#his dad just died i wanted him to know he is luved -_-
selfundiagnosed · 2 years
i love making jewelry i made some custom roach clips for my plug and he sent me a snap later that night of him using it in a circle of his friends i honestly thought he’d think it was dorky/silly but he said he really thought it was neat and was using it with his buddies ^~^
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Day 7: I Hate Christmas
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Dean finally tells YN why he isn't a fan of the holidays.
Warnings: Slight Depression/Anxiety, Fluff/Angst
A/N: Day 7 of my writing challenge! No hate on any SPN Cast/Character. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
***ASK OPEN***
December One Shots Masterlist
Dean and YN were cuddle up, enjoying their morning in bed. Neither of them wanted to get out of bed anytime soon, so they opted to just stay there as long as possible.
YN laid on Dean's bare chest, her arm around his midsection and his arm around her shoulder. Every once in a while, Dean would lean forward and kiss YN's head. YN would return the favor by kissing Dean's chest.
While they were laying there, YN had an idea, "Hey, babe?"
"Yes, beautiful?" Dean yawned.
"Let's play a game," she looked up at him.
Dean smiled, "What kind of game?"
"I'll ask you a question and you have to answer truthfully, then you can do the same for me. It can be any question, personal or random. Sound like fun?"
"Yeah, sounds fun. So who goes first?"
YN pointed at herself, "I came up with the game, so I get to go first."
"Oh, that doesn't seem fair," he raised an eyebrow, "You know the rules, YN. Age before beauty."
YN groaned, "Fine. What's your first question?"
Dean thought for a moment, "Who was your first kiss?"
"Oh, jeez," she giggled, "You're going to think it's trash."
"Was it that bad?"
YN shook her head, "No, I was just really young. I was in 4th grade, he was in 2nd."
Dean started laughing, "Okay, that does not count."
"Oh it counts. First kiss is a first kiss. His name was Tristan. We were outside on recess and we went behind the cherry blossom tree and he kissed me before giving me flowers and running away."
"Wow, run away from a beautiful girl? Now that's just wrong," Dean shook his head.
"True," YN nodded, "Okay, my turn."
This game went on for roughly an hour. Dean and YN both telling random stories for their question, some embarrassing and some personal.
But when YN asked her next question, the mood in the room shifted, "What's your favorite Christmas memory?"
Dean went silent. He refused to look at YN and more than that, he refused to speak. He looked at the ceiling before closing his eyes with a sigh.
"Dean? Is something wrong?" she asked with concern.
"Nothing. Can I get another question?"
YN sat up and looked at him, "Why?"
He turned to her, but refused to look her in the eyes, "I'm not particularly fond of the holidays, YN."
"Huh? What do you mean? We've been celebrating Christmas together for 3 years now. And you seem to enjoy it."
"I do enjoy it. With you," he sat up in the bed, "Growing up, Sam and I didn't really celebrate the holidays. Dad was always gone on a hunt and we were left to fend for ourselves. I tried to make it nice for Sammy, but it wasn't the same."
YN thought for a moment, "Do you have any Christmas memories with your mother?"
Dean shook his head, "I can't recall them well. I was only 4 when she died remember?"
"That's right. I'm sorry, Dean."
"I don't hate Christmas, but I'm not entirely fond of the holiday. I just try to make it nice and fun for you because you have such great memories with your family."
YN and Dean sat in silence for a bit, neither of them knowing what to say or do. Every once in a while, YN would catch Dean's eye, but he would look away immediately.
Suddenly, YN had another idea, "Dean, I have a new question."
"Okay, hit me."
"When you were a kid, what was the one thing you wanted more than anything in the world for Christmas?"
Dean thought for a bit, "Uh, I don't really know. I never thought about what I wanted. I focused more on Sammy."
"Well, was there a toy or perhaps something for Baby or even a weapon you wanted more than anything?" YN asked.
"Hmm," he thought, "I mean I loved those giant slinky toys. You know what I mean? Those rainbow ones that were bigger than your head?"
YN nodded, "Oh, yeah! I think I had one when I was super young," she got out of bed, "Come on. We're going shopping."
"W-what? Why?" Dean asked as he got out of bed.
"Get dressed. Shower if you want to, but we're leaving in 15 minutes," she said as she changed out of her pajamas.
