#his game in Help Wanted for the halloween edition too
jack-o-phantom · 3 months
the way I was having a horrible morning and the way that a hot Foxy made my day 😭🙏
I believe like many others, foxy was my favorite when the game came out (alongside mangle) BUT THANK YOU!!
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Can you tell I love drawing teeth, the golden crowns are just a chef's kiss to his design
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soldat-buck · 1 month
holy shit you guys, look, there's more.
bg3 culinary headcanons: Absolute Edition
- Minthara: would accidentally fit in as the Addams Family home chef (and be angry about it). Gomez would praise her assassination attempts which flusters her (internally) because she's cooking with the normal amount of poisonous mushroom and not an attempted murder amount (and also she would hate loud, in-your-face-chaotic Gomez SO MUCH. if she wanted him dead, he would be dead, do not insult her assassinating abilities). makes the coolest Halloween party food until you realize it's not fun, spooky-mimicry decoration, those are real black widows on those cupcakes (what? they're venom and merlot flavored) (she used cricket flour, too). you don't know where she gets the "red" for her red velvet cakes, but you *do* know that ignorance is bliss and this is a pretty bitchin' birthday cake, so don't think too hard and just eat it
- Dark Urge (pre-game/embrace): slaughterhouse nightmare aesthetic - chef's apron is leather and something more appropriate for blacksmithing, there are way too many cleavers around (why in the blue fuck is there a meat hook over a drain in the floor?). some people watch tv when they cook. some listen to music, podcasts, or nothing. Durge listens to the Toy Box killer kidnapping tape (not to be mixed up with the (not safe for LIFE) Tool Box killers torture tape. that one is for relaxing baths). watches Dahmer documentaries for culinary inspiration. Hannibal Lecter would find most Durge dishes tasteless and over the top.
- Ketheric: listen, he didn't want me to tell you this [so you did NOT hear it from me], but he actually doesn't eat. he has a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria and fungus that keep his body animated and undying (they're why his blood is black). he consumes rotten things to keep his corpse puppet fungus happy and the corpse puppet fungus allows him to keep his consciousness/sentience and keep serving Myrkul. Myrkul's cool with it, as long as his bidding continues to get done
- Orin: Martha Stewart would have a nervous breakdown upon entering Orin's kitchen. the average person would consider Orin's cooking to be a hate crime. if someone doesn't vomit uncontrollably upon first sight, she considers it an insult (she grew up with a gross misunderstanding of what a Roman vomitorium is). her spaghetti and meatballs is wrapping a handful of uncooked noodles in unseasoned ground meat (she neither knows nor cares whether it's fish or chicken or cow. meat is meat), then baking it in a casserole dish sprinkled with still-condensed tomato soup from a can. Midwestern casserole cooking brought to you by Hell. doesn't use salt because she finds it too spicy. she has an entire pantry section for savory jello
- Gortash: culinary techbro. kitchen is spilling over with unitasker gadgets ("and THIS contraption evenly distributes heat for the perfect boiled egg! what do you mean 'what else does it do'. it boils eggs perfectly i already told you, why the fuck weren't you listening"), and the most stupid, overengineered 'smart' devices ("no no no, you don't understand, this is so helpful. the fork connects to the plate to measure the temperature of the food, and then the plate changes color to warn me if it's too hot, and then i don't burn my tongue, because i really hate that"). despite all of the pricey kitchen shit that he keeps buying, he's skilled at making exactly one dish: microwaved Totino's pizza rolls
(i'm sorry if Gortash is out of character; my brain replaced his voice with John Oliver's and won't put the original back)
if you want more bg3 culinary headcanons, there's also: the Companion Edition
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
What the Task Force and Los Vaqueros would be like if they were your dad!
(Toddler edition)
Feel like he’d keep you by his side none stop. He’s obviously protective, he tries his best to protect you at all costs.
Definitely teaches you manners also feel like he teaches you sign language only simply things like food, drink, please and thanks
Your practically glued to him, you love him and how cool he looks with his mask. He thought you’d be scared of him but since he’s had it on since you were born you didn’t really get scared to it as the mask was always been there since you could remember.
On the topic of masks if you have found his collection by chance. He will actually find it cute obviously he won’t show it but internally is losing his mind over how funny it was seeing you with one of his masks on. He’s take a photo of you with it on. Congrats once again you are now his lock screen.
Brings you sweets from around the world and wherever he went to. He’d taste test them with you and ask you how good were they and you’d show on your hand out of ten how much you liked them. (If they were a ten you’d hold ten fingers out type of thing)
No one dares to bother you in public. You may be a quite kid but with you in the arms of a giant with a skeleton mask on and has large muscles anyone wouldn’t dare to bother you.
Reads you comics as he thinks you see him as Batman cause he tends to wear black clothes and obviously his mask. And you definitely see him as a hero because he’s your dad! But also because of the mask 😂. Especially when you were younger you thought he was reading you a comic about him but it was a Batman comic. Sometimes you’d point and say ‘dad?’ And he’d smile and shake his head.
Yeah he smiles but only around you and if it’s for a good reason. Your the light of his life. You have saved him it may not be physical but you have saved him.
Definitely dresses you up as a skeleton for Halloween.
Loves playing games or playing toys with you. And in your time you’ve definitely got him to dress up and play tea party at some point!
He loves teaching you to draw as he wants to teach you at a young age like he had. He loves when you are playing and he’s sat on the sofa and you’d shout to him and run over; running over to him you’d show your little drawing and he’d smile and put it up on the fridge.
He loves drawing for you. If you’d ask to draw a cat or a dinosaur he’d do it in a heart beat. Once he has drawing it you go off and colour it in or put it next to your bed.
Loves going out and buying or letting you pick out colouring books and he would probably get one to so you can colour together
Reads to you every night. Loves seeing you falling asleep on him as he knows you feel safe around him and that you find his voice comforting
Buys you them turtle plush key rings from tropical trips or missions. You have a collection on your shelf of them all colour coordinated as you find it pleasing
Let’s you wear his hoodie when he’s away as you find comfort and feel at easy with something that can remind you of him and also from the smell of him
As a young father he didn’t know what to do at first so Price helped him
Price is your uncle/godfather as Gaz wanted him to be apart of your life
Gaz takes you to the cinema to watch cartoon or kids movies maybe even some action movies
Most nights he reads and then you both end up falling asleep and he snuggles you all night knowing that your now safe
Makes you pancakes for breakfast as he makes himself protein pancakes
Let’s you wear him caps on sunny days
Likes to go out and maybe go to a field or something and have a picnic and play some games maybe brings a ball too
Let’s you wear whatever clothes you want as in he isn’t the stereotypical ‘girls wear pink things and skirts’ he is in dare with fashion and he’s young so he knows that you might not want to wear ‘girly’ clothes
Definitely has movie nights every Friday he’s there
Brings you out and go on adventures like hiking maybe on bikes or something interesting
Get you a matching hat of his as you love hiss hat
If you like fishing he’ll take you out on a little boat and teach you
Cooks breakfast really well it’s like his core strength. Best omelette maker and for English breakfasts
Probably signs you up for a sport if you want and he’ll ask what sport you’d like to join
Let’s you sit with him in his office if he has paperwork
You both enjoy taking turns in reading at night as he encourages you to try
He helps you do homework or catch up in subjects as he is a wise man
Teaches you Spanish. He’ll read you books in Spanish and teach you to read along with him
Blasts Disney music in the car so he can hear you sing along and sometimes he joins in
Cooks you food and it’s the best. Encourages you to eat new things so you don’t become picky
Definitely gets you to prank your uncle Rudy he’ll give you silly string or something and say something like ‘go spray this on uncle Rudy, amor’
Buys you cowboy boots and if your a girl hell get you punch or purple ones if you want
Such a sweetheart towards you
Teaches you manners and asks how your day was at nighttime
Both like to do activities together like building Lego or playing top trumps
Teaches you basic Spanish like words such as food, drink, toilet, please and thanks
Give you so much hugs it’s as if your both glued together
Let’s you wear his fleece when your cold or if your outside with him
Let’s you help cook food and sometimes let’s you like the whisk or spatula if your making cake
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jungle-angel · 8 months
I need 8 with Rhett PLEASE like reader and Rhett take their 7 year old Son truck or treating and Reader is dressed up too or just something like that please
OH MY GOD YES!!!! Honey you have no idea how badly I've been wanting to do a trick-or-treat prompt!! (lol).
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Tatum and Tanner Abbott raced ahead of the both of you with Amy and Hannah not far behind, screaming and excited beyond words at finally being able to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night.
"HEY GHOULS!!!! DON'T RUN ACROSS THE STREET!!!!!" Rhett shouted after them before they could run into a crosswalk.
"It's ok there's no cars coming and it's a red light," you told him.
"I-darlin don't even get me started," Rhett warned. "I saw those two little varmits run head first into a mound of cow shit and I'm not gonna spend Halloween scraping them off the road with a spatula."
You laughed a little bit, unable to help yourself even as Kaya, the newest edition to your family, wriggled a little in your arms. Your four month old giggled like crazy, her lopsided smile the same as her father's.
The kids eagerly climbed the stairs to the Wabang Police Precinct where Joy and a few other officers were handing out candy from the buckets. "TRICK OR TREAT!!!" they called out happily.
"Jeez we've got the whole Abbott crew tonight," Joy chuckled.
"Yeah I know, that's what scares me Joy," Rhett told her.
"And look at you and (y/n)," Joy half laughed. "Indiana Jones and Marian Ravenwood. Now I've seen everything."
You laughed as Rhett rolled his eyes and Kaya made a noise. The ghouls managed to get their pick of the bucket before heading off to the next place. The apartment complex was probably the most fun with residence dropping candy into the bags from upstairs balconies and windows and the kids making a game of it.
"You ever remember doing this as a kid?" you asked him.
"Oh hell yeah," Rhett said with a big grin. "Dad used to take me, Wes, Rip, Kayce and Beth all the time and this was the kinda shit we'd see at the apartment buildings."
You watched the sight before you, smiling at how much fun the kids were having before they came running back with their newly claimed hoard.
"I got a popcorn ball!" Amy exclaimed happily.
"I got three cookies!" Hannah chirped.
"I got a fudge bar!" Tanner yelled.
"I got a rock!" Tatum proclaimed.
Rhett couldn't stop laughing. Tatum's Luke Skywalker costume had been one of the best, but he still found it funny that the kid had been grateful for receiving a rock in his trick-or-treat bag.
Off you went again with the kids ahead of you, amazed at how heavy their bags and buckets had become, full of chocolate bars, peanut butter cups, cookies, gum, jawbreakers, jolly ranchers, almond joys, kit-kats, sour patch kids, twix bars, m+ms and a whole hoard of different candies that you and Rhett were sure to have a good time raiding the next day.
Finally it was home for the ghouls, you, Rhett and the kids all pulling up the driveway to the house and getting ready for the Halloween party that Royal and Cecelia threw every year. The kids had all gathered in the living room, well away from the grown-ups, dumping out their bags and buckets on the carpet and trading them amongst themselves while the grown-ups kept to themselves in the other room.
"Happy Halloween darlin," Rhett said, leaning in to kiss you.
"Happy Halloween Grumpy," you laughed, eagerly returning your husband's kiss.
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thefangirlfever · 7 months
Trick or Treat (a Miguel O'Hara NSFW story)
Summary: One of your friends throw a Halloween Party and you meet a seducing masked guest. You both end up doing the monster (s)mash.
Content warning/ Disclaimer: I’ve been inspired by those Ghostface masks videos/ edits. Forgive me in advance.
Tags: Smut, F/M, piv penetration, doggy, improper use of a Halloween mask, fingering, freaky Miguel, everyone is kind of freaky I guess, she’s hot and pissed and on the pill, mirror sex
You’ve always loved Halloween, and that since you were a child. You remember Halloween nights spend trick or treating, watching spooky movies with your siblings, eating tons of candies, carving pumpkins and of course dressing up. Even nowadays, you were still enjoying Halloween. Many people would find this weird that an adult liked this celebration so much, but you just learned to enjoy new facets of this holiday. And in your eyes, nothing could top a good Halloween party.
So when you got invited by Jess, one of your colleague to her Halloween party, you were more than thrilled. Of course, you would go. In fact you even had multiple ideas about what costume you could wear.
Both of you were chatting in the break room when someone entered the room. It was an other one of your colleague. Miguel and you were working in the same department for almost a year by now and you may have had a slight crush on him. It’s been a few months since the both of you have been flirting from time to time, but never daring to cross the line. Jess had noticed this little game of yours and decided to tease you by asking him if he wanted to go to her party:
“Isn’t Halloween a children’s holiday?”, he simply answered, his brows furrowed.
You couldn’t hide your astonishment, neither hold your gasp, which made a small smirk bloom on Miguel’s face.
“Did I say something wrong?”, he asked.
“You never celebrate Halloween?”, you asked and he once again chuckled.
“Not really. Why would I do that? I’m not five anymore. Why? You celebrate Halloween?”
Jess didn’t let you answer:
“Actually we’re all going to celebrate it this year. And I’m sure Y/N is going to show up in one hell of a costume like she always does.” Your friend’s enthusiasm was maybe a little exaggerated. It was true you spend a lot of time and resources in your costumes, crafting them yourself. But in the end they still seemed pretty amateurish, just good enough for a party. But that seemed to piqued Miguel’s interest since he asked:
“You are all going dressed up? And what will you be this year, y/n?” He was probably expecting you to answer something like a cat or a witch. These were pretty classic costumes that you have done quite a few times, adding variations every time. You still liked these costumes but now, you wanted to try something else, something a little different. That’s why it took you so long to find an idea.
“Hum… I don’t know. I guess I should soon find an idea since Halloween is in a week but I really have no idea…” Your friend chuckled as she said:
“Sorry, y/n, I can’t help you this year, I’m doing a couple costume with my boyfriend.” She took a moment to think before adding “Why wouldn’t you actually dress up as one of your horror movies character? Like this guy, Ghost something?”
You understood that she was talking about Ghostface, the famous killer from Scream. It was true you liked those movies and it would be easy to find a mask. You thought about this option, but it didn’t convince you. It was too easy for you. No, you needed a real challenge this year. Something impressive.
You looked at Miguel who was still listening to both of you and looking in silence. When he caught your gaze, he simply gave you one smirk, one of those that would easily distract you at work, and said:
“I’m sure you’ll find something incredible. I can’t wait to see it.”
The night of the party quickly came, leaving you just enough time to make your costume. You had spend most your free time the week before Halloween sewing, stitching, trying out different make up… Of course you also bought a few materials like lenses, resin and fake blood. You also took some time during your break to sketch your costume, hiding it from curious eyes. Every time you were sketching or searching online for inspirations, you were remembering your conversation with Miguel and your friend.
What did he mean by “I can’t wait to see it?” Did it mean he would come to the party? If so, would he come dressed up? You had plenty ideas of how he could dress up. Who said only girls could wear sexy Halloween costumes?
It took you two hours to get ready before going to the Party. Your friend has decorated her house, inside as well as outside. Fake tombs were in the front yard and skeletons were sitting in the front porch. A fake giant spider was crawling up the walls and there was even an animatronic of a zombie screaming. Of course there were the iconic Jack O’lantern welcoming the guests.
Jess was not playing, but neither did you.
The moment you entered the house, you were welcomed by a loud Halloween playlist and flashy lights. Jess immediately jumped on you, fawning over your costume. You had chosen to be both the Little Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf. The left part of your face was still normal, only a fake scar that you made yourself with fake blood and some resin spread across your cheek. One the right side you had used body paint, fake brows and more make up to mimic a werewolf-like creature. You were wearing fake claws, hairy wold ears, a black dress and of course a red hood that reached the floor, fully hiding you from behind.
“Y/n, that’s crazy! How long did it take you to make?” A few heads turned in your direction. You were a little flustered by this sudden attention but you didn’t mind after all. You worked for that.
Jess herself was all dressed in red with high heels, a form fitting dress and little horns, looking like a very convincing succubus. You guessed her boyfriend would be an angel, which made you smile since it matched so well their personalities.
“Well, a couple hours and let’s say that the Spirit Halloween employees know me well now.”
You both went to the living room as more spooky music was blasting. All around there were witches, ghosts, clowns… Everyone seemed chill and enjoying their evening. You spotted a large buffet filled with different dishes, sweets and alcohol. You rushed toward the large table, putting down the plate you had brought before pouring yourself a glass of beer.
You didn’t notice the presence next to you at first, since the person was silent, even though his frame was quite large. His, or her? You assumed it was a him, even if his face was hidden. Hidden behind a Ghostface mask. The person had chosen to wear the serial killer costume with the large black robe, the gloves and the mask, holding a plastic knife in his left hand. You gave him one polite smile as he took a candy out of a bowl.
Suddenly a fake spider jumped out of the bowl, straight from the candies. You already knew this trick unlike the guest. He jumped back, clearly surprised, which made you laugh. He then turned his head toward you, giving you a look you couldn’t quite read because of the mask, tilting his head on the side. He looked just like the killer in the movies with his mimics.
“Nice costume.”, you said with a smile before joining Jess. She was talking with her boyfriend which, you had guessed right, was dressed as an angel. When they both saw you, they complimented your costume, Jess having a small smirk on her lips. She gestured with her head toward the buffet.
“I guessed you met the mystery man, huh?”
“Hum, yes… Do you know who this is?” Your friend took a sip from her glass and simply answered:
“Take a guess.”
The evening was a lot of fun as everyone was playing pranks, dancing and getting drunk on chocolate and candies… or something else for some of the guests. A lot of people had complimented you on your costume and from time to time you were catching glances from the Ghostface guy. You had your guess on who it could be at this point of the evening, even if you didn’t dare to believe it.
At some point you had to go to the garage downstairs take some drinks. You were a little surprised to find the light already on in the stairs leading to the basement. The stairs were creaking under your steps as you noticed a figure already opening one of the fridges. A black robe, a white mask and gloves. The masked man turned around to face you as you reached the last steps of the staircase. You couldn’t hold back a grin as this scene reminded you so much of the movie, especially the scene before Tatum’s murder. You decide to say in a teasing tone:
“What are you going to do, mister Ghostface?”
