#hindu faith
nutantawakley · 2 months
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jeevanjali · 2 months
Bajrang Baan Lyrics: हनुमान जी की कृपा पाने के लिए रोजाना करें बजरंग बाण का पाठShri Bajrang ban lyrics in hindi: हिंदू धर्म की मान्यताओं के अनुसार सभी देवी-देवताओं में राम भक्त और अंजनीपुत्र वीर बजरंगबली ऐसे देवता हैं जो अपने भक्तों को उनके कष्टों, परेशानियों, भय और रोगों से मुक्ति दिलाते हैं।
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undergiants · 1 month
@ all the religious queers who follow me (or don't lol), y'all should reblog this with what your favorite part of your religion is. it could be a particular ritual, an item, a belief within it, an experience you had, anything!
we should share some good against all the bad that we get <3
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jewishboricua · 11 months
every time i see someone exclude, mock or ignore queer religious people's existence (whether from bigoted religious people or bigoted queer people) i think it should be perfectly acceptable for us to punch them in the face for that
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“It is okay — and in fact good and necessary — for members of a religion to engage with their religion in a esoteric and transgressive ways that are still healthy” and “Nonmembers of a religion should not use that religion and make jokes about that religion in ways that are disrespectful and churlish to the religion, its adherents, and its beliefs” are two statements that can and should be simultaneously believed.
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queerism1969 · 6 months
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Christians with a massive persecution complex:
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Nightcrawler in X-Men '97:
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Mythic, Divine, Godly, and Religious Objects
As always, process recorded for me and published for others, and my disclaimer is in my bio.
Recently, I received an ask regarding the mythic asteroid Aphrodite [1388] conjunct the Ascendant. I thought I'd explain my process for interpreting charts and placements within them, starting with how I define and differentiate mythic objects. If you are confused or curious about my perspective, you can refer to this post.
What makes an object...
Mythic objects are asteroids and minor objects that signify a story or an element from a story of myth, legend, or religion, which the astrologer need not necessarily follow, believe in, or practice.
For example, Orpheus [3361] and Eurydike [75] are figures of Hellenic myth. You don't have to practice Hellenic paganism to refer to them as mythic objects. Regardless of your beliefs, you will find Eurydike to represent disappearances, romantic distance, and the tragic muse, and Orpheus to represent grief, obsession, and the tragic artist. Read more on interpreting Orpheus and Eurydike here.
Divine objects are mythic asteroids and minor objects that signify a cosmic power, spiritual process, or holy place which is significant to the astrologer's faith.
For example, near any spiritual astrologer could refer to Spirit [37452] and treat it as a divine object, as near all religions have a concept that falls in line with that of 'spirit' or a 'spirit'. Thus, it's appropriate to use as such on near all occasions. However, asteroid Karma [3811] should only be interpreted as a divine object for those who incorporate Hindu concepts of karma into their faith. Non-Hindu astrologers can refer to it, but should do so as a mythic object.
Godly objects are divine asteroids and minor objects that signify the intervention of a specific deity, group of deities, or other named figure which the astrologer worships and which hypothetically possesses its own unique will and perspective.
For example, Christians would treat Christ-related objects as godly and the same for Hindus, pagans to their various pantheons, etc. For objects of dubious divinity, it relies even more so on personal beliefs. For example, asteroid Lucifer [1932] is only a godly object to an astrologer who practices devil worship. The asteroids of the saints would only be considered godly if a Christian treats them as conduits for the Christian god. Otherwise, one should treat the object in question as a mythic object, as described above. Read about how to identify your own prominent godly objects here.
Religious objects are fundamentally different as they are asteroids and minor objects that function as symbols of religious institutions, rather than the faith, or the stories for which faith is held.