Dean was so confused, "What is going on?"
"There's a toy store up the road," YN kissed his cheek, "And we have a huge rainbow slinky to find."
"What, really?!" he smiled.
"Of course. I'm determined to change your mind about this holiday, love," YN stood in the doorway, "Besides, your grown-up present is already under the tree," she winked at him.
Dean's eyes grew wide, "Oh, hell yeah."
My Cherry Blossoms
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deadlyaffairs · 5 years
After You Left [7]
previous //
Dad!Tom AU
Summary: y/n finds out she’s pregnant, but she and Tom get into an argument about moving to America. 3 years pass and Tom finally comes home where he finds out his parents and ex-girlfriend have been keeping a secret from him.
Word Count: 1.6k
y/n couldn’t read Tom, he was smiling and responding to Ben in a way that just seemed right. She figured it had to do with the fact that Ben was his son and Tom did have some preparation with Paddy when he was younger.
Ben’s coughing brought y/n out of her daze.
“Ben, you have to cover your mouth please.” y/n sat beside him in the back. They opted to take her car since it would’ve taken time to remove his car seat and install it in Tom’s, then remove it once more and reinstall it.
“Where we going?” Ben asked, his eyes irritated and puffy from constant rubbing.
“The doctor baby, you’re sick.”
“I already go.”
“I know, but we have to go again.“
The car was silent as y/n never finished. She couldn’t seem to figure out a way to explain that sometimes you don’t get better to her three-year-old. Tom pretended he wasn’t stealing glances of y/n but his eyes kept finding her, taking in her maternal instincts freeze.
“Your mom just wants to be sure you’re ok. It’s okay to go more than once.” Tom said trying to fill in the blank. Tom glanced back between two sets of eyes staring at him. He couldn’t really read y/n’s expression but saw that her face held a hint of surprise, however, he also saw that Ben looked intrigued.
“What you?”
Tom glanced at y/n, who was staring at the roof of the car as he tried to make out what the toddler could possibly mean by that “What I?”
“What do you mean. He’s asking.” y/n said softly as if she could hear the gears turning in Tom’s head, she tried to ignore the fluttering of her stomach and the racing of her heart, convinced it was her who needed to see a doctor as well.
‘Well, for example when Tess was sick I took her to the doctor...” Tom was trying to say
“Poor Tessa.” Ben interrupted, which lifted the corner of Tom’s mouth.
“Yes, poor Tess. But they said she ate something bad and when we were home she was still sick.”
“Doctor lied?”
“No... the doctor didn’t lie. Tessa was just sick longer than they thought so they had to check to see if something else was making her sick.”
y/n listened as Tom explained, she couldn’t stop her stomach from fluttering it feeling like a swarm of butterflies. Ben looked pleased with the answer or maybe it was that he puzzling it over. Tom stared straight towards the road and she hoped she’d catch his eye again, yet she noticed his jaw was clenching. She thought back to when they were together, how he’d do that if he was overthinking.
Suddenly she began to overthink. Was it about Ben? Was it about what he said? Or was it about him being in this situation? Did he feel like she was forcing this onto him? Her mind fuzzed over the possibilities.
The rest of the drive was quiet, Ben’s sniffling had progressed throughout the ride seeing as the three-year-old wouldn’t let y/n lift the tissue up close enough to wipe his nose. Once Tom pulled into the hospital driveway he glanced back after putting the car into park.
“I can find a parking spot while you check-in or something...”
y/n nodded, or something was Tom’s way of deflecting. She recalled. Maybe he hadn’t really changed, maybe it only seemed that way.
“Tom, thank you for driving but if you need to call someone to pick you up I won't stop you. I just need the keys.”
Tom again felt the urge to listen to her, to do what she said. To call up Harrison or whoever to pick him up and leave, yet he kept thinking about Ben and if he was ready to be a father. He kept coming to the conclusion that he wasn’t ready. He still had his whole career and life ahead of him. Yet he that didn’t stop him from saying “I— 'm staying. I want to stay.”
y/n felt as if her heart had burst. As if the rest of the invisible weight pushing down against her chest had finally released.
“Please don’t do that.” y/n felt her eyes watering, Ben began to fidget, he was confused and didn’t understand the tension. Which made him uncomfortable. “I don’t need false hope. I can’t do that to him.” she finished saying.
