#his name is alistair btw.
felidform · 1 year
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illustrated my pet corn snake's variety of shapes he displays
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littledemon55 · 6 months
The only Alastor I respect ✋😔
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(His name is actually Alistair, but it sounds exactly like Alastor)
He's from Barbie in a Mermaid Tale 2 btw, which is a solid experience ^°^
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stitchkiss · 6 days
i hate tv shows nowadays because im actually so pissed maxton hall is only 6 episodes long. if it was longer we probably could've gotten so many interesting scenes between characters. (btw i have not read the books so this is based off the show).
i keep thinking about the many unexplored dynamics and potential other characters have. i get this is very ruby and james centric but i wouldn't mind additional scenes of others.
i wanna know more about lin and see her as more than the token poc best friend. i wanna actually see ruby's mom's bakery. i got the vibe that cyril is kinda jealous/envious of james like what is going on there??? i forgot for most of the show that alistair and elaine are siblings because they had exactly one interaction in the first episode iirc. kieran is so clearly into ruby and jealous of james' relationship with her, i wanna see more of that and him! he's cute! i want more drama please! we barely got crumbs of ruby and lydia, i desperately need the whole cake! idc how it went in the books i wanna see mr sutton getting the shit beat out of him. alistair and ruby have so much bestie potential!! he was more distressed when james iced ruby out than when kesh did the same to him! they talked ONCE in the first episode and then never again?? alistair was the first person to realize the effect ruby had on james and pointed it out to him. i need need NEED a classic alistair and ruby mess around!!!!
now that i think about it, a filler episode focusing on the side characters would be so good. a little time dedicated to a day in the life of ruby's dad showing that while his disability effects him, he's still capable and happy in life. ember going to her public school and pursuing fashion, wildly contrasting what we see going on with ruby. a bit solely about the committee/other students at maxton hall gossiping about ruby and james because it's so obvious when they can't go 5 minutes without looking at each other or bickering in class. another day in the life focused on percy getting dragged through rich people shit but still being very loyal to james and being proud of who he's becoming OR a segment with zero beaufort in sight and it's just percy chilling off the clock. i bet he has a cat named moon-moon and watches downton abbey
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panlight · 10 months
can I be anon? I know you don't like BReaking dawn but as an E/B stan I loved the wedding and the honeymoon, and i don't mind Resume (the kid or the name) but what sucked was that they didn't even seem like vampires any more. Eddie wanting Bella's blood was so sexy and dangerous, but then Bella's a vampire and she and Renameme don't seem to have any temptation from blood at all. LIke SMeyer just did't want to deal with the vampire parts and it became this superhero fairytale, assembling the X-Men and just mentioning like 'oh btw they kill people out of state, don't think about it, not important.'
I missed the tortured vampire angsty bullshit! Not that I wanted Bella or Eddie or even Renesmonster to suffer or whatevs but they didn't even seem to be vampires anymore, just superheroes like the Incredibles. Even the wolves were like 'sure whatevs, we cool now.'
Oh yeah, I agree. And I guess you could argue that because Bella's so pro-vampire that her narration doesn't give us the kind of stuff Edward does in Midnight Sun or that we get through him in the original books via his conversations with Bella. But still it just felt, lacking.
Although to be honest I felt the same with Bree Tanner? I remember reading it all excited to be like YES finally some REAL Vampire Stuff! These are Wild Newborns! This is gonna give me What I Want! And then . . . they just hang out in a basement playing video games all day to avoid the sun while Bree hides and reads. That's . . . that's it? That's the wild, uncontrollable vampires? It was underwhelming.
I think it's pretty clear that SM's interest in actual horror is minimal, and with the exception of the Cronenberg-esque birth scene, she tends to just mention it in passing or in backstory and doesn't actually write it out. I'm sure if she actually wrote a novella about, say, Alistair's horrible 'how I became a vampire story' it wouldn't live up to the horror I've created in my head based on the summary of it in the guide. Likewise Edward's brief description of newborn!Carlisle out in the forest trying to starve himself and then finally snapping and attacking a herd of deer is probably better in my imagination that it would be if SM wrote it, because she's not interested in the tragic horror stuff in the same way I am. And that's fine; we all have our different tastes. It's just a little frustrating that I got invested in this series with vampires and "werewolves" and then by the end it's just like, vampire babies and actually-they-are-shapeshifters Christmas domestic stuff and none of the tragic horror that was in every single backstory. Bella being amazing at self-control and 'born to be a vampire' made her seem not much like a vampire at all, just someone with beauty and superpowers. Like, what happened to the constant thirst-pain vegetarian vampires supposedly suffer from denying themselves human blood?* The girl who complained about the rain and the cold and the 'too green' is suddenly quiet about burning thirst.
*Blood drinking is an imperative. Even for a vampire who keeps his or her system full of animal blood, the lack of human blood is constant pain. I think the only human state that is even close to comparable is anorexia. Anorexia is too hard on a human body—in the end, if not given up, it kills a human. Vampires can’t be killed by starvation, so they manage. But it’s harder than you’re giving them credit for. My philosophy is this: I can’t judge vampires, because I’ve never done anything as physically difficult—nothing even close!—as giving up human blood is to them. - SM, PC 12, Twilight Lexicon.
