#hindi recipes
dfusatv · 2 years
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viejospellejos · 1 year
Soft Garlic Naan & Chicken Butter:
¿Hay hambre?
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cookingmaharaja · 1 year
Making Dhokla recipe
Dhokla is a savory steamed cake made from fermented batter. It is a popular snack from the Indian state of Gujarat, but is enjoyed all over India. Here's how you can make dhokla at home:
1 cup gram flour (besan)
1/2 cup semolina (rava)
1/2 cup yogurt (dahi) read more
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newsfeed2023 · 1 year
How to make Moong Dal Dhokla | how to make moong dal dhokla in hindi
Image Source : FREEPIK breakfast recipes On a holiday, the question arises in everyone’s mind that what to make for breakfast. If you want to eat desi and healthy on Sunday, then Gujarati foods can be the perfect option for this. In such a situation, we have come up with such a recipe for Dhokla lovers, which is tasty and also beneficial for health. Most of the people have tasted dhokla made of…
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healthyfoodcare5 · 1 year
Chole bhature recipe | Chana Chola | Chole Bhature in Hindi| छोले भटूरे| 
Chole Bhature उत्तर भारत का यह एक सबसे लोकप्रिय शाकाहारी स्वादिष्ट स्ट्रीट फूड रेसिपी है। इसका
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pranavrecipes · 1 year
टिंडे की सब्जी बनाने की विधि - Tinda Recipe in Hindi - Pranav Recipes
हैलो फ्रेंड्स, आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपके साथ ( टिंडे की सब्जी बनाने की विधि ) Tinda Recipe in Hindi शेयर कर रहें है। इस रेसिपी को बनाना बहुत ही आसान है। आप इसे पके या कच्चे किसी भी प्रकार के टिंडे से बना सकते है। अगर आपके टिंडे पके हुए है तो आप उसमें छेद करके सारे बीज निकाल लीजिए और जब आप इसे मसाले में डालेंगे तो सारा मसाला टिंडे के अंदर तक भर जाएगा और जब इसे खाएगें तो मसाले का गुब्बार आपके मुँह में फूट जाएगा।
आगे और पढ़े :
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This is very amazing recipe. You try it...
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weight65loss · 2 years
Tips for weight loss or fat reduction: As you probably know, the majority of our lives are defined by eating. With this in mind we have to ask ourselves why that food is being consumed at all given how often it has been ingested over time. A person's body usually uses energy derived from calories expended during active activities (e-fitness) when considering its daily intake of nutrition and other nutrients; however there can be times where consumption doesn't make sense due not only their lifestyle but also because they live off a limited amount available calorie supply with few alternatives – perhaps even less than needed! It may sound complicated as well as scary until faced head on… On
learn the ultimate way to lose weight fast
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
World Chocolate Day: डार्क चॉकलेट खाएंगे तो डायबिटीज से रहेंगे दूर? चौंकाने वाले हैं ये फेक्ट
World Chocolate Day: डार्क चॉकलेट खाएंगे तो डायबिटीज से रहेंगे दूर? चौंकाने वाले हैं ये फेक्ट
Image Source : INSTAGRAM World Chocolate Day 2022 Highlights चॉकलेट में हैं कई खूबियां डॉक्टर दे रहे खाने में शामिल करने की सलाह जानिए कौन सी चॉकलेट है फायदेमंद World Chocolate Day 2022: क्या आप भी उन लोगों में शामिल हैं जो हर सेलिब्रेशन को चॉकलेट की मिठास के साथ पूरा करना चाहते हैं? या क्या आप इस टेस्टी सुपरफूड को उन दिनों के लिए बचाकर  रखते हैं जब आपको अपने मूड को हल्का करने के लिए कुछ चाहिए…
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G.U.N. Colostrum Supplements: A Boost for Health and Vitality
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In the pursuit of optimal health, I've delved into the world of natural supplements, and one that has recently caught my attention is G.U.N. Colostrum. This bovine colostrum supplement boasts aplethora of potential benefits, from immune system support to gut health enhancement. After incorporating it into my daily routine, I'm keen to share my experience and insights.
Initial Impressions and Ease of Use
The G.U.N. Colostrum supplement arrived in a well-packaged bottle, accompanied by clear instructions for use. The capsules are easy to swallow and don't have any unpleasant aftertaste. The recommended dosage is straightforward, making it convenient to integrate into my daily regimen.
