#hiru gif
bubblegeon · 1 year
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userdramas event 04: love
love actually, is all around. 💟
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pagesfromthevoid · 9 months
Glitch | k.h. | Prologue
I think there's been a glitch.
Kakashi Hatake x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: None at the moment
Read on AO3
Author’s Note: And now, something literally nobody fucking asked for...
Cress, what the fuck? | Series Masterlist
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One Week Following the Genin Graduation Exams
She stood at the edge of the training field, her eyes fixed on the three young ninja in front of her. They were her new genin team, fresh from the academy and full of dreams and aspirations. Or at least, they should have been. Instead, they were currently engaged in what could only be described as a chaotic display of ineptitude.
Her brow furrowed as she watched them stumble through their "training" exercises. It was almost painful to witness. One of them, a boy with unruly hair and a look of sheer determination, attempted to perform a basic kunai throw. The result was a spectacular miss that sent the kunai sailing into a nearby tree. His teammates burst into laughter, and he turned bright red.
She sighed, feeling a growing sense of frustration. She had heard rumors that this particular batch of genin was a bit lacking in skill, but she had hoped they would at least possess a basic understanding of ninja techniques. As she continued to observe, it became increasingly clear that sending them back to the academy might be the most merciful option.
Just as she was contemplating how to break the news to them, a familiar figure appeared on the scene. Kakashi Hatake, the enigmatic and highly skilled jōnin, stepped out from the shadows, his ever-present mask of indifference firmly in place. In one hand, he held his favorite orange-covered book, Icha Icha Paradise . The other rested in his pocket. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course, Kakashi would choose this moment to make an appearance.
Kakashi glanced at her and gave her a casual nod of acknowledgement. Then, without another word, he settled against a tree, leaning against it, and cracked open his book. It was as if he couldn't care less about the disaster unfolding in front of him. She  watched in disbelief as her genin continued their pitiful attempts at training, all the while completely oblivious to Kakashi's presence. She couldn't decide whether to be annoyed at his indifference or grateful that he had spared her the task of dealing with this mess alone.
As the minutes passed, her irritation grew, but Kakashi remained engrossed in his book, seemingly content to let her handle the situation. She sighed once more, realizing that if she wanted to salvage anything from this training session, she would have to take matters into her own hands. She ordered them next to focus their energy on their chakra; to practice handling it. She didn’t look up from her team, instead narrowing her eyes as the kids started arguing over how to best channel their chakra.
“What do you need?” She finally asked, eyes remaining trained on her students. However, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. 
“I heard Lord Third finally convinced you to take a team.”
“I heard uncle Hiru finally gave you a team you passed,” she countered, finally turning her attention to him. “Maybe we should trade.” She motioned to the genin on the training field, frowning deeply. 
Kakashi glanced up from his book to her genin, who had finally given up their argument and taken to trying to prove each other wrong on the best method of chakra control. “I have my hands full already, but you seem to have this under control.”
“Have I ever mentioned that I hate kids?” She mused, tapping her chin with her finger in thought. Her students finally noticed their guest, their attention now on both their sensei and the Copy Ninja. 
“I believe you mentioned it once or twice when we were kids.”
“The sentiment still stands.”
“Sensei!” One of the students –Irito Sori, the one with the unruly hair and lack of kunai skills –shouted. “How was that?”
She glanced at the genin, brow furrowed for a moment, before she looked back at Kakashi. “What do you think, Hatake? How did they do?”
Kakashi simply shrugged, pocketing his book as he pushed off the tree and made his way to stand beside her. “I’d send them back to the Academy, personally.”
“You heard Kakashi-sensei,” she announced, pointing at the team. “None of you are cut out to be ninja –let alone a team. You failed.”
The three genin stared at the two jonin with wide eyes, horror-stricken as she turned on her heel and strolled away. Kakashi watched her for a moment before he followed suit, half waving at the three students as he caught up to her.
“If I had said they were fine, would you have still failed them?” Kakashi asked as they walked back through the streets of Konoha.
“Yes,” she replied simply, slipping her hands into her pockets as she walked. “They couldn’t hit a single mark, they showed no capability to work as a team, and they had little to no control over their chakra. Iruka is going to get an earful tomorrow.”
“From them, or from you?”
“Both, I’m sure.”
As they continued their walk through the bustling streets of Konoha, she couldn't help but reflect on her current predicament. She had never aspired to be a sensei and had no desire to prove herself in that role. There were other things she wanted to do with her life; aspirations she wanted to meet that would only be hindered by a handful of twelve year olds following her around. However, her uncle must have had his reasons for assigning her this genin team, and she couldn't ignore her responsibilities. No matter how genuinely annoying they were. 
Her thoughts weighed heavily on her as they walked, her steps falling in rhythm with Kakashi's. An unspoken tension lingered between them, a feeling that had been present in their interactions for some time. It was something they had never directly addressed, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. She couldn't deny that she appreciated Kakashi's company during these chance meetings, but she also couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their encounters than mere coincidence.
The bustling streets of Konoha gradually led them to a familiar destination: Ichiraku Ramen. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as they found themselves there once again, as if the universe itself conspired to bring them together for a meal.
Kakashi seemed entirely unfazed by their unintended visit, his nonchalant demeanor intact. "Well, I suppose we could use a break," he remarked casually, as if he had planned this all along.
She agreed, albeit begrudgingly. She was both intrigued and perplexed by their recurring rendezvous, and she wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. Each time their paths crossed, it left her with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions that she struggled to untangle.
On one hand, there was an undeniable attraction that she couldn't deny. Kakashi possessed an air of mystery and charisma that drew her in, like a moth to a flame. His skills as a shinobi were awe-inspiring, and she couldn't help but admire the effortless grace with which he moved through the world. His intelligence and quick wit added layers to his character that intrigued her. But on the other hand, there was frustration. Kakashi's laid-back attitude and apparent indifference grated on her nerves. His tendency to tease and challenge her at every turn often left her feeling exasperated. It was as though he reveled in getting under her skin, pushing her buttons with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Their interactions were a constant push and pull, a dance of wit and wills. They debated training philosophies, dissected battle strategies, and shared stories of their past missions. In those moments, she couldn't deny the intellectual stimulation and camaraderie that their rivalry provided.
Yet, amidst the banter and rivalry, there was something unspoken between them. A tension that hung in the air, waiting to be acknowledged. It was like a glitch in their systems; something that short circuited when they were near one another and made them ignore both their lack of desire to socialize with anyone else. And so, she agreed to their recurring rendezvous, if only to unravel the enigma that was Kakashi Hatake, and to explore the complex tapestry of emotions that their rivalry had woven between them.
Today was no different as they settled into their seats at the ramen counter, placing their orders. And when their food arrived, she noticed that Kakashi was unusually quick at removing his mask to eat, though she didn't catch a glimpse of his face. It was a well-practiced routine on his part; one that she had never managed to sneak a peek of.
Their meal passed in comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts. She couldn't help but wonder what Kakashi had originally intended when he had come to the training ground. Was it purely coincidental that he had shown up just as she was assessing her genin team? Or had he, in his own enigmatic way, wanted to offer her guidance or simply keep her company? 
Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she decided to broach the subject. "Kakashi, why did you come to the training ground today?" she asked, her tone tinged with genuine curiosity.
Kakashi looked at her for a moment, his lone visible eye giving away nothing. Then, he simply shrugged, a smile that reached his eye being his only response. It was a gesture that both infuriated and intrigued her, leaving her with more questions than answers.