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forgottengodfrey · 24 days
OOC | Malconaire Hiding & AUs
ok so @forgotteneithne raised some interesting points abt 1) who @forgottenroderick would replace @forgottencassimir w as lord of malconaire, should cassimir perish w/o a son/heir or whatever, (and since lizzy mentioned that the malconaires have no cousins on their father's side) that means that even tho there are several v healthy daughters running around (even if they had never been declared witches etc!) in roderick's eyes the line of malconaire is extinguished, so this would probs ultimately end up w roderick awarding malconaire to one of the following: @forgottenalaric @forgottensebastian bartholomew, or eoin, or (less likely given its strategic signifiance: he'd wanna keep it in the family) even to alistair. there's also a scenario where @forgottenedmund might be considered, even tho he's already got a nearby holding, but alaric or sebastian are the most likely candidates for this job (editing!kate: or ~are they ooooh ;D)
alaric is the person roderick trusts the most out of anyone (and sebastian is, in roderick's mind, as yet untested) but he ~knows alaric could hold malconaire in event of revolt, plus unlike edmund and arthur (as far as i know?), alaric doesn't yet have an astairan holding (actually ig the riverbend isn't ~technically astairan but its right there/was prev held by a naturalized astairan sooo?). HOWEVER, i can def see where roderick may have already gifted alaric the fens for these exact reasons! and he doesn't want to divide alaric's attentions/resources too much and thus leave him split and thus less effective etc etc
w sebastian, he ~is 'untested,' but he's also roderick's only son w/o an astairan holding (w the edmund caveat yknow idk). and he ~does trust sebastian, as much as he trusts anyone, really, so if alaric has the fens, then sebastian probs gets malconaire unless marian or arthur (or even sebastian himself! -- cassandra's 'failings' really reflect only on herself and her mother bc #woman unless it was smth huuuuuge like running off and marrying an astairan servant ;D jk jk but yknow) has ticked off roderick in some way right when this is going down -- this btw is an issue w ~all his sons re: this bc those family/inheritance politics ALWAYS at play in the bg lakdsjfkljsdf (daughters are not military leaders in roderick's brain so they're not considered at all for the position, even guin). in which case, bart or eoin are the candidates to get it
i actually think its possible that roderick might feel that bart has a lot on his plate, plus im guessing he's more ~administrative than ~warlike from his bio??? so roderick might just go straight to eoin?? it's also possible he makes bart lord w eoin as his 'castellan/stewart' or whatever so like...its in bart's name but everyone knows its really eoin's etc! (and/or one of those like ~styled situations where its one of ur dad's holdings but he's got so many you're as his heir sorta entitled to the use of one and called its lord etc etc etc) however, they're BOTH getting nixed if arthur's true paternity has come out, and that's the situation where we get alistair!
however, even here roderick is tailspinning re: who he can trust so its also possible in this scenario he reverts ~back to alaric and thus splits alaric's attentions or else has gone so far down the path of paranoia that he trusts ~no one and tries to hold it himself even tho obv he himself is pr busy w other stuff!
edmund also becomes a candidate in this scenario, w the malconaire and riverbend lands being formally merged under him, which isn't as i think of it really ~splitting his resources since they are, in fact, neighbors etc even tho there is the river there but still, that's any easy route for moving stuff so it still stands, and edmund doesn't ~technically have an astairan holding so yeah!
ACTUALLY ACTUALLY!! as im thinking abt this more, unless amira/godfrey/tristan/edmund has recently ticked off roderick, if this ever goes down, the more i think abt this, the more i think edmund might actually be ~the most likely candidate, even from the start. he's got the riverbend. he's already conquered malconaire so he has PROVEN he can hold it and it specifically/he's obv aware of its weaknesses etc, he doesn't ~actually have an astairan title yet, he's one of the three heirs, his uncle is his neighbor so he's got a seaborn alliance ~right there~ which would probs come to his aid if needed w/o him even having to ask, and he even seems to have good relations ~w malconaire
now, if this is after the witch thing, and so roderick is like 'edmund was LITERALLY bewitched by a malconaire witch,' then we're back to alaric or eoin being most likely (sebastian having ~also been thus bewitched and thus ~also out) but yeah!! needless to say, @forgottenamira and godfrey would def be pushing for this, ofc, but im guessing? @forgottenmarian and her faction would be ~against it? pushing for sebastian, perhaps?
so yeah the more i think abt it, actually, edmund, then alaric, then sebastian, then bart/eoin, then alistair, and finally roderick himself, are the most likely heirs to malconaire!
@forgottenrian would DEFFFFF try to put in a bid immediately when he hears cassimir's outta commission but he'd be rejected and yeah!
either way tho...if its a currently played character its def lizzy im realizing BAHAHAHA ;DDD roderick: the only person i trust for this job is actually just lizzy <3
so yeah! in any event, IF the witch thing hasn't happened, roderick would probs marry one of the malconaires to whomever he's giving malconaire to help quell any resentment of the ppl, preferably eithne but if she's married then brigit and so forth in order of age, w sonya being last since she's only an ~adopted of the prev lord and therefore doesn't carry his ~blood and we all know how thing roderick is abt bloodlines smdh
if the witch thing ~has happened, this person is still def getting an astairan bride (w the ~possible exception of edmund or sebastian since roderick is really weird abt his own blood mingling places via his kids etc laksdjfkljsdf), w preference probs going to a lorcan???? but really they can choose atp as long as she's of noble astairan birth or else SO rich/powerful/well armed that a marriage to her would help make malconaire impregnable in case of revolt etc aljsdflksjfkj
and the other thing kate brought up is how godfrey will handle hiding the malconaires! ngl if he were a real person, i deffff think this would actually involve stowing them each at separate ends of the earth, esp since he's got sea power -- BUT, since this an rp and it all takes place in astaira, in separate ends of astaira BAHAHAHA and i'll justify that by saying that he doesn't know when he'll have to call them in or whatever so he wants them each close at hand, but he also wants to ensure that if one gets grabbed, the others are still out there etc, so they also don't know where the others are etc! he ~might split them two by two tho??
