#history of drogon history of game of thrones
sassylightcycle · 2 years
1985 old movie and 2020 movie
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doublehex · 1 year
Powers Greater Than Hatred
There are two passages that are often quoted of Daenerys from A Game of Thrones. The first, and most popular, are the final sentences in the novel.
As Daenerys Targaryen rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.
It’s easy to see why these final lines are so often quoted within the fandom. They are poetically powerful; this is an impactful arrangement of words that have an emotional punch. The final chapter stands as some of George’s most poetic writing he has ever done. It is filled with mythology that has been lacking in the novel up to this point; for most of A Game of Thrones, the supernatural is related to long dead legends or psychedelic visions that make it hard to grasp exactly what they were meant to entail. The final chapter, the return of the dragons, turns the supernatural from vision quest into a tangible, real thing. And most importantly, this passage uplifts the book; it showcases that there is a reason to hope, that the dark turn after Eddard Stark’s execution is not what the series is about. Instead of leaving on a melancholic note, the novel ends with hope and wonder for what the future will bring.
I am not going to talk about that passage today. I want to talk about the second passage, one that I feel speaks much more closely to the themes that George is trying to hit with the series. This is from one of the final paragraphs of Daenerys IX, in the moments that build up to when Daenerys must euthanize Khal Drogo. Even when Daenerys is so full of despair, George still give us reason to hold onto hope:
She told herself that there were powers stronger than hatred, and spells older and truer than any the maegi had learned in Asshai.
The second half of the passage is directly rooted in the emotional context of the scene. Mirri Mazz Dur had used shadow magic to both rob Khal Drogo of all sentience and intelligence, as well as killing Daenerys’ son Rhaego in the womb. Most of Khal Drogo’s khalatar, his army of warriors that was the mightiest and largest in all of Dothraki recent history, had splintered and broken apart under a dozen different warlords. Daenerys is lost and alone for allies save for the exiled Westerosi knight Jorah Mormont, who has his own selfish wants in staying close to her. 
It is the first half that George establishes an important thread that he weaves throughout the series. Evil has its limits. Hatred, corruption, all of the sins of the world, there is a point where they are undone. This theme is manifested in the fourth book of the series, A Feast for Crows. Tywin Lannister has been murdered by the son he has abused for all of his life, and the Lannister regime that he betrayed and murdered to build is falling apart. The book is not just a reference to all those that have died over the course of The War of the Five Kings, but to the Lannisters. House Lannister itself is the feast for crows. It is a tower of dominos and it has started to crumble. All of the petty evils of that house is finally crashing down. Evil has limits. Evil is undone. There are powers greater than hatred. 
Paint that contrast with the Starks and the Targaryens. The swords of the North are riding to rescue “Ned’s precious little girl”. They don’t know that the little girl is not Arya Stark but Jeyne Poole who has been forced to masquerade as her to preserve her life, but that doesn’t matter. The fact that the Northern lords, even after being decimated at the Red Wedding, even after being forced to submit, will ride and fight and die in memory of Eddard Stark, that matters. Even after Daenerys flies away from Meereen on Drogon, her people are fighting against the masters in her name. It matters that they believe in her cause. It matters that the freemen will fight and die to make sure their children will never know what it means to be a slave. 
A Song of Ice and Fire is often painted as a cynical, bitter response to fantasy. It is the forefather of the grimdark subgenre. That is an erroneous attribution. The books remind us that there are powers stronger than hatred. Of course there are scenes that have grit to it, and it can be bitter at times, but the saga is never cynical. It doesn’t say that there is no meaning to the good fight.
If watching the fall of House Lannister should say anything, it would be that evil will always devour itself in time, and eventually, good and decent people will pick up the pieces. 
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rebelumbrella46 · 3 months
A Nostalgic Take on "House of the Dragon" and "Game of Thrones"
Reflecting on the rich narratives of "House of the Dragon" and "Game of Thrones," fans are often divided over the interpretation of Aegon’s prophecy and the identity of the "Prince That Was Promised." Was it Daenerys? Was it Jon? An intriguing alternative might have been to forego both in favor of their offspring. This approach could have offered a deeper, more compelling resolution to the prophecy.
