#him hugging the penguin is so cute tho
jrueships · 2 years
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guppy <33
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nogenderbee · 5 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: link
Uh oh! I'm so sorry! Could I request this with Freminet, Lyney, and Thoma instead?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ No worries! And I'm happy you decided to request it with different characters! I hope you'll like it despite how short it is for some!
Also, no favoritism here, it was just a longer explanation of mine with one penguin boy
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Thoma definitely wound your shyness cute, I mean... how could he not when you're just hiding behind him like that?
✧ he didn't mind the fact you both seemed like 2 opposites, in fact he liked your dynamic!
✧ he honestly just liked the feeling of helping you just by being around you
✧ but when he realized you're not entirely what you seemed to be... he was most definitely surprised
✧ out of all situations, he didn't expect him getting insulted to anger you so much
✧ so when he first saw how angry you are, he immidietly thinked of an excuse and dragged you away as he tried calming you down
"Let's calm down, shall we? It was just small remark, I'm already over it! There's no need to be upset at anyone now."
✧ how could you not stand your guard but get so mad when someone insulted him?
✧ he'd love to see how you care about him but he'd really prefer if you coule he less... brutal with the words
@bleachtheidiot - come get your perfect malewife!
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✧ Lyney absolutely loved using your shyness to bring that little red dust to your cheeks
✧ be it gifts, magic tricks, compliments, flirting... anything that worked! He could even do so in public for all he cared
✧ it was only natural for him to gain some attention and some mean remarks from time to time but he was honestly used to it! Tho... you weren't...
✧ when he first saw how angry you got, he had to admit, he enjoyed the show for first 3 seconds
✧ let's be honest, he'd pay back that person himself but if you want to have the pleasure of doing that, who is he to refuse you that?
✧ but he doesn't want you standing in court before he blinks so soon enough, he's right next to you, giving you a hug
"Now, now mon cherie... we're supposed to head to cafe for our date! Not fight with my crowd."
✧ his plan is to simply make an excuse, but if he distracts you too, it's even better!
✧ he won't admit to it but he definitely liked the feeling of being protected by you like that
@bleachtheidiot - come get your charming magician~
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✧ both you and Freminet were just cute shy duo and no one could change that
✧ despite you two sharing trait that shouldn't go with each other, you were pretty comfortable in each other's company
✧ he was sometimes getting bothered by the comments towards him but he never really spoke out loud about it, just keeping to himself and moving on
✧ he'd only drop few lines when someone would try to say something bad about you and it seemed to be the case with you as well but... more violent it seems verbally of course
✧ when he first heard how loud you could yell and what insults you can think off, even he himself hot a bit startled at first
✧ of course she was quick to realize that everyone was staring so he immidietly put a hand on your shoulder, trying his best to calm you down
"Y/N... love... let's maybe just drop this topic and go somewhere else?"
✧ he's not even trying to hide he's doing his best to pull you away so you won't need to face consequences later
✧ later when you're alone, he sees the look on your face, telling him how disappointed you are so he quickly makes sure you know how thankful he is for your concern and protective nature towards him
✧ though let it not me invite for you to do that again, he'd still be worried that you might be the one ending hurt if you continue
@bleachtheidiot - come get your shy diver~
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So I saw the Mario Movie today, and it was high-key average, but low-key fire!
1. Mario was the SWEETEST, when he literally was drop kicked by Peach in the beginning, but overall he was a bit of a generic hero (but then again are we surprised?) He wasn’t a jerk to his brother, in fact he was much better to him 
2. Peach was a Queen! Enough said, she bounced off of Mario and Toad really well (Anya did us justice!) She was amazing 10/10
3. LUIGI MY HUSBAND MY BOY IS SO SMOL! But legit, he was so sweet, AND MARIO WAS PROTECTIVE OF HIM AND UGGHH! Wish my bros were like that (jk jk they are) Luigi was underutilised but they did kinda make u for it in the end with the Superstar powerup so yeah, I left pretty satisfied with it.
4.Not much to say on Toad, other than I’m glad he didn’t scream as much - Kegan Michael Kee did great
5. Same for Donkey Kong, not a lot, but less annoying other than his introduction - it was funny tho, well done Seth Rogen
6. BOWSER. BOWSER. HIS MUSICAL NUMBER. Peachespeachespeachespeaches- Jack Black was amazing (altho he is amazing in anything) loved him, generic but I loved him
Bonus: This hug completed my life
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In terms of world building, it was cool too, i mean they had a whole diorama in the mushroom council and it was so cute, the penguins at the beginning were everything. Kong City was cool as well - the Dark lands were elite, just everything was cool.
Also this: i was screaming internally
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edit: The only really big issue I had with this film tho was its pacing. The places where they could’ve slowed down, they didn’t - that small snippet of Luigi in the hot-air balloon and we got that flashback to when they were babies was good. Maybe if they fleshed out/spent a little more time on when DK and Mario were trapped in that fish (i forget it has a name), and they were just projecting their daddy issues on each other - we could’ve spent more time on that.
Overall tho, it was a pretty generic story for an animated movie targeted at kids, but enjoyable enough to bear with it, so imma rate a solid 6/10
edit: do take this with a grain of salt, obviously this is my personal opinion and you don’t have to agree, do feel free to reblog and leave thoughts in the comments
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lawrites · 7 months
Gender neutral! Reader X Gotham Rogues Crochet Headcanons
This is so self-indulgent and too detailed for how dumb this concept is...my God. Anyway, crochet headcanons for the Gotham Rogues. How do they react to your crochet hobby? What do you make for them?
Featuring: The Penguin, The Riddler, Zsasz
The Penguin (Ozzie my beloved)
One of Oswald's most prominent love languages is gift-giving (he is SUCH a sugar daddy, c'mon)
So whether you already know how to crochet before meeting him or gently bring up wanting to try it while sharing dinner one night...
He is already getting out his card. A set of beautiful, ergonomic crochet hooks with colors to differentiate between the sizes, a leather yarn bag and organizer, plus yarn to fill it up.
He IS such a snob about fibers tho, he would get you local wool spun right outside of Gotham, bamboo, etc. anything expensive and natural and beautiful. (Even if you beg for some cheap acrylic just to start out with)
He also gets you little penguin stitch markers. He does his research on gifts and makes sure you have EVERYTHING you need to start a new hobby. (Now why is that so hot? Anyway)
He enjoys nothing more than sitting by the fire with you, drinking brandy, (or sometimes nice hot tea), and letting you cuddle up to his side as your nimble fingers create something.
He never gets tired of the cute face you make when you concentrate, or the joy and pride you show when you finally finish a project.
The first project you EVER made had to be a little amigurumi penguin. It was terrible and lopsided and you were almost ashamed to show him. You wouldn't have, actually, if he hadn't been sitting by you the whole time you were making it.
"Little Dove, is that for me? You shouldn't have." His hands plucked it from yours before you could protest, and he hugged it to himself and complimented you. He was so cute and so genuinely happy with it. And it stays on his little bedside table to this day.
BUT to truly make something for him? You try to go with the classics, as Ozzie is a classic guy.
Hat, scarf, mittens.
You use smaller yarn and stitches to give it more elasticity, the yarn is all a deep, darker purple and SO soft. (Cashmere bought on his dollar but it's the thought that counts right?)
You even managed to make a little penguin on only one side of the scarf, making it a little secret for Ozzie while still keeping the scarf classy.
He loves any gift from you but this? He starts planning his winter outfits to match your creations immediately.
He can smell you on the scarf still, since you spent so much time with that yarn, and it makes him smile even as the wind bites at him on cold days in Gotham. 💜
The Riddler
Listen, he's great but we all know he is kinda patronizing and a little bit of an asshole right? (Some versions more than others)
So he supports your hobby, even if your yarn and supplies take up space that he could be using for traps or riddles.
He does to research and figure out as much as he can about the hobby, but he won't dedicate time to it like you will, so he never gets as good. But he DOES know the basics, which means he can now critique you.
You are having trouble with a pattern? "Darling, that's just a double crochet into a half-double crochet into a triple crochet repeated 10 times into a magic ring. Simple."
You lost track of your stitch count? "Well I guess we can't all be multitaskers like me. I'll be silent for a bit while you count. 🙄"
With that in mind, he DOES leave you riddles in crochet pattern form occasionally. They take forever to solve but he's with you for a reason. And success is always...pleasurable for you both. 👀
Your first creation around him was just a little round frog. Green, because you thought you could gift it to Eddie.
It turned out misshapen and lumpy (listen all first projects are like this). And he teased you mercilessly for it.
"I suppose it could be a frog, from a certain angle. Maybe it's supposed to be abstract?"
It went missing after that. (Secretly Eddie keeps it at his workbench and squishes it when he's feeling stressed. The cute face you put on it does make him smile, too, but don't tell anyone 🔪)
For your actual real gift for him? You make a little crochet Riddler plush! You know the man well and he loves himself just a bit too much sometimes. (except maybe Dano Riddler but he would love it too for different reasons)
You decided to not go for realism and keep it simple in the face. But you DID go all out with the clothes. A little green suit jacket, pants, even a belt!
And you found little glasses to put on it. 🤓
When you presented it to him, he was speechless.
He takes it from you, examines it, and the wonder in his eyes makes your heart swell with pride. That is until he opens his mouth again. "I couldn't think of a better subject, truly. Though the face needs some work, dear, it doesn't truly capture my likeness."
But he says this all while hugging it to his side absentmindedly. He hugged it to himself for the rest of the night, actually. (And he now has another crochet project at his work bench)
You sometimes hear him talking to Ed Jr. while he's working, and you just smile to yourself and leave them be, turning back to your own crochet project and enjoying the peace.
Victor Zsasz
My headcanon is that Zsasz is into needlework and crochet, maybe someone in his family taught him?
He recommends what most seasoned crochet people will tell you, don't buy the fancy stuff and get some $3 goodwill hooks to start out with.
He also gifts you some yarn remnants to practice with, and when he doesn't have a job he'll sit next to you on the couch while you watch a movie, patiently helping you with steps you may struggle with.
Sometimes he may silently correct your form, showing you a different way to hold yarn tension or helping you remember how to make a slip stitch.
Your first project was just a simple washcloth. ("Nothing fancy to start out with, get the basics done first and then we may start with other stuff. If you do good.")
And you succeeded! Turns out it IS easier to do something basic at the beginning. Who knew. (Victor did)
After that you continued to have YouTube Video Essay/Needlework nights. Victor would sometimes not even work on anything and just lay against your side.
Sometimes he would even lay in your lap, spitting out any yarn fragments dramatically if they got in his mouth and pouting up at you until he got your attention.
Anyway. The actual project you made him was a nice, cozy sweater. And it was HARD to hide from him. Luckily, his profession DOES sometimes take him out of your apartment for hours upon hours at a time, so you have the ability to work in secret.
You think a simple black sweater is just perfect, something made of cotton or wool and maybe lined with red on the collar/trim, but that's it.
His immediate reaction when you gave it to him was to kiss the LIFE out of you, thanking you for thinking of him.
Then he pulls it over his head immediately, poking his head out and grinning goofily at you.
That night, you don't work on any crochet projects because he takes up your whole lap, cuddled up in his sweater and rubbing his hands up and down your sides, your hips...
Yeah he distracts you well.
And he wears the sweater proudly, but not on jobs. He reserves it for walks around town with you, so he can say his partner made it for him.
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xxchaosjojoxx · 28 days
Just one dance (Penguin x reader)
A/N: I need Penguin in a suit please. Gimme this please. If you draw him in a suit, withput hs hat or writing something like that as well tag me please. I am down for it. I couldn't help but blushing as well. We don't know what his hair looks like neither his eyes. I imagine him like this, hopefully it's ok for you even if he looks differently in your headcannon :3
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“Penguin, will you be my plus one?” You asked. Penguin looked at you with a shocked expression. “W-Why me?” He asked back.
We docked on this island yesterday evening and while we were exploring the island you met a familiar face. “Y/N is that you?” A pretty and tall blonde woman was looking at you with a big smile. Long story short. This pretty woman was your best friend since you could think. Her family moved away when you were 10 years old. Her father was the mayor of this village.
“Say, is there a festival going on?” You asked her and she responded with a smile. “Yeah we will celebrate a wedding and you my dear y/n.” She handed me an envelope “Have to come. I sent one to your mom a few months ago. But she told me that you were no longer on the island. Living your dream as a pirate. I assume the pirates outside are your crewmates?” She asked and you nodded happily why accepting the envelope. “Yeah they are like family. I don’t know If I could join, because we wanted to leave tomorrow. But I’ll ask my captain.”
You would love to attend the wedding of your old best friend. You cherished the memories with her in your heart.
“I would love to meet one of your crewmates. I’m sure you will join the wedding with one special person, huh?” She giggled at you while you were blushing. “Your mom told me that you met a nice pirate back then. He was your type. Well, we will see each other tomorrow night then.” With that she was gone. Soon enough you were looking for your captain and asking him a favor. After you told him the situation he was still looking grumpy at you. “Please Captain, she is my best friend. Pretty please?” You tried your best to give him the puppy look. “FINE! We can stay here for 2 more nights and you can attend the wedding party. BUT!” He pointed a finger at me. “No Hook ups. Capiche?”
Your face turned dark red. “W-What? I would never do that, you know that.”
With a happy smile you went shopping with Ikkaku and Bepo. Shachi agreed to do your hair before the wedding starts. He worked as a hairdresser a long time ago. This fact surprised you. So all you have to do is get a dress and get a dance partner. It didn’t take long as you found the most beautiful dress you ever laid eyes on. The last part on your list was getting a partner and you had the perfect match in your mind.
Back to the present you look at Penguin. “I feel comfortable around you and I don’t wanna be the only person attending this without having a dance partner.” You couldn’t tell him that you fell in love with him as soon as you saw him. He was the reason why you joined the Heart Pirates, but this was a thing that he doesn’t even need to know.
