugs. I was surprised by that.” Natasha glanced over her shoulder to see Wanda smile.
“She does, and she puts her whole body into it,” there were moments that took Natasha by surprise—these moments made her heart flutter and her stomach drop as she fell more in love with Wanda. Watching her care so intensely for the young girl repeatedly made her fall in love with her.
“Cooper!” The sound of Y/n’s shirk brought her back to the game of tag. The eldest Barton wrapped his arms around her so Nate could easily tag her.
“I think that’s my cue to start dinner,” Laura said.
“I’ll help you,” Wanda followed her into the house. Natasha leaned back on her hands and watched Y/n chase down Cooper until Clint gently slapped her leg.
“The way you look at Wanda makes me sick. Like your eyes turn into hearts,” Natasha rolled her eyes. “I didn’t know that was possible.”
“Shut up,” she mumbled, feeling her cheeks flush. “Now you know how Maria and I felt all those years watching you pin over Laura,” she flicked the man’s forehead. “Now that was disgusting.”
“You’re an asshole,” the Black Widow shrugged. Clint glanced at the house to make sure no one was around. “When are you going to ask her to marry you?” The question, though simple, caused the Black Widow to freeze as if someone injected ice through her veins. “I mean, come on, Nat, you guys have a kid together, and I know you’ve been looking at properties away from the city. What’s stopping you?” Again, it was a simple question, but it scared her. They had years together and faced more dangers than an average couple would face. Maybe it was fear that she would say no. Rationally, Natasha knew that was ridiculous, but she held back.
“I don’t know,” she ran her hand through her head. She was on the fence about dying it again. “What if she says no?” Her voice was so soft and sounded so small that she barely recognized it. It sounded stupid to say aloud, and she expected Clint to laugh, but he didn’t. Instead, he placed a hand on her shoulder; there was a look of understanding in his eyes.
“Then I’ll slap her,” he deadpanned. “Witchy powers or not, you were my friend first,” the mental image of Clint trying to fight Wanda pulled a laugh out of the Black Widow. “I know this won’t ease your anxiety overnight, but she won’t say. Hell, whoever is patient enough to put up with your stubborn ass deserves the biggest diamond,” Natasha punched him on the shoulder.
When the Sokovian first joined the team, Natasha only interacted with her during training. She was still shaken up by what she was forced to relive. A part of her wanted never to trust Wanda again. She was too dangerous and unpredictable, and her powers were out of control. One night, Natasha made her way to the roof of the compound; she needed fresh air to clear her mind from the nightmare. It seemed that nightmares weren’t only affecting her. Wanda was up there, wrapped in a blanket, and her feet dangled off the roof’s edge. Natasha could have left, never walked over to her, and started a conversation, but she sat beside her. They talked about nothing and everything until the sun came up.
Still, she kept her feelings for her to herself, never crossing that line from friends to something more. Everything came unrevealing until Ross went to the compound and threatened Wanda’s safety. The fear of losing Wanda pushed her to tell her everything. It was messy; she stumbled over her words, and Wanda kissed her to force her to stop talking.
“Hi,” Y/n’s sudden appearance broke her out of her thoughts. The girl’s face was bright red from running around, beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, but the smile on her face was the best part.
“Hi, sweetheart. Are you having fun?” She nodded her head.
“I am,” she said. “I was wondering if you knew when dinner would be ready or if I could grab a snack. I’m a little hungry,” she scratched her head awkwardly. Natasha smiled. It was a nice change of pace, especially when she knew how avoidant the teen was asking for help, even food.
“Laura and Wanda are in the kitchen right now, but I bet if you go in there and ask, they’ll give you something small,” the young girl said, bouncing on her feet and hugging Natasha. No matter how many hugs Natasha received from the teen, they’ll always be special. Wanda was right. She hugged with her whole body. It ended when Natasha felt a hand on her back, and the girl jumped out of her arms.
“Tag,” she spun around to see Cooper running off. “You’re it, Nat!” The Black Widow turned back to face Y/n, who was backing away with a smile.
“Your senses could use some work, all Mighty Black Widow,” she teased. It took a moment for Natasha’s brain to catch up and piece together what happened. She was set up, and Y/n was the bait. She was never tagged in all her years of playing tag with the Bartons. Some may say it was ridiculous, but she had a reputation to protect.
“Get back here, you traitor!” Natasha jumped up and raced after the teen. Maria was doing a great job at training her. She was fast, but Natasha was the Black Widow she wouldn’t lose to a kid. One final sprint, she trapped the girl in a hug. “That was smart,” Natasha admitted. “Using a hug to distract me, whose idea was that?” She began to tickle her sides.
“M-mine!” The teen laughed. “Nat, stop! Stop!” Natasha almost refused, loving the sound of her laughter, but she did. Y/n fell to the ground, rolling onto her back. “You are fast.”
“I got a few years on you, kid,” she held out her hand, and Y/n took it to stand up. “Keep training, and you’ll be faster than me.” She smiled and leaned against Natasha.
“I like it here,” she said.
“Yeah?” The teen nodded. “Would you like a house like the Barton’s one day?” Natasha watched her look around the land.
“Maybe one day. I like living in the tower. Everyone is there, you know?” Natasha nodded. She understood that. Her sister and the rest of the team that became her family were there. It would be hard not to see them all the time.
You woke up with a start. It felt like you were falling, and you woke up before you hit the ground. You were having a sleepover with Lila, sleeping on an air mattress on her floor. Slowly, you sat up and tried not to wake her as you stood up and left her room. You were thirsty, but your legs and arms shook as you walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. But the downstairs wasn’t empty; Natasha was sitting at the counter with a laptop and a glass of whiskey. She took her eyes off the screen when she heard you. “Hey, dorogoy, are you okay?” Were you shaking that much that she could notice?
“Uh yeah,” you cleared your throat. “I had a weird dream and came down for some water.”
“Here sit. I’ll grab you some,” you nodded and sat in the empty seat next to hers. It was hard not to glance at what she was looking at on her computer. Rings. Engagement rings. Your eyes widened quickly, and you looked forward. Natasha placed a glass of water and a chocolate chip cookie before you. “Do you want to talk about your dream?” You downed the glass of water and waited for Natasha to refill it.
“I don’t remember it,” you whispered, picking at the cookie. “I just felt like I was falling and woke up before hitting the ground.” You glanced at Natasha; her green eyes, full of kindness and understanding, were staring at you. “Do you have nightmares?” She nodded, gently taking your hand in hers. You liked the feeling of them, rough and covered in callouses.
“I do,” she admitted. “They aren’t as frequent, but every now and again, one will sneak up on me.”
“How do you get them to stop?” You questioned, your voice cracked at the end of the sentence.
“Time,” Natasha answered. “It’s a cliche line, but as time passes, we are able to cope with the things we did in our past - the people we’ve hurt and those who’ve hurt us,” Time. It was always time. Even Yelena said the same thing to you. But you were tired of your past hurting you. You wanted it to stop. Sighing, you sat back in the chair and glanced at the computer again.
“Are you going to ask Wanda to marry you?” The sudden change in conversation caused Natasha’s eyes to widen. “I mean, unless you have another girlfriend, I don’t know about,” a smile tugged at her lips. “I’m guessing the rings you are looking at are for her.” The Black Widow slowly nodded. A warm feeling filled your body and pushed away the dark thoughts of your nightmare. “Oh my god!” you slammed your hands down on the countertop and cringed slightly at the noise. “When are you going to ask her? Holy shit! This is so exciting!” You were vibrating in your seat. Natasha laughed.
“I haven’t even picked out a ring yet.”
“Can I help?” You asked slowly. Natasha smiled but nodded her head. It was how you found yourself next to Natasha on the couch, scrolling through various ring websites. None stood out to you. You hadn’t known Wanda for long, but a few things came to mind when you thought about her. She wasn’t one to wear a lot of jewelry so that she might prefer something on the smaller side. You knew she cared deeply about her family and the team. Wanda was kind, caring, and compassionate. Maybe she would like something that represents all those things.
“Wait,” you said suddenly. “Go back up.” Natasha scrolled up, and you pointed to a diamond ring. It was a three-stone diamond engagement ring. The description said that the two smaller pear-shaped diamonds framed the center gem. The center diamond was shaped like a square, but the website called it a Princess Diamond. You weren’t sure why it was called that, but you weren’t a professional. “I like that one.”
“Yeah? Why is that?” Natasha questioned. Your head rested on her shoulder, and you shrugged. You weren’t sure why you were drawn to it.
“I don’t know,” you said. “But there are three diamonds and three of us, so I think that’s why I like it.”
Now it was your turn to be up at night with Natasha’s laptop and the missing people’s name folder. It was another long day with the Bartons, playing Just Dance with Lila and a session of archer practice with Clint. However, your mind had yet to stop thinking about these people. So you brought the notebook you got from Lucia’s and wanted to write down everything you could find on them then…well, you weren’t sure. That part of the plan was still to be determined. There wasn’t much on them. No one cared to keep a record of who these people were after they became homeless.
But you found an article from 2012 published a few months after the Battle of New York. The article mentioned Ava Davis and Noah Rodriquez - childhood best friends turned business partners. They opened a fitness center that created personalized plans tailored to each individual’s needs. However, when Loki invaded the city, they lost everything. The fitness center was destroyed in the fight, and Ava’s girlfriend (recently turned fiance) was killed. They fell off the map until Lucia reported them missing.
You chewed on the end of your pen as you stared at the article and the summary you wrote. It was sad; your heart hurt for them. The city was in shambles after the battle; businesses were destroyed, and countless lives were lost. You remembered your father talking about it, saying the Avengers were working with the Devil. Sighing, you took a sip of the tea you made. It was no longer warm. “What are you doing up?” You yelped at the sudden voice. “Oops, sorry,” Clint laughed and poured himself a cup of coffee from the cold pot.
“You,” you placed a hand over your heart. “You gave me a heart attack.” You were taking a few deep breaths to calm the organ beating against your ribs.
“It’s my house. I didn’t expect to see you up!” He defended. That was fair, but you shrugged and returned to typing on the computer. “So what are you doing at this hour? You need sleep.” You were leaving tomorrow, which made you sad. But telling Clint wouldn’t hurt, right? Maybe.
“Someone I used to know before I moved into the tower told me a few people have missing people who have lived on the streets,” you clarified. “She’s reported it to the police, but they don’t care about people like me,” you saw a flash of anger pass through Clint’s eyes. “So I thought I’d use Avenger resources to find them.”
“Does the team know about this case you are working on?” You nodded.
“Tony got me the list of names from NYPD, and I told Pepper.”
“Any luck?” He moved around the counter and sat down next to you.
“Nothing on current whereabouts. It’s not like we can get our hands on cellphones, so tracking them through cellphone towers is out of the question,” you bite the end of your pen. “I thought about using facial recognition through Overwatch when I get back,” you looked at Clint, and he was looking at you. You couldn’t place the emotion on his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You are just really good at this,” he said. “I’m just surprised.” You shrugged.
“I read a lot,” you mumbled. “I like a good crime novel.” Clint smiled. “So, do you have any ideas?” He pulled the file before him and flipped through the few pages.
“Well, if you can’t find them now, find the connection in their pass. If you believe these people are being taken, the answer is there. Find the connection between the individuals, which may lead you to who took them,” Clint explained.
“Find the connection,” you repeated. “Thank you! I’ll see what I can find.”
“Be careful,” he said, finishing his drink. “Don’t search for these people by yourself if it comes to that,” you nodded. “I’m serious,” he stood up and cleaned the mug he used. “What you are doing is honorable, but it can turn dangerous, and the last thing I need is an angry Black Widow and Scarlet Witch to come knocking on my door because you got hurt from my advice.” You laughed.
“I promise,” you said. “If I get a lead, I’ll hand it to the professionals.” He ruffled your hair.
“Smart kid. Get some sleep. From what I’ve heard, you have a bus for a couple of days,” you frowned. Natasha and Wanda refused to tell you the rest of the plans for the trip. “Night kiddo.”
“Night, Clint, and thank you again,” he gave you a salute and walked in the direction of his room. Find the connection. Find the connection. You began searching for other news articles, employment records, and rental leases. Every name you researched sent you down a rabbit hole that you followed. They were all different, all coming from different walks of life. One person spent some time in Lagos. Another was a teacher from California. But the one thing they had in common was the Avengers destroyed their livelihood. They lost businesses, family members, and loved ones in battles that the Avengers fought in. What was going on?
Saying goodbye to the Bartons was more complicated the second time than the first. A part of you was reluctant to leave, but you left with Cooper and Lila’s phone number in the new phone you got as a birthday present and a promise to text them all the time. So you loaded back onto the small jet and waved goodbye to them through the window. When you were at a safe altitude, you unbuckled your seat belt and walked over to the cockpit, standing between Natasha and Wanda. “So,” you dragged out the word. “Where are we going?” Natasha chuckled and shook her head.
“We are going to St. Petersburg to visit my parents. They’ve been very excited to meet you,” your eyebrows shot up to your hairline. No one was excited to meet you. You saw Natasha glance at Wanda, who was oddly quiet. She seemed lost in her head, a million miles away. Natasha placed a hand on her thigh. “They are eccentric,” she continued. “Just letting you know.” You hummed, but your attention was on the witch.
“Hey, Wands,” your voice pulled her out of her head. “Can you do my hair? Lila gave me some beads to put in it.”
“Yeah,” she forced a smile. “Of course I can.” You moved to the side so she could walk past you.
“Thank you,” Natasha whispered. You nodded and squeezed her shoulder. Wanda was sitting down with a hairbrush already, and you grabbed the beads from your bag. You sat between her legs and felt the brush move through your hair. It was soothing.
“Where are we going before St. Petersburg?” You questioned softly. Her hands stuttered slightly. “I know we are going somewhere that has you upset unless her parents are that bad.” Wanda chuckled.
“They are great,” you turned to face her when her voice cracked. Her eyes were glossy with tears. “I’m sorry,” she wiped her tears away. “You asked me to do something, and here I am crying.” You placed a hand on top of hers.