Instead of leaving the union of Jon and Daenerys as a mere fan service—catering to those eager to see them together or a sensational twist to highlight Targaryen tendencies towards incest —imagine if their relationship culminated in a pregnancy. Daenerys, determined to claim the throne, finds herself carrying Jon’s child, adding layers to her paranoia and distrust of Westerosi men, given that she had lost a child and had been constantly threaten during those years. Jon, ever reluctant to embrace his Targaryen heritage, must now reconcile his love for Daenerys, his duty, and the realization that their child could be in danger as very well he/she could be the true savior of Westeros.
Despite Daenerys’s story telling us that she could never have children, the history of the Targaryens is fraught with complications around procreation. Many Targaryen women, like Aemma Arryn and Alyssa Targaryen, died in childbirth. Even Aegon the Conqueror was rumored to be sterile, suggesting the lineage continued through Rhaenys's descendants, making all future Targaryens potential bastards.
Besides, there's the whole prophecy about "The Dragon has Three Heads...". In the books, there’s speculation that Tyrion could be one of the heads, but for various reasons, the show didn't pursue that path. Given that there are no known bastard children of Rhaegar or Viserys left to claim the title, who then is the third head of the Dragon?
In my view, the answer lies in Daenerys and Jon’s potential offspring. Their child would symbolize the rebirth of House Targaryen, uniting their legacies. The meaning of the title “A song of Ice and Fire” often refers to the rise of Targaryens in order to fight the Long Night. But also refers to the “Prince That Was Promised” and how he belongs to Ice and Fire… meaning House Targaryen and House Stark, and by this it would obviously by Jon… But his child would also bear the Stark’s blood. And let’s be honest, Jon is more a Stark than Targaryen while Dany is the embodiment of Targaryen.
So Daenerys, with Drogon by her side, and Jon, astride Rhaegal, would complete the triumvirate with their child, who could eventually claim Viserion. This powerful imagery not only aligns with the prophecy but also rejuvenates the Targaryen dynasty, showing that their combined line truly has three heads.
The intense power struggle for the Iron Throne could unfold over several seasons, with Daenerys and Jon uniting the kingdoms to challenge Cersei or another more plausible ruler. Jon’s revelation as a Targaryen would add to the intrigue, forcing them to find common ground, much like Aegon the Conqueror did with his sister-wives. They could share power, ruling Westeros together, balancing their ambitions and responsibilities.
The winter comes. And when it does, it's not a simple battle at Winterfell (that was just way too easy), but a cataclysm that spreads across Westeros as Aegon dreamt. The North falls, followed by the Vale, the Riverlands... perhaps even King's Landing. The Night King takes the Iron Throne, casting an icy shadow over the realm.
The final battle is fought in Dorne, the one place where ice has never been seen, and where Rhaenys, wife of Aegon, met her end. This kingdom, which fiercely resisted the Targaryens during their conquest and reign, now becomes the last bastion of resistance. It is here that the true need to unite Westeros all those centuries ago becomes painfully clear.
Years of unrelenting winter pass, and the child of Jon and Daenerys has grown into a young man. Now, as in the days of Aegon’s conquest, there are three dragons once more. They take to the skies to fight the Night King, in a battle that sees the potential deaths of Daenerys, Jon, or perhaps both.
When the war is over, it is the child who ascends to the throne. This prince, born of fire and ice, who saved Westeros, now sits the Iron Throne. And who would dare rise against the Prince that saved Westeros? No one.
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kellyvela · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Dani and her fans is how much they have romanticized dragons and unironically feed into the mother of dragons title and will literally treat those three lizards like they are her 'children.' Like, they don't know that considering fire breathing lizards that can only destroy as your children is probably not a great thing in their fave's arc lol.
Let me answer you with GRRM's words, from the comment section of his blog post "Coolest Dragons Ever" (Feb. 10th, 2014).
George's ranking of the Cooles Dragons Ever is:
Vermithrax Pejorative (From Dragonslayer)
Smaug (From The Hobbit)
Drogon (From Asoiaf)
In the comments, a couple of readers argued that "Draco" (From Dragonheart) was "the nicest dragon ever" and "the most friendly and charming dragon."