BUT ANYWAY!! i do think he'd probs work w the resistance network to get at least some of them out! he's gonna wanna make sure tho that only ~he knows the whereabout of at least one of them, tho, so that no matter if the others get given up he def still has one malconaire in the hand! i def feel like the fens are a pr good hiding place, lorcan another, probs kil-kennar another and so forth!
now, how does he divvy them up! godfrey def sees them each as having their own individual value and ill spell that out:
@forgotteneithne = key to malconaire! she's its lady and the ppl will rise for her/in her name! and we know our boy is jonesing for a rebellion as soon as the time is right!
@forgottenbrigit = key to the guardians! actual witch! she's the best one to help him uncover that sword and unbind the final key(s)! she's his best conduit for communicating w the guardians too and perhaps, thus, to foiling them bc if brigit trusts him and the guardians trust her, well, doesn't that just make betraying them all the easier??
@forgottenaoife = key to ronan/the resistance! i mean, @forgottenronan loves ~all the malconaires no question...but i think we all know that aoife has a v special place in his heart and, reckless as he's growing, well, that'll be easier and easier to exploit! now, he might learn too that aoife has the mind that's most like his own -- w the huge caveat that she's CLEARLY a mUCH better person lakjdsflkjsd but anyway!! lakjdfklsjdf she's watchful and creative and sees the weaknesses of others as well as her own strengths w a clear eye, etc, all of which might lead him to think she maybe could ~also play into the eithne plot esp if? she's open abt the will? godfrey would be her best route no lie to getting that thing published and prolifierated EVERYWHERE to further enrage the populace too btw!
@forgottenroisin = key to edmund's astairan affections! not just to the lad, himself, but specifically to endearing him to the astairans! ive already talked abt how godfrey wants to play up their love and then kill rosie (tho it was supposedly roderick/guin/arthur or whatever!) laksdjfkljdsf rosie: 'hey!' and thus sort of twist this tragic lost love situation into, like, edmund's fighting for you!!!! for astaira!!! for his love of house malconaire whom you ~also love and has been so maligned blah blah blah against the tyrannical emperor his own father!!1 but he chose YOU!!! etc and then get him hitched to @forgotteneilionora etc
so yeah!! as such they each have v different but v important roles in his schemes so yeah!! lakjsdfkljdskf as a result of all this, aoife and rosie are the two least likely to use the resistance network since he's specifically blackmailing ronan w aoife's wellbeing and he legit hopes to someday murder rosie and the resistance might not be too keen on that soooo lakjdsflkjdsjfjdf but eithne he'd actively love to see interacting ~w the resistance etc to help foment rebellion!!!! so she's almost certain to be hidden re: their resources, smth that'll also probs help build trust of godfrey within the resistance etc! so yeah! i don't have specific notions really beyond that atm but those're my thoughts on all of that!!
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tahopo · 2 months
loveee kaleb he’s so interesting and i don't mean to be presumptuous or like step out of line (please tell me if i am,, he is not my oc after all)
but i really would like to understand the circumstances you have built around him and what made him feel so strongly attached to amethyne enough to put her through THE JOINING? because that is frankly unhinged!
does he understand the social influence he, a human noble, has on her, an elven orphan? what even was his relationship with iona? what does fergus think of him (because you said kaleb didn’t want another oren situation?). or anyone in general? sorry, this is so much but after ten years of feeling meh about it, you have opened my eyes to the cousland origin!!
This is such a goldmine ask like I’m so excited…
First off, I have it that the Mac Eanraigs were descendants of reavers whose excessive blood consumption changed their genetic makeup. I have a whole thing about that but it’ll make this too long!! But they mainly drank giant blood. The fact is this: Kaleb is not a stranger to weird blood rituals. Open the door to taboo and you find yourself easily one foot in it.
Secondly, I’m so ! ! that you picked up on the whole social imbalance surrounding him. Yes. Yes ! His unorthodoxy or weirdness doesn’t negate fact he’s a very wealthy human man on the favoured side of the social strata. His actions are well-intentioned and noble, but they also come from a place of privilege. He was groomed to be an ambassador; politicking and taking ownership of people’s lives like chess pieces is second nature to him. He has a saviour complex deep down, and he operates on moral masochism— and this informs a lot of his decisions. He has no right to save her. But he has the resources to- why shouldn’t he use them? And if one day she hates him for it, he will devote his existence to that hatred. Better to repent than to regret. This is similar to what he does to Alistair. He loves through self-exile.
