#hiro x byakuya
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raisukujira · 7 months
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forgive me my zosan followers, i just randomly realised i played danganronpa once
anyway my fav ship just dropped!!
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year
uhhh so i spun a wheel and byakuya x hiro hcs?
lol sure
It was kind of surprising to their classmates, but honestly, Hiro and Byakuya couldn’t be happier. They had a good relationship, and planned to keep it that way.
Byakuya never thought of himself as a hug person before, but he would admit to himself and Hiro that Hiro gave amazing hugs. And perhaps sometimes he found himself wanting one of those hugs.
Most of their dates take place on campus, and are more personal than anything else. Hiro isn’t the most comfortable going to fancier places, so they keep it lowkey.
When they started dating, they didn’t tell anyone just in case it didn’t work out. Of course, they were glad it did, though still only slowly told their classmates about their relationship.
Hiro really likes PDA, but Byakuya would prefer to hold hands and things like that in private, so they have a kind of balance. They can hold hands when there aren’t many people around.
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imaginehappyhavoc · 14 days
Hi could i requesst ssome headcanonss of the thh boyss with a sselectively mute reader? Thankss!
A/N: Our first official ask! As a person who also struggles with selective mutism, this ask made me smile ˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶
Pairing: Thh boys x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
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Makoto Naegi:
♡ Makoto is a very understanding and patient person by nature, so it didn’t take him long to adjust to your selective mutism.
♡ He didn’t know what it was at first, and he was confused as to why you would suddenly stop talking for hours or even days at a time. Not angry, mind you, just confused.
♡ He tentatively asked you about it when he was sure you were feeling up to responding, and he was so very respectful about it.
♡ After you took the time to patiently explain selective mutism to him, the two of you were immediately on the same page.
♡ He finds himself on the internet often, idly looking through posts made by people with the same problem, hoping to understand better.
♡ Now, once he realizes you’re not responding, he just switches casually to yes or no questions.
♡ He also offers more physical contact in these moments. He’ll squeeze your shoulder or tug gently on your sleeve as a nonverbal way of showing his support.
♡ It’s a barely noticeable change, but you can tell how much he cares for you in every small gesture.
Byakuya Togami (Platonic):
♡ To be completely honest, Byakuya thought you were being petty at first.
♡ He’s aware that he can be tactless at times, and he has a tendency to say things that come across as insensitive, but he really thought the “silent treatment” was a bit childish.
♡ His annoyance started to waver when he noticed you would still smile at him, even when you wouldn’t speak.
♡ Then, he noticed that it was everyone that was getting this treatment, and not just him.
♡ He came to the conclusion that you weren’t attempting some sort of petty revenge, but just didn’t like to talk sometimes.
♡ He supposed he could understand that. He himself found talking to others to be exhausting, at times.
♡ He immediately relaxed around you, a barely noticeable drop in his shoulders telling you that he was no longer tense.
♡ He hasn’t exactly changed any of his behavior regarding your nonverbal bouts, aside from the fact that he no longer scoffs and rolls his eyes when you don’t respond to him.
♡ Still, the air around you two seemed to be rid of tension all at once, and you settled into a peaceful rhythm with one another.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
♡ If we’re being completely honest, Yasuhiro didn’t notice.
♡ He kinda just thought you liked to spend quality time fully chilled out. He could get behind that.
♡ So when you went quiet when hanging out with him, he went quiet too. Just vibing.
♡ You, however, misread this. You thought he was angry with you for “not trying” to be social, and that was why he stopped talking when you did.
♡ When you finally worked up the courage to apologize, and explain yourself, Hiro just blinked at you.
♡ He just sort of goes: “… oh! Dude, I thought you were just chilling! Like, thanks for telling me, but I was having a good time. You don’t gotta apologize for that!”
♡ And, honestly, nothing actually changes after that.
♡ Now that you knew he was perfectly fine with hanging out in silence with you, the only thing that really changed was that you weren’t stressed about it anymore.
♡ The two of you simply lounge in his comfy dorm room, sometimes cuddling, sometimes not. Hiro appreciates the vibe either way.
Leon Kuwata:
♡ The first time you ever went nonverbal around him, he thought you were being funny.
♡ He would poke at you, put his face really close to yours, and try to pry hard enough to get you to “break.”
♡ You cracked a smile at his antics, and he thought he’d won, but then he noticed that you still weren’t talking.
♡ The longer you were silent, the more his smile dropped. He was getting genuinely worried that something was wrong.
♡ He eventually asked you, in an uncharacteristically gentle tone, if you were alright. All you could do was squeeze his hand, and smile reassuringly.
