#him talking to bedelia when-fucking-ever.
no bastard was ever as smug as when will graham was given the chance to show off how much his stupid cannibal loved him ever-
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envythemouse · 2 months
Best amnesiac Hannibal fics
Emergency Contact by mouemouth
Summary: Takes place somewhere in S2 but the timeline is fluid and has been altered to suit my purposes. Basically Hannibal has amnesia and forgets he's a cannibal and falls in love with Will at first sight, again.
Envy’s notes: The code to Hannibal’s phone is the day he met Will and that’s so romantic I just can’t-
“What- what about that church in Italy?”
“The Norman Chapel? Unlikely.” Hannibal laced his fingers together and looked up at Will who had come to hover over his shoulder while he sat at the desk attempting to unlock his phone. He likes Will being close like this. Hannibal smiles, “Please, Will,” he tries again, “What was the date when we first met?”
Will bit his lip nervously, did he really want to hinge his only chance at procuring hard evidence against the Chesapeake Ripper on an amnesiac’s guess? Only one way to find out.
Will sighed heavily, “April 4th.”
I shouldn't feel lonely when you're gone by Angelic_Disaster
Summary: The heart monitor connected to Hannibal makes a sudden, unrhythmical beep the moment Will enters through the door.
"You must forgive me for my bluntness, but are we in a romantic relationship?" Hannibal asks and Will isn't exactly sure how to answer that. He can't technically say no, but honestly, bloody courtship may be a more proper name for it.
While Hannibal suffers from a case of amnesia, Will puts a stop to the honey-trap plan to take care of him.
Envy’s notes: This is the first thing Hannibal says to Will when seeing him and it got me hooked. Why is Hannibal so romantic when he’s got amnesia? Why can’t he be like this all the time??
“Your aftershave is atrocious.”
And Will, because he already has given up on grasping a single scrap of normalcy in his fucked up life, laughs. 
“It’s not–” Will chuckles, covering his smile with his hand, breathing, trying to center himself. “It’s not the first time you tell me that.” 
“For as terrible as your aftershave is,” Dr. Lecter pauses. His breathing is heavier than usual and he lowers his gaze to the floor for a second, taking the time to recover before locking his eyes with Will’s again. “I find it impossibly endearing.” 
Also, Will buys Hannibal expensive food and takes it to the hospital and then Hannibal shares the food with him because he gets the feeling Will won’t eat otherwise. How sweet is that?
Empty slot by dancey94
Summary: What if Hannibal forgot he was a cannibalistic serial killer?
Envy’s notes: Takes place early in the series, before Hannibal kills Tobias. Hannibal tells Will he has encephalitis (it takes Hannibal losing his memory to be a decent friend, I guess XD).
Lecter looks at the man and his nostrils sense a sweet feverish scent. He knows he smelt it before. And it’s a bad sign, a symptom of…
“Encephalitis” Hannibal murmurs.
“You need to see a doctor, a neurologist. Your brain is inflamed”
“How do you…?” Will massages his temples “Do you remember all this or…?”
Can you imagine what Bedelia is thinking here? Loses his memory and still, all he can talk about is Will Graham.
“Have I ever mentioned Will Graham to you?” he asks nevertheless; he’s too curious to resist.
She smiles in a way he knows he has. Can he simply ask what he’s told her about the man?
“How would you…describe my feelings about him?”
You may be a sinner, but your innocence is mine by multifandom_fanfic_writer
Summary: “Hello,” Will said. He wanted to say something else, something to convey his relief at Hannibal being alive, being okay, but he didn’t know what to say.
“Hello,” Hannibal responded. His eyes were bright. “You are very beautiful.”
Envy’s notes: Hannibal assumes Will is his husband and is absolutely smitten.
“Are you my husband?”
Will chocked on thin air. “What makes you say that?”
Hannibal hummed. “You’ve brought me food,” the doctor said, “from a medium to high-quality restaurant, if my sense of smell is accurate. This implies you know me well enough to know of my dislikes, and care enough to go through the effort of obtaining it for me. Your scent is familiar – you were here, before. You are an attractive man–”
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k-s-morgan · 8 months
hello katrin :) im on yet another hannibal rewatch and i was wondering, do you think there was anything that could have changed Hannibal’s mind about hiding will’s encephalitis and/ or framing him? Or would he always do that? Ty!
Hi! I hope you have a great re-watch, 'Hannibal' never gets old, it's a masterpiece!
I'll start answering in reverse - it'll make more sense in the end.
With the framing, I think Hannibal never intended to actually frame Will. It grew to be a necessity - he was forced to do it in Releves (E12 of S1) because Will got too close to the truth without being ready to accept it. I’ll copy one of my posts about it.
Hannibal has been actively trying to make Will realize he’s a killer and make it easier for him to accept it. He’s been planting suspicions around him but not the actual evidence. He wanted to back Will into a corner where he would have to either self-destruct out of guilt or to say ‘fuck it’ and embrace who he is. He and Will discuss it in E5, when talking about the Angel Maker: “Angel Maker will be destroyed by what’s happening inside his head. You don’t have to be.”
If Hannibal wanted to actively frame Will, he would have started taking much more decisive actions. Like with Sutcliffe: the FBI immediately determined that Will didn’t kill him. Hannibal was in a hurry, sure, but he could have planted at least some actual evidence. He saw for himself that Georgia was completely out of it, so he could at least paint Will’s fingers with blood and give the knife to him; better yet, he could quickly kill Georgia and set Will up for double murder. That would be very easy to do.
Similarly, apart from Sutcliffe, Hannibal tries to make Will believe he killed Georgia’s friend Beth (not seriously but he deliberately talks about it like that to make Will at least consider it, to which Will protests). He always uses the available victims to make Will accept the idea of him being a killer a little more. He uses various approaches, including reverse psychology and direct faulty suggestions for that. He affects Jack’s opinion to create a bigger distance between him and Will, hoping that Will will become fed up with such treatment sooner and accept the other side of the veil.
At the same time, Hannibal never actually does anything that could really set Will up. He does it only during Releves, after Will refuses to listen to him. Will insists he’s going to take Abigail home because he can catch the Copycat, and Hannibal tries to talk him out of it. Then he is shown as frustrated and upset after Will storms out - he closes his eyes in defeat, as if forced to do what he would have preferred to avoid. That’s when he uses the recording and plants the real evidence.
Hannibal is crying when talking to Bedelia after Releves. Mads said Hannibal is always emotionally genuine and I don’t see a point in this scene unless it’s to show that he’s genuinely upset. His plan of a family got delayed, he was forced to set Will up, and Abigail went into hiding. Hannibal voices his annoyance at Will for that, so to me, it once again shows he didn’t want it to happen. He found how to twist this situation to his advantage but I don’t think it was ever his big intention. As a back-up plan in case of an accident or if no methods worked and Will continued to deny who he is - maybe, but I don’t think Hannibal was ready to give up and use this option then. The circumstances forced his hand.
That’s what Mads said: “There was never the intention to frame Will for anything, but the problem was that the arrows were starting to point towards Hannibal.”
So, I think Hannibal would have done the same if he was forced to relive this situation one more time because there wasn't much else he could do. Will was becoming too dangerous too quickly, way before being ready to accept his darkness and by extension Hannibal.
As for encephalitis, that's a really interesting question. We know Hannibal wanted Will to Become. He viewed Will clinging to limitations and denying his true nature as something very harmful, so he tried to shatter these limitations by using encephalitis as an opportunity. The sicker Will was, the less control he had, and the more chances there were of him snapping, acting on his urges, and killing someone. In addition, by losing time, Will couldn’t confirm to himself that he hasn’t murdered anyone. I believe Hannibal was waiting for him to become fed up with all this and decide to go dark because it’s easier than fighting. 