Huffing in frustration, she blew a piece of her hair out of her face before pushing her bowl away from her. As she opened her mouth to speak again, however, a shuriken flew past her head and into the wood beside her head. 
“See!” Sori. She groaned, plucking the weapon from the wall and standing. “I told you I could —,”
“Are you insane ?” She snapped at him, turning to face the three genin who stood trembling before her now. “Why on earth were you trying to hit me while I was eating ?”
“A shinobi should always be prepared to be attacked!” Yumaro Ayato, the only girl on her team, reminded the senseis. 
Kakashi chuckled though he did not turn around to interact. 
“You can’t fail us and send us back to the Academy,” Mowara Tashiro announced, crossing his arms over his chest and giving her a pointed look. “You have to give us another chance.”
She glared at the three children, having half a mind to fail them regardless of her responsibilities now. Kakashi, however, elbowed her side. She glanced down at him and heaved a sigh. “Meet me at the edge of the village tomorrow at 5 AM. Then I’ll consider not failing you.”
The three genin whooped in excitement, thanking her profusely for the chance. Then, they took off back towards the center of the village. 
“Sorry for interrupting your date, senseis!” Ayato called back as she caught up to the boys. 
She blanched briefly, staring after her team as she felt her cheeks heat up. “This wasn’t a date!”
Kakashi chuckled again, turning in his seat to face her. She groaned and sat back down, burying her face in her arms as she did so. Beside her, the Copy Ninja patted her back awkwardly –trying to be reassuring. “You’ll be fine. You can still fail them if they mess up tomorrow.”
“I don’t even know what to do,” she admitted, placing her chin on her arms and glancing up at him from the corner of her eye. Rivalry or not, Kakashi was a better shinobi than she’d ever be –it would be stupid not to recognize that about him. And if he was sitting here, giving her his company willingly… “What do you recommend I do?”
Kakashi hummed some in response, scratching at his chin. She wondered if he was exaggerating the thought process, or if he genuinely was thinking about advice to give. “You could always do what I do —tell them to meet you somewhere early on, then make them wait several hours for you to show up.”
For a moment, she processed what he was saying. Then she turned to look up at him with exasperation. “Kakashi, that’s awful.”
“But effective.”
“It’s a waste of both my and their time.”
“It’s only a waste if you don’t do anything with those few hours you make them wait.”
“And what do you do in those hours that you make your team wait?”
He hummed again, leaning back in his chair for a moment as he considered his answer. “Usually I run errands. Groceries and all. Or maybe I’ll catch up on my reading. Sometimes I just nap.”
She rolled her eyes at his response, hiding her face in her arms again. But then she shot up, pointing at him. “You ass! You’ve done that to me when we’ve had missions!”
“Have I?” He mused, looking away as he thought back on their work together. “Hm, I guess I have.”
She mumbled under her breath, annoyed by the realization that he had made her wait around for him several times before.
“How about this,” Kakashi offered, standing up now as he set a handful of ryo on the counter for their food. She peeked up at him before standing as well, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ll tell my team to meet me at the edge of the village tomorrow too.”
“And what will we do, Kakashi?”
“Get breakfast then watch them throw a tantrum when they realize we’re late.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve asked me to get a meal with you,” she pointed out, ducking out of the ramen shop with a playful smile on her face. “Usually we just end up somewhere.”
Kakashi simply shrugged in response, slipping his hands back into his pockets as he followed her out. “First time for everything, I suppose.”
Both jonin followed the yelling, eyes landing on a blur of bright blonde with pink and black following close behind. Naruto skid to a stop in front of the two, huffing out a breath as he caught his breath. Sakura and Sasuke stopped a few feet back, trying to look indifferent and annoyed, but curiosity was clear in their eyes. 
She eyed Naruto closely for a moment, taking in the close resemblance to the 4th Hokage. Of course, she knew well enough to know that Namikaze Minato was Naruto’s real father; anyone with eyes could see that. But even if everyone else was oblivious or refused to recognize him as such –she knew because her sensei was his mother. Uzumaki Kushina, full of fiery spirit and a determination that was both terrifying and admirable, had been so excited to reveal her pregnancy to her team when it was confirmed.
It killed her that Kushina never got to see her son grow up; more so that her son was treated so poorly by the village.
Her sentiment of, “I hate kids” did not extend to Naruto. While she never actively sought out the boy, she made sure to keep track of him as he caused trouble throughout the village. They had spoken a handful of times; usually it was her scolding him playfully –never reprimanding properly, only reminding him to be sneakier if he was going to be stupid. Naruto didn’t actively seek her out either, but occasionally he’d find her in the grocery store and would say hi –and she would end up buying whatever he had. And if he managed to find his fridge stocked or his clothes cleaned while he was in class –well, no one needed to know it was her who did it. 
“Sori said you were on a date !” Naruto exclaimed, pointing at her now accusingly, a sneaky grin on his face.
“Is that so?” Kakashi asked, looking between his three genin with his brow raised. Then he turned to her. “Was this a date?”
She felt her cheeks heat up once again, and she stammered, suddenly flustered by Naruto's comment and Kakashi's question. Her attempt to maintain her composure had backfired spectacularly.
“What! No!” She exclaimed, shaking her head. “ Absolutely not. We were just having a meal together!”
“Isn’t that what a date is?” Sakura pointed out, looking up at her thoughtfully. “Sharing meals together when out?”
“Does that mean you go on a date with Naruto every time you guys get lunch together after training?” She countered, giving the young girl a pointed look. Sakura turned red, shaking her head profusely. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”
“Alright, alright –enough of this,” Kakashi finally said, motioning for his genin to step away. “You three need to meet me tomorrow morning –5 AM, at the edge of the village. Don’t be late.”
“Are you gonna be late, sensei?” Naruto demanded, eyes narrowed up at his teacher.
“I have nothing planned,” Kakashi reassured, and she rolled her eyes at his lie.
“Then I’ll be there! Believe it!”
Sakura and Sasuke nodded in agreement, though gave their sensei a weary look –as if they knew he was lying –before they parted for the evening. Rolling her eyes again –something she did a lot when she was Kakashi –she half waved as she walked the opposite direction.
“See you in the morning, Hatake. Don’t keep me waiting, either.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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cocoabubbelle · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland AU
Ok ok ok,
Just hear me out..
Ahiru from Princess Tutu as Yuu!
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And she helps deescalate overblotting when she dances ballet as Princess Tutu (like during their flashback to traumatic childhood moments)
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I don't know if this would be like Sailor Moon/ Superman where no one but Grimm and the ghosts (and maaaaaybe Crowley?) know she and Tutu are one and the same.
Lilia totally knows and keeps saying vague things that confuddle Ahiru about whether or not her identity is discovered.
Jack maybe knows, or at least assumes they are related if not the same person.
Ace keeps saying things like "Man, you're such a klutz! You know who isn't a klutz? That pretty ballerina." While Deuce is all “She seems strong…I’d like to fight her!” please don’t
Maybe Idia, Ortho, Cater, and/or Rook would be the ones actively trying to find out her identity. Rook even dubs her "La Princesse des Cygnes."
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All of the post-blotted dorm leaders + Jamil would look back on the calming dance with the mysterious princess fondly, even if some *Leona* won't admit it. Some might even developed a crush on the beautiful and gentle ballerina??