Enhanced Immune Function
One of the most notable benefits I've experienced with G.U.N. Colostrum is an apparent boost in my immune system. I've always been susceptible to catching colds, but since taking this supplement, I've noticed a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of these ailments. This aligns with the research that suggests colostrum's rich antibody content can help fortify the body's defences against infections.
Improved Gut Health and Digestion
Another positive change I've observed is in my gut health. I used to experience occasional digestive discomfort, but this has subsided since incorporating G.U.N. Colostrum into my routine. The supplement contains growth factors and immunoglobulins that are known to promote a healthy gut lining and support a balanced gut microbiome. This has resulted in smoother digestion and a general feeling of well-being.
Increased Energy and Vitality
While not explicitly advertised, I've noticed a subtle yet significant increase in my energy levels and overall vitality. This could be attributed to the supplement's nutrient-rich profile, which includes vitamins, minerals, and growth factors. These nutrients play a crucial role in cellular repair and regeneration, potentially contributing to enhanced energy production and a greater sense of vitality.
Skin Health and Wound Healing
One unexpected benefit I've experienced is an improvement in my skin health. My complexion appears more radiant and blemishes seem to heal more quickly. Colostrum is known to contain growth factors that can promote skin cell regeneration and collagen production, which could explain this positive effect.
Additional Benefits and Observations
While the aforementioned benefits are the most prominent ones I've experienced, I've also noticed other subtle improvements. My sleep quality seems to have improved, and I generally feel less stressed and more balanced. These could be indirect effects of the supplement's positive impact on my immune system, gut health, and overall well-being.
Conclusion and Recommendation
In conclusion, G.U.N. Colostrum has proven to be a valuable addition to my health and wellness regimen. Its benefits extend beyond immune system support, encompassing gut health, energy levels, skin health, and potentially even mood and sleep. While individual experiences may vary, I would highly recommend giving G.U.N. Colostrum a try if you're looking for a natural way to bolster your health and vitality. It's a versatile supplement that could potentially offer a wide range of benefits for people of all ages and lifestyles.
Overall Assessment
In conclusion, G.U.N. Colostrum is a truly remarkable product that has transformed my daily routine and overall well-being. Its delicious taste, numerous health benefits, and high-quality ingredients make it a worthwhile investment in your health. Whether you are seeking to manage your weight, improve your mood and energy levels, or simply enjoy a delicious and nutritious treat, G.U.N. Colostrum is an excellent choice. I wholeheartedly recommend this product to anyone looking to enhance their health and well-being naturally and deliciously.
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Read This Also:  GarciSlim: My Secret Weapon For A Healthier, Slimmer Me
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swamyworld · 1 month
Know how to roast makhana for a healthy snack
Makhana for weight loss: Nowadays, what are people not doing to lose weight? Sometimes they are resorting to everything from keto to intermittent fasting. Today we will tell you the solution to reduce fat not by dieting but by eating makhana. Makhana contains rich nutrients Makhana is very beneficial for health. If you include nutrient-rich Makhana in your diet, you will start seeing its benefits…
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ajantafoodproduct · 1 month
Watch and subscribe to Ajanta Food Products' YouTube channel to learn how to make strawberry ice cream recipe in Hindi with step-by-step instructions. Whipping cream, condensed milk, and fresh strawberries are just a few of the basic components needed to make a rich dessert that works well for any occasion.
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spicyvegrecipes · 1 month
Raw Mango Dal Fry (North Indian Style)
Raw Mango Dal Fry (North Indian Style) Raw Mango Dal Fry is a delicious and tangy Indian lentil curry made with raw mangoes and spices. It’s a popular dish, especially during the summer season. When raw mangoes are abundant. The tartness of the raw mangoes adds a unique flavour to the dal, making it both refreshing and satisfying. For more recipes from this blog you might like please…
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weight65loss · 2 years
Tips for weight loss: A diet high in calories will usually cause your body to store more fat as you age. That can be a significant reason why people lose 10 pounds or less each year, even after only 30 years of life — there's not much room to take on the extra belly tissue once that bulk has gotten worn off. The best way is simply eat fewer and smaller portions while maintaining overall health; don't make excessive exercise demands too frequently by lifting weights (which do lead most adults down the path toward heart disease). You want to keep it around 50 percent total daily calorie intake so that whenever possible you are getting enough protein per meal with little jun
learn free tips that will help me to lose 30kg Weight in just 3 month
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