Tom stayed put, y/n took that as a cue to continue and balled her hands into fists. She wasn’t angry, just confused because everything was screaming at her to make this right but at the same time, she still loved Tom and wished he would fight for her and for Ben. “I’m not saying you have to leave. I just don’t want you to feel like I’m forcing this onto you. You did say you weren’t ready.”
Tom remained silent, he assumed it was because she was right, those were his words. It was also because he could hardly recall a time where his mum and dad fought. There were the occasional disagreements that lead to the silent treatment, but thinking back on it. He couldn’t remember any fights that caused their children anxiety, never arguments that caused tension.
Instead, Tom opted for “I know what I said. I just want to make sure you’re ok. He’s your son.”
y/n knew it shouldn’t have stung the way it did, she hoped that maybe it just came out wrong. Tom on the other hand instantly felt the impact of his words. Your son, your son, your son.
“Alright...”  y/n unclasped Ben from his car seat, She could tell Ben was trying to make sense of their words and the meanings behind them she kissed his forehead and tightened the blanket around him as she pulled him out into the cold London air.
Once they were fully out of the car and had walked through the automatic front doors, Tom sat and stared at them disappear before driving off to find an empty parking space.
After y/n and Ben sat in the waiting room for fifteen minutes while Tom stood outside in front of the doors contemplating going inside and handing over the keys spitting out some lame excuse to ditch, they all sat in the waiting room in silence as Ben laid in his mum’s lap fighting to keep his eyes open.
“Benjamin Holland?” A nurse called out, y/n stood immediately since she was used to hearing his name on a daily basis. This revelation, however, took Tom by complete and utter surprise as he stayed seated, by the time he was done he could see that y/n and the nurse were about to round the corner of the hall to a room.
“So it seems his fever has gotten worse.” a man with sharp rimmed glasses stated.
“Does that mean anything?” y/n asks right after the man finishes his sentence.
“Fret not dear, children are more likely to get sick at such a young age due to their bodies not being completely developed. It’s actually a good thing since they learn how you and others treat them, allowing them to learn empathy.”
“I’m sorry I don’t mean to nag but I’m just frightened because my father died of cancer just recently and it runs in the family.”
“My condolences. However, if it makes you feel better we’ll go right ahead and run some test.”
“I hate to be that woman but I would absolutely appreciate it.”
“Nonsense. You are a mother worried about the health and wellbeing of her child. I’m going to go ahead and get that set up for you, a nurse will be in shortly alright love.”
The doctor smiles, turns and gestures for y/n to lead the way, she lets a deep sigh out before turning to the shut door where through the small window she can see Ben laying on the too big hospital bed. He looks even tinier, his eyes red and nose running with Tom sitting over him with hawk-like concentration.
She enters, the doctor following behind her, “Ello Ben, I’m Dr. Moore how are you feeling mate?”
“Tared... I go home now.”
y/n swore something sank to the pit of her stomach. And though Tom would never admit it his chest felt constricted, it was becoming hard to breathe.
“That’s alright. Mom and Dad are here we’re going to take care of you”
For a second Tom was unphased by the title but it immediately hit him once y/n began to stammer.
“Oh Tom, just Tom...”
She wasn’t saying he was wrong but she was covering up a lie. A lie, he suddenly remembered was what came between his happiness. He looked over at Ben who was looking at the ugly blue comforter and couldn’t possibly have caught what the doctor said or was good at hiding it for being a toddler. 
“Hey...” Tom said trying to get Ben’s attention. Ben lifted his eyes up to Tom and it was an indescribable feeling to see a child your child looking back at you. “ Tessa got better and you will too.” 
“Was Tess tared?” 
Tom tried to think of a time when Tessa was scared, what he did to make her feel better. But his mind went to y/n when her aunt first got sick and how Tom was just there holding her. 
“Yes, but I was right there with her and I held her when she got too scared.” Tom smiled softly at Ben who sat with furrowed brows before he raised them in a manner that only a kid could pull off and look totally like an adult. 
“You hold me?” Ben said poking his own chest to emphasize his question. 
y/n turned away from the doctor. Ben’s question taking her by surprise but her body immediately filled with anxiety as she glanced at Tom waiting with Ben for his answer. 