“It can wait,” you smiled. “Do you want to talk about what’s wrong?” You sat down next to her with your legs crossed. She faced forward, running her fingers across the bristles of the brush.
“I asked Nat if we could stop at what’s left of Sokovia. Once it was cleared of the rubble, the neighboring countries took the land. Completely erased it from the map,” her accent was thicker the more she spoke. “But a memorial was built in memory of the victims.”
“Like your brother?” You watched her body shake, but she quickly nodded her head. She placed the brush down and gripped the bench you both sat on. You saw the signs of her powers looking for an outlet. She told you that her powers were connected to her emotions. Her body was tense. The red glow of her magic danced on her fingers. Without hesitation, you grabbed her hand and hid away everything you didn’t want her to see. Her magic died down, and she turned to face you. A few tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Can you tell me about them? Your parents, your brother, your home before the battle.”
“Why do you want to know?” You shrugged, opening up her palm and tracing the lines.
“Because it’s important to you, and I want to know about your life,” you said. “I want to know how I can help you.” Wanda smiled, squeezing your hand.
“Sokovia was,” she took a deep breath to steady her nerves. “Messy.” You weren’t expecting her to use that word. “It was messy to the outside world, but those living there found it beautiful. There was a lot of political turmoil, which resulted in the United States trying to fix it. I would fall asleep to the sound of bombs.”
“And you found that beautiful?” You thought living on the streets was hard enough. Wanda smiled, laughing slightly.
“Maybe that wasn’t beautiful, but we weren’t involved in the political nonsense as regular citizens. We had to rely on each other. I met some of the kindest people during those times. My parents tried very hard to provide for us to ensure we had food and a roof over our heads. We would watch sitcoms every night, and the laugh track would black out the war,” Wanda chuckled. “It sounds crazy when I say it out loud. You must think I’m insane,” you would never. “But I had to find the beautiful moments during the darkness.” You understood that. You found yourself doing the same thing: listening to your mother sing Caleb a song, finding a good book, and when your parents left you alone.
“I did the same,” you smiled. “Tell me more about your parents.” You could listen to Wanda talk about her home country for hours and hours. With every story she told, her eyes would light up, and her smile was so big. You hoped her smile would never fade away.
When the jet landed, Natasha and you allowed Wanda to visit the memorial without the two of you hovering. However, the Black Widow was passing back and forth - 5 steps one way, then turned around and walked back the other way. You sat on the ground, knees bent to rest your forearms on them. The memorial depicted an average Sokovian family - a mother, father, daughter, and son. Flowers and the Sokovian flag surrounded the family. “Who built it?” You asked. Natasha stopped her pacing and hummed in question. “Who built the memorial? It’s not like it appeared out of nowhere.” She faced the monument with her arms crossed. Wanda fell to her knees, and you knew Natasha was fighting the instinct to rush over to be with her.
“It kind of did,” she sat down next to you. “Stark has a relief foundation that helps with the messes we make, and they were on the scene before we made it back to the States,” Natasha sighed. “Stark says he didn’t do it, but you know Tony likes to take credit for everything,” you smiled, but the redhead sighed again. “Sokovia was a mess on and off the battlefield.”
“What happened?” You questioned. Natasha was quiet for a moment, gathering her thoughts.
“There was a lot of talk about dismantling the Avengers,” she started. “Many people thought we were dangerous, especially with what happened in New York, DC, and Lagos. Ross was trying to pass the Accords,” the Accords? You weren’t sure what that was. You looked at her, confused. “It was a document that would allow the UN to be in control of us and have all enhanced individuals would have to be registered and monitored,” she explained. Enhanced? So, people like you, Wanda, and America.
“Why didn’t it get passed?”
“We refused to sign it,” Natasha bent one of her knees and leaned back. “I think it was the first time I saw the team stand together,” she admitted. “With us banding together, the Accords made no traction. We were left to make our own choices, but we try to limit the damage we cause and help those affected.” You nodded and focused back on Wanda. You could feel her energy. There was an uptick in her heart rate. Her breathing was becoming uneven. She was grieving, alone. Natasha told you the Accords weren’t signed because the Avengers came together. You weren’t going to let her face this alone.
You stood up and walked over to her, ignoring the way Natasha called after you. You tiptoed, not wanting to scare her. “You can join me,” she invited you. Nodding, you knelt next to her. “It’s so quiet,” Wanda looked around. “Sokovia was never this quiet.” She ran her hand across the ground. “I can’t believe it’s gone.”
“It’s not gone,” you whispered. “Just because the place is gone, Sokovia is still alive. It’s alive because of you and everyone else who survived that day,” you placed your hand on the monument. “Now it lives through me because you are keeping its memory and culture alive.” She placed her hand on top of yours. “Can you sign that lullaby your mom used to sing? I’d love to learn it.”
“It’s in Sokovian,” you smiled.
“I’d love to have another language under my belt.” Wanda laughed and used the back of her hand to clear the tears from her face. She taught you the song. Some words felt heavy on your tongue, but you managed to muddle your way through it. As you learned it, you heard Natasha’s footsteps behind you. She kissed the top of Wanda’s head, and the witch leaned her weight against her. You smiled, closed your eyes, and began to hum the tune Wanda shared with you.
“We’ve been waiting for you,” you sang. “Now you are here. More perfect than I imagined,” the Sokovian words were hard to pronounce, and your voice shook. “Our house is now a home. No matter where you go. Sunlight shines on you,” you open your eyes. “Sunlight shines on you.”
taglist: @aestruvx, @toouncreativeforausername, @modedddd, @julilamoment, @mythixmagic, @yourmamacom, @vicmc624, @cherlenovix, @liliesandrosies, @whitewidowsbite, @clintsbigtoe,   @blackbirdv98 @arualdcg@yoyo-w​  @natbelovasblog, @johnnyhulu, @blackwidow-3, @theenglishswiftie, @faith-olsen
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
Watchful Eyes (Diluc and Kaeya + Sister Reader)
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Angle's Share was bustling with noise as usual as the sun began to set over Mondstat. Many people flocked to the tavern to enjoy drinks. Inside of the building, a young woman was seated at one of the stools in front of the bar, resting her head in one of her hands. A glass sat in front of her as she sat in silence. A man stood behind the bar, his hair a fiery shade of red. He poured some wine into a cup before sliding it to one of the many customers that had come to enjoy some drinks. The red-headed man looked over at the young woman sitting at the bar, the two making eye contact with each other for a brief moment, smiling.
"Hey cutie" a voice suddenly caught the girl's attention. She turned her head to see an older man looking at her, clearly drunk. His eyes stared into her, sending a shiver up the young woman's spine. She finally looked away, hoping he wouldn't bother her anymore. However, her attempt to ignore the drunk man didn't work out as she had planned. In fact, it only seemed to annoy the stranger.
"What, do you think you're too good to talk to me?" He asked, an annoyed scowl on his face. For a short moment, (Y/N) glanced at him, which in hind sight was a mistake.
"Please leave me alone" the red-headed girl spoke in a quiet voice.
"Don't be like that, let me buy you a drink" the man kept persisting. Once again, (Y/N) opened her mouth to speak, hoping she could get herself out of this situation. Though before she could get a single word out, the sound of someone clearing their throat broke the silence. Looking up, both she and the drunk man saw the red-headed bar tender looking down at him with a menacing expression on his face.
"I believe she said she isn't interested. If you don't leave her alone I'm going to have to ask you to leave" Diluc said, his voice dripping with annoyance. The man, being drunk and stupid didn't back down.
"I wasn't bothering you, besides what does it matter to you?" He sneered, looking Diluc up and down. (Y/N) looked at her brother, knowing how his temper could be.
"I'm the owner of this tavern and her brother. Now I suggest you stop" Diluc warned him once again, but still, the man wouldn't back down. He stood up from his seat, stepping closer to the red-head. The two stared at each other as the other patrons turned their heads to see what was happening.
"Just because you're her brother doesn't mean you get to make decisions for her, right sweetheart?" The man asked, clearly thinking he was in the right. This only pissed off Diluc more.
"Leave" the red-head spoke in a deep voice. Letting out a scoff, the drunk spoke again.
"I'm a paying customer, you can't kick me out" he said, raising his voice. He stumbled back, losing his balance in the process. However, instead of hitting the floor he bumped into someone's chest. Regaining his footing, the man turned to face whoever he had bumped into, only for his eyes to go wide. He was no face to face with the Calvery Captain of the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya.
"I think you should leave" the blue-haired man spoke, an angry glint visible in his one visible eye. Knowing he was in a situation he couldn't win, the man finally gave up.
"Whatever, she isn't even that pretty" he spat, before leaving the building. The slamming of the door echoed off of the walls as the patrons returned to what they had been doing previously. Letting out a sigh of relief, (Y/N) made her way to one of the stools, sitting down. Kaeya followed behind her, sitting in the seat next to her.
"Are you ok? He didn't touch you, did he?" The man asked. (Y/N) shook her head,
"I'm fine" she spoke, feeling much calmer. Diluc was quiet, though when he glanced at his sister, there was a hint of concern on his face. (Y/N) sent him a reassuring smile, knowing she would have someone looking out for her.
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alexendria-rose · 2 months
Man, your "my tears richochet" was insane. It's a Taylor Swift Loml vibe. You could do it in that style, without her sacrificing herself. Y/N would be a witch allied with Kamar-Taj, she was a middle ground between witches and sorcerers, she wasn't for or against. So, she becomes indifferent and distant from Strange and Kamar-Taj after the age of 5. They have to ask her for help with Wanda, since y/n was Wanda's friend and a witch envolve in Westeview, and America knows Y/N.
Ps: Except with Wong, YN is sweet to him.
And after all that DSMOM stuff, Stephen tries to talk to her and she still tries pushing him away.
It would be between DS, IW, END GAME, WANDAVISION and DSMOM. I know it was confusing, but it was an idea that popped into my head lol
A/n- LOVE THIS. I hope you’ll like what I have in mind.
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Warnings- cussing, sadish
“You need to learn how to control your powers.” Wong said to her in a soft tone watching the teen girl struggling in front of her. He was a young student at Kamar-Taj but he knew enough to help the girl.
“I’m trying.” Y/n mumbled softly trying to control the magic she was unfortunately cursed with. She wasn’t a witch exactly? Maybe a sorcerer, but she didn’t quite know what happened to her. One day her powers went out of control and found Kamar-Taj for help, but it seemed like every time she was getting closer- her powers grew even more. It was like the power was too much for her to handle no matter how much she tried. “It doesn’t want to work for me!” She growled in irritation dropping her hands to the side, the glow of blue lightly fading away. Wong sighed softly placing a hand on her shoulder.
“You’ll get there. We’ll just try harder.” He whispered gently.
Y/n looked at the fireplace of her apartment as she thought about the memory wishing she didn’t do what she did a couple weeks after that fact.
“Why would you touch this book! It’s forbidden!” Wong grabs the book out of her hands shutting it in the process. She gasp as he does looking up at him before crossing her arms.
“If they’re forbidden why are they here!” She snap at him. Wong eyes widen watching her eyes glow a blue color, the angry clearly overcoming her emotions triggering her powers in a way.
“They’re forbidden because you would never understand this, it’s for your own good!” Wong warned. Y/n sighed trying to calm down her anger but nothing was working.
“I will never understand!” She shouted. “I think it’s better if I go. Try to understand my powers from someone else.” She muttered. Wong shook his head placing his hand on her shoulder watching her sad expression overcome her face.
“You do not need to leave miss y/n. Stay here.” He begged. Y/n just shook her head.
“I’m finally an adult and nothing here is working for me Wong. I have to go.” She mumbled pushing his hand that laid on-top of her shoulder before walking away from the man she looked at as a father figure.
Y/n still continued to go visit Kamar-Taj whenever she could. She knew the ancient one and Wong couldn’t teach her much more, she wasn’t a sorcerer she was something else much much more powerful. She didn’t meet anyone quite like her until she joined the superhero team- the avengers; deciding to use her powers for good. that person being no other than-Wanda. It was like there powers were so alike but so different. She remembered when she met someone who did appreciate her powers- Stephen strange.
After not visiting Kamar-Taj because of how busy she was and also hearing about the ancient ones sad passing, she decided to visit for the first time after a couple months. She walked into the library the memories unfolding from the last time she was in here discovering forbidden books to help her realize herself. She started tracing the old dusty books loving the feeling of leather under her fingertips.
"Who are you?" A deep voice pipes up, she turns her head towards the voice noticing a tall lean man who had gray streaks on each side of his dark hair, piercing blue eyes looking into hers, and a go-tee that suited his cheekbones and face so nicely. She scrunch her eyebrows together a slight smirk on her face.
"I should be asking you that." She chuckled softly. "Know everyone here except for you." He looked at me with a marveled expression a slight chuckle escaping his own mouth.
"So I assume you use to be or still are a sorcerer?" He questioned with a gleaming look on his face. "The name is Doctor Stephen Strange." He added, she shrugs softly; a smile on her face as she walked over to him before using her fingers to play with her powers, creating a sort of energy ball from her fingertips that glowed bright blue, glad to know that Wanda did indeed teach her so much more things about her powers.
"I wouldn't say a sorcerer, more like I have no idea what kind of powers I hold, nothing special." She replied. "My name is Y/n L/n." She also added her eyes snapping to his, while he held a gentle smile on his face.
"I would say pretty special." He stated his eyes focusing on her fingers the way they effortlessly held such a significant power to them. She hummed softly.
"Special or a curse?" She pondered tilting her head at him letting her hand fall to the side watching his every move.
"I would say special." He whispers, she snapped her head at him watching the way he looked at her like what she had was special, but also a look that he never met someone like her before.
God how close she got to Stephen Strange, and everyone else in her life. That was until Thanos snapped everyone away, then she became depressed for 5 years blaming herself for not be able to save anyone-pushing herself away.
Y/n watched as Tony jumped into action to defeat Thanos, most of them failing to stop him. Y/n laid on the floor watching as Tony uses his iron fist to hit Thanos but him quickly knocking him back and hitting the crap out of Tony. Y/n grunted sitting up from the ground.