Penguin was nervously scratching his neck. “B-But I can’t dance plus I don’t even have a suit, why should I? It’s not necessary for us anyway.”
You looked at him with big eyes. “Pen please.” He sighed “C-Can’t I just go with ehm.. casual clothes?” You pouted. “I dunno. She is the mayor's daughter after all. Maybe Law has a suit for you? Or we can ask the stores if you can lend one?” He tried to resist your cute big eyes “Hng…OK FINE.” He groaned and blushed a little. “I will ask the captain or the shop owner.”
You beamed at him and hugged him tightly for a few seconds. “YOU are the BEST. One more thing tho.”
He was panicking. What more is there?
“Ehm… I suppose you have to go without your hat.. and ehm..” Penguin interrupted you with a loud “HELL NO!”
You were looking at him blankly. “This hat and me…we are one. ABSOLUTELY NOT!. Never. Nope! I’m sorry but no. Maybe you should find another person.” And with that Penguin stormed off. He felt insecure. Only a few people saw him without his signature hat. It wasn’t that he thought he would be ugly or something like that. He was scared that you wouldn't find him attractive anymore if you were able to see his messy black hair or his eyes that he tried to hide whenever you were looking at him directly.
You were heartbroken, you stumbled to the next bench, crying. It was not typical for Penguin to react like that. You realized that someone sat beside you, patting your back softly to comfort you. “It’s ok. Don’t cry please. I can’t handle this.” You recognize the voice of your captain, Trafalgar Law. With a sniff and teary eyes, you looked at him. Before you were able to speak, words came out of his mouth. “I have no idea why he reacted like that. I mean I can only guess. I can believe I’m doing this.” He was looking down on you, with a stern look on his face but a light blush on his cheeks. “I allowed you to attend the party, so if you want…I can accompany you. But I won’t dance. Ok?” You looked at him in shock. Never ever did you ever think that Trfalgar law, your captain, the surgeon of death, would say something like…this. You blinked a few tears away. Law was nervous. “We can still leave the island, if you prefer this.” He mumbled.
The day of the wedding arrived. After Ikkaku helped you with your dress, and Shachi did your hair, Law accompanied you like a gentleman to the wedding. He was wearing a suit, this was one of the rare occasions where you saw him without his hat on.
“Don’t stare at me or I’ll leave.” He said calmly. You were sitting there, enjoying the groom and the bride. Her wedding dress was beautiful. It was long, white with a heart necklace. It was her dream dress. You often talked about your wedding when you were younger. It was an emotional wedding. After the official part ended, Law excused himself to check on the Polar Tang really quickly. So while the rest were dancing inside, you were waiting outside, sitting on a bench. You could hear the music outside too. But now you were alone, sulking, feeling sad that you were left alone again. This was the perfect chance to get closer with Penguin, getting quality time with him. You sighed and you tried your best not to cry.
As you were looking down the ground you saw a pair of shoes before you. As you lit your head, you saw a young man before him. You never saw him, he was a total stranger to you. It was dark outside, so the lights from the party and the streets were shining on him. His right hand was at the back of his head, while he held his other hand towards you. He had black short hair and he really looked handsome.
“Excuse me.” You were surprised to hear his gentle voice suddenly. “C-Can I have this dance, by any chance?” He asked you nervously. It must have taken a lot of courage to ask a stranger this kinda question out of nowhere. You were stunned and were looking for Law.
“I am waiting for my partner ehm..” But you soon remembered that, even if Law would be there, he wouldn’t dance with you at all. With a sigh and a polite smile, you rose up and took his hand. “...I guess one dance is ok.” He was smiling at you and as you looked into his eyes you were stunned. His eyes were icy blues. They looked like the moonlight shimmering on the water. He positioned his hands nervously around you so he could dance with you slowly. “I’m not the best dancer. Sorry.” he said and looked at him with a smile. “Me neither.” Even though you never saw him, you felt pretty comfortable with him. His hands were warm, soft and still firm. His eyes were gentle and the most beautiful you have ever seen. This man was absolutely magnificent and everything felt so familiar. His smile, his voice, his touch. You felt happy just to see his smile.
The song began to slow dance and you automatically closed the distance between your bodies. You couldn’t help getting lost in his eyes, in his touch. He had control over you and it felt like a dream. As the song ended you both leaned in closer, there was just a little gap between your faces.
“You wanna dance with me again? Getting Lost in the moment one more time?” he asked you with a husky voice. You felt a shiver down your spine. You felt attracted to him, without any doubt.
“I.. I would love to.” You stuttered and looked between his lips and eyes. “But I can’t sorry. I am interested in someone and I wanna stay loyal to him, even if this love is one sided.”
You gazed into his eyes. “I am sorry. I really am.”
He was smiling sadly at you. “I see.” This handsome stranger was disappointed and so were you. “I guess you meant it earlier. That you just feel comfortable with me and need only a dance partner.” You were confused white he let out a low chuckle. “I guess it’s a good thing that the captain accompanied you for the official part at least. I mean.. Captain looks better in a suit than me, I suppose.”
You were blinking a few times as you tried to understand what the man in front of you talked about. Your hands cupped his face. “Pen..? Is that you?” You asked shyly and the man before you tried to avoid your gaze. “Yeah…who else? Captain said, you wanted to dance with me and asked me if I would be up for dressing like this for you at least for just one dance. Because I made you sad.. But I guess we were wrong.”
“Wait, Law said he had to check on the polar tang..not that you two were switching places. Not that I didn’t want to dance with you. I did. You were the one I wanted to go to this wedding in the first place.”
Penguin looked at you nervously. His eyes were staring into yours. “You..didn’t realize it was me?” You shook your head. “Your voice sounded familiar and your smile was as precious as I remember. But your eyes..” Penguin tried to cover his eyes with his hand, but you grabbed his hand. “Your eyes are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Penguin was blushing. “R-Really?” - “Yeah I was shocked that such a handsome stranger would ask me for a dance. I could see that it took a lot of courage.”
He gulped and squeezed your hand a little bit. “You look very beautiful tonight y/n. I mean you always look beautiful. Are you disappointed that it’s me?”
You smiled at him. “Of course not. Why should I?”
Penguin tried to find the right words. “You wanted to stay loyal to your heart. I’m sorry for crossing a boundary by trying to kiss you earlier. For a moment I thought you would want it too. But maybe it was just the heat of the moment and I-” You interrupted him with a gentle kiss on his lips. After a while you parted away and looked at him with so much love and affection in your eyes. “Wanna guess, why were you the only person I asked to accompany me? Because I have this silly crush on you. Captain couldn’t see me crying and offered to join me, so I could enjoy this evening without being alone.”
Penguin was speechless. “So you rejected me for…me?” You both chuckled. “I guess so.”
He leaned in, and as soon as you closed your eyes, you felt a pair of lips on yours. This moment was magical and you wished that this evening would never end.
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snekjoy · 1 year
Fremika hcs because I'm obsessed and there is NO CONTENT ABOUT THEM EVER RAAAGH
Mika's love language is acts of service, he always goes out of his way to ask if Freminet has anything he needs help with at all + he cooks quite a bit and always makes sure to make enough for Freminet to take some with him in a tupperware when he next goes out diving (usually every day)
They r both quite awkward when it comes to pda but if they haven't seen each other in a while they'll find a little corner to hide in and make sure nobody can see before they kiss each other
Also, behind closed doors they're very affectionate, they just both get embarrassed by the attention that gets brought with kissing and stuff in public
They write letters rlly often when they're not in the same country, and both get teased by their respective nuisances (fremi has the twins, mika has bennys adventure team)
Mika talks a lot about this mysterious Fontaine boy he met on the expedition and always has this dreamy look in his eyes when he does. Whenever he realises he was rambling he gets rlly embarrassed and Bennett thinks its the cutest love story he's ever seen
Lyney gives Freminet stupid over the top advice that nobody but Lyney would do. He has tried to teach fremi how to pull a bouquet from his sleeve for when mika next visits but fremi keeps just ignoring him
They love sitting together in a quiet room and whispering a conversation, interrupting themselves to kiss for a moment every so often. It's very soft and very cute
They're both autistic (and t4t) so they love love LOVE infodumping to each other abt their special interests (cartography and diving/automatons respectively)
Mika always pushes Fremi's fringe out of the way when they kiss. Fremi always puts it right back when they're done tho
Transmasc t4t realness ‼️ fremi (they/he) has had top surgery and is on t, mika (he/him) is pre everything and wears a binder. He struggles to remember to take it off tho, not bc he's purposefully pushing himself he just. Forgets he has it on sometimes
Fremi is rlly proud of their little automaton penguin and has had it since they were a kid. Mika thinks it's adorable and if he finds fremi talking to it, he basically melts bc it's so cute
Lyney won't let them sleep in the same room together, he's too overprotective. When he's not in Lynette lets them do whatever they want tho
They both have cold hands, cryo vision things 😋 neither of them mind, but sometimes they use it as an excuse for holding hands
Freminet has resting annoyed face. He always looked pissed, or at least mildly angry at something. Mika used to be intimated but now he knows its just his face
Also mika is constantly anxious about something and frequently gets anxiety attacks, freminet knows all the ways to calm him down and if he can, he always sits with him to make sure he's okay. A good method of comfort is hand holding while they sit on the floor against a wall, Mika can feel the wall against his back and squeeze fremi's hand to ground himself without being overwhelmed by a hug.
Fremi wears such clunky boots because it makes them as tall as Mika's hair tuft. Also they like clunking around it's fun
Gah they're so cute
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har-rison-s · 9 months
your good will: 36
quality alone time
a/n: well hello guys.... if anyone's still here that is... it's been more than a year. sorry, BUT!! i am back with this series. i'm moving away from my home country in november, so i wanna get on with this story until i move. that's not to say i'll stop writing when i'm there - no, no. but since mine and maggie's stories sorta go in parallel right now (minus the very hot bf), i figured it'd be easier to write these things. mainly, really, i write for one person - myself. sawrry, but it's true! this is my story, my fantasies, whatever yk. writing this story makes me feel less alone, and right now i feel more in love with steve than ever. so i hope you enjoy this chapter and a few new ones to come. it's so hard to write a happy healthy couple because i have no idea what it's like, i don't know if this is even right and isn't too cringey. but i also know i'd be the best girlfriend ever i want steve as my bf. I will not accept anything else. have you seen the gifs of steve & jonathan the writers have posted on twitter? kinda losing my mind laughing at them. also happy spooky season! and happy reading, as always :)
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stranger things masterlist
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word count: 6.6k
characters in this chapter: steve harrington, maggie byers (oc), robin buckley, the party
warnings: fluff, smut, p in v (they're not animals, tho, but keep in mind that young adults and teens tend to have crazier hormones than the regular person)
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gif credit goes to owner! pretty princess...
“Awh, it's our song,” Steve says, getting up off the couch and pulling Maggie up with him, “dance with me.” He tells her in a whisper, and Maggie blushes, and knows she has no choice but to find her feet on the living room make-shift dance floor, agreeing to his plea. Steve holding her hands, looking into her eyes, Maggie blushes even more and lets a smile crawl onto her features. She looks at the screen of his TV. The intro of Speedwagon's “Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore” plays strongly from the speakers, and Maggie looks up at Steve.
Suddenly she realizes that Steve's making them dance alone together in front of Robin and the kids, an audience, and she feels very self-conscious. She moves closer to him, melting into his hold of arms around her and body reaching close. Just like that, Steve makes Maggie feel like they're the only two people in the world. With their song. 
“I can't fight this feeling any longer,” Steve sings along to it in Maggie's ear, “and yet I'm still afraid to let it flow,” Maggie smiles warmly into his chest, her forehead resting against him, “what started out as friendship has grown stronger,” Steve lifts Maggie's chin so she'd look up at him, and she giggles at Steve's raised eyebrows and amused looks on his face. Well, she couldn't really count it as friendship - what their relationship started out on - it could be called ‘acquaintances in dangerous situations who decided to hang out just before christmas but it was clear from the first hang out that between them was already more than friendship’, and that's part of the reason she finds this all amusing. Her patching his beat-up face up was what kicked the whole thing off, really, “I only wish I had the strength to let it show.” Steve caresses her cheek and kisses it after. 
Through their song, Steve hugs Maggie close and sways them like two penguins in a slow dance between the TV and the guys lounging on the couch. The cute little predicament reminds her of the day “Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore” became her and Steve's song. He played it when he asked her to be his girlfriend. January 23rd. Cold, snowy night in Hawkins. He sang along to every line, because he meant every line, and no song ever before had put his feelings into words quite as clearly as that one. He told her he figured he's not always that good with words, so when someone's written them before he could think them, it's a good choice to go with to tell her how he feels. 
Maggie remembers how she said yes, and how special it made her feel to be asked to be his girlfriend, much less anybody's girlfriend at all. No boy had really come into her life ever before, and to have this kind of connection with someone made her over-the-moon ecstatic. If she'd had any proper friends then, besides her mom and two brothers, she'd tell all of them. If she was in the school paper, that would be top news. The question made her so happy she could have screamed it so loud that astronauts in space could have heard her.
The words are so special to both of them, and hit close to heart each time they hear them. It's uncanny how true to their relationship and its context the lyrics are. 
“My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running 'round in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm following you, girl
'Cause you take me to the places
That alone I'd never find
And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winter's night.”
Maggie presses her forehead to Steve's, and both of them smile. They're still in their own world until the Party breaks the invisible seal and reminds them of their surroundings. “Look at them,” comes Robin's voice quietly, with a snicker at the end. The kids smile.
“Our baby-sitter parents are so cute,” Dustin joins in, and everyone has a laugh. Steve and Maggie crack into chuckles, too, and Maggie turns in Steve's arms to face the group, “you guys actually remind me of Suzie and me.” The young boy says, waving an index finger in the air. The Party break into exclamations of “no way!” and laughter. Even Steve laughs, his hair tickling Maggie's shoulder as his head hangs low, and Maggie just keeps smiling.