It was very traumatic. Technically, Hannibal could have done something different. He could have chosen a long-term strategy instead of being impatient and wanting Will to jump through his Becoming ASAP. So Hannibal could tell him about encephalitis, secure even more of his trust, and then continue his careful pushing and probing of Will's boundaries. Sooner or later, he'd have succeeded because the darkness was lying dormant in Will and it waited to be awakened.
The problem is, Hannibal was more enamoured with the idea of Will as his partner in S1 than with Will as a real person. He didn't grow to genuinely love him yet, and this is reflected in his approach. So if Hannibal faced the same situation, I think he would have done the same. However, if he went back in time with the knowledge he already had, loving Will as he does starting with S2, then I think he would chosen another way. He would have taken all his mistakes in consideration and made sure to form their bond in a more considerate way.
The question is, could it have happened before Will figured out who Hannibal was without being ready to accept it? Or, were Hannibal to choose a milder approach, they would be destined to go through hell anyway because Will would discover the truth while still wanting to catch the Copycat, resulting in yet another rift between them?
Maybe, despite everything, what happened in canon was the best thing in the long run: it ensured that Will and Hannibal both accepted the inevitable fact of being soulmates after going through all possible obstacles; Will Became, realized he can't live without Hannibal, and now after his half-hearted murder-suicide attempt, they are free to start a new, better, freer life together, finally learning what happiness is. At least I hope so!
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 months
Sooooooooo I may have been watching Hannibal again. And making notes. (Okay I only started actually making notes around Entrée.)
Episodes 1-3
Definitely the episodes I’m most familiar with. Think I’ve seen them the most.
They struck gold getting Hugh Dancy for that role quite frankly
GOD Hannibal comforting the mother of the girl HE MURDERED
Just HOW much Hannibal’s interactions with Abigail are like, carefully affectionate blackmail
In all honesty I’m still not sure whether I think he ever grew to care for her. Perhaps but, in the same way as a prize pig. It’s still a pig
And part of me wonders how much of Abigail was actually left when he killed her. How much was consumed by two men who claimed to love her
Abigail in general is a fascinating tragedy to me
Will is, I think, a person who both desperately wants to and is terrified of being a father
This episode is actually so fucking good
Something about how one of the first things Abigail does in Hannibal’s house is break a teacup
Jack in his Morpheus getup lol
The obvious parallels this episode are Hannibal pulling a very similar thing with Abigail as “Wendy” is with the boys and I think it’s well done
Also “found” family as horror :)
No Will! Don’t let the dogs become comfortable with him!!! Also the frame-up begins
Man the Jack and Bella storyline is heartbreaking. And really well done
The scene where the lady is talking about how her husband was pulling away and he’s figuring it all out…
The bit of lighting that makes it look like Will has a halo chef’s kiss
Due to the weird “preternatural or not?” tendency of the show… I wonder if the angel maker did become an angel. If he was really there to help/warn Will
“I can give you the majesty of your becoming” vibrates
Note to self: Look more into Scapegoat practice
But really there probably is something to be said for Will semi-literally taking on the sins of humanity to save lives
Also note to self: Read “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” because I think Blake’s weird musings may have inspired more of the whole franchise than the obvious
Abel Gideon :) He’s an addition to the cast I really enjoy
“Don’t worry I won’t leave you here” Making promises you can’t keep Jack?
I actually kinda love Chilton. He fucking sucks
I should watch/read Silence of the Lambs again…
Even if the case here is based off the pre-canon Red Dragon one
The series has so much love for and so many references to the source material while adding and tweaking so much and I appreciate it to hell and back
God he’s so fucking despicable… just to see what happens…
Did not need to see a glottis up close
AUNT VIVIAN!!! :D (Well, Ellen Greene)
Franklin is supposed to be like, reminiscent of the guy who’s head gets found in a jar in SotL right? I remember that being my takeaway when I first watched the show and I still think that. Even if the book is far less fresh in my mind
First Bedelia appearance
The fact it’s confirmed later he was putting human organs in the beer. What the fuck
Alanna makes me sad… in a lot of ways another example of Hannibal corrupting everything he touches
“And I sincerely hope he does” The wild thing is I think that may be the truth. Yeah he’ll kill Will if he figures it out but he does want to watch Will do just that
Oh Jack… yes. You will kill him
Hannibal’s “grocery shopping” montage will never not be funny
As will “ugh, stop, you’re just my patient” vs. the epic mope when Will doesn’t show up
Will starting to put the pieces together but his brain is too on fire to make them fit
Cannibal puns <3
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 4 months
🎭 🙈 🙌 for the emoji ask. :)
Well, hello, and thank you for the ask! I raided your blog earlier looking for a particular post (which I did not find), so I wasn't expecting to get an ask for from you. Thank you!
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
Hmm... This is hard, mostly because I'm not sure what genres I exactly write. 😅 Probably hurt/comfort (or hurt/no comfort) and angst. Does gore count? Because I can write gore pretty well when I put my mind to it.
🙈Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but they don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
I think you might have meant this monkey, 🙊, as I didn't see the other one on the list, and if my eye skipped over it, I apologize for answering the wrong question. Feel free to tell me if I did.
I actually answered this one earlier, but the answer is still the same: It would depend on my relationship with them, I think, but I really do love to talk about my writing, so I might fess up.
🙌🏻What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
Oh, so hard! At the moment, I have a knee-jerk reaction to this one, however. For the line, it's one from a fic that has quickly become quite special to me, called For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind). It's a post-fall Hannibal story. The line is:
"I'm all my fathers' daughter." Abigail replied and he had to chuckle.
To be honest, that whole fic is now my favorite, filled with lines and paragraphs I am so proud of. So here's the one that just sticks out to me at the moment (sorry if it's a little long, I've never been asked to do a paragraph before).
"Yes, I am angry. I know it isn't fair, I know it's unreasonable. But I am so angry with you for losing your memories. For remembering fucking Bedelia better than me. I know you didn't lose your memories on purpose. I know you didn't choose what you forgot. But I am angry. I am angry, okay? I look at you and this- this rage just bubbles inside me because finally, finally, after everything, when we were holding each other on that cliff, it was all either of us had ever wanted. And now it is just gone." Will said, gripping his cane tightly. Hannibal was silent, watching him. Will remembered this expression from their unofficial sessions together. "Am I the only one you're angry with, Will?" he asked and Will turned away. He began to pace the length of the ridiculous kitchen. "No." he gritted out. That was true, too. He wasn't just angry with Hannibal. His anger with Hannibal was misguided, at least a little. He was angry with himself. Because this was his fault. He had done this to Hannibal, to himself, to both of them. He had pulled them over that cliff, and Hannibal had hit that rock as a direct result of that action. He had done this, and he could not forgive himself for it. "I did this to you. I did it. I pulled us over the cliff and into the ocean, where your head hit that rock." Will growled and shook his head. "But I guess we're even, aren't we? You fucked with my memories and now I did the same to yours. Even Steven." Hannibal was looking at him, brows drawn, and Will remembered that Hannibal didn't quite remember what he had done to him. The psychic driving. Framing him for murder. He didn't remember that. "What did I do to you, Will?" Hannibal asked earnestly and Will looked away. "Do you even remember that you're the Chesapeake Ripper?" he demanded. "I do. I know what I am, Will. Who I am is an entirely different matter. I do not remember all of it, but I do remember that I am the Chesapeake Ripper." Hannibal answered in a steady tone.