♡ He stayed tense until you finally felt up to speaking again, and explained your selective mutism.
♡ It took him a minute to process, but once he understood, he was committed to being as supportive as humanly possible.
♡ When you two were out with friends, and he noticed that you were retreating in on yourself, he would redirect the conversation to himself. He’d answer questions for you, butt into side conversations that were meant for you, all so you wouldn’t feel nervous about speaking to other people.
♡ He does his absolute best to make you feel comfortable when you’re muted. He doesn’t even care that friends start to think he’s a bit too eager to talk to them. Just as long as you know he’s there for you.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
(Chihiro will be included in both thh boys and girls groups for headcanons, unless specified otherwise)
♡ Chihiro was fully convinced you were mad at them.
♡ It took them maybe two minutes to start tearfully apologizing for whatever they did to upset you, and you panicked.
♡ As much as you wanted to verbally reassure them, you knew you just couldn’t. So, instead, you gestured wildly, shaking your head with wide eyes.
♡ Despite their nerves, Chihiro managed to get the gist of what you were trying to say: They’re good, talking is bad.
♡ After apologizing for apologizing, Chihiro just stayed close to you for a long time. They wrapped their arms around one of yours, and leaned on you to provide some sort of comfort, though they didn’t know if it was more for you or for them.
♡ It wasn’t until everything clicked in their head, that you were simply nonverbal, that they relaxed entirely.
♡ They dutifully took on the role of caretaker, even if you didn’t necessarily need one. They’re always so eager to care for you, protect you, so you just sit back and allow yourself to be pampered.
♡ They make extra sure that you eat, and that you’re drinking enough water. They’ll pool all of their stuffed animals- and yours, if you have any- into one room, and make you a lovely little cuddle pile to let you rest your mind for a while.
♡ Their support is, for all intents and purposes, aggressive. It’s surprising, but not unwelcome.
Mondo Owada:
♡ Like Chihiro, Mondo totally thought you were mad, and he’d done something wrong.
♡ Unlike Chihiro, he sorta shouts his apology at you. His damned nerves always made him too loud and jumpy, after all.
♡ When you’re able to explain, it takes him a while to wrap his head around. It’s not something he’d ever heard about before, but it was you, so it had to be important.
♡ It takes a lot of patience, but he eventually gets it. After that, he’s stuck to you like glue every time you go mute.
♡ He’ll wrap his arm around your shoulders if you’re in public, and give withering stares to anyone who tries to press you to speak.
♡ It’s genuinely impressive, how intense he gets when he’s defending you.
♡ In private, however, he’s much softer. Tactile as he is, he loves to hold you tightly, encouraging you to rest and take it easy.
♡ When he speaks, he does so in such a soft voice it nearly makes you cry. Adoration is poured into every syllable, and it’s almost too much to bear.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
♡ Unlike everyone else, Taka knew about your selective mutism the moment the relationship started.
♡ He’s a firm believer in bold simplicity, so the moment you expressed that you wanted to be his partner, he told you everything.
♡ Naturally, he encouraged you to tell him everything as well, as transparency is one of the most important things to him.
♡ When you got to your selective mutism, Taka didn’t know what it meant. But what does he do when he doesn’t know something? He researches!
♡ Hundreds of questions followed. “How often would you say this happens? Are you able to type or write during these episodes? What are some things I could do to ease your mind when you’re nonverbal?” It was like talking to a doctor.
♡ Even after his conversation with you, he wasn’t satisfied with his own knowledge, and he turned to the internet.
♡ He researched and researched, and came out two days later with an arsenal of information and tools at his disposal. It’s… actually a little intimidating.
♡ He even went so far as to make flash cards for you! Little cards with basic sentences and questions on them that you could use to communicate.
♡ No matter what it is you may need or want, Taka gets it for you so fast it’s impressive. If you need something that isn’t on one of your cards, he wastes no time in making a new one for you.
♡ His tendency to bury himself in research and practice is a bit hard to be annoyed by, especially when it’s for you.
Hifumi Yamada (Platonic):
♡ Hifumi put two and two together remarkably fast.
♡ You simply didn’t want to talk. That was fine. After all, you were one of his first friends. Who was he to complain?
♡ He doesn’t ask questions or press you for conversation. He only ever asks if you’re feeling alright, before moving on.
♡ If you’re the type that likes to be talked to when you’re nonverbal, he’ll talk your ear off.
♡ He just has so many ideas running around in his head! He could keep you entertained and engaged for days.
♡ If not, he’s more than happy to sit in silence with you as he works on a project. You make a fantastic body double, he quickly discovers.