Malleus meets Ahiru as she is in her normal- klutzy - human form, and becomes fascinated by her without even knowing or being interested in the rumors of "La Princesse de Cygnes.”
Gym Class? Despite Coach Vargas's well-intentioned —though mostly overwhelming —support, Ahiru trips over her own feet, and cannot be trusted with a broom.
Alchemy Class? Professor Crewel makes Ahiru sit in a corner and do-not-move-a-muscle-for-the-seven's-sake so that no vials shatter and no potions that should't go together won't mix. Somehow, explosions still happen.
History Class? Professor Trein sees Ahiru as a well-behaved - well, as best as she can - student, but for some reason his cat finds reasons to pounce at her and scare her, disrupting the class.
If she still randomly turns into a duck:
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Leona finds her duck version and -surprisingly- is quite sweet to the duckling (a more gentle and less sinister version of Scar teasing and playing with the mouse after the opening of The Lion King) before Ruggie interrupts him, and Duck-Ahiru scampers away in fright when Leona sarcastically tells the hyena he interrupted his lunchtime. Whoops.
Grimm doesn't actually attempt to eat Duck-Ahiru despite constant empty threats he'll do so whenever he and Ahiru argue. He actually comes zooming to her aid if he perceives the duckling to be in danger (much like Archimedes saving Wart/ Arthur when the latter was a fish in The Sword and the Stone.), though he quickly denies actually worrying about her and insists it'd be inconvenient if he lost his minion.
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Prince Mytho Role:
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Malleus, but actually interested in Ahiru from the start? Amused -and touched - that even though she seemed terrified of him at first, Ahiru actively makes an effort to get to know him till she's not even phased by his intimidating appearance and comfortably interacts with him.
Fakir Role:
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Leona, in that he's rough and teasing to Ahiru, but is surprisingly gentle with Duck!Hiru, and maybe shows his hidden soft side to her. Big flustered tsundere when he one day puts two and two together and realizes why this cute and sweet little duck's scent is so similar to Ahiru's.
Just something I thought would be fun.
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homuname · 9 months
mahir mahiru hiru iru ma?hir mahiru himru mahiru uriham mwjiru mamamamamamahiru hiru from milgram. mahiru im thw #1 mahoru fan and liker i hate her bf im her true soulmate and me and her are edating mahiru
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dancingastralwitch · 4 months
Happy birthday Hiru!!
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unknownstarrl · 2 years
Some info about my MC/Yuu, Student #23(Beta)
Made in: Picrew
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OC inspired: Yuu and the power of magic
Name: Yuri Hill
Kanji: ユーリ•ヒル
Romaji: Yūri Hiru
Quote: "Never! Call me!!! 'A lady' !!!!!!!"
“I am a terrible liar. I start sweating, my vision blurs, my brain stops working.”
Years: 1st
Dorm: Ramshackle
Power level: unknown
Nicknames: Yuu, Prefect,Hechman(Grim), Headmaster's child, Shrimpy/Koebi-chan(Floyd), Puppy(Crewel),Monsieur Trickster(Rook), Sweet potato(Vil), Briar Rose/Child of man(Malleus), Siren(Azul), Herbivore (Leona), Human(Sebek)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual
Height: 164cm
Eyes color: Brown(right), Blue(left)
Hair: Crow black
Age: 16
Birthday: May 31st(Gemini♊)
Dominant hand: right
Homeland: Japan(born), England(now)
Relatives: Unnamed parent✝️
Wilfred Hill(uncle/adoptive father)
Judie Hill née Williams (maternal aunt/adoptive mother)
Morela Hill (twin)
Cupcake ( dog - pet )
Occupation: NRC student, Supervisor,Housewarden, sorcerer's apprentice, the Dragonlord, beast tamer, Seer, Monstro Lounge's worker
Club: none
Class: 1-A
Best subject: History of magic (he love history😌), Alchemy
Language:English(Old trade),Japanese, German, Dragon Language (inspired Lost in Translation, @twsty-lav Language Barrier Au)
Magical items: wand holster, amulet
Weapon: magic wand, dagger
Hobbies: Singing ( disney songs🙂 ), cooking, reading fiction novel, drawing, learn magic with uncle
Favourite foods: Pumpkin cupcakes, Mac&Cheese(mother recipe)
Least favourite food: bone marrow
Likes: Mac and cheese, fiction novel, horror movies, Melanie Martinez's songs, disney, salad, raven, crow, guitar
Dislikes: Crowley, bullies, annoying people, spicy food, being called "girl", being compared to others (especially his twin)
Talents: Fast leaner, Dragon language, Fairy language, Animal language, Enchanting, Making Illusion, Enhanced memory, Alchemy/Potion making, Puzzle solving, Singing, Dancing, Cooking, Prophesy, Weapon summoning, Playing guitar, violin; Self-defense
VA: Alexander Ryak <English>, TOKUMIX <Japanese>
Yuri is an optimist and a kind person. Contrary to his twin sister, Yuri is quite friendly with everyone and he will help anyone if they are in trouble. However, he will get annoyed and angry when someone tells him that he is a girl or dares to do anything to his twin sister.
Yuri and his twin sister have had to depend on each other since childhood, their parent always fighting each other and they never gave any attention to the twin. Their father was barely at home and their mother was always drunk. Sometimes the mother beat up the twins for very small things, so they had a lot of bruises on their bodies. When Yuri and Morela were 10 years old, their father died because of car accident, their mother was very happy thinking she would be able to take all of her husband's money so she went to the bar and had fun with the celebratory party but she was got robbed and killed on the way back home. Yuri and Morela were forced to move to live with their uncle in England. In here, they had known that their uncle is a wizard, they were taught magic and also changed their last name to his uncle's surname-Hill
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While walking around the house, the twin accidentally discovered a secret room that their uncle didn't tell them. It was a room with nothing but a strange mirror hanging on a wall covered with a cloth. Because of curiosity, the twin removed the cloth and……The twin' journey begin here.
Unique Magic: None
Name "Yuri" meaning "lily flower" in Japan
Yuri has Claustrophobia( fear of confined spaces)
Yuri represents "Intelligence" - the other half of Merlin's soul
Yuri has the ability to become a seer
Yuri can use magic but just a fixed level because the more he uses magic, the more he will lose control of it
Magic the twin has kinda different than magic in Twisted Wonderland so that the Dark Mirror can't sense anything ( that make everyone think that the twin don't have magic )
Yur won't use his magic unless there's an emergency
Because Crowley was too gracious, he refused to provide money for the twin, Yuri have to work at Octavinelle to buy personal items and tuna for Grim
Yuri have a tattoo on his back
Yuri was born 5 minutes after Morela, that why Morela always tease on Yuri by calling him "Her cute baby brother"
Yuri is actually very smart, he is always in the top 10 in his old school and also in the NRC
When Yuri and Morela were a child, they used to a fan of Disney, so when the twin look at the Great Seven, they always feel familiar.
Only few people in school know Yuri can use magic ( yeah, all playable character knows🙂🙂🙂 and Crowley, Crewel )
Yuri often talk to his twin by English (Old trade) when they are alone or whispering
Yuri hates being told he is a girl or being compared to his twin
He like to hang out with the First years and then become their babysitter :)))))
Yuri really really hate Crowley and tired of NRC bullsh*t >:3
Student in NRC didn't like the Yuri at first, then because of "beast tamed", they became more friendly with him
All dormitories want the twin become their member but they always refuses because they thinks they belong to Ramshackle
Crowley really want to adopted the twin but they refuse (of course) :v
P/s: My English is kinda suck so I used google translate, please forgive me if there are any mistakes
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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TW: Child Abuse, Rape, Sexual Abuse, Cults, etc.