Thank you so much! I'm pretty sure we don't share any of the same fandoms, but it's always nice to get an ask.
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roosterbox · 1 year
It’s Done
I’ve finished watching Hannibal. And honestly idk how y’all survived that finale back in 2015. Goddamn.
Anyway, I took notes. Spoilers, obviously.
Notes on The Wrath of the Lamb
Oooooooh boy here we fucking goooooo. Idk if I’m ready for this, guys
Poor Chilton. Really.
And poor Reba! She’s so awesome.
Richard Armitage is really great as Dolarhyde.
He’s got such a deep fucking voice, damn son.
Go Reba go!
This is my last time seeing this intro. *sighs*
Side note: at least half of the ads I’ve gotten on Hulu since watching this show have been kind of queer themed. I’m not gonna say it was because of Hannibal, but I’m not not saying that either, lol.
Will and Reba, awww. These two.
Will is such a good, ugh. I love him.
Dig dat memory palace
Get you a man that looks at you like Hannibal Lecter looks at Will Graham.
“What a cunning boy you are.” HANNI you’re such a FLIRT, stahp.
Is he stopped? Is he really, Will?
All of Will and Hannibal’s scenes in the second half of season 3 are like two birds doing a matching pair of outrageous mating dances. While also shit-talking each other the whole time. Their courtship game is next level.
Will tries breaking Hannibal’s heart again, lol.
Oh shiiiiiiit. Told you he wasn’t stopped, Will.
Francis, if you hurt my baby boy…
Jimmy and Zeller! I’m gonna miss you guys when this ends. Even you, Zeller.
Bedelia! I’m sure I’ll see you again…
Also Will is sooooooo bitchy to her, lmao. He’s so jealous.
But Bedelia does know all.
“Meat’s back on the menu” FORESHADOWING, lmao. I love jealous, bitchy Will so much.
Yeeesh, poor Chilton. It’s kinda strange, because if this had happened to movie!Chilton? I wouldn’t have cared. Movie!Chilton is a true and irredeemable asshole of the highest order. But something (be it the writing or Raul Esparza) made series!Chilton into a more interesting, sympathetic, well-rounded character than his film counterpart. Never would have thought going in that I’d actually like Frederick Chilton, lol.
Gotta say, I’m not super fond of Alana’s post time skip hairstyle. But that’s just me.
Hanni hopes Chilton won’t be very ugly. Nice reference to the Red Dragon book, though he was talking about Will in that.
I love it when Hannibal gets all menacing. I don’t actually find Mads that intimidating as a person, but when he gets like that? Almost.
“I’ll say pretty please.” Oh I’m sure you will, Will. I’m sure you will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
All of their fucking scenes are supercharged with sexual tension, my god.
“I need you, Hannibal.” And just like that, all of Hanni’s fantasies are coming true. Well, almost all of them. We’ll get back to that…
The escape. Yessssss.
Oh hey Francis. Fancy seeing you here.
The way Will looks at Hannibal ASDFJKLBFJBLK I cannot.
btw I still remember that Bryan Fuller said that Will and Hannibal’s “lips were busy” while the time passed. Don’t think I’ve forgotten, lmao.
And they’ve changed clothes, hmmmmm
There’s the Goldberg Variations again.
“My compassion for you is inconvenient, Will” might as well have said he loves him, lol.
Hanni deliberately stood in front of the window (and Will) to take the bullet.
WILL! Francis, you touched his FACE! His beautiful FACE! How could you?!
Pull out that knife, Will.
They kill as a team. How romantic 🥰 And thus marks the moment when literally all of Hannibal’s deepest fantasies came true.
Damn, son. Daaaaamn.
I love to see my baby boy go so FERAL. It’s my favorite headcanon about how they kill together: Hanni is very clean, collected, almost elegant. Whereas Will will go straight savage on a motherfucker.
The blood spreads like wings. That’s cute.
Oh my goooooood it’s HAPPENING.
“This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us.” AHHHHHHHH!
I think I love this song tbh.
And then they went on the run. Also they got married. And fucked. A lot.
OH HEY Bedelia. Bon Appetit!
And with that… my first time Hannibal viewing journey comes to an end. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t very emotional about it. Also about that cliff scene, GODDAMN. I’ll see about doing a big write up about my thoughts tomorrow. It’s getting a bit late for that now.
Summary: I loved it.
I’m off to read more fanfics, lol.
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lesbian-hannibal · 2 years
would you mind telling me some things/episodes you liked about s3 hannibal? i have a sort of mental block about getting through it and i don't even know why (on ep 2 of s3 atm) but was hoping for a nudge lol
OH HOMY SHIT OKAY this is going to be so long apolgies in advance but not really
okay so the first couple of eps of s3 are kinda hard to get through, esp if ur really invested in hannigram but they’re still so good
you get the aftermath of mizumono, will in hospital, him talking to abigail and using her as a proxy of his own thoughts and love for hannibal
hannibal being a little girlboss in florence, killing people taking names etc (if ur into bedelia then there’s lots of bedelia content)
HANNIBAL GIFTING WILL HIS HEART (yeah it’s made out of a man but literally who cares)?? will knowing EXACTLY where to find hannibal and then the iconic “you don’t know who’s side i’m on” !!!!!
CHIYOH!! need i say more?
will displaying the prisoner he makes chiyoh kill (just like how hannibal made will kill randall) even though he knows hannibal will never see it!! ITS FOR HIM
DOLCE!!!!! THE PRIMAVERA SCENE!!! “if i saw you everyday forever will, i would remember this time” literally shut the fuck up that’s the gayest shit i’ve ever heard (also many other good quotes)
also in dolce when will gets shot when he’s about to stab hannibal and then hannibal tends to his wounds (yes he’s also about to eat him pls it adds to it)
the head sawing scene.
AND THEN DIGESTIVO!!! the most hannibal epsiode ever!!! will biting a chunk out of a man’s face and spitting it onto a place??! with blood running out his mouth??????!!!!! literally changed me as a person
ALANA AND MARGOT HABING GAY SEX AND BEING GAY TOGETHER (and also murdering mason which is so very cathartic)
the scene where alana frees hannibal??? the slutty way he stands up and takes the collar off
HANNIBAL CARRYING WILL THROUGH YHE SNOW TO HIS HOUSE AND CARING FOR HIM WJILE HE RECOVERS FROM HIS INJURIES!!!! fully waiting by his bedside, waiting for him to wake up so they can decide what the plan is… but wait! rejection and hannibal is down so bad that he would rather go to jail than never see will again
season 3b is a tad slower but seeing bitchy hannibal in prison is so worth it. he is literally just a cunt
ALSO lots of chilton content, and you get to see hannibal literally slurp chiltons lip and then go hehe 🤭
francis (the great red dragon) is such an interesting character too i think! it’s really different from the rest of the show where there’s lots of little killers with hannibal being the ‘big bad’ to now there’s this big new serial killer that’s the focus (also the fact he full on eats a painting)
basically there’s so many good parts and you will be missing out so dearly if you don’t watch so pls do and let me know ur thoughts
OH I FORGOT THE LAST EPISODE!!!!!! literally seeing will just be bloody, the way he looks at hannibal when he’s shot, just the general bloodiness and scheming he does is just so worth everything
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themagichour · 2 years
1, 11, and 16!
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS thank you my darlin
Who is your favorite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
I am not answering with just one character, because I don't have just one, and because I can never stop talking. (Just came back to this sentence to add I went through my entire fanfic history.)