“Yeah, right,” Lucas laughs it off. 
“No, it's true. The two of us are so much like these guys,” Dustin argues, “and now you all know that she is real, you can stop doubting it.”
“How could we forget?” Max asks. “Turn around… look at what you see-eee-eeee!” She starts to sing and the rest of the kids join her, laughing. Robin gets up from the couch and wrings Maggie out of Steve's grasp. 
“I'll steal your girlfriend for just a bit, Steve,” she tells the older boy, who starts to frown, “we've got a party to plan.” Oh, right, Maggie had almost forgot. Steve's birthday party. The boy in question nods and runs a hand through his hair.
“Oooh, can we come?” Dustin asks, disrupting the Party's horribly off-key rendition of Never-Ending Story, directing all their attention to the older guys. 
Steve points a finger at Dustin and, accidentally in unison with Maggie and Robin, tells him a stern “No. Not happening.” The girls giggle and walk from the lounge inside the kitchen, out of sight and hearing of the chaos that is about to pursue, called “Steve lists off good reasons for young kids to not come to his birthday party”.
“I'm so excited, look–I even got a notebook just for this!” Robin muses, pulling the mentioned notebook with a red cover out of her bag that's laying near-by. She slams it on the kitchen island and Maggie reads the words written on the front in permanent marker: “STEVE'S BIRTHDAY BASH”.
“Haha, that's great,” she tells Robin, “you're just a little more prepared than I am.” She admits and sighs, looking on dreamily as Robin opens the notebook. She notices Maggie's voice fading after saying that, and guesses that it must be because of everything that's happened, how it's still overwhelming her. 
“Don't worry, we're a team at organizing this party,” Robin reminds her and nudges Maggie's shoulder with her own playfully, making the other girl smile, “so, guest list–who do we want there?” She asks and clicks a pen to write names down. 
“Uh…” Maggie taps the kitchen island surface, thinking hard, “oh, the the basketball team. And swim team.” She says, and noticing that Robin isn't writing any names down, she takes the notebook and pen from her and begins writing the boys' names down. “It's okay, I know their names.” She assures Robin, and she nods. 
“How big do you want this party to be, exactly?” She asks Maggie, and she shrugs.
“Um… well, I don't know. You said you had the idea to invite everyone, just for the fun of it. Would be cool if a lot of people would show up, actually,” she answers, “maybe I shouldn't even make a guest list and we should just… put flyers up everywhere - whoever wants to come, can come.” Maggie suggests.
“Yeah, but that could include people we wouldn't exactly want to show up,” Robin reminds her, and, catching her eye, Maggie realizes who she means.
“Tommy and Carol,” she says with a nod. But then Robin shrugs.
“But what if they do come? So what,” she says, “Steve won't care as long as he has, uh, you there.” Robin scratches out the names of football players Maggie managed to write down and just writes “EVERYONE” on the list.
“Really?” Maggie asks, looking up at Robin, and she nods surely. 
“Really, I promise,” she says, “seriously, you light up not just the room when he sees you, but the whole world. I haven't known him that well, but when you guys started dating, it's like nothing else was important to him, nothing else made him as happy as you. Just seeing you in school or whatever.” Robin says matter-of-factly, casually, like it's no big deal. “Even if some of more my crowd comes, he won't mind. Maybe he'll freak out for half a minute, but after that he'll just forget. Won't care at all.” Robin shrugs and smiles at Maggie. She flips to a page where the words “FOOD & DRINKS” are written at the very top. Maggie rests her chin in her hand and sighs quietly. 
She knew she had some sort of effect on Steve, like how he totally forgot about Tommy and Carol being at the skating rink because he was having a date there with Maggie, or how he actually learned to like properly studying in the last months of school, also because of her, and how he's generally become a less grumpy person to everyone, seeing how Maggie does it so easily. 
Maggie wouldn't really be the person to notice this, because she never really knew Steve's communication with girls prior to her, but last fall, Steve was becoming closer with Dustin and giving him advice on girls… “Just act like you don't care.” “Even if you do?” “Even if you do. Drives them nuts.” Which, frankly, isn't the best advice, because girls like to be shown that they're important to someone, anyone. Maggie made Steve realize that. Because of Maggie, Steve learned how to get a girl's attention and how to talk to one without that technique. He learned how to let himself be involved with someone without holding anything back. You care, you show it, you're interested in someone, you show them, you act on it. You don't like something, you say it, you talk it out. Maggie made Steve drop the stereotypical behavior that made him so cool and popular in that regular high school of theirs, and it made him kind of a dick to girls. 
What stopped him being a dick to girls was the whole ordeal with Nancy those two years ago. That also made him lose his hardly-any-kind-of friends - Tommy and Carol, because their true colors came out and Steve realized he's not like those kind of people at all, and doesn't want to be. He changed for the better - many things caused it, but Maggie, he and Robin would assume, most of all changed him. To be loved is to be changed, right? Maggie would never assume she'd have any effect on anyone or their lives, she's just… good old Maggie. Other people noticing her effect on Steve just makes it all the more real, therefore a little more unbelievable. Is she like actually making his life better, and has made him better? He's told her that in many ways multiple times, and has expressed his gratitude in lots of ways, too. Yet it still doesn't really stick in her stubborn mind. 
“Alright, would he want a cake? Or no cake?” Robin asks, diverting Maggie's thoughts, breaking her out of the thought essay she's began to write in her wandering mind. 
“Um, I could make one. We could do decorations together.” She answers, then looks up at Maggie. “Or make the whole cake together, if you want.”
“I'm kind of a kitchen hazard, but thanks for asking,” Robin nervously replies, “okay, cake,” she writes the word down, “what about other foods?”
“You can just be in the kitchen while I make it,” Maggie suggests, “I'd appreciate the company.”
“Oh,” Robin says quietly, “uhh, yeah, of course, no worries.” Robin's not really used to being invited to things, or included in them. She does have some friends, but they all have other friends, who are always the first option, not Robin. This is a nice offer. “Wh-when do you wanna make it?”
“I think Friday, a day before his birthday. Leave it in the fridge over night and it's gonna be fresh as ever on the day of,” Maggie says, “other snacks… well, I don't know. I don't really have that much money, so we could ask people to bring baskets or something.”
“Couldn't you ask Steve for money?” Robin butts in, and Maggie looks at her with slightly confused eyes. They're like Bambi eyes to Robin. “Oh, crap, was that the wrong thing to ask? Was that really rude of me just now?” Robin grows nervous. She's not the best at social etiquette.
Maggie knows that about Robin, but she wouldn't wanna make her feel awkward. “Not really, no,” she answers, “you're really practical in these things, Rob, and that's not a bad thing.” Maggie sighs. “I know Steve has a lot of money - well, mostly his parents do. My family doesn't, and… I just don't like asking for money. Especially from him, and since it's for his birthday party.”
“Well, I promise you he's ready to do anything for you,” Robin says, “but sorry, I shouldn't have asked and made this all… awkward.” She chuckles dryly, trying to ease the tension. Maggie puts her hand over Robin's, making the girl look at her. Maggie has a comforting smile on her face.
“You didn't,” she assures, “and you're forgiven, if that helps.” She tells Robin and pats her hand before withdrawing it. Robin feels so… comforted suddenly in her presence, but also all the more nervous. They're the same age, and Maggie's shorter than her, but most times Robin feels intimidated by her for no apparent reason. Intimidated in a good way, though, if that can even happen. 
“Wow, you really are the angel Steve believes you are,” Robin blurts out, making them both laugh. Maggie just can't believe these compliments about herself, “okay, so we'll include 'bring your own basket and booze' in the flyers. What else? What time does the party start?”
“Hmm, I'd say… five? Six?”
“In the morning?” Robin jokes.
“Yeah, morning exercises for every teenager in town,” Maggie continues the joke, making them both laugh again. They go back and forth with jokes while planning out the party, even adding a schedule, because, although Steve keeps telling Maggie how he hates to be on display, the center of attention, and likes things be done privately, she knows he'll appreciate the surprise she's planned for him. Gifting him his special mixtape–a Byers signature gift–and making a toast to him in front of everyone in the middle of the party, around nine pm. The girls figure that will be the perfect time for a toast, and also an opportunity for other people to say what they want to Steve, though Maggie hopes no one takes it as a chance to embarrass Steve or play some nasty prank. She always wants everything to be on time, in harmony and perfect on someone’s special day.
“A mixtape. That’s such a cute gift,” Robin compliments Maggie’s idea, “anything else special planned?” Robin asks after Maggie whispers a quiet ‘thanks’, and now the shorter girl gently butts an elbow into Robin’s side at the question.
“Wouldn’t you love to know…” she jokes along, “okay, I think we’ve just about planned everything. We’re gonna need to get precious stuff that’s lying around the house up to Steve’s parents’ bedroom, and lock the room, just in case.”
“What about his room?” Robin asks, writing down ‘hide precious stuff in locked bedroom’ in her notebook.
Maggie shrugs. “He doesn’t mind if people go in there,” she states, “we could tell people to put gifts there–if they have a gift for Steve, that is.” She’s not very hopeful that more than three people will bring a gift. Most guests will just come and use the opportunity to drink themselves full. “Okay, what else…”
“Any rules for smoking or going in the pool?” Robin suggests.
“Eh, no,” Maggie answers, “smoke everywhere, swim–whatever. Maybe a no peeing sign for the pool.”
“Ooh, I can make that,” Robin says and writes it down in the to-do list as well, “any theme or dress code?” 
Maggie shakes her head. “Nah,” she says, “people take that seriously only on Halloween.” She admits with an airy chuckle. “I think that’s it, huh? I’m kinda excited. Big high school summer party. Well, if a lot of people come, that is.” 
“They will. I mean, you and I both know how popular Steve was in school,” Robin reminds her, “but most people will just come to drink, as you said.” 
“Did you go to that Halloween party last year? I can’t remember whose it was, but that was an insane one,” Maggie tells her, but Robin shakes her head. 
“I wasn’t invited,” she shrugs off.
“Me neither,” Maggie admits, “Jonathan kinda took me as his plus one, but I didn’t stick around for long. Such chaos.”
“Oh, wait, was that the party where Jonathan took Nancy home because she’d had too much to drink?” Robin recalls hearing something about it, and Maggie nods just as Steve comes into the kitchen. She hopes Robin won’t pull on the thread she’s whisked out. Wide eye glances exchanged, Steve feels a strange air in the room.
“How’s it going with the planning?” He asks. 
“We’re just about finished,” Maggie answers, peeling herself off the kitchen island and heading to the fridge for a cold drink. Robin reminding her of the faithful Halloween party kinda threw her mood off-course.
“Great, cause the Beach Boys are about to get on stage,” Steve says. 
“Ooh, my mom loves them,” Robin muses, “I’ll leave my notebook here, Steve, don’t you open it!” She tells him before walking back to the lounge. Maggie closes the fridge with a cold Coca-Cola in hand and sees Steve reading the title of the notebook. He chuckles. 
“I won’t read it, don’t worry,” he assures his girlfriend, “I like surprises like this. Whatever you two have planned will be great.” Steve looks at Maggie and gives her a sweet smile. She returns one and comes closer to him, leaning into his embrace. They sway quietly and slowly to no particular rhythm in the empty kitchen. 
“Is everyone having fun in there?” Maggie asks, the back of her head resting on Steve’s chest. 
“Without a doubt,” he answers, “had to do some real convincing so Dustin or anyone else wouldn’t dare come to our party.” Maggie laughs at that. Those are a few head-strong kids in Steve’s lounge.
“I hope at least ten people comes to the party,” Maggie quietly wishes, “we went with the idea to just invite everyone. Robin said you wouldn’t mind.”
“Sure I won’t,” Steve assures, “Robin hasn’t really been to a party like this before, it will be fun for her. As long as you both are there, I don’t care who comes.” Maggie blushes and stands on her tiptoes to kiss Steve’s cheek. “You’re my best friends, you know.” 
“Awh,” she says, snaking one of her hands up to the back of his head, scratching gently at his roots. Steve's eyes drop closed and he hums in what's lightly put as agreement to the motion, and Maggie smiles wider.
“How I love your hands in my hair,” he says in half-a-whisper. 
“I know,” Maggie reminds him, “you'll get more later, when we're alone,” she makes sure to press her body into his more, knowing the effect that will have on him. Steve's grip on their intertwined hands around her waist tightens and he answers to her melted body against his with a push forward, gently pushing them both into the kitchen island, “I can't wait.” Maggie sighs, and presses a kiss to Steve's neck. She keeps at least one eye open for the entrance of the kitchen, in case anyone comes barging in.
“What if we…” Steve starts to say, one hand of his trailing down to Maggie's thigh, “skip ahead a little?” He suggests all while trying not to turn his words into moans with Maggie's hand raking his roots. Maggie smiles, turns around in his arms, pressing her back into the island, and pulls Steve closer, both hands in his hair, and a leg hiked over his hip. Steve's lips are immediately on hers, any caution towards the others in the house thrown to the side.
“We practically have… a full house,” Maggie reminds him between kisses and heaved breaths. Steve's hand slips under her shirt, raising goosebumps along her waist as it discovers the skin there for the hundredth time in their lives. Maggie is nearly fully laid on the kitchen island now, their bodies moving against each other border-line hungrily.
“I could ask them to leave,” Steve comes up with a solution, and Maggie just quietly laughs at the idea. She lays a fleeting kiss on his lips before squirming out from beneath him, regaining her breath, “uh, hello?” Steve exclaims in confusion, running a hand through his hair and looking at his girlfriend with wide eyes. His hair looks wild as Maggie admires his overall disheveled character, sipping on her cold Cola with a grin threatening to break into chuckles. These exact words from him remind her of the time when it was them both against the Party in Maggie's kitchen, when they had the bright idea to leave the house and distract the demo-dogs. 