"Thanos!" Y/n shouted hobbling from standing up, walking her way towards him and lifting her hands up. "Don't fuckin touch him." She sneered before using her powers, her eyes turning a deep blue as she started firing shouts at him with her hands but he was too strong. He grabs her by the neck her struggling to get out of his grip.
"You are nothing child!" He roared. "Nothing, you are very powerful but isnt useful for someone who has no idea that her power came from an infinity stone." He spat, she clawed at his hands trying to get him off, he was about to squeeze her neck harder.
"Stop!" Stephen shouted as he laid limp against the rock looking at Thanos begging him, Y/n looked at him shaking her head knowing what he was about to do.
"Stephen." She struggled to gasp out, he looked at her with wide eyes- pain in them as well.
"Please spare her life, please." He bargains. "I will give you the stone." Her eyes widen, did he think of her to be weak? she would die at the hands of thanos meaning he would never be able to get the stone. Thanos throws her onto the ground hitting her back against the rock groaning in pain.
"No tricks?" Thanos questions watching Stephen very carefully, he shakes his head glancing back at her to back sure she was okay.
"Stephen, please don't" She begs standing up the pain in her side and back stabbing her body. Stephen conjures the stone in his hand before moving it towards Thanos, him grabbing it and placing it into his gauntlet. Peter Quill starts flying out of nowhere shooting thanos but Thanks creates a portal and walks backwards into it. She gasps moving herself quickly to Stephen.
"Why did you do it! Why!" She cried out. "I could have stopped him." Stephen looks at her shaking his head.
"No you couldn't..."
Those words echoed in her head for years to come, especially when everyone came back from the snap, the way they fought against Thanos, she used every single muscle and power in her body to get back revenge on Thanos, for taking away the person she didn't realize she loved until he left, taking away the family that she had created, after that last fight from Thanos. She couldn't dare be next to Stephen, or see him after all that happened. She wasn't powerful enough to protect the people she loved, she couldn't dare put herself in that position ever again.
Y/n still sat on the couch with her book in her hands next to the fireplace, the memories that haunted her overcoming her thoughts-When she heard a noise in front of her spotting the familiar portal, and here comes Stephen fuckin Strange from the portal- the portal shutting behind him as he stared at her with those same piercing eyes.
"What are you doing here?" She demanded standing up from the couch as she moved herself in front of him. He looked at her, the way she put her wall up, this wasn't the same girl he knew so long ago, the snap affecting her in every shape and form.
"Y/n." He said in a gentle tone, his eyes never leaving hers. How badly he wanted to hold her, not being able to for so long, to tell her that it wasn't her fault but he had important manners to attend to at the moment. He cleared his throat as he realized he was staring at the beautiful woman in front of him for way too long. "It's about Wanda." He explained. Her breath hitched at her friends familiar name, she hadn't heard from Wanda in awhile, ever since the Westview delusion she created, Y/n decided Wanda needed space, and that's what she thought was best but maybe she was wrong.
"What about Wanda?" She asked frantically unfolding her arms as they laid at her sides, he takes in her nervous tone and frantic voice.
"The Darkhold got to her Y/n..." He says softly making sure not to strike a nerve, but she was blanked expression shaking her head as she heard the most forbidden book got to Wanda.
"No, you're lying. She would never dare touch it." Y/n expressed, Stephen took her hand lightly.
"God I wish I was, she's going by the scarlet witch now, she needs you, you need to come to Kamar-Taj with me. She's trying to take powers from a child, that will indeed kill her. Please my love." He holds her hand tightly searching her eyes, knowing this would break her, but knowing she would do anything to save her close friend.
"Okay." She hesitated. "I will not kill her Stephen, I will talk to her but I cannot kill Wanda." He nods slowly at her words taking it in with grace.
"I can agree with that." He mutters letting her hand go; suddenly missing the feeling of her warmth around his hand, he turns around creating a portal back to Kamar-Taj.
Y/n watched as the other sorcerer were preparing war against Wanda, making her slightly nauseous at the thought of her friend turning evil. It was not the Wanda she knew that was for sure. Stephen walks up with Wong, and a random teenager- Y/n smiled brightly at her old master.
"Wong." She whispered softly running up him wrapping her arms around his neck missing the feeling of hugging him. He chuckles loudly patting her back.
"My dear, thank you for being here." He whispered back pulling back to see how much the girl has grown. "It feels like yesterday I was just training you." She just smiled softly.
"I will do anything to protect Kamar-Taj, this was my home." She states nodding her head in respect towards Wong. The teenager tilts her head towards Y/n scrunching her eyebrows as well.
"Y/n?" The girl pipes up, y/n scrunches her eyebrows as well.
"Do I know you kid?" She question placing her hands on her hips.
"W-Well no but I know you." She mutters. "You and Stephen were quite close in another universe, and besides you are super powerful. I envy you." The kid smiled brightly like she was looking up at an idol.
"Close?" She questioned mostly to herself.
"My name is America Chavez by the way!" America giggled sticking her hand out for Y/n to shake which she gladly does. Stephen watches the exchange a small smirk on his face.
"Alright kid, come on we got to take you away from all of this." He mutters handing her off to one of the other sorcerers. Stephen walks up next to Y/n watching as she looked up at the sky, her hands behind her back intense in thought about what America said.
"Are you okay?" He whispers gently his eyes never leaving her face, she slightly looked at him a frown placed on her face.
"I want Wanda back. I'm not okay." She muttered, wiping her palms on her pants trying to calm her breathing down at the fact she might have to fight her closest friend.
"We'll get her back, my love, at least we'll try." Her heart pounded at the nickname he always tend to use but this time it felt so different then other times before, especially after realizing her feelings when he disappeared for five years, it felt different. Her thoughts suddenly were disregarded when she saw the familiar red head fly above them. Y/n moves her hands down using her own powers to fly up to Wanda- Wanda's eyes widening at the sight of the girl in front of her.
"What are you doing here." Wanda hissed out, Y/n heart dropped at seeing her- Stephen was right this wasn't her, this wasn't Wanda. The black on her finger tips from using the Darkhold, the bags under her eyes.
"My question is what are you doing! This isn't you, please stop." She breathed out. "Killing a child for her powers? Why?" Wanda smirked in a most vicious way.
"So I can be with my own kids!" She cried. "My children, I lost everything. You could never understand, you didn't lose the love of her life. I did, and those boys are the only ones I have!" She sneered. Y/n eyes were starting to cloud with tears realizing giving Wanda space wasn't the right move, pulling away never was.
"Wanda, you have me." She chokes out. "You have me, please."
"I told Stephen, that this was me being reasonable." She groans before shooting her powers towards her , but was quickly blocked from the force field that was covering Kamar-Taj, the tears escaped her eyes, floating herself down back to the ground of the sacred grounding. Stephen rushed to her side quickly wiping her tears and holding onto her face.
"Go to America, please." He begs scanning the emotions on her face, she just nods not being able to say anything more, knowing her own friend was gone, that Wanda will never come back.
Y/n ran back into the Kamar-Taj where America was hiding with Wong already there by her side. Y/n grabs America holding her close.
“You stay behind me.” She instructed scooting America closer to her side. America holding onto Y/n tightly. That’s when Stephen came rushing in.
“We gotta get you guys out of here now!” Stephen exclaimed before bringing his hands up to create a portal but his sling disappearing as he tries to make one. The doors suddenly slam shut. America jumping at the sound and the rest of them looking around the empty room trying to figure out what Wanda was up to now. Guards suddenly start disappearing through the floor. Stephen grabs Y/n arm pulling her close to him, she moves her hands together to start creating her magic, she didn’t know how much stronger Wanda has become but she knew from what just happened the Darkhold showed her how to use her powers more.
“Reflections…” Stephen whispers. “She’s using the reflections. Cover them.” He commands. They all scurrying around grabbing whatever was near to cover up the reflections around the room. America shrieks suddenly falling down onto the floor, they all look towards her- seeing Wanda’s arm pop out of one of the gold circles, her creepily coming out. Her body snapping back together as she finally pulls her way through.
“You gave up all of those lives- just to keep me from my children.” Wanda sighs moving her away towards them.
“You took those lives.” Stephen states. “You cannot be allowed to cross into the multiverse.”
“Wanda please.” Y/n pleads watching her friend smirk.
“I’m not a monster!” Wanda exclaims. “I’m a mother.”
“Wanda, you have no children.” Stephen pipes up again grabbing Y/n arm putting her behind him, trying to protect her from the painful words of Wanda. “They don’t exist.” Wanda chuckles shaking her head at his words.
“Oh but they do- in every other universe; I know they do because I dream.” Wanda mutters fiddling with her fingers, her eyes darting towards Y/n. “You know- I know what you desire more Y/n. I can make it happen.” Wanda smirks stepping forward slightly. Y/n eyes widen. “You could be happy in a different universe. Join my side.” Y/n shakes her head.
“I am happy.” She mumbles but Wanda just laughs loudly.
“Oh god that is exactly what Stephen said to me. I know what deception looks like.” Wanda chuckles under her breath. “You could be happy.” Y/n tears start to cloud her vision.
“No.” She mumbles moving out behind Stephen using her powers to push Wanda back but Wanda uses her own to push her back. They start shooting there powers towards each other, Wanda using her whole strength.
“I’m sorry Y/n but you’ll just get in the way.” She muttered using her powers to lift Y/n up and using a spell to knock her out for a few hours, Y/n falling limp on the floor all she heard before knocking out was Stephen yelling her name.
Y/n body felt heavy when she woke up from what it felt like a never ending nightmare. She slowly started waking up, pulling herself off the floor to notice how destroyed everything was. Where was Wanda? Where was America and Wong? Worse where was Stephen. She stood up from the floor her body feeling like it could pass out again at any minute. Y/n notices one of the slings on the floor picking it up. Where would Wanda go? She thought about all the books she read while at Kamar-Taj and then that’s when it clicked. The scarlet witch had her own castle. Made exactly for her. Y/n quickly went into action using the slingie to create a portal as close to the darkhold castle. She enters in seeing how the winter was never ending up here. She sees it far ahead using her powers to fly herself over. Seeing America using her powers on Wanda and zombie stephen strange? What the hell did she miss. She lands on the castle seeing Stephen face snap to hers as America and Wanda were busy fighting. She rushed over to him.
“Y/n. What are you doing here.” He hesitates his body laying on the ground. She jumps back seeing his face.
“More importantly what the fuck happened.” She muttered kneeling before him.
“America and I got sent to another universe and I’m currently dream walking right now.” Stephen grinned. Well half grinned.
“Of course you are.” She laughed softly turning her attention back on the other two, seeing Wanda’s eyes filled with tears, as the other universe Wanda told her that she should know her boys would be loved. America closing the portal to the other universe as Wanda sobbed. Y/n stands up walking her way towards her placing a delicate hand on her shoulder. Wanda looks at her with tears clouding her eyes.
“I need to do what’s right.” She sobs. “I brought this upon myself, I need to end it.” Y/n heart breaks leaning down and engulfing Wanda in a hug knowing what she had to do.
“I’m sorry.” Y/n whispered softly as they both hold onto each other tightly. “I should’ve been there for you. I’m so sorry.” She sobbed. Wanda pulled back cupping her cheeks as she looked at her intently.
“No, you couldn’t do anything. You need to remember you cannot save everyone, you cannot help everyone but yourself.” Wanda whispered softy. “Do not be afraid to let people love you, don’t hold yourself back, please do this for me.” Wanda gasped out. “Live your life for me.” Y/n nodded.
“I’m scared to, please don’t leave me.” Y/n body shook as she cried holding onto Wanda’s wrist.
“I have to. Please Y/n. Let me do something right.” Wanda whispers letting go of her as she floated back on top of the iron table. “Don’t be afraid of what life has to offer, cause once it's gone, you'll never get it back-trust me." Wanda closed her eyes; lifting her hands up as the building started to shake.
"Wanda no!" Y/n screamed trying to get to Wanda, but Wong pulled her back holding her to his chest.
"What's going on." America shouted towards undead Stephen.
"Get out of here." He said, his eyes glazing towards Y/n, her eyes back on his.
"I'll find you." America smiled before punching the mid air creating a portal back to Kamar-Taj, Wong dragging Y/n through the portal watching the building crumble on top of Wanda. Y/n fell to the floor hitting her knees as she watched the Portal close. Wong laid a hand on her shoulder kneeling down beside her.
"It had to happen." Wong said in a gentle tone, Y/n looked at him tears in her eyes.
"I couldn't save her." Y/n muttered. "I-I have to go, I need to go." Y/n said shakily standing up from the ground the sling ring still on her fingers.
"Don't you want to see Stephen?" America asked about to punch the mid air to start her powers once again. Y/n shook her head.
"No." She strained out before using the sling ring to create a portal back to her home, entering it before the two were about to question her.
Stephen looked at the other version of the one person he fell for while waiting for America and the rest to come find him in this world. The other version of Y/n smiled brightly at him.
"So are you finally going to tell me what we were to each other in your universe?" Stephen questioned staring into her eyes, the girl just laughed softly.
"Well- what do you think?" She said brightly, it was like how she used to be before the snap. Happy and bright.
"Hoping that you loved my other self back in your universe." He whispers shyly knowing he admitted it to her rather then his actual Y/n.
"I hope you did too, especially since we were married." She smiled widely. "I miss him everyday, my Stephen- but I know he did what he did to protect us, not to cause harm." Her smile slowly fading away. "Don't let her block people out Stephen, it will shatter her completely." Stephen looked away taking a deep sigh.
"You- well, she just pushes me away; I don't know how to get through to her." Stephen muttered tugging his hair slightly.
"You push Stephen Strange, she can't keep you away for much longer- trust me I know." She laughed, Stephen looked at her smiling softly.
"I did love you in every universe huh?" She bites her lip giggling and nodding.
"And I with you Stephen Strange."
Y/n held her couch pillow close to her chest staring at the wall to try to forget about the awful day, losing Wanda, almost losing Stephen- she couldn't handle the pain that her powers would flare up from the stress overcoming her. The knock at the door tore her gaze from the wall- standing up she walks herself over towards the door; opening it seeing the face she was wanting to see but a part of her not wanting to see as well-
"Stephen." She breathed out seeing the scratches on his face, his eyes darting all over hers to make sure she was indeed okay and not injured, he pushes his way in before turning to look back at her.