♡ Overall, he’s incredibly relaxed about your selective mutism. Unexpectedly, he’s the type to just go with the flow. When it comes to you, at least.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Danganronpa Opinions
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(I mean none of this with offense and I'm not targetting in any way shape or form btw-)
. Chihiro is VERY overrated.
. Off topic but it's canon Taka can sing, he wants Sayaka to teach him to sing so he can project his voice, and his Japanese VA is amazing at singing, and his English VA is Kinger in TADC (which I don't know much about but heard a song and imagined Taka singing it - which made me laugh -)
. Sayaka is underrated and over hated.
. Some of the executions aren't that good, and Celeste's was good and theatrical, but she (technically) killed 2 people and deserved to suffer a bit more.
. Toko is bad in THH and highly overrated if people like her and haven't seen her in UDG.
. Kiyotaka is annoying and loud even in his FTEs (He's like... my favourite character but I HAVE TO BE HONEST I WOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH HIM IRL-)
. Byakuya and Kyoko are EXTREMELY OVERRATED!!!! (If Byakuya has no haters I'm dead-)
. The survivors were so uninteresting, Hiro did almost nothing the whole time, and after Chapter 4 Aoi seemed to outlive her usefulness. She's still cool though, but also overrated.
. 11037 is still kind of funny, but only in context and not for making fun of Leon as a character.
. Sayaka haters are just mad for no reason... leave her alone gang-
. Junko was a terrible choice for a master-mind, they should've given fake Junko more development before killing her off. I forgot about her after Chapter Two.
. Byakuya x Anybody is a terrible ship, especially Makoto x Byakuya.
. Celesgiri have chemistry, but no interactions that make us ship them.
. Nagito is actually kind of annoying... he was better in Chapter One, but he did make the game 10x more interesting.
. Nekomaru > Ibuki
. Peko is a cool character but not as loveable as the fans see her to be.
. Hinanami is ONLY platonic, nothing else.
. This may be exclusive to me but Trial 4 was stupidly difficult (I knew who the killer was and didn't get it because I'm a fucking moron.)
. Mikan and Hiyoko are both equally as annoying as eachother, but Hiyoko is much more upfront about it.
. Souda x Gundham is a bad ship... even the Voice Actor of Tanaka says so.
. Chiaki is slightly overrated.
. AI Junko is mid.
. Kamakura should have gotten more development, and is overrated.(I haven't seen the anime)
V3: (Updated version btw)
. I love V3, it's the best game
. Maki>Kyoko
. They shouldn't have killed Kaede off early, for her development as a character, but it was necessary to do so.
. Rantaro's overrated and him and Ryoma NEEDED MORE DEVELOPMENT.
.Tsumugi best mm real???
. Gonta is overrated.
. The Motive-Video for chapter two is a reused from chapter one THH, did they run out of ideas? If so, how did they recreate Danganronpa 53 times without the audience getting bored?
. Traffic Light (HimokoxAngiexTenko) is a bad ship because though Himiko cares for them both, Tenko doesn't like Angie much. (from what I've seen)
. They should've gotten in some new VAs for V3, I love Shuichi but I can only hear Leon in his voice...
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My favorite Danganronpa ships for each character
The format goes as follows: I list a character and my favorite ship for them, and said ship cannot be repeated. As such, once I get to the second character in the pairing, I move on to my second/third favorite ship for them. Singular pairings only for this post, but just know I also have a loooot of poly ships I enjoy as well (some of which are pretty obvious here). If you’ve browsed my blog before, you can probably already guess quite a few of these, or at the very least know I am a very passionate multishipper <3
Makoto Naegi: Naegiri (Makoto X Kyoko)
Kyoko Kirigiri: Kirihina (Kyoko X Hina)
Byakuya Togami: Celesgami (Byakuya X Celeste)
Sayaka Maizono: Naezono (Sayaka X Makoto)
Mukuro Ikusaba: Ikuzono (Mukuro X Sayaka)
Leon Kuwata: Bubblegum Rock (Leon X Kazuichi)
Chihiro Fujisaki: Chogami (Chihiro X Sakura)
Mondo Owada: Ishimondo (Mondo X Kiyotaka)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Naeshi (Kiyotaka X Makoto)