He moved closer to you, stopping at a few steps away from you, his fake knife still in his hand, as if he was pondering what to do. You decide to close the distance between the both of you, your face a few inches from his mask.
“You’re really into character.”
He simply shrugged his shoulders. What if you were doing a mistake? It could be anybody else… As you were wondering what to do, he lifted one hand and let his fingertips graze your left cheek, the one with the fake blood. A thrilling sensation ran through your spine and a few goosebumps bloomed on your bare arms. Maybe it was the cold of the basement or the sensation of his gloves, but you felt a rush of adrenaline through your whole body.
“You’re not going to tell me your name?”, you whispered. A slight chuckle escaped the lips behind the mask. His chest heaves under the plane robe. You put your right hand on his broad chest, feeling the warmth of his body under your palm, your fake claws gripping slightly the fabric of the clothe.
“What should I do for you to take off the mask?”
Before he could even answer, you hear someone calling you upstairs. This definitely broke your moment as the two of you stepped back. You quickly took a few bottles before heading toward the stairs, giving him one teasing look.
It was already past midnight and you were sitting on the couch, sharing a few scary stories with some guests. Most people were still dancing and drinking. You had your fair share of candies and drinks and if you wanted to get back home, you had decided to stick to soda an hour ago. You looked at the clock on the wall before standing up and moving toward the staircase. Your eyes caught the mask of the so-called mysterious man. You both exchanged one look before going upstairs, giving him a signal to follow you.
You quickly went to the bathroom and when you were washing your hands, you heard someone knocking at the door. The door slowly opened at your voice and of course, it was Ghostface, his large silhouette filling up the door frame.
“Didn’t you forget something?”, you asked with a smile as you noticed that he had forgotten his knife downstairs. He simply chuckled before closing the door. The music was muffled behind the door as he moved closer to you. His hand found its place back on your cheek, your back against the sink.
“Are you really going to say nothing all night, Miguel?”
“How did you guess it was me?”, he simply replied. You grinned as you grip the edge of the sink.
“You really thought you were so clever that day when we talked about our costumes, huh? I must say that you managed to find something really fitting.” Miguel’s hands grabbed your hips as he moved closer.
“Well, I was hoping to find something you might like. I guess I made a good choice.”
You couldn’t deny that it was indeed a good choice coming from him. His fingers were playing with the fabric of your dress, feeling your hips underneath, holding you in place.
“Since you have guessed it, maybe I should take off the mask?”
Your hands grabbed the front of his clothe, pulling him closer while you answered under your breath:
“Please, keep it.”
Even if you couldn’t see his face, you knew exactly what expression he had. You already saw this little grin of him so many times, but never in those conditions.
“I would have never guessed you could like that.” He said in a playful voice that confirmed to you that he was definitely smiling under that mask.
“Well, it’s less about the mask and more about who’s under it… or what he can do with it…”
“And what should I do then?” His deep voice sends shivers down your arms as you still held him close to you, his body towering you. You noticed how he was still wearing his gloves.
“Maybe you should take these off first. I don’t think you will need them later.”, you said with a snicker. He then lifted one of his hands and said with in a neutral tone, his voice slightly deeper than usual.
“Take them off.”
You immediately understood what he meant as you started taking off his glass with your mouth, using your teeth to pull at the fabric, finger after finger, carefully not to bite him. Once his hands were exposed, he pressed two of his fingers against your lips and said in the same voice:
“Open up.”
His fingers entered your mouth in one swift motion despite their size, forcing a moan out of you. He let you suck on them for a good minute while rubbing the front of his body against yours. He was still holding your waist and you could feel his fingers applying more pressure on your clothed skin as well as his growing erection. You moaned once again at the sensation, your lips still closed around his fingers. He chuckled under his mask:
“You are going to wait just a little more before I give it to you.” He suddenly took his fingers off your mouth with a wet ‘plop’, leaving a trail of saliva connecting your skins. It felt like something was missing inside of you.
“Since you prepped them so well, I might as well use these. What do you think?”, he asks. You could only nod at him. He proceeded to lift the fabric of your skirt, high enough to expose your legs, your thighs and your underwear. You grabbed the hem of the skirt, allowing him to roam freely among your skin. His hands grabbed firmly your thighs, kneading the plush skin with his thumbs, slowly moving closer to your hip crease.
His left thumb brushed against the fabric of your panties. You knew it was not a mistake coming from him and you were waiting for more. Yet, his fingers resumed touching your thighs, feeling them up as much as he wanted. You were growing hotter, more pissed and impatient. With one call of his name, he lifted his head up to look at you. He knew you were frustrated, wanting for more.
“Tell me how bad you want it.”
Oh, so he knew what he was doing. You grinned at his words, replying:
“I would have never guessed you could like that.” He stopped moving his hands, his unreadable look on his mask, waiting for you to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear.
“Touch me Miguel.”
“I’m already touching you.”, he answered in a playful tone. You rolled your eyes, your grin still on your face.
“Touch me there please.”
“There?”, he asked, while squeezing your thighs.
“There?”, the pads of his thumbs slide along your hip crease, almost joining on your core.
“Almost there…”
His index slipped under the fabric of your panties, dragging it along and exposing your swollen labia. The cold air of the bathroom hit your already hot womanhood. Miguel took a moment to contemplate it before his finger slid along it, up and down, spreading your wetness over your folds. You gripped the sink behind you tighter as Miguel’s fingers kept moving down your body. He slowly inserted one of his fingers between your lips, inclining his wrist so that his palm would rub against your mound, pressing against your lower belly.
His name was already on your lips among whimpers and moans. As you kept praising him, he slipped a second finger inside you. He was pumping his fingers inside you with such determination that you lower back started hitting the sink. You moved your hips at the same pace than his fingers. When the thumb of his other hand started rubbing and flicking your clit, you slowly began to lose it. You felt your arousal growing inside yourself as you were getting hotter, a knot tightening inside your lower belly.
Miguel kept thrusting his fingers in and out until your juice was leaking down your thighs. You could hear your body making lewd, wet noises, thankful that the music downstairs was hiding this. At some point, Miguel’s hooked fingers found a sensitive spot inside you, going deeper, ant he hit quite a few times, making you moan his name.
“You look so pretty like that. Gosh, you’re so tight…”, you felt your thighs squeezing his fingers, trapping them inside yourself. Miguel’s face nuzzled against the crook of your neck. It was so hard for him to just stay like that, as he wanted so much more of you. He was a little afraid to admit it, to admit how bad he’d been wanting this for months. The two of you had been flirting for so long, turning around one another without daring to make any move, afraid of these feelings you had. Miguel was afraid he wouldn’t be able to live up to your expectations. The image he had forged of himself at work was one of a cold and serious man, not what he was giving to you right now. And yet, you didn’t seem to mind. In fact your blissful expression with your eyelids partially closed, your lips parted, breathing slowly… made him regret not making this sooner. You threw your arms around his shoulders, trying to get steadier as he whispered in your ear:
“I wish we had done that earlier.”
“I think we can still make up for that lost time.”, you answered under your breath. Miguel’s fingers stopped moving inside you, not daring to fully understand what you just said.
“Are you sure you want this?”
You answered with an alluring smile: “Yes, I’m sure about this.”
“Is it OK if I…” You chuckled at his question.
“It’s OK. I’m on the pill.” His hands immediately grabbed your hips and turned you around, your front facing the mirror on top of the sink. Your hands grabbed the edges of the sink as he lifted up your skirt and slid down your panties. You heard the sound of a belt unbuckling and turned your head to watch him. Miguel caught your eyes and with a groan, he grabbed your chin between two of his fingers, making you look back at the mirror.
“I want you to see how beautiful you are in this moment.” You felt his erect member press against your skin, teasing your entrance before he added: “How do you want it?”
“Bad. The worst you can do.” His fingers slid down your face, your neck, pressing gently his fingers against your skin, before he dragged them lower until they rested on top of one of your covered breasts.
“We can stop anytime you want…”, he said carefully. You shivered under his touch as he started penetrating you. You moaned at the sensation, your hands tightening around the edges of the sink. His right hand was groping your thigh while his other hand squeezed your breast. Miguel started moving into you, reaching for the same sensitive spot than he did earlier. Your could feel your body pressed against the sink, the cold against your hot and sensitive spot. He finally started moving faster, the sound of both your skins hitting one another.
“You feel so good…” Miguel’s soft praise was a harsh contrast with his rough movements. You could feel his chest pressed against your back, feel how warm his body was. You needed more, you wanted to know how his skin felt. With one of your hands, you grabbed his mask and took it off.
Both your faces appeared in the mirror. Miguel’s hair was messy, his cheeks flushed and his eyes half closed. You were both panting and moaning like two messes. One of your hands caressed his cheek, feeling how warm and soft his skin was. Miguel’s lips reached for your palm, kissing it gently while he kept thrusting into you. His mouth then reached for your neck, crashing onto your skin. His kiss was messy, his tongue darting out, licking and sucking on you. He may leave a few marks on your skin, but you didn’t mind. You both have waited too long for this.
You could feel your pleasure rising in your body, your legs slightly shaking as Miguel hit your cervix multiple times with all his strength. Tears were falling down your face, smearing your make up, as you bend over the sink. Your orgasm washed over you while Miguel held you tight, kissing fervently your neck.
The two of you were still in the bathroom as the obnoxious music of the party made its way through the closed door. Miguel helped you adjust your costume, cleaning off the make up stains on your face. He seemed groggy from his own orgasm he had reached just after you. With a quick kiss, he whispered, close to your lips:
Thanks for reading this mess and going through this. As you can see, it was my first attempt at writing something a little spicier with a more ‘dominant’ Miguel (which I usually don’t like much). I’m not sure I did it right and I tried my best.
“I think I finally understand why you love Halloween so much.”
And for the record, I wanted to call the story Make me (S)cream (I like bad puns).
But, most importantly…
Happy Halloween, folks!
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Halloween is not that far from September, and I saw your prompts so yeah... this will lead to another request of course😏😊😊
That "Cat and Mouse" either Yandere! DabiHakws/KiriBaku you pick :>
Playing "cat a mouse" with their darling and the first one to catch her gets to do what he wants to darling😳
-💎 (anon)
♡ Thrill of the Chase ♡
(A/N: I do love your requests, darling 🥰🥰🥰 I choose to go DabiHawks for this because Bakugou would never think of it as a game, he would do so upset if you wanted to leave just to be chased 😭😭 I couldn’t find a manga that fit this idea is I just edited a manga panel of the woods)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, MAFIA AU, hinted punishment, hinted NSFW, escaping
Summary: You love to run away just so that Dabi and Hawks can chase you (Yan!Dabi x Gn!reader x Yan!Hawks)
Halloween Event ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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It wasn’t a game at first. The first time you, Keigo, and Dabi had played this little game of cat and mouse, you were trying to run away. You had ended up escaping through a window. Unluckily for you though, Dabi and Keigo’s mansion was in the middle of no where. It was surrounded by a forest in all ways. So you ran.
You ran through the forest as fast as you can while you knew they were chasing after you. You kept doing this, kept escaping, however you weren’t doing it to actually try and run away. You were just doing it for the chase, you loved the acceleration you got from them chasing you.
After Dabi and Keigo began to realize you weren’t actually trying to get away, they decided to make it fun for them too. You ever was able to catch you first got to do whatever they want with you. And you really enjoyed it.
Keigo glances into your room, smirking when he notices that you’re not in there. “Not here” Keigo smiles, turning to Dabi, noticing the way his eyes light up. “No flying” Dabi comments, wanting to keep the game fair.
You run through the woods, trying to keep your breath even. You stop for a moment, looking behind you wondering if they’re already trying to get you. You know they’re most likely coming to get you.
Last time Dabi ended up winning. Keigo is very determined to win this time, he hasn’t won a whole lot ever since Dabi implemented the rule of no flying as it was cheating. But he was absolutely determined to win. He was so tired of simply having to listen as Dabi got to do as he wanted with you because he won.
You run through the woods, listening to the leaves crunch underneath your feet. Then you begin hearing more crunching. Not from you though. You quickly glance behind you, not seeing which one it is, only seeing his shadow. You giggle a bit as you run, trying to speed up your pace.
He was larger than you though, and he was built. So he was able to catch up to you pretty quickly. He tackles you to the ground, sitting on top of your chest. He’s caught your wrists in his hands. You smile at his smirk.
“Caught you” Keigo says, leaning closer to you while still on top of you. Dabi throws his head back with a frustrated sigh, he was so close! Keigo helps you up before turning to Dabi with a smug expression on his face.
“I win. Now, time to deal with you, birdy”
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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sink-me-in-your-ocean · 8 months
𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 V
Spooky season edition!
No specific prompt, just random Halloween shenanigans and general buffoonery with the nameless goons ghouls
Thank you @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus for inspiration and scream laughing with me as I finished these!
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No warnings; cut for formatting.
Once this ghoul learns about Ouija boards, no one can dissuade him from using one
You happened to have one that you had been too afraid to use
He begs and pleads to use it
Does not understand how to use it and does not want to learn
Asks WAY too intricate of questions
To no one's surprise, he gets impatient
“Swiss!” You slap his hands off the board again. “You can’t ask such convoluted questions, it would be impossible to get an answer!”
“What?” He shakes his head, “I just wanted to know how they died!”
“Yes, and that’s a rude question to ask.” He let out a huff so you continued, “Let’s just stick with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions, shall we?”
“Fine.” He grumbles, placing two fingers back on the planchette. You follow his l4ead, holding your breath as he thinks of a question. “Did you like music?”
The planchette moves to indicate yes.
“See now we’re getting somewhere.” He bites his bottom lip in deep concentration, “What’s your favorite K-pop group from the last ten years?”
You wanted to throw your hands up in exasperation, but you settled for narrowing your eyes at him, “Swiss, really?”
“I did it again, didn’t I?” His expression went sheepish.
The planchette moves on its own, guiding itself to land over yes again.
“Shit, sorry spirit!”
The two of you ask a couple more easy questions before proclaiming the session closed, moving the planchette to “goodbye”. After closing safely and packing everything up, you give Swiss a playful smack on his shoulder and he just grins at you, knowing full well he deserves to be scolded.
He found a box of Halloween decorations and made the executive decision that it wasn’t nearly enough
After trips to several stores for outdoor decor, he tasks you with helping to put everything up
You two even make a spooky playlist to blast while you work
The decorations look amazing, but are very scary at night
By the time Halloween actually rolls around, kids are too afraid to come up to the front door to trick-or-treat
“Where is everybody?” He’s been pacing since three in the afternoon.
You check your phone: it’s quarter past six now and well-past dark. You pat his bat wing-clad arm, “Maybe the house is too frightening, sometimes when people go overboard the little kids get too scared.”
He squishes his face against the front window, watching groups of trick-or-treaters going up and down the street, kids that pass by do so in a wide arc, you were right: they were too scared to come up.
“I’ve gone overboard!” He exclaims. 
Before you can react he grabs the candy bowl and sprints out the front door, tearing down the pathway as the motion-triggered spiders drop down and animatronics all spring to life. They light up, scream, and cackle with voice lines as Phantom reaches the sidewalk and starts tossing candy out like it’s a sport.
Distantly, you hear him yelling, “I promise it’s not scary! Here’s the candy! I’m sorry!”
You cover your mouth as you smile. His enthusiasm is endearing to say the least. “There’s nothing for it now.” You say to yourself as you head out to join him.
You bring the rest of the oversized candy with you and two folding chairs. The two of you sit out front in your costumes and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters until you run out of candy… because then Phantom starts giving away random things from the house, and that’s where you draw the line.
This ghoul wants to be an agent of chaos on Halloween
When you agree to go along with his mischievous plans, he shows you his plans
It’s basically just charcoal scribbles on a lined sheet of paper with random “X’s” on the page
He explains it’s his game plan, the map of where you’ll go to prank houses
When you ask about disguises, he is already prepared with ski masks and black gloves because he “doesn’t want to leave fingerprints”
You don’t waste your time explaining to the ghoul that his clawed fingers won’t leave fingerprints, instead nodding along with his antics
“Get back here!” A grumpy middle-aged man chases you and Dew across his lawn after you’d pelted his front door with eggs.
“Run!” You two split off into two different directions, following his plan perfectly and heading in a roundabout way towards the next victim’s house.
After stopping to catch your breath near some tall hedges, you straighten and walk briskly around the corner to find Dewdrop with his back to you. He looks on high alert, scoping out the area to make sure he can execute his pranks. 
Might as well sneak up on him and have a little fun.
“Get off my lawn!” You scream and tickle his sides and he jumps, shrieking and whipping around with the most scared look on his face you’d ever seen.
You fall to the ground, holding your side from the leftover pain from running combined with your inability to breathe from laughing so hard.
“That’s - you! You’re not - ugh!” He stomps his feet, mad as a hornet, which only makes you laugh harder.
As the steam eventually dissipates from Dewdrop’s ears, you rally him to TP the last two houses on the map with you. His devilish grin returns and he cackles as he puts all his effort into throwing the toilet paper rolls over the unsuspecting person’s trees. Meanwhile, you await the ideal opportunity to sneak up behind him again.
He is in a rare wholesome mood, asking you to go apple picking
You sense an undertone of delinquency in his request, but you go along with it
Once at the orchard, you lose Rain immediately
You find him later, and he has an entire wheelbarrow full of apples 
He climbs from tree to tree like a wild animal
“Save some for everybody else, Rain!” 
Your warning goes unheeded by the water ghoul, and he scrambles up the branches up the next tree, “I have to get all the best ones!” 
After an exorbitant amount of money spent on apples later, you get home and make several gallons of cider and set it out in a giant punch bowl for everyone to enjoy. 
You took a swig of the beverage, expecting a crisp, refreshing taste, but you were instead met with the burn of alcohol. There was only one ghoul to blame. “Rain, what did you do to the apple cider?”
“Uh,” He makes an innocent face, but is unable to meet your gaze, “nothing.”
“It tastes weird, you definitely did something.” You scowl at him, poking him in the shoulder.