This is hard to answer, because beyond my SpongeBob fic where his pineapple was haunted not in an R.L. Stine way, but in a Shining way, my first real foray into fanfic was............... Radiohead RPF. It was 2005, and I was sixteen.
I'm............................. so conflicted over RPF, and admitting to writing Radiohead fanfic is..... UUUHHHMMMM.
So, for over a decade, my favorite character to write was an obviously heavily-fictionalized version of a real person, Thom Yorke. :| My idea of him was very easy to write. This. I. It's-- I am. Uh. This is a painful confession.
All my RH fic is lost to a Power Mac G4 Cube, time, and the eventual expiration of a 2000s archive. We were a small group, and we called it "cheesecake". I almost exclusively wrote Thom/Jonny, but the only surviving fic is a novel-length collab between myself and a friend. I.......... did not want to write Thom Yorke/Michael Stipe. It's ultimately Thom/Jonny, but. Yo. I had an unbalanced relationship with my friend, and I didn't want to write about Michael Stipe, and it wasn't a great time in my life. It's the only collab I've ever done, and I wasn't very happy doing that. I typically find reading collabs jarring, and I find writing under those circumstances more jarring.
Still, I'm proud of it. It's good writing, and we did a lot of research. Everything that sounds like the prose of someone tripped and burnt out on Red Bull while working at a pumpkin patch in Culver City is written by me. Here it is shruggy guy emoji shruggy guy emoji shruggy guy emoji I can't believe I wrote fucking Thom Yorke/Michael Stipe smut.
What else. I remember that as a young teen I wrote Mulder/Scully and Han/Leia fic that I never published because I was fourteen and I'm p. sure fanfiction.net existed but all I can think is, what, angelfire????? I wrote one House/Wilson fic that I published to livejournal. Someone copied it and posted it elsewhere and claimed it as their own. Flattered!!!!!
Then there was like.......... one Sherlock fic that never saw the light of day. I was nineteen. Forgive me. Fuk Sherlock.
Uh so BEYOND THAT, I really didn't write fic again till Hannibal. I found Will very easy to write, and I found Hannibal easy to write through Will's POV. Which I felt worked, considering his supernatural empathy. It put enough of Hannibal's mindset into it. It almost feels to me that Hannibal doesn't have an inner monologue. But in terms of understanding him as a character, here is EVIDENCE!!!!:
I swear to FUCKING GOD this is real. When the episode in which Bedelia asks Hannibal what he sees in Will aired, I said aloud, to a college friend who was watching with me live, "An opportunity for friendship." And then Hannibal fucking said, word for word, "An opportunity for friendship." It sounds like I am bullshitting beyond belief, but I swear on my favorite cat's grave. I wish I knew where that college friend is now, so they could corroborate this. They're probably married with a baby and a great career.
I have an abandoned WIP and two short fics or something, idk, but I like this one. This was before S3 and before we knew who was playing Molly. I based her upon the character in Red Dragon, and in my mind she was played by Rose Byrne. And their son was named Willy in the book, so he's named Willy there.
Then I FUCKIN committed the RPF crime again with this lil' romantic friendship Buzzfeed Unsolved fic. It got popular! I feel like I can write Shane really well. End me. anyway
I can't believe I've barely written MASH fic. I feel Hawkeye so much, but it's very difficult for me to do his POV for some reason. Which really doesn't make sense. My headcanon is that Hawk is bipolar, and I'm bipolar II, but I just can't get into his head. I can observe him well as an outsider through BJ. This is pretty much the only complete thing I've written. Though I did write a Hawk childhood fic from his mother's point of view, which I quite like. Oh and there was that time I accidentally made either Potter or Mildred eat ass when I meant cunnilingus.
NOW......... now, my friends. My most recent and most favorite character to write is Tom Wambsgans. He's so easy to write, and I don't know what this GODDAMN says about me. But this is what I'm working on.
What perspective do you write from most and/or least and why? (1st, 3rd limited, 3rd omniscient, deep pov, etc)
I write exclusively from third limited POV. I don't think I've ever written first person. I've never really thought about it before, but I think I don't write first person because I approach writing cinematically, if that makes sense? And while I empathize very much with characters, it doesn't feel at all natural to me to approach them in an "I" sense.
I write third limited because I naturally gravitate towards it, but because it also allows for an outsider's/audience's POV and for a deeply unreliable narrator, which I love. And if I'm goin REAL DEEP, I think I'm not even comfortable enough with writing a personal diary to write anyone else going "HEY I'M SAD AND/OR HORNY and here is why in poetry"
Do you have a method for getting characters to sound/feel in character?
Too much empathy and a lifelong experience of being autistic and studying people in order to understand and act like them. I also find people FASCINATING. In terms of "skill", that's what it is. But what drives the desire to use that skill is becoming obsessed with the characters and having fun with them, especially with friends! I know many find obsession with any subject that doesn't result in a successful career unhealthy -- lord knows many in my life have told me my fixations are just that -- but that's how I'm wired. And I like it. And it makes me creative, happy, and social. I met my best friends and my sister through Radiohead nearly twenty years ago. So I think fandom and fanfiction's great.
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hannibutts · 1 year
Oh god right back into the resin shell palette nightmare
Man, popular media has ruined cornfields for everyone
The resin shell serial killer has such fluffy Farah Fawcett hair
Wait did I miss something, when did Will start doubting himself again. Hannibal even looks distraught looking at him. I don’t know what’s happening with the lighting on Alana but all I can see is half her pouty face.
Oh Will crying is too much 😭😭 he looks like a little boy - I can’t
Oh he’s playing them gotcha.
Ohohoho Bedelia sees through Hannibal “the glimpse through the stitching of your person suit” chefs kiss on that line.
Gillian Anderson plays a perfect calm fear. The question is will Hannibal kill her? He’s killed for much less.
Ha so well choreographed to have Hannibal in the way considering every movement he makes is super graceful
It’s kind of insulting to Beverley that both Hannibal and Jack are both like “that sounds too smart and nuanced for the likes of you - you’ve been talking to Will” like she has but still
I really like Beverly - she gets shit done and doesn’t fall for the charm that others bend over for which makes me worried that somethings gonna happen to her :/
So will and Hannibal are resetting their ground rules I guess. Can’t even tell what Hannibal actually wants here. I mean to be close to Will obviously but under what guise? He told Bedelia that he’s going to continue treating Will MEANWHILE Will is playing Hannibal so that he catch him on a lie? They’re both playing each other and so desperate to have each other in their lives even if it’s just to manipulate.
Mention of baby girl who is undoubtedly listening to every conversation.
Oop Hannibal has his Patrick Bateman sauna suit on - he’s about to fuck some shit uppppp
“Hello… I love your work” is this show really funny or am I broken? 😅 because that was hilarious
Some remorse from Jack is refreshing like too late buddy but at least he realised what he did to Will.
So Hannibal sewed the resin shell guy into his own eyeball mural and kept the leg to eat? Oh yup there it is…
Hoho Will sees exactly what happened motherfucker!
Cinthia Nixon doing an awesome job of looking bureaucratically terrifying.
Haaa bureaucrats always making it sound they’re making decisions for what’s in your best interest but it never is.
Ahhhhhhh Bedelia ever so dramatically telling Will she believes him well hot dawg.
Hannibal in his PB sauna suit again too late to kill Bedelia - hope we see her again, she’s an interesting character.
Chilty mentioned but does not appear. Booooo
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championashley · 3 years
Hannibal - Little Words that Say So Much (3x12's Bedelia and Will exchange analysis)
One of my favorite scenes in the entire show is the infamous exchange between Will and Bedelia in 3x12, but It wasn't until recently when I watched it back in isolation that I realized why. it's a culmination of an epic catfight between Will and Bedelia, an exquisite explanation of the love Hannibal has for Will, and is a true showcase of this show's poetic writing that it communicated everything needed to be said in just 2 minutes.