“Tempting, but… no,” Maggie tells him teasingly, still holding back from laughing out loud. Teasing her boyfriend is more fun than she expected. Before Steve can argue back or do anything to still hold her back, Maggie flees the kitchen, well on her way to the lounge. Now Steve's all hot and bothered and has a house full of guests. He shakes his head with a subtle smile on his lips, realizing what she's getting at. He's not sure she's done this before, Maggie's always been shy and private about these things. Oh, he'll get her back, later. 
Steve returns to the lounge just as Beach Boys are finishing their first song, and he brings with him a Coca-Cola for everyone. “Here you guys are,” Steve hands everyone their drinks and receives many thanks, and then returns to the spot next to Maggie with a sigh. She smiles at him, tilting her head up at him, and Steve smiles back. He puts his arm around her and shifts his attention to the TV while Maggie gets comfortable in his hold. 
They all laze around the lounge, singing and dancing to the songs playing, until the sun starts to set. Dustin and Steve have their fun to Queen's performance televised from London, Will and Robin have a great time during the Thompson Twins show, Max and El rave out to Madonna, and over-all the Party have a great time together with the baby-sitters to the largest pop music charity gig there ever could be. When the kids get to leaving, because they fell asleep just now at Phil Collins' set, Robin says they're about to miss the most fun.
“Duran Duran are about to get on,” she protests, standing in front of the TV, between the kids at the doorway and Maggie and Steve on the couch. 
“Nah, it's okay, we'll watch at home,” Mike says with a dismissing hand gesture, “my house is closest, so we'll go there.” He looks around his friends, and they all nod. Maggie notices Will smiling, and seeming as close to his friends as he always was, before the whole misunderstanding this summer.
“Yeah, we better leave the babysitter parents alone,” Dustin tells Robin in less than a quiet whisper than he'd intended to. Maggie and Steve act like they know nothing about it as Robin looks them over. Ugh, she missed a cue again. And somehow Dustin always seem to know everything, pick up on little hints and quirks. Steve's thankful for that, because this is less awkward than asking everyone to leave at some point would be. But the kids made that decision themselves, thankfully. 
“Oh, well, I'll split with you guys, then,” Robin decides with a shrug of her shoulders, and Dustin smiles, nodding, “Maggie, I'll see you next week.” She salutes her, and Maggie does the same.
“Yeah, I'll call you,” she confirms, “thanks for coming, you guys.” Maggie tells all the kids, and they mumble each their own thing in response, including a string of 'byes' as they leave the room. Maggie and Steve wave at Robin and the group as Robin follows the group out. 
“Bye, get home safe!” Steve calls after them, their laughter fades out across the house. And then they shut the door behind them, all that's left in the house is the noise from the TV. “Well, hello, teaser,” Steve greets Maggie in a low voice and attacks her with tickles to her sides and kisses to her neck. She immediately explodes with laughter, tries to squirm away, but has no choice. She squeals and yelps, swatting Steve with her hands until he lets up and just smiles at her, laying now below him on the sofa, “you didn't tease me in the kitchen, right? That was someone else.” Steve jokes as Maggie regains her breathing, but she can't, because this makes her laugh even more.
She locks her legs around Steve's waist, pulls him lower down to her, “No, that wasn't me,” she says and takes Steve's face in both hands, “I was just getting a Cola,” she says in a played-up innocent voice, “why, did I get you all high and dry?” Maggie teases and slips her hand into Steve's shorts. He raises his eyebrows at her, noting once again her sudden boldness in these matters.
“You could say that,” he breathes and waits for Maggie's next step. She doesn't do much, just teases him some more with her hand ghosting over his growing erection, a grin spreading her lips. She knows what she's doing. But she stops, her hand traveling up to his happy trail, a finger just tracing it upwards. Seeing the defeated look on Steve's face, she bursts into giggles, as if he'd started tickling her again, “you are a tease.” Steve says with a shake of his head. Maggie shrugs and keeps one hand at the bottom of Steve's chest and the other on his cheek, caressing it softly.
“Do you like it?” She quietly asks and Steve nods, though not completely sure. 
“Yeah, I did,” he finally tells her and kisses her lips slowly, feather-like, “my sweet girl,” Steve nicknames her quietly in her ear, laying a kiss right next to it, making Maggie's heart flutter just like it did when they first started to go out together. She smiles and gently holds the hand that Steve cradles the side of her porcelain face with. She loves it when he touches her face, and is so glad he picked up on it at one point in time by himself, because she is too shy to ever say it out loud.
Steve has a similar thing, he'd be lying if he said her holding his cheek didn't turn him into complete putty, putting him at her total mercy, succumbing to her completely. Of course, he's always at her mercy. He's just glad to finally be alone with her–kids always getting in the way. Now it's quite the perfect setting - love songs playing in the background from the still-going concert, they're alone in the house, how much more perfect could it be? 
Steve nips and kisses at her neck, ever so sensitive, as his and Maggie's bodies are already moving in tandem against each other. Their legs tangled together, heating each other up more and more with every second, this Indiana heat wave has nothing on them working each other up. Maggie nearly feels like she can't breathe, like she forgot how to. 
She pushes Steve's hair away from his face, bringing him down to her kissed-a-million-times lips, and that seems to have helped the shortage of air thing. “Steve,” Maggie sighs his name so heavenly to him, making both of them have deja-vu. She hikes her dress up higher, so it's be easier for Steve a few moments later.
“Baby,” he mewls back, hands now roaming all over Maggie, touching every spot of her like live wires, “y'make me feel like we're in my car again, and it's cold outside.” Steve confesses, and Maggie chuckles, because that's what she was thinking, too. Their first proper make-out in his car. It was winter. “Only your hands aren't cold.” Steve smiles and kisses her jaw again. Maggie's smile stretches wider.
“And we have nowhere to be, and no curfew,” she adds on, and chuckles at Steve for making a half-moan at those reminders. She'd think no curfew turns him on. Steve pulls away from her for just a moment to take his shirt off, throwing it somewhere behind the couch, but returns to her just as quickly and gives kisses to the inside of her hands, gives kisses all over them.
“God, I love these hands,” he tells Maggie, and she catches his eyes just for a split second, a bit of a crazy look in them. She knows he gets that way when he's really riled up, “and I love this face,” Steve says with pursed lips, grabbing both sides of Maggie's face and kissing all over it, too. She tries to laugh, because it sort of tickles and Steve's sudden madness is amusing, but she's nearly suffocated by him, so her laughter comes out muffled, “and I love this girl.” He kisses Maggie's lips and looks right at her to see the beautiful expression of her smiling now, too. He's sure there is no sight more beautiful than Maggie Byers smiling.
“Bet you love being inside me more,” Maggie bites back at him, pulling him down to her again, now right between her legs, her pulsating crotch on his very much hard one. This boldness that keeps showing up in Maggie puts Steve back a moment, he looks at her in played-up disbelief with his lips parted, though a devilish grin is growing on them. She just shakes her head, Steve looking at her making her feel embarrassed, “come on, just get in there.” A deep blush growing on her cheeks.
“My, my, my,” Steve says in-between pants while adjusting his underwear and then Maggie's, complying to her straight-forward request right away–you don't need to tell him twice. When he enters her, the laughter leaves the room for just a little while, quiet noises of adjustment and the start of pleasure filling in for the moment, “you're so right, Maggie,” Steve heaves in her ear, his hand interlinking with hers as he starts to move at the slow pace he knows Maggie likes. He loves being inside her, it's just indescribable, unrepeatable. Maggie bites her lip, hardy able to concentrate on whatever Steve is saying or wants to say when she's looking up at him. His hair has fallen out of the place Maggie tucked it into just moments ago, golden-brown streaks of hair with blonde highlights here and there falling over his forehead. Steve's eyes are the usual beautiful brown that they are, eyebrows knit together in intense concentration, his cheeks pink over the summer tan, his lips parted. His other arm is strained over Maggie, gripping the armrest, his famous thin, gold chain swaying above her. He is just so breath-taking that she can't look away, neither can she think of or concentrate on anything else, “you bold, bold girl.” Steve says with a faint grin on his lips. 
Maggie chuckles, shakes her head, almost tries to hide from him behind the one hand covering her face. But Steve moves that hand away with the knot of their intertwined hands, uncovering her blushing, plump cheeks and beautiful, thoughtful eyes, even if they are filled with shyness. They look into each other's eyes, watch as their lips part with their heavy breaths and moans that fuel their desire for one another. Steve's the first one to crack - literally cracking up with giggles out of nowhere - his head now resting on Maggie's chest. She starts giggling, too, Steve being just that infectious, and they soon become an intertwined mess of laughs, moans and panting. Neither of them would wish it any other way.
“I love you so much,” Steve says out of breath right when he knows he's not far from that push off the edge. And he recognizes Maggie's body language so well that he knows she's not far, either, “my pretty girl,” Steve muses, “I know you're close.”
“Yeah, Stevie,” Maggie confirms in her own heave of breath, “you feel so good inside me,” she confesses to him, and Steve moans. He loves praise just as much as she does. Steve runs his free hand up the inside of Maggie's thigh, lifting it higher and wider up, therefore reaching a deeper spot inside her with his length. It makes the girl whine, her back coming off the couch, “ah, just like that.” She praises to him. “C-Can you go faster?” She requests, though shy in doing so, because she's known to like taking things slow.
It surprises Steve, but he nods. “Yeah,” he heaves, “yeah, of course.” He rests both forearms by Maggie's head, knowing it will be easier this way, and quickens his pace inside her. Maggie holds onto Steve's frame with the hand that's not intertwined with his, and adjusts to the new change. Both their breathing weighs heavier, their bodies hot against each other, intertwined, eye contact stronger than the poor couch they’re driving out of its place. “Like that, baby?” Steve checks in, and only gets the best answer ever - a high-pitched moan from Maggie he’s not sure he’s head before. 
“Yeah,” Maggie whines, her head falling back as he continues to thrust into her. God, it feels like heaven. She wouldn’t have expected herself to like this fast, but something was missing and this was it. Steve’s hitting all the right spots inside her, grazing her walls in such a torturingly pleasure-filled way, nearly making her see stars. Feels like he’s killing her, but in the best way on earth, “Steve…”
“Baby,” Steve responds in the same tone of desperation, eroticism, pleasure, “gonna make you come, baby girl,” he promises her. Baby girl is new in nicknames, Maggie discovers, though barely conscious, but oh, how she loves it. She whimpers and clings to Steve as she feels herself finally reach that point, that sacred point she’s been teasing Steve and herself to come to for almost a whole day, “thaaaaat’s it, fuck…”
Steve stills inside her, reaching his orgasm in time with hers, filling her walls up with ribbons of his come, a quiet whisper of her name as his mantra. He rest his head on her chest, feels her hand tracing from his shoulder up to his hair, and hears Maggie not being able to say anything other than his name as she goes through and comes down her own release, just whispering it a barely audible volume. Her breaths come in long, heavy exhales, and she lays done under Steve, drifting back into reality. He moans at the heavily feeling of her fluid milking his length, warm, welcoming, familiar. 
“You're incredible,” he praises in the midst of a mind-blowing orgasm, “that was amazing,” Steve says in a heave of breath and looks up at Maggie, those big, beautiful brown eyes staring at her through his fallen strands of thick hair. Maggie runs her hand through them to see his face, and she smiles, nodding. 
“Yeah, that really was… somethin’,” she tells him as he gently pulls out of her, making her mutter a whimper at the end of her sentence. He sits up before her, bare chest with chest hair and his happy trail in all their glory just for Maggie to see, and she bites her lip as she takes him in. Never fails to make her swoon - seeing her boyfriend bare-chested. Steve sends her a wink and slaps his underwear back on, taking care of hers right after, sliding it back up her pretty legs. 
He pulls her up with him so Maggie can sit in his lap, his back pressing into the couch, Maggie getting comfortable on top, and they embrace each other. Their breathing is still somewhat heavy, irregular at least. Maggie locks her hands at the back of Steve’s neck and pulls back a little, just to take another look at him. Hair wild, cheeks tinted pink, lips parted, eyes staring back at hers. She smiles sweetly at him.
“Baby girl, huh?” She asks, and Steve smile cheekily, a chuckle bursting through him, humming throughout Maggie. “I loved it when you called me that,” she admits, and Steve raises his eyebrows.
“I could feel that, yeah,” he says and pulls her back close to him by her waist, “really did the trick for you, baby girl.” Steve teases, bumping his nose with Maggie’s, it makes her giggle. He can feel the immediate effect that the nickname has on her in her body language, in how she breathes, how her hips still a little, yet yearn for closer touch, how her cheeks tint a raspberry color.  
She kisses him on the lips heavily, finger pads once again going into the roots of his hair. “Stop, you’ll get me hot and heavy again,” Maggie warns him with a slight grin on her face. Steve smiles wide. 
“What if I do…” he inquires, though rhetorically in part, looking at her in their closeness. His hands roam the skin under her shirt, still hot to the touch from their shenanigans.
“Well, then I’ll touch your hair again just how you like it,” she answers the question, “and we’d be at it all night.” Steve raises his eyebrows.
“I wouldn’t be complaining,” he tells her, and makes her laugh again. Maggie shakes her head as she laughs and moves around so she’d be laying back-first in her boyfriend’s hold, now both of them facing the TV, “wow, it’s still going.” He says, seeing the broadcasted stage and audience on the screen. 
“Yeah, it’s not even that late yet,” Maggie reminds him.
“With you time works differently for me,” Steve admits to her and lays a kiss on her neck. Maggie smiles. How lucky she truly is.
“I love you,” she hums to him, momentarily looking up at him, and sees him almost upside down, which makes her giggle.
“And I love you,” Steve responds, hand caressing Maggie's cheek, “my beautiful girl.” She tucks her head into his neck, bends her legs in his lap, gets comfortable in his hold altogether. “Wanna watch a movie after this?” 
“Yeah, that'd be fun,” she says, and suddenly it dawns on her. They spent most winter and spring evenings watching movies at Steve's house together, both got to pick the movies, after study sessions or even right after school. She's not gonna have that anymore when she moves away. She won't get a call from him asking her to come over, she won't be able to come over. 