Hifumi Yamada: Shiromada (Hifumi X Tsumugi) (queerplatonic)
Celestia Ludenburg: Celeschi (Celeste X Chihiro)
Sakura Ogami: Sakuraoi (Sakura X Hina)
Aoi Asahina: Chihina (Hina X Chihiro)
Toko Fukawa: Tokokuro (Toko X Mukuro)
Genocider Syo: Syomaru (Syo X Komaru)
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Daiyakure (Hiro X Daiya)
Junko Enoshima: Junmugi (Junko X Tsumugi)
+ Komaru Naegi: Tokomaru (Komaru X Toko)
Hajime Hinata: Kuzuhina (Hajime X Fuyuhiko)
Chiaki Nanami: Hinanami (Chiaki X Hajime)
Nagito Komaeda: Komanami (Nagito X Chiaki)
Ultimate Imposter: Twohina (Imposter X Hajime) (queerplatonic)
Teruteru Hanamura: Terunidai (Teruteru X Nekomaru)
Mahiru Koizumi: Mahisato (Mahiru X Sato)
Peko Pekoyama: Fuyupeko (Peko X Fuyuhiko)
Ibuki Mioda: Pekobuki (Ibuki X Peko)
Hiyoko Saionji: Hiyobuki (Hiyoko X Ibuki)
Mikan Tsumiki: Tsumioda (Mikan X Ibuki)
Nekomaru Nidai: Soudanidai (Nekomaru X Kazuichi)
Gundham Tanaka: Soudam (Gundham X Kazuichi)
Kazuichi Souda: Soudabuki (Kazuichi X Ibuki) (queerplatonic)
Sonia Nevermind: Sondam (Sonia X Gundham)
Akane Owari: Akanidai (Akane X Nekomaru)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Kuzusouda (Fuyuhiko X Kazuichi)
+ Ryota Mitari: Mitwori (Ryota X Imposter) (queerplatonic)
Kaede Akamatsu: Saimatsu (Kaede X Shuichi)
Shuichi Saihara: Saimota (Shuichi X Kaito)
Kaito Momota: Momoharu (Kaito X Maki)
Maki Harukawa: Saimaki (Maki X Shuichi)
Kokichi Ouma: Oumami (Kokichi X Rantaro)
Rantaro Amami: Amamatsu (Rantaro X Kaede)
Ryoma Hoshi: Saihoshi (Shuichi X Ryoma)
Kirumi Tojo: Kirukiyo (Kirumi X Korekiyo)
Angie Yonaga: Yonmeno (Angie X Himiko)
Tenko Chabashira: Tenkangie (Tenko X Angie)
Korekiyo Shinguji: Shinnaga (Korekiyo X Angie)
Miu Iruma: Kazumiu (Miu X Kazuichi)
Gonta Gokuhara: Goshi (Gonta X Ryoma)
Kiibo: Saiibo (Kiibo X Shuichi)
Tsumugi Shirogane: Shironaga (Tsumugi X Angie)
Himiko Yumeno: Tenmiko (Himiko X Tenko)
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ultimatenaoki · 1 year
Kyoko kirigiri confesses her love to junko's little brother who's afraid of Kyoko and isn't obsessed with despair(make it take place during the killing game)
Don’t be scared
Kyoko Kirigiri x Male Reader
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🩷Kyoko Kirigiri confesses to Junko’s little brother🩷
•Warnings: SPOILER; mention of death, (Y/N) being insulted
•Killing Game
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Who could have guessed that? Kyoko Kirigiri? The Ultimate Detective, a girl with the only objective to discover the truth?
And you, a guy who’s not sure even about his position in this crazy and scary school and in this killing game.
Now, you aren’t a normal student. No I’m not talking about an Ultimate talent or anything. You are Junko Enoshima’s brother.
On the opposite of your sister, though, dispair isn’t something that you’re obsessed with. And with all you’re sister caused you’re even more unpleased by despair and her.
Junko killed your sister. Mukuro is dead because of Junko.
Now on the other hand, with all the deaths that has occurred and the will to fight and defying the mastermind, your classmates might find out about your secret.
Knowing them they will show no mercy against Junko’s brother.
However the last thing you’d expect at a time like this is to Kyoko searching for you and wanting to talk to you.
“(Y/N)” says a calm and known voice. You didn’t turn around. You didn’t want to talk to her. Who knows what she has in mind.
However this serious and compose attitude was quite charming, you had to admit it.
So, instead of running in the opposite direction like your fear told you to do, you turned around and your sight fell in her purple eyes, charming as her personality is.
“I want to talk to you” her voice was serious as usual but for some reason you could feel that something was off. Who knows what, probably she found out about your sister.
Unable to say anything, both for the fear of her and, difficult for you to admit, how much you actually admire her; you stayed still, waiting for her to say or do something.
“I’ve been thinking” says her voice. “There’s something off about you (Y/N)”. You frown. You were right, she found out about your sister, and seeing how your sister treated Mukuro you Werner going to be saved by Junko.