I want to first talk about the amazing choice of having Bedelia be the one to tell Will about Hannibal's feelings towards him. Will has hated Bedelia pretty much since she got on that plane with Hannibal in Mizumono because she's the embodiment of Will's fear of not being "the one" to Hannibal. Will has MAJOR self-esteem issues and thus has always doubted whether Hannibal actually likes him likes him. he spent all of the series constantly questioning and second-guessing if Hannibal cared about him beyond being a "patient" or a killer pet project like Randall or Margot. and Bedelia has been the living, breathing reminder of that. SHE got to go with Hannibal, SHE got to be his wife in Italy, SHE got to walk away. having her basically shoot down all of Will's doubts about Hannibal's feelings towards him was the only possible way Will could ever be convinced of the truth. Freddie couldn't do it, valiant as she was to try ("you did run off to Europe together."). It had to be her, because, in Will's mind, she was the only person other than him who knew Hannibal the best. The only person Will could be sure wouldn’t lie about this topic. The dialogue supports this:
"It excites him to know that you are marked in this particular way." Translation: 'you have an effect on him. he likes to see you kill, he always has.'
"why?" 'why would it matter to him? why would I matter to him?'
"why do you think?" 'WHY in the fuck else other than him liking you?! you were all that he talked about with me!'
"Bluebeard's wife. secrets not to know yet sworn to keep." 'how should I know? I was his friend. YOU were the one who got to be his wife. YOU had his heart in your hands all that time in Italy. ill always be second in his heart to you.’
"if I am to be Bluebeard's wife, I would have preferred to be the last." 'there was only ever one person who could hold his heart, and it sure as hell wasn't me. It was always you.'
Will thought he had to fight with Bedelia over Hannibal's heart when ultimately Bedelia told him that there was never even a competition.
Then Will asks the big question, "Is Hannibal...in love with me?" (btw, I've always interpreted Will's question as not from a perspective of obliviousness, more that his question was simply a matter of confirming what he suspected. but many people smarter then me have already discussed that topic.)
Bedelia's response is where I think this scene truly shines.
"Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you?"
Remember what I said about Will having self-esteem issues? Will Graham has spent his entire life thinking that he's either A. a monster no one could love because of his dark side, B. a tool for his gift to catch serial killers, or C. just overall not "normal" or "different" from the rest of society. He's pushed away anyone who tries to get close by being antisocial and rude. He's isolated himself by living in a house in the middle of nowhere with just dogs for company. His inner mantra is "conceal, don't feel, unless it's when looking for killers because that's all im good for." I doubt he's ever even experienced love before, has never had anyone want him. But Hannibal? He saw him, desired him, loved him; every day from the moment they talked about eye contact in 1x01. He hungered for him, an ache that he couldn't satiate like his hunger to kill. a weakness that he couldn't cut out no matter how hard he tried. which later is proven right by Hannibal himself: "My compassion for you is inconvenient, Will." He literally loved him so much that he overrode a core component of Hannibal's nature that was ingrained in him since his sister: to eat those closest to keep them with you forever.
"and found nourishment at the very sight of you?"
Hannibal spent so many years building his life in Baltimore. Killing those he deemed worthy of death and eating them to celebrate his victory/dominance over them. He considered himself above humanity or "pigs" as he would say. But all the luxury and spilled blood in the world could not satiate an even greater desire in his soul: to be understood, to be seen. He was alone until Will Graham walked into his life. Over the course of the series, as the two drew closer and closer to each other, Hannibal's ache to be known was satiated. For the first time since Mischa, Hannibal had someone to live for, to kill for, to die for. Will was his greatest vice, his drug that no other could match. While there were many that tried to know him (Franklyn Froideveaux, Tobias Budge, Antony Dimmond, and Francis Dolarhyde) none of them could match the radiance of his dear William. He would've given up everything (and did) just for the chance to see his beautiful face again because at last, he was no longer alone. Hell, I'd believe he would've given up killing if Will had asked (which Will obviously wouldn't, but still). After so many years of constantly wanting more, loving Will finally made him content.
All of that, in barely two sentences. Bedelia, within a few sentences, was able to smash the fort of doubt and fear Will had constructed to pieces, leaving the truth raw and bare. That Hannibal loved Will, wanted him from the moment he saw him, and cared for him so much to not only overpower his urge to kill him but to reject anyone else who would dare try to replace him. it's no wonder Will didn't say anything after that. he already loved Hannibal, but to know for certain that the person you love returns those feelings, and to understand the true depth of those feelings...he could no longer go home. He now knew what he tried to let go of and what he could still get back. After this point, he began his plan that led to Hannibal's escape, Dolarhyde's death, and Will's verbal acceptance of Hannibal's love and his own: "it's beautiful." It's such AMAZING writing, compacted in just a few lines of dialogue, and such a sophisticated way to finally get confirmation of a character’s romantic feelings then just saying “I love you”.
god I love this show. 
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onchyart · 2 years
Top 5 scenes which showed exactly how crooked Will Graham is too.
*shaking your hand* you are in a right place, hop in, and I will tell you a story
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
To summarize if you are dont want to read the whole thing: Will Graham's awfulness is not Hannibal's fault. Will was not seduced by evil, he got liberated by it. Do you ever had a friend that pretty alright on their own, but getting instantly 10 times worse when they are in a company, they want to impress? That's Will, and in a s3, he doesn't even need Hannibal around
I will start with 5, to show escalation
5. 01/07 Sorbet
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-Seems to me he was humiliating someone. -Yeah, he was humiliating Jack. -Did it work? -I'd say it worked really well.
We can recall that their first eye-to-eye interaction (first episode) got warm and personal because Hannibal covertly mocked Jack's perception of Will as something delicate and special. Here, Will, smiling and having a great time while they are discussing one of Jack's great losses, how effectively Ripper got to him. No sympathy spared for their mutual friend. Petty cruelty on display 4. 02/09 Shiizakana
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-Your psychiatrist came to visit me at the hospital before my trial. -Dr. Du Maurier. -She told me she believed me. -She knew there were others like me. Did you kill her?
Okay, what do you do with the person who bravely boosted your confidence in your own mind while everyone else is just given up on your side of the story? Sell them out to the most dangerous man you know ofc. And all of this because you don't feel like a special boy anymore. Unchecked jealousy +petty cruelty+ harming innocent (as far as he knows) person
3. 03/02 Secondo
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-Are you here to take someone from him? -If I were like Hannibal… I would've killed you already. Cooked you… ate you… and fed what was left of you to him.That's what he would do. -You've given that some thought.
Will is indirectly threatening a woman, he doesn't know, who's help he wants and who is living alone, without any support. Chiyoh knows how to handle herself, but what he is doing is unnecessary cruel and has no meaning beyond making her uncomfortable and on edge. Plus, to show how well he knows Hannibal (and she doesn't). Once again, unchecked jealousy + petty cruelty+ harassing innocent (as far as he knows) person.
Intermission + honorable mentions (it's important for later):
Will is trying to shoot the guy that crawls from inside a horse, not for Peter or Hannibal, but for his own sick pleasure.
Will is listening to Bedelia talk about "whimsy and having Hannibal confused in a dream", just to try to wake him up and tell the truth about how he feels (codependency and all that). Taking Hannibal's side above anyone who is trying to catch him
Will, while cornered,w/o even looking at Jack, confessing, how he wanted to run away with Hannibal. He could phone Jack and ask him to wait, so they could be together against our guy. But no, Jack goes without a warning and nearly dies, because Will is more comfortable betraying him than a serial killer, they were trying to catch this whole time.