It dawns on Maggie how much she'll miss those nights. How much she'll miss Steve. She hugs herself all the more closer to him because of it, suddenly feeling very emotional, like she could either burst into a fit of hysterical laughter or start crying at any trigger either way. She tries to smile, but a sad expression paints across her face. And she can't shake this small epiphany.
series tag-list: @givemequeen​​​ @yllwtaxi @wnygirl2012​​​ @watercolour-sloth​​​ @brinaprfct​​​ @whormotional​​​ @chaandii​​​ @e-lysium​​​ @tina1938​​​​ @mochminnie @talksoprettyjjx
permanent tag-list: @gabiatthedisco​​​​​​ @v0idbella​​​​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​​​​ @ur-gunna-h8-ths​​​​​​ @betweenloveandfire​ @but-legendsneverdie​​​​​​ @deardeacy​​​​​​ @thewinchesterchronicles​ @mavieesttriste16​​​​​​ @intrrverted​​​​​​ @the-freak-cassie-131​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​ @xoxobabydolls​ @corallyink​ @rottenstyx​
let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters !!!
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
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Easy Company going to the Zoo | Headcanons
Note: I do believe Zoos are ultimately harmful to animals; this is only for entertainment purposes. I recommend to read everything because is kinda connected.  
– Dick Winters - This man is calmly watching every animal, listening silently to what the guides say like the perfect man that he is. Nix takes pictures of him like he is the wife that died at the beginning of the movie. He is genuinely embarrassed when the boys do something stupid and he has to apologize to strangers. He sees them getting along and Shifty helping random kids and he is on Proud Dad Mode. An elephant patted his head and he was so happy. 
“Alright everyone, if anyone falls off the railings it will make the animals sick, so please be careful. You are hard for the animals to digest.”
– Lewis Nixon - A monkey stole his sunglasses and Winters laughed at him instead of helping him. Can’t stand kids screaming at the animals. Starts oversharing how bad his marriage was with the animals.
"Nix, they're gonna get depressed." Winters told him. "Even more? We are all trapped in some way, aren't we?" He replied after a sigh with a gloomy voice.
– Carwood Lipton - Plans everything as always. When the zoo guides are telling information It’s him who tells everyone to be quiet. He asks everyone to take a group picture. He really likes the red pandas. 
"Come on guys, form a single file line."
“Do not pick the goats Perconte, can’t you read the sign?”
– Ronald Speirs - Gets offended because a parrot starts imitating him. Refuses to eat there because it is too expensive. He stole a mini toy turtle from the gift shop, and at the end of the day he gave it to Lip. He doesn't trust the raccoons or the lemurs because he thinks they are going to steal from him. 
“Sir, can you help me find the kay-muls?” Muck asked. “You mean ‘camels’?”  “Yes, that’s what I said.” “Fucking idiot.” 
– George Luz - George tries to teach the parrots how to swear. He makes fun of the penguins too. A baby koala climbed on his shoulder to hug his neck. Talks with the zookeepers and learns more than the other guys. He looks at Don and Skip messing around and says: “Look at the primates socializing.” My poor boy really tries to communicate with the monkeys tho.  "Hey, It's you George." Bill said, pointing at the monkey while laughing.  “Sure, look Bill, It's you too." George points at the trash can.
– Joe Liebgott - The first one to volunteer to pet a snake. Almost threw hands with a kid because he stole his sandwich. He pushed Web and he almost fell in the otters water tank. He scares Babe with fake stories about animals who attacked people. Says dark humor jokes to offend Shifty.
“Shit, that leopard would make a pretty good coat.”  “Lieb, please stop. It 's not even funny.” Shifty replied. 
– Bill Guarnere - He is so excited to see the lions. If other companies are there, he is always screaming at them like it's a school trip. Runs back and forward in the front of the glass, to make the cheetahs run with him. Feeds the animals that are forbidden to be fed by the visitors. 
“Bill, stop feeding them before anyone sees you.” Malarkey warns him.  “What? No! Look at them, they have skinnier legs than Lieb.” “Bill, that’s a flamingo.” Webster replied.
– Joe Toye - He is against zoos, so he starts screaming at a zookeeper and Lip has to apologize in his name. Wants to make himself look like he doesn't want to be there but at the first cute animal that he sees he lets escape an "Anw." A bunny pooped on him. He is kinda scared a peacock wants to mate with him because he shook his feathers to him. 
“Look, Toye found a girlfriend, how cute.” “Shut up George.” 
– Donald Malarkey - Donnie is so excited and happy to be around the animals. He takes pics with every single one of them. In the farm section he spends his money to buy food to feed the goats. He buys so many stuffed animals. He saw a ginger monkey and got so happy. Names everyone animal like is going to keep them.
“Look how long their necks are.” Perconte says about the giraffes.  “Don’t say that.” Malarkey replied angrily, “She might hear you.” “Yeah, don’t you hear him, Louisa.” George says playfully to the giraffe, “You have a lovely neck.”
– Warren “Skip'' Muck - Yes, he definitely dances to the monkeys. Brings everything from the gift shop. Imitates the meerkats when they stand up. Makes a stare contest with a lizard. Presses his face against the glass and Martin yells at him. He and Bill find orangutans kinda creepy and suspicious (??).
“Are we allowed to ride giraffes?” “NO.” Lip yelled. 
– Darrel “Shifty” Powers - He was the one who volunteered to feed the elephants. He stays watching an animal no one else seems to be interested in. He loves to be around the animals but feels genuinely bad for them. He helps scared kids pat the ponies. He wants to adopt a kitten from the shelter of the zoo but he thought he wouldn't be responsible enough to take him.
“You know sir, cats don’t like loud noises, what if I talk too loud near him?” “I don’t think that would be a problem, Shifty.” Winters said with a kind smile. 
 – Eugene Roe - When they were in the farm section, he spent the whole time gently rubbing the belly of a pregnant bunny. I feel like he loves pandas. Asks the zookeeper's how many times each animal is being fed during the day and wants to know about the treatment of the sick ones. Even in the zoo he has to carry his first aid kit. 
“Hey, look, it's a pelican.” Babe said.  "That's a toucan.” Eugene replied.
– Edward “Babe” Heffron - He fed a deer and then got scared when they started to surround them. He is kinda scared of birds. He gave his lunch to a peacock because he bit him. He genuinely loves lizards. 
“Heffron, you know It’s your fault that you got bit.” Eugene told him while taking care of his injury. “How is it my fault?” “You were trying to do a mating dance for the peacock.” “And I gave him my lunch, and for what? For him to like Toye instead. I hate birds.”
– David Webster - Web, Aka Shark boy, just wants to see aquatic animals. Is genuinely interested in learning about animals. He reads every board with the animal information and also acts like the teacher’s pet to the zoo guides. 
“No, sir, actually they live 15 to 45 years.” “Shut the fuck up Web.” Lieb told him. “Ok.” 
– Frank Perconte - He kinda judges giraffes for having long necks. He hates how the zoo smells. He wants to keep every lost belonging but Shifty convinces him to give it to the zoo staff. He leaned in to see the crocodiles better and almost fell but Martin grabbed him by his shirt right on time.
“If you fall in there, I won’t save you.” Martin said. “You won't, sergeant?” Perconte replied with a sad expression. 
– Denver “Bull” Randleman - He is compared by everyone to a bear. He makes Perconte hold his shirt to not lose him in the crowd. He will call out anyone who taps the glass. Makes the guys wear hats because of the sun. He notices Talbert taking pictures of the animals mating and says to Martin: “Look, that creep is taking pictures of the zebra putting the stick on the honey.” (No, but imagine him saying this with his accent, I-...) 
– John Martin - I feel like he has a special love for rhinos. A baby binturong fell asleep on his lap when they were in the Baby Room section. A hawk shitted on his shoulder and he got pissed. 
"Alright everyone, let's go! If anyone touches, teases or even screams at the animals will be thrown at the Lions. Oh, and Bill, don’t try it on purpose.”
"For fuck sake, Muck don't dance to the monkeys." 
– Floyd Talbert - The most distracted, instead of looking at the animals he is looking at the women. He sees two animals mating, quickly whoops Malarkey’s camera to take pictures. Is envious of how beautiful the alpacas hair are. He flirts with the zookeepers.
“Yeah, that’s a pretty big snake. You know what else is b-...” “Sergeant Talbert, get your ass back here.” Sargent Martin yelled at him.
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Tagged by @jervis-tetch-my-beloved (ily Cass <3)
Main ship: uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh idk, I don't think I have one?? Or well it changes depending on what I'm more into at the moment, I suppose right now it would be Hattercrow (Scarecrow x Mad Hatter, not Gotham's versions tho)
Main OT3: it's the same as the main ship, it changes, right now it's Scarecrow x Mad Hatter x Riddler....for reasons....
Main NOTP: I honestly can't think of any right now, I mean there's definitely some ships that I don't like out there, but I guess I don't bother thinking about them much
Main Crackship: Harvis (Harvey Bullock x Jervis Tetch, Gotham versions) listen....it's a long story
Old ship you cling dearly to: Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak from IT), Cherik (Professor X x Magneto) and Nygmobblepot (Riddler x Penguin) they mean a lot to me ok??
Ship you hated first but are ok with now: Riddlecat (Catwoman x Riddler) I guess, it's not like I hated it, but I didn't like it, then because of fanart I've seen and some instances in canon where their interactions are very cute, I grew a bit fond of them, they are sweet together
Crossover ship: right now I don't think I have any?? But back in the day I was really into Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, so yeah I really liked Jack Frost x Elsa and Hiccup x Merida
Biggest Polycule: Spy x Medic x Heavy x Engie x Sniper x Demo x Soldier from TF2, just 7 dads and their 2 children (Scout and Pyro)
Smallest Polycule: Trephacard (Trevor x Sypha x Alucard from the Castlevania series on Netflix), technically this would be another ot3, but eh, anyway I love them your honour they are everything to me
Crackship that became a serious ship: duck x red guy from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, no I'm not going to explain
Ship that other people ship in a different way than how you ship it: Riddlebat (Riddler x Batman) because idk the only way I see this ship is with Riddler having a big crush on Batman, but Batman not being interested in him at all, at least not interested romantically, I just can't see him reciprocating Riddler's feelings and them being an actual couple, friends tho? Sure!
Most problematic ship: 2doc (2-D x Murdoc from Gorillaz) 100%
Most "normal" ship: probably Serirei (Serizawa x Reigen from Mob Psycho 100)
Most popular ship: uhhh either Harlivy (Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy) or Thoschei/Best Enemies (The Doctor x The Master from Doctor Who) I think????????
The one ship you don't even know why you ship it: Boomer (Dr. Bubby x Dr. Coomer from HLVRAI), I mean their old man love and quarrels got to me, but I never expected to get so attached to them
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Codex Familia: spoiled birthday
September 24th was the day when Eduardo and Maria Hernandez were born. And as children of the lively and exciting goddess Quetzalcoatl, of course the celebration would be something to remember!
"You ready Mijitos?! Your aunt is here with the jet!" Quetz yelled out to her kids, so they can start the day's celebrations! "We have to go early so we can do everything you asked for!"
The twins were then seen running down the stairs, looking ready to go. "We're here! We're ready!" Ed said as they stopped in front of their mother.
"AYE! You two look so adorable! Oh how I missed seeing you two!" Said a new voice. It was the twins' Tia Nota! She was dressed in such fancy clothing, you'd think she was visiting royalty, tho in her eyes this day is far more important then visiting any royal. "Are you two ready for your trip?!" She asked them, enthusiastically.
Both the twins' responded to their tia with an excited "SI!" Before actually both hugging her.
"Aaawww! How I missed your hugs!" Nota said, so happy to be hugged.
"Prima, you act like you didn't see them just last week." Rex said, as he came inside the house.
"It's not my fault I cherish seeing them so much!" She said in response to her cousin.
"Ok, ok! We're wasting time! We need to go!" Quetz said so they could start moving.
"Right!" Nota said after letting go of the kids. "We ought to get going!"
The family left out of the house to see Nota's own private jet not far off. "Was this really necessary?" Rex asked her.
"Well birthdays only happen once a year!" Nota responded.
Rex then responded with "But you bring that out for their birthday, my birthday, your birthday, mi amor's bi-"
"Ok you made your point! Now let's go!" Nota said back to him.
The family sat in the jet, in what felt better than even first class flying. "Hope you don't mind it just being me! Mi amor and mis bebes have to be elsewhere! But they send love and gifts!" Nota told the family as they sat down.
"That's fine! This is already so nice! Gracias Tia!" Ed responded to Nota.
"Would rather not deal with his annoying ass" Mari said under her breath.
"What was that, mijita?" Nota asked.
"OH! Nothing! Nothing at all!" Mari answered.
The jet speeded through the skies before reaching their destination: Cancun. The previous year, they decided to visit Mexico city, this time Cancun was their pick.
Once they reached their destination, their first objective was an aquarium in the area!
"They sure put a lot of attention on the dolphins" Nota noted.
"People are still ignorant to their crimes." Mari responded.
"Aw look at the penguins!" Ed pointed out
"Aw, so cute!" Quetz exclaimed when she saw!
"Oh hey! They let you go into some of the tanks with a diving helmet!" Rex pointed out.
Excitedly, Ed ran to do just that! Before long, he was in his swim trunks with a diving helmet on in the tank with fish and rays!
Nota and Quetz snapped many photos of him with the fish swimming around. "Aw you look so happy, Mijo!" Quetz exclaimed!
"The fish seem to really like him too." Mari says, as the fish seem to school around him.
After the aquarium, they then headed towards the underground springs known as the Cenotes.
As they went down deep into the caverns, near the water they talked a bit about the Cenotes.
