#his biggest flaw is that he is lawful even when the person making the laws and commanding his hand is the worst man alive
Headcanon that when he was a child Felix used to be friends with some of the knight apprentices that were bullying Claude and this is why Claude feels comfortable using Felix as his emotional punching bag and Felix accepts being treated that way as if he deserves it
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charalysis · 1 year
Darksiders: War
So, I may once again reference real world disorders as a launching pad for discussion about behaviors and actions. I will reference both games and book. Thank you!
To begin, let's talk about War's baseline characteristics.
War is certainly more, shall we say, heroic of the Four. He is loyal, lawful, and regularly tries to be by the book, methodical, and overall tries to be good. Maintaining Balance in the universe is his main goal, the thing he strives for. He wants things to maintain order, regardless of who's messing it up. Admittedly he had a bias against demons, but that's not to say he likes angels.
In his efforts to be a lawful individual, he also strives to be a better person overall by trying to be kinder than other Nephalim where he can. He seeks connection and even affection, with Strife in particular.
Throughout Genesis, War and Strife can stop and talk and often these conversations drift towards the emotional and hard to discuss. Charged topics that Strife has genuine difficulty addressing.
But War helps him work through these emotions and topics, giving him his own perspective and trying to ease his mind, even if it fails or they disagree. No matter what, War seems incredibly willing to stay by Strife's side.
This loyalty and desire to help and seek connection is also present in Abomination Vault, when he goes to help Death handle the crisis, despite being told no and even threatened. He is eager to help the eldest Horseman, and he is even angry at himself for nearly dying/dying, thinking he's failed Death some how. He doesn't even question it when he's brought back by Death, he just rambles about his failures and saying Death should have let him die.
And with Fury, he shows he cares for her. When Fury is summoned to handle the Seven Sins, War is already bound by the Council. She's surprised by his state and the accusations, but ultimately is dismissive for the moment. War, on the other hand, speaks to her. He tries to warn her to be cautious, tell her something is acting against them and trying to hurt them, showing he very much cares about her well-being and safety.
War is repeatedly shown to be caring, in his own way, with his brothers. He worries about their safety, tries to assist them as needed, and tries to comfort them in their grief or anger. He is exceptionally loyal to them and doesn't seem eager to betray or harm them.
Loyalty, while being a fantastic virtue, is ultimately one of his biggest flaws too.
From Genesis and a good bit into the first game (canon's timeline wise), we hear him constantly say that he doesn't think he or the others should question the Council. He's the biggest believer in the Balance and is the most eager to maintain it. He is unwaveringly and unquestioningly loyal to the Council, which is ultimately why he doesn't suspect them directly of screwing him over until much much later on in game one. His loyalty blinds him to the notion of betrayal from the Council.
However, whenever he finds out his loyalty has been betrayed, he is far from afraid of going scorched Earth and enacting revenge. He, with Uriel's assistance, kills the Watcher for his treatment and for being a pawn in the clearly corrupt Council's machinations against the Horsemen.
And revenge/vengeance is apparently something War isn't unknown for. He's clearly displayed enough "eye for an eye" behavior over the centuries for the Council to note its a perfect motivator for him. Thus, he became their scapegoat and was thrown to Earth to prove his innocence. And Samael later points out that he "knows a quest for vengeance when he sees one". Samael's semi-Omniscience aside, he isn't wrong in just making the assumption. War was absolutely aiming to make Abbadon, Straga, and anyone else in his way pay for their actions. I do find it interesting that, ultimately, he chooses to spare Ulthane and Azrael.
Granted, Ulthane does help him more than hinder him despite being antagonistic. And in the case of Azrael, War realized he needed the angel's help, then also saw the immense regret within him. Of course, War is also fully aware that Azrael is a powerful archangel, adept in illusions. He also likely wouldn't have risked a fight with Azrael lest he die, or he actually kill the angel and lose out on valuable information. All this to say, War's intelligent and isn't a stranger to variables, despite often acting on emotions.
Despite popular belief, War is not hot headed or temperamental. War is actually extremely level headed and calm. He thinks through his actions and possible causes. He tries to account for all outcomes, and the consequences of his actions. If he can gain a tactical advantage.
Because he is an embodiment of war itself.
Wars are brutal, bloody, violent... But it's not about whos weapon is better that wins. There's strategy, planning, and a lot of luck.
War himself strategizes a fair bit when it comes to who he can keep alive and who he can get away with killing. Who can be his ally and who he can sacrifice as a foe. He measures who he can take on and who's not worth it.
Its why Samael and Vulgrim don't die, despite War's bias against demons.
Samael, even in a weakened state, is too powerful for War to take on alone. Samael, though, offers assistance if he himself is helped first. War isn't stupid enough to reject help from someone he a, can't kill, and b, is offering their powerful assistance.
Vulgrim had the benefit of Council endorsement at first, but War certainly realized the value he got from dealing with the merchant. Vulgrim offers him health shards, weapon and magic upgrades, and of course, Serpent Holes.
The value of these two cannot be understated in the first game, especially since War is utterly alone otherwise. They're who we spend most of the game with, aside from the Watcher.
Now onto my favorite topic! Symbology!
Similar to Death's mask, War's got a hood obscuring most of his face, particularly his eyes. In fact, he often has to adjust how he's looking around to properly see sometimes.
In terms of symbology we can infer this to be representative of his own clouded and obscured view of things. He has to shift the facts into just the right order and perspective to see the truth of what's happening to him and what happened to cause the apocalypse.
Another piece of symbology is which arm of his his prosthetic.
The left.
Biblically speaking there's a few things to address, as Darksiders is heavily based in Christian and Jewish mythology. I am wildly unfamiliar with Judaism and their symbology, despite lengthy research attempts, and thus am uncomfortable addressing the possible symbology on that side if things. However, I am familiar with Christianity.
In the Bible, the hands are referenced a few times, but the right hand is referenced about 100 times, where as the left hand is mentioned maybe 25, all negatively. However I wish to focus on one particular passage.
Matthew 6 says, "Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. [3] But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: [4] That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."
This essentially says, "don't tell everyone when you're being generous. Don't brag about generosity or your righteous deeds, for that's not righteous or virtuous. That needs to stay between you and God".
In the case of War, he doesn't often hide what he's doing when he's been told to do it by the Council, often announcing it to those he deems allies. He's not exactly subtle or easy to miss. Nor is his prosthetic.
He's obviously a Horseman, he's obviously on a mission when he's seen out places he's not normally. Everyone knows something has happened, or going to happen, when War shows up. War isn't keeping his service to the Creator secret in any way.
Outside of Christianity, and into more occult and spiritual circles, the left hand is symbolic of dark magic, darkness, and weakness.
War's left arm is the one he was wielding Chaoseater with when Death cut his arm off.
Since that, hes worn a almost demonic looking, magical prosthetic that basically has a pocket dimension I think.
When his arm was cut off, it was in a moment of emotional weakness, and he just so happened to run Death through, a far stronger opponent. So his weakness was cut from him in a way and replaced with the stronger, and useful, prosthetic gauntlet.
Bad segway: War's also not taken as seriously by the other Horsemen. He's the baby of them, likely the last of an entire generation of young Nephalem. Often it seems the other three don't take him seriously until he proves them right. Strife though seems more willing to hear him out, but that could be because they're pretty close, even able to laugh together.
Tl;Dr: War is intelligent and loyal, even kind, but lacks the ability to see passed his ambition or goals until its almost too late. He's also surprisingly impulsive.
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unhappy-day-in-hell · 8 months
The Dissection of Hazbin Hotel, Episode One: part 1
Hazbin Hotel is finally coming out and I want to talk about it!
Seems unreal, doesn’t it!? After four years it’s here, and it’s one of the biggest train wrecks I've ever seen with my own two eyes!
Like many people, I used to be a fan. I got into Hazbin at the end of 2021, and stayed with it until mid-2023, when I woke up to the series’ flaws and saw how horrible Vivziepop was as a person. But for that time, Hazbin gave me something to look forward to during a dark time in my life. I was excited for it. I liked the idea it would be a complex, dark, and nuanced look into some dark topics. I was convinced Angel’s trauma would be handled with care, because Addict handled it with care. I was convinced Hazbin would be a show that said “no one is beyond becoming a better person if they just make the decision to try, no matter how much bad they’ve done.” Being set in Hell, where the UNIVERSE ITSELF has given up on the souls damned there (the furthest extreme you can possibly get to), was a good way to exaggerate this conflict.  
Spoilers: It wasn’t that! Apparently it was never meant to be that in the first place!
Vivziepop threw out the original premise that everyone loved in favor of a Heaven war! She ripped off the “Rose Quartz = Pink Diamond” reveal with Rosie-Lilith-Eve. By extension, they de-clawed Alastor by making him Rosie’s pawn. (I loved Alastor. I wanted to see more of his deranged self; I wanted to see what he would do when he was proven wrong when redemption was possible.)
When I watched Episode One, I started writing my thoughts down. Then I tripped and wrote 13,000 words.
So I’m gonna post them here as a review! It’s long, so I’m going to break it into four parts.
I can be very forgiving of flawed projects, but in regards to Hazbin, I’m petty. No nitpick is too small. I will compare it to the pilot (because it’s in that Viv-canon-limbo where you need to have seen it but she pretends it’s not canon), and I’ll have tangents and rewrite ideas.
The story-crafting for this show is one of the more important elements to me, so I give a lot of attention to that.
And there will be SPOILERS, including all leaks! So just be careful if you don’t want spoilers or leaks! 
Let’s go!
Part 1: //
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
--Hazbin Hotel opens with a huge exposition dump about the supposed creation of Hell.
And IMMEDIATELY, we’ve run into a problem.
Sometimes, stories will open with lore dumps like this. They can be useful in giving the audience important knowledge, or setting the stage for the world. However, this lore dump provides us with neither of those things.
Even for people who aren’t religious (me), the story of Eden is really well known (even just the pop culture version of it.)  That means you don’t need to tell us the creation story at this moment-- What we NEED right now is to understand what this version of Hell is like.
What info do we need in order to understand the setting of Hell that Charlie lives in?
Important stuff like this: Hell functions like a big city with laws, and isn’t like the pop-culture fire and brimstone image we might have; dead sinners manifest with new bodies and are exclusively in the Pride Ring, which makes them the property of Lucifer, and they’re immortal unless killed by angels; angels come down once a year to erase them to keep them from becoming too numerous. Emphasize that it’s like a shitty country, with shitty jobs and leaders, Lucifer at the tippy-top. Emphasize the Sinners’ fear of the annual exterminations -- emphasize that Charlie feels helpless but wants to save them.
Your job as a storyteller is to tell us what we need to know, when we need to know it.
Right now, we don’t need to know why Hell was created – we need to know how Hell WORKS in the present. That’s your goal, to bring us into the world.
The only necessary information this narration gives us is that “exterminations exist." Everything else about the deeper lore can be shown to us later, after we’ve had some time to get to know the world.
(Have this be a fairytale Charlie tells during an emotional, quiet moment; or in a flashback, Lilith tells this to a baby Charlie. Or it can be a musical number Lilith or Lucifer sings for her, trying to make themselves look better than they actually were.)
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--“Angels are beings made of pure light who worshipped good and shielded all from evil.” WE’RE FIVE SECONDS INTO THIS AND ALREADY WE HAVE A HUGE THING TO UNPACK. Buckle up.
So Hazbin's lore goes like this: the Angels already exist, and they worship a vague figure of “Good” (who isn’t God), and defend people from “Evil” (who isn’t the devil, because Lucifer hasn’t rebelled yet.) Since Lucifer hasn’t rebelled yet, evil really shouldn’t exist yet. Where is this evil coming from?
(I have a bad feeling it’s Roo -- the Root of Evil, that character Viv drew years ago and said is a looming presence in the distance. Is Roo some kind of “eldritch abomination”, who existed before the angels? Sadly, I think that’s very likely, at this point.)
Either way: Good and Evil are forces that already existed at the start of creation, before Adam and Eve and everything else, and Lucifer and the Fallen Angels had nothing to do with it. Which just doesn’t mesh, if you’re going to have a Christian base for the lore.
Also: It says the angels defend people from Evil. But who are the angels defending? They explicitly show that humanity hasn’t been created at this point, because we see the birth of Adam in a few moments; so who the heck needed defending during this period of time!?
Alright, to get this out of the way: Hazbin Hotel won’t use God as a character, apparently because they don’t want to offend anyone, or so I heard. It’s something to debate; was this a good idea on their part, or is it cowardice? For me, I personally feel like it’s the latter. The show has already taken many other incredibly sacred figures and stories, and jumbled them up and tweaked them for the show’s awful lore -- and Viv has never cared about offending anyone before so why would she care now -- which is why it feels spineless to me, for them to NOT go all the way and just use the Capital G himself. Plenty of other stories have used the Christian God as a character just fine.