Name: Uru Nanamo (ウルナナモ)
Alt Names: Uru Asahara (ウル 朝原), Uru Tanaka (ウル 田中)
Special Titles: “Tackler” of his football team.
Cult Titles: “Kami No Okurimino” (神の贈り物) (Gift from the Gods), “Hiru no Ōji” (昼の王子) (Prince of the Dawn.)
Nicknames: Onee-Uru (姉 ウル), Gyaru (ギャル).
Age: 26.
Pronouns: He/She (In English.)
I Pronoun: Ore-Sama. (俺様) (A masculine pronoun usually used by pompous or arrogant characters in fiction.)
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Transfem, X-Gender (Ryosei) (Xジェンダ,共生), Bimbogender.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Bipolar 1, CPTSD, Autism, Bulimia, HPD, Hypersexuality, Contamination OCD, ODD, Suicide Ideation, Munchausen.
Recovering Addictions: Alcohol, Opioids.
Religion: None.
Job: Waitress and Cofounder at The Maid/Cat Cafe Combo.
Major: Construction.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’1”
Race: Mixed (Asian, Indigenous Asian.)
Ethnicity: Japanese, Ainu.
Accent: Exaggerated Yamanote.
Vehicle: Pink BMW, Pink Rollerskates.
Weapons: Pink Baseball Bat.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Text Color: Pink.
Main Animal: Bunny.
Main Hobbies: Manga, Drawing, Husbandry, Rollerskating, General Otaku Culture, Wrestling, J-Fashion Specifically Gyaru and Menhera, Building Things, Baking.
Diet: Can only eat Pink Food, Tends to only eat bento boxes, Vegetarian.
Favorite Drink: Strawberry Ramune, Strawberry Boba.
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon, Raspberries, Peaches.
Favorite Meals: Sakura Onigiri, Strawberry Fruit Sandwich, Hello Kitty Ramen, Sakura Denbu Sushi.
Favorite Candy: Watermelon Lollipops, Strawberry KitKats, Sweethearts, Bubblegum.
Favorite Desserts: Chichi Dango, Strawberry Mochi, Pink Sugar Cookies, Strawberry Parfait.
Favorite Flower: Pink Hydrangeas.
Scent: Barbie Perfume.
Awareness: Not Aware (Effect: None.)
Birthday: June 4th 1998 (Gemini, Horse, A.)
Fun Facts: When you shake him, glitter falls out, he also can’t swim.
Special Interests: Manga, Rabbits, Fashion, Panty and Stocking.
Stims: Key Stim toy, Various magical girl stim toys, Various squishies, Bunny plushies, His tamagotchi.
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Comfort Objects: Little Plushies of his favorite manga characters, His Ita Bag.
Stimboard: Link
Moodboard: Link
Fashionboard: LINK
Amii Tsugi, Ryuji Iwamoto. (Birth Parents)
Mura Asahara, Akane Asahara (1st set of adoptive parents.)
Yukimori Asahara, Kida Asahara. (Adoptive Aunt and Uncle.)
Hwan Asahara (Brother, from adoptive parents.)
Keh Spo (Half Brother, from adoptive father.)
Atsu Kaigan. (Cousin from Adoptive Parents.)
Fujita Tanaka, Kaito Tanaka (2nd set of adoptive parents.)
Momma-Chan (Mother in Law.)
Friends: Atsu, Kami (BFFS), Kagayaki, Boru, Ryu, Makai.
Romance: Otoko Nanamo (Husband.)
Enemies: The Children of The Sun.
Nanami (ななみ)(White Rabbit)
Madoka (窓香) (Caramel Rabbit)
Yumeko (夢子) (Brown Rabbit)
Sakura (桜) (Grey Rabbit)
Ichigo (いちご) (Black Rabbit)
Momo (モモ) (Chihuahua)
Haruhi (はるひ) (Leopard Gecko)
Marin (まりん) (Tortoise)
Nagisa (なぎさ) (Lovebird)
Brief Personality: Uru is a very loud and confident guy, He often gives off a sense of superiority but it’s mostly an act to protect himself, He tends to act like he doesn’t care about anyone or anyone’s opinions but in reality he does, He also tends to make himself out to be a dumb bimbo when in reality he’s actually quite smart. He’s also a bit of a slut. Good for him, he deserves it.
Brief Backstory:
Uru was abandoned by his birth parents on the side of the road when he was around 5 or 6, he was picked up pretty quickly by his first set of.. “adoptive parents”.. “The Oracles of the Sun” were a religious cult based in Okutama, he was adopted by the two Leaders of the cult and raised as their own. Uru was seen as divine or a gift from the gods, due to his “unusual” looking appearance (His purple eyes, and blond hair.) little did they know he wasn’t magical, just a normal kid who happened to have some abnormal traits.. like.. most kids in the Okutama area..
But nonetheless he was treated as otherworldly. The only person in the cult who really treated him the same was his best friend, Atsu. Atsu was born on the same day as Uru and also was an orphan.. though he wasn’t as lucky as Uru to have any set of parents..
Him and Atsu use to play all day together with their toys creating stories about people from the outside world.. But as you can Imagine Uru’s life was not all sunshine and rainbows, he dealt with allot of abuse by the hands of his “parents”.. The cult used almost every type of abuse imaginable as a tactic of control.
Eventually, however, this caught up with them, and the Asahara’s were arrested, Uru was separated from Atsu for a time and out with another family.
This family was.. not much better.. They were the type to only have foster kids for the money that came with it, they expected nothing but perfection from him. Everything about him was controlled to the minuscule detail.
At home, it was abuse, at middle school it was bullying, He felt like he could never escape just the aching feeling he always had.
He fell in love with a boy in middle school, but even that turned out to be a sexually abusive mess..
So, finally had enough of everyone treating him like shit when he got to high school. He changed his entire appearance, dying his hair, getting new clothes, He was completely unrecognizable from his former self.
His friends finally got him away from his abusive home and he was able to move in with his then boyfriend Otoko. Which he eventually married.
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celastapasta · 2 years
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I posted 327 times in 2022
That's 315 more posts than 2021!
15 posts created (5%)
312 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 293 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#markiplier - 92 posts
#in space with markiplier - 60 posts
#iswm - 49 posts
#ffxiv - 39 posts
#markiplier fanart - 35 posts
#markiplier egos - 32 posts
#catcall game - 30 posts
#who killed markiplier - 26 posts
#bloodborne - 25 posts
#rdr2 - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#i am so bad at anything music related bc most of my songs are brainrot related and i wouldn't actually recommend them
My Top Posts in 2022:
*grabby hands* OCs. Give
Void!! I have many and I also have art for some of them, so I'll try to keep it brief and lmk if you wanna know more about any in particular!
OCs from my own works:
Aster: A foot soldier in the Elvish Imperial Army. Her country is being occupied by the Empire. She can control/produce lava and is looking for her brother who's recently disappeared. (I have art!)
Hiru: Another foot soldier and a member of the same squad as Aster. He was driven from his tribe due to his ability to morph into a monster out of fear it would bring the Empire to their untouched country. (I have art!)