He throws his hands up in defense, “Twist my arm why don’t you! I spiked it, what’s the big deal?”
You glance around the room, much to your dismay you realize that everyone is on their second or third refill of the stuff.
“The big deal, foolish ghoul, is everyone is getting lit from what they think is apple cider!”
Because of Rain’s antics you punish him by making him help you clean up the absolute mess everyone left. Hopefully scrubbing the floors of sticky sweet juice will make him think twice before pulling such an idiotic stunt again.
No matter if it’s hot or cold on Halloween night, Mountain wants to be outside
He happens to be a great story teller
And you happen to be a great s’mores maker
Outside + fire pit + scary stories = happy ghoul
(& happy you!)
He gets a crackling fire started in a little fire pit as you arrange the blankets and pillows you stole from the couch, making the space comfy and nice.
You set out the s'mores-making ingredients and tools, and since it’s Halloween, you have some candy to use instead of just plain chocolate bars.
Mountain tells you a scary story about a creature summoned from hell to devour unsuspecting people’s toes. You listen intently as you toast the marshmallows on long skewers, cooking them to the perfect consistency and assembling a s’more for yourself and him.
“That story is true, you know.” He takes a huge bite of his treat.
You reply with your mouth full, “What?”
“That story is about Dew.” He speaks matter-of-factly. You want to laugh but don’t get the chance before -
Speak of the devil.
“Who took my peanut butter cups?!?!” The two of you flinch as Dewdrop’s shrill screech hits your ears.
“Shit, hide the evidence!” You and Mountain shove as many candies in your mouths as you possibly can just as Dew stalks outside, surveying the area, scowling, and heading back inside.
Now you two laugh so hard your sides hurt. Once you finally stop giggling, you resume toasting marshmallows together. Of course, you have to just eat the plain roasted marshmallows by themselves since the chocolate is all gone now. But the sacrifice was well worth it if it meant saving yourselves from a fiery wrath.
Not-so-secretly watches you making stuff in the kitchen before asking to join you
After you taught her the basics she is basically a sweet treat expert
She doesn’t mind getting her hands sticky, but you do give her your black apron so she can protect her clothes
She is currently obsessed with making the perfect Halloween cookies
After already having created a plethora of treats, Cirrus now refuses to leave the kitchen, staring at the oven with the light on to intimidate the dough inside. “These ones are going to be the best out of all of them.” 
“You said that about the last batch, Cirrus.” You grin at her.
Ding! The timer goes off on the little pumpkin-shaped timer next to you and you get up to take the cookies out of the oven. 
The heat blasts your face but you’re a seasoned baker, Cirrus, on the other hand, keeps her distance. She hasn't liked the “evil” oven ever since she got a little tiny red burn on her thumb from a baking tray. A burn you promptly treated and covered with a Hello Kitty bandage.
You set the tray on a little potholder on the counter and glance around. Popcorn balls, rice cereal treats, caramel apples, Oreo spiders, and chocolate pretzels all sit on the counter staring at you waiting to be wrapped up.
“I think we should get these cleaned up before everyone gets home, what do you think?” You ask.
“Yes! I can’t have them gobbling up all the goodies like the greedy goblins they are.” She promptly gobbles a fresh cookie to emphasize her point.
Cirrus helps you package up everything nicely, using Halloween-themed containers, sneaking samples of every item at least once as you clean up. You both have to lock everything up so the rest of the siblings don’t come home and tear through all the snacks before you get a chance to have seconds.
This ghoul has so much creativity and she has to get it out
You two decide to go to a pumpkin patch to find the ideal pair of pumpkins to carve
Cumulus picks out matching outfits for both of you, perfect for photo opportunities
With a couple of sweet fall drinks, you load up in the car ready to go
She drags you along to the patch of overpriced pumpkins 
“Hurry up! All the good ones will be gone!” She calls your name over her shoulder and skips quickly ahead of you into the fray of kids and young adults scrambling over pumpkins laying about on hay bales.
After much deliberation, Cumulus has chosen a perfectly round pumpkin for herself and a nice, tall one for you.
You’ve barely got the pumpkin guts out and your hands are covered in slime, wrists weak from the effort as Cumulus asks you if you want to see her creation.
“You’re finished already?” Disbelief coats your tongue.
“Well, yeah!” She pivots the orange pumpkin to face you, and you see the intricately carved cat and moon she has free handed. “This was so fun! Can I help you with yours?”
“I’d love that, actually.” You fling your hand to remove some of the sticky seeds.
You need not dwell in despair for long, as Cumulus will surely help you with the carving of your pumpkin. They look amazing all lit up on the porch at night, and you take a cute selfie with her to commemorate the occasion.
It’s a mistake to bring Aurora with you to the store when all of the Halloween candy and decor is out
She wants everything
Good thing you have Papa’s credit card…
Sooner rather than later you have a cart full of stuff and she’s still not satisfied, filling her arms full of goodies with as much as she can carry
“Oh can we get these too?” She holds up a pack of 50 cellophane bags, each printed with pumpkins, bats, and skulls.
“Put it in the cart.” You’d given up at this point on telling the sweet ghoul “no”.  
Finally satisfied with her menagerie of candies, snacks, decorations, Halloween themed pencils and miscellaneous items, you push the cart to the check out.
The cashier looks you up and down and sighs, being forced to scan all of the things Aurora picked out apparently is the bane of their existence.
She puts on the aux in the car, and you listen to “This is Halloween” from the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack for the ninetieth time today while you shove the bags inside the trunk.
You two drive back home and lay everything out all over the floor, making a huge mess. It will all be worth it though.
Aurora shines as she hands out the goodie bags to all the trick-or-treaters on Halloween night. You smile widely until you hear Papa yelling from the other room as he discovers how much money you two spent.
I hope these make you ghesties laugh as much as I did ○( ^皿^)っ
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shegxox · 2 years
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special halloween episode | valorant protocol
how you spend some time with your colleagues throughout the spooky season.
c.w: swears, not proofread, written on the spot lmao, will edit soon
w.c: 3,095
a.n: happy halloween, everyone! here's a special episode for you all– it'll be hc's + oneshot scenarios, enjoy!
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jett , phoenix , yoru
oh boy, this trio.
they knew you were one who's easily startled and gets scared easily and they just had to take that chance this halloween season.
pheonix usually tries to scare you but would often get just a jump or flinch.
"oh, phoenix! didn't see you there, sorry."
made the man upset cause you think he wasn't trying to scare you
jett and yoru points and laugh
"guess you're not as scary as you think you are, huh, pretty boy?"
jett and yoru were like tag team partners
they scared you so bad one time at least three other agents rushed to where you guys were.
"Uhm, hello?" You laughed nervously. "Who's there. . ?"
You just switched the lights off and saw a silhouette by the end of the hallway, it was just standing there eerily and that immediately started your heart pumping fast.
You switched the lights on again and your eyes widened and jaw dropped down to the floor.
The figure just disappeared and the hallway was empty.
You looked around your surrounding with disbelief written across your face. Placing a hand on your mouth.
Calm down, (y/n).
Maybe you were just seeing things? You didn't get a full night's rest last night so maybe your mind was playing tricks on you?
Yeah, yeah that must be it.
You swallowed thickly before testing out your conclusion.
Closing the lightswitch off again, you felt your heart drop, the figure was there, but it seemed. . . closer.
"So-Sova!" You cried out for your help. "Sova get in here!"
You unintentionally switched the lights off again and gasped, seeing the empty hall once again.
You looked around the room once more, it was just you, usually Sova would come walking in right after you called him but. . .
"Fuck, Sova, where are you." You could feel your heart beating hard against your chest and an eerie chill sent shivers down your spine.
"S-Sova. . .?" You called out once again, your eyes not leaving the hall as you held against the lightswitch.
You swallowed thickly, you wanted to leave, but at the same time, there was this stupid curiosity on what would happen if you turn down the lights again.
And you did.
A blood-curdling scream broke through the air and alerted agents that were nearby.
Sova– who was being held back by Jett earlier to enter the room came in first, his face full of worry and fear from that terrifying scream.
As soon as Jett let him come inside, he immediately saw you still screaming with your eyes shut tightly and hands on either side of your head with thorny vines sprouting out of your hair. In front of you was Yoru with his mask on.
The second agent to come in was Reyna, her eye orb was out and was ready to kill anything on sight.
"What is it, what happened?!" She demanded.
And the third agent was Brimstone, who immediately recognized your scream–dropped his coffee, and came busting through the door in panic.
"Gaia?! Kid, what's wrong?!"
Ah, let's just say that Brim wasn't too happy about the two scaring you off and the two received quite an earful from the captain.
Sova got you some ice cream and played barbie on t.v
Also– Cypher got it all on video.
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cypher , kay/o , neon
after your previous scare, these three thought it might be a good idea to do it again.
originally, neon was against the idea but fell victim from cypher
surprisingly, the same goes for kay/o
neon just wanted others to experience it as well
it felt unfair that the hacker fucker got her
unfortunately, the unlucky victim was you
you just got in the lounge area together with chamber
the three knew chamber wouldn't be fazed by the scare
but you?
"C'mon, try it!" Neon said with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "It's a very easy game."
You raised an eyebrow before sitting down infront of Cypher's laptop.
"Is it like a maze game?"
There was a simple maze on the screen, you assumed you just needed to get the dot to the other side and so you did, prompting the new maze to come up.
"Oh wow, this is easy."
Cypher nodded, "Yup. It's an old game I scavenged, apparently, it was made years ago."
"So is it like vintage?"
"You could say that."
"Just make sure you don't let the dot hit the surfaces of the maze, otherwise you lose." Kay/o informed.
"Ah, so it's like that wire game?"
Neon nodded, "Exactly."
Chamber, could already tell where this was going, he knew what was going on a mile away and was about to break the news to you but Neon elbowed his side pretty hard and gave him a sharp look.
The next maze had narrower surfaces, so when you accidentally hit the dot to the side. . .
You flinched terribly together with a screech as a scary image flashed in front of the screen, making you lean back to 'get away' from the monitor and throw the mouse wherever.
Ah, poor you.
The three started to laugh at your reaction, but when you suddenly raised your hand to cover your eyes, a vine erupted from the ground and pierced through the laptop's screen.
The three fell silent and looked at you in nervousness.
"You guys are so mean!" You whined, hands still covering your eyes. "I almost had a heart attack!"
The three still gaped at you, wondering when you'll realize that you just broke the laptop.
Chamber let out a handsome laugh, helping you up from the chair, and soothed your back.
"Hush now, nevermind them, ma chérie." He gave the three a stern look, squinting his eyes, "Trust me, it'll come back around."
The three looked at eachother, before simultaneously thinking the same thing.
Cypher lost his hat the next day and found it again with cat ears stitched on top of them– whenever he'd remove it he'll lose it again before finding it in the same situation as before, Neon would often fall victim to jumpscares from "random" videos that would be sent to her by "someone", and Kay/o received broken toasters in front of his room for at least three days.
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raze , killjoy , omen
two words. movie night.
probably the chillest moment you'd have this spooky season
the three of you would have a sleepover on the lounge area since sleeping over in another agent's room was prohibited.
so Brim granted the lounge area instead.
planned to binge all horror classics and slasher films
it was originally just you, raze and kj
omen suddenly came in and the three of you invited him over
Now there's the four of you
omen was pretty intrigued with the movies
"So do you kids think you can survive a horror movie?" You asked with a small smirk as you ate your popcorn.
"Ooh, I don't think I could survive the nun." Killjoy answers before Raze gave her a look.
"The nun? Girl, you don't even go to church! How could you even be in that situation?"
"Oh right." The three of you shared a laugh.
"Okay, okay, but honestly?" Killjoy said. "I think I won't survive the ring."
Raze nods eagerly in agreement. "Now that makes sense."
You let out a laugh, "Oh that's so true, you're so nosy in the internet you'd probably watch the video till the end."
"Actually!" Killjoy laughs along before throwing back the question to you.
"How about you, Gaia? Oh! Do you think you'd survive It?"
You thought for a moment. "Probably not, I'd come running to him myself if the It is Bill Skarsgård."
"Ah, the titan's greatest fall. A man." Raze shook said in a playful tone, shaking her head. "Couldn't be me."
"Oh please!" You giggled, "You're saying you won't go running to the predator out of invetor's curiosity?"
"Ah, touché"
"Oooh what about Omen?" Killjoy raised and the three of you looked at the man on the couch, knitting before looking up from his work.
"I think the killers and ghosts altogether would be running away from him." You joked.
To this Omen tilted his head, "That could be fun."
Raze laughs, "Freddy kreuger has nothing against our Omen."
"I'm sorry, Michael Myers who?" Killjoy giggled.
"The devil could never!"
"They're all fools." Omen added. "Both the victim and attacker."
"Ah, to that we say Amen, my friend."
It was a pleasant night for the four of you, and when you, kj, and raze eventually fell asleep. Omen carefully covered your bodies with blankets and closed the television before placing his knitted products next to each of you. He made Killjoy a knitted frog, Raze her killer roomba, and you–
Omen gazed down for a moment at your sleeping face. You were the one who invited him to come and join your group earlier and he was thankful. You made him feel like he's apart of something and treated him normally like he was. . .well, a human.
It felt nice.
Omen then placed a knitted totoro next to your head.
"Thank you."
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sova , chamber , sage
surprise surprise, brim decided to have a halloween dinner party within the protocol.
you volunteered to make the food
and sage too
it was going well and smoothly
until chamber peeked into the kitchen
"Be grateful, ma chérie. The best cook has arrived to aid you."
you could say that the feast later on would be diverse
now there's three of you
chamber is hella graceful in the kitchen, what the hell
this man is literally just cooking and yet he had such poise and. . .elegance in him.
chamber with his sleeves rolled back?
oui, please
you couldnt help but stare in awe at times
of course, he'd catch your staring and smirk
"focus now, eyes off me."
you'd playfully answer back to him
"but I can't, mon cher. you look absolutely irresistible."
you wink, and he'd shy away from your view. your comebacks are definitely something he doesn't expect. probably because you're the only one who plays along with it.
sage points and laughs.
"chamber, are you blushing?"
". . .mind your cooking."
It was finally time to bake, your favourite part. You caught your reflection from a glass and you sighed.
"Ugh, I look terrible." You uttered. "But at least the food looks good."
"To that, I agree with you, Gaia." Sage expressed as well, and as you turned to look at her, you let out a soft giggle.
"You have flour on your nose." You point
"Oh!" Your fellow colleagues' cheeks went red, laughing sheepishly. "Sorry."
You shook your head, "It's no problem, come here, I'll wipe it off."
Taking a clean paper tissue, you wiped the tip of Sage's nose.
"There, all good." You smiled
"Thank you. . . " Sage tucked a hair behind her ear, peeking at you through her lashes.
"Is everything going alright over here." A new voice entered and the three of you looked at the door.
It was Sova, adorably peeking his head to the side– at least from your perspective.
"Sova!" You beamed. "We're doing alright, but come!" You gestured him to come inside and he obediently did.
"Do you need any help?"
"Actually, I do."
the two of you looked so domestic as you worked, it was making a certain one irritated within the kitchen.
you forced the russian man wear a frilly pink apron
he doesn't seem to mind as soon as he saw your bright face
man tied his hair in a bun and you short circuited for a sec
oh no, he's rolling up his sleeves as well
you steal some respectful glances to him at times
chamber a little salty
"so did you just come here to help her?"
sova would chuckle as he mixed something in a bowl, "The best cook doesn't need my help, no?"
you gave chamber a sly look
"aww, chamber. are you jealous that Sova's helping me and not you?"
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It was finally the dinner party, Brimstone made a rule that everyone must strictly wear a costume, and most of the protocol happily obliged.
The common area is where the party was being held, raze and killjoy absolutely did a wonderful job in decorating the place.
"Alright, that's twenty." Yoru smirked mischievously as Jett hesitantly handed him money.
They were betting on what the agents would wear, and Yoru just won for betting that Sage would dress as a witch.
"I hate your face." Jett slumped against the chair, arms crossed. She's dressed as Aang, a cartoon character from an old show called Avatar.
"I thought your arrow is the only thing that's supposed to be blue, why the face too, hm?" Yoru relentlessly teased.
"Think you're gonna win this huh?" Jett sat up properly, puffing her chest. "We still have more to go!"
Yoru pulled up a smug expression.
"We'll see about that."
Raze went as Frankenstein with colored patches of green and stitches drawn artistically on her skin, whilst killjoy went as Frankenstein's bride. Having drawn stitches with two locks of white hair extension on either side of her hair in an updo as well as a short whited puffed dress.
Sova surprisingly went as Dracula, clad in all black together with the high-collared cape and had his beautiful blonde hair down, Chamber walked in dressed in a black suit with a long coat hung over his shoulders, golden rings decorating his fingers; apparently he said he was the Don of the Mafia.
Next came Omen who literally only had cat ears on, then Cypher who dressed as a plague doctor, Phoenix came as prince Naveen from a Disney movie called The Frog Prince – not gonna lie, the royal clothes and crown suited him very well and lastly. . .
"Man, let me join in the bet!" Phoenix complained after hearing about the bets that jett and yoru were having.
"Sure," Yoru agreed with an overconfident smirk. "I like being rich."
"No fair, you called dibs on the easiest guess." Jett groaned. "For sure, Gaia is gonna dress up as a fairy."
"A fairy?" Phoenix questions. "Nah, I'm calling goddess, she'll dress up as a goddess for sure."
Yoru nudged his head to Jett. "Your guess?"
The agent hummed thoughtfully, her hands pressing on her temples.
It was kind of predictable on what you might dress up as– that's just judging based on what they're used to seeing you wear which is pastels. Something magical or fantasy-related, or perhaps something "soft."
"I'm gonna say. . ." Jett squinted her eyes before deciding on her answer. "Angel, possibly an angel."
As soon as those words left Jett's mouth, you arrived just in time to the room.
"Sorry I'm late!" You apologised as you entered, "I had no costume in my closet so I had to improvise."
All eyes fell on you and the room went silent for a moment.
"What the. . ." Phoenix's mouth went agape as he saw what you came in as.