If they’re worried about doing it tactfully, the solution is to just… NOT write God as an asshole? Maybe try for some genuine sincerity in the writing for once? Make him the single character in the cast who is never played for a joke, and whose personality has no stupid quirks. Have him be very distant, maybe even locked in Heaven’s Palace, that way you don’t have to show him more than a handful of times, but the audience will know he exists; and use his limited screentime to make him display wisdom and warmth.
Maybe he acts like a distant observer of the Universe, and he clearly knows something we don’t; he tut-tuts at the bad things, but “This, You See, is how it Must Be. And by the end of the show he’s right because everything works out for the good. Or... something.
My point is, they already used all this other sacred stuff from the bible, they might as well go all the way. (Viv certainly didn’t have a problem using Lilith or vodou symbols, did she?)
--Lucifer was a dreamer who was deemed dangerous to the order of Heaven. Then he fell in love with Lilith for her fierce independence and they wanted to share free will with humanity.
This story. This rewriting of the usual biblical tale to make Lucifer sympathetic.
It just doesn’t work.
It also ties back to their refusal to use God as a character. The character of God was an INTEGRAL piece of this mythological story, and God and Lucifer were inseparably intertwined figures in it. Lucifer’s entire rebellion and “Pride” sin was against God. You could say... Lucifer has major fucking "Daddy Issues." (That's a phrase Alastor will say later!) To take away his Daddy Issues is just so lame.
Even worse, this story is trying to paint Lucifer as a misunderstood artist who cared about creation. (He's so different from the actual mythological figure, it makes you wonder what the point of even using these figures as characters is.)
…There are two possibilities.
Possibility One: I wonder if this is a “sanitized” version of the story that Lucifer tells Charlie to make himself look better. (This feels very much like one of those “history lessons” that a fantasy world will introduce to the characters early on, only for that history lesson to be shown as a lie later on.) But if that’s the case, it’s WEIRD for Hazbin Hotel to do that with the story of the Garden of Eden?? Everyone/most everyone in the audience will already know the gist of how the Eden story goes, so they'll know this retelling isn’t right -- so what, are we expected to wait for Charlie to gormlessly stumble into the truth, ~as a twist~ that GASP D:> her father INTENTIONALLY fucked humanity over!?!?!? HE DID IT ON PURPOSE AND ALL THE SUFFERING OF HELL WAS HIS GOAL!?!?!? DAD HOW COULD YOU. That’ll be a shitty twist. The audience already knows this, so it’ll just be pounding our heads into the wall waiting for Charlie to get there.
(And also, it’s very suspicious they don’t actually SAY what Lucifer’s “ideas and dreams” were for creation. So that could be a lie by omission that he uses for his fairytale. In reality, he might have had awful, shitty, malicious ideas, which Heaven stopped him from doing, and Lucifer’s been a big baby about it ever since.)
Possibility two: This is legitimately the retelling of the Eden story in the Hazbin Universe. Which just suuuuuuucks! If Lucifer was a kind, caring individual, why would he let his Hell Kingdom become a total SHITHOLE of suffering? Wouldn’t he be a kind ruler? Wouldn’t he try to run the ship better?
And it’s a horrible decision to woobify him in general. You’re seriously going to de-claw THE DEVIL? You’re gonna rip out his teeth and make him soggy!? You’re gonna make the King Of Evil, The Father of All Lies, LUCIFER, EMBODIMENT OF PRIDE, a wet meow-meow sadboy who did nothing wrong?? COME ON!! What makes Lucifer an interesting character IS THAT HE MADE THE CHOICE to fuck everything up on purpose! He’s interesting BECAUSE of how he, to this day, wants to ruin the Earth to stick it to God! You can’t just take that away from him!
It’s incredible that these two possibilities are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but both are unsalvageable. There is NO winning with this backstory. They fucked up.
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--Ah wait there it is. The apple is the same color as the Vague Evil’s eye from above.
Man, making Eve the twist villain of the story (before or after Roo shows up? Is Roo inside of Eve controlling her? It doesn’t matter). You couldn’t write a worst twist.
I ask you: Why is it Eve, and not Adam who is the secret twist villain? Or, why isn’t it Adam+Eve TOGETHER who are the twist villains?
If this were the only instance of female characters being demonized, I wouldn’t think anything of it -- but there is a clear pattern across all of Viv’s writing. Viv is a known misogynist, and this feels like an extension of her misogyny. Of course the twist villain is female. Of course Roo The Secret Eldritch Abomination is female. The male characters get sympathy, or stuff handed to them. Lucifer is a good lad who did nothing wrong! Alastor isn’t evil, he was hired to protect the Hotel and is a father figure to Charlie! ADAM got to go to Heaven and Eve didn’t!
I have absolutely no doubt that the blame will be put on Eve, and Adam will be given a pass because Eve tricked him to eat the fruit of knowledge, or something.
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--Yep, this thing is animated like a Root. It’s totally Roo.
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--Eyes… just like Roo’s root tongue. Yep.
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--Heaven only allowed Lucifer to see the bad of humanity, never the good.
They really ARE trying to woobify him, aren’t they? At this point, the only way they could salvage any of this is by making this a sanitized bedtime story (which again wouldn’t work in itself.)
This is the fucking DEVIL we’re talking about.
He is the King of Hell, and therefore, he is the ruler of the Princes of Sin, the Ars Goetia, and the legions of Hell that are trying to corrupt the Earth! We see in Helluva Boss that demons do actually go to make Earth worse. If Lucifer is King and didn’t want this to happen, he has the power to stop at.
Plus: there are portals to go to Earth, and magic to watch the Earth as seen on Helluva Boss. So Lucifer has every means to look at the Earth any way he wants, and could see the good the Earth has to offer…… and it's because he’s the one bringing evil to the Earth in the first place in order to destroy good (technically to fight against God, but God ain't here, so "Good" it is.) That’s still Hell’s MO in this world. We’ve seen this on Helluva Boss, which is canon to this universe. And you cannot convince me that the King of Hell was “oblivious to it” or "the other royal demons have their own power and Lucy can't stop them" or some excuse like that, as if the Princes of Sin and the Ars Goetia are doing it secretly under Lucifer’s nose and Lucifer doesn’t know it’s going on. You cannot convince me of this.
Plus even then -- if Lucifer were still a sadboy who WANTS to see the good of the Earth (even if all he sees is the bad), that means… in theory, he has a “good heart”. So why isn’t he a kinder King?
Because this is either a fake fairytale or Viv is a bad writer who doesn’t think anything through. (It’s both.)
--Lucifer lost his spark, huh? What does that actually mean? Does it mean his title as King is only symbolic and he doesn’t do any ruling? (This can’t be right – we see later in the episode Lucifer still has some authority over various things, like meeting with Adam but foisting that responsibility on Charlie.) Does losing his spark just mean he gave up trying to be good, and now just revels in evil?
And, as the embodiment of Pride, shouldn’t Lucifer of all people be the most stubborn, unshakable person in existence? Instead of losing his SPARK, he should just grow jaded and bitter but still have that fire to prove he's better than everyone. He’s the King of Hell for a reason.
(And if Lilith thrives, why isn’t she the ruling Queen of Hell?)
--So Lilith uses her powers to Empower Demons…
This wording is VERY suspicious, and once again, feels like a sanitized bedtime story for Charlie.
What does empowering demons actually MEAN? Huh? It sounds very good in this fairytale, but look at the evidence presented to us. We see what Hell is like (...eventually.) It’s a shithole where everyone is suffering and constantly beating and killing each other. For all we know, her “empowering demons” actually means she encourages everyone’s worst behavior, gives sinners powers and weapons that they can use against each other, and is the reason why Hell is so awful.
…Oh god, if LILITH is the cause of Hell being bad, and Lucifer is a Good Boy who sits back and doesn’t do anything, then it’s another female character being written to fuck everything up!
(We don’t know when Eve takes Lilith’s spot, but I don’t think it’s quite at this point in history. So Eve doesn’t get the blame here just yet. Hopefully?)  
--Overpopulation was always a bad motivation for Hazbin Hotel. I thought that even when I was a fan. Because: if Hell is a finite space where you can run out of room… then so is Heaven? If you start redeeming sinners for the sake of giving Hell more room… theeeeeen eventually HEAVEN is going to get overpopulated and run out of room. What then?
Hell also has other Rings the sinners are not allowed to go to. Are we going to mention the other Rings’ existence at any point? Will the idea of opening the other Rings up to sinners even be presented as an option at any point?
How much of Hazbin’s lore is going to be locked in Helluva Boss, unable to be shown in the series proper? Will the Princes of Sins, the Hellborn demons, the Ars Goetia ever make an appearance, or are they not allowed to? Will Charlie ever have to deal with the fact there is an entire slave caste in Hell, the Hellhounds? Is she going to free the Hellhounds? Imps are also oppressed, will the show ever explicitly TALK about that? Will the worldbuilding show us how imps, hellhounds, and Sinners intermingle in Pentagram City?
So many questions. And knowing Viv’s style, I highly doubt we’ll ever get any answers.
--So Charlie inherited her mother’s dream. But they completely neglected to mention what Lilith’s dream actually was. Do they mean she wants Charlie to “empowering sinners,” in general? Or did Lilith, specifically, want the exterminations to end?
They use such vague words, when this is one moment they should just give us a clear answer. This whole backstory was a mistake and a waste of time, but if you are going to use it to set up Charlie inheriting something from Lilith, you have to make it clear what she’s inheriting.
And also, while it’s not ENTIRELY a Chosen One scenario, in the pilot we got the sense that Charlie was the one who made the choice to try and help sinners, on her own. Now though, Charlie was GIVEN this dream by someone else, because she can’t have agency. It would be one thing if Lilith just taught Charlie to feel compassion (that would be fine, parents teach their kids morals all the time), but Charlie still came to the redemption conclusion on her own – it’s another for her to be said to have “inherited this from Lilith” or is carrying on Lilith’s legacy.
With the opening monologue over, the only thing we know is that the lore is very messy. It has a Christian basis, but it's been fucked up so badly that it makes you wonder what the point even is.
Good and Evil are living eldritch forces that existed before creation and have nothing to do with God, Lucifer, or anything else like that.
There is no God, (who is the ENTIRE CENTRAL POINT for the biblical-inspired stuff in Hazbin); instead a whole Council of Elder Angels rules the universe.
Roo has no basis in anything.
I think in some tellings, Lucifer was the first Angel? Even if not, he was one of the highest. So Lucifer should be one of the ruling angels. They have to severely weaken him as a figure in order to make him under the control of the other angels. (After all, in Christian mythology, it's God who made Lucifer fall. Another way his absence fucks the story.)
And my final takeaway from combing over this lore is: why didn't Viv just make her own fantasy world? Everything in this show is only passingly similar to the stuff it's based on. If you're gonna take these aspects from religions and fuck with them so much, just make your own fantasy world where you can do whatever you want.
That was only the opening monologue. This is gonna be a long ride guys!
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Chrome was with Mukuro when Tsuna grabbed him and she pats him on the back because she knows how this is going to end
Chrome loves her adopted brother. There’s no doubt about it. In her more dramatic moods she wonders if despite the year between their ages and being born to different families if they were meant to be born as twins. He was like the missing part of her. One soul in two bodies their adoptive family claimed. Weird little bastards their older brother fondly called them.
That didn’t mean she was blind to Mukuro’s faults if anything she was the most aware of them than anyone else. He was intense, possessive, violent to those that he felt had wronged him or the scant few people he had claimed as his, and perhaps his biggest flaw was once he was focused on something be it an idea thing or person he would never let go. Chrome was one of the people he had fixated on, back when she was fourteen and barely out of the hospital after her accident trying to adjust to her new reality and a new family all at once. It probably should have scared her, his undivided focus and attention, but he wouldn’t hurt her and it had been nice to have someone so… interested in her after so long of being ignored and hated by her parents. It hadn’t lessened in the years since, even as he found new things or ideas to catch his interest, but she had always known that eventually he would fixate on another person in addition to her.
That person came in the form of a wide-eyed boy with the fluffiest brown hair she had ever seen (he looked almost like a kitten, sweet and innocent and running to a wolf for protection) winding his arm through her brother’s while they had been going over an assignment for Chrome’s art class and announcing, loudly and bordering on panicked, that they were dating.
She knew the moment Mukuro’s eyes had traced over the boy’s face before flicking over to the person standing far too close to him. Knew when he unwound their arms to draw the boy closer to him. Knew when her brother traced possessive fingers over the side of the boy’s pale throat.
The poor guy had been claimed, and god help anyone who tried to take him from Mukuro now.
“Is there a problem, darling?” Mukuro purred, never taking his eyes off the man that was still too close to his new fixation.
“You didn’t say you had a boyfriend.”
“He shouldn’t have to,” Her brother’s eyes narrowed, clever mind already putting two and two together for why the poor guy had grabbed the first person he had seen and claimed to be in a relationship, “you should learn to accept rejection.”
Chrome bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. Her beloved brother wouldn’t see the irony in that statement and laughing now wouldn’t help this new ruse. She would laugh at him after. But first, there was another problem at hand a problem that would end with their family having to pay off the police again to keep Mukuro from catching an assault charge… or worse based on the way the man was reddening with rage.