Micha: The adopted daughter of one of the headmasters of a very education-focused country. She has been raised to work in politics, though she would rather do almost anything else. She can transfer energy between living things and was almost recruited into the Imperial Army. (I have Art!)
Del: He was adopted as the 4th child in a house of 5. He lives very comfortably surrounded by his siblings and away from the issues surrounding the Empire since the country he lives in is underwater. He can produce shockwaves and bursts of force. (I have art!)
Ein: The disgraced son of the Elvish High General. He can produce shrapnel from his body, a dangerous but very painful experience. Because of this he refused to join the Army or even train his power. This led to a series of unfortunate events that culminated in him leaving the Empire. (I have art!)
Thero: The younger brother of Aster. He can produce a light that improves the body's natural functions. He has gone missing after an attack on their home. (I have art!)
Koh: Aster and Hiru's commanding officer. She is ruthless in her execution of Imperial will and is very skillful in weilding lightning. (I have art!)
Vignir: The High General of the Imperial Army and Ein's father. He can create shadow tendrils and control them as extra appendages. (I have art!)
The Curator: They're from a separate project than the other characters mentioned. They are the keeper of the last known city, which is held in a library. All the knowledge in said library was accumulated by them.
OCs from other things:
Moranne: My main from World of Warcraft (I have art!)
Celestinna: My demon hunter from WoW
Celeste/Azem: My character in FFXIV
The DA: My MarkCU (you might know a good bit about them already
9 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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Why do I go feral over characters that can't remember themselves or their loved ones?
11 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, The Program continues.
12 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
I need people to understand how perfectly the Devil's breakdown in the Shadow the Hedgehog fandub perfectly encapsulates the ending of Shadowbringers. Like if you told me it was actually Emet-Selch's dialogue I'd believe you. Just listen to it please.
27 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The absolute chokehold these two scenes have had on my brain is ridiculous.
129 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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plusanimablog · 1 year
Chapter 32: Story In The Snow
The Kimunkles are cool enough to give the group ten days worth of rations before they set off. They warn them they gotta leave before the weather gets worse. Indeed, it begins to snow immediately when they leave.
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Cooro flashbacks to him getting stuck in the snow, getting pulled out by a random traveler. The guy takes him to his house while Cooro wonders why he's never seen him in the village before...anyway, he has a little sister named Frannie who gets Cooro a towel at the brother's request. The guy's name is Rem and Cooro notices something interesting about his sister's eyes...but whatever. Anyway, Cooro got stuck because he fell into an irrigation ditch dug by Rem (Really need to put a sign there, sir.). Rem is a nerd who makes models of farms and animals out of clay as Frannie shows Cooro. Cooro then asks if he can stay for the night (They're honestly lucky he doesn't sue them for their house.). He sleeps close to the fire while Rem wonders if Cooro is a runaway.
Cooro wakes up and wanders through the house only to find Rem working on a more complicated sculpture of an angel. They talk about angels for a bit and Cooro says he wants to see one someday...
The next day, Cooro goes out to the farm to look for them but can only find stupid cows and boring rabbits. Rem and Frannie come out to see him and Frannie makes snow angels with Cooro. Rem is then approached by an old man named Hiru who asks him if the angel is statue is finished. When Rem says it's not, Hiru flies off the fucking handle, screaming that it's past the deadline and the local doesn't have his statue. They (I'm guessing the village) need that statue for food and survival supplies; Hiru is the real victim here, you guys!
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Hiru drops another bombshell when "encouraging" Rem to hurry up: his sister needs eye medicine that can only be afforded by the lord paying them.
Hiru leaves in a friendlier state, telling Rem to just ask for help if he needs it. Rem is understandably troubled, silently asking how can he sculpt something if he's never seen it? His answer comes in the form of Frannie falling over and bashing her head open on a rock.
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Back at the house, Frannie assures Rem that the wound will heal soon and that he should return to the statue. The lord is waiting, after all. Rem wants to finish the statue but he can't; he doesn't have an image of an angel in his head. Cooro asks if he saw one, could he finish the statue? Not waiting for an answer, he darts out and flies into the sky, exposing his Anima to Rem for the first time. Rem and Frannie thinks he's an angel but Cooro stops to explain to Rem that he's just an Anima. Still, wings on a person...should be enough.
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The next day, Frannie is out of bed and thinks Cooro with wings was all a dream. Cooro has left but the sculpture is finished. The chapter ends...with Cooro getting stuck in the snow again.
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0 notes
storge · 2 years
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Are you with Yobi? Then tell him, that you met Kara. Kara the Leech Hunter?
Sakaguchi Kentaro as Kara | Hiru
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bubblegeon · 2 years
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That's the worst confession ever. That's the worst reply ever.
🚧 HIRU (2022)
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ヒル - Hiru (Season 1) - Whump List - 🇯🇵
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Whumpees: (GIF above) Shinomiya Yuki played by Akaso Eiji, Yobi played by Yanagi Shuntaro and Kara played by Sakaguchi Kentaro
Synopsis: Shinomiya Yuki is a 21-year-old man who comes back home from work one day to find a man sitting in his room with a stab wound. The man is taken to the hospital and he introduces himself as Shinomiya Yuki to a detective there, pointing to Shinomiya Yuki and tells the detective that he stabbed him. The real Shinomiya Yuki runs away from the hospital and becomes a fugitive.
Genre: Cop/Crime, On The Run, Romance, Thriller, Mystery, Action
Watch On: KissAsian, DramaCool
💜: Anther amazing suggestion!!! To everyone who suggested and requested this one… thank you! I’m so happy there’s two seasons, too!!!
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Shinomiya Yuki
1.01 : scared ::: questioned, stressed ::: falsely accused, angry, restrained, on the run, (flashbacks: struggling to sleep, being bullied), stressed, in shock, hiding, scared
1.02 : scared, cornered, tased, collapsed, weak, tased, threatened with a knife, saved ::: exhausted ::: attacked, tased, kidnapped (restrained, gagged, struggling), defiant, fighting, tased
1.03 : captive, restrained, gagged, struggling, defiant ::: crying ::: crying ::: scared, fought, thrown, choked, coughing , saved ::: manhandled, at knifepoint, scared
1.04 : blindfolded, worried for someone, captive ::: blindfolded, captive ::: manhandled, grabbed, punched, knee’d in the stomach, collapsed, kicked, fought (pretty one-sided though), hit up against a wall, punched, beaten ::: weak, tased ::: weak, stumbling, concern for him, using a wall for support, nearly collapsed, supported, concerned for someone ::: bruised face ::: concerned for someone
1.05 : emotional ::: face still bruised, in shock ::: scared
1.06 : anxious, face still bruised ::: emotional ::: hunted by the police, jumping from a balcony, scared, on the run ::: concern for him ::: fought, thrown, kicked, concerned for someone, kicked, injured ribs stepped on, struggling to breathe, repeatedly stepped on, concern for him, painful breathing, at knifepoint, threatened, weak ::: holding his ribs, crying, helped to walk, weak, helped to walk
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1.01-1.02 : no appearance
1.03-1.05 : none
1.06 : saving someone ::: stabbed, knife moved around, fell to his knees, groaning in pain, holding his wound ::: wounds bandaged (half shirtless 👀)
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1.01 : found stabbed, holding his wound ::: asleep in the hospital
1.02 : none
1.03 : holding his wound, resting
1.04 : none
1.05 : wounds treated
1.06 : fought ::: emotional, crying, out of it, handcuffed ::: emotional
SEASON 2 >>> {coming soon}
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pagesfromthevoid · 8 months
Glitch | k.h. | 4
Kakashi x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.5
Warnings: Angst
Author's Note: This is long as fuck but I wanted to really capture this moment specifically
Talk to Me! | Series Masterlist | AO3
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The Funeral of the Third Hokage…
She stood somberly at the funeral of her uncle, flanked by Asuma and Kurenai. Asuma held Kurenai’s hand, and he had attempted to wrap his other arm around his cousin’s shoulders in comfort, but she had shaken him off with a sad smile. Something about the touch made her uncomfortable, and she didn’t want to feel any worse than she already did. Her cousin didn’t question it, used to her distaste for physical touch, and let her be. In front of her stood Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, alongside Ayato, Sori and Tashiro. Naruto’s shoulders were shaking; trembling as he tried to hold back his tears. She considered reaching out to him, but Iruka beat her to the gesture, and she left the genin be.