"These were used for ritual sacrifice, y'know!" Quetz explained to everyone. "Many skeletons have been found in the waters of these! Tho this one is clear of any thankfully"
"I heard this is because the Maya believed these were entrances to Xibalba!" Nota added.
Suddenly a long and sharp grin grew across Mari's face.
Ed noticed this and immediately knew what she was planning. "No! Don't you dar-"
"Hey there Demons! It's me! Ya girl!" She suddenly yelled out.
"Mija, I don't think you should do that." Rex tried to tell her.
"Mija! That's not necessary!" Quetz said.
"I don't think there's any stopping her now." Nota said.
"If you don't come out! This will be my cave!" Mari yelled.
The rest of the family resigned to just letting her continue as they continued towards the water at the bottom.
"Convenient that it's just us in this particular Cenote" Rex remarked.
Eventually they reached the water, and went in for a dip. "Oh the water is really nice!" Mari remarked.
"Feels fitting she of all people would enjoy water that might lead to Xibalba" Ed said.
Eventually after the Cenote, the family went to a shopping center, Nota having the intent to buy many many many gifts for the twins!
"Just ask for whatever Mijitos! I'll buy it for you!" She said with a big smile on her face.
The twins went to many a store with their aunt, getting so many souvenirs and gifts. Nothing was too expensive for her to buy for them.
At some point Ed noticed a ball, the same kind used for the game pok-A-tok. He walked up to it and realized how nice it'd be to give it to Valentina.
Then behind him, Nota was there. "Wanna get it for your lil girlfriend?" She asked him. "That's very sweet of you!"
Ed blushed a bit, before answering. "Y-yes! I'm hoping she'd like a new ball."
"Oh I'm sure she would! So let's pick it up for her!" Nota replied to him.
Eventually the trip was over with, and it was time to head back home! Once they had reached home, a small party was set up in the yard! With food, music, some visitors and the birthday cake!
"Ah hell yeah! Bigass cake!" Mari yelled.
The two sat at the table, eating some cake slices. Eventually Ed got a text from his girlfriend. It read: "sorry I couldn't make it to the party. I'll give you your gift next time we see each other!"
Ed still smiled as he looked at it, before suddenly his eyes were covered by two hands. "Guess who" came from the owner of said hands.
"Amor?!" Ed said when he recognized Valentina's voice!
She then removed her hands before turning him completely around. "You got it! It was me!" Valentina said.
"You made it!" Ed exclaimed!
"Of course I'm gonna make it to my love's birthday! And happy birthday to you too Maria!" She then said towards Mari, who was still eating cake.
Ed hugged and kissed Valentina immediately after that. He was happy to see her there!
The small party was a blast! Plenty of great food was eaten, gifts were given and the twins were very happy!
"Probably one of the best birthdays!" Mari said as she laid down.
"I'm happy you enjoyed it so much, mija!" Quetz said.
"Now we just need to see how to match it next year" said Rex.
"I'll think of something!" Nota added
"Well we'll be looking forward to it!" Ed finished.
Bam! Birthday fic completed! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Had a struggle thinking it up, but eventually managed something I really like!
@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @haskiaradoneanythingwrong @akampana @littleminxthings @chaldeamage-neo @exmeowstic @violette-dreams
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spacedykez · 1 year
so i have a lot of stuffed animal. like, a LOT. the ones i’m sending you to rate are the ones easiest for me to access bc i am Not going into my closet to get the rest out but just know that these are not all of them!
1st: lamby the lamb! i don’t know how long i’ve had her, but definitely years. she’s like, the width of my arm.
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next up is dave! i don’t remember how i got him, i think it was in late elementary school. he’s big enough to be inconvenient tho
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after that we have shimmer! i’ve had her for about 10 years now, and fun fact! she’s got little glow in the dark stars on her ears and bottoms of her feet!
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4th, we have leona! i’ve had her for about a decade as well, and i actually won her from a carnival game in vegas! she makes a good backup pillow, too.
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next, there’s snubbull. i got them from build-a-bear for my 14th birthday, along with a stuffed rabbit who unfortunately got left under a bed abt a day’s travel upstate on a roadtrip. v firm, good for stress hugging
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this one is named teriyaki. in 7th grade i believe i tried to film a youtube series starring him. he was like 5 dollars at walmart which is a HUGE steal
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i got toothless here for some birthday long since past, i think around 5th or 6th grade. great memories attached to him. i haven’t properly talked to the friend who gave him to me in years but i think she’d be glad to hear i still sleep with him as a pillow every night.
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finally, there are trixx (squishmallow fox, named during my miraculous phase) and john cena (penguin)! they r permanent bed residents even though i rarely cuddle them bc they’re cute
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and a bonus frosty for your time!
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AWESOME !! i love stuffies i have so many stuffies
ohmygod would you believe i also had a lamb stuffie named lamby. i still have her. she was one of my favorite stuffies when i was younger. your lamby is so cute. fluffy looking. huggable. 9/10.
dave !! aw he looks so friendly. SO huggable. he also looks very soft. 9/10
they look very very huggable. 8/10.
snubbull looks very large and that is a plus.good for hugs. not neccesarily as soft/fluffy though. 7/10.
teryaki i love you. +1 for being a bargain. 7/10.
TOOTHLESS!!!! so derpy i love him. n memories!! 9/10.
8/10. not huggable cause too small but i love foxes.
john cena!! very cute. 7/10.
(they are all 10/10 in our hearts)
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hello~☆ it's me! Hee annonie!
I am here with some (JAKE) edits 😌💗
3. Ayoooo JakeHoon 🥺
Bf! Jake would be so much fun. Because he just goes along with whatever you wanna do ???
Painting his nails to putting on face masks to spending hours in a bookstore. He just goes along with it.
Dates with Jake give me these vibes:
It's a sunny morning. Somehow both of woke up at 5. Lazed around and got out of the best around 7 am and decided to go out for a picnic. It is the perfect amount of sunny outside with cool breeze. You reach the picnic spot and spread you blanket under the shadow of a tree.
While Jake plays with Layla, you peacefully read your book and drink Ice tea. 30 mins or so your bf and Layla (read: your two puppies) come back all tired. You give Layla her water and your bf some juice.
And now all three are just there lying. Staring at the sky and looking at different shapes of clouds. While Jake is busy pointing out a "bone" shaped cloud to Layla. You just take a moment to admire your very pretty and very sweet bf. 💖
His jawline (which you occasionally use to chop veggies), his nails painted baby blue 💙, and sweet gaze he reserves for only you and Layla.
It's all so 💓💓💞💞
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SIM JAEYUN AS BOYFRIEND? Please anonie this😭😭 </3 jake is the best boy and he will undoubtedly be the best boyfriend ever. He’ll treat his girl like a real princess and shower her with so much love, words of affirmation, affection, hugs and kisses and what not? THE PICNIC DATE YOU DESCRIBED OHMYGOD. Your imagination is just 💯 this is giving me all the feels!😳💞 jake would be such a good bf, he would also try to paint the nails of his girl, do her hair and try to do her makeup (even tho he’s not very good at it :p ) cuddling is a must, and playing with Layla is a domestic, necessary thing. Y’all will be just like a family of three! 😭🥺 the part where you added painting jake’s nail baby blue?? Pls I love painted nails in guys especially dark colours. Wow. I feel so sjendjejudjejsjejdjdjdjd 💘💘 to have jake’s doting eyes land on just you and you alone. Bye. I’m deceased imagining that.
checked the edits you sent, jakehoon after ages🤩 our jakehoon!! 🤍 their interactions had gotten so private I was dying for some content bc I love their friendship since iland sm!! And we got a livee the same day you sent this ask ugh!! Did YOU tell your hoon to come live?;) aaaaanddd the first clip of Jake winning a plushie at first go. Believe me anonie, I had this secret wish for so long that my bf would win me a plushie like this one day at one go and I’ll go bragging about him to all my friends and the whole world. I love plushies. And ofc jake (as you know really well by now lol XD) I bought a plush the same day the en-log was released so coming home and seeing it was so thrilling for me!! Wait, let me show you since it’s a really cute penguin.🥺💓
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aoshihugs · 2 years
anon requested:
yukimiya kenyu simp content
⤿ ‘x reader’ hcs
⤿ warnings: swearing, use of ‘love’ as a petname
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❥ if you’re comfortable with having a public relationship, the experience would be summed up in one word: clout
❥ so much fame, so many haters, so many more shippers
❥ hope you have thick skin because oh boy
❥ if you’d prefer to keep things on the DL he’s cool with that too, he prioritizes your comfort over his all day every day
❥ in fact, i think yukimiya would prefer to keep his relationships private, because he values intimacy
❥ while he may be popular, that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s into dating culture
❥ he’d post cute couple’s pictures and candids of you when you’re not paying attention (with your permission) and the relationship wouldn’t necessarily be a secret, but he wouldn’t broadcast your love life, yk?
❥ your family and friends would love him
❥ he’s so charming omg
❥ annoyingly so, sometimes? like yea your bf’s hot no wonder everyone wants to get his number, get in line mfs 🙄🙄
❥ too bad so sad lmaooo
❥ he doesn’t harshly reject people, he’s more of a “gentle rejection” type of guy
❥ but if you start to get uncomfortable with how many people throw themselves at him, he can be more assertive
❥ serious yukki is so hot wtf did yall see that one panel
❥ anyways
❥ definitely the type of bf to shower you with surprise gifts and expect nothing in return
❥ very attentive and observant, he pays attention and remembers the little things you mention that you like so he can surprise you with them later
❥ very good with remembering dates!! he’ll know your birthday, anniversary, your parents’ birthdays, the day your fish died, etc etc lol
❥ is always genuinely surprised and kinda emotional whenever you surprise him with a gift
❥ he genuinely doesn’t expect you to do the same for him because he’s used to spending a little more money than other people
❥ so cute thoooo, he’s such a sweetheart with you it’s almost disgusting
❥ you could be on a casual date to your “usual spot” (wherever that is) and if you pull out a small penguin plushie/accessory he’s all:
❥ *gasp* “aww love, you didn’t need to… 🥺”
❥ like stfu yes you DID bruh. accept the damn gift.
❥ uses “love, dear, darling, honey, baby” by default unless you ask him to change them
❥ big fan of cheek and nose kisses, this guy!! both giving and receiving!!
❥ if you’re shorter, he likes to tilt your head up at random or when you’re hugging and press one to your nose or cheekbone
❥ if you’re his height and taller, he still guides you by the chin for a quick kiss
❥ fuckin sap ew
❥ his kisses are very soft and gentle, he’s a pretty patient and laidback guy (blue lock really has his blood temperatures rising lmao) and i think that reflects in his physical affection tendencies
❥ is super cool with any pda that you’re comfortable with!! personally enjoys hugging and hand holding
❥ just feels very satisfied(?) with being close to you in some regard
❥ if you’re not the pda type he’d adjust accordingly, but would still be kinda sad lol
❥ give the man some love pls
❥ he’s not a very insecure person but every now and then he’ll need some reassurance that you truly care about him and not his image
❥ he wants you to be into what he’s into, and he’s into some dark shit fr (canonically likes that one scene in evangelion where homegirl gets a sky funeral?? hello?? what??)
❥ will reciprocate this tenfold tho!! super excited when you ask him to do something you like or watch a movie together or recommend a book or blah blah blah
❥ you’d be such an annoyingly cute couple jfc save some hope for the rest of us please
❥ 100% does that thing where he “tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear” if it’s long enough
❥ you ever watch a romance k-drama? yeah that’s you and yukki… minus the forced love triangle and surprise hospitalization arc
❥ is cool with sharing his food with you
❥ would also be down to feed you his food
❥ like i said, annoyingly cute
❥ do you want to see blushing yukki? i know you do. put on the “i’m with stupid –>” shirt right now.
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 2 years
hmmmmmmmmm since the anons shouldn't have to miss out, do you think that maybe you could share some of the stuff you wrote in the DMs about team proxy? your choice on what you wanna show (if anything)
“Dear Mrs Chloes Mom
I’m real eksited to meet you
Me and Chloe are best friends! I hope we can be best friends too
Maybe we can play! You and me and Chloe and all our friends!
Love Kirby”
"...Oh Nova dangit, why did Kirby try talkin' ta that–that–"
"Great King, is...is something wrong?"
"Oh, yeah, you weren't here, were ya Bandana? Well...let's just say that Chloe's 'mom' is–ah, ta heck with it, she's a worse jerk than I ever met before, and I mean ever!"
"Wait, you mean that Kirby was talking to that blonde witch?!" (Meta Knight proceeds to grasp Galaxia's hilt, his eyes narrowing) "No wonder he has become so distraught..."
"She–whoever she is can't be...that bad...right?"
"Bandee, trust me, she's nothin' but a no-good, abusive, what was da word Chlo used again? Kary?"
"I believe it was Karen."
"Yeah, a Karen! Whateva that means. But yeah, she's not just dat bad, she's WORSE."
None of them notice as a purple-black butterfly alights on the paper in Dedede's clenched fist…
…But they all freeze as a darkly familiar presence comes over them.
'Hello again, you three.
You're united in concern for your friend, am I correct? And in anger at the woman who caused him distress.
How would you all like to put her in her place?'
“N-no, not–not again…d-don’t think dat I’ve…f-forgotten ya, I know w-what ya…shtick is n-now–”
'Ah, but don't you want to finish the job this time, Iustitio?'
"...I mean...I...guess so, yeah...yes. She needs ta pay."
'Yes…I figured as much. And you two, Teiden Kyou, Overshadow…well, don't you agree?'
"Agreed. That witch will CERTAINLY pay for what she has done to Kirby."
"Yeah, NO ONE hurts him and gets away with it!"
'Now, go, Team Proxy, and defend your friend!'
(They all know already that he wants the miraculous, he'll make sure to remind them later tho)
Kirby's hiding in an alleyway curled up and crying
just thinking "why was she so mean?" and he can't understand it, he's just crying
...and suddenly head pat
anyways Kirby looks up and...
his eyes widen in fear, why does Dedede look so...different?!