As for Iona. The crazy thing is he only spoke to her briefly. He never shared a bed with her, he’s not that kind of guy. That option always made me uncomfortable. ‘Amethyne’ was just a name spoken in passing, but Amethyne is the only tether Kaleb allows himself to from before that horrible night in Castle Cousland. There’s a level of guilt at play because he was so often away from home studying in Orlais, he certainly did not watch Oren grow up! Amethyne was a faint remedy to that: she’s a this-time-around made realised. He never goes back to Highever btw. Ever. Not even for the funeral. Not even for Fergus. He refuses to confront ghosts, but he can dedicate himself to those alive. Or those he forced to stay alive.
He pushes Alistair away from the Battle of Denerim to maximise his safety. He sabotages every chance of death Loghain has to maximise his suffering. He puts Amethyne through the joining and goes on a doomed Grail trail to maximise her life.
What Kaleb does is very wrong and he knows it. His relationship with Fergus suffers. Alistair is compelled to co-sign a death sentence-adoption paper in the middle of a bitter divorce fallout. He watches the horror dawn on Velanna, Sigrun, Nate, Anders’ faces when they discover they are not the Warden Commander’s first fledged.
And Amethyne herself grows up to hold as much resentment as she does deep affection for him. You are not my saviour!!!!! But you are my father. And we all have to live with that.
(and i can sense through the taint when you’re absent and worse when you’re present and still won’t approach. anora looks at me funny. i don’t know what loghain looks at me with, but i hate him. and why do you act different, more fond around kieran and his mother whom you are not even in love with than you do with father, whom you are, and i. and he’s stuck in a castle just like my real mother was and you’re wasting away just like my real father did and and and)
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therealvinelle · 1 year
What is the most batshit gift you could make up for a vampire or hybrid?
You can take ANYONE you want regardless of anything like oh they never interacted like that DOESN'T. matter!
Just anyone you want to build the ultimate gift in ten generations or less. (I'm a sims player btw that's why that generation number is so high)
I feel he already exists, his name is Afton, his gift is he's invisible if you don't look at him. Can't improve upon that.
If you put a gun to my head, though...
Alistair and Siobhan combine forces (unclear how exactly since she's infertile) to create a tracker who can find people if he has no intention of finding them and in fact wasn't looking to find them. He'll just turn around and whoever is standing in front of him must be who he was looking for.
He reasons the universe must have led him to this point in the time-space continuum for a reason and every encounter has a deeper, mystical meaning to it.
"I'm a cosmic tracker," he says to anyone who asks.
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becquerelnoir · 8 months
|ω・`) I named the guy… He WANTED to be called Alistair Feu Ardent, blazing fire across the seas, (first name only btw and he was insistent you needed to say the whole thing.) but. Uh. The people he’s fallen in with laughed and said he needed to grow into that name first so he’s Lavraut (Young hare) and he has a house last name but I really need to think of his ‘adventuring’ last name 🫢 and I’m still rotating the events that set him on adventure in the first place, I’m pretty sure it has to be something about being On An Outting and Something Goes Wrong, because that’s pretty Big Adventurery lmfao
THAT NAME IS SO EXTRAVAGANT I LOVE IT but of course he has to earn it!
Outing that goes wrong! Hmmm....
Does he fish?
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divine0rdainment · 4 months
I came up with names for all the player characters and backstories, and a bit about them, gotta try and write this before I go back to work
Angel plays Estrella Angelo (Elven Bard), and her backStory consists of her being stuck as a Fae lords property for hundreds of years till she escaped and is now on the run to try and have her own life and potentially find what's left of her family, mostly her twin sister (again, y'all know why)
Adam plays Father Adonis Edens (Human Paladins who doesn't use healing spells), a priest raised under the holy light of the God of lights church, who fights for justice, music, and badassery. (Total main character syndrome but Charlie and Luci help curb it over time) Also as he levels up, charlie is nice enough to give him an item that lets him have golden wings for one hour a day in game when he learns to not be such a main character type.
Lucifers plays Ramsey Leclair (Nonbinary Changeling Wizard), the Changeling grew up in the fae wild and lived having a party every day, but chose himself to study magic till he became a wizard, and honestly doesn't even know how old he is due to the fae wild being a little Wonky time wise. That ill they met a human woman warlock named Lyla and she was the one who convinced him to leave the Fae wild to be with her, so they leave and have a kid and raise the kid till she moves out and then one day, while happily married she vanished and after waiting months, he goes out in to the world to try and find her.
Husk has Mittan Von Wiskerz (Tabaxi Rouge) big gambling problem and is indeed to a gang of thugs in a very large city and is adventuring against his well to try and get enough money to pay back his debts or they will kill him. (Angel came up with this backstory, name, class and race btw, cuz Husk didn't wanna do it)
Vaggies plays Silvana Elawise (Half Elf Fighter) who used to be a knight who served the Elven Princess Iris, till one day, Iris, is struck with a curse to turn her to stone till someone can find the cure. Of course Silvana is the first to volunteer to adventure out for a cur for this affliction, needing to save the woman she loves.
Alastors character is named Alistair LaRose, (cuz Alastor didn't wish to come up with a better name it seems -_-) And didnt wish to come up with a backstory at first, but later he desided to come up with the idea that his demon that he worships sends him on a quest to collect souls of others and the only legal way to get away with murder and killing so many monsters and animals is by being an adventure, if he doesnt give enough souls he will loose his powers.
That's all I got time for right now but I may add more tomorrow if I get more ideas
Anyone have any campaign name ideas 😅
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samskaterguy · 1 year
I kind of wonder how being trans would work in the Ever After High universe with destinies and all.