“There’s something about you that… That make me feel strange” continued Kyoko. Now you were confused. Did she find out or there was something else? “Perhaps this is what people call… love” finished her. “Huh?” the sound escaped your mouth before your mind could comprehend it.
“Love?” your voice was clearly confuse. “Yes. I know it is strange and I do understand if you do not accept this confession-” “N-no it’s not that” you cut her off before she could finish. “Is just that… You? Loving me?” you said.
“Yes” she simply said. Her voice was as serious as it was from the beginning but for some reason you could feel her emotion. You could feel that she wasn’t lying, she was telling the truth.
“I… I think I like you too” you said, you’re face covered in blush due to you being too flustered.
After this strange and confusing confession time passed, and your bond got stronger day after day.
That was until the last class trial.
After Junko Enoshima revealed herself and told everyone Mukuro, the “Fake Junko” was her twin sister, now it was time for you to be travels as her brother.
“Now, there another big new!” said the mastermind. “(Y/N) here is also my sibling, he’s younger brother!”
And again you frowned, looking at the ground, while all the other students made surprised sounds. Everyone expect Kyoko, who kept her calm and composed attitude.
“Y-you filthy. You were on her s-side the whole time right?!” said Toko. “What? (Y/N)? I-I can’t believe it” said Makoto. “Really? Man, that’s crazy!” Hiro. “(Y/N)? Is that true?” Hina. “Disgusting” Byakuya. All of them. All of the peopel who you thought were different, who you thought would accepted you were disgusted or scared of you.
Everyone, expect Kyoko. “Do not fear” said her calm but sicure voice. “(Y/N) isn’t like Junko. He despite despair, and I can say that for sure”
“How can you be so sure?” asked Byakuya. “I had a feeling about him being in some way relate to the mastermind and still I wanted to know him, and now I did. I do know that he is not one of the Ultimate Despair. Plus if you looked closely to his face when Mukuro got killed, you could see true horror” you could believe that.
Kyoko was defending you? You know she loved you but to go this far. “Thank you” a soft and broke voice said. “Thank you so much Kyoko” you raised your sight to look at her in the eyes, a smile on your face and one on hers as well.
Everyone could see the tears threatened to fall from your eyes, and no one could deny that Kyoko was telling the truth.
During Junko’s execution you weren’t sad or anything.
You were thinking about all of the innocent people that your sister killed. Including Mukuro.
Kyoko stayed by your side all the time, holding your hand.
When you got out of there you both entered the Future Foundation.
And now you both love each other as much as it could be.
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ultimatemissadhd · 1 year
My Danganronpa Ships Hands Headcanons
Note: I'm a multishipper
- Naegiri (KyokoxMakoto)
Kyoko's hands are cold which is surprising considering that she always keeps them under gloves. Their cold and rough because of her scars. Kyoko's hands are her biggest insecurity, she hates looking at them. Makoto on the other hand (pun intended), loves his girlfriend's hands. He loves when she uncovers them and takes his hand. Whenever Kyoko choses to take off her gloves, Makoto gives Kyoko little kisses on her hands.
Makoto's hands are warm and soft. They're also small, he often wishes that they were bigger so they could cover Kyoko's hands to make her hands warmer. Kyoko loves when she gets to touch his hands but she's always afraid he won't like how her hands feel.
- Sakuraoi (Sakura x Aoi)
Sakura's hands are big warm and soft but she doesn't realize that at all. Sakura is always a bit afraid of holding Hina's hands. Aoi's hands are small, she's worried that she'll hand up hurting her with her strength. But Aoi absolutely adores Sakura's hands. She loves when her hands can hide in Sakura's hands and just feel the warmth and softness. Aoi always gives Sakura hand kisses and makes sure to encourage Sakura into giving holding hands when she doesn't feel to confident.
- MahiruxPeko
Mahiru has warm hands, Peko has cold hands. Peko isn't used to holding hands with others, whenever she feels Mahiru's soft hands she feels surprised by their warmth. Mahiru loves Peko's hands and once she takes it, she doesn't want to let go.
- MondoxHifumi
Mondo's hands are cold. Whenever Hifumi takes his hand, he offers to help him make it warmer. Mondo pretends to dislike it but absolutely loves when Hifumi holds his hand or kisses it. He would use every occasion to hold Hifumi's hand and make up the weridest excuses, just so he doesn't have to admit that he loves his soft hands.
- KiyotakaxChihiro
Taka has cold hands, when Chihiro takes his hand he immediately starts giving him small kisses on his hands. Taka completely melts when it happens.