Will is telling Alana to fuck off from the house she is grieving in, because he is busy with his imaginary friends.
Will saying "Good for Jack" with disdain when Alana tells him about the state of his friend, who was trying to save him from getting his head open.
2. 03/11 ...And the Beast from the Sea
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-Jack Crawford, fisher of men, watching my cork move against the current. You got me again. Hannibal told me where to find him.He knows. He knows who the Dragon is. He probably treated him.
Okay, we established that Will did everything to make Jack suspicious of him. And now he is getting caught red-handed, conspiring with his boy best friend, keeping important stuff to himself. And Will is enjoying it too, covertly mocking Jack to his face. While writing fanfiction in real time about Hannibal and the Dragon's relationship. People are dying, Will. Unchecked jealousy + petty cruelty.
1.03/12 The Number of the Beast is 666
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-Unless you have a professional voice to legitimize what you're saying.
-Someone to hide the wire on the snare. Are you volunteering?
WIll is very entertained by the motion of Alana getting mutilated by the Dragon (he had frightening hallucination a sec before about this very thing but now, it's okay, apparently). He will fuck over anyone if it is suitable enough for his purposes. He needs a pet to lure Dragon out. Big time cruelty+ harming (very much) innocent person.
Conclusion: it was hard to compress the whole thing in a top 5, because as much as Will is trying to help save people, he willingly became a person, who will harm the ones he is closest to, if he can get away with it. In Hannibal's presence he felt liberated enough to say some wild stuff, but s3 showed us, that he doesn't really need his favorite psychiatrist, he just wants him and everyone else can kick rocks. So, he and Hannibal, at their cores, are the same, selfish, cruel, petty, insecure creatures, whom I love.
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
Hi!! First of all, Ukraine deserves help and solidarity and peace, contrary anons are disgusting. Second, I love your Tomarry. My actual question: what do you think Hannibal was doing, framing Will in S1? Did he really want to have him internated in the asylum?
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words <3 Today is a particularly bad today for Ukraine, but thankfully, there are things I love to distract myself with a bit. 
With the framing, there are two major versions. One is supported by Mads, another one is supported by Bryan. I believe in the one Mads described because this is exactly what I felt when I was watching S1, so I’ll focus on it.
Version 1
I think Hannibal never intended to seriously frame Will, but he was forced to do it in Releves (E12 of S1) because Will got too close to the truth without being ready to accept it. 
Throughout S1, Hannibal has been actively trying to make Will realize he’s a killer and make it easier for him to accept it. He’s been planting suspicions around him but not the actual evidence. He wanted to back Will into a corner where he would have to either self-destruct out of guilt or to say ‘fuck it’ and embrace who he is. He and Will discuss it in E5, when talking about the Angel Maker: “Angel Maker will be destroyed by what’s happening inside his head. You don’t have to be.”
If Hannibal wanted to actively frame Will, he would have started taking much more decisive actions. Like with Sutcliffe: the FBI immediately determined that Will didn’t kill him. Hannibal was in a hurry, sure, but he could have planted at least some actual evidence. He saw for himself that Georgia was completely out of it, so he could at least paint Will’s fingers with blood and give the knife to him; better yet, he could quickly kill Georgia and set Will up for double murder. That would be very easy to do.
Similarly, apart from Sutcliffe, Hannibal tries to make Will believe he killed Georgia’s friend Beth (not seriously but he deliberately talks about it like that to make Will at least consider it, to which Will protests). He always uses the available victims to make Will accept the idea of him being a killer a little more. He uses various approaches, including reverse psychology and direct faulty suggestions for that. He affects Jack’s opinion to create a bigger distance between him and Will, hoping that Will will become fed up with such treatment sooner and accept the other side of the veil.
At the same time, Hannibal never actually does anything that could really set Will up. He does it only during Releves, after Will refuses to listen to him. Will insists he’s going to take Abigail home because he can catch the Copycat, and Hannibal tries to talk him out of it. Then he is shown as frustrated and upset after Will storms out - he closes his eyes in defeat, as if forced to do what he would have preferred to avoid. That’s when he uses the recording and plants the real evidence.
Hannibal is crying when talking to Bedelia after Releves. Mads said Hannibal is always emotionally genuine and I don’t see a point in this scene unless it’s to show that he’s genuinely upset. His plan of a family got delayed, he was forced to set Will up, and Abigail went into hiding. Hannibal voices his annoyance at Will for that, so to me, it once again shows he didn’t want it to happen. He found how to twist this situation to his advantage but I don’t think it was ever his big intention. As a back-up plan in case of an accident or if no methods worked and Will continued to deny who he is - maybe, but I don’t think Hannibal was ready to give up and use this option then. The circumstances forced his hand.
That’s what Mads said: “There was never the intention to frame Will for anything, but the problem was that the arrows were starting to point towards Hannibal.” You can also see bloodsmile’s analysis of it here https://k-s-morgan.tumblr.com/post/164015612368/hannibalstan-k-s-morgan-typicalher.
Version 2
Another version supported by Bryan is that Hannibal wanted to push Will as far down as possible to trigger his fury and his Becoming. Here’s a meta about it https://www.reddit.com/r/HannibalTV/comments/d3qqg6/hannibals_long_game_spoilers/. Here’s Bryan’s quote: “I think that everything that Hannibal has done to Will has been a radical, unorthodox form of therapy. I would argue that all of the deeds still come from a place of genuine care. He is trying to help Will see himself better and get to a truer version of who Hannibal thinks Will is. Even setting him up to take the fall for these murders has been an act of therapy, in Hannibal’s mind.”
So I believe in the first version, but the two of them are possible! The most important thing is, framing was never intended to be long-lasting. Hannibal treated Will as his potential partner from the start.
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Hannibal Thoughts Three: The Trilogy
Spoilers ahead (duh)
Me and my ballroom dancer self, the first thought I have when I see this ballroom scene in E1 is “Okay, everyone’s dancing really stiffly and clunkily, clearly no one here is an actual dancer - except for former professional dancer and trained gymnast Mads Freaking Mikkelsen. God damn.”
Good god. Hannibal reciting a sonnet in Italian. Lord help me.
Oh huh it sure is interesting to hear Hannibal openly talk about killing people with anyone. He could never actually explicitly admit anything to Will because he knew that if he did it would go straight to Jack. He doesn’t have that constraint with Dr. du Maurier.
“My wife and I would love to have you for dinner.” It’s little comments like that that are… I don’t know, funny, but also unnerving. Like if someone said that to you you would automatically, instinctually assume that it went without saying that “well of course they didn’t mean it like that.” And of course the dramatic irony makes it funny in the context of a show that we’re watching. But applying it to an imagined real-world scenario is where the unnerving part comes in. It’s such a cheap joke that the fact that it’s not a joke is jarring.
Ooh dear. Right after a flashback where Abel mentions Hannibal feeding him various foods, including oysters and acorns, to make him tastier, Dr. du Maurier is shown eating oysters and acorns. This does not bode well pt. 2.
Yep. du Maurier knows. How terrified is she? Like, all the time?
“Clearly you found [Dr. Fell] as distasteful as I did.” “On the contrary.” See this is what I mean-
“What have you gotten yourself into, Bedelia? Shall I hang up your coat?” Translation: You’re stuck now. You’re not going anywhere.
Will broke Hannibal’s heart. He really did. Hannibal said it himself, he never lets anyone see who he really is, and the one person he did betrayed him.