Let's say you're the daughter of Snow White, but surprise!! Egg cracked, you're trans. You're actually the SON of Snow White now.
Does this kids destiny change from Snow White to Snow White's destined true love? Or would "Snow White" just be a prince this time around and maybe a princess (or another prince!) saves him with True Loves Kiss???
I mean, we have examples of kids genders not exactly matching up with their fairytale parents like Alistair, Maddie, Melody, Jillian, Cedar, Bunny and I think some others.
I have a theory that in their stories their gender doesn't exactly..say, matter as much as, for example, the Queen of Hearts, her title is literally the queen, if Lizzie was a boy would she just be the King of Hearts (the queens husband)? Or would she be "King" but still have the same role to play as the queen?
When vs a character like Alice, it doesn't really matter as anyone can just fall down a hole and go through a strange land regardless of gender.
How much does your agab really matter in this society? Also say you figured it out after you had already signed your name in the storybook, would you need to sign it again if you chose a new name?
Edit because I had more thoughts: My previously stated theory came from the idea that characters like Alistair, Cedar and essentially the entire crew minus Lizzie, I believe their genders can be different and still inherit their stories is because TECHNICALLY within their stories they don't have love interests, when off book and later in their lives they most likely did to be able to have children. If say Alice did have a boy she fell in love with what if Alistair ended up being that hypothetical boy?
When Snow White DOES have a love interest, and I wonder if that's why it might matter a little more.
Long story short: This society is very heteronormative and probably cis normative as well and goddamnit do I wish we actually had a trans character to go off of.
OR what if a character was from a very #girlboss story and was a trans guy? Can his story even continue because he's not a girl anymore? Or would his story just change to reflect him better.
We have canonical evidence of Hunter and Ashlynn hypothetically changing their story so the same message is still in place, it just fits their particular love story better. So I wonder if the system would have something in place like that for trans characters. (Keep in mind I'm not too sure on how canon the doll diaries are so take that with a grain of salt. It's from Farrah's btw if you're curious)
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mzannthropy · 2 years
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Sam Claflin and Adaptations (there's a lot more than you think!)
Articles and interviews be like: Sam, you have done so many book adaptations and then name at most three titles. Every fucking time. Luckily, I'm here to tell you about them! (Under the cut as it got long.)
Hunger Games Catching Fire and Mockingjay (books written by Suzanne Collins) - YA dystopia. The most obvious, of course. Sam plays Finnick Odair, the coolest character. (He's not dead, Katniss is lying.)
Daisy Jones and the Six (book written by Taylor Jenkins Reid) - story of a rise and fall of fictional band in the 1970s. Sam is Billy Dunne, the main male lead and a real rockstar!
My Cousin Rachel (book written by Daphne du Maurier) - Gothic thriller, 19th century. Sam is the narrator, Philip. This is my personal favourite.
Their Finest - adaptation of Their Finest Hour and a Half (book written by Lissa Evans) - Drama with bits of comedy. Set during WW2 in the film industry. Sam plays screenwriter Buckley, a member of a film crew working on a film about Dunkirk evacuation. Also features a side character who is gay and is alive at the end. More people should watch this film, imo.
Enola Holmes (book written by Nancy Springer) - kiddie Sherlockian pastiche. Sam plays Mycroft Holmes, at least that's his character's name, but it's not the usual Mycroft; his version is dumbed-down and cartoon-villainised so that the eponymous teenage girlboss can have her story.
Adrift - adaptation of Red Sky in the Mourning (book written by Tami Oldham Ashcroft) - survival drama of a seafaring couple lost at sea after a hurricane. Sam is the main character's love interest, Richard.
Two mini series from Sam's early career (that I haven't watched so can't give you any info):
Pillars of the Earth (book written by Ken Follett) - TV mini series set in 12th century about building of a cathedral. This was Sam's very first role.
Any Human Heart (book written by William Boyd) - TV mini series, chronicles a life of a writer in 20th century. Sam plays the youngest version of the main character, Logan.
Adaptations of plays - it counts, okay?
Journey's End (play written by RC Sherriff) - WW1 war film, but not a regular one (there's no battles). Covers a week in the trenches in March 1918. Sam plays Captain Stanhope, an officer at the edge of nervous breakdown. One of his best performances, if not the very best.
Riot Club (play written by Laura Wade) - contemporary film about a posh elite club at Oxford. Sam's character, Alistair, is a spoiled brat, Draco Malfoy-like. (Not the good fanon version, the bad canon version.) Btw, this is no Dead Poet's Society, no dark academia - the titular club is based on Bullingdon Club (of which Boris Johnson was member). They book a table at restaurants, trash them and then hand the owners a cheque to compensate. You see now why we have all these problems...
You can make an argument for:
Snow White and the Huntsman - (folk tale recorded by Brothers Grimm). It's a darker retelling. Sam plays William, the prince charming of the story.
Snow White and the Red Shoes, (as above) an animated film, he voices a character named Merlin. No idea what this is as I haven't seen it.
Okay now I'm stretching it
Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides - adapted from a Disneyland ride. BUT the ride itself was inspired by legendary tales of pirates, among others the books of Emilio Salgari. So, not that crazy. Might be the weakest of the franchise, but Sam's storyline--he plays the missionary Philip--is what saves it, his romance with the mermaid is just the cutest!