- Miu x Kaede
My headcanon is that Miu has nerve damage in her hands. Because of that Miu's hands don't feel heat or cold, so it often leads to injuries such as burns. That disability also leads to
- ByakuyaxYasuhiro
Byakuya's hands are extremely cold while Hiro's are extremely warm. They often have conversations like:
YH: You're hands are so cold
BT: Maybe yours are just too warm
They love to hold hands. They do that all time.
- Mikan x Akane
Mikan's hand tremble a lot when she's nervous. Mikan is worried that her cold hands will push Akane away. But Akane loves kissing her hands. Akane takes every opportunity for Mikan to touch her, she sometimes randomly asks Mikan to check her temperature just so Mikan can touch her.
- Kokichi x Shuichi
Kokichi's hands are warm which was confirmed in the canon.
"He can like about a lot of things but not the warmth of his hand"
Shuichi's are cold. Kokichi always uses that as an excuse to hold Shuichi's hand. Kokichi often gets flustered when Shuichi calls out how warm and nice Kokichi's hands are.
- Toko x Kiyotaka
Toko's hands are actually really nice to touch. They're warm and soft, Taka loves holding them. Toko had no idea that her hands are like that since she never really held hands with anyone.
- Hajime x Chiaki
Chiaki's hands are really nice to touch, they're small and soft. Chiaki loves holding Hajime's hand. Sometimes, he would hold her hand while she plays her Nintendo with one hand. Hajime would get worried she is uncomfortable playing like that so he would let go of her hand but then she will immediately ask him why he let go.
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theamityelf · 4 months
Honestly, i'm OBSESSED with your Danganronpa x Percy Jackson AU and i wanted to know some stuff (you can make separated if you prefer !)
- What are the team in capture the flag ?
- Do you think Aoi and Kiyotaka say weird stuff about nature that freak out people ? (Ex : Kiyotaka : Yeah i can tell that one of those flowers is slightly hungry, let me get her some soil)
- Do the Greek and the Romans know about eachother ?
(Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it. 😁)
First of all, I like to imagine that Makoto's kind of treated as, for lack of a better word, a mascot to the campers; just this mortal guy who is cool and friends with everyone. Less off-putting than the Oracle. So maybe he gets to blow the conch shell before and after the game, just because they like involving him. For Capture the Flag, I'm going to say Apollo, Ares, and Aphrodite vs. Hermes, Athena, and everyone else. So, side 1: Sayaka, Leon, Mukuro, Junko, Hifumi, Toko, and Hiro. Side 2: Chihiro, Mondo, Taka, Celeste, Sakura, Aoi, Byakuya, Kyoko. (I think the initial status quo is that the V3 cast isn't in either camp.)
Absolutely. I think Taka would be more frequent and casual about it, like, talking about the "infighting" of plants and weeds vying for nutrients. He's just taking a walk and then he suddenly stops and says, "Uh-oh. They're fighting." And he crouches down and takes some time guiding plants' root systems so that they'll both survive. "There. You almost choked the life out of each other!" Whereas Aoi is usually pretty lowkey about her heightened awareness of the sea, unless something particularly excites her. She'll just be dancing in place with pent up energy, and if someone asks what she's so hyper about, she'll answer that there's a great riptide off the coast of Brazil right now and she really wishes she were swimming there. Other than that, she will hold full conversations with fish in front of people.
I'm going to say the camps do know about each other, but they try not to interact much. There are rules about staying separate except during sanctioned meetings, though some characters break those rules. (Hajime in particular probably can argue, and has argued, that he isn't a demigod and so the rule doesn't apply to him.) Maybe they have occasional camp vs. camp competitions, for the gods' entertainment or glory.
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danizmomota · 1 year
sorry to ask if you don’t take requests but i loveeeeeee how you draw hiro and was wondering if you’d be open to drawing togakure? (byakuya x yasuhiro) ^_^
Oh I do requests! Hell yeah I’ll draw em!
Though I wanna know, how is Togakure a ship? Personally I don’t ship them. not hating or anything! I just don’t understand it T^T
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Perhaps 💕 + Danganronpa? :O
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Mwah Mwah you're both getting blown kisses I've wanted to talk about Danganronpa ships for a WHILE now and suddenly I have two so very blessed.
Problimatic ships and Danganronpa Spoilers under the cut
Okay so first of all well established at this point in Fandoms with just a Lotta Guys I tend to get latched onto one guy (gender neutral) and ship them with basically everyone all at once, and for Danganronpa that Guy is Kazuichi Soda
The ideal is Sonia/Kazuichi/Gundham polycule. I think Sonia and Gundham are Queerplatonics who are bonding over their crush on Kazuichi, meanwhile Kazuichi is convinced they're dating and is steaming over it in pure Incel rage. He is their pathetic little Meow Meow
Soda/Teruteru I see every here and there and it's easily my favorite Teruteru ship. They're unnormal about the girls in their class together while holding hands and kissing on the mouth and Soda will say "No Homo right?" and Teruteru always just smirks. Yes Homo, Soda. Always Homo.