This was GRRM's answer to them:
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"Yes, but dragons are not meant to be friendly or charming"
So, lets add this quote to the list:
Dragons are the nuclear deterrent, and only Dany has them —GRRM - Vulture - 2011
Yes, but dragons are not meant to be friendly or charming —Coolest Dragons Ever" (Feb. 10th, 2014)
She[Dany]'s the mother of dragons, and she controls what is in effect the only three nuclear weapons in the entire world that I’ve created. —“Interview exclusive de George R R Martin, l'auteur de Game Of Thrones” de -Le Mouv’- 2014 - [Transcription]
If I were Daenerys Targaryen. I could ride on my dragons and eliminate them in the flames. But is death the only solution we have to offer? —Lire Magazine - April 2015
“Oh sure, dragons are cool too,” he chuckles. “But maybe not on our doorstep”. —The Guardian - November 2018
Maybe if she[Dany] understood a few things more about dragons and her own history in Essos, things would have gone a little differently. —Esquire - November 2018
“I have tried to make it explicit in the novels that the dragons are destructive forces, and Dany (Daenerys Targaryen) has found that out as she tried to rule the city of Meereen and be queen there. (...) “She has the power to destroy, she can wipe out entire cities, and we certainly see that in ‘Fire and Blood,’ we see the dragons wiping out entire armies, wiping out towns and cities, destroying them, but that doesn’t necessarily enable you to rule — it just enables you to destroy.” —GRRM - Fox News Channel - November 2018
"In my head the expression "mother of dragons" is much better than "father of dragons". There is also this link with the woman who gives life, who transmits lives, carrying a gigantic power of death, of fire, of destruction. There are very powerful metaphors in there." —Dragons! (2/4) Dragons d'Occident, la figure du mal [2018] - Video - Reddit translation
Now dragons are really formidable and they can turn the tide of a battle. It flies, it's difficult to hit, it breathes fire, against which most knights and men at arms have little or no protection. So if you have dragons, that's were the nuclear option analogy comes in. You're hard to mess around with. So the dragons and fear of dragons was one of the things that made the Targaryens very secure in their power. —Before the Dance: An Illustrated History with George R.R. Martin | House of the Dragon (HBO) - August - 2022
Read more here:
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Queen of Ashes
All Grrm Quotes About Dragons
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maevelin · 3 months
Lost Knowledge of the Old
House of the Dragon Era:
Viserys the King has revealed the dream of Aegon the Conqueror, called it a Song of Ice and Fire and carried the dagger. The Targaryens have a duty to prepare the realm from the danger coming from the North and the Long Night.
Cregan Stark the head of the Stark House and protector of the North revealed to Prince Jacaerys that dragons refused to cross the Wall. Either because the Dragons sensed the danger ahead (given how Dragons existed for centuries at that point, some survived the Doom of Valyria and are said to be intelligent creatures) or because the Wall had a magic deterrent of sorts.
Also joining the Night Watch was an honor and an important duty.
Fast Forward to the Game of Thrones Era:
Magic has died and it is once reborn.
Let us suspend disbelief and say that given how magic is now resurfacing again it is unpredictable and so Drogon can grow incredibly fast for his age (given what we are seeing in HotD) and Dragons can cross the wall either because they do not sense the danger -either as instinct or because as intelligent creatures they no longer possess the knowledge of their ancestors, as they are brand new. Or because the magic of the Wall (if it ever existed) has been weakened considerably or left no tangible traces. Let us even say that at this point Melisandre has the sight but can't translate it correctly given how it gets to her in parts and pieces and all the knowledge that should have been preserved is long gone.
The Targaryen Dynasty has fallen and the legend of the song of an ice and fire that supposedly was meant to be their duty (I am saying supposedly because translating prophecies and dreams can't be that clear as it has proven to be) is forgotten along with the dagger the Targaryens also lost.
The Starks more due to tradition the seem to be sending some of their relatives to the wall (Ned's brother, Jon Snow) but at this point no one is taking that duty seriously so this knowledge also got lost somewhere in the past.
So given the connection between the myths and legends at this point House of the Dragon could be working on an INCREDIBLE lore. That could lead to the Game of Thrones where the missing pieces of history are coming together to face the Long Night as the most terrible danger against humankind and everything in existence.
That is very exciting and could work in the narrative making House of the Dragon a very exciting addition to the ASOIAF Universe but here are is the thing...
...Even if I set aside the weak writing of HotD that leaves more to imagination than the actual show and join the hype THEN I get to remember how Game of Thrones resolved the Long Night and I just...deflate.