The eulogy, delivered by one of the village elders, resonated through the air, speaking of her uncle's bravery, wisdom, and selflessness. Memories of shared laughter and valuable lessons flooded her mind, making her fists tighten at her side, seeking solace in the collective grief that enveloped the village, before they fell limply at her sides in grief. Uncle Hiru had taken her in when her mother and father died, treating her like his own daughter. She didn’t think she’d see the day he was buried –the old man always felt strangely impervious to death.
Kakashi joined the funeral late, taking up the space beside her as the clouds finally shed their own tears. She glanced up at the sky for a moment, letting the rain fall over her cheeks, before she looked up at Kakashi. He was closer than usual, his shoulder brushing against hers. She was almost certain it was accidental; he was just as disinterested in physical touching as she was –if not more. But then, she wasn’t actually certain it was an accident when his fingers brushed hers. Only one hand was in his pocket; the other was at his side, barely centimeters away from hers. It made her stomach flip with butterflies. 
During the final rounds of the exam –before everything had gone to hell –Sakura had asked her why boys insisted on risking their lives in order to achieve their goals. The jonin had asked her to explain what she meant, and Sakura had said that she cared too much about Sasuke to not worry about him getting himself killed for his revenge. She had thought about the answer, considering her the people she cared about the most, before she understood fully what Sakura was feeling.
The feelings Sakura had for Sasuke mirrored the feelings the older woman held for Kakashi. It had been a terrible time to have such a revelation. And before she could properly address it, everything went wrong.
In the following days after Orochimaru’s attack, she had come to terms with her feelings for Kakashi, realizing she cared for him more deeply than she had ever acknowledged. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been surprising; there was always an underlying attraction to him. But to realize, suddenly, that she possibly felt more than friendship towards him…it was hard at first. She had a good excuse, of course, to ignore it. 
As they stood side by side, she had to resist the urge to reach out and take his hand. They were so close, and they were practically touching as it was. It would be no effort at all to simply do it. Just as she mustered up the courage to do so –not so subtly touching his hand and causing his fingers to twitch as if to respond to her motion –Sori turned around and threw his arms around her middle and started to sob. Kakashi stepped away just slightly, glancing at her, but she couldn’t push the kid off. Instead, she sighed and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close, whispering empty promises that things were okay.
As the ceremony came to an end and people started to disperse, Kakashi began to walk away. Something inside her compelled her to reach out, to bridge the gap between them. With a surge of courage, she snagged the sleeve of his shirt. Kakashi stopped and turned, his visible eye reflecting a mix of concern and confusion. For a moment, she simply held his gaze, wanting to say something –anything. But no words came to her. This wasn’t the time; it wasn’t the place. Instead, she dropped her hand, her eyes searching his face for understanding. There was a silent acknowledgment between them, a shared understanding of the pain they both carried. 
With a heavy heart, she let him go, watching as he walked away. 
“You should have told him,” Asuma said suddenly, appearing at her side. His hand rested on her shoulder, and this time she didn’t shrug it off. 
“Tell him what?” 
“Today isn’t a day to play games, cousin,” he reminded her gently, squeezing her shoulder. “Today reminds us that we don’t always have time.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but snapped it shut. Then she nodded once. Kurenai joined them, taking Asuma’s hand once more, before giving her a soft but sad smile. 
“We worry about him,” Kurenai explained, looking to Asuma for a moment before returning her attention to her. “He’s our friend, and he’s lost so much. But he doesn’t talk to us like he talks to you.”
“He doesn’t really talk to me,” she pointed out, blinking away the raindrops that stuck to her lashes. “Not about anything deeper than training or missions.”
“You spend significantly more time with him than either of us do,” Asuma countered as they walked back towards the village. “Gai says you spend almost as much time with Kakashi as he does.”
She considered her response but couldn’t argue with that observation. They did spend an unusual amount of time together for two people who claim to be too busy to do anything with anyone else. 
The two jonin walked with her for a moment longer before she stopped in front of the Yamanaka flower shop. Then they looked back at her curiously. 
“I…I’m going to go see him, I think.”
Asuma gave her a firm nod, wishing her luck, before she finally turned on her heel and walked the other way. There wasn’t a lot of thought behind her actions; soaked to the bone, still in her funeral attire, she just walked. She even stopped at a take out place and grabbed them dinner —she should have known she had feelings for Kakashi long ago, based on how easily she remembered what he ordered.  
She had passed Kakashi’s apartment building a ways back —one of the jonin complexes that the village set up years back. It was usually guarded by a chunin, not allowing anyone without a code in, but the security post was empty because of the funeral. So she simply walked in and trudged up the stairs, carrying a bag of food and dripping wet. 
When she got to his door, though, she hesitated with her hand in the air to knock. This was a bad idea, right? This was too forward. They just left the Hokage’s funeral. This was inappropriate. But she was there, and it would be cowardly to turn away now. And she could play it off as checking in instead of coming to confess her feelings. Right?
With a deep breath, she knocked firmly on his door and waited impatiently. Her heart was threatening to burst from her chest the longer he took to answer. Of course he’d be slow to answer the door, just like he was slow to arrive anywhere else. But maybe he wasn’t home. Or maybe he was and he wasn’t willing to entertain guests. Kakashi didn’t seem like the type to have people over and now she was thinking she was intruding and —
The door opened and Kakashi stood in the doorway, mask still hiding his face, but he was dressed down. A sleeveless shirt that was connected to his mask, paired with a simple pair of sweats. His forehead protector was off, leaving both eyes exposed. Though his sharingan eye was shut. 
Suddenly, every single word she had in her head was jumbled and messy. 
He said her name, confused and surprised, and she finally snapped out of it. 
“I brought dinner,” she stated lamely, her voice cracking some as she held up the take out bag. “I…I wanted to check on you.”
“You wanted to…check on me?” He questioned, brow raised. He made no move to let her inside. “You buried your uncle today, and you’re…checking on me?”
She opened her mouth a few times, trying to form some sort of explanation. That was a good point. Why would she check on him? Her uncle died. He should be checking on her. Making sure she was okay. 
“I…,” she paused, biting at her lip for a second. “I wanted to see you. That’s all.”
Kakashi didn’t seem convinced by that admission either, but that was far closer to the truth. He opened the door further, motioning for her to come inside. She stepped through the threshold and toed off her wet shoes, silently scolding herself for not changing clothes. She probably looked like a drowned rat. 
As she hesitated in his entry way, Kakashi reached out and took the bag from her. His fingers brushed against her knuckles gently, and she lost her grip on the food and part of reality. 