What. Abigail’s alive. Again. What the shit.
This doesn’t mean there’s any hope for Alana, does there?
“A valentine written on a broken man.” Fucking yes. Exactly. Right after Will arrives in Italy, Hannibal leaves a heart for him to find, on the very spot that they talked about that is the entrance to Hannibal’s mind. A heart, bloodied and mangled and stabbed through in several places.
Will: “[Hannibal] left us his broken heart.” FUCKING YES. THANK YOU.
Uh oh. I’m starting to get a bad feeling about this. About Will. And Abigail.
Yeah, I’m right, aren’t I. Abigail is dead after all, isn’t she.
What does that mean for what “Abigail” said earlier, about Hannibal knowing exactly where to cut, and their wounds being “like a surgery”? Well, since Abigail was never really there, that all had to come from Will’s mind. Yeah. He knew that the only reason he could be alive right then was if Hannibal wanted him to be alive.
The way Hannibal killed Sogliato was very out of character and strangely funny. Stabs an ice pick into his brain mid-conversation. “…That may have been impulsive.” Sogliato babbles incomprehensibly until Bedelia has enough and removes the ice pick, causing Sogliato to face-plant into his plate. “Technically, you killed him,” says Hannibal with a raised eyebrow. I think Hannibal is, as you say, devolving. He’s always so calculated and has never killed anyone with so little planning before (at least that we’ve seen).
Will knows Hannibal so well, it’s kind of spooky. He can have whole conversations with him without him even being there. And that’s what’ll help him find him.
Chilton (who is also, somehow, alive) to Will: I can help you get Hannibal Lecter out of your head. Me: Yeah, I don’t think Will’s going to take you up on that, Chilton.
Oh my god there was hope for Alana!
On the subject of people who are somehow alive, are we ever going to get an explanation for how/why Freddie Lounds is still alive?
When Will and Hannibal do reunite it’s going to be the ultimate “I don’t know whether I want to kill you or kiss you.”
Again, it seems to me that Hannibal is being extremely out of character when he kills people. He’s toying with Pazzi. Taunting him for his imminent demise, cracking jokes.
Nice touch, Jack emulating Hannibal’s method of taking off his shoes to sneak up on someone, and poetic that that someone is Hannibal himself.
Oooh, Will leaning in close to Bedelia and whispering “I don’t believe you.” Very nice.
Re: Will and Hannibal’s reunion: Well, I see they’ve picked right back up where they left off, with an air that they could kiss at any time during the interaction with it feeling completely natural.
Will said “After you” and Hannibal went. He trusted him (I think).
Holy shit actual gay. Like actual, real, not just alluded to gay. I’d seen people shipping Alana and Margot before, but I never thought there would be much in canon to actually back that up.
Oh my godddd Alana in that suit. My god I’m gay.
Wow, Hannibal has every opportunity to kill Will here, after he’s been shot, when he literally had a knife in his hands, Will’s literally the most vulnerable he’s ever been, yet Hannibal doesn’t kill him, even though we know he intends to, eventually. Is he changing his mind or just waiting for the right moment? EDIT: Oh, duh, it’s because he needs to marinate first.
Wow poor Will’s really been through the wringer lately, huh?
“They are identically different, Hannibal and Will.” Nicely put, Jack.
Is it just me or does Mason Verger seem ever so slightly fruity?
In this “I don’t want to think about you anymore” scene, Hannibal honestly, truly looks like he’s about to cry.
This is a genius move on Hannibal’s part (if a bit manipulative but what else is new). Will says “I don’t want to know where you are or what you’re doing, I don’t want to find you,” so Hannibal goes “Alright, I’m going to make sure you know ‘exactly where I am, and where you can always find me.’” If Will knows where he is and how to find him, he won’t be able to just stop thinking about him. Wow.
Three years later?? Holy shit Hannibal is one patient man.
Kind of interesting how they chose to not show us Hannibal’s trial. I wonder who went. Probably Alana. Maybe Margot. Probably not Will.
Very interesting how Hannibal felt betrayed by Will because he would “deny [him] [his] freedom”, yet here he willingly and intentionally gives it up so that he can stay in Will’s mind.
Did Hannibal just reverse-psychology Will with that letter? I’m honestly surprised that worked.
Jimmy and Brian!!! Boy am I glad to see those two, I’ve missed them so much.
God Will worrying about the murder victims’ dog is so Will. I love it.
Great callback here. “Hello, Dr. Lecter.” “Hello, Will.” Now Hannibal’s the one behind a barrier.
Asdfghjkl Hannibal’s barely even trying to hide his jealousy of Will’s wife.
Fucking Freddie. How I hate her. Still waiting for an explanation of how she’s alive.
Bedelia’s really hitting the nail on the head here. Will and Hannibal’s relationship was/is way too intimate to be strictly platonic.
Will: There’s a family out there who doesn’t know [the Dragon] is coming. Me: 😬😬
I must say, I’m glad Molly survived. It would have been complete bullshit if Alana could survive getting pushed out a window and Jack getting broken glass to the neck and Will taking a freaking circular saw to the skull but Molly couldn’t survive getting shot in the shoulder because Plot.
Hannibal is in love with Will. Someone actually said it. Oh my god.
Did Dolarhyde stick a panty liner over Chilton’s eyes as a blindfold?? I’m sorry but that’s what it looked like.
Hannibal is incredibly funny in this conversation with Jack and Alana about Chilton. J: “Where’s the other one?” H: “This one can provide you with anything the other one can.” *barely concealed grin* A: “We wanted to enrage [the Dragon].” H: “Congratulations.” H: “You [Alana] could have provided anything Dr. Chilton could. That would’ve been your lip I was tasting. Again.”
The motto of this season is: “How the fuck are you still alive?”
“He wants you to say ‘please.’” My god this man has it bad.
I fucking knew Hannibal would say “Going my way?” to invite Will to get into the car after the big escape. This freaking guy misses no opportunity to flirt.
H: “See. This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us.” W: *laughs weakly* “It’s beautiful.” Me: “Now kiss.” W and H: *hug and go off the cliff* Me: “Eh, close enough.” The music: 🎶 “Love criiiiiiiime, love criiiiiiiiime” 🎶 Me: "Yeah, you got that right."
Well, that sure was one hell of an ending. I can just picture Will and Hannibal sinking under the water, each holding the other tightly, both to prevent them from resurfacing and just for the sake of holding them.
Okay, so, apparently they were supposed to survive all that. As I understand it, everyone was sure the show would get renewed for a fourth season, but it didn't. I'm sure I would be a lot more upset about that if I had been watching this show back in 2015 than I am watching it now for the first time in 2022. I think that's a great ending for the show. But I do agree that it's a damn shame that we don't get to see the story that's still left to be told. With what we have, I like my version of the ending (see above).
I'm glad to see that the Mrs. Vergers and the Verger baby survived this bloody story. And Bedelia (sans leg but never mind). And Jack, who I guess did grow on me a little.
Wow that's a great show. I want to rewatch it now.
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marley-manson · 3 years
Hannibal and will!
Thank you!
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Funnily enough, I actually didn't ship it while watching the show the first time until literally the season 3 finale. See, I believed that Hannibal was manipulating Will the whole time and it was basically a horror story about poor Will being brainwashed into wanting to murder people and all that, and while I enjoyed the homoeroticism a lot and even read some fic, it's just not the kind of thing I'm really into, I find moustache twirling villailn/woobie victim boring as ship material.