"Oh my gosh. . ." Jett uttered under her breath whilst Yoru almost dropped the cup he was holding, looking at you in shock.
There you stood in a long black silk dress that hugged the shape of your body beautifully with spaghetti straps and a high slit on the side that exposes almost all of your right leg. Sheer black gloves adorned your arms, and your hair was styled in messy waves flowing on your back. On the corner of your mouth was fake blood dripping down to your throat and chest.
You went as a vampire.
This was probably the first time the protocol saw you in a such revealing outfit, you usually had yourself wrapped around in your comfortable oversized fit or pyjamas, and like earlier said, often wore pastels.
Who knew you looked so ravishing in black?!
You definitely gave them a new side of you that they will probably never forget.
"Why are you all staring at me like that?" You questioned awkwardly, before pointing to your mouth "This is fake blood okay?"
That seemed to snap them out of it.
"Gaia, you look spectacular!" Sage complimented as she approached you, followed by Astra, then Killjoy and Raze, all of them showering you with compliments.
"This may sound crazy but I don't even mind that I lost. . ." Yoru comments, still in a daze after seeing you.
"Yeah. . . Same here. . ." Jett replied, rasing her cup shakily as the aftershock dawns upon the agent.
"That was eerily divine. . ."
As the ladies finally left you alone, you sighed in relief. You honestly didn't expect that reaction considering you were just panicking moments ago about what to wear. You were so preoccupied in the kitchen that you forgot that you didn't have anything to dress up as, but thankfully it all worked out in the end.
"Gaia." You hear your call sign and you turned.
"Sova." You smiled before noticing his costume. "You dressed as Dracula???"
The man chuckles softly, "Indeed."
"Oh my gosh, we match!" You exclaimed gleefully as you gaze into his eyes.
"A wonderful coincidence, no?"
"You look beautiful." You complimented.
"As do you." Sova gave you a warm smile. "You're breathtaking."
Another voice suddenly joined in.
"Funny, I was about to say the same thing."
You turned and saw the french man.
"Chamber," You greeted with a smile. "You clean up nicely as always, monsieur."
The man smirked before taking your hand with his.
"You flatter me, mademoiselle."
Leaning down, he placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "But my looks must yield to you tonight, you look exquisite, ma chérie."
You rolled your eyes playfully, taking your hand from him.
"Always the smooth talker, Chamber." You scoffed with a smile. "You should try that line with Viper, who knows, you might get a date." You joked before turning your body to the side.
"Anyways I'm gonna go get candy before Jett stashes the sour patch."
"I'll go with you." Sova offered.
"Oh sure, you have big hands. Help me stash them before Jett does." You giggled mischievously. "Happy Halloween, Chamber."
The two of you went your way but not before Sova gave the Frenchman a quick glance, and to that, Chamber could only chuckle to himself.
"Happy Halloween indeed."
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 3 months
Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (14)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 /
Created: February 9th, 2024
Last Checked:—-
Baby It's Cold Outside-HGfanonezillion (ao3) Summary: Katniss needs help on a cold night and the only person she can get on the phone is Peeta, a guy she's had a couple classes with. He's more than willing to come to the rescue!
Cheese Buns and Garlic Cakes-winryofresembool (ao3) Summary: Peeta finally gets a chance to talk with his childhood crush when she shows up at his door to sell some ingredients for his pastries.
If We Met Up at Midnight-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: Had the messenger arrived a day earlier, he would have been greeted by a yellow flag above our door, and had to turn back, summons undelivered. The odds, however, are not in my favor.
In the Background-deinde_prandium (ao3) Summary: "But every so often he’ll touch her hand, or brush a wisp of hair out of her face, or something equally intimate that makes her feel like her heart is going to stop, and she has to to remind herself of where she is. Either this Peeta guy is flirting with her, or he’s too good of an actor to be doing BG gigs." Katniss and Peeta are movie extras who meet on a film set. Based on a tumblr prompt.
Intimate Bystander-burkygirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss said it was just for the cameras. Gale believed her until he discovered she screams for Peeta in the night. In the days before the Quarter Quell, Gale finds out there’s more to Katniss’s relationship with Peeta than she’s led him to believe. In-Panem, mostly Canon. Everlark Fic Exchange, Springtime Edition, Prompt 1 – Gale walks in on/eavesdrops/overhears Everlark being intimate.
Okay. Sure. If You Want To.-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: “You’ve never even touched yourself?”
Positive-rarepairheathen (ao3) Summary: In AU Panem after Katniss winner of the 74th reality TV show “The Hunger Games” she finds herself in a world of trouble.
Reunion-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: A kidnapped but not hijacked District 13 Everlark reunion
Strange Things Did Happen Here-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: In The Hanging Tree Universe-Katniss seeks out Haymitch for answers.
The Oktoberfest Effect-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Prompt: Town boys (drunk?) dare each other to venture into woods (Halloween night? [Oktoberfest]). Katniss saves Peeta (from peacekeepers? storm?) by pulling him into a cave for the night. (Drunk Peeta talks too much and is cuddly?) by @567inpanem for Seasons of Everlark on Tumblr.
22 notes · View notes
aristrocrat · 2 years
Upside Down Feelings
Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak
Tumblr media
summary: Y/N and Steve try to talk Nancy out of a dangerous idea. Jonathan convinces Y/N to go to the Tina’s Halloween party.
word count: 5300 ish
tw: didn't have the time to fully edit :(
“Mom,” You groaned, checking your wristwatch. “We need to go! We’re going to be late.”
“One second, sweetheart,” She frowned before grinning at your brother. “Oh! I want to see those pearls. Yeah!”
Dustin smiled genuinely as he posed for your mother’s pictures, pointing the fake proton blaster at the camera.
“Who you gonna call?” She squealed as she began singing the Ghostbusters song. “YOU ARE SO CUTE!”
“You know what else he is?” You smiled, taking his arm as your mother continued to snap pictures. “Late!“
“You go ahead,” He looked up at you. “I promised the boys I’d ride my bike with them to school this morning.”
“Say no more,” You bent down, posing for a quick picture before grabbing your stuff and heading to school.
The school day was fairly uneventful besides the whispered rumors of another girl losing her virginity. You hated this school. More specifically, you hated just how awful the girls were treated after news spread of their deflowering. You whipped the corner and made a bee line for your locker. Just as you reached out, a warm hand gently grabbed your upper arm.
“Come with me,” Steve said. You furrowed your brows, looking down at the hand he touched you with with an unamused look. You did not want him touching you, especially after the weird moment you shared the night prior. He let go and slowly pulled away. “Sorry. But it’s Nancy. Something’s wrong. She’s been off for a couple of weeks- I know you’ve noticed it too.”
“I kind of figured it was the Harrington effect,” You smiled sarcastically, making him frown. “I mean, I get quiet and annoyed when I’m around you too so-“
“Ha. Funny. I think it’s about Barb, smart ass. And she won’t talk to me so please just come with me,” He rolled his eyes. You huffed, stuffing some books in your locker before turning around, instructing him to lead the way with your hand.
You followed him into the library to see Nancy staring blankly at something as she sharpened a pencil. You both called her name a few times, only grabbing her attention when Steve touched her shoulder.
“What’s going on?” He asked gently. “You okay?”
You’d followed her gaze to reveal it was fixated on a woman with similar features to Barb. You sighed, realizing Steve was right. She pulled you both away into a back room before elaborating on her despondent behavior as of late.
“I can’t keep doing this,” She muttered.
“Doing what?” Steve questioned.
“Pretending like everything’s okay,” She sighed. “It’s like everyone forgot about Barbara. It’s like nobody cares except for her parents.”
“Nance,” You whispered empathetically. “Hey, that’s not true-“
“And now they’re selling their house and they’re going to spend the rest of their lives looking for her!” She continued, completely ignoring the fact that you spoke up. “It’s destroying them.”
“I know, I know. Okay? I get it, but,” Steve spoke up. “Listen, there’s nothing we can do about it..”
“He’s right,” You nodded.
“We could tell them the truth!” She breathed.
“Well, you know that we can’t do that-“ Steve began in a soft and understanding tone.
“Jesus, not this shit again,” You muttered, already annoyed. You couldn’t even count how many times she’s brought this topic up in the last two months. And time after time, you were the one talking her out of it. At least Steve was around to help you out this time.
“We don’t have to tell them everything.”
“This isn’t some game, Nance,” Steve spoke in a harsher tone. “If they found out that we told any-“
You watched as he walked over to the window to close the blinds before shutting the door and continuing.
“They could put us in jail, okay?” He whispered. “Or worse, they could destroy our families.”
“They could do anything they want,” You agreed.“Look, just think about what you’re saying. What it could cause you- us! It’s insane!”
“Oh, my God,” She shook her head, trying to blink away the tears. “You always do this. You hate each other except for when it comes to proving me wrong. Y/N, she was your friend too!”
“Yes, Nancy. I’m well aware,” You pursed your lips. You didn’t have to reminded of that. You spent most of your days trying to push the memory of her away to no avail. There were nights you’d still cry yourself to sleep.
“How can you just pretend she’s not dead? Like she never even existed?” She frowned. “You never want to go eat with her parents, you never want to talk about her. It’s like you never even cared for-“
“I’m going to stop you right there,” You snapped before lowering your tone. “Don’t you dare accuse me of never caring. Have you ever wondered why I can’t do that stuff? Huh? Maybe it’s because I can’t keep sitting at that table we grew up playing board games at. I can’t keep going to these dinners with her parents because it kills me to pretend not to know what happened. I can’t talk about her because it hurts too damn bad.”
“Oh, please,” She scoffed. “Don’t give me that bullshit! You sit there and act like you care, but you never cried for her the way I did-“
“Yeah, maybe because I wasn’t the fucking reason she-..”
You paused, realizing that the next thing that was going to fall from your mouth was from a place of raw, unadulterated emotions that you hadn’t fully processed yet. But it was too late. You saw the way her face fell. She knew exactly what you were going to say; you weren’t the reason Barbara died.
“What? Finish your sentence,” She hissed, making every ounce of guilt you had only the moment before melt away. You hated when she spoke to you in that condescending tone. “You weren’t the reason she what? Tell me how you really feel!”
“Hey, maybe we should just take a step back and breathe,” Steve finally stepped in, watching as the girls in front of him shot daggers at one another with their gazes.
“You’re telling me that I almost sacrificed my life for you only for you-“
“We all sacrificed our fucking lives that night, Nancy! What do you want? A fucking sparky, gold star sticker?!” You rolled your eyes. “You know what? Fuck you. I’m done talking you off the fucking ledge. You wanna go tell her parents what actually happened? Then do it. But leave me out of your attention-seeking plans.” You began to mimic her voice, “Oh, Y/N, drop everything to come talk me out of this idiotic idea! Steve, let me take up all of your time so you can comfort me-“
“Are you calling me an attention whore?” She stepped toward you.
“If the shoe fits,” You took another step towards her, looking directly into her eyes, before Steve finally physically inserted himself between the two of you.
“Woah! Woah! Let’s just take a breather, yeah?” He chuckled nervously, placing his hands on Nancy’s shoulders and pushing her away from you. “Can we just-“
“Shut up, Steve!” You both snapped before you spun on your heels and hastily marched out of the room and back to your locker.
“Come on,” You muttered as your engine sputtered, trying its hardest to come to life, leaning forward with dedication. “Come on, baby. Don’t do this to me today. You got it… just-“
“Are you talking to your car?” You heard a smug voice ask from beside you. You suddenly regretted leaving your window open, looking over to see the new boy standing beside you with a smug smile.
“Can I help you?” You scoffed. Something about the mullet and jean jacket gave you the feeling that he probably never stopped talking about whatever fast muscle car he drove.
“Oh, she’s feisty,” He chuckled, voice smooth as aged whiskey. “And here I was about to offer you some help.”
“Look, Benny, it it?”
“Billy,” He said with an entertained smile.
“Whatever,” You grumbled. “I don’t need your help. I happen to know a thing or two about cars.”
“Is that why you’ve been trying to coax this baby with words instead of actions?” He tilted his head. You rolled your eyes. “Oh, that’s not an insult. I happen to have a thing for women who are all talk no do.”
“Okay, well, how’s this for all talk, and I’ll say it slowly just in case you’re a little light headed from the amount of cologne you have on,” You began, making him grab at his chest with a chuckle. “Fuck. Off. I don’t need your help. Nice meeting you, Benny.”
He grinned, placing his tongue in between his left canines and looking you up and down before heading back to his car.
“Huh,” You muttered to yourself as you got out of your vehicle. “A black muscle car. Shocker.”
You caught a glimpse of Jonathan walking towards his own car before you looked back at your sweet, baby blue girl and placed an apologetic pat on the steering wheel. You jumped out, locked it, and jogged to catch up with your friend.
“Hey,” He greeted before smiling. “Oh, I know that look. Did the Bronco break down again?”
“Yes,” You huffed. “You know, she might sexy and all terrain but that bitch breaks down like no other.”
“Get in,” He chuckled. “Is Dustin coming?”
“No, he insisted on riding his bike.”
You both took your respective seats and sat in a comfortable silence. You took out a book you’d been reading and he mumbled along to the music that played lightly through his speakers as he looked through his collection of cassettes to replace the one that was currently playing.
You liked being around Jonathan. He was like a breath of fresh air. Unlike all of your other friends, you never felt obligated to make small talk or uncomfortable sitting in silence. It was never awkward with him, he simply accepted you as you came, and you did the same.
“Oh, sorry,” Will gasped as he opened the passenger’s door. “I didn’t know you were here. I’ll go to the back.”
He gently closed the door, making you smile at his sweet disposition. You sometimes wished your brother would take a page from Will’s book, but Dustin was almost the complete opposite; argumentative, quick witted, loud, and obnoxious. But his heart was just as big as his personality, so you learned to deal with it.
“So,” Jonathan smiled at his little brother as he reversed out of the parking spot. “How was your day?”
“I don’t know..”
“You don’t know?” Jonathan furrowed his brows. “Did something happen?”
“No, no.. It’s just..” Will sighed before sitting forward to rant. “No one else wore their costumes to school.”
“What?” You asked, suddenly feeling really bad as you watched your little brother get into his bike with his friends. Not another costume in sight besides their own. “We dressed up for Halloween up until we started high school. Since when did that change?”
“This year, apparently,” He mumbled.
“Well, they’re all losers who are too focused on fitting in and growing up too fast,” Jonathan shrugged.
“Amen,” You agreed before turning back to look at the boy in the back. “I think your costumes this year were the coolest ones I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh, yeah!” You nodded. “All our friends agreed, right Jonathan?”
“Yeah, Nancy loved them!”
“So did Robin.”
“Are those your only friends?” Will giggled after the moment of silence
“Pretty much.”
“Oh, Steve also said something about liking the costumes,” You smiled. “But he’s not our friend. He’s more like…”
“A friend by association?” Jonathan offered. You snapped and pointed in confirmation, making him chuckle.
“Hi, honey!” Joyce smiled, pulling you in for a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. “How’ve you been?”
“Uh,” Confused. Upset. Fucking exhausted from the lack of sleep due to the Demogorgan that haunted your dreams. “Great! And you? I see you have a new boyfriend.”
“Bob? Oh, yeah. He is my boyfriend, isn’t he? I feel like a teenager when I say that,” She giggled.
“He’s great!” You looked over as he taught Jonathan how to work the video camera. “I’m happy for you.”
“What about you? Got a special someone in your life?”
“Fortunately not. I see how Nancy and Steve get on. I feel like I’m dodging a bullet in all honesty,” You chuckled dryly. “No. Nope, no commitment for me. Pass.”
“Well, maybe they’re just with the wrong people,” She smiled knowingly. You furrowed your brows curiously before you heard Jonathan call your name.
“Y/N, Will, you ready?” He smiled. You all made your exit and walked towards the car.
“Be safe!”
“I hope it doesn’t suuuck.”
You smiled and waved before you loaded into the car. Jonathan messed with the radio for a moment before taking off towards Nancy’s house.
“I just don’t get what he sees in him!” He huffed.
“Oh, Jonathan, he’s a sweet guy!” You said, earning an annoyed look. “But you’re right. She’s so out of his league.”
“At least he doesn’t treat me different,” Will muttered. “I mean, I can’t even go trick-or-treating by myself. It’s lame.”
“Wh- You think I’m lame?” Jonathan smirked.
“No, but it’s not like Nancy’s coming to watch over Mike, you know?”
“Ouch,” You chuckled, holding your chest as if you get your heart break on the spot.
“No offense,” He smiled.
“Offense taken, asshole,” You laughed.
“Don’t say asshole in front of him,” Jonathan smiled, nudging your shoulder gently.
“Why can’t I say asshole in front of him?” You looked back at Will and winked, inviting him to join in on the teasing.
“Hey! I said-“
“Yeah, Jonathan, why can’t she say asshole in front of me?” Will giggled.
“Don’t say asshole!”
You both stayed silent for a moment before you looked at each other with shit eating grins and said, “Asshole.”
The whole car erupted into a fit of laughter as Jonathan pulled into a familiar street. You all continued to chat for a couple minutes before Will inevitably brought back to topic of trick-or-treating by himself.
“I agree,” You began. “The concept of having an older sibling watch over you while you trick-or-treat is lame.”
“See?” Will grinned over at his brother.
“You think we should let him go on his own?” Jonathan smiled over at you.
“I don’t care either way. That’s your call,” You shrugged as he pulled up to the Wheeler’s house. He parked the car and turned around to face his brother.
“If I let you go on your own, you promise to stay in the neighborhood?”
“Yeah! Yeah, yeah, totally!” Will sat up with excitement.
“And be back at Mike’s by 9:00.”
“9:00. Deal?”
“Yeah! Yeah, deal!”
“Hey, Will!” He called as his little brother began scooting out to leave and handed him the video camera. “Don’t let any of your spazzy friends use this, all right!?”
“I hope it doesn’t suuuuck,” Jonathan called in his Dracula voice, making you laugh.
“You’re a really good brother, you know that?” You smiled.
“We’re both good siblings,” He said as he reached into his pocket. “Which is why, I think we should go take the night off and go to Nancy’s party.”