// next
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Mother Knows Best P.3
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Previous Part
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Pairing: Best Friend!Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 938
Pronouns: Her/She
Warnings: So first off, I’m really sorry that this is so late, and this part kinda sucks as well. Infinity War really messed with my head, and I haven’t been able to think or write straight since. Also, it’s worth mentioning that this story is pre-IW since I started writing it before the premiere and I’m also in denial of its very existence.
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The atmosphere during dinner was very lively, the conversation topics changing like the seasons, since there was so much to catch Tom up on, and so much he wanted to say about his travels. Tom was currently raving about how amazing the press tour was and about all the places he visited, wildly gesticulating about how incredible his fans were. You watched how his eyes radiated as he passionately described his trip to Tokyo, and about how it was now his favourite city in the world.
The two of you kept catching each other’s gaze during dinner, neither of you having said a word to one another since your ‘moment’ in the living room. You couldn’t help but feel Tom’s eyes on you when you were brought up in conversation, mainly by Nikki, of course.
A couple of dodgy dad jokes later, Dom began praising his youngest’s recent sporting victory while Tom listened keenly.
“Alright, Padstaman!” He exclaimed, high fiving his little brother, who was grinning with pride.
“Woah, we’re getting off topic here, Tom. You were about to tell us who dies in Infinity War?” Sam asked. He had been trying to pressure his brother into revealing a spoiler all evening.
“No I wasn’t?” Tom tilted his head, raising his eyebrows.
“Is it Steve? I betcha it’s Steve.” Harry pestered.
“Bruv, even if I knew, I wouldn’t be telling you. Now quit asking me already!” He raised his hands in defence, earning a huff from the fanboys on either side of him. Nikki decided to change the subject before somebody lost their temper, deciding to tell her husband about what both you and her had accomplished together over the past week for the Brother’s Trust.
“This girl right here is a trooper. She worked tirelessly today, without a break, just to get the venue in order for tomorrow, and she’s been out and about this week gathering heaps of donations too.”
“Wait really?” Tom croaked, “You didn’t have to do that, Y/N.”
“But I wanted to.” You echoed his words from earlier, maintaining eye contact for the first time since dinner began. You watched Tom’s face light up with admiration, and you suddenly became paranoid that everyone in the room could hear your heartbeat quicken.
“By the way,” Nikki spoke up, “I think we might have a spare toothbrush that you can have Y/N, and we’ll find you some pyjamas for the night before you leave?” She offered.
“No point, she’ll probably end up wearing something of Tom’s, anyway.” Harry muttered under his breath, receiving a sharp elbow in his side, courtesy of Tom. “It’s true though. Don’t pretend you don’t enjoy it.” Sam whispered, backing Harry up. Nicki watched this exchange and rolled her eyes, chuckling to herself as she sent a subtle smirk your way. You caught her expression, causing your eyes to travel over to Tom whose cheeks had a slight pink hue to them, no doubt yours did too.
“Well, uh, it’s getting late anyway,” Tom cleared his throat, “We should probably start making tracks. Y/N?”
“I agree. Thank you for dinner, it was delicious as always.” you thanked Tom’s parents as the two of you stood to leave.
“I’ll see you to the door.” Nikki abruptly said as she left the dinner table. “Y/N, go up to the bathroom, will you? There should be a new toothbrush in the cabinet above the sink. Tom, can I speak with you for a moment?” You went upstairs to the bathroom, leaving the two to talk in the hall. On your way back downstairs, toothbrush in hand, you could hear Tom in a hushed debate with his mother. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was frustrated about something, but he wasn’t angry, that much you knew. His expression faltered when he noticed your presence at the top of the staircase, forcing a smile even though you knew there was something bothering him.
“Shall we?” Tom gestured as he held the front door open for you. He seemed slightly on edge, and you wished you knew why.
“We shall.” You responded, as you crossed the threshold, and stopped outside. Turning to your practically-second-mother, you smiled, “Thank you, Nikki,” Your eyes flickered to Tom for a moment before continuing, “for everything.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” She hinted, leaving Tom with a baffled expression. “Safe home, and I’ll see you both bright and early in the morning, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You both replied as you left the house, walking side by side to Tom’s place.
“What was all that about?” He asked, nodding his head in the direction of Nikki who was still standing at the front door, watching you walk away.
“Oh, nothing. Just girl things, you wouldn’t understand.”