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starkdirewolflove · 2 years
House of the Dragon
Whoa this weeks episode was dark and not just the terrible lighting. Starting with Laena’s funeral and her uncle giving a eulogy in high Valyrian that seemed to take a dig at Rhaenyra and got Daemon chuckling. That was a tense family reunion: Laenor was isolating himself standing in the sea, Aegon was getting drunk and leering after the servant girls, Helaena was playing with a spider doing her prophecy talk, Aemond was chiding Aegon for his behaviour and not respecting his future queen since Alicent has betrothed him to Helaena. Daemon’s daughters are grieving for their mother and Rhaenyra’s sons are grieving for their father but only Jace knows who Harwin really was to them, Rhaena and Baela seemed to bond quickly with Jace. Otto Hightower is reinstalled as hand of the king, silently observing everything, Rhaenyra was circling the courtyard waiting to get a moment alone with Daemon and Viserys waited ages to talk to his brother and invited him back to court to put the past behind them but Daemon wasn’t having it. Also Corlys was not impressed with Laenor’s conduct at the funeral, fair play to him for wanting to name Lucerys as heir to Driftmark and not wanting to cast a shadow over the boys legitimacy but Rhaenys was right when she called him out, he’s been obsessed with her claim to the iron throne because he wanted to be king or have his heirs be kings and queens and that’s why he wouldn’t name Baela his heir even though she is his blood and Jace and Luce aren’t. “History remembers names, not blood.”
I’m not really feeling this relationship between Daemon and Rhaenyra. At the start when she was a girl it was almost like child grooming and the brothel scene was hard to watch, now that they’re both older and have been married with children it’s different but Rhaenyra’s desperation to get with Daemon on the night of his wife’s funeral while in really bad taste didn’t seem like it was driven by love or lust but because she needed a new strong ally since Harwin is dead. And maybe to birth a child with Valyrian features to stop all this talk of bastards. Rhaenyra just seemed fully invested in the game of thrones this week, like she might love Daemon and he might love her but they are also using each other for power and positioning.
Back to Team Green, Otto was not impressed with his drunken grandson with the way he grabbed him and sent him to bed like a child, then Aemond sneaking off to try to claim Vhagar while everyone was mourning or sleeping because he’s obsessed with dragons. I wonder if all the Targaryens looked as stupid during their first flight, Dany was way more graceful flying Drogon for the first time and she didn’t need a saddle whereas Aemond was barley hanging on. The confrontation with the kids after he returned from his flight played out differently from the books but better since it involved Laena’s daughters as well as Rhaenyra’s sons cos the girls ran to get Jace when they saw someone taking Vhagar. That was brutal but the girls showed they were really Daemon’s daughters with the way the went for Aemond after he insulted their mother and called the boys bastards, he wasn’t pulling any punches and he was prepared to kill Jace if Luce hadn’t saved him by slashing Aemond with the dagger. Viserys’s kingsguard is fucking useless like I have not seen a single one of them defending or saving the royal family they just seem to stand on the sidelines and watch everything happening, Barristan the Bold would put them all to shame.
Then the much anticipated conflict of the season, earlier in the episode Rhaenyra defended Alicent when Daemon said she and her father probably had Harwin and Lyonel killed even though she was indirectly responsible. Now Alicent is seething about her son losing an eye while Viserys raged at the kingsguard for doing nothing to stop this while Ser Criston snarked from the sidelines that they never had to defend princes from princes. Rhaenyra finally arrived with Daemon after Corlys and Rhaenys come down to comfort their granddaughters. I thought they would have had more to say since it was their home, their daughters children who were hurt and their son that Alicent insulted for not being there. When Rhaenyra calls out Aemond for calling her sons bastards and Viserys demands to know who told him these lies he looks at his mother then names Aegon who seems surprised to be thrown into this fire but he just says it’s obvious that they are bastards. When Viserys just commands the boys to all apologise to each other that’s when Alicent snaps and demands Lucerys’s eye in return even commanding Criston Cole to do it. Rhaenyra was never gonna let anyone touch her son so when Alicent grabs Viserys’s dagger she leaps up and they struggle and that’s when all those years of pent up resentment and bitterness come pouring out of Alicent “now they see you for what you are.” Again the useless kingsguard did nothing but Daemon jumped in to intercept Criston. Then Alicent shocks everyone no less herself when she slashed Rhaenyra’s arm and dropped the dagger. I really thought Viserys would’ve said something to that but everyone was mute until Aemond stepped up and said it was worth losing an eye to claim Vhagar. Later Alicent is expecting a lecture from Otto but instead he’s proud of her viciousness and Aemond’s boldness, wanting to encourage this side of her so they can rule the kingdoms together. I think Alicent was taken aback by this rare praise from her father but a bit sad that it came from her attacking her former best friend who she seemed to genuinely regret hurting. Alicent is seeming more comfortable with ruthlessness even though she declines Larys’s offer to have one of Luce’s eyes in return for Aemond’s she admits she’ll need a friend like him and he’ll be waiting in the wings for her.