I don't know who came up with Soda/Nekomaru but it does slap I will agree. Big loud guy X Little loud guy. Nekomaru tosses Soda around like a football
Also who came up with Soda/Fuyuhiko because I LOVE them!!! Soda and his scary manlet boyfriend. I am rattling them so hard. This goes very good specifically with Transfemme Kazuichi btw
Soda/Hajime is incredibly funny Hajime is so tired of Soda and Soda is all about Hajime they are just Bros being guys being dudes I adore them. I hope they kiss with tongue
Mmmm I want Kazuichi to kiss the robot Soda/Kiibo is so freaken cute Mechanic/Robot ships are always cute and correct I want them to kiss on the mouth so baaaadly
Soda/Miu reads so very sibling to me I don't know why but whenever I see them in fanart together my brain says they are Brother and Sister and also they both kiss Kiibo on the mouth. She thinks Incest is hot, he thinks she's disgusting but also his taste in women is based on her. Like Akihisa and his Sister from Baka and Test kind of dynamic.
Soda/Chihiro is SO cute this is again just back to Kiibo tho they are Robot friends she is the exact kind of sweet little cute thing Soda is into he is for sure one of her biggest fans this is also another speisifically with Transfemme Soda kind of ship
I think Kokichi/Soda would be a very funny unserious ship to get in to. something about it gives me Age Regressor Friends vibes
I would love more Soda ships if anyone has any more with the dynamic in mind let me know I am always all ears for them
Now for everyone else
Okay let's start off with something everyone hates; I like Despaircest, but not in it's canon form. Manipulation and worship is fine and all, but I also just love They are all they have on this bitch of an earth Twin Ships, and Junko is really good for that, given how much she hates everything. Mukuro was Junko's last shred of sanity before she vanished
I have a real thing for Danganronpa Polyships, I'm a real big fan of Kyoko/Makoto/Byakuya as a solid Post-Game throuple. Kyoko and Byakuya are sharing the twink begrudgingly
Also OT3 Chihiro/Taka/Mondo?? Love them the trio of all time. They all kiss on the mouth and hold hands and love eachother very much. I want them to own an apartment together and live a very chill Slice of Life anime style existence
Sakura/Aoi is so very sweet and good. Wholesome gorlfriends. They would pummel you to death for speaking bad about the other. Massive Femme Little Butch gorls I love them
Celeste/Hifumi is my ideal I love them so much they deserve so much more. Fantastic self ship polycule content from them as well.
I saw someone once ship Hiro/Byakuya and I think that's so incredibly funny. Ships where the one guy is nothing by annoyed by his partner are always welcome
I have to respect Toko/Komaru sense I stole my entire self ship with Toko from the basis of that ship basically. I don't like Komaru all that much but I will admit she and Toko kiss on the mouth and are very cute for sure
I think Nagito/Makoto is a very funny one sided kind of ship. Nagito cannot be normal about the other ultimate lucky student to save his life. Makoto is dense as dense can be. Everyone is holding Nagito back.
Another OT3 Hajime/Nagito/Chiaki is very good two braincells and their pathetic wet kitten boyfriend. Hajime and Chiaki also kiss but if they do Nagito will stare at them and make it very weird he just loves to see ultimates in love
Whoever first shipped Imposter/Ibuki I love you so much I cannot for the life of me remember where the basis for that ship comes from but it's back of my mind always
But also Imposter/Ryota from DR3 is so so so SO good I love them. Imposter pushing Ryota to eat to stand and stretch and take breaks and go to class and get out of his room and exist. I love them. Very Kazuaki/Hitori core.
I am not immune to Peko/Fuyu he loves her she is devoted to him one day she'll be better be more her own person and she'll finally be able to love him back. Big "That's my wife!!!!" possibilities. The best Het ship ever written (untrue)
Mahiru/Hiyoko is also very good a very specific flavor or WLW that I for some reason don't see as much as Sakura/Aoi despite them being the same type of Close? I think they're sweet
Nekomaru/Akane are Queerplatonics I can't see them kissing but they do need to be in physical contact with one another at all times. Catch them hugging all over one another
Oooh I think Ibuki/Sonia is very good Good girl Wild girl she was a skater boy style. I think they'd be great girlfriends
This ones for that one artist who draws adorable Teruteru/Hajime, I have no idea where that one comes from but the artist themself is very sweet
Not enough people talk about Korekiyo/Sonia they would be perfect together they're both so weird and creepy and I think they'd get along like a house on fire
Someone on my dash ships Gonta/Celeste and I cannot for the life of me figure out why but I am on board I suppose??