"I came straight after America found me and told me you lef-"
"You should go Stephen, you can't be here right now." She muttered her eyes darting down to her feet opening up the door indicating for him to leave. He moves towards the door closing it.
"No I'm not leaving." He said stubbornly, she snapped her eyes towards him.
"Yes you are, go!" She groaned out trying to open up the door, but instead he grabbed her hand.
"Why are you pushing me away, why." He held her hand tightly, his eyes glued with hers.
"I-I'm not- now please go." She stutters and pleads. He shakes his head.
"Please tell me." He coaxed her rubbing his thumb softly against the back of her hand, her body suddenly relaxing at the contact. She closed her eyes trying to ignore his gaze.
"Because Stephen, I'm dangerous! I can't save anyone- I don't even know my powers, I cannot control them, and I cannot keep hurting the people I care about! You don't understand how much I craved you when you left me for five years, how I waited for you- hoping one day you'll be back at the sanctum. I lost against Thanos, he even told me I had the power to take him down and because I was so weak I lost you-I lost everyone!" She sobbed, he immediately cupped her cheeks staring into her eyes intently.
"My love- I know you could've defeated Thanos, all of those possibility I saw. You did save everyone, but you ended up dying in the process and because of my selfish reasons- I could not bare to lose you." He breathed out keeping that to himself for so long hurt him but he knew she needed to hear it.
"Why?" She muttered out. "Why would you do that?" Her eyes searching his trying to figure out why he would do that- the fact she would die to save everyone else. He looked down before slowly looking back at her.
"Because I have loved you in every universe, every since you looked at me the way you did at Kamar-Taj library... I will always love you, you do something to me Y/n- I would quite literally figuring out today; I would go to every universe just to find you." He whispered gently professing his love for the woman in front of him; her heart thumped against her chest.
"I'm not an easy person to love," she replied but Wandas word replayed in her mind 'Do not be afraid to let people love you, don’t hold yourself back, please do this for me.' Wanda knew, of course she knew Y/n loved Stephen, because Wanda knew Y/ns heart. "But I cannot even imagine living a life without Stephen Strange." He smiled softly his thumbs caressing her cheeks.
"Other you said you would say that." He chuckled, she crinkled her eyebrows.
"Wait wha-" but before she could finish her sentence he placed his lips onto hers, her eyes slightly widening at the contact but soon melting into the kiss, everything she ever imagined- everything she's ever wanted and it was vice versa for Stephen strange. He pulled back resting his forehead against hers.
"You have my heart." He whispered softly. She just giggled and smiled widely.
"And I will do everything in my damn power to never hurt it,"
A/n here’s my masterlist
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kindnessisweakness2 · 8 months
Since Jax convinced her to come back to the party, Emily had to admit she was having a good time. Her and Jax sat at the bar surrounded by his brothers all telling stories in their drunken stupour. Jax's hand never left her as she sat on the stool next to him, moving between her thigh, hip or around her shoulders. She had to admit that it was nice. His warmth radiating through her. "Hey Jax." Emily watched as the young blonde barely clothed woman draped herself over him. She kicked herself mentally when she felt it. The stomach punch. She barely knew him. And as much as she would've liked to pull the ditzy blonde by her bottle bleached hair and smash her face into the bar top for touching him, she had no right to. Turning back to the rest of the boys she tried to ignore them both. Making eye contact with Opie, she was greatful for the smile he threw her way. "So you've obviously got some amazing ink lass! What about your piercings?" Chibs asked and Emily was grateful for the distraction. "Oh well I have a few! I have all the ones you can see on my ears." Turning her head from side to side Emily pointed to the colourful additions. "I have the hoop in my nose, did have a septum but I don't wear it anymore. I did also have snakebites in my lips but took them out." Poking out her tounge she showed them the pink pill tounge bar she had in. "Best thing about this tongue bar? It vibrates!" She grinned and threw a wink at happy. "Other than that I just have my belly and my nipples." Halfsack leaned on the bar, staring at Emily. "I think I'm in love." Opie shoved him, rolling his eyes. "Ignore the perv." Emily laughed, they really were amazing people. If you were accepted into the fold they made sure you felt welcome. "So are you some weird chick that likes the pain?" Happy questioned her and Emily couldn't help but laugh. "Nah I'm a little bitch when it comes to needles. Tattoos I'm fine with but piercings? I have to build myself up to get them." Feeling an arm being thrown around her shoulder and smelling the familiar perfume, Emily knew Cara was back. "Yeah! You should've seen her for her nipples! First one took it like a champ. 2nd one? She screamed blue bloody murder. Shouting about her soul leaving her body and that she was scared her titty was gonna fall off!" Emily could feel her cheeks tinge pink at Cara's words. Turning to face her friend who's lips were obviously swollen and the messy sex hair gave clear answer as to what she'd been up to, Emily grinned as she heard the men around her laugh. "Okay! It hurt like a motherfucker! And it was damn cold in that room topless. Asshole didn't even put the heating on!" Cara rolled her eyes at Emily, leaning forward to grab a drink. "Their sexy as fuck tho. The difference after - mind blowing." Cara widened her eyes nodded her head to emphasise her point. Emily rolled her eyes gently shoving Cara. "Juice level Mind blowing?" Cara shook her head grinning wide as she leaned over the bar top. "I have so many details to give you later Em! You wouldn't believe." Emily laughed at her sex drunk friend. She had a feeling juice would be making a regular appearance while Cara was here.
Glancing to her side, Emily watched a frustrated Jax still arguing with the blonde girl. He hadnt moved from his seat next to her and somehow that managed to wind the blonde up even more. Emily tried to give them privacy talking with the other guys and Cara but the girl was growing louder and louder. "You haven't saw me in weeks. It's like your not interested in me at all since that new bitch came around." The girl flung her arm in Emily's direction, fully starting to have a tantrum. Emily prayed silently to a god she didn't believe in that this wouldn't be another fight. Jax was none of her business. Turning her head to look around the busy party, Emily tried to tune out the argument. Cara and the guys were now deep in convosation. Crow eaters lined the walls chatting to one another, others hung over men as they sat and drank their beers. They definately had a weird family dynamic but for the most part it was nice. Everyone was taken care of, all one big dysfucntional family. It wasn't long before Emily made eye contact with Gemma as she leaned against one of the walls, Clay sat on a chair infront of her. Gemmas arms draped over his shoulders lovingly staking her claim. There was something in Gemmas eyes that didn't sit well with Emily but she couldn't quite pin point exactly why.
The sound of a loud smack made Emily's head turn fast. Her eyes widened in shock as they landed on a pissed Jax, now with a clear red hand mark on his face. Anger filled her chest and was probably clear to see on her face. Emily stood up stepping between Jax and the angry woman, as she saw her hand pull back to go for a second hit. " Okay. You had your one hit your not getting another." Emily stared down the woman infront of her. "Oh so your new bitch protecting you now?" The blonde spat over Emily's shoulder towards Jax. "Enough. You've said your piece, you've had your smack. Leave." The girl scoffed in Emily's face, making anger boil in her stomach. "You think I'm taking orders from his new whore?" Emily could feel the redness creep up her neck for the second time that night. "Look, you and half of charming know what kind of man he is. You fooled yourself thinking you could be the one to change him. Don't worry sweetie, we've all done it. Falling in love with the bad boy, convinced he'll love you and change his ways. But he hasn't. And he won't. Like I said, you've had your tantrum, you've had your 1 slap. Take the L and walk out gracefully." Emily stepped forward so she was toe to toe with the girl. "Because if you don't I'm going to drag you out of here by your cheap ass extensions. You see, I'm not the kind of girl to sit by and ignore when someone's clearly being harassed. No means no. Regardless of gender. And I heard him say no and ask you to leave multiple times." Emily grinned wide, her anger still high. " So what you choosing sweetie? You walking yourself out or am i gonna have to give you a hand?" The girl was clearly thinking over her options as she rolled her eyes and stayed silent. Emily didn't move a muscle, maintaining eye contact to show this bitch she wasn't backing down. "whatever. He ain't all that any way." The girl scoffed again, looking Emily up and down. "Yeah you keep telling yourself that, sweetie. Just remember it wasn't him stood openly begging you for a scrap of attention. Take yourself home, get some self respect and learn that when someone says no it means fucking no!" Emily shouted back at the scorned blonde as she stomped her way out of the clubhouse. Silence fell in across the room, everyone eyeing her, but Emily didn't give a shit.
Turning around to a shocked and silent Jax, Emily placed her hand on his red cheek, checking for any damage. "Her nails caught you abit but there's not much blood. You'll be fine Teller." Smiling at him, she slipped back into her seat as the music and chatter of the clubhouse started back up again. Emily felt better once everyone's eyes were off her, her stomach not twisting in anger anymore. Part of her really enjoyed how easy she slipped back into convosation with the guys, finding comfort in the laughs and banter. Jax's hand finding it's place on her thigh again causing the already familiar sparks to shoot up her spine.
What Emily didn't see though was the look Gemma and Clay shared as they watched the interaction unfold, and how easily Jax melted into her after. Something about that moment made Gemma realise Emily was going to become a permanent fixture around their family, even if Jax and Emily didn't yet.
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Dear all,
I've been watching Netflix's BLUE EYE SAMURAI and I'm in love! And I know we are going to get a season two and that Mizu's origins will probably be explained much more but I wanted to give you some headcanon already. Here's how I think Mizu came to be. ________________________________________
Mizu's mother knew she was damned from the moment she laid eyes on the handsome foreigner.
Later, when it all went to hell, she'd often wondered why she fell for him so swiftly, so loudly. She cursed herself for not being able to control herself, but deep down, she knew why.
Those blue eyes.
All of her friends and suitors had dark eyes, nearly black. Her people, from lowly farmers to extravagant prostitutes, had eyes like the night. Eyes that could hide so much.
Once, left unattended, she had wandered the halls of her family urban estate, ventured beyond the walls of their dwelling at night. There was a large party going on in the town square, her parents were in attendance. She easily slipped the mind of her supervisor, an old woman that didn't dare tell her parents she was becoming too blind to take care of a six-year old.
From the shadows, a beggar had emerged, eager to take a hostage, already spending the money he'd get from her ransom.
His brown eyes had been filled with darkness.
She still remembered the panic, running away from him. He caught her all the same. What chance did a six year old have against a grown man?
She could fell his bad breath on her face as he squeezed her against his torso uncomfortably.
"I'm going to make a lot of money from you, little girl."
She screamed.
Then she felt blood splattering on her face as a samurai cut down her attacker.
"What were you doing out on your own?" he asked, kneeling down to meet her eyes. His blade was still wet with blood.
"I just wanted to... see the party..." she stammered,
"You can't!" The man sheated his sword. "Danger is everywhere for a girl like you. Do not forget that."
Her parents didn't let her go out much after that. The old lady was fired, the samurai promoted.
She'd never forgotten those dark dark eyes. But she hadn't stopped wandering, either.
Growing up a noble was quite boring. Other children could play; she had lessons in kaligraphy, weaving, economics. She was taught to read and write, how to ride horses. She snuck into the library often, reading the mightiest tales of adventure.
"A lady must know how to sew" a younger copy of the blind woman told her, when she pricked herself with a needle again. Her hair was raven black still, her hands steady.
"You are of an age to be wed now, miss. You need to be careful."
Angry, she'd stormed off to the library.
The samurai, who was now much older, gray showing in his beard, her father's most trusted advisor and most important bureaucrat, had found her there an hour later sitting on the floor reading a book.
"What are you doing in here?"
"I don't want to marry."
"You will have to. Not long from now, too"
"Spare me the lecture on duty. I'm not in the mood. "
He crouched down, looked somber. "You will have to get better at getting in the mood, then. There are few choices for a lady like you, unfortunately."
She sneered. "So I just do whatever my dad wants. Marry whoever he chooses?"
The old man shook his head. "I'm sorry. Love is not in the cards for you, milady. That's the way it is."
The young girl turned her head, refusing to look him in the eye. "You're no better than the man you saved me from, all those years ago."
The old man sighed, then stood up.
"You know nothing of suffering, milady. You've lived your entire life with food in your stomach, servants to satisfy your every whim. I pray you will learn to appreciate what you have."
"I will appreciate marrying a powerful man for my dad's influence, sure."
"Just promise me one thing."
She looked at him.
"Do not forget danger."
"I promise, wise one."
He rolled his eyes, turned around. Then he walked away. It was the last time she saw him.
And despite his warning, despite her reassurance to heed danger, she'd forgotten to do just that.
During a long boring night of trying to find a suitor, half a week later, Mizu's mother slipped out of the estate, made her way to the town square.
Her supervisor, younger this time, didn't know the estate like she did, found her attention elsewhere and then couldn't find the girl once refocussed.
She went to the town square once again. This time, there was no samurai to save her. He'd been called away, there was conflict somewhere.
She took a cup of strong liquor out of someone's hands, danced. The village was watching in disgust. A lady shouldn't behave like that. The noblemen weren't even near the dancing crowd.
In Japan, modesty was virtue.
But the man she danced with that night wasn't Japanese.
He was loud and brazen and blue-eyed. He knew he wanted her the second he saw her.
"How are you tonight, lady?" he asked her, elegantly adjusting to her rhythm.
He was a foreigner, but she didn't care much about that. His Japanese was heavy, each word pronounced with a heavy drawl. His hands were strong.
"I'm doing well, lord."
"Could I have this dance?" he asked.
Bold. Foreign.
She looked into his eyes. In the dim light, they seemed to shine.
She gave him her hand.
They danced and danced and then she found herself underneath him. He made her see stars. She was never allowed to watch those, back home. He was a powerful man, that she knew from the clothes she tore off his body, but he was kind.
When they were lying on the bed afterwards, her slowly drawing circles on his chest, she asked him what he did for a living.
He smiled. "I trade."
Suddenly, all the alarm bells were ringing. White traders in Japan were normally not smooth-skinned talkers like this. They were criminals, trading drugs and weapons.