She made a show of adjusting her grip on her cane and wincing. Not that the wince was fully for show. They had been standing long enough that pain was starting to lance up her leg in protest.
“Mukuro, let’s go. You promised you were buying both lunch today.”
Immediately her brother’s eyes were on her, tracing over her furrowed brows and the careful way she held herself. Good. He would be more focused on getting her off her feet than murder at least.
Later when they were settled at a rather nice restaurant Tsuna introduced himself and promised to pay them both back. He had also apologized and said he would get out of their hair.
Chrome had laughed, reaching across the table to pat the back of her future brother-in-law’s hand. He would learn soon enough that there was no unwinding his life from theirs, but she would at least get to sit back and enjoy the show in the meantime. Besides, she had the feeling Sawada Tsunayoshi would make a good friend.
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unluckyoscthoughts · 3 months
The tacophy deep dive post
Hello, my name's Ozzy, better known as Vandal or TUV. If u know me from this acc you know my biggest ship and main fixation when it comes to the ii fandom is a crackship involving Taco and Trophy. In the past uh 3 or so years that I've been in the fandom I've gotten got knows how many questions and remarks abt how it makes no sense or that they didn't even know it was a thing. And out of sheer boredom, I decided I'm gonna make a deep dive post abt the ship.
the post will be in the following order
1: characters themselves
2: why i think they could be buddies
3: their flaws, the ppl they hurt and why that plays into one another
4: just general silly shit i wanna add cuz its relevant
Who are these weird little dudes??
Ur not living under a rock you KNOW who Taco and Trophy are, but here i wanna talk a bit about their personalities.
As we all know, taco is very very fucking smart, she was able to hide her actual personality for an entire season of show. While her motive for her behavior isn't known as of writing this post, we know there's definitely some amount of reason behind it.
She's not above playing dirty or flat out killing people to get what she wants, casualties are just a part of it, they're technically immortal so long Mephone is around anyway. Her morals seem beyond fucked, caring about people supposedly but not being against using them for whatever personal goal she may have.
Despite this, if we know one thing about her its that being reminded of her mistakes and what she has done can very quickly set her off or make her upset.
But the basics, in summary, are that she has little regard for others and how what she does affects them until its too late. She's arrogant, yet smart and tactful which makes her such a threat.
And then there's trophy, who in contrast is a lot stupider in terms of his behavior and motives. Again, we don't know his reasoning behind doing what he does, other than just wanting to be better than others.
He's to put it bluntly, a fucking asshole, just for the sake of why not. Making people do things for him purely because he himself does not want to do it, manipulative in his own way. While actual attempted murder isn't something he would do, he clearly isn't above breaking a few laws if u so much as piss him off like with knife and his doll.
Outside of that/after he was eliminated he seems to have calmed down a bit, he likes photography and probably learned to find something else to do other than antagonize people for funsies.
He of course is arrogant as well, but his lack of motivation to do things himself doesn't make him that big of a threat, especially if the thing he's using against you is just normal to others.
why could they be friends? [How they meet hc I guess]
So why do I think they could get along ? Ngl I'm gonna have to put a bit of headcanons in here but it makes sense I promise.
We all know Trophy likes photography right? Well what place on the ii map :tm: would have great photo potential? The forest.
I imagine that one day, Trophy goes to the forest to take photos and whatnot [a little bit before the episode where lb and tt go back in time I'd say.] As he walks around taking photos of things, he manages to bump into taco after she [embarrassingly] falls out of a tree [mirroring her falling when hit with the gemory] and falls in a bush in-front of him. He'd be a bit shocked, cuz what the fuck just happened and wouldn't really respond until she asks if he's just going to keep standing there as she's trying to get unstuck. When he snaps out of it he picks her up to get her out and places her down. Taco, having watched the show closely, knows who he is and initially wanted to use him alongside Microphone until remembering he was eliminated and therefore would be a little bit useless. He meanwhile starts asking who she is, irritating her a lot as she did NOT get shamed on show for people to not know who she is.
The two don't actually bond in this first interaction, that comes a few days or so later when Trophy, again, finds her in the forest. This time he basically just asks her if she can find cool places he can take photos of, which does annoy her a bit but if it means he'll go away sure. This repeats a few times until she, reluctantly, gets attached.
Other stuff ig is i think they could bond over their past mistakes, a bit far fetched but hey, a boy can dream.
Their sins and whatnot
Lets talk abt their sins and what they could bond over in that regard
Taco: killed a few people, manipulation, trying to steal money, probably kidnapping with mepad
Trophy: bullying, blackmail, manipulation
I also think its interesting to note that the people they hurt have a bond with one another. Knife and pickle are buddies, Knife and Mic are buddies and we know Mic cut the bs and pointed out her behavior towards Pickle, its likely those 2 are going to become friends as well. their victims realistically can bond over these experiences.
The people they hurt and the influence they have could play into their conversations. While Trophy has done way less, he still hurt people. Them being able to bond over the past, the things they did and how to handle that guilt would be sweet.
filler i mean other stuff
Here goes other random shit i think would be funny or just mostly hcs/vague stuff that has no real evidence
Justin has confirmed Taco can fit in his head[like the cup part], largely why i tend to draw her just...in there.
i think they bond over a shared hatred of Knife
Trophy likes tea, she likes tea, let them drink tea together
i hc both were extremely ''trapped'' during their childhoods. Taco was babied to hell and back while Trophy was expected to be perfect, causing their respective ways of lashing out. A lack of freedom in both.
This is more an observation but Taco is so fucking short lmfao she can just be grabbed
based on drawings two friends made, i think they'd commit crimes together.
i think Trophy would sneak Taco into the hotel at one point AFTER ii ends to ensure she doesn't have to stay outside all the time.
And thats all for now, folks. So what was i really trying to do with this? well mostly just...rant, i miss being able to talk abt ii2. I might edit this post a bit later, to add more stuff, fix wording, answer questions etc. Tacophy means a lot to me as a ship, even if the only footing it stands on is built out of popsicle sticks and tape. Rarepairs are fun, i've had the occasional person yell at me for shipping this but honestly, its never stopped me. I love seeing people kind of warm up to the idea, even if just showing interest in the dynamic.
If u read this and thought it was neat, pls show it cuz i worked p hard on this. Have a good day :)
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thesunfyre4446 · 8 months
I really don't get why people are so obsessed with viserys naming rhaenyra his heir. Frankly speaking, the moment aegon was born his words lost their meaning almost entirely since westeros is a medieval society. If we look at the real world actions that inspired the dance (the anarchy) we will see that not only Matilda (the ONLY heir, to whom nobles swore not once but TWICE) was challenged but she was challenged by her first cousin whose claim rose from female line (and he wasn't even the eldest). imo it's the biggest flaw of the dance bc rhaenyra's claim is so weak from medieval point of view that the fact she was supported by so many nobles is what truly makes asoiaf fantasy lol (and don't get me started on a general political side of the dance, bc it's a mess and f&b in general always looked to me like a soap opera rather than a history book about politics and stuff). And considering she also wanted her illegitimate child to succeed her it should've literally stripped her of any remaining support as well, her only advantage should've been in dragons and possible political alliances/marriges.
The other thing that kinda bothers me is that aegon is called an usurper even in universe which considering the rules of the realm is mind-boggling tbh. I feel like the fans (and grrm himself or maybe he just wanted something cool) don't grasp that feudal society (like in asoiaf) and centralised government (like absolute monarchy which is what many fans believe targaryens to be) are two completely different beasts.
Sorry if it's a bit messy, English is not my first language and I write on my phone
i could write you a 100 page essay about matilda's (yes, i'm a huge history nerd) tragedy of eventually realizing that she will never be able to sit the english throne as a woman and starting to fight for her son to be king instead (and he ended up being a horrible horrible man that abuses women f*ck you henry ii justice for eleanor) ]
yeah the houses that supported the greens claimed that the oath they swore to rhaenyra lost it's value the second the king had a son. in ep 3 the lords all assume that aegon is now the heir without viserys even making an official announcement , it's that obvious to them. it's very problematic when the lords believe that aegon naturally has a stronger claim then rhaenyra - the chosen heir - that's a succession crisis. aegon's claim is based on precedence & the andal law and rhaenyra's is based on the king. (that's the problem, rhaenyra's whole claim & political power are completely dependent on vis, the second he died - she was pretty much doomed).
yeah nonnie F&B politics are messy and illogical lol, but i will say that the lords who supported rhaenyra didn't do it in the name of feminism, most of them did it for personal gain or because they believed the blacks had a better chance of winning. (like jayne arryn that was worried that her own claim to the vale will be challenged if the greens won).
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sorcave · 12 days
Finished all the anime eps so far so here goes.
Kunikida is a man of ideals - a quality that he wastes no time asserting once he takes center stage as early as Season 1. He strives to live a life of virtue and has planned out every step of it in his notebook, from his dreams and aspirations to his love life and even just his daily schedule. It's a rigid structure to live, but one which Kunikida views as a guiding light to not only live his best life but to live in a way that benefits society and upholds justice.
So, naturally, this detail-oriented man with a diligent work ethic finds his sense of equilibrium frequently shaken by the eclectic oddballs comprising his friends and co-workers. Resultingly, he's not quite as stoic of a leader as Fukuzawa. For all his composure, he is prone to bursts of comical anger, most often directed at Dazai, whose mischievousness and carefree attitude are his antithesis.
It's no secret why Dazai is such a beloved character and the mesmeric core of the story. He's on the side of good, but his past and layered personality suggest a dark side that makes him extremely compelling. People love bad boys, but it's worth noting just how pivotal Kunikida is in making Dazai such an effective character. If there wasn't a straight-laced "good cop" bouncing off of Dazai's witty jabs, the banter wouldn't have the same charm.
In the pre-Chuuya Nakahara era of Bungo Stray Dogs, Kunikida was the perfect foil to Dazai, hence their being partnered up at various points in Season 1. Episodes 6 and 7 were adapted from the very first Bungo light novel, a story which originally was set two years before the series began. Instead, the anime places this story after Atsushi has joined, which works just as well and, in fact, significantly benefits Kunikida's character.
It's not difficult to see why Kunikida might slip under the radar for some fans when considering favorites among the cast. He's a Lawful Good character and the trouble with them is that they can be received as boring because they play by the rules and audiences like characters who break rules. After all, sometimes the audience wants to break the rules themselves, so it's cathartic, while also yielding a flawed protagonist that might be more relatable.
These are generalizations, of course, but one doesn't have to hate Kunikida or the Lawful Good archetype to demonstrate indifference based on such surface-level qualities. And make no mistake, it's only the surface-level qualities that set Kunikida even remotely apart from a large cast known for consistently bold introductions. If Kunikida is overlooked compared to the rest of them, then it stands to reason that he's lacking a certain something.
Finding out what is a conundrum because what makes a character someone's favorite can be anything from the biggest plot points to the most subtle moments. Ranpo's backstory in Season 4 made an already great character even better, same with Yosano that same season. All it takes is a single good episode to become obsessed with someone who, up until that point, might have been just another character. Lucky for Kunikida, he got two early on.
The Azure Messenger story is very much the defining tale of his character; one that challenges the ideals that define him, through the return of an old case that's come back to haunt him. It's a story that ends in tragedy and which leaves him furious and frustrated. Next to Season 2's Dark Era arc, it's one of the first dramatic moments where Bungo gets serious in a way that demands pause. Yet, despite not reaching a favorable conclusion, Kunikida stands firm.
Another thing that - again, on a surface level - can be frustrating about Lawful Good characters is how their conflicts can be rooted in their innate goodness. Thus, the villains, human nature, or even the universe at large, endeavor to tarnish it and "break" the hero. A less charitable interpretation of such a character might conclude that they lack a substantial flaw.
The trouble with this conclusion is that it sort of eschews the point of a character arc. If a more relatable, flawed character is compelling, it's because they are challenged to confront said flaws, either fixing them or giving in. In the same way, an idealistic character is useful because their conflicts challenge their propensity to be the kind of person that the audience should hypothetically strive to be.
Kunikida is a compelling character because he represents how hard it is to live up to ideals, and the importance of striving to despite the impossibility of never faltering. And it isn't a conclusion that he comes to without a struggle. The best part of the Azure Messenger case is how it affects him throughout the rest of the season. Despite his assertions, Kunikida becomes more jaded, which leads him to discourage Atsushi from trying to save Kyouka.
But Atsushi doesn't give up, and Kunikida noticeably has some of that faith in his ideals restored. One of the best creative choices the anime made was adapting the first light novel as they did. It allowed the climax of Season 1 to be even more impactful by giving Kunikida a complete arc, the drama of which would be echoed in future seasons.
Truth be told, the most pressing reason why Kunikida has faded from the discourse is his seeming lack of relevance since Season 3. Between the underrated Episode 25 and the Cannibalism arc, Kunikida cements his place as a leader. However, the death he witnesses in that same arc is a harrowing event that has yet to truly take hold and push his story forward.