“Pass,” You grumbled. It was now his turn to laugh at the way you crossed your arms and slumped into your seat. You looked like an angry child.
“Why? Robin canceled on us anyway!”
“Nancy and I got into a fight,” You sighed.
“Well, you aren’t going with Nancy. You’re going with me,” He said.
“Jonathan, I can already tell you how we’d spend our Halloween,” You frowned. “We’ll be following her and Steve around all night, watching them make out and get drunk while we stand there awkwardly. Plus, we’ll be in a crowed room full of mouth breathers in slutty costumes.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” He said, a bit disheartened by your rejection. Your heart dropped at the sight. “It was a stupid idea.”
You wanted to stand your ground. You really did. But seeing him sadly fold up that orange piece of paper and purse his lips as he put it into the cup holder, you knew that you stood no chance in hell at telling him no.
“Fine,” You groaned. “Let’s go..”
“Really?” He perked up with a grin.
“Yes,” You grumbled. “Now, drive before I change my mind.”
“You sure this is a good idea?” You scrunched your nose as you watched one of the football players puke into a bush.
“I mean, we made it this far, right?” He sighed, looking over at you. “You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” You huffed, hesitantly putting on your devil horn headband as he got out. You followed him into the party. As soon as the front door opened, you caught a glimpse of the crowd of drunk teenagers; some were dancing, others were making out, and the rest were submerged into conversation with their friend groups. “Of course they’re playing Journey..”
“I like your costume,” A girl said to Jonathan. That tone told you that she wanted him alone so you continued to made a beeline to the kitchen. You grabbed a red solo cup and filled it with whatever cheap liquor infused punch sat on the counter before you saw a very drunk Nancy make her way to you.
“Move,” She grumbled, shoving you aside slightly to refill her drink.
“Woah, woah, I think you’re drunk enough,” You said, placing your hand over the bowl.
“Hey!” She frowned, tossing your hand off of the bowl. This girl had a way of getting under your skin, especially when she was drunk.
“No, no, no, Nancy!” Steve said, pulling her back and shooting you an apologetic look.
“Get off!” She whined.
“No, you’ve had enough, okay?” You had no idea how he put up with her. He was so patient with her. It almost broke your heart to see the way she took advantage of that.
“Screw you!” She yanked her arm out of his hand before running to refill the cup.
“Nance, I’m serious,” He continued to try to pull her away before you finally stepped in, slapping the cup out of her hand and into the punch bowl.
“What is your fucking problem?!” She slurred angrily.
“Dude, enough is enough. No one likes a sloppy drunk,” You furrowed your brows. She looked you dead in the eye with a smile as she grabbed at your own cup out of your hand and took a sip.
“You two always do this! It’s always Steve and Y/N versus Nancy,” She huffed, waving her hands for dramatic effect. “Now that I think of it, you two act like more of a couple than we do!”
“Nancy,” Steve sighed. You could just how tired he was from babysitting her. God knows how long she’s been like this. “I’ve told you-“
“You know why you think that?” You interrupted. “Because we are constantly babysitting you. We are like your fucking parents at this point because you keep putting yourself in childish situations. Like right now. Put the cup down.”
“Fuck off, Mom,” She raised the cup up to her lips again before Steve caught her arm and pulled it down.
“Hey, hey, hey! Stop,” Steve stepped in again. “Put it down.”
“Nance, put it down.”
“Steve! Stop!” She shouted before slipping out of his grip and spilling the red punch on her white shirt. Everyone around you reacted, and looked at her. You might’ve been mad, but you couldn’t help but to feel bad for her at that moment. She looked up at Steve before stomping off to the bathroom.
“Nance,” He called before looking back at you. “You comin’?”
“No, thanks. I think I’ve dealt with enough angry drunks for one lifetime,” You shook your head, making his face fall slightly. He knew exactly what you meant by that: Your birth father. He nodded and walked off behind his girlfriend, leaving you standing alone at the punch bowl again. After seeing Nancy, you no longer had any desire to drink. So you set the cup down and scanned through the crowd in hopes of finding Jonathan so he could take you home.
“Bronco!” Someone called from behind you. “You made it!”
“Billy,” You rolled your eyes, turning around with the world’s fakest smile. “Unfortunately, I did.”
“Oh, so you do know my name?” He smirked down at you. “I don’t think I ever caught yours.”
“Y/N,” He nodded slowly as his eyes scanned your face in the same way a lion might eye its prey. “I like that. I also like your little get up. What are you supposed to be?”
“Isn’t it pretty self explanatory?” You pointed at your devil horns. “I’m a tiger.”
“You’re funny,” He let out a laugh. “Are you just as naughty as those horns?”
“Ew,” You laughed, making him bite his lip to hold back a grin. “Was that supposed to be a pick up line?”
“That depends,” He shrugged. “Did it work?”
“Then it was just a joke,” He said nonchalantly, making you laugh and roll your eyes.
This boy was incredibly handsome, but something about him felt off. You had a feeling there was much more to him than the charismatic flirt standing before you, and not in a good way.
“Can I pour you a drink?” He smiled, reaching past you to grab a cup.
“No thanks.”
“Oh, come on!” He chuckled, dipping it into the red liquid.
“I’m not much of a drinker,” You watched as he grabbed a cup and poured the red liquid into it. “Really, I’m good.”
“What’s one drink, right?” He chuckled, handing it to you.
“I said,” You smiled, looking him in the eyes as you poured it back into the bowl. He blinked, showing you the annoyance behind his eyes. “I’m good.”
“That was rude,” He grabbed your wrist, a little harder than you expected him to. You gasped, feeling a burst of anxiety fill your chest. He dipped your wrist, making you fill the cup up again before bringing it up to you lips. “Seems like you need to be taught a lesson in manners. I think what you meant to say was thank you. Now drink.”
“Hey! No means no, asshole!” You heard Steve say from behind you before he grabbed your arm and pulled you back. You set the drink down on the counter next to you.
“Oh, look at lover boy here!” Billy laughed. “Babysitting both of your girlfriends tonight? Huh, pal? Failed at keeping one sober and now you try again with the other one!”
“Come on, Y/N. Let’s get out of here,” Steve pulled you away, you turned around as you left the house, locking eyes with Jonathan.
What the fuck? He mouthed. You barely managed to shrug before Steve pulled you out of sight.
“Steve? Where are we going? Steve?” You questioned as he marched you to the front yard. He continued to pull you in silence. “Steve!”
Nothing. He refused to turn towards you and refused to stop walking. He was on a mission and you could sense just how upset he was.
“Look, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your help but I would really like to know what the hell is going on,” You planted your feet, stopping him in his tracks. “Where’s Nancy? Why are we leaving-“
“Did you know?” He finally turned around, giving you a chance to see his teary eyes.
“Woah, hey, what’s going on? Know what?” You said in a softer tone, one filled with concern. “What happened in there? You can tell me.”
“Did you know Nancy didn’t love me?” His voice cracked. You felt your heart sink into your stomach at the sight of the broken boy.
You’ve known Nancy for well over ten years. You knew her so well that, truth be told, you’d sensed it. She never talked about him the way she used to. She seemed aloof when she was at his side. Hell, with the way she’d always go out of her way searching for Jonathan or to find any excuse to be around him, you’re surprised Steve hasn’t caught on. You’ve heard love is blind, but he almost made you wonder if it was deaf too.
“What makes you think she doesn’t love you?” You swerved the question. It wasn’t your secret to tell. He scoffed, looking away to wipe his tears. “Steve, if it’s something she said to you in the bathroom, you have to realize that she’s piss ass drunk and mad. Don’t take anything she says-“
“She looked me dead in the eyes and said I was bullshit, Y/N. That we’re acting like everything is okay and like..” He ran his hand through his hair before he shook his head. “Like we’re in love.”
“She’s drunk. I don’t think she intended for it to come out like that.”
“You know what she said to me when I asked her to clarify? She said it’s bullshit. I asked her if she loved me, Y/N, and she said it’s bullshit!” His voice quivered before he let out a breathy sob.
“Oh, Steve,” You whispered, before he crumbled into your arms. You blinked in surprise at the boy that wrapped himself around you, taking a moment before you wrapped your arms around his waist hesitantly. You let him hug you tightly and cry it out, not minding the fact that your shoulder was now drenched with his tears. You simply rubbed his back for a few minutes.
“Hey, it’s alright. I got you,” You whispered, feeling his right hand move up and hold you by the back of your neck to pull you even closer. You’d never been pressed against him like this; almost every part of you was touching ever part of him.
You hated how that seemed to awake the swarm of dormant butterflies in your stomach. It seemed as if they were reserved strictly for Steve, seeing as they never happened with anyone else. His warm and shaky breath on your neck made chills shoot down your spine. The way he held onto you as if his life depended on it only made your heart pound so hard that you were positive that he felt it too.
“I know. Trust me, I know from first hand experience just how bitchy she can be. I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve had to hold myself back from tackling her on the spot,” You said, making his chuckle softly and loosen his grip on you. “Don’t let her break your heart with drunk words, okay? You two can talk this through tomorrow.“
You pulled away and wiped his stray tears with your thumbs.
“I feel like a kid when you do that,” He chuckled softly.
“You kinda look like one. You have the saddest puppy dog eyes when you cry,” You smiled, making him chuckle again.
Maybe it was how the moonlight hit his damp face or the way his big, watery eyes danced across your own face, but he looked bone achingly pretty in that moment. You struggled to look away, to find any other excuse to distract you from just how magnetic his presence was.
“In the meantime, let me drive you home,” You broke eye contact and reached into his hand to grab his keys but he tightened his grip on them.
“What are you doing?” He sniffled.
“You might not be as drunk, but you reek of alcohol,” You said, lifting his hand by his wrist and plucking the keys out. “Friends don’t let friends drink and drive. Where’d you park?”
“Friends?” He smiled softly.
“Yeah, I figured I’d give that one to you tonight,” You shrugged, making him laugh. “Lead the way.”
“How exactly do you plan on getting home if you’re driving me home?” He blinked.
“I can walk.”
“Like hell I’m going to let you walk next to those woods!” He scoffed. “Either you’re staying at my place or I’m staying at yours.”
“You wanna have a sleep over?” You smirked. “You wanna braid each other’s hair and make friendship bracelets while we’re at it?”
“You’re seriously giving me shit right now? My cheeks aren’t even dry yet and you’re already being a dick,” He rolled his eyes as you walked past him to find his car.
“We’ve been friends all but two minutes and you already wanna have a slumber party, Harrington?” You continued to tease.
“I parked over there,” He pointed in the opposite direction.
“Right..” You pursed your lips, spinning on your heels and walking towards the direction of his car. He laughed at the fact that his comment made you fall silent.
“Hey, Dustin?” You knocked on his door with your pillow under your arm. No response. You knocked harder. “Dustin! I’m not gonna stop knocking until you-“
“What?!” He hissed, cracking his door just enough to peak into the hallway.
“I need to sleep in your room tonight.”
“What? Why?” He asked a little too quickly.
“Because Steve is tipsy and I offered him to stay in my bed. Now let me in-“
“Sounds like a you problem,” He said.
“Dustin! Don’t you dare shut this-“ The door slammed. “Door… You fucking asshole!”
You scoffed before walking back to your room. Steve looked up at you with confusion as he began getting under your covers.
“I’ll take the floor,” You sighed, throwing your pillow down and walked to your closet to find blankets.
“What? No, I’ll take the floor. This is your room.”
“And you’re the guest.”
“Okay. Well, this is a queen sized bed. It’s big enough for the both of us,” He said. You blinked, looking at the bed and back at him. You weren’t oblivious to your chemistry, and up until that night, you’d done a phenomenal job at avoiding him like the plague out of respect for your friend. You couldn’t even begin to imagine just how angry she’d be if she found out he slept in the same bed as you.
“Yeah, I’ll stick with the floor,” You pursed your lips before turning towards your closet again. You heard your bed squeak before you felt his presence behind you. He grabbed the arm you were using to search with and pulled it down, turning you towards him.
Dear God, he was only mere inches away from you. You cursed the swarm of butterflies for exciting at the way he grabbed your arm.
“Look, I won’t try anything if that’s what you’re worried about,” He said firmly. “I won’t tell Nancy, and I’ll never bring it up again. We can even put some pillows between us if it makes you feel better.”
You sighed, looking at the bed in thought. He was right, you both respected Nancy and each other far too much to try anything. It was just sleeping next to one another. It wasn’t any different than the sleep overs you’ve had with Nancy, Barb, and Robin. What’s the worst that could happen?
“Fine. But you get the spot next to the wall,” You sighed.
“Deal,” He chuckled before crawling back into the bed.
The moment you’d gotten home, Steve asked to borrow warmer clothing since your mother liked to keep the house at an arctic climate. You gave him your step father’s old Indiana State University hoodie and sweatpants. You hadn’t really seen him in anything other than his yuppie jeans and jackets. This was a nice change of pace for him.
You grabbed your pillow and set it into its proper spot before reaching over and turning out the lights.
“Goodnight, Steve,” You said, turning away from him.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
Chapter 3 ->
As always, please feel free to DM me or comment on my stories! I love to hear your feedback and interact with all of you!! Don’t forget to like and reblog, it really helps me out!
a/n: pft, what’s the worst that could happen? i am having MAJOR writer’s block for the next few chapters. i promise i’ll have them up on friday HOWEVER, i completely forgot that i have a 10 page essay over Russian Geography due on July 8th so i’ll let you all know whether or not i will be taking the week off next week to focus on the paper :( thank you for all of your support and patience!! it means the world to me 🥺💕
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michelada12 · 7 months
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IndieRPG’s Halloween Edition 🎃
Crowscare by arcadekitten
Game where you help Ryo prepare for the upcoming Harvest fest.
A Treat & Some Tricks by THarvestBrains
Game where you play a nice game of hiding & seek before going trick or treating.
Good Luck Seducing an Ace Witch by Agata Sain
You are barista that gets captured by a witch. Now you must befriend her before you become part of her potion.
Too Impatient by Lynis
Game where you lack patience to survive hell and your new demon friend keeps calling you lame.
Blackout by FRESH
Help a amnesiac Marilyn explore a haunted house.
Jake’s Halloween Night by DreamBones
Help Jake get ready for an epic Halloween party. Also, there’s candy everywhere.
Goodbye, Doggy by Picogram
Help this good doggo help it’s family to move on. I’m not crying your crying.
Pumpkin Eater by thugzilladev
Visual novel where your brother now has a pumpkin head and mom is not going crazy she is just fulfilling her duties as a mother who loves her children.
Pumpkin Panic by Bilalaika
Plant some crops, make friends, and built a very cool boat in this nice farming game.
Oh Terry! By Vimi
You are a vampire that just wants to get a drink, but some dude just keeps being annoying with his cheese puffs.
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suchaladyy · 7 months
Halloween Party
I did a sprinting game with @nonamemanga @cupoteahatter @midsvmmars! We all wrote Halloween party fics with different dialogue prompts. I did #50 (both) from this list.
Prompt 1: “I can hear your heartbeat - why is it going so fast all of a sudden?”
Prompt 2: “But I don’t care what anyone else thinks!”
I sprinted this for 20 or so minutes and did not edit it. It is 863 words and Rated T. Enjoy!
Tyler grunted quietly as Wednesday slammed into him, herding him not so gently so that his back was flush with the wall and she was pressed up against him. She shushed him as if the sound of his breath being forced from his lungs by her small, deceptively hard body was voluntary. As if he couldn’t be trusted, she pressed her cold hand against his mouth, preventing him from speaking.
Although Wednesday and Tyler were now dating after he began attending Nevermore and they made up, they were keeping it a secret. Why? Tyler didn’t exactly know. Their relationship had begun so unorthodoxly, with heated, angry makeout sessions in the corridors when they were supposed to be in class that eventually turned into much less angry - but no less heated - makeout sessions in her dorm when Enid had student council meetings.
At first, Tyler had understood why she wanted to keep it private. He was still new at Nevermore, and he wasn’t exactly winning any popularity contests. But now, they’d been dating for months, and she still insisted that they sneak around. Tyler couldn’t help but be a little hurt by it.
Tyler looked down at her and rolled his eyes at her dramatics. Not caring enough to get a costume for Halloween, Wednesday was clad in her old Poe Cup team uniform, a tight, athletic number completed by a cat ear headband. That costume was to blame for their current predicament. They were both in attendance of the Nightshade’s secret Halloween Party in the library, Tyler a guest of Ajax’s and Wednesday a guest of Enid’s. He’d planned to mostly keep his distance from her, but when Wednesday had walked in in that tight black catsuit with those adorable ears, a grumpy look on her face, all of his plans had gone out the window.
He’d quietly pulled her aside, leading her behind one of the stacks and pressing her roughly against the wall. Wednesday definitely hadn’t minded, if her using him as a scratching post was any indication - that is, until they heard someone walk by their little hiding spot drunkenly singing to themselves. They hadn’t noticed them, and yet Tyler was still crushed against the wall, Wednesday’s clammy hand on his mouth rather than her lips.
“I can hear your heartbeat - why is it going so fast all of a sudden?” Wednesday asked in a whisper, her head pressed against his chest due to their height difference.
Tyler raised an unamused eyebrow at her, and Wednesday huffed and removed her hand, taking a step back. He crossed his arms and leveled a look at her. “Maybe because you’re treating us hooking up like a high stakes heist?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Wednesday scowled, looking away.
“You probably gave be a bump on the back of my head because you so badly don’t want to be seen with me.”
“You heal fast.”
“Wednesday,” Tyler insisted.
“Neither of us want the whole school talking about us. It’s not just me.”
“But I don’t care what anyone else thinks!” Tyler said, too loudly, and lowered his voice. “Listen. I get it. I know…that I’m not the most popular guy here. And I get it, why no one likes me. But I can’t have my own girlfriend ashamed of me, too.” Hurt bloomed in his chest at his own words as he realized just how much this had been bothering him.
“What?” Wednesday asked. “Are you stupid?”
“Okay, insults are not helping right now-”
She cut him off. “Let me set one thing straight. I do not care what anyone in this vapid school thinks of me or our relationship. I simply do not want to be the subject of insipid gossip. I get enough of that being Enid’s roommate.” Her eyes were hard but honest.