Rhaenyra is also becoming more ruthless but mostly out of necessity, she knows Laenor isn’t strong enough to protect her claim to the throne and her children and that’s why she needs Daemon. There was a really sweet scene between them where he admits that he has failed as a husband and father and recommits himself to Rhaenyra and their family and she comforts him when he curses himself for being gay saying he’s a good and honourable man and she loves him the way he is. I found it interesting that they did try to have kids of their own but it just never happened and that’s why she found a new baby daddy. The conversation between Daemon and Rhaenyra seemed a little ambiguous since he said the only way they could marry was if Laenor was dead and she agreed but said she didn’t want to be a tyrant that ruled through fear while Daemon countered that she needs to cultivate the peoples love but also have them fear her so they don’t rebel. It looked like Daemon arranged a straight up assassination of Laenor by having his lover attack him in front of witnesses and then the guards and his parents find his body badly disfigured in the fireplace. Poor Rhaenys really went through it this week, losing both her children and being somewhat estranged from her husband who I think she blames for Laena not raising her kids on Driftmark and her not being there when she died. But in the classic tradition of tv tropes, if you don’t see the body then they may still be alive. And the plot twist at the end shows Ser Qarl jumping into a boat to reach a ship headed for Essos with none other than a bald headed Ser Laenor. So was the plan to fake his death so Rhaenyra could remarry and Laenor would be free to do as he likes in the free cities or did Qarl double cross Daemon and this will come back to haunt them at a later date?
Then we have a hasty, I’m guessing traditional Valyrian wedding between Daemon and Rhaenyra with only their kids and a maester as witnesses.
The battle lines have been clearly drawn this week and there’s no coming back from this. I find it odd that Alicent was given no reprimand for attacking the princess and heir to the iron throne but then Viserys is a pitiful excuse for a king and father. And now the princes are bitter rivals, with each having their own dragon as back up. I feel sorry for Helaena, her marriage will not be a happy one with Aegon thinking she’s an idiot and probably treating her like one while he gets drunk and molests the serving girls. I hope Daemon steps up more as a father and step father in his new blended family, the boys could use a seasoned dragon rider and knight to prepare them to face their uncles since Criston Cole will be teaching Aemond and Aegon all his fighting skills.
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buffysummers · 2 years
🔥 - final season of Game of Thrones 👀💕
God. I think it is, perhaps, the greatest letdown in all of television history. They had endless resources. Game of Thrones was one of the few shows that never had to worry about cancellation. But D&D wanted to move on, so they sacrificed their work as a result. And then Disney fired them. Lmaooooo it was ALL for nothing.
I didn't go into the final season expecting a happy ending. I just wanted it to make sense. And it simply did not. There were so many plot holes, so many unanswered questions for plot points that went nowhere. The writing was lazy and offensive.
But the biggest travesty to me will always be the ending for Daenerys Targaryen. God... I'm embarrassed to admit, but the ending hit me so hard, it lingered with me for weeks after. I was heartbroken. She's such an iconic character, but sadly D&D didn't understand her and they later admitted to this.
Having her stabbed in the heart by someone she trusted and loved just feels cruel. And to then have Drogon show up and just give Jon a pass is.... laughable. It isn't good writing.
It is a shame because Game of Thrones is excellent, but the final season ruins it. It's a joke, honestly. Anyway, long live Daenerys Targaryen.
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
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bloomvalyria · 2 years
Thoughts about the HotD final episode?
I thought it was okay.
Also I’m gonna say some spoilery things that are potentially fucked up so hit the Read More at your own risk.
I already knew about the death scene, but I wish they’d made it slightly more fucked up. Like when it cut to Damon walking in to tell Rhaenyra, I thought he was bringing in a piece of what was left of Lucerys.