There have been suggestions of an inner conflict, like in Kunikida's scenes with Jouno of the Hunting Dogs, but as of the end of Season 5, they haven't amounted to much. With any luck, Bungo Stray Dogs' next arc will have something exciting in store for him, because it would truly be a tragedy not to see this man's search for ideals end prematurely. Although I feel a lot of this is remedied once I read through the manga along with the light novels.
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potatonugget7 · 1 year
Something Worse Than A Spider, A Child.
The sequel to OH MY GODS THEY WERE ROOMMATES?! also posted on AO3. It’s been like two years but here we goooooo!
TWs: Fear of death, Spiders. 3.8 Words
Wilbur is having an absolute *field day*. He tripped and dropped a whole bundle of firewood, got stuck in a spiderweb and nearly eaten, oh and then he was also captured by a human. IT WAS FANTASTIC! Then he met his soulmate who APPARENTLY defies the laws of the universe because rules are meant to be broken I guess!
Soulmates; for some they’re lovers, for some they’re best friends. Either way they are meant to be inseparable pairs. Everyone’s got one; that one person with whom you’re supposed to spend your life with. They’re tied together with a metaphorical string, fate pulling them closer and closer together until the day they finally meet. Both bear matching marks on their wrists and have the ability to message each other by writing on their arm.
Wilbur considered himself a very skilled borrower, a very well-educated borrower. With this information you may be wondering, how exactly did he find himself trapped in the sticky web of a garden spider? It’s a very short story. Unfortunately, this house was not the most ideal for a borrower, but it was his home, and moving was a lot of work. The biggest flaw was that it had children. 
A very loud, rambunctious teenager with an unfortunate fascination with bugs, insects, and mud. Meaning it spent most of its time running around the yard. The yard that Wilbur had to traverse during his day-to-day life.
Now how does this tie in (ha, tie) to him getting stuck in a spider’s web? Unfortunately, the child had just gotten home, yelling at the top of its lungs of course, about its latest school project. Involving insects. And usually said child did all its bug hunting in the backyard. So he knew he had to hurry if he wanted to make it home alive.
But hurrying when you’re in the process of carrying a stack of firewood in your arms usually tends to cause accidents, which is exactly what happened. The brunet borrower couldn’t see where he was going over the pile of sticks in his arms, and ended up tripping over a few rocks and was sent stumbling right into the sticky webbing strapped to the tall gnarled roots of the oak tree in the backyard. Wilbur had been trying very hard to avoid the webs whenever he went outside, knowing the orb weaver it belonged to was not one to be crossed. It wasn’t a particularly massive spider, not bigger than him, not like ones he’d heard stories of. But it was much bigger than any ants or bees he’d seen in the garden. And he knew how bad their venomous bites were.
His little brother had had a run-in with it once, before they’d gotten separated. It had left him unable to move for a few days, and the nausea and fever that followed was awful. Wilbur had tended to him the entire time, and thankfully Tubbo had recovered.
The tall borrower wondered where he was these days, and prayed to Prime that he was safe. Though currently, he was praying for his own safety. Death by an orb weaver was not swift and painless. He’d be paralysed by its painful bite, and then wrapped up in the silky webbing to be eaten later… just like the moth he’d seen tied up in its web the week prior.
‘Oh here it comes now.’ he thought fatalistically as the webbing vibrated, and the bright yellow marked spider started climbing down the large web, its beady eyes trained on the brunet. Wilbur stared up at it with a frown, trying not to let his fear show. It wasn’t like he wanted to die. Quite the opposite. He was actually absolutely terrified, but struggling didn’t work. He’d tried at least a dozen times. The borrower looked down at his chest, glaring down at his ugly yellow sweater before closing his eyes, waiting for paralysis to take him. 
Damn. He didn’t even get to say goodbye to his soulmate… 
He opened his eyes again and stared down at his arm, his trench coat sleeve covering the pictogram on his wrist. It was a picture of a music note, a sword down the centre of the treble clef. Wilbur sighed sadly and looked up at his impending doom with a fierce glare.
“I hope you get indigestion, you yellow menace.” he spat as venomously as the orb weaver’s own poison. The spider hissed in response, pinching its venomous pincers. So apparently, spiders can speak English. Cool. Unless this spider was secretly his soulmate. But Wilbur sincerely doubted that. Never in a million years had he heard of cross-species soulmates. The idea was just absurd.
“Oh go shove a moth in it won’t you? We both know you’d never beat me in a fair fight.” Wilbur snarled out, glaring into the spider’s beady eyes. 
Suddenly he felt the web vibrating more, continuously, but the garden spider wasn’t moving. The orb weaver seemed to pause, going still. If spiders were intelligent, he’d say he could see the gears turning in its head.
“What? Calling your mate are you? Am I a lunch date for the two of you or something??”
Then the spider ran away.
“...Uh… okay… bye then?” 
Anxiety pooled in his stomach as the webbing vibrated more and more, but it wasn’t a spider. The ugly yellow bastard was already scuttling off into the tall grass. Wilbur could feel the tremors travel from the ground to the webbing, he could see the ground shaking. Thunder roared under the earth as something big stomped closer and closer, and before he knew it, he found himself engulfed in an impossibly massive shadow, a pair of giant shoes planted centimetres in front of him. Well, bigger spider could definitely be crossed off the list!
“Where’s that yellow spider… I know it’s around here. It’d be perfect!” a loud voice rumbled overhead, and the brunet hesitantly looked up, and up, worried that his greatest fears were about to smack him right in the face.
And he was proven right as he saw the creature casting the shadow, was none other than that giant blond menace of a human, standing over him, a glass jar in hand. It wasn’t looking at him… yet, instead scanning the tree branches for… the spider apparently. You know what? Wilbur was fine with this. The death traps could deal with each other. The human would probably win but at least it’d be putting the orb weaver out of his misery.
The borrower squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a small startled gasp as the blond suddenly stepped over him obliviously, still looking around the tree for the bright yellow spider. While that was scary… he wasn’t dead! Wilbur slowly reopened his eyes, shuddering as he felt the tremors still. Now was his chance to get free while the giant was distracted and the spider was elsewhere!
Wilbur focused on one arm to start, trying to rip his right arm free from the sticky silk. Then once he got it free, he could pull his knife out of his bag and-
“Woah… what’re you supposed to be?” a voice cut through his thoughts, and the borrower felt his heart skip a beat. Looking down, the shadow had changed. Slowly he looked up, and up, and met the gaze of the massive human. It was tall and lanky, taller than most humans he’d seen in his lifetime, yet had a child-likeness to its face. Massive icy blue orbs bore into his own, and Wilbur felt a shiver travel down his spine, only one word going through his head.
“Well? You can talk, can’t you little man?” the human crouched down in front of him, and the brunet gave it the most venomous glare he could muster despite the fact that he was trembling. The borrower rules, AKA his way of life, said under no circumstances should you talk to a human. It usually ended in getting dissected or something painful like that. But also, fuck the rules, this kid just had such an insultable face. 
“So what if I can? What's it to you, big man?” he spat mockingly.
“Well, truth be told, you’re pretty unusual, and I just happen to be looking for something unique. You’re far more interesting than some garden spider that’s for sure.” the borrower tensed, trying not to show his nervousness as anxiety flooded into his mind like a tidal wave.
“I wouldn’t call myself particularly interesting actually. I’m a bit tied up right now, physically and metaphorically. So how about you help me out and we can just forget we ever met, yeah?” Wilbur tried, starting to sweat a bit.
“Hmmmmmm, nah,” the human gave him a toothy grin. “It’s not every day you find a tiny person in your backyard.” in all honesty, yeah that was understandable. But also fucking shit piss hell fuck shit-
The borrower let out a startled noise and visibly recoiled as a giant hand suddenly reached over and wrapped around his small frame, easily ripping him from the spider web and carrying him into the air. 
“This- okay how about we make a deal?” he tried nervously, and the human raised an eyebrow.
“What sort of deal? I’ll have you know, I’m an excellent businessman and not easily persuaded.” Wilbur swallowed nervously as he was lifted higher up, held in front of the giant face, the kid nearly going cross-eyed to stare at him. 
“Well, I’ll tell you the truth. I’m actually an alien.” he whispered.
“That's right, I come from the planet of-... L’manburg…” the borrower said slowly.
“Sounds like bullshit but alright.” the human didn’t look convinced, but Wilbur continued the act.
“Wh- excuse me?? How dare you!” 
“Look pal, I know aliens aren’t real. You’re coming with me, and that's that.” Wilbur’s stomach lurched as the human stood to its full height, and he was stuffed into it’s shirt pocket.
“Just a sec-” the colour drained from his face as the giant started fiddling with the mason jar it’d brought outside with it, and started unscrewing the lid. Wilbur had a feeling he knew exactly what it was for, and his anxiety was suddenly heightened. His heart rate went from one to a hundred in less than a second as giant fingers pinched the back of his trenchcoat and carried him into the air, before unceremoniously dropping him into the glass prison. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
He slowly scooted back until his coat pressed against the cold, hard wall. The brunet crossed his arms over his chest, hiding how they shook as he continued glaring up at the child.
“Are you aware kidnapping is a crime?”
“I’d hardly call it kidnapping when you’re the size of a mouse.” the human chuckled in response. Wilbur was knocked onto his hands and knees as the container jolted suddenly, and everything started moving. He took one look at the ground far below before yanking his head back and glaring up at the giant once again.
“N-not even going to ask for my name?”
“Would you tell me if I asked?” blondie raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe,” Wilbur crossed his arms. “Will you tell me yours so I can stop mentally referring to you as ‘child’?” 
The human stopped in its tracks, sputtering out an offended string of noises.
“How fucking dare you! I am not a child you tiny bitch! If anything you’re the child!” 
“And how exactly does that logic track?”
“Cos’ you’re short an’ shit.” the borrower raised an eyebrow this time.
“Yes well I think it’s been established I’m not a human. So you can’t hold me to human standards.”
"What are you then? Some weird mutated rat man? Or are you a faerie?" the jar was lifted higher, and Wilbur nearly fell flat on his face.
“Are you going to tell me your name or not?”
“Fineeeeeeeeeeeeee,” the blond rolled its eyes. “It’s Tommy, TommyInnit, the biggest man.”
“What's yours then?” ‘Tommy’ questioned, staring holes into his head with his massive eyeballs. “Wilbur. No title.”
“Got any friends, Wilbur no title?” the human asked teasingly, and Wilbur scowled.
“Not that I can think of…”
“So no one to miss you? Well don’t worry, you and I can be the best of friends.” suddenly the jostling worsened tenfold, and the poor borrower was beginning to feel motion sick.
Fucking hell…
He tried his best to stay upright, sitting back against the glass with his palms pressed to the curved walls.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’ll have to pass.” he bit out.
“Wha- why?! I’m probably- no definitely, the coolest and greatest man you’ve ever met!” Wilbur crossed his arms.
“You put me in a jar, and you’re annoy-ing.” he enunciated the last word. The blond human obviously wasn’t happy with this answer. The stupid child sputtered and scoffed.
“Well- y’know- I- I might seem a little annoying at first- but I promise it’ll grow on you!”
“...I don’t care.” he wasn’t exactly scared of the human anymore… it was more like… a fear for his safety.
Tommy’s face scrunched up in anger, going bright red, Wilbur thought he looked like a tomato- He yelped as he was thrown against the glass again, and he realised the human was swinging the jar through the air… again.
"Can you not??" he grumbled out, but Tommy didn't stop swinging his arm back and fourth as he walked.
"What was that little man? You're so quiet I can't hear you!" the blond replied loudly in an exasperated tone.
"Oh my Prime you are such a fucking child-" he grunted in pain as he was slammed against the glass wall again.
"ALRIGHT FUCK! I'M SORRY!" his stomach lurched and he fell onto his back, but the jar finally stopped swinging.
"Apology accepted."
"Prime, do you humans really feel no shred of guilt?? Empathy??" Wilbur demanded.
"I do but you're being a bit of a dick right now if I'm being honest." Tommy stated firmly, and Wilbur clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms. He paused, and stared down at his arm. That's right… he had a chance to tell him soulmate his goodbyes now! The only blessing the human boy unknowingly gave him. Quickly he rolled up his sleeve,
'Techno are you there?' he wrote quietly, trying his best to remain inconspicuous so as to not get interrupted by the blond human.
'Hi. I just got home.' an answer appeared on his arm, causing it to tingle.
'I have some…' Wilbur paused, dread pooling in his stomach as he thought about what he was writing.
'Bad news.' he finished.
'Ok. What is it?' his soulmate responded, the message didn't look all too urgent, but Wilbur knew that was just how Technoblade was sometimes.
'I'm… I'm kind of in troubl-' he started to write, when the jar gave another violent shake, and smooth wood appeared below his feet. Looking around, Wilbur realised it was a table, the big one in the kitchen where all the humans ate. An intrusive thought wormed it's way into his mind at the implications of that.
Tommy sat down in front of him, just staring him down with those big blue orbs. Why did blue-eyed people always look scarier than everyone else?
"Well you got awfully quiet." Tommy started, and the borrower gave him a frown of malcontent.