“Let me put this in the kitchen,” he offered as he walked away. She talked behind him, taking in the bland surroundings that he lived in. “Then I’ll get you something dry to wear. You’ll catch your death.”
She simply nodded, standing awkwardly in his rather small kitchen, dripping on his tile floors. Kakashi smiled behind his mask and stepped around her, leaving her alone for a moment. His apartment was depressing, she decided. Nothing too personal —no photos on the walls, no decor, drab white walls. It felt like the home of someone who didn’t intend to stay long. 
She realized Kakashi probably didn’t plan to stay there long. It broke her heart, and suddenly she felt the overwhelming tightness in her chest that meant tears. 
“Here,” he announced, holding out a tshirt and sweatpants to her. “They might be a bit big but —are you alright?” His time shifted suddenly, and when she looked up at him, it was through watery eyes. Kakashi dropped the clothes on the counter, crossing the kitchen in two strides to stand in front of her. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t…it’s okay to cry. Today has been hard.”
“I’m not crying over Hiru,” she complained, wiping her eyes with the heel of her palm. “I should be. But I’m not.”
Kakashi’s brow furrowed as he leaned back against his counter, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why are you crying then?”
“Because of you.”
Silence hung between them for a moment, the air turning tense as Kakashi stared her down. She refused to look away, meeting his gaze with teary eyes.
“I don’t think I understand,” he finally admitted, casting his gaze down.
She shook her head, running a hand over her wet hair to push it out of her eyes. “I…I was talking to Sakura, at the chunin exams. Before you and Sasuke showed up,” she started, voice trembling some as she made the decision to finally admit everything. “She asked me why boys seem willing to put their lives at risk in order to get what they want; I didn’t understand until she explained how she felt about Sasuke, and how he seems willing to get himself killed without thinking about how it would impact those around him.
“I didn’t even think about my response,” she continued, crossing her arms over her chest now. She was shaking now, though she wasn’t sure if it was from anxiety or being cold. “I just…I said that I had someone like that in my life; someone that I worried would get himself killed. It didn’t even register that I was talking about you until you showed up with Sasuke.”
Kakashi didn’t say a word, and she didn’t let him even if he wanted to. “And now here I am, standing in your house, only to see how right I am –you don’t live here, Kakashi,” she motioned around them –to the bare walls, the stark white paint, and the lack of personal effects. “You just…exist in this space, and probably think, ‘Yeah, this will be easy to clean out when I die.’ Because you don’t plan on living, and do you know how fucked up that is?
“I didn’t even realize how not normal it is to worry about someone like that until I talked to your student, of all people. And now all I think about is how much I worry about you, all the time, every day, because I care. Asuma and Kurenai pointed out today that you spend more time with me than anyone else and –,”
“I spend quite a bit of time with Gai too,” he finally spoke, voice barely there.
“Not voluntarily!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. “You actively seek me out! And I do the same to you! I go out of my way to find you and I know you do the same! Normal friends don’t do that, Kakashi! Normal friends don’t know that you don’t like mushrooms in your miso soup because you don’t like the texture, and you prefer eggplant over it. I know that though. I know that and I brought you dinner today because we aren’t normal friends. I know that because I think I –,”
“Don’t say it,” he quickly interrupted, standing up straight finally. He stepped closer to her, looking down at her with both eyes open now. The crimson of the Sharingan was almost hypnotic, working even when he wasn’t actively doing so. But he looked almost…alarmed. 
“Don’t say what?”
“Don’t say you love me.”
For a moment, she simply stared up at him, meeting his gaze as she considered what she said next carefully. “I don’t love you, Kakashi. Not like that, at least. Not yet.” His brows furrowed as he stared down at her, and she could see his breath hitch in his throat as she continued to speak. “But I…I think I will if we keep up how we are. Whether it’s as friends or more, I…I don’t think I can help it, Kakashi.”
They stared each other down for a long time, the silence cutting her like a knife the longer it went on. Finally, he sighed and stepped away, picking up the clothing from the counter. 
“Go change,” he ordered gently. “Then…then we’ll talk more.”
She hesitated before taking the clothes from him with a curt nod. Then she padded out of his kitchen and across his living room, which was just as impersonal as the rest of his home. He didn’t have a dining table, which she noted as both a bit sad and strange. And he motioned to the door that was cracked open —his bedroom —and said to change in there. 
Again, the bedroom was just as bare as the rest of his home. His bed was unmade, and there were clothes tossed in the corner which were the only real indicators that he lived there. And it kind of smelled like dogs, which reminded her that Kakashi had dogs —she just wasn’t sure where. As she stripped out of her wet clothes and tossed them to the side, she noticed a picture on his desk —one of the only she'd noticed. Quickly, she slipped into his shirt and sweats, then crossed the room to pick up the photo gingerly.
It was an old photo; a team photo of Team Minato when they had first formed. Kakashi still looked like himself; bored and disinterested in what was happening around them. Obito was grinning like a fool with his goggles, and Rin was smiling brightly between them. Minato was ruffling both the young boys’ hair with a smile that was almost identical to Naruto’s. 
He called her name, causing her to whip around at the sound of his voice. Then she set the photo down and slipped out of his bedroom, shutting the door with a soft click behind her. Kakashi had set up the takeout on the coffee table, where he sat on the floor. She simply stared at him for a moment, appreciating that he hadn’t turned her away when he could have. 
She sat down beside him, swimming in the shirt that he had given her. He pushed her meal toward her. 
“I took the eggplant off yours,” he said, though he didn’t look at her. “I know you don’t like it.”
She stared at her meal, eyes tearing up again as she considered his words carefully. Much like how he wouldn’t properly apologize, she was certain that this was the closest thing to admitting she was right about them she would get. And something about that —the knowledge that she knew him well enough to know that gestures like this meant more than he could actually express —warmed her heart. 
“Thank you,” she murmured, finally looking up at him. 
But, she thought, it wasn’t enough of an answer for her. They both knew that.
Kakashi met her gaze, turning to face her. His eye was closed again, but still piercing as he looked her over slowly. Then he sighed. 
“I can’t…,” Kakashi started, taking a moment to consider what he would say next. “I can’t give you what you deserve.”
She almost scoffed, but stopped herself. “I think I can make that decision myself.”
“You can’t,” he snapped, though it had no real bite to it. Her brow furrowed as she stared at him. “I’m sorry, what I mean –you can’t decide what I can give you. There are things –feelings –that I just can’t give as easily as you think.”
“Then we…we take things at whatever pace you need,” she offered, resting her hands in her lap. Her voice was soft and sincere. 
“You don’t get it.” Kakashi looked away from her, shaking his head. “You know what they call me –you know that the people I love –they end up dead –,”
“Gai isn’t dead,” she interrupted, giving him a pointed look. “Asuma and Kurenai are both very much alive. So is your team. And you know what –just like I love you as my friend, you love me too. And we’ve been friends for years now. I’m not dead; and let me tell you –I have been very hard to kill.” She adjusted some, moving to sit closer to him before reaching out to take his hand carefully. When he didn’t pull away, she sighed in relief. “I don’t know what this is, Kakashi. But I know that it’s more than friendship. And if taking it as slow as you need is what it takes for us to see if it’s what I think it is…I’m willing to try if you are.”