And flesh.
"I need to leave" she said, attempting to get out of the bed.
His hands pressed down on her slightly, but commanding. "I don't think you do."
His eyes, warm hours before, were cold now. Not sea, but sheets of ice.
She didn't escape his grasp again. No samurai, no mentor, no one to save her, nor the baby that was developing in her belly.
For 4 years, she was taken around Japan. She was beautiful, yes, and young. She found ways to make herself... "useful". Her parents had stopped looking for her. The old samurai died in his bed, wondering where she was.
She and her child were neglected, but not starved. She lived a life in a cage on the second floors of large castles while her white devil traded lives, drugs and guns. While he terrorized Japan. Her only contact was with a woman of old age.
A woman of her age, she corrected. She wasn't young anymore. Not like she used to be. A kind woman, doing her best to take care of the mother and daughter.
This was not the life she wished on her child. Mizu, she'd named her. Water. After the ocean in her eyes.
One faithful day, she saw her white captor come home with another girl. She knew it wouldn't be long before she'd fall for him too.
Before her and her little baby were no longer kept around for entertainment. She needed to act, and needed to act now.
Before he decided to turn her into one of the trophies she saw hanging on the wall.
She knew of a village, by the sea. Far away from Edo, out of reach for the white bastard. Best fish in the area. She'd been there, once.
She also knew that the front door was locked with a large key only the white devil had access to.
She knew he liked it ugly. She knew where he kept his stash of ryu.
One day, when the woman came to take care of her, she made her case.
"Please help us get out of here" she begged the lady. But she shook her head.
"I can't. He'll kill me, and there is nowhere we can go. "
"Please! Haven't you seen what he does to the other kids once they are old enough to talk?"
The woman nodded. His other bastard children lived in cages, three levels lower, or were sold into slavery once they were old enough. Mizu, a pretty and blue-eyed Japanese girl, would earn the white devil a fortune.
"I'll think about it."
For two weeks, the servant struggled. It was the right thing to do, right?. But it could get her killed. She twisted and turned in her bed. Those blue eyes...
After two weeks she'd made up her mind.
"I can't help you. I'm sorry."
"Please. You have to. He'll kill us."
"I can't take you both!" She screamed. Too scared, too cowardly. Too weak to carry the woman.
"Please, at least take her. Take her and go far from here." Her mother pleaded. "I'll pay you to take care of her. "He keeps his money.."
"I know where he keeps his money!" The lady screamed. "Don't you think I want to get out of here too?"
The mother's voice broke. "Please. I'll do anything. I don't want this life for Mizu."
She took off her necklace. Expensive. Gold.
"Here. Sell this. I'll distract him so you can get to the key. But please, take care of Mizu."
The caretaker looked at the jewelry. It was refined gold, a large gem in the middle. She'd be able to sell that for a lot of money. Live in the countryside with a child, the one thing life had denied her.
"What about you?"
The woman smiled. She lifted the hem of her shirt. A large black spot showed, just below her ribcage. Red streaks were already creeping up her arms.
"He hit me three days ago. Had all his rings on. Broke the skin, and he didn't clean his hands after trading opium."
The older woman looked, in shock. "What... what does.."
"I'll be dead soon. Too weak to make an escape myself. But I'll distract the white devil. Just promise me she will be safe."
The old woman nodded, pocketed the necklace. "I promise."
"His gold is in a locker. 5.000 ryu. You'll need to bribe the guard and get passage away from here."
She nodded, planning her escape. The two women looked at each other. About the same age, one weakened by sepsis, the other terrified of the life ahead of her.
"Thank you"
They nodded to each other.
Three hours later, she sat nearly naked at the dinner table, hands shaking. Mizu was with the other woman, ready to run.
When the white man came in, fresh from the port, he looked suprised. But then he grinned, slid his hands over her exposed shoulders. "What are you doing, darling?."
She shivered. It wasn't cold. "I want to please you, lord."
He lifted her out of her seat, her breast pressing against his chest as she messed with his belt. Her hands were shaking so bad she couldn't get it open.
"You Japanese woman are all the same. Whores for white cock."
The other woman snuck into the bedroom as the white man had his way with her on the table.
She lifted the key off the hinges, hid the baby in her robes, took the gold.
She disappeared like a thief in the night.
"WHERE IS MY GOLD!?" the white man thundered the day after. The sound boomed through the castle, reached the woman in her cell, woke her up.
He stormed in, smacked her in the face. "Where!?"
She smiled at him. She had a high fever, could feel death approaching. She would soon meet her old samurai again. "You'll never find it. "
The white man pulled a knife. His blue eyes were cold as ice. "Where is the kid, then? The blue eyed bastard?"
"She'll never be a slave. And you won't sell her."
She felt the tip of his blade open the skin of her throat. "Tell me!" he commanded.
"You'll never find her, and I won't tell you."
He let her go, roared.
When the blade came down, she was smiling.
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pizza-writes · 2 years
Famous Last Words
Hunter x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’ve been kidnapped and it’s up to Hunter and the boys to save you.
Warnings: kidnapping, mention of violence, the kidnapper being creepy with reader
Rating: 16+ for mentions of certain violence that is probably not appropriate for young eyes
Notes: This is pre-Echo era. Sorry, y’all. Also I actually really like the antagonist in this but I made him extra creepy because I wanted to give Hunter ✨Motivation✨
Word count: 1.8k
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You stared down the mirage an uncountable distance from where you stood. The heat paved the way for sweat to coat your skin. It was disgusting. Dry, unforgiving, ruthless, exhausting. One might wonder if you were describing the climate or the chilling presence of the bounty hunter flanking you.
“I would never let someone kidnap me.”
Famous last words. That was your exact response to Hunter’s concern in Mos Espa. Looking back, you would slap yourself if you had the chance. But, seeing that you don’t have an inter-dimensional third hand that can clap through the thick skull of your past self, you opted for a very deep sigh—one of many you’d very expressively given to your captor.
Speaking of which, Cad Bane took that as a sign to rest his hand on your shoulder. Yeah, that’s right. Cad Bane. Oh how you wished for that third hand… His blaster’s barrel flirted with your temple and ensured that you didn’t make any moves. You felt his uncanny patience through the thick, hot air of the desert planet.
“Maybe I won’t give you back,” the man drawled, bringing to close a soliloquy he’d started an eternity ago. “I’d be far fetched to let such a pretty thing go.”
You shifted your weight and huffed out another long sigh. The blue guy snickered at you but you ignored him. No, he wouldn’t win. You’d keep your cool.
The throng of an engine met your ears and you perked up. The Havoc Marauder buzzed over and landed close-by, sending clouds of sand into the air. You eyed Bane—he, like his goons that he had hired for this op, remained unfazed. His poise stood calm even when Hunter and Wrecker emerged from the shuttle with vengeance in their stride.
“We have the credits,” Hunter said. He stopped short when Bane’s men forced him to.
“Shame. I was just reconsidering our arrangement. See, clone, I don’t think you realize what a fine gem you had.”
You glared at him. “They didn’t ‘have’ me, perve.”
“He didn’t train you very well, did he, pet?”
You winced and pulled away, but he held you down, calling you a “naughty girl.” Hunter’s visor caught sunlight as it tilted downward. His hand drifted to his side arm.
“Your move, clone.”
Hunter paused and his head cocked to the side. His hand shifted. You recognized the signal for the unseen marksman.
“I don’t think so,”
You frowned. Bane chortled.
Hunter must have sensed something that you couldn’t. His tone steadied as he said, “You come to me,”
“Walk, little lady.”
Wrecker and Hunter simultaneously brought out their blasters. Hunter shook his head. “No. Be a gentleman and walk her over,”
“Think she can’t walk? I didn’t actually have my way with her.”
Wrecker thrust his blaster towards Bane. “Talk about her like that one more time.”
In an instant, all of the men surrounding you mirrored him. Hunter scanning the group, blaster ready. Your captor tutted. “Don’t threaten me, boy. I have more than twice the firepower.”
You chuckled as the Marauder’s cannons fired up. “Idiot.”
Hunter stood a little taller, “You’ll come to me if it’s safe to walk that path through the energy field. Now, you’re going to escort Y/N to me or you’ll get to see just how much firepower we have.”
“I’m no fool. You’d better not try anything,”
“Don’t tempt me,”
The blue man sighed. He grabbed your bicep tightly and forced you to the side. With a frown, you complied. He took a very curved path to get to your guys. A few paces away from Hunter, Bane stopped and pushed you. You stumbled into Hunter who kept you upright, staring the other man down. You didn’t really need to hold onto him, but with his arm around you, it was the perfect excuse.
“How did you know?”
Hunter’s voice rumbled through his chest, “I have my ways,”
Bane nodded and looked back at you, red eyes piercing your soul before he tipped his hat. “Goodbye, little lady. You were lovely.”
“Don’t push it,” Hunter warned. Bane raised both hands in surrender and slowly backed away. Hunter dropped the case of credits into the sand. It rattled, audibly exposing the hefty price he’d gathered in return for you.
“Sarge,” Wrecker muttered, raising his blaster.
Hunter’s helmet jerked up to the man with a data pad in hand furiously tapping. The goons suddenly scattered away from the field Hunter had had you walk around. Hunter shouted into his comm, “Now!”
Bane lurched forward with a shout, falling to his knees. The man with the data pad collapsed, splaying across the ground. Steam rose steadily from a hole in his back. Then another did the same, followed by another. Bane looked up at Hunter in anger.
“You broke the rules, clone!”
Hunter silently nodded to Wrecker. The big man scooped you up and took off running.
You looked back as Cross’s blaster bolt struck the blue man again. This one didn’t hit home. Bane struggled to his feet and engaged the thrusters on his boots. In an instant he flew overhead and caught up with you. He began a volley of blaster fire on your trio but Hunter quickly sent him careening towards the sand. You loaded up in the ship and Wrecker towered by the open ramp, covering Hunter until he made it aboard. You raced to the cockpit as Tech took the shuttle towards a nearby plateau. That was where you spotted Crosshair packing up his gear. Tech swooped in to pick him up, and soon you were headed for the stars.
“Yea-hah!” Wrecker shouted as he barged into the cockpit, followed by the other two. “Another successful mission!”
You gasped, a faux look of hurt on your face. “That’s… all I am to you?”
His expression dropped, “I—er… no, you’re… that’s—“
With a laugh, you got up and hugged him tight. “I’m messing, Wrecker. Thanks for coming for me,”
He grinned and picked you up in a near-bone-crushing hug. “We missed you, Y/N!”
“Augh I missed you too. Maker, I missed you guys.” You caught a glance of Hunter. He stood taut, brows furrowed. That same dark expression stayed on his face.
“You are one expensive mission,” Tech glanced at you as Wrecker set you down. “15,000 credits.”
“Not really!” Wrecker danced in place a moment and shoved past Hunter and Cross to the back of the ship. You watched him pick up a small box. He returned, huge smile on his face. “I picked this up with one of Cross’s blaster attachments before we took off.”
“Normally, you’d be dead,” Cross hummed, sticking a fresh toothpick between his teeth, “but I guess this can slide.”
Hunter patted his brother’s shoulder, “Good job, Wrecker.” Then to Crosshair: “And nice shooting up there. Don’t think we would’ve made it out of there without you.”
Cross and Wrecker both gave Hunter an appreciative grin. You glanced at your pilot, “You too, Tech. Thanks for decoding my awful distress call.”
“It was not difficult.”
After a while of discussing the meat of the mission, Hunter set a hand on your shoulder and nodded to the door. You followed him out.
You patted Gonky’s head lovingly as you strode past him. Standing next to Hunter, you sighed, appreciating the feeling of being home. The Marauder didn’t smell or look the best, but it was home, and so were the four troops that manned it. This especially stood for Hunter. Over some time, you two had grown much closer than you ever could’ve dreamt.
When he turned to face you the puppy-ness of his eyes caught you off-guard. He took both of your hands in his. “Did they hurt you?”
You met his soft gaze and shook your head. “They hardly touched me. I think they were only interested in the payment until Bane caught eyes.”
His expression went dark again. “Did that bastard—”
“No,” you shook your head and reached up to cup his cheek reassuringly. “he told the truth.” You sighed, “I’m sorry about all of this. I don’t know how I got separated from you all. It all happened so quickly.”
“Cyare, there was nothing you could’ve done,”
“There’s always something I could’ve done different. I could’ve stayed with you. I could’ve paid better attention. I could’ve listened to you—”
“Shh,” he hushed, running his fingers through your hair. “What-if’s won’t change anything,” He shook his head. “What’s done is done. And you’re here now. You’re safe.”
He rested his forehead against yours, arms wrapping around your middle. His brows furrowed, “I’m glad you’re okay.”
“I’d be even more okay if you kissed me,”
He smiled, leaning in slowly, “Tempting.”
You tilted your head to meet his. His lips brushed yours but he held back. You breathed slowly, taking in the moment. His warmth fanned across your face, sending comfort through your bones, and you knew that there was nothing in the galaxy you would trade for him. His protective arms draped around you, his forehead pressed against yours. You melted into him, letting your shoulders relax for the first time in days.
And then he kissed you so gently. You wondered for a moment if you’d imagined it. He pulled you in and deepened the kiss, holding onto you like you might be torn away at any moment. You gradually backed up until your back was pressed against the wall. His touch addicting, your deprived heart drew his in.
“We probably shouldn’t do this here,” he hummed. You paused to listen to his reasoning, but Hunter continued to leave long kisses along your neck, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
“I think you’re right,”
Hunter sighed and stood straight, peering longingly down at you. His voice was velvet to your ears. “I missed you, meshla,”
“Yes, but this isn’t the best place… Later?”
He grinned, tilting your chin up between his finger and thumb. He lowered his tone and said, “Anything for you, cyare.”
“Hmm, I bet they’re wondering what’s taking so long.”
“Frankly, if any of them don’t know at this point, I’d be shocked.”
You took his hand and left a final lingering kiss on his lips. “We still don’t want one of your bored brothers coming back here and seeing something he shouldn’t.”