The moment that made me go 'wait a second... wait just one fucking second, I've been wrong the whole time, this is actually a perfect ship for me' was Will's sip of wine while looking down at Hannibal bleeding out after he let Dolarhyde shoot him.
I was expecting throughout the entirety of the Red Dragon arc that Hannibal was somehow playing a long manipulative game and he’d reveal it in the finale, so I guess when it turned out that nope, he had no plan he was just going wherever the fuck Will took him up to and including his death, it made me reconsider everything.
So the day after the finale aired I marathoned the whole show again in like three days with eyes wide open and saw everything in a new light and really fell head over heels for the show.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Hannibal's super intense feelings. The parallel between him and Franklyn. Hannibal trying to eat Will's brain to get over him, failing, and going to the opposite extreme and spending 3 years in jail right after because the brain eating was like, a last-ditch attempt to save himself from his own feelings. Will falling in love over the course of season 2 not despite wanting to kill Hannibal but because of it, as illustrated through very sexually suggestive murder fantasies.
Will asserting his own agency at the end of season 1. Hannibal's smile in the last shot of season 1 not because he "won" or anything but because Will knows who he is now. Will pulling a gun on Hannibal. Their murdery "with my hands" dirty talk. The ortorlan blowjob scene, instant classic. Hannibal letting Dolarhyde shoot him not to save Will or anything, but just because that's how Will wanted them to die. The fact that Dolarhyde only kills families so it was basically Hannibal accepting a marriage proposal when you think about it. Will changing his mind and killing Dolarhyde with Hannibal instead. "I gave you a child, if you recall."
The fucking tearfully smug look on Hannibal's face when he kills Abigail. Will fantasizing about killing Jack and running away with Hannibal. Bedelia's exasperation with Hannibal's pining and her manipulating him because of it in season 3. Everything about Sorbet, Tome Wan, and Digestivo, aka the three best episodes of anything ever. Man I could go on forever but I gotta stop.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think the most likely scenario is Hannibal and Will killing other serial killers, but I think if it came down to it Hannibal is more likely to give up murder than Will is to take up murder. Hannibal already functionally gave up murder not even for a relationship, but just in the hopes of seeing Will again and like, not being forgotten, when he turned himself in in Digestivo. Also I think if they do start killing killers it'd 100% be Will's idea, not Hannibal's. Hannibal is not rocking that boat now that he's finally in it by trying to manipulate or force Will into murder again lol. At best I could see him handing Will a newspaper detailing a new serial killer with a hopeful expression lol.
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alientoastt · 4 years
actually no i have more thoughts about mechscooking
jonny is actually a pretty fucking good cook, nastya can attest; the man can’t bake for shit, though. he laughs at measuring cups. this is a “little of this, little of that” man.
nastya “resequenced spinach” rasputina cannot cook. do not listen to her claims of scientific advancement. nastya cannot cook.
ashes- is ashes. do not allow them in the kitchen. they do have a fancy palette, though, after all those years as hades.
marius can cook, but only very finicky things. he can look at scrambled eggs wrong and ruin them, but he makes a mean pavlova. and while it’s not fiddly, i feel like he’d make good shakshuka.
the toy soldier can follow a recipe to a T, but it’s amelia bedelia style, so you tell it to beat the eggs and it starts punching the eggs. note: i don’t think it’s particularly unintelligent, this is just too good of a mental image to ignore.
tim is an okay cook, but his key competencies lie in soups, stews, and hashes- things you can slap together on a budget. he also inexplicably (see: it reminds him of rations) can’t stand bacon unless it’s burnt to a crisp. and while the things he makes taste fine, he wouldn’t know- funny thing about a blast that’ll burn your eyes out is that if you screamed, it’d scorch your tongue too.
ivy theoretically understands cooking, she really does, but it’s so perfect-to-the-recipe that it always comes out lacking something. this does not stop her from trying to improve on the recipes she knows, and with raph’s help, conducting ever so many experiments to nail the perfect version of several of the crew’s favorite foods to be used for bribery and poisoning.
i’ve already talked about brian, but one more thing- the seasoning thing is not leftover from when he was human. that man is a robot. i’m pretty sure he can’t taste. i’m terrified if he can.
also, the aurora probably has some sort of hitchhiker’s guide/ star trek style replicator for food and drink, but i’m leaning more in the direction of the heart of gold’s replicator, which cannot for the life of it make tea. i love aurora so much. but she, as a probably-untasting-but-if-brian-can-taste-i-think-a-ship-can starship, cannot cook.
bonus: lorelei cooked when she and carmilla still 1) needed to eat and 2) were still happy together, so carmilla really never learned beyond the basics. it’s... not like she really needs to anymore. (did jonathan vangelis try to win her affection by cooking for her only for her to never accept it, even before she explained the whole vampire thing? absolutely)
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Blogging My Mom’s Reactions to Hannibal, “Mizumono”
When Jack and Hannibal are speechifying
Mom: Y’all are so dramatic.
*seeing Garret Jacob Hobbes* Ugh, this guy? Didn’t we leave him behind in season one?
*on seeing Freddie Lounds* 
Mom: Look at this Irish ass woman, wearing an Asian top.
My brother: She could be Scottish.
Mom: What difference does it make?!
*the book scene*
Mom: They did not meet often enough for this many notes.
Me: Hannibal’s obsessive, though. And kind of creepy.
Mom: He’s not kind of creepy, he’s VERY CREEPY. 
Mom: Does he think they’re gonna run off together and live happily ever after?
Me: I can’t impress upon you enough how much that’s the plan.
Mom: *listening to the dialogue* I swear to god, the fucking writers on this show are on shrooms at this point.
Mom: Is he gonna SNIFF HIM?!?! 
Me: Yeah.
Mom: UH, FUCKING WEIRDO! This guy!
“I dream darkness comes into me”
Mom: It DID!
Me: Mom!
Mom: What? It’s right in front of me, that’s what it is!
*when Will and Hannibal are talking about the imago*
Mom: He’s hurt by that! He’s like, “Why can’t I be your ideal, Will? Just for a moment?”
Mom: They’re really playing up the god imagery.
Me: Well, the thing you have to understand mom, is that religious imagery is extremely gay.
My mom, a lawyer, when the government woman says Jack can’t entrap Hannibal like this: She’s right, and I hate that she’s right.
Mom: Oh this is from the first episode! Oh, he’s gonna hurt Jack and I don’t like it!
Jack: *you’ve been my friend, blah blah*
Mom: I think he’s sincere. Jack, you need a therapist.
Me: ... not THIS therapist, though.
*when Jack and Hannibal are fighting*
Mom: 👀👀
*randomly while Hannibal and Alana are talking* Mom: God, I hate his hair.
Bro: Don’t we all.
Mom: Leaving without saying goodbye is rude, but not killing people.
*when Alana shoots with no bullets*
Mom: *hysterical laughter*
*Abigail lives and pushes Alana*
Mom: ........... this ... little ... HOOCHIE MAMA
*final confrontation*
Mom: *sweetly* We couldn’t leave without you because of the family unit, Will. We couldn’t leave without our daughter who’s just as FUCKED UP AS WE ARE!
Mom: *more hysterical laughter* I wanted to surprise you! It’s a gift! I didn’t kill our fake daughter!
Mom: *laughs* I just gutted you, but I forgive you!
Mom: God, the beautiful flooring ... being stained by all this blood ...
*sees Bedelia*
Mom: ... What the fuck. What the fuck. Doesn’t she have- WHAT THE FUCK.
Mom: Ugh. I don’t even wanna say his pretentious ass name.
Me: Call him that ho.
Mom: *scoffs* That wanna-be ho. He can’t get with Will. 
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