OT3 evolved it's OT4 time I love Kaede/Shuichi/Kaito/Maki they are a chain holding hands I adore them SO much. A loop that can go both directions
I think I'd like Himiko/Tenko better if Tenko was written with any kind of good intention, but everything she says and does is written so poorly I just... I have a hard time liking her. I want to though.
Miu/Kiibo/Kokichi is one that grew on me long after I'd finished V3. I think they'd be a very chaotic duo. The exact opposite energy as Sonia/Kazuichi/Gundham
I also like the fan works of Gonta/Kokichi. I don't like the way Kokichi acts about Gonta in canon like at all but the ship isolated is very cute. Full of deceit and hate X Physically cannot lie good boy
Kirumi/Kokichi is very much Carer/Age Regressor to me and I do enjoy it sometimes. I feel kind of bad demoting Kirumi to just a mommy type though
Gonta/Ryoma is so very *Chefs kiss* you understand??? The Big and the Small. The Nerd and the Jock. The Gentleman and the Criminal. It's about the subversion of expectations
Oh and Ryoma/Kirumi is INCREDIBLY cute I have really nothing for it other than Ryoma deserves a badass wife. All Ryoma ships will work on me because I just want Ryoma to be happy. Everyone kiss Ryoma on the mouth
On that note Ryoma/Kaede also whole cute 10/10 would love to see more. Kaede also deserves all the good in the world
I went very crazy for a while for Gonta/Kiyo because of that one manga where they got their stupid long ass hair tangled together. I love that for them
Y'all want a weird one?? I think Monotaro/Miu is SUPER cute. I love ALL of their interactions in canon. I would ADORE seeing more art of them together. Tiny bear and his inventor Mommy. There's something there
One more DR OT3 for the road: Chisa/Kyosuke/Juzo are fantastic and I wish we'd gotten to see more of them before the Despair.
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Favourite Danganronpa ships? And/or least favourite ones...?👀
Favorite of all time is Ishimondo, which I think is the favorite of a good third of the fandom.
Some of my other A tier ships are:
Sonia x Gundam x Chiaki
Sakuraoi (but I don't like how wholesome the fandom makes it out to be)
Tenmiko (See above. This is a tragic toxic romance and I love it!!!)
Ougoku (I am a simple bastard. I find one of the most toxic ships a fandom has, and I ship the hell out of it.)
I've been getting really into Irumatsu lately! Not sure why.
As for my least favorite ship, I think it is Naegami. Not due to any perceived flaw with the ship, I just hc them both as aroace. That being said, I've read a few ship fics that really match my queerplatonic dynamic for them, if that makes sense?? So its more like I'm incredibly picky about what content I consume for them.
Its important for me to tell you that Makoto has a million QPPs, and Byakuya only has Makoto.
As for some other ships I'm really not into, I don't ship any combination of Shuichi/Kokichi/Kaito. I'm not sure why, they just don't really do it for me. Which is sad since they are some of the most popular ships.
I'm also a bit uncomfortable with shipping Hiro with the other kids during canon due to the age gap. I totally could see some ships post-canon though!
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hibiscuswolverine · 1 year
8 and 25
8.(even though I already answered this, I’ll do it again because this fandom can give you headache fr fr😁) “Byakuya and Hiro shouldn’t have survived, instead it should have been X or Y!!” NO!! The characters you are suggesting have already either finished their arc or have completed their need role for the story. This isn’t V3 or sdr2 where there’s more to be desired from dead characters who barely developed or got no arc at all! These guys have completed their roles now let them rest.
25. “Kyoko should have been the protagonist not makoto!!” If you want to play a walking simulator/point and click collecting game with the occasional class trial that your STILL going to be guiding makoto in because you already know everything. Not bothering to get to know any of the cast and just spend 90% of game reading as a detective tries to put pieces together by herself then be my guest! Just don’t complain about what could have been because you got what you wanted right? A protagonist Kyoko kirigiri!
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hippiecockatoo · 3 years
Please accept my page of Togakure doodles as a contribution to this ship
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summerotakuchan · 3 years
Symbols of Hope: the Animation scene - Morning meeting
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gqanime · 3 years
Random but if my fan kids did picrews of themself cuz im bored(they are different picrews for the ones I thought fit then
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Itsu kuwata
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Nao fujisaki
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Emiko ishimaru
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Mai kuwata
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Tomi neagi
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Hisoka togami-neagi
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Sumi neagi
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