So that's it. Thank you for reading and I hope you check some of these out.
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Intro Post!!
Artist Intros:
Hi! I'm Kree, I go by He/Him, and Alsie is my main oc in this universe! In terms of comics, I'm responsible for lineart and character colouring! (At least for now, thats the plan) On my main blog (shameless plug) I also talk about my Avian ocs, Alistair and EJ!
Yoyoyo. Because of the above idiot, my nickname on this site is.. technically Borace. But on everything else I go by Internet_Fruit (or variations of that) so my online nickname has thus become Fruit. I'm genderqueer, lesbian, and my pronouns are usually They/them but they do change sometimes. I do the sketches for our comics and artworks, as well as the backgrounds.
The characters:
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Art- @kreeative-error
(note: this photo is outdated VERY SLIGHTLY. Just ignore the scars on her face)
Alsie is a Legion Commander in the city of Treaty Hive, Aevynfall's capital. Alsie is incredibly loyal, and thus easily manipulated (especially by the Council of Gods). She has TraumaTM from executing her past girlfriend, along with many, MANY other 'criminals'.
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Art - @theboredasexual (Fruit here - yeah the switched the scar LMAO. Neitha has it, Aslie does not. We will update her photo eventually)
Neitha can only be described as an absolute grump who is technically a golden retriever. She rarely smiles, is constantly tired, and if you try to talk to her you will mostly just get snappy sarcastic responses. That said, she is incredibly protective of those who she loves (not that it's many people. Alsie got into that category somehow, and of course so is her remaining dad, but thats about it. Kree could NEVER).
Neitha has worked in her fathers' smithy since she was old enough to read the label on a hammer. She's good, but often gets overworked, especially now that her Pa is dead and her Dad is ill and usually bed-ridden.
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Art- @kreeative-error
(Btw, he wasn't intentionally named after Kreeative, it was a placeholder name and we got too attachted and now its just there sorry not sorry)
Kree has a tragic af backstory which we will not be sharing yet because it's too important. What you do get to know is that Kree is currently a Legion Commander alongside his friend Alsie Elsbrook. He's been in the position about a year longer than her, and he can't quite relate to her struggle with the Commander duties. Execution's aren't fun but they're not horrible either, right? A little bit powerful, even...
Stuff we post:
#altha : Cute moments with Alsie and Neitha (or any of the other ships we may or may not introduce in the future)
#ank memes : Memes (also with alsie and neitha. and sometimes kree)
#aevynfall : World info about Aevynfall?? Who knows...
#ask : Answers to asks (if we get any)
#ank comic : maybeonedayanactualcomicbutfornowwe'restillplanningthatoutsonopromises
Anything other than comics are technically not canon, or necesserily canon-compliant (unless we state otherwise)
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lumilasi · 3 months
So i have been scrolling trough your blog for a while now, enjoying the lore and the many beautiful characters and designs. And i keep coming back to your blogs header image, the striking green hair, beautiful lighting, it is amazing, i haven't been able to find the full image though! i would love to see it and hear more about the character! love the design!
Aww thanks! Glad you like them! Also sorry for late(?) response, timezones and all....
This is the full image in the header: (there are 2 versions, can't recall which one it is)
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It was part of my Spooktober series last year. (Here's the OG post too)
Her name is Avane Faydream, or Ava Mantis; she's mostly known as Ava by her friends. Ava is a mixed heritage Mantis Fairy-Dreameater where she has abilities belonging to both beings. (Her Dreameater heritage is why she has black wings, typically her kin have green ones. Her eyes also come from her dreameater dad)
The image above is not her "canon" design though, apart from her hair, Here's her actual ref. (Some info below miiight be slightly outdated though, I tend to develop and change things overtime, but the designs at least are up-to-date)
She also has this outfit that was inspired by a really pretty Japanese modern dress I saw online once when researching for inspo for outfits to another character: (Her OG version was Japanese, now she doesn't really have direct connections to human world, but I'd say her mother, if placed on earth, would probably be from Asia somewhere, though not necessarily Japanese.)
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Ava is kind of my main lady, because she has direct connections to all of my "main" characters, from working for the Goth Dad Jurou/Alistair as a tattoo artist, to being one of Azul Samaros/ Chester Knight's friends he sometimes ask for help from. (When Azul says he knows someone, he goes "I know a gal" rather than "I know a guy" quite often lol)
She has a boyfriend, a bi Grimmhound (with some Lycan heritage) named Roman Bosco, who used to work for a human mobster (or more like was forced to/the guy was also in love with him but in kind of a toxic way....) and he's one of those absolute sweetheart, romantic teddy bear guys. (His ref here if you wanna learn more about Roman)
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(Roman has vitiligo btw)
Her dad Lawrence is sort of the 'antagonist' for my main story Night City Parlor, and she sort of tends to meddle in her dad's business to try and protect people from his influence. This includes Jurou, she actually went to work for him to secretly keep an eye on him, knowing her dad would be interested in someone as powerful as Jurou. (She also works together with her uncle, who ends up becoming Jurou's love interest lol)
She loves her dad dearly, but he's somewhat gone off the deep end after what happened to his wife/her mother; he's not coping with her condition well, burying himself in his dangerous and important work, which has started to erode his moral code. As a result, Ava feels the need to protect others from her dad's worse tendencies. (Ava has some of these personality traits from her dad, where she has the capability to be somewhat manipulative and occasionally struggles with empathy. Unlike her dad though, she is self-aware of this and actively works on not giving in on her worse impulses, and will let her friends/BF/Family call her out on it and listen)
I guess I can also list couple of fun facts:
Ava's design took me SO long to get into a place where I liked it. This is kind of typical for me with ladies for some reason, but once I did manage to create something I loved, she quickly became one of my favorite characters.