“Maybe I don’t mind,” he slinked his arms back around you. As if on queue the cockpit’s door hissed open and Hunter jolted back, eyes wide as his face of horror donned. Wrecker froze, staring at him. Crosshair’s face melted into that of a sly cat.
You burst out laughing.
Famous last words.
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writer-by-the-sea · 2 years
The Gas Attendant
Stardew Valley Fanfic
Shane X GN! Reader
One shot
Reader is entranced by the sexy gas station attendant on an unscheduled stop.
The smell of gas still lingers, no matter how many times I wash myself… I can still smell it. I can still smell him. I let my hands linger on my waist, the hot water from my shower pouring down my back and trying to help me forget what could have never been.
A quick stop in a small town, against my schedule as I left the city and set the destination for my sister's wedding. Something I would have thought nothing of if it weren’t for the gas attendant. Deep plum hair, so dark it was almost black— each shift of head dropping the shaggy hair into his eyes only to be brushed away with a dirty hand. He filled my gas while I browsed the shop and grabbed a few snacks for the hours to come. 
Standing at the checkout, waiting behind a short woman with blonde hair as she went through her lottery tickets, I let myself watch him as he cleaned my car windows. He was handsome, far too handsome to be working at a place like this. His blue overalls were covered in spots of oil and dirt, giving him this appearance of ruggedness that I found myself craving as I continued to watch him. 
I wanted to stall, to spend as much time as I could at this gas station. To throw caution to the wind and chase after the man pumping my gas— 
“Excuse me?” A voice called in front of me, a young girl working the register calling me forward to finally check out. “Whenever you’re ready!” 
I placed my items onto the counter, taking my time and glancing out the window after I set each one down. Chips, cookies, sour gummy worms, a few bottles of water and soda… 
Then I grabbed some candy bars displayed under the counter, following through with finding an excuse to keep eye fucking the gas attendant outside. 
“That’s my uncle Shane!” I jumped as the girl spoke, grinning ear to ear as she rung up each item. “He won’t steal your car, don’t worry!”
“Oh!” I shook my head and brought my hands up defensively. “No, no, that’s not why I was staring at him. I promise!” 
“No worries!” She replied and reached for one of my bottles of water. Then she paused, her fingertips only grazing the bottle before she dropped her hand. “So… why are you staring at him?” 
I gulped and pretended to search for my wallet instead of answering right away. “Uh. No— no reason.” 
She smiled and only hummed in reply as she finally grabbed the water and rung it up. 
After I paid I went back outside, taking a moment to take in my surroundings. Being born and raised in the city, it was odd to actually see trees and the ground. Even the sky was so large it was almost obnoxious… But when I walked up to the gas attendant, I thought maybe I could see myself living somewhere like this… 
“You’re all set,” he said and handed my keys back to me, his fingernails lightly scathing across my palm as he set them in my hand. “You need anything else?”
“Yeah…yeah I do.” 
There was a motel across the street… and Shane didn’t even ask any questions. 
His lips were crushed against my own, ripping my jacket off my shoulders and pushing me into the bed with urgency. I gasped as I fell back into the bedding, but could only watch as he quickly removed his uniform and let it drop to the floor. 
“I don’t normally do this,” I said as he crawled on top of me and worked the button of my pants. “Actually, I’ve never done this—“
“Me either,” he mumbled. A man of few words I came to learn... but that didn’t mean he was lacking in skill. He undressed me with impatient hands, removing each piece of clothing and throwing it behind himself carelessly. 
Soon I was completely nude before him, my legs spread as he buried his head between my thighs. His hands gripped my bottom, spreading me open as he lapped his tongue against my entrance. Each lap slow but eager, dipping into me and working me open as he savored each and every lick. 
“Shane!” I called, my hands digging into the sheets, my legs kicking out as I neared release. But, to my frustration, he wouldn’t allow it. Not yet.,
Shane lifted his head and smiled, lazy and relaxed as he moved himself to settle between my spread legs. He ripped open a condom and rolled it onto himself before placing his cock at my entrance. 
In one smooth motion, he was inside me, taking my breath away as he carefully bottomed out. I was silent, my mouth hanging open, hands on his back and pressing him down deeper, deeper, deeper. 
“Fuck,” he groaned and began moving his hips, fucking into me with lazy thrusts. The head of his cock catching on my hole as he eased himself all the way out and then back in. “You feel so good, baby.” 
He bought his lips back to mine, licking inside my mouth as he brought me closer and closer to release. Shane picked up the speed, fucking into me now recklessly, his hips slamming into me as he gave himself over to me. 
“Please,” I whispered, moaning as he moved his lips down to my neck and bit down. “Shane, please!” 
“Anything you want,” he gasped into my flesh. “Anything you want.” My legs wrapped around him as he went as hard as he could, our moans growing as we came closer to finishing. My nails digging into his back, my head thrown back as I took everything he gave me. 
“Fuck—“ He slammed his hips into me one final time, both of us shouting out as we came together. He gave me a few more light thrusts, his hips barely moving as he filled his condom. 
He left shortly after, giving me another kiss before running out the door. And now I stood in the shower, washing away our love making and trying desperately to forget it. Which I knew was impossible. 
In such a short amount of time I grew so attached, so enamored with this stranger that just made love to me like no one ever had before— 
I sighed and stepped out of the shower, taking a moment to glance at myself in the mirror— still looking throughly fucked. I wrapped myself in a towel, prepared to dry off, get redressed, and then leave this small town forever. 
“Hey,” Shane stood in the room, holding up two button up shirts. “Which one of these would work for your sister’s wedding?” 
“I—“ On the bed was a duffle bag, a few pieces of clothing hanging out of it. Along with a newly purchased box of condoms. “You’re coming with me?” 
Shane chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Babe, If you think for a second that after a fuck like that I’m letting you out of my life you’re out of your damn mind.” 
Maybe… this was meant to be after all. 
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elrondsimp · 1 year
Bilbo Baggins X F! reader
“Unnoticed love?” PT1
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Being the only girl in the company was undoubtedly challenging, especially as a hobbit. The dwarves had never encountered a hobbit lass before, and they initially hesitated to let Y/n join the journey, fearing she would slow them down with their preference for comfort, specific meal times, and plumper physiques compared to other races. However, Y/n's unwavering determination eventually won them over. She vividly recalled the events that led to their acceptance.
The moon bathed the Shire in its ethereal glow, casting a beautiful blue tint upon the ground. Y/n observed Bilbo cooking and preparing tea for both of them.
"I apologize for missing tea this morning. A wizard tried to recruit me for an adventure, but I declined," Bilbo said, placing a cup of tea in front of Y/n. The sweet aroma wafted towards her face. Bilbo knew exactly how she liked her tea, with a touch of cream and plenty of sugar.
"No need to worry, Bo. I witnessed the interaction on my way to the market," Y/n replied, lifting the cup and taking a small sip, her laughter escaping as she did.
"What's so amusing?" Bilbo asked, curiosity evident in his voice. "Oh, just the expression on your face when you went inside. It's not every day one sees a displeased Bilbo, unless it involves those Sackville-Baggins," Y/n chuckled, picking up one of the sweet treats Bilbo had prepared and taking a bite.
The two of them often shared meals together, almost like a tradition, which had led some of the other hobbits to speculate about their romantic involvement. However, Y/n knew deep down that her feelings were unrequited, despite her yearning for more. If only she could see the way Bilbo looked at her.
Their comfortable silence was shattered by a loud, insistent knocking on the door, startling both hobbits. "Were we expecting company?" Y/n placed her pastry down and stood up. "I don't believe so," Bilbo replied, joining her. He approached the door, hesitant about turning anyone away. What if they needed help? Taking a deep breath, he grasped the doorknob and opened the door. A dwarf stood before them, his features highlighted by the moon's glow, giving his beard a bluish undertone.
"Dwalin, at your service," the dwarf introduced himself, bowing and eyeing both hobbits. The interaction was awkward as he barged in and helped himself to some food, leaving the hobbits dumbfounded. "I guess what they say about dwarves is true," Y/n huffed, observing him devour their food.
Before long, more dwarves arrived, including Balin, the brother of the first dwarf, and two brothers named Fili and Kili. The wizard himself also made an appearance, followed by a swarm of dwarves stumbling over each other as they entered.
Y/n found amusement in watching their squabbles as they struggled to regain their footing. One dwarf tipped his hat and winked at her. "Bofur," he introduced himself, extending his hand, which Y/n shyly shook. "Y/n, a pleasure," she replied in a soft, cautious voice. Bofur placed his other hand on top of hers, grinning. This gesture did not go unnoticed.
The situation escalated when the group began singing, resulting in chaos. They clanged silverware together, tossed food, and spilled wine everywhere. It was a spectacle that surely alerted the neighbors. Y/n attempted to catch plates, while Bilbo desperately tried to prevent further damage, including potential plumbing disasters.
Now in the kitchen, washing the dishes, a young dwarf named Ori approached Y/n. She smiled, looking at his bashful face, as he handed her a plate. "Thank you, Master Dwarf," she said graciously.
Since that fateful night, Y/n found herself surrounded by the dwarves. Initially, there was tension due to her outburst with Thorin, but she felt more at ease with the others. When she wasn't conversing with Bilbo, she would engage in discussions with Bofur or Balin. Bilbo observed from a distance, his stomach churning with a sense of neglect. He couldn't quite pinpoint whether it was jealousy or anger, but he despised the feeling. He would watch Y/n return from the river, her wet hair clinging to her face, her flushed cheeks after a battle, or her cheeks puffing out when she ate. Observing her lick her lips only heightened his desire.
"Are you alright, Master Burglar?" Fili nudged Bilbo, snapping him out of his reverie. "Hm? Yes, I'm quite alright," Bilbo replied, fumbling with his hands, worried that he had been caught staring at his beloved friend. "It must be challenging being away from home, let alone on a perilous mission. But at least you still have some comfort with you," Fili remarked, glancing at Y/n. "I don't know how you manage to stay focused," he continued, his gaze lingering admiringly on her curvaceous figure. Bilbo couldn't blame them; he himself was guilty of such thoughts. He watched Y/n's every move, her hair still damp and sticking to her face as she walked alongside Ori, listening to his rant about his older brothers.
Bilbo's desire for Y/n remained unspoken, buried deep within. One side of him yearned to claim her as his own, to let the world know that she belonged to him. But he knew the truth—she was not his. They weren't courting, which meant she was available for others to pursue. The other side of him simply longed to drag her away into a secluded tent and express his desires, hoping she would reciprocate.
"Bilbo," Thorin's voice echoed, breaking the momentary trance. "Tend to the horses," he commanded. Bilbo sighed, watching Y/n fulfill her duties.
The company continued their journey towards Erebor, which meant passing through Mirkwood—a prospect that displeased Thorin but left him with no alternative. It was no surprise when they were captured by the elves. While the other dwarves underwent thorough searches, the elves were uncertain where to begin searching Y/n. One male elf patted down her sleeves, but that was the extent of it. "Hey! Why are you putting your filthy hands all over us but ignoring her?" Kili exclaimed, but the elf sighed and ignored his question. "We should have hidden our weapons on her," Gloin grumbled. "Excuse me?" Y/n turned her head, astonished by the remark.
They were presented before the king himself, Thranduil. Thorin gritted his teeth, looking beyond him. "Mr. Thorin, are you alright?" Y/n glanced at her leader, witnessing a softening in his gaze when he looked at her. She appeared so vulnerable, restrained—though they all likely did—yet he remained silent.
A gentle hand slid under Y/n's chin, redirecting her attention from Thorin to Thranduil. "Sweet hobbit, what brings you so far from the Shire?" Thranduil cooed, treating her as if she were a child. Y/n remained silent, her mind plagued by numerous
questions. Would everyone be alright? Would she be safe? And, most importantly, where was Bilbo? Unbeknownst to them, he observed everything from his hidden vantage point. He had never seen her look so fragile before, kneeling before a king, beneath someone who wasn't him.
"Are you at a loss for words? No matter, we will take good care of your friends," Thranduil declared before instructing his guards to remove them, leaving the two alone. Bilbo knew he had to act swiftly, despite the heartache it caused him. He had to find a way for them to escape as soon as possible.
Thranduil circled around Y/n, resembling a predator stalking its prey. "You never answered my question. Are you here to reclaim Erebor as well?" His tone carried a taunting quality, as if he couldn't believe a hobbit would willingly leave the comfort of their own home for an adventure. "Release them; they are my friends," Y/n spoke softly. Thranduil chuckled, ceasing his circling motion and kneeling before her. "Friends? Oh, my dear, you are merely a pawn in their game. Once they have the opportunity, they will discard you as if you were nothing," he said, gazing into her eyes. "Oh, little one."
He lightly caressed her cheek, smiling. "I believe it's only fair to say you will be treated much better here. I cannot allow your delicate hands to become even more roughed up than they already are," he remarked, alluding to the skirmish with the giant spiders. "Stay with me," he urged. "No," Y/n replied firmly.
"No?" Thranduil removed his hand from her cheek, repeating her answer. "No?" Rising from his kneeling position, he stared her down. "Why not? Do you truly wish to fight alongside these... these creatures? Oh, my dear, you should learn to choose your battles wisely because...," his voice darkened, "I'm afraid you won't be spared." "I'm doing this for someone I love!" Y/n blurted out. Instead of a chuckle, Thranduil burst into laughter. "You? You love one of the dwarves?" he exclaimed. "It's not the dwarves. It's..." Y/n's voice trailed off. Thranduil sighed, instructing Tauriel to apprehend her alongside the others.
Now sitting alone in a dark and desolate cell, Y/n was left with her thoughts. Worries washed over her, refusing to dissipate. They were trapped, and Bilbo was nowhere to be found. What if he had been devoured by the spiders?
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terraelbus · 6 months
Chicken soup
Ship: fem!Murder/Fell
Plot: Nightmare kidnaps Sans of Underfell for fem!Dust as a gift for good work.