Like, I don’t know, I keep waiting for Oh Shit! moments in this show that never seem to come. Or when they do, they don’t end in a very satisfying way. And I know it sounds awful, but I don’t feel very emotionally attached to anybody. There are a couple characters that I’d be liked “damn that sucked” if they died, but I don’t feel like we’ve been given the proper opportunity to grow a true emotional connection with these characters. But I’m hoping my opinion on that changes next season!
I did like how they had a couple callbacks to Game of Thrones. Especially with the scene where Daemon used Caraxes to intimidate the knights into swearing fealty to Rhaenyra and how it mirrored Daenerys using Drogon to intimidate the Lannister army into bending the knee. Down to exact dialogue. That was some nice familiar ground.
(Also this is probably very controversial: I understand the purpose of the birthing scenes, but I’m not gonna lie, I’m starting to think they’re using them as filler. I also think since this is supposed to be focused on Targaryen history, I think it would’ve been interesting if during the miscarriage scene we got to see a hint at the descriptions that they were scaled and almost resembled dragons DONT YELL AT ME IT’S JUST MY OPINION.)
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 1 month
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fmpaw · 7 months
Game of Thrones: Drogon
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Drogon is one of the main dragon is the game of thrones tv show. As one of the last dragons in history after the kind was brought to near extinction Drogon was one of the last dragons in the game of thrones universe ( except for Viserion Rhaelgal ). I love the design of dragon as the scales make him look formidable (although in the show there weak to ballistas and arrows) the horn on the beast looks also really good as it makes it look fearsome and might add these features to my character but a bit more monotoned so it not as overpowering. I also like how he has horns by the jaw line which almost resembles a beard which I like as I show the age of Dragon through the show. might add these detail but instead it would be teeth as I've already don the mask design and thing the teeth already fit that area.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
i have cried on my main before about how there are two pieces of clothing i’ve always wanted and they’re number one reason i’m sad i’m not rich and one of them is sansa’s purple dragonfly dressing gown, i think it is so gorgeous i can almost forgive michele clapton her many other sins and that one haunts me so badly because someone sells a high quality version of it on etsy so if i was born just moderately wealthy i could have this damn dress:
it haunts me
but also i should stop going on etsy and looking for got stuff, because i was looking for decorative stuff for my apartment that isn’t funko pops and not only did i find the cutest goddamn weirwood:
but this person does dragon figurines and a bunch of them are clearly asoiaf dragons and not just the three main ones!!
there’s viserion, drogon, and rhaegal but also balerion, meleys, caraxes, morning and a sunfyre that is so pretty i almost cried. also a bunch of others (i think one looks kinda like tessarion? i want that sunfyre sfm.
then i found this person who did a super high quality rhaenyra riding dress and that’s not even the dress of hers i’m obsessed with but it is soooooo beautiful i’m in awe:
and then i found…this alicent inspired corset and look at the design on it:
i’m weeping. i need to delete this app.
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sassylightcycle · 2 years
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Kingdom of Winter, Realm of Ice
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oI3iJBx
by Mast3rofd3ath
The Targaryen’s once again sit the Iron Throne, but that does not mean that the war is over.
In the East, King Jaehaerys Targaryen flies to his dragonkin's side as the shadow grows ever larger, ancient enemies waking to destroy the house of the dragon once and for all, and a pretenders army grows…
In the North, Winterfell has been taken through treachery and Ramsay Snow consolidates his power as Sansa Stark heals from her wounds amongst the Free Folk.
In the south, Eddard Stark, Hand of the King, rules his nephew's kingdom and dreads the arrival of a white raven.
Winter has come.
Words: 8, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Of Gods and Men
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV), House of the Dragon (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Talisa Maegyr, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Grey Worm (A Song of Ice and Fire), Quaithe of the Shadow (A Song of Ice and Fire), Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Sandor Clegane, Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Kinvara (Game of Thrones), The Others | White Walker Character(s) (A Song of Ice and Fire), Drogon | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Rhaegal | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Viserion | Daenerys Targaryen's Dragon, Cannibal the Wild Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Alys Karstark/Robb Stark, Gendry/Arya Stark, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Missandei/Grey Worm, Talisa Maegyr/Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Tyrion Lannister/Margaery Tyrell, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark
Additional Tags: The Long Night (A Song of Ice and Fire), Great Empire of the Dawn (A Song of Ice and Fire), Ancient History, Targaryens being rutheless and bloodthirsty, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Daenerys Targaryen Is Not a Mad Queen, Valyrian Magic (A Song of Ice and Fire), High Valyrian (A Song of Ice and Fire), Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Ice spiders, Monsters, Wendigo, Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and Fire), Direwolves (A Song of Ice and Fire)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/oI3iJBx
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numenorrex · 2 years
My Favorite Dragons from the Game of Thrones novels and shows.