"Apologies, contrary to what you might think,most people don't enjoy making conversation with their kidnapper." he bit out, pausing to look down at his arm as it tingled again.
"Alright, kidnapping is a strong word pal." Tommy interrupted, only to get ignored.
'With the police?' the message read, and he couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped him, despite everything going on. The human stared at him like a madman. 
"The fuck are you laughing about??"
"Something my friend said! Is it a crime to want to laugh now?!" Wilbur snapped, giving him a venomous glare. Tommy looked like he was going to yell or something unnecessarily aggressive again, but stopped, a new emotion crossed his features; guilt.
"You mean… your soulmate?" the blond asked slowly, in a surprisingly gentle tone.
"Even… tiny people have soulmates?" Tommy asked, as if it was some wildly impossible concept. The brunet stopped himself from glaring, and instead swallowed down his anger and worry.
"Yes… of course we do. Everyone does." 
"Actually, I don't." the blond replied bitterly, and Wilbur gave him a confused look.
"What? Don't humans have them?"
"Yes, but I don't," Tommy held his arm up to show the lack of a pictogram on his wrist. "Dadza said I'll get one eventually, but I don't think that's how it works…" 
"Yeah… you look far too old to not have one…" Wilbur mumbled. He'd had his for as long as his memory dated back, and Tubbo's had appeared when he was only two or three. Wait- right Techno!
'No not the police! I mean a human Techno! This isn't the time to joke!' he scribbled quickly, ignoring how he could feel the human child's eyes burning a hole in his head. The silence that followed while Wilbur waited for a response was painful, but eventually it came.
'Oh. I'm sorry… I don’t know what to do. I hope they're nice.' 
'Techno. Human trouble. Obviously they're not nice!' he wrote back quickly.
'So… is this a last words kind of situation?' the message appeared across his arm in slow motion, and a few tears began beading down his cheeks.
"Are you… crying?" a voice rumbled above him, and Wilbur remembered exactly where he was. He scrubbed away the tears and glared up at the blond.
"No! Fuck off!" the brunet snapped, despite the fact that Tommy sounded genuinely concerned. His tone had completely shifted, and the look on his face was sympathetic as he laid his head on the tabletop, staring into Wilbur's glass prison.
"Alright, suit yourself. I'm just trying to help." the borrower's brain wasn't paying attention to whatever Tommy said as he watched another human enter the room. A red-eyed man with pink hair, his dark roots stealthily showing his natural colour. The pinket looked nervous, staring down at his arm as he walked behind Tommy towards the cabinet where the cups were kept. Wilbur felt his heart beating rapidly, anxiety and panic pooling in his stomach and spreading through his core once again.
"Hm?" Tommy looked between him and the pinket a few times before he realised what must be going on. Suddenly giant hands wrapped around the jar again and Wilbur felt his stomach lurch once more. Tommy held the jar in his lap and turned slightly, blocking his brother's view of it's contents, but not before the brunet caught a glance of his arm.
Technoblade's arm.  
"Heyyyyy Blade." Tommy drawled out in the most suspicious tone ever.
"Hi…" he replied monotonously.
Wilbur's entire world had just come crashing down.
"So uh… what's going on with you? Why are you out here?"
"I'm making tea… and this is the kitchen." Techno deadpanned.
Techno was a human. His only friend, who made him feel safe and hopeful- and think that there were still other borrowers out there!
"You look kind of stressed." the blond pointed out obviously.
"Yeah… m' just worried about ny soulmate… he said some worryin' things and hasn't got back to me yet…" Wilbur hadn't even noticed the new message tickling his arm. He stared down at it in wide-eyed shock.
'I guess I should tell you something then.' the borrower swallowed nervously.
'That you're a human?' he wrote shakily. 
Technoblade let out a small gasp, before looking around in confusion and worry.
"Hello?" the pinket asked aloud, and Tommy looked at him like an absolute lunatic.
'Help me. Techno I'm here. I'm trapped. Your little brother caught me.' he wrote desperately, panic bleeding into his writing. 
There was a silence, before footsteps started thudding against the floor. 
"Tommy." the pinket started, and held out his hand.
"What? What do you want?" the teen asked defensively, hugging the jar tighter to his person with a defiant glare on his face.
"Give me the borrower." Techno demanded calmly, though his aura radiated an intimidating strength. Tommy looked shocked for a minute, before he sneered and shook his head.
"Leave my tiny friend alone and go find your own." 
Wilbur scoffed. Friendship was not what they had, that's for sure.
"Tommy. Give me my soulmate." the pinket tried again, sounding less patient. The borrower felt his mouth go dry and his heart clench. It really was Techno… and… he… actually wanted to help?
"Your soulmate?!" Tommy exclaimed in pure shock.
"Yes. His name is Wilbur." 
"I know what his name is! But what do you mean soulmate?!" Tommy demanded, haphazardly setting the jar down on the table so he could make wild motions his hands.
"Hes tiny! How can you guys be soulmates when hes not even human?!" 
"Don't know, don’t care." Techno stated dismissively before picking the jar up off the table, accidentally knocking Wilbur over….. again. The brunet pushed himself up and scooted back, a nervous look on his face as he pressed his back against the glass. So big… even bigger than Tommy… scary.
He met Techno's harsh, red-brown eyes, and swallowed nervously. Quickly they softened, but it did nothing to quell the poor borrower's anxiety.
"Well let's get you outta' here." Techno said before he started unscrewing the lid. Wilbur didn't have time to process anything as he was gently slid out of the jar and into the human's awaiting hand. The borrower immediately tensed up and braced himself, squeezing his eyes shut as he waited for the fingers to close around him like vicious claws. But it never happened.
Slowly he opened his eyes again and looked around, hugging himself. Techno was just staring at him.
"Sorry- I didn't mean to stare… this is just really weird." the pinket put the jar down and took several steps away from the counter, moving his free hand underneath the other for support.
"You… you knew I was a borrower?" Wilbur asked finally.
"A-and you never thought to mention you were a human??" Techno looked conflicted, before nodding.
"I figured it might complicate things so I kept it to myself."
"You- I- AHG!" he yelled, tugging at his hair.
"...So mind explaining exactly what's going on? I'm still confused" Tommy interjected.
"Nah. The big kids are busy." Techno replied unapologetically before walking out of the kitchen, and headed upstairs, taking Wilbur with him. Nervousness tugged at his gut, and after a minute, Wilbur worked up the courage to ask.
“Um… Technoblade… what exactly are you… going to do... with me?” the tall human sighed, pushing his bedroom door open with a creak.
“I’m gonna put you down, an’ you can do whatever you want after. I’d like for you to stay and talk… face to face, but I can understand if you don’t wanna do that.” he said in an honest voice.
The borrower mulled over the words as Techno walked across the room to his desk. He gently set Wilbur down on top of it, before sitting down in front of him.
“Well… I suppose I could stay for a little bit…” the brunet started hesitantly. 
“Sounds good. Why don’t we start with how the little gremlin caught you?” Wilbur scoffed.
“I’d hardly call him little, but sure. It involves a web and the world’s worst garden spider.”
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mumms-the-word · 8 months
Faerûnian February #BG3FicFeb Masterlist
All fics for the #BG3FicFeb challenge are listed below!
Day 1: Abducted (Dani)
Day 2: Awakening (Invi)
Day 3: Starstruck (Ardynn)
Day 4: Settling In (Dani)
Day 5: Clarity (Freyr)
Day 6: Signs, Part 1 and Part 2 (Dani)
Day 7: Four Shared Baths (All Tavs/Durges)
Day 8: Together (Invi)
Day 9: Close (Ardynn)
Day 10: (Im)possible Odds (Dani)
Day 11: Healing (Ardynn)
Day 12: Hope (Freyr)
Day 13: Siblings (Dani)
Day 14: Reunited, Part 1 (Dani)
Day 15: Reunited, Part 2 (Dani)
Day 16: Songs and Lyrics (Ardynn, Dani, and Invi)
Day 17: An Argument (Dani)
Day 18: Release (Ardynn)
Day 19: Flawed (All Tavs/Durges)
Day 20: In Your Name (Freyr)
Day 21: First Confessions (All Tavs/Durges)
Day 22: Devil’s Deal (Invi)
Day 23: New Friend (Dani)
Day 24: Drowning (Ardynn)
Day 25: More that I Want... (Ardynn)
Day 26: Slayer (Freyr)
Day 27: The Art of the Night (Dani)
Day 28: New Normal (Dani and Ardynn)
Want to know more about my Tavs/Durges for this challenge? Read below the cut!
Ardynn Harrow
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A half-elf ranger whose mother, a wood elf, abandoned her heritage to marry a human man, raising three children in a small clearing in the woods far from society. Ardynn grew up attuned to nature but with a marksman's talent for hunting. She views the world as an extension of nature's laws, of survival, and of balance, and she views herself as just one tiny part. To her, all life (animals, mortals, and otherwise) has value and should be treated with respect, but she also believes in survival and is a crackshot with a bow after years of hunting to feed her family. Just because you respect something doesn't mean you have to kneel to it and bare your neck, after all.
Meridan (Dani) Zavrai
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A blue Mephistopheles tiefling bard who prefers her fiddle and a few handy spells over combat. Dani was briefly part of a band of bards called the Merry Rovers, led by a human named Brann who she views as essentially her father figure. She loves to talk her way into and out of trouble, her silver tongue just as much an asset as it is a hindrance, and she finds it hard to resist the allure of a few gold coins in almost any circumstance. She is deeply devoted to her friends, however, and will defend or support them at the drop of a hat. You can rely on her for a good song, an encouraging word, a hearty laugh, and a healthy dose of Vicious Mockery heaped upon your enemies.
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A high elf storm sorcerer, she is a mystery even to herself. At the start of her story, she knows almost nothing about her past, not even her own name, using the initials she finds carved on a pendant as inspiration for what people should call her. Plagued by dark urges that tempt her to kill and maim others, she has a hard time determining what is the "right" thing to do, resulting in more than a few mistakes with big consequences. She is a quiet, observant woman who frequently seeks others' wisdom on matters, viewing everyone's opinions and suggestions equally. None of her companions could possibly be worse than she is, anyway, or so she thinks.
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A bloodthirsty human fighter who gets as much pleasure out of cleaving his greatsword through someone's skull as he does supporting his best friends in their endeavors. Freyr is a tall, buff, handsome Dark Urge who thinks with his sword before anything else. He doesn't talk much and is often mistaken for being morbidly stupid thanks to his irrational behavior and terse words, but he knows who to rely on when making difficult decisions and he's a surprisingly adept strategist on the battlefield. He also happens to be Faerûn's biggest hype man, that is, if you're pursuing personal dreams that lead to you having loads of awesome power. Just tell him who to murder on your path to success and you can consider it done.
I have two more, a half-elf named Ezra who is a durge and a githyanki monk that I need to rename, probably, but if I end up writing fic for them I'll update this list with them.
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h-worksrambles · 2 years
Dream Drop Distance And Why it Frustrates Me
Recently I’ve been thinking about Kingdom Hearts more and god….
Dream Drop Distance was such wasted potential.
And no, I’m not saying that because ‘time travel bad’, ‘Drop system bad’ but because the core concept is such a fascinating idea. Sora and Riku exploring dream worlds. The two are literally wandering through their own (and each other’s) dreams. That’s such an interesting way to let you explore these characters’ headspace’s, their thoughts, their feelings, their fears, their subconscious. This was Kingdom Hearts’ chance to go full Psychonauts. It also adds a lot of potential to the Disney worlds too. Instead of just repeating the movie plots, you can afford to go for much weirder, surreal interpretations of these locales. These worlds are literally dreaming. The laws of reality no longer apply in these spaces. The Sleeping Worlds could have been both fascinating abstract places to explore, and a way to explore these characters on a deeper level…
It’s just too bad that DDD does neither of these. For one thing, given the premise, it’s shockingly lacking in character development. Much has been said of how DDD actively hurts Sora‘s character. His naivety and childish streak are turned up to 11 and any edge or fire to his personality is scrubbed away. He’s led along by the plot with no skepticism of the events around him until he’s damselled in the finale. There is potential in the premise of ‘Sora’s naivety and love for his friends puts him in danger’…until you remember the series has done this before and done it better. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories had Sora climbing further and further up Castle Oblivion out of the determination to save his friends, while the villains messed with his mind. But that game did a better job at keeping Sora in character and giving him more agency. When he does act out of character, being unnaturally aggressive, possessive and mean spirited, even to Donald and Goofy, it’s because that’s the point. Naminé interfering with his memories has actively made him a different person. It served the game’s message that your experiences are what make you who you are, and that hypothetically, if someone were to change or replace those formative moments, you would not be the same. Sora’s campaign in DDD isn’t done in the interest of exploring a theme, or doing something new with his character. It is a plot convenience that needs to happen so that Riku can save Sora at the end.