"There, there, pipsqueak...you don't need ta cry anymore. It'll be alright. We'll MAKE it alright."
There's something...wrong, about the penguin's voice, something...far too cold.
Kirby shudders. Something's not right.
In a way that seems much too...gentle, much too kind, for how threatening he now looks, Dedede(?) leans down and places his hands on Kirby's "shoulders" (or what would be considered that).
"We're gonna protect ya, kid. We’ll give dat good-fer-nothing brat what she deserves, so ya can be happy again."
"...W-we?" the puffball barely manages to stutter out, confused and scared.
And then he notices the two figures standing behind "Dedede" and freezes
Because these two? He definitely recognizes
It’s Meta and Bandee
But…they look like…they’ve been akumatized again
And it suddenly clicks why Dedede looks different
and he can tell from that what's going on-
Somehow, all three of them are all akumatized at the same time
Cue panic
“N-n-no, n-not—a-again—d-d-don’t hurt m-me—“
Suddenly Bandee (Overshadow?) puts a paw-nub-arm-whatever over Kirby’s mouth. “Don’t worry Kirby, we aren’t going to hurt you! We just want to help you! After all…” he wipes a tear from the puffball’s face “You're too cute to cry…”
The puffball turns to look at his akumatized crush.
The look in his eyes, it’s just–wrong, it’s–too cold, too sweet, too different from what it should be–
Overshadow tries to hug him, he tries to shy away, because no, this isn’t right, this isn’t right!
And then there’s another hand on his shoulder, and Kirby tenses up as he feels it touch him.
"That wretch will PAY for what she's done to you.” Meta Knight, no, Teiden Kyou, says with…an almost murderous edge of glee to his voice.
This is all too much, and Kirby bursts into tears.
Because they’re still kinda acting like his friends, but…it’s just so WRONG, so twisted…
And then Overshadow kisses him on the cheek, still trying to wipe away his tears.
Kirby’s expression is absolute fear.
He can’t handle this. It doesn’t make sense, and it’s messing with his head.
Because they really do seem to still care about him this time…
And he just–can’t understand what’s happening anymore.
“She really hurt you, didn’t she?” Overshadow whispers darkly, but with…genuine concern.
(No–not, not like this, guys, please, stop, I–I–I can’t–)
Why can’t they tell that they’re scaring him?!
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kaepopsicle · 4 years
hello, sweetheart!! would it be okay for me to request a nct dream reaction to you asking to sit on their lap when you're tired, because it makes u fall asleep easier? it's something I had picked up from my last relationship, and she always said it was rather cute,so I was curious what you thought the boys would think of it!! u dont have to do it tho, ofc!!<3
omg hi!! this is literally so precious !! and it is really cute !! I love it !! I can def see the dreamies be super considerate and comfortable to lay on. they’re all just so sweet and I’m not crying you are TT ! I hope this is what you wanted !! 🥰 :D
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nct dream reaction. their s/o falling asleep on their lap.
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— mark
you knock lightly at the door, your boyfriend with his messy hair, hoodie, shorts, and harry potter glasses appears, “oh dude, hey babe, I wasn’t expecting you here.” his voice was raspy as if he just woke up; which is probably what happened. He rubs his eyes before motioning you to come in. He shuts the door and looks at you concerned a bit from your non response. “hey are you okay-“ he gently pulls your wrist and you turn to him with mascara stained down your cheeks, a symbol of hours worth of crying. His voice softens and he immediately pulls you into a hug. “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong if you don’t want, we can just lay here.” he motions for the couch and you sniffle before agreeing. He takes a seat as you follow, laying your head in his lap while he gently brushes your hair. You felt comfortable in his presence and begin drifting off in a euphoric trance.
— renjun
night shifts were hard. especially at a hospital. you sighed as you walked into your dark apartment and turned on the lights, tossing your bag to the side and quickly locking the door. you smile before seeing your boyfriend asleep on the couch, his mouth hanging open just the slightest as a random cooking show was playing on the tv. ‘he must have been up waiting for me.’ you thought to yourself, you smiled before going to change in the bedroom; quietly so you didn’t wake him up. a few minutes have passed and you came out with a towel drying your now wet hair, you could barely keep your eyes open. the sight of your bf wasn’t helping. you sigh before tossing the towel to the side and heading to the couch, you put one leg on each side of him, sit on his lap and snuggle up into his chest. he moves a little before a soft smile appears on his face. along with a groany sound; his arms come around and hold you even closer as you lay your head in the crook of his neck. “how was work?”
— jeno
it was late at night and jeno walks in the dorm kitchen you were sitting there leaning against the counter. “babe? what are you doing up?” he glances at the time; 3:07. you sigh “I can’t sleep” “aw” he gives you a little pout before penguin running over to you. you giggle before he picks you up, you swing your legs around his waist and he rubs your thighs as you hug into him. “can you stay with me?” you whisper into his neck. a smile appears on his face. “of course.” he takes you back to his bedroom and he sits on the bed with you still hanging on to him like a koala. “ahh” he sighs as he lays down, you still laying on his chest. he pulls a blanket over you guys as he brushes the hair out of your face. “you’re so cute.” he whispers, but you were already asleep.
— haechan
“baebbbbeee stopp,, I’m tired” you complain as your bf was being a turd. as usual. “awww is my flower tired” he mocks at you while running away, “I just want a hug” you cry as you drop your arms to the side in defeat. he stops before looking at you “fineeeee come here you sleepy puppy” you pout before sliding on the hard floor to him. he pulls you into a warm hug, his hand resting on the back of your head. you keep snuggling closer and closer. “BAbe!” He moves while complaining; looking up at the ceiling. You groan “I just want to get closerrrr” “you’re already as close as you can! what more do you want from me?” he complains. you groan before rubbing your head into his chest. “do you want to sit on my lap or??” he rolls his eyes, jokingly until you don’t answer. “wait seriously?” he says, you move your head in a nodding motion, as he gets the hint his hands reach down to under your butt to pull you up holding you. he walks over to the couch and takes a big fall, while you’re still holding on. he laughs as you snuggle up into him and lay your head into his neck. “my big baby.” he laughs.
— jaemin
you walk into your boyfriends dorm as you see his handsome self standing in the kitchen making some espresso in the espresso machine you got him for his birthday, you were absolutely exhausted. you didn’t know why you agreed to go work out with your friend. but you did and you were sore, and not to mention tired. “Baby!” your boyfriends smile appears on his face brighter than the sun itself. You limp over to him in pain, as your muscles felt like they were about to explode. “hi..” you say wincing. “Baby!!? What’s wrong what happened???” He runs over to you full of compassion and concern; pulls you into a big hug and pulls you towards his room. “Come come you need to rest.” He says, a smile appears on your face as your boyfriend was being a sweetheart, like he always is. you go to sit on his bed before he runs over and pulls you on top of his lap. he rubs your back as you hug into him, slowly drifting away. he just smiles at you as he plays with your hair. “just stay here for as long as you need my princess.” his coffee long forgotten about.
— chenle
your legs were killing you, were you going to tell your boyfriend that? of course not. he was so excited to be able to have a break and play basketball at the court down the street from the dorm, you couldn’t bare to tell him. “omg babe here! This is the perfect spot.” he runs over to an empty bench, rips off his jacket and throws it down. while dribbling the basketball and making a basket, you sigh before sitting down on the bench he laid his jacket on. leaning back before breathing heavily. “Babe watch this !!” He runs and dunks the ball “OOOOOHHHH you saw that! LEGEND!” he runs around yelling while making random noises and movements, before stopping when he saw your state. “babe? are you okay?” he runs over before squatting down and gently rubbing your knee. you look at him and rub his soft cheeks. “sorry bubs I’m just really tired” he smiles before sitting on the bench and picking you up setting you on his lap. “Hey don’t worry about it; I just want you to be happy” he rubs your back, gently brushing your hair. “you can fall asleep on me if you want” he smiles. you take that offer and melt into his embrace. and fall asleep. he ends up falling asleep too.
— jisung
finals were finally over. you couldn’t wait to get home and spend your winter break with your boyfriend. You walk in his dorm and throw your bag and jacket on the counter before making a hunt for jisung. “baby...” You call. “In here!” A deep voice shouts from a room down the hall. You quickly skip to him and hug him from behind. He was playing a game on his phone while sitting on his bed. (Like usual) “how was class?” he asks as you cling on to his back like an animal. “It was good I’m just exhausted.” he turns to you and smiles. you kiss his cheek and run to go change into comfier clothes, you come back and he was still in the exact same position. so you decided to take that as an opportunity to sit on his lap, you crawl underneath his arms holding his phone and snuggle up into him, he doesn’t stop you, he just continues to play his game. not paying too much attention. you know he doesn’t mind, you do this all the time. he knows it helps you sleep cuddling up to him. eventually he pauses his game to admire your cute presence; but that doesn’t last long, he just resumes the game and goes back to playing for hours. doesn’t move, just so you can sleep peacefully.
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creambunnie · 3 years
Hello Baby ❤💜💚💛💙💓
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ONEWE fluff - Yonghoon, Kanghyun (Hyungu), Harin, Dongmyeong, CyA (Giuk)
"hello Hyungu, are you free right now? it's urgent!"
"eh Yonghoon hyung? yeah i'm free, what's wrong?"
"hyung was that a cat??"
"what? noooo, it's a baby!"
"oh i thought so, it was weird if you had a ca-- WHAT? A BABY?"
Hyungu stared at Yonghoon who was wearing a baby carrier as he entered Yonghoon's apartment. Yonghoon had his index finger on his lips, asking Hyungu to keep quiet as to not wake up the baby in his arms.
"why do you have a baby?? oh my god, did you pick it up from somewhere?" Hyungu whispered as he panicked.
Yonghoon sighed and knocked Hyungu's head softly.
"don't be ridiculous, Kang Hyungu. this is my cousin's son. her mother in-law just passed on so she asked me to look after her son for a while as she helps her husband settle the funeral and all."
Hyungu took a seat on the sofa, still processing the whole situation.
"so why the heck did you agree if you have never in your whole life babysit a... a baby?"
Yonghoon gulped and scratched his neck awkwardly.
"i misread her text. i thought her son was 10 years old, but it's actually 10 months... i couldn't reject her when she already brought her baby and all his things here."
Hyungu massaged his temples.
"how long?"
"a week."
"shush Hyungu you are going to wake Minsoo up!" Yonghoon scolded Hyungu in whisper.
Yonghoon decided to contact Hyungu first because he lived the nearest. the baby was sleeping when he was brought here but the moment his mother left him into Yonghoon's care, he woke up and started crying.
Yonghoon panicked and called Hyungu right away, and while waiting for Hyungu to come, he tried to soothe Minsoo down with a lullaby.
Hyungu finally calmed down and approached Minsoo who was still in the carrier. he stared at the doll-like sleeping baby and let out a chuckle.
"naww Minsoo is so cute"
"i know, it's cause i'm his uncle"
Hyungu rolled his eyes and fished out his phone.
"i'm telling the others. you and me taking care of a baby is not enough, we need the whole squad."
Yonghoon hesitated for a bit because he didn't want to bother the others, but Hyungu was right. the two of them were not enough.
Hyungu and Yonghoon were busy lying Minsoo down carefully on the sofa that they didn't notice the beeping sound from the front door.
"baby Minsoo~ your Giuk hyung is here!!"
the two older boys' eyes widened at the sudden loud voice. a high pitch crying started filling their ears.
"i am so sorry, i didn't know Minsoo was sleeping!" Giuk apologised as Yonghoon was frantically making milk in the kitchen while Hyungu was trying to calm Minsoo down in the living room.
"can you help me check if the milk is okay instead? i mean your age is the nearest to the baby, so"
Giuk was confused at his hyung's nonsense but he was guilty so he poured some milk on his hand to taste it.
"uhm i think it's fine? it's a bit hot tho??"
"oh my god, why is it so chaotic in here?? no one even noticed we entered, Harin hyung."
Harin scanned the scenes happening and quietly but efficiently tried to handle the situations.
"Dongmyeong, go help Hyungu calm the baby. i will check on Yonghoon hyung"
Dongmyeong gently took the baby from Hyungu. he craddled Minsoo in his arms and swayed back and forth until he calmed down.
"well aren't you a cutie?" Dongmyeong cooed and poked the baby's nose softly. Minsoo stared at Dongmyeong confusedly and giggled.
"low low!!" Minsoo babbled and reached his hands out to Dongmyeong's neck. Hyungu noticed Dongmyeong's necklace and chuckled.
"he is so smart! he said yellow~" Hyungu was amazed at the 10-month old kid.
Yonghoon, Harin and Giuk finally went to living room with a warm bottle of milk.
"here, feed Minsoo the milk first" Harin passed the bottle to Dongmyeong.
Yonghoon, Hyungu and Giuk sighed in relief and plopped on the sofa side by side.
"how are you and Dongmyeong good at this, Harin??"
Harin chuckled and carressed Minsoo's head gently.
"we are not good at it, hyung. it's just that you guys were panicking so more panic won't do good. i just had to be the calm one just now. also, we had more time to prepare mentally, so no worries hyung, you will do just fine!" Harin humbly comforted.
Yonghoon thanked Harin and took Minsoo from Dongmyeong.
"Yonghoon hyung, what's this?" Giuk asked as he found a small booklet in Minsoo's bag.
"oh my cousin said that's a list of food that Minsoo can and cannot eat."
"great!! pass me that Giuk. i was just about to ask about this. Dongmyeong and I bought some ingredients for dinner, Hyungu, you wanna help us cook?" Hyungu gave Harin a thumbs up and followed the two into the kitchen.
Yonghoon and Giuk contiued playing with Minsoo in the living room.
"baby~~ Giuk hyung bought a looot of plushies for you! which one do you like ?" Giuk neatly placed the plushies in line in front of Minsoo and waited for him to choose.
Minsoo looked up at Giuk with his big round eyes as if he understood what Giuk said clearly.