Tyler paused, hope bleeding into the hurt in his chest. “So you aren’t ashamed of me for massacring the town and your classmates last year?”
Wednesday gave him another look like he was an idiot but with an edge of fondness that made him glow. “Come here,” she said, grabbing his wrist and pulling on him.
“Wow, you’re really manhandling me tonight. Is it the costume? Cause I can wear it again-” Tyler joked, goofy with happiness.
She yanked him into the bustling party. “Hey!” Wednesday shouted, quieting the laughter and talking and commanding the room. “Tyler is my boyfriend, and I am proud of his monstrous tendencies. I want to hear nothing more on the matter,” she said venomously, her eyes warning them to challenge her.
After a moment of silence, Bianca chimed in from the back of the room. “Yeah, we can see your whiskers and nose smeared all over your face. Not exactly subtle,” she said, referring to the makeup Enid had convinced her to wear to complete her costume.
Wednesday turned around and glared at Tyler as if it was his fault. It kind of was, to be honest, but all he could do was smile.
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gren-arlio · 7 months
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(Image made by @kirstenonic05. Huge help on this, so thank you.)
Hello, one and all, it's Gren here. Today is Witch's birthday as well as Halloween, and to celebrate such a momentous occasion for the girl who appears in oh so many of my posts, I'm gonna to do two things besides say happy birthday to her.
An in-depth look on what The Witch has committed, her devious crimes.
How to handle/deal with/tolerate her if you're a random person, or you're a special guy.
Possible prosecution of her. Keyword "Possible".
I basically became Schezo's Private Investigator for a solid few months and today, I'm here to drop it all out for the press to see. Puyo fans are gonna be in shambles tonight.
This will be a detailed tutorial on what happens if you see The Witch, how to deal with her, and what happens if she approaches you. Hope you enjoy this overly elaborate shitpost.
What IS The Witch?
For those blissfully unaware, The Witch is a wanted criminal, a young 15 year old felon who often resides in the realms of Madou Monogatari and Puyo Puyo, owned formerly by COMPILE, now by SEGA.
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(A rough draft of what the suspect looks like. Be careful. Actual draft of her from Madou Monogatari Saturn.)
She seems harmless, but that's how she gets you. Never trust teenage girls who can brew potions, I learned that the hard way.
Commonly, she's a blonde haired, blue eye teenage girl, about 5'2 (158 CM) and 99 pounds (45KG), seen with a blue robe with tints of white and red, a blue hat and some of the worst shoe game I've ever seen.
However, she has been seen in a green robe with a red amulet, a steampunk outfit, and even cosplay as either Arale Norimaki from Dr. Slump, a literal cat, and Emilia from Re:Zero. (Besides the cat one, all really good alts in Quest design wise and Puyo-N just has good designs.)
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(Video recording of The Witch cooking something malevolent)
What? Crimes?
You heard me right good folks, as the guy who has documented her misdeeds for weeks on end, (AKA I've been casually researching other games and she appears,) I have found many of her criminal acts, some worse than others, and some shit I definitely made up. Here are a few cases, some of which are somewhat stretching the definition, but it's alright:
Attempted Murder:
Most notably committed in Madou Monogatari Saturn, where whilst getting kidnapped by Incubus, she absolutely torched the man. Could claim self defense but still.
Mostly to Schezo, when you stretch the definition long enough, it can be considered verbal harassment. If you count 4Komas and Compile Club Underground Edition, visual harassment is...certainly on the table.
(Attempted) Petty Theft:
More notable in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, where she tries many-a-times to get Schezo's robes, even threatening assault if he didn't.
Threatened Schezo with it for his clothes in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, saying she'll rip them off.
You may ask, "Aren't Puyo matches assault cases?" And to that, I say...no. Usually, it's a joint agreement. The same goes for Waku Puyo, it's part of the attraction itself, the person somewhat signed up for it. However, I don't think personally trying to rip someone's clothes was part of the rules.
Most noticeable in the Tottemo Puyo Puyo Manga, where she drugged Arle with a love potion to make her fall in love with them, but it failed. Badly.
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(Not many people know this one too much, so I thought I'd show the time where the crime occurred.)
Possession/Distribution of Alcohol to and as a Minor:
In Puyo 20th Anniversary, she just so happened to have something that made our boy Klug feel a tad unwise. Apparently happened to Lagnus too in Quest, but we're unsure, since it came from a 2nd source.
(Also, I know she didn't mean to give Klug it, but...why did she have it anyways?)
Crimes Against Schezo Wegey:
Along with almost every crime here, during the run of Compile, she's committed the worst one of them all: Being a Simp.
Easily the most notable for me, In Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, she's normal to almost everyone else (she has beef with Rulue for some reason,) but the minute Schezo is in a 2 mile radius, she "forgets" to take her normal pills.
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(Image recording of her harassing Mr. Wegey. She's just saying "it" looks super cool, leaving Schezo confused on whatever she meant, and yes. It's about his clothes.)
Second most notable (for me) is PuyoLympics, where the SECOND he takes off his robe to show the uniform he got, she starts acting a little unwise, to put it bluntly.
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(Prelude image seconds before The Witch commits her worst crime yet. Being a Simp. Also the NicoNico video I saw for this had some of the most down bad dudes ever, don't become them please)
We also must speak about her acting unwise when she saw Madou Saturn Schezo, asking to touch the man.
And how could we forget when she got possessed by Marle, who totally gave her back her Madou conscious after laying dormant for God knows how many years and began her quest of simping yet again?
Saying submit to me, saying that she doesn't know why she feels so desperate for him all of a sudden, and then prolongs the word fun? Marle was scheming that day...
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(First off, somehow I got this with both her eyes closed. Didn't expect that. Second, why does it look like Schezo is grabbing his own name box?)
We can forgive many of her crimes. But we can't forgive this crime specifically.
What Do You Do When You See The Witch?
Now, most likely, you'd want to report her to the feds, the police if you will. But her world doesn't have police somehow, and that's rough buddy. However, The Witch is a very social person, and might want to talk to you.
This will be a step by step guide on what to do if you're a normal person near The Witch or if you're Schezo. Gotta look out for everyone.
However, for all:
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The Witch is incredibly dangerous, and unless you're a relative, odds are, something malicious WILL be brewing.
Willingly going near her is dangerous as well, but if you live for danger, ignore this section.
For the Everyday Guy:
Keep your distance. The easiest thing to do, thankfully. If you don't approach her, odds are, she won't interact with you unless she wants something.
Don't own a Meteor Grimoire. She can sense that.
If she decides to go near you, do not panic, nor run yet. She has magic, you don't most likely, so unless you want a fireball or a Meteor hitting you, don't run.
Keep the talk short and brief. Prolonged exposure can be detrimental to your health in the long run.
If she asks for something, there's two ways to go around it. You can either give it to her quickly, or be the innocent victim of her next robbery/crime.
Don't try anything she gives you. Ever.
This is a split path. If she tries to take something from you, you can either choose to finally run or fight. Thankfully, she's pretty average at Puyo, so a good player can fend her off.
If everything goes well, she will leave you alone. And if you run, she probably won't chase you that much since you're just kinda a random dude to her.
For Schezo Wegey: (Or People in a Similar Scenario)
Before you even go out, don't wear cool-looking robes.
Don't own a Meteor Grimoire. She will sense that, especially if you're Schezo.
Same with the everyday man, keep your distance. If she spots you, it's absolutely over. Schezover, even.
If she spots you, everything changes now from the everyday man. She wants to approach you, she wants you...r items, or actually legit you. Don't show visible panic. Pretend she's not coming.
There's no shot you're going to be able to keep conversations short, she probably knows that you're trying to leave fast. However, try to keep your responses short enough, but not short to the point that she catches on.
If she asks for You, do NOT panic externally, which is easier said than done. Try to ask to elaborate. If she doesn't, you're fucked. If she does, give the thing to her...unless it's your clothes.
If you run, she's will very much chase you. There's several pieces of evidence for that, and unless you can run 100 meters in maybe 12 seconds, she will catch up to you with her broom. Even then, stamina issues for people, and she flies. Don't risk it unless you're absolutely confident.
This is a situation where you want her to leave first. If you noticed with some of the times Schezo gets harassed, she tended to leave first (Puyo 20th, Waku Puyo,) while in some cases, Schezo got out first (Madou Saturn, PuyoLympics but that went poorly), so try to make her leave first by doing...God know what.
If she tries to fight you, fight back. Self-defense is always good, and if you're Schezo or have a body similar to his, odds are her Meteor will hit you, but you'll survive. He's survived worse, you probably can too.
If everything goes well, you're free. Least for a little longer.
If you lose the fight, and everything else failed, FUCKING RUN. If Schezo can do it upon losing to her in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, you can too. Probably. Maybe.
Proof you can probably survive a Meteor:
(The Witch uses her spell...for 66 damage.)
Let's Say, Theoretically, She Gets Arrested. What Happens?
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(Old image my girlfriend made years ago. Little did we know how it'd end.)
Prosecuting her will very much be a challenge because simply put, there's no damn police in Madou/Primp. Well, good ones at least.
For you see, there ARE police in Primp or Madou as a whole. But in Quest, there's police in Intral City, the place Atari's from, but unfortunately, even in there, they don't exactly do much.
Call up Miles Edgeworth and teleport him here, then we got a shot, or even some other stupid good lawyer.
I'm no Laywer, but I think she'd go to jail for her crimes.
The Witch is a very dangerous felon. Armed and Dangerous, it's best to stay as far away as possible, especially if your name is Schezo Wegey or occasionally Arle Nadja. If you see her...well, you have the steps, or you can say fuck it and ball. Your choice.
And Now, Actual Updates:
I enjoyed writing this, it was fun. With this, I'll repeat myself from last posts.
I'll be taking a 2 week break from this. I'm experiencing minor burnout and I do need a break, I've been doing this consistently for a couple of months now.
I'll also be taking a break during Thanksgiving week, Christmas, and New Years week as well to spend time with family.
Thank you all for your support, it means an absolute ton to me and I'm grateful I have people who actually love my work. Hell, I've even made a few new friends from this, and I couldn't be any happier with the progress I made.
I began this stuff on the notion that no one will read these, but it'd be better to document these sorta things just for fun. Little did I know, a little over 35 followers later, that people would enjoy what I made and the info I share, even if some of it is... somewhat peculiar. The support I've gotten from the community is unreal, and it's genuinely appreciated that you guys care so much. Even you reading this means a lot to me.
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Thanks guys. Happy Halloween. Hope you enjoyed the show.
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velvetfoxgames · 7 months
Only if it’s not too much trouble- would it be possible to know what the Halloween emails said? Looking forward to the game!
The photo edits of their costumes are a little too cursed to share, but here's the emails in the order they were sent:
Halloween is just around the corner. I will be attending a Hallow's Eve ball. It will require masquerade attire, rather than costumes, which is a bit boring. But I’ve coordinated an outfit with a black, gold and white mask. It’s an authentic Italian mask I had delivered from Rome. Besides that, unfortunately I don’t think any of my associates will be dressing up this month for meetings. I’ve decided to wear Halloween-themed ties, and I’ve also designed a few boutonnieres that will use darker colored flowers from the garden. This way I’ll still be keeping with some of the Halloween spirit.
I hope you’ll be engaging in Halloween activities this year. If you’d ever like any costume advice, please feel free to message me. I can recommend some historical ideas. I’d imagine you’d look rather nice in a 1910s Victorian outfit.
Be well and enjoy this month’s festivities.
Yours truly, Brooklyn Hayes
Hi. It’s almost Halloween. People at my work are dressing up and having a work party. I’ll be wearing a plaid shirt and jeans. So I’ll be a lumberjack.
I’ve never done much on Halloween before. And I haven't been trick or treating. If there’s anything you think I should try to do this year…I might listen. You usually have good suggestions for things. And a corn maze or something wouldn’t be too bad.
At the very least, I hope you do something fun in place of me.
Talk to you later.
Hi. Halloween is in a few days.
I don’t usually do much for it, but someone is making me go trick-or-treating with them at a mall, even though we’re way too old for that
I’m also being forced to dress up. So I’m going as Eddie Munson from Stranger Things. I even have a wig. But don’t expect any pictures, because I don’t want that immortalized.
If it was up to me, I’d go to this haunted house nearby. It’s supposed to be really good. I’m actually not sure if you like scary things…? I don’t know. But maybe someday…we could go.
Whatever you’re up to, hope you have fun. Be careful.
Halloween is only a few days away now. I was doing some research on it the other day. Did you know that Irish immigrants helped bring Halloween to the US? And that jack-o-lanterns were originally hollowed turnips with lights in them to ward off spirits? Halloween is a celebration with a very interesting history. I don’t usually do much for it, but someone I work with decided to get me a costume this year. He thought it would be funny if he dressed me up as Chucky from the movie. I’m not sure why he thinks it’s funny. I have not seen that movie. I know a wig will be required.
I’ll be working on Halloween, but maybe I’ll send you a picture of myself, otherwise I don’t think too many people will see me dressed up.
I hope you have a good Halloween and do a lot more than me. I’d maybe like to see a picture of your costume as well.
Talk to you later and take care, Alexei
Happy Halloween B)
Well almost Halloween
I’ll be heading out to one of those celebrity costume parties tomorrow. You’ll probably see what I’m dressing up as in the press but maybe I can tell ya now ;)
I’m goin as a cowboy C):)  and let’s just say the vest I’ll be wearing won’t have anything underneath. Are u picturing it? Good B)
I'd like to know what ur going to be. Bet it’s cute. If you were coming with me to the party we could dress in matching outfits. Don’t know if you’d have much fun tho. Those celebrity parties are actually kinda boring. I think Id rather join with whatever ur doing
Don’t get into too much trouble tomorrow. Message me later. If ya can
Adios partner B)
HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👻
Hey hey I hope you have a great day today!! Idk if you’re planning to go out or not but either way I hope you dress up or eat lots of candy or watch some scary movies!!! Do something fun because I want you to have the best day possible ^^
My friends and I are having a dnd night at one of their houses. Halloween campaign! We’re dressing up as video game characters lol I’m Link :D
Since we’ll be at a house we can hand out candy. Someday maybe next year I'd like to do something with you? We could go to a pumpkin patch or check out fall colors…just been thinking about it.
Anyway have a good Halloween!!!!!!!!!! Hope I can talk to you later ^^
-Link (Leoooo)
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Six: Will You Be Mine?
Summary- 8.7k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. You ask if Curtis would like to do one of your favorite things- go pick out some pumpkins to start really embracing the Halloween season. Curtis and You get to enjoy being in one another's company which helps Curtis realize that he himself is ready for taking the next step in this relationship.
Warnings- Reader having personal internal debates about herself. Sexual activities. This is an 18+ Only Blog
A/N- Well there is no hiding that Curtis and Reader are going to be intimate in this chapter and frankly I'm excited for them to have reached this far in their growing relationship. It's been a journey already writing for these two. Thank you so much to everyone reading, commenting, and reblogging. Just reading your thoughts gives me so much joy, especially when someone just finds something they relate to. Thank you so much @what-is-your-plan-today for editing my work and dropping your thoughts before posting. Moodboard at the end was made by @xxindiglow. (Which I love so much, thank you!) Dividers made by @firefly-graphics.
Chapter Five / Masterlist
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“Okay scarf, check. Jacket. Mhm. Papers…” Doing a mental checklist at your desk while gathering your stuff, Claude popped in your classroom with a loud sigh of relief. 
“Listen, TGIF, am I right?!” She perched on one of the students desks while you grabbed your kids' latest homework assignments and put them in your bag. “What are your big plans this weekend?” 
You closed your bag and took one last scan to make sure you had everything. “Well Curtis and I are going out Saturday for the day, so tonight I’m just at home with netflix and grading papers. What about you?” 
Claude gave a smirk and wiggled her brows. “How about Y/N, you come out with us tonight and Sunday you can grade those? Please? It’s been much too long.” She pleaded with a flutter of her lashes and clasped her hands together like in a prayer. “It sounds like Curtis isn't stealing you away tonight.” 
“No, he is doing a dart tournament tonight, his friend signed him up without knowing about it.” You chuckled as you shouldered your bag, considering Claude's offer. “Sure, just text me where you want to meet up.” 
“Sounds like a girls' night to me.” Claude got up to follow you out. This time you were sure you would have a way to properly get yourself home. Last time you had gotten lucky that Curtis happened to be at the bar that night, but you didn’t want to be unprepared again. 
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Curtis bustled into Paulie’s with a muttered ‘Hey’ to his old friend at the bar. Edgar saw him from across the room and waved him over. Paul immediately handed a cold beer over to Curtis with a tip of his head towards the darts. 
“Kid has been yammering for the past hour about this.” 
Curtis chose this moment to take a long drink, get himself started on that buzz he was probably gonna need for this sudden tournament Edgar signed him up for. “Keep these coming Paul.” He motioned to his beer before approaching his friends. Curtis eyed the other team, who were indeed wearing matching shirts. A glance at Edgar showed he had not gone that far yet, but it was only a matter of time until he made some. 
“Are you ready Buddy?” Edgar said excitedly as he gathered the three of them around a small table. “We are going to kick ass.” 
Grey, in an effort to reel Edgar back in, responded with a gentle reminder. “In a good sportsman-like way.” 
“Yeah of course. But… I got some money on this, so we gotta give it our best shot.” Edgar shot a look at the group they were going up against. Curtis shrugged out of his coat and pulled off his beanie to hang them off the back of a chair.  
“Do I even wanna know how much you put on this game?” Grey questioned. 
“Or who you even got to bet with you?” Curtis countered while Edgar pulled out a box and popped it open to find a brand new set of darts. 
“A little incentive present to do your best, because we are the best. And Paul is taking bets if you guys wanna place some. Good chance to earn a few extra bucks.” 
Curtis gave it some thought, they were pretty good at this game. “I could use some extra cash.” He left the table to wander over to Paul, pulling out his wallet and handing him some bills. The barkeeper promptly tucked it away and marked the total in a notebook he had on him. 
“If you guys win, you are looking to make a good profit.” 