And perhaps this is a controversial take given that this is effectively his game, but Riku’s character arc is not much better. The setup is promising. Riku thinks that ‘darkness still has a hold’ on his heart and he wants to know if he’s still worthy of the Keyblade. When you take out the ‘light/darkness’ jargon, what Riku is looking for is redemption. He’s been forgiven by his friends for the wrongs he’s done, but he hasn’t forgiven himself. With that in mind, having him go through Disney worlds is a good idea. The last time Riku went world hopping in KH1, he was Maleficent’s puppet and was actively making things worse there. He kidnapped Jasmine, he nearly killed Pinocchio, he attacked Beast. This time, he can go through the worlds helping people like Sora has, proving that he’s grown and changed (in part becoming more like Sora)…
And then Ansem shows up. And any potential for Riku’s story is sucked out by one of DDD’s biggest flaws: its insistence on dredging up the past rather than doing anything new. Now any new exploration of Riku forgiving himself, or showing us what his ‘use both light and darkness’ approach actually looks like in practice, is thrown out for a repeat of his Chain of Memories arc. We’re right back to ‘use the darkness’, ‘No’. Riku has already shaken off Ansem, he’s made his peace with his place in the balance of light and darkness. He didn’t need to go through this again.
DDD is often praised for its exploration of Sora and Riku’s relationship (sometimes joking called ‘the Soriku game’). And yes, this is probably the one thing I think really works about the game’s story. The moments where Sora and Riku reflect on how much they trust each other, or where Riku compares how Sora has helped him grow to Pinocchio and Jiminy, are good. Riku ending the game by saving Sora from falling into darkness like Sora once did for him, is an excellent point to close out the game. But it would have been even better if DDD had committed to exploring these characters on a deeper level, really showing how they’ve grown both separately and together. Instead, they both regress so the plot can have then redo characters arcs they both have done before, but worse. What is supposed to be a game about how much they’ve grown together ends up doing the exact opposite. I think their bond is incredibly wholesome but it could have been showcased so much better.
And it’s maddening because there are moments when DDD comes so close to getting this right. When Sora wanders The World That Never Was, we see him meet all the people he’s connected to and how he feels about them. He sees Naminé and wants to finally thank her for all she’s done. He sees Xion but doesn’t remember her. He meets Roxas and tries to apologise for everything that happened. He talks about how it’s not fair that Roxas had to go away for Sora to go on living, and how he wants Roxas to have the chance to be his own person. This is probably the best scene in the game. Because it’s the one moment the game actually does what it should have been doing all this time: use the premise that Sora and Riku are dreaming to show us what they’ve been thinking and feeling on the inside but never actually said. Sora had never commented on the tragedy of Roxas’ story before now, and this desire to save him goes on to be a huge motivator for him in Kingdom Hearts 3. It’s a moment that showcases Sora’s empathy but also his growing maturity, that he understands the Nobodies’ plight now in a way he didn’t entirely back in Kingdom Hearts 2. But this is really all we get in terms of new character work for Sora. And because his character has been so dumbed down throughout the rest of the game, it actually feels a little out of nowhere.
Imagine if this was a fixture of the entire game. If Sora and Riku were confronting dreams that reflected these inner thoughts throughout the whole game. If Riku really is Sora’s Dream Eater, why not let him see Sora’s dreams? Allow him to see what’s going on behind the cheerful grin and get more insight into his best friend’s hidden insecurities? If Riku wants to be more like Sora, give him a sight what it’s like to BE Sora. It would lead even better into the depiction of Sora’s doubts in Kingdom Hearts 3.
But, like many Kingdom Hearts games, we spend more time hopping through Disney World retellings that don’t meaningfully enhance the plot or characters (the closest is Sora’s encounter with Tron in The Grid and it doesn’t go anywhere near far enough). And remember what I was saying about how if the worlds are dreaming we have a chance to get really weird and abstract with how these worlds play out? Yeah, we only get scraps of that. Traverse Town being split in two is interesting and a fun way to homage the combat of The World Ends With You. Prankster’s Paradise repeating the same point in time on loop is a neat concept. But that’s the most the game ever does with this idea. It’s a shame because I think using oddball world choices was the right move for this setup and I’m thrilled to finally get a Fantasia world. It’s yet another part of the game that feels like unrealised potential. Of the game wasting time when it could be developing its characters.
I have a lot of nostalgia for Dream Drop Distance. It was the first Kingdom Hearts game I got to play on release after getting caught up with the series. It was a fun game to play on the go as a kid. But the more time goes by, the more problems I have with it. I didn’t even touch on the gameplay aspect (and I could say a lot about my problems with Dream Drop Distance’s gameplay). But even aside from the more shark jumping aspects, the story frustrates me because it could have been great. But ultimately I think DDD suffered because it tried to be too many things. It wanted to be a nostalgic trip down memory lane for the 10th anniversary that ruminates on Sora and Riku’s growth and relationship, while pitting them against classic villains for extra nostalgia. It also wanted to be the next chapter in the series’ ongoing story. But it couldn’t wrap that up as it also needed to be the warmup for the long awaited Kingdom Hearts 3. So we get a game whose attempts to do something new are hobbled by a need to revisit things it didn’t need to. Instead of establishing a new threat, it brought back characters well past their expiration date. Instead of doing anything new with the characters, it wallows in ideas and characters arcs they’ve already gone through, without quite getting why they worked the first time to begin with. And while I don’t want to get into the controversy over Kingdom Hearts 3, I feel a lot of that would have been avoided if this game had done a better job leading into it.
Dream Drop Distance really could have been something. But all it ended up doing was doing these two characters dirty.
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agentvalentine · 1 year
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I decided to write some backstory for Jill--it mostly covers her parents and their relationship, but it's still relevant to Jill.
It’s both good and bad that canon doesn’t give us much when it comes to character background. In any case, I took the liberty here and included the crumbs that we do know from canon (mostly about Jill’s dad in the novel) and came up with a backstory for her myself. It’s entirely possible that there’s more info that I’m not aware of, because I never finished reading the novels and I am potentially clueless about extra background info that exists, but this is what I have for Jill's background for now.
Also, yes, I did change Jill's dad's name. Thanks for asking.
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Father: Richard Valentine.
Mother: Kiyoko Iwasaki.
Kiyoko and Richard met and fell in love when Richard traveled to Japan for “business” in 1972. Kiyoko was a waitress at his favorite restaurant, and a friend of the friend he was staying with during his visit.
Richard’s work had him staying in Japan for an extended period of time, which allowed him to get to know Kiyoko, until eventually he asked her out. The two of them started dating, but before they had the chance to figure out their relationship properly, Kiyoko got pregnant. They had been dating for a solid three months when this happened.
Worried of being disowned by her family, Kiyoko proposed they get married immediately. It was only later that Kiyoko came to find out about the "business" that Richard was truly doing. That he was a thief who had been hired for what ended up being the biggest bank heist of all time in Japan. Although Kiyoko was unhappy with this revelation, Richard managed to make enough money to convince her to run away with him so they could continue living together in the US, where no one would disrupt their love. Kiyoko agreed, placing all her hopes on Richard to change his life once they’d returned to the US. She tried to convince him to use the money that he had to start a business or some kind of trade, but Richard had no intention to change his lifestyle. His love for Kiyoko was unconditional and he hoped that she would love him as he was, despite his flaws.
Kiyoko would spend the following months, up until Jill’s birth, regretting ever meeting Richard and leaving her home and family for him. In addition to her relationship problems with Richard, Kiyoko was also struggling to fit into a society that was so different from what she’d known all her life, dealing with culture shock and language barriers, despite Richard’s best efforts to make her feel welcome and at home.
It was five years after Jill’s birth that Kiyoko decided she was done. She’d been saving up money from her job as a waitress at a Japanese restaurant, and one day, while Richard was out with Jill, she packed her things and left them both, hoping to erase this mistake from her life and start fresh. Richard had no idea where Kiyoko went. He contacted her parents but they hadn’t heard from her. Even his friend hadn’t seen her.
Richard was left heartbroken after Kiyoko abandoned him and their daughter, and he would spend the following years raising Jill as a single parent, doing his best to build a strong relationship with her and shower her in love. He never wanted her to feel the lack of a mother’s love, and so he tried to compensate for it with his own. And despite being abandoned by her mother at a young age, Jill still had a healthy relationship with her father, and had a decent understanding of parental love and care, even if she did sometimes long for a mother’s touch.
Overall, Jill grew up to be quite a compassionate and caring person, although her moral standing wasn’t entirely aligned with the law, and she was more than happy being a thief-in-the-making when her dad started teaching her lockpicking, and even allowed her to join him on some of his mini jobs. It was only when she turned eighteen, and Richard got caught and thrown in prison, that she finally had the first fallout with her father. He apologized for raising her the way he did, told her it was his fault her mother left them, and expressed his regret for not having been a better father and husband. He begged her to find a better path for herself than the one he was dragging her into. He encouraged her to join the military. Although Jill wasn’t excited about the prospect of being a soldier, she didn’t want to disappoint her dad, and so she did as he told her to make him happy, hoping she could figure out what kind of life she wanted for herself, eventually.
Ultimately, it was Richard who influenced Jill to join S.T.A.R.S. where her lockpicking and puzzle-solving skills would be of use, and they were. Following her father’s wishes, Jill moved to Raccoon City and became an official member of S.T.A.R.S.’ Alpha Team, under Captain Albert Wesker’s command. Despite their rocky relationship in the past couple years, Jill still loved and cared for her father very much, and would attempt to mend their relationship eventually.
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sstreetgh0st · 1 year
First Post
✨so get to know me and the characters I will be writing abt✨
✨Me ✨ : Name online is street ghost I am a “ writer” who enjoys coffee, pasta, books, and music. Favorite book I have read so far is six of crows. Favorite film is unfriend. I been writing since I was 8. And right now it’s is 01:39 as writing this.
Know get to know the lovely ( mc) characters
Violet Haven
Violet is 15 years old while having the power to manipulate shadows. The weapon she uses the most is a double bladed scythe. Violet is overall an introvert. When around people she knows such as her brothers she can talk a lot. Violet pasts the free time while eating sushi and making hand made jewelry. Violet is hot headed despite being nice to Niko. But Violet is terrified about the idea of her past coming to haunt her.
Niko Haven
Niko is a Greek American 14 year old who enjoys archery and his power to manipulate his own blood. Which lead him to keep a bow slung over his shoulders often. Niko hobbies are reading and learning new things Niko can be quite when he wants to- he often does though because he doesn’t find pleasure in talking to people. There are a few people who are exceptions ofc. Niko is scare of rejection due to how his past was.
Scott Haven
Scott is the oldest and the British among the Havens being at 17. He has the power/magic of manipulative lighting/ electricity. His biggest fear is abandonment due to how his mother just left him with his mentally absent dad. But this also makes him loyal and very caring towards the people he cares about. His signature weapon is a pair of throwing hatchets
( so these are the characters about the big book I am writing abt the other characters are from a side book)
Raven Raith
( Raven is one of my newer characters so sorry if her introduction seems odd)
Raven is only 18 years old yet has a gift, the art of crime. A murder who doesn’t get caught. A Gonfo who is a sly as a fox. But the thing is Raven wasn’t force into this life, she chose it. Raven is quite, depending on the person, she might state her opinion, but often she listens to the person speaking and finds a flaw or lie. Raven biggest fear is losing her freedom. Even as she works for Tris, she can pick who she kills and how. Losing her freedom means losing her life. She doesn’t find laws as way to protect people. She finds them as aways to protect people who should be slaughtered.
Milo Àngel Resucitado
Milo was aways a trouble maker. To when he lived in Fallen Rain to the day he was shipped of to Edam He was actually shipped off because when he lived in a boy school he cause so much chaos he was sent on a ship to be a slave. The only reason Milo survived living in Edam was because of Raven. Who originally wanted to kill Milo. But once she saw the glint of trickery in his eyes she knew this boy would be perfect as her partner in crime. Even though Milo was only 14 when he entered the world of crime he made himself a name already. Milo is quite the opposite of Raven, being loud when talking to people and isn’t afraid to put his opinion out. His biggest fear is losing himself. So he set him self 3 moral rules he will never cross.
This took way to long - there are more characters ofc but these are the main ones I enjoy/ and writing abt. Soooo yeah. Hope yal like my characters.
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memwazz · 1 year
SEVEN - Aloïs Marshall
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Aloïs is the head of the 7th Division and a superhero himself. He's the secret identity of The Clockworker, as well as Ezra Marshall's twin brother.
As a leader, he plans the missions and gives most of the orders. He's responsible of the team cohesion and leads the group reunions.
Species : surhuman
Age : 37
Height : 180 cm
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Aloïs (right) in The Clockworker's costume with Ezra (left) as Queen Elizabeth.
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Civilian Aloïs VS Superhero Aloïs
- Illustrations :
Finish Line - Pockets - Bell Tower - Marshall Cats - Teenagers - Bodies - Sequin Dress - Clock Child - Friends - Pardon -
- Comics :
Broken - I'm Gay - Fine, Thanks ! -
- Shitpost :
Disney Princess Meme - Trauma Dump - Each Other's... - Bigots - Spoon - Mistake - Spectrum - Attractive -
Aloïs' super power makes him able to create portals to teleport on short distances. He can either move his whole body, specific parts of it, small objects or other people.