“Riiiiight.” He mumbled, eager to change the subject, which made you laugh at his awkwardness.
In the short walk between the Hollands’ and Tom’s, you were both pretty quiet. You felt Tom’s fingers lightly dancing over your own as you walked, before he intertwined them, squeezing your hand gently. You would do this often as kids, so it shouldn’t have felt weird, but it did. There was an underlying tension between the two of you that neither was brave enough to address.
You thought back to the moment before you left the Holland’s house, your face etched with concern as you wondered what had made Tom so agitated.
If only you had known the topic of that discussion. If only you could have heard what Nikki had said to Tom in the moments before you appeared.
“Tonight’s your chance, son.”
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Next Part
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Thanks for reading! I seriously cannot believe how many people are enjoying this series so far, your kind words and wonderful messages really do keep me going. Please let me know what you thought of this chapter and what you’d like to see in the upcoming instalments, I’d love to see the story unfold with your ideas and input!
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softytom · 6 years
money is the anthem of success - t.h [part 4]
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summary: Being rich and having a gorgeous finance isn’t everything. Tom and his future bride-to-be need to discover what they truly mean to each other before their wedding
pairing: Tom Holland x female!reader
warnings: for the first time nothing, i think.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: im not even like gonna say much because i’m still recovering from iw. and that tom gif is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. and i know y’all probably gonna kill me because last chapter ended in a cliffhanger and this one well, you gotta read it. Enjoy💓
London. June 16th 2017. 8:46pm
“Who are you going out with again?” My sister asked, uninterested on the dress in front of her, or me. “Just… Some guy, father set me up with” I sighed. Liar. “Looks like you’re trying real hard to impress this one” She looked at me, giving me a grin. I let out a small laugh, ignoring her comment. “I’ll just wear something else, maybe a dress is too much” I walked back my closet, looking around, trying to find a nice outfit for tomorrow night.
After Tom had asked me out, he had found my number, I don’t know how. He texted me, saying how I should wear something cozy. What is cozy code for? Sex? No, I’m sure I would have heard that was like a new code for sex.
I didn’t know why I was so freaked out by this date, it just one date but anyone who knew me, or had gone a date with me knew first dates are not my specialty. A part me shouldn’t have agreed with going but I also couldn’t stop thinking about him. He had managed to keep me entrain a whole evening, just let letting me go on about my stories. Just thinking about him made me smile, a stupid, high school crush kinda smile.
I have heard every possible story, there is to know about him. A playboy, spends his nights with different women every night. A spoiled brat, who happens to have his private plane. My dad refused to buy me one, said I would use it to go away and never come back and I didn’t fight him on that one. But Tom had captured me. I have a weak spot for boys with shitty attitude but with great hair.
“Just wear whatever” My sister shouted from my room. “I’ll be right back” And a heard the door closed. Seems like I’ll do this by myself. Tom was going to be here in less than fifteen minutes and I still couldn’t decide what to wear.
I grabbed a plain white t-shirt, and put that on. I’m sure this would look nice with a Prada jacket.
I made my way downstairs, and I heard my name being shouted. It was coming from my father’s office. I softly knocked on the door.
“Close the door” He said with his head stuck on the papers in front of him. I closed the door and sat on of the chairs in front of his desk “You need something?” I asked “Attitude (Y/N)” I rolled my eyes. “I want to talk to you about your sister.” He looked at me frowning his eyebrow “What about her?” I asked already annoyed by his question “I’m going to start looking a husband for her. I thought you could help” “She’s not even close to being twenty and you forget, I’m still in the look” I remarked “No you’re not. I already have the perfect candidate for you, Joseph kid. Harrison” I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came up. I rather choke on blood than marry that guy “And your sister been, how do I put this, she’s been involving herself with the wrong people. The wrong companies. They think if they get to her, to my youngest daughter. I have to put a stop to her reckless behavior.” “Then have her marry the Harrison guy” “His too old for your sister.” She’s too young to even marry anyone. “(Y/N) His good for business. He had ties to the Hollands. We need that family on our side.” I nodded my head, hoping than me agreeing to this absurd plan of his, would get me out of here. My father got up from his desk, walking in front of me, sitting down on the desk facing me. “(Y/N). Sweetie. This marriage is going to helpful on both sides. Together, the Hollands, the Osterfields and us, are We can own half of Europe, if not all. And I want you at the front of it” Every word made my head spin. I couldn’t stop thinking about myself, being head of the family, of three biggest families. The thought of it made smile. Europe could be ours. Could be mine. And it will. “I’ll marry someone but not Harrison” My fathers smiled, turned into a frown. “I’ll get the big guy”
I heard my phone beep with a text. I couldn’t help my smile a little. It was from Tom. He was already outside.