“That's the plan.” Curtis slipped his wallet away and Paul leaned against the bar having a lull moment. 
“You know, we have a big back yard behind this bar. This summer I’m thinking of doing an axe throwing stand if there is enough interest. You look like someone who can chuck an axe.” 
“I don't know, never tried, but I would be willing.” Curtis gave a nod, Paulie grinned wide with enthusiasm. 
“Good! Spread the word, I want this to be the summer hangout this year. With you guys willing to play in competition, I already have the darts on lockdown in downtown.” 
Curtis flashed him a thumbs up while pulling away from the bar, digging out his phone on his way back to the table to see Honey highlighted. 
Kick ass and take names tonight. 
He paused at the table, sitting on one of the high stools while typing out. You sound like Edgar now. 
Edgar and I could be on a team then. We would win it for ya 💪
Hmm, that's an idea. You all do the work, I can reap the benefits. I did put money on this game. 
See, more incentive to win then. 
Edgar came over, pushing the brand new darts towards Curtis. “You ready?” 
“Sure, give me a second. Just texting my girl.” 
Edgar got a sly grin hearing Curtis. “Oooh, now it's ‘my girl’. Wait till I tell Tanya.” 
“You’re a fucking idiot.” Curtis muttered while finishing up. See you in the morning, be safe out tonight. Need anything give me a call. 
I should be fine, I was sure to have my own car this time and not get stranded like last time… although it seemed to work out pretty good for me. Got myself a dart throwing, truck driving, steady job boyfriend… 
Curtis laughed reading your message. No complaints here Honey. How else was I gonna get me a Pretty Girl on my arm, all respectable and shit being a teacher? Have fun. Putting his phone away, he grabbed the darts. “Are we playing or what?” 
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Saturday morning had you up excitedly, thankful for not suffering a hangover that you were sure Claude would be nursing. This time she stuck around with you for the night although she got rather drunk and kept promising she wasn’t leaving you again. During that rant, you assured her that it was okay, and last time you were perfectly fine. You were able to get her back home all in one piece and inside to bed. Before leaving, you raided her medicine shelf in the bathroom for aspirin and a tall glass of water to leave on her nightstand. You had yet to get a text from her, not really expecting one for a few hours still. 
But for you, you had plans that a hangover would have ruined. Curtis had been sure to inform you that he would be picking you up in the morning as soon as you had told him how you wanted to start properly getting ready for Halloween. While you were dressing, you kept an eye out the window for his truck as well as your phone for a message from him. As soon as he pulled into the apartments’ lot, you grabbed your coat and headed down the stairs, your mood turning giddy.  
You exited the apartment complex sporting a scarf around your neck and tying the front of your coat closed. You looked so enthusiastic that Curtis couldn't help but break out in a smile of his own. “Well someone is excited.” He made it around the truck fast enough to pop open the door for you and you pressed a kiss to his bristled cheek, his hand fell on your waist to guide you into the truck so you could settle in the seat. 
“I missed out doing this the last couple of years.” You bubbled with excitement, which was infectious as Curtis leaned against your open door, basking in it. “I’m just happy you agreed to go with me.” It had been the right call seeing just how genuinely happy doing this made you, he would have agreed to anything at that moment just to see that smile of yours. “I said I wanted to get pumpkins and you were all for it.”
“Well, there is a first for everything.”
In the middle of buckling in, you twisted in your seat to face him just before he could get the door closed. “You never did all this?” Your brows arched up high, your quizzical look making him hide a laugh, although you could see the way his eyes crinkled in the corners, unable to hide that away. 
“Well a first for me in many years, Honey. I did always make sure to have some candy on the porch steps for the kids though.” 
Your hand reached out to brush against his cheek, giving a sigh as your palm cupped against his bristled cheek. You put on a sympathetic smile as if he didn’t know what he was getting into with you. “Oh Curtis, well that is about to change.” 
Now that made him laugh out loud. “I’m looking forward to it Y/N.”  
You had googled the best place to go, which took the two of you out of the city area and a few towns over. The drive was quick, with you both admiring the scenery, the road leading you along the great lakes’ shore line, passing little lakeside camps and docks that you took note of for the future explorations. When you arrived, the GPS took you right through the town’s mainstreet, which you admired the quaint little town with a wistful desire. “I always wanted to live in a little place like this. I don't know, it always just feels like a family kind of place, you know.” 
“It’s so much smaller than Duluth.” Curtis admitted as they bypassed what looked like a mom and pop gas station, an old church in the center of town, a town garage with junk cars scattered around it, and lots of homes in various stages. “I wouldn’t mind living in a place like this.” The GPS had the truck turn up some old dirt road outside of the town, requiring them to slow down and really admire the landscape. 
You thought about what he said, considering where he was living now. “Would you want to sell your grandparents?” 
Curtis was quiet for a moment thinking about your question. “I know the place needs a lot of work and its just outside of the city but no. It was my family home, basically Ella’s. We have all our memories there, I’m not ready to let all that go. Maybe, if I had my own family- wife and kids, I would feel different?” He shrugged a shoulder and then glanced at you with some concern. “God I didn’t freak you out did I?” 
Anything but, you found all that sentimental feeling really endearing. “Not at all. I think it’s really nice that you get to live there. As you said, that’s where you grew up, it’s always been your home. One of the few things I still appreciate about going back to New York is that my parents’ house feels like going home.” You admitted and he reached over to take your hand, giving a slight squeeze. 
“Was it a big deal for you, coming all the way out here?” 
You glanced down at his hand wrapped around yours, it was large, swallowing yours. Callouses were rough against your softer skin, but not in a biting way that made you want to retreat. In the past much softer, but equally strong hands made you pull back all the time. No, you wanted to feel his touch trail against your sensitive parts, making you chase after him with a plea for more. The flutters in your chest made you feel light and airy in the moment. You've had held his hand plenty of times now, but it still made you feel excitement and overall safe. “Yeah, it was. I had never moved this far before. But it was time, I was just kind of drifting in life at that point having just split up and when I was offered the teaching job at Mason’s I took it.” You tilted your head back against the seat, thinking about that time, hard to think of it as less than a year ago now, but it felt like a lifetime. “Jade was so proud of me, been telling me I needed to leave. Kept offering me to come live with her and her boyfriend, Frank, in Florida but they didn’t need me imposing on them.” 
Curtis offered another glance at you, a crease in his brow with concern. “Don’t get me wrong Honey, I’m glad you came this way. But how would you be imposing?” 
You fought the urge to wipe away that worried line in his brow. His focus going back to manoeuvring the truck along the dirt road. “Jade likes to play mother hen. She feels the need to fix things. It can be overbearing at times.” 
“Ahh, okay I get that. Ella feels sometimes she can run my life better than I can. Before meeting you, she was always trying to set me up on dates.” 
You smirked in response. “Well good thing I came around then, that just sounds… so awful for you.” 
Curtis rolled his eyes, huffing at your cheeky answer. “It was when she basically threatened to put me on a dating app after the last few failed dates she set me up on.” He narrowed his eyes at you. “Don’t get me wrong Honey, all the ladies were lovely people. It just wasn’t something I wanted.” 
You let that sink in, just as you had suspected, Curtis had no problem finding himself dates. Apparently Ella had basically been setting him up with perfectly nice eligible women. But he bypassed all of them. Until he met you. 
He chose you. 
The GPS on your phone chimed, making you glance down at it and breaking you out of your thoughts, an excited grin breaking out. “It should be-” You glanced around out the windshield trying to catch some sight of this farm you had seen online. “-around this corner.” You said as he bypassed a barn and sure enough once you turned the corner, there was a stand all set up with fields of orange, white and green pumpkins stretching around it. At the stand it appeared to be loaded with baked goods, jars of canned goods and a hot drink station. You shut off the GPS system to keep it from announcing that you had arrived at your destination. 
You had that same expression on your face of pure joy as before. Earlier in the week you said that this is where your “dorkiness” is going to be bad, but Curtis wouldn't have changed a thing about how happy you were. For him it was another part of you he got to enjoy.  “So how many pumpkins are we bringing back with us?” Curtis asked you as you two left the truck and started to wander into the field.  
“Mmmh, I want at least three. One for my apartment, I'm carving one for your porch because you have the most perfect porch to decorate and it's a shame to let it go to waste.” You weaved your fingers with his and he shook his head at you. 
“What am I gonna do with a pumpkin?” he gave your hand a slight squeeze in return.
“You light it up Curtis. It looks nice, Halloween- like.” You paused to check out one particularly orange one. “Then I want a small one for my desk at school.” 
“You really do love all this.” He observed, which had you nodding while leaning over to half roll one over, looking it over. To him it looked perfect, which seemed to have no interest for you.  
“Absolutely, its my favorite time of year.” Bypassing that one, you two moved onto another. When you rolled it, you deemed it perfectly imperfect with its mishappen body and varying coloring of orange making it look speckled. “I want this one.”
Curtis took out a small blade from a pouch on his belt and flicked it open to cut the stem, gathering it up in his arm to carry back to the front. You kept looking around, picking out a few more of varying sizes. The longer you stayed, the more people came with their families. While you were wandering the field, Curtis having brought a couple more to the front with your first choice, you started helping others pick out the perfect ones for them as well. 
Curtis got to see you just enjoying yourself without any inhibitions. You started helping some kids pick some out and talking animatedly with the parents. You seemed to notice Curtis was no longer at your side and paused halfway through the field, turning to look over your shoulder to see where he was, and as soon as you saw him, you smiled. Just for him.  
When your eyes locked onto his, it was just like he was once more seeing you get off that bus, a warm energy that made him crave to bask in your presence, wanted to spend all his time wrapped up in you. 
So that's exactly what he went to do. 
You two finished with a final stop at the stand. Curtis stood behind you with his arms wrapped around you while you chose a few things to bring home as well as the pumpkins you chose- bags of frosted sugar cookies in the shapes of autumn leaves and pumpkins, fresh cider donuts and a couple jars of jam and apple butter. You also got to go cups to make yourselves something hot to drink before heading back home. 
Settling with making both of you coffee while Curtis loaded up the back of the truck with the pumpkins you chose, he even relented and got a few extra so you could decorate his porch how you wanted, you two started for home once more. Curtis was grateful for the hot coffee and on the ride home you shared a donut with him, offering him sugared bites from your fingers that he was sure to suck the sugar off your fingertips a time or two,  teasing the sugar off your fingertips with the tip of his tongue. 
Opting to stop at Paulie’s before going back to your apartment to unwind, you two were able to get seats at the bar where Paul was sure to wave at the two of them, signalling Curtis to come around. “Come make yourself useful Everett.” 
“I'm here on a date?” Curtis countered as he yanked off his jacket. “You don't even pay me to do this.” 
“I give you plenty of free beers. My help comes in twenty minutes. Just cut me some slack. Y/N doesn't care, do ya?” Paul asked with a desperate note in his tone, like having Curtis on the other side of the bar would save him. 
You gave a shake of your head and Curtis glared at you, making you grin at him and nudge him. “Go get me a beer stud.” 
“Right away Ma’am.” He huffed and playfully squeezed at your hip before making his way around to the other side of the bar. “What can I get ya?” 
“Hmmm, anything you recommend.” You gathered his coat and hat off his old seat and pulled them across your lap to free up the bar since it was getting busier. Curtis turned around to glance at the shelf of stuff Paul had on hand. Picking up a bottle of Jack Daniels, he poured you both a shot. “That’s certainly not a beer Curtis. You trying to get me drunk?” You grabbed yours and held it up, clinking it with his and tipped it back all to once that left you licking your lips afterward, your face scrunching just a bit from the burn. 
Curtis saw you take that challenge without any hesitation and damn it was hot how you tilted your head back to shoot the liquor between your sweet tempting lips. He didn't take his eyes off you the whole time he took his own. “Better then beer Honey, hits just right.” He winked while he set the bottle near you. “Keep the bottle, Paul said it was on the house.” 
“Not the whole bottle Curtis!” Paul shouted from across the bar and you poured yourself another, not nearly as full but enough to burn still in the best way while it was going down. Curtis winked at you as he moved away, starting to take drink orders. 
This was the first time you saw him behind the bar. He had a knack for it, pulling out bottles and unscrewing the tops to flick them into a bucket nearby. Curtis easily chatted with customers, and you started to see him yet another side of him. These were regulars you assumed, he knew their names, asking about theirspouses, how the kids were doing or how work was going for them. Often his eyes would dart from where he was making drinks to check in that you were all okay amongst all that was going on, 
You thoughts wandered to how you once thought his eyes were icy blue when you first met? You were so wrong. They were vibrant and made your heart skip a beat whenever he made eye contact. 
Not for the first time you were getting turned on just watching him. The longer you did the more you wanted to bring him home and explore what was under that black tee shirt he was wearing and run your hands on his bare chest and feel him fuck you right into your mattress. Or couch, whichever you two ended up making it to first. The thought alone made you squeeze your thighs together as your panties started to stick to you, selfishly wishing for yourself that maybe tonight was the night you both would be ready. 
Curtis wandered back down to where you were squirming in your seat, moving to lean on his elbows and hover closer to you. His eyes had a playful look to them, the corner of his mouth uplifted looking at you. “Can’t believe you are all alone down here. Let this lonely fellow buy you a drink?” 
You leaned forward, whispering in a conspiracy. “My date will be back any second. He is six’ four and intimidating as hell. You better watch yourself mister.” 
Curtis huffed, his chest puffing out slightly. “I can take him, his punk ass aint got nothing on me.” 
You let your eyes rake over him suggestively, warmth shooting straight to your core. “You're really confident and that is sexy as fuck. I will let you buy me a drink.” 
He didn't know if it was the couple shots of Jacks you took or something else, but the suggestive tug of your bottom lip between your teeth and the sultry glances you have been giving had him on edge. But it was just the start on top of so many other things that made Curtis want more with you. In the time he had known you, you’d become part of his happiness and he wanted to explore what that could mean for him and for you as well. He had seen glimmers of sadness from you in passing, when you seemed to recall something from before and it struck him in a way no one else had ever done so. Overall, he wanted to be the one to replace those memories with better ones. Ones with him.  
So he was ready he decided to see where the next step in this relationship would take the two of you. As he picked out a beer for you and you brushed your hands against his, your sweet lips wrapping around that bottle, well a man can only handle so damn much. “Once you finish that, wanna head out?” 
You enthusiastically nodded and tilted your head back, the beer going down a lot quicker. “Fuck.” Curtis muttered to himself in awe at the way you were downing that bottle. He looked over at Paul. “A'ight headed out.” 
Paul gave him a thumbs up and then Curtis came out from behind the bar and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you beside him. “Wait, wait…” You juggled his coat in your arms and twisted back to your seat, grabbing the bottle of Jack. “Thanks Paul!” You shouted out, waving the mostly full bottle for him to see. 
“Hey! I told you guys can’t have the whole bottle!” 
“Consider it my payment Paul.” Curtis held the door open and you ducked out with your prize, laughing. 
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Back at your apartment doorway, Curtis had you pinned against it, hands to your hips, his body flush against yours as he kissed you feverishly, tilting his head to nip at your jaw and you giggled out at the sensation. The door was nice, but tonight you wanted more. And hoped Curtis would too. 
“Curtis, wait…” You whimpered out as he was working a particular sensitive spot near your ear that was making you rub against him. Your hand cupped the back of his head as he lifted away from you, pupils blown almost black in his own arousal. “Do you want to stay the night?” Your eyes searched his, hoping for that yes and fearful of the rejection you always were half expecting, even when you knew better that voice still taunted you.
He will never want you Y/N.
Curtis knew his answer, known it basically all damn day he has been with you. He let his hands travel up your body and cup your face, kissing you once more, leaving you breathless. “Yes, I'm not ready for today to end Honey.” 
Your hand fell along the door behind you and with a twist of the doorknob, you both fell into your apartment, the door slamming heavily behind the two of you. 
Once inside Curtis pulled you in close, backing you into the nearest wall as his mouth went back to flushing kisses up your neck, your jawline to the corner of your mouth. “Bedroom?” He asked and you nodded, pulling on his t shirt that you admired so much earlier to pull it off over his head. You had been daydreaming about his big broad chest since you met in the freight yard, wanting nothing more than to rub your hands against him and explore him. That night at his place when you got to see him in his tank, you caught a glimpse of what was underneath, muscled pecs, a dark scattering of hair leading to his belly when his shirt was ridden up, some tattoos that you desperately want to explore.
What you weren't expecting was how intricate some of these tattoos covering his chest were as you dropped the offending tee on the floor of your living room. Your eyes went wide as you pulled back to see how far down he went with that ink, your hands spanning over his chest, giving a small breathy ‘Oh.’ Intricate designs scattered across him, some of them forming symbols that you had seen in his books that he read. Your fingers splayed over them, sliding up to where his medallion rested against the center of his chest. The chain was long, your fingers curling in the metal as you look up at him wide eyed. 
“You like?” He arched a brow curiously, his hands settling on your hips, fingers flexing against your curves like they were all that was keeping him in check right now. 
“Very Curtis, I plan on exploring them very thoroughly. Later.” You gave a tug on that chain, dragging him back to you and your tongue licking into his mouth. Curtis groaned into it, shifting his hands to clasp your ass and further down to the back of your thighs. It completely caught you by surprise when he lifted you, your legs being pulled around his waist and you were sure your thick thighs were crushing his slim waist. “Curtis!” He smirked as he pulled you off the wall and you clung to him. “You can’t just carry me!” 
“I can, and I will, easily.” He went into your bedroom and lowered you to your bed, crawling over the top of you and continuing once again where he left off with you. Nipping at your neck while pulling your top up and over your head to drop beside the bed, your hands went to his belt to start to unbuckle it. “I don’t wanna be hearing I can’t carry around my girl when I want to.” 
Your hands worked his belt and button open before grabbing at the waist of his jeans to push them down, digging your nails into his taunt ass and pressing down to grind him against you. “What did you just call me?” 