The maximal distance one of his portals reached was 1km, but it caused his body some damage.
Aside from his surhuman ability, Aloïs is a good fighter with a complete military training. He's however psychologically unable to use a gun because of a traumatic event.
Aloïs usually appears at first as arrogant, authoritative and disagreeable. Being on the autism spectrum, he struggles with the social norm and emotions : he doesn't always understand how he feels and doesn't know how to express it properly. Most of the time, he will be quite unexpressive and distant.
As he can't understand how people work or think, he is terrible at showing empathy and support, even to his loved ones. The only thing he's worse at than feelings are jokes : Al doesn't have any sense of humor and doesn't even understand how it works, especially if it's second degree.
He's an organized person who always think calmly before acting, making him an efficient leader and fighter. Aloïs always makes sure to stay in control of the situation, else he quickly gets stressed. He hates being contradicted or "disobeyed" and will try to convince people to go his way even if it implies conflict or emotional harm. One of biggest flaw is telling everything going through his mind, hurting people and not understanding why it'd have been better to lie.
Just like during missions, Aloïs loves order in his personal life. He suffers from serious OCDs and is an hygiene freak. His house is always clean and every room is well organized. He likes to align and sort everything; changing his habits upsets him badly.
Because of his control obsession and his responsibilities as a leader, Aloïs is under constant pressure. He has untreated anxiety and always feel guilty when things go out of hand, thinking it's his fault if a mission fails or if anyone gets hurt.
Even if it doesn't show, Al cares about his teammates and relatives a lot. He never hesitates to put his life at risk to help or take care of them, and sometimes shows through acts the benevolence he doesn't manage to express with words.
His major qualities are his honesty, loyalty and integrity. Aloïs is unusually obsessed with law and morals : he tries to play by the rules even when his actions as a superhero are illegal, and would never hurt anyone willingly, even an enemy or a criminal. He thinks everybody deserves a second chance and that this world can be saved.
Aloïs is also known for his strong special interest on clocks. He's obsessed with and has an infinite knowledge on clocks and watchmaking, either in theory or practice. He himself crafts his own clocks (especially when he feels stressed and needs to lock himself in his room) and is quite skilled at it. His creations decorate the Division's headquarters and his bedroom; he's nonetheless very exigent and perfectionist and often thinks what he crafts is trash.
Aloïs is the son of two NASA engineers and grew up with his twin brother Ezra. His father died from a heart attack when they were about 7 : his mother was pregnant and struggled to raise the kids, so she asked for her brother's help.
The uncle accepted to take care of the twins just to live rent free at Lola's house, but he actually hated and mistreated them when his sister was not around. Aloïs was oftenly insulted for being "stupid and weird" and sometimes physically brutalized when he talked back or made mistakes.
The abuse caused Aloïs a lot of stress and fear. The trauma added up to his autism and Aloïs quickly became socially inept. Primary and middle-school were a difficult period because the other kids bullied him and he was struggling to make friends. Fortunately, his relationship with his brother was fusional already and they were always together, supporting each other through the abuse.
Aged 12, Aloïs was locked in the school's restrooms by his bullies who urinated on him, stole his clothes and left him in poor condition in the toilet cabin. When Ezra finally found him out, they came home and their uncle was furious to see Aloïs was filthy; he broke him a rib trying to wash him with a pressure blaster.
Aloïs was left with severe physical and emotional traumas; after this event Lola noticed her brother was an abuser and he was sent to jail. His departured apeased the Marshalls' life a bit but Aloïs started showing signs of school refusal and couldn't study anymore. Because he was mad at his mother for not noticing what his uncle did, he decided to distance himself. He joined a military camp for teenagers so he would make sure to have a professional future despite his academic failure. At first, Aloïs was also bullied at the camp but he finally met his lifelong best friend Arthur who made his life better :
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Aloïs had to leave the camp aged 17 to stay with his brother after their mother killed herself. The twins were emancipated when they turned 18 and started living on their own in the bell tower which became the Division's headquarters later. Aloïs attended school again in order to become a lawyer. Two years later, he joined Ezra and Leanor in the 7th Division and became The Clockworker.
During a mission 10 years before the story, the heroes had to dismantle a branch of the mafia and met a teenager named Roxanne whose power was exploited to kill people. She was forced to fight them and inflicted Aloïs a chemical burn which scarred his face for life. After the team won the fight, Aloïs and Ezra decided to take the girl home and to raise her like a sister. She was very aggressive at first but finally softened thanks to their love and care. Their relationship is now strong and loving.
Aloïs officially became the head of the 7th Division instead of his brother when they were 29. After a mission turned into a tragedy because Ezra lead it while high on Xanax, he left his duties and Aloïs had to replace him. He's still the leader at the beginning of the story.
In his civil life, Aloïs works as a lawyer. He lives in the 7th Division's "headquarters", an old abandoned tower bell which used to be a military hide out.
Aside for watchmaking, his hobby is playing piano and he has a cat named Apo(llo 13).
Nicknames :
The Clockworker
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Ezra is Aloïs' twin and they are rarely seen without each other. They're extremely fusional and still live together even as adults.
Aloïs sometimes is a "big brother" to Ezra, taking care of and protecting him during his depressive episodes. This responsibility fits his control obsession; unfortunately, he can accidentally hurt him acting too stern or controlling.
Ezra himself caused his twin traumas with his depression and multiple suicide attempts. Aloïs can't live a day or night without thinking of how he could find his brother dead in the morning.
If Ez looks more fragile and dependent, Aloïs actually relies on his brother a lot. He's the only person who can calm his autistic meltdowns/shutdowns and reduce his anxiety. They sometimes sleep in each other's bed when they feel stressed, overwhelmed or have nightmares.
Despite their personalities being polar opposites, the Marshall twins share a lot of common interests such as superheroes stuff (including comics as well as real life missions), fighting or chess.
They couldn't stand being separated and need each other a lot. However, they don't show much signs of affection : Aloïs likes hugs but Ezra is contact phobic and both have difficulties telling each other "I love you".
In the Division, Elizabeth is The Clockworker's right hand and she advises him a lot when it comes to important decisions.
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Arthur is Aloïs' best friend he met in a military camp aged 13 (see : BACKSTORY - MILITARY FLASHBACK).
Just like Ezra, he's able to calm his anxiety a bit with his benevolence and tranquility. They see each other almost everyday; if they're not in a mission together, they'll be seen having coffee. Arthur and Aloïs could spend hours together not doing anything, just enjoying each other's company. Arthur's the only person Aloïs can talk with for hours without feeling awkward or socially overwhelmed. They both have a total trust in each other and a stable relationship.
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Aloïs sees Roxanne as his little sister. They met when the twins rescued her from the mafia during a mission. At the beginning, Roxanne was under Jon's orders and fought them, leaving Aloïs with the face burn he still has the scar from.
When they brought her home, Roxanne was at first very aggressive and tried to murder them several times. Love and care finally softened her and her relationship with the Marshalls is now quite fusional.
Despite his distant temper, he never hesitates showing Roxanne affection, often through physical contact such as hugs, headpats or forehead kisses. When Roxanne's having a panick attack or starts hurting herself, Aloïs is the only person who can comfort her. He usually plays piano to calm her then takes her in his arms until she's better.
They sometimes argue because Roxanne is stubborn and keeps putting her life at risk : Aloïs has to prevent her from engaging into suicide missions. Roxanne easily cries when he accidentally hurts her and Aloïs usually feels bad and apologizes shortly after.
Roxanne is one of the rare people who is always able to know how Aloïs feels even when he doesn't show emotions.
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Cat has been Aloïs' love interest for 12 years. She's officially her girlfriend but their relationship is more complex than just "dating". They argue quite often due to Aloïs' lack of empathy and his inability to express feelings, but also because Cat is naturally invasive and doesn't know how to deal with neurodivergent people nor respect Aloïs' limits.
Aloïs doesn't properly understand how Cat works eventhough they've known each other for a long time; he's not used to interact with people outside the Division, especially people without traumas or disorders.
Aloïs often hurts her psychologically by accident and can't help reproducing the toxic reflexes he was taught with Cat. His control obsession and his brutal directness are a major problem in their relationship. They never work and broke up an incalculable number of times but always come back to each other because they're deeply in love. Both Cat and him suffer from the situation and wish they could and make efforts to fix things.
Because he's socially maladapted, Aloïs doesn't understand when Cat is flirting with or complimenting him, so he doesn't really knows if she still loves him or not.
Cat doesn't know about Aloïs' secret identity.
Just like for Cat, Aloïs' relationship with Myko is a disaster. They're in permanent conflict because their respective personalities and neurodivergences don't match. They're not close at all in their private life and a huge part of their conversations revolve around work, are arguments, or both.
Aloïs thinks they're immature and careless; his control obsession also fears Myko's unpredictability. Since Myko is a free spirit who doesn't care much about rules, they often disobey Aloïs or just forget what the plan was, which leads at best to Aloïs getting angry, at worse to failed missions or injuries.
Therefore Aloïs considers Myko to be a threat for the team and suspends them whenever they break the rule, which makes Myko resentful and provocative towards their leader. These provocations annoy Aloïs and are responsible for a vicious circle.
Myko's hyperactivity, noisiness and extrovert personality also tire Aloïs' and trigger his hypersensitivity.
However, he never considered firing them from the team because Myko can be effective and Aloïs still likes them.
They both suffer from this conflictual relationship because they still see each other as team mates and friends. Aloïs always fixes Myko's mistakes, is upset when he accidentally offends them and would sacrifice his life for them without blinking.
Myko would do the same for him but neither of them manages to express it.
A big part of the conflict comes from an absence of communication.
Aloïs cares about and values Grace a lot. Their relationship is mostly positive : he's the person who saved her from a suicide attempt 5 years before the story, therefore he oftenly checks if she's okay.
Grace's empathy and kindness make them quite the opposite emotionally but they still have agreeable conversations. Grace has perfectly understood Aloïs is not a talkative person and struggles with social interactions : she doesn't force him to communicate and Aloïs is grateful for it. He sometimes even comes to her when he's lost and needs to have his own feelings explained.
He likes her serene and peaceful personality.
Aloïs also is appreciative of the support she gives everyone in the team, his depressed and suicidal brother especially.
Nonetheless he is, like many other people, sometimes afraid of Grace's powers. He considers telepathy as a violation of his intimity and doesn't manage to trust Grace enough to make sure she won't read his mind without his consent.
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Aloïs' relationship to Erwan is quite tense at the beginning. Since Erwan is mistaken for a criminal, Aloïs can't trust him and gets stressed when Erwan is forced to live with him at the headquarters. The presence of a new, unknown person home also triggers him. His hostility is such that he causes Erwan a panick attack after treating him with emotional brutality.
Moreover, what Erwan thinks and says about superheroes upsets Aloïs and triggers his lack of self-confidence, causing him to doubt and stress even more. Their animosity is reciprocate during the first arc but their relationship evolves later.
As Erwan finds faith in humanity and heroism again, Aloïs starts seeing him as a trustworthy, respectful and respectable person. Erwan's bravery and the altruism he will finally develop are something Aloïs appreciates.
On the other hand, Aloïs is the one to restore Erwan's hope with the strength of his convictions and his heroic actions. He will even grant him a place in the team in the end.
They don't consider as friends but both have respect for each other.
Since Louison is not a part of the Division, they don't interact a lot but their rare interactions are positive. Contrary to Erwan, Louison is someone who helps Aloïs with his low self-esteem. Being a huge fan of the 7th Division, Louison shows Aloïs his efforts are not vain and that people still believe in kindness and humanity.
Louison also is close to Roxanne and makes her happy, which is enough for Aloïs to appreciate her.
As a freelance superheroine, she sometimes helps the 7th Division and Aloïs helps her with her homeworks because they both studied law.
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leovoid · 2 years
Thoughts on Richard vs johan? I've seen your dumbass sister try to express that there were two killers on that roof that night and twist the reality that what Johan said about Richard wasn't wrong but his act in using it to manipulate Richard into suicide was the wrong part. But besides that Johan's accusations were not in the wrong. Richard is not a killer like Johan, Richard is not evil like Johan. Richard killed a serial rapist and murderer to protect more victims from being formed. Your sister as a woman should sympathize with that but women don't make sense half the time so it doesn't surprise me that she has tried to make it a point to argue that Richard wasn't just a victim in that foul play but also a criminal in his own right. It does not make sense. So lets hear from your side I want to hear it. I've debated with your sister for months on and off and she wont' bend.