“I’m going out with Laura tonight... So anything else you want to sprung upon me?” “No. Have fun. Just try not to end up in the news” “No promises”
 London. June 16th 2017. 9:40pm
Tom had been quiet the whole car ride, aside from his quietly singing a The Weeknd song. I sang it in my head but I could hear Tom quietly sang the song. I turned to look at window, and smiled. He wasn’t a bad singer.
The car ride felt like it was taking it forever. I lived far away from the city and it seemed like that’s where he was taking me. I glanced over at him, hoping he didn’t notice it. He was concentrated on the road. One hand on the wheel and the other on his lap. He was wearing a white t-shirt with an olive green jacket. He looked good. Really good.
He stopped the car in front of a company building. His company. His building. What is he playing at? Does he have unfinished work?
He hoped off the car, coming to my side and opening the door for me. “This is your building” I commented. “So?” He said smitten. I frowned. I wasn’t excited about this
He walked into the building and the first thing I notice was the big fountain the middle. It was big one, like the one in central park. Well not that big, but half it’s size. How did they get that in here? I turned to look over a Tom, he was talking to a girl in black suit, behind the reception desk. She was handing Tom a key. They both turned around to look at me and the girl in the suit waved at me. I waved back, confused.
We entered the elevator and he pressed the highest floor. The rooftop. “Who was that back there?” I asked, now wishing I could take it back. “Jealous?” Tom said, with his eyes on the doors. “I was just wondering” I mumbled. I didn’t realize how actually jealous I sounded until the words came out
The elevator doors opened, and revealed a set of stairs. I sighed. He looked me, and smiled. “After you, darling” I tried hiding my smile by existing the elevator quickly.
I opened the door that read “ROOFTOP AUTORIZED PERSONEL ONLY” and if the lobby of his building didn’t leave me impressed, this would. They were fairy lights handing by some poles, and a table, a truly setting for two. If this was any other guy, I would have probably laughed at him, turn away but with Tom, I was impressed. It made me feel special.
“Rich playboy billionaire, has outdid himself” I said, trying to hide my true emotions. I didn’t want to look pathetic by smiling, and giggling and jumping around. I can save all that for my sister, and Laura. “Only for those wo deserve it” He said, as he walked to the table
“So this how you do it?” I asked. I wanted to know how many girls before had fallen for the same trick “Do what?” He asked confused “Get girls to sleep with you” He let out a laugh “You take them to romantic rooftop dinners, and since half of them are idiots and don’t share your same background, you say some sad story of how hard it was for you growing up with money and power and they just happen to fall into your bed” I said and Tom just sat there, smiling at me. “You got me (Y/N). Expect I don’t need a sad story to get them to bed” He added. “I thought we could talk more about your mischievous behavior. That’s something that got me going” “I talked to much last time” I admitted to him. I rarely talk to people, but talking to Tom seemed easy. “Talk about you. Rumor is, your behavior is worse than mine” He chuckled
And Tom talked. About his mum. His dad. His brothers. A dog even. It warmed how much he talked about them with such a joy. I don’t know if it warms of a happiness, or jealousy. Tom seemed incredibly into his story. How they spend some time in France, skiing. Family dinner every Friday and Sunday. How his dad really wanted to be a comedian, instead of a business man.