Religious objects may double as mythic or even divine objects, depending on the context of the reading, but not necessarily. For example, the asteroid Holiday [365443] may be used in a spiritual reading in tandem with a Godly or Mythic asteroid to refer to a specific holiday - perhaps using the aspects between the latter object and the former. However, it can also represent, independently, the existence of holidays in general, regardless of to whom the days are holy. Another example would be Church [10343]. It is obviously a religious object, regardless of your faith. But if one is raised Catholic and has a prominent asteroid Peter [1716], it may also serve the purpose of a mythic asteroid, for he founded the church.
My next posts will be on finding mythic, divine, and godly objects prominent for you based on their type.
Keep an eye out, and I hope this was useful to even a few of you! Thanks for reading ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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newnitz · 7 months
hi! its hindulivesmatter. just wanted to take out some time to thank you for your support. I've seen you in my notes all the time and you're always one of the loudest supporters of my blog, and I appreciate you so much! xx
Hey! Of course, the Hindu-Jewish solidarity tag isn't just for show. I'm as disgusted by hinduphobes taking notes from antisemites as you're disgusted with the other way round, and Hindu spaces have been one of the few ones to remain Jew-friendly, making Jewish spaces Hindu-friendly in return is the least we can do. I hope one day we'll wake up to our cultures fully decolonized and not under attack by a world that normalizes and glorifies Islamist imperialism.
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crestfallencherub · 2 months
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jeevanjali · 5 months
Mandir Ke Paas Ghar Hona Chahiye Ya Nahi: यदि आपका घर किसी मंदिर के पास है तो तुरंत करें ये उपायastu Tips : समरांगन वास्तुशास्त्र और विश्वकर्मा प्रकाश में मंदिर के पास के घरों के वास्तु दोष के बारे में उल्लेख मिलता है। इससे इतर भी मंदिर के घरों का वास्तु दोष बताया गया है।
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jaytboard · 1 month
“No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to bear it.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬
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dykrophone · 2 months
Hey .. I'm new on tumblr but I'm also desi like you (I'm from Delhi) and I'm just confused. I love being a Hindu, I wholeheartedly believe in my religion and you could consider me moderately religious. But recently, after seeing BJP and Hindu supremacists and their actions I feel guilty to be Hindu. I'm scared that people will look at me like I'm the bad person. I believe in secularism I really respect other religions too but sometimes I feel so bad that I'm happily following my religion but others cannot. And I feel like I sound like a bigot and a hypocrite everytime I practice my religion at the expense of others. :(((. Just a rant lol
ok so firstly no one is going to think you're a bad person just for being hindu lol. any indian who thinks that is going around hating 80% of the people around them by default so tell me if that sounds like a plausible way to live in a society to you (not to mention that 80% of people are literally hindu themselves)
religion is a really personal thing that means different things to different people. and what we think of as hinduism today is an amalgamation of so many different belief systems. and the most popular interpretation of it which is how most people perceive it is a deeply flawed at least partially man-made system. unfortunately organized religion pretty much always comes with a lot of horrible baggage + bigotry, meaning it's always gonna be a breeding ground for really shitty people. that makes it hard to separate from said shittiness for a lot of people (like me personally for example; i believe that if the gods exist i dont like them very much for all the hell they allow on earth in their name), which is valid. but it is obviously possible to follow any religion you want and be a good person as long as you critically engage with it and are compassionate to people outside your religion and their experiences with being persecuted for not following said religion. there are lots of cool things about hinduism. embrace those, discard the bad stuff, and keep your eyes open and stand up for the people who are systematically hurt by the popular wacko fascist interpretation of it that's destroying our country. it counts for a lot. people are always more willing to listen to people like them, unfortunately. feeling bad about being part of a majoritarian/oppressor demographic ultimately helps nobody. do something about it. read about caste and the fight for its annihilation. talk about these things with other more radicalised hindus and get them to see the harmful stuff theyre complicit in. it could go a long way.
personally im so used to interacting with bhakts IRL im just really glad to meet religious hindu people who don't blindly condone bigotry lol
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academicgangster · 6 months
"I gave up meat to feel closer to my culture as an Indian" LMFAO
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o-daintyduck · 8 months
He's back
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believeinshreekrisna · 9 months
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