Ava has a couple of friend groups; 1. the day-to-day one with her coworker and friend Claude, as well as their boss' adoptive son (and Claude's BF) Caelan. 2. Her "sneaky action" group which includes both the former and current right hand woman of her dad, Marci and Aimi. (Typically ones she goes to, when she wants to meddle into her dad's business, or alternatively do something more dangerous lol) 3. Her Girl Bestie, Taiga (A kitsune, works at a hair salon she often goes to, they do girls night hangouts)
Ava is Demiromantic/Demisexual, she basically had no interest in either until she met Roman and slowly developed feelings for him. (She was actually kind of worried her dominant personality would be off-putting to him given his history, but they had a honest talk about it and he basically didn't mind because she tries her best to be the best version of herself despite her mental hiccups)
Ava is NOT good with kids, she has no proper patience to deal with them, and tends to be awkward around children. That being said she tends to try and be a good role model to the ones she has around her in her day-to-day life (namely her boss Jurou's daughter, who's a huge fan of hers lol).
Ava has a lightning bolt tattoo (not shown on the images above, given they are timed before she got it) designed for her by Roman. She basically appeared suddenly in his life like a 'lightning from clear skies' and completely changed things for him, gave him a chance to built the kind of life he'd actually want to live, instead of being forced to work for a criminal.
This got kinda long, but that's what happens when you get asked about your characters I suppose lmao
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 months
“Isobel, your aunts and uncles probably didn’t even know how to spell your name until last year.” — wow none of these family members are pulling any punches here are they?
Briony and Isobel…my autocorrect hates spelling both of them…they are not having a good time right now…hmm
‘even in unflattering light, even scowling, Alistair Low was extremely good looking. Not that it mattered’ —Gavin to the best of your knowledge he’s going to try and murder you. If you asked him, I’m sure he’d have a long list of ways he’d like to do it. And you use this descriptor anyway—
Briony’s different kind of exes—Isobel and Finley—are now also both champions. And she isn’t. Ouch, that’s got to sting (and wow I can’t even believe I’m writing that. She’s sad she doesn’t get into the murder tournament with her former best friend(?) and former boyfriend(?))
They started ‘training’ Alistair when he was seven?!? Like that?!?! Alistair and Hendry’s interactions are adorable (in the terms of the violence of this book let’s say that word fits, okay? For now, at least)
Fuck oh fuck right after I said that please tell me I’m wrong. No no no oh fuck you Lowe family I’m not sad you’re sad (why?!?!??)
Oh a vessel this is not going to end well
Part 2 (50-100ish) done. (Thanks for letting me do this by the way <3 I’m probably going to head to sleep right now but I’m enjoying it so far thank you!! And also just saying this again because yeah but if you want me to shut up please tell me I promise you it won’t bother me).
Hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night/evening (idk time zones are weird) 💖💖💖
I know! Isn't that so sad that they didn't care about her at all until she was useful to them! :((( Super sad. Also yeah Briony and Isobel (actually all of them) are just Going Through It for like 800 pages. :')
GAVIN IS THE BISEXUAL KING OF THE WORLD. I love him. :') He's a loser, he's supposed to die first. He's a kicked dog who wants to bite! He's, sigh, he's Jean-coded to me. Okay. He's... He's just very special to me. TWT I can't call him a meow meow, because I feel that Alistair moreso gets that title, but Gavin is THE Character.
I know!!! Poor Briony. :')) Something she wanted for so long and she doesn't even get it. Because of the fucking government?! Like hello. What the fuck?! Also yeah, like I would be relieved but go crazy girl? :')
And that is why he's so fucked up. They've been training him to be a monster his entire life. Also I know! I love them. They're so sweet to each other. They're all each other has-
GOD. I KNOW. IT HURTS DOESN'T IT? I saw it coming but had to suffer through several pages of Alistair figuring it out. TWT Poor codependent boys. :( It's so fucking tragic. It broke my heart man. :(
Gavin just 'Yeah I'll let this insane guy fuck with my ability to use magic and also my life force :) sounds good'. IDIOT (said with love)
You're totally welcome babe! I am very excited for you to read more! <3 Also, really, I promise I swear you can't annoy me.
Also! It was night when I got this. But it's 4:15pm now. : ) I live in the eastern time zone btw!
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scotland caught the morning after by one of his brothers please ?
love your blog btw!
scotland x reader II morning after, caught by one of his siblings
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He woke up feeling hands over his bare chest. Alistair opens his eyes, looking at the side of his room he is currently facing. His right arm, taking his hand in the movement, goes through his hair.
His back feels heavy so he stretches lightly, making the hands over his chest fall off.
The brunette closes his eyes after a yawn left his mouth from the small stretch he just done.
Alistair's eyes close again, trying to go back to sleep as you show no signs of being awake. Your arms fell off from his torso a minute ago, so now he feels cold, the blanket was hovering his waist only, forming a diagonal line over his waist, to where you were tugging the blanket over.