Warning: violence, brutality, kidnapping, mention of attempted rape
Every rustle in the darkness grows a hundred times louder. It was the stomping of little feet that made Fell flinch. The rats had returned. Or maybe it was mice, he didn't know exactly what the rodent that made those nasty noises looked like. He just didn't see. He'd seen practically nothing at all these past two weeks. Or more? He'd lost count on about the ninth day, when that bitch had gone berserk and knocked out his gold tooth. She'd stopped bringing food since then. At least all these days he hadn't seen those creepy blue-purple-red eyes that, frankly, made him nervous; it was like she was looking into his very soul.
"You have performed admirably on your mission, young lady. I'll be honest, I'm even proud of you. As a reward, you can ask me for anything you want. One word from you and it's yours. Think carefully, I'll give you until next afternoon."
Now let's get to the cons. Oh, Fell's counted so many of them, it's a real pain in the ass.
First of all, he's been kidnapped. Who, why, and where - meaningless questions, because he had no idea. The only thing he realized was that he was some kind of gift to the bitch who knocked out his tooth. He just couldn't call her anything else.
"I already know what I want as a reward. I want one particular monster from Underfell."
Second, he was stripped of his magic and tied to a chair.
The chair he was sitting in looked something like a dentist's chair, except it had straps to immobilize the victim, as if the dentist had gone mad and had decided not to heal, but to wheel patients around with a drill to remove cavities. It was also terribly inconvenient. Fell had imagined before that it would be so uncomfortable for him.
Maybe he'd overdone it when he'd pushed the bitch off him, she'd even gotten a crack under her eye socket when she'd hit the table. He probably wouldn't have been chained in one place like that. And she shouldn't have fucking pulled down his pants and tried to rape him!
"Are you sure? You can ask for anything right now. Within reason, of course."
She only shook her head negatively in response.
"Alright, I sense your determination, have it your way. What kind of monster exactly would you like to get as a reward?"
Thirdly, you can't see a thing out here.
He hadn't seen the light since the incident with the pants. Although, if he thought about what had happened before, his eyesight hadn't gotten much worse. He could only see once a day for about half an hour or so when she brought food. She always brought with her a dim kerosene lamp, the likes of which had been discontinued for century. Its flickering light illuminated the room faintly, but it was enough to see the main details. He was being held in some sort of torture chamber deep underground; he remembered vaguely being dragged down a flight of stairs somewhere. There were chains on the walls, and a table with torture instruments next to it. There was a closet in the far corner, but Fell couldn't make out what was in it. The air in the cell was musty and cold, and there was dust everywhere. He hoped it was just dust.
"I want Sans."
"I thought you did. I noticed the way you looked at him during the battle with Dream's team."
Murder faded her gaze in embarrassment.
"Alright, I'll give you Fell!Sans."
He was interrupted by the sound of a key digging in the keyhole. The door opened, and a petite girl of skinny, no, even frail build entered the room. In one hand she carried a bowl of what smelled like chicken soup, and in the other she clutched a kerosene lamp.
"Hi, sweetheart. I was thinking you must be all ravenous, so I thought I'd bring you some dinner. This is an apology. We had a little fight the last time we met, but I don't hold it against you anymore. Everyone in love has a fight sometimes. I guess you just weren't ready for our first time. You could have said so, instead of-Fine, let's forget it, let's not dredge up the past."
The scent was amazing. Or was he just hungry? Either way, Fell defiantly turned his skull to the side, thankful it wasn't tied to the chair. He was definitely going to say a few endearments to her, well, if he hadn't a gag in his mouth.
"And I see you're still pouting at me. You've got a tough temper, sweetheart."
She set the lamp on the table, walked over to him with soup in her hands and plopped it in his lap. Fell turned to her and murmured indignantly. Murder, making herself comfortable, placed the bowl in her lap and began stirring the soup. She fished out more potato chunks with a spoon and began to remove the gag. Before Fell could curse again, she hurriedly shoved the first spoonful into his mouth. The hot soup warmed his tongue, reminded him of Papyrus's cooking, and if it had been made by him, he would have eaten the whole plate without hesitation. But no matter how hungry he was, pride was more important to him. He spit the soup in her face.
Dust didn't look surprised, her face expressing nothing at all as the soup dripped from her cheek onto her sweatshirt, only her eyes flashed that frightening purple hue. She wiped her cheek with her sleeve; a piece of potato fell back into the bowl. Fell, tensing, watched silently as she rose smoothly and walked over to the table, placing the soup there. After inspecting the stained hoodie, she removed it, leaving her in just a lacy bra and pants. Had they been in slightly different circumstances, Fell would have said she had an attractive body.
Discarding the sweatshirt, she approached Fell again. A sharp kick to the ribs followed. He wheezed and bent in half, as much as he could in his position. When he regained consciousness, he stared at her and wanted to hurl a few curses at her, but he didn't have time. She took a leaping heel kick to his jaw. The chair swayed and tipped sideways.
His skull hit the dusty tiles painfully. He lost consciousness for a few minutes. He woke up when his captor slapped him to bring him to his senses. This caused the tooth she had almost knocked out again to falter and bleed.
"Well what on earth are you doing, sweetheart? Your bitchy temper is not at all improving your position."
Dust returned the chair to an upright position.
"But I forgive you, for I love you."
She picked up the soup bowl again and sat sideways on his lap. Fell still hadn't fully come to his senses, so he couldn't show his displeasure. She raised another spoonful of soup to his mouth. Fell clenched his teeth.
"So this is how you respond to my concern? I've worked hard for you, I've cooked for you, and you're behaving worse than a whimsical child. My patience is not unlimited, you know."
Murder put her spoon in the soup and ostentatiously slowly drew her pistol from behind her sinus. She unsnapped the safety off and, shifting the weapon in her right hand, took it over her shoulder. The scaldingly icy muzzle rested against the back of his head; it brought him back to full mental clarity. He tried to move away, but there was nowhere to run. He gasped loudly.
"Eat, don't show off. I know you're hungry."
She brought another spoonful of soup to his mouth. Fell forced himself through the force to unclench his trembling jaws.
"So, is it good?"
He nodded. He couldn't taste it at all, but he certainly didn't want to find out what else this crazy psychopath might throw out if he answered negatively or hesitated. His main concern right now was to survive.
Dust, brightening, smiled. The menacing purple had faded in her eyes. Now she looked at Fell with tenderness. She left a fleeting kiss on his lower jaw where she had almost knocked out his tooth, licking up some blood. Satisfied with herself, she scooped up more soup and brought a new spoonful to his mouth.
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masterwords · 1 year
out of these shadows comes the light
Tumblr media
Summary: Hotch is particular about getting his hair cut. (autistic!Hotch)
Pairing: Hotch/Haley -> Hotch/Morgan
Words: ~5k
Warnings: implied/referenced past child abuse, violence, self-harm/suicide attempt, internalized ableism, ableism, scars, pain, sex (brief at the end, not explicit), food, divorce...if I missed any please let me know.
Notes: Written because of this ask, and I took it to some pretty intense depths but I love squeezing every single drop out of a backstory every time. I probably could have turned this into a 50k word multi-chapter event, all of the simple ending of getting Derek to cut Hotch's hair. Nothing is ever easy with me. In other news, you can expect updates to each of my on-going big stories this week as I should have a few hours each day to devote to writing for once!
Read under the cut or on AO3 here!
Grace Underwood was a young mother. Maybe too young. Twenty-three, fresh out of college, pregnant by the first man who took her to bed. She’d been a good girl, everyone said. All girls private school led her to an all-women’s university. She should have been saved from all of the worldly temptations.
But then there was Edward Hotchner and his roguish charm. His wild blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes told her lies from the moment they met. Lies and temptation that hid all the regret that would come later.
One night. It started out as one wild night, a frat party at Georgetown that she and her friends were invited to. It was a two and a half hour drive so they got a hotel room and decided to stay the weekend in the city. She never saw the hotel room, only Edward’s dorm. After that it became weekends book-ended with long drives for her (he wasn't allowed at her university and she liked the city), and then they were hot and heavy and she was lost in love. He had plans for his future, big plans. She loved him for them.
But those plans didn’t involve a screaming, crying newborn baby while he was studying for the bar. That had been a surprise, and Edward Hotchner hated surprises. Those plans didn’t involve having a toddler digging through his briefcase with high profile case files and sticky peanut butter fingers. And they certainly didn’t involve late nights with a young boy who couldn’t seem to do anything without it being a production.
He pulled his diaper off and shouted “scratchy!” and “owie!”...brand new expensive disposable diapers, thrown away hardly used. Back to the old cloth and safety pins. He would peel his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches apart, fold up the bread with the jelly side and eat it while discarding the peanut butter side. “Ick!” he would shout, because he didn’t have any other words. He wore the peanut butter but he wouldn’t eat it. Cups of milk spilled on the floor. He liked Cheerios but not Chex. If he could speak he would have told them that the Chex hurt his mouth, the corners of the little squares were sharp and he didn’t like it...Cheerios being round were okay. He didn’t have the words to explain all of that yet, so he pushed his bowl away and shook his head no.
“You’re spoiling him,” Grace’s mother would say to her as she cleaned his little hands. “He should eat what you eat.”
“He won’t.”
“He would if he was hungry enough.”
“He won’t.”
She was right, he wouldn’t. He’d gone an alarming number of days refusing to eat, and it had been enough to frighten even his father who finally pulled down the wheat bread and grape jelly from where they’d hidden it in the cupboard above the fridge, somewhere he couldn’t get to, and threw it at her in a huff. The jar of jelly hit the floor with a thud and a pop, deep purple goo oozing around jagged glass at her feet. “Feed the kid for christ sake, Grace! Look at him!”
“I thought you said…”
“I was wrong, dammit. Feed him before we end up in the hospital.”
Aaron ate just the bread greedily until his father got back from the store with a new jar of jelly. A bag of them. All grape. He’d fill the whole damn cupboard with the stuff if he had to.
The arguments over food ceased when his vocabulary grew. He was precocious, learning new words by sitting outside his father’s office door while he met with clients or spoke on the phone. He would play with his little toys, pretend to run his own office, be the one in charge.
“He needs a haircut,” Edward said one day. “Kid looks like a damn hippie.” Aaron was four and his hair was...long. His mother thought it was gorgeous and she was a little overly sentimental about it, her baby’s hair was a special thing. She’d been content just to let it go. There were occasional trims to keep the unruly ends in check but he seemed to like his hair long. He would play with it sometimes, and if he was anxious she would find that he had it in his mouth. He didn’t just suck on it, he seemed to almost chew on it. She was forever walking by and hooking her finger into the lock against his cheek, sliding it out from between his teeth with a gentle smile. Some part of her already knew that cutting it would prove to be a challenge and she wasn’t sure she was up for it. If his aversions to certain fabrics and foods was any indicator, she was going to be in for a fight to get clippers anywhere near him.
She was right. It was a complete disaster that ended up with him in tears, her in tears and the barber telling them not to come back until the kid had learned some damn manners. His haircut happened but not without it becoming a traumatic endeavor for everyone involved.
The long walk home down the old gravel road was fraught with tumultuous thoughts. What was she going to do now? They lived in a small town, there was only one barber...she would have to try to take him to the city or do it herself if Edward thought he needed another cut. But she looked down and Aaron looked so pleased, walking along at a steady clip beside her, rubbing his hand up and down the back of his head against the freshly shaved hair.
“Do you like it hun?”
They arrived home to a message on the answering machine. It seemed that the barber had second thoughts about his previous stance on the matter and pleaded with her to bring him back when he needed a trim. He had some ideas. “I mighta pulled his hair some, he had some tangles in there and my clippers weren’t in tip top shape.”
Aaron was apprehensive but he was a gentle boy, quiet and forgiving. He didn’t have any friends and people were pretty averse to him in general – that the barber wanted to have him back was enough for Grace. And Aaron was willing to try again because he hated the way the hair felt tickling the back of his neck when it hit that awkward mid-length, and having it short was sweet relief. He also loved the feel of running his hand up his hair against the grain, it was soothing as it brushed his palm.
“I think you should go, ma’am. Let me to it, just the boys.”
She trusted Ernest Brooks. He was a pillar of the community, so she went next door for a cup of coffee and a dozen donuts. She didn’t need a dozen, not in a million years. But if Aaron was good and he got his haircut without all the fuss of the last time, hell, she’d let him eat his way through the whole damn thing as a treat. Well, most of them...she managed to eat three while she sat anxiously waiting for her son to finish.
Mr. Brooks walked Aaron into the donut shop a half hour later crisp and clean and smiling.
“How did you do it?” she asked, flabbergasted. Yeah, she was going to let him eat every single donut left in the box. All eight of them. (She managed to polish off a fourth without even realizing it.)
“A magician never reveals his secrets. Come see me next time, kid.”
She began bringing him in every six months for a trim. It gave her a free morning, and he and Earnest Brooks began a friendship that she couldn’t quite understand. The man was in his sixties, and more than once Edward wondered aloud with a bottle of whiskey open on his desk what the hell a man that age wanted with his son. It wasn’t enough to make him do anything, he had more important things on his plate than policing his odd son’s friends but it was always in the back of his mind. And if it kept Aaron out of his hair, well, all the better.
For both of them.
They played chess and dominoes with some of the other old men who congregated outside of the barber shop. Aaron was little but he was smart, he caught on quick. Ernest called him peculiar, the little intricacies in the way he did things baffled and amused him. No one used the word autistic, not at that time, but they all knew he was operating just a little different than the other kids who hung around and caused trouble. He didn’t seem to take any interest in what they were doing.
Aaron was always different. He wanted to learn everything he could, he wanted to listen to old war stories, to stories about what his little town looked like long before he was born. He wanted to hang out in the barber shop after school and learn how to shave faces and talk like the men talked.
When he would show up with bruises that he couldn’t (or wouldn’t explain), they knew and were furious but there was nothing they could do except give him a soft place to land. His dad was powerful, he had connections that could put anyone in town out of business. “You come work for me,” Ernest had said when Aaron was thirteen and had started to fall in with the wrong crowd. He’d gone from that sweet boy who knew too much and was particular about his haircuts to a sullen teenager who didn’t know how to tell his friends no. He wouldn’t stand up to them, would go along with everything they said because he so desperately wanted to fit in. The overwhelming need to be part of his peer group had finally taken hold.