Kakashi watched her closely, his brows knit together as he considered what she was saying to him. She felt scrutinized under his gaze; like he was pulling her apart piece by piece. In the quiet of the moment, her words hung in the air, waiting for something –anything –from him. Kakashi's hand was bare and warm against hers, his calloused fingers a testament to the battles he had fought. His gaze, though intense, softened at her touch, as if her words had chipped away at the walls he had built up for so long. 
Then…he simply nodded. 
He nodded, and squeezed her hand, and she let out a nervous laugh as the tension eased from her entire body. 
“You have to be patient with me,” he quickly amended, looking at their hands for a moment. “I haven’t had many relationships before.”
“Neither have I,” she reassured, smiling at him softly. “I was only half lying to Genma when he asked me out –when I said I didn’t have time to date anyone. I don’t really; but I spend so much time with you…well, that time is already spent with you anyway, so I have plenty.”
Kakashi’s lips curved into a small, genuine smile under his mask at her words, a rare sight that made her heart skip a beat. His eyes, once guarded, now reflected a mixture of emotions — uncertainty, hope, and a touch of amusement. It was a silent acknowledgment of their shared vulnerability, a recognition that they were both stepping into uncharted territory.
“We did skip a few steps,” she pointed out, tugging at his shirt with a sly grin. “I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to wear your clothes if we’re taking it slow.”
“I…think I’m okay with skipping to that step first.” He let out a shaky laugh, nodding some. “I like seeing you in my clothes.”
“That’s good,” she teased, tugging his hand to pull him a little closer. “I’m not giving you this shirt back anyway.”
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omarandjohnny · 2 years
Just started Hiru, 10 minutes in and hooked already! 
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Great cast too- Akaso (my main reason for checking it out, natch), Yanagi Shuntaro (<3), and Yoshikawa Ai. I’ve not read the manga, so I’m staying out of the MDL comments in case I get spoilered, lol. 
(also kinda kicking myself for starting before the 6 ep series is wrapped up, but I was scrambling for something to watch with dinner tonight)
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(2006) welcome to Silent Hill ❖ the armless man scene  (サイレントヒル)
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unknownstarrl · 2 years
Some info about my Yuu/MC, student #9(Beta)
made in: picrew
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Name: Morela Hill
Kanji: モレラ•ヒル
Romaji: Morera Hiru
Quote: "Me? A princess!? Oh, no no no...you must be wrong! I am your f*cking worst nightmare!!!!"
"I am no damsel in distress, I am a dragon in a dress"
“For once, I’m happy for someone else to take the credit. You were prepared to sacrifice your life to save me.”
V/A: Ashe <English>, Fujita Maiko <Japanese>
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bicurious
Age: 16
Birthday: May 31st(Gemini♊)
Height: 169cm
Eyes color: maya blue(normal), golden(using magic)
Hair color: ink black
Dominant hand: right
Homeland: Japan(born), England(now)
Dorm: Ramshackle
Class: 1-A
Years: 1st
Power level: powerful
Nicknames: Yuna(Yuri), Morel(short name), Hill(NRC staff, Adeuce), Little prawn/Ebi-chan(Floyd), Young lady(Lilia), Alice(Chen'nya), Herbivore(Leona), Mademoiselle Sorcière(Meaning: Miss Witch - Rook), Maiden/Misstress(Vil, Silver), Angelfish(Azul), Hechwoman(Grim), Emrys/Merlyn(Malleus), Human(Sebek)
Occupation: NRC student, Vice dorm leader of Ramshackle, sorcerer's apprentice, Sorceress of Avalon, the Dragonlord, Artist
Club: none
Relatives: Unnamed parent✝️
Wilfred Hill(uncle/adoptive father)
Judie Hill-Williams (maternal aunt/adoptive mother)
Yuri Hill(twin)
Best subject: Astrology, History
Language:English(Old trade),Japanese,German, Dragon Language (inspired Lost in Translation, @twsty-lav Language Barrier Au)
Favourite foods: Carbonara, Coconut cream pie
Least favourite food: Fish
Hobbies: reading horror fiction, watch anime, play game with Idia, drawing, writing poem
Likes: magic, anime, games, food, meat, dog, black rose, lily flowers, thriller, black and red, disney, romantic poetry, karate, anything fluffy, violin, guitar
Dislikes: Crowley, bullies, someone hurt Yuri, toxic people/relationship, hexes, fish, NPCs in NRC, singing/dancing in front of everyone, Sebek (he's annoying)
Talents: Self-defense, Martial arts, Dragon language, Fairy language, Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Spell casting, Healing, Swordswoman, Sealing magic, Breaking the spells, Playing video games, Long range shooting(gun, bow, crossbow), Weapon summoning, Playing guitar
Magic iems: ring(amulet)
Weapon: sword, gun, bow, crossbow
Morela and her twin have had to depend on each other since childhood, their parent always fighting each other and they never gave any attention to the twin. Their father was barely at home and their mother was always drunk. Sometimes the mother beat up the twins for very small things, so they had a lot of bruises on their bodies. When Morela and Yuri were 10 years old, their father died because of car accident, their mother was very happy thinking she would be able to take all of her husband's money so she went to the bar and had fun with the celebratory party but she was got robbed and killed on the way back home. The twin were forced to move to live with their uncle in England. In here, they had known that their uncle is a wizard, they were taught magic and also changed their last name to his uncle's surname-Hill
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While walking around the house, the twin accidentally discovered a secret room that their uncle didn't tell them. It was a room with nothing but a strange mirror hanging on a wall covered with a cloth. Because of curiosity, the twin removed the cloth and……The twin' journey begin here.
Morela is pretty grumpy person and kinda rude when talking to someone she doesn't like. She doesn't like to socialize with strangers and prefer stay at home and play video game than going outside. Morela really love her brother, she won't let anyone harm her twin. Morela is also an impatient person, if she waits something too long, she will give up and go home
Her name "Morela" meaning "apricot" in Polish
Her Japanese name was Yuna but after moved to England, she changes her name to "Morela"
Morela was born 5 minute before Yuri
Morela represents "Magic" - half of Merlin's soul
Morela loves drawing, her paintings often have sad themes
Morela had a friend name Aera but she passed away because of cancer
The magic the twins use aren't the same as Twisted Wonderland's magic, so the Dark Mirror couldn't sense anything ( that makes everyone think that the twin don't have magic)
Morela won't use her magic unless there's an emergency
Unlike her twin, Morela can control her magic quite well and she can use magic with her hands instead of using wand.
Because Crowley was too gracious, he refused to provide money for the twin, Morela have to draw pictures and sell them on Magicam to buy personal items and tuna for Grim
Morela also has a tattoo on her nape
When the twin were young, they used to fan of disney so when they look at the Great Seven, they always feel familiar
Morela accidentally used fire magic and almost burned down her uncle' library
Morela is really powerful that she can break Riddle's Unique Magic and unaffected by Jade and Jamil's Unique Magic
Like Yuri, Morela was hated by everyone at first and they thought she used dirty tricks to get enroll in the school.
Because of "beast tamed", all students are more friendly with twin
Morela and Yuri often comes to Ignihyde to play video game and watch anime with Idia
Morela often talk to her twin by English (Old trade) when they are alone or whispering
All dormitories want the twin are member of their dorm but they always refuse
Crowley want to adopted the twin but they refuse (of course)
Morela and Yuri prefer Crewel than Crowley
Only few people in NRC know the twin have magic ( all playable characters and Crowley, Crewel)
Morela tired of Crowley and NRC bullsh*t
When Morela use magic:
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