First off, I find it funny that when people have such bold claims they wish to argue they tend to do it anonymously to strike insults towards others, if you have an opinion, have the balls to show who you are, otherwise, all I am seeing is a scared little boy/girl behind a screen unwilling to express their beliefs with their identity on the line As much as I don't appreciate your completely obtuse methods to debate or strike discussions, asking me a question by insulting my sister, and continuing to dig yourself deeper by having such a sexist approach to trigger an answer or argument out of me, I will still answer your questions in hope that you can grow a little however... There was two killers on the roof that night, both Richard and Johan. Your justification for Richard is that he killed a criminal who raped and murdered multiple women, and as such what Richard did was a service to the public by executing a plague to society. But a mindset like this will only further breed hatred, and that is a flaw and this is the BIGGEST THEMATIC EXPLORATION THAT MONSTER UTILIZES NARRATIVELY. You do not need to become a monster to destroy a monster, at times an act of kindness can battle against the hearts of monsters, as such is presented at the end of Monster. The argument here isn't whether or not what Richard did was right morally but whether he was right or not in the eyes of the law, Richard was wrong because the law protects minors from being convicted of a crime before being proven guilty, as such they are innocent until proven guilty. While at the end of the day, the acts the criminal performed were irrefutable, but the reasons for his actions remains to be understood and that could've helped rehabilitate him to change for the better. That "rapist" was just as much a victim as everyone else of Kinderheim, Monster constantly substantiates that all the survivors of Kinderheim and Bonapartas experiments, in which if you look further enough, even Johan was a victim. Now I am not trying to say that Richard was completely wrong and saying Richards death was justified, but at the end of the day in the law, Richard was completely wrong for what he has done. You fall under the philosophy of Utilitarianism, where as long as one is killed to save the many, then it is the morally correct choice. If you want a further explanation in regards to that, I made a video which you can view here (Fate Zero: Philosophy of Emiya Kiritsugu) But even that philosophy is fundamentally flawed. I just wish to end this "debate" with the notion that I am not trying to justify any sort of murder or rape or anything, I am not making attempts at invalidating rape victims and preaching for those victims to strive to understand their rapist or anything, that is impossible. Rationalizing an action emotionally vs. rationalizing an action objectively is what I strive to do here. To understand the human mind, I will never look at things subjectively and I will never allow my own personal sense of morals and ethics to influence me in that endeavor. In order to understand the hearts sunken into the abyss, we must be willing to free ourselves of our own moralities and sink into it ourselves, whether you are satisfied with the answer you may find is up to you. Your unwillingness to understand the hearts of Monsters is what will further breed more Monsters, and you definitely did not take anything away from what Naoki Urasawa was attempting to portray with the story, you should watch it again under a new perspective.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Doflamingo propaganda because I submitted him
Besides the very obvious abilities of the String String Fruit (especially puppeteering people), Doflamingo is also shown to be very manipulative and power hungry. Just at the age of 10, he asked where the slaves are, even if his family wished to live humble lives. From that, we can tell he embraces the power of being a Celestial Dragon; showing his want for power above all else. He also isn’t above blackmailing, shown when he bribed King Riku III when he first set foot in Dressrosa, suggesting that he pay 10,000,000,000 berries (the main currency in One Piece) to prevent a war. He eventually puppeteers King Riku III himself, using him and several puppeteer soldiers to slaughter civilians and destroy the village so he can claim the throne while shifting the blame to the entire Riku family. The victims of the Web are well aware of what happens to them, and they're afraid that they're helpless against it (see Francis in MAG 172).
Perhaps the biggest example are the Donquixote Pirates, his “crew”. The TMA wiki highlights the Web and the Desolation’s relationship by saying it “uses personal attachments and motivations to manipulate people”. This is exactly what Doflamingo did to the Donquixote Pirates; he uses each member's personal and moral weaknesses/flaws to bind them to his group. People like Baby 5 and Diamante, who can't say no to requests and has an easily swayed willpower respectively, all fall into his pull and are bound as part of his 'family'. Should one leave and betray, they are to be killed, essentially trapping them in the crew (almost like the Web Table). 
This is especially visible in how he recruited a young Trafalgar Law; using his anger against everyone to goad him into becoming a part of this “family”. Doflamingo tells his own brother that he'll take Law because "he need to be educated in order to die for me". That line alone implies that, while he cares for his crew in an extent, they are still his chess pieces. He became Law's mentor figure of sorts, indebting him and using this relationship to render Law helpless in their battle on Dressrosa by treating him as the same child that he took under his wing, despite having an objectively better power against Doflamingo. In that same fight alone, he even says (to Law) that "The crap that you call 'your own will' or your freedom... Is all mine!". The Web weaponising one's past is something we see again in MAG 172.
For symbolism of the Web vs Desolation, look no further than his childhood, where the Donquixote mansion is burnt down, forcing him and his family out of Mariejois along with having their power and right as Celestial Dragons robbed. The fires stole from him of any possessions that his family had, fitting with the Desolation's MO of taking and never giving.
The Web controls and manipulates because it seeks power. If the Web is a fear of being helpless (and as such, spiders and cobweb are its main motif), then it would want as much power as possible to make sure its victims can't do much but follow along the lines and be tangled up in its great web of schemes. It absolutely loves control and power because it plays on its main fear of powerlessness and allows it to exert decisions over others, helpless upon its strings.
Don’t let the rampaging and chaos fool you; he’s all about control and power, no matter what gets in his way.
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impossible3girl · 2 years
Watched Law and Order SVU for the first time in a while and remembered a thing I learned because of this show.
The line between being a victim and becoming a perp/abuser yourself can be soooooo small. And this can happen to the best of people.
Like take Olivia Benson for example. She is one of the best characters on this show. I mean this is literally her show. Liv is the only one who has been there since day one, over 20 years and seasons ago. Starting out as a junior Detective and now being Captain of SVU for a few years already. She (as well as her actress Mariska Hargitay) is a role model to many women and victims of especially sexual abuse. Some people even only got the courage to talk about their experiences because of seeing her on TV. Olivia is one of the most human characters I know which means despite being such an amazing person she also has her flaws. In my opinion this makes her even more amazing as a character because perfect characters are boring (and don't exist in the real world which makes it harder to relate to them or look up to them because it can never be).
This leads me to my realisation from the beginning.
[The line between being a victim and becoming a perp/abuser yourself can be soooooo small. And this can happen to the best of people.]
During her time at SVU Liv not only had to help victims of sexual abuse but sometimes became the victim herself. On some occasions it was in a way planed because she went undercover but on othes it had nothing to do with her job or at least not in that way. One example I want to talk about now is the story with Lewis. Most SVU probably remember him because he was one of the creepiest characters on the show. This guy was literally fixated on Liv and kidnapped her twice but I only want to look at the first time here. (I have to say it has been a while since I watched this episode but I think I still remember all the, for this post important parts.)
Lewis kidnapped Olivia in her home, raped several women infront of her and physically abused Liv as well as telling her he would rape her in the end. Thankfully she managed to free herself and knock Lewis out. She cuffed him with the cuffs he used for her (I think it might have been hers) to the bed she was cuffed to just minutes before. When he gained consciousness again he started to talk to her, trying to break her, make her weak and a victim again even though she was the one who had the upper hand. And in a way he succeeded. She started to hit him with a metall rod a few times and broke several of his bones.
Olivia the victim turned into the abuser.
Of course you can say it was his own fault because he provoked her by fueling her anger and telling her to hit him. But as a cop she knew that this was illegal. He was tied, he couldn't attac her or even defend himself therefore it was not self-defence (unlike when she freed herself and knock him out with one hit beforehand). It was abuse. (Even if she wasn't a cop she should have known.)
One of the best people I know became an abuser in a moment of weakness just after being a victim of abuse herself. It's not right what she did and I was even shocked when I saw this episode for the first time. But did it made me stop loving her? NO!!! Because even though it wasn't right it was human. I don't like what she did but I totally understand it, she, a cop (who in her eyes should be able to defend herself) got not only kidnapped but in her own home and later went through a trauma most of us can't even begin to understand. A trauma no one in their right mind would which anyone else not even their biggest enemy.
Yes, some people go through trauma and become good people, but these are just a few and most of them need a lot of time and don't manage this on their own. They need help from family, friends, social workers, ... But in that moment Liv did not have these things. Which is why i totally understand this outburst. She wanted to feel strong again. She wanted to proof that he did not break her. She wanted to deal with her trauma. But she did it the wrong way. Or at least the wrong way based on morals and the view of society. Actually there is no right or wrong there is only your way because we are all different and deal different with things like trauma. She had to let her anger out because it was her way. The only mistake was by doing it on a real person and not a punching back with his face glued on. Later she managed to heal with the help of the people she loves and who care about her as well as her therapist. Which is by society standards a better way of dealing with your trauma and proving your strength.
The fact that she chose the "wrong" way first did not make me love her less (despite me being shocked at the beginning) because it only showed how complex she as a character and also other real live victims of abuse are.
So now that I made this clear we can come to the actual point.
Him making some really bad mistakes can't change this. I don't love him for these mistakes but despite them just like with Liv. And my knowledge from SVU also shows me some reasons for why Snape did some of these things.
Just clarifying for some people: I am NOT trying to excuse his behaviour but I am trying to give at least part of an explanation. Maybe helping some people understand him and me loving him.
Let's start at the beginning. First he got emotionally (and maybe even physically) abused by his father who hated everything magic therefore his son a wizard too. In addition to that they lived in pretty bad conditions like not having a lot of money. Then Snape went to Hogwarts where he thought everything would be different, everything would be better. But it wasn't. It already started on the train as some rich and good looking guys started to talk bad about him. Makin fun of his love for Slytherin and calling him a name based on him being not as good looking as them. I'm not going to much into detail about the Marauders vs Snape situation but I want to make one thing quiet clear.
A group of at least 2 and sometimes even more students against one. There is a huge power imbalance. Oh and stop saying they did this because he was a death eater. He only joined them after Hogwarts and even then mobbing is not justified. Not if you want to call yourself a good guy. James actually describes their motivation pretty clearly and I quote: "it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean." Like that's something bully and abusers say.
Snape was abuse at the one place where he thought everything would be better. The one place where he thought he might find a home. Not only that he also did not get help. Ok yes Lily tried a bit but we also know that she tried to defend the Marauders. and with what? The faxt that they did not use dark magic. Good but they still abused Severus. Like you cane use intentionally good spells to do bad things and that makes you a better person? It's not really helpful and she was the only person. Not even a teacher tried to help. Which they should. They literally have a duty of care for their students. No, Dumbledore even in some way defended the marauders by telling Snape to not tell anyone about Remus' secret. Them trying to kill Snape is fine but Snape telling everyone that there is a werewolf on the school grounds is bad. I'm not a Dumbledore anti but in this situation he failed completely.
Based on all this it is actually no wonder that Snape joined the death eaters. He just wanted to belong. Maybe not belonging to a good cause but the people who called themselves good never even tried to accept him. So how good are they truly? The death eaters at least gave him a chance to find his place in the world. I don't have to like it but I totally get it. It's like Loki doing all these bad things like blowing up Jotunheim just for Odin to finally show him some love. The love he thinks he deserves. The love that everyone deserves.
Yes of course his prejudice against muggles and muggle born also played a part in him joining the death eaters but we don't know how far it actually went. Yes, he called Lily a mudblood but only in a situation of enormous stress and he immediately tried to apologize (A in book 7 he also tells the picture of "i forgot his name" to not call Hermione a mudblood. No one was there, he did not have to prove anything to anyone. "I forgot his name" would probably not tell anyone. I mean who and why? But Snape did it anyways because he leaned from his mistake). We can assume he might dislike or even hate muggle because of what his father did but we don't know for sure and in the end Snape died to defeat Voldemort which also lead to saving muggles and muggleborn. Therefore I don't think it was his main reason.
His treatment of the students is also mainly a reaktion to his abuse ( and maybe the fact that he never really wanted to become a teacher in the first place). It's not right but based on what we know about Hogwarts actually not as bad as some people make it seem. Like McGonagall told the Gryffindors to not tell Neville the password to the common room while a crazy murderer was running around. Oh and she send 4 first years into the forbidden forest at night because they were running around the corridors at night. Like do you see how paradox this is?
But in the end we have to admit that he did change. Maybe not as much as some of us want but did leave the death eaters and even though he treated some of the students shitty he still protected them (especially Harry) and gave his life for them. Just like Olivia he first chose the wrong way of dealing with his trauma but chose or at least tried to choose the right way in the end. And unlike Olivia he never got the help he needed.
To conclude I think one of Snape's main reason for becoming the person he was, was the abuse he suffered and the lack of help he got. Yes, it is possible to become a good guy despite this abuse like Harry did but Snape's reaction is as much human as Harry's was. And I am allowed to love him despite what he did. He is such a complex and well written character of course I like him.
And I'm not trying to hate on anyone. Of course I don't like what the Marauders did but why would I hate on people for liking them when I want to like Snape despite the thinks he did? As long as they don't excuse or even glorify their actions who am I to judge? There are even people who like both Snape and the marauders so why can't the people who only love one of the sides at least treat the other one with respect and stop hating people for liking a fictional character? Just like the word says they are fictional don't you have enough problems in the real world? Because if not I would appreciate you taking some of mine.
I stayed up till after 3 am to finish this and I will probably think this is totally shit if I read it again tomorrow but I'm gonna post this anyway now.
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