The problem was, as he got older, the social dynamics at school almost forced it. In a small town like that, if you didn’t fit in, you were ostracized. He was handsome and he was wealthy, he had all the components and what he lacked he learned quickly to fake. He was able to fake his way through a lot of things. Unfortunately, the more things he had to fake in order to fit in, the more he realized how unpalatable he really was on his own and he suffered for it.
The first time he tried to kill himself, he used a straight razor he’d been given by Mr. Brooks when he started developing facial hair. It was a thoughtful gift, the first blade he bought for his shop. Of course, that caused a lot of problems he hadn’t foreseen, being a child still. Mr. Brooks was treated like an accomplice, like he’d encouraged Aaron and while Aaron was hospitalized in an attempt to fix his brain and make him love being alive again, Mr. Brooks was put through the ringer. When Aaron was released, Mr. Brooks wouldn’t speak to him, wouldn’t let him in the shop anymore. He went from cherished friend to liability.
Aaron, in all his teenage glory, rebelled and began causing more trouble. Where he’d once been tethered, the one place he felt like he’d ever belonged was gone from him now and he was left only with darkness. Despair.
He threw a brick through the barber shop window with some of his friends and ran away before the other kids looted the shop. His dad managed to convince the police that he wasn’t involved in the break in, was there for the broken window but left before anyone went inside. He would be liable for repairing the window, of course, and he’d pay for it himself...right before they sent him to boarding school. It was Mr. Brooks who asked for that, knowing how Aaron was. He still believed the kid had a good heart and he wouldn’t rob his store. The brick was a cry for help, it was a child acting on his anger and abandonment, not an intent to steal from him.
Part of the admittance to the school he was sent to was a buzz cut, military style. Aaron panicked beforehand, and when they clipped the plastic gown tight around his neck and began roughly shifting his head forward and back, clipping and buzzing around his ears, he thought he might really have a heart attack. None of his usual calming tricks helped, he was completely beside himself by the time they finished and shoved him back into the line to move on to the next humiliating experience – getting the uniform. Scratchy wool sweater, stiff canvas and khakis, he was in hell.
But he survived it, and when he came home to finish high school at the local public high school and help his mother with his father’s sickness, he was a changed young man. Probably not better, he still suffered from depression and anxiety but he’d become an expert at hiding in plain sight. No one else would get the drop on him.
Meeting Haley had been a blessing...and a curse. When he found out who she was, who her grandfather was, he almost abandoned his pursuit but he couldn’t. He fell in love with her almost instantly. It was infatuation, pure and simple. He woke up thinking about her voice and went to sleep thinking about her smile. His mother told him to ease up, back off, don’t be so intense but Haley didn’t seem to mind. That was the best part. So he did things a little differently and he behaved in a manner that wasn’t exactly congruent with the way other boys his age did...she liked his little quirks.
The other boys his age were assholes. He was...nice. He was kind and thoughtful and he took care of her. She told her mom that he was like a knight in shining armor. Her mother had concerns but didn’t voice them, she trusted her daughter.
It was Haley and Jessica, both interested in psychology, who brought up the notion that he might be autistic one night over a little too much wine. “It makes sense,” Jess said with an authoritative nod, tipping her glass almost far enough to spill it. Somehow her drunkenness didn’t discredit her statement, not in her sister’s eyes. Aaron and his own wine soaked thoughts scoffed. “You check most of the boxes.”
“I do not.”
“Jess stop. It’s okay if he doesn’t want to do this right now.”
“He’s never going to want to, sis…”
“That’s up to him. Go get another bottle!”
He eventually looked it up himself and found that he didn't disagree with their assessments as much as he'd originally thought. He didn't care much for the idea that they read him so well, but the fact that they saw all of him and stuck around was enough. He never sought out a diagnosis, and after an initial weekend spent spiraling his way through endless research papers he was content. One more piece of his mind's puzzle clicked into place. They never brought it up again.
Her grandfather sold the shop and gave her his clippers, told her how Aaron likes his hair cut. They hadn’t spoken in years, not since the brick incident, but he still harbored a soft spot for the gangling kid who had grown into a confident young man.
She did it perfectly, and so did Jess. They joked that it was a Brooks family secret, cutting Aaron Hotchner’s hair. Some families passed down recipes, but not them.
He learned how he liked to have his hair cut, and the brand of suits that fit him in a way that felt comfortable and made him feel good. Not just passable but good. Really good. He found a tailor that would cut his suits a little large so the fabric didn’t bunch in his armpits but made him look fashionable enough.
The BAU gave him an outlet he’d never had before. A place where the way his mind processed information was actually helpful, almost like a superpower in some regards. And he loved feeling that way for once in his life, like he was good at something and he didn’t need to pretend so much.
But it pulled him from the safety of his little world with Haley further and further. He developed a deep friendship with Derek Morgan, someone who he never would have imagined in a million years would want to do anything more than punch him in the nose. Steal his lunch money. (And maybe he still did want to do both of those things, friends or not.) He looked at Derek and saw everyone who had ever tried to bully him in that confident way he strode around, but when he got to know him...really know him...he realized that he wasn’t the only person masking. Who pretended to be something they weren’t to make themselves more palatable or to fit people’s perceptions of who they should be. It shifted his perspective about a lot of people, and made him almost cling to Derek.
During his suspension, Haley cut his hair. It had been a while, he’d been playing around with letting it get a little longer, just keeping it trimmed around the nape of his neck but he was tired of that look and something about being able to run his palm over the short fuzzy hair was something he was almost craving. He felt like he’d lose it entirely the longer he went without it. The idea of leaving the BAU, transferring to save his marriage, Gideon going radio silent instead of communicating with him during their joint suspension...he was already on the verge. Barely maintaining so he didn’t frighten Jack with his outbursts. So she shaved his hair short and he smiled more and she was able to believe for a little while longer that their marriage was not a sinking ship.
But he couldn’t manage it. The BAU was pulling him back, and the phone call...the phone call that he’d known was coming...it was too much. He couldn’t cling to her anymore, she’d betrayed him. What else could it be but another man?
Failing to see the irony in the situation, he left her for another man too. Derek called and begged him to come help them, they were drowning and Strauss was killing them all. He couldn’t see another choice. If his transfer hadn’t been put through yet, he was in dereliction of duty. That would be damning to his future...Haley had to see that, right? He wouldn’t get his transfer if he didn’t do his job. That thought spun around like a top in his mind until he felt sick and dizzy. It didn’t matter anyway. In a way, he figured she made the decision for him. Because what was she going to do with this other guy once he transferred? In his experience, once you go down that path you don’t just come back.
And when Haley left him, it was Derek that he confided in. Alone in his big house, neat and tidy, he cried. He didn’t sleep, didn’t eat. For days he existed on nothing but coffee from the office. It wasn’t even that he wasn’t hungry, it was just that he kind of forgot that he needed to stop what he was doing and make time to eat. It seemed unimportant. Fell off his radar entirely.
Derek noticed, though. “Let’s go to lunch. You look like shit.”
“You said you didn’t want to hang out with me. That you just needed me to lead this team.” The sarcasm, which should have been obvious, came laced with a deep sadness that made Derek ache. Did he say that? To Hotch? Who takes everything just a little too literally?
“That’s not how I meant it. Don’t look for reasons to be mad at me, I’m on your side. Now come on, I’m buying.”
Lunch became a standing thing, when they were at Quantico. And when that reached its threshold, it became weekly dinner dates that sort of turned into casual sleepovers. Hotch discovered that he loved to wake up beside Derek, the feel of soft stubble coming in on his usually slick head. On days off he would smile sweetly and ask Derek to put off shaving for a few extra hours so he could enjoy it.
And Derek never called him weird for it. Sometimes he got a little irritated and wanted to shave his head and be on with it, but he was kind. Hotch’s job was stressful, his life had more or less fallen apart, and if he wanted to rub Derek’s head for a little while in bed or on the couch while they watched the morning news and drank their coffee...there were worse things.
Hotch made an appointment with Dave’s barber when he needed his first haircut after Haley left. Dave insisted his guy was the best. A true artist.
It was an unmitigated disaster. The man talked too much and expected responses out of Hotch that were unreasonable in their depth. All Aaron wanted was to sit in silence and have his hair cut. The barber tucked that gown so tight around Aaron’s neck he thought he might choke. Every time he swallowed he could feel it pull tight against his adam’s apple and it made him feel sick.
The worst of it was that though though he brushed the tiny cut hairs off of the back of his neck to clean him up, in the end he only really brushed them down into Aaron’s shirt.
He felt like there were tiny needles in his suit all day. He was miserable and grouchy. He snapped at everyone. It was apparent he was in distress when he even snapped at Garcia.
The next haircut was done begrudgingly by Jessica, just because she couldn’t stand to see him looking so miserable. She came to his apartment, used the clippers Haley had left for him and managed it in exactly the way her grandfather had. He hadn’t felt so good in weeks. He felt confident, felt like himself. And as much as she was certain she was going to find it awkward to be cooped up in his apartment after the divorce...she found it to be the opposite.
So she did it again for him, and again. She was good at it and she did enjoy their short visits. Like old times. She missed him.
But after Foyet, he didn’t want her to see him like that. He couldn’t bear it. And maybe she couldn’t either.
He needed a haircut, he needed it badly. He was maintaining the stubble on his chin with an electric shaver just barely but he knew he’d only mess up his hair so he let it grow. Emily mentioned how long it was getting, told him he was starting to look like a hippie.
Derek liked it, the way it was soft when he was so full of sharp edges now. He was in pain day and night, hardly spoke two words for hours at a time, lost completely in his head or Foyet’s files. The wounds had healed on the outside but the internal damage would take months, and he couldn’t hide it at home.
“Let me cut your hair,” Derek said one night when he noticed Aaron brushing it angrily out of his eyes while he worked through a consult on the dining room table. He didn’t even look up.
“What? No. It’s fine.”
“It is not, and Jessica says you’re particular about it but I think I can handle it.”
“She says I’m particular?” He didn’t like the way that sounded. Maybe he was being overly sensitive but he supposed he was allowed to be a little, in some ways. He was reminded of their joke, that cutting his hair was their family secret. It made him feel like a sideshow suddenly when it never had before.
“She does. You disagree?”
“No. I don’t...it’s just...that’s a little rude don’t you think?”
“She didn’t say it like it was wrong, man, chill out. I just mentioned that you’ve been acting like you wanted a haircut and she said she could show me how you like it done because you’re particular.”
It didn’t sound any different than before but he knew he was prone to being angry now, almost looking for a reason to fight. He didn’t seem to be able to cool down anymore. Every day was a battle against his temper, and his angry inner voice had started to sound an awful lot like his father. But Derek was the last person he wanted to fight with. Derek was the only person he wanted anywhere near him.
“Okay. You can try.”
“Your confidence in me is encouraging.”
Aaron finally looked up at him, really looked at him. “I’m not particular on purpose, Derek. I try not to be.”
“I know. I shave my head every damn day, and I do a good job. I think I can manage.”
He did ask Jessica for some pointers though, while Aaron went out for a morning run to clear his head and blow off some excess energy before allowing Derek to touch his hair. It seemed like a good start. Running was slow and painful, a humiliating experience at times when he had to stop and lean against a tree or sit down on a park bench to catch his breath. The searing pain in his chest was unbearable and he couldn’t tell if that was panic setting in over the idea of Derek cutting his hair and seeing him that way, or if it was Foyet.
It didn’t matter. The pain was there and he had to embrace it, move with it, live with it. He ran home just as fast as he’d started and found his entire dining room set up like a barber shop. His clippers were sitting out beside a towel and Derek had turned The White Album on at a moderate volume, even though he couldn’t stand it. The sound was just enough to drown out the din of the clippers but not enough to be overwhelming.
“You ready?” Derek asked, watching Aaron slip his shoes off at the door and kick them to the side. He looked more on edge than when he left, and when he walked toward the kitchen for his post-run glass of water, he held his palm flat against his sternum like he was holding it in place. “Aaron?”
“I need a minute.”
“Something happen out there?”
“No. I just need a minute.”
Derek knew him well enough now that he didn’t ask him to explain. I need a minute usually just meant he needed to sort himself out, and with his glass of water he headed toward the bedroom to do exactly that. It only took a few minutes before he was coming back down the hall not looking much better but it seemed to be enough. Derek knew he had ways of mitigating things when he got overwhelmed, some of them were healthier than others but he tried not to be too vocal about the ones that he thought seemed harmful. Aaron was a grown man, he knew what he was doing. The look in his eye was changed from wild to something akin to calm. He ran his thumb over the edges of his fingernails as he approached and forced a smile.
“Sorry about that.”
“All good baby. Have a seat, let’s get this goin’. I’m not sure how much more of this album I can take.”
He started by running his fingers through Aaron’s hair. Up the back, over the top, scratching gently at the scalp until Aaron’s muscles seemed to relax. He liked that. He’d always liked his hair being played with. When he finally began cutting, he was gentle. His hand led the way, dancing through the hair with clippers following in hot pursuit. No tangles would meet the blades that way. By the time it was over, Aaron was nearly in a trance. They hadn’t said one single word.
“Shower,” Derek whispered, kissing him on the tip of the ear first and then down his cheek. “Now.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. There was a towel around his neck but it didn’t stop all of the renegade bits of hair from settling against his skin. Derek started there, washing the back of his neck first, taking care to remove every little stray hair he could before running his soapy hands over Aaron’s freshly cut hair. Aaron was not only relaxed for the first time in over a week, he was relaxed enough that he let Derek’s kisses turn him on in a way he couldn’t even imagine enjoying again after being under Foyet.
His chest still ached but it wasn’t so bad with Derek’s lips dusting wet new scars, wasn’t so bad with the shower rinsing away the last of the soap and leaving him feeling fresh and clean. His skin tingled and there seemed to be showers of sparks left behind each one of Derek’s kisses.
“I’ll be gentle,” Derek promised and Aaron could only smile.
“Don’t be,” he purred, gripping Derek’s shoulders tight. “Please.”
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