All the talk of family, got me thinking about mine. My father is never around. My sister is off to Chicago. And mum died. Maybe marrying wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Sunday dinner’s. Vacations in France. Summer in the Hamptons. An actually family. I can do that for a lifetime.
tag list:  @let-me-luve-you @spoodermain @petersunderroos @anytimebitches @andreuskystuff @hollandroos @jademmmmmm @marvelouslyme96 @dr-tardis-who @panicatttckiss @peterspanish @aussie-mantle @riverdalemami @kennedyy-gracee @carrotsunshine @peterparkyourassonme @tiarrasmith (hmu is you want to be added)
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softytom · 7 years
money is the anthem of success - t.h [part 2]
part 1
summary: Being rich and having a gorgeous finance isn’t everything. Tom and his future bride-to-be need to discover what they truly mean to each other before their wedding
pairing: Tom Holland x female!reader
warnings: mentions of drugs and alcohol
word count: 1.8k
a/n: I have the worst cold ever, but I still managed to finish it, i decided that each chapter would be one present, and one flashback, that’s the main reason I wanted to turn in to a series. So here ya go, sorry is so short but hope you enjoy💓
*the whole chapter is a flashback, when is dated, means is flashback
London, 2:43pm. June, 2017
I looked around the garden, holding a glass of champagne waiting for my sister to show up. Happily, the weather matched my short white summer dress, with London weather you’ll never know you’ll get a blue cloudy day or a sunny warm one. It was my father’s birthday and all day he has managed to parade me around to his business partners and their sons.
My father has been trying to set me up since I turned 22 last year. It never ended well. The last guy I went on a date with was extremely dull, I ended up handing him 200 pounds so he would leave me alone and get himself an actual life. Frankly I didn’t care about marriage, but since I was expelled from Cambridge University, my father spent weeks giving me lectures and a marriage at my age would be do me good. I knew better than to complain about it, at least it will get me out his house.
“(y/n)” I heard my father call from inside the house. I drank the last of my champagne and placing it in a table on my way to him. Once I reached my father, I saw him standing with a man with dirty blonde hair in his mid 40’s and a guy next to him, who I assumed was his son. “This is Joseph Osterfield and his son, Harrison” I extended my hand greeting the older man first and then his son.
“Nice to meet you Henderson” I faked a smile at him “Harrison” he corrected me. “Don’t care” my smile grew bigger. His expression turned blank and his jaw clenched and he pulled his phone from his pocket. I saw waiter coming our way with a fresh tray of champagne, I moved my hand to grab one. “(y/n) behave” My father whispered into my ear. “The Osterfield are here in behalf of Holland Enterprise” he said louder, making sure they feel welcome here. “Well I’m sure if the Holland’s were here this party would be less tedious considering their oldest son is a wreck of a person” I commented. I saw Harrison about to speak back. “If you’ll excuse I just saw the mini burgers come out”
I walked away from them heading for the table. I lied about the mini burgers but needed an excuse to get out of there before my father started talking about wedding bells. My phone beeped letting me know I had a text. It was from my sister; her flight had been delayed until tomorrow. Fuck. I sighed and I grabbed the mini burgers tray and step outside, making my way to the pool.
I pulled out my phone again, texting my sister a ‘Can’t wait to see you’. My sister was the lucky one in the family, she had talent, unlike me. She managed to get into an art school in Chicago. I remember I begged her to take me with her but my father would have found a way to keep me here.
My sister had promised me one she graduated and moved from campus to a nice apartment in the city, she’ll come get me. Pathetic. I am a 23-year-old woman still depending on her older sister to come save her but anyone in my situation would ask for a miracle.
London, 11:51pm, June 2017
“I don’t care Harry” I said coldly to my younger brother. He was going about some girl he met at his college and I frankly didn’t care about it. I was looking through my phone and saw another headline about me. ‘Holland’s oldest son, loses it again’. Under it was a picture of me, with a bag a coke and next to some girl who’s name I can’t place. I wanted to throw my phone out of the window, if my mother read any of it, I’ll lose my head.
We were on our way to a party out of the city that Harrison won’t stop texting me about. ‘Mate please show up’ ‘It’s a fucking cock feast in here’ ‘The only girl is a bratty bitch’ ‘Show up and save me’. I would usually let Harrison on his own when it came to business parties. That’s why I had him, ‘my assistant’ but he told me it was a birthday party for (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). I hoped on my car and brought Harry with me. If I got a chance to do business with him, half of Europe would belong to me.
“Are you sure this is the house?” Harry asked. I wanted to respond but once I got out of the car I was in a state of awe seeing the house in front of me. A mansion. A castle if we going to into big details. I grabbed Harry by the shoulder pushing him inside, he was also in admiring the enormous house in front of us.