Do you like Dragons? Is there one that is your favorite? Well I will show you my favorite Dragons from the Game of Thrones universe.
12. Seasmoke- Seasmoke is named after his color. Bonded to Laenor Velaryon and Addam Velaryon of Hull, this dragon helped the Velaryons and Daemon Targaryen defeat the Crab Feeders and it was so cool.
11. Vermax- Vermax the Dragon of Laenor and Rhaenyra’s son Jacaerys Velaryon, this young dragon in House of the Dragon episode six the dragon keepers of the dragon pit helped Jace to tame his dragon like how Aegon II did with Sunfyre and they brought a goat where Jace tried commanding Vermax to Dracarys or breathe fire at the goat.
10. Syrax- Rhaenyra’s Dragon Syrax is a beautiful dragon and we see her and Rhaenyra on the first episode of the show flying to Kingslanding on Dragon back.
Although not as battle experienced as her fellow dragons she is still a strong dragon.
9. Dreamfyre- Dreamfyre ridden by Rhaena and Helaena Targaryen is a Blue Dragon that we first saw in House of the Dragon as the Dragon breathing fire in front of Aemond in the Dragon pit. This Dragon was theorized to be the Biological Mother of Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion.
8. Caraxes- Caraxes the Blood Wyrm is blood red colored Dragon bonded to Aemon and Daemon Targaryen. The Dragon looks horrifying in the House of the Dragon show and has a History with Vhagar starting with the two dragons bonded to Aemon and his Brother Baelon and Daemon with Laena Velaryon but the two met their ends when Vhagar bonded to Aemond Targaryen fought Daemon with Caraxes during the Dance of the Dragons.
7. Meleys- the Red Queen bonded with Alyssa and Rhaenys Targaryen, Meleys is one dragon you wouldn’t want to mess with. House of the Dragon Episode 9 shows Meleys breaking into Aegon II’s Coronation like how the Dragon in Shrek breaks into Lord Farquaad’s wedding. Meleys along with Caraxes are two red dragons that can face a challenge thrown at them.
6. Vhagar- Bonded with Visenya, Baelon, Laena Velaryon and Aemond Targaryen, Vhagar is one of the first three dragons along with Meraxes and Balerion. Vhagar was almost the same size as Balerion and is the only known dragon to survive until the Dance of the Dragons.
5. Rhaegal- Rhaegal named after Rhaegar Targaryen by Daenerys is one of the last three dragons that are born in the Dothraki sea. Rhaegal was bonded to his namesake’s son Jon Snow.
4. Viserion- named after Daenerys’ other brother Viserys Targaryen, Viserion is another dragon along with Rhaegal and Drogon. Sadly he was killed and reanimated into a white by the Night King and became his Mount.
3. Meraxes- Meraxes is another of the First Three Dragons. Bonded to Rhaenys I Targaryen, Meraxes almost grew to the size of Balerion and was a little larger than Vhagar but sadly she was killed by a scorpion bolt along with her rider trying to subdue Dorn to be part of the seven kingdoms.
2. Drogon- named after Khal Drogo and thought to be Balerion’s reincarnation, Drogon bonded to Daenerys is a loyal dragon who treats Khaleesi like a Queen and a mother. Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion are the last of their kind.
1. Balerion the Black Dread- The Largest and Most Powerful Dragon of the First Three, Balerion is a huge creature that was ridden by Aegon I Targaryen the Conqueror, Maegor the Cruel, Aerea and Viserys I Targaryen. Balerion was the only Dragon that passed of old age but Drogon did continue his Ancestor and Lookalike’s Legacy.