His fingers skated down your sides almost teasingly while he dragged his beard against your collarbone, the soft moments his lips touched your skin a soothing balm against the burn he left behind. The coolness of his chain dragging against your made you shiver with the anticipation. Curtis spread loving kisses across the tops of your breasts spilling out the top of your bra, fingers dipping into the band of the pants you were wearing. “My girl.” He lifted his head to look at you. Blue eyes imploring. 
My girl, did you want to be his? His hands felt like he was worshiping you, his mouth exploring the taste of your skin, trying to draw out your moans as his own personal hymn. There was a hopeful look in his eyes, that your next answer could make him a blessed man. Curtis made it so fucking easy to want to be his and it was something you actually desperately wanted. So saying yes… 
Well that would be easy. 
“I want to be that Curtis.” 
He broke in a grin, his whole face lightening up as he surged forward to catch a kiss. You arched up to reach him while his hand dipped against your back and a twist of his fingers had the clasp of your bra releasing. Pulling away from you, he sat back on his heels. Curtis hooked a finger under your bra straps to pull them down, letting your bra fall away. “You're so beautiful Honey.” 
You scrunch your nose up at him, heated doubt tickling in the back of your mind, and making you twist your mouth. Although your bedroom was dark, he was able to see you enough still and that made you nervous of exactly how much he really was able to see of you. Your hands suddenly didn't know where to go, or what to do. You suddenly wished your bra was still there, covering you in a way that made you pleasing to look at. Your body was being exposed layer by layer and you didn’t quite have a place to hide your imperfections anymore. Your rolls would show, the flab on your arms would jiggle when you lifted them to reach for Curtis, your thighs cellulite would dimple in a way that you dreaded Curtis even noticing, your breasts not having support wouldn’t stay the perfect round shape that the bras support could give, how your stomach drooped lower then it should. Why did you agree to this? Especially with Curtis looking like a god above you. Even in his small imperfections he looked like some kind of rugged model while you couldn’t even offer him sexy imperfections. 
You were soft everywhere and your body carried the scars littering across your skin in stretch marks.
Weakly you covered yourself, shaking your head a bit. You weren’t beautiful, you just weren't and he was going to look at you and see that truth any second now. 
Curtis witnessed the way his words just struck you, a whiplash of some kind. He reached for your wrists, circling his fingers around to tug gently. “Y/N, look at me.” He shifted upwards a bit, pressing your hands back to his chest, his arm holding him up while hovering over you. “You are up in your head right now, I need you here with me.” 
Imploring eyes made you look at him and you took a breath to help shut the thoughts up. You were so tense under him that when you relaxed, you sunk a little further into the mattress. Your hands started exploring him again, brushing through the thick mat of dark hair sprinkled on his chest to twirl a finger around a pink nipple. Glided over a softer belly that had a line of dark hair leading down into his now loosened pants. “I’m with you Curtis.” You said loud enough for the both of you, an assurance for both of you perhaps.
The ghosting of your fingers was a blessed tease to say the least, but Curtis held himself in check as you loosened back up, just as he thought, you had started thinking too much about unsaid fears when all he wanted was for you to touch him, to start taking what you wanted and not concern yourself with what he was thinking. Your thumb pressed against the lines cutting against his pelvis, leading down till your fingers curled over the bulge at the front of his pants. “Fuck Honey, see what you do to me? Drive a man crazy.” 
You squeezed him, all wide eyed wonders gazing up at him as he groaned with a dip of his head back to you to tease your lips all while rocking his hips enough to press his hard on against you. “No one’s ever told me that before.” 
“Well I'm never gonna shut up about it.” A hand curved around your hip and slid up to cup one of your breasts, squeezing his palm against you as he pressed his mouth open to the top of it, sucking on the supple flesh, press of teeth leaving a bit of a mark and then a soothing caress of tongue, you let your head fall back with closed eyes to let the feeling of him over take you. 
He glanced up from where he had his mouth lay claim to your nipple, quick flicks soon had you hard and sensitive, clutching at his shoulders while your back arched to give him more of you, which fed his greediness. He didn't just want more, he wanted all. A rush of kisses across heated skin left you shivering when the air chilled your now thoroughly loved breasts. Between his hands and his mouth, you never felt so consumed by a man. “I could just love on you all fucking day.” He growled as he pulled back further, his chin dragging down the center of your body, even as his hand still massaged against your breast, rubbing your pebbled nipple to escape between his fingers till he dragged a massive palm back over them, making you whine. “You fit in my hands so good Y/N.” 
Here was where you were grateful for the darkness in the room, as much as you would love to see how blown his vibrant expressive eyes were or the swollen bottom lip peeking from the dark beard covering half his face, you weren’t ready to sacrifice him being able to view you to closely. Maybe he wouldn’t notice the stretch marks covering your belly, the overhang of your lower belly or the pudge of your mound that you always felt was unattractive. In the dark of your bedroom you might be able to hide this from to close inspection. 
A touch to your hip, a slight squeeze that dragged you out of your thoughts. Causing you to lift your head, you could see enough of Curtis to tell that he was close to you, listening to the catch in your breaths. His fingers curved into the band of your pants and panties to start easing them down, his breaths hot as he got closer to your more intimate areas. “Curtis…” Your voice hitched with uncertainty while he eased your pants off, first one leg, then the other. He pressed his touch in your softer inner thighs, seeming to appreciate the plushness and heat that was there, the way he had to press against them to spread them apart as they quivered in anticipation. You felt your pussy ache, a wet rush making you practically drip your essence because of this man. 
He kissed the fleshy part of your hip, humming in question to you. “Do you want me to stop?” He was willing to, if you were not okay with this. But Curtis ached for you, wanted to feel every inch of you in his hold. Curtis was patient, and he kept his touch away from your core till you told him that you were ready. 
“No, I'm just… god I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm like this.” You stammered out. Your hands going to the back of his head and scratching lightly at his scalp. 
Curtis wasn't upset by any means, it was understandable to be nervous for your first time together and he lifted himself enough so you could meet his eyes. “Deep breath Honey and you tell me what you like as I do it.” Gripping your chin, he pulled you up enough to kiss you, his tongue stroking yours till you melted into him, going breathless. 
“I liked that.” You teased him which made him give a chuckle while he moved to a stand and reaching in his pocket pulled out a couple condoms to place nearby on the bed. 
“In case we need them. And that is good to know you like to be kissed. I have to say it makes me feel fucking mindless wanting you when you kiss me.” He shucked his pants down, along with his boxers. You wished you could see his erection, having felt how thick he was through his sweats when you two grinded together on his couch. You could see enough to tell that it was curling up towards his belly as he stroked it a couple of times, settling back on the bed and moving back over you. You let your thighs spread for him to settle in close to you, his thumb now stroking that soft pudgy spot of your mound, dragging the pad of his thumb down to your slit. 
Here you gasped, tugging your bottom lip in between your teeth when his fingers found that spot. That bundle of nerves that make your toes curl and your core ache with need. Your slick pooling just for his calloused touch. His thick fingers felt so much better than yours just stroking you. “Keep talkin’ to me Honey.” A voice rumbled against your belly, once more the drag of his beard set you alight. 
“Right there Curtis, I need-” Now that you were slick, aching for more, he let a finger press against your opening, pulling him in with a tight clamp. Velvet walls kept tightening around him. You didn’t expect him to be like this, make you this aching for him but here you were squirming on the bed, trying to keep a straight line of thought. 
Curtis knew what you needed, driving the words right from your mind as he stretched you, adding another to stroke your velvet walls. “- Oh you are so thick.” You moaned out, grabbing onto his biceps to keep yourself grounded while you started squirming underneath him, building up to your crashing moment. 
The cold of his chain bounced off your thighs, deep praises falling from him. “Just like that Sweet Girl, fuck look at you just opening for me.” Fingers buried deep in you started spreading you, scissoring in and out. He wanted to taste, drive his tongue through you but when he bit lightly on your mound, preparing to press his mouth to you, you tensed, your voice going in that panicked choked squeak. 
“No wait…” You tugged on his arms till he rose back up, tilting his head in question. “Um- I can’t-” You panted and Curtis slowed his touch, letting the aching sensations dull in your belly. 
“We don’t have to do that Y/N.” He assured you. You moved to your elbows and grabbed a condom to peel it open. 
“Can we do this instead?” You offered and Curtis sucked his fingers clean once he left your clenching core, making you hear him clearly as he sucked your essence right off his fingers. You couldn't recall ever hearing anything hotter in your life as his drenched fingers slipped into his mouth and he gave a deep hungry sounding groan at the taste of your slick. Another rush escaped you at that moment. 
“Fuck, I’m all for that.” He said as you pulled yourself up a bit more to slide the condom on him. He was built, more than you were expecting, but yet you shouldn't be too surprised- this man did just lift you up and carry you, something you were still trying to wrap your mind around. 
Right now it was about watching what little you could see of Curtis’s reaction to your touch, the sweep of your hand up and down his shaft, the sudden way he tensed right before your eyes and then rocked into you for the friction your palm made. His hand closed around yours, showing you how he liked to be squeezed around slightly, easing your thumb to circle around his red thick tip and tightening his hold when the thick vein throbbed under your fingers. “Honey, you gotta get that condom on me, I need to be inside of you.” His tone was deep and edging on desperate now. Just maybe you had similar effects on him that he had on you. “I promise you can explore all you want, however you want later.” 
“Oh, yes, of course.” You squeaked, having been distracted momentarily in your exploring, Curtis just felt so good in your hands. You pinched the tip of the condom and started to roll and stretch the rubber around him before laying back. He dropped himself over you, reaching between the two of you to slide his thick head between your folds, sure to tap against your clit and make you jolt at the excited anticipation racing through you, spreading your legs wider for him. Once more his necklace bounced against your chest, making you grab it and pull him down to meet your mouth, sliding your tongue to meet his while he started to press himself into you, stretching you to fit. 
Your legs pulled up and pressed against his side, Curtis could have blown a load just feeling you pull him into you, squeezing so tightly around him that he actually gave a choked grunt against your lips. He shared air with you, panting slightly as he grunted, flexing his ass and pushing in just a little deeper, just a little more as you rolled your eyes up to flutter a bit, your nails tightening in pleasure against his shoulders at how good just the drag of his cock into your slick core felt to you. “Fuck, you are gripping me so good Honey.” He reached for a hand, weaving his fingers with your and pining it back above your head. 
You immediately let go of his shoulders and returned the gesture, this time reaching for his hold. “You feel so good. Curtis you gotta move, I need you.” 
It was a slow movement at first, Curtis pulling out and easing back in. But each time, you were slick and fit around him like you were made just for him, and he started to move faster, determined to find your sweet spot to hear one of those moans you were holding inside. Sex, well sex always felt good. But this, it was edging on something more than sex, he wasn’t trying to get the two of you to end for the feel good moment that was satisfying. 
With you, he wanted you to just feel good and that possessive part of him got to know he was the one that gave it to you, over and over and over. He didn’t even care at this point if he finished.
It was when Curtis angled slightly that he slid himself just right and you cried out his name in just the way he had been looking for. A cry that was just for him, his name sounded sweet and desperate right now. “There you go Sweetheart, fuck- shit you just keep squeezing me like that.” He assured you when a tremble of ecstasy vibrated you. Your fingers clenched at his hand while legs lifted to cross your ankles at the small of his back to push him back into you. 
“Good Girl.” He groaned against your neck as he pushed back into you, pumping faster and harder, aiming for just that spot that made you gasp and repeat his name like a manta. “You're perfect for me.” He nudged at you till you twisted your mouth to meet his, shuddering as you kissed him with an air of desperation that pleaded him to shatter you just so he could drag your frayed pieces back together, maybe someone you desired to be. 
“Curtis, I need to, please.” You stuttered out and Curtis felt his balls tighten hearing you plead with him to finish you. He let go of one hand, squeezing a breast and tilting his head to suck on your soft suppleness, dragging a hot tongue to send pleasure through your body when he sucked on your nipple, immediately your free hand went to the back of his neck to keep him pressed close. Tingle of anticipation went up Curtis' spine, you were close and he was too now, but you had to come first.  
Dropping his hand to where he fucked into you, a finger twisted against your sensitive swollen bud to have you clamping down hard on him, your thighs quivering in a strain and that release flooded you with so much pleasure that you locked around him, biting on his shoulder to muffle yourself, causing a satisfied hiss to escape him. 
Chasing his own ending turned sloppy now that you came for him, tendons popped from his neck and his shoulders bunched together as he hunched over you, gathering you in close to him as he crashed into you several times till he shuddered in your arms He pitched forward to bury his face in the crook of your neck, gasping out the last air in his lungs to a deep groan that seem to come from the very pit of his stomach. You felt it shudder through you as you were still floating in a daze. 
Your hand that was still free from his grasp loosened from the back of his neck to scratch lightly at the back of his head and down to the knots in his shoulder from his release, he was still hunched over you, cocooning you to him like he refused to let there be space between the two of you. Refusing to let you go or push away from him. Not that you wanted to, your relished feeling him press you under him, like he couldn’t bear the thought of you pulling away from him just yet. . 
But slowly he loosened with a groan, his weight sinking on you to keep you pinned beneath him. You could hear him catching his breath, heated huffs against the shell of your ear. You valued the feeling of him around you, the intimacy of sharing each other left you unwilling to give it up just yet. Curtis sighed as he let his hold on your hand above your head loosen, shifting it down to wrap around you, hugging you tighter to his chest while he burrowed in against your neck, giving another groan. “I wanted to hold out, but fuck you were just too good to be with.” He admitted as he started to shift. 
“You don't have to move Curtis.” A small panic rose in your chest at the loss of contact, uncalled for at the moment but you couldn’t stop. It had him shushing you softly while he pulled out, pressing a reassuring kiss to your forehead. 
“I will be back.” He moved away to peel the rubber off, trying to be as quick as possible so you weren’t left alone for long. You heard running water for a few moments in your bathroom down the hallway before he came back to sit on the edge of the bed. “Is this okay?” He let the warm washcloth brush against your thigh, asking permission before he continued to clean you up. 
How in the hell was he possibly real and in your bed?
You spread your thighs open in invitation and he was careful in his touch, whispering a sorry whenever he felt you wince slightly. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” 
“No, no not at all Curtis.” You assured him as he finished. Sure you might have been a little sore, but all of it had been quite welcome. Your ex, nor your toys quite had what Curtis had.
It wasn’t long before Curtis joined you back in your bed, flopping to his back and patting his belly. “Co’mere.” You shifted over to his side, assuming he wanted to spoon but soon found that wasn't what he meant. Curtis literally wanted you on him, pulling against the curve of your ass and down to your thigh, he easily maneuverered you to straddle him. 
You did your best to hover over him, reluctant to relax on him. “Y/N, relax. I promise it's okay.” He stroked your hips and pulled you down to rest on him, your hands sliding up and down his chest with a light scrape of your nails, marvelling at the sensation of his muscles under you “Just wasn't ready to let you go just yet.” You eased down to lay yourself on his chest, going to trace what you guessed were wings on his chest, thanks to the dim light he had left on in the bathroom. “Thank you Y/N.” 
You lifted your head curiously, tilting your head in question. “For what Curtis?” 
“For letting me be with you.” A finger traced the side of your face to gently grasp your chin and pull you back up to him to give a kiss to your lips. “I got the feeling it’s not always easy for you to trust like that.” 
You smiled at his words and pulled up to a sit in order to inspect some of the tattoos scattered across his chest. “Not always easy, but I like you Curtis, really like you. You made it so…” You stalled, your mouth twisting in how you wanted to say it. How he pulled you from your doubts and worries, how you never had to guess what he was thinking, just from his touch like he couldn't get enough, his eyes that never wavered or looked away from you, and his constant words saying what he was thinking. “Different. Not like anything I’ve ever experienced before. I felt like you kept me with you in the moment.” 
You went fiddling with his chain, lifting it up to look at the small medallion hanging off the end of it. “Yeah well when I got a woman like you giving me such a gift…” He gave a sigh and broke in an almost boyish grin. You rolled your eyes at him as he clicked his tongue at you. “I only say what I mean Honey.” 
You rolled the pendant in your fingers. “What's the pendant?” 
He dropped his chin to look down towards your fingers. “That is a St Joseph medallion. It belonged to my father, passed down from my grandpa. He is the patron saint of workers, expectant mothers, families, engineers and other things.” You were gentle as you let it rest back against his chest, dropping back down further to start placing kisses on his chest, and biting lightly on his nipples, your eyes lifting enough with suggestion. “Fuck Honey, you keep doing that with your mouth.” His hip rocked upwards, feeling him grow hard again as it pressed against your ass. “I'm going to need you again.” 
“That's the plan Curtis.” You ran your tongue over a tattoo that rested along the underside of his pec, rubbing yourself against him. Again in a show of strength that had you squealing in surprise, he flipped you to your back so he could kiss you senseless once again, his entire body hard and hot against yours.
“It’s a pretty good plan, Honey.”
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dax009yt · 7 months
I did not get ANY warning for this whatsoever holy fucking shit.
Anyways yeah here's my thoughts at 11pm again thank you mr Tobias Foxy
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annoying dog jumpscare holy hell i just flung back out of my chair onto the wall
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it sure does
Sans just standing there while papyrus does his damn.. uhh. I actually have no clue what he's doing but whatever he does I support
(After I wrote this I found out there's alt text in the images and found this..
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"and sans")
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HELL YEAH we're getting Closer To Release that's fun
Alt text for this one says this
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He's doing well with it honestly
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I never have original experiences god damnit
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Alright cool they're releasing Chapter 3 and 4 together. Let me give you money goddamnit I want to consumerism this game already
Also, you should know the drill by now;
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I feel like I've seen this before.
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Next update I expect that the "something funny" will be that he tells us that he accidentally deleted the game source or something (that would be tragic please do not let that happen)
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It's. It's just called meow.png.
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I just pissed myself in fear holy fucking hell
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Damnit I have homework to do but it can wait (it can't please someone help) (also I've written too much, go form your own opinions below)
(also alt text on this one is nothing special but i'll add it to the image desc.)
and the conclusion..
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Get your Boner Ass outta there
aaand that's all. Here's the entire thing as a long-ass png, or you can just go here -> https://toby.fangamer.com/newsletters/halloween23/
thanks for reading dawg
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