I found Harrison trying to get waitress to go upstairs with him but she turned him down. I chuckled when the waitress said ‘sorry’ and walked away from him. I handed him my glass of champagne, I saw a look of relief on his face.
Harrison was telling me what he had found about (Y/F/N) businesses. His company was handed down to him when he turned 21 after his father died, they didn’t let him finish his studies in Oxford and he’s the smartest person in his company, there is a reason he owns half a Europe. Harrison kept telling me about how business with him would do me good, since everyone thinks I’m not serious enough about my company. I asked about him and Harrison told me had ditch his party to go to a meeting in Italy.
My concentration from Harrison’s voice faded when I looked out to pool. I moved closer to the glass door, staring at the girl in a white dress, stunning. She was completely stunning. She was walking around talking on the phone with someone. She smiled and I could have sworn a part my heart was about to beat of my chest. I snapped my fingers at Harrison so he would stop talking and pointed at the girl right in front of us.
“Who’s that?” I asked, Harrison looked what I was pointing to. A sigh of annoyance come out of him. “That’s (y/f/n) daughter. A bit of a bitch” I side eyed him before returning my eyes on her. I nodded. “Okay, wish me luck” I slid  the glass door to the side, stepping outside. Making my way to her. She hasn’t notice, or pretended not to. She looked engaged to who she was talking.
I stood at the end of the pool, her back was facing me. I was waiting for her to turned around, or to come with a better idea for her to notice me. I took breath, my hands shaking. Why am I shaking? Why am I nervous? I never been nervous to talk to a girl before, to be fair I’m mostly drunk or stoned when I talk to one, but her, something about her is making my head dizzy.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, bye” She hanged up the phone and finally turned around facing me. She jumped and let out a small scream. “Jesus, how long have you been there?” Her eyes her looking me up and down, fuck, now she thinks I’m a creepy stalker. “I just come out here for a smoke” I lied. I smiled at her, and putting my hands in my pockets, I couldn’t let her know I was nervous. “You’re not smoking though” She pointed out. I mentally punched myself “Forgot my pack, maybe was hoping you would have one” I walked closer to her, a soft smile formed in her lips. “I don’t smoke, you’re not in luck” She turned around walking to one of the tables surrounding the pool. “I do have mini burgers if you want” She pointed at them. Fucking adorable. She sat down, grabbing one for herself. “Was wondering if this party had any food” I sat down next to her grabbing one of the mini burgers.
London, 1:22am, June 2017
She was telling the story of how she got expelled from Cambridge University. A teacher had allegedly wronged and she grab a pound of coke and put it into his desk. It took a week for the board to found out it was all set up. Her faced didn’t show any regret and I was glad to know someone out there knows how to handle people who wronged them. A girl after my own heart.
“I been talking this whole time” She covered her mouth, which made me smile, I shook my head. “It’s fine, I’m not a big talker anyways” I said to her. She looks at the time and her eyes were on the inside of the house. The lights died down, and black curtains feel down, cover the whole view of the inside. “What’s going on?” I asked a bit worried. My best friend and brother were still in there. “My father has a way of entraining his partners, to keep them loyal, and honest, well to honest to him primarily.” She looked down at her feet, biting her lower lips. She looked so dazzling. “You go in now, if you want” “I’m not your dad’s business partner” I clarified, at least not yet. “And I’m having all the entrainment I would want, right here” I said. She looked down at the ground, and let out a small chuckle. “As fun this is. I have to pick up my sister at the airport in a few hours and need to get my beauty sleep” You’re already a beauty. She got up from her chair, grabbing the empty tray and her phone. I got up as quickly as I could, making sure I didn’t leave empty handed. “Maybe we can do this some other time?” I said nervously. I hated this feeling. She looked stunned by my question but she nodded anyways. “Friday, after I’m off work. I come pick you up.” I stated. She smiled at me.
“Don’t count your blessing yet Holland” she said in a treacherous voice and walked inside the house. I ran my fingers through my hair, letting my head rest in the back of the chair. I was going to make her mine, but I already was hers.
tag list; @let-me-luve-you @spoodermain @petersunderroos @anytimebitches @andreuskystuff @hollandroos @jademmmmmm @marvelouslyme96 @dr-tardis-who @panicatttckiss @peterspanish @aussie-mantle (if you want to be tagged, just go to my inbox or replay. If i forgot someone please let me know)
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