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womansunsky · 2 years
Game of thrones season 8 episode 3 leak
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Theon rescues Yara, who then sets out to retake the Iron Islands, while Theon returns to Winterfell. Cersei, through Qyburn, hires Bronn to assassinate Tyrion and Jaime. Euron returns to King's Landing with the Golden Company and entices Cersei to consummate their union. The Northern Houses and the Vale rally around Winterfell but distrust Daenerys and doubt Cersei's pledge to send troops. Upon reaching Winterfell with their combined armies, Jon and Daenerys learn the Army of the Dead has breached the Wall and the Night King commands the undead Viserion. See also: List of Game of Thrones episodes No. Arya sails west, and Jon leads the Wildlings north of the Wall. Sansa Stark is crowned Queen in the North. The leaders of Westeros choose Bran Stark as King, who grants the North independence and appoints Tyrion his Hand. Drogon flies away with her body, but not before destroying the Iron Throne with dragonfire. Unable to sway her from her destructive path, an agonized Jon kills her. Daenerys vows to "liberate" the whole world as she has liberated the capital of Westeros. She defeats Cersei's forces, burns the city and kills Cersei and her brother Jaime. The second half of the season resumes the war for the throne as Daenerys suffers losses until she finally assaults King's Landing upon Drogon, her last dragon. Meanwhile, Cersei Lannister remains in King's Landing and strengthens her forces to set traps for a weakened Daenerys. During the battle, Bran lures the Night King into the open where Arya destroys him the army of White Walkers and wights crumble. In the first half of the season, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and many of the main characters converge at Winterfell to face the Dead. The final season depicts the culmination of the series' two primary conflicts: the Great War against the Army of the Dead, and the Last War for control of the Iron Throne. It won twelve, including Outstanding Drama Series and Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Peter Dinklage. The season received 32 nominations at the 71st Primetime Emmy Awards, the most for a single season of television in history. While the performances, production values and music score were praised, criticism was mainly directed at the shorter runtime of the season as well as numerous creative decisions made by the showrunners regarding the plot and character arcs many commentators deemed it to be a disappointing conclusion to the series. The season was met with mixed reviews from critics, in contrast to the largely critical acclaim of previous seasons, and is the lowest-rated of the series on the website Rotten Tomatoes. The season was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, while also incorporating material that Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring. The season was filmed from October 2017 to July 2018 and largely consists of original content not found in George R. Unlike the first six seasons, which consisted of ten episodes each, and the seventh season, which consisted of seven episodes, the eighth season consists of only six episodes.
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Similarly, Season 5, Episode 8, “Hardhome,” largely focuses on the Massacre at Hardhome.The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones, produced by HBO, premiered on April 14, 2019, and concluded on May 19, 2019. The best example is the “Battle of the Bastards” (Season 6, Episode 9), but the Battle of the Blackwater (Season 2, Episode 9, titled simply “Blackwater”) also supports this theory. After all, HBO did surprise us with the Episode 2 title, but the show also has a history of naming its most epic episodes after the battles they’re focused on. Subscribe for free to Multiverse and get Game of Thrones coverage delivered to your inbox the night the episode airs. In short, it was a terrible experience for everyone involved.īut hopefully, it will all be worth it when Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 3 airs this Sunday, and while the title may be under lock and key, we have a pretty good guess as to what it will be: “The Battle of Winterfell.” In the end, it was an 11-week shoot involving roughly 750 people working in freezing temperatures, cold rain, strong winds, and lots of mud. Previous reports revealed that filming the battle was a huge undertaking, made more difficult by the decision to have the entire thing take place at night. Last night, we learned that Episode 2 was actually titled “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” but the Episode 3 title is still a mystery - or is it?Įxtremely light spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 3 below.Īt this point, it’s pretty much a given that next week’s episode will focus on the Great Battle of Winterfell. HBO is so scared of Game of Thrones spoilers leaking out that it’s not even revealing Season 8 episode titles until after each new episode airs.
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captainninej · 3 years
a list off the top of my head of all the things sjm has ripped off and blatantly plagiarised from other writers
feyre being walmart katniss everdeen - hunger games
the narrow sea - game of thrones
under the mountain - the hobbit
the queen who was promised - game of thrones
like calls to like - shadow and bone
orynth is basically minas tirith - lord of the rings
aelin being a blonde, all-powerful, fire-powered heroine - game of thrones
rhysand's aesthetic being a walmart darkling - shadow and bone
nephelle's story - the exodus from Judaism
the khaganate - mongolian history (i get this was kind of meant to be 'inspiration' but it was literally just regurgitating history. if you're going to make a historically inspired kingdom, at least make it partially original)
manon and abraxos - daenerys and drogon
i haven't read the black jewels, but i hear a LOT of stuff has been blatantly ripped off from there
that's all i can think about for now, feel free to expand the list i'm sure there's more
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