His bare torso felt cold but not enough for his skin to feel it entirely. He ran his hands over his shoulders, remembering why he wasn't bare chested.
He checked just to be sure, that he was at least wearing some kind of underwear... before his eyes went back to sleep, hoping to enjoy some more time in bed.
However, it didn't last as he heard the thumping sound of feet walking up the stairs. He couldn't guess if the heavy sound came from the carpets or if the person was wearing socks, but this person walking up the stairs was kinda slow and careful with their steps.
It might be Dylan or Arthur.. probably Dylan.. i don't know. Why is he walking around ?
Alistair sat up, looking at your silhouette slowly waking up, he smiles. The blanket completely falls off from his waist, only hiding enough but his underwear.
The Scot's hand ran over your back, touching over your warm skin, previously warmed up by the blanket and the night. He smiled again, thinking of what you two just did the night before, being overly intimate with each other.
As you muttered what sounded like a ''morning'' he leaned over your neck to kiss it.
« Alistair... stop tugging on the blanket- I have nothing under- »
« Sorry lass » he responded, still blowing kisses over the nape of your neck.
The thumping sound was suddenly louder and the door opened,
Alistair just sat back but this time facing the door, instinctively pulling the blanket over you and stares at whoever entered his room.
There stood Dylan, in his sleeping clothes, wearing also socks. I was right it's him, Alistair thinks.
« Dylan- not now please-»
The comment from his welsh brother right after was unexpected,
« Oi, what are you two up to- » The blonde realised only the end of his question the current situation. His brother was almost entirely naked in bed, the shoulders of [Name] also bare.
Quickly his thoughts got interrupted by the Scot, « Ge' out Dylan- »
Alistair's cheeks slowly started to grow red from the situation, it was clear that Dylan mind's clicked, about his last night activities. The brunette stood up and started walking to his brother to close the door,
« You're not gonna hear the end of tha' Ally- » the blonde slammed the door, leaving behind the embarassed brunette.
The Scot groaned and sighed , frustrated by his sibling's behavior again.
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hawkepockets · 2 years
btw. matsendra surana is my first & favorite dao warden. he was born dalish, a dreamer whose magical talent showed only in rare bright flashes because he spent so much time day-Dreaming, half in the fade. when his cousin diti was chosen to be First, matsendra’s mother agreed to move with him to another clan that had no child mages. he was taken from her arms by templars on the road and brought to the circle, where his name was anglicized to “max” and he was told his birth clan had discarded him. (his memories were too clouded by the Fade to contradict this.) wynne took a shine to him and, worried that he was unusually susceptible to possession, restricted him to the study of theoretical magic, with no spellcasting permitted. over his 21 years in the circle he grew into a gentle, lazy, pleasure-seeking and theory-loving mage who never antagonized the templars and was loved by a lot of his peers, especially anders despite the two contrasting in almost every way. (anders likes people who remind him of cats.) when jowan enlisted his help in escaping the tower, max betrayed him to first enchanter irving in a second, but nevertheless ended up pinned between a rock (irving) and a hard place (knight commander greagoir) and conscripted to the wardens. in the subsequent investigation and stripping-down of max’s office (a former broom closet gifted to him by wynne), the templars found what max had kept hidden, for years, from everyone but anders—extensive, practical research into glyphs and written magic, building to a near perfect understanding of how to create spells using ink, vellum, and lyrium, (and a dreamer’s familiarity with the fade’s geometric structure) without ever breaking wynne’s ban against channeling magic himself. outside the tower max slowly and painfully developed from a spoiled circle centrist into a soft-spoken but terribly persuasive and powerful self-possessed elf mage. he made his research portable by drawing spells on playing cards at first, then by inking them directly onto his skin. he romanced morrigan, broke wynne’s heart with his loss of faith in the circle and alistair’s with his ruthless sparing of loghain, and his own when morrigan left. anders was both disturbed and delighted to recognize his drowsy old friend from the circle in the dark-eyed, tattooed commander of the grey. “max” had changed his politics, but never his love of research, tea, and comfort, or his ability to talk anders into almost anything with a slow blink of his eyes. anders thought they might rebuild some kind of life together in amaranthine, until matsendra, wrecked by distance from morrigan, unknowledge about their child, and silence from anora after her promise to free the circles from chantry control, after a whole life spent in what felt like an experiment to see how much a “good mage” could tolerate, suddenly broke from the wardens and stormed kinloch hold alone, raising a small army of spur-of-the-moment rebel mages and nearly succeeding in taking the tower before wynne, who he’d hoped against hope might change her mind this time, struck him down and held him down long enough for the templars to swarm him and commit the rite of tranquility. this was the incident that spurred anders to leave the wardens and sail for kirkwall. and matsendra stayed in the circle for another 10 years, laboring as a formari and aware only intellectually, with no heat of emotion behind it, of the injustice that had been done to him. until he looked up from his work to see that he and the other tranquil had been traded like coins to a tevinter magister who was killing them for their skulls. this was unsatisfactory, so he took the remaining formari into the redcliffe windmill tunnel he remembered from his youth, then followed rumors of anders and justice, all the way to the tranquility cure. after which there was a beloved witch of the wilds to find, and hell to pay for the chantry.
if you even care.
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