"wook! wook!" Minsoo exclaimed and reached for the hamster plushie.
Yonghoon poked Minsoo's chubby cheek in admiration.
"you two are really friends, huh," Yonghoon chuckled as Giuk continued making short 'conversations' with Minsoo.
Minsoo warmed up to the boys quite easily and giggled alot while playing. Yonghoon was relieved he had awesome brothers who could help him out.
"let's eat~~" Dongmyeong called as he set the dining table. as Minsoo was in Giuk's good hands, Yonghoon helped Dongmyeong while Harin and Hyungu brought out the dishes for dinner.
"i even made Minsoo some baby chicken porridge~" Harin excitedly said as he showed Minsoo his own bowl of food.
"nyam nyam!!" Minsoo was already salivating at the delicious smell.
"hyung,, your cousin didn't bring Minsoo's high chair, right?" Hyungu asked after scanning the whole apartment.
"mm, it's fine, Minsoo will just sit on my lap and one of you can feed him."
the 5 boys took turns eating and feeding Minsoo.
"zoooom! good boy, Minsoo~" Giuk praised the baby as he happily took a big bite of the porridge.
Dongmyeong also took a big bite of the dakgalbi that they cooked and hummed in delight.
"it's been so long since we've had a family dinner like this~"
Giuk looked at Dongmyeong weirdly. "but we just did last week.."
Dongmyeong shushed Giuk and shook his head.
"last week was sooo long ago!! we need to eat dinner together more frequently."
Yonghoon only chuckled at the younger boy's wish.
"sure, we can have family dinner everyday for this whole week~"
Dongmyeong and Giuk were on their semester break, while Yonghoon and Hyungu worked from home. Harin was the only one who had to go to the office.
"so Harin, can you teach us some things like how to make the perfect temperature milk, and how to cook the food for Minsoo?" Hyungu requested as he wiped Minsoo's messy lips.
Harin of course agreed, he wanted Minsoo to experience the best care from his brothers.
after the yummy dinner, Yonghoon and Giuk did the dishes while the other 3 boys played with Minsoo.
"what colour is this, Minsoo?" Hyungu showed the baby a penguin plushie.
"woooo~~" Hyungu hugged Minsoo softly, refraining himself from squishing the baby for being too cute. "you are correct! that is blue!"
Dongmyeong hummed as he thought of something.
"Yonghoon hyung, Giuk, come here quickly after you finished. we gotta introduce ourselves properly to Minsoo!".
the boys sat in a line as Yonghoon carried Minsoo. he made eye contact with Minsoo and started introducing himself.
"Minsoo, i am Uncle Yonghoon!" "hoon~~"
"i am Uncle Hyungu!" "gugu~"
"i am Uncle Harin!" "rinnie~"
"i am Uncle Dongmyeong!" "meong~~"
"i am Giuk hyung!" "wook wook!!"
for every response, Minsoo either got a peck on his cheek or a carress on his small round head.
"now that's done, let's lay out the futons in the living room. we are having a sleepover~" Yonghoon happily announced.
since Minsoo started yawning, the boys decided to quickly turn the lights off and go to sleep with the baby. it was quite a tiring day afterall.
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the night was calm, Minsoo didn't make a single fuss while sleeping. he must have felt really comfortable with the boys, or he was just too tired after a lot of playing earlier.
"wow... i thought they were the same age." Harin whispered. the other 3 boys giggled at his words as they looked at Giuk and Minsoo all cuddled up. it was a cute scene to wake up to.
Harin woke up early to prepare food for Minsoo's meals and at the same time he taught Dongmyeong and Hyungu too. the other boys only need to heat them up when it's time to eat.
Giuk and Dongmyeong played and took care of Minsoo most of the time as the two older boys were working. Giuk even took a bath with Minsoo and made bubbles for him.
Minsoo was really a good baby. after warming up to the boys, he rarely cried. only when he was hungry, he would whine a little but goes back to being the giggly baby when he was fed.
Giuk and Dongmyeong were resting while Minsoo was playing with some plushies by himself. Dongmyeong almost dozed off when Giuk nudged him softly. "hey, Minsoo is saying something."
Minsoo was cutely sitting in front of the entrance with his hamster plushie. he looked up and stared at the doorknob as he mumbled.
"rinnie... rinnie... unc rinnie."
Dongmyeong and Giuk chuckled at the cuteness. it was 5pm, about an hour left before Harin comes back.
Yonghoon suddenly went out of his room and scooped Minsoo up.
"i finished my work for today. should i bring Minsoo out for a walk and welcome Harin?"
Hyungu closed his laptop and volunteered to follow Yonghoon.
"Dongmyeong and Giuk should rest."
"mm Hyungu hyung. Dongmyeong and I will prepare the ingredients for dinner after we rest for abit."
the two older boys nodded and prepared to go out with Minsoo.
they walked and reached a playground near the apartment. since Minsoo was too small to go down the slide by himself, Hyungu carried him and played together. everytime Hyungu and Minsoo reached the bottom, Yonghoon would make funny noises, making the baby giggle loudly.
after playing on the slide for a few times, Hyungu and Yonghoon sat on the empty swings side by side. Minsoo was securely seated on Hyungu's lap as he swung back and forth slowly.
"foooshh~" Minsoo cutely babbled as he felt the wind hit his face.
Yonghoon and Hyungu looked at each other and chuckled at the adorable baby.
"oh Minsoo, look who's here !" Yonghoon prompted as he pointed to the busstop. Hyungu stood up to let Minsoo see.
"rinnie!!!! unc rinnie!!" Minsoo exclaimed excitedly.
Harin heard the baby's voice from afar and jogged to the three boys.
"aww did Minsoo wait for Uncle Harin?"
Minsoo looked at Harin with sparkles in his eyes and grinned. Harin chuckled and took Minsoo from Hyungu.
"you are so cute!! look at you drooling from being too excited~" Harin cooed and wiped Minsoo's chin with Yonghoon's help.
"let's go home and prepare for dinner!"
"mm mm Hoon nyam nyam!" Minsoo mumbled and pointed to the apartment.
"yes Uncle Yonghoon's nephew is so smart, like uncle like nephew~~" Yonghoon praised.
Harin and Hyungu just went on with him, as long as their oldest brother was happy.
during dinner, Dongmyeong excitedly suggested the idea he and Giuk thought of together earlier.
"how about we go on a picnic at the park this weekend ? Minsoo is going to love spending time with all 5 of us outside!"
the baby happily clapped his hands when he heard his name being said.
"meong meong!!"
"hehe yess Uncle Dongmyeong loves you too~" Dongmyeong scrunched his nose as he poked Minsoo's round cheek.
"that's a good idea! the weather these days seem nice too" Yonghoon acknowledged.
"then it is set! we can go buy some ingredients for the picnic too when we go grocery shopping tomorrow." Hyungu suggested.
as planned, Hyungu and Dongmyeong went to the supermarket the next day and brought Minsoo with them. they made sure Minsoo was full first before going out. Hyungu tightened the baby carrier and pecked Minsoo's head.
"let's go~"
Dongmyeong was relieved the supermarket was not that crowded. he quickly took the things they wrote on the shopping list to not waste any time.
"gugu! gugu!" Minsoo called as he tried to reach for something behind Hyungu.
"hmm?" Hyungu turned around and saw a brightly packed biscuits. the bright orange colour must have attracted Minsoo.
"i don't think you can eat those yet, baby.."
"gugu?" Minsoo pouted.
Hyungu sighed and poked Minsoo's small nose.
"alright, we'll buy it for the packaging"
"gugu!!!" Minsoo happily exclaimed when he saw Hyungu putting the packet into the cart.
after buying the groceries and things for the weekend picnic, Hyungu and Dongmyeong decided to walk around the shopping mall for a bit.
"oh my god hyung!! that is super cute~ can we buy it for Minsoo? pleaaase!" Dongmyeong pleaded as he pulled Hyungu into a baby store.
the outfit Dongmyeong saw was a cute brown overalls. it was too cute to be ignored.
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"yayy! we can dress him up in the new outfit this weekend!"
Minsoo was a simple baby, when people around him were happy, he's also happy. Minsoo bounced excitedly to Dongmyeong's voice in the baby carrier.
"okay baby,, uncles are also excited to hang out with you~"
the long awaited weekend was finally here. the 5 boys were busy with their own tasks. Yonghoon was fixing the baby car seat, Harin and Hyungu were packing the food they made for the picnic, while Dongmyeong and Giuk were dressing Minsoo up.
Dongmyeong can't help but squish Minsoo's cheeks because he was extra cute after Giuk tied his thin hair into two small ponytails.
"omo, who is this handsome baby? of course no other than handsome Uncle Yonghoon's nephew~" Yonghoon sang as soon as he entered the house.
"but we are all handsome uncles and hyung, right Minsoo?" Dongmyeong held Minsoo's small hand and shook it gently.
Minsoo grinned. "meooong~".
after Hyungu and Harin were finished packing, the 6 boys finally started on their journey to the flower park.
"Minsoo~ look here!" Dongmyeong called out as Harin quickly snapped a few pictures of the cute baby.
"hey, let's take a family selfie!" Yonghoon suggested as he held Minsoo close to his chest. the other 4 boys gathered closer to Yonghoon as Harin took their picture.
the boys managed to find a spot under a big tree so they were shaded from the hot sun. they ate the food and snacks that Harin and Hyungu made deliciously. even Minsoo asked for seconds.
they then played around with Minsoo, Yonghoon sang some nursery rhymes for his cute nephew as the other boys did some simple moves that Minsoo could follow. they made sure Minsoo was having a fun time with them.
"oh Minsoo, it's your mom!" Yonghoon quickly answered the videocall from his cousin. his cousin would call everyday to check on Minsoo and the boys.
"hi noona!"
"hi Yonghoon! i heard you guys are on a picnic now? is Minsoo doing okay? did he make a fuss ?"
"Minsoo is fine, he is a good boy! here look at him!"
Yonghoon turned the phone so the camera was facing Minsoo.
"Minsoo~ it's mommy!"
"aww look at your outfit today ! it's so cute, your uncles really have a good taste in clothings. Minsoo, mommy miss you so much. i will fetch you tomorrow, okay?"
Yonghoon turned back the phone and continued talking with his cousin.
"and boys, Minsoo looks so happy today! he must really love you boys so much! i know i say this everyday but thank you so much for taking good care of my son! you boys continue having fun together okay,, see you tomorrow!".
after bidding goodbye, the 5 boys continued playing with Minsoo. they stayed at the park for a few more hours. Minsoo even took a nap on Yonghoon's lap while his uncles enjoyed the fresh breeze.
it had been a while since they were able to relax with nature. not that they were too busy to do that, it just didn't cross their mind to spend time like this together. they were grateful to Minsoo because he gave them the opportunity to experience such a fun time.
the next morning was awkwardly gloomy. Minsoo's things were already organised at one side of the house. the 5 boys were playing with Minsoo in the living room as if playing together yesterday at the park wasn't enough.
"i'm so attached to Minsoo already. i don't think i can sleep without him tonight." Giuk sadly said as he carressed Minsoo's arm who was holding onto the hamster plushie that he gave on the first day that they met.
"i had fun making his baby food. it's amazing how this little thing could eat other than milk. thanks for enjoying my cooking, Minsoo! Uncle Rinnie will cook again for you when you are bigger!".
Yonghoon sighed and pouted. "you guys staying over for a whole week was so much fun. i'm gonna feel so lonely when you guys go back home."
"aww hyung,, you know we will always visit you. me especially! i will crash into your apartment often!" Dongmyeong comforted.
"yeah hyung, Minsoo or no Minsoo, we are always a call away!" Hyungu supported.
the gloomy atmosphere turned gloomier when the front door bell was rung. it was time to send Minsoo off back to his parents.
Yonghoon greeted his cousin and invited her in as the other boys took turns giving Minsoo a goodbye hug.
"take good care of mr hamster okie? wook hyung loves Minsoo so much!"
"Uncle Gugu also loves Minsoo! stay healthy, baby."
"my cute cute Minsoo, Uncle Meong loves you so much."
"you have to eat well and grow up healthily, okay? Uncle Rinnie also loves Minsoo!"
Yonghoon was the last one to hug. he was sad but he knew he had a higher chance of meeting Minsoo more in the future as they were close relatives.
"the next time we meet, you must be healthy, alright Minsoo? Uncle Hoon loves Minsoo soooo much!".
Yonghoon's cousin took Minsoo from his arms and bowed to the 5 boys.
"thank you so much for taking a really good care of Minsoo. i'm sure he had a good time with you boys. tell me when you all are available, i would like to treat you all to a meal. a meal is not even enough, honestly. maybe two or three meals would be great too!"
after Minsoo's father took all of his things, it was really time to part ways now. Minsoo was not smiling nor crying. he just stared at his five uncles blankly as he waved goodbye with his tiny hand. it was hard to close the front door but they eventually had to leave.
the once lively living room was now so quiet. it was amazing how 1 baby could make the mood so happy. now that he went back home, the 5 boys felt empty.
Harin sighed as he sat up. "guys, i miss Minsoo already.."
it had only been about 2 hours since Minsoo left.
"me too.." Hyungu mumbled.
"Yonghoon hyung, can we videocall Minsoo? pleaaase!" Dongmyeong requested.
of course Yonghoon would agree. he wanted to see his cute nephew's face. Yonghoon texted his cousin in advance before giving her a call.
"hi Minsoo!" the 5 boys greeted in sync as soon as Minsoo's face popped up on the phone screen.
Minsoo whose expression was blank like earlier turned into a happy smile. his eyes sparkled when he saw the 5 boys that he was already missing too.
"UNCS!!" ('uncles' but baby talk)
no matter how many kilometres apart they were from each other, the 6 boys' hearts were still as closely packed together as ever.
a/n : i've always wanted to see ONEWE taking care of a kid, so i wrote a whole imagine for it 😂 hope yall enjoyed it!
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